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03-24-2008, 08:42 PM


03-24-2008, 08:44 PM
If anyone knows where I can get a hold of some of these older soundtracks that would be great.

Looking for:

-MG2: Solid Snake
-MG & MG2 Music Collection
-Metal Gear Music CD
-MGS Drama CD Vol. 1
-MGS Drama CD Vol. 2
-MGS2: Ultimate Sorter - Original Soundtrack
-MGS2: Ultimate Sorter - Limited Soundtrack

03-24-2008, 08:57 PM
Do you have the in-game movie musics from the PS1 game?

03-24-2008, 09:15 PM
Great post!
This is the kind of threads i really like, with good organisation, good presentation and good informations.

I will not take anything on this thread personally, but maybe i'll throw an eye to these "Fan Soundtracks" i never heard of.

I also like to contribute to posts like this.
This is a great collection but it's still not "Complete" ;)

You are missing the following MG related albums:

-"Metal Gear Solid Music CD"
This 10 track CD was bundled with the US Pre-Order version of Metal Gear Solid.

-"Drama CD Metal Gear Solid Vol.1" [KICA-7923]
-"Drama CD Metal Gear Solid Vol.2" [KICA-7924]
Like the name suggest, these are Drama CD for Metal Gear Solid.

But after that, it's complete, congratulations.
Just for trivia i'll mention too that "Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty" also have an european release [KOE-CDS-137], and was re-printed in 2003 [KCD-226]

Red Arremer
03-24-2008, 09:37 PM
Sweet, I already wondered if I should nab the MG-Soundtracks. This thread even makes the temptation bigger. Thanks a bunch! *gives a nice Austrian kiss* <3

03-24-2008, 09:38 PM
Awesome, great compilation but I've noticed that your index page is going extremely slow.

03-24-2008, 11:12 PM
Sweet will hits this up big time! Thanks!

03-24-2008, 11:13 PM
!! HOLY COW !! I wasn't quite sure how this remote desktop server would fare under traffic. Literally crashed my computer within about 5 minutes. I will post these to an upload server tonight and be up and running firt thing in the morning. A thousand apologies for the inconvenience, I'm new to this. :(

Its ok. You can also use rapidshare and megaupload along with media fire to help take the pressure off your server.

03-24-2008, 11:22 PM
This is massive!

Red Arremer
03-24-2008, 11:23 PM
No!!! NOT MEGAUPLOAD!! And not Rapidshit either! DX

FileFactory, Mediafire, Sendspace... but NOT those two above. D:

03-24-2008, 11:49 PM
No!!! NOT MEGAUPLOAD!! And not Rapidshit either! DX

FileFactory, Mediafire, Sendspace... but NOT those two above. D:

Rapidshare and megaupload are fine.

Red Arremer
03-24-2008, 11:51 PM
Yeah... Megaupload is fine with taking the files down which are accessed via this site and it's crapload of ads and waiting time.
And yeah, Crapidshare is also fine with it's like... 2 hours of waiting time in between small downloads.

03-25-2008, 12:07 AM
Yeah... Megaupload is fine with taking the files down which are accessed via this site and it's crapload of ads and waiting time.
And yeah, Crapidshare is also fine with it's like... 2 hours of waiting time in between small downloads.

Well then what are you complaining about?

Red Arremer
03-25-2008, 12:15 AM

03-25-2008, 12:17 AM

03-25-2008, 03:05 AM it just me, or is the index folder mysteriously...empty? :confused:

03-25-2008, 03:22 AM it just me, or is the index folder mysteriously...empty? :confused:

Check the previous posts.

03-25-2008, 03:51 AM
No worries about MegaUpload and RapidShare here. I've grabbed lots of random music from this community in the past and I HATE having to use those services, I'm going with FileFactory. I've got a little less than half upped so far and the rest should be done by morning.

I'm updating links as I go, if you want to hunt around a bit, you'll see the ones that are on FileFactory.

Should be the first 4 and the last 5 right now. :)

P.S> legionnaireone: Standards and Practices is a vital link in keeping funny and good ideas, away from you, the television viewer.

03-25-2008, 04:25 AM
You are missing the following MG related albums:

-"Metal Gear Solid Music CD"
This 10 track CD was bundled with the US Pre-Order version of Metal Gear Solid.

-"Drama CD Metal Gear Solid Vol.1" [KICA-7923]
-"Drama CD Metal Gear Solid Vol.2" [KICA-7924]
Like the name suggest, these are Drama CD for Metal Gear Solid.

Good eye! (And quick too! ;-))

I actually left the Metal Gear Solid Music CD out as it was just a shortened version of the actual album. I still have it on my old HDD if someone wants it. Let me know and I'll get it together.

I've read about the drama CD's but never been able to get my hands on them :-( If someone wants to contribute I would be most appreciative!

03-25-2008, 05:27 AM

03-25-2008, 05:32 AM

Yeah, most definitely. Thanks for organizing them and labeling them. It's a pain to have to go through mp3 tag and re-edit them and such. This will make easy uploading for the ipod.


03-25-2008, 06:00 AM
Thank You!!!!
I <3 ur ass lol

03-25-2008, 06:26 AM
im the only one getting this error?
Network Magic cannot locate the shared folder you want. The folder might be renamed or deleted.
(Error Code: 305)

03-25-2008, 06:33 AM
Yo Switchfreak, The Metal Gear Mix from Smash Bros Brawl's also available on MGS: TUS as well. Just figured I'd letcha know.

03-25-2008, 06:46 AM
again....... music from the best game ever made.......

nice link.....

03-25-2008, 01:26 PM
Yo Switchfreak, The Metal Gear Mix from Smash Bros Brawl's also available on MGS: TUS as well. Just figured I'd letcha know.

I saw that after I had already grabbed the tracks from the SSBB thread HERE and a few days later saw they had named the soundtrack, so I made that cover art. I tried sending them the art several times, to no avail. Oh well, I guess I'll put them in the links though, to avoid upsetting the guys over there. :)


03-25-2008, 01:53 PM
I saw that after I had already grabbed the tracks from the SSBB thread HERE and a few days later saw they had named the soundtrack, so I made that cover art. I tried sending them the art several times, to no avail. Oh well, I guess I'll put them in the links though, to avoid upsetting the guys over there. :)


Screw that man, you have the defacto El Supremo MGS thread :)

Thank you so much! I'm a MGS freak and I love the organization you've done! I will soon have the 25 folders of awesome on my comp!

03-25-2008, 03:28 PM
Not technically a Metal Gear Soundtrack, but this Russian composer's music sounds amazingly similar to the Metal Gear theme's we know and love... but they came out years earlier!
Actually, as far as I remember, when TAPPY was in despair while he was composing that "Metal Gear Theme", he decided to use that track's melody as MG main theme.
P.S. I can add 2 tracks, but unfortunately I don;t have a cover :( See HERE (http://Thread 51417)

03-25-2008, 03:40 PM
Actually, as far as I remember, when TAPPY was in despair while he was composing that "Metal Gear Theme", he decided to use that track's melody as MG main theme.
P.S. I can add 2 tracks, but unfortunately I don;t have a cover :( See HERE (http://Thread 51417)

Interesting. I always thought large parts also came with the theme from the Movie Speed. Maybe both sources were used. Either way TAPPY created a great theme for the ages.

03-25-2008, 06:56 PM
I might be mistaken, but "METAL GEAR >> SOLID SNAKE: RED DISC" seems to have what I believe is the Everanime (a pirating company) logo. I understand the fan-made soundtracks, as they might add remixes or missing tracks. However, does this soundtrack add anything new? I'm just saying, it makes sense to want to get an official compilation (even if you have all the songs) just to complete your collection. Completing your collection with a bootleg seems a bit strange though. Anyways, nice collection! I'm going to have to make sure to check it out when I get the chance.

03-25-2008, 08:06 PM
I might be mistaken, but "METAL GEAR >> SOLID SNAKE: RED DISC" seems to have what I believe is the Everanime (a pirating company) logo. I understand the fan-made soundtracks, as they might add remixes or missing tracks. However, does this soundtrack add anything new? I'm just saying, it makes sense to want to get an official compilation (even if you have all the songs) just to complete your collection. Completing your collection with a bootleg seems a bit strange though. Anyways, nice collection! I'm going to have to make sure to check it out when I get the chance.

I don't think that the music and the art are related. A lot of this music I've had for a while and just Google imaged the artwork I could find to make a complete package for downloading. I only made original scans of the MGS, MGS2, MGS2: The Other Side, and MGS3 OST's. The rest of this stuff has been compiled over a few years of searching and collecting. Thanks though!

Actually, as far as I remember, when TAPPY was in despair while he was composing that "Metal Gear Theme", he decided to use that track's melody as MG main theme.
P.S. I can add 2 tracks, but unfortunately I don;t have a cover :( See HERE (http://Thread 51417)

Awesome info there. I just knew what I was told when I got this music from a friend, so that's cool to know.

03-25-2008, 08:32 PM

this albums no more available =( can you reload this unofficial OST?

03-25-2008, 08:40 PM
im the only one getting this error?
Network Magic cannot locate the shared folder you want. The folder might be renamed or deleted.
(Error Code: 305)

Hey i'm getting the same error. I tried downloading the Metal gear solid 2 original soundtrack and the Metal gear solid original soundtrack. Can anyone else check to see if this is also happening to them?

03-25-2008, 08:43 PM

I just got the last of the links repaired, so if you have an error, clear your cookies, refresh the page and try again.


03-25-2008, 08:45 PM

I just got the last of the links repaired, so if you have an error, clear your cookies, refresh the page and try again.


lol, yeah i just checked the links right after typing my post and the links were working again.

Thanks for the soundtracks.

03-25-2008, 08:48 PM
I don't think that the music and the art are related. A lot of this music I've had for a while and just Google imaged the artwork I could find to make a complete package for downloading. I only made original scans of the MGS, MGS2, MGS2: The Other Side, and MGS3 OST's. The rest of this stuff has been compiled over a few years of searching and collecting. Thanks though!

I checked out a site with scans, and those scans didn't have the logo, so it seems you're right. Sorry about that mistake. If you want to get the authentic covers though, you can get them here: They have both front and back covers, which is always nice. Anyways, sorry again about the mistake!

03-25-2008, 09:43 PM
I checked out a site with scans, and those scans didn't have the logo, so it seems you're right. Sorry about that mistake. If you want to get the authentic covers though, you can get them here: They have both front and back covers, which is always nice. Anyways, sorry again about the mistake!

Cool. I like that site a LOT. I may grab some scans and re-pack some of these discs in the future. And no worries about the mixup, thanks for looking out for me!


03-25-2008, 10:02 PM

03-25-2008, 10:43 PM
Awesome, i'm a big MGS fan so this is brilliant, Thanx Switchfreak!!!!!! :D :D :D

03-26-2008, 12:29 AM
Thank you so much for all these great soundtracks. Great work !

Oh, by the way... I loaded "METAL GEAR AC!D & AC!D2" twice and both times I wasn't able to unpack it completely. Anyone else with this problem or is it just me ?

03-26-2008, 01:09 AM
^_^ does anyone know what the name of the song that was playing when snake and Raiden are killing tengu's in arsenal gear?

03-26-2008, 01:16 AM
Just want to add my thanks to you for an absolutely kickass collection!

03-26-2008, 01:54 AM
Thanks man snake ROCKS!!!

03-26-2008, 12:50 PM
^_^ does anyone know what the name of the song that was playing when snake and Raiden are killing tengu's in arsenal gear?

Ok, it's been a while, but I'm pretty sure it's "Arsenal's Guts" on the MGS2: The Other Side soundtrack OR "Arsenal Gear (Evasion)" from the MGS2: DOCUMIX Fan Soundtrack. :-D

P.S. SCAD rules and if I had it all to do over again, I'd be there!

03-26-2008, 03:44 PM
Awesome thread

03-26-2008, 04:15 PM
All right. I got it. I was just too dumb to extract the files correctly. :-[
Everything's fine. Thank you again.

03-26-2008, 06:48 PM
Wow, this is quite the collection. Thanks.

03-26-2008, 08:50 PM
Ok, it's been a while, but I'm pretty sure it's "Arsenal's Guts" on the MGS2: The Other Side soundtrack OR "Arsenal Gear (Evasion)" from the MGS2: DOCUMIX Fan Soundtrack. :-D

P.S. SCAD rules and if I had it all to do over again, I'd be there!

THHANKS {Kisses screen}

yeah scad is Great like frosted flakes and diamonds with cake but this year has been rough like,lol really rough. thanks again and kudos for this soundtrakO:]

03-26-2008, 09:25 PM
LOL. Still trying to figure out what Frosted Flakes, Diamonds and Cake have in common... but you're welcome for the music!

Sorry you're having a rough semester though :sad:... but hey, there's a light at the end of the tunnel... a great, big, Metal Gear Solid 4-tinted light! :-D

03-26-2008, 11:00 PM
Awesome thread. Thanks a lot for taking the time to do this.

03-26-2008, 11:08 PM
oh yeah I only have one real friend whos a boy lol and I have no clue when MGS4 comes out,I herd june but that could be wrong too, do you know when it comes out switchfreak?

Red Arremer
03-26-2008, 11:10 PM
Alright, once again big big thankies from me switchfreak! I finally downloaded all OSTs - and if I enjoy the music, I will add the Fan albums. Mille Grazie! =D

03-26-2008, 11:24 PM
Okay, this is kind of off-topic kind of not. For some strange reason I can't burn any of these songs onto a cd. Anytime I add the tracks to the list, my program says that it can't burn them because there are no tracks to burn. I've sent them through Itunes just in case but that did nothing. You guys have any ideas?

03-27-2008, 02:18 AM
Excellent work.

03-27-2008, 02:40 AM
You're the MAN
Thanks for the Soundtracks.

03-27-2008, 03:09 AM
oh yeah I only have one real friend whos a boy lol and I have no clue when MGS4 comes out,I herd june but that could be wrong too, do you know when it comes out switchfreak?

June 12th babyyyyyy! wOOt! :-D

I'm FINALLY getting a PS3 ( because of it.

And I just put a pre-order on this ( last night.

Gonna be sweet! And don't worry, I'll up the OST when I pick up my game!


03-27-2008, 03:17 AM
Okay, this is kind of off-topic kind of not. For some strange reason I can't burn any of these songs onto a cd. Anytime I add the tracks to the list, my program says that it can't burn them because there are no tracks to burn. I've sent them through Itunes just in case but that did nothing. You guys have any ideas?

That's odd. You may have already tried this, but just in case:

:smrt: In iTunes:

- FILE >> ADD FOLDER TO LIBRARY and select the folder the music is saved in.

- Select all the tracks from any OST, and go FILE >> NEW PLAYLIST FROM SELECTION.

- Select that playlist and hit BURN CD in the bottom right corner.

If that doesn't work, you may just have burning disabled on your CD drive. Right-click it and go to properties. Make sure recording is enabled.

If NONE of that helps... I dunno? :confused:

03-27-2008, 03:22 AM

03-27-2008, 05:40 AM
awwww yeah! cant wait till then!
well that atleast gives me enough time to brush up on my mgs history ^_^
because like i didnt know ocelot was the boss's son till about a week ago XD

Thanks again! ;D

03-27-2008, 06:31 AM
awwww yeah! cant wait till then!
well that atleast gives me enough time to brush up on my mgs history ^_^
because like i didnt know ocelot was the boss's son till about a week ago XD

Thanks again! ;D

If you want to read-up on some Metal Gear-ness, this post ( is awesome! It's waaaay long, so bookmark it and digest it a little at a time. ;-)

03-27-2008, 07:05 AM
I haven't downloaded all of the MGS3 soundtracks yet, but can anyone tell me if the track where Ocelot is revealed for the first time is on any of them? It's also the first appearance of Ocelot's theme played on guitar.

03-27-2008, 07:16 AM
I haven't downloaded all of the MGS3 soundtracks yet, but can anyone tell me if the track where Ocelot is revealed for the first time is on any of them? It's also the first appearance of Ocelot's theme played on guitar.

Track 12 off of the MGS3: Snake Eater OST. (Ocelot Youth ~ Confrontation)

03-27-2008, 08:15 PM
Thanks a lot for the downloads man, well organized and set up.

03-27-2008, 08:44 PM
If you want to read-up on some Metal Gear-ness, this post ( is awesome! It's waaaay long, so bookmark it and digest it a little at a time. ;-)

Will do, i wonder what suprises await me lol i know the Digital novel went over the secrets but i theres not a gamestop in miles and amazon really screws up the orders here,

one time someone got the blender i orderd.

lol but i will read it with supa hapiness lol

03-28-2008, 03:53 AM
Just in case you miss the first post, I'm still looking for the Metal Gear Solid Drama CD's Vol. I & II.

Anyone who has these, or knows where I can grab them PLEASE let me know!

03-28-2008, 04:01 AM
Just in case you miss the first post, I'm still looking for the Metal Gear Solid Drama CD's Vol. I & II.

Anyone who has these, or knows where I can grab them PLEASE let me know!

will do ^_^

03-28-2008, 05:37 AM
THANKS for all this stuff! This is great.

03-29-2008, 07:08 AM
Laughing Man, check MGS: TUS.

03-29-2008, 07:08 AM
Laughing-Raven, sorry about the wrong name. Like I said, check MGS:TUS.

03-29-2008, 04:24 PM
The one thing I am hoping is that Gamestop does not gyp me out of the Metal Gear Saga 2.0 DVD. All this stuff with the pre-orders is very unclear. If everything works out the way it should I will end up getting the DVD this upcoming (month) and an art book when I go to pick up the game (platinum edition), but I have never had a dealing with gamestop without problems.

On their website you get a free DVD (when the game ships) with the normal version of the game and an artbook (when the game ships) with the premium version. It seems that their are two bonus DVDs. Metal Gear Saga 2.0 is the free one in April and then their is the blu-ray that comes with the premium edition. What is confusing about their normal version pre-order online is whether that comes with Metal Gear Saga 2.0 or the Blu-ray (perhaps it comes packaged seperatly w/o P.E.). This stuff just needs to be straightened out.

Either way I pre-ordered at a local store and and they said they would call when pre-order stuff came in. I am just going to call and call all month to make sure I get the Saga 2.0

03-29-2008, 04:55 PM
Thanks for sharing

03-29-2008, 06:14 PM
Great collection.

Thanks a lot for uploads.

Death MK II
03-31-2008, 09:08 AM
Oh this in deed very nice. I am very pleased. MGS....One word. Yes.

03-31-2008, 04:17 PM
OMG ! Thak you for everything !
Just wait for MGS4 ... 2 months left ...

04-02-2008, 01:09 AM
Best game and series ever!

04-02-2008, 06:28 AM
awesome thread

04-02-2008, 10:53 AM
I already had the MGS2 and MGS3 Soundtrack, but I didn�t know there was that much!

...I was also wondering if you could upload the whole album of Snow-Storm/Pushkin's Garland by Georgi Sviridov...these two tracks really made me curious...

and, of course, thank you so much for this, you�re awesome!!!

04-02-2008, 05:40 PM
I bet the MSG4 music is going to be really good as well!

04-02-2008, 06:27 PM
I bet the MSG4 music is going to be really good as well!

Track 5 on the METAL GEAR MIX: MUSIC FROM SUPER SMASH BROS. BRAWL CD is an arranged version of an MGS4 song call Theme of Love. If it's any indication of how the rest of the game sounds, we should be in for a real treat!

04-02-2008, 06:30 PM
I already had the MGS2 and MGS3 Soundtrack, but I didn�t know there was that much!

...I was also wondering if you could upload the whole album of Snow-Storm/Pushkin's Garland by Georgi Sviridov...these two tracks really made me curious...

and, of course, thank you so much for this, you�re awesome!!!

Working on this now. I actually got those from a friend at UG, so I've PM'd him to see if he can up the rest. I'll link you when I here back!

04-02-2008, 07:49 PM
This sucks!

The links won't work for me. The page won't even load.

04-02-2008, 09:55 PM
This sucks!

The links won't work for me. The page won't even load.

It appears to be something wrong on the filefactory end of things. Give it a little while and try again. They may just be down temporarily for cleaning.


It's back up now. ENJOY!

04-03-2008, 08:00 AM
Nice Download Thx <3 metal gear :D

04-03-2008, 01:06 PM
Mate. I'm rather new here, But it is possible to get the Mission Start and Mission Fail tunes from VR missions? (MGS1).

Sion ss2
04-03-2008, 01:49 PM
Nice Soundtracks!!!

04-03-2008, 02:06 PM
A Big Thanks!!

04-03-2008, 02:27 PM
Mate. I'm rather new here, But it is possible to get the Mission Start and Mission Fail tunes from VR missions? (MGS1).

Sure thing,

Mission Start is Track 19 (VR Training) from the Metal Gear Solid Original Soundtrack (

Mission Failed is Track 13 (Mission Failed) from the Virtual Existence Fan Soundtrack (


04-03-2008, 08:26 PM
the 16th CD set doesnt seem to work could you re-up this?

04-03-2008, 09:57 PM
the 16th CD set doesnt seem to work could you re-up this?

Sorry about that, had an extra 'H' on http. Try it now.

04-03-2008, 11:50 PM
yea i got it to work thanx man This is the ebst rips ever and so easy to do in about a day thanx a bunch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-04-2008, 02:13 AM
yea i got it to work thanx man This is the ebst rips ever and so easy to do in about a day thanx a bunch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're welcome, glad everyone seems to like it! :D

04-04-2008, 02:22 PM
ADDED: Metal Gear Saga: Volume 1 on 04/04/2008
Pre-order DVD that gives a chronological history of the Metal Gear series and plot synopsis of each game.

ADDED: Metal Gear Solid Music CD on 03/27/2008
This is just an abbreviated version of the MGS Original Soundtrack, but it IS an official release, so if you're a completist (like myself) you'll need this too! (Thanks Anatar for the heads-up!)

*Currently searching for the Metal Gear Solid Drama CD Vols. I & II to round out the set, if you have them, or know where I can grab them PLEASE let me know!

Should have the MGSaga: Vol. 2 DVD sometime soon (today hopefully) and I'll rip it and post it ASAP! Also, pre-ordered MGS4 LE ( so be sure to check back on June 12th for the soundtrack! :-D

04-04-2008, 08:51 PM
EDIT 04/04/2008: Added Metal Gear Saga: Volume 2 [DVD-RIP]
Pre-order DVD that gives a detailed genealogy of Solid Snake beginning with Big Boss.

04-04-2008, 10:35 PM
EDIT 04/04/2008: Added Metal Gear Saga: Volume 2 [MUSIC-RIP]
There were only two 'non-dialogue' tracks to rip, but they're pretty sweet. MG Saga Volume 2.rar (

04-05-2008, 06:06 AM
sup man
i know this is off topic, noob question of mine =)
I have a question about all the drama cds, im confused.
You just uploaded 2 drama dvds from ps2, but they are also, 2 from PSP, what are they? they're the same volumes you uploaded but for psp?
and i mean this titles
image1 ( pg)
Image2 ()
since you know more about MGS, im asking, i have always wondered what are about all of those.

04-05-2008, 07:41 AM
I am flabbergasted at your effort, switchfreak. This thread is a giant among insects. Thanks bro.

04-05-2008, 03:15 PM
Can't thank you enough. Will make a great collection to my OSTs :) Never knew that many OSTs existed for MGS :)

04-05-2008, 03:45 PM
sup man
i know this is off topic, noob question of mine =)
I have a question about all the drama cds, im confused.
You just uploaded 2 drama dvds from ps2, but they are also, 2 from PSP, what are they? they're the same volumes you uploaded but for psp?
and i mean this titles
image1 ( pg)
Image2 ()
since you know more about MGS, im asking, i have always wondered what are about all of those.

Good questions, I hope I can answer clearly.

I am searching for the Metal Gear Solid Drama CD's. (Actually I am torrenting them right now and will post them up soon =) )

According to Wikipedia: The Metal Gear Solid Drama CD is a Japanese radio drama continuation of Metal Gear Solid. Directed by Shuyo Murata and written by Motosada Mori, it aired, in 18 segments, from 1998 to 1999 on Konami's CLUB db program.

The images you posted were for the Digital Graphic Novel. The one on the left is the US release cover, the one on the right is, I believe, the PAL version.

According to Wikipedia: Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel is an interactive comic for the PlayStation Portable. Based on the Metal Gear Solid comic book adaptation, it features visual enhancements and two interactive modes designed to give further insight into the publication.

Finally, the Metal Gear Saga DVD's I posted rips of. They are pre-release bonus DVD's for MGS3: Subsistence (Vol. 1) and MGS4: Guns of the Patriots (Vol. 2).

For more info on the Saga DVD's see the description in the front page of this thread.

Hope that clears some stuff up for you!

Leon Scott Kennedy
04-05-2008, 04:33 PM
Hi, first of all, I'd like to thank you switchfreak, this is the best Metal Gear Series Soundtracks' collection. I'd like to ask you one thing, would you mind if I offer myself as a second re-uploader of all the goodies you uploaded &/or will upload? :D

Anyway, thanks again for this awesome work of yours.

04-05-2008, 05:08 PM
Hi, first of all, I'd like to thank you switchfreak, this is the best Metal Gear Series Soundtracks' collection. I'd like to ask you one thing, would you mind if I offer myself as a second re-uploader of all the goodies you uploaded &/or will upload? :D

Anyway, thanks again for this awesome work of yours.

I appreciate the offer! But I'm not sure what that means?

I may know a lot about Metal gear, but I'm still rather new to the forums here. :confused:

Leon Scott Kennedy
04-05-2008, 05:21 PM
Oh, sorry, I didn't explain myself very well <.<

Since I've already downloaded all the goodies, I can help you with the re-up of the dead links, in case something gets deleted. I can also offer alternate mirrors on FileFront, just let me know if it can be helpful and I start the upload.

04-05-2008, 05:36 PM
He is asking you if he can upload all the soundtracks you've uploaded to another service :) Or in plain terms, make mirrors :)

04-05-2008, 05:54 PM
Oh cool. That'd be great!

I'll be adding the Metal Gear Drama CD's Vol.1 & 2 in just a little bit. Then the set should be good to go until the MGS4 OST comes out.

Thanks! :-D

04-05-2008, 07:19 PM
Thank you very much for all of this!!!

I love MGS, and this is beautiful:-)

Greetings from Croatia!;-)

04-06-2008, 03:33 AM
EDIT 04/05/2008: Added Metal Gear Solid Drama CD Vols. 1 & 2
Japanese Radio program that aired from 1998-1999. Takes place after the events of Shadow Moses Island.

NOTE: CDs are in Japanese, so CLICK HERE ( for a translation!

That should just about wrap up the collection until MGS4.

See you then!! :-D

04-06-2008, 04:33 AM
Hey man thanks alot!! You really did a great job, much appreciated!

I was wondering though, if you have or could upload the complete ISO of Metal Gear Saga Vol. 1? I've been searching for weeks for a complete ISO rip but always find dead links. Torrents haven't been helpful either since all the ones I've found are dead without any seeders.

If you could please, I would really appreciate it.

Thanks again for everything man! Awesome thread!

04-06-2008, 11:11 AM
Thanks for all the links, however there seems to be a problem with MGS Drama CD vol. 2.

! C:\028 - Metal Gear Solid Drama CD Vol.2.rar: CRC failed in 028 - Metal Gear Solid Drama CD Vol.2\06 Mission 3_ Roy Campbell - Act 6.mp3. The file is corrupt
! C:\028 - Metal Gear Solid Drama CD Vol.2.rar: Unexpected end of archive

Or maybe it's something with my Winrar?

Thanks. It works now.

04-06-2008, 01:33 PM
Hi switchfreak Just to let you know I am downloading all your Metal Gear Solid collection. What a great collection you have - you must be a true metal gear fan - looking forward to the new game should be great! Many Thanks

04-06-2008, 01:40 PM
Hey man thanks alot!! You really did a great job, much appreciated!

I was wondering though, if you have or could upload the complete ISO of Metal Gear Saga Vol. 1? I've been searching for weeks for a complete ISO rip but always find dead links. Torrents haven't been helpful either since all the ones I've found are dead without any seeders.

If you could please, I would really appreciate it.

Thanks again for everything man! Awesome thread!

I would be more than happy to set up a torrent via public tracker. I'll post a link here AND in the description when I get it done!

04-06-2008, 01:43 PM
Thanks for all the links, however there seems to be a problem with MGS Drama CD vol. 2.

Or maybe it's something with my Winrar?

I am re-upping the file now, but I'll be gone until late this afternoon. Check back in a few hours and it should be taken care of.

I'll edit this post when it's up!

EDIT: It's up!

Henry Spencer
04-06-2008, 04:01 PM
What an incredible collection, even for an MGS vet like me who has every single MGS OST except that there music rip of the Saga 2.0 DVD. Thanks for that and thank you for providing these wonderful OSTs to everyone.

I was just wondering, is there a chance that you could rip the music from the Digital Novels, or if you know of anybody who has? Thanks in advance.

04-06-2008, 06:10 PM
switchfreak, this collection is excellent! I didn't know that there are fan soundtracks to fill in the gaps from the MGS 2 and 3 OSTs. Hmm... too bad filefactory is blocked for me (anti-filesharing server, which for some reason lets megaupload, sendspace, and some others slide). The downloads from don't seem to work either, for some reason. Guess I'll have to wait 'til I'm back home for summer leave.

Anyways, good work with the compilation, and greetings from the United States Military Academy!

04-06-2008, 09:27 PM
What an incredible collection, even for an MGS vet like me who has every single MGS OST except that there music rip of the Saga 2.0 DVD. Thanks for that and thank you for providing these wonderful OSTs to everyone.

I was just wondering, is there a chance that you could rip the music from the Digital Novels, or if you know of anybody who has? Thanks in advance.

I've actually been looking for one for a couple weeks now!

I have the game, the time, and the willingness to rip it myself, but I have no clue how to do it! If anyone can offer advice, or get me to a site that walks through it I can see what I can do.

If you find one before me, please let me know!

04-06-2008, 09:30 PM
switchfreak, this collection is excellent! I didn't know that there are fan soundtracks to fill in the gaps from the MGS 2 and 3 OSTs. Hmm... too bad filefactory is blocked for me (anti-filesharing server, which for some reason lets megaupload, sendspace, and some others slide). The downloads from don't seem to work either, for some reason. Guess I'll have to wait 'til I'm back home for summer leave.

Anyways, good work with the compilation, and greetings from the United States Military Academy!

I do have an alternate method of getting these to you. I can post them up to my remote desktop and you can grab them from there.

Send me a private message with want you want and your email address and I'll get the url to you.

I tried this method when I opened the thread, but the traffic crashed me in about 5 minutes! However, one person can download tons without too much drag on this end, so let me know!

04-06-2008, 11:40 PM
Good questions, I hope I can answer clearly.

I am searching for the Metal Gear Solid Drama CD's. (Actually I am torrenting them right now and will post them up soon =) )

According to Wikipedia: The Metal Gear Solid Drama CD is a Japanese radio drama continuation of Metal Gear Solid. Directed by Shuyo Murata and written by Motosada Mori, it aired, in 18 segments, from 1998 to 1999 on Konami's CLUB db program.

The images you posted were for the Digital Graphic Novel. The one on the left is the US release cover, the one on the right is, I believe, the PAL version.

According to Wikipedia: Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel is an interactive comic for the PlayStation Portable. Based on the Metal Gear Solid comic book adaptation, it features visual enhancements and two interactive modes designed to give further insight into the publication.

Finally, the Metal Gear Saga DVD's I posted rips of. They are pre-release bonus DVD's for MGS3: Subsistence (Vol. 1) and MGS4: Guns of the Patriots (Vol. 2).

For more info on the Saga DVD's see the description in the front page of this thread.

Hope that clears some stuff up for you!
Thanks man, now everything is very clear to me =)

04-07-2008, 12:25 AM
I would be more than happy to set up a torrent via public tracker. I'll post a link here AND in the description when I get it done!

Hey man, if you could that would be great! This is the only thing I need to complete my MGS collection. Thanks for everything man!

Love this thread!

04-07-2008, 12:32 AM
This is a nice collection Thanks for sharing ^_^

04-07-2008, 02:21 AM
Hey man, if you could that would be great! This is the only thing I need to complete my MGS collection. Thanks for everything man!

Love this thread!

Full ISO's for both Saga DVD's are up on Mininova ( If you grab it PLEASE seed to at least 75% and help me out.


04-07-2008, 05:26 AM
OMG thanks a lot man. I owe you one.

Again Thanks a lot!

EDIT: The Torrent seems to be very slow for me, do you have any alternatives for me to get Metal Gear Saga Volume 1?

Thanks man!

04-07-2008, 09:11 PM
bump man great thread!

04-07-2008, 09:24 PM
OMG thanks a lot man. I owe you one.

Again Thanks a lot!

EDIT: The Torrent seems to be very slow for me, do you have any alternatives for me to get Metal Gear Saga Volume 1?

Thanks man!

Torrents are always slow initially. Right now I'm the only person seeding the full file among 54 leechers. I've got about 20% seeded so far, so give it about 3 days and there should be plenty traffic... provided people don't just cut and run when they get it downloaded!

04-07-2008, 09:36 PM
Alright man thanks a lot. I really appreciate you uploading the torrent. Hopefully it speeds up though in a few days.

I'll be sure to help you seed it though once I'm finished downloading it.

04-08-2008, 02:34 AM
Alright man thanks a lot. I really appreciate you uploading the torrent. Hopefully it speeds up though in a few days.

I'll be sure to help you seed it though once I'm finished downloading it.

Much appreciated! I'm up to about 25% upped so far.

04-08-2008, 02:34 AM
Alright man thanks a lot. I really appreciate you uploading the torrent. Hopefully it speeds up though in a few days.

I'll be sure to help you seed it though once I'm finished downloading it.

Much appreciated! I'm at about 25% seeded so far.

04-08-2008, 02:45 AM
This is an excellent collection that you have shared with us. I have been downloading now for a few days and I never got around to telling you thank you...

So, Thank you! Haha. Again, excellent job.

04-08-2008, 03:21 PM
Thanks for all of the great music!! and thanks for not using Rapidshare.

04-08-2008, 07:45 PM
Hmm, there seems to be at least a new theme in MGS: Portable Ops+
Not sure if there's more new music.

04-08-2008, 07:48 PM
To everyone interested: I am currently working on a couple more soundtracks:

- MGS: Digital Graphic Novel
- MPO+ Multiplayer Soundtrack

I've found a guy that has them listed in his collection, but haven't got a response from him yet. I'm gonna give it until Monday and then go ahead and record them myself. I have the technology, just need to make the time!

I'll keep you posted.

04-08-2008, 08:05 PM
Nice one, cheers.

Henry Spencer
04-08-2008, 09:12 PM
To everyone interested: I am currently working on a couple more soundtracks:

- MGS: Digital Graphic Novel
- MPO+ Multiplayer Soundtrack

I've found a guy that has them listed in his collection, but haven't got a response from him yet. I'm gonna give it until Monday and then go ahead and record them myself. I have the technology, just need to make the time!

I'll keep you posted.

Thank you so very much!

04-09-2008, 03:53 AM
Thank you so very much!

No prob. I'm about 50% finished with MGO+.

04-09-2008, 06:53 PM
EDIT 04/09/2008: Metal Gear Solid: Mobile Soundtrack
Ripped it myself with a Verizon LG8300 and Audacity. Enjoy!

Leon Scott Kennedy
04-09-2008, 11:14 PM
Hi guys, just wanted to inform you that the mirror-link for the stuff can be found at the following URL: (

04/10/2008 - Added:
[031] - Metal Gear Solid 4 -Preview Tracks- (Preview Tracks from Countdown Timer)
[032] - Metal Gear Solid -Song Collection- (Official Compilation)
[0A1] - Metal Gear Saga Volume 1 (DVD-Rip)
[0A2] - Metal Gear Saga Volume 2 (DVD-Rip)

Please refer to the following list for the names (sorry but I had to rename them).

[001] - Metal Gear -FAMICOM VERSION- (Fan Soundtrack) (;9980622;/fileinfo.html)
[002] - Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake (Original Soundtrack) (;9980585;/fileinfo.html)
[003] - Metal Gear & Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake Music Collection (Original Soundtrack) (;9980452;/fileinfo.html)
[004] - Metal Gear & Snake's Revenge Alternate Disc (Fan Soundtrack) (;9980346;/fileinfo.html)
[005] - Metal Gear Solid (Original Soundtrack) (;9980224;/fileinfo.html)
[006] - Metal Gear -Solid Snake- Red Disc (Music Compilation of Hideo Kojima) (;9979781;/fileinfo.html)
[007] - Metal Gear Solid -Virtual Existence- (Fan Soundtrack) (;9979309;/fileinfo.html)
[008] - Metal Gear Ghost Babel (Fan Soundtrack) (;9979002;/fileinfo.html)
[009] - Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty (Original Soundtrack) (;9978667;/fileinfo.html)
[010] - Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty -The Other Side- (Original Soundtrack 2) (;9978213;/fileinfo.html)
[011] - Metal Gear Solid 2 -Documix- (Fan Soundtrack) (;9977680;/fileinfo.html)
[012] - Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance (Ultimate Sorter Original Soundtrack) (;9977225;/fileinfo.html)
[013] - Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance (Ultimate Sorter Limited Soundtrack) (;9975129;/fileinfo.html)
[014] - Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater (Abstracted Camouflage Single) (;9975004;/fileinfo.html)
[015] - Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater -The First Bite- (Promotional Soundtrack) (;9974968;/fileinfo.html)
[016] - Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater (Snake Eater Song from Metal Gear Solid 3) (;9974845;/fileinfo.html)
[017] - Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater (Original Soundtrack) (;9974721;/fileinfo.html)
[018] - Metal Gear Solid The Twin Snakes (Fan Soundtrack) (;9973518;/fileinfo.html)
[019] - Metal Gear AC!D & Metal Gear AC!D2 (Original Soundtrack) (;9972297;/fileinfo.html)
[020] - Metal Gear Solid 3 -Snake Byte- (Fan Soundtrack) (;9968586;/fileinfo.html)
[021] - Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops (Original Soundtrack) (;9968217;/fileinfo.html)
[022] - Metal Gear 20th Anniversary (Metal Gear Music Collection) (;9967847;/fileinfo.html)
[023] - Metal Gear Mix -Music from Super Smash Bros. Brawl- (Fan Soundtrack) (;9967462;/fileinfo.html)
[024] - DreamMix TV World Fighters (Game-Rip) (;9967306;/fileinfo.html)
[025] - Snow-Storm, Pushkin's Garland (Georgi Sviridov) (;9967287;/fileinfo.html)
[026] - Metal Gear Solid Music CD (Pre-Order Bonus CD) (;9967253;/fileinfo.html)
[027] - Metal Gear Saga Volume 2 (DVD Audio-Rip) (;9966973;/fileinfo.html)
[028] - Metal Gear Solid Drama CD Vol.1 (Japanese Radio Drama) (;9966901;/fileinfo.html)
[029] - Metal Gear Solid Drama CD Vol.2 (Japanese Radio Drama) (;9966450;/fileinfo.html)
[030] - Metal Gear Solid Mobile (Game-Rip) (;9980673;/fileinfo.html)
[031] - Metal Gear Solid 4 -Preview Tracks- (Preview Tracks from Countdown Timer) (;9982768;/fileinfo.html)
[032] - Metal Gear Solid -Song Collection- (Official Compilation) (;9985819;/fileinfo.html)
[0A1] - Metal Gear Saga Volume 1 (DVD-Rip) (;9985584;/fileinfo.html)
[0A2] - Metal Gear Saga Volume 2 (DVD-Rip) (;9983972;/fileinfo.html)

I'll do my best to keep the mirror up-to-date.

- All credit goes to switchfreak, I'm just offering mirror -

04-10-2008, 12:19 AM
Hi guys, just wanted to inform you that the mirror-link for the stuff can be found at the following URL:


Awesome! I've added the links to the thread descriptions as well.


04-10-2008, 04:46 AM
EDIT 04/09/2008: Added MGS4 Preview Tracks from the MGS4 countdown timer.
30-40 second clips from the upcoming OST! Sounds awesome!

04-10-2008, 10:02 AM
Those preview tracks sound great! I'm so glad Gregson-Williams is using a guitar to play some of the themes now.

Has anybody ripped the music from the MGS4 trailers yet?

04-10-2008, 11:05 AM
An impressive collection... the problem is only where to start:-P Muchas Gracias!

04-10-2008, 04:31 PM
Those preview tracks sound great! I'm so glad Gregson-Williams is using a guitar to play some of the themes now.

Has anybody ripped the music from the MGS4 trailers yet?

I have seen a few trailer music rips, the problem is all the talking over the music. :-(

No worries though, the OST releases on May 28 and I'll have it up here shortly there-after. Just wondering if the MGS4 LE soundtrack will be the same OST, or a different compilation...

Henry Spencer
04-10-2008, 06:37 PM
I reckon the 'OST' that comes with MGS4, will be similar to the 'soundtrack' that came with preorders of MGS1 that you uploaded; missing a couple of tracks and remixes that will inevitably make it onto the complete soundtrack.

Henry Spencer
04-10-2008, 06:38 PM
I reckon the 'OST' that comes with MGS4, will be similar to the 'soundtrack' that came with preorders of MGS1 that you uploaded; missing a couple of tracks and remixes that will inevitably make it onto the complete soundtrack for MGS4.

EDIT: Didn't mean to double post, my bad.

04-10-2008, 07:57 PM
04/10/2008: Added Metal Gear Solid Song Collection // Minor description updates // Arranged albums chronologically
A Konami compilation CD. Mostly Main Theme mixes from the PS2 games.

I reckon the 'OST' that comes with MGS4, will be similar to the 'soundtrack' that came with preorders of MGS1 that you uploaded; missing a couple of tracks and remixes that will inevitably make it onto the complete soundtrack.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking, but the BONUS OFFER ( description at Gamestop says:

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots PS3 in collectible metal box

Blu-ray DVD containing:
* 2 Making of Documentaries of MGS4 game - interview with Kojima
* 4 chapters of the graphic novel
* Metal Gear Import Soundtrack CD

Additionally, customers reserving the Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Limited Edition will receive a Gamestop Exclusive Metal Gear Solid 4 Art Book at time of purchase.

Since it says IMPORT on it, it makes me think (or at least hope beyond all hope) that it may be the full OST.

Then again... Gamestop is mostly clueless most of the time... I guess we'll see in June!!

04-10-2008, 08:03 PM
TheMGS Song Collection address doesn't work. Help, please!!

04-10-2008, 08:20 PM
TheMGS Song Collection address doesn't work. Help, please!!

Sorry about that. Got the description all arranged and stuff and forgot to add the link!

Try it now. =)

Leon Scott Kennedy
04-10-2008, 10:27 PM
The FileFront Mirror has been updated

04/10/2008 - Added:
[031] - Metal Gear Solid 4 -Preview Tracks- (Preview Tracks from Countdown Timer) (;9982768;/fileinfo.html)
[032] - Metal Gear Solid -Song Collection- (Official Compilation) (;9985819;/fileinfo.html)
[0A1] - Metal Gear Saga Volume 1 (DVD-Rip) (;9985584;/fileinfo.html)
[0A2] - Metal Gear Saga Volume 2 (DVD-Rip) (;9983972;/fileinfo.html)

Now there's almost everything (Only 2 things left-> Sagas Volumes' Full ISOs)

04-10-2008, 11:13 PM
The FileFront Mirror has been updated

Now there's almost everything (Only 2 things left-> Sagas Volumes' Full ISOs)

Awesome! Thanks so much!!

I added the mirrors to the description, so we're good to go. I'm currently working on two game-rips, MGS: Digital Graphic Novel and MPO+. Should be up by the end of next week.

Once an OST comes out for MGS4 I'll probably delete the preview cuts, I just wanted to get those out for folks to listen to in the meantime.

And don't worry about an ISO mirror as the links I have up are just to a public tracker torrent site. I think the files are too big to upload (6.3Gb total)

Thanks again! :-D

04-10-2008, 11:37 PM
Yer a knucklehead, Switchfreak. Ya know that?

Leon Scott Kennedy
04-10-2008, 11:40 PM
Awesome! Thanks so much!!

I added the mirrors to the description, so we're good to go. I'm currently working on two game-rips, MGS: Digital Graphic Novel and MPO+. Should be up by the end of next week.

Once an OST comes out for MGS4 I'll probably delete the preview cuts, I just wanted to get those out for folks to listen to in the meantime.

And don't worry about an ISO mirror as the links I have up are just to a public tracker torrent site. I think the files are too big to upload (6.3Gb total)

Thanks again! :-D

There's no need to thank me, I'm glad if I can be helpful :-D

Yahoo! Great to hear that, can't wait to have them :-D

Once the collection gets complete I'll make a torrent out of it, it will have the 2 Saga Rips though, since the Fulls one are already up ;)

Just to inform, the overall size of the collection (Soundtracks+Drama CDs) is 2.83 GB, with the Saga Rips it gets past 3 GB :shock:

04-11-2008, 02:31 AM
There's no need to thank me, I'm glad if I can be helpful :-D

Yahoo! Great to hear that, can't wait to have them :-D

Once the collection gets complete I'll make a torrent out of it, it will have the 2 Saga Rips though, since the Fulls one are already up ;)

Just to inform, the overall size of the collection (Soundtracks+Drama CDs) is 2.83 GB, with the Saga Rips it gets past 3 GB :shock:

I actually have a torrent up already! But it's with underground-gamer ( so it's a private tracker. I posted it it about 2 months ago, so it's missing about 8 albums that I've grabbed since then. I figured once I got the MGS4 OST I'd post up a revised collection, or at least a part 2. I already have all the code and everything written out, and I'd like to give my friends at UG a head-start on downloading the collection, so maybe 2 weeks or so after I post the revision we can move it to a public tracker.

I'm not trying to be fickle, and I am grateful for the offer, but I told the folks at UG that they get first dibs and I just want to honor that commitment.

Thanks again for all your help!

04-11-2008, 10:06 AM
Great thread!! I love it !!
Thank you so much :)

04-11-2008, 01:24 PM
switchfreak, ileferru, the FileFront mirror is awesome! I've got no problem now getting to all of the great MGS content that you have collected. The amount of work that you have put into this thread is very impressive.
As Olga Gurlukovich would say, "You know what you're doing." ;-)

04-11-2008, 07:26 PM
Nice Collection. I was just wondering if anybody managed to rip the music from the original Metal Gear Solid that played during the cutscenes over the years? There was so much music there which was missing from the official soundtrack. :/

I'd love to have to complete MGS Dialogue track to listen to, shame I've never been able to find it anywhere.

04-11-2008, 08:47 PM
Nice Collection. I was just wondering if anybody managed to rip the music from the original Metal Gear Solid that played during the cutscenes over the years? There was so much music there which was missing from the official soundtrack. :/

I'd love to have to complete MGS Dialogue track to listen to, shame I've never been able to find it anywhere.

I've not come across a game-rip soundtrack for MGS1. However, I am currently playing through all the games in chronological order before MGS4 hit's shelves, so I could record it as I go through the game. I just finished Portable Ops last night and will be starting on Metal Gear and MG2: Solid Snake tonight. I'll probably start on MGS on Monday so let me know exactly what's missing and where to look for it and I'll grab it!

P.S. - After I finished MPO my backlight died, so I'll be a bit behind schedule ripping the MPO and MGS:DGN titles I was working on. Sorry to anyone who's been waiting. :-( But I did buy my replacement last night and will be back in business soon!!!

04-11-2008, 08:48 PM
switchfreak, ileferru, the FileFront mirror is awesome! I've got no problem now getting to all of the great MGS content that you have collected. The amount of work that you have put into this thread is very impressive.
As Olga Gurlukovich would say, "You know what you're doing." ;-)

Glad to hear you can get the content now! Enjoy it and keep checking back for new material!

And thanks for serving our country!!! :-D

04-12-2008, 12:51 AM
I've not come across a game-rip soundtrack for MGS1. However, I am currently playing through all the games in chronological order before MGS4 hit's shelves, so I could record it as I go through the game.
If you would be willing to record the sound of your playthrough, codec calls and all, I would be eternally grateful.

I think it would a huge task though, so I'll understand if it's a bit much. :)

04-12-2008, 03:18 AM
If you would be willing to record the sound of your playthrough, codec calls and all, I would be eternally grateful.

I think it would a huge task though, so I'll understand if it's a bit much. :)

I'll do it to it. I'm not sure how I'll break it up track-wise, maybe screen-by-screen or something, but I'll keep you posted on the progress!

04-12-2008, 05:00 PM
this is awesome!!!! thanks ;)

04-16-2008, 02:02 PM
Switch thank you so much and for your organizational skills. Massive respect!

04-17-2008, 05:22 PM
04/17/2008: Added MGS4 Trailer Collection
As per request. High-Quality DVD-Rips of the MGS4 trailers released between 2005 and 2007. As featured on the MGSaga DVDs.


04-18-2008, 03:29 AM
I've got something to say about the MGS4 trailers.....................AWESOME QUALITY!! Most AVI files I've viewed either show as a black screen or a green screen, but these are of superb quality. Awesome job Switchfreak. Awesome job!!

04-18-2008, 04:21 PM
I've got something to say about the MGS4 trailers.....................AWESOME QUALITY!! Most AVI files I've viewed either show as a black screen or a green screen, but these are of superb quality. Awesome job Switchfreak. Awesome job!!

LOL. Thanks for the kind words, I'm glad you like them. I've seen some pretty crummy trailer rips too, so I went for perfection on these. Glad it shows!

04-18-2008, 06:09 PM
This is incredible! I downloaded the Famicon version right away. Brings back fond memories. Thanks for putting this thread up!!

04-19-2008, 04:00 AM
Also, I did notice that some of them are a little glitchy, but they are watchable, so don't worry. Can't get them absolutely perfect, I'm sure.

04-20-2008, 02:56 AM
Just a heads-up for those waiting on game-rip soundtracks. My laptop turned into a $1200 paper-weight last weekend, and I've been scrambling to get all my work moved to the old computer so I can keep my business running. I'll get to these rips asap, but please bear with me as my world's been a bit hectic this week.


04-20-2008, 03:55 PM
switchfreak awwww :( Sorry that had to happen to you 2 years ago my computer went pfffftt!! And I lost everything :( So I know what it's like. Take your time and get everything sorted. Hopefully you'll be able to work it out Anyhow Thanks for everything you've done so far you've done a "GREAT" job and I appreciate all your hard work <3

04-23-2008, 08:54 PM
Thanks for this AMAZING collection.

04-23-2008, 09:49 PM
Free at last, free at last, thank your almighty post, I'm free at last!

Henry Spencer
04-24-2008, 11:39 PM
You take your time with the game rips, you've all ready added an incredible collection. Oh, and have you seen the final trailer yet?

04-24-2008, 11:45 PM
You take your time with the game rips, you've all ready added an incredible collection. Oh, and have you seen the final trailer yet?

Holy whoa that's a really cool trailer! I just need to learn Japanese...

Thanks for the heads-up!

04-25-2008, 07:31 AM
This is somewhat of a request, however I felt I should post it here, as it seems fairly simple to do.

Is anyone willing to cut Snake's voicemail message from this podcast. ( The voice mail recording that David Hayter recorded is around the 34:30 mark.

Also, optionally, can you cut out Snake's "beyond" at the very end of the podcast? (Like last 12 seconds)

04-25-2008, 07:37 AM
Thanks Switchfreak
I've been looking this all this long
Awesome Job
Thanks once again

04-25-2008, 03:58 PM
This is somewhat of a request, however I felt I should post it here, as it seems fairly simple to do.

Is anyone willing to cut Snake's voicemail message from this podcast. ( The voice mail recording that David Hayter recorded is around the 34:30 mark.

Also, optionally, can you cut out Snake's "beyond" at the very end of the podcast? (Like last 12 seconds)

Sure! I'll get it together early next week as I'll be out of town this weekend.

04-25-2008, 09:33 PM
metal gear saga 2 movie is corrupt and link 1 is dead, and thanks for the thread you are the best

04-25-2008, 10:28 PM
metal gear saga 2 movie is corrupt and link 1 is dead, and thanks for the thread you are the best

I'll fix the links on Monday. Thanks for the heads up!

EDIT: TOTALLY my fault on the missing link. Re-named and re-upped all the files last week and forgot one!

I'll get it Monday for sure :)

04-26-2008, 06:05 AM
This is somewhat of a request, however I felt I should post it here, as it seems fairly simple to do.

Is anyone willing to cut Snake's voicemail message from this podcast. ( The voice mail recording that David Hayter recorded is around the 34:30 mark.

Also, optionally, can you cut out Snake's "beyond" at the very end of the podcast? (Like last 12 seconds)

Got your podcast clips together. I did one of the 'beyond' clip with music and one without.

IGN​ Podcast​ Clips​ [David​ Hayter​].rar (

Also, for anyone interested I use Audacity ( for all my game-rips and editing... it's really easy to use and it's FREE!


04-26-2008, 05:51 PM
On MGS2: Sons of Liberty at the end of the game when the Colonel is telling you about the S3 project and he says, "The S3 is a system for controlling human will and consciousness", I'm looking for the song that's playing when he says that but can't find it on any of the MGS2 soundtracks here.. anyone know what it's called?

04-26-2008, 05:51 PM
thanks for this

04-26-2008, 09:33 PM
Got your podcast clips together. I did one of the 'beyond' clip with music and one without.

IGN​ Podcast​ Clips​ [David​ Hayter​].rar (

Also, for anyone interested I use Audacity ( for all my game-rips and editing... it's really easy to use and it's FREE!


Awesome! Thank you. I also think it would be nice if you put those up on the first page too, as a lot of people might like the Solid Snake Voice mail imo.

04-28-2008, 12:26 AM
I have the MGS3 Snake Eater soundtrack but it doesn't have the theme of The Boss, the song that plays when she's telling Snake about her exposure to the nuclear testing in Nevada. Its also the same song that plays at the begining of the Virtuous Mission when she first speaks to Snake. do you have that?

04-28-2008, 03:43 AM
Thank you for this. I've been looking for the Saga DVDs since I'm way out here in the boonies where we don't have places that get the pre-order bonuses.

Edit: Hmm, the Saga Vol. 2 seems to be corrupt. Although someone pointed that out on the last page so hopefully it gets fixed.

04-28-2008, 01:23 PM
I have the MGS3 Snake Eater soundtrack but it doesn't have the theme of The Boss, the song that plays when she's telling Snake about her exposure to the nuclear testing in Nevada. Its also the same song that plays at the begining of the Virtuous Mission when she first speaks to Snake. do you have that?

I've looked through what I've got, and listened to the track in-game, and I have to admit I can't find it! I haven't listened to the version that plays during the codec convo at the beginning, is it clear of dialog? If not, then I'd say that's why it hasn't been ripped. If it IS clear, let me know and I'll rip it when I get a chance.

On MGS2: Sons of Liberty at the end of the game when the Colonel is telling you about the S3 project and he says, "The S3 is a system for controlling human will and consciousness", I'm looking for the song that's playing when he says that but can't find it on any of the MGS2 soundtracks here.. anyone know what it's called?

Not sure. Once I get to playing through MGS2 again I'll keep an ear open. Until then I would try track 15 from the MGS2 Documix Fan Soundtrack.

Thank you for this. I've been looking for the Saga DVDs since I'm way out here in the boonies where we don't have places that get the pre-order bonuses.

Edit: Hmm, the Saga Vol. 2 seems to be corrupt. Although someone pointed that out on the last page so hopefully it gets fixed.

Reposted the DVD rip of MGSaga Vol.2. Also, I'm not sure if you're interested in having the actual DVD, but when I was at Best Buy last week they had about a ba-jillion of them, so check there. If you'd like me to pick one up for you, I'd be more than happy too. Just PM me.

04-28-2008, 01:48 PM
Thanks awefully for this splendid job, switchfreak! Looking forward to your adding in Guns of the Patriots OST :)

04-28-2008, 01:59 PM
Thanks awefully for this splendid job, switchfreak! Looking forward to your adding in Guns of the Patriots OST :)

So am I! :-D

Here's the renewed link to the Metal Gear Saga 2 DVD Rip (

04-28-2008, 05:30 PM
Hey, switchfreak, just wanted to say thanks for all your hard work on uploading these, really appreciated. Also thank for quoting the MGWiki on your description for MetalGearSaga Vol. 1 (I'm a head admin there, so it's good to see people using it, haha!).

Also, I made a topic on this, but I don't think too many people saw it. Do you know anyone who might be able to rip the music from the Metal Gear Online Beta? If not, it's not too much trouble, I was just interested.

But still, thanks a lot for all these!

04-28-2008, 05:36 PM
Hey, switchfreak, just wanted to say thanks for all your hard work on uploading these, really appreciated. Also thank for quoting the MGWiki on your description for MetalGearSaga Vol. 1 (I'm a head admin there, so it's good to see people using it, haha!).

Also, I made a topic on this, but I don't think too many people saw it. Do you know anyone who might be able to rip the music from the Metal Gear Online Beta? If not, it's not too much trouble, I was just interested.

But still, thanks a lot for all these!

I'm borrowing a friends PS3 on Friday to play the Beta. I'll have it for a week, so it shouldn't be any trouble to rip the music for you. I'll keep you posted in post #2 of this thread!

04-28-2008, 11:23 PM
I'm borrowing a friends PS3 on Friday to play the Beta. I'll have it for a week, so it shouldn't be any trouble to rip the music for you. I'll keep you posted in post #2 of this thread!

Cheers. Really appreciated.

04-29-2008, 12:48 AM
Reposted the DVD rip of MGSaga Vol.2. Also, I'm not sure if you're interested in having the actual DVD, but when I was at Best Buy last week they had about a ba-jillion of them, so check there. If you'd like me to pick one up for you, I'd be more than happy too. Just PM me.
Great thanks. I'm heading out of town for the upcoming weekend so I'll try to stop by one if I can. If not, I may take you up on that offer.

04-29-2008, 05:54 AM
Unfortunatelly there's dialogue through the song "The Boss' theme", so you won't be able to rip it. Which is sad, since its a good song. Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll have it on the MGS4 soundtrack. Thanks again for all your hardwork and dedication. But would you happen to have the Calling to the Night instrumental version?

04-29-2008, 02:53 PM
Unfortunatelly there's dialogue through the song "The Boss' theme", so you won't be able to rip it. Which is sad, since its a good song. Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll have it on the MGS4 soundtrack. Thanks again for all your hardwork and dedication. But would you happen to have the Calling to the Night instrumental version?

That is disappointing :( Maybe one day we'll get it.

Also, there's a piano version on the Metal Gear 20th Anniversary Album ( (Track 11)

04-29-2008, 04:19 PM
I was wondering would the MGS2 and MGS3 Fan Soundtracks done by David49 count as being upload worthy. These basically acted as complete soundtracks with certain tracks mixed with the music on the cd and from the game.

Also what track is played when Naked Snake claims up the later and a variation of the SE theme plays building as you climb up. I love that track and its a great thematic moment.

04-29-2008, 05:08 PM
I was wondering would the MGS2 and MGS3 Fan Soundtracks done by David49 count as being upload worthy. These basically acted as complete soundtracks with certain tracks mixed with the music on the cd and from the game.

Also what track is played when Naked Snake claims up the later and a variation of the SE theme plays building as you climb up. I love that track and its a great thematic moment.

I haven't heard David49's soundtracks. Get me some links and I'll listen to them and decide.

And the track you're looking for is on the MGS3: Snake Byte Fan Soundtrack ( (Track 12).

04-29-2008, 05:12 PM
Thanks again

04-29-2008, 06:01 PM
Sweet thanks, that was it!

Here are the links
Metal_Gear_Solid_3_-_Snake_Eater.rar (<br />
Metal_Gear_Solid_2_-_Sons_of_Liberty.rar (<br />

04-30-2008, 01:13 AM
Sweet thanks, that was it!

Here are the links
Metal_Gear_Solid_3_-_Snake_Eater.rar (<br />
Metal_Gear_Solid_2_-_Sons_of_Liberty.rar (<br />

Cool. I'll grab them up and listen when I get chance.


04-30-2008, 01:56 AM
Thank you, the only link youll ever need!

04-30-2008, 02:16 AM
I was wondering would the MGS2 and MGS3 Fan Soundtracks done by David49 count as being upload worthy. These basically acted as complete soundtracks with certain tracks mixed with the music on the cd and from the game.

I listened to those soundtracks. I'm grateful for the upload, but I don't think I'm gonna add these to the collection. The edited songs are just remixed songs that are already on the OSTs and Fan Soundtracks. Since they aren't actually songs featured in the Metal Gear games, I'll have to pass.

But seriously, thanks!

04-30-2008, 04:35 AM
Goodwork Switchfreak! I hope you can rip the MGO music, it's so sweet! It's just Lobby music but it's really sweet!!

05-02-2008, 05:03 AM
Guys, I would like to ask
Is there anyone know about the english version of MGS end title "The Best Is Yet To Come" ?
Cause I got the lyrics in but it doesn't mention where I can find the song
And thanks again for the great work

05-02-2008, 01:26 PM
Guys, I would like to ask
Is there anyone know about the english version of MGS end title "The Best Is Yet To Come" ?
Cause I got the lyrics in but it doesn't mention where I can find the song
And thanks again for the great work

I'm about 99.9% sure there ISN'T an English version of the song. The lyrics have just been translated for anyone interested in knowing what the song is about.

I added the lyrics to the front page.

Thanks for the find! :-D

05-06-2008, 01:56 AM
Thanks switchfreak this has to be one of the best threads of the forum.

05-06-2008, 06:45 PM
For all those interested, the Metal Gear Online: Premiere Beta Soundtrack ( is up.

PLEASE listen to it and let me know if something is missing. I'll only have access to a PS3 until Friday, so I need to fix any errors before then.


05-06-2008, 07:09 PM
Thanks switchfreak for the Metal Gear Online: Premiere Beta Soundtrack <3 You're amazing \(^O^)/

05-06-2008, 07:30 PM
Indeed he is.

Master Rebellion
05-06-2008, 07:50 PM
Thank goodness! You have no idea how long I've been searching for the complete Substance soundtrack. I will be forever grateful for this. Thank you Switchfreak! XD

Master Rebellion
05-06-2008, 07:52 PM
Oh, just to help you out with your list, I believe there is also a Metal Gear Solid for the Gameboy Color. Never actually played the game myself, but I hear it has pretty good reviews. I doubt anyone currently has their hands on this soundtrack, but I thought I would inform you anyway. Thanks again for your time and effort!

Top Dollar
05-06-2008, 08:07 PM
Yessss...I knew we could count on you. Thanks!

Top Dollar
05-06-2008, 08:10 PM
@ Master Rebellion: Actually, the soundtrack is already on the First Page index. The game's called "Metal Gear Solid: Ghost Babel"

05-06-2008, 08:52 PM
Switchfreak, question: With the Super Smash Bros. Mix & MGO Online Premiere Beta soundtracks, are there bigger cover scans for these by any chance?

05-06-2008, 09:23 PM
Good work! The soundtrack rocks.

Though I'm a little confused how you ripped the actual in-game music... It says there's a song for each level, but I only thought there were two selectable sets of music (with the music getting more lively during the last minute or so of a game)... However, if I'm just being an idiot feel free to correct me!

EDIT: I also noticed some minor spelling mistakes. On the artwork and such, you've spelt Groznyj Grad with an extra "N".

05-06-2008, 10:52 PM

First, for anyone interested, I finally made a set of album covers for the MGS: Mobile soundtrack. The new art is packed in the updated .rar so enjoy it!

Also, the game-rips of MGS: Digital Graphic Novel and MPO+ are coming along, slowly. I should have the Digital Graphic Novel by early next week. Then I'll get back to MPO+ and then the MGS Playthrough.

Finally, I'll be adding emulators and roms for the MSX, NES and GBC Metal Gear games sometime tomorrow for anyone interested in playing through them.

Now to answer questions:

Oh, just to help you out with your list, I believe there is also a Metal Gear Solid for the Gameboy Color. Never actually played the game myself, but I hear it has pretty good reviews. I doubt anyone currently has their hands on this soundtrack, but I thought I would inform you anyway. Thanks again for your time and effort!

Top Dollar got it right on. When Metal Gear: Ghost Babel was ported for the US they changed the title to Metal Gear Solid. So they're the same game, with the same soundtracks. Enjoy!

Switchfreak, question: With the Super Smash Bros. Mix & MGO Online Premiere Beta soundtracks, are there bigger cover scans for these by any chance?

There are some bigger images packed in the .rar's with the music, other than that, I'm afraid not. I made them exactly to size. (640 x 554 pixels) Sorry :(

Good work! The soundtrack rocks.

Though I'm a little confused how you ripped the actual in-game music... It says there's a song for each level, but I only thought there were two selectable sets of music (with the music getting more lively during the last minute or so of a game)... However, if I'm just being an idiot feel free to correct me!

EDIT: I also noticed some minor spelling mistakes. On the artwork and such, you've spelt Groznyj Grad with an extra "N".

To rip the in-game music I simply went to training mode and just stood still while the music ran. :)

As far as the spelling is concerned; Gronznyj Grad (with the extra 'n') is how it is spelled in-game and on the menus ( I don't speak Russian, so I'm not sure which is correct, but for the sake of the soundtrack, I spelled it how they did. Good eye though, thanks for the help!

05-06-2008, 10:55 PM
Thanks for all of your hard work switchfreak.

05-06-2008, 11:24 PM
thanks again

05-07-2008, 12:27 AM
Thank you so much for ALL your work so far switchfreak, but there are a few dead links in the original post - but only a few
These are the following tha need re-upping

Orginal Soundtracks
-Metal Gear AC!D & AC!D 2

-METAL GEAR SOLID 2 SUBSTANCE - Ultimate Sorter Original Soundtrack (White)

Fan Soundtracks

05-07-2008, 12:32 AM

05-07-2008, 04:58 AM

Thought there were 3 music tracks (1 per map) on the MPO Soundtrack. There are only 2. Fixed Soundtrack will be posted ASAP!

Sorry. :)

Got it fixed. Updated the cover art. Sorry again!

Thank you so much for ALL your work so far switchfreak, but there are a few dead links in the original post - but only a few
These are the following tha need re-upping

Orginal Soundtracks
-Metal Gear AC!D & AC!D 2

-METAL GEAR SOLID 2 SUBSTANCE - Ultimate Sorter Original Soundtrack (White)

Fan Soundtracks

Uploading now, I'll fix the links tomorrow morning.


05-07-2008, 10:09 AM
As far as the spelling is concerned; Gronznyj Grad (with the extra 'n') is how it is spelled in-game and on the menus ( I don't speak Russian, so I'm not sure which is correct, but for the sake of the soundtrack, I spelled it how they did. Good eye though, thanks for the help!

That's really odd, throughout MGS3 it's spelt without that first "N". Perhaps they were spelling it wrong the whole time!

05-07-2008, 02:12 PM
That's really odd, throughout MGS3 it's spelt without that first "N". Perhaps they were spelling it wrong the whole time!

Lol. I know. I even popped in MGS3 and ran the subtitles to check! Oh well. :)

NOTE: Fixed the dead links on the front page. Thanks Snep!

05-07-2008, 11:55 PM
You forgot one piece of music from the MGO Beta! It's the Clan Emblem editing music. You have to create a clan, then go to Clan Affiliation or something like that and then edit the emblem/create one. This music is different from the other music.

05-08-2008, 04:41 AM
You forgot one piece of music from the MGO Beta! It's the Clan Emblem editing music. You have to create a clan, then go to Clan Affiliation or something like that and then edit the emblem/create one. This music is different from the other music.

Whoa cool. Didn't even go to clan stuff as I only have the system for a week :)

I'll go plug in and grab this now. Fixed rar will be up in the morning.


05-08-2008, 05:08 AM
Whoa cool. Didn't even go to clan stuff as I only have the system for a week :)

I'll go plug in and grab this now. Fixed rar will be up in the morning.


Glad to be of help and thanks for ripping the music for us! :)

05-08-2008, 07:41 AM
Whoa, didn't know you ripped the Metal Gear Online music. Thanks for all these soundtracks. I have some soundtracks, but this lets me complete my Metal Gear music collection.

Thanks! :D

05-08-2008, 12:57 PM
Whoa, didn't know you ripped the Metal Gear Online music. Thanks for all these soundtracks. I have some soundtracks, but this lets me complete my Metal Gear music collection.

Thanks! :D

You're most welcome. Please note that I've JUST updated the file to included the missing track (Emblem Menu) so be sure and grab this most recent version.

Also, keep your eyes on the 'Update List' of the thread as I'll be adding the MGS: Digital Graphic Novel rip and the MPO+ rips soon!

Leon Scott Kennedy
05-08-2008, 03:59 PM
Dammit... the FileFront mirror is empty now, damned servers. Sorry guys, I'll reupload the stuff as soon as possible.

Switchfreak, don't know if something went wrong with the download: when I got the MGO Premiere Beta's Soundtrack the 10 tracks were there (by the way, thank you... awesome work ;)), but the back cover had only 9 tracks listed.

05-08-2008, 04:56 PM
Dammit... the FileFront mirror is empty now, damned servers. Sorry guys, I'll reupload the stuff as soon as possible.

Switchfreak, don't know if something went wrong with the download: when I got the MGO Premiere Beta's Soundtrack the 10 tracks were there (by the way, thank you... awesome work ;)), but the back cover had only 9 tracks listed.

Right you are. I'm re-upping the Beta Soundtrack... again... as well as the MGS; Digital Graphic Novel Soundtrack now.

It'll take a while, so I'll get the links fixed after work.

Thanks for your help!

05-08-2008, 05:18 PM
Alright everybody. The MGS: Digital Graphic Novel ( soundtrack is uploading now!!!

This was a FAR greater undertaking than I initially thought!! Most of the tracks are only 5-15 seconds, so I had to loop them, trim them, fade in/fade out, etc. Not to mention the fact that some themes are used repeatedly throughout the game; so after ripping I had to go through and pull out duplicate files!

But I digress...

Also Re-Upped the MGO:Beta Soundtrack ( (hopefully for the last time:)) with the final corrected artwork. Thanks iliferu for catching my artwork slip-up, And to Blackman3000 for pointing out the missing Emblem Music!

Once I'm sure the the DGN and MBO Soundtracks are good for everyone, I'll get back to the MPO+ rip... then I'll tackle the MGS Playthrough.

I'm gonna get back to work, so as always,


Henry Spencer
05-08-2008, 10:04 PM
You are a blessing. Thank you ever so much!

05-09-2008, 06:15 PM
Alright everybody. The MGS: Digital Graphic Novel ( soundtrack is uploading now!!!

This was a FAR greater undertaking than I initially thought!! Most of the tracks are only 5-15 seconds, so I had to loop them, trim them, fade in/fade out, etc. Not to mention the fact that some themes are used repeatedly throughout the game; so after ripping I had to go through and pull out duplicate files!

Sounds like very hard work !! O_O
I appreciate the work you have done. You are simply amazing !! <3 I just can't say that enough!

05-11-2008, 08:49 AM
I take the three themes of calling to the night to make one, is not a big deal but I hope u enjoy it

05-12-2008, 05:50 AM
I take the three themes of calling to the night to make one, is not a big deal but I hope u enjoy it

Just grabbed it.

Will listen tomorrow.


05-12-2008, 05:52 AM
The MGS:Portable Ops+ Soundtrack should be up sometime tomorrow. I've finished ripping and editing the tracks; exported them to mp3 and will give them a final listen. Once I get the artwork finished I'll get it posted here.

See you tomorrow!

05-12-2008, 06:04 AM
switchfreak... u totally rock! thanks for all the tunes!

05-12-2008, 06:22 AM
I've looked all over the place for the MSX tracks. Thanks man, you rule!

05-12-2008, 04:51 PM
Hey there, don't suppose this is asking too much, but does anybody have or know where I can find MIDI versions of the Ghost Babel soundtrack?

I'm trying to do a couple of breakcore/breakbeat remixes of some of the songs off that game and I've been spending ages trying to find MIDI's =[

If you've got a link or anything, could you please message me? Thanks.

Master Rebellion
05-12-2008, 06:19 PM
@ Master Rebellion: Actually, the soundtrack is already on the First Page index. The game's called "Metal Gear Solid: Ghost Babel"

Is that so? I saw Metal Gear Solid in Gamestop for Game Boy Color, but it wasn't Ghost Babel. I believe they are different games.

05-12-2008, 06:26 PM
Are the same dude, in jap the game was call Metal Gear Ghost Babel (means MGGB = Metal Gear Game Boy lol) but in america and Euro. was call Metal Gear Solid.

05-13-2008, 03:27 AM
Is that so? I saw Metal Gear Solid in Gamestop for Game Boy Color, but it wasn't Ghost Babel. I believe they are different games.

This ( should help clear things up. And no worries, it confused me a bit too at first. ;)

05-13-2008, 09:38 AM
Thanks for the uploads. Turns out most of the OSTs I've downloaded from other sources were incomplete.

I take the three themes of calling to the night to make one, is not a big deal but I hope u enjoy it
The mix is okay. The end needs work, though. When you merge the vocal version back after the instrumental, the singing sounds off, like it's not on the right beat.

05-13-2008, 02:26 PM
Thanks for the uploads. Turns out most of the OSTs I've downloaded from other sources were incomplete.

The mix is okay. The end needs work, though. When you merge the vocal version back after the instrumental, the singing sounds off, like it's not on the right beat.

I agree. A little timing issue at the end, but other than that a GREAT mix! Good job!!

For anyone interested. The MGS: Portable Ops Plus ( Soundtrack is up! Listen to it and give me some feedback. If something is missing, sounds bad or ANYthing, please let me know so I can fix it. The same goes for any of my Game-Rips (Except MGO Beta, since I can't get to it anymore) I'm a bit of a perfectionist and want these to be as AWEsome as possible!


05-14-2008, 04:47 AM
I'll be starting on the MGS (PS1) playthrough soon. Gonna be recording all the FMV's, BGM, and Codec calls. I'll keep you posted!

If anyone knows of any songs missing from any of the current OST's let me know and I can grab them.

Also, I'm looking into DV-R's. Any suggestions? I'm planning on grabbing all the FMV's from the entire series and releasing some video for the masses.

05-15-2008, 05:13 AM
Question: Any way to get the soundtrack art without downloading each soundtrack to do so?

05-15-2008, 05:14 AM
Question: Any way to get the soundtrack art without downloading each soundtrack to do so?

Reading my mind?

I'm upping my custom artwork to my Photobucket and will link the thumbnails to the full-res pieces. Uploading is done, and links should be ready in about 10 minutes.


EDIT: ALL DONE! You can now grab the hi-res covers I made for some of the Fan Soundtracks. Enjoy!

05-15-2008, 05:52 AM
Oops. Moved the images and they disappeared. Should be all better now.


05-15-2008, 07:48 PM
Added MGS4: Website Preview Tracks ( to the site. 60 second clips from the upcoming OST.


05-15-2008, 07:58 PM
Thanks, SwitchFreak. You know what they say? Brilliant minds think alike.

05-16-2008, 05:19 PM
Thank you very are awesome Sir.

05-16-2008, 07:54 PM
Can you record all the making of videos and trailers from the Document of MGS2 in high quality?

05-17-2008, 02:01 AM
Can you record all the making of videos and trailers from the Document of MGS2 in high quality?

I'd LOVE too, but it's a PS2 disc and I have no way of ripping digital video yet. Sorry :(

As soon as I get a DV-R I'll be recording and releasing video sets of ALL the MGS games, bonus content, etc.

05-17-2008, 01:14 PM
i have converted videos from Document of MGS2 (theres a few glitches)...but i dont have quality audio for these only recorded via microphone...

for example:
this video is with audio from MGS2 Documix:

and these are recorded by myself via mic:

but if you'll get DVD-recorder it'll be great! :-)

and btw...great work with these soundtracks....i have almost all of them, but pieces like Dreammix TV Fighters, MGS DGN, MPO+ & MGS Mobile soundtracks i was missing before...
& i've got some unofficial mixes/ if you want them, just tell me

05-17-2008, 11:19 PM
I can't download any of them, it just brings me to the main filefront page.

05-18-2008, 02:04 AM
I can't download any of them, it just brings me to the main filefront page.

I'm not sure what's wrong. It works fine on this end... But I believe you, try this ( and let me know.

05-18-2008, 02:06 AM
Yeah that works, thanks.