09-04-2011, 11:52 AM

Table of Contents

I. The Dimensioner's work
II. Bootleg download links
III. Other people their work

I. The Dimensioner's Work

1. Dead Man's Chest Expanded Track List

1. I’ve Got My Eye on You - Cue 1 (0:00-1:30)
2. I’ve Got My Eye on You - Cue 2 (1:30-end. There’s just a short pause between these, so I don’t know if it’s worth splitting up.)
3. Jack Sparrow (first 40 seconds only; intro plays three times instead of two: just the first two seconds; mixes into unreleased stuff.)
4. Beckett Compass (came from some Hans Zimmer site around the time of the score’s release. I’m not really sure because I missed it. In the movie there are a few seconds clipped out in two places. It’s probably only available in 320kbps mp3. CORRECTION: this is available on the Magic Box Music site under their Virtual Resume.)
5. You Look Good Jack (although there are two segments in the track that use different orchestration in the film.)
6. Cannibal Island – Cue 2 (0:48-end. It’s credited to Geoff Zanelli, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t on the website that is now down.)
7. Cannibal Island – Cue 1 (0:00-0:48. Alternatively, this is the same cue that is on the OST, Dinner is Served, 0:00-0:48, only it sounds slightly different. If you wanted a proper end to this cue, you’d have to use DVD audio.)
8. Elizabeth Escapes (incomplete cue, recorded from a DVD menu.)
9. Dinner is Served – Cue 2 (0:48-end. Unreleased music plays before it jumps into this, although most of it is just cannibals chanting and dancing.)
10. Bone Cages (Geoff Zanelli piece that came off the site that is now down. It’s divided into 3 cues, but unreleased music plays between them so there isn’t much of a point to split them up.)
11. Tia Dalma (The original track is divided into cues at 0:00-0:24—expanded clip not included, 0:24-1:29, and 1:29-end. Various unreleased cues appear between the breaks, so there isn’t much point to splitting them since they will be played one after another anyway.)
12. The Flying Dutchman Arrives (another cue released on a site long gone, now only available in 320kbps mp3. CORRECTION: this is available on the Magic Box Music site under their Virtual Resume. It is by no means the whole cue, though—or even what it sounds like in the film. Recently I've discovered that what was posted there is labeled as a demo.)
13. The Haunted Dress to Tortuga (short cue written by Trevor Morris. I don’t think it’s on his site anymore.)
14. Two Hornpipes
15. James Norrington (some short cue that I’ve only seen on the Extended Experience set. I don’t know where it came from, but it fades directly into the following cue. They are considered one track as far as I'm concerned.)
16. Davy Jones Plays His Organ (the actual film version of the cue has not surfaced yet; instead the organ solo from the end credits can be substituted for a similar sound. Alternatively, you could include the Davy Jones suite from the OST here.)
17. A Family Affair (one of the only OST tracks unaffected; it plays exactly how it does on the OST.)
18. The Game of Liar’s Dice (30-second clip recorded from the DVD menu. The cue is within a much larger unreleased track.)
19. Summon the Kraken/The Kraken Hammer (yet another cue whose origins I do not know; only available in mp3 form. You’ll have to use the version from the Extended Experience)
20. Kraken Attack on the Edinburgh (clips from The Kraken suite can be used to resemble this although there are still some missing parts, and the film as completely different orchestration. See the Extended Experience version. Alternatively, you could include the whole Kraken suite here.)
21. [A cue I named “What You Want Most”] (The Extended Experience includes a direct recording from the DVD audio because it has very little SFX—extracted audio has even less SFX. The second cue here reuses Summon the Kraken except in the film it has slightly different orchestration and a different ending. It fades into yet a third cue whose origins are unknown. All of this can be found in track 16 of the Extended Experience.)
22. Wheel of Fortune (another untouched cue from the OST, although the film has slightly different orchestration. However, that could be due to compression.)
23. Jar of Dirt (this is available on the Magic Box Music site under their Virtual Resume. The movie features slightly different orchestration and the last segment of the music has electric guitar noise overlaid on top of it.)
24. Hello Beastie – Cue 1(0:00-3:21)
25. Hello Beastie – Cue 2 (3:21-end)
26. End Credits (DVD rip I suppose)

The large majority of both the Jack Sparrow suite and The Kraken suite are unused apart from being featured in the credits. Motifs from the Jack Sparrow suite occur more, but they just sound so different. Several arrangements from themes used in the Curse of the Black Pearl also occur.

2. Released unreleased music

On Geoff Zanelli's now-dead site, two cues both for DMC and AWE could be found. From DMC, there was "Cannibal Island" and a slightly extended version of "Tia Dalma". There may have been another Cannibal-related track, but I'm fairly certain there wasn't.

From AWE, there was "Seduction" and a slightly extended version of "Calypso". There were a couple tracks for CotBP, but they were all from the OST. These tracks and many more can be found here: Music from the website of Geoff Zanelii (Thread 79042)

Magic Box Music's Virtual Resume has several tracks to the second, third, and fourth Pirates films. Magic Box Music (
From Pirates 2, they have the tracks, "Wheel of Fortune" (which is slightly clipped from the OST version), "Jar of Dirt", "Beckett Compass/Drunk Jack", and "Dutchman Arrival".

From Pirates 3, they have the tracks, "Victory!" (the first cue from the OST track "One Day"), "Maelstrom", "Will & Sao Feng", and "Jones & Jack," which is the film version intro of the second cue from the OST track, "I Don't Think Now is the Best Time".

From Pirates 4, they have the tracks, "Imposter Swordfight", "Fry the Cook" (which is the third cue from the Blackbeard OST track), "Mutiny", "Spanish Camp", "Battle Montage", "Blackbeard's Demise" (which is the second cue from the Blackbeard OST track), and "Jack & Gibbs".

At one point, a long time ago, Trevor Morris had the track "The Haunted Dress to Tortuga" from DMC on his website but it no longer there. I hear some of the other unreleased material from DMC came from websites that are now long gone. A short cue from CotBP can be found on Klaus Badelt's (apparently) new website. But this track was already available from the movie's DVD menus. The vast majority of unreleased material for CotBP originates from the DVD menus.

All of the MBM tracks have been ripped and posted in their own threads, but I don't have those links at hand. Also, there is a buttload of threads pertaining to available Pirates 4 material, but at least three of them were shut down by the infamous CaptainJackSparrow.

3. On Stranger Tides

Well, here's something to think about: scoreman's version of 2m12 doesn't sound like it was recorded in a tube like the version on the 41-track version did. Also, the amounts of amplification, and silences before and after each track vary greatly (okay, the silences more so than the amplification). Also, "7m62 V2 - Blackbeard's Demise" is mostly silence. I guess the bit of music that's actually in the track is probably meant as an overlay on one of the other versions. Oh yeah, it is. I noticed it was missing from "7m62 - Blackbeard's Demise".

And one of the other Blackbeard's Demise tracks is just lifted from "Hello Beastie" from PotC2. And still another is one of the cues lifted from the track "At Wit's End" from PotC3. Boy, I'm glad they didn't use that one--it's got Davy Jones written all over it. However, Davy Jones' theme does make an appearance the tracks that were clearly written by John Sponsler and Tom Gire, which also happen to be remixes of "Jar of Dirt" from PotC2 and "Maelstrom" from PotC3--"Carriage Chase," "Battle For The Fountain of Youth Pt1 V3," and (my favorite) "The Battle Continues". So if you like action music brought to you by Magic Box Music, these are the tracks to listen to.

To those saying this score could largely be reproduced from material in the previous movies, keep in mind we don't have a complete score to those movies, so if you really wanted to reconstruct PotC4, you'd have to have SFX in it. Someone tell me how it would be possible to reconstruct the majority of "4m34-4m36 - Mermaids Appear - Mermaids Attack" (yeah, part of it reuses Beckett's end from AWE) or, heck, the Opening for that matter. Yes, while they did reuse a lot of themes and arrangements from past films, they also spiced up those arrangements to give them a different flavor, not to mention, they did in fact write at least three definitive new themes for this film: Mermaids, Angelica, and Blackbeard.

One more thing: I can't name this track, because there's 106 of them and I've only listened to most of the new ones once, but toward the end of the score, a large portion of the opening scene to PotC1 is present in one track. This is an excellent example of my above statements. This is the first time that much of the first cue to CotBP is available, so yes although it is reused from then, we now have it sans SFX.

Pondering over (maybe).

II. Bootleg download links

Well, here's this link to basically the majority of bootlegs out there:

Pirates of the Caribbean Isabella's OST Collection (Thread 90331)

Here's a recent one for DMC posted by cheeseparty67 that is not under isabela's collection:

Pirates Caribbean Dead Man's Chest Expanded Score (Thread 91769)

And here are links to The Dimensioner's edits:

Dead Man's Chest Complete Bootleg Score (Thread 78896)
Pirates At World's End Complete Bootleg Score (Thread 84037)
Pirates At World's End Complete Bootleg Score - REVISED AND UPDATED (Thread 94868)

Pirates: On Stranger Tides film versions:


III. Other people their work


On Stranger Tides demo's

the courtroom v1
the paddy wagon sting onto the paddy wagon v1
jack's escape v1
imposter swordfight v2
meet angelica angelica jack bicker v2
british attack v2
spanish ingnore barbossa with at the end spanish still ingnore barbossa
blackbeard's entrance mutineers hanged v1
blackbeard's cabin v3
barbossa having tea alt fix

The Dimensioner
09-04-2011, 02:10 PM
Well, here's this link to basically the majority of bootlegs out there: Pirates of the Caribbean Isabella's OST Collection (Thread 90331)

Here's a recent one for DMC posted by cheeseparty67 that is not under isabela's collection: Pirates Caribbean Dead Man's Chest Expanded Score (Thread 91769)

And here are links to my edits.
Dead Man's Chest Complete Bootleg Score (Thread 78896)
Pirates At World's End Complete Bootleg Score (Thread 84037)
Pirates At World's End Complete Bootleg Score - REVISED AND UPDATED (Thread 94868)

I can post links to the slightly different expanded scores that I believe jediknight12 posted just earlier the past week which are mostly slight variations of everything else already found in isabela's thread. I also have complete documentation of where and when all available material can be found for both DMC and AWE and what order the OSTs are arranged in. I might have a document for PotC4 as well. I've started an in-depth analysis of the structure of the whole score for Dead Man's Chest but it had been a while since I've worked on it largely due to school work.

09-04-2011, 02:17 PM
Pirates of the caribbean On stranger Tides film version
Thread 94727

09-04-2011, 02:35 PM
I also have complete documentation of where and when all available material can be found for both DMC and AWE and what order the OSTs are arranged in. I might have a document for PotC4 as well. I've started an in-depth analysis of the structure of the whole score for Dead Man's Chest but it had been a while since I've worked on it largely due to school work.

Yes, post it here! This is the place!

09-04-2011, 02:41 PM
I'm making a Dead Man's Chest Expanded Score at the moment. There is never a 'complete' bootleg. The same goes with Star Wars. Some music wasn't even used in the film. Sadly i don't have sheet music from POTC but i think i can arrange a trade.

Did anyone notice the difference in 2m08a from the film version?

Listen carefully to 8:03 of this video (made by me):

And now listen carefully to 3:06 of this video (also made by me):

The first video uses the demo's, the other one the film version ripped from the dvd rip.

The Dimensioner
09-04-2011, 02:42 PM
On Geoff Zanelli's now-dead site, two cues both for DMC and AWE could be found. From DMC, there was "Cannibal Island" and a slightly extended version of "Tia Dalma". There may have been another Cannibal-related track, but I'm fairly certain there wasn't.

From AWE, there was "Seduction" and a slightly extended version of "Calypso". There were a couple tracks for CotBP, but they were all from the OST. These tracks and many more can be found here: Music from the website of Geoff Zanelii (Thread 79042)

Magic Box Music's Virtual Resume has several tracks to the second, third, and fourth Pirates films.
From Pirates 2, they have the tracks, "Wheel of Fortune" (which is slightly clipped from the OST version), "Jar of Dirt", "Beckett Compass/Drunk Jack", and "Dutchman Arrival".

From Pirates 3, they have the tracks, "Victory!" (the first cue from the OST track "One Day"), "Maelstrom", "Will & Sao Feng", and "Jones & Jack," which is the film version intro of the second cue from the OST track, "I Don't Think Now is the Best Time".

From Pirates 4, they have the tracks, "Imposter Swordfight", "Fry the Cook" (which is the third cue from the Blackbeard OST track), "Mutiny", "Spanish Camp", "Battle Montage", "Blackbeard's Demise" (which is the second cue from the Blackbeard OST track), and "Jack & Gibbs".

At one point, a long time ago, Trevor Morris had the track "The Haunted Dress to Tortuga" from DMC on his website but it no longer there. I hear some of the other unreleased material from DMC came from websites that are now long gone. A short cue from CotBP can be found on Klaus Badelt's (apparently) new website. But this track was already available from the movie's DVD menus. The vast majority of unreleased material for CotBP originates from the DVD menus.

All of the MBM tracks have been ripped and posted in their own threads, but I don't have those links at hand. Also, there is a buttload of threads pertaining to available Pirates 4 material, but at least three of them were shut down by the infamous CaptainJackSparrow.

EDIT: Yes, it seems everyone is making an expanded DMC score, at the moment. Yours won't be much more or less than the others I posted links to, especially if you go off the list I post. What do you mean sheet music? Like sheet music to unreleased cues? That you could reorchestrate yourself?

09-04-2011, 02:45 PM
I also think that they recorded with Rodrigo and Gabriella before the score was recorded with the orchestra (thus after the score was orchestrated). They also recorded the choir before they recorded with the orchestra.

I agree Zimmer's sample library is good, but it can't be THAT good.

09-04-2011, 06:00 PM

The Dimensioner
09-04-2011, 08:46 PM
1. I�ve Got My Eye on You - Cue 1 (0:00-1:30)
2. I�ve Got My Eye on You - Cue 2 (1:30-end. There�s just a short pause between these, so I don�t know if it�s worth splitting up.)
3. Jack Sparrow (first 40 seconds only; intro plays three times instead of two: just the first two seconds; mixes into unreleased stuff.)
4. Beckett Compass (came from some Hans Zimmer site around the time of the score�s release. I�m not really sure because I missed it. In the movie there are a few seconds clipped out in two places. It�s probably only available in 320kbps mp3. CORRECTION: this is available on the Magic Box Music site under their Virtual Resume.)
5. You Look Good Jack (although there are two segments in the track that use different orchestration in the film.)
6. Cannibal Island � Cue 2 (0:48-end. It�s credited to Geoff Zanelli, but I�m pretty sure it wasn�t on the website that is now down.)
7. Cannibal Island � Cue 1 (0:00-0:48. Alternatively, this is the same cue that is on the OST, Dinner is Served, 0:00-0:48, only it sounds slightly different. If you wanted a proper end to this cue, you�d have to use DVD audio.)
8. Elizabeth Escapes (incomplete cue, recorded from a DVD menu.)
9. Dinner is Served � Cue 2 (0:48-end. Unreleased music plays before it jumps into this, although most of it is just cannibals chanting and dancing.)
10. Bone Cages (Geoff Zanelli piece that came off the site that is now down. It�s divided into 3 cues, but unreleased music plays between them so there isn�t much of a point to split them up.)
11. Tia Dalma (The original track is divided into cues at 0:00-0:24�expanded clip not included, 0:24-1:29, and 1:29-end. Various unreleased cues appear between the breaks, so there isn�t much point to splitting them since they will be played one after another anyway.)
12. The Flying Dutchman Arrives (another cue released on a site long gone, now only available in 320kbps mp3. CORRECTION: this is available on the Magic Box Music site under their Virtual Resume. It is by no means the whole cue, though�or even what it sounds like in the film. Recently I've discovered that what was posted there is labeled as a demo.)
13. The Haunted Dress to Tortuga (short cue written by Trevor Morris. I don�t think it�s on his site anymore.)
14. Two Hornpipes
15. James Norrington (some short cue that I�ve only seen on the Extended Experience set. I don�t know where it came from, but it fades directly into the following cue. They are considered one track as far as I'm concerned.)
16. Davy Jones Plays His Organ (the actual film version of the cue has not surfaced yet; instead the organ solo from the end credits can be substituted for a similar sound. Alternatively, you could include the Davy Jones suite from the OST here.)
17. A Family Affair (one of the only OST tracks unaffected; it plays exactly how it does on the OST.)
18. The Game of Liar�s Dice (30-second clip recorded from the DVD menu. The cue is within a much larger unreleased track.)
19. Summon the Kraken/The Kraken Hammer (yet another cue whose origins I do not know; only available in mp3 form. You�ll have to use the version from the Extended Experience)
20. Kraken Attack on the Edinburgh (clips from The Kraken suite can be used to resemble this although there are still some missing parts, and the film as completely different orchestration. See the Extended Experience version. Alternatively, you could include the whole Kraken suite here.)
21. [A cue I named �What You Want Most�] (The Extended Experience includes a direct recording from the DVD audio because it has very little SFX�extracted audio has even less SFX. The second cue here reuses Summon the Kraken except in the film it has slightly different orchestration and a different ending. It fades into yet a third cue whose origins are unknown. All of this can be found in track 16 of the Extended Experience.)
22. Wheel of Fortune (another untouched cue from the OST, although the film has slightly different orchestration. However, that could be due to compression.)
23. Jar of Dirt (this is available on the Magic Box Music site under their Virtual Resume. The movie features slightly different orchestration and the last segment of the music has electric guitar noise overlaid on top of it.)
24. Hello Beastie � Cue 1(0:00-3:21)
25. Hello Beastie � Cue 2 (3:21-end)
26. End Credits (DVD rip I suppose)

The large majority of both the Jack Sparrow suite and The Kraken suite are unused apart from being featured in the credits. Motifs from the Jack Sparrow suite occur more, but they just sound so different. Several arrangements from themes used in the Curse of the Black Pearl also occur.


09-04-2011, 09:51 PM
great analysis of all the available material for dmc do know what is missing from the complete score you did for dmc

The Dimensioner
09-04-2011, 10:09 PM
Are you asking me what I know is missing from my "complete" score? Yes, yes I do.

09-04-2011, 10:40 PM
yes what is missing from your complete score

09-06-2011, 04:05 PM
What do you mean sheet music? Like sheet music to unreleased cues? That you could reorchestrate yourself?

I believe not everyone here knows what orchestrating is. It is not letting the music be played by an orchestra.

---------- Post added at 05:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:04 PM ----------

I updated the main post!

The Dimensioner
09-06-2011, 05:30 PM
Hey, you just copied and pasted all of my posts into your main post. I don't really know if people needed to see all that information twice, especially if some of it was me personally talking to you.

09-06-2011, 06:20 PM
Hey, you just copied and pasted all of my posts into your main post. I don't really know if people needed to see all that information twice, especially if some of it was me personally talking to you.

Well i deleted the personal talking now.

---------- Post added at 07:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:16 PM ----------


Well, imagine there are two versions of a cue: one with an electric guitar, one without.

That is an example of different orchestration.

The Dimensioner
09-06-2011, 07:11 PM
Well, if you updated your main post, it should seem like I ought to just edit all mine to be blank. Starting a thread to collect info from different people works, but only if you use it as is. If you continually update your first post, that makes the entirety of the rest of the thread obsolete--which I didn't think was the point; maybe I'm wrong. You copied everything that I said and it almost gives the appearance that it is all information you've provided.

If I continue to post here, section III will nearly be blank--and all of my work will take up your first post as well as all my posts, duplicating all info.

09-06-2011, 07:20 PM
Well, if you updated your main post, it should seem like I ought to just edit all mine to be blank. Starting a thread to collect info from different people works, but only if you use it as is. If you continually update your first post, that makes the entirety of the rest of the thread obsolete--which I didn't think was the point; maybe I'm wrong. You copied everything that I said and it almost gives the appearance that it is all information you've provided.

If I continue to post here, section III will nearly be blank--and all of my work will take up your first post as well as all my posts, duplicating all info.

WHAT? Section 2 is clearly titled "The Dimensioner's Work"!

---------- Post added at 08:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:19 PM ----------

All valuable information should be edited into the main post and all the discussion should take place here in the thread. All valuable information inside the discussion posts will be edited into the main post.

07-03-2012, 03:58 AM
Does anyone have the Dead Man's Chest extended experience? I've been trying to find it but I'm not having any luck.

07-03-2012, 07:19 AM

Did anyone notic that the track titled "Wheel of Fortune" on Lorne Balfe's Website is actually "Climbing Up" (which precedes "Bone Cages")?
Direkt Download Link (


07-03-2012, 07:48 AM

Did anyone notic that the track titled "Wheel of Fortune" on Lorne Balfe's Website is actually "Climbing Up" (which precedes "Bone Cages")?
Direkt Download Link (

Can you also post a link to the beckett track he has for At worlds end?

07-03-2012, 08:21 AM
Can you also post a link to the beckett track he has for At worlds end?

Beckett Direkt Link (

08-13-2012, 10:19 PM
so would it be too much to ask for download links for the Geoff music?