The Dimensioner
08-21-2010, 02:58 PM
Hey, guys, this is my first soundtrack upload. It is a �PotC: Dead Man�s Chest Complete Score� that I�ve been working on for probably close to a year now. It does contain SFX but it is more complete and is much higher quality then some of the others out there. I guarantee that there is less than a minute of music that I couldn�t include on the score. In my final review of the score, I went through all three discs one last time. Between some of the tracks there was a skip that I heard when listening to them on my iPod. Other than that, all songs play smoothly through; nothing skips or is cutout. Enjoy!

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest Complete Score
MP3 192kbps | 48 Tracks | Length: 2:43:22 | 231 MB | Bootleg/Complete

Dead Man's Chest Complete Score (

And here is an expanded mini-album! Once I had gone through all of the tracks, I realized that some weren't quite right. There are 10 additional tracks included here, and each one is unique--read the .txt file for an explanation of each.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - Alternate/Complete Tracks
( By the_dimensionalist at 2010-12-21)
MP3 192kbps | 10 Tracks | Length: 0:29:44 | 40.8 MB | Alternate/Complete

Alternate/Complete Tracks (

08-21-2010, 03:58 PM

08-21-2010, 08:47 PM
this is the best i've heard this score yet great work even the sfx that you hear aren't that bad you still can hear every piece of music if you can do this to at world's end like you did dead man's chest that would be great

The Dimensioner
08-21-2010, 09:34 PM
this is the best i've heard this score yet great work even the sfx that you hear aren't that bad you still can hear every piece of music if you can do this to at world's end like you did dead man's chest that would be great

OH, you will be BLOWN away by my At World's End score. Previously, it was completely done, until I found some unreleased material hidden across the Bonus Features DVD. It is in the works now, but it may still be a while.

If you're interested, my next complete score that will go up is Series of Unfortunate Events, by Thomas Newman.

10-02-2010, 04:02 AM
OH, you will be BLOWN away by my At World's End score. Previously, it was completely done, until I found some unreleased material hidden across the Bonus Features DVD. It is in the works now, but it may still be a while.

If you're interested, my next complete score that will go up is Series of Unfortunate Events, by Thomas Newman.

Can't wait!!!

The Dimensioner
11-10-2010, 03:45 AM
To the few who actually follow my works: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service ( I've already made a better version of this track with fewer SFX. Sorry if I've already posted this somewhere else. [Insert generic comment of praise toward Hans Zimmer here.]

11-12-2010, 08:28 PM
I couldn't figure out how to private message you (which is why I tried a friend request), and I don't think the board will let me access that feature. All I wanted to say is that I think this edit is great and I was wondering if you're still working on At World's End, and if you are, when might we see it done?

11-12-2010, 08:30 PM
The PM facility isn't enabled until you've posted around 10 public messages.

The Dimensioner
11-12-2010, 09:22 PM
I couldn't figure out how to private message you (which is why I tried a friend request), and I don't think the board will let me access that feature. All I wanted to say is that I think this edit is great and I was wondering if you're still working on At World's End, and if you are, when might we see it done?

bishtyboshty is completely right. I apologize and should have thought of that sooner. You can't send anyone messages until you've posted on the forums ten times. Seeing now that you are a Pirates fan, I would be very welcome to have you as a friend. At World's End might possibly me even more awesome-er than the last time I talked about it earlier in this thread. I would estimate that roughly 20 seconds or less of the music from the movie isn't on its score. I am aiming to get it up before Christmas. I've had over a year to work on it, and with my discovery of a bunch of unreleased music from the Bonus DVD, I've had to go back and revise quite a few songs.

I'm also working on different/more complete version of a few songs from Dead Man's Chest that I should have uploaded here in a couple weeks. Stay posted!

11-20-2010, 03:43 PM
Great news! I'd love to see At World's End before the new year if it's finished in time. Definitely my favorite Pirates score (and one of Zimmer's all-time best, IMO).

11-29-2010, 10:37 PM
Thank you very much for this! I'll be waiting for At World's End! :D

11-29-2010, 10:45 PM
I'll be waiting for At World's End!

11-30-2010, 10:48 AM
Thanks!!! :)

The Dimensioner
12-24-2010, 03:56 AM
Check my first post to see an additional mini-album for this score that includes alternate tracks as well as forgotten cues. Also, if anyone wants the corrected tracks for the main soundtrack that don't have clicks (see my profile announcement), just tell me and I'll post the link.

12-30-2010, 10:47 PM
It's good to see other DVD rippers out there who put this much effort into a release. Many many thanks!

The Dimensioner
02-26-2011, 02:32 PM
I am sure no one is going to read this post as a lot of my threads quickly fall into obscurity, but I have an offer. Would anyone be interested in an even larger score for this film? I went back and found I'd left out several cues--even more than what's in the additional score attached here. So I merged that one with the main score to produce one linear score with tons of alternate tracks. It is nine tracks longer and around 20 minutes longer.

02-26-2011, 03:12 PM
Bring it on...

02-26-2011, 03:29 PM
i would be interested in it

02-26-2011, 05:52 PM
I am interested!! Thanks in advance!!

02-26-2011, 06:28 PM
This is such an awesome all of the "Pirates" scores are.

06-18-2011, 03:45 AM
I would definitely be interested in that. Just downloaded this and your At World's End one. Haven't listened yet, but thank you for making these.

06-18-2011, 03:47 AM
I am sure no one is going to read this post as a lot of my threads quickly fall into obscurity, but I have an offer. Would anyone be interested in an even larger score for this film? I went back and found I'd left out several cues--even more than what's in the additional score attached here. So I merged that one with the main score to produce one linear score with tons of alternate tracks. It is nine tracks longer and around 20 minutes longer.

Any new stuff is always welcome! :D

06-18-2011, 04:05 AM
love new POTC stuff. :)

09-05-2011, 10:30 PM

09-06-2011, 01:23 AM
Fantastic work Dimensioner! Loving the effort you put into all of these, credit where it's due, you deserve praise :)

The Dimensioner
09-06-2011, 01:28 AM
Don't shy away from using the rep button, now, ya hear! lol. It is the thumbs up button on the bottom right side of every post--and it is far under-used.

09-06-2011, 02:38 AM
have some rep then. :)

and thanks for this cool share! :D


sorry, rep tanks empty got it all spent last time it seems. be back for that maybe later :)

10-09-2011, 03:29 PM
Great work here and is this your major post for DMC so far or is there another thread?

The Dimensioner
11-24-2011, 03:57 PM
Heeyyyyyy....Does anybody have any suggestions on what I/we could do about this: TwoAndAHalfMenFreak7's Channel - YouTube ( Among tracks from the Batman recording sessions and poorly edited DVD rips from Lord of the Rings, this guy has my entire edit of DMC uploaded to his YouTube channel, without so much as a single credit--And he's even renamed most of the tracks! I'm just thankful that his videos aren't really popular, else he be stealing all my hard work.

11-24-2011, 05:35 PM
Definitely write a strongly worded e-mail or message. People cannot get away with things like that.

When dealing with Youtube, a lot of people already assume that the uploaders work is his own, and by renaming the tracks he is pushing that point even more. You definitely need to make sure you get credit at least.

11-24-2011, 06:32 PM
If I were in your shoes, I don't know if I would be flattered that someone took my work, or pissed. Probably pissed, that's what I'm leaning towards. I think you can contact YouTube and tell the it's plagiarism and ask him where it came from, I don't know......

On a totally unrelated note, Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

(at least to everyone here in the land of the free and the home of the brave :))

11-24-2011, 08:20 PM
Heeyyyyyy....Does anybody have any suggestions on what I/we could do about this: TwoAndAHalfMenFreak7's Channel - YouTube ( Among tracks from the Batman recording sessions and poorly edited DVD rips from Lord of the Rings, this guy has my entire edit of DMC uploaded to his YouTube channel, without so much as a single credit--And he's even renamed most of the tracks! I'm just thankful that his videos aren't really popular, else he be stealing all my hard work.

I do have a suggestion, but you already know it...

Grow up !

The Dimensioner
11-25-2011, 12:07 AM
No, I don't already know it. What do you mean by "grow up"? You're saying it's childish to say that someone stole something from me and I'm not getting the credit that belongs to me?

I think there are some serious issues involved in here. I don't really know where I stand in all this because the music doesn't rightfully "belong" to me either, but that guy should at least be giving credit to where he got the music. NoFateButWhatWeMake has several good points: typically you see a YouTube video by someone and you assume if it's something you can't find in many other places that that must be its origin. And the jerk has renamed several of the tracks! Somebody else tell me here: do I really need to grow up or should I try to get those videos taken down.

I looked into it when I first saw it and it looks like there's a lot of paperwork and forms you have to fill out. Then you communicate with YouTube, and it sounds like real legal issues could arise, but like I said, it isn't strictly my music--I'm just the one who put in over a full year's work to produce an edit of that magnitude. It's no better than what Mark G. did to us--he also stole music from my edits and then denied that he did it.

11-25-2011, 11:04 AM
Take my own edits and do whatever you want with those. That's what I'm shouting to my screen when I upload some hard work I gave to a score. I always take care to give credits and to detail all my sources, but I don't watch around to "protect" my babies. I hate mp3's for exemple and I'd be disappointed to find my work in that form, but I have a life and so I'm not watching the net to find out if it exists. At least it seems your work is appreciated, so just smile, you have no choice.

And I said you already knew cause I once said to you in a similar case that your work is not yours anymore once you posted it. Just rely on clever people and let go the others. Now if someone sells it, your rant may be useful as an alert. But in that Youtube it's rather pointless to my eyes, and even tiring.

02-15-2012, 08:56 PM
Can someone re-upload this? I�m getting really tiered of asking the same question on threads...
for the first time I feel a big HATE to MEGAUPLOAD.
Thanks in advance.

The Dimensioner
02-15-2012, 09:28 PM
No, I probably will not be re-uploading this until we know for sure that our butts will be safe. How'd you miss this the first time around--the whole year or more that it was available?

I guess this doesn't stop anyone else from re-uploading my edit. Besides, it's all over YouTube by now, anyway. Just check under TwoAndAHalfMenFreak7's YouTube channel. He's got my whole edit chopped down into shorter cues with names he came up with and didn't give me credit anywhere.

02-15-2012, 09:38 PM
Yeah. I found TwoAndAHalfMenFreak7's YouTube channel while I was looking for some unreleased cues from the pirates movies.
I knew those tracks sounded familiar...

The Dimensioner
02-15-2012, 09:41 PM
So, you've already got this, then?

02-16-2012, 06:55 PM
I used to have it until my old computer died with all of my information. I might have it in a hard drive though, I need to check.
I can�t check right now though since my hard drive is being shipped to South America, which is where I�m living at now.

02-16-2012, 07:04 PM
I think generally you are going to find some reluctance to re-up for the time being. That is why I chose a couple threads to dedicate to, and mostly leave the rest. And some are doing others. But I gotta say, in this case, if the OP does not want to post it, I don't feel it is my place to supercede that...

02-16-2012, 07:24 PM

03-01-2012, 05:53 PM
can you re-upload this please

---------- Post added at 10:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:52 AM ----------

can you re-upload this please

The Dimensioner
03-01-2012, 06:24 PM
can you re-upload this please

---------- Post added at 10:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:52 AM ----------

can you re-upload this please

No, I probably will not be re-uploading this until we know for sure that our butts will be safe. How'd you miss this the first time around--the whole year or more that it was available?

I guess this doesn't stop anyone else from re-uploading my edit. Besides, it's all over YouTube by now, anyway. Just check under TwoAndAHalfMenFreak7's YouTube channel. He's got my whole edit chopped down into shorter cues with names he came up with and didn't give me credit anywhere.

Learn to read something other than the first post of a thread.

03-29-2012, 04:29 PM
No, I probably will not be re-uploading this until we know for sure that our butts will be safe. How'd you miss this the first time around--the whole year or more that it was available?

I guess this doesn't stop anyone else from re-uploading my edit. Besides, it's all over YouTube by now, anyway. Just check under TwoAndAHalfMenFreak7's YouTube channel. He's got my whole edit chopped down into shorter cues with names he came up with and didn't give me credit anywhere.

Problem is, I don't want the LQ edit. Let him upload and let YouTube ban his channel. There are more people who need you more than him, including me. I want the HQ ones you have, and I won't get LQ, renamed tracks from YouTube.
Why I missed them? Probably because I wanted it at the wrong time.
I would very much appreciate it if you reupload them. That would save me and more people from searching to the last Google page.

The Dimensioner
03-29-2012, 05:18 PM
Oh...does LQ stand for low quality? I was trying to figure that out before I posted anything. It's not like my edit was that high of quality. I mean, I sourced all the OST material from my 128kbps mp3 rip of the CD (not to mention, then exported it as 192kbps; it was before I understood audio quality) and all of the unreleased stuff from composers' websites had their already decreased quality worsened further. If that jerk selected the right quality options, I don't think his videos could be much worse quality than my original edits. If you want my stuff that bad, just rip it from YouTube. I've never liked my edits on a lot of the cues from this movie, so at one point, I started revising stuff. My new edit ended with more SFX in it than this edit!

I don't plan on uploading my revised edit until/if we get a legitimately expanded release of the score like we did for PotC 1 and 3 last fall. I'm also not re-uploading any of my old edits or possibly uploading anything new due to: 1) the crackdown on MegaUpload, 2) people like Mark G and TwoAndAHalfMenFreak who think it's okay to steal my work, 3) the imbalanced downloads/thank yous ratio, 4) the obliviousness of some of the people who have absolutely no idea how many months or even years I put into works. Sorry if that all sounds selfish or doesn't fit the belief systems of others, but that's the way I feel it has to be for a while.

You know? When I started posting stuff on this forum, I had originally hoped to engage in deep intellectual conversations with people about the structure and themes of these scores. By providing a common medium for all to listen to (my edits), we would have an easy time describing which tracks contained what themes and what those themes meant. I was sorely wrong. Perhaps I should have looked to the rarely visited discussion forums instead.

03-29-2012, 07:18 PM
I don't plan on uploading my revised edit until/if we get a legitimately expanded release of the score like we did for PotC 1 and 3 last fall. I'm also not re-uploading any of my old edits or possibly uploading anything new due to: 1) the crackdown on MegaUpload, 2) people like Mark G and TwoAndAHalfMenFreak who think it's okay to steal my work, 3) the imbalanced downloads/thank yous ratio, 4) the obliviousness of some of the people who have absolutely no idea how many months or even years I put into works. Sorry if that all sounds selfish or doesn't fit the belief systems of others, but that's the way I feel it has to be for a while.

Best reason ever, that's how I feel. Although I can't say anything about a DVD rip. I have tried it several times and just get so frustrated and stop before I take my rage out on someone or something I love lol

03-30-2012, 07:26 PM
Yes, it does. LQ = Low Quality. HQ = High Quality.
Well, I can't be bothered to convert them with one by one, and renaming all the tracks to the original name.
That's alright. You have your reasons, and I can finally understand them.
Well, most people download when they see download links. I am an example since my username says everything about my purpose to sign in. You don't find a lot of composers over here. I myself am hopeless at music.
Maybe you can start a specific topic about it.

05-06-2012, 12:27 AM
I have a question. I've made a no-sfx edit (well, minimal-sfx to be more precise) of the heroic version of He's a Pirate tune when Jack returns to save everybody (you can listen to it here ( Is anybody interested in flac/mp3 versions of that? It's only 26 seconds long and I'm not planning to make edits of any other tunes, so... if yes, where should I post the link? In this thread or create a new one?

The Dimensioner
05-06-2012, 12:41 AM
Aw, you don't need to make a thread for a 30-second cue. Just post it here. Quality isn't a big thing for me, personally, but I'll bet other people might prefer it in FLAC.

That sounds really awesome, to be completely honest! It would be pretty cool if you could do more of the missing action music from the end of Dead Man's Chest. How long did it take you to do that mix?

The Dimensioner
05-06-2012, 12:58 AM
Or...How long did it take you to get the SFX down to minimal level? I've been starting to see, er, hear more of this around these parts: minimal or zero SFX in audio that originated from a DVD or Blu-Ray.

05-06-2012, 01:02 AM - Flac version - MP3 version(320 kbps)

It took me 4 hours... Maybe 5. Something along those lines. Lots of re-arranging and experimenting. There's still room to improve, but it would be incredibly time consuming and time is something I don't have much right now :) Used Blu-Ray's LPCM 5.1 tracks as a source. I know OST has a 7.1 track, don't know if DMC has one in the new March 2011 Ultimate Trilogy release. It would be incredibly awesome if it did, I bet I'd be able to make a better mix with that.

The Dimensioner
05-06-2012, 01:14 AM really did just use the Blu-Ray's audio, eh? How did you do it? I have been apparently left back in the caveman era of DVD audio rips, in which the only tools I have at my disposal are an extractor that gets the audio in six separate channels, and then an editor like Audacity which gets used to mix tracks and use substitution (in multiple ways) to reduce SFX--check out the link in my signature, if you're curious to learn more. I don't have a Blu-Ray player for my computer so I'm stuck with lousy, low-quality DVD audio. Not that getting a player would help me much--I don't even own many Blu-Rays, lol!

Just recently, I've come across a way to get longer fade-outs for tracks that cut out too shortly, and I've also discovered that by using Adobe Audition's spectral view, I can "see" the audio. In a piece I was working on recently, I could "see" birds' and insects' calls embedded in the audio, and using either Audition's healing brush (I think) or just going in and deleting chunks of the audio, I can cut out some SFX. However, the more I cut out, the worse the distortion is.

Your nice edit here shows no sign of distortion, and I can also hear the SFX you were describing in the video's description. What programs or processes did you run that audio through to get such a clean edit, if that's no secret?

Like I said above, I've only ever worked with 5.1 surround sound. I'd like to agree with you that if we got, well, any movie's audio in 7.1 sound, a whole new door of possibilities could open up. Just take a listen to Metrotokyo's TRON: Legacy edit.

05-06-2012, 01:29 AM
The reason why there's no distortion is because I didn't do anything to actually 'remove' the SFX. That was one of the first things I tried to do and I wasn't happy with it at all. I prefer 'little sfx but normal music' to 'absolutely no sfx but weird sound'

So what I ended up doing is combining front and back channel music to get the cleanest no-sfx sound possible (and also there are places where cues are re-used, so I could find ways to make less sfx noise by replacing an sfx-filled cue with the same or similar cue from other part of the music which didn't have sfx on it). So, that way I got the main part of the track. Of course, I had to adjust the sound of the back channel music and enhance it to remove the 'echoy' feel the DMC back channel music has. Now, the back channel music doesn't have any drums (luckily for me, it had all the other instruments, so that's good), so I had to manually put them in when necessary. There was also a few spots where I had to put sound from one channel to another channel, but to avoid the 'mono' feel that would arise from that (since both channels would contain the exact same sound), I moved those cues just a tiny little bit to create an illusion of it being actual stereo.

I used Sony Vegas Pro, which is primarily a video editing software, but it's got really good audio-editing capabilities and it served my purpose well.

The Dimensioner
05-06-2012, 01:47 AM
Huh...that's what I suspected after I listened to it a couple more times. It's still a really fantastic edit, and I can see how you could have spent 4 or 5 hours on it! And it's also totally understandable that you aren't satisfied with it (I read the comment you left under the video)--I'm the same way about my edits. And I've actually done this same style of editing on a short cue in "A Series of Unfortunate Events".

There's this one film version insert of a cue that sounds pretty close to a bit that's on the soundtrack, but not quite. The cue can be divided up into short chunks much like this one you did work on, and that allows for rearrangement and replacement. There were some bits in it that are not in the score, so I had to use DVD audio for those bits. Unfortunately, those bits are also where you can here crickets chirping. So that's when I brought the bit of DVD audio into Adobe Audition and deleted out the crickets. I'd say it took me a good 45 minutes just for my first version of the edit! And it could still use some revision!

And you made it with a video editing program?! That makes it that much more impressive, lol!

05-06-2012, 01:51 AM
Thanks. :)

Well, professional video editing programs have all the tools necessary to create a professional audio mix (and more), and what I was doing was essentially an audio mix. I hope I'll be able to create an improved version someday.

EDIT: I was hoping to find the heroic He's a Pirate theme in LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean (since other PotC games don't have it), but no luck. :( That's a shame, taking un-released music from games works for Star Wars :D

The Dimensioner
05-21-2012, 06:27 PM
EDIT: I was hoping to find the heroic He's a Pirate theme in LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean (since other PotC games don't have it), but no luck. :( That's a shame, taking un-released music from games works for Star Wars :D

I never saw this additional edit to your last post or else I would have commented sooner. I also had a small hope that they Lego game might feature unreleased music since that's the case for Lego Star Wars, and Lego Indiana Jones as well (I think). It is not the case for Lego Harry Potter. Lego HP does use some other stock music and Lego Pirates uses some music that apparently came from an unreleased Pirates game.

I know OST has a 7.1 track, don't know if DMC has one in the new March 2011 Ultimate Trilogy release. It would be incredibly awesome if it did, I bet I'd be able to make a better mix with that.

I've just done some research and it looks like On Stranger Tides is the only one available in 7.1. I can't find any evidence that the original trilogy is available in 7.1, which is a shame. I think I read that, at least for Disney movies, only movies released after Toy Story 3 are available in 7.1. I'm still considering buying a Blu-Ray player but without Pirates, I'm not sure what else I could use it with. I'm a bit curious about Transformers 3, though.

07-04-2012, 06:29 PM
Can you please re-upload this? cuz Megaupload is down.

The Dimensioner
07-05-2012, 01:08 AM

07-05-2012, 01:37 AM


08-04-2012, 03:52 PM
omg I want this too, it's almost 3 hours long! Any knight on a white horse to reupload this and save us from the pain and agony? :D

The Dimensioner
08-04-2012, 04:37 PM
I have not given anyone permission to re-upload it. You're out of luck unless you go to YouTube.

08-13-2012, 03:05 PM
Could you reupload the Pirates 2 and 3 on somewhere else? Megaupload kinda doesn't work... ;)

The Dimensioner
08-14-2012, 02:32 PM
Could you reupload the Pirates 2 and 3 on somewhere else? Megaupload kinda doesn't work... ;)

09-08-2012, 01:50 AM
I have not given anyone permission to re-upload it. You're out of luck unless you go to YouTube.

Why does no one have permission to re-upload it? :(

09-08-2012, 01:54 AM
Why does no one have permission to re-upload it? :(

I will repeat here what I stated in the At World's End thread:

Who told you that no one is permitted to upload it? Where did you see this? The Dimensioner never stated that. There is absolutely nothing from preventing me or anyone else who has this from uploading it. But nobody who has it will, out of respect for The Dimensioner. People have stolen his hard work and put it on YouTube and claimed it as their own. I wanna say that it's copyright, but I can't, because this is technically Zimmer's work, not his. But you get what I mean. The Dimensioner put a lot of time (A LOT) and effort into this, and then he sees it on YouTube...imagine, how you would feel?


I stand corrected, he did state no one was to upload it. However, I am right in the fact that John Doe can just show up and re-upload it. However, out of respect, nobody will

The Dimensioner
09-08-2012, 02:14 AM
However, I am right in the fact that John Doe can just show up and re-upload it. However, out of respect, nobody will

09-13-2012, 03:52 AM
I will repeat here what I stated in the At World's End thread:

Who told you that no one is permitted to upload it? Where did you see this? The Dimensioner never stated that. There is absolutely nothing from preventing me or anyone else who has this from uploading it. But nobody who has it will, out of respect for The Dimensioner. People have stolen his hard work and put it on YouTube and claimed it as their own. I wanna say that it's copyright, but I can't, because this is technically Zimmer's work, not his. But you get what I mean. The Dimensioner put a lot of time (A LOT) and effort into this, and then he sees it on YouTube...imagine, how you would feel?


I stand corrected, he did state no one was to upload it. However, I am right in the fact that John Doe can just show up and re-upload it. However, out of respect, nobody will

I'm wondering why he stated that no one is permitted to re-upload it. It doesn't make much sense, and as long as they credit him, what's the big deal? People who don't credit him aren't likely to ask his permission anyway.

The Dimensioner
09-13-2012, 12:54 PM
I'm wondering why he stated that no one is permitted to re-upload it. It doesn't make much sense, and as long as they credit him, what's the big deal? People who don't credit him aren't likely to ask his permission anyway.

You're talking about me as though I'm one of those members who has for the most part left the forum and become negligent to any and all requests and comments. I'm still here and I still watch out for any activity in my threads. It seems they are all getting more activity asking for re-uploads then they ever had for anything else. I explained it here: Pretty much, it's a personal choice.

09-24-2012, 09:06 PM
Hello! I'm new here, I tried to download your album but I can't seem to find a download button? I clicked on your image and can't seem to find anywhere to download it? Helo?

---------- Post added at 03:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:06 PM ----------

Hello! I'm new here, I tried to download your album but I can't seem to find a download button? I clicked on your image and can't seem to find anywhere to download it? Help?

07-16-2013, 02:17 PM
Sorry to bring up an old topic, but is there any chance of a re-up please? Thanks!

07-18-2013, 12:10 AM
Second request for a re-up. Thanks in advance.

The Dimensioner
07-18-2013, 01:35 AM

Really? You guys want my old, inaccurate, transcoded, outdated, full-of-SFX DVD rip? You would rather have it instead of this? Thread 124937 Plus, I don't upload stuff anymore. My time has come and gone, and now I am just the old hermit who sits in the corner grumbling to himself and who jumps out at people who come too close.

Cody, you're not fooling anyone.

07-18-2013, 02:51 AM
Cody, you're not fooling anyone. Was I supposed to be fooling anyone?

07-18-2013, 03:21 AM
Really? You guys want my old, inaccurate, transcoded, outdated, full-of-SFX DVD rip? You would rather have it instead of this? Thread 124937 Plus, I don't upload stuff anymore. My time has come and gone, and now I am just the old hermit who sits in the corner grumbling to himself and who jumps out at people who come too close.

Oops... Forgot it had SFX.