01-16-2017, 03:40 PM
Check out Jesper Kyd's "Additional soundtracks" (additions to the official releases with much more music) and a lot of Jesper Kyd's staff
==> here! <== (Thread 182964)

and not Jesper Kyd's various soundtracks and compilations
=> here! <= (Thread 185581)


Here is my
Unreleased Game Music Youtube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrn2KAOgK_VQIOca_00Aebg),
where I posting all this staff. Your likes or subscriptions will be much appreciated, it is your help to make the channel more known and to make
more people find, listen and download all this unreleased music!
Lots of thanks for your help =)

Download (https://dl.orangedox.com/vK4mwWf23QsfLbN6uy)

Do not hesitate to leave a comment, if you liked my work. Will appreciate it a lot!

I made a full AC soundtrack before already and posted it on this forum, but it was made from a very low quality gamerip, streamed from the game (this is the thread, where I also described all the problems it has, if you're interested: Thread 194929). However after I made it I was provided with a good quality PC gamerip of it, so I decided to redo the whole soundtrack, so all the tracks will be in good quality. So, here it is.

This is a full soundtrack of the �Assassin�s Creed� video game, composed by Jesper Kyd. It consists of all music, created for the game, and contains a couple of tracks, that were not used in the game, as well. PC gamerip and released tracks were used to compile the whole thing. I combined similar samples from the rips into complete themes, according to how they presented in the game or if they were intended to be a single theme. Also the tracks were cleaned from noises and clicks to sound clear and nice. The gamerip files are ogg files with various bitrate, all lower then 320, so I made all the tracks in 320 not to loose quality. Different themes were sorted in the compilation by the circumstances, when and where they were played in the game. Mostly the compilation ordered by the cities, where the music plays, imo it is the best way to order it, because all the music of a certain city has it's own unique atmosphere (there are some exceptions, though, like the Bureau tracks for example, that based on Masyaf themes, but I included them inside the cities blocks). More specific info about all the tracks you will find below, if you interested.

The compilation contains all tracks from the officially released soundtrack and tracks, posted by Jesper Kyd on his web-page in 2012, some of which were not used in the game. Also it contains some tracks, remixed for the �Assassin�s Creed: Revelations� game, released in 2011, that were used in Altair�s parts of the game. These tracks were included here, because they really complement as this soundtrack, so as Altair�s story, represented in this music. If you don�t want these tracks in this AC1 soundtrack compilation, just delete them, they�re all placed in the end of it.

Also, togather with this release I wanted to make some kind of an album-like two CD soundtrack for this game with only most of the main music themes included and some of the targets themes included, leaving all the short samples, some other target themes and too similar tracks out of it. But then I realised that all that I will do in that case is just delete third of the tracks without making any changes to the order. So I didn't see any point of doing this eventually, because any one of you can just delete all the tracks that you don't like or don't want to listen, so in that way you will listen to this soundtrack the way you like it the most. Also I made extended versions for some of the tracks and included them in separate folder, so maibe you will like them instead as well.

The full PC gamerip was made by user Pol_Kanistra. This work is very much valuable, because if you try to rip the music from the first Assassin's Creed game in a standart way, using some standart ripping tools, you will find, that not all the music can be extracted from this specific game, not even the half of the music will be ripped. So this guy went further and extracted all the music completely from the game archives, using Hex-code editor, filesplitters and ex., and it took 3 months to do this work. Also he made his own full soundtrack of AC, that was given to me togather with the gamerip, you can check it out here: Thread 202903 In my personal opinion, he used too much of his own ideas, while editing all the tracks and combining samples togather, that changed the original music, composed by the composer, too much. But still, unlike me, you might like the things he made there, so check it out. Anyway, some of his minor edits were used, when compiling this compilation, when I found them proper, because they were made very well (you could find, where I used his edits, in the tracks description, if you interested).

Another user, who helped me, is SPC-700 (http://forums.ffshrine.org/member.php?u=1060666), who also shared with me his own compilation, he made for himself. Some of the tracks were taken from there as well (you will find, which ones in the tracks description, if you interested).

Lots of thanks to Daniel Reed (darkspine10), who helped me very much during the editing of this compilation, telling me when, where and in which circumstances some music samples are playing in the game, and suggesting me the right ways to edit some tracks. His assistance helped to make the compilation as much close to how all this music should be edited, called and placed in this compilation, as possible. You can check his channel on Youtube, where he posts different soundtracks music, here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjq2n6PdZ1lza_aA6XHwFIQ

Composed By: Jesper Kyd
Year Released: 2007
Format: MP3, 320 kbps
Size: 634 MB
Runtime: 3h 40m
Tracks: 76

Full Assassin�s Creed soundtrack playlist on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5ixv45nC4o&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqdpmpUIaSGv0Sa8YcrUzijV

Support Jesper Kyd and those, who made this music possible - buy the officially released OST album here:
iTunes us (https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/assassins-creed-soundtrack/id947125736)
iTunes ru (https://itunes.apple.com/ru/album/assassins-creed-soundtrack/id947125736)
Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/Assassins-Creed-Original-Game-Soundtrack/dp/B0147PPUHQ/ref=tmm_acd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=) (CD highest quality version available!)
Google Play (https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Jesper_kyd_Assassin_s_Creed_Original_Game_Soundtra ?id=Bu7ddqkhb3iemlkh4lj2kawao2a) (Google Play's price depends on a region, you live in).


01 Assassin's Creed (Main Menu) (3:40)
02 Loading (1:07)
03 Animus 1191AD (3:50)
04 Solomon's Temple (3:17)
05 The Ark (4:48)
06 Masyaf (3:45)
07 Bad News (3:10)
08 Masyaf Under Attack (1:55)
09 Masyaf in Danger (3:44)
10 Leap of Faith (2:14)
11 The Creed (3:07)
12 Al Mualim (2:53)
13 Masyaf Castle 1 (4:25)
14 Masyaf Village (2:20)
15 Second Chance (1:19)
16 Flight Through Masyaf (3:34)
17 The Kingdom (1:57)
18 Damascus Viewpoint 1 (0:40)
19 Dunes of Death (1:46)

20 Spirit of Damascus (1:30)
21 Streets of Damascus (2:56)
22 Trouble in Damascus (6:41)
23 Damascus. Reaching the Target (2:52)
24 Tamir (2:16)
25 Damascus. Approaching Target (3:27)
26 Damascus Success 1 (0:27)
27 Damascus Underworld (4:00)
28 Damascus Viewpoint 2 (0:42)
29 Meditation Begins (2:48)
30 Abul Nuqoud (5:33)
31 Damascus Success 2 (0:29)
32 The Bureau (3:12)*
33 Jubair Al Hakim (2:10)
34 Damascus Viewpoint 3 (0:52)
35 Flight Through Damascus (4:30)

36 Acre (1:31)
37 Trouble in Acre 1 (3:22)
38 Acre. Reaching the Target (2:28)
39 Garnier De Naplouse (2:20)
40 Acre Underworld (Full) (5:13)
41 William De Montferrat (2:08)
42 Trouble in Acre 2 (2:53)
43 Acre Success (0:25)
44 Sibrand (2:56)
45 Meditation of the Assassin (Acre. Approaching Target) (3:42)
46 Acre Viewpoint (3:42)
47 The Bureau 2 (7:48)
48 Flight Through Acre (3:40)

49 City of Jerusalem (3:11)
51 Talal (3:07)
52 Jerusalem Success 1 (0:26)
53 Jerusalem Underworld (4:11)
54 Jerusalem Viewpoint 1 (0:42)
55 Jerusalem. Reaching the Target (1:38)
56 Majd Addin (2:40)
57 Jerusalem Hanging (Full) (Jerusalem. Approaching Target)
58 Jerusalem Success 2 (0:25)
59 Fake de Sable (1:27)
60 The Bureau 3 (5:20)
61 Flight Through Jerusalem (3:39)
62 Jerusalem Viewpoint 2 (0:29)

63 Masyaf Castle 2 (3:25)
64 Return To Masyaf 1 (2:55)
65 Masyaf in Decay (3:30)
66 Interrogating Al Mualim (1:43)
67 Access the Animus (9:34)
68 Golden Globe (2:22)

69 Flight Through Jerusalem (2012 Mix) (3:11)
70 The Traitor (3:39)
71 Betrayal (Extended) (2:19)
72 Saving Abbas (2:14)
73 Altair Escapes (1:38)
74 Rebuilding the Brotherhood (2:00)
75 The Library (2:57)
76 ...and Everything is Permitted (Assassin's Creed Cello Trailer Theme)*(1:42)

Tracklist and tracks info:
Beginning of the game and Masyaf music:

01 Assassin's Creed (Main Menu) (3:40) - Main Menu music, looped. The beginning and the ending of the track were edited by Pol_Kanistra, who extracted the gamerip. Unlooped version presented as bonus track as well.

02 Loading (1:07) - Ambience music in the loading screen. Was shared with me by user SPC-700. Looped version of this presented as bonus track as well.

03 Animus 1191AD (3:50) - this track was posted by Jesper Kyd on his web-page in 2012, as a track from the Assassin�s Creed soundtrack, although this track as not used in the game itself, so as not included to the released soundtrack album.

04 Solomon's Temple (3:17) - ending was edited by Pol_Kanistra

05 The Ark (4:48) - some edits in the track were made by Pol_Kanistra

06 Masyaf (3:45) - music, that plays in Masyaf, togather with all the conversations samples, edited in a way to represent, how they all play togather in the game.

07 Bad News (3:10) - first conversation with Al Mualim music.

08 Masyaf Under Attack (1:55) - alternative version of the second part of released Bureau track plays in game, while Altair run's from the castle to fight Templars, looped. In this track this loop and second half of the Bureau track combined togather, but with alternative ending.

09 Masyaf in Danger (3:44) - this track was fully released, but still there's a one second long transition, that wasn't included to it, but you will find it here. Also there's an extended version of this track with the last loop cycled twice in the bonus tracks.

10 Leap of Faith (2:14) - a few samples of mostly cunscene music combined, playing during the cutscenes of Al Mualim and Robert De Sable conversations, Altair getting to activate the trap and the Leap of Faith itself, of course.

11 The Creed (3:07) - the stabbing by knife scene music.

12 Al Mualim (2:53) - Al Mualim conversation music. The edit was provided by the user SPC-700.

13 Masyaf Castle 1 (4:25) - another Al Mualim conversation music.

14 Masyaf Village (2:20) - music, that plays in Masyaf village, with additional ambience added in the background, that is not presented in the in-game version of the track. It was posted by Jesper Kyd on his website, but also I added additional ending to it.

15 Second Chance (1:19) - music piece, that plays when Altair gets a new weapon.

16 Flight Through Masyaf (3:34) - Masyaf horse ride theme, cycled twice.

17 The Kingdom (1:57) - background music, that plays in the Kingdom area. The edit was provided by the user SPC-700.

18 Damascus Viewpoint 1 (0:40) - viewpoint music sample, that plays as in Jerusalem, so as in the Kingdom area.

19 Dunes of Death (1:46) - released track.

Damascus music:

20 Spirit of Damascus (1:31)*� music, that plays when Altair arrives to Damascus. Officially released track.

21 Streets of Damascus (2:56) - the folk music part of the released "Meditation Begins" track without the ambience background.

22 Trouble in Damascus (6:41) - fight and escape themes of Damascus combined in one track similarly to released Masyaf and Jerusalem fight themes. Every city in the game has it�s own fight and escape themes (including Masyaf, that is released and called �Masyaf in Danger�), so this theme, as all fight themes in the compilation, is called �Trouble in �City name��, similarly to released Jerusalem fight theme. Extended version with the last loop cycled presented as a bonus track.

23 Damascus. Reaching the Target (2:52) - playing in Damascus between leaving the Assassins Bureau (with permission to assassinate the target given) and reaching the place, where the assassination target cut scene is happening. Every city in the game (instead Masyaf) has it�s own �Reaching the Target� theme.
This track was used as an ambient background in the released �Meditation Begins� track.

24 Tamir (2:16) - first Damascus assassination target Tamir cutscene music.

25 Damascus. Approaching Target (3:27) - playing in Damascus between seeing the target cutscene and killing the target (if no guards fight started between these events). Every city in the game (instead Masyaf) has it�s own �Approaching Target� theme.
Later in 2011 this track was slightly remixed for the �Assassin�s Creed: Revelations� game and the remix was released in the ACR game�s soundtrack album, as �Rebuilding of the Brotherhood�.

26 Damascus Success 1 (0:27) - one of Damascus successful mission�s execution music.

27 Damascus Underworld (4:00) - Damascus investigation theme. Every city (instead of Masyaf) has it�s own �Underworld� theme, every one with specific three parts of the theme. One part of this theme plays during eavesdropping the investigated person�s conversation (first half of this particular �Damascus Underworld� theme), another part plays during the person�s approaching (second half of this particular �Damascus Underworld� theme), and another part plays during the interrogation of the person (this part of the theme is not presented in this particular �Damascus Underworld� theme, instead of here it plays in �Return to Masyaf 2� track of this compilation, coz it did not fit this particular theme very much).
�Damascus Underworld� theme was posted by Kyd on his web-page in 2012, but this one, in this compilation, is full version, that includes more music, then in the posted track. The beginning of the track was edited by Pol_Kanistra.

28 Damascus Viewpoint 2 (0:42)

29 Meditation Begins (2:48) - released track.

30 Abul Nuqoud (5:33) - this is the second Damascus target music. This particular target is special in terms of the music, used for his assassination. When Altair reach the party, organized by Abul Nuqoud, the Streets of Damascus music starts to play on the background of Damascus Reaching the Target theme. This combination of two music pieces is released under the name �Meditation Begins� in the official album (track 29 in this compilation). After reaching the target, it�s cut scene music starts to play, and this is the first half of this track. And after the cut scene ends, Damascus Approaching Target theme starts to play, but not in the standard way, but with disturbing unpleasant strings, playing on its background. This music is used in such way only in Abul Nuqoud�s case. So, all the described music is contained in this track (instead of "Meditation Begins", which is a separate track). Ending was edited by Pol_Kanistra.

31 Damascus Success 2 (0:29) - one of Damascus successful mission�s execution music.

32 The Bureau (3:12)*� the Assassins Bureau music variation. Officially released track.
Later in 2011 this track�s final minute part remix was used in �Assassin�s Creed: Revelations� game and the remix was released in the ACR game�s soundtrack album, as �Betrayal�.

33 Jubair Al Hakim (2:10) - third Damascus assassination target Jubair Al Hakim cutscene music.

34 Damascus Viewpoint 3 (0:52)

35 Flight Through Damascus (4:30) - Damascus horse ride theme, cycled twice. Every city in the game has it�s own horse ride theme (including Masyaf), so this theme, as all the horse ride themes in this compilation, is called �Flight Through �City name��, similarly to the released Jerusalem horse ride theme, that is called �Flight Through Jerusalem�.

Acre music:

36 Acre (1:31) - music, that plays when Altair arrives to Acre.

37 Trouble in Acre 1 (3:22) - fight and escape themes of Acre, part 1. Every city in the game has it�s own fight and escape themes (including Masyaf, that is released and called �Masyaf in Danger�), so this theme, as all fight themes in the compilation, is called �Trouble in �City name��, similarly to released Jerusalem fight theme. But it is not edited in the similar way, as another fight themes in this compilation. This particular track includes music piece, that was found in PC gamerip, but actually was not used in the game, it plays in the beginning of this track, before the used in game part begins to play. When I tried to combine all fight and escape themes of Acre into a single track, including this unused part, they did not fit to one another very much and didn�t sound, as a single track. So I separated Acre fight themes to two parts.

38 Acre. Reaching the Target (2:28) - playing in Acre between leaving the Assassins Bureau (with permission to assassinate the target given) and reaching the place, where the assassination target cutscene is happening. Every city in the game (instead Masyaf) has it�s own �Reaching the Target� theme.

39 Garnier De Naplouse (2:20) - first Acre assassination target Garnier De Naplouse cutscene music.

40 Acre Underworld (Full) (5:13) - Acre investigation theme. Every city (instead of Masyaf) has it�s own �Underworld� theme, every one with specific three parts of the theme, described below. One part of this theme plays during eavesdropping the investigated person�s conversation (second third of this particular �Acre Underworld (Extended)� track), another part plays during the person�s approaching (last third part of this track), and another part plays during the interrogation of the person (first third of this track).
Masyaf hasn�t it�s own Underworld theme, that plays during Masyaf mission of the same type in the beginning of the game, so this track was used for that mission in the game.
This theme was released officially as �Acre Underworld� in AC soundtrack album, but it was cut here and there, the interrogation theme is used very slightly in the beginning and beginning of the approaching part is slightly cut in released version. So this track is a full version, that includes all the music of �Acre Underworld� theme. Thereis an extended version of this track presented in the bonus tracks with the last loop of it cycled. Ending of the track was edited by Pol_Kanistra.

41 William De Montferrat (2:08) - second Acre assassination target William De Montferrat cutscene music.

42 Trouble in Acre 2 (2:53) - second part of Acre fight and escape theme. Extended version of it presented in the bonus tracks.

43 Acre Success (0:25) - one of Acre's successful mission�s execution music.

44 Sibrand (2:56) - third Acre assassination target Sibrand cut scene music.

45 Meditation of the Assassin (Acre. Approaching Target) (3:42) - this track was released officially under the name �Meditation of the Assassin�. It consists of Acre Reaching the Target theme in the beginning and the ending of the track, and Acre Approaching Target theme in the middle (the 1:03-3:05 part, to be more specific). Reaching the Target theme is not used entirely here, also the track was released officially and sounds complete, when includes both themes, so I decided not to separate it and not to make the Acre Approaching Target as a separate track.
This Approaching Target theme plays in Acre between seeing the target cut scene and killing the target (if no guards fight started between these events). Every city in the game (instead Masyaf) has it�s own �Approaching Target� theme.
Later in 2011 this track�s remix was used in �Assassin�s Creed: Revelations� game and the remix was released in the ACR game�s soundtrack album, as �The Traitor�.

46 Acre Viewpoint (3:42)

47 The Bureau 2 (7:48) - variation of music, that plays in the Assassin�s Bureau, combined with some other samples of the same or similar theme.
The part, that starts playing from 4:40, was later remixed for �Assassin�s Creed: Revelations� game and released in ACR soundtrack as �The Library�. This particular part plays looped in Acre Bureau.

48 Flight Through Acre (3:40) - Acre horse ride theme, cycled twice. It was found in xbox rip, but was not in the PC rip for some reason. Every city in the game has it�s own horse ride theme (including Masyaf), so this theme, as all the horse ride themes in this compilation, is called �Flight Through �City name��, similarly to the released Jerusalem horse ride theme, that is called �Flight Through Jerusalem�.
This track was later remixed for the Assassin�s Creed: Revelations game and released in ACR soundtrack album, as �No Mistakes� track. Although I did include the ARC remixes of AC1 music to this compilation in it�s end, I did not include this particular remix, coz it sounds very much in the ACR music style and absolutely does not fit to the first Assassin�s Creed music style in contrast to all the other remixes from ACR.

Jerusalem music:

49 City of Jerusalem (3:11) - officially released track. Music, that plays when Altair arrives to Jerusalem and during exploring the city as well.

50 Trouble In Jerusalem (Full) (5:52) - Jerusalem fight and escape themes, combined together in this track. Although it was officially released in the soundtrack album, it is not full there. Another part of this theme was found in the gamerip, that was not included to the officially released track, so I included it here, to this агдд version (2:08-3:54 is the added part). Extended version of this track presented in the compilation as a bonus track, with the last loop cycled.

51 Talal (3:07) - first Jerusalem assassination target Talal cutscene music.

52 Jerusalem Success 1 (0:26) - one of Jerusalem's successful mission�s execution music.

53 Jerusalem Underworld (4:11) - Jerusalem investigation theme. Every city (instead of Masyaf) has it�s own �Underworld� theme, every one with specific three parts of the theme, described below. One part of this theme plays during eavesdropping the investigated person�s conversation (first third part of this particular �Jerusalem Underworld� theme), another part plays during the person�s approaching (second third part of this particular �Jerusalem Underworld� theme), and another part plays during the interrogation of the person (last third of this particular �Jerusalem Underworld� theme).

54 Jerusalem Viewpoint 2 (0:42)

55 Jerusalem. Reaching the Target (1:38) - playing in Jerusalem between leaving the Assassins Bureau (with permition to assassinate the target given) and reaching the place, where the assassination target cut scene is happening. Every city in the game (instead Masyaf) has it�s own �Reaching the Target� theme.

56 Majd Addin (2:40) - second Jerusalem assassination target Majd Addin cutscene music.

57 Jerusalem Hanging (Full) (Jerusalem. Approaching Target) (5:43) - music, that plays after the Majd Addin cutscene, when he executes people during Altair approaching him to assassinate. The track was released in 2016 in "Assassin's Creed: The Best of Jesper Kyd" album, but it is not full there: first of all, the last part of this track is not included to the released track, second - the released track lacks the transitions between parts of the theme. Particularly: each time, Majd Addin executes a victim, a short loud sample plays. Between these samples main parts of the theme play, more and more intense ones after each execution sample. All these parts of the music included into this track. Also there is an alternative version of this track without all the transition samples in the bonus tracks, that is similar to the released track, but with the last part of it included.
Technically, this theme is an Approaching Target theme of Jerusalem. The thing is that in the first assassination mission in Jerusalem it doesn't play, bacause the chase starts immediately after the cutscene and there is no place there for approaching the target, in the second mission it plays during approaching Majd Addin, but the track built completely according to what is happening on the hanging place, as described above. That is why it was even called "Jerusalem Hanging", when it was released. In the third mission this theme also start playing, when Altair gets to the funeral to kill De Sable, but particular cutscene music start playing there very soon. And part of this theme also plays during Altair approaches De Sable in Arsuf.

58 Jerusalem Success 2 (0:25)

59 Fake de Sable (1:27) - plays in the funeral scene with the fake Robert De Sable. The track was completely edited by Pol_Kanistra.

60 The Bureau 3 (5:20) - variation of music, that plays in the Assassin�s Bureau, combined with some other samples of the same or similar theme.
The part from 1:12 to 4:01, plays looped in Damascus and Jerusalem Bureau.

61 Flight Through Jerusalem (3:39) - officially released Jerusalem horse ride theme.

62 Jerusalem Success 3 (0:29)

End of the game:

63 Masyaf Castle 2 (3:25)

64 Return To Masyaf (2:55)*� music, that plays, when Altair returns to Masyaf to fight Al Mualim. The first half of the track is �Acre Underworld�s� interrogation part theme, the second half is the same theme�s variation, that used only in this part of the game.

65 Masyaf in Daecay (3:30)*� music, that plays, when Altair returns to Masyaf to fight Al Mualim. A few themes combined here. The first minute and a half is actually the �Damascus Underworld� interrogation part, that I did not include to the Damascus Underworld track, coz it did not fit there very well. But this particular theme also plays in this part of the game, so I left it here in this track, considering the fact, that here it fits and sounds much better and fits the atmosphere of Masyaf in the end of the game. Second half of the track plays only here in the game.

66 Interrogating Al Mualim (1:43) - parts of this track play during Altair and Al Mualim conversations before and between the last fight sequences of the game.

67 Access the Animus (9:34)*� This is a released track. I combines low, high and stealth Escape themes, that play in the game during Altair escaping the assassination spot after killing the target. According to Kyd's interview (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIFnBpPSicg) the idea of these sequences of escaping the assassination spot, Animus is pushed to it's limits, and this track tries to represent this. Also this theme is used in the last boss fight and this track is used as the end credits music, so I put it here, near the end of this compilation, before the last ingame track in it.

68 Golden Globe (2:22)*� this music plays after defeating Al Mualim, when the Apple shows to Altair the map of the Precursors tamples on the globe.

Bonus stuff:

69 Flight Through Jerusalem (2012 Mix) (3:11)*� this track was posted by Jesper Kyd on his web-page in 2012 and released in 2016 in "Assassin's Creed: The Best of Jesper Kyd" album. It is a remix of �Flight Through Jerusalem� track. This variation is not used in the game.

70 The Traitor (3:39) � remix of �Meditaion of the Assassin�, used in the �Assassin�s Creed: Revelations� game in 2011 and released in it�s soundtrack album.

71 Betrayal (Extended) (2:19) �*remix of �The Bureau� track�s last minute part, used in the �Assassin�s Creed: Revelations� game in 2011 and released in it�s soundtrack album. There are two variations of this track in ACR gamerip, but only one is released. So this is the extended version, that contain both variations.

72 Saving Abbas (2:14) � remix of �Flying Through Masyaf�, used in the �Assassin�s Creed: Revelations� game in 2011, but it wasn�t released in the game�s soundtrack album. The remix was used as music, that playing, while Altair trying to save Abbas. Here the track combines both variations into single track, because this way it sounds much better, imo, then this sample looped. But you can find alternative version of it, where only the loop from ACR cycled, in bonus tracks.

73 Altair Escapes (1:38) � remix of �Masyaf in Danger�, used in the �Assassin�s Creed: Revelations� game in 2011 and released in it�s soundtrack album.

74 Rebuilding the Brotherhood (2:00)*� remix of �Damascus. Approaching Target�, used in the �Assassin�s Creed: Revelations� game in 2011 and released in it�s soundtrack album.

75 The Library (2:57)*� remix of the last 3 minutes of �The Bureau 2� track from this compilation, used in the �Assassin�s Creed: Revelations� game in 2011 and released in it�s soundtrack album.

76 ...and Everything is Permitted (Assassin's Creed Cello Trailer Theme)*(1:42) - 2007 Assassin's Creed E3 trailer theme.

01-17-2017, 12:44 AM
I grabbed the first version you made, will definitely grab this! and thanks for your efforts :)

01-17-2017, 12:51 AM
Very nice share. Thank you a lot! :)