04-10-2016, 09:56 AM
Check out Jesper Kyd's "Additional soundtracks" (additions to the official releases with much more music) and a lot of Jesper Kyd's staff
==> here! <== (Thread 182964)

and not Jesper Kyd's various soundtracks and compilations
=> here! <= (Thread 185581)


Here is my
Unreleased Game Music Youtube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrn2KAOgK_VQIOca_00Aebg),
where I posting all this staff. Your likes or subscriptions will be much appreciated, it is your help to make the channel more known and to make
more people find, listen and download all this unreleased music!
Lots of thanks for your help =)

Assassin's Creed (2007) full soundtrack (MP3, 320)

This is a complete soundtrack of the Assassin's Creed videogame, entirely made of a full high quality rip from the game by PollKanistra (http://forums.ffshrine.org/member.php?u=554345). This guy not only ripped ALL the music from the game entirely in high quality, but also made valuable complete tracks from it.

If you try to rip the music from the first Assassin's Creed game in a standart way, using some standart ripping tool's you will find, that not all the music can be extracted from this specific game, not even the half of the music will be ripped. So this guy went further and extracted all the music completely from the game archives, using Hex-code editor, filesplitters and ex. It took 3 months to do this work and it is really valuable.

If you listened to my AC full soundtrack (Thread 194929), you know, that it has it's problems, and the main reason of that is that I made it from a very low-quality gamerip, that was recorded by streaming from the gameplay with only music sound enabled in game. It was the only rip, I could find back then and it had lots of problems, I described in the thread above. This rip, however, is the best quality, we can get from the game, and we got it, thanks to PollKanistra (http://forums.ffshrine.org/member.php?u=554345), who put a really hard work into it.

Composed By: Jesper Kyd
Year Released: 2007
Format: MP3, 320 kbps
Size: 438 MB
Runtime: 3h 11m
Tracks: 71

Download the compilation: https://dl.orangedox.com/sy6rdEJWzeggkJEtqR
Or download a torrent file to download it: https://dl.orangedox.com/ScRSZ6DBITYRHLJACo

Tracklist:01 - Assassin's Creed.mp3
02 - Crime Against the Credo.mp3
03 - In Search of an Apple.mp3
04 - Storehouse.mp3
05 - Unexpected Consequences.mp3
06 - The Cave Beneath the Solomon Temple.mp3
07 - Masyaf.mp3
08 - Aruf and Abbas.mp3
09 - Bad News.mp3
10 - Fight in Masyaf.mp3
11 - Robert de Sable in Masyaf.mp3
12 - Diversion.mp3
13 - Retribution for Altair.mp3
14 - Al Mualim.mp3
15 - Investigation in Masyaf.mp3
16 - Second Chance.mp3
17 - Outside of Masyaf.mp3
18 - Masyaf Horse Ride.mp3
19 - Far From Home.mp3
20 - Viewpoint 1.mp3
21 - Kingdom.mp3
22 - Kingdom Wars.mp3
23 - Viewpoint 2.mp3
24 - Damascus Horse Ride.mp3
25 - Damascus.mp3
26 - Streets of Damascus.mp3
27 - Tamir.mp3
28 - Investigation in Damascus.mp3
29 - Mission Complete 1.mp3
30 - Jubair al Hakim.mp3
31 - Assassins Bureau in Damascus.mp3
32 - Approaching Target in Damascus.mp3
33 - Abu'l Nuqoud.mp3
34 - Hunt for Abu'l Nuqoud.mp3
35 - Fight in Damascus.mp3
36 - Mission Complete 2.mp3
37 - Jerusalem Horse Ride.mp3
38 - Jerusalem.mp3
39 - Streets of Jerusalem.mp3
40 - Viewpoint 3.mp3
41 - Talal.mp3
42 - Investigation in Jerusalem Part 1.mp3
43 - Investigation in Jerusalem Part 2.mp3
44 - Approaching Target in Jerusalem.mp3
45 - Majd Addin.mp3
46 - Execution.mp3
47 - It's not Robert de Sable.mp3
48 - Fight in Jerusalem.mp3
49 - Viewpoint 4.mp3
50 - Assassins Bureau in Jerusalem.mp3
51 - Acre.mp3
52 - Acre Horse Ride.mp3
53 - Viewpoint 5.mp3
54 - Streets of Acre.mp3
55 - Garnier de Naplouse.mp3
56 - Approaching Target in Acre.mp3
57 - William of Montferrat.mp3
58 - Sibrand.mp3
59 - Fight in Acre.mp3
60 - Mission Complete 3.mp3
61 - Assassins Bureau in Acre.mp3
62 - Complete.mp3
63 - End of Fight.mp3
64 - Arsuf.mp3
65 - Interrogation With Richard I.mp3
66 - Back to Masyaf.mp3
67 - Al Mualim's Betrayal.mp3
68 - Interrogation With the Traitor.mp3
69 - Fighting Al Mualim.mp3
70 - Apple's Revelation.mp3
71 - End Credits.mp3

04-10-2016, 02:29 PM
Thank you

04-10-2016, 03:48 PM
Thank you!!

07-11-2016, 08:12 PM
Thanks to PollKanistra and you!!