02-08-2015, 10:55 PM
Welcome! Here you will find my compilations of games original music, not included in the official albums, unreleased scores and gamerips.

Check out Jesper Kyd's "Additional soundtracks" and a lot of other unofficial Jesper Kyd's staff
==> here! <== (Thread 182964)


Here is my
Unreleased Game Music Youtube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrn2KAOgK_VQIOca_00Aebg),
where I posting all this staff. Your likes or subscriptions will be much appreciated, it is your help to make the channel more known and to make
more people find, listen and download all this unreleased music!
Lots of thanks for your help =)

Do not hesitate to leave a comment, if you liked my work. Will appreciate it a lot!

Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus Unreleased Gamerip Soundtrack (Mick Gordon)

I mixed some proper versions of tracks from this game, using the game's gamerip files. The gamerip contains thousands of untagged audio files with random names with no way to define which track belong to which theme/level/situation in the game for now. Most of these files are 10-30 seconds samples, intended to interactively create the music during the gameplay. Still I managed to define some part of all these files and combine them to complete proper music pieces.

I don't know if I will continue doing music for Wolfenstein 2 game, for now I decided to stop doing it and wait for the official OST album, that is now in a production process. Afterwards I will decide, should I make something else with this game's music, depending on how this album will be presented and what it will contain. So, you can consider this as one of those non full OST albums, which contain only part of the game's music - completely opposite to what I usually do here LOL

You can check out my work on my Youtube channel and valuate it there before downloading through the link below and the links in the tracklist.

"Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus Gamerip Soundtrack" on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnoROxsz0SU&index=2&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqcD4ITDyP6UF5ESV0KUGTCi

Composed By: Mick Gordon
Year Released: 2017
Format: OGG, MP3 320 kbps
Size: 429 MB
Runtime: 1h 24m
Tracks: 22

Tracklist and download link:

I ordered the tracks I mixed kinda in the order, music appears in the game.

01 The New Colossus (Main Menu Theme by Mick Gordon) 4:07
02 Good Father (by Mick Gordon) 1:49
03 Awakening (U-Boat music by Mick Gordon) 3:17
04 U-Boat Fight Theme (Combat Ausmerzer music by Mick Gordon) 4:15
05 Section F Stealth 2:12
06 Section F Combat (Music by Mick Gordon) 3:34
07 Zitadelle (boss fight music by Mick Gordon) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKqm_gbhd0Y&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqcD4ITDyP6UF5ESV0KUGTCi&index=10) 3:28
08 Penthouse (New York Combat music by Mick Gordon) 2:49
09 Warhead Extraction (Combat Music by Mick Gordon) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8drRIoMy-hI&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqcD4ITDyP6UF5ESV0KUGTCi&index=9) 3:20
10 Capturing Terror-Billy (Flying House Music by Mick Gordon) 2:57
11 Execution (Music by Mick Gordon) 2:23
12 Konzentrationslager (WII Edit) (Menu Theme by Mick Gordon) 2:52
13 Decay (New Orleans Ambience by Mick Gordon) 1:40
14 New Orleans Wall Combat Theme by Mick Gordon 4:28
15 New Orleans Riot (Combat Theme Music by Mick Gordon) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLCa9Uzs6dc&index=3&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqcD4ITDyP6UF5ESV0KUGTCi)7:35
16 We're Starting a Revolution (Music by Mick Gordon) 1:30
17 New Orleans Revolt (Clarinet scene music) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyGu2ByJFhI&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqcD4ITDyP6UF5ESV0KUGTCi&index=5) 4:07
18 Riding a Panzerhund (and courthouse music, by Mick Gordon) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BhvzR67wa8&index=6&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqcD4ITDyP6UF5ESV0KUGTCi) 4:47
19 New Orleans Escape Music (Back To Work WII Edit) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8Xng31MdRE&index=7&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqcD4ITDyP6UF5ESV0KUGTCi) 5:25
20 Final Boss Theme (Zerst�rers Fight Music by Mick Gordon) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnoROxsz0SU&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqcD4ITDyP6UF5ESV0KUGTCi&index=2) 5:32
21 The Interview (Jimmy Carver Show scene music by Mick Gordon) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoZ610F9OEY&index=8&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqcD4ITDyP6UF5ESV0KUGTCi) 1:58
22 Veilr�th - We're Not Gonna Take It (Twisted Sisters Cover) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXShjk6mOA4&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqcD4ITDyP6UF5ESV0KUGTCi&index=1) 9:59

Download: https://dl.orangedox.com/NRVtCLMr8jDMf6eD1G

Wolfenstein: The New Order Full Unreleased Soundtrack Concept Album (Mick Gordon)

The official OST album of the "Wolfenstein: The New Order" wasn't satisfying at all, it contained only a small part of this game's music, and didn't contain lots of great pieces. The gamerip on the other hand is quite unlistenable. The music in this game is heavily interactive, lots and lots of samples in the gamerip are very short (10-20 seconds), because they are pieces of music, that the game builts interactively during the gameplay. Because of this larger part of this game's music was available to be fully listened only in the game itself. So I decided to make a full soundtrack of The New Order game, that would contain all the tracks from it, mixed properly, like if these were actually released.

But, some tracks in this game were played only during the cutscenes, and the cutscenes in this game are prerendered video files. So, each cutscene have a single audiotrack for it, that contains the cutscene's music and SFX alltogather, unseparatable, so large part of the music from this game available only with all these SFX sounds (at least without the characters speaking). So, during all this work I came with another idea for this soundtrack, that could use the issue described above for the better.

Since some parts of the "Wolfenstein: The New Order" soundtrack were inspired by Pink Floyd's music (imo), I decided to make this OST in a form of a concept album (as Pink Floyd often did with their works). This approach gave me an opportunity to play with different ways of connecting different tracks with each other, making some kind of a solid audiotrack (approach, often used in lots of concept albums out there), and most importantly I managed to incorporate almost all these cutscenes music with SFX into this, so it would still have the sound effects (which are basically unseparatable from the music), but would sound organically and be even benefitial to the complete picture as a whole.

In the end I made up 3 discs of this game's soundtrack, which contain most of the music from the game. Some of the tracks were not included to it, because I had to not make this thing too long (and still I failed with it lol), and I excluded the most uninteresting music pieces and the most repetative tracks. All 3 discs are 1 hour 15-20 minutes long.

You can check out this work of mine without downloading it to have a complete picture of what I did, here:
"Wolfenstein: The New Order Full Unreleased Soundtrack Concept Album" on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vv55Lw8rZ-U&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqfqK490PKB9H522XYTZCRQC&index=1

Togather with this I also made a compilation of all the game's music pieces separately, where each track is a separate file without any transitions and all that stuff. This compilation contains all the music from the game, unlike the "concept album" thing, with different variations of some tracks and all the pieces that were not included to the "album". You can also check out all of this stuff on my Youtube channel, if you like (here the link to the playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5zkuT5ky5c&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqdkDB2JpQzzMCDwsLQWeTid ), but I guess it is better to show some particular examples of tracks, I mixed, that represent this work the best:
Airplain Crush (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4Ccc5CjPI4)
Mother of all Headaches (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VETqyy9kOCY)
Breakthrough (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHgXVkQdx3Y)
Nautica Lobby Fight (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3HE49gWJOQ)
Bridge Combat (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Boia3iQP1Aw)
Back to Work (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXsMyfQdZTM)
Compound Halls (Main Theme variation) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7g1YN8uHiYo)
Ransacked (Full Version) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBCYmH0J_kk)

After finishing the whole thing I also decided to make covers and booklets for the album I mixed, and I included a compilation of Neumond Classics to the whole thing as a 4th disc. You can check out how this whole thing looks below.

Unfortunately, the audio quality of the material, extracted from the game files, is not very good, but it is all we have, togather with the official released album. It's filled with tons of clicks and hisses, that extremely distruct from listening to it, so I made my best to clear it from all this annoying shit. Though it made the tracks much more nice to listen, still the audio quality stays not very good. Also, lots of the game's music play during cutscenes, and we have these tracks only togather with all the rest of the cutscenes sounds. But the format of the compilation, that I decided to use here, allowed me to incorporate these SFX filled tracks to the whole picture quite well, I hope.

Gamerips, used for mixing this compilation:
VladlenCry's rip for the gameplay music (http://forums.ffshrine.org/member.php?u=830947)
Alpha23 rip with all the gameplay and cutscenes music (Thread 119745)
Thank you very much!

The concept album compilation:

Composed By: Mick Gordon
Year Released: 2014
Format: MP3 320 kbps
Size: 1 GB
Runtime: 3h 55m (+30 min of Neumond Classics)
Tracks: 84 (+11 Neumond Classics tracks)

Tracklist, album arts and download link:


Some of the album arts:

You can check out all the arts fully here: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/unreleasedgamemusic

The main idea of the theoretical physical look of this album is two 2CD transparent jewel cases: first 2CD jewel case with the concept album cover arts and booklet and discs 1 and 2 of the concept album, second 2CD jewel case with Neumond recordings covers and booklet, disc 3 of the concept album and a disc with the Neumond tracks. There are two versions of the boxes arts in the downloadable archive: folder with pictures of how the arts should look like, if they would be printed and stamped properly, and folder of pics, adjusted for printing in case you're crazy as me and would like to print all of this on paper and discs (in 300 dpi). Obviously, there are no watermarks on the pics in the downloadable archive.

Download link to the concept album in MP3 format: https://dl.orangedox.com/oTrMHzqe4c4iBaMNMb
(it contains the 3 discs solid audiotracks files as well as all the tracks form these discs separated from one another)

The separated tracks compilation:

Composed By: Mick Gordon
Year Released: 2014
Format: MP3 320 kbps
Size: 792 MB
Runtime: 5h 30m
Tracks: 112

Download link:

Solid album discs tracks and all the separate tracks in OGG:

This archive contains only the 3 discs solid audiotracks of the concept album thing and all the separate tracks from the second compilation. It does not contain the separated tracks of the concept album discs, only fully separated tracks of the second compilation. Also it does not contain the album arts, only OGG audio files.

Download link:

Also, check out my "Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus Unreleased Soundtrack mixes!
On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXShjk6mOA4&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqcD4ITDyP6UF5ESV0KUGTCi
Post on ffShrine: Thread 222175

NieR: Automata Unreleased Soundtrack (Additional OST) by MoNACA (2017) [MP3 320, OGG]

Although the released OST album is extremely well compiled and it includes all the music, written for the game, some parts and some loops are not included fully or with all possible variations (for example, almost every theme in the game may be instrumental or with vocals, so that particular aspect is not represented fully in the album). So, in "Nier: Automata Unreleased Additional Soundtack" compilation I made alternative variations of the released tracks, that combain all the unused in the released album variations of the in-game themes.
The compilation is intended to be listened togather with the released album, which is quite clear on the basis of what's written above.
The source OGG gamerip, I'm working with, made by Zirot: Thread 215929

[B]You can check out my work before downloading the whole thing here to have the complete idea of this compilation: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrn2KAOgK_VQIOca_00Aebg/playlists?view=50&shelf_id=27&sort=dd

Composed By: MoNACA: Keiichi Okabe, Keigo Hoashi, Kuniyuki Takahashi, Kakeru Ishihama
Year Released: 2017
Format: OGG, MP3 320 kbps
Size: 998 MB (OGG), 852 MB (MP3)
Runtime: 4h 57m
Tracks: 53 (+bonus tracks)

Download links:
MP3: https://dl.orangedox.com/lQ77c2dBTejm2D6i6c
OGG: https://dl.orangedox.com/KxVUJH7hJbtugISIWo

I guess the difference in quality there is not really that big (maybe there's even none LOL), but anyway. It cantains all my unreleased mixes of NA OST in the order, I find the best to listen to it. There are also folders for official OST in the archives, so you could fill them with the officialy released album, but they are mostly empty, because you can support these composers and buy the album officially. Still, you will find two tracks there, because I made them as a replacement to the released ones (they're longer, but mostly repeat the structure of the same released tracks):

Please, support this music creators, publishers and their attempt to release very high quality OST albums (such as this one) by purchasing this amazing official release:
iTunes US: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/nier-automata-original-soundtrack/id1212176108
iTunes JP: https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/nier-automata-original-soundtrack/id1212176108&l=jp
iTunes UK: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/nier-automata-original-soundtrack/id1212176108
Square Enix store: https://store.eu.square-enix.com/eu/product/440773/nier-automata-original-soundtrack
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/NieR-Automata-Soundtrack-Various-Artists/dp/B06XS88HK9/


Disc -3:

1 Keiichi Okabe - Significance (Instrumental Version Extended) 4:20
2 K. Hoashi and K. Okabe - Alien Manifestation (Extended Alt. Version) 9:42
3 Keiichi Okabe - Song of the Ancients. Atonement (Alternative Edit) 5:22
4 Keigo Hoashi - Bipolar Nightmare (Clear Vocals Alt. Edit) 6:46
5 Keigo Hoashi - The Sound of the End (Extended Dynamic/Vocals) 5:24
6 Keigo Hoashi - Widespread Illness (Alternative Edit) 2:44
7 Keiichi Okabe - Fortress Of Lies (Full) 5:19
8 Keigo Hoashi - Crumbling Lies. Front (Alternative Edit) 2:52
9 Keiichi Okabe - City Ruins. Rays of Light (Alt. In-Game Version) 6:30
10 Keiichi Okabe - Peaceful Sleep (Full In-game Extended Version) 8:16
11 K. Takahashi - Memories of Dust (Quiet/Dynamic In-Game Version) 7:15
12 Keiichi Okabe - Birth of a Wish. This Cannot Continue (Eng version) 3:11
13 K. Takahashi and K. Okabe - Grandma. Destruction (Full In-Game Ver.) 7:02
14 Keiichi Okabe - Voice of no Return. Normal (Full Version) 5:31
15 Keiichi Okabe - Weight of the World (Instrumental) 5:43

Disc -2:

K. Okabe - Significance. Nothing (J'Nique Nicole Version Extended) 2:39
Keigo Hoashi - Amusement Park (In-Game Version, feat. Emi Evans) 10:28
Keigo Hoashi - A Beautiful Song (Full In-Game Version) 9:11
Keiichi Okabe - Pascal (In-Game version) 4:25
Keiichi Okabe - City Ruins. Rays of Light (Emi Evans Version) 4:36
Keiichi Okabe - End of the Unknown (Full) 8:15
Keigo Hoashi - Forest Kingdom (Full In-Game Version) 8:40
K. Hoashi & K. Okabe - Dark Colossus. Kaiju (Alternative Edit) 5:03
Keigo Hoashi - Copied City (Alternative Edit) 5:38
Keiichi Okabe - Wretched Weaponry (Alternative Edit) 7:06
Keiichi Okabe - Birth of a Wish. Become as Gods (Eng version) 3:11
Keiichi Okabe - Possessed by Disease (Full Version) 8:36
Keiichi Okabe - Voice of no Return. Guitar (In-Game Version) 5:43
Kuniyuki Takahashi - Dependent Weakling (In-Game version) 5:19
Keigo Hoashi - Vague Hope. Cold Rain (Alternative Version) 4:01
Keiichi Okabe - Weight of the World The End of YoRHa (Extended ft Emi Evans, J. Nicole, M. Kawano, YoRHa) 8:03

Disc -1:

Keiichi Okabe - Significance (Extended Marina Kawano Version) 2:40
Keigo Hoashi & Keiichi Okabe - War & War (Alternative Edit) 4:34
Keiichi Okabe - City Ruins. Shade (Alternative Edit) 8:10
Kuniyuki Takahashi - Memories of Dust (Ambient In-Game Version) 5:13
Keiichi Okabe - Birth of a Wish (Full Version) 6:14
Keiichi Okabe - Wretched Weaponry (Alt. Ambient Edit) 6:21
Keigo Hoashi - Rebirth & Hope (NieR: Automata Official Soundtrack) 0:38
Keigo Hoashi - Treasured Times (Alternative Edit) 3:45
Keiichi Okabe - The Color of Depression (Alternative Edit) 3:16
Keiichi Okabe - Mourning (Alternative Edit) 5:07
K. Hoashi & K. Okabe - Faltering Prayer. Dawn Breeze (Alt. Ver.) 5:28
Keigo Hoashi - Broken Heart (Alternative Edit) 5:33
K. Hoashi & K. Ishihama - Emil. Despair (Aternative Edit) 3:41
Keiichi Okabe - The Tower (Alternative Edit) 10:31
Keigo Hoashi - The Sound of the End (Alternative Edit) 9:45
Keigo Hoashi - Vague Hope. Spring Rain (Full Version) 4:11
Keiichi Okabe - Blissful Death (Alternative Edit) 4:04

Disc 0:

Keiichi Okabe - Significance (Extended Emi Evans Version) 2:39
Kuniyuki Takahashi & Kakeru Ishihama - Emil's Shop (English Version) 6:18
Keiichi Okabe - Song of the Ancients. Popola (Full) 5:27
MoNACA - Kaine (Full, Salvation + Escape) 4:40
K. Hoashi & K. Ishihama - Emil (Full, Sacrifice + Karma) 4:55

Disc 1, 2 and 3 - Official OST discs (not in the downloadable archive of this thread):

Alternative tracks for the official album:

Keigo Hoashi and Keiichi Okabe - Faltering Prayer. Dawn Breeze Fixed 3:31
Keigo Hoashi - The Sound of the End (Extended Official Edit) 9.42

Bonus tracks:

Keiichi Okabe - Significance (Full Version) 5:37
Keiichi Okabe - Birth of a Wish. This Cannot Continue (Jap version) 3:12
Kuniyuki Takahashi & Kakeru Ishihama - Emil's Shop (Instrumental Version) 2:26
Keiichi Okabe - Birth of a Wish. Become as Gods (Jap version) 3:11
Kuniyuki Takahashi - Memories of Dust (Full Dynamic In-Game Version) 6:33
and more...

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Full Remastered Soundtrack (+ Extended and Unreleased) [FLAC,MP3 320)

Do not hesitate to leave a comment, if you liked my work. Will appreciate it a lot!

The officially released FLAC version of this game's soundtrack is technically one of the best FLAC releases I've seen. The frequencies go up to 24 kHz, the hiss is absent throughout almost all the tracks (with a few exceptions). The filling is great as well, almost all of the music from the game presented here, as well as some tracks that are not used in the game at all. Only cinematic music from the cut scenes is not in the album. Also almost all of the tracks have proper endings (when for example we waited a whole year for the release of the full DS3 soundtrack which included full versions of all tracks, including proper endings), the only tracks with no endings are most of the regular combat themes.

Still there are some flaws in this release. All tracks are full of clicks and some other annoying audio artifacts, that may not bother you if you listen to the music not loud, but ruin the experience when listening loudly. Also I hated the overall balancing of the album (if you don't get what I'm talking about here, it is the stuff that you may control and change with an equalizer): almost all the tracks sound like they're playing from within a pile of mud and it is very unpleasant to listen (for me at least).

My remastered compilation fixes all the described above issues, I removed most of the clicks and hisses in the tracks and rebalanced the frequencies for most of the tracks so they would sound much clearer and pleasant. The compilation comes in two versions: regular and extended. I mixed regular versions of each track (single loop or two if the loop is very short) and extended versions of each track (two loops cycled, including two-phased boss fight tracks or three loops cycled if the loop is very short). The downloadable archive includes both versions, as well as some alternative versions of some tracks. Also the compilations include all the music from the game, including all the unreleased pieces.

You may compare the remaster quality to the original with these videos as examples:
Strength and Discipline:
Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkWF3l9Zask
Remastered: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7mIKE_ba5s
Genichiro Ashina:
Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vszKTPl1jBQ
Remaster: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3Ok3MMO5yE

You also can check out the whole work before downloading on my youtube channel, though the quality there is obviously worse (since it is Youtube):

Best Sekiro Boss Themes, Extended & Remastered (with some other stuff as well): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3Ok3MMO5yE&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqcnUaTYuf6lShl5krCPiLIY

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Full Extended Remastered Soundtrack (including all the unreleased music): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgPF2Sf86UY&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqc46p1DpG_bb-WT1rP6wKXr

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Full NON Extended Remastered Soundtrack (including all the unreleased music): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv-AKgyQQxo&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqc3gMcRVUZ68q9DAu98Mx6O
(This playlist is created so that if you want to listen to some of the remastered tracks in non extended form on Youtube, you may create your own playlist where you can choose which versions you prefer, extended or not, and use these videos.)

You will also find other extended From Software games soundtracks on the Youtube channel, as well as lots of other game music stuff I made, so check it out if you like!

Composed By: Yuka Kitamura, Noriyuki Asakura
Year Released: 2019
Format: FLAC, MP3 320 kbps
Size: FLAC - 6 GB; MP3 - 1.3 GB
Runtime: Full - 2h 42m; Extended - 4h 1m
Tracks: 62

Download links:
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Full Remastered Soundtrack (Extended and non extended) (FLAC): https://dl.orangedox.com/aM6ae6OOnozaDNmXqg
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Full Remastered Soundtrack (Extended and non extended) (MP3): https://dl.orangedox.com/67aCDYjujGWwXad1hN
Both archives contain extended compilation and non extended one. i also included the original official release of 50 tracks, not touched by me anywhere, if you're interested in that as well.

Also check out my other compilations of From Software games soundtracks:
D�racin� Original Soundtrack (FLAC, MP3): Thread 227756
Bloodborne Full Extended Soundtrack (2015) [FLAC, MP3 320]: Thread 199069
Dark Souls III Full and Extended Soundtrack (+Unused +DLC music): Thread 218028
Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin Full Extended Soundtrack (with unextended version as well): Thread 206526
Dark Souls Full Extended Soundtrack (with unextended version as well): Thread 207517
Demon's Souls Full Extended Soundtrack (with unextended version as well): Thread 214714


Yuka Kitamura composed almost the whole thing. Noriyuki Asakura wrote just a few tracks, but we still don't know exactly which (at least Great Shinobi is deffinitely his work).
"Halls of Illusion" track is not music, but ambience, which you can hear near the light beam portal to the halls. It was created by one of the game's audio designers, not by one of the composers.

Only boss themes, combat themes and exploration tracks are extended in the "Extended" compilation. Tracks like Rebellion, Ashina's Crisis, etc., as well as unreleased cinematic pieces, are not extended in the "Extended" compilation.

Unreleased tracks written with bold font.
Tracks "with Intro" are tracks that contain unreleased music that plays in a cut scene before the corresponding boss fight. (The compilations also contain the same tracks without these Intro parts in a separate folder though).
Some bosses intro and outro cut scenes music though are separate tracks here, these are some of the unreleased ones (like Heresy or Foreshadowing). Tracks order is slightly changed to more closely represent the flow of the game.

You will find more specific info about half of these tracks' particular qualities in corresponding videos descriptions in this playlist on my Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgPF2Sf86UY&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqc46p1DpG_bb-WT1rP6wKXr&index=1

1 Sekiro, The One Armed Wolf
2 Rebellion
3 Emma The Physician
4 Ashina Reservoir
5 Divine Heir Of The Dragon's Heritage
6 Knife's Edge
7 A Shinobi's War
8 Ashina's Crisis (with Outro)
9 Scupltor Of The Dilapidated Temple
10 Ashina Outskirts
11 Strength and Discipline (with Intro)
12 Altered Form
13 Serpent Valley
14 Great Serpent
15 Gyoubu Oniwa
16 Hirata Estate Dragonspring River
17 Approaching Forces
18 Up In Flames
19 The Phantom Lady Butterfly
20 Foreshadowing
21 Ashina Castle
22 Ashina Clan
23 Genichiro Ashina (with Intro)
24 Heresy
25 Sunken Valley
26 Snake Eyes
27 Guardian Ape
28 Senpou Temple, Mt Kongo
29 Seekers
30 Folding Screen Monkeys
31 Halls of Illusion
32 Children Of Rejuvenation
33 Mortal Blade
34 Apparitions
35 Mibu Village
36 Thirsting Horde
37 Incursion
38 Lone Shadow
39 The Iron Code
40 Gentle Blade (with Intro)
41 Isshin Ashina (with Intro)
42 Shura
43 Great Shinobi
44 Shimenawa Giant
45 Corrupted Monk
46 Fountainhead Palace
47 Okami Lineage
48 Okami Lineage (Unused Variation)
49 Great Colored Carp (Full)
50 The Old Dragons Of The Tree (with Intro)
51 Divine Dragon (with Intro)
52 Overrun
53 The Red Guard
54 Demon Of Hatred
55 Conspiracy
56 The Owl
57 Black Mortal Blade
58 Sword Saint
59 Immortal Severance
60 Purification
61 Dragon's Homecoming
62 End of a Vicious Struggle

D�racin� Original Soundtrack [FLAC,MP3 320)

Do not hesitate to leave a comment, if you liked my work. Will appreciate it a lot!

Thanks to AstralLace (https://twitter.com/AstralLace) and VodkafolieBB (https://twitter.com/VodkafolieBB) we finally have this music in high quality! Here you'll be able to download this OST in FLAC and MP3, togather with my recordings of this music from the game itself, where some tracks are extended.

Composed by: Tsukasa Saitoh, Shoi Miyazawa, Yuka Kitamura

Download: https://dl.orangedox.com/4UVzUqYLq7Tg0XW1d9

And you can download HQ covers scans here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13N3VZVxUDm6eDHAAqDSHxyHRPb6EAQbc/view?usp=sharing

Official OST tracklist:

1. Main Theme
2. School 1
3. School 2
4. School 3
5. Headmaster's office
6. Night Storm
7. Concert With The Faerie
8. Lonesome School
9. Locked Forest
10: Faerie's Voice
11. Deprived
12. Everyone's Concert (vocals: zoe thorne)
13: D�racin�
14: 12. Everyone's Concert (vocals: Noguchi Yuri)

Streamed OST tracklist:

1. Main Theme (Extended)
2. You're Gonna Be a Fairy! (School Halls 1)
3. Two Rings (unreleased)
4. School Halls 2
5. A toy for Tia (School Halls 3)
6. Headmaster's office
7. Night Storm
8. Concert With The Faerie
9. Lonesome School
10. Locked Forest, Pt 1 (Extended)
11. Locked Forest, Pt 2 (Extended)
12. Locked Forest, Pt 3 (Extended)
13: Faerie's Voice
14. Deprived, Pt 1 (Extended)
15. Deprived, Pt 2
16. Everyone's Concert (vocals: zoe thorne)
17. D�racin�
18. 12. Everyone's Concert (vocals: Noguchi Yuri)
19. Announce Trailer Theme (unreleased)
20 Concert with the Fairy (In-Game Version)

Prey Unreleased Soundtrack (Mick Gordon, Matt Piersall) [OGG,MP3 320)

Do not hesitate to leave a comment, if you liked my work. Will appreciate it a lot!

This Prey Unreleased Soundtrack compilation includes all the music from the game, that was not included to the released album and some alternative versions of the released tracks as well. Gamerip samples cleared from clicks and hisses and combined into single tracks when necessary. Also the gamerip contains dozens of short samples 10-30 seconds each (that represent finishing quests in the game and so on), these were combined into single long pieces that simply called "Ambience" in this compilation. The gamerip was made by user Maklai: Thread 217169 (Thank you!)

Composed By: Mick Gordon, Matt Piersall, Raphael Colantonio
Year Released: 2017
Format: OGG, MP3 320 kbps
Size: 210 MB
Runtime: 1h 27m
Tracks: 24

"Prey Unreleased Soundtrack" full playlist on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-l_Eq42Hrs&index=1&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqdwCpIYjitrQJfzB8zFP0Js

Download links:

MP3: https://dl.orangedox.com/jfKP26BcY43eEzbK9n
OGG: https://dl.orangedox.com/LYMEaKpnKQRyHuBrzp (this folder contains mostly OGG format track, compiled from the gamerip material, though some tracks taken from the "Prey Music Selection" CD rip are FLAC)

Also check out my other compilations of Mick Gordon's music on Youtube:
Wolfenstein: The New Order Full Unreleased OST (in a form of concept album), 4 hours long: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vv55Lw8rZ-U&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqfqK490PKB9H522XYTZCRQC
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus OST, some mixes of the most recognisable music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXShjk6mOA4&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqcD4ITDyP6UF5ESV0KUGTCi
There are no download links for these yet, I will post them later on this forum as separate threads, still you can check them out already above on my YT channel, if you like.


01 Mick Gordon - Everything Is Going to Be Okay (Extended) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-l_Eq42Hrs&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqdwCpIYjitrQJfzB8zFP0Js&index=1) 4:59 - extended version of the track I mixed using the in-game audio and the released track, with in-game helicopter-like intro instead of the released version of it.
02 Raphael Colantonio and Matt Piersall - Semi Sacred Geometry (Female Extended Version) 3:33
03 Mick Gordon - Experiments In Confusion (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZgsIBhfaS4&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqdwCpIYjitrQJfzB8zFP0Js&index=4) 1:58 - in-game main menu music, that was released on the Featured Music Selections CD (Thread 216800), that differs from the version added to the official OST album
04 Mick Gordon - Talos 1 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vh06DSL_Kg&index=5&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqdwCpIYjitrQJfzB8zFP0Js) 2:04
05 Mick Gordon - The Phantoms (Alternative Edit) 3:18
06 Mick Gordon - Arboretum 1:07
07 Mick Gordon - Preyed Upon 1:33
08 Mick Gordon, Matt Piersall - Ambience 1 6:17
09 Mick Gordon - A Friend (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqhdJl905O8&index=6&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqdwCpIYjitrQJfzB8zFP0Js) 1:15
10 Matt Piersall - Into the Tunnels (Full version) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5sG-Ult_pc&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqdwCpIYjitrQJfzB8zFP0Js&index=2) 3:01 - ingame version of this track differs from the one, added to the official OST album. This track in the compilation combines both versions into a single extended track.
11 Mick Gordon - Last Request (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6MhMH8mJPo&index=7&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqdwCpIYjitrQJfzB8zFP0Js) 2:18
12 Mick Gordon, Matt Piersall - Ambience 2 6:31
13 Mick Gordon, Matt Piersall - Ambience 3 9:49
14 Mick Gordon - Predator 1:17
15 Mick Gordon, Matt Piersall - Ambience 4 7:43
16 Mick Gordon or Matt Piersall - Open Space 2:11
17 Mick Gordon, Matt Piersall - Ambience 5 9:33
18 Mick Gordon - Weightless 1:12
19 Mick Gordon - The Phantoms (In-Game Version) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBrlwrm6LyY&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqdwCpIYjitrQJfzB8zFP0Js&index=16) 2:59
20 Mick Gordon, Matt Piersall - Ambience 6 5:56
21 Mick Gordon - Still Human (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73HLddipP2A&index=13&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqdwCpIYjitrQJfzB8zFP0Js) 1:14
22 Mick Gordon - Pasts Uncovered (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDtoaq2wkm0&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqdwCpIYjitrQJfzB8zFP0Js&index=14) 1:40
23 Mick Gordon - Typhon Voices (Alternative Edit) 2:00 - in-game version, that was released on the Featured Music Selections CD (Thread 216800), that differs from the version added to the official OST album
24 Raphael Colantonio and Matt Piersall - Semi Sacred Geometry (Male/Female Extended Version) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtvWSAw69A0&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqdwCpIYjitrQJfzB8zFP0Js&index=3) 3:39

Most of the music written by Mick Gordon, it is obvious when listening to the named tracks. The only one, I'm not sure about is Open Space, which why I wrote "Mick Gordon OR Matt Piersall" there.
Matt Piersall is the game's audio director, who also composed lots of retrowave samples in the game, when Mick Gordon composed lots of these as well (mostly the non-retrowave, I guess), all these combined into the "Ambience 1-6" tracks.
"Semi Sacred Geometry" track has 2 different versions: sang by male and female vocalist. Still only the male version was released in the album. This compilation though contains the female version, as well as a combined version with both vocalists singing togather.
Most of the tracks here have no official names, in which case the names were given by my channel's subscribers based on the circumstances, these music pieces were playing in the game.

Dark Souls III Full and Extended Soundtrack (Main Game + Unused + DLC Music) [FLAC,MP3 320)

"Dark Souls III Full Soundtrack" is a compilation of complete and full versions of all the music from the game. It is made, using the FLAC gamerip, made by Infernus Animositas (Thread 203199, thanks a lot!!!) and the FLAC version of the officially released "Fire Fades Edition" 2CD album, combining parts from both, the album and the gamerip, to make the most full and complete soundtrack of Dark Souls 3 videogame, in the best quality, I could get from all the sources. "The Fire Fades" Edition soundtrack also contains endings to almost all of the tracks, which we couldn't have before, since the gamerip files do not contain them, having fading outs instead, so all of this was also used in this compilation obviously, unlike my previous DS3 OST compilations, you can still find in this forum. "The Fire Fades" edition comtains music from the main game and the DLCs as well, but this compilation though also contains music, that was not included into that release, specifically 10 amazing unused tracks from the game files, both PS4 DS3 themes tracks and some alternative versions of some tracks, that also were not used in the game. So, this compilation is the most complete soundtrack of DS3, that we can get. Check the tracklists to see everything this compilation contains, on my Youtube channel, if you want to have more concrete image of this compilation before downloading. Also most of the tracks on Youtube playlists do not have a proper endings, but keep in mind that almost all of them have proper endings in the downloadable archives in the links below, I just didn't want to reupload everything again to the channel, didn't see any point to do it.

Dark Souls III Full OST. Parts 1, 2 (Main Game Music) playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WE-bt82UKOk&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqeGsLs-zAiCRyO7M7H-sVDU - the most uninteresting part of the whole thing (in a sence of something new or original, that differs from the official album), since almost all these tracks are fully included to the Fire Fades 2CD album without any differences. Though the Dancer of the Boreal Valley track in my compilation contains an unused loop, that wasn't used nor in the game, neither in the album.

Dark Souls III Full OST. Parts 3, 4 (Unused & DLC Music) playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBaGSNgFh-4&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqeI7Hq1iCoB8sW1d0tGk77h - this part though is quite interesting, since it contains all the unused tracks, that were found in the game files, but not used in the game itself. Also it contains both PS4 themes music pieces (demo version of the Main Theme and "Transitory Lands Theme" version of Gael's music), alternative version of Dragonslayer Armour and all the DLC music.

"Dark Souls III Extended Original Soundtrack" compilation contains all the same tracks, looped the way they play in the game: a first boss fight phase music looped twice, then accurately turning to the second phase music, which is also looped twice, with proper ending in the end, surely. All boss fights music made that way in this compilation, excluding some exceptions because of different reasons, you can get familiar with in the tracks descriptions below. The non boss fight music pieces and the unused tracks are looped as well, except both versions of the Epilogue track, which is quite long already on it's own.

Dark Souls III Extended Full OST. Parts 1, 2 (Main Game Music) playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vjgq9QgChg&index=1&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqcAaTrbkD2sPahymzSzKg3Q

Dark Souls III Extended Full OST. Parts 3, 4 (Unused & DLC Music) playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtUwTanzVec&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqfrz-qyhjV0_p7Wf24R4OLf&index=1

Composed By: Yuka Kitamura, Motoi Sakuraba, Tsukasa Saitoh, Nobuyoshi Suzuki
Year Released: 2016-2017
Format: FLAC, MP3 320 kbps
Size: Full - 1 GB (FLAC), 391 MB (MP3); Extended - 2 GB (FLAC), 723 MB (MP3)
Runtime: Full - 2h 50m; Extended - 5h 7m
Tracks: 45

Download links:

Dark Souls III Full Soundtrack (FLAC): https://dl.orangedox.com/tP1isGxRFEUn4Cv6Ng
Dark Souls III Full Soundtrack (MP3): https://dl.orangedox.com/RQi9BwC5LvHbEsfKHh
Dark Souls III Full Extended Soundtrack (FLAC): https://dl.orangedox.com/ils0qQXfHPbBYSXHuT
Dark Souls III Full Extended Soundtrack (MP3): https://dl.orangedox.com/krvJsXxu9naOPf8uu9

Also check out my other compilations of From Software games soundtracks:
Bloodborne Full Extended Soundtrack: Thread 199069
Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin Full Extended Soundtrack (with unextended version as well): Thread 206526
Dark Souls Full Extended Soundtrack (with unextended version as well): Thread 207517
Demon's Souls Full Extended Soundtrack (with unextended version as well): Thread 214714

[B]Also, I would like to suggest you to check out DS soundtracks compilations, made by user Abraham Link (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXW41Y3st0QgqVhD7Ce7Kog ). The point of these compilations is that he made a proper endings to all the tracks of the first two DS games, that were ended by simple fading outs in the released albums. Dude made an incredible job by addind endings to all the tracks, so if you don't like all these fading outs and want each track to have a good proper ending, you have to check these out:
Dark Souls 1: https://mega.nz/#F!S0gnkJKB!Ui6uXXLOqE5WMXFLvlFecg
Dark Souls 2: https://mega.nz/#F!y04ixZDL!vye7qL7kRZSZ8VAmFy4mVg
Additional Demon's Souls, BB and DS3 stuff with proper endings to Dragonslayer Armour and Soul of Cinder: https://mega.nz/#F!eowCVDRS!MLJVw_wZaV6xYH_4m14I9A

Dark Souls III Full Original Soundtrack
Discs 1, 2 (Main Game Music):

01 Yuka Kitamura - Dark Souls III *
02 Yuka Kitamura - Prologue
03 Yuka Kitamura - Premonition
04 Tsukasa Saitoh - Iudex Gundyr
05 Yuka Kitamura - Firelink Shrine
06 Motoi Sakuraba - Vordt Of The Boreal Valley
07 Motoi Sakuraba - Curse-Rotted Greatwood
08 Motoi Sakuraba - Crystal Sages
09 Motoi Sakuraba - High Lord Wolnir
10 Motoi Sakuraba - Old Demon King
11 Nobuyoshi Suzuki - Deacons Of The Deep
12 Yuka Kitamura - Abyss Watchers

13 Yuka Kitamura - E3 2015 Debut Trailer
14 Yuka Kitamura - Yhorm The Giant
15 Yuka Kitamura - Pontiff Sulyvahn
16 Motoi Sakuraba - Aldrich, Devourer Of Gods
17 Yuka Kitamura - Dancer Of The Boreal Valley (Full + unused loop)
18 Yuka Kitamura - Oceiros, The Consumed King
19 Yuka Kitamura - Secret Betrayal
20 Yuka Kitamura - Ancient Wyvern
21 Motoi Sakuraba - Nameless King
22 Yuka Kitamura - Dragonslayer Armour (In-Game version)
23 Yuka Kitamura - Lorian, Elder Prince , Lothric, Younger Prince
24 Yuka Kitamura - Soul Of Cinder
25 Yuka Kitamura feat. KOKIA - Epilogue (Original Version)

Discs 3, 4 (Unused and DLC Music):

01 Yuka Kitamura - Dark Souls III (Unreleased Demo Version) *
02 Yuka Kitamura - Unused Track 1
03 Yuka Kitamura - Unused Track 2
04 Yuka Kitamura - Unused Track 3
05 Yuka Kitamura - Unused Track 4
06 Yuka Kitamura - Unused Track 5
07 Yuka Kitamura - Unused Track 6
08 Yuka Kitamura - Dragonslayer Armour (Alternative Unused Version)
09 Yuka Kitamura - Champion's Gravetender & Gravetender Greatwolf *
10 Yuka Kitamura - Sister Friede and Father Ariandel *

11 Yuka Kitamura - Slave Knight Gael (Transitory Lands ver.) *
12 Yuka Kitamura - Unused Track 7
13 Yuka Kitamura - Unused Track 8 (Slave Knight Gael Phase 3 Unused Variation)
14 Yuka Kitamura - Demon Prince *
15 Yuka Kitamura - Halflight, Spear of the Church
16 Yuka Kitamura - Darkeater Midir *
17 Yuka Kitamura - Unused Track 10
18 Yuka Kitamura - Unused Track 9
19 Yuka Kitamura - Slave Knight Gael *
20 Yuka Kitamura feat. KOKIA - Epilogue (Alternative Edit)

* - Yuka Kitamura also sings solo vocals in these tracks.

Tracks info:

If the track didn't appear in the list below, then it is the same as on The Fire Fades 2 CD album.

Discs 1, 2 (Main Game Music):

[B]16 Motoi Sakuraba - Aldritch, Devourer Of Gods - This track in the album differs from the version in the game, particularly the end of phase 1 was changed in the released track (a short sample became looped). The released version in the compilation.

17 Yuka Kitamura - Dancer Of The Boreal Valley - "Dancer Of The Boreal Valley" is quite an interesting track, because there are two versions of the first phase music in the gamerip: one is 2 minutes long and the other is 1 and a half minutes long. I don't know why so, because, while I was playing, only the short version was looped again and again, before the second phase part started to play. Both versions are seems to be similar, still they are not and the arrangement of both differs. Both phase 1 versions combined in this track, as well as the second phase music.

22 Yuka Kitamura - Dragonslayer Armour (In-Game version) - In-Game, because another unused version of this was found in the game files. Also it is one of the only two tracks, that lacks a proper ending in the Fire Fades album, but you can check out the version with an ending, made by Abraham Link, here: https://mega.nz/#F!eowCVDRS!MLJVw_wZaV6xYH_4m14I9A

12 Yuka Kitamura - Soul Of Cinder - it is one of the only two tracks, that lacks a proper ending in the Fire Fades album, but you can check out the version with an ending, made by Abraham Link, here: https://mega.nz/#F!eowCVDRS!MLJVw_wZaV6xYH_4m14I9A

25 Yuka Kitamura feat. KOKIA - Epilogue (Original Version) - the first version of the Epilogue track, that was taken off the game with the Ringed City DLC release and changed with alternative variation.

Discs 3, 4 (Unused and DLC Music):

Yuka Kitamura - Unused Tracks 1-10 - music pieces, found in the game files, which were not used in the game.

01 Yuka Kitamura - Dark Souls III (Unreleased Demo Version) - Demo version of the track, that was used in one of the PS4 dynamic themes.

08 Yuka Kitamura - Dragonslayer Armour (Alternative Unused Version) - two variations of this track (of both phases) were found in the gamerip files. The first phase of this track is very much similar to the used one in the game, but still the arrangement is slightly different (mostly the chorus sings slightly differently, that can be observed by comparing the tracks step by step). The second phase is another story: the in-game variation completely lacks the intense transition between phases, but also the second phase part is twice longer then the in-game version on its own (2:28 here against 1:18 in game) and also arranged differently. Though this particular version of this track wasn't used in the game itself.

11 Yuka Kitamura - Slave Knight Gael (Transitory Lands ver.) - rearrangement of Gael's theme, used in one of the PS4 dynamic themes.

13 Yuka Kitamura - Unused Track 8 (Slave Knight Gael Phase 3 Unused Variation) - this unused track shares similar tips with Gael's phase 3 theme, though someone also found tips from Demon Prince's music as well.

20 Yuka Kitamura feat. KOKIA - Epilogue (Alternative Edit) - this variation of Epilogue theme replaced the previous one with the release of Ringed City DLC.

Dark Souls III Full Extended Soundtrack

Order of the tracks in extended compilation is the same, though each track is twice longer. Also there is an alternative Trailer Ending version of Gael's theme in this compilation.

Discs 1, 2 (Main Game Music):

01 Yuka Kitamura - Dark Souls III (Extended) *
02 Yuka Kitamura - Prologue (Cycled)
03 Yuka Kitamura - Premonition (Extended)
04 Tsukasa Saitoh - Iudex Gundyr (Extended)
05 Yuka Kitamura - Firelink Shrine (Extended)
06 Motoi Sakuraba - Vordt Of The Boreal Valley (Extended)
07 Motoi Sakuraba - Curse-Rotted Greatwood (Extended)
08 Motoi Sakuraba - Crystal Sages (Extended)
09 Motoi Sakuraba - High Lord Wolnir (Extended)
10 Motoi Sakuraba - Old Demon King (Extended)
11 Nobuyoshi Suzuki - Deacons Of The Deep (Extended)
12 Yuka Kitamura - Abyss Watchers (Extended)

13 Yuka Kitamura - E3 2015 Debut Trailer (Cycled)
14 Yuka Kitamura - Yhorm The Giant (Extended)
15 Yuka Kitamura - Pontiff Sulyvahn (Extended)
16 Motoi Sakuraba - Aldrich, Devourer Of Gods (Extended)
17 Yuka Kitamura - Dancer Of The Boreal Valley (Extended + unused loop)
18 Yuka Kitamura - Oceiros, The Consumed King (Extended)
19 Yuka Kitamura - Secret Betrayal (Extended)
20 Yuka Kitamura - Ancient Wyvern (Extended)
21 Motoi Sakuraba - Nameless King (Extended)
22 Yuka Kitamura - Dragonslayer Armour (Extended In-Game version)
23 Yuka Kitamura - Lorian, Elder Prince , Lothric, Younger Prince (Extended)
24 Yuka Kitamura - Soul Of Cinder (Extended)
25 Yuka Kitamura feat. KOKIA - Epilogue (Original Version)

Discs 3, 4 (Unused and DLC Music):

01 Yuka Kitamura - Dark Souls III (Unreleased Extended Demo Version) *
02 Yuka Kitamura - Unused Track 1 (Extended)
03 Yuka Kitamura - Unused Track 2 (Extended)
04 Yuka Kitamura - Unused Track 3 (Extended)
05 Yuka Kitamura - Unused Track 4 (Extended)
06 Yuka Kitamura - Unused Track 5 (Extended)
07 Yuka Kitamura - Unused Track 6 (Extended)
08 Yuka Kitamura - Dragonslayer Armour (Extended Alternative Unused Version)
09 Yuka Kitamura - Champion's Gravetender & Gravetender Greatwolf (Extended) *
10 Yuka Kitamura - Sister Friede and Father Ariandel (Extended) *

11 Yuka Kitamura - Slave Knight Gael (Extended Transitory Lands ver.) *
12 Yuka Kitamura - Unused Track 7 (Extended)
13 Yuka Kitamura - Unused Track 8 (Extended Slave Knight Gael Phase 3 Unused Variation)
14 Yuka Kitamura - Demon Prince (Extended) *
15 Yuka Kitamura - Halflight, Spear of the Church (Extended)
16 Yuka Kitamura - Darkeater Midir (Extended) *
17 Yuka Kitamura - Unused Track 10 (Extended)
18 Yuka Kitamura - Unused Track 9 (Extended)
19 Yuka Kitamura - Slave Knight Gael (Extended) *
20 Yuka Kitamura feat. KOKIA - Epilogue (Alternative Edit)

00 Yuka Kitamura - Slave Knight Gael (Extended Trailer Ending Version) *

* - Yuka Kitamura also sings solo vocals in these tracks.

Tracks info:

If the track didn't appear in the list below, then it is just extended version with both phases looped and with an ending from the Fire Fades 2CD album. If it is not a boss fight theme, then it is just loop as well.

Discs 1, 2 (Main Game Music):

16 Motoi Sakuraba - Aldritch, Devourer Of Gods - This track in the album differs from the version in the game, particularly the end of phase 1 was changed in the released track (a short sample became looped). This compilation contains the version with that change.

17 Yuka Kitamura - Dancer Of The Boreal Valley - "Dancer Of The Boreal Valley" is quite an interesting track, because there are two versions of the first phase music in the gamerip: one is 2 minutes long and the other is 1 and a half minutes long. I don't know why so, because, while I was playing, only the short version was looped again and again, before the second phase part started to play. Both versions are seems to be similar, still they are not and the arrangement of both differs. Both phase 1 versions combined in this track, as well as the second phase music looped.

22 Yuka Kitamura - Dragonslayer Armour (In-Game version) - In-Game, because another unused version of this was found in the game files. Also it is one of the only two tracks, that lacks a proper ending in the Fire Fades album, but you can check out the version with an ending, made by Abraham Link, here: https://mega.nz/#F!eowCVDRS!MLJVw_wZaV6xYH_4m14I9A (no extended version with such an ending though)

12 Yuka Kitamura - Soul Of Cinder - it is one of the only two tracks, that lacks a proper ending in the Fire Fades album, but you can check out the version with an ending, made by Abraham Link, here: https://mega.nz/#F!eowCVDRS!MLJVw_wZaV6xYH_4m14I9A (no extended version with such an ending though)

23 Yuka Kitamura - Lorian, Elder Prince , Lothric, Younger Prince (Extended) - in the released version of this track from the first album (with all the tracks cut to half) the first phase music started differently: it has an alternative beginning (the first 25 seconds of this in-game track are replaced with 15 seconds of slightly different part). I included both intros of phase 1 in this extended track, the short one at first and the longer one in the second loop.

25 Yuka Kitamura feat. KOKIA - Epilogue (Original Version) - the first version of the Epilogue track, that was taken off the game with the Ringed City DLC release and changed with alternative variation.

Discs 3, 4 (Unused and DLC Music):

Yuka Kitamura - Unused Tracks 1-10 - music pieces, found in the game files, which were not used in the game. All of them are looped in the Extended compilation.

01 Yuka Kitamura - Dark Souls III (Unreleased Extended Demo Version) - Demo version of the track, that was used in one of the PS4 dynamic themes.

08 Yuka Kitamura - Dragonslayer Armour (Extended Alternative Unused Version) - two variations of this track (of both phases) were found in the gamerip files. The first phase of this track is very much similar to the used one in the game, but still the arrangement is slightly different (mostly the chorus sings slightly differently, that can be observed by comparing the tracks step by step). The second phase is another story: the in-game variation completely lacks the intense transition between phases, but also the second phase part is twice longer then the in-game version on its own (2:28 here against 1:18 in game) and also arranged differently. Though this particular version of this track wasn't used in the game itself.

10 Yuka Kitamura - Sister Friede and Father Ariandel (Extended) - first phase of this track different in album version and in-game version. Composition is completely the same, though arrangement is slightly different: different singing and different violins. Both versions included in this extended track, in-game at first then album version second.

11 Yuka Kitamura - Slave Knight Gael (Extended Transitory Lands ver.) - rearrangement of Gael's theme, used in one of the PS4 dynamic themes.

13 Yuka Kitamura - Unused Track 8 (Extended Slave Knight Gael Phase 3 Unused Variation) - this unused track shares similar tips with Gael's phase 3 theme, though someone also found tips from Demon Prince's music as well.

20 Yuka Kitamura feat. KOKIA - Epilogue (Alternative Edit) - this variation of Epilogue theme replaced the previous one with the release of Ringed City DLC.

00 Yuka Kitamura - Slave Knight Gael (Extended Trailer Ending Version) - the ending in the album version of this track differs from the ending, that played in the first Ringed City trailer, because the trailer ending played in the middle of Gael's 3rd phase music there. Since this track is extended, there was an opportunity to add this ending and leave the track uncut at the same time. Anyway, extended versions with this ending and with album ending included in the downloadable archive.

Olivier Deriviere - Remember Me Full In-Game Soundtrack (Unreleased) [MP3, 128-320]

Download (https://dl.orangedox.com/kJuLfezTmAIy6kTbEs/Olivier%20Deriviere%20-%20Remember%20Me%20Full%20In-Game%20Soundtrack.rar)

This is a compilation of all in-game music, written by Olivier Deriviere for the "Remember Me" videogame. You will find here all the unreleased music from the game and even a few tracks, that did not get to the game. I used a gamerip from this post Thread 167828 by Infernus Animositas, so thank you very much for this, Infernus! Game's score is very interactive, so the gamerip is quite unlistenable, it consists of many pieces and samples, that are only beginnings, endings, middles and little parts of the whole tracks (a few main fight themes even consist of only 10 and less seconds pieces). So here I combined all of these to complete tracks (with complete walkthrough of the game by myself and on Youtube), cleaned some of them from noises (if it was necessary) and so on. I was very glad to finish it at last, so, please, enjoy this gorgeous soundtrack fully and uncutted!

The gamerip files are 100-160 kbps (it is the best we have), so in some tracks I used pieces from the released album tracks (such tracks have a 320 kbps bitrate in the compilation). But still not all music from the released album included here. Some themes were cutted in the album, so here they are extended, some of them play in the album in a way, they never play in the game, a few of them arranged very different from what they are here, and there are realy lots of music, that did not made it's way to the released album at all. So it is certain, that this compilation is intended to be listened togather with the released album, only then you will have a full experience of "Remember Me" music. So, please, support Olivier Deriviere and all, who have worked on this great music, and buy the released album.

Composed By: Olivier Deriviere
Year Released: 2013
Format: MP3, 128-320 kbps
Size: 423 MB
Runtime: 3h 28m (+ 1h 39m of alternative variations and a few demos)
Tracks: 64 (+ 17 alternative variations and 3 demos)

Playlist on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPH7oaGqSBY&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqdqoUY1FcgSrgRNy6EvsLjf

Download the compilation here! (https://dl.orangedox.com/kJuLfezTmAIy6kTbEs/Olivier%20Deriviere%20-%20Remember%20Me%20Full%20In-Game%20Soundtrack.rar)

Buy the official OST album here: iTunes us (https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/remember-me-feat.-philharmonia/id655683287), iTunes ru (https://itunes.apple.com/ru/album/remember-me-feat.-philharmonia/id655683287), Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/Remember-Philharmonia-Orchestra-Original-Soundtrack/dp/B00DJROANE), Google Play (https://play.google.com/store/music/album?id=B5at6fex4say7qi6l2bwbmiuxh4&tid=song-Tynajzhb2pm2zjpnldjmcclzgpa) (Google Play's price depends on a region, you live in).

Tracklist and tracks info:

Part 1: Full in-game soundtrack
(All tracks sorted by episodes, tracks descriptions may contain spoilers)

01 - Main Menu (1:34)
02 - E00 Rise to the Light (Extended) (4:33) - extended version of the released track with the same name
03 - E01 01 Leaper's Face (2:00)
04 - E01 02 Edge (1:43)
05 - E01 03 Lower Paris (2:46) - beginning of "Still Human" used here
06 - E01 04 Slum 404 (3:16)
07 - E01 05 Fragments 2 (1:37) - variation of released "Fragments" fight theme
08 - E01 06 Fish Market (2:57) - middle of "Still Human" used here
09 - E01 07 Shortcut To The Leaking Brain (2:02) - ending of "Still Human" used here
10 - E01 08 The Glove (2:38) - playing on the cutscene, when Nilin, Tommy and Olga meet
11 - E02 01 Neo Paris, Saint-Michel (2:08) - released "Neo Paris" track pieces play through the whole episode 2, but surely much more music of this in the game
12 - E02 02 S.A.B.R.E. (1:07) - unreleased enforcers fight theme
13 - E02 03 Neo Paris. Deeper to the Districts (1:14)
14 - E02 04 Enforcers 2 (1:54) - variation of released "Enforcers" fight theme
15 - E02 05 Neo Paris Districts (2:28)
16 - E02 06 Bad Request (1:33) - part of "Hope", playing on the first meeting with Bad Request
17 - E02 07 Neo Paris. Following the Remembrane (2:13)
18 - E02 08 Fight in the Alley (1:00) - unreleased fight theme
19 - E02 09 Neo Paris. The Balconies (2:37)
20 - E02 10 Neo Paris. Leaving to the Roofs (1:25)
21 - E02 11 Kid Christmas Show (Cut, Extended) (7:11) - Kid Christmas boss fight theme (why cut and extended, see in alternative variations descriptions)
22 - E02 12 End of the Show (1:31)
23 - E03 00 Intermission (1:38) - intermitions music, play before every mission in one or another way
24 - E03 01 Leapers Invasion (4:22) - contain's unreleased leapers fight theme in the middle (1:35-3:25)
25 - E03 02 The Bogeyman of Slum 404 (2:18)
26 - E03 03 Lights Out (1:38)
27 - E03 04 Suck It Up, Nilin! (1:31)
28 - E03 05 Switching the Bars (2:55)
29 - E03 06 Tommy's Rescue (1:02)
30 - E03 07 Sink Crown (4:05) - fight themes, plaing while closing the tunnel at Tommy's bar, with variation of "Hope" in the end
31 - E03 08 Johnny's Train (3:19)
32 - E03 09 Zorn (Extended) (2:42)
33 - E04 01 La Bastille Convoyeur (2:59)
34 - E04 02 Locker Room Fight (Enforcers 3) (2:43) - variation of released "Enforsers" fight theme
35 - E04 03 Vaughan's Remembrane (1:37)
36 - E04 04 Memory Eraser (2:00) - plays when hiding from the La Bastile memory eraser machine
37 - E04 05 The Fight 2 (3:19) - variation of the released "The Fight" theme
38 - E04 06 Seraphim (2:07) - fight theme, playing while Seraphim first appearance
39 - E04 07 Real Power of Memory Games (1:29) - Madame and Bad Request scene music
40 - E04 08 Nephilim (2:38) - fight theme, playing while Nephilim first appearance
41 - E04 09 Memory Loop (1:51) - fight theme, playing while fighting Sensen hallucinations
42 - E04 10 Madame (The Ego Room Alt.) (8:09) - Madame boss fight theme, alternative variation of released "The Ego Room" track
43 - E05 01 Fragments 3 (2:42) - another variation of released "Fragments" fight theme
44 - E05 02 Chase Through Montmartre (Extended) (6:47) - in-game variation of released "Chase Through Montmartre" track
45 - E05 03 Scars (5:05) - music, playing before remixing Scylla Cartier-Wells and immediately after it
46 - E06 01 La Bastille Basements (5:16)
47 - E06 02 Reconversion (Extended) (3:38) - unreleased reconverted leapers fight theme. Extended, coz the middle of the track is cycled. First appearance of the track is in episode 5 after the chase scene, but it fits much better after ending of previous "La Bastille Basements" track, after which it also plays in the game
48 - E06 03 Ok... I'm Coming, Bad (3:55)
49 - E06 04 Prison Labs (4:40) - plays while tracing Bad's remembrane
50 - E06 05 Dr. Quaid (2:41)
51 - E06 06 Johnny Greenteeth (6:17) - Johnny Greenteeth boss fight theme
52 - E07 01 Mnemopolis Guard (The Fight 3) (3:58) - another variation of released "The Fight" theme. It's last minute is very similar to released version's ending, but it arranged little bit differently.
53 - E07 02 Mnemopolis (Memorize Alt.) (8:24) - Music, playing while infiltrating Mnemopolis. The first minute of the track plays before previous "The Fight" track and "Zorn" theme in the game. Alternative and extended variation of released "Memorize" track
54 - E07 03 S.A.B.R.E. Force (2:27) - variation of unreleased enforcers fight theme (track 12 in this compilation)
55 - E07 04 Tracing Trace (3:13)
56 - E07 05 Leapers Fight (3:59) - unreleased leapers fight theme, variation of which also appeared in track 24 of this compilation
57 - E07 06 The Mourners (Extended) (4:27) - The Mourners boss fight theme. Extended, coz track's middle is cycled twice
58 - E07 07 M3morize Hominis Evolutio (3:59) - plays in the H3O pazzle room
59 - E07 08 The Conception Cube (6:14) - entering the Conception Cube music. First half is the released "Memory Reconstruction" track, second half - unreleased fight theme, that appears in game only here.
60 - E08 01 Father (1:53) - short variation of "Hope" track with different ending, plays on Nilin's meeting with her father scene
61 - E08 02 Our Parents (2:57) - the same released "Our Parents" track. Quarter of the track in it's middle is cutted in the game (see alternative versions)
62 - E08 03 Memoriel Servers (6:40) - part of released "Remember Your Childhood" track, that has a different ending, not presented in the game.
63 - E08 04 H3O (Cut) (13:37) - the H3O boss fight theme. Ends with cutted in the middle released "Hope" track (that is why it has a "Cut" in it's name). I intended to include here a full "Hope" track with the cutted part, but this cutted in-game version seems to me more climactic to be played in the end of this compilation. For version with full "Hope" part see alternative versions part of the compilation.
64 - Outro (0:12) - trailers ending short music sample, that I always wanted to hear in the released album :) Seems to me like a good end music for the whole thing.

Part 2: Demos and Alternative Versions

So, while editing all of this, I had to decide, in which form the track would sound better (although I edited everything strictly by music appearance order in the game, surely I did not avoided this issue). Some tracks could be cycled, and if so, which one would be better to include to the final compilation? So I made two versions of some tracks, that could be cycled, and decided, which one will be better to include to the compilation by my own taste, but I did include the alternatives here for you to decide the same thing by your own taste (for some tracks, "Sink Crown" and "The Conception Cube" I found another solution - I cycled them one and a half times, coz these track's endings fitted to these tracks samples middles much better, then to the samples ends. If you Know, what I mean. You will listen and maibe you will know, what I mean :D). Another problem is that this is an In-Game Soundtrack, so if I include a track or it's part, as it was arranged on the released album instead of how it was arranged and played in the game, it contradicts the "in-game" part of the compilation's name. But I did include some album arrangements instead of ingame arrangements, coz I personally did like them better. These are realy small issues, but they are. So if you do not want it this way and you want strict in-game version of the score, you will fing alternatives here. There are also another tracks with another issues, and you will find a discription for every each of them. All the alternatives are numbered exactly as they whould be, if they were included to the compilation, so if you will find the alternative better for you, just replace one trck with another, simple as that.

But part 2 starts with tracks, that were found in the gamerip, but were not used in the game. I think, that these are some demos, that did not find their ways to the final release. But they were left in the game files, with names, corresponding to St. Michel game level, so here they are:

01 - St. Michel 1 (1:36) - Saint Michel is a district in Paris from the second episode of the game
02 - St. Michel 2 (1:37)
03 - The Fight (Demo) (3:31) - this is the demo of released "The Fight" track, but it arranged differently, more poorly, I would say. All track's samples were found in one audio file, where the samples were separated one from another with a few seconds of silence. Have no idea, why it was left in game's files, but thanks goodness, it was :)

Alternative versions:

E02 01 Neo Paris Suite (12:01) - all Neo Paris samples, combined into single track (not including fight themes and "Bad Request" track, of cource)

E02 10 Kid Christmas Show (Cut) (5:48)
E02 10 Kid Christmas Show (Extended) (7:27)
E02 10 Kid Christmas Show (6:06) - 4 (!) versions of this here (4th one is in the main part of the compilation). Lets start with the "Extended": the part that starts on 2:12 (on the "uncut" versions, 1:56 - on "cut" versions) is cycled twice in the "Extended" versions. Now the "Cut": the part, that starts from 1:21 (and continues till 2:01 on the "uncuts") is firstly, overextended, and secondly, it is not fit the tracks count musically (don't know how to explain it another way; you will understand, when you will listen to it, I guess). So I cutted it from 7 fours to 4 fours, but left the uncutted "7 fours" versions, extended and not, coz it is a FULL in-game soundtrack. So here are 4 versions of it: "Extended, Cut" in the main part, and these 3 ones here. Choose, what you like the most.

E04 06 Seraphim (Extended) (3:50) - middle cycled twice (part 1 version is uncycled)
E04 08 Nephilim (Extended) (4:20) - middle cycled twice (part 1 version is uncycled)
E05 02 Chase Through Montmartre (Extended, Cut) (6:24) - "Extended", because it is extended relatively to the released version. "Cut" is another thing: the ingame version of it starts without the first 20 seconds of the released version. This "Extended, Cut" version is how the track plays in the game. So, track #44 of the compilation actually combines the released and in-game versions.
E05 03 Scars (No Ending) (3:13) - ending of this track on part 1 edited not very good, but it is how it was found on the gamerip. So if you won't like that, replase it with this one.
E06 02 Reconversion (2:00) - uncycled version of track #47
E07 06 The Mourners (2:54) - uncycled version of track #57
E07 06 The Mourners (Edit) (4:27) - !!! this is not, how the track was written by the composer! So, I tried to edit this track's beginning and make it sound, as I personally felt and wanted it to sound for me. Only little part of the track, 0:16-0:21, was changed, I personally like better what I did with it, then how it sound originally, but surely I coud not put it to the main part of the album :D But maibe you will like it too.
E07 08 Entering The Conception Cube (Memory Reconstruction) (3:14) - just the released "Memory Reconstruction" track, for case if you want this one and the fight part to be separately.
E07 09 The Conception Cube Fight (2:48) - the fight part of "The Conception Cube", separated from the "Memory Reconstruction" part of it.
E07 08 The Conception Cube (Cut) (5:18) - and again, the "Memory Reconstruction" music plays differently in the game, then in the released album, but I putted a version with full "Memory Reconstruction" to the main part of this compilation, coz I do not like, how it is cutted in the game (and in this version of the track). So, this is the exact in-game version of the track.
E07 08 The Conception Cube (Alt. Cut) (5:54) - another cutted version of the "Memory Reconstruction" track was found in the gamerip, so I edited this version of "The Conception Cube" too. (Don't know, why the fuck I did it)
E08 02 Our Parents (Cut) (2:25) - the track, as it plays in the game. Part of the released version (1:30-2:03) is cutted from the in-game version, and here it is, the In-Game veriation. Putted the full version to the main part of this compilation, coz it is better.
E08 04 H3O (14:26) - cutted version, actually the In-Game version, included to the main part of the compilation, and I explained, why, on track #63 description. This one, although, contains the full "Hope" version, taken from the released album.

Bloodborne Full Extended Soundtrack (2015) [FLAC, MP3 320]

The tracks in the official soundtrack album always felt shortened for me, compared to the music pieces, that played in the actual game. I do understand, that actually these tracks on the album are how they were composed and recorded, and then in the gameplay process these tracks play longer, depending on how long you fight with the bosses. Nevertheless, often the length of the track on the album is not enough for me, coz in most cases you fight the boss longer time and remember the track in other form and length. So I decided to make the extended soundtrack of the Bloodborne game, extending all the music pieces, written for the game, to be closer to how they are play in the game itself.

Most of the tracks in Bloodborne are boss fight music, and considering that most of the bosses have two or three stages, the music also represents these stages, having a part for the first (or first and second) stage, that repeats itself in the game, while you fight the boss in its first (or first and second) stage, then after the boss turns to the second (or third) stage, another part of his music begin to play and repeats itself again and again, till you finish the fight. There are a few exceptions to this, and the music is mostly more difficult, then just having two stages, but still the algorithm is mostly the same for all the boss fights music. So surely I extended all the tracks in a way, they play in the game, carefully paying attention to everyone of it, recording almost all of them, while playing (with all the other sounds muted) to be able to listen to them in the process of editing, before I actually started to edit the tracks. More accurate description of every track you will find below.

For making these tracks I mostly used the loseless version of the soundtrack. For some tracks I used music, recorded from the gameplay (again, you will find the descriptions below), also I recorded some transitions for the music loops from the game as well, if I could not manage to recreate the same transition from one loop to another, just using parts of the music from the album. Also, I added here the alpha versions of two tracks, recorded by someone from the Bloodborne Alpha in 2014, coz they are differ from the same tracks, used in the final version of the game.

I have made two versions of this extended soundtrack, so let me describe a bit both editions. “Bloodborne Extended Original Soundtrack” is compiled in the same way, the official releases compiled in terms of the tracks order. It consists of CD1, CD2 and “The Old Hunters”, every part contains the same tracks, the released albums have, in the same order. It is made for those, who like this specific order and does not want it to be changed, and for those, who would like just to replace some of the tracks in the official album with the extended ones, if he would like just some of these tracks. They are numbered in the same way, so these, who would like to do that way, can just replace one song with another. The “Bloodborne Full Extended Soundtrack” though consists of all tracks from the game, DLC and alpha, collected into sort of an album in a way, I like all of them together to be (still it is similar to the order of the original albums). Both compilations also have a few alternative edits of some tracks, if you would like them better and would like to replace the ones from the main parts of the compilations with these alternatives.

Composed By: Ryan Amon, Tsukasa Saitoh, Cris Velasco, Yuka Kitamura, Michael Wandmacher, Nobuyoshi Suzuki
Year Released: 2014-2015
Format: FLAC, MP3 320 kbps
Size: 1.19 GB (FLAC), 498 MB (MP3)
Runtime: 3h 10m
Tracks: 32 (+ 6 alternate variations)

The compilations almost fully consist of tracks, that can be bought officially.
So, please, support all the people, who made this incredible music, and buy the official soundtrack album of the “Bloodborne” videogame:
iTunes us (https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/bloodborne-original-soundtrack/id983475731), iTunes ru (https://itunes.apple.com/ru/album/bloodborne-original-soundtrack/id983475731), Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/Bloodborne-Original-Soundtrack-Various-Artist/dp/B00VFHWFDM/ref=sr_1_1?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1453054102&sr=1-1&keywords=Bloodborne), PSN (https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-us/games/addons/bloodborne-original-soundtrack/cid=UP9000-CUSA02006_00-BLOODBORNEFOSTUS).

Full playlist on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQ82HA86SoI&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqdYrovYsDzpRYO2nP1LrNkO

Download links (please, read the compilations descriptions above and tracklists below, before downloading):

Bloodborne Full Extended Soundtrack (FLAC): https://dl.orangedox.com/WPBbKCEwnMKPWuHGEB
Bloodborne Full Extended Soundtrack (MP3 320): https://dl.orangedox.com/dZp0xrTq9tgauOtpOe
Bloodborne Extended Original Soundtrack (FLAC): https://dl.orangedox.com/zCPC3uPjy5XNUA6xxB
Bloodborne Extended Original Soundtrack (MP3 320): https://dl.orangedox.com/a8D4U0vUl9xLywGI9U

Bloodborne Full Extended Soundtrack
Disc 1:

01 Ryan Amon - Omen (Extended) 2:56
02 Ryan Amon - The Night Unfurls (Cycled) 4:10
03 Ryan Amon - Hunter's Dream (Extended) 6:51
04 Tsukasa Saitoh - Cleric Beast (Alpha version) 3:53
05 Ryan Amon - The Hunter (Extended) 4:23
06 Tsukasa Saitoh - Blood-starved Beast (Extended) 6:34
07 Cris Velasco - Terror (Extended) 4:52
08 Yuka Kitamura - Watchers (Extended) 6:09
09 Michael Wandmacher - Of the Pthumerian Line (Full Extended) 6:17
10 Ryan Amon - Hail the Nightmare (Extended) 8:37
11 Tsukasa Saitoh - Darkbeast (Extended) 6:14
12 Michael Wandmacher - The Witch of Hemwick (Extended) 6:32
13 Tsukasa Saitoh - Cleric Beast (Extended) 5:08
14 Ryan Amon - Dream Refuge 6:17
15 Cris Velasco - Amygdala (Extended) 6:14
16 Ryan Amon - Queen of the Vilebloods (Extended) 6:44
17 Yuka Kitamura - Rom, the Vacuous Spider (Extended) 5:18

Disc 2:

01 Ryan Amon - Moonlit Melody (Extended) 6:47
02 Nobuyoshi Suzuki - Ludwig, the Holy Blade (Extended) 7:03
03 Tsukasa Saitoh - Laurence, the First Vicar (Extended) 8:56
04 Nobuyoshi Suzuki - Living Failures (Extended) 6:40
05 Yuka Kitamura - Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower (Extended) 8:26
06 Tsukasa Saitoh - Orphan of Kos (Extended) 8:17
07 Nobuyoshi Suzuki - The One Reborn (Extended) 4:43
08 Michael Wandmacher - Micolash, Nightmare Host (Extended) 6:50
09 Ryan Amon - Lullaby for Mergo 3:49
10 Ryan Amon - Soothing Hymn (Extended) 4:05
11 Ryan Amon - Celestial Emissary (Extended) 5:07
12 Yuka Kitamura - Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos (Extended) 4:53
13 Tsukasa Saitoh - The First Hunter (Extended) 9:12
14 Ryan Amon - Moon Presence (Extended) 4:48
15 Ryan Amon - Bloodborne (Extended) 3:52

Alternative versions:

Ryan Amon - Omen (Cycled) 4:14
Nobuyoshi Suzuki - The One Reborn (Alt. Extended) 4:49
Ryan Amon - Hail the Nightmare (Alt. Extended) 5:48
Ryan Amon - Celestial Emissary (Alt. Extended) 3:54
Yuka Kitamura - Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos (Alt. Extended) 5:51
Ryan Amon - Moon Presence (Alt. Extended) 5:20Tracks info:
Disc 1:

01 Ryan Amon - Omen (Extended) 2:56 – Although this track was not intended to play in extended form in the game (actually, it is even not presented in the game itself either), I looped the middle part of it. If you won't like that, you can replace it with alternate cycled edit of this track or the original not extended one from the original album.

02 Ryan Amon - The Night Unfurls (Cycled) 4:10 – The main menu track, that entirely looped and repeats itself, if you will stay in the menu long enough. I just looped it in the same way here.

03 Ryan Amon - Hunter's Dream (Extended) 6:51 – The track is looped and repeats itself, when the player is messing around in Hunter's Dream, having a gentle transition between the loops, like the song never stops. The same is here, it is cycled twice with a gentle transition.

04 Tsukasa Saitoh - Cleric Beast (Alpha version) 3:53 – Cleric Beast boss fight music variation, that played only in the Alpha version of the game, that was posted in the internet in fall 2014 by someone. I did not change it, only added the fading out in the end earlier, then in the track, I found (when it began to repeat itself).

05 Ryan Amon - The Hunter (Extended) 4:23 – At last, something worth talking about – the track, that plays during Father Gascoine fight. The track consists of intro, loop 1 (that plays during the first and second phases of the fight), transition, loop 2 (that plays during the third phase of the fight). Here I cycled only the 1st loop, coz the 2nd one is long enough on it's own and is a great conclusion for the track, but not very interesting to be listened repeatedly.

Released track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:40 – loop 1, 1:38 – transition, 1:45 – loop 2.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:40 – loop 1, 1:38 – loop 1, 2:36 – transition, 2:44 – loop 2.

06 Tsukasa Saitoh - Blood-starved Beast (Extended) 6:34 – The track consists of intro, loop 1 (that plays during the first and second phases of the fight), loop 2 (that plays during the third phase of the fight). Here I cycled only the 1st loop, coz the 2nd one is a great conclusion for the track, as it is.

Released track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:19 – loop 1, 2:11– loop 2.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:19 – loop 1, 2:11 – loop 1, 4:03 – loop 2.

07 Cris Velasco - Terror (Extended) 4:52 – The track plays during fights with some Chalice Dungeons bosses. The first time you can hear this, fighting with Watch Dog of the Old Lords. The track consists of intro, loop 1, transition, loop 2. Here I cycled only the 1st loop, coz the 2nd one is a great conclution for the track, as it is.

Released track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:54 – loop 1, 1:55 – transition, 2:05 – loop 2.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:54 – loop 1, 1:55 – loop 1, 2:56 – transition, 3:06 – loop 2.

08 Yuka Kitamura - Watchers (Extended) 6:09 – The track plays during fights with some Chalice Dungeons bosses and the Shadows of Yharnam boss. Consists of loop 1 and loop 2.

Released track structure: 0:00 – loop 1, 1:11 – loop 2.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – loop1, 1:05 – loop 1, 2:15 – loop 2, 4:08 – loop 2.

09 Michael Wandmacher - Of the Pthumerian Line (Full Extended) 6:17 – This track plays during some Chalice Dundeons bosses fights, particularly Pthumerian Descendant and Pthumerian Elder. The released and in-game music for this fight are different: the first phase music has no vocals when the released track has vocals, the second phase in-game music has a part with a capella vocals, when the released version has accompaniment in the same place on the track. So here I combined both variations. In-game variation was recorded from the gameplay, so it has lower quality.

Full Extended track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:33 – loop 1 (in-game), 1:39 – loop 1 (released), 2:44 – transition, 3:17 – loop 2 (in-game), 4:44 – loop 2 (released).

10 Ryan Amon - Hail the Nightmare (Extended) 8:37 – This track is repeating itself again and again, while the player is in the Unseen Village Yahargul before the Paleblood Moon rises. But the interesting part is that it plays hushfully inside the Hypogean Gaol and more hushfully in the lower Hypogean Gaol, you can hear it when you entering the highest available floor of Hypogean Gaol and when you coming out the Gaol. So here I didn’t just looped the released track, but recorded the subdued variations from the game and tried to recreate the process of the music becoming louder. I made the transitions not between the loops, but inside them. The third loop is a complete released variation with no transitions inside it.

11 Tsukasa Saitoh - Darkbeast (Extended) 6:14 – This track consists of intro, loop 1 of the first phase, loop 2 of the second phase. Only loop 1 cycled, when phase 2 plays only once, as a conclusion.

Released track structure: 0:00 – intro, 1:05 – loop 1, 2:24 – loop 2.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – intro, 1:05 – loop 1, 2:24 – loop 1, 3:43 – loop 2.

12 Michael Wandmacher - The Witch of Hemwick (Extended) 6:32 – The track consists of intro, loop 1, transition, loop 2, that was playing in the second phase, when the witches could stun the player. Both loops cycled.

Released track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:28 – loop 1, 1:53 – transition, 2:07 – loop 2.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:28 – loop 1, 1:53 – loop 1, 3:19 – transition, 3:33 – loop 2, 4:58 – loop 2.

13 Tsukasa Saitoh - Cleric Beast (Extended) 5:08 – The track consists of intro, loop 1, loop 2. Both cycled.

Released track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:42 – loop 1, 1:44 – loop 2.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:42 – loop 1, 1:44 – loop 1, 2:46 – loop 2, 3:48 – loop 2.

14 Ryan Amon - Dream Refuge 6:17 – early version of the released “Hunter’s Dream” track with alternative violas and vocals, that played in Alpha version of the game, while choosing the character to play it. Was recorded and posted to web in 2014 (thanks to whoever it was) in this form, cycled twice, only I made the ending little bit longer, then in the track, I found, for it to end more gently.

15 Cris Velasco - Amygdala (Extended) 6:14 – Consists of intro, loop 1, transition, loop 2 (that plays during phases 2 and 3 of this boss fight) and ending (all tracks have smooth endings, but this is first from this list to have an ending, that not plays in the game, but ends only the recorded and released track. Althought, it is very short). Both loops cycled.

Released track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:08 – loop 1, 1:20 – transition, 1:44 – loop 2, 3:20 – ending.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:08 – loop 1, 1:19 – loop 1, 2:30 – transition, 2:55 – loop 2, 4:29 – loop 2, ending – 6:05.

16 Ryan Amon - Queen of the Vilebloods (Extended) 6:44 – Consists of intro, loop 1, transition, loop 2. Both loops cycled.

Released track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:18 – loop 1, 1:40 – transition, 2:18 – loop 2.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:18 – loop 1, 1:40 – loop 1, 3:03 – transition, 3:41 – loop 2, 5:10 – loop 2.

17 Yuka Kitamura - Rom, the Vacuous Spider (Extended) 5:18 – Consists of loop1, loop 2 (that plays during the second and third boss phases) and ending . Only the second loop is cycled here.

Released track structure: 0:00 – loop 1, 1:32 – loop 2, 3:20 – ending.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – loop 1, 1:32 – loop 2, 3:19 – loop 2, 5:05 – ending.

Disc 2:

01 Ryan Amon - Moonlit Melody (Extended) 6:47 – The track is looped and repeats itself, when the player is messing around in Hunter's Dream, having a gentle transition between the loops, like the song never stops. The same is here, it is cycled twice with a gentle transition.

02 Nobuyoshi Suzuki - Ludwig, the Holy Blade (Extended) 7:03 – Consists of intro, loop 1, transition and loop 2. Both loops cycled.

Released track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:18 – loop 1, 2:00 – transition, 2:39 – loop 2.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:18 – loop 1, 2:00 – loop 1, 3:42 – transition, 4:21 – loop 2, 5:34 – loop 2.

03 Tsukasa Saitoh - Laurence, the First Vicar (Extended) 8:56 – This track consists of loop 1, transition, loop 2 and ending. Both loops cycled here. Interesting part of this one is that the main part of it’s ending plays between the cycled 1st loops during the boss fight. The same is made in this track as well.

Released track structure: 0:00 – loop 1, 2:05 – transition, 2:43 – loop 2, 4:20 – ending.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – loop 1, 2:05 – ending, 2:24 – loop 1, 4:29 – transition, 5:08 – loop 2, 6:44 – loop 2, 8:20 – ending.

04 Nobuyoshi Suzuki - Living Failures (Extended) 6:40 – The track consists of intro, loop 1, loop 2, ending. Both loops cycled.

Released track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:57 – loop 1, 2:20 – loop 2, 3:43 – ending.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:57 – loop 1, 2:20 – loop 1, 3:44 – loop 2, 5:06 – loop 2, 6:28 – ending.

05 Yuka Kitamura - Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower (Extended) 8:26 – This track is unique in a way, it’s used in the game, coz it has separate representations of all three phases of this boss fight. It consists of three loops and two transitions between them.

Released track structure: 0:00 – loop 1, 1:03 – transition 1, 1:37 – loop 2, 3:09 – transition 2, 3:22 – loop 3.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – loop 1, 1:03 – loop1, 2:05 – transition 1, 2:39 – loop 2, 4:11 – loop 2, 5:43 – transition 2, 5:56 – loop 3, 7:02 – loop 3.

06 Tsukasa Saitoh - Orphan of Kos (Extended) 8:17 – Consists of loop 1, transition and loop 2. Both loops cycled.

Released track structure: 0:00 – loop 1, 1:46 – transition 1, 2:03 – loop 2.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – loop 1, 1:46 – loop1, 3:30 – transition 1, 3:47 – loop 2, 5:59 – loop 2.

07 Nobuyoshi Suzuki - The One Reborn (Extended) 4:43 – This boss-fight track is also unique, but in another way. This boss has only one phase, so this track used in a different way in the game. The music plays not the same way, the track was written and recorded, but the order of different parts of the original track is changed. Then, after some time two the most intense parts of it begin to play one after another again and again, till you kill the boss. Here I didn't change the released track into how it plays in the game, except of it's last part, where I cycled the same parts, that play cycled in the game. But also I recorded this music from the actual game during this fight and putted it in the Alternatives folder, so if you interested in that variation, check for it there.

08 Michael Wandmacher - Micolash, Nightmare Host (Extended) 6:50 – This track consists of intro, loop 1, loop 2. Both cycled.

Released track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:27 – loop 1, 2:03 – loop 2.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:27 – loop 1, 2:03 – loop 1, 3:39 – loop 2, 5:11 – loop 2.

09 Ryan Amon - Lullaby for Mergo 3:49 – I did not make any changes to this track, coz it's 2 loops are very similar, loop 2 has the same melody, though there are cellos added in the background through all of it. Also there is a transition part between the loops. I do not even sure, how exactly this track plays during the fight, so I don't know, if it's right to call parts of it as loops, coz I just did not intended to extend it initially.

Released track structure: 0:00 – loop 1, 1:36 – transition, 2:08 – loop 2.

10 Ryan Amon - Soothing Hymn (Extended) 4:05 – Just the same track cycled.

11 Ryan Amon - Celestial Emissary (Extended) 5:07 – This track consists of intro, loop 1, loop 2 and ending. The transition of loop 2 into itself did not go very well during this boss fight and sounds quite unpleasantly to be listened on it's own. But still, I cycled the 2nd loop in this track, but I tried to make it smoother, then in the game itself. If you won't like it, you will find an alternative edit of this track in the archive, where the 2nd loop is uncycled.

Released track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:25 – loop 1, 1:24 – loop 2, 2:40 - ending.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:25 – loop 1, 1:24 – loop 1, 2:23 – loop 2, 3:36 – loop 2, 4:50 – ending.

12 Yuka Kitamura - Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos (Extended) 4:53 – This track consists of intro, loop 1 and loop 2. I did not cycled the 2nd loop here, coz it is very long and it's a great conclution for the whole track, but it is not very interesting to be listened repeatedly and also the transition of loop 2 into itself sounds not very well. Also, the way, the first loop is cycled during the first phase of this boss fight, differs a little from the standard algorithm of this soundtrack, you could hear this if you will listen to it during the boss fight longer, then if it will be looped one and a half times. In that case the intro begin to play again instead of the second part of loop 1. Here in this track I just cycled loop 1 twice, so if you want this part of the track to be looped 3 times and in the way it plays in the game in such case(and you could want that, coz this track is fucking amazing), I made an alternate edit of it, that you can find in the alternatives folder of this archive.

Released track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:32 – loop 1, 1:28 – loop 2.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:32 – loop 1, 1:28 – loop 1, 2:23 – loop 2.

13 Tsukasa Saitoh - The First Hunter (Extended) 9:12 – Consists of intro, loop 1, transition, loop 2 and ending. Both loops cycled.

Released track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:18 – loop 1, 3:05 – transition, 3:41 – loop 2, 4:54 – ending.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:18 – loop 1, 3:05 – loop 1, 5:52 – transition, 6:28 – loop 2, 7:41 – loop 2, 8:56 – ending.

14 Ryan Amon - Moon Presence (Extended) 4:48 – The calm beginning and ending of this track playing one after another cycled on the bosses first stage, when the intense part of the track plays looped on it’s second stage. Here I edited in a way, that the second intense stage begins to play immediately after the “ending” part, because it has a loud part in the end, that transitions to the intense music very well. But also I made an alternative version, that is closer to the released track, where the intense part starts to play after the beginning part.

Released track structure: 0:00 – beginning, 0:35 – intense loop, 2:00 – ending.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – beginning, 0:35 – ending, 1:09 – intense loop, 2:38 – intense loop, 4:03 – ending.

15 Ryan Amon - Bloodborne (Extended) 3:52 – Although this track was not intended to play in extended form in the game, I looped the middle part of it. If you won't like that, you can replace it with the original not extended one from the original album.

Alternative versions:
(All these have the same numbers, as their alternatives from the main part of the compilation, so you could easily replace those with these, if you would like to)

01 Ryan Amon - Omen (Cycled) 4:14 – Looped menu theme.

07 Nobuyoshi Suzuki - The One Reborn (Alt. Extended) 4:49 – The in-game version of the track. The first half, that has mixed parts of the released track, recorded from the game, so it has lower quality. The second part with looped segments consists of parts from the loseless version.

10 Ryan Amon - Hail the Nightmare (Alt. Extended) 5:48 – Unlike the one from the main part, this version contains only on subdued variation (first half) and a normal version after it (second half).

11 Ryan Amon - Celestial Emissary (Alt. Extended) 3:54 – Version without the second part looped, if you didn’t like it in the alternative.

12 Yuka Kitamura - Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos (Alt. Extended) 5:51 – Longer version with loop 1, cycled 3 times. In that case on the second time, loop 1 plays, on the second half of the second loop 1 the intro begins to play instead of the second part of loop 1 (hard to explain, maybe when you will listen and compare, you will get, what I mean xD )

Alt. Extended track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:32 – loop 1, 1:28 – loop 1, 1:57 – intro, 2:26 – loop 1, 3:21 – loop 2.

14 Ryan Amon - Moon Presence (Alt. Extended) 5:20 – Unlike the alternative, after playing the “beginning-ending” part the “beginning” plays again with the intense part next after it, so it sounds exactly like in the released album track.

Alt. Extended track structure: 0:00 – beginning, 0:35 – ending, 1:09 – beginning, 1:42 – intense loop, 3:11 – intense loop, 4:36 – ending.

Bloodborne Extended Original Soundtrack

Tracklist: Disc 1:

01 Ryan Amon - Omen (Extended) 2:56
02 Ryan Amon - The Night Unfurls (Cycled) 4:10
03 Ryan Amon - Hunter's Dream (Extended) 6:51
04 Ryan Amon - The Hunter (Extended) 4:23
05 Tsukasa Saitoh - Cleric Beast (Extended) 5:08
06 Tsukasa Saitoh - Blood-starved Beast (Extended) 6:34
07 Cris Velasco - Terror (Extended) 4:52
08 Yuka Kitamura - Watchers (Extended) 6:09
09 Ryan Amon - Hail the Nightmare (Extended) 8:37
10 Tsukasa Saitoh - Darkbeast (Extended) 6:14
11 Michael Wandmacher - The Witch of Hemwick (Extended) 6:32
12 Cris Velasco - Amygdala (Extended) 6:14
13 Yuka Kitamura - Rom, the Vacuous Spider (Extended) 5:18

Disc 2:

01 Ryan Amon - Moonlit Melody (Extended) 6:47
02 Nobuyoshi Suzuki - The One Reborn (Extended) 4:43
03 Michael Wandmacher - Micolash, Nightmare Host (Extended) 6:50
04 Michael Wandmacher - Of the Pthumerian Line (Extended) 6:17
05 Ryan Amon - Queen of the Vilebloods (Extended) 6:44
06 Ryan Amon - Soothing Hymn (Extended) 4:05
07 Ryan Amon - Celestial Emissary (Extended) 5:07
08 Yuka Kitamura - Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos (Extended) 4:53
09 Ryan Amon - Lullaby for Mergo 3:49
10 Tsukasa Saitoh - The First Hunter (Extended) 9:12
11 Ryan Amon - Moon Presence (Extended) 4:48
12 Ryan Amon - Bloodborne (Extended) 3:52

The Old Hunters:

01 Nobuyoshi Suzuki - Ludwig, the Holy Blade (Extended) 7:03
02 Tsukasa Saitoh - Laurence, the First Vicar (Extended) 8:56
03 Nobuyoshi Suzuki - Living Failures (Extended) 6:40
04 Yuka Kitamura - Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower (Extended) 8:26
05 Tsukasa Saitoh - Orphan of Kos (Extended) 8:17

Bonuses and alternatives:

Ryan Amon - Dream Refuge 6:17
Tsukasa Saitoh - Cleric Beast (Alpha version) 3:53
Ryan Amon - Omen (Cycled) 4:14
Nobuyoshi Suzuki - The One Reborn (Alt. Extended) 4:49
Ryan Amon - Hail the Nightmare (Alt. Extended) 5:48
Ryan Amon - Celestial Emissary (Alt. Extended) 3:54
Yuka Kitamura - Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos (Alt. Extended) 5:51
Ryan Amon - Moon Presence (Alt. Extended) 5:20Tracks info:
Disc 1:

01 Ryan Amon - Omen (Extended) 2:56 – Although this track was not intended to play in extended form in the game (actually, it is even not presented in the game itself either), I looped the middle part of it. If you won't like that, you can replace it with alternate cycled edit of this track or the original not extended one from the original album.

02 Ryan Amon - The Night Unfurls (Cycled) 4:10 – The main menu track, that entirely looped and repeats itself, if you will stay in the menu long enough. I just looped it in the same way here.

03 Ryan Amon - Hunter's Dream (Extended) 6:51 – The track is looped and repeats itself, when the player is messing around in Hunter's Dream, having a gentle transition between the loops, like the song never stops. The same is here, it is cycled twice with a gentle transition.

04 Ryan Amon - The Hunter (Extended) 4:23 – At last, something worth talking about – the track, that plays during Father Gascoine fight. The track consists of intro, loop 1 (that plays during the first and second phases of the fight), transition, loop 2 (that plays during the third phase of the fight). Here I cycled only the 1st loop, coz the 2nd one is long enough on it's own and is a great conclusion for the track, but not very interesting to be listened repeatedly.

Released track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:40 – loop 1, 1:38 – transition, 1:45 – loop 2.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:40 – loop 1, 1:38 – loop 1, 2:36 – transition, 2:44 – loop 2.

05 Tsukasa Saitoh - Cleric Beast (Extended) 5:08 – The track consists of intro, loop 1, loop 2. Both cycled.

Released track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:42 – loop 1, 1:44 – loop 2.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:42 – loop 1, 1:44 – loop 1, 2:46 – loop 2, 3:48 – loop 2.

06 Tsukasa Saitoh - Blood-starved Beast (Extended) 6:34 – The track consists of intro, loop 1 (that plays during the first and second phases of the fight), loop 2 (that plays during the third phase of the fight). Here I cycled only the 1st loop, coz the 2nd one is a great conclusion for the track, as it is.

Released track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:19 – loop 1, 2:11– loop 2.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:19 – loop 1, 2:11 – loop 1, 4:03 – loop 2.

07 Cris Velasco - Terror (Extended) 4:52 – The track plays during fights with some Chalice Dungeons bosses. The first time you can hear this, fighting with Watch Dog of the Old Lords. The track consists of intro, loop 1, transition, loop 2. Here I cycled only the 1st loop, coz the 2nd one is a great conclution for the track, as it is.

Released track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:54 – loop 1, 1:55 – transition, 2:05 – loop 2.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:54 – loop 1, 1:55 – loop 1, 2:56 – transition, 3:06 – loop 2.

08 Yuka Kitamura - Watchers (Extended) 6:09 – The track plays during fights with some Chalice Dungeons bosses and the Shadows of Yharnam boss. Consists of loop 1 and loop 2.

Released track structure: 0:00 – loop 1, 1:11 – loop 2.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – loop1, 1:05 – loop 1, 2:15 – loop 2, 4:08 – loop 2.

09 Ryan Amon - Hail the Nightmare (Extended) 8:37 – This track is repeating itself again and again, while the player is in the Unseen Village Yahargul before the Paleblood Moon rises. But the interesting part is that it plays hushfully inside the Hypogean Gaol and more hushfully in the lower Hypogean Gaol, you can hear it when you entering the highest available floor of Hypogean Gaol and when you coming out the Gaol. So here I didn’t just looped the released track, but recorded the subdued variations from the game and tried to recreate the process of the music becoming louder. I made the transitions not between the loops, but inside them. The third loop is a complete released variation with no transitions inside it.

10 Tsukasa Saitoh - Darkbeast (Extended) 6:14 – This track consists of intro, loop 1 of the first phase, loop 2 of the second phase. Only loop 1 cycled, when phase 2 plays only once, as a conclusion.

Released track structure: 0:00 – intro, 1:05 – loop 1, 2:24 – loop 2.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – intro, 1:05 – loop 1, 2:24 – loop 1, 3:43 – loop 2.

11 Michael Wandmacher - The Witch of Hemwick (Extended) 6:32 – The track consists of intro, loop 1, transition, loop 2, that was playing in the second phase, when the witches could stun the player. Both loops cycled.

Released track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:28 – loop 1, 1:53 – transition, 2:07 – loop 2.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:28 – loop 1, 1:53 – loop 1, 3:19 – transition, 3:33 – loop 2, 4:58 – loop 2.

12 Cris Velasco - Amygdala (Extended) 6:14 – Consists of intro, loop 1, transition, loop 2 (that plays during phases 2 and 3 of this boss fight) and ending (all tracks have smooth endings, but this is first from this list to have an ending, that not plays in the game, but ends only the recorded and released track. Althought, it is very short). Both loops cycled.

Released track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:08 – loop 1, 1:20 – transition, 1:44 – loop 2, 3:20 – ending.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:08 – loop 1, 1:19 – loop 1, 2:30 – transition, 2:55 – loop 2, 4:29 – loop 2, ending – 6:05.

13 Yuka Kitamura - Rom, the Vacuous Spider (Extended) 5:18 – Consists of loop1, loop 2 (that plays during the second and third boss phases) and ending . Only the second loop is cycled here.

Released track structure: 0:00 – loop 1, 1:32 – loop 2, 3:20 – ending.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – loop 1, 1:32 – loop 2, 3:19 – loop 2, 5:05 – ending.

Disc 2:

01 Ryan Amon - Moonlit Melody (Extended) 6:47 – The track is looped and repeats itself, when the player is messing around in Hunter's Dream, having a gentle transition between the loops, like the song never stops. The same is here, it is cycled twice with a gentle transition.

02 Nobuyoshi Suzuki - The One Reborn (Extended) 4:43 – This boss-fight track is also unique, but in another way. This boss has only one phase, so this track used in a different way in the game. The music plays not the same way, the track was written and recorded, but the order of different parts of the original track is changed. Then, after some time two the most intense parts of it begin to play one after another again and again, till you kill the boss. Here I didn't change the released track into how it plays in the game, except of it's last part, where I cycled the same parts, that play cycled in the game. But also I recorded this music from the actual game during this fight and putted it in the Alternatives folder, so if you interested in that variation, check for it there.

03 Michael Wandmacher - Micolash, Nightmare Host (Extended) 6:50 – This track consists of intro, loop 1, loop 2. Both cycled.

Released track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:27 – loop 1, 2:03 – loop 2.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:27 – loop 1, 2:03 – loop 1, 3:39 – loop 2, 5:11 – loop 2.

04 Michael Wandmacher - Of the Pthumerian Line (Full Extended) 6:17 – This track plays during some Chalice Dundeons bosses fights, particularly Pthumerian Descendant and Pthumerian Elder. The released and in-game music for this fight are different: the first phase music has no vocals when the released track has vocals, the second phase in-game music has a part with a capella vocals, when the released version has accompaniment in the same place on the track. So here I combined both variations. In-game variation was recorded from the gameplay, so it has lower quality.

Full Extended track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:33 – loop 1 (in-game), 1:39 – loop 1 (released), 2:44 – transition, 3:17 – loop 2 (in-game), 4:44 – loop 2 (released).

05 Ryan Amon - Queen of the Vilebloods (Extended) 6:44 – Consists of intro, loop 1, transition, loop 2. Both loops cycled.

Released track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:18 – loop 1, 1:40 – transition, 2:18 – loop 2.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:18 – loop 1, 1:40 – loop 1, 3:03 – transition, 3:41 – loop 2, 5:10 – loop 2.

06 Ryan Amon - Soothing Hymn (Extended) 4:05 – Just the same track cycled.

07 Ryan Amon - Celestial Emissary (Extended) 5:07 – This track consists of intro, loop 1, loop 2 and ending. The transition of loop 2 into itself did not go very well during this boss fight and sounds quite unpleasantly to be listened on it's own. But still, I cycled the 2nd loop in this track, but I tried to make it smoother, then in the game itself. If you won't like it, you will find an alternative edit of this track in the archive, where the 2nd loop is uncycled.

Released track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:25 – loop 1, 1:24 – loop 2, 2:40 - ending.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:25 – loop 1, 1:24 – loop 1, 2:23 – loop 2, 3:36 – loop 2, 4:50 – ending.

08 Yuka Kitamura - Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos (Extended) 4:53 – This track consists of intro, loop 1 and loop 2. I did not cycled the 2nd loop here, coz it is very long and it's a great conclution for the whole track, but it is not very interesting to be listened repeatedly and also the transition of loop 2 into itself sounds not very well. Also, the way, the first loop is cycled during the first phase of this boss fight, differs a little from the standard algorithm of this soundtrack, you could hear this if you will listen to it during the boss fight longer, then if it will be looped one and a half times. In that case the intro begin to play again instead of the second part of loop 1. Here in this track I just cycled loop 1 twice, so if you want this part of the track to be looped 3 times and in the way it plays in the game in such case(and you could want that, coz this track is fucking amazing), I made an alternate edit of it, that you can find in the alternatives folder of this archive.

Released track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:32 – loop 1, 1:28 – loop 2.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:32 – loop 1, 1:28 – loop 1, 2:23 – loop 2.

09 Ryan Amon - Lullaby for Mergo 3:49 – I did not make any changes to this track, coz it's 2 loops are very similar, loop 2 has the same melody, though there are cellos added in the background through all of it. Also there is a transition part between the loops. I do not even sure, how exactly this track plays during the fight, so I don't know, if it's right to call parts of it as loops, coz I just did not intended to extend it initially.

Released track structure: 0:00 – loop 1, 1:36 – transition, 2:08 – loop 2.

10 Tsukasa Saitoh - The First Hunter (Extended) 9:12 – Consists of intro, loop 1, transition, loop 2 and ending. Both loops cycled.

Released track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:18 – loop 1, 3:05 – transition, 3:41 – loop 2, 4:54 – ending.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:18 – loop 1, 3:05 – loop 1, 5:52 – transition, 6:28 – loop 2, 7:41 – loop 2, 8:56 – ending.

11 Ryan Amon - Moon Presence (Extended) 4:48 – The calm beginning and ending of this track playing one after another cycled on the bosses first stage, when the intense part of the track plays looped on it’s second stage. Here I edited in a way, that the second intense stage begins to play immediately after the “ending” part, because it has a loud part in the end, that transitions to the intense music very well. But also I made an alternative version, that is closer to the released track, where the intense part starts to play after the beginning part.

Released track structure: 0:00 – beginning, 0:35 – intense loop, 2:00 – ending.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – beginning, 0:35 – ending, 1:09 – intense loop, 2:38 – intense loop, 4:03 – ending.

12 Ryan Amon - Bloodborne (Extended) 3:52 – Although this track was not intended to play in extended form in the game, I looped the middle part of it. If you won't like that, you can replace it with the original not extended one from the original album.

The Old Hunters:

01 Nobuyoshi Suzuki - Ludwig, the Holy Blade (Extended) 7:03 – Consists of intro, loop 1, transition and loop 2. Both loops cycled.

Released track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:18 – loop 1, 2:00 – transition, 2:39 – loop 2.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:18 – loop 1, 2:00 – loop 1, 3:42 – transition, 4:21 – loop 2, 5:34 – loop 2.

02 Tsukasa Saitoh - Laurence, the First Vicar (Extended) 8:56 – This track consists of loop 1, transition, loop 2 and ending. Both loops cycled here. Interesting part of this one is that the main part of it’s ending plays between the cycled 1st loops during the boss fight. The same is made in this track as well.

Released track structure: 0:00 – loop 1, 2:05 – transition, 2:43 – loop 2, 4:20 – ending.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – loop 1, 2:05 – ending, 2:24 – loop 1, 4:29 – transition, 5:08 – loop 2, 6:44 – loop 2, 8:20 – ending.

03 Nobuyoshi Suzuki - Living Failures (Extended) 6:40 – The track consists of intro, loop 1, loop 2, ending. Both loops cycled.

Released track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:57 – loop 1, 2:20 – loop 2, 3:43 – ending.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:57 – loop 1, 2:20 – loop 1, 3:44 – loop 2, 5:06 – loop 2, 6:28 – ending.

04 Yuka Kitamura - Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower (Extended) 8:26 – This track is unique in a way, it’s used in the game, coz it has separate representations of all three phases of this boss fight. It consists of three loops and two transitions between them.

Released track structure: 0:00 – loop 1, 1:03 – transition 1, 1:37 – loop 2, 3:09 – transition 2, 3:22 – loop 3.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – loop 1, 1:03 – loop1, 2:05 – transition 1, 2:39 – loop 2, 4:11 – loop 2, 5:43 – transition 2, 5:56 – loop 3, 7:02 – loop 3.

05 Tsukasa Saitoh - Orphan of Kos (Extended) 8:17 – Consists of loop 1, transition and loop 2. Both loops cycled.

Released track structure: 0:00 – loop 1, 1:46 – transition 1, 2:03 – loop 2.
Extended track structure: 0:00 – loop 1, 1:46 – loop1, 3:30 – transition 1, 3:47 – loop 2, 5:59 – loop 2.

Alternative versions and bonuses:
(All these have the same numbers, as their alternatives from the main part of the compilation, so you could easily replace those with these, if you would like to)

01 Ryan Amon - Omen (Cycled) 4:14 – Looped menu theme.

02 Nobuyoshi Suzuki - The One Reborn (Alt. Extended) 4:49 – The in-game version of the track. The first half, that has mixed parts of the released track, recorded from the game, so it has lower quality. The second part with looped segments consists of parts from the loseless version.

09 Ryan Amon - Hail the Nightmare (Alt. Extended) 5:48 – Unlike the one from the main part, this version contains only on subdued variation (first half) and a normal version after it (second half).

07 Ryan Amon - Celestial Emissary (Alt. Extended) 3:54 – Version without the second part looped, if you didn’t like it in the alternative.

08 Yuka Kitamura - Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos (Alt. Extended) 5:51 – Longer version with loop 1, cycled 3 times. In that case on the second time, loop 1 plays, on the second half of the second loop 1 the intro begins to play instead of the second part of loop 1 (hard to explain, maybe when you will listen and compare, you will get, what I mean xD )

Alt. Extended track structure: 0:00 – intro, 0:32 – loop 1, 1:28 – loop 1, 1:57 – intro, 2:26 – loop 1, 3:21 – loop 2.

11 Ryan Amon - Moon Presence (Alt. Extended) 5:20 – Unlike the alternative, after playing the “beginning-ending” part the “beginning” plays again with the intense part next after it, so it sounds exactly like in the released album track.

Alt. Extended track structure: 0:00 – beginning, 0:35 – ending, 1:09 – beginning, 1:42 – intense loop, 3:11 – intense loop, 4:36 – ending.

Tsukasa Saitoh - Cleric Beast (Alpha version) 3:53 – Cleric Beast boss fight music variation, that played only in the Alpha version of the game, that was posted in the internet in fall 2014 by someone. I did not change it, only added the fading out in the end earlier, then in the track, I found (when it began to repeat itself).

Ryan Amon - Dream Refuge 6:17 – early version of the released “Hunter’s Dream” track with alternative violas and vocals, that played in Alpha version of the game, while choosing the character to play it. Was recorded and posted to web in 2014 (thanks to whoever it was) in this form, cycled twice, only I made the ending little bit longer, then in the track, I found, for it to end more gently.

Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin Full Soundtrack and Extended Soundtrack (2014) [FLAC, MP3 320]

"Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin Full Original Soundtrack" is a compilation of all the music, written for the game. Mostly all the music for it was officially released in the "Dark Souls II: Scholar Of The First Sin Original Soundtrack", included to the Japanese limited edition of the game, still a few tracks were missing there, that you will find in this compilation. Also the bosses cutscenes music included in this compilation. This compilation is made, using the official released album FLAC and the DS2 gamerip by Infernus Animonitas (Thread 169564), also FLAC.

"Dark Souls II: Scholar Of The First Sin Full Extended Soundtrack" is a compilation of all the music, written for the game, extended in a way, it plays in the game. Mainly it is music, written for it, just looped again and again. Nothing special. In this compilation you will find all these tracks looped twice. Mostly all the music for the game was officially released in the "Dark Souls II: Scholar Of The First Sin Original Soundtrack", included to the Japanese limited edition of the game, still a few tracks were missing there, that you will find in this compilation. Also the bosses cutscenes music included here. This compilation is made, using the official released album FLAC and the DS2 gamerip by Infernus Animonitas (Thread 169564) (thanx a lot!), also FLAC.

Composed By: Motoi Sakuraba, Yuka Kitamura
Year Released: 2014
Format: FLAC, MP3 320 kbps
Size: Full - 934 MB (FLAC), 382 MB (MP3); Extended - 1.57 GB (FLAC), 644 MB (MP3)
Runtime: Full - 2h 40m; Extended - 4h 36m
Tracks: 51

"Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin Full Original Soundtrack" full playlist on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-aqSL_MAqk&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqdMOUtW4KiZoJVvX6VVrVeL
"Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin Full Extended Soundtrack" full playlist on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81ONaCYZ7LM&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqdMICqoGgHZZoycaChLnTg6

Download links:

Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin Full Original Soundtrack (FLAC): https://mega.nz/#!V5QBibjC!uSR8DN5nLofJXEReBzofAUB67JoGzqn0Dpf3Of4_V6o
Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin Full Original Soundtrack (MP3 320): https://dl.orangedox.com/IgUzuEfZ3uB2aUJBPj
Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin Full ExtendedSoundtrack (FLAC): https://mega.nz/#!MohSna6C!SvQYqvnlT-EPkKVVr5IEBwPJn3mhhT7JHS4Ogn1zGxw
/> Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin Full Extended Soundtrack (MP3 320):

(One track of the compilation, the extended unused Velstadt theme, was made after I did upload the Extended OSTs archives above, so it is not in there. Download the track separately here: https://dl.orangedox.com/57AnWW2S6CJBhsfTp5 )

Also check out my other compilations of From Software games soundtracks:
Bloodborne Full Extended Soundtrack: Thread 199069
Dark Souls III Complete Original Soundtrack: Thread 204123
Dark Souls III Unused Soundtrack: Thread 204187
Dark Souls III Extended Original Soundtrack: Thread 204541

Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin Full Original Soundtrack
Disc 1:

01 Motoi Sakuraba - DARK SOULS II (Main Menu Theme) 3:49
02 Motoi Sakuraba - Departure 4:11
03 Motoi Sakuraba - Fire Keepers 2:43
04 Motoi Sakuraba - Majula 3:17
05 Motoi Sakuraba - The Last Giant 3:48
06 Yuka Kitamura - The Pursuer 2:47
07 Motoi Sakuraba - Dragonrider 3:28
08 Yuka Kitamura - Old Dragonslayer 4:01
09 Yuka Kitamura - Sparring 0:12
10 Motoi Sakuraba - Flexile Sentry 3:16
11 Yuka Kitamura - Ruin Sentinel 2:43
12 Motoi Sakuraba - Belfry Gargoyle 2:48
13 Motoi Sakuraba - The Lost Sinner 3:17
14 Yuka Kitamura - Executioner's Chariot 3:22
15 Yuka Kitamura - Duel 0:10
16 Motoi Sakuraba - Skeleton Lord 2:29
17 Motoi Sakuraba - Covetous Demon 3:01
18 Motoi Sakuraba - Mytha, the Baneful Queen 2:36
19 Motoi Sakuraba - Old Iron King 3:17
20 Motoi Sakuraba - Scorpioness Najka 2:44
21 Yuka Kitamura - Royal Rat Authority 3:32
22 Motoi Sakuraba - The Duke's Dear Freja 3:51
23 Motoi Sakuraba - Royal Rat Vanguard 2:33
24 Motoi Sakuraba - The Rotten 3:31

Disc 2:

01 Motoi Sakuraba - Queen of Drangleic 2:57
02 Motoi Sakuraba - Looking Glass Knight 3:02
03 Motoi Sakuraba - Darklurker 3:00
04 Motoi Sakuraba - Milfanito 2:31
05 Motoi Sakuraba - Demon of Song 3:05
06 Yuka Kitamura - Velstadt, the Royal Aegis 3:02
07 Motoi Sakuraba - King Vendrick 3:08
08 Motoi Sakuraba - Throne Defender, Throne Watcher 3:20
09 Motoi Sakuraba - Guardian Dragon 2:24
10 Motoi Sakuraba - Ancient Dragon 3:11
11 Dragon Memories 1:39
12 Yuka Kitamura - Worshippers of the Dead (Album version) 3:56
13 Motoi Sakuraba - Elana, the Squalid Queen 3:44
14 Motoi Sakuraba - Sinh, the Slumbering Dragon 4:22
15 Motoi Sakuraba - Fume Knight 4:24
16 Yuka Kitamura - Sir Alonne 3:30
17 Yuka Kitamura - Aava, the King's Pet 3:01
18 Yuka Kitamura - Zallen and Lud 2:56
19 Yuka Kitamura - Burnt Ivory King 3:12
20 Motoi Sakuraba - Nashandra 6:00
21 Yuka Kitamura - Aldia, Scholar of the First Sin 3:29
22 Motoi Sakuraba - Bearer of the Curse 3:09
23 Yuka Kitamura - Nowhere 1:16
24 Yuka Kitamura - Remains 2:16
25 Motoi Sakuraba - Longing 6:38
26 Yuka Kitamura - Sin and Crowns 3:00
27 Yuka Kitamura - Velstadt, the Royal Aegis (Alternative Unused version) 2:26Tracks info:
Disc 1:

Mostly the boss fight tracks in this game are just loops, that cycled during the boss fight. So, if the track is not presented below, then it is just it. Otherwise some description is provided, telling about track's structure or other properties, when needed. Mostly, the boss fight tracks are finished with fading out instead of a proper ending, unfortunately. But if the ending of the track was provided in the released album or was included into the gamerip files, sure it is here as well and information about it will be also mentioned here below. If there was no ending for the track, a fading out was used, but all these here made by myself, because of the fading outs in the released album were executed extremely poorly and unpleasant to listen. Here they are longer and placed, where they fit the most (in my opinion).

01 Motoi Sakuraba - DARK SOULS II (Main Menu Theme) 3:49 - Main menu theme of Dark Souls 2, not included in both official soundtrack albums.

02 Motoi Sakuraba - Departure 4:11 - The prologue cutscene music.

03 Motoi Sakuraba - Fire Keepers 2:43 - Character creation music, that always plays in the Fire Keepers house.

05 Motoi Sakuraba - The Last Giant 3:48 - This boss has a pre-fight cutscene with its own music, so it is also included here.

06 Yuka Kitamura - The Pursuer 2:47 - This boss has a pre-fight cutscene with its own music, which it is also included here.

08 Yuka Kitamura - Old Dragonslayer 4:01 - This track consists of a unique intro and the loop itself, also this track has its own ending, which is very nice.

Track structure: 0:00 - intro, 0:51 - loop, 3:49 - ending.

11 Yuka Kitamura - Ruin Sentinel 2:43 - The track consists of a little intro and the loop itself.

Track structure: 0:00 - intro, 0:05 - loop.

13 Motoi Sakuraba - The Lost Sinner 3:17 - This boss has a pre-fight cutscene with its own music, which it is also included here.

14 Yuka Kitamura - Executioner's Chariot 3:22 - This boss has a pre-fight cutscene with its own music, which it is also included here. The track itself consists of intro and the loop.

Structure: 0:00 - boss intro, 0:21 - intro, 0:33 - loop, 3:05 - part of the loop to finish the track.

19 Motoi Sakuraba - Old Iron King 3:17 - This boss has a pre-fight cutscene with its own music, which it is also included here.

21 Yuka Kitamura - Royal Rat Authority 3:32 - This track consists of intro, the loop and an ending.

Structure: 0:00 - intro, 0:53 - loop, 3:20 - ending.

22 Motoi Sakuraba - The Duke's Dear Freja 3:51 - This boss has a pre-fight cutscene with its own music, which it is also included here.

24 Motoi Sakuraba - The Rotten 3:31 - This boss has a pre-fight cutscene with its own music, which it is also included here.

Disc 2:

01 Motoi Sakuraba - Queen of Drangleic 2:57 - This track is not presented in the game, it was included only to the released album.

06 Yuka Kitamura - Velstadt, the Royal Aegis 3:02 - This boss has a pre-fight cutscene with its own music, which it is also included here.

11 Dragon Memories 1:39 — Ambience music, that plays in the Dragon Memories location. It is totally unclear, by which of the composers this track was written.

12 Yuka Kitamura - Worshippers of the Dead (Album version) 3:56 - The track consists of intro part and the loop itself. Also, the album version and the in-game version of this track mixed so differently, that both versions of the track feel quite differently, despite that the arrangements are very similar. So, in this compilation the album version is presented, wich also has it's proper ending, that was provided in the released album.

Track structure: 0:00 - intro, 0:13 - loop.

13 Motoi Sakuraba - Elana, the Squalid Queen 3:44 - Proper ending for this track was provided in the released album.

14 Motoi Sakuraba - Sinh, the Slumbering Dragon 4:22 - Proper ending for this track was provided in the released album.

15 Motoi Sakuraba - Fume Knight 4:24 - Proper ending for this track was provided in the released album.

16 Yuka Kitamura - Sir Alonne 3:30 — Consists of intro, the loop itself and an ending.

Track structure: 0:00 - intro, 0:08 - loop, 3:05 - loop again to finish the track.

17 Yuka Kitamura - Aava, the King's Pet 3:01 - Consists of the loop and an ending.

Track structure: 0:00 - loop, 2:53 - ending

18 Yuka Kitamura - Zallen and Lud 2:56 — Consists of an intro and the loop itself.

Track structure: 0:00 - intro, 0:07 - loop, 2:47 - loop again to finish the track.

19 Burnt Ivory King - At first I was sure it was composed by Kitamura, but it could be Sakuraba as well, I relly can't tell who composed this one.

20 Motoi Sakuraba - Nashandra 6:00 - There are two different cutscenes, that present this boss before the fight, in the game, and both have a different cutscene music. Still, both cutscene music pieces are combined in this track.

21 *Yuka Kitamura - Aldia, Scholar of the First Sin 3:29 - The track consists of the loop itself and an ending.

22 Motoi Sakuraba - Bearer of the Curse 3:09 - Beginning and ending of this track are used in the first ending cutscene. The intense middle part of this track is not used anywhere in the game.

23 *Yuka Kitamura - Nowhere 1:16 - The second ending cutscene music.

24 *Yuka Kitamura - Remains 2:16 - Additional end credits music, added to the “Scholar of the First Sin” edition of the game.

25 Motoi Sakuraba - Longing 6:38 - End credits theme.

26 Yuka Kitamura - Sin and Crowns 3:00 - Bonus track from the released album, not used anywhere in the game.

27 Yuka Kitamura - Velstadt, the Royal Aegis (Alternative Unused version) 2:26 - Alternative version of the Velstadt fight music, taken from the Network Stress test version of the game. The only source of this track, I foundm is this video by Marcohazard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2mktxh_zk8 (thanx for this!), and unfortunaly it is just 128 kbps. Also I cleaned it from clicks and reequalized it a bit. Unfortunately, I did not find the gamerip of the stress test version of the game.

* Three tracks were added to the game in a year after the game release with a “Scholar of the First Sin” edition. There is no any information about which one of these were written by which composer. Still, the Aldia track is very much Kitamura style. The “Nowhere” track also probably not a Sakuraba track, because it has parts, that Yuka Kitamura often uses in her music (despite that some parts of it are similar to parts from the “Bearer of the Curse” track, that most likely was written by Sakuraba. But she reused some Sakuraba's music parts in her music compositions in some other cases as well, so it is really not proofs anything). The “Remains” track is a piano only piece of music, and it is really nothing to say about it concerning which composer's style is used. Still, on a basis, that it would be much easier for From Software to use their staff composer (Kitamura) to write a few new tracks in a year after the initial release of the game, then to bother a side composer (Sakuraba) for that (at least the latest DLC Ivory King music is completely Kitamura already, for example), and on a basis of the issues, described above, I assumed that all three tracks were written by Yuka Kitamura.

Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin Full Extended Soundtrack

Tracklist: Disc 1:

01 Motoi Sakuraba - DARK SOULS II (Main Menu Theme) (Cycled) 7:39
02 Motoi Sakuraba - Departure 4:11
03 Motoi Sakuraba - Fire Keepers (Extended) 5:16
04 Motoi Sakuraba - Majula (Extended) 6:21
05 Motoi Sakuraba - The Last Giant (Extended) 6:24
06 Yuka Kitamura - The Pursuer (Extended) 5:03
07 Motoi Sakuraba - Dragonrider (Extended) 6:08
08 Yuka Kitamura - Old Dragonslayer (Extended) 7:00
09 Yuka Kitamura - Sparring 0:12
10 Motoi Sakuraba - Flexile Sentry (Extended) 5:52
11 Yuka Kitamura - Ruin Sentinel (Extended) 5:21
12 Motoi Sakuraba - Belfry Gargoyle (Extended) 5:04
13 Motoi Sakuraba - The Lost Sinner (Extended) 5:51
14 Yuka Kitamura - Executioner's Chariot (Extended) 5:55
15 Yuka Kitamura - Duel 0:10
16 Motoi Sakuraba - Skeleton Lord (Extended) 4:42
17 Motoi Sakuraba - Covetous Demon (Extended) 5:40
18 Motoi Sakuraba - Mytha, the Baneful Queen (Extended) 5:05
19 Motoi Sakuraba - Old Iron King (Extended) 5:42
20 Motoi Sakuraba - Scorpioness Najka (Extended) 5:10
21 Yuka Kitamura - Royal Rat Authority (Extended) 6:00
22 Motoi Sakuraba - The Duke's Dear Freja (Extended) 6:15
23 Motoi Sakuraba - Royal Rat Vanguard (Extended) 4:45
24 Motoi Sakuraba - The Rotten (Extended) 5:43

Disc 2:

01 Motoi Sakuraba - Queen of Drangleic (Extended) 5:45
02 Motoi Sakuraba - Looking Glass Knight (Extended) 5:36
03 Motoi Sakuraba - Darklurker (Extended) 5:40
04 Motoi Sakuraba - Milfanito (Extended) 5:01
05 Motoi Sakuraba - Demon of Song (Extended) 5:49
06 Yuka Kitamura - Velstadt, the Royal Aegis (Extended) 5:13
07 Motoi Sakuraba - King Vendrick (Extended) 6:14
08 Motoi Sakuraba - Throne Defender, Throne Watcher (Extended) 6:00
09 Motoi Sakuraba - Guardian Dragon (Extended) 4:50
10 Motoi Sakuraba - Ancient Dragon (Extended) 5:54
11 Dragon Memories (Extended) 3:19
12 Yuka Kitamura - Worshippers of the Dead (Extended In-game version) 7:45
13 Motoi Sakuraba - Elana, the Squalid Queen (Extended) 6:34
14 Motoi Sakuraba - Sinh, the Slumbering Dragon (Extended) 8:20
15 Motoi Sakuraba - Fume Knight (Extended) 8:31
16 Yuka Kitamura - Sir Alonne (Extended) 6:28
17 Yuka Kitamura - Aava, the King's Pet (Extended) 5:54
18 Yuka Kitamura - Zallen and Lud (Extended) 5:36
19 Yuka Kitamura - Burnt Ivory King (Extended) 6:05
20 Motoi Sakuraba - Nashandra (Extended) 9:52
21 Yuka Kitamura - Aldia, Scholar of the First Sin (Extended) 6:39
22 Motoi Sakuraba - Bearer of the Curse 3:09
23 Yuka Kitamura - Nowhere 1:16
24 Yuka Kitamura - Remains 2:16
25 Motoi Sakuraba - Longing 6:38
26 Yuka Kitamura - Sin and Crowns (Extended) 4:25
27 Yuka Kitamura - Velstadt, the Royal Aegis (Alternative Unused version) 2:26Tracks info:
Disc 1:

Mostly the boss fight tracks in this game are just loops, that cycled during the boss fight. So, if the track is not presented below, then it is just it, cycled twice. Otherwise some description is provided, telling about track's structure or other properties, when needed. Mostly, the boss fight tracks are finished with fading out instead of a proper ending, unfortunately. But if the ending of the track was provided in the released album or was included into the gamerip files, sure it is here as well and information about it will be also mentioned here below. If there was no ending for the track, a fading out was used, but all these here made by myself, because of the fading outs in the released album were executed extremely poorly and unpleasant to listen. Here they are longer and placed, where they fit the most (in my opinion).

01 Motoi Sakuraba - DARK SOULS II (Main Menu Theme) (Cycled) 7:39 - Main menu theme of Dark Souls 2, not included in both official soundtrack albums. Cycled twice.

02 Motoi Sakuraba - Departure 4:11 - The prologue cutscene music.

[B]03 Motoi Sakuraba - Fire Keepers (Extended) 5:16 - Character creation music, that always plays in the Fire Keepers house.

05 Motoi Sakuraba - The Last Giant (Extended) 6:24 - This boss has a pre-fight cutscene with its own music, so it is also included here.

06 Yuka Kitamura - The Pursuer (Extended) 5:03 - This boss has a pre-fight cutscene with its own music, which it is also included here.

08 Yuka Kitamura - Old Dragonslayer (Extended) 7:00 - This track consists of a unique intro and the loop itself, also this track has its own ending, which is very nice.

Track structure: 0:00 - intro, 0:51 - loop, 3:49 — loop, 6:48 - ending.

11 Yuka Kitamura - Ruin Sentinel (Extended) 5:21 - The track consists of a little intro and the loop itself.

Track structure: 0:00 - intro, 0:05 - loop, 2:43 - loop.

13 Motoi Sakuraba - The Lost Sinner (Extended) 5:51 - This boss has a pre-fight cutscene with its own music, which it is also included here.

14 Yuka Kitamura - Executioner's Chariot (Extended) 5:55 - This boss has a pre-fight cutscene with its own music, which it is also included here. The track itself consists of intro and the loop.

Ctructure: 0:00 - boss intro, 0:21 - intro, 0:33 - loop, 3:05 - loop, 5:38 - part of the loop to finish the track.

19 Motoi Sakuraba - Old Iron King (Extended) 5:42 - This boss has a pre-fight cutscene with its own music, which it is also included here.

21 Yuka Kitamura - Royal Rat Authority (Extended) 6:00 - This track consists of intro, the loop and an ending.

Structure: 0:00 - intro, 0:53 - loop, 3:20 - loop, 5:48 - ending.

22 Motoi Sakuraba - The Duke's Dear Freja (Extended) 6:15 - This boss has a pre-fight cutscene with its own music, which it is also included here.

24 Motoi Sakuraba - The Rotten (Extended) 5:43 - This boss has a pre-fight cutscene with its own music, which it is also included here.

Disc 2:

01 Motoi Sakuraba - Queen of Drangleic (Extended) 5:45 - This track is not presented in the game, it was included only to the released album.

06 Yuka Kitamura - Velstadt, the Royal Aegis (Extended) 5:13 - This boss has a pre-fight cutscene with its own music, which it is also included here.

11 Dragon Memories (Extended) 3:19 - Ambience music, that plays in the Dragon Memories location. It is totally unclear, by which of the composers this track was written.

12 Yuka Kitamura - Worshippers of the Dead (Extended In-game version) 7:45 - The track consists of intro part and the loop itself. Also, the album version and the in-game version of this track mixed so differently, that both versions of the track feel quite differently, despite that the arrangements are very similar. So, in this compilation the extended in-game version is presented, but it has no ending from the album version (fading out here instead), because it didn't sound similarly to this track from the gamerip and I couldn't connect the parts smoothly.

Track structure: 0:00 - intro, 0:13 - loop, 3:47 - loop.

13 Motoi Sakuraba - Elana, the Squalid Queen (Extended) 6:34 - Proper ending for this track was provided in the released album.

14 Motoi Sakuraba - Sinh, the Slumbering Dragon (Extended) 8:20 - Proper ending for this track was provided in the released album.

15 Motoi Sakuraba - Fume Knight (Extended) 8:31 - Proper ending for this track was provided in the released album.

16 Yuka Kitamura - Sir Alonne (Extended) 6:28 - Consists of intro, the loop itself and an ending.

Track structure: 0:00 - intro, 0:08 - loop, 3:05 - loop.

17 Yuka Kitamura - Aava, the King's Pet (Extended) 5:54 - Consists of the loop and an ending.

Track structure: 0:00 - loop, 2:53 - loop, 5:46 - ending.

18 Yuka Kitamura - Zallen and Lud (Extended) 5:36 - Consists of an intro and the loop itself.

Track structure: 0:00 - intro, 0:07 - loop, 2:47 - loop.

19 Burnt Ivory King - At first I was sure it was composed by Kitamura, but it could be Sakuraba as well, I relly can't tell who composed this one.

20 Motoi Sakuraba - Nashandra (Extended) 9:52 - There are two different cutscenes, that present this boss before the fight, in the game, and both have a different cutscene music. Still, both cutscene music pieces are combined in this track.

21 *Yuka Kitamura - Aldia, Scholar of the First Sin (Extended) 6:39 - The track consists of the loop itself and an ending.

22 Motoi Sakuraba - Bearer of the Curse 3:09 - Beginning and ending of this track are used in the first ending cutscene. The intense middle part of this track is not used anywhere in the game.

23 *Yuka Kitamura - Nowhere 1:16 - The second ending cutscene music.

24 *Yuka Kitamura - Remains 2:16 - Additional end credits music, added to the “Scholar of the First Sin” edition of the game.

25 Motoi Sakuraba - Longing 6:38 - End credits theme.

26 Yuka Kitamura - Sin and Crowns (Extended) 4:25 - Bonus track from the released album, not used anywhere in the game. Still I found a way to extend it by looping the middle part of this track.

27 Yuka Kitamura - Velstadt, the Royal Aegis (Extended Alternative Unused version) 4:12 - Alternative version of the Velstadt fight music, taken from the Network Stress test version of the game. The only source of this track, I foundm is this video by Marcohazard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2mktxh_zk8 (thanx for this!), and unfortunaly it is just 128 kbps. Also I cleaned it from clicks and reequalized it a bit. Unfortunately, I did not find the gamerip of the stress test version of the game. (It is not in the downloadable DS2 Extended OST archive, so download it separately here: https://dl.orangedox.com/57AnWW2S6CJBhsfTp5 )

* Three tracks were added to the game in a year after the game release with a “Scholar of the First Sin” edition. There is no any information about which one of these were written by which composer. Still, the Aldia track is very much Kitamura style. The “Nowhere” track also probably not a Sakuraba track, because it has parts, that Yuka Kitamura often uses in her music (despite that some parts of it are similar to parts from the “Bearer of the Curse” track, that most likely was written by Sakuraba. But she reused some Sakuraba's music parts in her music compositions in some other cases as well, so it is really not proofs anything). The “Remains” track is a piano only piece of music, and it is really nothing to say about it concerning which composer's style is used. Still, on a basis, that it would be much easier for From Software to use their staff composer (Kitamura) to write a few new tracks in a year after the initial release of the game, then to bother a side composer (Sakuraba) for that (at least the latest DLC Ivory King music is completely Kitamura already, for example), and on a basis of the issues, described above, I assumed that all three tracks were written by Yuka Kitamura.

Dark Souls Full Soundtrack and Extended Soundtrack (2011) [FLAC, MP3 320]

"Dark Souls Full Extended Soundtrack" is a compilation of all the music, written for the game. Mostly all the music for it was officially released in the Dark Souls Original Soundtrack album, still a few tracks were missing there, that you will find in this compilation. All the music here is looped twice (instead of the tracks, that were not intended to be looped). Also, the fade-outs in the tracks endings are longer and smoother, then in the released album. This compilation is made, using the official released album FLAC for all the released tracks, and a gamerip by Infernus Animonitas (Thread 122755), also FLAC, used, where I took the tracks, that were not included to the official album.

"Dark Souls Full Original Soundtrack" is the same, just all the loops are played once in all the tracks. It differs from the released album by tracks order (the same, as in the Extended OST), endings (the fade outs are longer, then in the released tracks, where they were too immediate), and the unreleased track included here, as well.

Composed By: Motoi Sakuraba
Year Released: 2011
Format: FLAC, MP3 320 kbps
Size: Full - 696 MB (FLAC), 284 MB (MP3); Extended - 1.11 GB (FLAC), 447 MB (MP3)
Runtime: Full - 2h 4m; Extended - 3h 15m
Tracks: 34

"Dark Souls Full Extended Soundtrack" full playlist on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xV7u11pMcMY&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqfTruNRUvPJdrbAUK6iOy65

Download links:

Dark Souls Full Extended Soundtrack (FLAC): https://mega.nz/#!UlZDXLJY!LNLG6Hu5uFN8ueVLVF8izdcvJWNojRNB6cIrOYVnH7E
Dark Souls Full Extended Soundtrack (MP3 320): https://dl.orangedox.com/PNI1hEyk0zmqhOPBec
Dark Souls Full Original Soundtrack (FLAC): https://dl.orangedox.com/421kpfOpwoThJAckjK
Dark Souls Full Original Soundtrack (MP3 320): https://dl.orangedox.com/xXhXjiETcSZ43Y8cbu

Also check out my other compilations of From Software games soundtracks:
Bloodborne Full Extended Soundtrack: Thread 199069
Dark Souls III Complete Original Soundtrack: Thread 204123
Dark Souls III Unused Soundtrack: Thread 204187
Dark Souls III Extended Original Soundtrack: Thread 204541
Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin Full Extended Soundtrack (with unextended version as well): Thread 206526

Dark Souls Full Original Soundtrack

01 Motoi Sakuraba – Prologue 3:41
02 Yuji Takenouchi – Souls of Fire 5:29
03 Motoi Sakuraba - Taurus Demon 2:24
04 Motoi Sakuraba - Firelink Shrine 2:17
05 Motoi Sakuraba - Bell Gargoyle 2:48
06 Motoi Sakuraba - Centepede Demon 2:33
07 Motoi Sakuraba - Dark Sun Gwyndolin 2:13
08 Motoi Sakuraba - Gaping Dragon 2:37
09 Motoi Sakuraba - Great Grey Wolf Sif 2:49
10 Motoi Sakuraba - Chaos Witch Quelaag 2:29
11 Motoi Sakuraba - Daughters of Chaos 2:16
12 Motoi Sakuraba - Pinwheel 2:09
13 Motoi Sakuraba - Iron Golem 2:21
14 Motoi Sakuraba - Ornstein & Smough 2:37
15 Motoi Sakuraba - Gwynevere, Princess of Sunlight 2:39
16 The Prison Siren 1:38
17 Motoi Sakuraba - Seath the Scaleless 2:27
18 Motoi Sakuraba - Sanctuary Guardian 2:48
19 Motoi Sakuraba - Knight Artorias 3:32
20 Motoi Sakuraba - Battle of Stoicism 2:25
21 Motoi Sakuraba - Kalameet 3:30
22 Motoi Sakuraba - Manus, Father of the Abyss 3:29
23 Motoi Sakuraba - The Antient Dragon 2:45
24 Motoi Sakuraba - Ceaseless Discharge 2:24
25 Motoi Sakuraba - Bed of Chaos 2:46
26 Motoi Sakuraba - Gravelord Nito 2:52
27 Motoi Sakuraba - Crossbreed Priscilla 2:42
28 Motoi Sakuraba - Four Kings 2:27
29 Gwyn's Faithfull Knights 2:54
30 Motoi Sakuraba - Gwyn, Lord of Cinder 3:01
31 Motoi Sakuraba - The Dark Lord 5:00
32 Motoi Sakuraba - Nameless Song (Album version) 6:36
33 Motoi Sakuraba - Gwyn Lord of Cinder (600% Slower Version by Don Cook) 20:56
34 Motoi Sakuraba - Nameless Song (In-Game version) 8:11

Dark Souls Full Extended Soundtrack


01 Motoi Sakuraba – Prologue 3:41
02 Yuji Takenouchi – Souls of Fire (Extended) 10:30
03 Motoi Sakuraba - Taurus Demon (Extended) 4:30
04 Motoi Sakuraba - Firelink Shrine (Extended) 4:34
05 Motoi Sakuraba - Bell Gargoyle (Extended) 5:04
06 Motoi Sakuraba - Centepede Demon (Extended) 4:50
07 Motoi Sakuraba - Dark Sun Gwyndolin (Extended) 4:26
08 Motoi Sakuraba - Gaping Dragon (Extended) 4:55
09 Motoi Sakuraba - Great Grey Wolf Sif (Extended) 5:11
10 Motoi Sakuraba - Chaos Witch Quelaag (Extended) 4:37
11 Motoi Sakuraba - Daughters of Chaos (Extended) 4:32
12 Motoi Sakuraba - Pinwheel (Extended) 3:56
13 Motoi Sakuraba - Iron Golem (Extended) 4:33
14 Motoi Sakuraba - Ornstein & Smough (Extended) 4:48
15 Motoi Sakuraba - Gwynevere, Princess of Sunlight (Extended) 4:50
16 The Prison Siren (Extended) 3:30
17 Motoi Sakuraba - Seath the Scaleless (Extended) 4:45
18 Motoi Sakuraba - Sanctuary Guardian (Extended) 5:12
19 Motoi Sakuraba - Knight Artorias (Extended) 6:42
20 Motoi Sakuraba - Battle of Stoicism (Extended) 4:51
21 Motoi Sakuraba - Kalameet (Extended) 6:43
22 Motoi Sakuraba - Manus, Father of the Abyss (Extended) 6:43
23 Motoi Sakuraba - The Antient Dragon (Extended) 5:20
24 Motoi Sakuraba - Ceaseless Discharge (Extended) 4:32
25 Motoi Sakuraba - Bed of Chaos (Extended) 5:10
26 Motoi Sakuraba - Gravelord Nito (Extended) 5:24
27 Motoi Sakuraba - Crossbreed Priscilla (Extended) 4:58
28 Motoi Sakuraba - Four Kings (Extended) 4:27
29 Gwyn's Faithfull Knights (Extended) 5:48
30 Motoi Sakuraba - Gwyn, Lord of Cinder (Extended) 5:35
31 Motoi Sakuraba - The Dark Lord 5:00
32 Motoi Sakuraba - Nameless Song (Album version) 6:36
33 Motoi Sakuraba - Gwyn Lord of Cinder (600% Slower Version by Don Cook) 20:56
34 Motoi Sakuraba - Nameless Song (In-Game version) 8:11Tracks info:
All the extended tracks are loops, cycled twice. All the unlooped tracks here are not extended in any form.

02 Yuji Takenouchi – Souls of Fire (Extended) - Unreleased character creation theme, cycled. The track was not composed by Motoi Sakuraba, but by the Dark Souls sound designer Yuji Takenouchi. Unfortunately I found this info too late and the composer's name of this track in the soundtrack archive is Motoi, but it is wrong.

03 Motoi Sakuraba - Taurus Demon (Extended) - Though the track's name in Taurus Demon, it plays first during the fight with the Asylum Demon, because of which it is presented before the Firelink Shrine music in this compilation.

06 Motoi Sakuraba - Centepede Demon (Extended) - Though the track's name in Centipede Demon, it plays first time during the fight with the Capra Demon, because of which it is presented so early in this compilation.

07 Motoi Sakuraba - Dark Sun Gwyndolin (Extended) - Though the track's name in Dark Sun Gwyndolin, it plays first during the fight with the Moonlight Butterfly, because of which it is presented so early in this compilation.

16 The Prison Siren (Extended) – The track has no Sakuraba’s name, because most likely it is a work of some of game’s sound designers.

29 Gwyn's Faithfull Knights (Extended) – Ambient music, that plays while the player enters the Kiln of the First Flame. In the downloadable archive it is written, that Motoi Sakuraba wrote this track, but it may be (and most likely it is) written by Yuji Takenouchi, DS's sound designer, the same as he wrote the character creation music.

31 Motoi Sakuraba - The Dark Lord - Unreleased track, part of which plays in the Dark ending cutscene.

33 Motoi Sakuraba - Gwyn Lord of Cinder (600% Slower Version by Don Cook) – remixed version, that very often used in lots of DS lore videos on Youtube, because of which it is very much associated with the game already. That’s why I decided to include it to this compilation.

34 Motoi Sakuraba - Nameless Song (In-Game version) – Album and in-game versions of this track arranged quite differently, so you will find both versions in this compilations.

Shunsuke Kida - Demon's Souls Extended and Full Soundtrack (2009) [FLAC, MP3 320]

Do not hesitate to leave a comment, if you liked my work. Will appreciate it a lot!

"Demon's Souls Full Extended Soundtrack" is a compilation of all the music, written for the game. Mostly all the music for it was officially released in the Demon's Souls Original Soundtrack album, that came with the artbook, still a few tracks were missing there, that you will find in this compilation. Almost all the music here is looped twice. This compilation is made, using the official released album FLAC for all the released tracks, and a gamerip by Infernus Animonitas (http://forums.ffshrine.org/member.php?u=108178), also FLAC, used for the tracks, that were not included to the official album (not so many of these).

"Demon's Souls Full Soundtrack" is a compilation of all the same music, but not extended.

Composed By: Shunsuke Kida
Year Released: 2009
Format: FLAC, MP3 320 kbps
Size: Full - 383 MB (FLAC), 191 MB (MP3); Extended - 700 MB (FLAC), 343 MB (MP3)
Runtime: Full - 1h 23m; Extended - 2h 26m
Tracks: 32

"Demon's Souls Full Extended Soundtrack" full playlist on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOd7gJKudNA&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqf10qhf9S9Oq7ICc0ufiEFI

Download links:

Demon's Souls Full Extended Soundtrack (FLAC): https://dl.orangedox.com/LOExshuxFV5kULNrMb
Demon's Souls Full Extended Soundtrack (MP3 320): https://dl.orangedox.com/c74R9IjYFVdqptTUeY
Demon's Souls Full Soundtrack (FLAC): https://dl.orangedox.com/qIE2X3rXJbMIMVBhWR
Demon's Souls Full Soundtrack (MP3 320): https://dl.orangedox.com/9KhWvwiP9mgU4RztCP

Also check out my other compilations of From Software games soundtracks:
Bloodborne Full Extended Soundtrack: Thread 199069
Dark Souls III Complete Original Soundtrack: Thread 204123
Dark Souls III Unused Soundtrack: Thread 204187
Dark Souls III Extended Original Soundtrack: Thread 204541
Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin Full Extended Soundtrack (with unextended version as well): Thread 206526
Dark Souls Full Extended Soundtrack (with unextended version as well): Thread 207517

Demon's Souls Full Extended Soundtrack

01 Shunsuke Kida - Demon's Souls (Extended) 04:06
02 Shunsuke Kida - Character Creation (Extended) 08:22
03 Shunsuke Kida - The Beginning (Extended) 04:20
04 Through the Fog 00:40
05 Shunsuke Kida - Maiden in Black (Extended) 08:13
06 The Archstones 00:32
07 Shunsuke Kida - Phalanx (Extended) 04:12
08 Shunsuke Kida - Tales of Old (Extended) 04:28
09 Shunsuke Kida - Tower Knight (Extended) 06:00
10 Shunsuke Kida - Armored Spider (Extended) 04:05
11 Shunsuke Kida - Flamelurker (Extended) 05:54
12 Shunsuke Kida - Dragon God (Extended) 03:52
13 Once Royal Mistress 00:53
14 Shunsuke Kida - Fool's Idol (Extended) 05:01
15 Shunsuke Kida - Maneater (Extended) 04:45
16 Shunsuke Kida - Old Monk (Extended) 04:58
17 Shunsuke Kida - Unused Track 1 00:51
18 Shunsuke Kida - Adjudicator (Extended) 03:59
19 Shunsuke Kida - Old Hero (Extended) 03:40
20 Shunsuke Kida - Storm King (Extended) 03:19
21 Shunsuke Kida - Nexus (Extended) 08:00
22 Shunsuke Kida - Leechmonger (Extended) 04:39
23 Shunsuke Kida - Dirty Colossus (Extended) 07:05
24 Shunsuke Kida - Maiden Astraea (Extended) 05:16
25 Shunsuke Kida - Unused Track 2 00:47
26 Shunsuke Kida - Penetrator (Extended) 06:10
27 Shunsuke Kida - Old King Allant (Extended) 05:31
28 Below the Nexus 00:48
29 Shunsuke Kida - The Old One (Extended) 04:39
30 Shunsuke Kida - One Who Craves Souls (Extended) 07:09
31 Shunsuke Kida - Return to Slumber (Extended) 08:05
32 Shunsuke Kida - Maiden in Black (8/4 Extended Edit) (Bonus Track) 05:33

Demon's Souls Full Soundtrack


01 Shunsuke Kida - Demon's Souls 02:30
02 Shunsuke Kida - Character Creation 04:33
03 Shunsuke Kida - The Beginning 02:18
04 Through the Fog 00:40
05 Shunsuke Kida - Maiden in Black 04:13
06 The Archstones 00:32
07 Shunsuke Kida - Phalanx 02:23
08 Shunsuke Kida - Tales of Old 02:19
09 Shunsuke Kida - Tower Knight 03:14
10 Shunsuke Kida - Armored Spider 02:21
11 Shunsuke Kida - Flamelurker 03:13
12 Shunsuke Kida - Dragon God 02:27
13 Once Royal Mistress 00:53
14 Shunsuke Kida - Fool's Idol 03:32
15 Shunsuke Kida - Maneater 02:38
16 Shunsuke Kida - Old Monk 02:49
17 Shunsuke Kida - Unused Track 1 00:51
18 Shunsuke Kida - Adjudicator 02:45
19 Shunsuke Kida - Old Hero 02:08
20 Shunsuke Kida - Storm King 01:51
21 Shunsuke Kida - Nexus 04:00
22 Shunsuke Kida - Leechmonger 02:32
23 Shunsuke Kida - Dirty Colossus 03:53
24 Shunsuke Kida - Maiden Astraea 02:52
25 Shunsuke Kida - Unused Track 2 00:47
26 Shunsuke Kida - Penetrator 03:31
27 Shunsuke Kida - Old King Allant 02:59
28 Below the Nexus 00:48
29 Shunsuke Kida - The Old One 02:35
30 Shunsuke Kida - One Who Craves Souls 04:12
31 Shunsuke Kida - Return to Slumber 04:22
32 Shunsuke Kida - Maiden in Black (8/4 Edit) (Bonus Track) 02:52
Tracks info:
Character Creation, Maiden and Nexus tracks and all the boss fight tracks are loops, cycled twice (in the extended version), surely with the endings from the official album included.

All the other extended tracks, like intro videos music and end credits music (particularly tracks 01, 03, 08, 30 and 31), were not supposed to be looped and were not composed with that idea, but I found some fitting time points to loop them anyway (only in the extended version).

Tracks 04, 06, 13, 28 - cutscenes ambient sounds and the Royal Mistress singing. These don't have Shunsuke Kida's name near them, because they could be (and most likely) written by game's sound designer, so I can't be sure about composer name for any of these tracks.

The two Unused tracks were extracted from the game files, but they're not used in the game anywhere. These are most likely written by Kida.

07 Phalanx: before fighting him there is a cutscene of opening a gate to get to him. This cutscene has a short music sample, that was added in the beginning of this track.

14 Fool's Idol: Before this boss fight there's a cutscene with music as well, it also was added in the beginning of this track.

26 Penetrator: while in the game the music that plays during Penetrator fight is the Tower Knight theme, this track plays in the game during the fight with Vanguard. Anyway I decided to go with the official Penetrator name for this one and placed it before Allant's theme, it fit's here well, imo.

32 Shunsuke Kida - Maiden in Black (8/4 Extended Edit): here I decided to reedit the original track by removing the long silence pauses in it, making the tracks time signature more standard and common. I don't know a very lot about time signatures, but I was told, that the result is an 8/4 signature, so I called the edit "8/4 edit". Here it is also looped, so it is extended as well (only in the extended version.

Tracy W. Bush, Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh, Curse Mackey, Stacie Cline - Tabula Rasa Original Soundtrack (2004-2008) [MP3,VB]

Download (https://dl.orangedox.com/UsDV80rs9ZWQ8dZfVV/Tabula%20Rasa%20Soundtrack.rar)

Composed By: Tracy W. Bush, Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh, Curse Mackey, Stacie Cline
Year Released: 2007
Format: MP3, VB
Size: 320 MB
Runtime: 3h 55m
Tracks: 96

Realy great soundtrack to an MMORPG video game "Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa", that started in 2007 and was closed in 2009, when all servers were shutted down. Realy well known composers created the music for this game, such as Tracie W. Bush (Warcraft 3, WoW) and Chris Vrenna (American McGee's Alice, Doom 3), although this score is underrated very much and mostly unknown to the public. That is realy a shame, coz this score is realy very good. The score mostly consists of hard industrial rock music by Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh, great electro-industrial tracks by Curse Mackey, but also has nice and soft music, written by Tracy Bush.

Full playlist on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKKQjYXh98E&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqccDR51v1Ip8GdQlXVPbi47

About the authors:
Tracy W. Bush Tracy W. Bush is an American video game music composer, sound designer and a foley artist. He is known for composing music for the popular games Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, World of Warcraft, StarCraft (all of which he also performed voice acting for), and StarCraft: Brood War, and for sound design on Diablo II and Diablo II: Lord of Destruction.

Chris Vrenna is an American musician, Grammy-winning producer, engineer, remixer, songwriter, programmer, and founder of the electronic band Tweaker. Vrenna also played drums for the industrial/rock band Nine Inch Nails from 1989 until 1997. Vrenna was also the keyboardist and drummer of the American rock band Marilyn Manson from 2004 until late 2011, where he co-produced the albums "The High End of Low" (2009) and "Born Villain" (2012) and co-composed (with Twiggy Ramirez) almost all of these album's songs. Vrenna has also worked on music for several video games, including Doom 3, Quake 4, Enter the Matrix, Sonic The Hedgehog, Area 51, and Need for Speed: Most Wanted. Mostly well known for his "American McGee's Alice" score.

Clint Walsh is a member of Vrenna's Tweaker project from 2003 to 2007, being Vrenna's co-composer to all songs of the project's second album "2 a.m. Wakeup Call" (2004). Worked on music for Doom 3, Quake 4, Area 51.

Curse Mackey is a world-traveling DJ, musician (member of Pigface, Evil Mothers, Thrill Kill Kult, Grim Faeries bands), a member of the Recording Academy (Grammys), National Academy of Television Art & Sciences (Emmys) and Austin Film Society.

Here's a long interview, given by the game creators to IGN, including a lot of Tracy W. Bush speaking about game's music: http://www.ign.com/articles/2007/10/22/richard-garriotts-tabula-rasa-audio-interview?page=1

01 Tracy W. Bush - Tabula Rasa Main Menu 1:29
02 Curse Mackey - Abyss Mal Maw 2:03
03 Tracy W. Bush - AFS Base 2:12
04 Tracy W. Bush - AFS Outpost 2:18
05 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Arieki 1 2:29
06 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Arieki 2 2:48
07 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Arieki Plains 1 2:00
08 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Arieki Plains 2 1:34
09 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Arieki Plains 3 1:30
10 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Arieki Plains 4 1:26
11 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Arieki Plains 5 1:48
12 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Arieki Plains 6 2:13
13 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Arieki Plains 7 1:40
14 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Arieki Plains 8 2:03
15 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Arieki Plains 9 1:59
16 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Arieki Plains 10 1:48
17 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Arieki Plains 11 1:57
18 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Arieki Plains 12 1:52
19 Tracy W. Bush - AWOLS Camp 2:05
20 Curse Mackey - Bane Core 2:05
21 Curse Mackey - Battle 2:13
22 Curse Mackey - Black Ops 2:18
23 Tracy W. Bush - Boot Camp Boogie 2:06
24 Tracy W. Bush - Brann Base 2:40
25 Curse Mackey - Burning Lights Out 2:05
26 Curse Mackey - Conquer Roar 2:11
27 Tracy W. Bush - Cormans 2:46
28 Curse Mackey - Critical Elevation 2:23
29 Curse Mackey - Dead Zone Howling Maw 1:59
30 Curse Mackey - Death Defying Beats 2:03
31 Tracy W. Bush - Why We Fight (Earth Ambient) 2:30
32 Tracy W. Bush - Crossroads (Earth Music Heavy) 2:10
33 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Eloh 3:49
34 Tracy W. Bush - Eloh Battlefield 2:28
35 Tracy W. Bush - Eloh Bridge 0:50
36 Curse Mackey - Eloh Neff Dissentagrator 1:59
37 Tracy W. Bush - Facility 1:52
38 Tracy W. Bush - Forean Encampment 2:18
39 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Foreas 1 3:57
40 Stacie Cline - Foreas 2 3:26
41 Stacie Cline - Foreas 3 3:46
42 Stacie Cline - Foreas 4 2:28
43 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Foreas 5 1:51
44 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Foreas 6 1:50
45 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Foreas 7 2:45
46 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Foreas Battlefield 1:49
47 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Foreas Cavern 3:14
48 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Foreas Forean 3:30
49 Tracy W. Bush - Foreas Forest 1 1:18
50 Tracy W. Bush - Foreas Forest 2 1:06
51 Tracy W. Bush - Foreas Forest 3 1:46
52 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Foreas Swamp 3:16
53 Curse Mackey - Lava Mirror Pool 1:41
54 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Menu 1:30
55 Curse Mackey - Oblivion Fields 2:14
56 Curse Mackey - Perpetual Bliss 1:33
57 Curse Mackey - Plateau Sanctus 1:56
58 Tracy W. Bush - Pravis Facility 1:50
59 Tracy W. Bush - Retread Camp 1:51
60 Curse Mackey - Scorched Desert 1:59
61 Curse Mackey - Spiritus Plateau 1:49
62 Curse Mackey - Thunderhead Crush 2:00
63 Curse Mackey - Thunderhead Cult 2:09
64 Curse Mackey - Thunderhead Grinder 2:05
65 Curse Mackey - Thunderhead Stomp 2:07
66 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Wilderness 1 4:05
67 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Wilderness 2 3:57
68 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Wilderness 7 3:58
69 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Wilderness 8 3:56
70 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Wilderness 10 3:59
71 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Under_ComLp_3 4:04
72 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Under_ComLp_4 4:04
73 Curse Mackey - Valverde Bio Killing Machines 2:03
74 Curse Mackey - Valverde Defiant 2:17
75 Curse Mackey - Valverde Destroyers Of Hope 2:43
76 Curse Mackey - Valverde Ember Stem 2:04
77 Curse Mackey - Valverde Fuel To The Fire 1:56
78 Curse Mackey - Valverde Ignite Recon 2:20
79 Curse Mackey - Valverde Incendiary Devices 1:38
80 Curse Mackey - Valverde Infernal Assault 1:48
81 Curse Mackey - Valverde Marshes 1 4:44
82 Curse Mackey - Valverde Marshes 2 2:06
83 Curse Mackey - Valverde Marshes 3 3:55
84 Curse Mackey - Valverde Marshes 4 2:48
85 Curse Mackey - Valverde Plateau 1 2:33
86 Curse Mackey - Valverde Plateau 2 2:56
87 Curse Mackey - Valverde Plateau 3 3:52
88 Curse Mackey - Valverde Pools 1 3:07
89 Curse Mackey - Valverde Pools 2 2:56
90 Curse Mackey - Valverde Smolder 2:27
91 Curse Mackey - Valverde Stronghold 2:57
92 Curse Mackey - Valverde Sub Devastation 2:06
93 Curse Mackey - War In Time Lapse 2:13
94 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Benevolent (Wilderness 3) 4:02
95 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Sanctuary (Wilderness 4) 4:08
96 Tracy W. Bush - Blue Turns To Grey (Tabula Rasa's swan song) 2:00 - this track was dedicated to the server shutdowns, in fact to the end of Tabula Rasa.

How did I determine, who composed which track: Tracy W. Bush and Stacie Cline's names are putted to the tracks tags in game's files themselves. All Curse Mackey and Tweaker's tracks had no composer's names on file's tags, just file's names. But there are two songs on youtube, that have Curve Mackey's comments, where he tells about his authorship (Valverde Plateau (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhw3kEPHZv8&index=12&list=PL38FF9698E6A5638B) and Valverde Stronghold (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXf0a2xPZ-M&list=PLF125214AECEAE131)), and there are two songs from the "Triskelion" album, that were written by Vrenna and Walsh, as it mentioned on the album info. I listened all the tracks to try to define, who did write which track, accordingly to style of these 4 tracks, I mentioned. After finishing all of this I found, that all Tweaker and Mackey tracks have differences in Genre tags: some had "Blues", some - "Other", and some tracks had empty Genre tag. On tracks comparison I found that almost all tracks, defined by me, as Mackey's tracks, had "Blues" tag, and almost all Tweaker's tracks had "Other" or empty tag, then I made my findings. So, Vrenna/Walsh and Mackey's authorships here are not 100% true, but I hope, that I did determined it quite accurately.

Various Artists - Triskelion. The Tabula Rasa Sampler (2004) [MP3,VB]

Download (https://dl.orangedox.com/gVISI8HYbiE3OWd9As/Triskelion.%20The%20Tabula%20Rasa%20Sampler.rar)

Year Released: 2004
Format: MP3, VB
Size: 72 MB
Runtime: 40m
Tracks: 10

A promo CD, that NCsoft (company, that made the "Tabula Rasa" game) handed out on E3 2004 to promote their new game. It contained trailer, screenshots, wallpapers and 10 music pieces to show, how the game will look and sound. 2 first tracks were new Tweaker's tracks, written especially for the game, all the others - music, that supposed to be an inspiration for the future soundtrack.

01 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Sanctuary 3:10
02 Chris Vrenna & Clint Walsh - Benevolent 3:03
03 Tweaker feat. Will Oldham - Ruby 3:43
04 Tweaker feat. Mellowdrone - Worse Than Yesterday 4:18
05 Teargas and Plateglass - Haengyong 4:24
06 Teargas and Plateglass - Arkhangelsk 3:26
07 Skinny Puppy - Pro-Test 5:28
08 Blockhead - Insomniacs Olympics 5:05
09 RJD2 - Exotic Talk 3:44
10 Telefon Tel Aviv - My Week Beats Your Year 4:17

Joshua Eustis and Turk Dietrich - Blast Factor Soundtrack (2009) [MP3, 320 kbps]

Download (https://dl.orangedox.com/vp0jJx4vaakG2vFd2d/Joshua%20Eustis%20and%20Turk%20Dietrich%20-%20Blast%20Factor%20Soundtrack.rar)

This is the soundtrack for the "Blast Factor" PS3 video game, released in 2009. The soundtrack was written by Joshua Eustis from Telefon Tel-Aviv and Turk Dietrich from Belong. I've got these tracks from Max_Sparrow (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fplus.google.com%2F%2B%25D 0%259C%25D0%25B0%25D0%25BA%25D1%2581%25D0%25B8%25D 0%25BC%25D0%2592%25D0%25BE%25D1%2580%25D0%25BE%25D 0%25B1%25D1%258C%25D1%2591%25D0%25B2%2Fposts&redir_token=0B8NC5E6Y2o-1IVZ8W6NbgERBYh8MTQ0MjY3NjgxMUAxNDQyNTkwNDEx), who recorded them in the far 2009, but still it is not the whole music from the game and it is all we have for now. 8 music pieces were written for the game, but unfortunately, no one still did not do any gamerip of it after all these years it's been released. So lots of thanx to Max_Sparrow, for that we have at least these 4 tracks (except of the Main Theme, that's on the Internet for a long time already).

Composed By: Joshua Eustis and Turk Dietrich
Year Released: 2009
Format: MP3, 320 kbps
Size: 15 MB
Runtime: 7m
Tracks: 5

Playlist on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7Cyx6oVjp0&index=1&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqctj6EVYKoSTx_Iif83G320

Tracklist and tracks info:

01 Blast Factor Main Theme (1:39)
02 Blast Factor Menu Theme (1:45)
03 Advanced Research (1:59)
04 Specimen Progress (0:56)
05 Game Over (0:08)

Ola Strandh - Assassin's Creed: Revelations. The Lost Archive (2012) [MP3, VB]

Download (https://dl.orangedox.com/Es3Od2jGdCAyOpJC5F/Assassin's%20Creed.%20Revelations.%20The%20Lost%20 Archive%20Soundtrack.rar)

Composed By: Ola Strandh
Year Released: 2012
Format: MP3, VB (although all files have 320 kbps, the real bitrate of the music is 130-224 kbps)
Size: 140 MB
Runtime: 1h 2m
Tracks: 24

Ola Strandh's score to the "Assassin's Creed: Revelations. The Lost Archive" DLC, tellind about the journey of Object 16 Clay Kaczmarek through his memories on the Animus core. Very nice ambient music.

There are two gamerips of this soundtrack already, but the problem is that some tracks were on the first one and were not on the second one, an some tracks exactly the opposite. Both are just compilations of samples from the game files almost with no editing (at most). So here I combined these two gamerips into one full soundtrack compilation, made some editing to the tracks, removed clicking and noises, cycled or/and combined some samples into single tracks, added fading in or out, so the tracks are not start or end immediately. All the audio material was taken from these two gamerips: 10 CD gamerip by FoxDirector (Thread 163129) and this one (Thread 170336). Thanks a lot for guys, who posted these.
Also check out "Assassin's Creed: Revelations" soundtrack with other Ola Strandh's music tracks here (Thread 185579) and here (Thread 185578).

01 Ola Strandh - The Lost Archive Main Theme 2:50
02 Ola Strandh - The End Is Only The Beginning 3:47
03 Ola Strandh - Child's Dreams 0:38
04 Ola Strandh - Opportunity 1:29
05 Ola Strandh - Free Will 1:53
06 Ola Strandh - The Order 4:51
07 Ola Strandh - We are Assassins 1:13
08 Ola Strandh - Infiltration 2:59
09 Ola Strandh - Alan Rikkin's Computer 1:06
10 Ola Strandh - Get the Memo 0:52
11 Ola Strandh - ...And Get Out 3:06
12 Ola Strandh - I'm Counting On You, Clay 5:18
13 Ola Strandh - Lucy Stillman 4:21
14 Ola Strandh - Apple 2:37
15 Ola Strandh - Bleeding Effect 5:50
16 Ola Strandh - Breaking The Loop 0:39
17 Ola Strandh - Unconscious 6:06
18 Ola Strandh - Perfect Candidate 0:49
19 Ola Strandh - The Truth 1:44
20 Ola Strandh - Alone 1:33
21 Ola Strandh - Styx 1:10
22 Ola Strandh - Gateway To Heaven 2:23
23 Ola Strandh - Scan 1:26
24 Ola Strandh - The End of the Line 5:20

�scar Araujo - Severance. Blade of Darkness Soundtrack (2001) [MP3, VB]

Download (https://dl.orangedox.com/K27Cs0fz8SYIfWWb17/Oscar%20Araujo%20-%20Severance.%20Blade%20of%20Darkness%20Soundtrack .rar)

Composed By: �scar Araujo
Year Released: 2001
Format: MP3, VB
Size: 123 MB
Runtime: 1h 15m
Tracks: 72

The first work of the "Castlevania. Lords of Shadow" series composer �scar Araujo. Actually, "Severance. Blade of Darkness" may be called the first game of the "Castlevania. Lords of Shadow" creators, Mercury Steam studio, coz Mercury Steam was created by "Rebel Act Studios" members (the studio behind "Severance") after it's closure.

Names of the tracks are mostly as they're on the game's folder, wavs are converted to mp3's, the tracks cleared from clicks, some tracks cycled twice, fading's out added in tracks endings. Bitrate is from 88 to 320 kbps, a lot of mono tracks here, unfortunately. I ordered the tracks, so ambience and combat themes will interchange and last game's music tracks are in the end, so the compilation can be listened as an album.

02 MAPA 2:57
03 CORO1 0:45
04 ATMOSFERA1 1:38
06 COMBATE6 1:25
07 CORO5 0:15
08 ATMOSFERA22 0:48
09 SORPRESA11 0:18
10 COMBATE4 1:37
11 SORPRESA7 0:18
13 SORPRESA8 0:15
14 ATMOSFERA2 1:25
15 CORO4 0:38
16 ATMOSFERA21 1:05
18 combate-ligth 1:28
19 ATMOSFERA11 0:47
20 ATMOSFERA18 2:00
21 SORPRESA1a 0:07
22 COMBATE2 2:06
23 ATMOSFERA5 1:21
25 ATMOSFERA17 0:51
26 ATMOSFERA7 1:39
27 SORPRESA1 0:04
28 COMBATE3 1:57
29 ATMOSFERA6 1:05
30 CORO2.2 0:29
31 ATMOSFERA8 0:54
33 ATMOSFERA28 0:34
34 INICIO23 0:21
35 SORPRESA1b 0:04
36 combate-hard 1:31
37 ATMOSFERA4 1:30
38 SOPRESA13 0:16
39 CORO2 0:33
40 ATMOSFERA29 0:49
41 SORPRESA10 0:23
42 SORPRESA3 0:08
43 ATMOSFERA31 1:04
44 CORO6 0:07
45 SORPRESA4 0:14
46 ATMOSFERA19 2:48
47 escena-rey 0:31
48 SORPRESA6 0:04
49 COMBATE5 1:30
50 ATMOSFERA33 0:22
51 ATMOSFERA32 0:40
52 SORPRESA9 0:13
53 ATMOSFERA25 1:57
54 ATMOSFERA36 1:54
56 ATMOSFERA20 1:23
57 CORO2.1 0:33
58 ATMOSFERA27 1:59
60 ATMOSFERA35 1:37
61 ATMOSFERA30 1:33
62 Miserere 1:01
63 ATMOSFERA16 1:49
64 SORPRESA5 0:23
65 combate1 0:54
66 ATMOSFERA34 1:19
67 ATMOSFERA12 1:03
68 osld24 1:28
69 final-demonice 0:09
71 final-miserere 1:01
72 tema 5:49

dreissk - State of Decay soundtrack (2013) [MP3, 192 kbps]

This is a compilation of music, written by dreissk for the State of Decay videogame. It consists of tracks from a State of Decay gamerip and includes two officially released tracks, all written by dreissk. Tracks and samples were taken from ripped music files of YOSE edition of the game. Track names were given according to released album tracks names, according to dreissk's official web-page (http://www.dreissk.com/soundtracks.html) tracks names or gamerip's tracks names.

Support dreissk, Jesper Kyd and those, who made this music possible and bye the released albums, if you like:
2013 State of Decay soundtrack: iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/state-of-decay/id657812571), Google Play (https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Jesper_Kyd_State_of_Decay?id=Bdvg6pfqrzto5bozrem6q zgu534)
2015 State of Decay: Year One Survival Edition soundtrack: iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/state-decay-year-one-survival/id985872132), Google play (https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Jesper_Kyd_State_of_Decay_Year_One_Survival_Editio ?id=Bcad37dlh7vzpmvqxkfckj4qyqm)

Also check out these threads, where you will find another State of Decay additional soundtracks compilations:
Thread 191774 - Full "State of Decay" additional soundtrack, including YOSE 2015 tracks and 2013 edition tracks by Jesper Kyd and dreissk (no "Lifeline" tracks)
Thread 191781 - Jesper Kyd's additional soundtrack to original 2013 edition of "State of Decay" only
Thread 191783 - Jesper Kyd's additional soundtrack to 2015 "State of Decay: Year One Survival Edition" soundtrack only
Thread 191788 - Jesper Kyd's full Lifeline DLC soundtrack

Composed By: dreissk
Year Released: 2013
Format: MP3, 192 kbps (as the music was in game's files)
Size: 141 MB
Runtime: 1h 32m
Tracks: 20

DOWNLOAD the compilation here: https://dl.orangedox.com/CLR5K6t5xJL0ZhX1xC/dreissk%20-%20State%20of%20Decay%20Soundtrack.rar


01 dreissk - Revenge. Combat
02 dreissk - Through the Fog
03 dreissk - Broken World Low
04 dreissk - In the Walls
05 dreissk - Uncomfort Exploration
06 dreissk - Revenge. Approach
07 dreissk - Basement Search
08 dreissk - Broken World. Approach
09 dreissk - Growing Uneasiness
10 dreissk - Anguished Screamers
11 dreissk - Broken World. Combat
12 dreissk - Shaking Graves
13 dreissk - Rattlin Gun Easiness
14 dreissk - Broken World
15 dreissk - Missing
16 dreissk - Revenge Low
17 dreissk - House in the Dark
18 dreissk - Broken World. Climax
19 dreissk - Static Echo
20 dreissk - Revenge

Borderlands 2 Soundtrack. Volume Four

Download (https://dl.orangedox.com/6nSd9FukYGo1NHju3v)

Unlike the “Volume Three” compilation that contains all the unreleased music (so, that two released albums and Volume 3 compilation together is a complete Borderlands 2 soundtrack), this compilation contains only the best tracks from all DLC’s soundtrack, (best in my opinion). I decided to do so, because I really don’t like to listen the whole Borderlands 2 DLC’s soundtracks, many of the tracks are really not very much interesting for me. So here I collected only the interesting ones. Again, only for my own opinion. If you want to download complete DLC’s soundtracks with all the music, that was composed for all Borderlands 2 DLC’s (released and unreleased music), you will find the download links below.

Most of the tracks of unreleased DLC’s soundtracks were taken from VladlenCry's (http://forums.ffshrine.org/member.php?u=830947) “Borderlands 2 + DLC Gamerip Soundtrack (Thread 179370)”, so lots of thanks to Vlad for this gamerip. All of the music, that was officailly released, surely can be bought, so please support it's creators and buy the released albums here:

Borderlands 2: Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty Original Soundtrack: iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/ru/album/borderlands-2-captain-scarlett/id739514728), Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00GNA7DA6), Google Play (https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Raison_Varner_Borderlands_2_Captain_Scarlett_and_H ?id=B6w5zaqdyppqby2xataco6kmakm).
Borderlands 2: Mister Torque's Campaign of Carnage Original Soundtrack: iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/borderlands-2-mister-torgues/id737865389), Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00GNA76NK), Google Play (https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Kevin_Riepl_Borderlands_2_Mister_Torgue_s_Campaign ?id=B5wsuutk3y4ovr6bo5hyht4mg3q).
Borderlands 2: Sir Hummerlock's Big Game Hunt Original Soundtrack: iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/borderlands-2-sir-hammerlocks/id845198654), Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00JKQM57Q), Google Play (https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Cris_Velasc_Borderlands_2_Sir_Hammerlock_s_Big_Gam ?id=Bywiumm7relbwq6jeets4esst4i).
Borderlands 2: Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep Original Soundtrack: iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/borderlands-2-tiny-tinas-assault/id737931916), Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00GNA2ZQI), Google Play (https://play.google.com/music/preview/Bbjivjlem2nyfu35jrtg4fnvdnu?preview=AE9vGKo1M1oYYK MmojQN-l9uECDyimxMCylQ6E0rBDKOaTLQl5P_qH1OBuAK-zIN4QewvBHjoZIULRfTVRh9T2Z13rxlcf5JFEhI8_ksMlDpdeE QAfhbMb0=).

Composed By: Jesper Kyd, Cris Velasco, Raison Varner, Kevin Riepl, Big Giant Circles
Year Released: 2012-2014
Format: MP3 320 kbps
Size: 177 MB
Runtime: 1h 19m
Tracks: 30

Full playlist on Youtube (Subscribe to the channel for more music in future and help to channel's development): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GAb9Ly0M_4&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqfQRKSW4G-Pzwlp6iwmwuZF

Tracklist:01 Raison Varner - Wurmwater Ambience 3:58
02 Raison Varner - Wurmwater Combat 2:18
03 Raison Varner - Oasis Ambience 3:41
04 Raison Varner - Oasis Combat 2:17
05 Raison Varner - Magnys's Lighthouse Combat 1:51
06 Raison Varner - Magnys's Lighthouse 3:31
07 Jesper Kyd - Hyperious The Invincible 2:00
08 Kevin Riepl - Badass Crater Of Badassitude Ambience 2:09
09 Kevin Riepl - Badass Crater Of Badassitude Combat 2:23
10 Jesper Kyd - Introducing The Arena 1:50
11 Jesper Kyd - Return To The Arena Ambience 2:07
12 Jesper Kyd - Return To The Arena Combat 1:54
13 Kevin Riepl - The Forge Ambience 2:17
14 Kevin Riepl - The Forge Combat 2:52
15 Jesper Kyd - Fighting Piston 2:19
16 Cris Velasco - Hunter's Grotto 3:18
17 Raison Varner - The Unassuming Evil Docks 2:05
18 Raison Varner - The Unassuming Happy Docks 2:17
19 Raison Varner - Flamerock Refuge 4:43
20 Jesper Kyd - Lair Of Infinite Agony Combat 2:04
21 Jesper Kyd - Fighting The Sorceror 2:09
22 Raison Varner - Hallowed Hollow Ambience 3:25
23 Cris Velasco - Tryptophan (Gluttony Gulch Ambience) 3:29
24 Raison Varner - Frost Bottom Ambienсe 3:18
25 Raison Varner - Frost Bottom Combat 3:04
26 Cris Velasco – Distill My Heart (Rotgut Distillery Ambience) 2:12
27 Cris Velasco – Shoot Me, I'm Irish! (Rotgut Distillery Combat) 2:10
28 Cris Velasco - Pachelbel's Hand Cannon in D Minor part 2 1:45
29 Big Giant Circles - Tropical Paradise 2:20
30 Big Giant Circles - Son Of Crawmerax 3:56

Borderlands 2 DLC's Unreleased Soundtracks

Download (https://dl.orangedox.com/oFbjVS5T6Hcxl2YQzF)

This is a compilation of unreleased DLC music of the Borderlands 2 video game. Music, written for 5 DLC’s till the “Tiny Tina’s…” DLC, was released in a form of a separated digital releases, or included to the released main album (particularly “The Raid on Digistruct Peak” track from the “Digistruct Peak Challenge” DLC). After “Tina” five more DLC’s had new music, written for them, that was not released. All of this music you will find in this compilation.

Most of the tracks were taken from VladlenCry's (http://forums.ffshrine.org/member.php?u=830947) “Borderlands 2 + DLC Gamerip Soundtrack (Thread 179370)”, so lots of thanks to Vlad for this gamerip. 2 tracks were downloaded from Raison Varner’s Soundcloud, so they are 128 kbps, unlike the rest of the tracks, that are in 320 kbps.

Composed By: Raison Varner, Cris Velasco, Big Giant Circles
Year Released: 2013-2014
Format: MP3 320 kbps
Size: 88 MB
Runtime: 42
Tracks: 17

Full playlist on Youtube (Subscribe to the channel for more music in future and help to channel's development): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r32ggyp1Wqo&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqcxqtwo0FMJ35FxGpyELnWF

T.K. Baha's Bloody Harvest DLC:

01 Raison Varner - Hallowed Hollow Ambience 3:25
02 Raison Varner - Hallowed Hollow Combat 2:30
03 Raison Varner - Kill The Pumpkin Head 2:58

The Horrible Hunger of the Ravenous Wattle Gobbler DLC:

04 Cris Velasco - Tryptophan (Gluttony Gulch Ambience) 3:29
05 Cris Velasco - Gluttony Gulch Combat 3:08
06 Cris Velasco - Ravenous Wattle Gobbler 3:27

How Marcus Saved Mercenary Day DLC:

07 Raison Varner - Frost Bottom 3:18
08 Musical Midget 1:36
09 Raison Varner - Frost Bottom Combat 3:04
10 Raison Varner - Guitar Riffs 0:58
11 Raison Varner - Abominable Mr. Tinder Snowflake 1:38

Mad Moxxi and the Wedding Day Massacre DLC:

12 Cris Velasco – Distill My Heart (Rotgut Distillery Ambience) 2:12
13 Cris Velasco – Shoot Me, I'm Irish! (Rotgut Distillery Combat) 2:10
14 Cris Velasco - Pachelbel's Hand Cannon in D Minor part 1 0:25
15 Cris Velasco - Pachelbel's Hand Cannon in D Minor part 2 1:45

Sir Hammerlock vs. the Son of Crawmerax DLC:

16 Big Giant Circles - Tropical Paradise 2:20
17 Big Giant Circles - Son Of Crawmerax 3:56

“T.K. Baha's Bloody Harvest” and “How Marcus Saved Mercenary Day” music was found on Raison Varner’s Soundcloud page, so he composed these. “Sir Hammerlock vs. the Son of Crawmerax” music was found on Big Giant Circles Soundcloud page, so as on his official page (http://music.biggiantcircles.com/album/official-video-game-music-demo-reel). “The Horrible Hunger of the Ravenous Wattle Gobbler” and “Mad Moxxi and the Wedding Day Massacre” music was found on Cris Velasco's Soundcloud.

Borderlands 2 DLC's Released Soundtracks

Download (https://dl.orangedox.com/0LM12efjME542nWsO7)

This compilation was made only for convenient listening reasons. All of this music was officailly released and can be bought, I did not do anything with the tracks, so please support it's creators and buy the released albums with the music, presented here:

Borderlands 2: Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty Original Soundtrack: iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/ru/album/borderlands-2-captain-scarlett/id739514728), Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00GNA7DA6), Google Play (https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Raison_Varner_Borderlands_2_Captain_Scarlett_and_H ?id=B6w5zaqdyppqby2xataco6kmakm).
Borderlands 2: Mister Torque's Campaign of Carnage Original Soundtrack: iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/borderlands-2-mister-torgues/id737865389), Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00GNA76NK), Google Play (https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Kevin_Riepl_Borderlands_2_Mister_Torgue_s_Campaign ?id=B5wsuutk3y4ovr6bo5hyht4mg3q).
Borderlands 2: Sir Hummerlock's Big Game Hunt Original Soundtrack: iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/borderlands-2-sir-hammerlocks/id845198654), Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00JKQM57Q), Google Play (https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Cris_Velasc_Borderlands_2_Sir_Hammerlock_s_Big_Gam ?id=Bywiumm7relbwq6jeets4esst4i).
Borderlands 2: Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep Original Soundtrack: iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/borderlands-2-tiny-tinas-assault/id737931916), Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00GNA2ZQI), Google Play (https://play.google.com/music/preview/Bbjivjlem2nyfu35jrtg4fnvdnu?preview=AE9vGKo1M1oYYK MmojQN-l9uECDyimxMCylQ6E0rBDKOaTLQl5P_qH1OBuAK-zIN4QewvBHjoZIULRfTVRh9T2Z13rxlcf5JFEhI8_ksMlDpdeE QAfhbMb0=).

Composed By: Jesper Kyd, Cris Velasco, Raison Varner, Kevin Riepl
Year Released: 2013
Format: MP3 320 kbps
Size: 190 MB
Runtime: 1h 15m
Tracks: 31

Full playlist on Youtube (Subscribe to the channel for more music in future and help to channel's development): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GAb9Ly0M_4&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqc2U8J7h7njXO6cw2jNaRvx

Tracklist: 01 Raison Varner - Wurmwater Ambience 3:58
02 Raison Varner - Wurmwater Combat 2:18
03 Raison Varner - Oasis Ambience 3:41
04 Raison Varner - Oasis Combat 2:17
05 Raison Varner - Magnys's Lighthouse Combat 1:51
06 Raison Varner - Magnys's Lighthouse 3:31
07 Jesper Kyd - Hyperious The Invincible 2:00
08 Jesper Kyd - The Leviathan 2:08
09 Kevin Riepl - Badass Crater Of Badassitude Ambience 2:09
10 Kevin Riepl - Badass Crater Of Badassitude Combat 2:23
11 Jesper Kyd - Introducing The Arena 1:50
12 Jesper Kyd - Return To The Arena Ambience 2:07
13 Jesper Kyd - Return To The Arena Combat 1:54
14 Kevin Riepl - The Forge Ambience 2:17
15 Kevin Riepl - The Forge Combat 2:52
16 Jesper Kyd - Fighting Piston 2:19
17 Cris Velasco - Hunter's Grotto Ambience 2:16
18 Cris Velasco - Hunter's Grotto Combat 1:59
19 Raison Varner - The Unassuming Evil Docks 2:05
20 Raison Varner - The Unassuming Happy Docks 2:17
21 Raison Varner - Flamerock Refuge 4:43
22 Jesper Kyd - The Forest Ambience 2:48
23 Jesper Kyd - The Forest Combat 2:00
24 Raison Varner - Mines Of Avarice Ambience 3:39
25 Raison Varner - Mines Of Avarice Combat 3:00
26 Jesper Kyd - Hatred's Shadow Ambience 2:28
27 Jesper Kyd - Hatred's Shadow Combat 2:10
28 Jesper Kyd - Lair Of Infinite Agony Ambience 2:20
29 Jesper Kyd - Lair Of Infinite Agony Combat 2:04
30 Jesper Kyd - Fighting The Sorceror 2:09
31 Raison Varner - Murderlin's Temple Challenge 2:26

My Borderlands soundtrack compilations:

Borderlands 2 Soundtrack. Volume Three (Thread 201828) (mp3 320 kbps, OGG 500 kbps) – all music from Borderlands 2, that was not released.
Borderlands 2 Soundtrack. Volume Four (Thread 201829) – best tracks from all DLC’s soundtrack (compilation of tracks, that are interesting to listen in my opinion)
Borderlands 2 DLC's Unreleased and released Soundtracks (Thread 201829) – complete released DLC soundtracks.
Borderlands. The Pre-Sequel. The Soundtrack (Disc 3) (Thread 201826) – all music from Boederlands: The Pre-Sequel, that was not released.
Borderlands. The Pre-Sequel. Claptastic Voyage Soundtrack (Thread 201001) – complete Claptastic Voyage DLC soundtrack.

Also here’s Borderlands 2 xbox360 gamerip (https://dl.orangedox.com/AIg6wlBKH2MeBIL8RF), that was used for mixing and compiling "Borderlands 2 Soundtrack. Volume Three", if you like. All music pieces, shorter than 2 minutes, cycled twice here, fading outs added, OGG 500 kbps, no names of the tracks added. I had nothing to do with this gamerip, also unfortunately I don’t know, who made it.

02-12-2015, 10:54 AM
Guys, I can not leave this outstanding soundtrack's thread without my recommendation! This compilation's author made a great job of editing the gamerip's samples into complete tracks, bringing us the most full edition of "Deus Ex. Human Revolution" soundtrack with lots and lots of great music pieces, not included into the official album. Please, check this out: Thread 185186
Also take a look at this thread, another version of full DEHR soundtrack: Thread 124804 The music's editing vary in these two compilations, you may like one of these compilations more, then another one, or like separate tracks more in one compilation, then in another one.

04-25-2015, 05:44 PM

Here is my
Unreleased Game Music Youtube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrn2KAOgK_VQIOca_00Aebg),
where I posting all this staff. Your likes or subscriptions will be much appreciated, it is your help to make the channel more known and to make
more people find, listen and download all this unreleased music!
Lots of thanks for your help =)


07-18-2015, 05:45 PM
UPD: dreissk - State of Decay soundtrack (2013) added.

08-21-2015, 08:10 AM
UPD: Olivier Deriviere - Remember Me Full In-Game Soundtrack (Unreleased) added.

08-21-2015, 03:28 PM
thank you very much !


09-18-2015, 04:56 PM
UPD: Joshua Eustis and Turk Dietrich - Blast Factor Soundtrack (2009) added.

01-20-2016, 09:11 PM
UPD: Bloodborne Full Extended Soundtrack (2015) added.

01-31-2016, 11:54 AM
igor youre one amazing person, thank you

01-31-2016, 04:06 PM
xD Thanx, appreciate it)

05-01-2016, 07:52 PM
UPD: Dark Souls III Complete Original Soundtrack (2016) (full uncut tracks) [FLAC,MP3 320) added!

05-02-2016, 09:11 PM
UPD: Dark Souls III Unused Soundtrack (2016) [FLAC, MP3 320) added.

05-12-2016, 07:57 AM
UPD: Dark Souls III Extended Original Soundtrack (2016) [FLAC, MP3 320] added.

06-28-2016, 04:49 PM
UPD: Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin Full Soundtrack and Extended Soundtrack [FLAC, MP3 320] added.

07-19-2016, 03:34 PM
UPD: Motoi Sakuraba - Dark Souls Full Extended and Complete Soundtrack (2011) [FLAC, MP3] added.

09-15-2016, 09:28 PM
Man, This channem made my day!

Thanks! :)

09-15-2016, 10:56 PM
Many thanks for it :)!

09-19-2016, 09:07 PM
And thank you for this one (thread/collection) as well!

12-18-2016, 09:28 AM
Thank you very much for all these gems.
I could get most of them, but for a few I got a "Error (401) It seems you don't belong here!" message.

Is the link broken or am I too much a noob ?

12-18-2016, 11:20 AM
Thank you very much for all these gems.
I could get most of them, but for a few I got a "Error (401) It seems you don't belong here!" message.

Is the link broken or am I too much a noob ?

No, some links are broken and don't work for some reason :( Here:

Alternative download links if the ones in the main post of this thread won't work:

Dark Souls III Complete Original Soundtrack FLAC: https://mega.nz/#!l8xlHJrA!os4iqhtrQjWpJ3OSQ3_qEx6iXNOxKug__gU1_ey5IWg
Dark Souls III Complete Original Soundtrack MP3: https://mega.nz/#!ooQhkCYa!YFD9eXlMdtXyvDObbmdKblrgJUZ-MMiTvsALhyXCidA
Dark Souls III Unused Soundtrack FLAC: https://mega.nz/#!x0R2xLDL!fVj4TqpY1ixlcdSyCPF1w9cH0zAmC1hVFcQ7fBGyPCY
Dark Souls III Unused Soundtrack MP3: https://mega.nz/#!kgBEWYZa!8-oefzjlJXkymBslE5PPuC1nd1rEBqNDkMcGxhtEKXc
Dark Souls III Extended Original Soundtrack FLAC: https://mega.nz/#!k0pjWBQB!fOaECwh9VUJjfgs_IBOp_ZXvUMa7SaJEYk8gPTDyqQg
Dark Souls III Extended Original Soundtrack MP3: https://mega.nz/#!RtwEWDJL!e755aq_yhoCYOtQ0ouxnPNp0CKMsQ6FeeBIDGQF9eo0
Bloodborne Full Extended Soundtrack (FLAC): https://mega.nz/#!Y5ojFYrI!OEvhV-RtUVBgYGcW3aJj1Klqqq3Fdw0VP-s5rBdOj54
Bloodborne Full Extended Soundtrack (MP3): https://mega.nz/#!BhhFyaAA!h0its1RiE0BkIpYWDx2Vkb-I6oKQHzvSdM4ZwiveHu0
Bloodborne Extended Original Soundtrack (FLAC): https://mega.nz/#!w5BR1DZK!lGUeuebtYeR0uc2T15WBR5XAWUudvbvXbBACiXwxqWk
Bloodborne Extended Original Soundtrack (MP3): https://mega.nz/#!dtxHETia!arP1fwFrji7QuoQ70LH-mySnlgxPW73ChVh7ABgrZl0
Dark Souls II Scholar of the First Sin Full Original Soundtrack (MP3): https://mega.nz/#!N0Qn3S7J!nd-IFAmaaizqIquNZAPV-RGh2kIJIgyo-RpRxMhBVmI
Dark Souls II Scholar of the First Sin Full Extended Soundtrack (MP3): https://mega.nz/#!4tQARIwQ!0HT92VblnuFhpK8Bf15z0QLevvjePWwRNPPJfWW3c6I
Dark Souls Full Original Soundtrack (MP3): https://mega.nz/#!t0QRzJ4J!C0WOvtLMZ95wGFhOvgvEjzhx0xnDvqPgQudCsVhPPBk
Dark Souls Full Extended Soundtrack (MP3): https://mega.nz/#!9tgRUJIY!o0fZV7fNW_45NX2u33im8234RUVA6_LQ5D_rpVfZAbU

12-26-2016, 10:20 AM
UPD: NieR: Automata Demo and Gravity Rush 2 Demo soundtracks added

12-27-2016, 10:51 PM
Thanks a lot for your work !
If you have time, could you provide mirrors for mp3 versions of Dark Souls I & II ? (if you can :)) I'm alway getting this error "Error (429)
This account's links are generating too much traffic and have been temporarily disabled! " :/

12-28-2016, 09:46 AM
Thanks a lot for your work !
If you have time, could you provide mirrors for mp3 versions of Dark Souls I & II ? (if you can :)) I'm alway getting this error "Error (429)
This account's links are generating too much traffic and have been temporarily disabled! " :/

Hi. Yes, sure, I just added the links to these in a comment above in this thread, check it.

12-28-2016, 09:37 PM
Hi. Yes, sure, I just added the links to these in a comment above in this thread, check it.
I just did, thank you very much ! That's really kind :)

12-28-2016, 11:31 PM
Thank you!

02-10-2017, 11:56 AM
UPD: Shunsuke Kida - Demon's Souls Extended and Full Soundtrack added

06-05-2017, 05:30 PM
Many many thanks!!!

There is one thing though: Dark Souls III Complete Original Soundtrack and Dark Souls III Unused links seem to be down.

06-06-2017, 08:55 AM
Many many thanks!!!

There is one thing though: Dark Souls III Complete Original Soundtrack and Dark Souls III Unused links seem to be down.

Dark Souls III Complete Original Soundtrack FLAC: https://mega.nz/#!l8xlHJrA!os4iqhtrQ...ug__gU1_ey5IWg
Dark Souls III Complete Original Soundtrack MP3: https://mega.nz/#!ooQhkCYa!YFD9eXlMd...MiTvsALhyXCidA
Dark Souls III Unused Soundtrack FLAC: https://mega.nz/#!x0R2xLDL!fVj4TqpY1...1hVFcQ7fBGyPCY
Dark Souls III Unused Soundtrack MP3: https://mega.nz/#!kgBEWYZa!8-oefzjlJ...qNDkMcGxhtEKXc

06-06-2017, 11:38 AM
Thanks! Now it asks me about the key though (I assume you copied the wrong mega links?)

06-06-2017, 04:17 PM
Thanks! Now it asks me about the key though (I assume you copied the wrong mega links?)

Fuuck. Yes, I just copied the text, so it lacks a chunk on the link xD Sorry, one sec

Actually, no. I remade the whole ds3 compilation, just didn't post it properly. Here, open this video's description, you wil find the links to complete remade compilation of all DS3 music there, includind DLC and Unused tracks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95ZoqwQi4wk


06-06-2017, 05:54 PM
Will do!
Thank you!

12-20-2017, 11:32 PM
Thank you, thank you!

Evil Akuma
12-21-2017, 04:27 AM
Thank you so much for Dark Souls! I'm a pretty big Sakuraba fan and I love discovering full albums of his stuff that I haven't heard before. :D

01-15-2018, 01:51 PM
UPD: Prey 2017 Unreleased Soundtrack by Mick Gordon added to the thread, available for downloading.

Also links to "Wolfenstein: The New Order" and "Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus" unreleased soundtracks on Youtube added to this thread, though without download links for now. I will eventually add the download links for sure, posting the compilations in separate threads on this forum with the links, when I will be able to do so. This thread will be updated as well. Please, check out the OP-post for all these.

01-15-2018, 11:24 PM
Just passed to say thanks, this thread has some of greatest stuff at the shrine!

01-15-2018, 11:32 PM
Just passed to say thanks, this thread has some of greatest stuff at the shrine!

Thank you! Means a lot :)

01-18-2018, 01:34 PM
UPD: Wolfenstein 2 OST download link added: https://dl.orangedox.com/NRVtCLMr8jDMf6eD1G

01-18-2018, 02:53 PM
Thank you very much !

02-07-2019, 04:43 PM

05-22-2019, 02:23 PM
UPD: Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Full Remastered Extended OST and Deracine Original Soundtrack were added to the thread!

09-27-2019, 11:02 AM
Can u do a complete soundtrack of witcher 3 or the Witcher trilogy?
They are already 2 complete soundtracks of witcher 3 but both has some problems.

09-28-2019, 08:06 AM
thank you very much for the remastered Sekiro soundtrack

09-28-2019, 11:45 AM
Can u do a complete soundtrack of witcher 3 or the Witcher trilogy?
They are already 2 complete soundtracks of witcher 3 but both has some problems.

No, sorry. It will take too much time. And also there are some done already, so it's not like we don't have them already.
What are the exact problems with them?

10-31-2019, 03:26 PM
Great thread! Many thanks, igor! Will you post your Borderlands 3 unreleased soundtrack here?

10-31-2019, 05:21 PM
Great thread! Many thanks, igor! Will you post your Borderlands 3 unreleased soundtrack here?

I don't know. Maybe I will make some more stuff to it, so I do not post it yet. Will see

11-13-2019, 04:44 PM
There is a great Witcher trilogy soundtrack.
But a lot of the combat music in that upload has bad cuts.