03-21-2016, 01:02 PM
Check out Jesper Kyd's "Additional soundtracks" (additions to the official releases with much more music) and a lot of Jesper Kyd's staff
==> here! <== (Thread 182964)

and not Jesper Kyd's various soundtracks and compilations
=> here! <= (Thread 185581)


Here is my
Unreleased Game Music Youtube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrn2KAOgK_VQIOca_00Aebg),
where I posting all this staff. Your likes or subscriptions will be much appreciated, it is your help to make the channel more known and to make
more people find, listen and download all this unreleased music!
Lots of thanks for your help =)

Do not hesitate to leave a comment, if you liked my work. Will appreciate it a lot!

This is a compilation of all music of the main part of Borderlands 2 video game (without any DLC's), that did not get to the two released soundtrack albums or got there in different arrangement. It consists of entirely new tracks, that were not released at all, and of alternative in-game variations of the released tracks. Mostly the source, used to create this compilation, is an X-Box 360 version gamerip, that contains a high quality ogg files with high bitrate (unfortunately, I don't remember where I got it, it was a long time ago). Also a few tracks, posted by Jesper Kyd on his webpage, that differ from both gamerip and released albums versions, included here.

The compilation is intended to be listened togather with the released album, by doing which you will experience listening of all music, composed for this game, almost completely (almost completely, because the very low quality tracks, that play on radio in the game, were not added here, they sound the same low quality in the gamerip, as they sound in game, so surely they do not fit to this compilation at all. Also no licensed music here, only the original soundtrack). It is called “Volume Three” after the second released album of Borderlands 2 soundtrack, that is called “Volume Two”.

Support the creators of this music and buy the released albums here:
Borderlands 2 Soundtrack: iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/borderlands-2-original-soundtrack/id557018768), Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/Borderlands-Original-Soundtrack-Jesper-Kyd/dp/B0090CDRC2), Google Play (https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Various_Artists_Borderlands_2_Original_Soundtrack? id=B6shj26qv7vkuy2s4s5s5yyhxha).
Borderlands 2 Soundtrack. Volume Two: iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/borderlands-2-volume-two-original/id836026212), Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/Borderlands-2-Original-Soundtrack/dp/B00JL6G9ZY), Google Play (https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Cris_Velasco_Sascha_Dikiciyan_Jesper_Kyd_Raison_Va ?id=Bkh62ler4bpnx67zv36eh6fmuci).

Composed By: Jesper Kyd, Sascha Dikiciyan & Cris Velasco, Raison Varner
Year Released: 2012
Format: MP3 320 kbps, OGG 500 kbps
Size: MP3 199 MB, OGG 220 MB
Runtime: 1h 24m
Tracks: 23

(The runtime of the compilation is 4 minutes longer, then can be recorded to a regular audio-CD. If this issue is important for you, just delete the “20 Jesper Kyd - Pandora Park (Full)” track, that fully contains the released music pieces in it, so the playtime of the compilation will be 1 hour 18 minutes).

Full playlist on Youtube (Subscribe to the channel for more music in future and help to channel's development): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeoEn1YDefM&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqcfVmn5ldh9jj5luE5O9JOG

Download MP3 320 kbps: https://dl.orangedox.com/MIZIHLyYYyHYJ6VhLG
Download OGG 500 kbps: https://dl.orangedox.com/s7DkVy6gKXIK63k6kV


*Alternative variations of released tracks
*Entirely new unreleased tracks

01 Jesper Kyd - Bloodshot Ramparts (Dam Top Alt.) 5:34
02 Jesper Kyd - Character Creation 2:12
03 Sascha Dikiciyan & Cris Velasco - Dam Interior (Extended) 5:16
04 Raison Varner - Welcome to the Arena Suckers (Mad Moxxi's Bar) 3:32
05 Sascha Dikiciyan & Cris Velasco - Sawtooth Cauldron Ambience (Crater Lake Extended) 2:25
06 Sascha Dikiciyan & Cris Velasco - Sawtooth Cauldron Combat (Crater Lake Extended) 2:19
07 Jesper Kyd - Caustic Caverns Ambience 2:41
08 Jesper Kyd - Eridium Blight Combat (Ash Alt.) 1:48
09 Jesper Kyd - Southern Shelf Combat (Glacial Alt.) 4:29
10 Sascha Dikiciyan & Cris Velasco - Tundra Express Ambience 3:26
11 Raison Varner - Tannis Rides the Fish Again 1:20
12 Sascha Dikiciyan & Cris Velasco - Lynchwood Ambience 3:03
13 Jesper Kyd - Sanctuary Under Attack 4:26
14 Sascha Dikiciyan & Cris Velasco - Opportunity Ambience 1:55
15 Jesper Kyd - Hyperion Slaughter 3:52
16 Sascha Dikiciyan & Cris Velasco - Jack's Body Double 4:14
17 Jesper Kyd - The Fridge (Extended) 4:04
18 Sascha Dikiciyan & Cris Velasco - The Bunker Combat 1:44
19 Sascha Dikiciyan & Cris Velasco - Hero's Pass Combat (Ascent Combat Extended) 4:17
20 Jesper Kyd - Pandora Park (Full) 6:52
21 Jesper Kyd - Bandit Themes 6:57
22 Jesper Kyd - Ice (Extended) 3:54
23 Jesper Kyd - Sanctuary (Full Version) 4:37

Tracks description:01 Jesper Kyd - Bloodshot Ramparts (Dam Top Alt.) - Both Ambience and Combat Bloodshot Ramparts themes differ from the released “Dam Top“ track.

02 Jesper Kyd - Character Creation 2:12 - Music, that plays while character creating, cycled twice.

03 Sascha Dikiciyan & Cris Velasco - Dam Interior (Extended) - Both Ambience and Combat parts of Dam Interior not fully used in the released track.

04 Raison Varner - Welcome to the Arena Suckers (Mad Moxxi's Bar) - The track, that plays in Mad Moxxi's Bar. The track from the gamerip was not a high quality one and sounded the same, as in the game. So I decided to replace it with the original track, that was used in the bar, that actually was composed for one of the first Borderlands game DLC's. It is 128 kbps, because it was downloaded from Raison Varner's Soundcloud page.

05 Sascha Dikiciyan & Cris Velasco - Sawtooth Cauldron Ambience (Crater Lake Extended), 06 Sascha Dikiciyan & Cris Velasco - Sawtooth Cauldron Combat (Crater Lake Extended) - Both Ambience and Combat themes of Sawtooth Cauldron were released combined, as “Crater Lake”, and both not fully used there.

07 Jesper Kyd - Caustic Caverns Ambience - Rearranged short part of this track was included as intro to the released “Caverns” track.

08 Jesper Kyd - Eridium Blight Combat (Ash Alt.) - Rearranged version of this track was released, as “Ash” track.

09 Jesper Kyd - Southern Shelf Combat (Glacial Alt.) - Alternative in-game variation of “Glacial“ track, cycled twice.

10 Sascha Dikiciyan & Cris Velasco - Tundra Express Ambience - The Ambience part wasn't fully used in the released ”Tundra Express” track.

11 Raison Varner - Tannis Rides the Fish Again - Unreleased.

12 Sascha Dikiciyan & Cris Velasco - Lynchwood Ambience - Not fully used in the released ”Lynchwood” track.

13 Jesper Kyd - Sanctuary Under Attack - Unreleased.

14 Sascha Dikiciyan & Cris Velasco - Opportunity Ambience - Unreleased (Opportunity Combat was released as ”Hyperion” track).

15 Jesper Kyd - Hyperion Slaughter - Unreleased.

16 Sascha Dikiciyan & Cris Velasco - Jack's Body Double - Unreleased.

17 Jesper Kyd - The Fridge (Extended) - Both Ambience and Combat themes of The Fridge not fully used in the released ”The Fridge” track. Here both themes combined to single track and fully used.

18 Sascha Dikiciyan & Cris Velasco - The Bunker Combat - Unreleased.

19 Sascha Dikiciyan & Cris Velasco - Hero's Pass Combat (Ascent Combat Extended) - Hero's Pass Combat theme not fully used in the released ”Ascent” track.

20 Jesper Kyd - Pandora Park (Full) - All three themes in this track were released officially and fully. Though the Ambience, Combat and Boss Fight themes in this area are match one another stylistically very much, they were released in different albums and never listened togather one after another, if you listen to this soundtrack released albums. This is the reason, why I decided to combine these three themes into single track, where different Wildlife Exploration Preserve themes continue one another the same way, as in the game.

21 Jesper Kyd - Bandit Themes, 22 Jesper Kyd - Ice (Extended), 23 Jesper Kyd - Sanctuary (Full Version) – These three tracks were posted by Jesper Kyd on his official page, tracks names are the same, as on the website. All these tracks are different from all the other, released and in-game, variations of the same themes, presented in them.

My Borderlands soundtrack compilations:

Borderlands 2 Soundtrack. Volume Three (Thread 201828) (mp3 320 kbps, OGG 500 kbps) – all music from Borderlands 2, that was not released.
Borderlands 2 Soundtrack. Volume Four (Thread 201829) – best tracks from all DLC’s soundtrack (compilation of tracks, that are interesting to listen in my opinion)
Borderlands 2 DLC's Unreleased and released Soundtracks (Thread 201829) – complete released DLC soundtracks.
Borderlands. The Pre-Sequel. The Soundtrack (Disc 3) (Thread 201826) – all music from Boederlands: The Pre-Sequel, that was not released.
Borderlands. The Pre-Sequel. Claptastic Voyage Soundtrack (Thread 201001) – complete Claptastic Voyage DLC soundtrack.

Also here’s Borderlands 2 xbox360 gamerip (https://dl.orangedox.com/AIg6wlBKH2MeBIL8RF), that was used for mixing and compiling "Borderlands 2 Soundtrack. Volume Three", if you like. All music pieces, shorter than 2 minutes, cycled twice here, fading outs added, OGG 500 kbps, no names of the tracks added. I had nothing to do with this gamerip, also unfortunately I don’t know, who made it.

03-22-2016, 09:09 AM
Tanks a lot, igor.kovalsky!

04-03-2016, 12:19 AM

08-17-2016, 08:07 PM