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10-22-2015, 09:30 PM
Amen to that. :)

No BS, a real hoverboard has been manufactured and announced on this anniversary.

10-22-2015, 10:42 PM
He should've been a sharp dressed man, 'cause every girl crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man.

I'm a sharp dressed man, look at me! And when I'm sitting at my harpsichord, playing one of those Vienna waltzes, every girl gets crazy, believe me. ;)

---------- Post added at 03:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:39 PM ----------

No BS, a real hoverboard has been manufactured and announced on this anniversary.

This is really cool, I want that skate park on Gothos!

10-22-2015, 10:59 PM
I'm a sharp dressed man, look at me! And when I'm sitting at my harpsichord, playing one of those Vienna waltzes, every girl gets crazy, believe me. ;)

---------- Post added at 03:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:39 PM ----------

This is really cool, I want that skate park on Gothos!

If you build it, I will come.

Indeed you are a sharp dressed squire. Pray tell, how do you fend off those wenches of the unwanted variety? With the augmented 4th perhaps?

10-22-2015, 11:23 PM
Indeed you are a sharp dressed squire. Pray tell, how do you fend off those wenches of the unwanted variety? With the augmented 4th perhaps?
I make them freeze, of course, with a snap of the fingers. Piece of cake. Then I'm sitting down at my harpsichord and start playing something devilish, including the tritonus, adding the "dies irae" motive for good measure! One more snap of the fingers to un-freeze them, and they're gone! :)

10-23-2015, 10:32 PM
I make them freeze, of course, with a snap of the fingers. Piece of cake. Then I'm sitting down at my harpsichord and start playing something devilish, including the tritonus, adding the "dies irae" motive for good measure! One more snap of the fingers to un-freeze them, and they're gone! :)

You're also stylish in your methodology, Squire. No doubt the local constabulary is handsomely renumerated to shall we say 'look the other way'.

All things considered you should have your own TV show. "Squire!". It's basically you handling the trash of the galaxy in original and humourous ways. The episode where you reluctantly (who am I kidding) humiliate Billy Ray Cyrus with what it is to be a real musician before expunging his sorry ass, will have 2.5 billion inhabitants of Earth tuning in. Another episode plot could have you teaming up with Liberace to take down 'boy bands' across the globe. Another high ratings winner. :)

10-23-2015, 11:43 PM

10-29-2015, 08:38 PM
Yay! Live from Gothos! It's everyone's favourite squire! General Trelane (Retired)!

I watched the Cameo "Word Up" music video earlier. I know, I know. If I'm not mistaken there's a young looking LeVar Burton in the video.

It's a shame the line from TNG after Capt. Picard orders Geordi to go to Warp 8, Geordi replies "Word up everybody say, When you hear the call you've got to get it underway" was removed. Just kidding on that. But he was in the video, seriously. If I'm not mistaken that is.

10-30-2015, 08:20 AM

For Halloween, I have been ripping soundtracks from LP records, like HORROR EXPRESS, EDGAR ALLAN POE MOVIES, THE DUNWICH HORROR, and still more to do.

Also, Rocketship X-M. Why buy the CD or download it, if I have the LP?

11-01-2015, 11:05 AM
You've certainly got some rare and impressive LPs there, AZSneed.

CDs are great, but a lot the old stuff will never be re-released on CD. That's why tend to hang on to everything. On the odd occasion when an LP of mine was a bad pressing, or was damaged by yours truly (doh!), I went in search of the CD.

11-02-2015, 12:07 AM
The large LP art needs to be saved, even with a CD release, as art. Scanned, they make nice mini posters.

Last night I watched Horror Express. I read that it was based on "Who Goes There?", the same story that all three THING movies were based on. If you have not seen it, find it, it is real good.

11-02-2015, 12:58 AM
You're right. LP covers are the best. I bought many LPs because of their covers. Talk about judging a book by its cover.

On Horror Express, I'll keep it in mind. Cheers for the recommend.

11-02-2015, 05:38 AM
I forgot to mention that the stars are Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing and Telly Savalas.

11-02-2015, 10:29 PM
So we've got Francisco Scaramanga, Grand Moff Tarkin and Kojak. That's the A-Team for me.

11-03-2015, 04:43 AM
Only the best!

I bought the 1st season of Mission Impossible today. I haven't seen the series since the 60's, and next year will be it's 50th Anniversary.

11-03-2015, 08:34 PM
Woah, that's a long time to wait for a re-run! I was lucky enough to see it again back in 2010 when the whole series was re-shown on tv. It was actually quite enjoyable.

Looks like there's a Lee & Cushing flick at the weekend. The Gorgon. Might tune in for that. It also features Patrick Troughton.

11-04-2015, 05:59 AM
I just watched the first few episodes of MI, and it is suspenseful, and in the pilot, seeing Wally Cox playing a serious role as a safe cracker was odd, but enjoyable. I hear his voice and think, Underdog.

I love watching British Actors, and TV series.

11-04-2015, 11:28 PM
I've recently been watching old shows on Youtube. A couple of rarities worth checking out:

11-05-2015, 12:31 AM
1990, I have never hear of that series, but, Star Cops, I'm a fan of the series, and have all of the episodes. Another I like, is Moonbase 3. I just like space shows.

11-05-2015, 12:43 AM
Cool. In that case have you seen another space oddity "The Starlost" with Walter Koenig and Kier Dulea? It looks like they used film from Silent Running.

11-05-2015, 06:31 AM
I have the series, just haven't watched it yet. I saw photos of the model, similar to Silent Running, but not used footage from the movie.

11-06-2015, 01:22 AM
I'm wondering if all the producers wanted was Douglas Trumbull's name on the credits.

The cast of TNG featured in one of tonight's bulk repeat episodes of Family Guy, Not All Dogs Go To Heaven. Fairly amusing. :)

11-08-2015, 07:17 PM
Another Christopher Lee flick today. The Brides of Fu Manchu, where he is in the lead role as Fu Manchu. Difficult to take seriously.

---------- Post added at 06:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:08 PM ----------

"I make many Fu Manchu flick. Make plenty dollar."

11-11-2015, 01:49 AM
Watched another low budget sci-fi tonight, Resurrection of Zachary Wheeler. A similar plot to The Island.

11-12-2015, 01:42 AM
Never heard of that movie. I see you are into Classic Sci-Fi, or so they call it.

I am watching the animated series of RETURN TO THE PLANET OF THE APES, which turned 40 in September.

11-12-2015, 10:44 PM
I on the other hand didn't know about the animated series of RETURN TO THE PLANET OF THE APES. I don't recall it ever being on tv here. If it was I probably would have watched it. Had a look at the first episode on Youtube. This actually looks better than the live-action tv series.

11-12-2015, 11:39 PM
The series is one long story, and ends at 13 episodes. I like the rich art, and the story.

When it comes to the original designed apes, I like them best. I have all 5 movies, 2 special feature discs, the live series, and the animated series. I also have the Tim Burton movie, which I like, except for Marky Mark. I do not have an interest in the reboot movies.

11-13-2015, 10:59 PM
Roddy McDowell and Kim Hunter are great in those. The first movie is a classic and can never be touched by the new updated versions - no way. I'm not a big fan of sequels, but they were pretty good especially Conquest of the Planet of the Apes.

11-14-2015, 02:59 PM
Roddy McDowell was in 4 of the 5 movies, and the TV series. As an ape, he was awesome. I agree about Conquest, I also liked Beneath.

Usually the first in a series is the best, except for ST and SW. Khan and Empire are my favorites.

11-15-2015, 12:43 AM
Good sequels are a bit rare. You're right on with ST and SW. I believe many others share that opinion - it's like a universal constant. Other passable sci-fi sequels (for me at least) were T2, Aliens, 2010. Sequels that let me down include T3+, Robocop 2+, and some others I'm having trouble remembering.

On a William Shatner note, I saw him in an adaptation of Little Women. Just keeps on surprising me that guy.


Just thinking about the opening scenes in the animated Apes. Dead people were on display. If I recall something from a making-of documentary the filmmakers opted to make a change to the story and drop this imagery from the movie. They instead put animal skins on display to mark out the forbidden zone. I have to say, in this instance it probably was a wise move. If Heston and his space chums caught wind of the fact that people were already on the planet it would have lessened the effect later on, and would have put them on their guard - it would've been a different movie. The first time I saw the film it had one of the most mind blowing endings ever. "You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!" Which is exactly how I would feel. :)

11-15-2015, 03:29 PM
On your list of sequels, T2 was the first movie I cried, and it was for Arnold, Aliens was better with action, just didn't like some of the Marines, and 2010, more action, and less boring.

On the comment about Heston's scream at the end of the film, today a fitting way to say it is, "Typical." Not as dramatic but fitting in todays World.

11-15-2015, 04:56 PM
Lol! I suppose so!



Are we in an alternate universe? I don't get these cross-overs...

11-21-2015, 11:39 PM
Talking about bizarre, I watched "A Message from Mars" today. A silent movie from 1913. This has got to be the oldest sci-fi flick I've seen. The plot is more reminiscent of modern cinema. It's basically "A Christmas Carol" with Martians. Bizarre!

11-22-2015, 02:07 AM
When I was a teenager they had all 5 planet of the ape movies one Saturday at the local movie house. It was billed as the planet of the apes marathon. My friends and I went as a group. It took around 10 hours, we had not seen the last 2 which helped keep us in our seats all that time. We all had trouble walking out afterwards-a little stiff but it was fun .

11-22-2015, 03:16 AM
theone2000, weird crossovers, and not needed. Someone needs a life, instead of creating crossovers. A Message from Mars, too weird for me....I can't believe I said that!

Max, y'all were adventurous in y'all youth. I did see three movies in three different theaters in one day....does that count?

Right now, I am watching episodes of Sea Hunt starring Lloyd Bridges, from 1958. It is pretty good, some intense moments. I found the 2 DVD Best of at Wal-Mart for $3.74.

11-22-2015, 11:04 AM
Marathon! Excellent! The only marathon I went to was the Star Trek movies 1-6. 'T'was glorious.

Too right, AZSneed, I mean who came up with the Green Lantern idea? What were they smoking? :)

11-23-2015, 04:50 AM
AZSneed, 3 movies in 3 different theaters in one day-I would say that counts. I use to see two, one at the theater and later my friends and I would sneak into the drive-in to see another. We knew where there was a hole in the fence where we could watch. :)
theone2000, I watched 4 Star Trek movies in a row when they had a star trek marathon on TV so you have me beat, but I did watch 12 episodes of DS9 in a row once :)

11-24-2015, 12:02 AM
There was more than one marathon at the local theatre. I missed the showing in early 1992 (although I did see ST6 on its own earlier), but happened to go along to the summer one with a friend, and to be honest I was glad when it was over, it was starting to get a bit ripe even with the aircon. :) 12 Episodes of DS9. That should earn you an award of some kind! I'm currently watching it on tv. Tonight's episode was the one with the holo-village where people started disappearing. The most episodes of ST watched in one go was never more than 5. For two reasons. Currently, the episodes of TOS and DS9 shown Monday to Friday are repeated in one block on Saturday and Sunday. And on occasion I've watched all five. In the nineties, I'd stay up late and watch VHS tapes which held 5 episodes of TOS. I had considered recording onto E-300 tapes, which would've had space for 6 episodes in SP mode, and 12 in LP mode, but I never did. The rule was "a video tape a night". Same for the X-files.

11-24-2015, 01:32 AM
I have DS9 on DVD so it didn't take as long as watching it on one of those TV marathons with all the commercial breaks. Not long ago I picked up all the seasons of Enterprise and Voyager. I was watching 3-4 episodes a night. Being retired I have plenty of free time when the wife isn't finding things for me to do. :)

11-24-2015, 12:30 PM
I have DS9 on DVD so it didn't take as long as watching it on one of those TV marathons with all the commercial breaks. Not long ago I picked up all the seasons of Enterprise and Voyager. I was watching 3-4 episodes a night. Being retired I have plenty of free time when the wife isn't finding things for me to do. :)

Ha, I'm going to get retired in about 10 to 15 years. I'm married, thanks for the warning! LOL

11-24-2015, 11:03 PM
Should've got the missus signed off on a pre-nup clearly stating "I will not object to hubby watching Star Trek whenever he wants, even in underwear with beer & nachos with a cheese dip." If that's not a deal-breaker I'd say the gal's all right. :)

11-24-2015, 11:45 PM
I married a good one, she liked to watch DS9, TNG and Bab5 with me when they were 1st on TV and still enjoys watching reruns.

11-25-2015, 11:30 PM
Good for you, max, you didn't have to show her the door. :) I on the other hand have never met any ladies who are into sci-fi. In my case men are from Mars, women are from Venus. Chick-flicks are not for me.

Talking of Mars, I have a baffling question. A question to be added to the list of baffling questions. Why did "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians" get a Blu-ray release? There's a whole range of decent sci-fi films and tv series that deserve the Blu-ray treatment.


Considered getting this...

They could've named it the Blu - Ray Harryhausen collection. :)

11-29-2015, 07:42 PM
You would be surprised at the number of women that like Star Wars and Star Trek. I have 3 adult daughters who go to see the latest sci-fi movies. They were really into firefly and wanted the series for x-mass one year. They really like a little romance in the movie too. They watch the sci-fi channel all the time. They are also into the super hero craze too and have most of them on DVD.

11-30-2015, 08:26 PM
Personally I don't know what people see in this spate of superhero flicks. However, the sci-fi interest is encouraging. Perhaps there was a dash of good parenting, which I salute you for! :) That's my cue for some Irish Coffee.

12-07-2015, 11:16 PM
FIFA 2018 World Cup Star Wars Football Approved...

---------- Post added at 10:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:13 PM ----------

Tonight's episode of DS9 - The introduction of the Jem'Hadar. What a cocky bunch. :) So much for the Galaxy Class Odyssey - got taken out by a Kamikaze.

12-08-2015, 06:41 AM
Why did "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians" get a Blu-ray release?

How can you ask that question? The greatest Sci-Fi Christmas Movie ever....or so I thought I heard....more like imagined....hell, I ain't seen the movie yet, to scared to see it.

My most favorite Christmas movie is, Scrooge, with Albert Finney. I still haven't watched it so far this Christmas.

I got a real surprise this last Saturday. I went to the gas station/store I have been shopping at for many, many years, and I was given a big box of Whitman Sampler Chocolates as a Christmas gift from the store. I have never got a Christmas gift from a store I shopped at before. Oh, and it was so good!

---------- Post added at 11:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:36 PM ----------

Tonight's episode of DS9 - The introduction of the Jem'Hadar. What a cocky bunch. :) So much for the Galaxy Class Odyssey - got taken out by a Kamikaze.

You are so right, very messed up, too. My favorite DS9 will always be THE Tribble episode. Worf allergic to Tribbles....

12-08-2015, 11:06 PM
How can you ask that question? The greatest Sci-Fi Christmas Movie ever....or so I thought I heard....more like imagined....hell, I ain't seen the movie yet, to scared to see it.


My most favorite Christmas movie is, Scrooge, with Albert Finney. I still haven't watched it so far this Christmas.

I always like Finney. That'll probably be on tv here as well around Christmas Day, along with a few other big budget Christmas films. At the moment we've got dozens of re-runs of all sorts of made for tv Christmas movies, some of which aren't bad. I always like to see A Christmas Carol with Patrick Stewart, Scrooged with Bill Murray, and A Muppet Christmas Carol with that muppet Michael Caine.

I got a real surprise this last Saturday. I went to the gas station/store I have been shopping at for many, many years, and I was given a big box of Whitman Sampler Chocolates as a Christmas gift from the store. I have never got a Christmas gift from a store I shopped at before. Oh, and it was so good!

That's jolly decent for a gas station store. The big stores don't even do that (that I know of). Great policy!

You are so right, very messed up, too. My favorite DS9 will always be THE Tribble episode. Worf allergic to Tribbles....

That's a good one. Worf's explanation of why the 60's Klingons look different was something like "Don't ask." !

12-09-2015, 02:29 AM
I saw Scrooge for decades on TV, and it was not until I bought the DVD that I saw the edited out scenes when he went to hell. It was like seeing a new movie.

12-09-2015, 10:57 PM
I actually can't remember that. Is that a director's cut or something? Perhaps it was shown cut here too. I'll pay attention next time. This kind of meddling and censorship I'm quite familiar with. I've noticed that some tv stations have a bad habit of editing movies. I recall many movies being edited for the network premiere, because I saw them at the cinema or on tape/DVD, and oddly, many were shown in their entirety on the first run, but on the second run onwards were edited.

12-10-2015, 05:20 PM
It was censored on TV, the DVD is the original cut. I'm guessing it was thought of being too scary for TV, but the scene was part of his redemption and necessary to the story.

12-10-2015, 11:40 PM
I remember seeing the original cut of the Abyss, but when I saw the Special Edition I was truly blown away. Why did the most important segment of the film get dropped? It actually makes sense when you see the complete story.

I'll definitely pay attention to Finney's film and see if that scene is cut. To be honest I think the censor's gone bye-bye in the UK. The amount of explicit and gratuitous gory bloody violence on tv is staggering.

Something I ran across on Kickstarter. Atomic Brain 4K restoration project:

Now this will make a nice stocking filler...

A peculiar Christmas tree ornament:

12-12-2015, 06:03 AM
Scenes are cut to limit the length of the movie in theaters. So, like The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings and other extended movies on DVD, we do finally see the intended movie.

I like the pen! The Hallmark ornament is not that great of an subject, from ST II.

12-14-2015, 12:03 AM
I managed to watch the Scrooge film in question tonight. It does have the Hell scene and I'm sure it's been on before as I remember Scrooge getting fitted out with a giant chain before waking up.

I saw another one today also called Scrooge, but it was from 1935. It's all right, but looks like its restoration is half-baked. "Could do better."

Now this is living...

12-14-2015, 01:52 AM
Since I haven't watched any TV in about 10 years, they may have put it back in.

Not sure if I have seen the 1935 movie, I do have a couple more in my collection to watch.

Nice chair, wrong uniform. "I'm the Captain! Where is my Yeoman with my beer and snacks!"

12-14-2015, 11:37 PM
Some plywood, black leather, some gloss grey paint and a little effort I believe I can fabricate one myself. I've already got yellow top pajamas. "Mister Sulu, proceed on course for Makus Three, at space normal speed."

All aboard a pretty good fake...

More cool fakes

12-15-2015, 10:41 PM
"Todd, are you not aware that I get farty and bloated with a foamy latte?!"

12-16-2015, 12:17 PM
Some plywood, black leather, some gloss grey paint and a little effort I believe I can fabricate one myself. I've already got yellow top pajamas. "Mister Sulu, proceed on course for Makus Three, at space normal speed."

Sulu: "Space normal speed, Captain?"
Kirk: "Yes, you heard me right, Mr. Sulu. But... don't tell the Comissioner!"

I always wanted to add this to Kirk's line!

12-16-2015, 10:40 PM
Hehe! That commissioner looked like Evel Kenevel with that mini-cape on his back. What a clown!

Star Wars gets its premiere tonight. I don't know anybody who's going to go to see it. Can't wait to read the reviews over the next few days. I've already heard someone from the film say "It doesn't matter if the critics don't like it, as long as the fans do." Oh dear, that sounds like a disclaimer to me.

12-17-2015, 07:59 AM
When you build the chair, I will send you my address.

The Eagle is not fake, the people are.....Note to self, lay off the model building for awhile, the glue is getting to me again.....grab that Tribble, and have it spit out the cat.

I really don't have plans to see Star Wars. I just can't stand lenses flairs and too fast to see action.....maybe I'm thinking of Star Trek, well they both have same Director and Star in it's name.

---------- Post added at 12:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:57 AM ----------

To help you all this holiday.....

Step 1. Buy a Turkey
Step 2. Have a glass of wine.
Step 3. Stuff Turkey.
Step 4. Have a glass of wine.
Step 5. Put Turkey in oven.
Step 6. Relax and have a glass of wine.
Step 7. Turk the bastey.
Step 8. Wine of glass another get.
Step 9. Hunt for meat thermometer.
Step 10. Glass yourself another pour of wine.
Step 11. Bake the wine for 4 hours.
Step 12. Take the oven out of the Turkey.
Step 13. Tet the sable.
Step 14. Grab another wottle of bine.
Step 15. Turk the carvey.

Once again this holiday, I have had requests for my Tequila Christmas
Cake so here goes: Please keep in your files as I am getting tired of
typing this up every year!
1 cup sugar

1 tsp. baking powder

1 cup water

1 tsp. salt

1 cup brown sugar

Lemon juice

4 large eggs


1 bottle tequila

2 cups dried fruit

Sample the tequila to check quality Take a large bowl,

check the tequila again to be sure it is of the highest quality.


Turn on the electric mixer. Beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl.

Add 1 teaspoon of sugar. Beat again.

At this point, it is best to make sure the tequila is sstill OK.

Try another cup just in case.

Turn off the mixerer thingy.

Break 2 legs and add to the bowl and chuck iin the cup of dried fruit.

Pick the fruit up off the floor.

Mix on the turner.

If the fried druit getas stuck in the beaterers, just pry it loose with a drewscriver.

Sample the tequila to test for tonsisticity.

Next, sift 2 cups of salt, or something.

Check the tequila.

Now shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts.

Add one table.

Add a spoon of sugar, or somefink. Whatever you can find.

Greash the oven.

Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over.

Don't forget to beat off the turner

Finally, throw the bowl through the window.

Finish the tequila and wipe the counter with the cat.

Cherry Christmas

12-17-2015, 09:07 PM
All I want for Christmas is a DS-9 movie but the new Star Wars movie will do :)

12-18-2015, 01:14 AM
@AZsneed, That's how you bake a cake - it's more about the journey than the destination! About the chair, do you want one with the gooseneck microphone or without?

@max stein, A DS-9 movie, now that's not a bad idea. Hey Paramount, are you listening? We've got ideas on this thread!!!

I said I didn't know anyone who's going to see the new Star Wars movie, but of course that excluded people on this forum. However, I class you as a real person and accept the fact you'll go to see it, and therefore retract my earlier statement. I hope you find it entertaining. If you don't, I want to know what's wrong with it! My guess is that the elements and actors from the original trilogy will probably give the film a lift it needs.

12-18-2015, 05:42 AM
If I remember right the critics didn't like the 1st Star Wars movie but the fans loved it, I met a guy who claimed to have seen it 24 times before I saw it once. I was in Germany at the time and saw it there. Love the eye candy special effects, saw it the second time in London at the Imperial Theater. Not good enough to see 24 times like he did but for it's time a great sifi movie. I have to admit that there was room for improvements in the movie. Still like Star Trek better. Wish they had made more movies with the OST cast and a few more with TNG cast but we have what we have.

12-18-2015, 08:25 AM
About the chair, do you want one with the gooseneck microphone or without?

I have to chose? NOOoooo......

---------- Post added at 01:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:20 AM ----------

I watched ST II ten times in the theater, the most I have ever seen one that many times. I have watched every Star Wars movie in the theater since 1977, and all of the Star Trek movies until the 2009 one. I'm on the fence about the new one. But, no more Star Trek for me in the theater.

12-18-2015, 11:02 PM
If I remember right the critics didn't like the 1st Star Wars movie but the fans loved it, I met a guy who claimed to have seen it 24 times before I saw it once. I was in Germany at the time and saw it there. Love the eye candy special effects, saw it the second time in London at the Imperial Theater. Not good enough to see 24 times like he did but for it's time a great sifi movie. I have to admit that there was room for improvements in the movie. Still like Star Trek better. Wish they had made more movies with the OST cast and a few more with TNG cast but we have what we have.

That guy saw Star Wars 24 times?! I guess I know what he wants to be stranded with on a desert island! I agree, someone needs to get the ball rolling on a new Trek using the available assets. What a monumental waste we're witnessing at present.

I have to chose? NOOoooo......

---------- Post added at 01:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:20 AM ----------

I watched ST II ten times in the theater, the most I have ever seen one that many times. I have watched every Star Wars movie in the theater since 1977, and all of the Star Trek movies until the 2009 one. I'm on the fence about the new one. But, no more Star Trek for me in the theater.

I admit watching Star Wars a number of times at the local theatre. I used to go to the cinema when they repeated sci-fi movies like Star Wars, Star Trek, T1 / T2, 2001 A Space Odyssey (incidentally I watched that on BBC3HD in the early hours - it's still got it).

About the gooseneck, I'll stick it in the crate, and you can test drive the captains chair with it and without it. :)

12-19-2015, 05:43 AM
I read a review of the new Star Wars and he said it is sort of rip off of A New Hope. Watching the trailers, it looked to me it was going to be a re-boot of sorts, seems I was right. CURSE YOU JJAbrams!

Better forget the chair, no room for it. Dang it, I was hoping to be a Captain.

12-19-2015, 08:51 AM
I read a review of the new Star Wars and he said it is sort of rip off of A New Hope. Watching the trailers, it looked to me it was going to be a re-boot of sorts, seems I was right. CURSE YOU JJAbrams!

Better forget the chair, no room for it. Dang it, I was hoping to be a Captain.

You still have the option to create a custom phaser type I and enlist as a red shirt... start with re-playing "Obsession" or, alternatively, "The Apple"..... MUHAAAAHAHAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!

12-19-2015, 12:41 PM
I read a review of the new Star Wars and he said it is sort of rip off of A New Hope. Watching the trailers, it looked to me it was going to be a re-boot of sorts, seems I was right. CURSE YOU JJAbrams!

Better forget the chair, no room for it. Dang it, I was hoping to be a Captain.

I've not talked to anyone yet, or received any emails telling me they've seen it. Even though it's a JJ movie, I'm surprised by the general lack of interest by the people I associate with.

So I suppose the full scale Eagle is out of the question? Phew! What a relief. I don't think it would fit in a shipping container! Someone would have to fly it over, and I don't know any qualified Eagle pilots. Hold on, just found on Craigslist about a hundred of the buggers charging reasonable rates.

You still have the option to create a custom phaser type I and enlist as a red shirt... start with re-playing "Obsession" or, alternatively, "The Apple"..... MUHAAAAHAHAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!

This Christmas, give the gift of a red shirt to someone who's been a pain in the u-no-wot!

12-19-2015, 07:58 PM
Disney is dreaming of huge profits and to beat out Jurassic World.

Well, fellow Red Shirts.....
We can't kill them all, they do serve a function, besides being comic relief.

Speaking of the Eagle, Round 2 models is coming out with a 1/48 22 inch model with an optional kit of aluminum rocket motors. Very detailed and nice looking.

12-20-2015, 08:14 PM
I not sure if I will go to see it or wait until it comes out on DVD. Depends on if my kids want to go and see it.

12-21-2015, 03:10 AM
WAVING HAND.... You WILL see it with your kids....You WILL see it with your kids!.....JEDI MIND TRICK OVER

One very, very minor thing about seeing the movie for me, is that 20th Century Fox logo and theme will be missing. Oh, well.

12-23-2015, 08:45 PM
That's just not right! No 20th Century Fox logo or fanfare?! Outrageous! "This isn't the Star Wars film you're looking for..."

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Guys

12-24-2015, 02:06 AM
In keeping with the theme....

12-24-2015, 08:17 PM
Merry Christmas everyone

12-25-2015, 02:44 AM
Merry Christmas from Gothos to all of you, guys, present and absent (don't forget our friend Scotty, wherever he is right now...).

Squire Trelane, retired.

12-25-2015, 11:36 PM
I hope and pray that Scotty is doing better and has a Merry Christmas

12-26-2015, 05:45 AM
I hope so too Max, and I hope you guys had a decent one too. I hope your families have safe journeys.

12-26-2015, 09:11 AM
I'm with y'all hoping for the best for Scotty!

Well, I got for Christmas a punch out, glue together paper model of the 1701 with lights and it plays the theme to Star Trek. A book and CD-ROM "On Board the 1701D", and three Doctor Who Christmas ornaments, red Dalek, K-9, and the TARDIS. I also, got a lot of DVDs, like Adam-12, and Bat Masterson.

12-27-2015, 07:34 PM
AZSneed, That sounds cool, I got "Battle Beyond the Stars" on blue ray. They made the movie looks so much better than when I saw it back in 1980. Also a Star Wars light saber(red) my son got a blue one :) and another light saber (thongs) for cooking on the grill. Kids got Dr. Who socks and a Tardis wallet along with some Harry Potter items-me and my kids never grow up :)

12-27-2015, 09:09 PM
Y'all really scored! Let the begin.

Please, never grow up. Too many GROWN UPS are messing up the world, we need enough of us kids at heart to keep then in their place.

12-27-2015, 10:41 PM
AZSneed, That sounds cool, I got "Battle Beyond the Stars" on blue ray. They made the movie looks so much better than when I saw it back in 1980. Also a Star Wars light saber(red) my son got a blue one :) and another light saber (thongs) for cooking on the grill. Kids got Dr. Who socks and a Tardis wallet along with some Harry Potter items-me and my kids never grow up :)

Battle Beyond the Stars. The movie James Horner took the soundtrack from and shoehorned it into Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan and later into Krull.

12-28-2015, 12:58 AM
The music was one of the things I liked about the movie when it came out. My wife just rolled her eyes when she saw the light sabers. One of my daughters gave them to my son, her boyfriend and I. Of course we had to have a light saber battle right away :). Spectre8750, did you get anything interesting?

12-28-2015, 02:08 AM
Battle Beyond the Stars. The movie James Horner took the soundtrack from and shoehorned it into Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan and later into Krull.

Don't forget Wolfen. I like most of his music, mainly his main themes, except the reused tracks, then I cringe when I hear them.

---------- Post added at 07:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:05 PM ----------

I finished watching Bat Masterson, which I don't remember seeing, and Adam-12, and I enjoyed both.

12-28-2015, 07:09 PM
AZSnned, Adam-12 was one of my favorite cop shows and one of the most realistic one's too. Back in those days it was cop shows or cowboy shows to watch :)
theone2000- your right about the music, it was perfect for those movies.Those movie I bought when they came out, at the time I didn't like Battle beyond the stars except for the music which I picked up back then. The Blue ray up grade changed that-it looks much better now.

12-28-2015, 08:36 PM
Horner's compositions especially from the 80s are some of my all time favourites. I always regarded Battle Beyond the Stars as more of a classy made for Tv movie than a big budget cinematic film. I remember watching it on video tape, and like many others, the low resolution didn't do it and them any favours, but it was still fun. And Battle Beyond the Stars is yet another film based on the Seven Samurai plot, and Robert Vaughn's second outing as a 'Samurai'. Incidentally, Star Wars was based on another Akira Kirosawa plot, The Hidden Fortress. The light sabre is a direct replacement for the Katana sword and the helmet designs including that of Darth Vader, all have a Samurai influence.

12-28-2015, 09:03 PM
I saw Battle Beyond the Stars in the theater, and I like it. I have the movie on DVD and the Soundtrack on CD. Also, the other Seven Samurai plot movie, The Magnificent Seven, I just bought on DVD a few months back, and what a cast and movie! The theme is very well known, as we know, and was used by the Grocery store chain Winn Dixie advertising them as the Beef People in the past.

12-28-2015, 11:59 PM
I like the way Yul Brinner took his appearance from the M7 film and used it for 'the gunslinger' in West World. His conversation pieces left a lot to be desired though. "Get this boy a bib!" :)

12-29-2015, 08:47 PM
The Magnificent Seven is one of my all time cowboy movie favorites all it needed was John Wayne to make it perfect :)

01-02-2016, 09:44 PM
That's a novel idea. Maybe Industrial Light & Magic can CGI him in in a Special Edition. :) My favourite John Wayne Western has to be Rio Grande. That is simply class.

Did you know Dirty Harry was a role he turned down. Doh! But then again, we wouldn't have Clint Eastwood as Harry Callaghan. So it worked out for the audiences. Wayne later on went on to make McQ in an attempt to make a contemporary edgy cop flick in a similar style to Dirty Harry, but wasn't nearly as successful.

01-03-2016, 10:33 AM
That's a novel idea. Maybe Industrial Light & Magic can CGI him in in a Special Edition. :) My favourite John Wayne Western has to be Rio Grande. That is simply class.

Did you know Dirty Harry was a role he turned down. Doh! But then again, we wouldn't have Clint Eastwood as Harry Callaghan. So it worked out for the audiences. Wayne later on went on to make McQ in an attempt to make a contemporary edgy cop flick in a similar style to Dirty Harry, but wasn't nearly as successful.
I saw Wayne's McQ recently, not that bad, and I believe if Wayne had been ten years younger, or the cancer hadn't slowed him down in the mid-seventies, a movie series of more "McQ's" would have been possible. But Wayne was too much type-cast to the real western genre, and he left the Hollywood stage in style with his final movies (including the grandious "The Shootist").

01-04-2016, 01:43 AM
Definitely type-cast. If he played a soldier, it was with the blue uniform, not the grey. Kudos to Clint Eastwood for expanding the Western genre when he began directing his own pictures.

01-05-2016, 04:21 AM
I have been to Monument Valley twice, John Wayne filmed around 20 movies there, really beautiful place. It also served as back ground for other westerns.

01-05-2016, 10:41 PM
I'll bet that's a trip to remember. That was the place to shoot westerns. A lot of those formations appear repeatedly in the movies. Kind of like the Vasquez Rocks in Star Trek and the ST IV movie. If I'm not mistaken they were shot for the Airwolf pilot, and the area was erroneously labelled as Devil's Anvil.

01-06-2016, 04:51 AM
The last transformers movie also had a scene filmed there. The park is run by the Navajo Indians and they recently built a hotel that overlooks the park. Very friendly people and not that expensive compared to other attractions. The scenery is fantastic and well worth the trip. I have taken my family all over the US and Canada and it is one of my favorite places to visit. Sun up or sun down are really cool with the red rock formations and orange sand. There are also several National Parks not far away.

01-06-2016, 10:30 PM
You ought to work for the council responsible for promoting it. You make it sound great!

Another landmark from Star Trek, El Capitan as seen in Star Trek V. That's something that would also be on my itinerary.

01-08-2016, 03:39 AM
theone2000-Been there twice, El Capitan is very impressive and so is half dome. Yosemite National park has a lot to offer. We didn't camp in the valley but stayed at one of the area hotels so I didn't get the camp fire effect when visiting but well worth it. King Canyon and Sequoia National parks are next door, Kings Canyon is like Yosemite but a lot less crowded. Now if you like the movie close encounters of a 3rd kind go to Devil Tower it's another landmark worth seeing.There are plenty of other things to see in the area like Mount Rushmore and Deadwood.

01-08-2016, 03:53 AM
I remember camping Yosemite or Sequoia National park, slept in a Sleeping bag on the Campground Table. Every 5 min a damn Logging truck was either coming or going, and I got no sleep what soever. Nice place during the day though. We Camped all over the Desert, middle and north California, Arizona, Utah, and we whore our Guns and Holsters back in the Seventies. Wonder if they still allow it? No one cared back in those days. Law in California was you could have a weapon on you or hidden close by when coming or going on a Camping or Fishing trip. Those were fun days.

01-09-2016, 11:10 PM
So, who has a vinyl fetish......

01-10-2016, 08:51 AM fetish, and it goes to show NOTHING ever goes out completely....well, maybe 8 Tracks....

Mondo is putting out Batman the Animated Series soundtracks, also. I do like the bat shaped LP for the theme.

I know from listening to LPs and CDs that LPs are better for the best quality of music. I have the LP of Ladyhawk, and a small piece of a track I love to hear, then I got the CD. I found it, it was so low, I kept missing it.

I just watched two Roger Corman movies I have never seen, ATTACK OF THE CRAB MONSTERS and WAR OF THE SATELLITES. I like them, not as cheesy as I though they would be.

01-13-2016, 10:53 PM
theone2000-Been there twice, El Capitan is very impressive and so is half dome. Yosemite National park has a lot to offer. We didn't camp in the valley but stayed at one of the area hotels so I didn't get the camp fire effect when visiting but well worth it. King Canyon and Sequoia National parks are next door, Kings Canyon is like Yosemite but a lot less crowded. Now if you like the movie close encounters of a 3rd kind go to Devil Tower it's another landmark worth seeing.There are plenty of other things to see in the area like Mount Rushmore and Deadwood.

Ah, Close Encounters. I always thought that location was contrived for the movie, I didn't realise it might be a real location.

... I just watched two Roger Corman movies I have never seen, ATTACK OF THE CRAB MONSTERS and WAR OF THE SATELLITES. I like them, not as cheesy as I though they would be.

You can't go wrong with a Roger Corman movie. My fave has to be Death Race 2000! :)

01-14-2016, 01:38 AM
I just bought 3 more Corman movies, Vincent Price in, Tales of Terror, The Raven, and The Pit and the Pendulum. I don't think I have seen these, and they should be good with Vincent Price.

01-14-2016, 01:49 PM
You can never go wrong with Vincent Price, he IS Mr. Terror himself! One of the greatest actors, not only in the Horror genre! And yes, those three movies are quite good, Corman's gothic style at its best. Saw them way back in the 80ies here in Germany several times.

01-15-2016, 11:05 PM
If he's Mrs. Terror, I'd hate to see Mr. Terror :)

01-15-2016, 11:27 PM
If he's Mrs. Terror, I'd hate to see Mr. Terror :)

Good catch, theone. Have made the gender switch back to normal. You should have quoted my post. Without it, your post doesn't make sense now! LOL

01-16-2016, 01:17 AM
Hehe. :) The horror channel's been showing a few of his movies of the past couple of months. And a bunch of Christopher Lee films also. I'm not sure but wasn't Edward Scissorhands Price's last movie? And that too was well played, it gave the film it's foundation.

01-16-2016, 01:48 AM
After "Scissorhand" (1991), he had one more small supporting role in "The Heart of Justice" (1992) and two more voice acting credits. He passed away in 1993 (age 82). But "Scissorhand" remains to be his final big blockbuster credit, and serves as his swan song in the collective memory of moviegoers.

01-19-2016, 10:57 PM
I thought I'd seen all the Old Mother Riley movies. Some how I missed "Old Mother Riley Meets the Vampire" which I caught some of last night. As mad as the other episodes!

01-23-2016, 07:45 AM
I did finish watching the 3 Vincent Price movies and The Pit and the Pendulum was the best, well written, and great performance, and the ending, wow!

I bought today a real classic Sci-Fi, The Giant Claw. The turkey/buzzard monster sucked in design, but the movie was real good otherwise.

Another DVD I bought is the complete series of Starcom-The U.S. Space Force. I had a few episodes on DVD and VHS, but have never see the complete series. For a series made to sell toys, it is real good.

01-23-2016, 12:50 PM
Turkey/buzzard?! I'll have to look in to that. Sounds like a larf. I watched an unusual sci-fi flick last night. "Who?" with Elliot Gould in a cold-war scenario with an agent who was horribly disfigured and reconstructed.

01-24-2016, 10:29 AM
Who? Never heard of that Who.

The Giant Claw stars Jeff Morrow, who played the alien Exeter in the movie, This Island Earth.

01-24-2016, 10:35 PM
In that case I know who you're talking about. I haven't seen This Island Earth for years, maybe decades even. I think that's the movie that was 'featured' in Mystery Science Theater 3000 The Movie.

01-26-2016, 07:20 AM
I never cared for any Mystery Science Theater. I guess, because I liked the movies that they poked at, and it bothered me. I like cheesy movies, most are better to me than the BIG BUDGET movies.

I have been watching Batman the Animated Series, again. My favorite episode is Beware the Gray Ghost. It was so cool to hear Adam West doing the voice of the Gray Ghost. I may not be a fan of 1966's Batman anymore, but, Adam West was still real good in the series, in spite of the campiness.

01-26-2016, 07:13 PM
I love that old show. The excessive use of colour and lame gags is like a drug. Worth checking out is Mayor Adam West in Family Guy. He voices himself.

01-26-2016, 09:38 PM
I have seen/heard him on Family Guy. It is nice that he is still alive to have seen the 50th Anniversary of Batman earlier this month.

01-26-2016, 10:35 PM

Watched a fairly amusing DS9 episode tonight. It was the Roswell weather-balloon incident in 1947 after Quark, Rom and Nog (and Odo) end up going back in time and crash-landing. Charles Napier makes an appearance as a general, quite a difference to the hippie from TOS. "Hey that's now!"

01-26-2016, 11:00 PM
That is a good DS9 episode. I liked the way they treated the Ferengi in DS9 better than the way they showed them in TNG. One of my favorite Ferengi episodes was when they had to rescue Quark"s mom from the Dominion. I went to the Batman movie and was a big fan of the series as a kid. Lots of slap-stick humor and some of the female villains were hot :)

01-26-2016, 11:28 PM
A lot of those hotties turned up in TOS too. I'm off to google them... :)

01-27-2016, 07:35 PM
Tonight's episode of TOS I'm watching right now is "Operation - Annihilate", where the parasitic creatures look like flying grilled tomato and cheese. This could've done with some CGI magic.

01-27-2016, 08:33 PM
Tonight's episode of TOS I'm watching right now is "Operation - Annihilate", where the parasitic creatures look like flying grilled tomato and cheese. This could've done with some CGI magic.

Didn't get that episode an Emmy for Best Special Effects in 1967?

01-27-2016, 10:46 PM
Didn't get that episode an Emmy for Best Special Effects in 1967?

Whaaaa?! Must have been a slow year. :)

Watching another Vinny Price film on right now. The House on Haunted Hill. He's invited a bunch of guests and whoever survives the night wins $10,000! I hope the winner doesn't spend it all at once. :) Sounds a little like a Dr. Evil moment.

01-28-2016, 05:40 AM
I like that DS9 episode, too.

"Operation - Annihilate", a very good episode, for 60's FX.:) We did learn another Spock/Vulcan adaption.

A Vincent Price movie I haven't seen in decades, and I know it will be good. I really could use the $$$!

01-28-2016, 10:28 PM
Haha! Kerrr-ching. If anyone can make it through the night it's you, AZSneed. It's money in the bank I tells ya!

Tonight's TOS episode was Amok Time. Here we learn male Vulcans get randy every seven years. I suppose the plus side to it is it saves on condoms.

01-28-2016, 11:39 PM
Just think of the Vulcan female, 7 years worth of whoopee in one night!

01-28-2016, 11:58 PM
Scary!!! :)

01-30-2016, 12:55 AM
What a way to go!!!!!!!!!! :)

01-30-2016, 02:39 AM
CALM DOWN! You must really miss the Viking raids.

Is it really Winter? I wonder. I just killed a mosquito today in my truck.

01-30-2016, 11:45 AM
If interested, check out this link for photos of the restoration of the original 11 foot model of the TOS 1701 at the Smithsonian. Click next to see more.

01-30-2016, 10:46 PM
CALM DOWN! You must really miss the Viking raids.

Is it really Winter? I wonder. I just killed a mosquito today in my truck.

Where I am it's winter one day, spring the next. The weather can't make its mind up.

If interested, check out this link for photos of the restoration of the original 11 foot model of the TOS 1701 at the Smithsonian. Click next to see more.

Cool. I like the way the model builders didn't give a hoot about what the inside of the hull looked like. It's looks like something I made in class. :)

What I don't understand is the colour of the TOS Enterprise. On the tv the Enterprise is white. How can this be when the model is grey? A couple of years ago Eaglemoss brought out the TOS Enterprise in battleship grey, but looks nothing like in the series or on the preview picture where it's white not grey.

01-30-2016, 11:01 PM
Where I am it's winter one day, spring the next. The weather can't make its mind up.

Cool. I like the way the model builders didn't give a hoot about what the inside of the hull looked like. It's looks like something I made in class. :)

What I don't understand is the colour of the TOS Enterprise. On the tv the Enterprise is white. How can this be when the model is grey? A couple of years ago Eaglemoss brought out the TOS Enterprise in battleship grey, but looks nothing like in the series or on the preview picture where it's white not grey.

I believe this article will answer your questions once and for all:

01-31-2016, 12:15 AM
When Polar Light Models put out the 1/1000 scale 1701, the instruction sheet said to paint it Light Ghost Gray, which is closest to the original color. That is the color of choice for me.

Also, remember that the lights used to light the 11 foot model and the FX shots changed the color.

01-31-2016, 10:54 PM
It seems there are variations between models and the final footage.

Original tv frame

Eaglemoss preview/advertisement image

Actual Eaglemoss model (a lot darker than as advertised)

The Smithsonian from another angle (looks lighter than in other photo, but also has much darker seams on saucer section)

01-31-2016, 11:29 PM
You are right about the color differences. It has been a debate for decades about the true color, and the CultTVMAN article is the right one, as modelers are concerned. The real color was found when "restored" the last time, and that is what we go by. The original 11 foot model was changed three times, if I remember right. First, from the one seen in the pilot version (The Cage), to the production version (1st and 2nd seasons), to the last in the 3rd season.

I have seen various colored 1701 offered over the decades from white to blue gray. Some have said to paint it to match the color seen on TV, like blue white, or dark gray. I have always liked a light gray color before I heard of light ghost gray, and I believe it was the late Thomas Sasser that came up with that color.

02-01-2016, 12:37 AM
The Polar Light model from what I've seen, and as you suggested, is probably the best.

I'll leave it to the pros. I don't want to stir up so much controversy over the colour so as to start a special thread on the subject. Incidentally, I watched The Motion Picture not long ago, and that's not grey either, but I'm not going there... :)

02-01-2016, 01:19 AM
Here's a Smithsonian Update on the Enterprise Studio Model Restoration from, released 2 days ago:

The various color changes of the 11 foot model during the different pilot production phases are fully explained in this article.

02-01-2016, 09:04 AM
The Squire did it again, found what we need to know!

The 1701 refit is white with pearl colored Aztec pattern. If I ever paint my 36 inch 1/350 scale refit, it will be gray like TOS 1701, more of a what if it followed TOS look, with rotating nacelle lights. I hate the color of the refit.

02-01-2016, 07:34 PM
I love the refit! I suppose this is all subjective anyway.

But hold on, you've got a 36 incher? Is it so big you have to carry it around in a sling? Actually, I'm impressed. I don't know anyone who's got one as big as that. :)

02-01-2016, 10:18 PM

02-01-2016, 10:35 PM
Sorry! I had my universal translator set to Innuendo Mode On. :)

Tonight's TOS episode was The Changeling. It never ceases to amaze me how much TMP borrowed from this episode. The term "Biological Infestations" was changed to "Carbon Units", but I reckon the former sounds more ominous. And of course Nomad became V'ger, but Nomad was a small espresso machine compared to the leviathan V'ger became, and in contrast Nomad maneuvered around the interior of the Enterprise whilst in TMP the Enterprise maneuvered around V'ger.

02-02-2016, 01:28 AM
The first Star Trek remake, and we did not complain....much. I still got my STMP pin I bought at the theater in 1979. It must be worth $$Billions$$ by now!

02-02-2016, 10:48 PM
Tres cool!

Sorry guys. I've got another query. Tonight's episode of TOS remastered was Mirror, Mirror. Something I haven't noticed before were spikes on the front of the nacelles, in the evil universe. Is this something that was done for the remaster or was it also on the original release? What's more a Polar Lights model has the spindles...

02-03-2016, 12:05 AM
Tres cool!

Sorry guys. I've got another query. Tonight's episode of TOS remastered was Mirror, Mirror. Something I haven't noticed before were spikes on the front of the nacelles, in the evil universe. Is this something that was done for the remaster or was it also on the original release? What's more a Polar Lights model has the spindles...

The original also featured the second pilot's E as stand-in for the mirror-E, probably out of budgetary reasons, and to give the mirror E a slightly different look, without the need to create a new model, or to change the look of the main model for this episode. The remastered episode was discussed in 2006, when it was first broadcast:
One comment (#47) even referred to the polar lighs model you mentioned.

Original episode mirror-E:

Remastered episode mirror-E:


Note the metallic color they added to the I.S.S.-E, to distinguish it even more from the U.S.S. E.

02-03-2016, 03:27 AM
For the TOS, they reused whatever FX shots the could to save money.

The Polar Light 1/1000 TOS 1701 model was done to allow modelers to build it anyway seen on TV.

02-03-2016, 08:22 PM
One comment (#47) even referred to the polar lighs model you mentioned.

Cheers. Apart from the obvious differences in interior decor, it looks like there are other subtle external differences between the USS and ISS. ISS - does this mean our ISS International Space Station is evil? And we're in the evil universe?

Interesting you should use the number 47. You obviously have a Trek brain. However, the comment was #48!

For the TOS, they reused whatever FX shots the could to save money.

The Polar Light 1/1000 TOS 1701 model was done to allow modelers to build it anyway seen on TV.

That was my immediate gut feeling. And good on that company for laying out all possible combos.

02-03-2016, 09:10 PM
Cheers. Apart from the obvious differences in interior decor, it looks like there are other subtle external differences between the USS and ISS. ISS - does this mean our ISS International Space Station is evil? And we're in the evil universe?

Interesting you should use the number 47. You obviously have a Trek brain. However, the comment was #48!

Check again, it was #47:

47.*Crazy Guy - July 1, 2008

I have the new Polar Lights USS Enterprise kit that lets you choose between the two pilot E’s, the Series E, and the Mirror E. When I looked at these screenshots (I never caught the episode on TV, and the DVD is too expensive for me), the first thing I noticed was that the ISS Enterprise here lacks the Terran Empire’s insignia on the exterior, while the model had it.

Why the heck did they refuse to carry that over!? It woulda been awesome – especially since ISS Enterprise NX-01 had external insignia!

And yes, I'm well aware of the ominous #47 and the trek connections (which started deliberately with STNG season 4, when Joe Menosky started to use that number intentionally in his scripts). When I saw it was comment 47, that was my first thought, too, and I made a bet you or someone else would mention it. I won! :)

It's strange however that you saw a 48. Maybe you had a connection to the mirror universe internet, were slight differences to our universe are common?

02-03-2016, 10:41 PM
Check again, it was #47:

And yes, I'm well aware of the ominous #47 and the trek connections (which started deliberately with STNG season 4, when Joe Menosky started to use that number intentionally in his scripts). When I saw it was comment 47, that was my first thought, too, and I made a bet you or someone else would mention it. I won! :)

It's strange however that you saw a 48. Maybe you had a connection to the mirror universe internet, were slight differences to our universe are common?

My lawyer says comment #47 does indeed refer to the Polar Lights model, but it doesn't go in to the spindles which was the main thrust of my puzzlement. Those darn spindles are mentioned in comment #48. :)

Apparently, that all numbers are equal to 47 was a joke at the college attended by Menosky. TNG season 4 definitely showed a significant increase in the use of 47.
47 was cropping up in TOS also.

I suppose you may be right and my beard only goes to strengthen your suspicion that I am in fact evil.


02-03-2016, 11:19 PM
Ah, I always suspected you being the evil mirror counterpart of someone from our universe. Try to find MY counterpart in your universe, he should be an underground rebel fighting against the empire. I know that because I'm a Bad Boy in OUR universe, always getting into trouble. Who's your lawywer, btw?

02-03-2016, 11:28 PM
Do you want me to give your counterpart a message?

My lawyer is who else but Mr. Cogley. :)

02-04-2016, 05:00 AM
47 is also used in the Firefly Verse on money and other paper props, it was the lucky # of the designer.

Squire, you are just spoiled rotten, not bad....except to Kirk.

Mr. Cogley, the only good Lawyer I know!

Speaking of the Polar Light TOS 1701, I have yet to build one....pathetic I know.

02-06-2016, 07:46 PM
When we visited the Smithsonian back in 1996 and 1997 I noticed it hanging there near the gift shop and asked if it was the real thing. They didn't seem to give it the same treatment as other items. No signs or information on it. If I hadn't looked up I would have missed it.

02-06-2016, 08:30 PM
They were probably ashamed of the cruddy paint job done on the last "restoration", so they hid it where few Star Trek fan could find it. I know all of the Star Trek modelers hated the paint job, and hope the current restoration does it real justice.

02-21-2016, 12:35 AM
Started watching DS-9, finished season 1 this week. Does anyone know what happened to the DS-9 model? did they send it to the Smithsonian?

02-21-2016, 01:13 AM
Started watching DS-9, finished season 1 this week. Does anyone know what happened to the DS-9 model? did they send it to the Smithsonian?

No, it's owned by a private collector. The original six-foot diameter studio model of Deep Space 9 (Lot #493) was sold at the 40 Years of Star Trek: The Collection auction on October 6, 2006 for US$132,000, including the buyer's premium (the winning bid was US$110,000).

02-21-2016, 01:25 AM
Yeah that was me. My Uncle, Dad and I set it up in the back yard, hanging from a tree. We put black lights all around at night and shot at it with florescent painted BB Rifles. It was a blast!

02-21-2016, 07:57 AM

Here, try this shirt on, no hard feelings....

02-22-2016, 11:49 PM
I could see it going for that much- be cool having it hanging over a disco lighted dance floor with all the laser lights :) Spectre8750-you bad boy that sounds like a very red neck thing to do :)

02-23-2016, 12:41 AM
Like Cowboy from "Battle Beyond The Stars" Hey there is some Disco Star Trek themes right?

02-23-2016, 11:28 AM
Disco? Sure, from Meco. I have the Star Trek LP.

I saw at Wally World for $50, all three seasons of TOS. When the first sets came out $100 each. If I knew then....

02-26-2016, 08:51 PM
Almost done with season two of DS-9, there were several episodes that are good but I really like DS-9 starting with season 3. Just like most of the Star Trek spin offs and BAB-5 they don't seem to get interesting until season 3 or at least late in season 2. Anyone else feel the same way?

02-27-2016, 08:26 AM
Yea, TOS was getting good, then...CANCELLED!

02-28-2016, 01:35 AM
It was a sad day when they did that, makes you wonder what may have been done if they had let the series continue.

02-28-2016, 09:42 AM
Spock would have been laid, Kirk would have been broke from child support, Scotty would have to get a liver transplant, and the rest is on a need to know basis. You need better security.

03-05-2016, 09:32 PM
Almost done with season 3 of DS-9. It is much more interesting with the Dominion around. I think the Borg were the number 1 enemy but the Dominion comes in a close 2nd.

03-06-2016, 05:30 AM
It is your fault, I am watching DS9 episodes, just picking and choosing ones I like.

I finally watched Alfred Hitchcock's North by Northwest. That is a good movie, great cast, and music. I was upset that the DVD case said music only track, and it ain't on the disc!

03-09-2016, 10:20 PM
I like to watch them all in order, but I do admit there are a few that I rush through.

03-11-2016, 01:53 AM
My favorite is Trials and Tribble-ations! I have just got up to the episode where Odo meets his people, now it hits the fan.

03-11-2016, 07:15 PM
yup, that is when it states getting interesting, I am almost done with season 4, 6 more episodes to go.

03-12-2016, 01:57 AM
...then 3 more seasons to go. I really like Sisko, tough, fair and honest.

03-15-2016, 02:15 AM
You don't see many leaders like that in the real world. I worked for a couple but they were few compared to the bad ones

03-15-2016, 08:37 AM
...then 3 more seasons to go. I really like Sisko, tough, fair and honest.

But he also could be tremendously funny, sometimes even crazy, and also had his dark sides during the Dominion War, for sure... in short, he was human.

03-27-2016, 12:02 PM
Is there anybody out there? Well....ZZZZzzzzzz

04-05-2016, 11:26 PM
Just got back from spending spring break on the beach in SC. Finished DS-9 last night, I like the ending where DS9 disappears into the distance.

04-13-2016, 05:25 PM
Hello anyone home? looks like the place is empty and going out of business :(

04-14-2016, 12:13 AM
Well, outpost "Gothos" is still active and monitoring activities here... GREETINGS AND FELICITATIONS... TALLY-HO!!

04-14-2016, 03:23 PM
I'm still waiting for my bill here at The Restaurant at the End of the Universe. Do not try the Space Eel, you'll get the runs.

04-14-2016, 03:38 PM
I just got back from Hogwarts, all nine movies. No time to stop, going to the FBI, to see Scully and Mulder.

04-14-2016, 06:02 PM
Nice to see you all, I was getting lonely:). I just finished watching the extended version of the Hobbit- all three movies last night. (one movie a night)

04-15-2016, 01:44 AM
ONE A NIGHT! I watch them all in one day!

If you still feel lonely, I could beam over a Space Station size load of Tribbles.

04-15-2016, 07:33 AM
ONE A NIGHT! I watch them all in one day!

If you still feel lonely, I could beam over a Space Station size load of Tribbles.

Can I get a bunch of Orion Slave Girls, beamed over to Gothos? You are, of course, all invited to join me for some "slave dancing"!

Tribbles are okay, too - but just for decoration, and for keeping away the Klingons! :)

04-15-2016, 10:46 AM
MY...MY....ORION SLAVE GIRLS?!! We might be friends, BUT, you are asking too much......Squire of Gothos..... problem, friend!

04-26-2016, 12:31 AM
Sorry I have not been around, wife is in the hospital, underwent surgery today, please say a pray for her.

04-26-2016, 12:49 AM
Here's hoping it's not as bad as it sounds. All the best from the Squire, and a quick recovery!

04-26-2016, 06:23 PM
Thank you soundtrekker, she had both knees replaced and is in a lot of pain but the operation went well.

04-26-2016, 07:29 PM
That's good news Max, I'm glad things are looking up.

04-27-2016, 12:36 AM
Thank you Spectre8750, Looks like she will be in the hospital and rehab at least 10 days. After she is released we are still are looking at a month or more recover time before she can walk on her own. I'm busy learning to do her chores around the house.

04-27-2016, 06:07 AM
I'm busy learning to do her chores around the house.

LOL, so you're on kind of a '"Learning Curve" here. Good luck! :)

04-28-2016, 03:56 AM
Thanks, I think I will need all the luck I can get :)

05-06-2016, 06:15 AM
I miss, Mr. William... D: Why he was banned in the first place?

05-09-2016, 06:40 AM
I don't think William was banned, I think he got mad and left. He was an interesting fellow and I am sorry he is gone.

05-10-2016, 07:25 AM
I don't think William was banned, I think he got mad and left. He was an interesting fellow and I am sorry he is gone.

Yeah, I remember him being quite polite and very talkative and fun. He along Scotty, who has been quite absent from here as well were the soul and heart of the defunct Star Trek Official Post V2, or whatever its name was...

05-11-2016, 06:32 AM
I miss Scotty57, I hope he is doing alright, he was having some sort of health issues the last I heard

05-26-2016, 06:40 PM
Looks like it's time to close this place down, I will just dust of Scotty57 statue and close the doors, bye all :(

05-27-2016, 07:14 AM
Thank you Spectre8750, Looks like she will be in the hospital and rehab at least 10 days. After she is released we are still are looking at a month or more recover time before she can walk on her own. I'm busy learning to do her chores around the house.

Sending good thoughts your way. I hope she feels better soon.

05-27-2016, 02:28 PM
I hate to see anyone leave, it's been fun the last few years here, hopefully you all will drop in and say hi. My best wishes and hope to see you back. All Good Thing's.

05-28-2016, 02:55 AM
Hi... :)

AZSneed, your turn!

05-29-2016, 06:21 AM
Sorry, I thought everyone left, glad to see you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-05-2016, 06:00 PM
My wife is getting much better, she can walk with a cane now and only needs the walker if she gets tired. Still in pain but every day it is getting better.

06-24-2016, 09:09 PM
Well I started watching Bab-5 last night with the Gathering movie. Have not watch the series for several years.

06-25-2016, 06:24 AM

06-28-2016, 12:08 AM
So, the Jar Jar Abrams Star Trek timeline gets an official title......


07-13-2016, 03:57 PM
So, the Jar Jar Abrams Star Trek timeline gets an official title......


Hmm? alrighty then.

07-13-2016, 05:27 PM
At least we're not actually in that Timeline, or we wouldn't even notice! Scary thought for the day.

07-13-2016, 07:56 PM
The Kelvin timeline-I can understand why they named it that.

07-30-2016, 08:00 PM
Well I am almost done with BAB-5 and my wife is up and walking fine but still in pain.

08-29-2016, 02:00 AM
Yes, that was hilarious. I almost felt sorry for Spock, and shortly after that, he was broken by TPTB. But Kirk stood his ground until the final curtain! Always the Captain, until his final log entry. He always knew he would die alone...

I had completely forgotten about that parody! Starlog Magazine printed the script to that, years and years ago--I read it before I actually saw it.

09-05-2016, 11:59 PM
Scotty!!!!! the warp drive is broken and impulse engines are off line, we are adrift. We need you, where oh where did my Scotty57 go?

09-11-2016, 11:59 PM
I was able to put the Enterprise in a low orbit around the sun using the thrusters but it won't last for long and it's getting hot. We really need you scotty57.

09-12-2016, 02:48 PM
I was able to put the Enterprise in a low orbit around the sun using the thrusters but it won't last for long and it's getting hot. We really need you scotty57.

We hadn't heard from him since January 2015, I believe. He spoke very bluntly about his declining health to me and probably others, too, and that might be a reason he didn't report back last year. But this is all speculation. Either his physical condition doesn't allow him any more to communicate via internet, or, in the worst case scenario, he passed away. Let's hope that isn't the case, but we can't exclude anything right now, without facts. I seem to recall that AZSneed had personal email contact to him, but last time I asked him, he hadn't heard from him. Maybe he knows more in the meantime?

09-20-2016, 03:25 AM
so sad to hear that, all we can do is pray and hope for the best.

09-26-2016, 02:40 AM
well I had hoped to keep this thread open for Scotty57 return. I guess it's time to close up and move on. :(

04-24-2017, 06:06 PM
I thought I would check in and see if anything was going on, I guess not much!

07-10-2017, 06:05 PM
Still pretty slow around here, just stopped in to check if there was any interest-guess not. I just do some dusting and cleaning around here and then close up :(

05-22-2018, 02:57 AM
"The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated" lol I have had a bit of health problems (Nothing a great engineer can't fix) and with love and support of my kids and granddaughter I am back on the air!!! and doing a hell of lot better. Thank all of you for you wish's and friendship! Now if I can remember where I put the engineering room I'll get the old girl on line again. (Talking to my self..."I know this ship like the back of my hand...bangs into bulkhead...Ouch! Now I remember" Be with you Gentlemen in a moment....


---------- Post added at 06:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:48 PM ----------

Still pretty slow around here, just stopped in to check if there was any interest-guess not. I just do some dusting and cleaning around here and then close up :(

Hold on here laddy!! I found the control panel I needed and...........(Everyone can now hear the low rumble of the warp reactor coming on line (just gave myself gooses bumbes writing that..he he he) now lets kick the tires and light the fires. I'll get her back into shape even if I have to get out and push! Soundtreakker! warm up the orchestra and dust off your harpsichord, mystro music...if you please!! The BIG E is back in business!!!!


05-23-2018, 07:56 AM
We hadn't heard from him since January 2015, I believe. He spoke very bluntly about his declining health to me and probably others, too, and that might be a reason he didn't report back last year. But this is all speculation. Either his physical condition doesn't allow him any more to communicate via internet, or, in the worst case scenario, he passed away. Let's hope that isn't the case, but we can't exclude anything right now, without facts. I seem to recall that AZSneed had personal email contact to him, but last time I asked him, he hadn't heard from him. Maybe he knows more in the meantime?

My Dear Friend Soundtrekker, You know how to warm a old mans heart with your kind words, you are truly a Great Friend! I have missed your music and wonderful since of humor and Loyalty. I hope all is well with you and your family? PM me so we can make up for lost time, I am quite anxious to hear all that has transpired in your life and around this place.

Your friend Scott

---------- Post added at 11:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:45 PM ----------

I was able to put the Enterprise in a low orbit around the sun using the thrusters but it won't last for long and it's getting hot. We really need you scotty57.

Laddy I have moved the old girl into a stable orbit around the third planet and power is returning to normal levels, I'll have Impulse drive back on line in a few hours! warp drive well take a little longer, got to rob errrr barrow some parts from the shuttles and then we can take the big E back to Star Base I for further reprises, if Star Fleet Command refuses then well do what we did in STIII :)


05-23-2018, 03:42 PM
Is that really Mr. Scott? Wow, that must have been one heck of a wee bit of shore leave! I thought that the Tribbles got back at you for sending the whole lot to the Klingons.

05-24-2018, 12:40 AM
Is that really Mr. Scott? Wow, that must have been one heck of a wee bit of shore leave! I thought that the Tribbles got back at you for sending the whole lot to the Klingons.

Indeed it is Laddie! I got the old girl back on line and she is in a stable orbit around a class M planet and got a list as long as me arm of repair's to do and the Captain wants to get back to earth like yesterday! Always in a rush, he is, but what do ye do? say Yes Sir and carry on :)

Glad to see you back AZ nice to have good friends walking the condors of the Big E again! Shucks, Laddie it was no Tribble at all, hope they enjoyed them as much as we did lol I did hear the Klingons had...what was it called? Oh yeah "The Great Tribble Hunt" and they had for first time in a hundred years a real war :)


05-24-2018, 04:56 AM
Thanks to Photo (kicked the) Bucket, I lost all of my cool Star Trek emojis, so it will be shadow puppets.

Big year for old sci-fi turning 50. I watched 2001 on the anniversary date, and this fall Land of the Giants and Filmation's Fantastic Voyage.

Scott, did you get or buy the La La Land release of Star Trek the Animated series soundtrack? I had to buy it, and then I edited the tracks to recreate the Tribble episode into a suite.
I still have dial-up, so I can not upload the suite, mores the pity.

05-24-2018, 09:22 PM
Thanks to Photo (kicked the) Bucket, I lost all of my cool Star Trek emojis, so it will be shadow puppets.

Big year for old sci-fi turning 50. I watched 2001 on the anniversary date, and this fall Land of the Giants and Filmation's Fantastic Voyage.

Scott, did you get or buy the La La Land release of Star Trek the Animated series soundtrack? I had to buy it, and then I edited the tracks to recreate the Tribble episode into a suite.
I still have dial-up, so I can not upload the suite, mores the pity.

No, I had no idea it had come out! The last I heard (and that was 5 years ago) no one could find the master tapes from the animated show, someone (and I don't remember who it was) talked to the Producers children and none know what had happened to the tapes and with filmation sold, several times it seems, I thought it was lost forever! Good to be wrong :) Guess CBS found them or used the PAL version of the show.

Sure send it along! I would love to have it, take your time AZ! I'm not going anywhere. Yeah all of my pics are gone to :( I do still have all the pics of the different models from Star Trek (if you need them let me know and I'll send them to you?). I'd loved to hear your edit! sucks is right.

We are getting old my friend! 50 years!!! Damn...Yeah I need to get all Star Trek in Blu-Ray now that I have a Blu-Ray player and nice size TV screen (43') (thanks to my kids...saves my eyesight he he he) [at lest that's what I tell my kids...and I'm sticking to that story] I have a select number of movies I watch at certain times of the year! like Christmas it's "Christmas Vacation" and "Scrooged" Those old show's are still great, I still watch "Lost In Space", "Land Of The Giants" hell even "Time Tunnel" Have you seen the New "Lost In Space"? Man that show is great and we are getting a season 2!! it's on Netflix can't wait for season 2 :)


05-26-2018, 01:35 AM
I have not seen the new LIS, can't stream.If it is or it comes to DVD, I might watch it.

My oldest DVD (no Blu-Ray for me) is the Lost in Space Movie I bought in October 1998, the same day I bought my first DVD player, and the DVD still works. Pretty good for almost 20 years.

I really don't care for Time Tunnel, it could have been better. If you noticed the Irwin Allen series, Voyage lasted 4 seasons, Lost 3 seasons, Giants 2 seasons and Tunnel 1 season. Odd countdown.

05-26-2018, 06:11 AM
I have not seen the new LIS, can't stream.If it is or it comes to DVD, I might watch it.

My oldest DVD (no Blu-Ray for me) is the Lost in Space Movie I bought in October 1998, the same day I bought my first DVD player, and the DVD still works. Pretty good for almost 20 years.

I really don't care for Time Tunnel, it could have been better. If you noticed the Irwin Allen series, Voyage lasted 4 seasons, Lost 3 seasons, Giants 2 seasons and Tunnel 1 season. Odd countdown.

Ain't that the truth! I'm sure it will be released on DVD! they always do :) Yeah I have the same movie on DVD, WOW! that's one hell of a DVD player to last that long! I've gone through 3 in the last 6've got to tell which model your using :) One thing I do love about Blu-Ray, it plays DVD great and with either a cat5 (depending on which one you buy) or one that is wireless you get all the apps on the Blu-Ray player, so you can watch Netflix, Hulu, even Youtub which is great if you don't have a smart TV.

Time Tunnel definitely could have been much better! it makes me laugh like hell when I see the silver painted aliens! The only actor on the show that I watch it for was Lee Meriwether (Catwomen Wooohooo) now that women had everything in the right places :) the same with "I Dream Of Jeannie" Barbara Eden WOW! what ever teenage boy needed in a TV show LOL still at 86 she looks great! So does Lee Meiriwether at 82!

Time for a cold Sonic Shower LOOOL


05-26-2018, 03:46 PM
Sorry, but, I was referring to my 20 year old DVD, not player, it died. I do have a DVD player with a built in pal converter, region free and copy protection free. I still have an very old working Betamax.

I don't own any smart devices, they might be another M-5 computer in disguise with Dr.Daystrom engrams, and you remember what happened!

I had crush on Linda Carter, the only Wonder Woman!

05-27-2018, 04:13 AM
Sorry, but, I was referring to my 20 year old DVD, not player, it died. I do have a DVD player with a built in pal converter, region free and copy protection free. I still have an very old working Betamax.

I don't own any smart devices, they might be another M-5 computer in disguise with Dr.Daystrom engrams, and you remember what happened!

I had crush on Linda Carter, the only Wonder Woman!

LOL my bad!

A DVD player with Pal converter? did not know they lest in this country! Loved Betamax! great picture quality and sound and the tapes have a shelf life of 70 years, where as VHS is something like 10 years.

Holly-Crap I do indeed, zapped one of my young engineers...which reminds me, I think it's time to find a different color uniform :)

Now there is another one! WooooooooHoooooooooo!!! never needed a bustiea :)


05-27-2018, 05:56 AM
Your avatar, I got a laugh the first time I heard that line in RELICS on STNG. The classic 1701, none of the bloody other ones matched her beauty.

I just finished watching Japan TOHO Studio's "The H-Man". Another atomic age monster movie, more horror than Sci-Fi. I love the 50's Sci-Fi movies!

05-28-2018, 08:31 PM
Your avatar, I got a laugh the first time I heard that line in RELICS on STNG. The classic 1701, none of the bloody other ones matched her beauty.

I just finished watching Japan TOHO Studio's "The H-Man". Another atomic age monster movie, more horror than Sci-Fi. I love the 50's Sci-Fi movies!

:) It got a good laugh out of me too when I found it...She is diffidently a beauty!

There is a TV channel called "Comet" they show all kinds of old sci-Fi movies and TV shows, almost what Sci-Fi channel used to be, on the weekends (at lest this month) there showing the old ToHo monster movies, and some others from different studio's. We have Comcast at home and they have it listed, hopefully you might have the same channel in your area. I love the old films as well! much better then the crap from the 80's and 90's, that's why I fell in love with Comet and watch it almost all day.


05-28-2018, 10:02 PM
I live in an area where only satellite is offered and I can't afford that. I can't even pick up HD free TV, except sometimes public TV. So...DVDs are it for me. It is OK, I have way over 1,000 DVDs ranging from TV series and movies in subjects of Sci-Fi, horror, anime, documentaries, cops, westerns, fantasy, Kung Fu and cartoons.

I like older stuff mainly. Take Planet of the Apes, I only like the ones with mask/makeup, no CGI for me. Model based FX, even with strings showing look better than CGI, too me.

05-28-2018, 10:30 PM
I live in an area where only satellite is offered and I can't afford that. I can't even pick up HD free TV, except sometimes public TV. So...DVDs are it for me. It is OK, I have way over 1,000 DVDs ranging from TV series and movies in subjects of Sci-Fi, horror, anime, documentaries, cops, westerns, fantasy, Kung Fu and cartoons.

I like older stuff mainly. Take Planet of the Apes, I only like the ones with mask/makeup, no CGI for me. Model based FX, even with strings showing look better than CGI, too me.

That sucks my friend! I was using over the air for a couple years (of course the city I live in has over 500,000 people,so I had access to 80 channels, but most of them were Mexican speaking to repeated channel's, but at lest I could watch MeTV which on Friday nights showed Batman, wonder women, the old BSG and Star Trek) because AT&T and Comcast wanted so damn much, even basic was to high. I have 4 bookcases full of DVD and Blu-Ray's and have had to replace several DVD's because of ware :) and the price has gone way up for some of the replacement's (being out of print), thank God we have a Rasputin store here in town and the prices aren't to bad, but even they have limited space and your forced to buy at Amazon or some other outrageous priced place.

I fell in love with the original "Planet Of The Apes" movies and watched them all at the theater when they came out :) The newer ones were okay the CGI work was great, now the story was not so well done and left a lot to be Yes I'm like you, give me the Original's any day...."Take Your Stinking Paws Off Me You Damn Dirty Ape!" :)


05-29-2018, 08:38 AM
I am watching episodes of the 1959-60 TV series MEN INTO SPACE (on DVD), so I was searching for anymore new stuff on the series, and saw it is on "Comet". I like the series, because it shows what could have happened if the Moon was really explored, and a base on it. FYI, some of the effects and scenes in the series were reused in the OUTER LIMITS original series.

Also, I downloaded the main theme of the Netflix series Lost in Space from youtube. I noticed a hint of the original series theme music in the main theme. I'm not impressed with the J2, it reminds me of a smooth Falcon from SW.

05-31-2018, 11:23 PM
I am watching episodes of the 1959-60 TV series MEN INTO SPACE (on DVD), so I was searching for anymore new stuff on the series, and saw it is on "Comet". I like the series, because it shows what could have happened if the Moon was really explored, and a base on it. FYI, some of the effects and scenes in the series were reused in the OUTER LIMITS original series.

Also, I downloaded the main theme of the Netflix series Lost in Space from youtube. I noticed a hint of the original series theme music in the main theme. I'm not impressed with the J2, it reminds me of a smooth Falcon from SW.

Yeah I've seen it on Comet, here they show it late at night (2am) a little past my bedtime :) I had no idea they where used on Outer Limits! The way Hollywood is today they will reuse any thing! and clam it was a original idea, so give me my Oscar. I can't tell you how many times my oldest son and I go to the movies and after the movie I tell him what a bad remake this movie is and how the original was much better! most of the time he is shocked to hear the movie is a remake from the 1940's or 50's LOOOOL

It sure does, I have the soundtrack for the show if you want it let me know and I'll send it.


06-01-2018, 03:29 AM
I appreciate the offer for the soundtrack, it is that I already downloaded it from youtube, and awaiting to be separated into numbered tracks. I have a lot more to work on before I get to it. I am downloading soundtracks to Gamera and Godzilla, the old movies, with the men in suits, model cities, and classic wresting smack down action.

I watched The Day the Earth Stood Still remake, garbage. Land of the Lost, hated the trailer. Wild, Wild, West, stupid looking. In others words, not worth the money to make, most remakes. Now one that I like, is The Bat starring Vincent Price, way better than the original silent movie, must see murder mystery.

I am a Harry Potter fan, and I bought some of the special edition DVDs to get the making of the movies. I like behind the scenes videos. So, now I am watching them.

06-02-2018, 03:31 AM
Hi Scotty57 and AZSneed have you seen the new Star Trek series Discovery? It sure was different, not what I expected but I enjoyed all the twist and turns. It was pretty much one long episode.

06-02-2018, 08:08 AM
I appreciate the offer for the soundtrack, it is that I already downloaded it from youtube, and awaiting to be separated into numbered tracks. I have a lot more to work on before I get to it. I am downloading soundtracks to Gamera and Godzilla, the old movies, with the men in suits, model cities, and classic wresting smack down action.

I watched The Day the Earth Stood Still remake, garbage. Land of the Lost, hated the trailer. Wild, Wild, West, stupid looking. In others words, not worth the money to make, most remakes. Now one that I like, is The Bat starring Vincent Price, way better than the original silent movie, must see murder mystery.

I am a Harry Potter fan, and I bought some of the special edition DVDs to get the making of the movies. I like behind the scenes videos. So, now I am watching them.

Your welcome my friend :)

I got those Godzilla soundtracks several years ago (if you want them let me know?) Comet is showing the old Godzilla movies this summer on weekends (Saturday) watching them.

I have the same opinion of all those movies (well I could say a lot worse, but I'd end up Banned for saying what I really feel LOL)

I liked the Harry Potter films and yeah I love the behind the scenes stuff too, I have the Extended Lord of the Rings Editions on DVD (about wore them out) and Blu-Ray now :)

I've seen the The Bat! Comet showed it last month, what a great movie! Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, Humphrey Bogart, Boris Karloff, James Mason, Edward G. Robinson, James Cagney(that man could sing, dance, act and was funny as hell...if you ever get the chance, rent, download [it goes for $70.00 dollars on Amazon, out of print], beg, barrow or steal) see his movie 1,2,3 I'm not kidding I was almost on the floor laughing my head off!!, Yul Brynner, Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing and that's not even counting the female actress! I don't know if you have seen "The Thin Man Series"? but they are a must see, there are 6 movies in all, staring William Powell, Myrna Loy and a ton of great mom had me watch them with her, good Lord! I loved every last one, comedy/murder mystery! man what a set of films...good thing Hollywood has not yet tried to do remakes! no one could play them like the original actors, and with today's comedy (vulgar not funny...for those reading this, watch the original Dean Martin Roasts, now that is what real Comedy is! Clean and a search on YouTube) there was so many really great actors! a great lose now that they are all gone.


---------- Post added 06-02-2018 at 12:08 AM ---------- Previous post was 06-01-2018 at 11:55 PM ----------

Hi Scotty57 and AZSneed have you seen the new Star Trek series Discovery? It sure was different, not what I expected but I enjoyed all the twist and turns. It was pretty much one long episode.

Hi max! Good to see you old friend :)

All that I've seen is what has been posted on YouTube (which is not much) I'm looking forward to it when CBS releases it on DVD or Blu-Ray, the same with the new "Lost In Space" show on Netflix. I'm an originates when it comes to Star Trek, but what I have seen looks different and worth watching! I know it takes place in the Kelvin Timeline (JJ Enterprise) and with your endorsement and seeing what they did with the Enterprise (under Captain Pike) [I did see a small clip of the first season final] it looks very interesting.


06-02-2018, 06:44 PM
Scott, the old stuff is priceless. When you add the language, sex, extreme violence and you have more shock than entertainment. At least we have DVD and some smart TV broadcasters to show the good stuff.

Hi max! No, I have not seen the new series, and if it does take place in the JJ Abram Universe, then no thanks, I did not like his movies, not Star Trek. If they had made a series of a future Enterprise, THEN I would be interested. As TOS started...THESE ARE THE VOYAGES OF THE STARSHIP ENTERPRISE....I excepted and welcomed STNG, but, ENTERPRISE I was against because it was too modern to be a prequel to TOS. Later I saw the series on DVD, and it was a real good series, for Sci-Fi.

If anyone is looking for DVDs of real classic Sci-Fi TV, then I recommend Mill Creek Entertainment's 150 episode, CLASSIC SCI-FI TV box set. Some real surprises in that set. (not a paid endorser, and I would like to be)

06-02-2018, 10:03 PM
I have all the Star Trek series but TOS still has a special place in my heart because I grew up with it. I enjoy all the the different Star Trek with DS9 being my favorite after TOS. Discovery was very interesting and kept my glued to see what was going to happen next and then there is Orville which is funny. I am also a fan of The Lord of the Rings and Hobbit which I read back in the late 70s and have the extended DVDs along with all of the Harry Potter series. With the time lines and JJ Abam involvement I must admit that I had to keep an open mind and just try and enjoy the New Star Trek stuff and not think about its relationship to TOS.

06-03-2018, 01:14 AM
As a fan of LOTR I saw Fellowship of the Ring, and not going with an open mind, almost left the theater twice, the other two movies, no problem after I excepted that they had to make changes. With the Hobbit movies, I excepted them right away.

If I do see Discovery, it will be with a mind set it is just Sci-Fi, then I might like it.

With Harry Potter, I saw the movies first, then read the novels, so much better that way for me.

Back in 1982, I read the novel and comic of The Dark Crystal before I saw the movie, and was kind of bored, because I knew the story ahead of time. Never read the book again, and now enjoy the movie better.

This might be weird, I read Dune by Frank Herbert, then saw the movie in the theater, and liked the movie better.

06-03-2018, 07:07 PM
I have both Dune and Dark Crystal on DVD and saw them in the theater. The TV version of Dune was more detailed. I was in Germany when star wars came out. I had read the book without realizing there was a movie. A month or two later this guy who just transferred from the state tells me he saw star wars 24 times. We were pretty isolated since none of us had heard of it. We saw it in a German theater and later while pack backing around England I saw it at the Imperial Theater in London.

06-03-2018, 07:53 PM
The TV version of Dune just was not as good to me as the movie version. I saw all 6 original SW movies in the theater, and still prefer the original trilogy, and my favorite is still Empire. Episode 1 is my favorite of the second trilogy. GO, JAR JAR, GO!

If Disney does anything that I would like with SW, it is to release the Droids and Ewok cartoon series.

06-04-2018, 10:03 AM
Hi Guy's!

I'm still reading all the other Dune books! all by Frank Herbert son Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson. They have done there best to preserve Frank Herbert original story's, style and note's that his father left. I've read 4 of them so far and they are very good, some of them fill in the back story (10,000) years before Dune takes place. The other's take place far in the future and tie everything up with a great finish.

I Read LOTR's when I was in high school (42 years ago...damn I'm old) I know before the movie came out that changes were going to be made! there is no way they could film all three books...hell each movie would be 6 to 7 hours long! Major potable catheter LOL

I too saw all 6 Star Wars films at the theater when they first came out, even after all these years that opening scene in Star Wars still blows me away! I still have the first printing of Star Wars book (it came out several months before the first movie) the front cover has Ralph McQuarrie concept art work on it.

It's hard for me to say which one is best, the original 3 then Attack of the clones, then Revenge of the Seth...GO Vader GO!! (my Hero)

Lucas never did when he owned Star Wars, Disney will never release those cartoons either! sorry to say...the only way you can see them is to download them from youtube. AZ if you want them my youngest son has them I could burn them on DVD and mail them to you? it's up to you.

Now that Solo a Star Wars movie has died at the box office I wonder what Disney is going to do? continue to put out more SW story movies and burn us out? or stop and just do main SW movies? after hearing all the story movies Disney wants to do I'm about ready to puke! Now with all the main characters dead (in the movie) or dead in real life, all we have is the new characters and there is not much there to work with! and ideas guys?


06-04-2018, 05:34 PM
I haven't read any Dune books since the 70's. I prefer my Conan the Barbarian books, Robert E. Howard RULES! For Conan on DVD, I have all three movies (still haven't watched the last one), the live series, and animated series.

The Hobbit and LOTR, I have the books, DVDs, and the radio series on CD. Back in the 80's I enjoyed every week listening to NPR Playhouse broadcasting the Radio series, nothing like using your imagination. Also, SW on radio.

Vader fan? I bet you use this line, "Come to the Dark Side, we have cookies." I still have the Darth Vader helmet I bought in the early 80's at TG & Y.

I will wait for the DVDs of Droids and Ewoks, thanks for the offer. I read that 20th Century Fox has the rights to DVDs and when it expires, I expect Disney will release them. I have the movies of the edited episodes and the episodes on VHS.

Ever since Disney bought Lucas, they have over saturated SW, that I am sick of seeing SW EVERYWHERE! I expect anytime now, unless I missed it, lightsabre blade colored condoms.
As for character movies, not a bad idea, if they had put then out s-l-o-w-l-y as you say, too much of a good thing is really not as good as intended. Greed is stronger than the Force.

06-05-2018, 02:01 AM
I haven't read any Dune books since the 70's. I prefer my Conan the Barbarian books, Robert E. Howard RULES! For Conan on DVD, I have all three movies (still haven't watched the last one), the live series, and animated series.

The Hobbit and LOTR, I have the books, DVDs, and the radio series on CD. Back in the 80's I enjoyed every week listening to NPR Playhouse broadcasting the Radio series, nothing like using your imagination. Also, SW on radio.

Vader fan? I bet you use this line, "Come to the Dark Side, we have cookies." I still have the Darth Vader helmet I bought in the early 80's at TG & Y.

I will wait for the DVDs of Droids and Ewoks, thanks for the offer. I read that 20th Century Fox has the rights to DVDs and when it expires, I expect Disney will release them. I have the movies of the edited episodes and the episodes on VHS.

Ever since Disney bought Lucas, they have over saturated SW, that I am sick of seeing SW EVERYWHERE! I expect anytime now, unless I missed it, lightsabre blade colored condoms.
As for character movies, not a bad idea, if they had put then out s-l-o-w-l-y as you say, too much of a good thing is really not as good as intended. Greed is stronger than the Force.

The Lightsaber blade colored condoms are already out AZ! next they well make them light up on voice command or motion LOL

I know Fox distributed them in 2004 but as in who owns the rights it is Disney (now) and I found a on-line petition (to release them on DVD and Blu-Ray) but the last entry was 3 years ago, so nothing is going to happen. Another cartoon never to see the light of day again. I'm sure after all these years Fox no longer has the rights to distribute them, they are still listed on Amazon (the Droids is going for $11.00 dollars-used New goes for $79.99) Star Wars Animated Adventures: Ewoks $11.90 used, New $36.99 of course not all the episodes are on these dices. So in short we are screwed.

I have my Darth Vader Mask from Don Post Studios, still in the box! Bought mine at Mervin's for $25.00 Dollars of course that was in 1978. Yes we do have cookies! and milk :p you can have your choice of white milk or blue milk :)

Personally I think it's to late for SW! Disney needs more money (the next movie title will be "The Search For More Money") and they don't see the cash cow is drying up, until they put out the next major SW movie and the box office take is way down, then they will start looking at what went wrong, but I'm sure they will blame someone else.

The last Conan movie was not bad but not good either of course it was better then 2! Hollywood is such a dumb ass business, it's a wonder they make anything now a days that makes money (people are stupid), same old story's (or reboots of older movies), actors that can't act, everyone of them with the I.Q. of a rock (I Apologize to all the rocks out there) and they all think they are smarter then anyone else, and to top it off, they think they are Royalty! give me a break. Sorry for the rant!


06-05-2018, 05:07 AM
Rant? Telling it like it is, is refreshing!

One thing about the Conan movies and live series that I don't like, is that they say Conan's family and village were killed off, not so. Conan left to explore the world, and went home more than one in the novels, and the cartoon series was more like the novels.

I have the Droids and Ewoks Fox DVDs, as well as the two live Ewok TV movies. In fact, I don't own nor have I seen any of the Disney SW. The best SW ever made, and never released on video in US, is the Holiday Special. LOL!

Not surprised about the condoms, is anything out there that has NOT been Star War-ed?

I am watching the 1st Gamera US version movie. The American inserted scenes really suck. I might just rip the DVD and edit out the sucky parts. I like Gamera, especially the newer versions.

06-08-2018, 12:54 AM
Rant? Telling it like it is, is refreshing!

One thing about the Conan movies and live series that I don't like, is that they say Conan's family and village were killed off, not so. Conan left to explore the world, and went home more than one in the novels, and the cartoon series was more like the novels.

I have the Droids and Ewoks Fox DVDs, as well as the two live Ewok TV movies. In fact, I don't own nor have I seen any of the Disney SW. The best SW ever made, and never released on video in US, is the Holiday Special. LOL!

Not surprised about the condoms, is anything out there that has NOT been Star War-ed?

I am watching the 1st Gamera US version movie. The American inserted scenes really suck. I might just rip the DVD and edit out the sucky parts. I like Gamera, especially the newer versions.

I thought you could buy the original films with out the American inserted scenes? Maybe I'm thinking of some other films? or maybe it's the Blu-Ray version?

I read on-line yesterday that Disney is now blaming the Publicity Department for the dismal box office take of Solo! Not Franchise Fatigue!! As I said below, anything other then Franchise Fatigue, so Disney is going to milk SW for all it's worth and in the end it well be a dried up husk and we get left with nothing.

Holiday Special! LOOOL I saw an interview with George Lucas where he stated "He wished he had never made it and will never release it..ever" But now that Disney owns SW...who knows!


06-08-2018, 06:00 AM
Gamera English dubbed version is only the US added scenes movie, to get without added scenes you have to get Japanese with English Subtitles. I don't like subtitles movies, it gives me a headache reading them.

I'm not surprised that Disney blamed Publicity Department for the SNAFU. I did not watch the first Disney SW, because of the trailer, it looked like a remake, and why watch a remake, when we have the original. But, I do prefer Lucas's Special Edition versions of the original trilogy, I liked the added scenes, except getting rid of the band in Jabba's Palace.

I remember Lucas say that about the Holiday Special. For me, it was nice to see more of the Wookies, and the introduction of Boba Fett. Now, Carrie Fisher's song, she didn't take after her parents when it came to singing.

I don't know if you have seen the 50's TV series of Flash Gordon, I like it, so I was looking for some music from the series, and found some. On the CD release of The Blob, there is a section of music from THE VALENTINO PRODUCTION MUSIC LIBRARY, and a lot of the music from Roger Roger is featured in the episodes he composed for. The Series was filmed in Germany, and they used a German composer for those episodes, and then filmed in France, and they got Roger Roger to compose for those episodes.

06-10-2018, 11:43 PM
I have all the SW movies on DVD right up to the last Jedi and Rogue 1. My favorite is still Empire strikes back. The special editions are good just not happy with some of the changes like having solo shoot 2nd and changing of the music in the rebels attack on the death star. Lucas turned down the music-I liked it when it was loud and powerful. The improvements in the graphics and background was very good. I have not picked up the latest versions which I heard was mostly improvements to the music quality. Just a little too expensive with out new scenes or backgrounds. Of the latest SW movies I liked Rogue 1 the best even with the sad ending. It was about time they showed Darth Vader kicking butt. Compared to New Hope where he looked old and slow. I saw Solo last week and enjoyed it.

06-11-2018, 12:16 AM
How many versions of the SW movies DO we need to buy? I hate when they add some special feature and that is supposed to be a reason to buy again.

I had thoughts about buying Rogue 1 DVD, since it is a spinoff, so when I do is....

Another of the 3 people to see Solo is revealed.LOL!

The next movie to see is....the envelope please....JURASSIC WORLD:FALLEN KINGDOM! What is there not to like, dinosaurs, erupting volcano, dinosaurs, Jeff Goldblum, dinosaurs, and those other guys.

06-11-2018, 08:37 PM
I have all the SW movies on DVD right up to the last Jedi and Rogue 1. My favorite is still Empire strikes back. The special editions are good just not happy with some of the changes like having solo shoot 2nd and changing of the music in the rebels attack on the death star. Lucas turned down the music-I liked it when it was loud and powerful. The improvements in the graphics and background was very good. I have not picked up the latest versions which I heard was mostly improvements to the music quality. Just a little too expensive with out new scenes or backgrounds. Of the latest SW movies I liked Rogue 1 the best even with the sad ending. It was about time they showed Darth Vader kicking butt. Compared to New Hope where he looked old and slow. I saw Solo last week and enjoyed it.

Hi Max!

I agree with your commitments! other then Solo, as soon as I heard Disney was doing a Solo movie I already know the plot! and I was right, just a hist in SW space. I really love Rogue 1!! great movie, hell great everything and yes It's about time Vader is shown kicking butt the way I have always wanted him too! (here's a cookie my Lord Vader :) ) as I figure Vader is only in his 40's in Rogue 1 so he is young enough to do some serious butt kicking!

I was never pleased with the change of Solo firing second! never agreed (as if Lucas called and asked me what I thought) with what he did. One of the things I need to do is upgrade all my SW (the first 6 movies...the others are all Blu-Ray) to Blu-Ray! the only thing holding me back is the freaking price!! I'm not paying the mouse $80.00 for 42 year old movies! and with not much added then what's already on the DVD's.


---------- Post added at 12:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:20 PM ----------

How many versions of the SW movies DO we need to buy? I hate when they add some special feature and that is supposed to be a reason to buy again.

I had thoughts about buying Rogue 1 DVD, since it is a spinoff, so when I do is....

Another of the 3 people to see Solo is revealed.LOL!

The next movie to see is....the envelope please....JURASSIC WORLD:FALLEN KINGDOM! What is there not to like, dinosaurs, erupting volcano, dinosaurs, Jeff Goldblum, dinosaurs, and those other guys.

As many as the Mouse Tell's us to buy! I'm right there with you AZ! LOL! Solo has to be the biggest SW box office dud I've ever seen! but that won't stop the Mouse from wanting more money.

I saw the trailer and it looks good! Jeff Goldblum, he's okay, I'm looking forward to Chris Pratt! he did such a great job in the last one! and of course Bryce Dallas Howard (daughter of Ron Howard) what a looker!

Has anyone seen "Ready Player One"? or should I even buy it at all?


06-12-2018, 12:25 AM
I too, did not like Solo shooting second, but, I do understand Lucas's reasons, Solo is a hero, hero's don't shoot first. Bull! If Solo did not shoot Greedo, then he would be dead, and then Solo movie would never have been made. Is that a bad thing? (evil laugh)

I will watch "Ready Player One" when the DVD is $5 to $7.50, so a long time to wait.

I got a two DVD set of VINTAGE SCI-FI, 6 MOVIE COLLECTION in the mail today. Two of the movies, The H Man and Battle in Outer Space I already got, the other four are new to me. They are, THE 27TH DAY, 12 TO THE MOON, VALLEY OF THE DRAGONS and THE NIGHT THE WORLD EXPLODED, all from Columbia Pictures. I love my classic/vintage Sci-Fi. The only well known actor's name I see, is Gene Barry, on THE 27TH DAY. These DVDs are released by Mills Creek.

06-12-2018, 07:56 AM
I too, did not like Solo shooting second, but, I do understand Lucas's reasons, Solo is a hero, hero's don't shoot first. Bull! If Solo did not shoot Greedo, then he would be dead, and then Solo movie would never have been made. Is that a bad thing? (evil laugh)

I will watch "Ready Player One" when the DVD is $5 to $7.50, so a long time to wait.

I got a two DVD set of VINTAGE SCI-FI, 6 MOVIE COLLECTION in the mail today. Two of the movies, The H Man and Battle in Outer Space I already got, the other four are new to me. They are, THE 27TH DAY, 12 TO THE MOON, VALLEY OF THE DRAGONS and THE NIGHT THE WORLD EXPLODED, all from Columbia Pictures. I love my classic/vintage Sci-Fi. The only well known actor's name I see, is Gene Barry, on THE 27TH DAY. These DVDs are released by Mills Creek.

(evil smile) no it is not a bad thing!! mah hah hah AZ

I'm with you there to my friend! I refuse to pay $30.00 or more for any film.

I to love Vintage Sci-Fi movies (love comet TV channel for showing all vintage movies) they showed the H man last month, The Incredible Melting Man, and this month is Godzilla movies. I'm sure I've seen Battle in Outer Space, but would love to see it again, have not seen the 27th day, 12 to the moon, or the 2 others! The Rasputin store we have has loads of pack's of these old sci-fi movies I'll need to start buying them again, I still have a bunch here but not enough! There are so many old sci-fi TV shows I want as well! right now I have four book case's full of DVD's and Blu-Ray's and starting on second row in front of the another's, my youngest son has 3 book case's full of DVD's and Blu-Ray's in his bedroom, we are both reaching the point of running out of space! We have a covered back patio, we could always in-close it and use it just for watching and storing our movies! I'll talk to him about that.


06-13-2018, 11:26 PM
(evil smile) no it is not a bad thing!! mah hah hah AZ

I'm with you there to my friend! I refuse to pay $30.00 or more for any film.

I to love Vintage Sci-Fi movies (love comet TV channel for showing all vintage movies) they showed the H man last month, The Incredible Melting Man, and this month is Godzilla movies. I'm sure I've seen Battle in Outer Space, but would love to see it again, have not seen the 27th day, 12 to the moon, or the 2 others! The Rasputin store we have has loads of pack's of these old sci-fi movies I'll need to start buying them again, I still have a bunch here but not enough! There are so many old sci-fi TV shows I want as well! right now I have four book case's full of DVD's and Blu-Ray's and starting on second row in front of the another's, my youngest son has 3 book case's full of DVD's and Blu-Ray's in his bedroom, we are both reaching the point of running out of space! We have a covered back patio, we could always in-close it and use it just for watching and storing our movies! I'll talk to him about that.


Hey Guys. I knowwhat you mean. My collection got so big, they no longer fitted on my shelves, sothey are now out of the cases in plastic wallets and kept in draws. Only problem now is I'm running out of draw space. LOL. How are you all doing?

06-14-2018, 12:23 AM
Mr. Scott, what did you think of THE H MAN? It was creepy scary to me. The 12 To The Moon's story makes sense, and it is cheesy enough to be enjoyable.

Hi, Pearlcorderman, long time it has been. I'm still kicking and screaming, in my nice white jacket. I have DVDs on shelves, in wallets, and stacked precariously waiting for them to fall on the dogs. To consolidate some, I put in paper CD sleeves, then put in cases in order to save space. Open case, find many DVDs.

And now back to, Godzilla the Series, brought to you by Jar Jar Bink's MESA DON'T CARE Jedi Surplus Store.

06-14-2018, 01:44 AM
Hey Guys. I know what you mean. My collection got so big, they no longer fitted on my shelves, so they are now out of the cases in plastic wallets and kept in draws. Only problem now is I'm running out of draw space. LOL. How are you all doing?

Pearllllllllllll! great to see old friend!

Doing okay, as long as the heat here does not kill me! it's 102 F (dry heat) today, lets go back to winter already! lol

Good to see you hanging out here again! we missed you, give my love to your family from me and a big hug to your boys :)

Unfortunately none of us well live long enough to see the day when we finally can see mass storage on a little crystal and all our movies and TV show's can be carried around in our pockets.


06-14-2018, 03:18 AM
Mr. Scott, what did you think of THE H MAN? It was creepy scary to me. The 12 To The Moon's story makes sense, and it is cheesy enough to be enjoyable.

Hi, Pearlcorderman, long time it has been. I'm still kicking and screaming, in my nice white jacket. I have DVDs on shelves, in wallets, and stacked precariously waiting for them to fall on the dogs. To consolidate some, I put in paper CD sleeves, then put in cases in order to save space. Open case, find many DVDs.

And now back to, Godzilla the Series, brought to you by Jar Jar Bink's MESA DON'T CARE Jedi Surplus Store.

LOOOOL Jar Jar Bink great line AZ!

The H Man was a scary one (when I was a kid) but at my age I'm rarely get scared any more, though my youngest son does like to sneak up on me, like he did last night when I was in the garage looking for something! I turned on him so fast and drew my fist back until I saw him, he nearly fell backwards trying to back out of my I love "Silent Running" when I was younger and found it on DVD a couple years ago and watched it again, man it had lost almost all the excitement I remember seeing it the first time (love the soundtrack and have it), but it is still an enjoyable movie. I still watch all those old classic monster movies, sci-fi classic's I just love the old science on what nuclear bombs unleashed in the world, like "Them" with the giant ants or Godzilla and the rest or the post apocalyptic movies! Comet was showing "America 3000" Really dumb! but enjoyable and funny some 30 years later...hell I still love watching "Jonny Quest" the 60's and the 80's shows. All these are much more enjoyable then the crap they have show today!


06-14-2018, 05:42 AM
It's no wonder I like you, my friend, just as weird as I am.

Silent Running, I bought in on Beta, for $50 back in the 80's, then got VHS, and have had on DVD. I love the music, I first recorded it on cassette from TV, then bought the LP on green vinyl and finally got the CD. Love the songs. I always wanted to make a jacket with all of the patches on it, just never looked for the patches.

THEM, one of my favorite nuked monster movies. In the movie, the Utah State Police uniforms, are really the same as the real Police, so I found the patches on ebay, including the Red Cross patch as seen in the movie. Unusual that they used real instead of fictional.

Jonny Quest, excellent series in every way. I have the DVDs, of course, and the soundtrack. As always, they reused the music, heard in Space Ghost, and Dino Boy.