12-07-2009, 05:03 PM
Since I have nothing better to do, and after looking at a few requests, I decided to make a thread about MMORPG BGMs. This is probably pointless, but even MMORPGS can have good music. That and since I've pretty much been a leecher for as long as I can remember, it's about time something useful(?) gets contributed.

What I do - I find MMORPGS with a BGM folder filled with mp3's, oggs, wavs, or whatever, and upload them. I download and install random MMORPGS to steal from. However some games have links up, which render some uploads pointless, though this is easier for the lazy.

Note - You may also request Sound Effects.
You also -need- 7zip and Winrar.
And feel free to ask questions about a certain game.

Keeping it simple -

If you want; Request an MMORPG's BGM folder/OST/something.

Some games have the following : may or may not have any art, and may have unlabeled songs (No artist, No composer, ETC. Using Composer as artist.). May or may not have certain songs. (Like Latale). May have few volume issues. (If it doesn't have a zillion songs, I manually adjust the DB using Audacity. Amplifying would be helpful, but not all songs are at the same volume, so you have a skew of random volumes.)

This thread -could- be updated as often as possible, with the exception of some games not really updating as often, which means lack of new songs.

For now I'm using mediafire, since it's convenient. Feel free to contribute links and other goodies.

Games listed with version's languages. For example, if you look at Mabinogi NA's music folder NexonA includes, it's lacking -all- the new files, the cool music. It also tells where the music is from.

Just in case - http://www.mediafire.com/thecroc
You can find various stuff there, but I will be posting related links here. I'm too lazy to properly sort it (at the moment?).

Currently on hand (uploaded) - Ys Online(EU), Mabinogi(KR), Latale(KR), Concerto Gate(JP).

Now, for links!

Concerto Gate (Forte) .rar - Composer : Hiroki Kikuta - http://www.mediafire.com/?ijmtntx3dtn
Notes for CG - .wav converted into .mp3 (wav->mp3), DB/volume fix. No fade added. (excuse : lazy/tired)

Ys Online .rar - Composer - NOT Falcom - http://www.mediafire.com/?mjl2i2dizyl
Notes for YSO - Subfolders killed(all files are in one area instead of multiple places) File names go [type] [name], IE; Boss - Pagan.

Latale .7z - Composer - be, DINY, Electronic Boutique, ESTi, iNID, Jo, M2U, NieN, silhouetti.
Part 1 - http://www.mediafire.com/?wyzwjjttzzk
Part 2 - http://www.mediafire.com/?1fycetmyyk2
Notes - Split due to size. 7zipped to keep the original Korean naming tags. Some trivia, I think some composers also do music for DJ Max.

Mabinogi .rar Composer - Hanstone, 'Mabinogi'
Part 1 - http://www.mediafire.com/?iwtaufttzmz
Part 2 - http://www.mediafire.com/?nygtnzkmmyq
Notes - A lot of annoying NPC music. Some pointless field/town music. Newer songs are awesome. To be updated at some point.
(Additional note - currently mixed up with some tracks, to be redone once G12 tracks are obtained.)

S4 League Vivace .rar Composer - Bexter, Planetboom, Forte Escape

Notes - Original naming tags only apply if you have East Asian Language files installed.

Currently in progress/To be added(TBA) - Various mirrors, and other MMORPG folders.

Requests - None
To be added - Unknown.

Other threads - Credits to respective topic creators. Links may or may not be alive.
SMT Imagine - Thread 72078
Vantage Master Online - Thread 41734
Allods Online - Thread 70537
Eve Online - Quantum Rise - Thread 61716
Sims Online - Thread 71502
Everquest Online Adventures: Frontiers - Thread 47184
Ragnarok Online 5 Disc collection (2009) - Thread 72111
Memory of Ragnarok - Thread 46986
Ragnarok Online 2 - Thread 48537
Ragnarok Online RIP - Thread 47621
Ragnarok Online Arranged - TeMP-est - Thread 58008
The Force of Love - Lia sings RF - Thread 49622
Grandia Online - Thread 72947
Command & Conquer: Sole Survivor Online - Thread 47294
Tales of Pirates - Thread 63720
Fairyland Online - Thread 62693