04-09-2005, 11:20 PM
Make your own final fantasy character!!
you must include:

weapon of choice:
background (optional):
and anything else you want to include, enjoy!

04-09-2005, 11:36 PM
here's mine

name: aira hazetsukenji
age: 18
description: same height as aeris, hair's lenght is just a little below shoulder, hair color's same as penelo, hair is straight and she has a little bangs and she wears something similar to penelo but not exactly penelo's.
weapon of choice: a short rod with a chained metal spiked ball (dunno what it's called)
background: nothing
about her: she's free-spirited and she likes to be an airship pilot just like her grandfather who works in a airship shop.

04-10-2005, 01:08 AM
name: Katana
age: 19
gender: female
description: Light brown hair, blue eyes, shoulder length hair, about 5'4, with cool clothes...kinda like an ancient buhda. Like a knee-high skirt, with little beads dangling down, a tank top for a shirt with beads hanging from the sleeves. She will wear, an amulet of darkness, and some crimson red bracelets.
weapon of choice: A Katana, with powers of the darkness. Releases dark powers from the underworld.
Personality: strong, fighter, determined, caring, loyal, very protective, calm, assertive, and trustworthy.

04-10-2005, 12:51 PM
name: Akasha Tao
age: 25
description: quite tall, slim, long brown hair, slightly wavy and worn in a ponytail, green eyes, white ceremonial robe, white boots.
weapon of choice: Magic (all kinds)
Character: Very polite and intelligent. Tpugher than she seems. Don't make her made, that could become very uncomfortable for you.

04-10-2005, 12:55 PM
Heh, may as well put my Mithra character from FFXI Online here, as it's appropriate:

Name: Enkidoh
Age: Unknown (I'm assuming early 20s)
Race: Mithra (human, with cat ears, nose and a tail)
Gender: female (in FFXI Mithra are almost entirelly female, as the males are a suppressed social minority)
Hair colour/length: Shoulder length orange/red hair.
Eyes: blue
Build: Medium
Height: 5' 7".
Occupation: Registered Adventurer (currently healer/White Mage)
Current Job Class: WHM (White Mage) level 20.
Nationality: Windurstian, Rank 2
Weapon: Legionnaire's Staff
Armour: Royal Footman's Tunic
Head: Onyx Earring, Opal Earring
Hands: Gloves, Windurstian Ring, and Ascetic's Ring
Neck : Justice Badge, Cape
Waist: Blood Stone
Legs: Brais (long thin pants)
Feet: Light Soleas (long boots)
Personality: (assumed)

Being a Mithra, she's curious, bubbly and assertive, but also introspective, loyal, caring and kind. Seeing the death and destruction plaguing Vana'diel, especially the plains surrounding her homeland of Windurst, she strives to continue her training as a White Mage in order to one day bring peace to the world.

In the meantime, she assists other adventurers she comes across where ever she can - curing them of their wounds or casting Protect spells. The inability of not yet being able to revive fallen adventurers tears deeply at her heart however (an ability gained at level 25). She also occasionally takes time off to rid the grasslands of Sarutabaruta (the plains which surround the city of Windurst) of the giant, putrid catapillers known as Crawlers, on behalf of a local dahmel breeder.

Recently however, she's also started joining parties on the other side of the world, in the white sands of the infamous Valkrum Dunes on the Quon continent, taking the rite of passage all adventurers must face - learning how to be a truely productive member of a party in the heat of the most challenging battles (in her case, a healer) - a challenge and a role she is enjoying adapting to. She has also recently gained her Chocobo License, opening up new areas of Vana'diel impossible to reach on foot.

Sometimes though, she just likes to sit near the airship dock at Port Windurst and watch the airships docking and departing, dreaming of other lands beyond the Bastore Sea - lands she hopes to see in the near future as her adventures take her all over Vana'diel.

04-15-2005, 02:32 PM
Ok... I'll try

Name: Akhyro Barak
Age: 23
Race: Ikana human
Gender: Male
Description: Akhyros Barak has red eyes, white skin, blue short hair (like Tidus), he is very tall (like seymour guado), and his voive is like cloud in FFVII:AC japanesse. He wears a warrior armor and a strange amulet called Oblivion Bringer.
Class: Trainer
Weapon: His pet, a little baby dragon called Bahamut :)
Limit Break: Ancient Fusion: Bahamut and Akhyro Barak fuse to bring Barak Bahamut (a Bahamut like FFX's but with blue wings and withous the sun-like thing in his back) With a lot of increased power and nodderent commands like Flare, Mega Flare, Impulse and so.
Biography: Akhyro Barak is from a race called Ikana human, these people lived with dragons in a city in the sky thousands of years ago. A dark Witch took the eath and the survivors fleed to the city of the Ikana. The dark witch attacked the cyty and destroyed it, bringing the world into a ruined age. Ikana was a sage with the obligation to protect The sanctuary of unlimited energy (something like the farplane), when the witch came into the city the sages decided to take all the energy into an amulet (the oblivion bringer) while Bahamut, king of the sky city, fought the witch, he lose and was transformed into a baby dragon with insignificant power, Akhyros took him and the amulet and escaped to the ruined world to start a normal life and wait, wait more that a thousand years. (they are like elves in age, so they wont die easily)

04-18-2005, 01:21 PM
name:Nakara Krull
age: 30
description: A tall, athletic man, shoulder length Black hair, blue eyes, garbed in black studded leather jacket, long leather trousers, and black boots
weapon of choice: Broadsword / Hammer
background (optional): A nomad swordsman, Nakara's skill with a sword was believed to be unmatched, untill one day, he was beaten and left for dead. Nakara now searches the one who bested him, so that he can settle the score once and for all

Limit Breaks:
Iai strike: Nakara stikes with 5 lightning fast blows
Cataclysm: Nakara strikes the earth, causing either a large Earthquake to appear, or spitting small clumps of Earth into the foe
Punishment: Nakara swings his sword and hammer together, creating a lightning bolt which electrocutes the enemy
Venger: Nakara leaps about his foe, striking him up to 30 times

04-19-2005, 07:16 AM
name: patmo the magnificent
age: 19 ^_^
description: umm maybe a kitty or giraffe or dick clark all three ok
weapon of choice: KATANA
background (optional): waterfalls.gif

fascist socialist
04-19-2005, 07:18 AM
Name: Ashakawa Tagini
Age: 45
Description: I have aborted fetuses dripping down my back. My thighs are encrusted with 3 week old semen. I look like a Lightning Flan ^^;;
Weapon of Choice: Hmong arms.

04-19-2005, 07:18 AM
name: carinna dravenmoon
age: 16
description: she is dark and hatse most people but she can make friends if u spen time with her and she migh tkill you
weapon of choice: razors
background (optional):

Top Cat
04-19-2005, 10:09 AM
name: li tung
age: 16 this year XD
location: japan ^.^
description: asian and like an anime star XD
weapon of choice: samauri sword because that is what they use in japan ^.^;;
background (optional):ウェブ イメージ ニュース グループ ディレクトリ 検索オプション 表示設定 言語ツール ウェブ全体から検索日本語のページを検索

04-19-2005, 01:09 PM
Name: Kira Heyabusa
Age 18
Location: england
Weapon a long staff known as the legendary zanbantoh

She has the appearnce of a young harmless girl playing with a long bladed staff.

But she is very nimble and can balance on the end of her staff.

Special attacks.
Wave blade slash. Swingign her sword in an arc she creates an electric wave harming anyone who comes in to contact.

Pole jump balancing on the end of her staff she jumps and twists her entire body aimning her staff at someone with her behind it.

04-19-2005, 11:27 PM
name: Ping-Ling

age: 12

description: Jesus after a week long binder of bong hits, lines, needles, tabs, and big fuckin liberty spikes

weapon of choice: mental powers developed after a having the squirts for 79 hours straight.

background (optional):

04-20-2005, 01:04 AM
name: yoh griffonheart
location: Canada
description: built like squall, messy brown hair, always appears to be in a trance
weapon of choice: swallow (like chrono cross)
background: a blackbelt in the karate, jujitsu, and tai kwon do martial arts, yoh roams the lands on an unknown mission. he is a loner by force and has learned to trust no one but himself. he joins the party and tells his story only after the main character risks his like to save yoh's. through the adventures he begins to learn to once again trust people.....

04-21-2005, 03:22 AM
Name: Dragoncurry
location: Gaia
Description: A mysterious fat man who has a large aura surrounding him. His presence is usually preceded by a strong curry smell
Weapon of Choice: A double edged spoon sword.
Background: He flips a coin. If tails he is known to appear when all your characters are at full health and knock them down to 1 health and then he leaves. If heads, he belly flops the entire party and summons The Great Curry Dragon while they are up in the air. this summon exterminates all enemies.

broken sword 1001
04-21-2005, 05:17 PM
Colour:Half cast
Weapon:Longsword and two laser guns
Background:trys to take things on with no one to help he
has been kicked at of the Garden and striped of he's gfs except one
thats shivia he is now a reverloutionist and seeks revenge on garden

04-27-2005, 02:56 PM
Name: G.A.C.K.T.
Age: 40 thousand years old
Description: is nothing but a brain controlling a robotic suit he is in.
Weapon of choice: the array of guns and knives in his suit.
Height: 8ft 9in.
Weight: 1 ton
Background (optional): he was once a human being that worked as a scientist. He then joined a fancy company, in which he was an experiment at the core of the Gorgeous Antlers Can Kill Tammy project, in which they injected his brain with "preservatives" and stuck his brain into a large suit that should keep him alive for ever!

Darth Revan
04-27-2005, 04:07 PM
Normally I'd post my other character I created for a similar thread awhile ago, but since I wrote the story 'Final Fantasy : Rise of the Red Mages', my character is the main one from my story...

name: Aberdeen Edwardes
age: 19
description: 6' tall, the right side of his face has a jagged scar running from his forehead, disecting his eye and running down his jawbone. His left eye is brown, whilst his right is Silver (The pupil and the whites are all silver). Also, the hair on the left side of his head is dark brown, while the right is silver. This was the end result of a duel. He is a Red Mage
weapon of choice: Assortment of swords
background (optional): He and his twin sister, Ariel, are the last surviving members of the Red Mage guild, from the mining city of Ataan. Due to the hatred being directed, unfairly, at all Red Mages, Aberdeen and Ariel escape Ataan, just as the final member of the guild, the Guildmaster himself is murdered.

He finds himself leading a group of adventurers (His sister, a White Mage, Thief, a Black Mage and other characters (Whom I haven't introduced into the story yet)).

His main nemesis is the Dark Knight of Fire, Morthoseth, who once dueled with Aberdeen back in Ataan. The fight ended with Morthoseth scaring Aberdeen with his enchanted sword. Aberdeen's response was to cast Thundaga directly into Morthoseth's face.

If you'd like to know more about this character and such, have a look at this two threads -

Game Fanfic - Final Fantasy - Rise of the Red Mages
(Thread 12746)
Game Fanfic Final Fantasy Rise of the Red Mages - RELOADED
(Thread 19512)

The reason for two threads is simple. The first thread was deemed a 'ded thread' because I had been unable to post in it, due to computer problems. The second thread is the current up to date thread.... which means when I continue it, I'll have to create a third thread... oh well.

05-06-2005, 04:08 PM
name: Sam'athe Ilos
age: 19
Gender: Female
description: Looks similar to Yuffie from FF7 but a little darker and with loose clothes to keep cool in the desert.
weapon of choice: Chain sword (think ivy from soul calibur). Basically its a sword that can break into fragments magically and be swung like a bladed whip.

Sam'athe is a princess of an ancient civilization thought to have been wiped out 2000 years ago. Around that time, their lands were ravaged by hordes of powerful fiends noone had seen the likes of before. They were unprepared for the attack and thus had to flee their land and take residence in a desert some distance away. They and their descendants have lived there, deep in the desert for many generations now with no contact with other civilizations. The royal family has made sure no one will leave the desert by spreading stories of powerful fiends that would surely destroy them if they were to leave. (after years and years of this, the stories turned into fact in the peoples minds and now most are to afraid to go even to the edge of the desert.)

Sam'athe, being a princess, knows the truth of what lies beyond the desert, she knows that the stories of all powerful fiends are no longer true, and she has a strong desire to travel beyond the sand.

Sam'athe would be a hidden character like Yuffie and Vincent, and the only way to get her is to find the desert (which would be quite difficult to find).

05-16-2005, 08:39 PM
shade roikisomi 17

age: 6000 million years
height: 6 foot and 4 1/2 inches
weapon hyryukai ( a spear made purely of evil energies)
history: created the universe

after seeing the growth of his beloved plkanet earth, he noticed small conflicts becoming uncontrollable wars. unable to stop world war 7, he demolished the world and travelled back in time to stop the warsfrom ever becoming. but because of the time loop he was raised as a human child unable to return to his dragon form.

likes: gambling, darkness, dragons and poetry with a dark twisted meaning.

why write this??? because this is who i am...and i can be found in the darkness only. i would chose myself as a ff asno-else could be so.....................................~_~

05-16-2005, 09:21 PM
Name: Tarius
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Description: A very tall, strong-looking rebellion. Dark hair, even darker eyes.
Weapon of choise: His fathers enormous sword, Ta'harwont.
Bakcground: After the death of his father and the destruction of his village when Tarius was just 11, he travelled around the world with his little brother, Kimal, hiding from The King. Lodrana, a man who reminded Tarius much of his father, joined the two after a couple of years. He too was a rebellion, but from what village is unknown. Tarius' ultimate goal is to kill The King and return to his home town and live a normal life with his little brother.

05-16-2005, 09:52 PM
Name: Ashakawa Tagini
Age: 45
Description: I have aborted fetuses dripping down my back. My thighs are encrusted with 3 week old semen. I look like a Lightning Flan ^^;;
Weapon of Choice: Hmong arms.

Thats gotta be the best character I ever heard of

05-17-2005, 12:42 PM

05-19-2005, 01:19 PM
why couldn't they make a final fantasy with all of these charachters??????????????????????????????????????

11-15-2009, 05:25 AM
Name: Dante Kuze
Age: Unknown
Description: Tall, with short white hair (similar to Cloud's hairstyle), white eyes with a black border on the outside of the iris
Clothes: Long black cloak on top of a white T-shirt with baggy black pants and untied combat boots
Weapon: A 5-ft tall, dual edged scythe that can fold itself and be used as a berserker sword of sorts
Background: Has no recollection of anything past 3 years prior, and so he seeks to find his true self

11-15-2009, 05:37 AM
4-5 year old thread?

Close please?