Darth Revan
12-28-2004, 06:45 PM
Hey all. This newer thread, is a continuation of the previous story I have written here. Because of the new forum rules about thread necromancy, I'm starting this one as a continuation. Those of you who have read my previous story (which you can find Here : Thread 12746), I'd like to welcome you all back to the world of this story (To which I'm still in debate over what to call this world exactly.). To those of you who have decided to have a look and see what's going on, please click on the above link, to bring yourself up to date, BEFORE : REPEAT BEFORE, reading this. Why? Because this is the continuation of the character's stories and events from the previous thread.

Now, without further ado, here are the latest updates for this story, starting directly after Princess Maya has had her little 'discussion' with her father, the King of Tougeroa, Osclearnis.

Once again, any italised text between - ... - , is the character's own thoguhts. Any italised text between ~ ... ~, is speech through a magical medium.
************************************************** **

Elsewhere within the castle :

Maya�s maid, Eris, was sitting in one of the indoor gardens of the castle, her face wearing a worried look. The information she had received from Saizo, in regards to the princess and her Red Mage friend, frightened her.

The young woman gazed out the nearby window, and was engrossed in staring into nothing. As it was, she was caught completely unawares, when someone tapped her on the shoulder.


Eris turned and stared at the person, who smiled slightly to her.

�Staring out into the future again Eris?�

Eris sighed.

�Nothing else for one such as me to do, Saizo.�

The soldier frowned and folded her arms across her chest, as she watched the maid.

�If you�re bored Eris, why don�t you practise your dancing? You are quite skilled at it.�

Eris shook her head.

�No� my dancing� I dance for happy times� How can there be any happiness here, with our princess is locked away� by her father�s own decree.� She paused and sighed �Being forced to marry someone she doesn�t want to� while the one she truly loves��

Saizo finished for her.

�Was sent away by her father, with a death squad sent after him. Agaras is fanatical in his loyalty to the King. Still, I have a hunch that the princess�s �friend� is more than capable of stopping Talon and his motley bunch of murderers.�

Eris was about to respond, when a regal, feminie voice spoke from behind them.

�Osclearnis has gone too far, by imprisoning my daughter. Even this �marriage� he has planned��

Eris and Saizo turned, and knelt in front of the Queen of Tougeroa. The Queen bade them to rise, then sat down in the chair, Eris had vacated. The Queen, looked at Eris.

�Tell me, how is my daughter fairing?�

Eris kept her head bowed.

�The royal princess is fretting my Queen. She wishes to be free from her� imprisonment.�

The Queen nodded, a thoughtful look on her face. She glanced at the young maid from the corner of her eye.

�Tell me, has my daughter said anything in regards to the Red Mage who was found with her?�

Eris paused, allowing Saizo to answer.

�From what I have observed my Queen, the princess has indeed been worrying about him.� She adopted a strong stance �In the past month, I would say, the princess has indeed been thinking of a way to leave the castle, to find him.�

The Queen nodded.

�I agree with you entirely guard Valentine. However, the King has given orders to every guard not to let my daughter leave her room, much less the castle.�

Eris frowned.

�My Queen, the princess has so far kept her own strength in check. Yet I feel, that in time, she may try to leave, on her own accord, utilising those powers she honed in the Black Mage guild, in Labthynea.�

Saizo nodded in agreement with Eris.

�My Queen, in that was to happen��

The Queen sighed.

�I know, that would be disastrous. Therefore, I would like the two of you to assist my daughter in her quest.�

Eris�s eyes widened when she realised what the Queen had said.

�But� we would be going against the orders from the King��

The Queen faced Eris.

�In regards to all things militaristic, political and external, in regards to Tougeroa are his domain. All internal affairs are within my jurisdiction.� She stood �And anything in regards to my family, especially my daughter, I have the final word.�

Saizo bowed to the Queen, Eris following suite.

�We shall obey your orders, my Queen.�

The Queen smiled at them.

�I do not want to know what you plan, I shall leave the details to you.� she held her gaze on Saizo �I am trusting you to watch over my daughter, at all costs, Saizo Valentine.�

Saizo bowed once again.

�I will protect the princess with my life.�

The Queen looked at Eris.

�Eris Elhaym, I would like you to continue to assist and serve my daughter.�

Eris kept her head bowed.

�I will obey your majesty.�

Both maid and guard bowed once again, and left the Queen alone. She leaned back in her chair, her thoughts on not just her daughter, but also on what her husband is planning.

-I do not agree with this �farce� of a wedding you have planned with Elgar, Osclearnis, and I don�t care. All I want for Maya, is to be happy. If she wants to be with her Red Mage love, then that is what I want for her.-

She gazed back out the window, over the city of Tougeroa.

-Besides� knowing my daughter, she and her Red Mage have already expressed their feelings for each other. Heh, she�s not the only one in my family with magic in her blood. Nor will she be the last, if her Red Mage love has any say in the matter.-

The Queen smiled to herself. Her own powers in magic, while not as powerful or as destructive as her daughter�s, where useful in truthsaying and foresight. She had seen multiple futures, with only one constant : Her daughter and her Red Mage love together in every one of them.

The Queen stood and gathered her robes around herself and headed back towards her chambers, confidant that her daughter was going to be in safe hands.

************************************************** *********************

Inside the Tower of Pyrulen :

The Dark knight, Morthoseth gazed over the lake of magma encircling the tower, his eyes glowing within his helm. Moored in the lake was the ship of death, the Naglfar. Something told him, in the back of his dark mind, to have the ship brought forth, from it�s ancient resting ground. Still, it had proved worthwhile to have it nearby. The ancient weaponry and technology aboard it would help to shift the balance of power towards the Empress.

Behind him, stood the bearer of the Dark Crystal of Water, Niblungi. He smirked behind his helm as he turned and faced her. Nibilungi stepped forward and knelt in front of him.

�I am yours to command��

Morthoseth chuckled.

�I have a mission for you my dear� One which I have been considering for some time, and now�� he turned on his heel and turned his gaze back over the lake of magma �One which you will find to be quite� enjoyable.�

Nibilungi kept her head bowed low, a sinister smile on her face.

�I shall do as you command� Name my objective and I shall accomplish it.�

Morthoseth nodded his head, with his hands behind his back.

�You will leave for Castle Tougeroa immediately. The wedding between princess Maya and prince Valige must not come to pass. Due to the Empress�s own designs for Valige, he is not to be harmed!�

Nibilungi�s smile grew broader.

�The Tougeroan princess� on the otherhand��

Morthoseth whirled and grasped Nibilungi by the throat, lifting her off her feet, his grasp squeezing tighter and tighter around her throat.

�She is not to live to see Aberdeen again! I want you to destroy her completely! Do this�� he relaxed his grasp and let her go �And I shall grant you whatever you desire.�

Nibilungi rubbed her throat and nodded, her eyes narrow and her movements cautious.

�I� shall obey� my master��

Morthoseth nodded and turned his back on her. Nibilungi quickly summoned her waterspout and teleported herself away from her master. However, in the shadows, the bearer of the Dark Crystal of the Earth stepped forward.

�My lord, is this wise? Nibilungi isn�t� well� reliable.�

Morthoseth snarled.

�She will do as I�ve instructed. She has no choice in the matter! I�m not worried about her, she has no spine, no will to cross me. No, she is not the one to worry about.� He faced Vaelen �Velermos� know you where she is now?�

Vaelen shook his head.

�No, but I assume she is most probably at Tornagast.�

Morthoseth nodded and glared over the magma lake.

�Yes� Tornagast� that accursed city of hers. I would not worry about her, if it was ME who chose her to bear the Dark Crystal of Wind. The Crystal chose her itself!�

Vaelen frowned.

�Some say the crystals have sentience of their own. It could be true.�

Morthoseth waved his hand, dispelling the thought.

�In any event, it is irrelevant for the time being. Now, for you my friend, have you found any indication of��

Vaelen folded his arms across his chest.

�Of the Light Crystals? Yes, they do exist. Unfortunately, they are protected by entities which even one such as I can not defeat.�

Morthoseth snorted.

�A prepubescent child, with nappy rash and the flu, could defeat you Vaelen. I do not care about insignificant creatures! I want those Crystals, and I want them destroyed completely! Every trace of them must be wiped clean from existence!�

Vaelen cringed away from his lord�s anger.

�My Lord, they are protected by the Weapons!�

Morthoseth stopped his rant and faced Vaelen.

�Weapons? The Weapons of legend?�

Vaelen nodded.

�Yes my lord, the four crystals are protected by these creatures, which according to legend, where created by the planet itself. The Jade, Pearl, Onyx and Opal Weapons.�

Morthoseth was silent, then he laughed madly.

�HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA! Wonderful! Then where they are now is of no importance! Even if someone managed to fight their way to the altar the crystal is resting upon, they�d have to fight and defeat the crystal�s respective weapon! HAH! Then they are safe where they are!�

Vaelen nodded slowly.

�My lord, there is one who possesses the knowledge of the Crystals and the Weapons. Who possesses the knowledge of the Weapons weaknesses.�

Morthoseth glared at him.

�Who is this� insect?!�

Vaelen shrugged.

�An old man. Some say he was a Summoner, others a mad man. In any event, he would be too old and feeble to cause any trouble. Apparently he lives in the catacombs underneath Perinthineas, causing the locals to live in fear. He goes by the name of Tyr Heimdall.�

Morthoseth started to pace back and forth.

�Tyr Heimdall� That�s a name I�ve not heard in some time� quite some time.� He faced Vaelen �Are you sure he is alive?�

Vaelen was about to respond when Morthoseth stopped him.

�No, of course he�s still alive. If he was dead I would�ve felt it. Stupid old coot! Why couldn�t he just stay dead! IRRELEVENT!� he spun and faced Vaelen, his eyes glowing orbs within his helm �YOU! You will journey to Perinthineas, find that old bastard, and bring me his empty skull! Can you, or can you not do that!?!�

Vaelen bowed from the waist.

�You shall drink from his skull come midnight tonight my lord.�

The ground opened up underneath Vaelen, swallowing him into it�s depths. Morthoseth nodded and whirled, facing the Naglfar.

�Right. Yesss� everything is proceeding as was foreseen. If Aberdeen wasn�t the one I had to worry about, it would�ve been you old man!�

At that moment, the air shimmered in front of him, as a small window hung there with a visage of an old man with a broad rimmed hat with a single horn jutting out from it was shown. Morthoseth cringed backwards as the man spoke in a loud, booming tone.


Morthoseth shouted back at the visage.


The old man laughed a cackling laugh.


The Dark Crystal of Fire flared at those comments as Morthoseth�s anger rose dramatically.


The old man�s laughter grew louder, so it was echoing around the large cavern.


Morthoseth snarled and unleashed a Firaga spell, shattering the window.

�SILENCE!!! I WILL DESTROY HIM, I WILL KILL ABERDEEN EDWARDES!!� he looked up at where the portal once hung �And if Vaelen doesn�t kill you old man, then it�s only appropriate that I kill you!�

************************************************** *********************

Inside the Inn of the Firestar, Perinthineas :

Kye Havard sighed as he sat down on the nearby chair and stared out the window. On the bed, lay Ariel. Kye had done everything he could, but at the low rank he was, he had access to only the first two levels of White Magic.

He sighed once again, as the door to the room opened and in walked Wyreema and Zanthus. The former bore a tray with some food, and four mugs on it. Kye noticed that Ralgha was no where to be seen.

�Where�s Sir Ralgha?�

Zanthus frowned.

�He�s� investigating into rumours of monster infestation. He�ll return by daybreak.�

Kye sighed and shook his head.

�No offence intended Sir Zanthus, but your so called �superior�, leaves much to be desired.�

Wyreema set the tray down on the table, taking a mug of water and lifting Ariel up into a sitting position so she could drink it. Wyreema glanced at Zanthus.

�He�s up to no good Zanthus.�

Zanthus nodded slowly as he sat down.

�Ralgha has served the Knights of Gilchrest for nearly twenty years, and his reputation among them is one steeped in honour and commendations.� He paused �Still��

Kye studied Zanthus�s face.

�But he has his own plans for the Knighthood, right?�

Zanthus frowned.

�There has been some talk of a more thorough unification of the Knighthood. Instead of the Grand Master and High Warrior being the two most powerful Knights and leaders, with the most powerful Knight from each of the three Orders leading their respective order, Talk has been made that there should be just one leader of the Knighthood.�

Ariel, eyes open, spoke in a weakened tone.

�And Ralgha wants that coveted role for himself.�

Wyreema helped Ariel lie back down on the bed, and faced the seated knight.

�Zanthus� What do you think of Ralgha?�

Zanthus sighed and shook his head.

�Ralgha is oppurtunistic enough to take this chance to grab glory for himself. I would not put it past him to try for that goal.�

While the others were talking, Ariel was tossing about on the bed. Her mind was filled with visions of other things. A large wolf ran along the ground, fire, lightning and ice arced along in it�s wake. A pool of water swirled and formed a waterspout, out of which appeared a serpentine like creature, which dove into the surface creating a huge tidal wave. The water then turned into ice, in which an ice maiden appeared, twirling in the air. The ground erupted forth, as a powerful horned fire beast pulled itself from the ground, it�s roar echoing throughout Ariel�s mind.

Two tracks of fire ran along the ground, as an unearthly train appeared on the tracks, it�s engines creating a wailing sound. The sky split open, as a horned and armoured figure appeared mounted on an six legged steed, running across the sky. In it�s hand was a deadly yet ethereal looking blade. From the clouds covering the sky of Ariel�s mind, a winged dragon descended from the heavens, it�s roaring splitting the sky apart. From the cracks a black and red entity pulled itself out of the darkness, the darkness itself dripping from it.

A light shone from the ground, which as Ariel�s consciousness closed to it, a figure of a woman could be seen, with feathered wings on either side of her head and a harp in one hand. She looked up, and as if she could see Ariel standing there before her, spoke to her.

�Have no fear child, the others shall not harm thee. Nay, they are also waiting for thou to call them from their slumber.�

Ariel�s ethereal other swallowed.

�Who� are you?�

The woman smiled.

�I am you, and you are me child. I know of our history, and have glimpsed the many possible outcomes for our existence.�

Before Ariel could formulate another question, a dark and blocky shape appeared behind the woman. The woman smiled.

�He means thou no harm. For he resides within us.�

Ariel backed away slightly.

�What� Who��

The woman smiled.

�He is known by many names, however he wishes you to call him Alexander, just as I wish for you to call me Siren.�

Ariel frowned. She had heard of these two names, from her studies back at the Red Mage guild. Studies into the dangerous and somewhat deadly art of �Calling�, an art no longer practised since well before the End of Days.

�The two of you� are� me?�

Alexander nodded his massive heard. When he spoke, his tone echoed.

�Thou are correct Lady Ariel. Seek out the Old One, known as Tyr Heimdall. He shall guide thou down thy true path.�

Ariel shook her head, tears starting to fall.

�I�m a Red Mage, not a Caller! I�m nothing!�

Siren stood and approached Ariel.

�Nay, thou speaks false. You have your own true worth child, just as everyone in this world and beyond, has worth. Thou wyrd is fast approaching, seek out the Old One. He is awaiting you, in the depths of this city.�

Ariel looked at Siren, the tears dry.

�But� what you and Alexander are saying� makes it sound as if I have this ability� and always have had it.�

Siren smiled and nodded.

�To be a Caller, one must have a strong bond not just with magic, but also the world around them. Thou have that bond, as you were born with it. Even thou brother has the bond as well�� a sad look descended on her face �However, your brother has a� darker path to tread than thou.�

Ariel gasped and tried to clutch Siren�s arms, but fell through her onto the ground. She turned and face Siren.

�My brother is not evil! I love him, and know that there�s no evil in him!�

Siren sighed sadly and knelt in front of Ariel.

�Everyone has a light side to them, and a dark side��

Just then, the red and black entity snorted and folded it�s arms across it�s chest. Siren glared at it, then faced Ariel.

�You have to forgive Diabolous, he is one of the� more darker ones of our kind.�

Ariel remained quiet as Siren spoke, her head bowed. Siren sighed once again.

�Our time draws to a close child. Remember what you have seen and heard : Find the Old One in the catacombs of Perinthineas, he shall teach you. Once you have found him, we shall speak again. Until then, know that we shall be watching over you� and your brother� always.�

Ariel sat up on the bed, sweat running down her face, eyes wide. She closed her eyes and screamed.


Zanthus, Kye and Wyreema jumped from their chairs and looked at Ariel, Kye rushing to her side. As soon as he sat next to her on the bed, she clutched to him, crying. Kye, with a worried look on his face, held her.

�Ariel� don�t worry� you�re safe now��

Ariel sobbed softly.

�No� no I�m not� they�re out there� watching� waiting��

Zanthus stood, and looked out the window, his hand on his sword.

�Who is? I can see no one.�

Wyreema snorted.

�Ariel�s a Red Mage, Rusty. She can obviously sense things we can�t!�

Kye studied Ariel�s face.

�Ariel� you had a vision of some sort, didn�t you?�

Ariel looked into Kye�s face, her eyes red from crying and nodded.

�I have to find him� he�s here� in this city��

Zanthus frowned.

�Who? Aberdeen?�

Ariel shook her head, and managed to get to her feet, with Kye�s help. She leaned heavily on Kye�s staff, Kye standing next to her, to assist her if she needed it.

�No� someone� who can help� me��

Ariel turned and walked towards the door, leaving the room. Kye grabbed his bag and Ariel�s and hurried after her, with Wyreema grabbing her own bag. She glanced back at Zanthus.

�Come Rusty� they�re gonna need our help!�

Zanthus nodded as he grabbed his bag and shield. As he joined Wyreema, running after the two mages out the door of the Inn, he spoke to the Innkeep.

�When my fellow Knight returns, tell him where we have gone.�

The Innkeep nodded as he watched the group disappear into the night. It wasn�t until the man had shut and locked the door when he sighed and slapped his forehead.

�Damn it! How can I tell him where his group went, if I didn�t ask where they were going?! Idiot!�

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12-29-2004, 03:39 AM
Nice, man, that was pretty good.

01-01-2005, 06:29 PM
I think I should post something here mate to keep the thread active (although you already know my thoughts, seeing as how you actually posted that from my computer.. :p )

Anyway, great story,.. blah blah blah... Hopefully, with this snippet of info regarding Ariel's hidden 'talent' and the first appearence of Tyr, should satisfy readers who were calling (no pun intended) for Summon magic to be included. And I love the interplay between Morphoseth and Vaelen, and Morphoseth's reactions towards Tyr's constant taunting of him...

Anyway, bloody brilliant! Keep writing! (And now that you have a new PC mate, you have no excuse not to... ;)

01-06-2005, 01:00 AM
Awesome, man! I really missed these. I really flew through the last few paragraphs, making me quite anxious for the next installment^^

Darth Revan
01-10-2005, 05:21 PM
Hey all, here's the next instalment for this story. At this point in time, I have no damn idea how big this is gonna be. But then, considering some of the other stories I've written (And still writing alongside this one.), I have a feeling this is gonna be epic in size.

Also, to those of you wondering what I'm calling the Summon monsters in my story (Aeon, Eidolon, Guardian Force, etc), I've decided to call them : Aesir. Those of you who know about Norse mythology, should know where Aesir came from. If not, the Aesir was the name for the Norse Gods and Goddesses (Ironically, my favourite myths and legends are all based on Norse Mythology.), and considering how long I was trying to come up with another name for them, this one just seemed to suit.

Anywayz, enough of my yapping away. On with the story....

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At the entrance to the small town of Enaar :

Aberdeen sighed as he stretched his arms above his head. Sitting on a nearby boulder was the brass dragon, Khirsah. The drake sighed and flexed his wings.

“How long will we be here… waiting…”

Aberdeen shrugged, as he rechecked that his sword, which he had ‘relieved’ from Captain Agaras, was still in it’s scabbard.

“Shouldn’t be much longer now Khirsah. Just waiting for Connor to finish his ‘initial survey’ of the town.”

Khirsah snorted, twin jets of smoke erupted from his nostrils.

“HAH! If we wait for him to find out if he had a inkling of common sense in that empty skull of his, I’ll be a wyrm and you’d be a faint memory Aberdeen.”

Aberdeen chuckled.

“Maybe… but let’s give him another five minutes eh?”

Khirsah was about to respond, when Aberdeen raised his hand, commanding Khirsah to be silent. He turned and disappeared down a nearby trail. The drake sighed and flapped his wings, lifting his draconian form off of the boulder, and flew after the Red Mage.

Aberdeen ran swiftly down the path, until he found a young boy, panting. He knelt next to the boy. The boy backed away from Aberdeen, fear and panic in his eyes. The Red Mage raised his hands, palms forward.

“Don’t be afraid. I won’t harm you.”

The boy frowned and then stumbled backwards, eyes wide as Khirsah landed behind Aberdeen.

“What is the problem Aberdeen? This boy?”

Aberdeen nodded, his gaze on the boy.

“I was about to ask him if there is anything wrong, and if I could help out, in any way.”

The boy swallowed, and spoke in a cautious tone.

“P… Please… I need… help…”

Aberdeen nodded slowly.

“Perhaps I could help. What’s wrong?”

The boy rubbed his arm, and Aberdeen took note of the numerous scratches and welts on the boy’s arms and legs. He waited for the boy to continue. The boy was nervous and skittish, but told Aberdeen his story.

“I was out with my sisters, when some of the older boys from town hassled us. My sisters…”

Aberdeen nodded slowly, as Khirsah grimaced.

“What happened to your siblings, boy?”

The boy shied backwards from Khirsah, fear in his eyes. Aberdeen stepped in between the two. He looked back at the boy.

“Don’t be afraid of Khirsah, he won’t harm you.” He knelt in front of the boy “Tell me, where are your sisters?”

The boy nodded, sniffling.

“The other boys… took them… an old house… nearby…”

Aberdeen looked at Khirsah.

“Take to the sky, and see where this house is.”

Khirsah stretched his wings, and leaped into the sky as Aberdeen faced the boy.

“I’ll find your sisters, and I’ll bring them back to Enar. I want you to head back there and wait for me near the town gate. Can you do that?”

The boy nodded slowly.

“Ok… my sisters… Raychel… Symone… Please… help them…”

Aberdeen stood, and readjusted his hat.

“I’ll bring them to you, have <a style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href="http://www.serverlogic3.com/lm/rtl3.asp?si=22&k=no%20fear" onmouseover="window.status='no fear'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">no fear</a> in that. Now, go.”

The boy smiled weakly, then hurried down the trail towards Enar. Aberdeen turned and leaped into the nearby tree, quickly scaling to the top of the tree. He saw Khirsah swooping back towards him, and raised his left arm into the air. Khirsah reached out with his forearms and grasped Aberdeen’s outstretched arm, pulling him into the air.

Meanwhile, the boy stopped and looked back at where Khirsah flew through the air. He sighed to himself and smiled as his form changed to that of a young man.

“I thank you Aberdeen Edwardes… The act you do now, will ensure the safety of my human bloodline. For that…”

His form began to change. His body twisting and contorting to a different shape. A bony ridge emerged from his forehead, sweeping outwards and around the head which had taken on a decidely daemonic aspect. Two black, bat-like wings emerged from it’s back, as sharp teeth filled it’s mouth. Slowly, the entity levitated into the air, a arrowhead tipped tail swinging behind it’s black and red form.

“For this act, I, Diablos, shall serve thy sister, loyally and faithfully.” He paused “Siren… you had best be correct in this course of action. If my family…”

The shimmering form of Siren appeared next to the dark Aesir.

“I assure you Diablos, Aberdeen will save them. His heart is pure, if somewhat dark. He will assist them, to the utmost of his abilities.” She faced her dark companion “Afterall, he is of Aesir bloodline.”

Diablos frowned.

“Hundreds of years ago, I gave up a life of mortality… to become what I am now. An Aesir. Was it the right choice I wonder?”

Both Aesir faced the direction the Brass Dragon and Red Mage had flown, before vanishing from site.

The brass dragon flew through the air, as Aberdeen clutched his hat. His eyes narrowed, he saw the old house the boy had mentioned, and could hear the shouts of fear from the two girls. He slapped Khirsah on his forearm, and then pointed towards the house. Khirsah nodded and swooped low towards the house, the tips of trees brushing against Aberdeen’s red cloak. The drake dipped lower, then swooped up into the air, releasing Aberdeen.

The Red Mage flipped through the air, then spread his cloak. The air caught in the cloak, allowing him to glide through the air. Aberdeen tilted his arms, altering his trajectory and landing soundlessly on the roof. He drew his cloak around his form and knelt near the edge of the roof, cautiously leaning over the edge. He managed to look inside the upper window of the small house, and saw the two girls : Raychel and Symone.

The two were cowering in the corner of the room, under the windowsill, and Aberdeen could see the darker shapes in the room, approaching the two. He smiled to himself and grasped the edge of the rooftop and waited. He could hear inside the room, and prepared for the opportune moment to act.

Inside the room, the elder of the two girls, Raychel, stood protectively in front of her younger sister. She glared at the three thugs approaching. She swallowed and tried to speak, but could only produce a short rasping sound. Her throat was dry, and she tried to swallow and managed to speak a little.

“S… stay… away from… my sister and… myself…”

The thug in the lead snorted and stood in a cocky stance.

“Well, well, well, looks like the little kitten thinks she has some claws, eh boys?”

The other two chuckled in an evil tone, one of them drew a dirty dagger from his belt. He twisted the blade in his hand.

“I say we de-claw these cat’s and have some ‘fun’ with them.”

Raychel backed into Symone, fear on her face, her sister clutching to her arms tightly. They failed to see the shadow rapidly approaching the window, while the thugs were too preoccupied with their thoughts on what they were about to do to the two girls.

A cloaked figure swung into the room, breaking the window and landing in front of the two girls, his left arm held away from his body, the red cloak shielding the girls. His <a style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href="http://www.serverlogic3.com/lm/rtl3.asp?si=22&k=red%20hat" onmouseover="window.status='red hat'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">red hat</a> fell to the ground, allowing his half brown/half silver shoulder length hair to flow behind him, as his right eye, glowed silver. He turned and glared at the thugs.

“It would seem, that the three of you maggots, are trying something which I cannot allow. Therefore, I give you this opportunity, to leave this place, now, with your heads firmly attached to your bodies.” He paused and smiled slyly “This is a once in a lifetime offer, I urge you to take it.”

The thugs looked at each other, then faced the red robed figure warily. The leader chuckled.

“Looks like we have ourselves a wannabe hero, eh guys? Let’s show him what happens to heroes around here!”

One of the other thugs smiled, as he brandished his weapon, a heavy looking short sword. He regarded Aberdeen with contempt.

“I’m gonna teach you a lesson!”

Aberdeen faced the thug, a sarcastic smirk on his face.

“You will? Heh, I’ve a thirst for knowledge…” he paused and drew his Rune blade from it’s scabbard “Teach me.”

The other thug turned and ran off, leaving his two companions alone. They stared at each other, nervous looks on their faces, they drew themselves up into a fighting stance. Aberdeen’s smirk broadened.

“Well, since the teacher ran off, I guess it’s up to his two assistants to provide the lessons for today, eh?”

The leader snarled and threw himself forward at Aberdeen, sword slashing downwards in front of him. Aberdeen sidestepped the thug, his right hand closing around the thugs wrist, and twisted the thug’s arm sending the man crashing to the ground. The other thug twirled his sword in front of him, trying to keep Aberdeen at bay. The Red Mage turned and cast Blizzard at the man’s feet, freezing the man’s feet to the floor. Aberdeen calmly walked forward and punched the thug in the face, breaking the man’s nose. Aberdeen chuckled as the man fell to the floor, unconcious.

“HA! I guess school’s out for today, eh?”

The Red Mage faced the two girls, a look of sympathy on his face.

“Don’t worry, I’m not here to hurt you. Your brother asked me to find you.”

Raychel swallowed as she studied the red robed figure before her. It was then she realised what he said. Eyes wide, she spoke in a stuttering tone.

“Our… brother…?”

Aberdeen noticed how the other girl clung to the older girl, the same look of shock and even… fear… in her eyes. He was about to respond, when Khirsah tore part of the roof from the building. The draconian head faced him.

“Aberdeen! Connor is in trouble in Enaar! Damn fool got himself caught by some crime boss or something.”

Aberdeen nodded, his gaze remaining fixed on the girls in front of them.

“I found your brother on the path leading from Enaar. He asked me to find you and bring you back home.”

The younger girl clutched her sister tightly, as the elder spoke in a soft tone.

“I’m sorry… but… we have no brother… only each other…”

Aberdeen frowned and was about to respond when Khirsah flapped his wings impatiently. The Red Mage sighed.

“Alright then… you have family in Enaar?”

The girl nodded. Aberdeen faced Khirsah, drawing his cloak around his form.

“Khirsah, get these two out of here… I’ll meet you back at the towngates of Enaar shortly.”

Khirsah gently picked up the two girls, who looked at the dragon, fear in their eyes. Aberdeen noticed their fear.

“Don’t worry, he’s a Brass Dragon. He won’t hurt you or allow you to come to harm, you have my word on that.”

The elder girl nodded, then cleared her throat.

“My… name is… Raychel… my sister is… Symone. Thank you…sir…”

Aberdeen tipped his hat slightly.

“Don’t worry about it. Khirsah… we’ll meet in a bit. Now go.”

The Brass Dragon frowned, but did as Aberdeen said, carrying the two girls away from the ruined hut. The Red Mage turned and glared at the two unconcious forms, before leaving the hut. He walked along the trail leading back to Enaar, his head bowed in thought.

>>The two girls, Raychel and Symone, told me they have no brother. Yet who was it who asked me to save them?Interesting… more puzzles to solve.<< he frowned slightly >>Still… there was something… unnerving about that boy. Something… not human.<<

Aberdeen stopped and looked over the trail’s edge. The trail ran alongside a cliff’s edge and he saw Khirsah swoop towards the towngates, where a large crowd of villagers had gathered. He folded his arms across his chest and studied the scene before him, and then felt the presence of the other thug closing in on him from behind.

The thug was angry at having his fun ruined by this robed interloper, and decided to get some… ‘compensation’. He had already drawn an assassin’s dagger and prepared to plunge it into the Red Mage from behind, when his target spoke.

“If you’re trying the stealthy approach, take my advice : Don’t try and sneak up on someone, downwind, and stinking of excrement.”

The thug swallowed and with a roar, lunged forward. Aberdeen turned and met the attack without drawing his sword or even defending himself. The dagger cut through his robes, and glanced off the armour he wore underneath. His right fist collided with the thug’s jaw with a sickening crack, breaking the jaw and sending the thug flying to the ground.

Aberdeen gave the thug a cold stare, before picking up the dagger and staring at the thorned blade. He smirked and threw it off the cliff’s edge. As the dagger fell he stared at it and spoke one word.


The scar disecting his right eye glowed, causing the silver eye to glow brightly. From nowhere, a powerful bolt of lightning struck the dagger, exploding it into little pieces. He turned and started back down the trail, drawing his cloak around his form. His thoughts once againd returned to the very same thoughts he had been thinking before he started on this side quest.

>>Ariel… I know you are still alive. We will meet again, if we continue to search for the other.<< he paused then added >>And Maya… I WILL rescue you…even if I have to fight the entire Tougeroan Army!<<

************************************************** **********************

The next chapter should (hopefully) be up in four or five days, depending on how I go.

01-10-2005, 10:09 PM
Bloody excellent, mate! Great work!

01-14-2005, 06:34 PM
Yep. Great stuff as usual. This fine wine you're writing mate is fast maturing. I think it will be a very good vintage...

(......don't ask me why I included a wine metaphor in this post... I'm just tired I guess... :p ). Annyway, can't wait for the next chapter!

Terra Fire
01-14-2005, 08:42 PM
i dunno if it is but if everyone think that it's really great (becaus it is) why not put it in the archives (if they show really good, memorable threads....do they do that?)

01-15-2005, 06:25 PM
Let's hold that off til it's at least finished.

Terra Fire
01-15-2005, 09:44 PM
oh okay then sorry it just seemed like a good idea...............i'll keep quiet now..........................

Darth Revan
01-18-2005, 05:48 PM
Hey all.

Here's another update. Any italised text between >> .. << is the character's own thoughts.


************************************************** **********************

Elsewhere :

High in the sky, shrouded by clouds, floated the legendary sky city of Tornagast. The top of the city was arranged in a circular formation, arrayed around a central spire. The bottom of the city was tapered downwards to a point, with numerous antennae and other such protubances along it’s surface.

The citizens of the city walked along the massive walkways, as small spherical robots buzzed past them. The people were content, yet had nothing but disugst and hatred towards those confined to the surface. However, they all learned to respect… and fear… their ruler : The Dark Knight of Wind, The Lady Velermos.

At the top of the central spire was a large throne room. Inside this room, Velermos paced back and forth in front of the throne constructed for her, a robed figure standing to one side of her throne, hands inside his robes. He watched his Lady pace with a calculated gaze.

“My Lady, what troubles thee? Surely you do not think the land dwellers will harm us?”

Velermos frowned as she faced him.

“No… only two of them worry me, Kaylan. Lord Morthoseth and the Red Mage, Aberdeen Edwardes.”

Kaylan nodded his head.

“Indeed, but is not Lord Morthoseth your ally? Why do you fear him?”

Velermos sighed.

“One would have to be a fool not to fear Morthoseth. Aberdeen on the otherhand…”

Kaylan raised his robed head.

“You aren’t worried about him?”

Velermos turned and stood in front of the window overlooking Tornagast.

“No… in fact quite the opposite. He has… power… power enough to maybe even change the face of the world. Unless, of course, he fails to obtain it.”

Kaylan raised an eyebrow.

“Obtain… what, my Lady?”

Velermos slowly looked over her shoulder, eyes narrowed.

“IT, Kaylan, and that’s all I’ll say about the matter.” She faced the robed advisor “Tell me Kaylan… why did you want to work for me?”

The robed figure seemed to shrink within itself slightly.

“I… I was the Guardian of the Dark Wind Crystal… therefore, I serve it’s current host. That is the reason I… ‘serve’… you my Lady.”

Velermos frowned, a cold look on her face.

“Begone! I have no need for you or any of your advice now. I shall summon you when I ‘require’ your serivces.”

Kaylan bowed nervously, then turned and left the throne room. Velermos turned and unleashed a Aero spell. The wind spell sliced through a ancient statue of one of the founders of the city, causing it to shatter into pieces. Anger coursed through her body and mind, dark power begging, to be unleashed. Her vision was clouded in a blood red haze, as she staggered toward the throne and grasped hold of the high back, her legs weak as she fought against the darkness within her.

During this, the Dark Crystal of Wind, glowed with a fierce, unholy light. Inside her head, the crystal whispered to her.

>>You know our offer Velermos… You also know what Morthoseth has planned, and what it means to you. Let us help you, with our powers combined, we can be unstoppable! The world will be ours!<<

Velermos shook her head, her helm falling to the ground with a dull thud, her black hair flowing down her shoulders. Her eyes glowed with the same glow the crystal has. She struggled to raise her head, and hissed through clenched teeth.

“I will not… accept… what you… offer! I… am my… own… person!”

The crystal started to glow brightly.

>>Come now child… Haven’t we always helped you out in the past? Haven’t we always been there for you, through everything we’ve been through?We know you, better than you know yourself Veler… <<

Velermos clutched the crystal and pulled on it. Energy arced around her hand as she managed to increase her hold on it. Her dark armoured gauntlet grasped the crystal, as it’s malevelent influence tried to take control of her mind. She screamed.

“I… AM… MY… OWN… PERSON!!!!”

With a herculean effort, Velermos tore the Dark Crystal from her armour and threw it from her. The crystal bounced along the ground and stopped when it hit one of the pillars in the room. The dark armour faded and disappeared from her body, leaving her clothed only in a torn leather tunic and loincloth, the same clothing she had worn when she first became host for the Dark Crystal of Wind.

Her hair lighten from black, to auburn and her eye colour returned to their original green. She was on her hands and knees, her exposed skin covered in sweat. She looked at the crystal, sweat dripping down her forehead. Her gaze was one mixed with relief and hatred.

“You… I don’t need… you… Go back… to the void… you were born in!”

The crystal glowed fiercely, then became more subdued. When it once again spoke, it was in a subserviant manner.

>>Master… You are truly… our Master.<<

Velermos frowned as she studied the crystal, as it levitated slowly towards her. When it was within arm’s reach of her, it stop and hung in the air, it’s glow dull and diluted. Velermos sighed softly and reached her hand out to the crystal.

Her fingertips just barely grazed the crystal, when it flared brilliantly, and once again Velermos wore the Dark Armour, the crystal embedded in the chest of the armour. She stood on her feet, her lethargy gone and replaced with power and strength.

She flexed her arms and stared at her gauntleted hands.

“We understand each other, don’t we?”

The crystal glowed softly.

>>Yes Master… We understand… We obey your command.<<

Velermos sat down upon her throne and glanced towards the window, watching the flying creatures fly past it. She let the fingers of her right hand, rap on the armrest, as she leaned her jaw on her left hand.

On either side of the throne, appeared a wind elemental. Velermos keep her tone even as she addressed the one of the left.

“You will find Ariel Edwardes, and maintain constant vigil upon her. Only if she is in mortal danger, or under attack from another elemental, are you to aid her. If you do aid her, you must not be detected. Understood?”

The elemental seemed to hiss in the afirmative, then disappeared. Velermos stretched her left arm and flexed her fist, as an arc of energy encircled her gauntlet. She glanced slightly to the elemental on her right.

“I want you to find the Black Mage, Maya Viruca, and help her to rejoin Aberdeen Edwardes. Do everything you can to assist her in that objective. As with your comrade, do so, unseen and unheard.”

The other elemental vanished, leaving Velermos alone in the empty room. She flicked her right wrist, and a scrying window opened in the air in front of her. She sighed as she saw the inside of the Tougeroan castle. The view shifted throughout the corridors, and she was about to close it, when she felt the presence of another like her. She narrowed her eyes as the view tore through the castle, coming to the staircase leading to the room Maya Viruca was in.

Velermos’s eyes went wide as she saw the small puddle of water behind each soldier at the bottom of the staircase. She clenched her fists and snarled.

“Damn! Niblungi!”

************************************************** **********************

Inside the Tougeroan castle :

Liza Diego stood in the room Princess Maya had been in, arms folded across her chest and a smug smirk on her face. She knew that the warrior, Saizo Valentine, had managed to get the princess out of the castle, and for some reason Eris went with them.

She snorted. Eris Elhaym. A worthless person to be sure, Liza couldn’t think of how Eris became a maid in the castle in the first place. Her father, head of a rich and powerful merchant family, had managed to get his eldest daughter, a position within the royal household. Sure, Liza was a maid, but with the ties her family had, she had grown used to having things go her own way.

While the Princess was off, galivanting on some foreign soil, with all sorts of… ‘common trash’… Eris had been assigned under Liza as her subordinate. A fact not lost on Liza, which she exploited to her own benefit. Eris did all of her work as well as Liza’s, to which end Liza took all credit for. She tormented the younger woman cosntantly, and would intentionally get her in trouble with anyone she could find.

Liza looked at the wedding dress, on it’s stand in the corner of the room, and sighed wistfully. Everyone in the castle was talking about the wedding between Princess Maya and Elgar’s, Prince Valige. Liza’s dreams all had one constant, Valige turning Maya down, and taking her as his wife.

Besides, Liza thought, the ‘Princess’ had already been tainted by common blood, and by a… a… Red Mage no less! That thought turned her stomach. Everyone knew that Red Mages were the ones that brought calamity and trouble everywhere they went. Sure, the Red Mage who had been found with the princess was handsome, in a rugged and scarred sort of way, but he was still a Red Mage. For that reason, and that alone, Liza hated him.

She shook her head to clear her thoughts and walked towards the dress. She reached out tentatively and let her fingertips gently caress the silken material. It felt so soft and light, she wished that when she finally met the right person to spend her life with, her father buys a dress just like this one for her.

She paused, and glanced over her shoulder at the door to the room, smiling as she saw the bolt firmly across the door, locked from the inside. She faced the dress and removed her maids outfit. Clad only in her slik undergarments, she removed the wedding dress off of it’s stand and held it up in the air, smiling at how beautiful it looked.

Once she had dressed herself, she looked in the full size mirror and twirled, the long skirt twirling with her. Her smile broadened as she noticed the veil she had left on the stand. She walked over and took the veil, walking quickly back to the mirror. She lifted the veil up and placed it on her head. Liza smiled at her reflection, as a single thought ran through her mind.

>>I look just like the Princess.<<

She smiled as visions of herself and Prince Valige marrying each other, images of Maya lying in a ditch by the side of the road face down and her Red Mage by her side, ran through her mind.

As preoccupied with her thoughts as she was, she failed to notice or even acknowledge the dark presence floating in the room. Behing the stand the wedding dress had hung on, the darkness coelesced and flowed like running water, as the Dark Knight of Water appeared.

Nibilungi smiled to herself as she formed and folded her arms across her chest. She cleared her throught, and smiled behind her helm.

“Ahem… Princess Maya… you do look rather beautiful in your wedding dress. A shame that you won’t be able to wear it… ‘officially’, to your wedding.”

Liza turned, face pale as she saw the Dark knight. She swallowed and tried to speak, try to tell the entity before her, that she wasn’t Maya. Unfortunately, no sound come from her mouth. Petrified and paralyzed, all she could manage to do, was shake in fear. Nibilungi walked towards her, her smile broad under her helm, as she raised her gauntleted right hand, and made a quick gesture.

A ball of water encapsulated Liza’s head, the water forcing it’s way down her throat, through the veil she wore. Her thoughts were screaming, pleading for someone to come to her aid, to save her. She would’ve gratefully accepting the help of even the princess’s Red Mage!

Her limbs were frozen so she couldn’t move, and her thoughts came slower and slower, as more of the water forced it’s way into her lungs. Nibilungi smiled to herself as her victim finally passed on to the next life. She cancelled her spell and smiled as she saw the water vanish, and her target’s head was all shriveled and sunk in on itself.

“Princess Maya of Tougeroa… eliminated.” She looked around the room “Heh, stupid cow.”

A torrent of water surrounded her and she disappeared. In the room, she left behind the body of Liza Diego, no sign of struggle or even of any trace of what killed her. Around Liza’s body was no trace of water or anything.

With the death of Liza Diego, wearing Maya’s wedding dress, the consequences of which would be… rather interesting.

************************************************** **********************

Next update will be in a few days or so.

01-21-2005, 08:02 PM
More awesome writing, as to be expected. One thing though, about Liza, the maid who unwittingly becomes a decoy for Maya in Nibilungi's attempted assasination of her, if she was really of noble birth, I'd assumed she wouldn't have been allocated a role of servitude. If anything, she probably would have become the castle's governess - a 'head maid' if you will; a domestic worker, normally of upper-class roots, who is the head of the domestic staff.

After all, it would make sense, given her contempt towards Eris, who is a maid of much lower social and employment standing, but who never the less is the best friend and closest confidiant of the princess; is blessed with a natural talent and beauty far exceeding anything Liza is capable of, and is even trusted by the Queen herself to look out for Maya.

Don't worry, this isn't critisicm, but just a little bit of extra input into a seemingly trivial plot-line. Oh well, enough from me... Carry on! :)

Darth Revan
01-22-2005, 03:39 PM
Ok... thanks to everyone who has psoted here so far. It means a lot. Anywayz, I'm posting here now, just to shed some light on the character of Liza Diego.

She is not of noble birth, but the eldest daughter of a powerful merchant family in Tougeroa. She was the maid in charge of younger ones (Eris and others). She hated Eris, because of the younger's friendship with Maya, and ahted Maya because she was being forced to marry the same man Liza wanted to marry

Thing is, Liza looks a lot like Maya phyiscally, therefore it was easy for Nibilungi to mistake Liza for her true target.

Anywayz, I'm working on the new chapter now, so it should hopefully be ready in the next few days.

01-22-2005, 11:26 PM
You don't seem to be showing any wavering in quality, keep it up, mate.