Darth Revan
03-05-2004, 12:49 PM
Hey all. This is a original FF story I've just started work on. Basically, in this world Red Mages are not respected and treated poorly. This story has the job class system from Final Fantasy One as well as Final Fantasy Tactics, in which characters are members of Guilds. Basically, there's a guild for every job class.

Anywayz, here's the first chapter. Any text written in italics, and between an *, is a character's thoughts.


Final Fantasy - Rise of the Red Mages

Chapter One

It has been three hundred years since the event, everyone refers to as, the End of Days. No one knows how the End of Days was brought about, although an obscure religious sect of Monks claim that the eight crystals, which maintained the balance and harmony of the world, four of them, the crystal of Light Wind, crystal of Light Water, the crystal of Dark Earth and the crystal of Dark Fire, were stolen from their sacred altars and hidden somewhere in this new world. Since that time, the world has been cast into darkness. Everything the world once was, is gone. Technology and science, abandoned to barbaric medieval anarchy, respect being brought by whoever has the strongest sword arm or magical spell.

Guilds have opened across the many continents, specializing in a certain trade. Warrior, Thief, Black Mage, White Mage amongst the many others. Those studying the ancient arts of combat, the Monks, were called on as those to uphold justice. However, there is also another Guild, frowned upon by many, because of the nature of the trade taught there. Whereas the other guilds focused just on one trade, this one combined three trades into one, the Guild of the Red Mages.

Red Mages, taught in the art of White Magic and Black Magic, but whereas Mages of these two arts are prohibited in wielding edged weaponry, the Red Mages were also taught in the art of the Warrior, wielding swords and wearing armour.

Within the Mythril mining city of Ataan and in it�s chapter of the Red Mage guild, two exceptionally gifted and skilled members, brother and sister, were currently in a disagreement with the head of their Guild.

�This is preposterous! I can�t believe you�re gonna cave in to the other three Guilds and roll over?!? What about all of our colleagues here, what�s gonna happen to them!?!�

Behind a big wooden desk, the elderly Guildmaster sighed as he regarded the two Red Mages before him. He had this discussion with them numerous times over the past few days, and it always ended the same, the female Red Mage being restrained by her red robed brother, who also wore a similar look of outrage on his face.

�I�m afraid that there�s nothing which I can do. We all knew this day was going to arrive, and now it has. As of this morning, the Ataan Guild of Red Mages, is closed. All former members have until daybreak tomorrow to be out of town, or risk the repercussions.�

The male Red Mage, Aberdeen Edwardes, spoke in a quiet tone.

�And what are the members supposed to do? Flee to the Karet or Mineous chapters of the Guild? Karet is a one week journey from here and Mineous is even longer. Do you really think any of us would survive the journey?�

His sister, Ariel Edwardes added.

�As soon as we step foot out of this Guild, we�ll be lynched and hung.�

The Guildmaster sighed. Aberdeen and Ariel weren�t making things easy for him, and never did. But he had to admit, they were the best Red Mages he had ever had the pleasure of serving under him.

�Aberdeen, Ariel, I know this is hard for the two of you to understand, but please listen to me. Ever since the Mayor�s youngest son was inadvertently killed by a member of our order, we�ve been forced not just by the other Guild�s, but also the Mayor himself to leave this town and never return.� The old man sighed �I wish there was another way to all of this, but there isn�t. I�m sorry.�

Aberdeen�s eyes narrowed, the Guildmaster and even his sister backing off slightly. Aberdeen�s left eye was hazel, just like the long hair on the left side of his head. On the right side, his hair was the colour of dragonsilver, as was his right eye. A jagged scar ran down the right side of his face, intersecting his right eye. The scar was always a bad subject with Aberdeen, seeing as how he had been given it. He had received it during a fight against a former and ally and best friend.

His sister swallowed and spoke.

�Look, all that Aberdeen and myself want to say is��

The Guildmaster raised his hand to stop her from speaking.

�I know Ariel, I�ve heard you raise this point many times. As it stands, the three of us are the only Red Mages still here in Ataan. The only bit of advice I can tell you, is to leave Ataan immediately. Hoigreh, Suzann and Shanos have already left the town. If you don�t leave, I fear what happened to Reogor and Jaonos, could befall you.� He looked at the two before him fondly �And that�s something, I could not bear to stand.�

Ariel sighed and lowered her head, her auburn bangs falling among her shoulders. Aberdeen put his hand on his sibling�s shoulder and looked at the Guildmaster, a look of seriousness on his face.

�Master� who know Ariel and myself consider you to be the closest thing to a parent we�ve ever had. We�re not going to abandon our home and you, to this mob.�

Ariel nodded

�Besides, we can�t leave you here��

The Guildmaster stood on shaky feet, his hands holding onto the table. He gazed at the two before him, fondness in his eyes.

�I�m afraid I won�t be accompanying the two of you. I�m too old to survive the trek, and I do not think I will survive it.� He walked out from behind his desk, to the two siblings. As he approached them, he put one hand on their right shoulders �The two of you, I have cared and raised since I find you as babes, all those years ago. I still have friends here, though not many, who will endeavour to deliver me from this tyranny we�re facing. Please, my son and daughter, flee while you still can.�

Ariel, eyes watering, nodded, her head bowed. Aberdeen meanwhile, kept the cold look on his face. He didn�t like this idea one minute, but he had no choice in the matter. He shifted into �professional� mode.

�Very well sir, as per your last order, Ariel and myself shall leave Ataan immediately, and head for either Karet or Mineous. Are there any last minute instructions you have for us, sir?�

Ariel looked at her brother, then at their �father�. The guildmaster removed two heavy pouches from within his robes and handed them to his children. Inside were was the amount of eight hundred Gil. Aberdeen and Ariel both were about to speak, when their father stopped them again.

�You�ll need the Gil. In that trunk, you�ll find some potions, a tent as well as provisions. I�m afraid that I have no Chocobo�s left, Hoigreh and his two companions took the last ones yesterday. Go to the stablemaster Glhive, and he�ll give you two horses. Don�t flee to Karet or Mineous, that�s what the Mayor and his supporters will suspect. Head for the port of Labthynea. The Guildmaster of the Black Mage guild is my younger brother. Tell him, Fabrius, has sent you. He will aid you.�

Aberdeen, had already opened the trunk alongside the wall and removed the supplies. He turned and looked at his sister and father.

�What if...�

At a look from his father, he clamped his mouth shut. He recognized the look on the old man�s face instantly. It was then he knew his father�s fate. He grasped his sister�s shoulder.

�It�s time we left Ariel. We�ve got a lot of ground to cover.�

The Guildmaster nodded in agreement.

�Ariel, Aberdeen, the two of you are family. You can only truly trust and depend upon each other. During your journey ahead, you will need each other and the strength you share to overcome whatever adversity you face. Even if you have companions join you, remember you can only trust each other, no one else.� He paused �Blood is blood, everyone else, are just a stranger.�

Ariel and Aberdeen faced their father, Ariel hugging him while Aberdeen watched quietly from the side. Both siblings turned and headed for the door, leading into what once was the common area of the guild, and looked back at their father, who had made his way back to his seat and sat down.

Aberdeen walked towards one of the secret guild doors, leading to a tunnel heading towards the stables, his red hat already on his head. His long sword sheathed at his side, as he handed his sister her blade. No sooner had she buckled the blade to her belt, her hat on her head, the main door of the guild started to shake, as strong poundings could be heard.

The two siblings had just fled into the tunnel, sealing the door behind them, as the main door shattered under the blows, and the Mayor�s other son, entered, his own group of fighters with him. One of them, was a White Mage, by the name of Kye Havard, who frowned on the course of action he was being forced to take.

Kye looked around him and sighed. Inside the former Guild of the Red Mages with him, were two Black Mages, a warrior and the Mayor�s son, Sascha, leading them.

�Find them! All Red Mages are to be brought before the gallows in the central plaza immediately!�

Kye looked at Sascha, shock on his face.

�Excuse me, but don�t the Red Mages have until tomorrow to leave town or risk execution?�

One of the Black Mages, Motrud, snickered.

�Ohh, what�s the matter? The White Robe afraid to get his precious white robes dirty? Poor baby!�

The other Black Mage, Othoirs, laughed in a sinister tone.

�That�s just what the Mayor told them. In reality, they had to be out of town BEFORE he had finished giving that speech. Remember those three we caught before coming here?� He looked at the Warrior �What were those three called?�

The warrior, Nisu smirked.

�I believe they were once called Hoigreh, Suzann and Shanos. Hoigreh really squealed as the rope jerked his neck.� He paused �A shame about Suzann, she really had potential��

Sascha looked at Nisu from the corner of his eye.

�Potential, eh Nisu? What as, dare I ask?�

Nisu laughed.

�She had the potential to be a good distraction, and a way for,� he smiled evilly �Relief for men to use her for.�

As the others laughed, Kye felt his stomach turn. He couldn�t believe what the town had degenerated into, a pack of wolves baying for the blood of anyone wearing red robes. He had a feeling that the murder of Sascha�s brother, Edmund by a Red Mage, was a conspiracy just to get rid of Red Mages from this town. However, he found his pleas were falling on deaf ears, as his own place within the Ataan chapter of White Mages was currently under review. He turned and leaned against the wall, his mind made up, to leave this town as soon as Sascha had finished in the Red Mage guild.

Sascha opened the door to the Guildmaster�s office and found the former head slumped in his chair, breathing shallowly. With no remorse whatsoever, he drew his sword and sliced the old man�s head off completely, grasping the fallen head by the hair and exiting the guild, ignoring the looks of joy and happiness on the face of his companions, the look of terror and shock on Kye�s face. No sooner had Kye�s group left the guild, Motrud and Othoirs, turned and cast Fire onto the wooden beams and the red drapes within the Guild hall, the firelight reflecting in their eyes as the Guild caught ablaze and started to burn fiercely. Sascha laughed as did Nisu and the Black Mages, whilst Kye turned away and vomited onto the ground, his face pale and sweaty. He had just inadvertently participated in the taking of a life, breaking his vows and the White Mage oath.

Nisu looked at the hunched over White Mage.

�You knew this was going to happen Havard, no use acting upset now. Besides, the head of your guild has decreed that the life taking of the Red Mages, is of no concern to you lot. Their lives are meaningless and worthless. Why do you act so� upset?�

Kye looked over his shoulder at Nisu.

�ALL life is precious Nisu. It is a thing granted to us all by a higher power, and one which should not be taken until the time is right! What we have just been party to, we shall never be forgiven for.�

Motrud snorted and hit Kye with his staff.

�I know you White Mages are a sniveling bunch of cowards and pant wetters, but YOU, Kye Havard, are even worse! You are the most pitiful wretch of a White Mage, nay, a human being I have ever encountered in my whole life!�

Kye turned and glared at the Black Mage, anger on his face.

�At least I am HUMAN! Not like you, or the rest of you! You make me sick, with your acts of so called �vengeance�. One day, after this blind hatred is over, the vengeance of the Red Mages were come calling, and I pray you live long enough to experience your own deaths, just like Hoigreh, Suzann and Shanos!�

With that said, Kye stormed off, anger in every step he took. Nisu looked at Sascha, who had already impaled the head of the Red Mage guildmaster on a stake, and thrust the stake into the ground, in front of the flaming guild hall.

�Sascha, what are we going to do about Kye? He�s going to cause trouble��

Sascha looked at Nisu, a sinister smile on his face.

�Don�t worry, we�ll take care of him when we�ve killed those two Red Mages who�ve managed to escape us.�

Nisu sighed.

�You mean the Edwardes?�

Sascha nodded.

�As much as I like Ariel, she and her brother must die, and will die before my eyes. They�re Red Mages, and Red Mages are to be executed.�

As Sascha and the Black Mages headed off, Nisu frowned and glanced at the burning hall.

*I fear, the slaying of the Edwardes will be near impossible for us to carry out. After all, if Knight Morthoseth could not slay Aberdeen Edwardes, and was in turn slain by his target, what chance do we have?*


So what do you think? Please let me know, by posting a reply. The next chapter should be up in a week or so.

Lightning Mage
03-05-2004, 03:43 PM
Magnificent writing, man!
I could understand the whole thing.
Great piece.:cool:

Landlord of Sector 7
03-06-2004, 12:32 AM
Wow DO0od. That was very vivid and descriptive. I am not trying to be disrespectful but the only thing I thought was wrong with it was that small parts of it were a little bit repetitive (ex. it said like Aberdeen and Ariel alot in a small period of time) other than that though man that was really really good. I especially liked the Guilds part because I don't see that very much anymore. (p.s. I am starting a fighters guild in clubs if you want to join)


03-06-2004, 09:26 AM
this is by far the best FF fan fiction I've ever read! this tronces over all the other FFXV stuff (sorry LM)! this should be used as XV instead. you're onto a real winner here. can't wait for chapter 2. you got real talent man.

03-06-2004, 05:26 PM
It seems there's yet a third contestant in the FFXV contest... Looks like he's stolen the lead too... If this keeps up(I mean if this gets out of hand enough), we might just see one of these guys get a contract. XD!

03-06-2004, 07:36 PM
now we know who voted "They're both shite! I'm gonna go off and write my own one" :D

Lightning Mage
03-07-2004, 12:11 AM
So now this is a competition?:(

I was just writing so people could see it and tell me their thoughts. I don't care if I don't "win", just as long as it's better than ff MASTER's. ( Just kidding, dude.:D )
ff MASTER's is cool.

Just remove me from your sad little "Who has the better FFXV story?" tournament.
I was the first one to make a FFXV story anyway.:sad:

*walks out of house and pulls a fake ID from pocket. heads towards nearest bar*

Darth Revan
03-07-2004, 12:41 PM

Thanks for all the positive reviews, I really appreciate it. I've noticed how some are saying that there's FFXV story contest or something similar to that going on here. I never really knew there was a contest going, as I'm just a person who enjoys writing, and this is actually my second Final Fantasy story, the first being based 700 yrs after Final Fantasy VIII, called FFVIII Lionwing (Also posted here.).

Still, I must be writing something good here, for people to like it. For that, I'm grateful. Anywayz, here's the second chapter. It's a little shorter than the first one, but there's a rather short and one sided battle and... Hey, I won't spoil it for you. Have a read of it, and let me know what you think.


Chapter Two :

Seven days later :

Aberdeen sighed as he looked back at his sister, dragging her feet along the path they trode. They did have horses at the beginning of their journey, but the stablemaster had been rather� reluctant� to part any of his horses, with the exception of the two he gave the siblings. Aberdeen had reservations in regards to the horses they were given, they were old and on their last legs. Indeed, only a day into their journey, Ariel�s horse collapsed on the side of the road, and no matter how many cure spell�s she cast, the horse never rose again. It was at that time, Aberdeen wished they had studied White Magic more, instead of Black Magic and their sword technique, combining both forms into one deadly and unique combat style.

Aberdeen�s horse had died four days after they started out, being attacked and devoured by two Centrusks, big heavy creatures, on squat legs with a overtly large, pointed and serrated horn jutting out from their foreheards, as well as two sharp tusks from either side of their mouths. Fortunately, they were easy to kill, and Aberdeen and Ariel had been walking towards the port of Labthynea, which at their current speed, would take them two weeks to get to.

He wished he had a Chocobo. A two week journey by foot, would only by a 2 day journey by Chocobo. He sighed as he readjusted their supplies in the bag he wore on his back, his sister carrying only her sword. Aberdeen decided to call a break for a short time, and while they rested, they discussed their plan for when they reached Labthynea.

�What should we do brother? I mean, this whole continent isn�t friendly to Red Mages. Where should we go?�

Aberdeen took a mouthful of water from his gourd and passed it to his sister.

�We follow our father�s advice. Contact the Black Mages in Labthynea, and see if they can help us.�

Ariel looked at him, as she handed the drinking gourd back to him.

�Is that wise? I mean considering what the Ataan guild of Black Mages was like?�

Aberdeen corked the gourd and replaced it back in their bags.

�Personally, I think the Mayor had gotten the members of the other Guild�s turned against us, for his own purpose. Remember, Ataan is the only mining town where Mythril can be found, so he has that as a huge bargaining tool over the Guilds.�

Ariel snorted.

�I thought the Guilds were supposed to be neutral in all matters? I guess Ataan was the exception.�

Aberdeen nodded.

�Yeah� still, at least Hoigreh, Suzann and Shanos escaped. Hopefully they headed for Labthynea as well, and we can meet up with them there.�

Ariel smiled softly, at the mention of Suzann�s name. She knew her brother and Suzann had a relationship of sorts, and had often teased him about it.

�I�ll bet she�s waiting for us in Labthynea, waiting for you to spend some �quality� time together with her.�

Aberdeen looked at his sister, his face red.

�You�ve been peeking through keyholes again, haven�t you and��

Just then the ground rumbled, causing both siblings to the feet. Ariel turned and pointed at a cloud of dust, which was rapidly getting bigger.


Aberdeen drew his sword.

�Yeah, on Chocobos. Ready yourself sis, I don�t think Ataan has finished with us yet.�

A few minutes had passed and five Chocobos stopped a few metres short of the two Red Mages, their riders glaring at them, well, four of them. The fifth, the White Mage, wore a look of disgust on his face, knowing what was to come. The leader rode his Chocobo forward, his sword drawn.

�Red Mages, for crimes against the township of Ataan, you have been found guilty by a just and true panel of your peers�� At that comment, the two Black Mages sniggered as the Warrior kept his gaze on Aberdeen �And as being found guilty, your punishment is to be death. Sentence to be carried.. WAAAAAHHHH!!!�

The leader fell off of his Chocobo, as Ariel had cast fire on a branch in front of the bird. No sooner had that happened, Aberdeen cast bolt on one of the Black Mages, who was caught unprepared for the attack, and whose charred and blackened body fell from his Chocobo to the ground, dead. The warrior leaped from his Chocobo, sword held true before him, as he aimed for Aberdeen. But the Red Mage was ready, and swatted the warrior�s sword out of the outstretched hand with his own sword. He then kicked the warrior hard in the neck, the bone snapping and the head going limp. The warrior fell to the ground, lifeless.

These events had happened so quickly, the other Black Mage, Motrud, was caught completely unawares. He snarled and prepared to cast fire 2, when the White Mage smashed his staff against the back of Motrud�s head, causing the Mage to fall to the ground, unconscious. The leader, Sascha, tried to stand, but found himself staring at two long blades, being pressed against his chest. He wore a fearful look as he stared at the two Red Mages.

�G� Go ahead� Kill me! Just like you killed my brother! O�One day, I shall be avenged!�

Aberdeen snorted.

�I have no time for this crap from you Sascha.� He lifted the young man by his collar �Go back to your father, and tell him you failed in your task, and that your friends here paid the price for his stupidity!�

Ariel, in the meantime, had taken the armour off of the warrior and taken his sword. She moved to the two Black Mages and took their spell components and staffs. She bound the unconscious Black Mage, and looked at the White Mage, still sitting on his Chocobo, surprise on her face as she recognised him.

�I don�t believe it, Kye Havard, what are you doing travelling with this scum?�

Kye smiled grimly.

�Following orders of a Guildmaster, who has caved in to the Mayor�s demands and licks the boots of said mayor.�

Ariel and Kye looked over at Aberdeen, who had removed the armour and sword belt from Sascha, and then tied his arms behind his back, throwing the young man next to the Black Mage, who was starting to wake up.

�The two of you can leave here Sascha, and know thee this. If I ever, see you again, I will kill you.�

Sascha nodded, face white as he managed to stand and back away. Motrud followed suite, and backed away, fear and anger glowing in his eyes. Aberdeen cast a bolt at the ground in front of them, causing the two to turn tail and run, heading back to Ataan, minus this Chocobos. Aberdeen turned and faced Kye, arms folded across his chest.

�Well Kye, where do you stand in all of this?�

Kye sighed and leaned back in his saddle.

�I�m against all of this Aberdeen, you should know that. Especially after what they did to��

Ariel looked at him, eyes narrow.

�Did to who?�

Kye sighed again and dismounted, leading his Chocobo over to the others, tied to a tree in the shadows. He sat down and bade the siblings to do likewise.

�Sascha, being the bloodthirsty wretch he is, slew your Guildmaster, before having Motrud and Othoirs, burning the guild hall to the ground.�

Ariel, wearing a look of shock and grief, started to cry, her tears running down her face, as Aberdeen�s face hardened into a emotionless look. When he spoke, his tone was quiet and cold.

�What about the three Red Mages who left the day before? Hoigreh, Suzann and Shanos?�

Kye sighed and ran a hand through his short light brown hair.

�They were captured by Sascha, before they even left town. He had them tortured for a full day and night, before killing them individually, and by his own hand. Hoigreh was hung in the central square and Shanos was burnt alive.�

Aberdeen lowered his head, his hat obscuring his face. Ariel, weeping softly, then asked the question, Aberdeen wanted an answer to.

�What about Suzann?�

Kye, having known the siblings for some time, also knew of Aberdeen and Suzann�s relationship. He paused and looked at Aberdeen, his face sorrowful.

�I�m sorry Aberdeen, I knew how much Suzann meant to you.�

His response was cold.

�How did she die?�

Kye lowered his own head, then looked at Ariel and Aberdeen.

�Suzann was tortured by Sascha himself. I found out from Nisu,� he motioned to the body of the dead warrior �That Sascha �entertained� himself with her, the night before she died. Early the next morning, he and Nisu, lead Suzann into the forest, where they stripped her of her clothes and Sascha killed her with his own hands.�

Aberdeen�s head was bowed, but when his shoulders started to shake, he stood and let a roar of anger escape his lips, as he turned and hit the tree with his fist, cracking the bark. He fell to his knees, emotions running through him. Ariel stood and approached her brother.


Aberdeen regained his composure immediately, the cold emotionless mask back in place upon his face as he stood, turned and looked at Ariel and Kye.

�We leave for Labthynea immediately. When Sascha and Motrud return to Ataan, they�ll most probably follow us with more troops. I guess we�ll have at the most 3 weeks until they return. We have to make sure that either we�re in a secure place within Labthynea, or far from it.�

Ariel, tears on her face, sighed.

�Aberdeen� don�t hide what your feeling��

Aberdeen had tied his pack to a Chocobo, along with the armour and weaponry taken from Nisu and Sascha. He then mounted the Chocobo and gazed at the two before him.

�Hurry and mount, we�re leaving now.�

As Aberdeen jerked the reins, turning his Chocobo away, Kye helped Ariel onto her Chocobo and mounted his own, grasping the reins of the remaining two Chocobos. Kye looked back at the fallen bodies of Nisu and Othoirs, a sorrowful look on his face.

�I told you the vengeance of the Red Mages would fall upon you, and I was right.�

Kye and Ariel rode after Aberdeen, and the three headed towards Labthynea at a fast trot, distance flying by as the Chocobos ran.

************************************************** *********************

Port of Labthynea :

Aberdeen handed the reins of the Chocobo he had borrowed from his failed assassin, to the stablemaster, in exchange for 700 Gil pieces. His sister and Kye also selling the Chocobo�s they had, as well as the two spare Chocobos, earning them 3,500 Gil, enough to resupply, buy some more equipment and a room at the nearby Inn.

Aberdeen and Ariel had already sold their leather armour, longswords and leather gloves to a shopkeeper, deciding to use the armour and weapons they took from Sascha and Nisu, two days ago. Kye watched them as they attached the Mythril shinguards in place, as well as the Mythril braces, having already donned the Mythril chainmail before hand.

Aberdeen noticed the look on Kye�s face.

�It was either them or us Kye.�

Kye nodded.

�I know that Aberdeen, but I still find the idea of robbing from the dead and defeated to be particularly morbid. But that�s just from a White Mage point of view.�

Ariel smirked as she attached the sword belt of the Mythril sword around her waist.

�Lighten up Kye. Aberdeen and myself are Red Mages, and around these parts, Red Mages aren�t exactly welcomed with open arms.�

Kye shrugged.

�Whatever. Anyway, where do we go now Aberdeen?�

Aberdeen hefted the bag of supplies he had taken from his former Guild Hall in Ataan, and looked over his shoulder at his sister and the White Mage.

�We find the Black Mage Guild of Labthynea, and speak with the Guildmaster there.�

With that said, Aberdeen headed off into the crowd of people, milling about the busy street. Ariel and Kye sighed, and followed the Red Mage into the street. However, watching them for a nearby alley, the only female member of the Black Mage Guild of Labthynea smiled under her hat.

�So they�ve finally arrived eh? Good� Now, I can use them, to help myself.�

With a whirl of her dark blue cloak, the Black Mage turned and headed off down the alley, heading towards her Guild. She knew her Guildmaster was going to help these travellers, and in doing so, would assign a Black Mage to join them. She was going to make sure, she was chosen to help them. After all, the male Red Mage was quite handsome, especially with the clashing of dark brown and silver hair.

�Oh yes, him I like. The other two� well, we�ll just see how I can get rid of them, and then��

She cackled softly, and lifted her face to the sky, the light raining on her face, her green eyes sparkling as she let her full lips smile.

�It would seem my premonitions were correct� but then again, they have never been wrong before. I know that the Red Mage, Aberdeen, is going to need help, and I have to be the one to assist him. Not only for his sake,� she lowered her gaze, her pointed wide rimmed hat covering her face in shadows �But for my own��


What do you think? Heh, Aberdeen has his own way of dealing with things, bottling his emotions up within and maintaing a emotionless facade, which his sister can see through easily. Next chapter update... in a few days... I hope...


One dreamers path
03-07-2004, 02:26 PM

03-08-2004, 09:00 PM
That was great Greg! Makes me want to write! lol

I guess you are trying to make this non-bloody?
that's cool, I find blood very cool in fight sences, it gives it a lil' touch of goodness. Because there would be blood in real life, so why not put it? But that's just me..
:p I've seen to much berserk.....lol


*4 thumbs up*

03-10-2004, 08:03 PM
fuckin' awesome man! maginificient! get the third chapter done and posted ASAP! (but don't rush it and fuck it up:D)

btw, there's no tournament, that was just a lil joke

Lightning Mage
03-10-2004, 08:10 PM
I was just messin' too.
Well, I might not get back to FFXV for a while.
Right now I'm thinking of doin' a Star Wars fanfic.
I hope you're all familiar with the Star Wars storyline.

I'm calling it
Star Wars: Wandering the Force.
It's about a Jedi who isn't good or bad. He descovers some evil stuff though.
Excpect it sometime this week.

Lovin' the story Xiahou Dun.:cool:

Darth Revan
03-17-2004, 03:24 AM
Well, it would seem that people like this lil old story of mine here on FFShrine. Hmm� must be writing something good if people like it� *Has a quick read of story* Hmmm�. It IS good, but not great� Trust me, I�ve got �plans� for this group here. Oh yesss�. Plans�. *add maniacal and evil laughter*. Anywayz, if you like what you see, leave a review stating so, and if you want more, let me know.

ANYWAYZ� here�s Chapter Three. Let me know what you think, yes?

************************************************** *********************

Chapter Three :

Inside the Slippery Eel Tavern :

Sitting at a table, in the shadows, a female thief watched the other patrons who were inside the tavern with a trained eye. She had been plying her trade since she was young, and now at seventeen years of age, she was a master of her craft. She took a sip of her drink before her, when the tavern door opened, and in walked two Red Mages and a White Mage.

Other patrons glanced at the newcomers, before returning to their drinks. A couple hissed in disgust and spat on the ground in front of the Red Mages. The male Red Mage turned his stone gaze onto those people, causing them to return to their drinks immediately. His two companions looked around them, wariness in their stance. The thief noticed how their weapon sheathes were worn from well use, but it was the swords she saw with her greed�s eye. Mythril Longswords. Just one of them was worth over 15, 000 gil, and her mouth started to hunger for those swords. It was then the male Red Mage turned his gaze around the room, resting on her. She herself shuddered involuntarily, as she saw his face, the male�s right eye seeming to stare at her.

The other Red Mage spoke quietly to her male companion, as well as to the White Mage, and the three of them approached the thief. As they approached her table, the thief looked at them, curiosity on her face.

�Well then, what do I owe the pleasure�?�

The male Red Mage spoke in a cold tone.

�We are looking for the Black Mage Guild of Labthynea. Do you know it�s location?�

The thief leaned back in her chair, her feet on the table and a cocky smile upon her face.

�I may know it�s location. Depends on what you are offering in return.�

The female Red Mage muttered under her breath and spoke to her red robed companion.

�Come on Aberdeen, it�s obvious all this person worries about is gil. We can find the guild by other means.�

The White Robe nodded.

�I agree with Ariel, let�s go and find someone in authority and get directions from them.�

Aberdeen kept a steely gaze on the thief.

�That may be so, but I�m willing to bet that this person knows a more direct route to the guild, instead of petitioning the town�s lord, for a audience with the Head of the Black Mage Guild.� He turned his head slightly �Besides, we don�t have the time to wait for the town puppet, to ask for permission!�

The thief smiled thinly. This was a man, with whom she could associate herself with. Too bad he had the conscience in the White Robes and the Red Robed impatience. Still, she was ready to help out� when the tavern door opened, and in walked five high ranking members of the Black Mage Guild.

Kye and Ariel regarded the Black Mages with caution, whilst Aberdeen kept his gaze locked on the thief.

�What is your name thief?�

The thief leaned back in her chair, smirking.

�That�s privileged information. What do I get in exchange?�

Aberdeen drew from his belt the mithril dagger he had taken from Sascha and held it before her.


The thief sat straight in the chair, eyes wide as she stared at the blade.

�Why do you want my name so much?�

�Simple. My friends and I will need passage from Labthynea to Port Jaoius. This dagger, as well as 700 gil will be yours, if you give me your name and arrange passage for us.�

The thief stood on her feet and looked Aberdeen in the eyes.

�You have just hired Wyreema Snikch, best thief in the Labthynea Thief guild.�

Aberdeen smiled as he handed her the dagger.

�Now I know your name Wyreema, you already know mine. However, know thee this, if you betray us��

Wyreema nodded slowly.

�I never betray a contract. That is what we have here.�

Aberdeen nodded, then faced the five Black Mages.

�Well, it would seem our �escort� to the Black Mage guild is here.�

One of the Black Mages, stepped forward, impatience in his stride.

�Well brothers, it seems we�ve found the three �people� that the gate wardens told us about.� He stared at Aberdeen, Ariel and Kye and then snorted �I say we use them as guinea pigs for our spell testing.�

Ariel narrowed her eyes.

�Typical Black Mage humour. Find something you don�t like, you decide to either blow it up, take it apart or use if for experiments.� She paused and stared at the Black Mage who had spoken �But I guess in your case, you have your own �personal� experiments you like to conduct, especially if the guinea pig, has a animal or such with them, and then you focus on the animal.�

The Black Mage fumed and, before his startled comrades, cast Firaga on Ariel. However, Aberdeen stepped in front of the attack and bore the brunt of it. Unfortunately, for the Black Mage, Aberdeen was wearing a Reflect ring he had found within the Mythril mines of Ataan. With the ring worn, it�s own spell came into effect, reflecting the Firaga back onto it�s caster, causing the Black Mage to scream in pain and agony, falling back into his comrades.

One of the other Black Mages cast Blizzara on his wounded companion, while the tallest Black Mage stepped forward and stopped in front of Aberdeen.

�My name is Ramalad Terok, second of the Black Mage guild of Labthynea. I have been charged with the task of escorting you and your two companions back to our guild. I must apologize for my younger �brother�. He has only just risen to the rank of third class, and is quick to utilize his spells, before having the appropriate knowledge of what his task is to be.�

The younger Black Mage, having the effects of the Blizzara dissipating from him, he glared at Aberdeen.

�You dirty little��

Ramalad stepped in front of him.

�Quiet Hjira, know your place.�

The Black mage, Hjira, fumed silently as he was helped to his feet. Ramalad faced Aberdeen and his companions.

�If you would like to follow us, we�ll take you to our Guildmaster.�

Aberdeen nodded slowly, his red hat covering his face.

�Alright. We�ll accompany you�� he glanced over his shoulder at Wyreema �I�ll meet you back here tomorrow evening. Have the information then.�

Wyreema nodded.

�Done. A deal is a deal.�

Aberdeen faced Ramalad.

�Lead the way Ramalad.�

Ramalad bowed before Aberdeen, then exited the tavern, Aberdeen, Ariel and Kye following. The remaining four Black Mages stepped in behind them and left the tavern. Wyreema watched them leave then stood and left the tavern from the back door. She ran down the dark streets, turning corners and making her way to the port. As soon as she got there, she looked over all the ships berthed there and a smile appeared on her face as she recognised the ship she sought.

The Eldorado.

Wyreema walked onto the dock, ignoring the comments from the ruffians and so called sailors as she walked to the Eldorado�s berth. Standing at the bottom of the gangplank was a burly looking sailor known only as Weyan. Wyean was the second mate of the Eldorado, and third in command of the ship. He was also Wyreema�s older brother.

Weyan smiled as he saw her approach.

�Well, lil sis, how�s things?�

Wyreema shrugged.

�Pretty slow actually. Captain onboard?�

Weyan nodded as he jerked his thumb towards the main cabin of the Eldorado.

�He�s in the main cabin with Sera.�

Wyreema sighed. Sera is the Eldorado�s second in command, and was a particularly vicious character, IF you got her angry that is. Wyreema knocked on the door and waited. On the other side, sounds could be heard of scuffling and cursing. Wyreema smiled and opened the door.

�Hey Sera, Uncle. Having fun in here, eh?�

Sera Hahn fumed silently.

�Wyreema� How long have you been there listening?� She buckled her belt around her waist and ran a hand through her raven black hair �Besides, you should knock and wait to be summoned within, instead of just barging in!�

The captain of the ship just smiled as he sat behind the big oak desk, his own shirt left undone exposing the snake tattoo on the left side of his chest. He stroked his moustache, his eyes smiling.

�Now, now Sera, be nice. She is my niece.�

Sera pulled her jacket tight around her and glared at her �partner�.

�That may be so, but still��

The captain raised his hand to silence her.

�Sera� go and see to the stocking of provisions and supplies. Judging from the look on Wyreema�s face, I think we�re going to have a hire.�

Sera nodded and left the cabin. The captain motioned for Wyreema to sit in one of the vacant chairs, and poured her a drink.

�So Wyreema, tell me something. How goes the robbing and pillaging trade?�

Wyreema sipped her drink.

�I prefer the term Treasure hunter.�

�Semantic Nonsense.�

�There�s a WORLD of DIFFERENCE!!�

The captain laughed and took a big mouthful of his drink. Wyreema smiled and added.

�Besides, what about you and Sera? I mean, does she know of all the other WOMEN you have in other ports, uncle Cid?�

The captain, Cid Azeem, smiled broadly.

�Well Wyreema, my dear niece, women are beautiful creatures, and they�re just like sunrises. There�s a new one every day.�

Wyreema laughed.

�I wonder how Sera feels about that?�

Cid chuckled.

�Sera is like the moon. Cold, unwelcoming light washing down upon you, and yet, you cannot help but be attracted to it and give it your all.�

Wyreema smiled and shook her head. Cid Azeem was a brilliant ship captain, but an even better engineer. She wondered, like she always does when she deals with him, what was the cause of him, leaving his profession to become a �ship captain�.

�Anyway, I�ve come with information about a possible hire.�

Cid smiled behind his mug.

�Any information, is always useful Wyreema, my dear.�

Wyreema smiled and began to tell Cid what she had been instructed to do by Aberdeen, and also added some other information as well. When she had finished, Cid wore a thoughtful look on his face.

�I see� That explains why the Red Mages of this continent are being wiped out. The King of Jaoius, would very much like to know the reason as to why this persecution began. As you know, Red Mages have either turned up murdered or disappeared completely. It would be ideal to keep these two Red Mages safe, and escort them to Jaoius as soon as possible.�

Wyreema nodded.

�I was thinking the same thing. Red Mages here, are getting murdered all the time. Look at the information we�ve received from Ataan. The Red mage Guildhall there��

Cid frowned.

�The mayor of that town, Broigh, is a complete and utter idiot and buffoon. He cares only for himself.� He stood and looked out the window of his cabin �Go back and keep an eye on them niece. I�m sure the Black Mage Guildmaster will be assigning a Black Mage to assist them. When they�ve received what they need, lead them here. I have a feeling we�re going to need to escape soon�. Very soon.�

************************************************** *********************

So�. Is it still good, or does it suck? Either way, I�m having fun writing it, and I guess that�s the main thing, yes? I should have some pictures of the characters within the next month or so. Why so long? Busy writing a whole heap of other stories as well as making my own AMV�s. Got two done, now working on another.

As soon as I have the pics, I�ll post them here, so you can see how I envision my characters. Hmmm�. Note to self, take more medication and calm down. Stuff that, where�s my chainsaw?

*Hurries off to search for chainsaw and Edgar facemask from FFVI*

P.S. I HAD to bring a Cid into this story. If you'd like to know more about him, imagine the air pirate Gildur in Skies of Arcadia and a bit of Cid from FFIV, combine the two together, and that's the Cid in this story.

03-17-2004, 10:49 AM
Brilliant. You never cease to amaze me. Keep up the fucking excelent work!

When finished, this should be turned into an anime series (just don't get those lads behind Blood and Kai-Doh Maru to do it, they'll leave ya with 5 minute epsodes for each chapter)

03-17-2004, 01:53 PM
that if FUCKING!! great i love it dude and lightning mage i do have to say that you did start it of and why have you stoped. i have written more if you like to take a look.

03-24-2004, 02:51 AM
:coolegg: great again, my Only brother!

03-29-2004, 06:56 PM
Sorry to rush you, but your killing us with anticipation here! <=D

Darth Revan
03-31-2004, 12:54 AM
I GET THE POINT IMMORTAL! Sheesh, must be doing something right, if I have some people here �requesting� me to continue this story. I�m sorry about the late update. Been having a lot of problems with my computer, and thanks to it being a complete mongrel, I�ve lost almost all of the stories I�ve been writing� with a couple of exceptions. This story, as well as a Dynasty Warriors story (Which I have posted here�BUT NO ONE HAS READ AND REVIEWED YET!!!!!!!) and a Love Hina/Oh! My Goddess crossover story, are the only ones I have left at the moment. I�ll try and keep at the very least, this story and the Dynasty Warriors story up to date (The LH/OMG story, is posted on another site), while still trying to recover all of my other stories.

Anywayz, here�s chapter four. Enjoy!

************************************************** *********************

Within the Tower of Black Sorcery :

Aberdeen, Ariel and Kye were sitting in the dark waiting room, within the Black Mage guild, waiting for the Guildmaster to summon them, to conduct the audience. Ariel was glancing around the room, taking note of the arcane artifacts on shelves and on the ornate bookcase along the north wall.

Kye on the otherhand, was worried. The White Mages and Black Mages, while having a truce of sorts between them, there was still some animosity between them, ever since the End of Days. Even now, White Mages and Black Mages tended to stay apart from each other, unless they ended up working on the same contract.

Aberdeen noticed Kye�s nervousness.

�Kye, don�t worry.�

Kye just nodded and started to pick at some sort of insignificance on his staff. Ariel glanced at her brother, and utilizing the sign language their father had taught them, spoke to him.

>Aberdeen, Kye is not going to be useful to us, in his current condition.<

Aberdeen signed back

>Don�t worry Ariel. He�ll be fine.<

Ariel frowned.

>Are you sure?<

Aberdeen smiled softly.

>I�ve known Kye for quite sometime, he�ll be fine. I�m just worried about the Guildmaster here. Even if he is related to our Father, I have a feeling he�s going to help us, under some conditions...<

>Conditions? Like what?<

Aberdeen sighed.

>Most likely having a member of this guild assigned to us, to �assist� us.<

>So, what do we do?<

Aberdeen smiled.

>Wait and see dear sister, wait and see�<

Ariel ran a hand through her auburn hair.

�Fine brother, we�ll play things your way.�

The door to the guild�s inner chamber opened, and Ramalad stepped forward.

�The Guildmaster will now receive you.�

Aberdeen and Ariel nodded, and Kye swallowed nervously. The three companions stepped forward and entered the room, Ramalad closing the door behind them. The room was dark and gloomy, and just as Kye was going to ask one of the siblings to cast a fire spell, numerous candles all around the room erupted, as their wicks came to the life. In the middle of the room, was a large ornate oak carved table. Sitting in a large throne, was the Guildmaster of the Black Mage guild.

Aberdeen took his hat off and bowed to the Guildmaster, Ariel copying his move. Kye bowed, his whole stance nervous. The Guildmaster smiled and bade them to sit.

�Welcome to my guild, young ones. I understand you hail from the mining town of Ataan. Tell me, what news is abound in my old hometown?�

Aberdeen paused slightly.

�Grave news. The mayor has imposed strict penalties on any Red Mage in that town, to the point�� Aberdeen�s right eye seemed to glow �Only my sister and myself, are the only Red Mages from Ataan to be still alive.�

The Guildmaster stiffened.

�All� Red Mages�?�

Ariel nodded.

�Aye, all of our comrades, and our Guildmaster� our� Father��

The Black Mage before them, bowed his head at the news. His hands, griped the edge of the table tightly, knuckles white. He then spoke in a tight, pain filled voice.

�My� brother� who killed him?�

Aberdeen looked at Kye, who swallowed nervously and spoke.

�It� it was the mayor�s son� Sascha, as well as a fighter� and� two black mages��

The Guildmaster fixed a cold gaze on Kye, causing him to cringe.

�Two� black� mages? Names.�

�Othoirs and Motrud.�

The Guildmaster cursed silently.

�I know those two. They were transferred to Ataan, three months ago. Trouble and Pain. I will send word to the Ataan guild, ordering those two back here, immediately.�

Ariel spoke, her hands resting on her lap.

�You won�t be able to see Othoirs. He received a little� shock therapy.�

The Guildmaster looked at her, eyebrow raised.

�How shocking was it?�

Ariel swallowed.


The Guildmaster nodded slowly.

�Which one?�

Aberdeen looked at the man before them, his right eye seemingly to glow.

�I was justified in my actions. They destroyed my friends and father. They deserved death!�

The Guildmaster nodded as he took the information in.

�And the rest of the killers?�

Ariel glanced at Kye, who coughed and spoke quietly.

�The other two� Nisu, the fighter� Aberdeen slew him, after Othoirs. Sacha, the leader, fled back to Ataan, Motrud with him.�

The Guildmaster nodded slowly.

�Fine. I�ll deal with Motrud in due course. For now, I guess you want to leave Labthynea and Ataan.�

Aberdeen smirked softly.

�Of course. From what information our father had, the King of Jaoius is offering safe harbour for Red Mages. If we were to head there, and then continue north, at least we�d be safer than here.�

The Guildmaster chuckled.

�Heading for the city of Yagaso, eh? That town is rumoured to be a safe haven for anyone, with the right amount of gil, or how powerful one�s sword arm and spells are.�

Ariel smiled softly.

�A friend of ours, a monk, is living near there. He�s our only ally at the moment.�

The Guildmaster grasped a small silver bell, and rang it once. Another door opened, and in stepped a black mage, who walked up to the table and remained silent. The Guildmaster faced the three companions.

�I know my brother well, and was with him, when he found the two of you. At first, I thought he was being too sentimental by taking you as his children, but now, having seen what you have grown into, I know he made the right decision.� The old man stood �I will not hinder you on your journey, and will provide enough distraction for you to leave, and keep any pursuers from Ataan from finding out your whereabouts. Furthermore, I would like you to accept the assistance of this member of my guild.�

The black mage took it�s hat, revealing a face, framed by long light brown hair and sparkling green eyes. The mage bowed to Aberdeen and his companions.

�I am Maya Viruca, third class Black Mage, category 2. Pleased to meet you.�

Ariel and Kye responded with cordial remarks, while Aberdeen stood frozen. Maya looked at him as she walked from the side of the table, to stand in front of him.

�I�m guessing, you are Aberdeen, correct?�

The Red Mage nodded, as his sister and the White Mage exchanged glances. The Guildmaster coughed, startling Aberdeen from his daydream.

�Uhh� yes I am.�

Maya smiled softly, as her superior spoke.

�Maya, is the only female member of not just this guild, but also in any other Black Mage guild in the world. She is quite gifted and has risen to her rank rather quickly and steadily. She is also, unfortunately, not without her own enemies here.� He paused and looked at Aberdeen �She will be an asset to you in your journey.�

Aberdeen quickly recovered and spoke to the Guildmaster, his gaze slowly tearing away from Maya.

�I understand. I thank you for your aid.�

The Guildmaster shook his head.

�No, I thank you for bringing this information to me, my nephew. Also, know that this chapter of the Black Mages, will forever be your allies.� He straightened �Now, it would be best if you left this town quickly and quietly. Go to the harbour and look for a ship called the Eldorado and speak with it�s captain, Cid Azeem. He will assist you in passage.�

Aberdeen bowed, as did his sister and Kye.

�We thank you for your aid. This shall not be forgotten.�

Aberdeen led the others out of the room, his hat on his head. Ariel, Kye and Maya remained silent, until they encountered Ramalad, who stopped them in one of the hallways.

�I see the Master has assigned Maya to join you. Now we can finally have some peace around here.�

Maya smiled at the comment.

�Well, now I won�t have to worry about my disappearing undergarments.�

Ramalad smiled and hugged Maya. As he released her, he looked at Aberdeen.

�Treat her well Aberdeen Edwardes. She is a remarkable woman, and for her age, quite powerful and deadly.�

Aberdeen smirked.

�Powerful and deadly� a combination I find to be quite� delightful.� He extended his hand to Ramalad �Fear thee well, Master Mage.�

Ramalad returned the gesture and grasped Aberdeen�s hand.

�Fear thee well, Warrior Mage.�

Ramalad turned and walked down the corridor, leaving the four companions alone. Aberdeen turned on his heel and walked towards the entrance, Ariel and the others keeping up with him, until they left the tower. As they walked down the path leading away from the guild, Ariel looked at Maya.

�So� are you going to tell us your story, or are we going to have to guess your past?�

Maya chuckled as she brought her dark blue cloak tighter around her petite frame.

�Let�s just say, I�m an enigma. Not even the other Black Mages and the Guildmaster, know my history.�

Kye muttered.

�Probably all dark and twisted��

Maya glanced at him from the corner of her eye.

�So? At least I�m not a prissy little White robe, who cries out when I get a drop of wine, or a splash of mud on my robes!�

Ariel sniggered, as Kye tried to think of a comeback� and failed. Aberdeen motioned for them to stop, as he leaned around the corner of the alley. Ariel signed to him her query.

>What�s wrong? Trouble?<

Aberdeen nodded slowly, and signed two names back to her. Her own eyes narrowed, and her right hand went to her sword. Maya and Kye watched them, and as Maya instinctively brought forth some of the numerous magickal incantations to her mind, Kye spoke to Ariel.

�Ariel? What�s going on?�

Ariel hissed softly.

�Trouble, in the form of Sascha, Motrud and a large group of fighters.�

Kye swallowed and gripped his staff tightly. Maya chuckled.

�Hmmm� this could be fun.�

Aberdeen shook his head as he leaned against the wall.

�Not this time. We�re severely outnumbered. Time to find an alternate route to the port.�

Just then, a nearby door opened, and the thief Wyreema stood there, hands on her hips.

�If I were you lot, I�d get in here quickly, before your fan club approaches.�

Aberdeen nodded and after Ariel, Kye and Maya had entered the room Wyreema was standing at, Aberdeen followed, shutting the door behind him. He turned and saw Wyreema, as well as a well muscled man, another with a harpoon barb as his right hand and a woman wearing a rapier. The woman stepped forward.

�My captain requests your company, and he will not take No for an answer.�

Maya snorted.

�My, my, rather direct and to the point aren�t you?�

The woman looked at her.

�I was instructed to bring the two Red Mages and their White Mage companion.� She drew her sword �I was not told to bring a Black Mage wench!�

Aberdeen stepped in front of Maya.

�This Black Mage is a member of my party. If you want us to come along, she comes as well.�

Wyreema stepped forward.

�Come now Sera, remember what my uncle said.�

Sera snarled and sheathed her sword, as Wyreema faced Aberdeen and his friends.

�Don�t worry about Sera. She�s a good swordsman��

Kye looked at the thief.


Wyreema shrugged.

�Just that. A good swordsman. Anyway, we�d better get back to the ship. My uncle will no doubt be a little angsty if we�re late.�

As Sera and the men with her, moved to rear of the room, Ariel and Kye followed, talking with Wyreema. Maya put her hand on Aberdeen�s shoulder.

�Aberdeen� thank you��

The Red Mage looked at her.

�For what?�

�For� assisting me� no one�s� ever done that� for me� before��

Aberdeen smiled softly at her.

�Glad I was the first. Come on, we don�t want to be left behind.�

As they followed, Maya smiled to herself. She had been right, in regards to Aberdeen.

*He is the One I have been searching for. I�m thankful I�ve found him, and now, if I can keep away from Tougeroa, I won�t be forced into that� �farce�� my father wanted�I must follow my own path and destiny, and not allow the chains of family duty and nobility shackle me to that oaf, father chose for me.* She smiled *Now, if my father had chosen Aberdeen�*

************************************************** *********************

Hope you all enjoyed this extra long chapter. Better not be asleep, or else. LOL Anywayz, I plan to have the next chapter, up and ready for your reviews (no flames please, I�ve already been flamed enough.), within the next two weeks at most.

If you like, LEAVE A REVIEW!!!! Only way I�ll continue. Besides, writer�s have fragile egos, and they need to be fed. FEED MY EGO!!!

03-31-2004, 04:50 PM
*Claps hands* Bravo! Another brilliant chapter in this ongoing masterpiece! You the man! You, the MAN! Keep up the friggin' excellent work! When your finished, this has to be published then made into a manga series, I'm not kiddin', it seriously does.

hb smokey
03-31-2004, 04:57 PM
You know it's just like <B> The Immortal </B> said. You have unbelievable talent! I was hooked from the very beginning, and my eyes hurt after reading the whole thing and staring at the computer for so long. It was that good! You could be a Square-Enix team member right away man. Magnificent!

04-01-2004, 10:17 PM
Good stuff, however, being the critic of everything that I am >.>...

There are some formatting issues with dialog, at least in the last one.
Plasma grinned.

"It is hard to tell who's talking."

Torture walked away.
Did Plasma say it? Or did Torture?

Plasma grinned, "It is easy to tell who's talking."
Torture walked away.

Also, you shouldn't capitilize stuff like Mythril Dagger, as it is not a proper noun (unless that's somone's name :x).

And the beginning introduction about the End of Days could've been longer, but that's just my opinion.

Keep up the good work! You've insipired me to pick up the keyboard again :P.

04-02-2004, 02:02 AM
Nice piece! ( not referring to a gun)

My Brother Can Write!!!!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Darth Revan
05-14-2004, 12:04 AM
Greetings all. Sorry about the lateness with an update for this story. Been busy trying to sort out my hard drive as well as writing more for my other stories. Also, add in the fact that my ISP has decided to be a real f**k and refuse to allow me to access the internet. Bloody stupid ISP!!! Anywayz, I hope you enjoy this update.

************************************************** *********************

Elsewhere :

A figure wearing dark blue armour strode down a dark corridor. At the end was a massive door, carved out of granite. The figure stopped and removed it�s horned helm, holding under it�s arm. From the nearby shadows, a raspy voice spoke.

�Name thyself, or face dire penalties!�

The figure smirked, and ran a hand through the long, shoulder length hair which spilled onto it�s armoured shoulders.

�Velermos, Dark Knight of Wind.�

The voice responded quickly.

�Very well, Lady Velermos, Lord Morthoseth is awaiting you.�

Velermos nodded, then asked.

�What about Nibilungi and Vaelen?�

A rasping snort.

�Those two are already inside and waiting. The two accursed carrion spawn!�

Velermos chuckled softly.

�They can be. Can I enter?�

A pause.

�Lord Morthoseth�s plan� Do you fully support him?�

Velermos frowned.

�Just open the door.�

The massive doors, slowly opened inward, revealing another dark corridor. As soon as it was fully open, Velermos stepped across the threshold. As the doors started to close, the voice spoke again.

�Be careful Lady Velermos. Lord Morthoseth�s plan, while under the permission of the Empress, is based upon one single thought. Revenge against a Red Mage. Endeavour to make sure, you do not allow yourself to be swallowed by his mission.�

The doors closed, enclosing Velermos in darkness. As she strode down the dark corridor, the gatekeeper�s last statement fresh in her mind. After walking up a long, winding staircase, she stopped in front of another door and waited. From the darkness, appeared two other armoured warriors, one wearing dark purple armour, the other dark green armour. Both warriors nodded towards Velermos, who returned the gesture. Just like her, they carried their helms under their arms.

The dark purple warrior spoke softly.

�So, what�s Morthoseth plotting now?�

Velermos frowned slightly.

�What do you think Nibilungi?�

The dark green warrior chuckled.

�Something evil of course.�

Before Velermos could answer, Nibilungi hit the other warrior on the back of his head.

�Vaelen, you�re always thinking happy thoughts aren�t you?�

Vaelen glared at her.

�Have a care Nibilungi��

Nibilungi was about to respond, when the doors before the three opened softly. Velermos strode through the doors, as Nibilungi and Vaelen stopped their bickering and followed. The three knights stopped and knelt in front of a massive throne, upon which sat another armoured figure, dark red in colour. The figure glared at them, his horned helm firmly in place on his head. The figure, known only as Lord Morthoseth, smirked slightly behind his helm.

�Greetings my friends. It is good to see that the three of you responded to my summons so quickly.�

Velermos kept her head lowered, but spoke in a soft tone.

�You summoned us my Lord, therefore we arrive posthaste.�

Morthoseth smiled behind his helm.

�And for that, you shall be rewarded, Lady Velermos. I have been given the task of granting you your assignment.�

Velermos nodded.

�I am yours to command, my Lord.�

Morthoseth titled his head to the side slightly.

�Indeed. Remember that well. You three, belong to me.�

The other two knights glanced quickly at each other then returned their gaze to the ground. The figure on the throne looked at them.

�Rise Lord Vaelen.�

Vaelen stood, straight and true, as he faced his lord.

�My Lord.�

Morthoseth pointed a gauntleted hand at the dark haired warrior.

�The continent of Filnario, our Empress has decreed Filnario be annexed to her territory. You, Lord Vaelen, were chosen by the Empress herself to oversee this task.� He spoke next in a darkened tone �Do not fail the Empress or her trust.�

Vaelen bowed.

�I would give my life, in service of the Empress!�

The Dark Knight of the Earth, Vaelen, spoke a word of ancient times, as his form vanished into the earth. The figure on the throne looked at Nibilungi. He raised his left hand and made a quick motion in the air. A window appeared, showing a ship in the middle of the ocean.

�I have a special task for you. Aboard this ship, are some who have been foreseen to be a problem for the Empress. Destroy the ship, scatter the humans across the ocean. They must not reach their destination.�

Nibilungi bowed, her eyes twinkling.

�I shall make it so. Not one of them shall reach Jaoius alive!�

A small waterspout wrapped around the Dark Knight of Water, Nibilungi, as she placed her helm on her head and vanished. Velermos kept her head bowed, and swallowed as the shadow of her lord fell on her.

�Lady Velermos. Follow Nibilungi and displace for me, two of the occupants of that ship.�

Velermos turned her gaze to the window before her, as the image zoomed towards the deck of the ship. Her gaze caught the ship�s name.


*The Eldorado? I know that ship� or I used to. Before�*

The image zoomed past the numerous crew, a White Mage and a female Red Mage, to settle on two people, standing at the front of the ship. A male Red Mage and female Black Mage.

When Morthoseth spoke, he did so in a tight voice.

�These two� send them somewhere, where they can not interfere.�

Velermos only nodded and remained silent. The armoured warrior looked at her.

�You have something to say?�

Velermos swallowed.

�You do not want them destroyed?�

A dry chuckle echoed throughout the room.

�No. I have �plans� for them, especially that Red Mage. Separate them from their companions, before Nibilungi destroys the ship. Ensure the survival and safe journey of Aberdeen Edwardes and Maya Viruca.�

Velermos faced her lord.

�As you command, Lord Morthoseth.�

The Lady Velermos, Dark Knight of Wind, spoke a word and was enveloped in a tornado of wind and spirited away. Morthoseth turned and strode towards a small raised platform, and knelt upon it and waited. Another window appeared, and a female�s voice echoed forth.

�My Knight Morthoseth, I trust the three have been sent on their errands?�

Morthoseth lowered his helmed head.

�They have my lady.�

The voice chuckled.

�Good. My plans can not, MUST not be tampered with. You know some of what I plan, my loyal Knight. Make my vision come to pass, and I shall reward you handsomely.�

Morthoseth kept his head bowed.

�I will use everything in my power, and anyone in my power, to achieve your dream my Lady.�

The voice spoke again.


Morthoseth raised his head, his eyes glowing red.

�Let me have my revenge.�

The voice seemed to smile to him.

�Do as I have decreed, and you can do whatever you want. Remember, you are second only to me. What you know, I know. What you plot, I plot. What you hate and despise, I hate and despise.�

The second window closed and faded, leaving Morthoseth alone in the room. He stood and walked back to his throne and sat upon it, his gaze glaring at the image within the first window, of Aberdeen and Maya.

�I will have my revenge upon you Aberdeen. Yessss, I will take my vengeance upon you and your little �friend�.�

Morthoseth grasped his helm and removed it, hurling it at the images of Aberdeen and Maya. The Dark Knight of Fire leaned back in his throne, as the light from the image washed across his destroyed face, destroyed in a fight against Aberdeen, when the Red Mage had, in an act of desperation, cast Thundaga directly into Morthoseth�s face.

The warrior smiled, his disfigured face twisting the smile hideously.

�I will have vengeance against you Aberdeen, and if your little �pet� tries to stop me�� a ball of fire appeared in his right hand and he cast it at the image, dispelling it �I shall have fun with her��

As the light vanished, evil, mocking laughter filled the room.

************************************************** *********************

My villains. Heh, believe it or not, the villains in this story, I�m using in another one of my stories, but they are completely different in that story, than how they appear here. Besides, I have to have one of the villains with a extreme grudge against one of the heroes now, don�t I? Anywayz, I hope you all have enjoyed this update. The next chapter will be up in a week (It�s already written, so it�ll be here!) Please let me know what you think so far, yes?

05-14-2004, 10:00 AM
Wakka doo my magical brother!
Nice to see you again,lol.

btw: nice add-on on the story!

05-19-2004, 02:35 PM
Well, I guess I should finally leave a review here... (no, wait, that sounded like it was a chore..:D )

Anyway, as usual mate, your writing is exceptional, and really feels like the flow of an actual FF game (although perhaps it needs a couple of 'random' battles against some infamous FF monsters, like Tonberry, Bomb, Hecteyes, Flan, Cactaur, Malboro, Golem, Ahriaman, Behemoth, Ochu etc).

Apart from that mate, keep up the good work (And I can't wait til you bring in the part featuring the Airship and Maya's true identity... - oops, I think I spoilt a little too much of what you've got planned for the story.. oh well..) lol

P.S. To the rest of the Shrine - I'm actually helping Greg (aka XD) write this story (we're best friends in real life), and I am actually currently drawing character designs and artwork for it, so when they're in a decent state of development, I'll stick them on my site and post a link here to them so that readers can get a better idea of the appearence of the characters and the world of FF:ROTRM.

Anyway, keep writing mate.

Darth Revan
05-22-2004, 01:13 PM
Guess who's back? ME! With another chapter for my story. Read and enjoy!

Also, please leave a comment after reading it. Writer's have fragile and hungry ego's, and mine needs a feed.

************************************************** *********************

Aboard the Eldorado :

Kye was leaning against the side railing, vomiting the remains of the morning meal into the ocean. As he stood back from the railing, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and swallowed. He wondered why he was on this ship, when his stomach lurched and he leaned back over the side, vomiting.

Ariel walked up to Kye, and gave him a flask of water she had received from Wyreema.

�Here, drink this.�

Kye looked at her, face pale and accepted the flask, taking just a sip then handing the flask back to her.

�Thanks� Ariel��

Ariel gave Kye a worried look.

�Perhaps you should lie down?�

Kye shook his head slowly.

�No. Bad, very bad. The swinging in the hammock� ugh.�

Ariel nodded and leaned against the railing.

�Who would�ve thought we�d be out here like this. In the middle of nowhere��

Kye glanced at her.

�Thinking that we can�t trust this� Cid person?�

Ariel frowned.

�He�s alright, it�s his second I don�t fully trust, as well as the rest of this crew.�

�What about Wyreema?�

Ariel chuckled softly.

�She�s alright Kye. For a thief, she seems to be� honourable�

Kye swallowed and closed his eyes tight, then opened them again. He took a deep breath and seemed to regain some colour to his face. He looked at the Red Mage.

�And what about Maya?�

Ariel turned her gaze towards the front of the ship, Kye�s gaze following hers. Standing at the front of the ship, Aberdeen and Maya could be seen talking. Ariel sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

�Maya� To be honest, I don�t really know how I feel about her. There�s definitely more to her, than meets the eye.�

Kye nodded slowly, and then leaned back over the railing, vomiting again. Ariel turned and put her hand on his shoulder.

�Take it easy, you don�t want to send your innards over the rail either.�

Kye moaned a reply, and Ariel chuckled as Wyreema joined them.

�How�s the White Mage doing?�

Before Ariel could respond, Kye groaned violently as his stomach grew even more turbulent. Wyreema chuckled.

�Oh yeah, he�s fine. All landlubbers are like this on their first ocean voyage.�

Ariel smiled.

�You know, I think the head of the White Mages, should think up a spell to cure one of seasickness. It�d be very� useful, I�d say.�

Wyreema nodded.

�Well, if I pass through Lugarnia, I�ll make sure to stop by the White Mage Citadel and speak with the head of the order.�

Ariel and Wyreema laughed at that, while Kye groaned. Meanwhile, at the front of the ship, Aberdeen and Maya were staring out over the waves. Both Mages remained silent as the watched the waves rolled against each other. Maya looked at the silent Mage next to her, from the corner of her eyes.

�This� is nice.�

Aberdeen raised an eyebrow.

�What� is nice?�

Maya smiled and faced him.

�This, on a ship with a friend, watching the waves.� She paused �At least, I hope we�re friends.�

Aberdeen faced her, a smile in his eyes.

�Well, you�re not an enemy, that�s for sure. To be honest Maya, I feel� more at peace, standing here with you. I�m not entirely sure as to why that is, and I�m hoping it�s not because you�ve ensorcelled me.�

Maya laughed.

�Aberdeen, out of everyone on this ship, you�re the last I�d ensorcel. Besides,� she smiled at him �Even though we just met a week ago, I have respect for you and I like you.�

Aberdeen smiled and leaned against the railing, his arms folded across his chest.

�After a week and you feel like that towards me? Hmmm, I wonder if I�m losing my �dark� side?�

Maya chuckled.

�I think THATS what I like most about you. You do things your own way and to Hades with anyone who disagrees with you.� She leaned against the railing next to Aberdeen �You remind me of me, well, a male version of me that is.�

Aberdeen looked at her.

�Maya my dear, I think that we should get to know a little bit more about each other. Figuratively speaking of course.�

Maya nodded, smiling still.

�Of course, figuratively speaking that is.�

Aberdeen was about to say something to her, when both the Mages froze. They could sense something dark and truly evil approaching. That, and something else, something which seemed� apprehensive.

Ariel, Wyreema and Kye joined Aberdeen and Maya at the front of the ship. Judging from the looks on his sister and friend�s faces, Aberdeen knew they were sensing the same thing, he and Maya had sensed. Wyreema looked at the four Mages, then faced Aberdeen.

�What�s wrong?�

Aberdeen noticed Cid and Sera had joined them as well, and he nodded in acknowledgement of them.

�Something�s coming. Something which is dangerous, evil and extremely powerful. I haven�t felt something like this, ever.�

Cid placed his hands on his hips, a thoughtful look on his face.

�Powerful eh? I wonder��

Sera looked at him.

�Cid, you don�t know if it�s them.�

Cid glanced at his second, then faced Aberdeen and the others.

�We�ve encountered some powerful foes, during our travels. One particular group were extremely powerful. Thing is, they wore some kind of dragon like armour and were wielding powerful spears. Can�t remember what they were called��

Maya looked at Aberdeen.

�He�s talking about Dragon Knights, also known as Dragoons. Extremely powerful, and dangerous, if you�re an enemy of theirs.�

Aberdeen nodded.

�This �feeling� doesn�t have the taint of the Dragoons. It�s something more ancient, more primeval.�

Just then, the waves picked up, growing more violent as the wind whipped through, tearing the sails of the Eldorado to shreds. Before Cid could shout orders, a waterspout erupted from the surface, a dark armoured figure standing on top of the spout.

Aberdeen and the Mages whirled and faced the figure, Kye already chanting some protect spells. Ariel had her eyes closed and was chanting the Fira spell while Aberdeen and Maya just stared at the figure.

The armoured figure laughed in a haughty, shrill like tone. When the figure spoke, it was in an evil and yet feminine tone.

�HAH, HAH, HAH, HAH! Fools! It has been decreed for you to die, by order of my lord!�

Aberdeen snorted, as his right hand grasped the hilt of his sword.

�Yeah right. Why don�t you get off of your perch and come on down here, where we can discuss this, up close and personal, yes?�

The figure laughed and plunged her arms into the spout, and as she pulled her arms free, she was wielding two saber like swords. She laughed and then waved her arms, as the water around the Eldorado, whipped into a frenzy. Wave after wave smashed into the ship�s hull, as the cannons of the ship aimed on the waterspout and fired. A wall of water appeared in front of the armoured warrior, deflecting the blows. The figure then gestured and four waterspouts appeared, surrounding the ship. Each spout then manifested itself into a water serpent. Ariel turned and cast Fira on the serpent directly in front of her, the spell striking the serpent in it�s midsection. Unfortunately, the serpent lashed outwards and attacked her.

Fortunately, Kye�s spell protected her from the attack. Maya had gathered her powers and focused her thoughts. After touching the pendent on her neck, she cast the boosted version of Fira on all the serpents. However, with the pendent�s assistance, the spells repeated themselves four times, disrupting the flow of magical essence in the water on such a destructive level, the serpents were destroyed.

Aberdeen raised his right hand and cast the only third level black magic he knew, Thundaga. The magical elemental lightning gathered around his right hand, and erupted outward, not at the warrior, but at the water spout she was standing on, destroying her pedestal instantly. However, the figure leaped directly onto the ship, her sabers slashing into the crewmembers. Wyreema�s brother, Weyan, charged at the warrior, the sailor with the spear as a hand by his side. Both warriors swung the weapons they had, only to have them bounce off of the protective spell. The warrior laughed and decapitated the one armed warrior, and lanced Weyan through the throat with one of her sabers.

Two throwing daggers landed on the deck, as Wyreema stepped backwards, eyes wide as she saw the figure pull the blade out of her brother�s throat, blood clinging to the blade as Weyan�s body fell to the ground. Cid snarled and grasped ahold of one of the many harpoons lying on the deck and hurled it at the figure, who laughed and deflected the lance.

�FOOLS! I am the Lady Nibilungi! The Dark Knight of Water! You are but mere insects to one such as me!�

Before Wyreema could do anything, Nibilungi glared at her through the eye slits of her helm. She looked at Weyan�s body, then slashed with her sabers twice. With the rolling of the ship�s deck, Weyan�s head rolled to Wyreema�s feet. The thief tried to speak, but found nothing could come forth. She was speechless and couldn�t move and slowly looked up at Nibilungi who advanced upon her.

�Was he a friend of yours? A lover perhaps? Or maybe even�� she hefted her bloodied blades �the same blood which flowed in his veins, flows in yours?�

The sabers were raised and swung down, the dark knight�s intent to slay Wyreema was interrupted by the clang of a mythril sword. Standing in front of Wyreema, Aberdeen had blocked Nibilungi�s blades and with a kick in her armoured midsection, Nibilungi flailed backwards. Maya cast Fira upon Nibilungi, but before the spell hit its target, it had deflected by another water serpent, the dark knight had summoned.

Cid grabbed his niece by the arm and thrust her towards Kye and Ariel.

�Watch her!�

Kye nodded as Ariel cast Fira on another water serpent, trying to attack the ship from behind. It was then she saw another armoured warrior, standing on a cloud, watching. She grabbed Kye by the arm and motioned to the figure.

�Kye, look!�

The White Mage stared at the figure, and was surprised when the figure stared straight at him. The figure made a quick motion with it�s armoured arm and the wind picked up dramatically. Kye, Ariel and Wyreema were picked up by a gust of wind and were sent flying through the air, miles and miles away from the Eldorado and their companions.

Back on the ship, Aberdeen and Cid were standing opposite each other, sword�s drawn. In between them, Nibilungi parried each of their thrusts and responded with some of her own. Maya was assisting Sera is dispersing the water serpents, Maya using her Fira spells and Sera using her flame rapier. Both were combining their efforts to devastating effect.

Sera looked at the Black Mage.

�You fight well.�

Maya smiled wearily as she cast another Fira spell, targeting all enemies.

�Thanks� but all this spell casting� it�s starting to wear me out��

Sera nodded as she decapitated a serpent, watching as it�s body dissolved into the water which gave it a parody of life.

�I know, but we have to keep fighting until we win!�

Maya turned and saw Cid fall back, his weapon gone as Aberdeen fought one on one with the dark knight. Her face wore a grim determined look, as her hands clenched into fists

�We won�t win Sera� until we defeat the cause of all this.�

Sera nodded.

�Go, help Aberdeen.�

Maya nodded, and made her way over the slippery deck towards Aberdeen, who had Nibilungi against the railing. Nibilungi laughed in her haughty tone.

�My, my, you fight well, for a human! But for naught!�

She pointed at Aberdeen with both arms and directed a spout of water at Aberdeen. Maya, who had made her way next to her friend and was hit by the blast of water. Both Red Mage and Black Mage were flung overboard, where they were pulled down below the waves by the effect of Nibilungi�s spell. Aberdeen and Maya were slammed into each other thanks to the spell, and Aberdeen managed to grasp Maya tightly to him as they were pulled under. Maya clutched Aberdeen tightly, as he tried again and again to swim for the surface, but was pulled back.

As they were pulled deeper and deeper into the depths of the ocean, and both Aberdeen and Maya found it harder for them to breathe. As they still fought to try and swim to the surface, both of them blacked out and sunk deeper into the depths. After they were unconscious, a bubble of air appeared around them, pulling them out of the water. A gust of wind swirled around them, forming a tornado. The tornado flew off towards a remote isle, far to the south, by the same figure who had sent Kye, Ariel and Wyreema away.

Cid and Sera tried fighting Nibilungi, but for naught as the Dark Knight of Water leaped onto another waterspout and summoned numerous water serpents, which destroyed the Eldorado completely. Nibilungi watched in satisfaction as the ship was torn asunder and the crew scattered into the ocean. Laughing in her haughty tone, she let the waterspout turn into a wave and returned back to her domain.

Meanwhile, the other armoured knight standing on the cloud, quickly used the power at her command and scooped the sailors into the air and sent them to the nearest isle. Velermos, Dark Knight of Wind watched as her air servants did her bidding. As soon as the last two sailors, Cid and Sera were sent, Velermos turned her gaze to the south, towards the southern continent of Alginar.

*This� I can�t believe I�m allowing myself to follow Morthoseth�s mad plan. But� it is too late� I�ve started down this road, and I have no choice but to follow this path� for now�*

************************************************** *********************

A little bloody and violent, but also... I won't say it! I won't spoil it for anyone! Next update should be in about a week or so, or earlier if I get enough demands for an update that is.

hb smokey
05-22-2004, 08:37 PM
Yes, writers do have hungry and fragile ego's, because I am a writer myself. Anywho...

I am amazed to yet read one chapter in this story that is just, well, adequate. Each one has been great, and I see no end in sight with what is going to come out of your head and onto this site. Usually most writers have a bad section or a weakness that is noticable about their work, but I have yet to notice one. *Stands up and gives a standing ovation*

05-24-2004, 11:18 PM
what am I to say..........he humps good............oh yeah! he writes good, too!


Nice one bro! keep'em up and you'll have a book......maybe

05-25-2004, 03:25 AM
The formatting errors.... oh god the formatting errors! I'm still confused about it, as I've mentioned in my first post here o.O

Darth Revan
05-26-2004, 02:19 AM
PlasmaTorture... in regards to what you call 'The formatting errors...' I write in this style. Basically, you just read down the script, and here's an example. EG :

Sera looked at the Black Mage.

"You fight well."

Maya smiled wearily as she cast another Fira spell, targeting all enemies.

"Thanks... but all this spell casting... it�s starting to wear me out..."

Reading from the top, it's obvious Sera is talking to Maya.You may consider it a formattin error, but that is the way I write my stories. I ALWAYS put a space between the text one person says, and then another space before typing in the other person's stance and posture (If you will), then another space, and then I type their response.

For me, that's just the way I write, because typing the person's name and their response, to me, is just too close, and needs a space between them. As I said, that's just the way I write.

Another chapter update in the next few days. PlasmaTorture,
If you're still finding this story confusing, even after this brief
explanation, please do me the favour of not reviewing this story anymore.

As I said above, and shall now say again, it is NOT a formatting error. It is how I write. If you do not like my style of writing, or, in your words, find it 'confusing', please do not leave a review for this story, as there are other stories here for you to read.

05-26-2004, 03:10 AM
You missed the point. Yes, it is your writing style, and it could be iimproved. I hesitate to make the analogoy, but it's like a person who spells terribley on a forum and justifies it because "I taip how i want and it dosnt mater wut u say cuz i can rite better den this."

I was just trying to give you some constructive criticism in my first post, because, maybe this is just my crazy opinion, it seems that when a story isn't written choppy like a script it flows better, and allows for more variation. Instead of always going:
She said,
He said,

You can do "Hello," she said. He replied, "Goodbye." which is much more enjoyable to read and flows smoother.

Other than that you write a lot better than most people. I won't push it anymore, though.

Darth Revan
05-29-2004, 05:00 AM
Before I post the next part of my story, I feel an apology of sorts is in order. The apology is directed at PlasmaTorture. I know that my post after yours, saying about the formatting style and such, may've seemed like I was having a go at you. I apologise for that, as on that day, everything had gone wrong for me and I needed to vent a little. Unfortunately, you were the target of my venting, as I said before, I apologise for that.

Also, please ignore what I said at the end of that post -

If you do not like my style of writing, or, in your words, find it 'confusing', please do not leave a review for this story, as there are other stories here for you to read.

I would be honoured if you could still leave a review for this story.

Anywayz, to everyone else here who is reading this story, please be aware that this new chapter is a 'filler' chapter. I have more plans involved for the characters in this 'filler', but at the moment I've focused more or some of the others, and that chapter will be up in about a week or so. Anywayz, enjoy.


Elsewhere :

On the beach near the port of Arlebast, on the eastern continent of Beglam, three weary figures were washed up on the shore. One wearing White Robes, another Red Robes and the other was clothed in a combination of loose fitting and tight fitting clothing.

The White Robe climbed to his feet first and coughed a few times, before helping the Red Robe and their companion to their feet. The Red Robe looked at the other woman, then faced the White Robe, concern on her face.


Kye spoke in a soft tone to the thief.

�Wyreema� What happened back on the Eldorado��

Wyreema shook her head, and clasped her arms against her chest tightly. She turned and started to walk along the shore. Kye and Ariel looked at each other and followed their companion. Ariel shuddered, as she pulled her cloak tight around her body.

�What happened Kye? On the ship, those� �things�.�

Kye frowned.

�Black magic of the highest and powerful order. I�ve read in some of the ancient tomes, in the tower of Historium, that only those harnessing the power of the eight Crystals of Harmony, even if they only have one, can create powerful servants made of the element the Crystal is a part of.� He paused, a thoughtful look on his face �Or in the case of that warrior, the crystal is bonded with a human or other entity, enhancing them to almost infinite power. Power which is imbued in the crystal they�re bonded with.�

Ariel frowned.

�So, that �Nibilungi� character, would you say she was harnessing one of them? The Crystal of Water?�

Kye wore a thoughtful look on his face.

�It would explain her power. The eight crystals represent both the light and dark in this world. Meaning, there�s a light crystal of water and a dark crystal of water.�

Ariel nodded, absorbing the information.

�So, following that train of thought, there�d be light crystals of wind, fire and earth, as well as their dark counterparts, right?�

Kye shrugged.

�Maybe, I don�t really know that much about the theory of it all. From what I read, these �crystals� are heavily steeped in myth and legend. I�d guess you�d probably have to speak with either the Sage, Eonist or the historian, Agelass, if you wanted to find out more about the crystals.�

Ariel sighed.

�Actually, I just want to know where Aberdeen and Maya are at the moment.�

Kye shook his head.

�That�s something I�d like to know as well. Still, at the moment I�m more worried about Wyreema. She did see her brother murdered right before her.�

Ariel followed his gaze and watched Wyreema walk in front of them. The thief was unusually silent and walked with her head bowed, the wind whipping her hair about her face.

Before Kye could respond, Wyreema spoke softly.

�We need to find out where we are� then find Aberdeen and Maya.�

Kye and Ariel glanced at each other, then the White Mage spoke.

�And then we�?�

Wyreema faced the two, and Ariel recognised the anger filled look on Wyreema�s face. When Wyreema next spoke, her tone was dangerous.

�I find that she bitch, who killed my brother, and kill her!�

************************************************** *********************

Yep. Wyreema's pissed off. But then, you can understand WHY she is. Next chapter update in a week or so.


Darth Revan
06-03-2004, 03:26 AM
Hey all. Well.... hopefully this update will draw more attention to my story, and some kind, generous readers will leave a review of it.

Also, any text, in italics, between > ... < is the hand sign language that Aberdeen and Ariel know, and that Aberdeen has taught Maya.

************************************************** *********************

Elsewhere :

Three weeks ago, two Mages appeared in the middle of the Plains of Thor. Both Mages fought against all sorts of thunder elemental creatures, as well as other sorts of creatures, as they battled their way towards the edge of the plains, the forest known as the Mystclania Woods.

As soon as they entered the dark, foreboding and yet peaceful woods, both Mages rested near a lagoon. Aberdeen Edwardes and Maya Viruca, spent two weeks trekking through out the twisting and winding paths of the woods, until they finally exited the darkness and stepped into the light. Having spent so much time walking, the two weary figures trode along a beaten, windswept path. The wind blew their cloaks about their forms, as they held their hats tightly. The taller figure, robed in red, helped his companion, garbed in the attire of a black mage, along the path.

They had been walking down the path from the Mystclania Woods, and the trek was taking it�s toll on them. Aberdeen had heard tales of the Plains of Thor and the Mystclania Woods, but the tales didn�t do the truth justice. He only just managed to catch Maya, as she tripped over a rock in the road, his arm wrapping around her waist.

�Aberdeen� I� I can�t keep� walking��

Aberdeen tightened his grasp around Maya, his free hand was holding her oak staff.

�Don�t worry Maya, we�ll be alright.�

Maya looked at Aberdeen, her light brown hair cascading onto her shoulders under her hat.

�We don�t even know where we are Aberdeen� We don�t even know where Kye, Ariel and the others are.�

Aberdeen smiled at her.

�Don�t worry about them. Knowing my sister, she�s keeping a level head. Kye on the otherhand� well, he�ll be behaving himself.�

Maya sighed and leaned closer to Aberdeen as they walked.

�I hope so Aberdeen�� she cleared her throat �That �thing� which attacked us��

Aberdeen frowned as he spoke.

�The �Lady Nibilungi�.�

Maya nodded.

�What was she? Her powers� I�ve only heard legends about beings with power like that, power they derived from the mythical Crystals of Harmony. But they don�t exist, they�re just myth.�

Aberdeen faced her.

�Maya, in every myth, no matter how fantastic it may sound, there is always a kernel of truth.�

Maya studied Aberdeen�s face, and then nodded.

�I guess you�re right Aberdeen, but still��

Aberdeen was about to respond, when he heard the faint sound of Chocobo�s. With his arm around Maya�s waist, he pulled her close to him as he leaped off the path into the underbrush lining it. Both mages fell to the ground under a large bush, their bodies close to each other as the approaching Chocobo�s could be heard even clearer. Maya was about to speak, when Aberdeen placed a finger on her lips silencing her.

The sound of the Chocobo�s grew louder and as Aberdeen and Maya watched, they saw five Chocobo�s stop not twenty feet from their hiding spot. Aberdeen�s eyes narrowed as he saw the heavily armoured warriors, mounted on the Chocobo�s. Maya gasped slightly as she recognised the design of the armour, her eyes wide. Her hand gripped Aberdeen�s tightly, causing Aberdeen to tighten his grasp around her shoulders.


Maya scrunched herself tighter against Aberdeen and moved back into the shadows of the bush.

�Trouble. The armour those men are wearing. They�re knights of Elgar.�

Aberdeen glanced at her.

�You know them?�

Maya remained silent, as she kept her body close to Aberdeen. The Red Mage frowned and turned his gaze back onto the armoured men. He closed his eyes slightly and concentrated on hearing what the men were saying. The leader of the group pulled on the reins of his chocobo tightly.

�Hmmm, now where did they go?�

One of the others dismounted and knelt next to the tracks Aberdeen and Maya had left on the path.

�Judging from these marks, one of them is female. The male is half carrying her.�

Another rider snorted as he brought his chocobo closer.

�A male and female, eh?. Tougeroa must be pretty desperate, if they�re resorting to using scum as spies.�

The leader of the group frowned.

�I doubt King Hweoif of Tougeroa is desperate enough to have mercenaries aiding him. Ever since his daughter disappeared, he�s been relying on his own troops, far too much.�

The dismounted rider stood and faced his commander.

�What of this truce between Tougeroa and our kingdom of Elgar? That will not hold, will it?�

The leader snorted.

�With the marriage of Tougeroa�s princess to our prince, the truce was supposed to join our two lands in peace. The Tougeroa princess gone, there will be no truce!�

Aberdeen and Maya looked at each other, and faced the five riders. Aberdeen had already prepared a wide attack burst of Thundaga, mentally targeting the leader and two others. Maya had prepared a Fira and Blizzara spell, and both Mages were waiting for the opportunity to attack, when more chocobo�s could be heard.

The Elgar troops drew their weapons in time, as a battle group from Tougeroa charged down the path, weapons drawn. Before Aberdeen and Maya could get their bearings, the Tougeroan militia had wiped out the small Elgar troop. Both Mages watched as the leader of the Tougeroan force dismounted his chocobo and approached the fallen leader of the Elgar force.

�Well, it would seem we�ve caught these Elgar dogs on our side of the demilitarised zone. Cut their throats and sling their bodies from the tree branches, as a message to their comrades.�

One of the Tougeroans saw the tracks the Elgar soldiers had been tracking.

�My Lord! The Elgar were tracking two people. Judging from the looks of the tracks, they came from��

The group looked down the path, where in the far distance the volatile and dangerous elements of the land found refuge in the Plains of Thor, surrounded by the eerie and dangerous Mystclania Woods.

The Tougeroan leader faced his subordinate.

�Are you sure?�

The scout nodded.

�Yes sir, and it would seem the tracks of the two in question, end around here. My guess is, they�re still around here somewhere.�

Aberdeen hissed.

�Damn. Maya, get ready��

Maya put her hand on Aberdeen�s shoulder.

�There�s another way out of this Aberdeen.�

The Red Mage stared at her, and saw the emotion etched in Maya�s eyes. He sighed and nodded.

�Fine, I�ll follow your lead.�

Maya smiled softly at him.

�Aberdeen, trust me. We�ll be safe�� she added softly �� I hope.�

Before Aberdeen could answer her, Maya kissed him passionately on the lips, before standing. Aberdeen, eyes wide for a short moment, got to his feet, standing next to her. The Tougeroan force whirled and faced them, weapons drawn. The leader spoke in a harsh tone.

�It would seem we�ve found the people the Elgar scum were tracking. Who are you? Tell us quickly or die!�

Aberdeen glanced at Maya, who her hand on his elbow. She faced the armoured warrior.

�This is my companion, a Red Mage called Aberdeen Edwardes. He is not to be harmed.�

One of the other soldiers snorted as he drew back the drawstring of his bow, the arrow aimed directly between Aberdeen�s eyes.

�Who are you to be giving us orders, lowly Mage!�

The leader glanced at the soldier who spoke, before facing Aberdeen and Maya.

�And who are you then? His woman?�

Maya swallowed, before removing her hat. The sunlight rained onto her face, as the wind swept her light brown hair away from her face. She drew forth the pendent around her neck and spoke in a regal tone.

�As the guardian and protector of the sacred stone of Tougeroa, I am your Princess.�

The group of Tougeroan warriors looked at each other, as their leader dismounted and approached Maya. As soon as he was within striking distance of Maya, he stared at the pendent.

�By the gods�� the warrior fell to one knee, head bowed before Maya �Your highness, I am Captain Agaras Talon. Commander of the Red Talon�s.�

As the other soldiers dismounted and knelt in front of Maya, she cast a worried glance at Aberdeen. His face was that of an emotionless mask, his arms folded across his chest. His one brown eye gleamed with anger, as his silver eye remained cold. She sighed as she bade the captain to rise to his feet.

�Captain, you will escort me and my� �bodyguard� back to the palace immediately.�

Agaras looked at Aberdeen from the corner of his eyes, and bowed.

�As you wish my Princess.�

Agaras turned and barked orders to his men, two of whom gathered two chocobo�s of the Elgar troop, for Aberdeen and Maya to ride. As the troop mounted their chocobos, Maya faced Aberdeen.


Aberdeen looked at her, and this time, his silver eye seemed to glow. Maya couldn�t help but shudder as he spoke.

�I�ll do what I do best, your highness-ness.�

Maya sighed as Aberdeen brought his chocobo just behind hers, as Agaras brought his men around them in a protective circle. As they rode off towards the kingdom of Tougeroa, Maya felt herself loosing the calm she had before.

*I�m so sorry Aberdeen. I wanted to tell you� but I�*

Agaras spoke to Maya, as he brought his chocobo next to hers, but off to one side.

�My princess, your parents have been worried about you. Where have you been for the past seven years?�

Maya swallowed and regained some of her composure.

�I�ve been studying black magick.�

Agaras nodded.

�Very well my princess. It�s wise of the young to attain as much knowledge in the Art they�ve chosen to pursue. However, the past seven years have been terrible. The Elgar dogs, have been raiding our lands constantly, and only the hope of your return has kept our people going.�

Aberdeen spoke in a soft, yet commanding tone to Agaras.

�And why, pray tell, have you been waiting for Maya to return?�

Maya silently wished Agaras not to say anything, yet her wish went unfulfilled as he addressed Aberdeen.

�I doubt a commoner such as you would understand the politics of royalty and the matters of such.�

Aberdeen kept his eyes narrowed as he spoke in a dangerous tone.

�Why don�t you tell this �commoner� about it then? You may be surprised by what he knows.�

Agaras glanced at Aberdeen, and shuddered. The rest of his men, he noted, had their hands on their weapons, should the need arise. He cleared his throat and answered Aberdeen.

�Very well. Our kingdom of Tougeroa has been in conflict with the neighbouring kingdom of Elgar for nearly fifty years. However, a truce was drawed up, which would bring about the end of hostilities between our two countries with the marriage of Elgar�s Prince Valige, and Touergoa�s Princess Maya. The two countries would be no more, and the land united under Valige and Maya.� He smirked �Understand?�

Maya didn�t face Aberdeen, as she could feel him staring at her. She was struggling not to say anything as Aberdeen spoke.

�A marriage of convenience eh? I can understand that. But to force two who don�t love each other to marry, seems� rather stupid and pointless.�

Agaras sighed.

�Just as I thought. A commoner would not know anything of royalty.�

Aberdeen glanced at Agaras, his voice cold as the grave.

�A commoner I may be, but at least I have my own freedom. The chains of royalty and duty do not shackle me. Besides,� he jerked on the reins of his chocobo, bringing himself level with Maya �marriages of convenience have a way of working out for the detriment of others. You may get this peace you so desperately desire, but at what cost your soul?�

Maya swallowed as she fought back the tears, which were threatening to appear.


The Red Mage snorted and fell back in line behind Maya and Agaras. He remained silent for the rest of the journey to the Tougeroan capital. As they approached the castle gates, Maya noticed how Agaras�s men seemed to separate her from Aberdeen, but the Red Mage kept them in sight at all times.

As the troop stopped in front of the drawbridge, Maya saw how word must of spread back to the castle, as people had gathered around to cheer the return of their princess. The troop stopped directly in the courtyard of the castle, and the group dismounted. Maya glanced around and saw Aberdeen behind Agaras�s men, as she was being led down a familiar hall, towards the throne room. She swallowed and mentally prepared herself for the confrontation that was about to occur.

The doors of the throne room swung open, and as the group entered, Maya saw her younger siblings, two brothers and three sisters, seated on small thrones. The looks of relief and joy on their faces made Maya�s heart go out to them. When she saw the look of her parents, all the bottled emotion within her, threatened to erupt from her. Her father stood from his throne and approached his eldest daughter, embracing her tightly.

�My dearest daughter! You have returned to us! This is a glorious occasion.�

The Queen hurried to her husband�s side, joy on her face. Maya just smiled weakly, as her parents, then her siblings all expressed joy and happiness at her return. She spied Agaras talking with Aberdeen, the Red Mage speaking harshly and dramatically to the veteran soldier in hushed tones. Agaras sighed and was about to respond, with the King ordered Agaras forward.

�Captain Talon, for returning my daughter to us�.�

Maya interrupted.

�Pardon me for interrupting you father, but Captain Talon escorted myself and my bodyguard here.�

The King looked at Maya, then faced Agaras.

�Is that true?�

Agaras, head bowed, spoke.

�Yes my liege. My troop had attacked a reasonably sized Elgar troop, when the princess appeared.�

At the mention of �a reasonably sized Elgar troop�, Aberdeen gave a short laugh, which echoed throughout the room. Agaras glared at Aberdeen, who was leaning against the wall, arms folded across his chest. The King straightened his form.

�And who may you be?�

Aberdeen tilted his head slightly, keeping the silver side hidden.

�Who am I? I�m just a simple bodyguard, your worshipfulness.�

The King frowned, then after the Queen prodded him, he spoke.

�We owe you a great deal. Allow me to grant you a reward.�

Maya looked at Aberdeen, as he turned and walked towards where Agaras was standing. As he approached, he removed his hat, allowing everyone to see his face. To Maya, the scar on the right side of Aberdeen�s face seemed to be smiling.

�I noticed many things on my way here your majesty. Many things��

The King nodded as he sat upon his throne.

�Name thy reward, and it shall be yours.�

Aberdeen thought it over. What he really wanted, he knew would never be granted, so he asked for something else.

�I noticed in your stables, many fine and impressive steeds.�

The King smiled.

�All are of fine and noble upbringing. Do you desire one of them? If so, take anyone of them as your steed. A small price to pay for returning my beloved daughter.�

Aberdeen nodded as he replaced his hat on his head.

�My thanks your majesty. I have just the one in mind.� He faced Maya �I�m glad to of returned you to your home and family.�

Maya noticed how her parents as well as the other ministers took note of Aberdeen�s words, however Maya recognised the hand motions he gave her. During their trek through the plains and woods, he had taught her the sign language he and his sister were masters of, and as such, read his true words.

>Maya, I will get you out of here. Play the part of grateful daughter, and go along with their plans. I have a plan of my own to get us out of here safely, but I�ll need some time. Please, buy me that time!<

Maya tipped her head as she spoke.

�I thank you for thy aid Aberdeen. Rest assured, I shall be forever in thy debt.�

Her hands answered Aberdeen�s unsaid message.

>I�ll do what I can, but hurry! I have a feeling my father will try and marry me off as soon as he can. I�ll be waiting for you� my love.<

************************************************** *********************

So, what do you think? Heh, I had to have something happen between Aberdeen and Maya, and this is it. Unfortunately, this will be the last Aberdeen and Maya will see each other for some time. Damn.

06-05-2004, 02:04 AM
keeps getting better and better. Keep it up!

06-05-2004, 04:36 AM
Originally posted by Xiahou Dun
Before I post the next part of my story, I feel an apology of sorts is in order. The apology is directed at PlasmaTorture. I know that my post after yours, saying about the formatting style and such, may've seemed like I was having a go at you. I apologise for that, as on that day, everything had gone wrong for me and I needed to vent a little. Unfortunately, you were the target of my venting, as I said before, I apologise for that.

Sorry I didn't get back sooner.

It's perfectly okay, in fact if you ever need to vent, I'm always willing to listen >.>

I'd also like to apologize for being a "harsh" critic of you. It just comes from being like that about myself =\

Keep up the good work.

06-11-2004, 04:41 PM
As usual mate, awesome stuff. I like the nice twist of Maya's royal heritage, and Aberdeen's natural contempt for anyone of noble upbringing. Very much like Zidane and Garnet in FFIX. Anyway, keep writing!

Darth Revan
06-12-2004, 12:05 PM
Here's the next chapter, focusing more on the White Mage Kye. I won't spoil the plot, so read and enjoy.

************************************************** *********************

Outside the tower of the White Mage Guild, in Lugarnia :

Kye sighed as he pulled his robes tight around him, the sun starting to set. He had arrived at the guild, just before dawn, and attended the morning service. Afterwards, he spent the rest of the day, waiting in the anteroom of the Guildmaster, watching as two Knights of Gilchrest were admitted before him. When they left, the elder Knight wore a grimace, his moustache twitching with what appeared to be anger, as his younger companion just sighed and shook his head.

Then, Kye was admitted. To say that he was nervous, would�ve been an understatement. The last time he had been before the Guildmaster, had been six years ago, when as a fledgling acolyte, he had been assigned to the White Mage outpost in the mithril mining town of Ataan. Now, being brought before the Guildmaster once again, he regained his composure quickly and related the events bringing him to Lugarnia. Unfortunately, the �aid� he was expecting, left him feeling a little� expendable.

The guild, while being sympathetic to his plight, had no intention of aiding him and his companions, due to political reasons. At the moment, the Guild of the Dragoon was currently trying to smother the flames of open warfare between the two kingdoms of Tougeroa and Elgar, on the continent of Alginar, in the far south. The Knights of Gilchrest were also trying to halt the tide of hostilities between Tougeroa and Elgar, but pulled their forces out, when word reached the head of their order, of an imminent attack on the continent of Filnario by an unknown power from the North. All that was known about this �power�, was that they were being led by an entity known only as the Empress.

Kye and his two companions had been in the city for just over three weeks, spending all of that time, waiting for his audience with the head of his order, the Lady Azarta. For Kye, he was told no official help from the guild would be allocated to him. However, unofficially, two Knights of Gilchrest, were assigned to assist Kye to the utmost of their abilities. All Kye could do, was bow and obey. To Kye, in felt like all this time waiting was for nothing. With no aid from his guild, Kye and his two companions were left on their own, with two armoured �babysitters�, watching them.

He frowned as he saw some of the Knights of Gilchrest, patrol the crowded streets. If there were so many Knights able to patrol, there should�ve been some able to assist him and his companions. The White Mage Guild and the Knights of Gilchrest had been long time allies, dating back to the days before the End of Days. Still, all things considered, he did felt relieved that some help had been given.

Kye turned and started down the path, holding his oak staff before him. He wondered what Ariel and Wyreema had been doing, while he had spent most of the day, waiting at the guild. He sighed as he remembered the oath Wyreema had sworn before them, on the beach near Port Arlebast. He had his head bowed as he walked, his brow knitted in thought. The White Mage had walked past the door of a small tavern, when it opened and out strode two Knights. Both of them belonged to the Order of the Blade, the lowest order of the Knights of Gilchrest. The elder Knight, Sir Ralgha, frowned as he stepped into the light.

�This is preposterous. Being assigned as �babysitters�, to a White Mage and two� �others�.�

His younger companion frowned as his right hand grasped the handle of his shield.

�Sir Ralgha, we must follow orders. As we are assigned here, under the command of the Lady Azarta herself, we have to follow her orders.�

Ralgha frowned and shook his head.

�Zanthus, you are young and green. You do not understand the politics involved here. True you are a good warrior,� he faced the young Knight �But I�m afraid you will never be a Knight of the Heavens. Not unless you relinquish your youthful naivet�.�

Zanthus Feldt stiffened slightly, looking at his superior cautiously.

�We shall see Sir, we shall see.�

Ralgha sighed.

�Zanthus, don�t be that way. I have no doubt you will become a successful Knight of the Spirit, and as your superior, I will petition the Grand Master and High Warrior for you to begin the trials of succession, when we return to Gilchrest Isle.�

Zanthus kept a stony look on his face. Ralgha sighed and lightly slapped Zanthus on the shoulder.

�Come my friend. We had better head over to the White Tier Tavern and find the White Mage we�re supposed to �escort� on his trek.�

Zanthus looked down the street, his cold blue eyes scanning.

�This� �trek�� we�re to assist the White Mage and his companions with, do we know anything about it whatsoever?�

Ralgha snorted as he started down the street, Zanthus by his side.

�No idea. However, I do know where we are to initially to lead them. The Tower of Historium, to meet the librarian, Agelass.�

Zanthus just nodded, assimilating the information.

�Well then, we should not keep our �charges� waiting. No offense towards the Lugarnians, but I�ll feel a lot better when we are no longer here in Lugarnia.�

Ralgha smiled as he placed his helm upon his head.

�Agreed. Let�s go to this Inn, where they�re waiting.�

As the two knights waled along the path, Zanthus spoke softly to Ralgha.

�Sir� do we know which Inn they are in?�

Ralgha nodded.

�A name which seems to embody the White Mages perfectly,� he pointed to a stone and wood building, directly opposite them �The White Tier Tavern.�

Ralgha entered the tavern, as Zanthus stood outside, a frown upon his face.

*I�ve got a bad feeling growing in the pit of my stomach here� I don�t know why, I just do� *

Zanthus swallowed and entered the tavern, closing the door behind him.

************************************************** *********************

Ariel and Wyreema will be appearing again in the chapter after the next. As it is, the next chapter will be focused on Aberdeen and his own journey, to find a way to free his Black Mage love. Please, if you like how this story is shaping, leave a review. If you have any ideas of you're own, of what you'd like to see, let me know and I'll see what I can do, yes?

06-12-2004, 01:35 PM
Great piece. Nice to see you around Xiahou.

hb smokey
06-12-2004, 01:53 PM
As the beer commercial says...


Anyways, how many more chapters do you plan to write?

Darth Revan
06-18-2004, 01:00 PM
Hi everyone. Here's another chapter. I know I said that this chapter would deal with Aberdeen, but I remembered when I introduced the villains, I had a part with the Dark Knight of the Earth, Vaelen, being ordered to attack the continent of Filnario. Well, that's what this chapter deals with, in particular Vaelen's palns to attack and where.

Enough of this, here's the story.

************************************************** *********************

Near the town of Karet :

On the small plain, a herd of chocobo�s were grazing amongst the mimett fields peacefully. A soft rumbling could be heard, and the lead chocobo raised it�s head, some of the mimett grass in it�s beak. The rumbling grew louder and louder, causing the chocobos to turn and flee in panic.

When the chocobos had fled, the spot where the lead chocobo was, a dark stain spread across the ground. With the appearance of black blood, the stain spread steadily as the rumble started to get violent. In the midst of the stain, a dark gauntleted hand erupted from the ground, rapid cracks spreading from the hole. Another gauntlet erupted from the ground, the arms widening the hole as a dark armoured and horned helmed figure pulled itself from the ground. Embedded in the centre of the dark breastplate, was a dark and ominous looking jewel, glowing with an evil and unholy light.

The dark figure stood on the blood soaked ground, as another dark robed figure pulled itself out of the ground. The second figure knelt in front of the first, it�s head bowed.

�My lord Vaelen, what is thy bidding?�

The Dark Knight of the Earth, Lord Vaelen, smirked behind his helm.

�Listen and listen well Laskha. You are to take the Earth Orcs, Goblins and the Telamatzu and invade the city of Ataan and claim it for the Empress.�

The robed figure, Laskha, bowed his head.

�As you command.�

Vaelen nodded as the earth opened and more forces of the Dark Earth erupted forth. He watched as Laskha led the forces placed under his command, north towards the mining town of Ataan. The Dark Knight turned and faced the glowing lights in the distant horizon, an insidious smile spreading on his face.

�The port city of Labthynea� I have so many delightful and deliciously evil plans for you and that accursed Black Mage guild.�

Vaelen�s smile broadened as he motioned to a group of earth golems. The massive creatures started to make their way towards the city, at a pace Vaelen knew, would bring them at the city gates around midnight. He chuckled as he glanced at a group of shadows, who quickly vanished. The Wights, while not as powerful during the day as they are at night, were still particularly dangerous. They had a mission to accomplish, and Vaelen knew they would.

The Dark Knight raised his helmed visage towards the sky. So little time� and yet the reward was so delightfully close. The earth opened up and Vaelen disappeared into the ground, the cracks sealing up revealing nothing had transpired there.

In the Mayor�s Hall of Ataan :

Sascha and his black mage ally, Motrud, left the Mayor�s office as other applicants waited patiently to be seen. Sascha was annoyed beyond measure. He had been so close to killing that accursed Aberdeen Edwardes and his wench of a sister, when they were betrayed by the �simple� White Mage, Kye Havard.

�We get chewed out by your father, while that miserable little white mage, gets away with betraying his client? What�s wrong with that picture?!�

Sascha sighed as he glanced at his black mage companion who had spoken.

�You know as well as I do Motrud, that because of the distance between us and Lugarnia, the home of the White Mage guild, that their representatives can pretty much get away with anything.�

Motrud snorted and folded his arms across his chest.

�Fine, if that�s the case then, you and I should just go after him and bring him to justice� OUR justice.�

Sascha smiled.

�Motrud, you�re sounding evil everytime something comes out of your mouth.�

Motrud shrugged.

�I try. However, I will have vengeance with Aberdeen Edwardes. I WILL kill him!�

Sascha frowned slightly.

�Because of Othoirs?�

Motrud nodded.

�Othoirs wasn�t just my brother in the Art, but also my blood brother. I will avenge his death, by killing his killer.�

Sascha studied the look on Motrud�s face closely, then made a decision.

�Let�s go.�

Motrud faced the warrior.

�What do you mean?�

Sascha walked towards the mayor�s stables, the black mage following. Inside, Sascha saddled two of his father�s black chocobos. Motrud watched as Sascha grabbed four saddlebags worth of supplies and mounted one of the chocobos. He faced the black mage.

�Come on Motrud. Let�s go get our revenge.�

Motrud smiled and mounted the spare chocobo. With a final glance around the stable, Sascha urged his mount forward, Motrud following. The two black chocobos ran out of the stables at a breakneck speed, startling the chocobo wrangler. The old man snarled and threw his hat on the ground, shaking his hand at the warrior and mage, whilst hurling curses at them.

As soon as they were out of the mining city, Motrud smiled.

�You had this all planned didn�t you Sascha?�

Sascha chuckled and was about to respond, when his chocobo reared backwards, startling the young warrior. Motrud�s eyes narrowed as he sensed the presence of dark magic. He drew his staff forward, and narrowed his eyes.

�Something evil� and dark is near. We need to warn your father��

Sascha glanced quickly over his shoulder at the mage.

�How bad?�

Motrud pointed his staff directly in front of them.

�That bad.�

Sascha�s gaze followed Motrud�s staff, eyes widening. Gathering some distance in front of them, was a group of heavily armed warriors. Sascha swallowed as he recognised the armour of the warriors.

�The� Telamatzu��

Motrud jerked the reins of his chocobo.

�Come on! We need to get back to the city now!�

Sascha nodded and pulled on his reins. Both chocobos ran back to Ataan as fast as they could, as the Telamatzu advanced. As they raced, Motrud looked at the horizon, watching the sun set.

�Sascha� I have a bad feeling that we�re not going to survive this��

Sascha didn�t respond, concentrating on making his chocobo run faster. His thoughts running wild.

*This is severe trouble. Father won�t have enough time to gather the soldiers or even sound the evacuation. Knowing him, he�ll probably abandon the town to safe himself and forsake everyone else.*

************************************************** *********************

Don't worry, Sascha and Motrud will.... Well, let's say I've got plans for these two.

Next update next week. Let me know what you think so far, yes?

Bahamut ZERO
06-30-2004, 08:38 AM
Okay, I got your PM a while back asking me to read this, and I've just now finished getting through it.

What can I say? I like the character of Aberdeen (even if he is named after a Scottish city. :) ) His presence within the story seems central; Like a rock for the rest of the characters to revolve around.

I like the twist with Maya and her lineage in royalty. I love the DarK Knights and wish to see more of them. The idea of the crystals blessing the owner with power is awesome, and I am unsure why Square themselves never thought to do this in the first place.

I also like the two or three plots going on side by side. The Dark Knights moving for a reason we're not sure of, the rivalry between the two Kingdoms, the destination of Ariel, Kye and Wyreena. It's all good stuff.

Keep it up.

Darth Revan
07-03-2004, 12:02 AM
Hey all. This chapter is just a continuation of the previous one. Took me awhile to wrte, as I was rereading it, and rewriting it and then repeating it again, because I found parts which just didn't seem to fit. Talk about being picky...

The text written between \.../ and in italics, is telepathic speech.

Anywayz, enjoy.

************************************************** *********************

Midnight, at the West Gate of Port Labthynea :

Captain Thanas stood on the wall, surrounding the port city of Labthynea, his gaze on the growing darkness outside the wall. People had been fleeing into the city since early afternoon, spreading tales of horror and terror. The outlying farms had been razed to the ground by powerful creatures. Some people spoke of living shadows, which instilled fear in every mortal to cross their path.

Thanas sighed as he looked down at the immense gate, barring the path into the city, and prayed that the gate would be strong enough to withstand whatever darkness was approaching. Two of the White Mages, assigned to the city lord, had cast numerous Barrier and Wall spells, to strengthen the wall. Ramalad, the second most powerful Black Mage in Labthynea, approached Thanas, handing him two items. One a small pouch, the other a small rod. Thanas hoped he wouldn�t have to use them.

He was deep in thought, when his second approached him.

�Captain, the north and south gates are sealed and no sign of unusual activity. The night�s silent and all�s clear.�

Thanas faced the younger man and frowned.

�That is what worries me, Koe.� He gestured to the dark sky �No moon, no nightly animal sounds, nothing.�

Koe shrugged.

�You worry too much. When the sun rises, you�ll know you�ve worried about��

Just then, another guard yelled out. Thanas and Koe whirled and looked out over the wall. A figure shuffled out of the darkness, towards the gate, head bowed and limbs hanging loosely by his sides. The man�s long, thining hair, hung limply about his shoulders. Koe recognised the man instantly.

�That�s Reghor! I knew him when I was little, lives not that far from the Linspaer woods.�

Thanas frowned.

�Keep the gates shut!�

Koe looked at his superior, shock on his face.

�But Captain!�

Thanas folded his arms across his chest.

�The gates close at dusk and remain closed until dawn. Those are our orders.�

Koe�s face grew red.

�Captain! I�ll vouch for him! Please, open the gate!�

Thanas was about to respond when, the man called out.

�Help� Please� My family��

The man fell to his hands and knees, gasping. Koe turned a pleading look towards Thanas, who frowned. Going against orders, he turned and stared at the hunched over figure as he spoke to the gate guards.

�Open the gate!�

Koe smiled his gratitude as he leaped down the stairs, making his way towards the opening gate. Thanas looked at a group of men standing not far from him, directly above the gate.

�Keep your arrows aimed on that man.�

The men nodded, and drew the drawstrings of their bows back, the arrows nocked and ready. Koe, meanwhile, stepped out from the gate towards the hunched over man. A small group of gate guards spread out from the gate, their halberds drawn, their eyes darting back and forth. Then a gust of cold wind, blew forth from the darkness. The wind bit deep into the men on the ground and on the wall, the cold grasping their hearts.

Koe made his way next to the man and knelt next to him, his hand on the man�s shoulder.

�Reghor, are you alright? It�s me, Koe.�

�Reghor�, nodded as his hand closed over Koe�s hand. Koe smile, soon disappeared into a look of pain as a scream erupted from his mouth. �Reghor� crushed Koe�s hand, his other hand grasping the young man by the throat, lifting him off of his feet. Koe�s eyes widened as he saw the pale skin and the glowing red eyes.

�Koe� I�m fine� well, I am a little� thirsty��

Koe gasped as Reghor opened his mouth, two sharp canines protruding forth, as he sunk the teeth into Koe�s neck. On the wall, Thanas ordered his men to fire their arrows, and to seal the gates.

Unfortunately, the darkness erupted, as shadowy forms and shapes sped towards the slowly closing gate. Thanas looked at his men, his eyes narrowing as he saw them. The shaking, the fear in their eyes.


The gates were almost closed, when the ground under the gate erupted as an earth golem erupted forth, shattering the gate and surrounding wall. The dark creatures spread into the city, the guards fighting valiantly, and yet falling to the ground. Dark shadows sped forth as more golems appeared, their fists smashing into the wall, cracking it in some places. Thanas looked and saw Reghor glaring at him, his mouth and chest covered in the blood of Koe. The Vampyre motioned to the body of Koe as he spoke to Thanas.

�Your friend? Heh, tastes good.�

Thanas frowned, taking a step backwards as his hand fell onto the handle of his sword. The Vampyre leaped from the ground, landing on the wall in front of the Gate Captain, leering hungrily at him. Thanas let his sword speak for him, drawing it and swinging it one fluid motion. The blade bit deep into the Vampyre�s shoulder, causing the evil creature to back away slightly. Thanas held his sword in one hand, his other going to the small rod attached to his bolt.

�Well, how about this gift from the Black Mages, we let it wash your mouth out?�

Raising the rod, he pointed it directly at the creature and said the word of activation. The end of the rod glowed violently, as a fireball launched itself at the creature. The magickal fireball struck the Vampyre in the chest, sending the creature over the wall, just before the magickal energy tore the creature apart.

Thanas turned and barked orders to his men, as throughout the city, screams of terror amongst roars of evil, echoed throughout the night. A swirl of magickal energy appeared next to Thanas, causing the Captain to turn and raise the rod. When a familiar dark robed figure stepped forth, Thanas lowered the rod and spoke to the figure.

�Where are the others? The other Black Mages?�

Ramalad cast numerous Firaga and Thundaga spells, each blast striking one of the creatures, turning them to dust. The Black Mage faced Thanas.

�Retreat Thanas. There is nothing you can do against foes such as these.�

Thanas glanced back over the wall, and saw a never-ending tide of darkness swarming towards the gate and wall of Labthynea. He spoke in a quiet tone to Ramalad.

�We won�t survive this� will we?�

Ramalad was about to respond, when he sensed only what he could describe as the focal point for the darkness. Both mage and fighter watched as a dark armoured figure strode forth from the darkness, flanked by numerous Vampyres, Wights, Wraiths and other such creatures. Ramalad stiffened as he recognised the glowing crystal in the middle of the dark breastplate of the figure.

�It can�t be��

Thanas aimed the rod at the figure.

�Let�s see how he likes getting warmed up!�

Ramalad whirled and snatched the rod from Thanas.

�Don�t! He is one which you have no dream of defeating, nor do I. Only Lord Salian, head of the Black Mages has a chance against one of them!�

Thanas snarled, then gasped as Ramalad teleported him to the ground away from the gate, the Black Mage�s voice echoing in his mind.

\Run you fool! You will serve no good here. Flee./

Thanas took one more glance at the wall, then turned and ran right into a figure. Thanas fell to the ground and looked at the figure, his eyes going wide as he recognised the bloodied body before him.

�Koe� it can�t be��

Koe shuffled forward, his wounds open revealing the insides. He smiled at his former superior.

�I�m fine Captain. I�ve finally got it. I�m free�� he gazed at Thanas, smiling as two elongated canines shined in the moonlight �� and I�m in position to offer you freedom as well�freedom found in death.�

Thanas paled as the vampiric form of Koe approached him. Thanas grasped the small pouch Ramalad had given him with the small rod. As his hand grasped and pulled the pouch from his belt and threw it at the feet of Koe, the pouch exploded in a fierce explosion of fire and earth. Thanas pulled himself to his feet, satisfied that he had put his former second to rest.

Sudden pain filled Thanas as he fell forward, his back torn open. He managed to look behind him, eyes wide as he saw Koe and two female Vampyres. Koe smiled evilly, bearing his fangs. Thanas tried to crawl away, as the three creatures stalked him. Koe stomped on Thanas�s leg, snapping the knee joint, causing Thanas to scream in pain. Koe smiled as he looked at the two female Vampyres, on either side of him.

�Ahh, music to my ears�� he gazed at Thanas �Because you�ve decided to turn down the gift, it�s time for one thing��

The female Vampyre standing to the right of Koe smiled, bearing her own fangs.

�We feed.�

The three Vampyres pounced on Thanas, as his screams for mercy rose above the sounds of death stalking the city.

At the wall, the Dark Knight of the Earth, Lord Vaelen strode into the city, the fire gleaming in his dark armour. He smiled as he watched the Black Mage teleport away, most probably back towards the Black Mage guild. He smiled again as three of his officers knelt in front of him. A Vampyre, a Lichlord and a human warrior of the Telematzu. Vaelen looked at them.

�I want this city razed to the ground! Not one human will survive. This city will be an example to the rest of the world, to bow before the Empress.�

The Telematzu warrior kept his gaze on the ground.

�My lord, all resistance at the north gate has been suppressed. The port will be under our command momentarily.�

Vaelen nodded as he bade the Lichlord to speak. The hooded and robed figure dipped it�s head in acknowledgement and spoke in a guttural tone.

�The south gate has been eradicated, as have all of the city defenses. The Mayor�s villa,� he smiled insidiously �has been vanquished.�

Vaelen faced the Vampyre, who wore a nervous look on his face. Vaelen�s eyes narrowed behind his helm.


The Vampyre bowed his head.

�My lord, all but the Black Mage guild has been subjugated. Unfortunately, the Black Mages are proving to be� harder to suppress than other mortals.�

Vaelen smirked slightly.

�Indeed. How hard have you tried to accomplish your set task?�

The Vampyre frowned.

�The Black Mage guild is surrounded by an oak grove, the likes of which we have never encountered before. Anyone who enters��

Vaelen was silent, then a sound which chilled even the three powerful entities, came forth from the Dark Knight himself. A dark, chilling laughter.

�The Analia Oak grove. There is a way to get around those trees, one which I told you about before the attack.�

The Vampyre cringed away, fear in his red eyes.

�My lord��

Vaelen raised his right arm and pointed it at the Vampyre.

�Those who fail me, must be punished.�

Bolts of dark energy lanced from Vaelen�s gauntleted hand, spearing the Vampyre. The same dark energy coursed through the Vampyre�s body, erupting forth from his eyes and mouth. The energy built up and caused the Vampyre to explode, showering the Telematzu warrior and Lichlord with his remains. Vaelen motioned to a female Vampyre, who knelt in front of him.

�What is your name Vampyre?�

The female Vampyre kept her head bowed, but had an evil gleam in her eyes.

�Lilith, my Lord.�

Vaelen smiled.

�From now on, you are the commander of my Vampyre forces. Serve me well.�

Lilith stood and faced Vaelen.

�As you command my lord.�

Vaelen smiled as he faced his two other commanders.

�You have your orders. Kill every human man, woman and child.�

The Liche and Human bowed and left to go about their orders. Vaelen looked at Lilith.

�Come with me.�

Both Dark Knight and Vampyre headed towards the tower of the Black Mage guild, dark intent in every one of their steps.

At the tower of the Black Mage guild :

Ramalad watched the carnage assailing the city through the scrying pool of the guildmaster, and frowned. Numerous fires had spread throughout the city, and the death toll was climbing rapidly. He sighed and turned away from the pool, only to once again turn and face it. The call had gone out for all Black Mages to return to the guild, for the yearly conclave. Ramalad had thought that with every single Black Mage in the world, with the exception of one, there in the guild, they would�ve been able to deal with anything.

Unfortunately, they were caught offguard, and all of the acolytes had died in the first few moments of the battle. At the current moment, only a dozen Black Mages were left in the tower, the remaining having ventured out into the city to fight back the tide of darkness. However, the Black Mages were fighting a losing battle. Ramalad faced the guildmaster, who was sitting behind his desk.

�It would seem that we�re their objective. The destruction of the Black Mage guild.�

The guildmaster nodded.

�Indeed. Then the other guilds will be targeted and destroyed. I have already spoken with the Lady Azarta, head of the White Mage guild in Lugarnia, and have asked her to pass on the warning to the other guilds.�

Ramalad frowned and leaned on his staff.

�What about� Maya?�

The guildmaster leaned back in his chair, and spoke in a soft tone.

�I have a feeling that Maya is now indisposed and Aberdeen is coming to terms with Maya�s heritage.�

Ramalad was about to respond, when the guildmaster motioned back to the scrying pool. Both Black Mages watched as the Dark Knight appeared at the edge of the Analia Oak grove, a female Vampyre by his side. The atmosphere inside the guildmaster�s office was silent, as Earth Golems ripped the ancient trees out of the ground and threw them further into the city.

As the Golems made a path towards the guild, the Dark Knight and some of his dark troops, followed the path to where a group of trees were protecting the entrance of the guild. Vaelen smiled and motioned at the trees, as more dark energy erupted forth from his hands, destroying the trees completely.

Ramalad hissed, as Vaelen and his troop entered the guild. The guildmaster sighed and held his staff out to Ramalad.

�Take this staff, find Maya and tell her what happened here. She is our only hope.�

Ramalad frowned as he took the staff. He then noticed the look on the face of the elderly Black Mage, eyes narrowing.

�Sir� you don�t intend to��

The Black Mage motioned with his hand sharply.

�Silence! Ramalad, you have your orders. See to them now!�

Ramalad�s frown deepened.


The guildmaster hissed, his hand griping the armrest of his chair tightly, as he gestured with his other hand.


Before Ramalad could respond, the guildmaster cast the �Warp� spell, sending Ramalad far away. The Mage leaned back in his chair and waited. The door to his room opened as two Vampyres leaped in, only to burst into flame as the guildmaster cast Flare on them. The next entity who entered the room, was engulfed by the same spell. Laughter came from the being, who walked out of the flames caused by the spell, unscathed.

�Nice try human. I give you credit for lasting as long as you have, but all for naught I�m afraid.�

The guildmaster stared coldly at Vaelen.

�What do you want?�

Vaelen smiled behind his helm.

�You get straight to the point don�t you?� Vaelen glared coldly at the Mage, as he drew his sword �Unfortunately for you, you will die not knowing.�

The guildmaster smiled.

�I think not Dark Knight of the Earth. Entering my domain� you think I would not be prepared for this event?�

Vaelen�s eyes narrowed, but before he could respond, the old mage cast the most powerful spell he knew : Meteor. The destructive spell tore the room apart, shaking the tower to it�s very foundation. Outside the tower, Lilith watched and waited, as the tower crumbled in front of her. She knew Vaelen would survive the tower�s destruction, and wasn�t surprised when Vaelen appeared out of the ground next to her. She glanced at him.

�My lord� I have reports from my forces. All Black Mages in the city have been� �pacified�. All but one��

Vaelen nodded.

�I know, still he poses no problem at all. He is only one Black Mage� The only one left alive on this planet, apart from another.� He turned and walked away from the ruined guild tower �It will only be a matter of time until Ramalad Terok dies by my hand.�

Lilith spoke in a quiet tone.

�And what of the female Black Mage?�

Vaelen smiled as he faced her.

�I leave her fate, to you to decide.�

Lilith bowed, her dark hair cascading down her shoulders.

�I live to serve, my lord.�

Vaelen dipped his head at her, as she vanished into the night. The Dark Knight looked over the blasted remains of the city, and sent a summons to all of his warriors. Soon, only Vaelen was left standing in the ruins, walking calmly towards the west gate. He walked out from the city towards a small hill, where he turned and faced the city.

He could sense that some humans were still alive in the city, crying out for help, help which would never arrive. Vaelen raised both of his arms skyward, the crystal in his chest glowing dangerously. The ground around Labthynea rumbled and shook, as rifts appeared. Parts of the city fell into the rifts, screams of wounded humans echoing into the night sky.

Vaelen�s smile grew broader as the ground opened up under Labthynea itself, swallowing the city into the ground. Vaelen laughed, as he looked at the ocean rush in to fill the void created by Labthynea�s destruction.

�Soon, soon, the world will be in the grasp of the Empress. When that day comes�� Vaelen closed his right hand into a fist, dark energy encircling it �I will have my revenge� revenge against those who took the light from me.�

With that said, Vaelen pulled his helm from his shoulders, the eerie moonlight, shining onto elven features.

************************************************** *********************

Yes, Vaelen is a Dark Elf. One with his own agenda, just like Velermos. I'm working on the next chapter now, and it does have Aberdeen in it. He meets.... an interesting character who joins up with him. Also, his 'reward' from the Tougeroan king is a... I won't say. You'll just have to wait and see, yes?

Darth Revan
07-17-2004, 06:51 AM
Hey everyone. Sorry about keeping the update for this story so long, it took me a while to plan and write it. It does have a somewhat� �violent�� fight in it, so it should keep some people here happy (Yes, I mean you Ross!). Enjoy.

************************************************** *********************

In the Elgar lands :

Aberdeen Edwardes sat on the back of his �reward� from the Tougeroan King. Giving him free reign to choose whatever he wanted as a reward, Aberdeen knew the King was steaming over the �reward� he took.

In the King�s stables, were numerous chocobos, however only one Gold chocobo. Henceforth, Aberdeen took that one, making the chocobo master rather nervous. Aberdeen remembered riding out from the Tougeroan capital, the looks of disdain, disgust and pure hatred he had been given by Captain Agaras Talon of the Tougeroan Red Talon battle group.

He had also noticed the look Maya had given him, as she looked out from one of the many windows of the castle. The look of hope and longing on her face. That had been nearly a month ago, and he had to admit, every moment he spent without his black mage by his side, his feeling of loneliness grew.

As his Gold Chocobo carried him along the small mountain path, he glanced ahead. A ravine was directly ahead of him, and standing on his side of the ravine, was a warrior wearing silver armour, armour in the design of a bipedal dragon. The warrior was wielding a dragoon lance. Floating in the air, wings beating slowly, a young brass dragon watched Aberdeen through narrow eyes.

Aberdeen frowned as he studied the warrior, a dragoon his mind told him. It was obvious to Aberdeen, that he wasn�t going to be allowed to cross the bridge as easy as he hoped. Even having a Gold chocobo, he didn�t have to follow the path he did. He did it, to keep the Tougeroans, the King had sent to watch him, within sight.

The Red Mage waited, reigning his steed to a stop. The dragoon spun his weapon above his head as he announced himself.


Aberdeen chuckled.

�A challenge eh? Tell me somewhat, why no one shall pass?�

The dragoon, named Connor Teclis, whirled his spear as he spoke.

�It has been decreed that no one wearing the colours of Tougeroa or Elgar shall pass, by the Dragoon council.� He brought his spear ready �The senseless war between these two countries is to end, and I shall endeavour that none shall pass, to continue the bloodshed.�

Aberdeen leaned forward in his saddle.

�True, war is senseless, however some wars need to be fought. That is neither here nor now. I do not fight for either Tougeroa OR Elgar. Henceforth, your embargo on the pass, does not apply to me.�

Connor frowned, and was about to speak when his Brass Dragon companion spoke.

�He�s right Connor. He�s a Red Mage, and no Red Mages are in the employ of either King Osclearnis of Tougeroa nor King Deglarle of Elgar.�

Connor faced his companion, a look of annoyance on his face.

�Khirsah, we have been ordered to let no one pass. Are orders are simple, which even WE can�t stuff up.�

Khirsah narrowed his eyes.

�Are you implying that the destruction of the shipyard, at our last posting, of Alannis was my fault?�

Connor�s face wore a sneering look.

�Well, I�m not the one to puff up his chest and look all manly when a female silver dragon, in human form, walks past. Not like you, who if I recall, tried to chat to her, and got into a fight with HER mate!�

Khirsah hissed, revealing sharp teeth.

�YOU HYPOCRITICAL BASTARD! You were busy flirting with her human companion, a female dragoon!�

Connor grasped his spear tightly, anger clearly evident on his face.


Khirsah flexed his �hands� as long, sharp talons appeared from each �finger�.

�Ready when you are, you stuffy rustbucket!�

Aberdeen was chuckling to himself, watching the scene before him. He was about to respond, when he heard the troop of Tougeroan soldiers approach. He glanced towards the other side of the ravine, where a small troop of Elgar soldiers had gathered and were readying their weapons. He looked over his shoulder, back down the path he had come, and saw the Tougeroans, weapons drawn.

�Now� things are about to get interesting.�

Aberdeen jerked on the reins, leading his chocobo into the brush, while Connor and Khirsah argued. The leader of the Tougeroan force, was none other than Agaras Talon himself, leading the Red Talons. Aberdeen snarled to himself. It was obvious Agaras was following orders from Maya�s father, to �retrieve� his Gold Chocobo and to �retire� Aberdeen permanently. The Red Mage let his hand stray towards his sword as he watched the scene unfold before him.

Captain Agaras Talon called his men to a halt. They had been tracking the Red Mage for nearly a month, and Agaras recalled the King�s order.

�Make sure that the Red Mage can no longer interfere with my daughter� or anyone else for that matter. Bring back a� memento of his, something I can use to make Maya follow what is best for our country.�

Agaras knew exactly what was expected of him, after all, he had successfully completed other �missions� like this for his king. Afterall, it had been Agaras who had initiated the current state of war between Tougeroa and Elgar for the sole purpose of uniting the continent of Alginar under total Tougeroan control. That meant the elimination of Elgar and all who oppose King Osclearnis. Unfortunately, the tracks of the Red Mage vanished, and Agaras was currently thinking of what the Red Mage was up to.

One of his men drew his attention to a warrior garbed in fancy silver armour, arguing with a� small brass dragon. Agaras also noted the Elgar troops on the other side of the ravine, and smiled evilly. The Elgar soldiers had already started to cross the bridge, and only two soldiers remained on the other side, waiting.

Agaras looked at the two bowmen in his troop and nodded. The two archers, drew the drawstrings of their bows back, arrows nocked and ready, as another soldier lit the tips, igniting the fire arrows. Agaras smiled sickly as he saw the leader of the Elgar troop, an old man well into his twilight years and yet still a power on the battlefield, raised his head, eyes wide as he saw Agaras and his men. The leader of the Red Talons lowered his arm, as the archers fired. The two lit arrows flew straight and true, slicing through the rope holding the bridge in place, the flames igniting the wood.

The Elgar soldiers cried out, as the bridge fell apart, sending them to their doom. Connor, having stopped his argument with Khirsah, faced the Tougeroan warriors, as Khirsah flew straight down into the ravine, catching all five of the Elgar soldiers. As Khirsah flew back to the top of the ravine, he noticed the Red Mage�s chocobo, reins tied around a branch, unattended.

Meanwhile, Connor found himself surrounded by the Red Talons, Agaras looking at the young dragoon, disdain and disgust clearly evident on his face. When he addressed the dragoon, his voice was filled with his own superiority.

�A little far from your kind, are you not dragoon?�

Connor faced Agaras coldly.

�I am here under orders from the Dragoon Highlord, Lord Septimus Tyrion. A Dragoon presence was requested here by the Knights of Gilchrest, and the White Mages.�

Agaras nodded, taking in the information.

�I see. Unfortunately I can not allow you or any of your ilk, nor those meddling Knights or White Mages, to interfere with the plans of King Osclearnis.� He nodded to his men �Kill him.�

Just as two of the soldiers drew their weapons, two bolts of Thundara slammed into the soldiers, throwing them from their steeds to the ground. The spell had fused the joints of the armour, with the unfortunate side effect of boiling the men inside the armour alive. Agaras snarled as pulled forth his sword.

�Damn it! Where are you Red Mage!?�

Aberdeen dropped from an overhead branch, landing next to the dragoon, both warriors adopting a strong fighting stance. Aberdeen smiled as he looked at Agaras.

�Looking for me? Well, you�ve found me.�

Agaras ground his teeth, as the remaining nine members of the Red Talons drew their own blades.

�You�ve become quite the nuisance Red Mage. I thank you for showing yourself, now you and your new friend can die together!�

The Red Talons charged as Aberdeen ducked close to the ground and ran, his sword held out horizontally. His attack caused three chocobos to veer and buck, throwing their riders as they ran off into the bush, narrowly missing the attack Aberdeen had caused.

Connor thrust upwards with his spear, in a wide arc. His weapon caught two soldiers slamming them to the ground hard. Three soldiers rushed him, but he was ready. He spun his spear in a series of strikes, before thrusting it into the ground and spinning his body around it, his feet hitting each soldier as his arms propelled his body upwards, his hands grasping the haft of his spear, and spinning it in a circle as he lands. The soldiers caught in this attack hit the ground and didn�t move.

The three riders, dismounted from Aberdeen�s attack staggered back to their feet, where Khirsah flew into them, grasping two by their necks, the other in his mouth. He flew over the ravine, dropping the men. The three soldiers screamed as they fell towards the jagged rocks and foamy water far below.

Connor turned and was caught by an upward slice from Agaras�s sword. The young dragoon�s armour had saved his life, but the blow had sent him to the ground, as Agaras kicked his spear out of Connor�s reach. The commander of the Red Talons placed one foot on Connor�s chest, the tip of his sword at Connor�s throat. Agaras spoke to Khirsah who had landed and was snarling and hissing.

�Have a care you overgrown lizard. One false step, and your partner will be a full head short of his optimal height.�

Khirsah�s claws dug deep grooves in the ground, as he flexed his wings. The Elgar soldiers he had rescued lowered their weapons, but remained in sight of Agaras. The Red Mage however, had once again vanished. Connor gasped and managed to speak.

�The Tougeroans initiated this conflict, didn�t they? Just for land!�

Agaras sighed and shook his head as he spoke, in a tone a parent would use to speak to a naughty child.

�You have no idea do you boy? Very well, know this, Alginar will belong to King Osclearnis, as will everyone residing on her. The marriage between Princess Maya and Elgar�s Prince Valige, is nothing but a ruse to get Elgar to drop it�s defences, long enough for us to invade and destroy Elgar�s King and Queen.�

The Elgar officer shook with barely contained rage, his moustache twitching.

�This is outrageous! Your plan will not succeed!�

Agaras smiled as he drew the small crossbow behind his back and fired it at the old soldier. The officer fell to the ground, his hand clutching the crossbow bolt which was embedded on the left side of his chest.

�It will succeed. We have been granted the power to succeed by the Empress, Kali Mors. She will unite the northlands, while we unite the southlands. Then, King Osclearnis will defeat Empress Kali, by sacrificing his daughter. With her death, the world will be purged of all unclean peoples, and united under King Osclearnis of Tougeroa!�

Agaras paused, and was about to continue, when a blade erupted forth from his chest, spilling his blood. The dragoon knocked Agaras�s sword away and scrambled to his feet as the blade was withdrawn. Agaras stumbled a few steps, before managing to turn to face the person who struck him down. Standing there, the shadows seemingly clinging to him, Aberdeen Edwardes had a dangerously evil look on his face. When he spoke, it was in an anger filled tone.

�He means to sacrifice his own daughter� all for his own delusions of grandeur? ENOUGH!�

Aberdeen raised his sword and sliced Agaras�s head clean from his shoulders, the head bouncing on the ground to rest at Connor�s feet. Aberdeen grasped the only surviving Tougeroan soldier by the throat, lifting him off of his feet.

�You will live insect, only to deliver a message to your king!� Aberdeen spat each word, dripping with venom �If he so much as harms one hair on Maya�s head, I will kill him, in the most gruesome and goriest fashion I can imagine! Tell him, the Red Mage Aberdeen Edwardes, has given him this warning. Cease all hostilities with Elgar and release Maya to me� or else!�

Aberdeen dropped the soldier to the ground and kicked him hard in the stomach, the force of the blow sending the soldier rolling on the ground towards a chocobo. He managed to pull himself into the saddle and ride off as fast as the chocobo would carry him.

Connor knelt next to the veteran Elgar officer, carefully removing the crossbow bolt, and bandaging the wound. The Elgar soldiers gathered around their commander as he sat upright, with help from two of his soldiers, and studied Aberdeen.

�You are a fearsome warrior Red Mage. If we had you on our side, we�d surely win��

Aberdeen kept his gaze cold.

�I am not interested in fighting for you or your king. I fight for myself and only for myself and my comrades.� He faced the officer �I do not care about your politics, nor land complaints!�

The officer nodded slowly, as one of his soldiers spoke.

�We are fighting for justice! Our kingdom already has power so��

Aberdeen snorted as he sheathed his sword.

�Power and justice can only be obtained through victory in battle. Tell me, are you sure you can win a battle successfully, with so much at stake?�

Connor frowned, his arms folded across his chest.

�Warlords rise for their own version of justice, and march into battle against each other as another evil waits in the wings. A time of chaos indeed.�

Aberdeen nodded in agreement with the young warrior.

�True. At this time, as much as I want to return to Tougeroa and free Maya, I do not have the numbers I need for such an undertaking.�

The dragoon faced Aberdeen, his face serious as he knelt in front of the Red Mage.

�You have one. The sword of justice shall be by your side.�

Khirsah flapped his wings.

�So will the throne of justice, service you, Master Mage.�

The Elgar officer grimaced as he stood.

�You have saved the lives of myself and my men Red Mage. Our lives are forfeit, as we place ourselves under your command.�

Aberdeen frowned slightly. To him, this was getting a little out of hand. He looked at the Elgar soldiers.

�I can not have you leave your liege at this time. You would be best remaining by his side, serving him. Warn him of what Tougeroa is planning.�

The Elgar officer nodded.

�We will do as you say, Master Mage.�

The dragoon glanced at Khirsah, who flexed his wings.

�Come on humans, I�ll carry you over to your two comrades.�

As Khirsah carried the Elgar soldiers to the other side of the ravine, Aberdeen retrieved his chocobo mount and looked at the dragoon.

�Do you have a name?�

The dragoon dipped his head.

�Aye, I am called Connor Teclis.�

Aberdeen smiled softly as he opened a saddlebag on his chocobo, drawing a flask of water. After having some, he handed the flask to Connor, who readily accepted it.

�I am no Master Mage. My name is Aberdeen Edwardes, and I have a quest of my own to accomplish.�

Connor picked up his spear, as he spoke.

�The princess of Tougeroa?�

Aberdeen nodded.

�She is but one part of my quest.�

Connor faced Aberdeen as Khirsah landed.

�Then I and my companion, shall journey with you, to help you accomplish your quest. It is� a matter of honour.�

Khirsah frowned.

�Great, now he�s talking about honour again. He won�t shut up now.�

Connor whirled, facing Khirsah.

�Be quiet!�

Khirsah grinned.

�Make me.�

While the two bickered, Aberdeen chuckled. He looked back down the path, towards Tougeroa, and made a silent promise.

* You will be freed Maya, from that bastion you�re in. I will do whatever it takes to free you. Even if I have to fight him again, I will. You mean that much to me, my Black Mage.*

The Red Mage looked at the bloodied form of Agaras Talon on the ground and frowned.

* It would seem another has plans. This Empress, Kali Mors. I wonder what's being planned in the North.* he turned his gaze towards the North *Sis... Kye had better be looking after you... or else I'll.... *

************************************************** *********************

Ok, a little info in regards to Connor Teclis and his partner, Khirsah. Connor is a dragoon as stated above, but the armour he wears is almost identical to that of the Shu Warrior, Ma Chao�s, 6th costume (In Dynasty Warriors 4). If you have only played Dynasty Warriors 3, then picture Ma Chao, but instead of gold armour, it�s silver. His attacks, are based on Ma Chao as well. When I initially thought of a dragoon, Ma Chao from Dynasty Warriors immediately came to mind.

Khirsah, is a small brass dragon, about five metres in length. He�s been assigned as the dragon partner for Connor, for about four years. More of the history of these two characters will be revealed in later chapters. Please, let me know what you think.

07-17-2004, 04:15 PM
As usual great story mate.

The only problem I can see with this chapter mate, as we discussed earlier over the phone, is getting a little too over-indulgent with the DW references. Although I love the DW games as much as you do, and would immiedately pick up on them, it may seem a little obscure for those unfortunate enough to not have played the DW games.

Still, it was an excellent chapter and the story is really moving along like the Skidbladnir with a drunken Cid at the wheel (oops. spoiler...), just how I like it. Anyway, enough brickbats from me. Great story. Excellent prose as usual, and lots of gratuitious violence. Keep writing!

P.S. As promised, here are the first two images of my conceptual artwork for the first four characters (Aberdeen, Ariel, Kye and Maya). I'll get around to the other characters soon enough:

http://enkidoh.limmtec.com/images/ffrm - aberdeen and ariel1.jpg


http://enkidoh.limmtec.com/images/ffrm - kye and maya1.jpg

Enjoy, and let me know what you think...

Darth Revan
08-18-2004, 04:03 PM
Sorry about the late update guys. Been very busy as of have late and all of my stories have been put on the back burner. Then, add in a severe case of writer�s block and� ugh.

Anywayz, here�s the latest update.

************************************************** *********************

The town of Perinthineas :

Ariel Edwardes sighed to herself as she lent against the wall, surrounding the ancient city of Perinthineas, as �Sir� Ralgha, was �discussing� a matter of some import with one of the city guards. Kye, Wyreema and Zanthus stood with Ariel, as the elder knight raised his voice in anger towards the city guards.

One of the guards turned and hurried inside the massive gate, while the other backed away from Ralgha, hands raised defensively. The knight stood, hands on his hips and glared at the remaining guard.

�COWARDS! You will let us pass!�

The guard cringed, his hands holding his halberd in a shaky grasp.

�S� S� Sir� we can�t� let anyone within the� city limits��

Before Ralgha could respond, Ariel beat him to it.

�Ralgha, calm down. There must be a legitimate reason as to why they can�t admit anyone.�

Ralgha faced her, his face crimson with anger.

�That�s SIR Ralgha to YOU, common Red Mage swine!�

Zanthus stepped forward, taking note of the looks on the faces of Kye and Wyreema. He knew that he and Ralgha had been given a bad assignment, and that their companions didn�t want them around. Now, with Ralgha revealing some of his true nature, Zanthus needed to keep things calm.

�Sir Ralgha� now is not the time to� aggravate the situation here.� He glanced at Ariel and the others �We�re all friends here, right?�

Ralgha nodded slowly, and regained his composure.

�You�re right Zanthus�� he faced Ariel �I� apologise for my previous comments. They were uncalled for and unjust. I� did not mean to cause offence.�

Ariel, eyes narrowed, glared at Ralgha. At that exact moment, she resembled her brother to such a degree, even Kye had to look twice.

�None taken, Sir Rustalot.� She drew her red robes around herself and walked towards the guard at the gate �Tell me, why can no one be admitted to the city?�

The guard faced her, his stance, while still defensive, was softened.

�Reason? A few days ago, an old man caused a ruckus here by, for lack of a better word, summoning a monster!�

Kye stepped forward.

�A monster you say? What sort of monster?�

Zanthus added.

�A Malboro? Behemoth? Red Dragon? Which one?�

The guard shook his head.

�Nothing like them, the one summoned would be able to tear the ones you mentioned apart!�

Wyreema snorted.

�Sounds to me, you�ve got a lot of trouble on your plate, if just an old man can summon some sort of monster which puts this incredible fear into all of you lot.�

While the rest all talked amongst themselves, Ariel gazed past the guard into the city itself, staring at one of the openings to the labyrinth-like tunnels underneath the massive city. She kept her eyes narrow and concentrated.

She felt the presence of the man in question, a nexus of power somewhere under the city. Her eyes firmly closed, she concentrated her thoughts, shutting out all other noise. It was then something washed over her, searching her soul for �another� like it.

A fiery, feathery feeling washed over her psyche threatening to drive her mad, but was countered by a soothing presence, a presence wafting from her soul. It was then a sensual, melodic female voice spoke to her.

\Have no fear Ariel Edwardes. I mean thee no harm. Indeed, one cannot harm one�s self on purpose. Know thee, that I am thou, and thou are myself. We are one. Once the time arrives, thou shall see who thou really are.\

Ariel staggered backwards, her hands holding her head. Kye looked at her, worry on his face.

�Ariel? What�s wrong?�

Ariel looked at him and the others, who wore looks of concern on their faces, even Rustalot. She swallowed and wiped her sleeve across her sweaty forehead.

�I�m fine� just tired. I need� some� rest��

Ariel�s eyes rolled into the back of her head, as she fell forward, into Kye�s arms. The White Mage glared at the guard.

�Please! Let us inside!�

The guard paused, when his captain appeared. The young man studied the group in front of him, and looked at his subordinate.

�Let them through.�

The guard faced him.


The captain frowned and spoke again.

�Perhaps you didn�t hear me. Let them pass, or should I have you stationed as a guard for one of them?�

The guard followed his captain�s gaze towards one of the massive doors, leading to the city depths. He swallowed.

�No sir, I mean, Yes sir. They�ll pass, sir.�

The captain nodded and spoke to Kye.

�White Mage, have your companions follow me. There is an inn nearby, where you can rest and recover.�

Kye glanced at Wyreema, Zanthus and Ralgha, and followed the captain. As the companions entered the city, Wyreema gazed around, taking note of numerous things. Zanthus and Ralgha walked slowly behind the others, the elder knight had his hand on his sword.

�Be wary Zanthus. You don�t need to be a mage to know this city is dangerous.�

Zanthus frowned.

�You have a statement for the obvious, Sir Ralgha.�

Ralgha looked at Zanthus from the corner of his eyes, dark thoughts running through his mind.

-Well now, independent thought of your own, eh Zanthus? I�m going to have to keep an eye on you my boy. If you start to have more of these� independent actions, I�ll just have to do something about that, won�t I? I will not let you, or anyone else, interfere with my own plans, plans for the Knighthood, as well as the world.-

************************************************** *********************

By the way, anything written in italics between, \ � \, is the speech of a summon monster to it�s summoner.

The text, in italics, written between - � - is the character�s own thoughts.

08-18-2004, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by Xiahou Dun
Agaras paused, and was about to continue, when a blade erupted forth from his chest, spilling his blood.

GO GREG!!!!!

Man, I wish they could make these into movies...yeah!

Darth Revan
08-22-2004, 03:19 PM
Here�s the next chapter� well, part thereof. The second part of this chapter should be up by the end of the week� I hope.

As before, any italic text in between \ ... \, is the character's own thoughts.

************************************************** *********************

Back in the Tougeroan castle :

Maya sighed as she leaned against the window frame, her gaze going out over the city surrounding the castle. Ever since she was brought back to the castle, and separated from Aberdeen, she stayed in her room, refusing to leave, which she couldn�t do even if she wanted to. Her father had her locked in her room, only two people allowed to see her. Her mother and father.

She had been allowed to have one maid with her, imprisoned with her. The maid was rather quiet, to which Maya attributed that to being locked in a room for the past month. The former Black Mage sighed and lowered her head, her brown hair cascading down covering her face slightly.

She had access to powerful magic spells, and yet swore to her parents she wouldn�t use them, in any attempts to escape. Her maid, Eris Elhaym, had managed to get some information from one of the guards, a female warrior who�s specialty was with the bow she wore on her back, Saizo Valentine. Information in regards to the Red Talons deployment. Knowing how Maya felt about the Red Talons, and from what she can guess as to Maya�s feelings for a certain Red Mage, Eris had no idea of how to Maya would take the information she had received.

Eris paused and swallowed, her hands twisting the piece of fabric in her hand nervously. Maya noticed Eris�s behaviour, and smiled softly.

�What�s wrong Eris?�

Eris swallowed again.

�Umm� well� I just spoke with Saizo� and she told me some news in regards to� the Red Talon�s and their� mission.�

Maya studied the young woman�s face, then walked over and sat on the bed, motioning for Eris to sit in the nearby chair. Eris nodded nervously and sat down. Maya waited for Eris to regain her composure patiently. For the past month, Maya�s relationship with Eris grew, bringing back days of their youth. Even when Maya was young, before leaving to join the Black Mage guild, she and Eris had known each other. As children, they were the best of friends and each other�s confidant. Now, after so much time had passed, their friendship still remained strong.

Even when Osclearnis, Maya�s father, had Maya locked away in her room, he had deigned to let her choose, who she wanted as her handmaiden. The choice, in Maya�s mind, was simple. She chose the one person she trusted in the castle, and was relieved to find that the trust was still there.

Eris, only a year younger than Maya, cleared her throat and faced her childhood friend, her eyes still bore a nervous look to them.

�Well� according to Saizo, the mission they�re on� involves that� Red Mage friend� of yours��

Maya�s face paled considerably, and the knuckles of her hands where white, from the force she clenched her fists with. A frown appeared on her face, as she bade her friend to continue. Eris nodded slowly, as she continued.

�Your father� told Captain Talon, to find the Red Mage and� to make sure he doesn�t appear around here� again�� she looked at Maya, emotion clearly shown on her face �He also told Agaras� to bring� a� �memento�� of the Red Mage back� to show he was� successful��

The silence in the room was palpable, as Eris twitched nervously on her chair. Maya was quiet, her head bowed. Before Eris could say anything, the door opened and in walked King Osclearnis himself, a broad smile on his face. He glared at Eris, who gave a short gasp, before excusing herself and leaving the room. When the door shut, Osclearnis walked over and sat next to his daughter, who had recovered from the information she had been given.

As Maya faced her father, she had no doubt in her mind that he had ordered Talon to kill Aberdeen. She kept the look on her face as neutral as she could, even though underneath, she found a small, dark part of herself, wanted to kill this� �thing�� sitting next to her. The urge to use her powers was so strong, she almost gave in to the urge, but she remembered how strong and wily Aberdeen was. She calmed down quickly, and gave her father a look of feigned happiness.

�Father, to what do I owe the honour of this visit? After all, you must be very busy at the moment.�

Her father smiled and patted her arm.

�What father can be busy, that he hasn�t the time to spend with his firstborn child?� his broad smile remained on his face �I�m just glad you have returned to us.�

Maya nodded, then glanced at him from the corner of her eyes.

�Thanks to my escort, the Red Mage, Aberdeen Edwardes. After all, if it weren�t for him, I most probably wouldn�t be here now.�

Osclearnis stiffened slightly, and his smile lessened.

�Yes, well, for that I am thankful of. I did give him a reward.�

Maya snorted.

�A gold chocobo?�

Her father stood and walked over to the window, looking out with his hands behind his back.

�Well, I never did think he would�ve picked THAT one. Still, Red Mages are scum and petty individuals. Even thieves are better than Mag� I mean, Red Mages.�

Maya�s right hand clenched tightly. She knew her father disliked Mages of all sorts. But this was going too far. She knew that if her father had his way, she�d never be able to leave her room, much less the castle, ever again. She suspected that even the prearranged marriage to Elgar�s Prince Valige, was just a ploy to lure Valige, and hopefully more of the Elgar royal family to where her father could imprisoned them, and impose a hefty ransom on any members of Elgar, who didn�t show for the wedding.

�Father� what are your intentions?�

Osclearnis faced Maya, curiosity on his face, yet his tone was cold.

�Whatever do you mean, dear?�

Maya knew then, how dangerous her father was. If she wanted to leave the room, she�d have to play things, his way� for now. She paused and gathered her thoughts.

�Well� what I mean by �intentions�, is, is it not your intention that I marry Prince Valige, and bring an end to this war between us and Elgar?�

Osclearnis studied his daughter�s face, eyes narrow. For a time he was silent, and when he spoke, the jovial tone he had before was back, but with a steely edge to it.

�That is indeed my intention, but not just mine, but all of Tougeroa. Concentrate merely on your wedding.�

With that said, he turned and walked towards the door. His hand on the handle, when he stopped and faced her.

�To be honest, I can�t wait. In four days time, you shall be married and this senseless war will be over. That will be a truly momentous occasion, for all concerned.�

Osclearnis opened the door and stepped through the threshold, the door closing behind him. Maya frowned as she stared at the door.

\Damn you father! I don�t trust you for one moment!\ she stood and walked over to a chest and opened it, gazing at the contents \Soon, I�ll be back to who I really am, and away from you �father�! I will do everything I can to foil your plans!\

************************************************** *********************

I�m working on the next chapter, and like I said at the beginning, I�ll try and have it up by the end of the week. Let me know what you think so far.

08-22-2004, 06:10 PM
I think that it would be very cool if she had arm-pit hair.........yeah! Arm-pit hair is sexy on women!


Gret job once again!

Bahamut ZERO
08-22-2004, 10:17 PM
The story is developing well, my friend. Keep at it. :) I am reading, even if I am not posting after each chapter. (My fingers can be lazy on occasion. XD)

Ahem. Yeah, I'm interested to see where the summoning creature is going to come into this. :)

09-08-2004, 06:58 PM
Sorry I didn't reply sooner, as I've been very busy with work lately,. Anyway, great chapter as usual, yadda yadda yadda...

Things are really now starting to fall into position, like pieces of an incomplete puzzle, and this chapter was no exception. Eris is showing just how caring a person she is, especially towards Maya, and Maya, well, when I read that chapter I was actually listening to a piece of music from the soundtrack to the anime Last Exile, called Princess Sophia, and the music really fitted in well with the image of Maya you were conveying in the story mate. To me, Maya and Sophia are very much alike in situation and personality (both being reluctant royalty desperate to choose their own direction in life). Anyway, I've rambled too long. Keep it up mate!

P.S. I'm working on designing an Amano-esque FF-style logo for the story (at the moment I'm planning on having a stylised Morthoseth for the logo, but I guess I'll have to wait and see how it turns out), and I'll post a link to it here when I get around to scanning it.

EDIT: Here's the link to the logo (and it is a stylised Morthoseth actually):

(I apologise for the 'FFXV' branding, as I guess I took the earleir discussion about this being suitable for the fifteenth episode in the series in this thread a little too seriously... Oh well, I could always alter it if too many people complain I guess.. :) )