09-01-2015, 08:39 AM
Batman: Arkham Origins - Complete Score
Composed by Christopher Drake
101 tracks - 4 hours, 17 minutes
MP3, 320kbps
10 discs
Includes "Initiation" and "Cold, Cold Heart" DLC.
Mixed from extracted PC files.

Over the past several months I have been creating a complete score for Arkham Origins. Bshively already has an excellent complete score posted (Thread 187680) for this game that is much more suite-like; this edition is more in the style of Quantum16's Arkham City complete score (Thread 170005) (more tracks, shorter in overall length). Anyway, I just thought I'd post - if it's not your style then that's absolutely fine. To find the correct chronological order of the tracks I played through the game on PC with speech and SFX disabled and recorded my gameplay, which I then listened to.

I've also posted a link to my rip of the PC music files which I used to construct my score - I hadn't seen a version shared on the shrine before now with filenames, so I thought it would come in handy to those who may want to create their own version of the score. Though I believe both the score and the ripped music to be 99% complete, there may be some missing tracks.

In regards to mixing, for the layered themes I allowed each layer to play once, before immediately mixing in the next layer (no gradual build-up of the next layer). Though this is not how they play in the game, I chose to edit them in this way as I preferred this listening experience - again, I'm sorry if it's not for everyone. Throughout the game many themes and tracks are repeated - for the sake of running time I've only included their first appearance (eg. the Blackgate ambience theme is found only at the start of the game and is not included when it reappears during the last 1/2 hour of the game) as otherwise there would be many duplicate tracks.

As for recurring city exploration and side mission themes, I included these in the score as soon as they became available (provided they were unique and had not already been included). I am unsure as to whether the city exploration themes are randomised, so I just ordered them relative to when I first heard them. I must also give special thanks to Bshively as his score was extremely useful for working out the order of some of the more difficult tracks.

Feel free to leave feedback and thanks for taking the time to read that overly long intro (if you're still here). Anyways, I hope you enjoy - the music to this game really is fantastic and deserves to be listened to. :)

Chapter 1 - Blackgate
01 - Origins Overture
02 - Blackgate Breakout
03 - Rescuing Warden Joseph (This track is not played in its entirety, but in the PC files I found a version of the track that has a much longer intro, not heard in the game. Though not accurate to the playthrough, I found it interesting so left it in.)
04 - Corridors and Cell Blocks
05 - Prison Brawl
06 - Execution Chamber (Heard when climbing through the vent overlooking the execution chamber. Most players - myself included - likely didn't realise there was an almost two-minute original track composed for such a small part of the game.)
07 - Black Mask's Escape
08 - Killer Croc
09 - Croc's Capture

Chapter 02 - Jezebel Plaza Arms Deal
10 - Assassins
11 - Storm Damage
12 - GCR Tower Predator
13 - Crime Scene (This theme is heard multiple times throughout the game and so this is its only inclusion - there is no 'Lacey Towers Murder' track as the music is identical.)
14 - South Gotham Reveal
15 - Christmas Eve
16 - Crime in Progress
17 - Jezebel Plaza Arms Deal
18 - Arms Deal Ambush

Chapter 03 - The Final Offer
19 - The Final Offer
20 - Gun Shop
21 - Flooded Understructure
22 - Pipes and Catwalks
23 - The Electrocutioner
24 - Boiler Deck Brawl
25 - Theatre
26 - Interrogation
27 - A Third Party
28 - Deathstroke
29 - The Remote Claw

Chapter 04 - Infiltrating the GCPD
30 - Winter Wonderland
31 - Cleaning the Streets
32 - Anarky (As this is the earliest possible opportunity to begin the Anarky side quest, I included his theme here.)
33 - South Gotham
34 - Snowstorm
35 - The GCPD
36 - SWAT Opposition
37 - Bullpen
38 - Holding Cells Riot
39 - Lacey Towers Conclusion (Despite there being an overlong sewer segment at this point, all the music had been previously heard in the game and so I didn't repeat it.)

Chapter 05 - Gotham Merchants Bank
40 - Mad Hatter's Thugs (This was the earliest opportunity to complete the Mad Hatter side quest and so his music is included here. This is his combat theme.)
41 - "Welcome to Wonderland, Batman!" (This is the ambient theme for the Mad Hatter dream sequence.)
42 - Night Patrol
43 - Carnage (Plays when discovering the corpses in the Gotham Merchants Bank.)
44 - "Can't You Just Play Along?"
45 - Escaping Gotham Merchants Bank
46 - Lady Shiva (Lady Shiva's reveal music, heard at the crying baby bait.)
47 - Test of Worth (Plays when rescuing the innocent man from Shiva's ninjas.)
48 - Wonder Tower Duel (Shiva showdown music.)

Chapter 06 - Copperhead
49 - The Steel Mill
50 - Drugs Lab
51 - Poisoned
52 - Hallucinations
53 - Battle of the Mind
54 - Copperhead
55 - Snake in a Box (Sourced from the soundtrack as no clean rip of the track was in the PC files.)

Chapter 07 - The Gotham Royal
56 - Hotel Parking
57 - Gotham Royal Scuffle
58 - Checking Out
59 - The East Tower
60 - Joker's Carnival (Source music from the carnival within the Gotham Royal.)
61 - Overview Bar
62 - Vale's Helicopter
63 - Panorama
64 - Splashdown (The Gotham Royal pool predator - the name is derived from the password used to enter the lift.)
65 - Bane (It was hard to mix this and make it sound pleasant - the music that plays when Bane removes his coat is at odds with the rest of the track and really doesn't sound good in-game or here, but I tried my best.)
66 - "Why Would You Save Me?" (Again, this required sourcing from the official soundtrack.)
67 - Comedy Club
68 - Flashback (Plays during the Crime Alley flashback Bruce has in the Batcave.)

Chapter 08 - Firefly
69 - Bird (Though Bird's side mission is lengthy, the gang fight music was just a duplicate of themes already featured in the game - My Alibi was the only original music from his story.)
70 - Bane's Headquarters (Plays when investing Bane's HQ - this track was extremely quiet and difficult to hear even when playing through the game with audio only.)
71 - The Pioneers Bridge (Though this track at first seems like the first layer to the Wrecking Crew predator, it plays before the predator begins and so I included it as a separate track.)
72 - Wrecking Crew (This contains the Pioneers Bridge track, layered with other drums and percussion.)
73 - Train Station Terror (Though I remembered this theme for its Blackgate nexus appearance, it actually appears earlier in the game and so I included it here.)
74 - Fire and Steel
75 - South Pillar Electrical Room
76 - Firefly
77 - Flying to Wayne Manor
78 - Saving Alfred
79 - Allies

Chapter 09 - Return to Blackgate
80 - Death Sentence
81 - Blackgate Sewers
82 - Electric Chair
83 - Gordon Arrives
84 - Hide and Seek (Though the Blackgate Bane boss fight has four layers, the first layer plays on its own for only about ten seconds before the second layer fades in, so I did the same here. The third and fourth layers come in simultaneously when Batman attacks Bane, but for the sake of my theme throughout my version of the score, I layered them in gradually one at a time similar to a predator theme. The track cuts out abruptly as it had no end sting and didn't mix well with the cutscene music where Batman is punched through the wall - this file was also in very low quality so I decided not to include it.)
85 - Chapel Showdown
86 - Conclusions
87 - Closing Credits
88 - My Cold, Cold Heart (Sung by Troy Baker.)
89 - Character Trophies
90 - Challenge Mode

Chapter 10 - Initiation and Cold, Cold Heart
91 - Initiation (This and the following two tracks constitute the Intiation DLC.)
92 - Boryaku
93 - Shinobi-Iri
94 - Wayne Manor (The remaining tracks make up the Cold, Cold Heart DLC original music.)
95 - Wine Cellar
96 - Rescuing Alfred
97 - Gothcorp
98 - Penguin's Thugs
99 - Organics Lab
100 - Return to My Alibi
101 - Facing Freeze

09-01-2015, 10:20 AM
Thanks a lot for this, will definitely give it a listen! I just hope it's not in suite form, otherwise it's not portable-device-friendly... :)

09-01-2015, 12:46 PM
That's what I was aiming for when constructing the score as the suite-style presentation wasn't for me :)

09-01-2015, 12:55 PM
That's what I was aiming for when constructing the score as the suite-style presentation wasn't for me :)

I'm listening to it currently, and so far, you've done brilliantly :) hoping a better console rip shows up so that whoever wants to take a crack at making a custom complete score can remix it in better quality...

09-01-2015, 01:03 PM
I'm listening to it currently, and so far, you've done brilliantly :) hoping a better console rip shows up so that whoever wants to take a crack at making a custom complete score can remix it in better quality...

That's the biggest problem with the score - the raw ogg files average at 120kbps each; though this is higher than the MP3 equivalent, the sound quality is likely closer to 192kbps MP3. Anyways, I encoded it at 320 to minimise quality loss. Cutscenes found in the raw files sound worse (provided they don't have SFX) and so occasionally I had to resort to the soundtrack for clean versions.

09-01-2015, 01:15 PM
already down......

09-01-2015, 01:19 PM
Are you sure? They're still up for me :/

---------- Post added at 01:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:18 PM ----------

I can reup if necessary :)

09-01-2015, 01:39 PM
they were but now there back thanks

09-01-2015, 01:43 PM
Phew, I wasn't looking forward to having to reup 900mb worth of files lol :)

09-22-2016, 09:28 AM
Thank you, man! You did a great job with this soundtrack. Whole score is amazing, but "The Steel Meel" is my fav, such a deep and atmospheric tune)

09-22-2016, 11:33 PM
Excellent work organizing this!

As for the "Hide and Seek" track being purposefully cut off, I noticed that this track rip (while a bit shorter) did a relatively good job including the cutscene music (if I'm not mistaking it for something else) that follows:


Apologies for being a busybody, and/or for missing the point of what you wrote in the tracklist notes. Regardless, I appreciate having the unreleased music tracks in a more manageable compilation.

09-23-2016, 02:36 AM
How the heck did I not see this until now???!!!!! Thanks for doing this! :)

11-07-2019, 09:20 PM
Awesome! Thank you so much!

11-08-2019, 05:08 AM
anyone can reupload this? ty

11-12-2019, 04:45 AM
I second a re-up! Arkham Origins has amazing music!