03-18-2014, 05:56 AM
Batman: Arkham City Complete Score

Artist(s): Nick Arundel & Ron Fish
Year: 2011
File Format: MP3
Bit rate: 320
Tracks: 150
Disc(s): 7
Length: 7.1 hours

Standing in for the official soundtrack, and doing a darn fine job of it, I give you... THE COMPLETE SCORE!

Yep, you read right. Here it is, the complete score for the fantastic game that is Batman: Arkham City. Released in glorious 320kbps and clocking in at a whopping 7.1 hours of music, I have toiled for many months to bring you guys this. But before I give you the track list I'd like to clear up a few things just to provide important information, in Q&A format. I strongly recommend you read these before downloading the music.

Q: Are there spoilers in the track list? I haven't played the game yet.
A: Okay the fact you haven't played the game is enough to ignore the question. Seriously it's one of the BEST GAMES I'VE EVER PLAYED. So go play it. Alright, seriously, no there aren't. I don't explicitly state plot details ("X Person Gets Killed by Y Person") but there are some vague hints to the plot. For example the song "Higher Ground" doesn't really state what is happening but refers to Bruce Wayne going to higher ground to contact Alfred. The last cutscene track, called "The Killing Joke", is a reference to both the famous graphic novel and... uh... the thing that happens at the end of the game. So there isn't anything major, but be warned if you're sensitive to that kind of thing. I am.

Q: How did you make this?
A: I got a hold of the games files on the internet, downloaded them and painstakingly sorted and edited songs together respectively. So for example I sorted all five Bane variations from the Fragile Alliance side mission and edited them together in Audacity as best as I could. THEN I meticulously combed over walkthroughs of the game (like from Batman: Arkham Videos or Zevik on YouTube to ensure I got the right order of the tracks, the right order of variations, and so on and so forth.

Q: How is this constructed?
A: It's in chronological order as much as possible (the only exceptions are the side missions as they can be completed at different times), and I made sure of that using the aforementioned YouTube channels. (I really recommend them, by the way.) I also did my best to accurately keep the order of variations. I understand to some this score might get a little repetitious at times but that's just because I need to represent as many variations as possible. But don't worry - I do my best to eliminate redundancies as much as possible. So if the same theme is repeated chances are it has a different ending or beginning for example. PLUS with so many variations how often you can get away with repeating something is kind of subjective... so yeah.

Q: Why the heck is the Black Mask track where it is?
A: Uh, well that area doesn't exist at all in-game so it was pretty much random where I could put it. I suddenly remembered it to include it near the beginning of the second act and it's pretty much stayed there since. Sorry.

Q: How did you name the tracks?
A: Sometimes if it was appropriate I named the tracks after Challenge Maps (for example Lost City or Natural Selection). Sometimes I took names from achievements ("Stop the Clock"). Other times I did my best to come up with a unique name for tracks (A Cold Day In Hell for the Mr. Freeze boss battle). I REALLY tried hard. I think I did a pretty good job, if I do say so myself.

Q: Wait a second... some cutscene tracks sound like they're missing several seconds! What the heck happened? YOU'RE THE WORST MUSIC MIXER EVAR!!!!!!!
A: Calm down, hypothetical person. I must admit this is where things get a little dicey. Despite my borderline annoying attempts at asking for help in ripping the cutscenes by some users on here I was not able to acquire the cutscenes by myself. So I had to... er, shamelessly STEAL most cutscene tracks from a score that was put up here previously by a user named scoreman. With the exception of certain cutscenes like Political Justice, The Killing Joke, Objection Overruled and Court Summons (the last two I recorded using Xfire) I basically took the music from his rip. I'm sorry, I couldn't think of another way. I also took the Main Theme from his rip because mine was obscenely low quality. I'm sorry, scoreman, if you're reading this, I wasn't trying to take credit for your hard work. I didn't have a choice because I needed this to be complete. To the rest of you people reading this, consider the cutscenes a contribution from scoreman.

Q: How did you edit this score together?
A: Using Audacity I did my best to accurately pull together a cohesive score. I admit there are times where transitions to the next layer aren't as smooth as they could be. The reason for this is that in certain songs (A Cold Day in Hell and Natural Selection in particular) the layers were FRUSTRATINGLY DIFFICULT to get JUST right. Arrghh. Getting ticked off just thinking about it.

Q: Why did you place the side mission songs at the very end?
A: Most side missions aren't available until after a certain point in the main story of the game. I'm not sure of the order and I didn't want to have side missions interspersed with the plot. The reason for this is the score wouldn't be focused and would feel chaotic.

Q: One song isn't from the score...
A: Yep. It's from the gameplay trailer. Enjoy.

Q: Catwoman is HOOOOTTTTT!
A: That's not a question, but... yeah. Absolutely true.

Now that that's all cleared up, let's bring up the tracklist.

Disc 1:
1. Logo
2. Arkham City Main Theme
3. Cat Nights
4. Girl Power
5. Political Injustice
6. Welcome to Hell
7. Family Feud
8. Fisticuffs Fray
9. Higher Ground
10. Suit Up
11. Clean the Streets
12. Court Summons
13. Blind Justice
14. Objection Overruled
15. Day of the Detective
16. Global Crime
17. Delivering the Punchline
18. Inferno
19. From the Fire
20. Clowning Around
21. Harley Intercom

Disc 2:
1. Assembly Line
2. Fuel to the Fire
3. Remote Electrical Charge
4. Funhouse Brawl
5. Doppelg�nger
6. Time to Play
7. Cat's Cradle
8. Arkham Sirens
9. Bat Kitty
10. Brothers to the End
11. A Cold Front
12. Police Department
13. Infiltration
14. The Museum
15. Communication Problems
16. Below the City
17. Tunnel Vision
18. Natural Selection
19. New Recruits
20. Into the Pit
21. The Collector

Disc 3:
1. Crowd Control
2. Breaking the Ice
3. Slice and Dice
4. The Diplomatic Approach
5. Disruptor: Freeze Override
6. Iceberg Lounge
7. Shark Bite
8. Disruptive Influence
9. Born on a Monday
10. Christened on Tuesday
11. Took Ill on Thursday
12. Died on Saturday
13. A Trail to Ra's al Ghul
14. The Path of the Assassin
15. Chasing Shadows
16. Feathered Friend
17. Ill Will
18. Underground Pound
19. Black Mask
20. Hell's Gate
21. Lost City
22. Doomed World

Disc 4:
1. Wonder City Guardians
2. Mightier than the Sword
3. Streets of Decay
4. Parental Guidance
5. Chamber of the Demon
6. A Change of Heart
7. Let the Trials Commence
8. Kingdom of Sand
9. The Demon's Head
10. Desert Trials
11. Our Destiny
12. Lazarus Sandstorm
13. Reverse Batarang
14. Family Matters
15. On the Right Track
16. Battering Ram
17. Welcoming Committee
18. To Serve and Protect
19. The Last Order
20. A Cold Day In Hell
21. Seeing Things

Disc 5:
1. Back to Hell
2. Tuck and Roll
3. Milling About
4. Meltdown Mayhem
5. The Joker's Carnival
6. Toe to Toe
7. Laugh Track
8. Deal with the Devil
9. Breaking In
10. Picking Pockets
11. Vault Volley
12. Getting the Cream
13. What Curiosity Killed
14. Growing a Conscience
15. The Needs of the Many
16. Protocol Ten
17. The One to Blame
18. Detention Center
19. A Pointless Effort
20. Paper TYGER
21. How You Have Failed
22. Jump Scare

Disc 6:
1. Observation Deck
2. A Bird's Eye View
3. Maintenance Hatch
4. Gotham Savior
5. Under New Management
6. A Date With Immortality
7. The Role of a Lifetime
8. The Final Act
9. The Killing Joke
10. End Credits
11. Only You
12. Nine Lives
13. Survival of the Fittest
14. Terrible Twos
15. Broken Toys
16. Fragile Alliance
17. Trapped
18. Bad Medicine
19. Tea Party
20. Stop the Clock
21. Ring, Ring

Disc 7:
1. Answer the Call
2. Murder HQ
3. Identity Crisis
4. Mockingbird
5. The Ashes of Arkham
6. Dark Days
7. Heart of Ice
8. A Shot in the Dark
9. Trigger Happy
10. Contract Terminated
11. Bloodlust
12. The Riddler's Revenge
13. Enigma Conundrum
14. Shocking Revelation
15. Quick Pick
16. Feeling the Pressure
17. Slice of Terror
18. Mind over Matter
19. Intellectual Defeat
20. Crime Alley
21. Pay Your Respects
22. Short Change Hero


But now the links to the music. They're in parts, divided by disc. Sorry - I tried putting them all in one file but that kept failing. Here it is.

Disc 1: https://mega.co.nz/#!VRcTnBzI!qFgJhvGzc7qaJtRPUSOe17qsinS2ytBB9_muCv3 jP6k
Disc 2: https://mega.co.nz/#!EM0VgSYY!LzRv3aRbzFGtAkNlhUzwjo4ETDyLPF4LHJpWLVG YzQs
Disc 3: https://mega.co.nz/#!sI1UyBTL!Qjzl5h7-0MlzwSIqCLhhBdXM9g6K9cjLlgjdWL7y9dw
Disc 4: https://mega.co.nz/#!0R8VXaoL!D7tf2mz0TSX7duLHIdJXkrSb8-7BLr9z_YYw7W7zTAQ
Disc 5: https://mega.co.nz/#!wIVTSTzT!Jw9-Dtm33W11J7TRVahForMeHTELjp8uEa9I-HDZo0A
Disc 6: https://mega.co.nz/#!pNM1AZLQ!kgaq8HluJg6BAAUcCn_J6GQX0m3w9m5iyP9fTFT shek
Disc 7: https://mega.co.nz/#!hA0nDKDA!hfNhIiW6Jc1lO3ddl6fZwaaCL34VeCOAgprMR5M fLy4

And lastly, a link to my YouTube channel where you can listen to samples of my complete score: Quantum - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGKEyumMIVRJlRn4xo9_xug)

Enjoy the music!

P.S. If anyone could teach me how to rip Arkham Knight when it arrives... I would be extremely grateful. I want to make a complete score for it. :)

03-18-2014, 06:24 AM
Many thanks for this, Quantum. I know it would've taken a mammoth effort especially if you mixed all the individual layers for each combat/stealth song. I'll grab this tomorrow when my internet's better. :)

03-18-2014, 07:11 AM
Many thanks for this, Quantum. I know it would've taken a mammoth effort especially if you mixed all the individual layers for each combat/stealth song. I'll grab this tomorrow when my internet's better. :)

Yep it took a REALLY long time. It even took a while to post this thread. :P I hope I'm not sounding weird when I say this but the thanks means a lot coming from you. I very much appreciate your work on the Arkham score.

I hope you enjoy it! :)

03-18-2014, 08:09 AM
Yep it took a REALLY long time. It even took a while to post this thread. :P I hope I'm not sounding weird when I say this but the thanks means a lot coming from you. I very much appreciate your work on the Arkham score.

I hope you enjoy it! :)

I just felt demotivated in completing it after a certain phase; I mean, once I realised that I was combining stuff from a ridiculously lossy source and then upconverting it to 320/WAV to edit into the final mixes, I just went "meh". I've got the work I completed on this, but yeah. This is built from the gamerip... Finally I can get rid of scoreman's whopping 15CD line-in version... It was good, but too repetitive after a while.

03-18-2014, 04:01 PM
Yeah I don't like recordings of the music. It's way too unpredictable and inconsistent. I don't want to sound arrogant but I think this is the way to do it. But I hope my score brings good music! :)

03-18-2014, 04:07 PM
Downloading now. Thanks, Quantum16!

03-18-2014, 04:58 PM
You're welcome. If anyone has some minor issues with it that I believe are of note I might want to do a Version 2 just to make sure I'm giving people the best quality possible.

03-19-2014, 08:39 AM
The main issue I have is with MEGA. I'm not able to get hold of Parts 1, 2, 5 and 6.
From what I've listened to, it sounds great! Especially Black Mask. How in the world did you match the ambient track to the music? I never did that with Asylum because they didn't have the ambient mixed with the actual song.

03-19-2014, 03:16 PM
Thanks for these

03-19-2014, 04:41 PM
Another great effort Quantum16.

03-19-2014, 05:14 PM
The main issue I have is with MEGA. I'm not able to get hold of Parts 1, 2, 5 and 6.
From what I've listened to, it sounds great! Especially Black Mask. How in the world did you match the ambient track to the music? I never did that with Asylum because they didn't have the ambient mixed with the actual song.

Simple, according to the walkthroughs the Black Mask predator themes had an idle theme that I original thought was an underground/subway theme. I just switched things around. I'll try to see what I can do with those parts...

10-26-2014, 11:42 AM
thank you very much for this! :)

01-30-2015, 08:34 PM
"Disc 5, Track 22: Jump Scare."
I don't remember that.

01-31-2015, 03:14 AM
"Disc 5, Track 22: Jump Scare."
I don't remember that.

Neither did I. I remember cycling through some of the files and I could've sworn I heard some of it before. I went back to a playthrough by Batman: Arkham Videos and heard it when Batman is about to be taken by surprise by TYGER guards when getting to the top of Wonder Tower. As far as I know it's a "tension" theme that plays before the combat theme (the next track). I don't blame you if you don't remember it: it's certainly not noteworthy. I just wanted to include it for the sake of complete-ness.

01-31-2015, 10:02 AM
Thanks :)

02-01-2015, 09:50 PM
Thank you so much! For this awesome share! Quantum 16, This score is so well done, it captures the batman environment so well... Again thanks for your work ;) I can�t wait to hear what they got for us in Arkham Knight :)

02-01-2015, 10:05 PM
This was awesome! Thanks! Do you think you could do the same for Arkham Origins? With cutscene scores?

02-01-2015, 11:22 PM
^I've managed to extract whatever I could of Arkham Origins... I do have some of the cutscenes after extraction but not all.

02-05-2015, 08:30 PM
This was awesome! Thanks! Do you think you could do the same for Arkham Origins? With cutscene scores? Yeah I didn't really do the rip for this... I have NO idea whatsoever on how to rip the Arkham games' music files. Like NCFirebolt said, check out what he has done for Origins.

---------- Post added at 12:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:29 PM ----------

Thank you so much! For this awesome share! Quantum 16, This score is so well done, it captures the batman environment so well... Again thanks for your work ;) I can�t wait to hear what they got for us in Arkham Knight :) Thank you good sir! It took me many months! And yes from what I've heard, Arkham Knight's music will be EPIC.

02-06-2015, 02:46 AM

02-06-2015, 07:40 AM
Yeah I didn't really do the rip for this... I have NO idea whatsoever on how to rip the Arkham games' music files. Like NCFirebolt said, check out what he has done for Origins.

---------- Post added at 12:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:29 PM ----------

Thank you good sir! It took me many months! And yes from what I've heard, Arkham Knight's music will be EPIC.

Yeah, I don't know how or where the music in Arkham Origins is contained and in what format (possibly OGG). Unlike Arkham City where all the music was stored in the USM video files (which could be extracted with vgmstream), all the music that would usually be in the USM's like the Logo screen, the Main Menu theme, Copperhead's capture and Firefly's Introduction are inside the one of WAD files. There's like 7 of them.
Those are just a few of the cutscenes that I've found in the lot.

02-06-2015, 08:50 AM
Thank you very much....!!

02-06-2015, 07:24 PM
Yeah, I don't know how or where the music in Arkham Origins is contained and in what format (possibly OGG). Unlike Arkham City where all the music was stored in the USM video files (which could be extracted with vgmstream), all the music that would usually be in the USM's like the Logo screen, the Main Menu theme, Copperhead's capture and Firefly's Introduction are inside the one of WAD files. There's like 7 of them.
Those are just a few of the cutscenes that I've found in the lot. Really? I thought it was in that weird WAD we found. (For Arkham City.) Have you successfully extracted Arkham City's music/cutscenes with vgmstream?

02-07-2015, 12:08 AM
Really? I thought it was in that weird WAD we found. (For Arkham City.) Have you successfully extracted Arkham City's music/cutscenes with vgmstream?

Didn't bother trying to extract Arkham City since you already did that.
If you want to extract Arkham Origins for yourself, try using Ravioli Game Tools v2.8 on the WAD files... I randomly downloaded it for using on something like DXHR Director's Cut and Tintin and ended up trying it out on Arkham and it worked! It's got codes for lots of different kinds of archives.

02-08-2015, 02:11 AM
cool stuff thank you for the upload good sir

02-08-2015, 08:14 AM
Quantum, you sir, are a gentlemen and a scholar! Many thanks. I went on the YouTube page and gave the samples a listen. I am very impressed and very grateful. Thanks again.

02-08-2015, 07:31 PM
Quantum, you sir, are a gentlemen and a scholar! Many thanks. I went on the YouTube page and gave the samples a listen. I am very impressed and very grateful. Thanks again. It was my pleasure. I'm thrilled you like it. :)

02-09-2015, 03:24 PM
I forgot to put a question in the main thread, which does not list the songs?:roflspock:

02-10-2015, 02:48 AM
I forgot to put a question in the main thread, which does not list the songs?:roflspock: What do you mean? I've got a full tracklist on the post itself.

02-18-2015, 07:27 PM

04-01-2015, 05:52 AM
Didn't bother trying to extract Arkham City since you already did that.
If you want to extract Arkham Origins for yourself, try using Ravioli Game Tools v2.8 on the WAD files... I randomly downloaded it for using on something like DXHR Director's Cut and Tintin and ended up trying it out on Arkham and it worked! It's got codes for lots of different kinds of archives.

Really?! (I've only seen your comment now. :P) I didn't extract the music myself, though. I'll have to try to extract it!

04-10-2015, 07:17 PM
They released OST's officially for the last 3 Arkham games. Hopefully Arkham Knight will get one. But since officially released OST's usually don't cover all the material, it'll be incomplete. However while that means whoever is willing to rip Arkham Knight, they won't have to rip everything, just whatever's not on the OST which is probably going to be most of it. I wish LLL would release more video game OST's since their sets are usually complete. Most of it is movies and TV, but they have some game music too.

Thanks for the Arkham City rip :)

04-10-2015, 11:10 PM
They released OST's officially for the last 3 Arkham games. Hopefully Arkham Knight will get one. But since officially released OST's usually don't cover all the material, it'll be incomplete. However while that means whoever is willing to rip Arkham Knight, they won't have to rip everything, just whatever's not on the OST which is probably going to be most of it. I wish LLL would release more video game OST's since their sets are usually complete. Most of it is movies and TV, but they have some game music too.

Thanks for the Arkham City rip :) No problem. However, we do need a COMPLETE rip of Arkham Knight's music because I seriously doubt they'll include all layers of each song. So for example, on the Arkham City score, they had the final layer for "This Court Is Now In Session" but they were in fact missing three separate layers.

04-11-2015, 01:23 AM

I noticed that. It's like I said, officially released OST's miss a great deal of material. And that's not just for video games. Movies like Terminator 2, TMNT 1990 are missing some material too. TV shows....Batman Beyond OST definitely missing some material.

I assume you know or have heard of La-La-Land Records. A great deal of their stuff has been posted here. Their OST's are complete. They did Expanded Archival Collections for Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Forever which were complete scores, including material that were not on the originally released OST's. FSM did a great job with their Superman Music Collection as it's complete, even Alexander Courage's Superman 4 music was complete and the music was the best part of that critically panned bomb of an incomplete movie.

07-01-2015, 01:33 PM
Many thanks for the share (and a ton of music)!

08-15-2015, 09:32 PM
Thank you VERY much for the complete score!

05-24-2016, 07:46 PM
Thanks a ton!!!

05-19-2019, 01:27 PM
Thank you so much!

05-21-2019, 04:45 AM
Cover art:

08-28-2019, 03:28 AM
Am I doing something wrong? Parts 4 and 5 will not even begin to initialize the download and will tell me instead "Temporary error, retrying." I'm not sure if it's an issue on my end or MEGA's

Edit: Don't know what happened but everything seems to work perfectly well for those parts now