04-01-2015, 12:59 AM
EDIT: Here ( is a newer, update, better version with better mixing, looping, new music, etc. Let me know if you have any questions; enjoy!

Batman: Arkham Origins (The Complete Score)
Composer: Christopher Drake
Year: 2013
File Format: MP3
Bit rate: 320kbps
Tracks: 80
Discs: 7
Length: 7:30:30

As the title says, this (!L5hzWDYY!rH1pX4yjj_A5jf_M1u8pk2LO0wEdhzadGc3C_RJ GFts) is the more-or-less complete score by Christopher Drake for 2013's Batman: Arkham Origins. A few weeks ago, I saw Quantum16's complete score for Arkham City, which you should totally check out here (Thread 170005) if you haven't because it's freaking awesome, and was inspired to see if anyone had done the same for Arkham Origins - which hadn't happened. I did find TOMANDANDY's complete gamerip, which was just the game's unorganized music files without an order, names, or anything. That original upload, however, was removed by MEGA, but because of the lovely NCFirebolt21, who reuploaded it, I was able to download the unorganized game files. I then began the process of organizing the game files in order of their appearance by watching Origins's walkthrough provided by Batman: Arkham Videos and my own replaying of the game. Having done that, I wasn't overly satisfied with my work - it felt like I just took music and put it an order. It didn't feel like an album to me, however unofficial it might be, so I took it upon myself to take the game's music files and mix them into an album based from gameplay. Using Audacity, which I had never done before, I layered, amplified, and otherwise edited tracks. I also looped a majority of the tracks because that's what occurs in the game. The final version of the game's music, totaling about six-and-a-half hours over six "discs", is the resultant product. I was inspired by Martin O'Donnell's Halo albums, which organized the game's score into lengthy suites designed to give the listener the feeling of playing the game via its score - essentially, I did the exact thing Quantum16 did for Arkham City because, you know, he's the bomb diggity. It took about four days of my spring break to mix the cues together, to layer everything correctly, and to loop everything without apparent stoppage (some of the tracks had brief silence, even if it was a hundredth of a second at the beginning, that threw off the loop), and this was a difficult process, made all the more difficult because I knew what I wanted but had no idea how to go about getting what I wanted; I should also point out that some of these mixes are imperfectly looped. There are a few rough cuts, some of which were intentional to recreate the game's experience or for artistic reasons, but hopefully don't detract too much. I've listened through the album a few times and, objectively, am proud of it and think it represents the experience of playing the game quite well. I tried to keep repetition and redundancy as low as possible while still being accurate to the game. This is not, however, a pure gamerip (mostly, which I'll address in a minute), but it was designed to be an album experience of playing the game. I also only have music accompanying cutscenes that appeared on the official album, though there was one random cutscene track that was included on the TOMANDANDY rip that I incorporated into the score (I have no idea how to separate audio tracks because I'm awful). I'll address some miscellaneous issues below before moving into the tracklist and some brief explanations of my processes with tracks of note.

Disc 7: The above breakdown says the album has seven discs; the first six come from the main game and its side missions (only three of which have music heard nowhere else in the game, meaning only tracks representing those three side missions appear on the album for the sake of avoiding repetition). The seventh disc contains music from Cold, Cold Heart, the game's epilogue-esque DLC. The DLC's music files were not in TOMANDANDY's version of the score, nor was I able to find them by searching my game's PC files - though, admittedly, I am not even remotely skilled at searching video game files. Having said that, I wanted the music for Cold, Cold Heart because, you know, it's awesome, so I replayed the DLC with the SFX and dialogue off and recorded the music directly from the game using Audacity while purposefully playing more slowly than usual to allow the music to be recorded to its fullest extent (which is why the track accompanying the Freeze boss fight is almost sixteen minutes... please don't hate me), then edited the music into tracks. Having said that, the quality is not perfect and there are a couple of moments where the music cuts that I was unable to fix, though that has to do with Origins's buggy nature. I also should mention that the music for Cold, Cold Heart is repetitive, but I left most of it there because a) I like the music and b) it felt wrong to cut something that was in the game because the mix was never quite the same. I also excluded music that appeared in the main game - and, by extension - the previous six discs because that was unnecessarily redundant, meaning none of the exploration themes and their associate combat cues along with the Anarky Most Wanted theme appears on disc 7.

Other miscellaneous and probably overlong nonsense: I tried not to contain spoilers in the track names, but all track names contain exact quotes from the game. I thought about giving them my own punny names, but I really like the lines in the game. Tracks are in chronological order but there are breaks for the three side missions (the Most Wanted for Anarky, Black Mask, and Mad Hatter) that I placed in the order they appear in the game and incorporated them with other in-game music. Regarding boss fights, I had to combine portions of the official album release and the gamerip to get the full effect for which I was striving, but this resulted in a mixed bag of transitions (pun intended); some mixes and transitions are, objectively, quite good, whereas other mixes and transitions are, well, quite the opposite. I should also note that I never intended to share this with you guys - I had no idea what I was getting into when I started mixing it. After my first few mixes, of which I was probably newbie-proud, I thought you guys might enjoy it. Hopefully you do. As far as I know, there isn't a complete Arkham Origins score anywhere.

I want to give a special thanks to TOMANDANDY for providing the original game rip, to NCFirebolt21 for re-providing said original rip, to Quantum16 for inspiring me and letting me steal his process - not that I told him, hopefully he's content - and to Batman: Arkham Videos for providing such thorough walkthroughs. Also, YouTuber niback28 deserves a shout-out considering I used one of his rips in my mix of a combat sequence in the Pioneers Bridge along with his rip of the gadget theme

Hopefully I've answered or will answer any questions you guys had or have. Let me know if there's anything else. Also, I can upload the original .oog files from the game if someone wants to make their own mix of the score - however, they are unorganized and, I say from personal experience, organizing them is quite literally the worst. Times like these are when I'm thankful for my OCD. Okay, here's the tracklist and my descriptions of the tracks and, because I am annoyingly verbose, here again (!L5hzWDYY!rH1pX4yjj_A5jf_M1u8pk2LO0wEdhzadGc3C_RJ GFts) is the link for my mix because you shouldn't have to scroll all the way back to the top to avoid my wall of text, assuming you read it.

Disc 1 (1:14:57):
1. Arkham Origins Overture - 5:23 (this suite contains the music accompanying the opening logos, the official album version of "Carol of the Bells (Joker's Theme)", a version of the album cue "Black Mask Escapes" that didn't appear anywhere in the game, and the music for the main menu. There are some cuts here that are rough, but these were on purpose).
2. No Such Thing as a "Bat Man" - 2:48
3. I Heard He Could Fly Like a Damn Pterodactyl - 6:03 (Each level had an ambient theme, one to three synth themes, and several combat variations, all of which were looped uniquely depending upon the action taken by the player, and I tried to reflect that in my mixing)
4. You Want Teeth? I Want Answers. - 5:38
5. And You Heard This from the Mouth of a Crocodile Man? - 2:39
6. I'll Keep Your Training Facility Active - 2:04 (challenge mode theme. This is the first in-game opportunity to play the challenge maps, which is why I place it here. It felt weird lumping them in at the end of the album, so I put them here. The next three tracks contain the music from the Initiation DLC, as it felt appropriate to put them after the challenge mode theme as they were the only challenge maps to have original music)
7. An Outsider Takes Our Test of Honor - 8:34
8. You Must Be Able to Use the Environment and Strike without Being Seen - 8:43
9. I Wonder if You Have Learned to Overcome Your Fear, Your Anger, Your Hate - 9:08
10. You'll Have to Go Down There - 0:39
11. I Ain't Playin' - 6:24 (This is the first predator room. For the predator tracks in-game, there were anywhere from two to six layers - it started with an ambient or synth theme and then layers of action music are added based on the actions of the player, usually involving one or more percussion layers and one or more orchestra layers. To create that effect, I gave the base ambient or synth theme one loop to establish itself, then faded the next layer in, let it loop back to fully state itself, and repeated this process until I was happy with the finished cue. This is the shortest of the predator sequences, as each layer was only a minute long. The other predator sequences had loops of anywhere from 1:53-2:05, so they are considerably longer)
12. I Need to Set up a Crime Scene - 1:50
13. Am I Gonna Die? - 7:13
14. The Bat's a Myth - 7:55

Disc 2 (56:16):
1. There You Are. Onboard the Final Offer. - 6:10
2. Aren't You a Persistent Pain in the Bottle? - 9:28 (I swear, the writers thought of the most ridiculously obscure British phrases for Penguin, Tracy, and Candy. It was laughably bad, but I think that was the point.)
3. You Wanna End up on Ice Like Your Friends? - 14:00
4. Punch Him in the Face! - 2:59
5. You Are Outmatched - 7:17 (this contains the Deathstroke boss fight music which, as I mentioned above, needed looping of some of the album cues. This was a difficult process as the album music had more difficult-to-determine places of looping. Having said that, the transition from game-rip to album music is pretty seamless to my ears, which means it's probably painfully obvious.)
6. That Device Should Do the Trick - 0:28
7. I Am Anarky, Voice of the People - 8:06
8. I Should Review the Evidence - 3:41
9. Some "Monster in a Cape" - 4:12

Disc 3 (1:20:56):
1. This Won't Be Easy - 12:00
2. Bag the Bat, and Let's Get Pain - 10:13
3. Why Do You Do What You Do? - 10:13 (I have nothing to say about this track other than that I am really proud of it for no real reason)
4. Welcome to Wonderland, Batman - 7:45
5. Have a Laugh on Me - 7:25
6. There's No Comin' Back from Tonight - 4:21
7. I Want Him Dead, You Understand Me? Deader Than Dead. - 6:00
8. I Gotta Ease up on the Coffee - 12:00 (I swear this is a real in-game line)
9. I Killed You, and in a Few More Minutes, Your Body Will Realize It - 11:04 (the Copperhead boss fight. This was a bit hard to mix because the music goes from cutscene, to ambient, to combat, to cutscene, to three layers of boss fight, to in-game rendered cinematic. The transitions are mostly good, but there are some of which I could be more proud).

Disc 4 (1:00:40):
1. That Justice System You Love So Much? It's a Scam. And You're the Mark. - 6:33
2. I Need to Find out What's Going on Here - 6:10
3. Would You Look What the Bat Dragged In? - 7:06
4. You Think He's Worried About Losing Face? - 11:15
5. Givin' it the Ol' College Try, Are We? - 3:58 (this contains the in-game carnival music, which I faded in to make it sound like the game, as we hear the music from outside the room before we hear it in the room - that was a very awkward and painful way of phrasing that)
6. I'm on TV: Hi, Ma! - 4:09
7. Batman's Had His Way with One of You - 12:00
8. He Hit You So Hard it Hurt Me! - 6:15 (Bane boss fight, again combination of album mix and in-game mixes. This was actually my first boss fight, and I'm pretty proud of it. It's not perfect, but I'm happy with that I did. Mostly.)
9. They Deserved Death. Just. Like. Me. - 1:26
10. Your Laughter Reverberates off the Walls of Your Own Emptiness - 1:52 (the transition here is rough, but there's nothing I could do about it as that's how it was in-game)

Disc 5 (58:46):
1. Let Us Join the Battle - 6:13
2. Fly Down from Your Perch, Then, So I Can Kill You - 5:39 (My Alibi source music. Yep.)
3. He's Putting Those People in Danger to Get to Me - 6:23
4. Fish in a Barrel, and We're the Damn Fish! - 12:31
5. Maybe it Was Santa Claus and His Army of Angry Reindeer - 12:41
6. What is This? Bat-Spit? - 10:56 (the Firefly boss fight. This one was without a doubt the most difficult and troublesome mix on the album as it goes from cutscene, to boss fight, to second cutscene, to in-game rendered cinematic, to more boss fight, and to fight-ending music that flows in no way why what precedes it. My transitions here are certainly my worst, but I did the best I could - if anyone with greater skills than mine, of which I have none, wants my files to make their own mix, I would happily provide them.)
7. Don't Add Me to the Weight You Carry - 1:24
8. You're a Man, Not an Island - 3:04

Disc 6 (48:14):
1. It's Sticky! - 2:32 (Seriously, all these track names came from quotes in-game)
2. Now That's a Spicy Meatball! - 8:21
3. His Cowl, His Scowl, His Temper So Foul, I Hope He's Coming for Me! - 6:03
4. Toot, Toot! Watch out for the Bane Train! - 5:59
5. Now I Kill the Bat! - 11:17
6. Good Luck with That - 0:31
7. We're Not So Different - 1:54
8. My Daughter Thinks You're a Hero - 0:33
9. Why I Didn't Bring Him In - 1:04
10. Maybe He Can Give Them Something to Believe In - 0:12
11. You Won't Admit That We're the Same, and It's Tearing Me Apart - 9:55 (This is the music accompanying the credits, and, yes, it includes that song)

Disc 7 (Cold, Cold Heart - 1:10:41). I will reiterate that this is ripped directly from the game and is very far from my best work:
1. Cold, Cold Heart Overture - 2:13 (this plays during the DLC's menu. It's a reprise of an exploration theme from the campaign, but I loved it so much because it sent this wintry, tragic vibe to the beginning of the DLC.)
2. Are You Cowards Afraid of an Old Man? - 0:49
3. Who Wants to Beat a Billionaire? - 3:11 (Again. Real in-game quotes.)
4. You Tore Those Goons Apart! - 5:46
5. The Hero from Christmas Eve, Come to Rescue Us! - 1:34
6. Do You Know How Many of Your Friends I Sent to the Hospital on Christmas Eve? - 3:24
7. How'd You Do That? - 2:48
8. Don't Hurt Me: I Had a Troubled Childhood! - 3:15 (No, Batman didn't say this)
9. Either We Find Him, or He Finds Us - 4:38
10. There's Only One of Him? - 2:40
11. This Won't End Well for You - 1:00
12. What is He? - 1:12
13. Fitzy's Here to Save Your Sorry Ass - 3:24 (Trivia: Fitzy does not, in fact, save his sorry ass)
14. You're... You're the Batman - 1:23
15. Do We Got a Plan Beyond the Usual "Shoot 'im to Hell"? - 3:13
16. He's Just Trying to Save His Dying Wife - 5:52
17. Kick His Ass, You Numpty Prats! - 2:48 (who wrote this line?)
18. Damn You, Batman, for Forcing My Hand - 15:30
19. Thank You, Batman. For All of Us - 6:10

I hope you guys enjoy it! Give me some feedback if you have any, assuming it's good feedback; if it's not good, you know, keep it to yourself :P Actually, do tell me; I really enjoyed mixing this music and, if someone wants to find the music files for Arkham Knight when it's released, I will happily mix it.

Ninja Edit: I really didn't mean to call the thread Batman. I apparently didn't title it fully before submitting. Oops. Can I delete this thread and make a new one with a proper title? Can you tell I have no idea what I'm doing?

Edit 2: Thanks for the title change!

Edit 3: Also, if some noble soul is willing to search the game files and find the music for Cold, Cold Heart and send them to me to mix, I would love them forever.

04-01-2015, 01:19 AM
Wow, looks like you put a lot of work into this, nice one !

You can put a request for a Title change here : ASK FOR THREAD TITLE CHANGES HERE! (

04-01-2015, 01:24 AM
Thanks, man! I hope you enjoy!

04-01-2015, 02:40 AM
Looks pretty interesting to say the least, especially since I'm a total Batman fanboy. Thanks, bshively, I'll be grabbing it for sure!

04-01-2015, 02:49 AM
Wowzers, I can't believe someone actually took a crack at making a complete score for this...
The WWise used in this game is of a different code used in Arkham City, so if you've made this entirely from the gamerip, well kudos mate.

And yes, you have Cold Cold Heart! The music in the Freeze boss fight was epic! :D

04-01-2015, 04:13 AM
Us Batman fanboys have to stick together, after all.

---------- Post added at 11:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 PM ----------

Wowzers, I can't believe someone actually took a crack at making a complete score for this...
The WWise used in this game is of a different code used in Arkham City, so if you've made this entirely from the gamerip, well kudos mate.

And yes, you have Cold Cold Heart! The music in the Freeze boss fight was epic! :D

I actually can't believe I did it, either. I honestly decided to just fiddle around in Audacity with a cue, one thing led to another, and seven-and-a-half hours of music later, here we are.

Also, I'm not sure what you meant about the WWise and making this entirely from the gamerip. Like I said above, I used your re-upload of TOMANDANDY's .oog files, organized those files (and they were a mess, as you well know), and then, after being dissatisfied with that, made the layered gamerip you see before you. So, I guess I made this entirely from the gamerip? I honestly had no idea what I was doing; to quote someone with whom I'm sure you're familiar, "I just... Do things."

Also, the Cold, Cold Heart music is so good! My album representation is redundant, but I kind of don't mind it as much as I thought because the music is just awesome.

04-01-2015, 04:40 AM
If you made the gamerip entirely from TOMANDANDY's original rip, there won't be any cutscenes. He removed all of them because they were "sfx", "ambience" or plain silence. I'll download this later and give it a proper listen. For now, I'm gonna try to make album art for this.

04-01-2015, 04:43 AM
If you made the gamerip entirely from TOMANDANDY's original rip, there won't be any cutscenes. He removed all of them because they were "sfx", "ambience" or plain silence. I'll download this later and give it a proper listen. For now, I'm gonna try to make album art for this.

There aren't cutscenes, except the ones that appeared on the official album. Also, the cutscene right before the Deathstroke boss fight was just randomly there - not that I'm complaining. And a cover art would be much appreciated! There was an alternate cover for the OST I used, but something made specifically in reference to this would be super awesome :)

04-01-2015, 05:48 AM
Thank you good sir! Obviously there's a lot of music to download so it looks like I won't be getting it tonight. I'll be sure to give it a listen. From what it looks like though you're doing a good job. I don't know how many times you've done this but certainly kudos for trying. I'm pretty busy this week so I'll see when I can grab it.

Also thanks for the compliments. I'm a total narcissist so naturally I love it when people appreciate my work. :)

I also like the use of the term "the bomb diggity."

04-01-2015, 01:47 PM
Thank you good sir! Obviously there's a lot of music to download so it looks like I won't be getting it tonight. I'll be sure to give it a listen. From what it looks like though you're doing a good job. I don't know how many times you've done this but certainly kudos for trying. I'm pretty busy this week so I'll see when I can grab it.

Also thanks for the compliments. I'm a total narcissist so naturally I love it when people appreciate my work. :)

I also like the use of the term "the bomb diggity."

Thanks, man! Means a lot coming from you, as your awesome Arkham City album is what inspired me to do Origins. And I've never done anything of this scale before; I've edited some mixes together of music just for personal enjoyment and whatnot, but nothing to the level of an album containing a game's more-or-less entire score.

In terms of the download, I uploaded it to MEGA as one .zip file - without checking, I think it's 1.08GB. From my understanding, MEGA lets one download as fast the individual's internet connection allows, but I'm probably wrong: The point here is that I tried it so downloading and importing into iTunes or whatever would be as easy and painless as possible. Also, NCFirebolt is working on a custom cover, which is super exciting.

04-01-2015, 03:33 PM
Thanks, man! Means a lot coming from you, as your awesome Arkham City album is what inspired me to do Origins. And I've never done anything of this scale before; I've edited some mixes together of music just for personal enjoyment and whatnot, but nothing to the level of an album containing a game's more-or-less entire score.

In terms of the download, I uploaded it to MEGA as one .zip file - without checking, I think it's 1.08GB. From my understanding, MEGA lets one download as fast the individual's internet connection allows, but I'm probably wrong: The point here is that I tried it so downloading and importing into iTunes or whatever would be as easy and painless as possible. Also, NCFirebolt is working on a custom cover, which is super exciting.

Yep. I actually managed to grab it last night. So far you've done a good job with what you could. No offense to TOMANANDY, by the way, but when I tried to actually make a complete score for Origins I noticed it was not only missing cutscenes but as well as countless stingers and actual songs. So the fact you've made 7 discs out of it is impressive to me. :P

04-01-2015, 03:58 PM
Thanks for the hard work!!!

04-01-2015, 07:10 PM
Yep. I actually managed to grab it last night. So far you've done a good job with what you could. No offense to TOMANANDY, by the way, but when I tried to actually make a complete score for Origins I noticed it was not only missing cutscenes but as well as countless stingers and actual songs. So the fact you've made 7 discs out of it is impressive to me. :P

Thanks so much! I'm glad you're liking it so far! And TOMANDANDY's rip definitely was missing a lot of stuff - the cutscene scores on the official album I incorporated into this one, but was left bereft of other cutscenes. There were also no stringers and the level-up theme was absent; however, at least two if not three (I can't remember off the top of my head) of the stingers appear in the Cold, Cold Heart disc.

---------- Post added at 02:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:09 PM ----------

Thanks for the hard work!!!

Thank you for listening!

04-01-2015, 08:56 PM
Nice work! Thank you!

04-01-2015, 09:04 PM
Wow! Nice work. Thank you so much. :)

04-01-2015, 09:14 PM
That's incredible! Thank you so much!

04-01-2015, 11:06 PM
That's incredible! Thank you so much!

Wow! Nice work. Thank you so much. :)

Nice work! Thank you!

Ahhhhhh, so much gratitude! Thank you all so much! I hope you're enjoying it; let me know what you think!

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
04-01-2015, 11:16 PM
Thanks for the work!

Now I'm definitely going to go back and finish playing City.
And then go back further and play Asylum.

And eventually wait for Origins to go on sale on either Steam or HumbleBundle.

04-01-2015, 11:28 PM
Thanks for the work!

Now I'm definitely going to go back and finish playing City.
And then go back further and play Asylum.

And eventually wait for Origins to go on sale on either Steam or HumbleBundle.

Oh my goodness. You have the whole series to do! I'd start with Asylum first because it was first released and sets up Rocksteady's Arkham Trilogy. Then do City, which will probably supplant Asylum in terms of gameplay because all of the updates are things you never realize you wanted yet can't play a Batman game without (it'll make sense once you play). Then do Origins. And you have time until Arkham Knight; we've got slightly under three months to go. And that's my unwarranted and unasked-for advice. But, like, if my little passion project inspired you to play these awesome games, then I've done more than I thought possible. Enjoy, my man.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
04-01-2015, 11:35 PM
I'll consider that playback order.

I haven't installed anything yet.

04-02-2015, 03:33 AM
I'll consider that playback order.

I haven't installed anything yet.

Thanks for heeding my advice! I think you'll really enjoy them. They're, probably predictably, my favorite games ever. It certainly doesn't help that I'm a major Batman fanboy.

04-04-2015, 01:35 AM
Thank you for this. I really appreciate it.

04-05-2015, 12:09 AM
Thank you for this. I really appreciate it.

I appreciate the appreciation! Hope you're enjoying it!

04-05-2015, 12:27 AM
Jesus Christ that is a shit ton of music!

04-05-2015, 11:04 PM
Jesus Christ that is a shit ton of music!

I think I'll take that as a compliment?

Zero Akira
04-07-2015, 01:15 AM
Hey these files are in m4a format and I can't put them on my iPod. Unfortunately converting them to mp3 still doesn't work. Doesn't anyone have these songs in mp3 format?

04-07-2015, 04:18 PM
Hey these files are in m4a format and I can't put them on my iPod. Unfortunately converting them to mp3 still doesn't work. Doesn't anyone have these songs in mp3 format?

I'm uncertain, but I believe there is a way to convert the m4a files in iTunes so they are synced as a 128kbps AAC file. I think, but there's certainly someone who knows what's happening.

06-25-2015, 12:58 PM
Nice Work, Thanks

06-25-2015, 05:58 PM
Thanks, man! I hope you enjoy!

06-25-2015, 11:33 PM
Thanks :)

06-26-2015, 01:49 AM
I'm on a Mac G5 with older Firefox and Safari browsers that can't update and Mega won't load, it's prompting me to upgrade the browsers that have no updates available for my OS. Is there anyone here that I can coordinate with via PM to get this from an alternate link? I have Dropbox and Hightail. This is my favorite Arkham game of the series. Can anyone help?

06-27-2015, 06:04 PM
Sorry I didn't see this sooner; I've had difficulty pulling myself away from Arkham Knight. Send me a PM and I'll see what I can do.

---------- Post added at 12:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:55 PM ----------

I'm on a Mac G5 with older Firefox and Safari browsers that can't update and Mega won't load, it's prompting me to upgrade the browsers that have no updates available for my OS. Is there anyone here that I can coordinate with via PM to get this from an alternate link? I have Dropbox and Hightail. This is my favorite Arkham game of the series. Can anyone help?

Sorry I didn't see this sooner: I've had difficulty pulling myself away from Arkham Knight. Send me a PM and I'll see what I can do.

Also, I've made an updated version of Origins' score with better loops, mixing, etc. along with more music I found in additional game files. Is anyone interested?

---------- Post added at 01:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:56 PM ----------

Thanks, man! I hope you enjoy!

Wait, what? I made this.

06-29-2015, 12:21 PM
Interested all right!! I appreciate your work, so if there's a better version of it - count me in.
Thank you!

06-30-2015, 05:54 PM
Interested all right!! I appreciate your work, so if there's a better version of it - count me in.
Thank you!

Here ( is the updated, finalized version; let me know if there are any problems and what you think!

07-01-2015, 01:16 PM
many thanks for the share!

07-02-2015, 11:40 AM
Here ( is the updated, finalized version; let me know if there are any problems and what you think!

I tried downloading this new version three times now and for some reason it seems to contain just a handful of unorganized tracks. Is that how it's supposed to be?

07-02-2015, 03:20 PM
I tried downloading this new version three times now and for some reason it seems to contain just a handful of unorganized tracks. Is that how it's supposed to be?

Because I've made different versions, replacing old material with new but also keeping some old, it is disorganized in the .zip. Hopefully, if you open it in iTunes, it should be in the proper order; if it isn't, let me know, and I'll give you the proper order.

07-02-2015, 03:49 PM
Ah, I see now! I misunderstood - I thought you did it all over again, not just those few tracks. I should have known they were supposed to be exchanged with the old ones. Now it's all clear, thanks.

07-03-2015, 06:29 AM
Ah, I see now! I misunderstood - I thought you did it all over again, not just those few tracks. I should have known they were supposed to be exchanged with the old ones. Now it's all clear, thanks.

If you want the filenames in track order, try adding the songs to Foobar2000 and there should be something under the File Operations menu called Rename files... Try fiddling around with the renaming syntax, but trust me, it's a lifesaver.

07-03-2015, 11:06 AM
Thanks a lot

08-15-2015, 09:31 PM
Thanks for this!

10-04-2015, 12:12 AM
thanks for the hard work,good stuff here

05-24-2016, 08:15 PM
Thanks a lot!! Awesome!!

01-01-2017, 02:02 AM
Some songs are too long, why did you loop some of them to 12 minutes?