View Full Version : Thread 69410">Pok�mon HeartGold & SoulSilver Versions Collaborative Gamerip

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09-11-2009, 05:05 PM

Pok�mon HeartGold & SoulSilver Versions Collaborative Gamerip

PART 1 ( | PART 2 ( | PART 3 ( | PART 4 ( | PART 5 ( | PART 6 (
Number of tracks: 286
File format: MP3
Bitrate: 320 kbps
Filesize: 1.08 GB
Looping format: non-looping songs play once; looping songs play twice, then fade

Pok�mon HeartGold & SoulSilver Music Super Complete (Thread 71236) (Japanese)
Pok�mon HeartGold & SoulSilver Music Super Complete (English) PART 1 ( | PART 2 ( | PART 3 (

09/13/09 7:40 p.m. MST
All songs identified and tagged.


What is this?
With so many people working together, we were able to name and tag all 286 songs found in Pok�mon HeartGold & SoulSilver Versions in less than a day after release. Working together, we completed it in no time flat!


Why not wait for the OST?
Once we had our first taste of the music from this game, we didn't want to wait anymore. The staff at Game Freak have truly outdone themselves with this title, presenting the greatest arrangements Pok�mon has ever known. Also, the Music Super Complete is missing a couple tracks found in the game. Completionists will want the lesser tracks included in this rip.


Oh, wow! This music is AWESOME!
I know.


What can I do to help?
If you think you can improve on this rip, make adjustments and upload your own version. We'll post links here.


What kind of songs can I expect to hear in this album?
There are four basic types of songs in here:

1. New songs composed specifically for HeartGold & SoulSilver. There are a few new areas to explore in HeartGold & SoulSilver, and some epic new scenes that you won't want to miss! These all include brand-new music.

2. Newly arranged songs from Gold & Silver. These will bring the most smiles to your faces. It’s an auricular pleasure to hear the spectacular new arrangements of classic chiptunes. These have all been successfully identified and listed.

3. Classic songs from Gold & Silver. The entire soundtrack to the original Gold & Silver games are included in this game. You receive the GB Player at the very end of the game in Pallet Town, which changes the game's music into its original chiptune form.

4. New or recent songs done in classic style. Brand new songs to HeartGold & SoulSilver also have Game Boy Player versions. Keep your ears open for the fun new classics!


09-11-2009, 05:53 PM
The day it's out and a rip already! Amazing!

09-11-2009, 06:17 PM
AWESOME!! I think I found the reason for the GS version of the tracks being included:

Turns out that there is a GB Player item. It plays the "classic" version of the music for what ever part of Johto/Kanto you are in.

09-11-2009, 07:15 PM
AWESOME!! I think I found the reason for the GS version of the tracks being included:

Turns out that there is a GB Player item. It plays the "classic" version of the music for what ever part of Johto/Kanto you are in.

This made me explode about 58100561320564 buckets.

Master Jace
09-11-2009, 07:25 PM
In all honesty, it really is a bad idea to title tracks ripped from the ROM as an OST, because often they turn out premature compared to when they are played in the game. An example would be the wifi tower song in platinum, ripped from the ROM, it's missing half the instruments then when played ingame.

09-11-2009, 07:25 PM
Yeah, I just listened to the GB Main Titles included in this rip... very, very nostalgic. I wonder, are Battle Themes included too?

09-11-2009, 07:35 PM
AWESOME!! I think I found the reason for the GS version of the tracks being included:

Turns out that there is a GB Player item. It plays the "classic" version of the music for what ever part of Johto/Kanto you are in.

Thanks for bringing that up! It makes much more sense now why the music is in the game, and why it'll be included in the Music Super Complete. It also explains why I found a Game Boy version of Friendly Shop in the game.

09-11-2009, 07:41 PM
I've recognised a fair few so far (although I've actually used the GB included tracks as a reference as the first few are in exactly the same order as the HGSS tracks)

09-11-2009, 08:04 PM
I dont like the new music.

But then i hear about the GB player.


Master Jace
09-11-2009, 08:04 PM
1. Opening
2. Title Screen
7. Bike Theme
8. Surf Theme
9. Hall of Fame
10. Credits
11. The End
12. New Bark Town
13. Cherrygrove City
14. Violet & Olivine City
15. Azalea Town & Blackthorne City
16. Goldenrod City
17. Ecruteak City
18. Level Up!
52. CLASSIC What? Evolving...
53. CLASSIC Evolving...
54. CLASSIC Bike Theme
55. CLASSIC Surf Theme
56. CLASSIC Hall of Fame
57. CLASSIC Credits
58. CLASSIC The End
59. CLASSIC New Bark Town
60. CLASSIC Cherrygrove City
61. CLASSIC Violet & Olivine City
62. CLASSIC Goldenrod City
64. CLASSIC Ecruteak & Cianwood
69. CLASSIC Route 42, 43, and 44
70. CLASSIC Pallet Town
82. CLASSIC Pokemon Center
90. Saffron City
94. Kimono Girls
95. Game Corner
100. Victory Road
101.Indigo Plateau

So how about we get started?

09-11-2009, 08:12 PM
Master Jace, how nice of you to join us! We've been linking to your YouTube account. ;)

Master Jace
09-11-2009, 08:13 PM
Yeah, I'm going to seriously try to rise awareness of this topic on it.

09-11-2009, 08:45 PM
Wow, naming caused so much confusion back in the Brawl days.

Yo Qing, I'm downloading the rar right now. No need to bother reuploading over and over; give me all of the file names you used, and I'll make a batch file so people can download that instead until we have all (or the majority) done. We just keep updating that so you don't have to reupload this huge file constantly.

Master Jace
09-11-2009, 08:46 PM
Wow, naming caused so much confusion back in the Brawl days.

Haha, I remember that.

09-11-2009, 08:54 PM
Haha, I remember that.

Yeah, I didn't participate in the whole thing (I'm still pretty much a lurker) but I did learn a few things. So, what are the file names for each file? Are they just (number).mp3? Or do they have bizzare strings of crap? Cause I can get started on this now while I wait for the download.

09-11-2009, 09:25 PM

09-11-2009, 09:39 PM
101 is the Pokemon League I think.

112 is Johto Wild Battle, 113 is the Johto Trainer Battle, 114 Johto Leader Battle, 115 Rival Battle, 118 Ho-Oh Battle, 119 Lugia Battle, 123 is the Frontier Brain Battle (somewhat different than Platinum). 120 and 121 I don't recognize, but the look like the length of a battle perhaps? I wonder if there's a battle theme for Lati@s, the Legendary Birds, and Mewtwo...

204 is Vs. Team Rocket, 205 is the Suicune Battle, 206 Entei Battle 207 Raikou Battle, but I haven't listened to them enough to tell which one belongs to who, 208 is the Champion Battle.

209 is Kanto Wild Battle, 210 is Kanto Trainer Battle, 211 Kanto Leader Battle.

Around 220 is the battle frontier building songs, 225 is the GTS, 238 is Vs. Kyogre/Groudon/Rayquaza.

240 is... Vs. Arceus...

Edit: Thanks for posting this, Quagsire.

09-11-2009, 09:50 PM
Thanks for the generous offer, KenHitokiri. In fact, that is what I had in mind to update the files, but didn't think most users here would know how to handle such a file. I, too, remember the frantic days of Brawl. ^_^

The files are not named in any way that you could find a pattern and propogate a list down in a second. They are thus:


where ### is the track number from 001 to 286, and @@@@ is a hexadecimal code starting with 03ec going to 0549. If you count in hexadecimal, though, this is a range of 349, not 286, and looking at the files closely, it's obvious that there are many holes in the pattern.

Here ( is a list of the filenames. Hopefully it helps.

09-11-2009, 09:59 PM
Eh I just ordered them numerically in the folder I put it in, makes it somewhat easier at least... The list doesn't have names of the names of the songs, Quagsire, it'll still require a lot of sorting through... hmm... I'll keep updating my earlier post on some of the songs I figure out.

09-11-2009, 10:16 PM
Thanks! I got rid of the dates and what I assume were the file sizes. Should I name each something like "001 - Opening" or should I not bother to number them?

Void Rocket
09-11-2009, 10:41 PM
That would work.

09-11-2009, 11:08 PM
Anything that's been confirmed in the top post can be renamed in exactly that style. We're getting along pretty good, guys!

Void Rocket
09-11-2009, 11:19 PM
I have a few more songs here I'm pretty sure about. However I marked ones I'm somewhat uncertain of with (!). (??) indicates educated guesses/possibilities.

98. Mt. Moon (possibly other areas) (!)
99. Viridian Forest
103. Follow Me (or whatever it's actually called)
107. Unown Radio (!)
110. Kanto Trainer Encounter (!)
111. Rocket Encounter (!)
112. Johto Wild Battle
113. Johto Trainer Battle
114. Johto Gym & Elite Four Battle
115. Rival Battle (!)
116. Pokemon Evolved (!)
118. Ho-Oh Battle
119. Lugia Battle
128. Lucky Channel (??)
133. Pokemon Healing
134. GBP Silver Cave (!)
136. GBP Dark Cave
137. GBP Dragon's Den
138. GBP Mt. Moon (!)
139. GBP Viridian Forest (8 bit-ized version of the HGSS rendition, however)
141. GBP Riding the Magnet Train
142. GBP S.S. Aqua
149. GBP Female Trainer Wants to Fight (!)
150. GBP Male Trainer Wants to Fight (!)
151. GBP Rocket Grunt Wants to Fight (!)
152. GBP Kanto Trainer Battle
153. GBP Kanto Gym Battle
154. GBP You Won (! - against who?)
155. GBP You Won (! - against who?)
156. #155 without starting jingle
157. GBP Victory Against a Gym Leader (!)
160. Cianwood City (! - possibly Ecruteak)
163. Cerulean City
164. Lavender Town
165. Celadon City
166. Pallet Town
167. Cinnabar Island
168. Route 1
169. The Road to Lavender Town from Vermillion City (! - Route ??)
170. Route ???
171. Route ???
172. Pokemon Center
174. Pokemon Gym
175. Burned Tower, Sprout Tower, or Tin Tower (??)
176. Ruins of Alph
177. Ruins of Alph Deeper Underground (??)
178. National Park
179. Burned Tower, Sprout Tower, or Tin Tower (??)
180. Burned Tower, Sprout Tower, or Tin Tower (??)
181. Silver Cave (!)
183. Dark Cave
184. Dragon's Den
185. Rival Encounter (!)
186. Slight intro-variation of #185
191. Riding the Magnet Train
192. S.S. Aqua
197. Female Trainer Encounter (??)
203. Female Trainer Encounter - Kanto (??)
204. Johto Gym Battle (!)
208. Champion Battle
209. Kanto Wild Battle
210. Kanto Trainer Battle
211. Kanto Gym Battle
212. Victory Against a Trainer/Gym Leader (!)
213. Victory Against a Trainer (!)
225. Wi-Fi Tower
234. Route 101 (!)
235. Route ???
236. Pokemon Gym (! - again? perhaps this is a johto/kanto variation)
238. Groudon & Kyogre Battle
241. GBP Kimono Girls
242. GBP Game Corner
245. GBP Sprout Tower (!)
246. GBP Ruins of Alph
247. GBP Ruins of Alph Deeper Underground (??)
248. GBP National Park
251. GBP Silver Cave (!)
252. GBP Indigo Plateau
254. GBP Follow Me (8 bit-ized version of the HGSS rendition)
255. GBP Rival Encounter (!)
256. Intro variation of #255
261. GBP Unown Radio
263. GBP (town I forget the name of)
270. GBP Johto Wild Battle
271. GBP Johto Trainer Battle
272. GBP Johto Gym & Elite Four Battle
276. GBP Champion & Red Battle
277. GBP Kanto Wild Battle

09-11-2009, 11:35 PM
Awesome how there's new GB music! Wish I could be of some assistance. I see that you guys are pretty far in the naming process. Great work all!

09-12-2009, 12:14 AM
AAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUGH. Can you upload this thing any where else, Megaupload died on me at 97%.

09-12-2009, 12:25 AM
Ok, I won't be getting in the game for a while due to circumstances. But Mp3Tag will be helpful in this, Qing. You can set all of them to have their titles as their name and such, making tagging easier.

09-12-2009, 12:59 AM
QuagsireQing, you have 2 "GBP Vermillion City" in your list. You just need to get rid of 71 "GBP Vermillion City" & move the numbers up by 1

09-12-2009, 01:16 AM
AAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUGH. Can you upload this thing any where else, Megaupload died on me at 97%.

I'm on a strict 1GB bandwidth limit per day, so I cannot reupload it today. If others can upload at other sites (Rapidshare, MediaFire, File Factory, etc.) we'd be appreciative.

I'll probably upload it as a 10-part RAR in the next few days.

09-12-2009, 01:39 AM
QuagsireQing, if you want, I might be able to upload it to my MobileMe account (I have 14GB of space left). Need to check my bandwidth restrictions though. Awesome job with the naming

09-12-2009, 02:18 AM
The download only had 242 tracks and the last track was corrupt. Did I do something wrong?

Master Jace
09-12-2009, 02:20 AM
Oh wow, 233 is a Mt. Coronet remix from DP.

09-12-2009, 02:28 AM
Can't wait for the full rip of this to be done. Thanks guys so much. :)

09-12-2009, 03:01 AM
The download only had 242 tracks and the last track was corrupt. Did I do something wrong?

No one else has reported this problem. If the RAR file is 852 MB, try unzipping it again. If it's smaller than that, you'll need to redownload it.

Oh wow, 233 is a Mt. Coronet remix from DP.

I just listened to that a couple minutes ago. It's got a dose of Spear Pillar thrown in for good measure. :)

09-12-2009, 03:15 AM
No one else has reported this problem. If the I just listened to that a couple minutes ago. It's got a dose of Spear Pillar thrown in for good measure. :)

It's used for the Shinto Ruins.

09-12-2009, 03:16 AM
No one else has reported this problem. If the RAR file is 852 MB, try unzipping it again. If it's smaller than that, you'll need to redownload it.

Redownloaded and now it seems to be in order. Have no clue what happened last time.

Thanks for doing this, btw. :)

Void Rocket
09-12-2009, 03:24 AM
I've been tagging and such, just trying to stay updated with each new addition/change.

These are the tracks I'm still without a name for, and what I currently have them marked as.

27-48. ??? Fanfare
104. ???
120-122. ???
129-132. ???
144. GBP ??? Fanfare
146. GBP ???
158-159. GBP ???
189. Unown ???
194-196. ???
214-224. ???
226-232. ???
233. Mt. Coronet Spear Pillar Remix ???
235. Route ???
237. ???
239-240. ???
243-244. GBP ???
253. GBP ???
257-258. GBP ???
259. GBP Unown ???
264-266. GBP ???
268-269. GBP Encounter! ???
278-286. GBP ???

I figure many of these are new or only played at a specific part in the game, hence their unfamiliarity.

Master Jace
09-12-2009, 03:26 AM
There are some gameboy songs that aren't in the original GSC, so tagging them without actually knowing the title ingame will be impossible

Void Rocket
09-12-2009, 03:27 AM
Yeah, that seems to be the case with a lot of them.

Edit: By the way, Quagsire, 275 is GBP Vs. Suicine/Entei/Raikou, 276 is the GBP Champion theme, and 277 is the GBP Kanto Wild Battle theme.

09-12-2009, 04:19 AM
129 is the Kimono Girls Summon Lugia

Will try & search YouTube to fill in some blanks

edit:turns out they awaken Ho-oh as well

Void Rocket
09-12-2009, 04:58 AM
I uploaded a preliminary version of the OST. 920 MB (with additional tags + cover art), and about 220 of these are named.

This is soon to become obsolete I'm sure.

Note: For whoever plans to release the final, complete version (Quagsire I assume), it might be wise to release two separate album downloads, the default tracks and the GBP tracks (under titles such as "HeartGold & SoulSilver" and "HeartGold & SoulSilver Classic", etc.). The way they are currently numbered both the new tracks and the GBP ones overlap each other and for organization's sake separating them might be best.

09-12-2009, 05:30 AM
I thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful game rip!
You all got it almost fully tagged so fast, godly dedication.

09-12-2009, 05:54 AM
Awesome find! I'm downloading this right now! Thanks for the upload!

09-12-2009, 05:58 AM
Ok, I don't have any more tags but, I was able to find more (NEW CLASSIC) tracks. I'm pretty sure the following are the Pok�thlon tracks. The first one is the NDS version & the second one is the new classic version of the above track.

(196) Unknown Track
(266) GBP (Unknown Track) (NEW CLASSIC)

(214) Unknown Track
(280) GBP (Unknown Track) (NEW CLASSIC)

(215) Unknown Track
(281) GBP (Unknown Track) (NEW CLASSIC)

(216) Unknown Track
(282) GBP (Unknown Track) (NEW CLASSIC)

(217) Unknown Track
(283) GBP (Unknown Track) (NEW CLASSIC)

(218) Unknown Track
(284) GBP (Unknown Track) (NEW CLASSIC)

(228) Unknown Track
(286) GBP (Unknown Track) (NEW CLASSIC)

Some other track groupings:
(121) Unknown Track
(279) GBP (Unknown Track) (NEW CLASSIC)

(230) Unknown Track
(159) GBP (Unknown Track) (NEW CLASSIC)

(229) Unknown Track
(158) GBP (Unknown Track) (NEW CLASSIC)

Hope this helps a bit

edit: oh & here's a quick mockup of the album cover for the GBP tracks


09-12-2009, 06:33 AM
189's the sound, during the scenario when Team Rocket takes over the radio tower, that controls the Pokemon or whatever. You can hear it if you go near the end of the frequencies on the high end using the radio (I remember freaking out when I randomly went on the in game radio and found it xD. Oh memories).

Void Rocket
09-12-2009, 06:47 AM
Tracks to add to the latest version (

129. The Kimono Girls Summon Ho-Oh & Lugia
189. Radio Rocket Takeover
231. Male Adversary Sighted!
232. Female Adversary Sighted!
259. GBP Radio Rocket Takeover

78. GBP Routes 3-9 & 22
82. GBP Pok�mon Center*
156. GBP Victory! Vs. Wild Kanto Pok�mon Var. 2*
172. Pok�mon Center*
174. Pok�mon Gym*
209. Vs. Wild Kanto Pok�mon*
213. Victory! Vs. Wild Pok�mon*
236. Pok�mon Gym Ver. 2*
262. GBP Radio Pok� Flute
270. GBP Vs. Wild Johto Pok�mon**
271. GBP Vs. Johto Trainer**
272. GBP Vs. Johto Gym Leader & Elite Four**
276. GBP Vs. Champion & Red**
277. GBP Vs. Wild Kanto Pok�mon**

*Currently set with a regular "e" in "Pok�mon"; would be better to change this for consistency
**Necessary formatting change


Edit: All tracks listed here have been updated.

09-12-2009, 07:02 AM
Tracks to add to the latest version (

129. The Kimono Girls Summon Lugia
189. Radio Rocket Takeover
259. GBP Radio Rocket Takeover

Turns out that Kimono Girls track Should be "The Kimono Girls Summon Ho-oh & Lugia"

That track is played for both events. Just found some confirmation for it.

edit: got 2 more track titles figured out:

(231) Male Trainer appears?
(232) Female Trainer appears?
The music when Soul appears

edit 2: Yep, it's the music when Soul appears

So, I assume the other music applies for the Male trainer

09-12-2009, 07:45 AM
78. GBP Routes 3-9 & 22 (NEW CLASSIC) -- NO

-You listed this as new, but it's NOT new. It was in Kanto for GSC.

09-12-2009, 08:16 AM
78. GBP Routes 3-9 & 22 (NEW CLASSIC) -- NO

-You listed this as new, but it's NOT new. It was in Kanto for GSC.

Huh, I guess you were right. It's been awhile

Kinda weird that it wasn't included on GSC soundtrack page though

Void Rocket
09-12-2009, 08:35 AM
HGSS OST Original: (564.7 MB)
-133 out of 176 tracks named
HGSS OST Classic: (356.2 MB)
-97 out of 110 tracks named

-All of the Classic tracks' names start with "GBP". I hope this doesn't bother anyone.
-I just realized, 13. Cherrygrove City on the Original soundtrack should be named Cherrygrove City & Mahogany Town. Not a major problem, but worth fixing for the next update.

09-12-2009, 12:55 PM
Than you. Thank you. Thank you so much.

The nostalgia is about to make me cry.

09-12-2009, 12:59 PM
Thanks for this rip, I really appriceate it! And in return, I have some track numbers and what they are :)

28 - Key Item (Older Version, but not classic)
33 - Additional Berry Fanfare
34 - First Place/Finish Puzzle Fanfare
35 - Big Win At Game Corner Fanfare
36 - Win at Game Corner Fanfare
37 - Card Flip Suspense Fanfare
38 - Leave Slot Machines Fanfare
39 - Register Phone Number Fanfare
40 - Team Up Fanfare
45 - Win (I dont know what at, but thats it's platinum name)
46 - Battle Frontier Fanfare
47 - Battle Points Fanfare
48 - Mingame Victory Fanfare
104 - I know this was a track in GSC, but I dont know what it is :L (Special Fanfare is the name I have in my GSC Rip)
122 - Battle Castle
146 - Encounter Sage
194 - Buena's Password (Gosh, am I glad I found this, It must mean it's in the game :))
195 - Eusine's Theme (Unsure, but because of beat and placement with other crystal themes, the theory works)
196 - Clair's Theme
220 - Battle Factory
226 - Move Tutor
266 - Clair's Theme GBP

I also recognize 131 from somewhere, but I cant quite name it...

09-12-2009, 01:04 PM
Whoops for double posting, but just to allierate on the Unown Radios signal, this track was present in GSC, and is a radio station you can only get in the Ruins of Alph. A message above mentioned it being radio tower takeover, but it is not (the one underneath is, if this is just a typo)

09-12-2009, 01:30 PM

Thanks for ripping the music out! Awesome and wonderful music, nostalgic like what most others have said.

I downloaded the 850+mb version and then realise Void Rocket has uploaded a mostly tagged split version...haha, guess I will just re-download again since the 850+mb I had one file corrupted.

Btw what did you guys use to tag effectively for so many files?

Once again, thank you very much!

09-12-2009, 02:51 PM
Probably a tagging program such as Mp3Tag.

Do you guys know when you're going to be ready to release the fully tagged version? *fidgits*

09-12-2009, 05:13 PM
Probably a tagging program such as Mp3Tag.

Do you guys know when you're going to be ready to release the fully tagged version? *fidgits*

As soon as we know what all the tracks are. ;)

09-12-2009, 05:19 PM
027 & 028 are both Pokedex rating jingles in GSC. I'm assuming some of the ones right after it are also those, but I can't be too sure.

104 is the Radio Commercial that plays if you listen to Oak's Pokemon Talk long enough. Likewise, 144 is the GBP version... albeit an unecessarily long loop of it (that also means it's not, in fact, a NEW CLASSIC)

Can also confirm that 195 is Eusine's theme. It's actually labelled in the GBP section (265), so you can compare them.

09-12-2009, 05:30 PM
There's actually at least one thing missing from this rip: the "Pokemon Caught" Fanfare

09-12-2009, 05:43 PM
There's actually at least one thing missing from this rip: the "Pokemon Caught" Fanfare

Isn't that the same as the "Evolution Complete" fanfare?

Additionally, there's a typo in the list. Track 68 should be GBP Routes 38 & 39, not 29.

09-12-2009, 05:48 PM
228 - Route 47
229 - Safari Zone Gatehouse
230 - Safari Zone
And yes, silly me, should know that those two are the same :L

Void Rocket
09-12-2009, 07:53 PM
Whoops for double posting, but just to allierate on the Unown Radios signal, this track was present in GSC, and is a radio station you can only get in the Ruins of Alph. A message above mentioned it being radio tower takeover, but it is not (the one underneath is, if this is just a typo)

I already had 107. marked down as the Unown radio signal, and 189. as the rocket takeover one.

Likewise, 259. is the GBP radio rocket takeover, and 261. is the GBP Unown signal.


New OST:

New Classic OST:

09-12-2009, 07:55 PM
Wow. This is some really efficient work. Thanks, guys.

09-12-2009, 08:09 PM
It's been confirmed that the Slots in the Game Corner have a "bonus mode" much like D/P/Pt.

I'm not 100% sure on this, but seeing as the Game Corner uses the Lucky Channel's music, Track 128 MIGHT be the bonus mode music as it's a faster mix.

Ack. Also noticed another incorrectly titled song. 262 should be "GBP Radio Pokeflute" not Pokemon Lullaby =|

09-12-2009, 08:34 PM
Well, not for us Europeans, who don't get a Game Corner.

I really do love the new themes, they're brilliant!

Void Rocket
09-12-2009, 08:37 PM

Do you have any plans to release the New and New Classic tracks in two sets? If you'd rather release them all in one I'd be willing to do a two-set release (if you're alright with that). If this is what ends up being the case, however, I'd have to renumber many of the tracks on each album just to make them all properly consecutive (since the gaps where GBP tracks were cause skips in the new tracks, and gaps where new tracks were cause skips in the GBP tracks). Of course I can't do this until all tracks have been tagged correctly, but--if you choose not to release two albums yourself--would you be okay with me doing so?

09-12-2009, 08:54 PM
for some reason i don't see the Route 30 theme on the track list

edit: nevermind... just noticed the "Welcome to the World of Pok�mon" is the same theme lol

09-12-2009, 09:31 PM
Am I the only one that thinks the Champion Battle Theme is......not good?

09-12-2009, 09:48 PM
Holy guys are the greatest <3 THIS is why I love this forum!

09-12-2009, 09:58 PM
Just found a playlist on youtube with most of the new (excluding classics) tracks:

Click here to start the playlist (

Maybe there are track titles in the list that you guys are missing...

09-12-2009, 10:11 PM
Just found a playlist on youtube with most of the new (excluding classics) tracks:

Click here to start the playlist (

Maybe there are track titles in the list that you guys are missing...

Most of those are using the versions that were ripped from here. However, there is one track the person had named we didn't:

Track 132 is the music that plays for the Pichu event.

09-12-2009, 10:26 PM
So want a tagged version. :[

09-12-2009, 11:15 PM

Do you have any plans to release the New and New Classic tracks in two sets? If you'd rather release them all in one I'd be willing to do a two-set release (if you're alright with that). If this is what ends up being the case, however, I'd have to renumber many of the tracks on each album just to make them all properly consecutive (since the gaps where GBP tracks were cause skips in the new tracks, and gaps where new tracks were cause skips in the GBP tracks). Of course I can't do this until all tracks have been tagged correctly, but--if you choose not to release two albums yourself--would you be okay with me doing so?

As for myself, I'll be keeping it as one album. You can do whatever you want on your own, though. If you separate the album into two, I can post download links to your versions at the head of the topic for people who want just the new tracks.

09-12-2009, 11:45 PM
Thanks for all this awesome music. =)

09-13-2009, 12:44 AM
286 is the GBP version of Route 47, the route that leads to the Safari Zone.

09-13-2009, 01:12 AM

09-13-2009, 01:37 AM
OK! So for all those of you who don't wanna redownload, I have a renamer! 0d438b265621d66e282a0ee8
Download the text file, put in folder with all the music, double click, and you're done! If there are any issues, let me know.

And sorry I'm late.

EDIT: It doesn't rename track number 5, because...well, Track number 5 has a slash in it. Will fix.

09-13-2009, 02:10 AM
120 matches 278.

120. Pokethlon Dome
121. Pokethlon Contestant Screen
214. Pokethlon Instruction Screen (of some sort)
215. Plays during hurdles and some umbrella thing
216. Plays during Charge Relay
217. Plays during Scoring and Placement screen
218. Ending Ceremonies

41-44 are also part of the pokethlon.

121 matches 279.
214 matches 280.
215 matches 281.
216 matches 282.
217 matches 283.
218 matches 284.

Anthony La
09-13-2009, 02:17 AM
For an internet forum I was doing Line Ins direct from the game. I mean clearly that's ineffective, but meh - does the same apply to ROM rips? Which is more effective at getting the correct sound, AND complete with all instruments? (Of course Line In does the latter, but not necessarily the former.)

So! Track name completion time! (Are you tagging the new classics? I've done so here.)

3. Game Explanation
(The HG/SS game explanation uses G/S/C's "Main Menu" or "Continue" theme.)

6. Trade
(The version with the intro is the proper Evolution theme.)

29. Fanfare Pok�dex Rating 3
30. Fanfare Pok�dex Rating 4
31. Fanfare Pok�dex Rating 5
32. Fanfare Pok�dex Rating 6

41-43 are Pok�thlon tracks.

44. Pok�thlon Award Ceremony

53. Trade
(Likewise with track 6, this corresponds to the trading sequence.)

99 (correction). Viridian Forest

120. Pok�thlon Dome
121. Pok�thlon

129. Kimono Girls Dance
130. Ho-Oh Appears
131. Lugia Appears

158. GBP Safari Zone Gate (NEW CLASSIC)
159. GBP Safari Zone (NEW CLASSIC)

214. Pok�thlon Event Rules
215. Pok�thlon Event
216. Pok�thlon Last Spurt
217. Pok�thlon Event Results
218. Pok�thlon Final Results
219. Pok�thlon Award Ceremony

225 (correction). Global Terminal

239 (correction). Connect to Pok�Walker

278. GBP Pok�thlon Dome (NEW CLASSIC)
279. GBP Pok�thlon (NEW CLASSIC)
280. GBP Pok�thlon Event Rules (NEW CLASSIC)
281. GBP Pok�thlon Event (NEW CLASSIC)
282. GBP Pok�thlon Last Spurt (NEW CLASSIC)
283. GBP Pok�thlon Final Results (NEW CLASSIC)
284. GBP Pok�thlon Award Ceremony (NEW CLASSIC)
285 (correction). GBP Global Terminal (NEW CLASSIC)
286. GBP Route 47 (NEW CLASSIC)

09-13-2009, 02:43 AM
128. Ho-Oh Appears
129. Lugia Appears

Are you really sure about 128? I know what I said before was only speculation, but I've watched the summoning scene on YouTube, and it's the same music as Lugia's.

Okay... so after taking the track names we have and applying them to their appropriate GBP tracks, we now have names for all tracks EXCEPT:


Oddly enough, none of those tracks have GBP versions. Curious.

Anthony La
09-13-2009, 03:05 AM
Are you really sure about 128? I know what I said before was only speculation, but I've watched the summoning scene on YouTube, and it's the same music as Lugia's.

Okay... so after taking the track names we have and applying them to their appropriate GBP tracks, we now have names for all tracks EXCEPT:


Oddly enough, none of those tracks have GBP versions. Curious.
Doing corrections right now. I did 128 wrong (it's already tagged right). 129, 130 and 131 are tracks that play before you can ever get the GB Player.

Now I'm going to correct the Pok�thlon ones too.

09-13-2009, 03:11 AM
44 and 219 seem to be duplicates; can anybody see if there's a difference between the two?

I'm just calling 41-44 "Pok�thlon Fanfare 1-4"

09-13-2009, 03:15 AM
I just now noticed this but tracks 44 and 219 are EXACTLY the same ._. Why is it in the data twice?

EDIT: Woops, you beat me to it XD Good idea for those other tracks though.

09-13-2009, 03:17 AM
Thank you, my ipod increased from 20 to 34 from this, and it may still grow (i use an ipod shuffle someone gave me for free, why buy when you get for free?)(also, i dont listen to much music, 16 of it is megaman music(exe and starforce related) and 14 is from these games leaving 4 non megaman or hg/ss related tunes)

Void Rocket
09-13-2009, 03:25 AM
44 and 219 seem to be duplicates; can anybody see if there's a difference between the two?

I'm just calling 41-44 "Pok�thlon Fanfare 1-4"

Hm, that is certainly odd. They seem identical to me too.

09-13-2009, 03:26 AM
216 is Pokethlon Event Ver. 2. It's an alternate one.

09-13-2009, 03:27 AM
Are you sure about that? It really sounds no different at all.

Okay, regarding 41-43, I think those are specifically the fanfare after each round of the Pokethlon. From the video posted above, 42 is definitely 1st place.

I'm guessing that 41 is Last Place and 43 is 2nd/3rd place. If anyone can confirm that, then this soundtrack is pretty much wrapped up aside from the mystery behind the duplicate tracks.

Oddly enough, that one track that has a duplicate is the only possible song that doesn't have a GBP version. It's almost as if they programmed that song in twice by accident. Once where it belongs and another in the GBP space.

09-13-2009, 03:31 AM
Whoo hoo! We're near the end!

Anthony La
09-13-2009, 03:35 AM
216 is Pokethlon Event Ver. 2. It's an alternate one.

Actually as I just wrote (as I played), it's the music for the "last spurt", or really, the final event.

Void Rocket
09-13-2009, 03:36 AM
I thought we were talking about 44 & 219, not 44 & 216.

09-13-2009, 03:36 AM
Oh wow, I didn't see the edit. Cool.

09-13-2009, 03:41 AM
I thought we were talking about 44 & 219, not 44 & 216.

Oh, I didnt see 216 labeled before. That's why I brought it up.

09-13-2009, 03:46 AM
44 & 219 are the ones that sound like duplicates. I still think they're the same song, but everyone says otherwise, so I dunno.

Still... why doesn't that song have a GBP version? The other events do. The only songs that don't have GBP versions otherwise are minor fanfares and certain storyline event songs (though oddly enough, songs like Rocket Tower Takeover DO have them even though you don't get the GBP until well after that).

If anyone could check to see if my assumption about tracks 41 through 43 are correct, then the soundtrack will be finished :D

Anthony La
09-13-2009, 03:46 AM
Oh, I didnt see 216 labeled before. That's why I brought it up.
Considering I edited that post several times it isn't your fault. :P

09-13-2009, 03:56 AM
41 is when you enter the pokethlon.

Anthony La
09-13-2009, 04:03 AM
Also, track 99 is Viridian Forest only - it isn't Route 2.

Actually you know what? I'm also adding corrections to my post. Better quality from accuracy is always great, right? :D

09-13-2009, 04:32 AM
Hey, what about 104 and 144?

Anthony La
09-13-2009, 04:37 AM
They're correct.

Also, while 240 is titled "Vs. Arceus", it's not used for that in HG/SS (like it is for DPt). It's instead used for Arceus's creation scene. So what should THAT be called?

09-13-2009, 04:40 AM
They're correct.

Also, while 240 is titled "Vs. Arceus", it's not used for that in HG/SS (like it is for DPt). It's instead used for Arceus's creation scene. So what should THAT be called?

Ah, thanks, I knew it sounded familiar, and my .bat file still has from when they were called Fanfare (Unknown).
I guess we just call it Arceus's Creation or Arceus?

09-13-2009, 04:41 AM
Hey, what about 104 and 144?

I answered that earlier today. 104 is the Radio Commercial that plays if you listen to Oak's Pokemon Talk long enough (as in, actually read the text with it, not just leave the music channel playing).

144 is the GBP version. Though... it shouldn't be looping as much as it is ._. It's a short jingle. The same excessive looping also happens with GBP Intro 1, GBP Intro 2, GBP Theme of Pokemon, and GBP Staff Roll

09-13-2009, 04:56 AM 0d438b265621d66e282a0ee8

Anthony La
09-13-2009, 05:01 AM
To clarify, the scene 240 plays in is where Arceus creates life (Dialga, Palkia, Giratina).

Also, the themes that play for more than two towns are named inconsistently.
i.e. 64. GBP Ecruteak & Cianwood Cities, 62. GBP Azalea Town & Blackthorn City

09-13-2009, 05:05 AM 0d438b265621d66e282a0ee8

Tried to access your mediafire account 2 times and both turned out to be a fluke. I think it's the key used.

09-13-2009, 05:31 AM
Why do you guys keep saying "Wi-Fi Terminal"? It's the "Global Terminal", remember? Same as in Platinum...

Anthony La
09-13-2009, 05:33 AM
Why do you guys keep saying "Wi-Fi Terminal"? It's the "Global Terminal", remember? Same as in Platinum...
he's right you know. :P

And Huck, they were saying "Wi-Fi Tower" for the most part. When I recognised that it was wrong, I tried to correct it, but� I keep stuffing it up and it's all you guys' fault. >:O

09-13-2009, 05:36 AM
he's right you know. :P

And Huck, they were saying "Wi-Fi Tower" for the most part. When I recognised that it was wrong, I tried to correct it, but… I keep stuffing it up and it's all you guys' fault. >:OFFJLSLDFSF DON'T CALL ME HUCK ;0;

09-13-2009, 05:56 AM
I can't believe it guys...we've done it! Every song has been identified, and in less than two days (well, we're still not sure where track 128 comes in, but we recognize the tune)! Congratulations on making this happen.

KenHitokiri, if you want to create a new batch file based on the tracks as they're labeled in the top post (complete with all corrections and additions), people can apply them themselves, and I'll upload a new and fully tagged version for first-time downloaders.

Anthony La
09-13-2009, 06:25 AM
I can't believe it guys...we've done it! Every song has been identified, and in less than two days (well, we're still not sure where track 128 comes in, but we recognize the tune)! Congratulations on making this happen.

KenHitokiri, if you want to create a new batch file based on the tracks as they're labeled in the top post (complete with all corrections and additions), people can apply them themselves, and I'll upload a new and fully tagged version for first-time downloaders.
I'm pretty sure that's "Slot Lineup" in the Game Corner. It's a random event when you play the Slot Machines.

09-13-2009, 06:30 AM
I'm pretty sure that's "Slot Lineup" in the Game Corner. It's a random event when you play the Slot Machines.

That's what I guessed before, but I can't find any videos showing it, nor have any players backed it up yet.

Anthony La
09-13-2009, 06:51 AM
That's what I guessed before, but I can't find any videos showing it, nor have any players backed it up yet.

Did that just now and I can vouch for it. It definitely is Lineup.

09-13-2009, 07:33 AM
Oh man, you're kidding me. I was working on tagging this on my own. I'm 120 into it. What a waste! Oh well.

Nice work with getting all this together!

Void Rocket
09-13-2009, 07:39 AM
I've received word from several people at this point that the music in the actual game is different enough from these ripped versions that I have chosen to opt out of this collaboration (not that I actually did much other than copy Quagsire's work...). I eagerly await an official release with the true sound versions.

Upon checking the main post, I realize the project is virtually complete anyway. Thank you, Quagsire, for your efforts and I hope everybody enjoys these rips as much as I have.

09-13-2009, 08:54 AM
I think the only difference is that certain instruments are played on the DS while it may not be after ripped since our decoder(the player) may be different from native Nintendo's.

Overall it shouldn't sound that much different. Official release if I'm not wrong looking at Play-Asia is Oct 28. In the meantime, we can just enjoy these rips. It's meant to tide till then in any case any way. =)

P.S. Great project nontheless and I truly enjoy listening to the rips. =)

09-13-2009, 09:08 AM
I have noticed that the GBP tracks don't sound exactly like the original GSC rip (they also have a bit of echo to them), so that's where I could see that the songs don't sound the same. Otherwise, from what I've heard, it's pretty spot on =| Maybe I'm missing something here?

Anthony La
09-13-2009, 12:02 PM
I have noticed that the GBP tracks don't sound exactly like the original GSC rip (they also have a bit of echo to them), so that's where I could see that the songs don't sound the same. Otherwise, from what I've heard, it's pretty spot on =| Maybe I'm missing something here?
For the most part the music is very accurate. However, with some keen ears like mine, besides the GB echo (though I can't verify this with the actual game) I found the Ho-Oh battle theme to show a bit of an instrumental difference. I should compare a little more.

I love the final names picked for the tracks, but it sounds like you guys had a bit of extra consultation while doing the naming, unless I missed something. :P (I'd make the bold claim that 214 and 215 are wrong here.)

09-13-2009, 04:05 PM
I'm bouncing up and down on my seat for the tagged download =D

09-13-2009, 05:35 PM
Amazing work everyone! We've identified 286 tracks in the span of a few day! I now have the fully tagged gamerip! :D

09-13-2009, 06:19 PM
*begs for an upload*

09-13-2009, 07:12 PM
No need for a tagged upload! For I am here...WITH THE BATCH FILE!
Place in folder full of unreadable names! Double click once, or click twice in rapid succession! Add "SOUP BOOSTER" for flavor! Naming files in an instant!

One issue: Because the name of the fifth track has a slash in it, it won't be renamed. That's the Evolution track.

09-13-2009, 07:30 PM
One issue: Because the name of the fifth track has a slash in it, it won't be renamed. That's the Evolution track.Well, it doesn't really need to be called "Evolution w/ Intro", since what would be "Evolution w/o Intro" is tagged as "Trading". So you may want to change it to just "Evolution".

Void Rocket
09-13-2009, 07:48 PM
I decided I am going to upload the two sets (one of the New tracks, one of the New Classic tracks). This should be ready in a while.

Here are some corrections for the main list, Quagsire. They will be already included in my versions.

5. Evolution [As Aurakitsune noted, it is unnecessary to include "w/ Intro"]
60. GBP Cherrygrove City & Mahogany Town
71. GBP Viridian, Pewter & Saffron City
90. Viridian, Pewter & Saffron City
139. GBP Route 2 & Viridian Forest (New Classic) [I am sure this music plays for Viridian Forest as well as Route 2]
258. GBP Bug-Catching Contes(t) [Not sure if this typo is included in your upload, so just in case]
270. GBP Vs. Wild (Kanto) Pokemon

09-13-2009, 08:20 PM
No need for a tagged upload! For I am here...WITH THE BATCH FILE!
Place in folder full of unreadable names! Double click once, or click twice in rapid succession! Add "SOUP BOOSTER" for flavor! Naming files in an instant!

One issue: Because the name of the fifth track has a slash in it, it won't be renamed. That's the Evolution track.

This doesn't work. It just comes out as a txt file. I tried to save it again and it said it was "renamercomplete.bat.txt

Use this one.

09-13-2009, 08:29 PM
5. Evolution [As Aurakitsune noted, it is unnecessary to include "w/ Intro"]
60. GBP Cherrygrove City & Mahogany Town
71. GBP Viridian, Pewter & Saffron City
90. Viridian, Pewter & Saffron City
139. GBP Route 2 & Viridian Forest (New Classic) [I am sure this music plays for Viridian Forest as well as Route 2]
258. GBP Bug-Catching Contes(t) [Not sure if this typo is included in your upload, so just in case]
270. GBP Vs. Wild (Kanto) Pokemon

Track 139 isn't a new classic, as that's the version that played on Route 2 in the originals. 270 is Vs. Wild Johto Pok�mon, not Kanto. I fixed the typos, though, and changed track 5 to the title I had in my own file (I didn't realize I hadn't updated it).

Void Rocket
09-13-2009, 08:40 PM
Track 139 isn't a new classic, as that's the version that played on Route 2 in the originals.

I see, although considering Viridian Forest's music has been replaced with it, it might be good to include the New Classic label. But it's your choice.

270 is Vs. Wild Johto Pok�mon, not Kanto.

Ah whoops, that was a misprint on my part.

09-13-2009, 08:40 PM
Can't wait for the final version of this rip.
Once again I thank you all so much for this.

09-13-2009, 09:29 PM
Yaa Thank you very much ! This OST Gamingrip is great !

Master Jace
09-13-2009, 11:10 PM
Much thanks to you guys for the tags. More thanks for Quag, his high quality and exceptionally large 2sfrip has inspired me to finish my prolonged Pokemon remix project.

Void Rocket
09-13-2009, 11:51 PM
Alright, I've uploaded complete versions of the Main and Classic soundtracks.

Main: (564.7 MB)

Classic: (356.2 MB)

09-13-2009, 11:52 PM
This doesn't work. It just comes out as a txt file. I tried to save it again and it said it was "renamercomplete.bat.txt

Use this one.

Same .txt error thing with this one for me.

Edit : Thank you so much Void Rocket!

09-14-2009, 12:12 AM
rename.bat.txt , just rename to rename.bat. I don't think mediafire accepts .bat.

It works for me.

09-14-2009, 12:53 AM
Sweet job, awesome music, very nice job your guy are doing here, I love the mix of all of the old song put together -- Thank you!

09-14-2009, 12:58 AM
You've done a great job with this it seems, well done! The batch file isn't working for me either, and I can't seem to rename it. Help?

09-14-2009, 02:42 AM
The download from the top post now contains fully tagged (filename and title field) songs. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to spend another two hours replaying Final Fantasy XII because there are no freakin' save points in the game.

09-14-2009, 05:21 AM
What ever happened to the new theme of Route 30, 33 I can't find it, or is it just not there to begin with? I can find the G/S/C-Like version (66. GBP Routes 30 & 33) song in the soundtrack however.

09-14-2009, 05:33 AM
What ever happened to the new theme of Route 30, 33 I can't find it, or is it just not there to begin with? I can find the G/S/C-Like version (66. GBP Routes 30 & 33) song in the soundtrack however.

It's track 4. It doubles as Oak's introduction, just like in GSC.

09-14-2009, 05:40 AM
Oh thank you very much zairedwinters, i appreciate it!

09-14-2009, 05:44 AM
Oh thank you very much zairedwinters, i appreciate it!

Good to know there's people out there that do :P You're welcome!

09-14-2009, 06:09 AM
What ever happened to the new theme of Route 30, 33 I can't find it, or is it just not there to begin with? I can find the G/S/C-Like version (66. GBP Routes 30 & 33) song in the soundtrack however.

I titled it as "Welcome to the World of Pok�mon" for the HeartGold & SoulSilver version because of its placement with the other introductory songs. Likewise, the GBP version is placed with other Route themes, so I named it "Routes 30 & 33"

09-14-2009, 11:59 AM
I titled it as "Welcome to the World of Pok�mon" for the HeartGold & SoulSilver version because of its placement with the other introductory songs. Likewise, the GBP version is placed with other Route themes, so I named it "Routes 30 & 33"

Ah I see, No matter if the names are changed or not, the quality is awesome and for that, I'm grateful, oh, and because of the fact that the soundtrack is all of the way in late October and I can't wait that long.

09-14-2009, 08:23 PM
can somebody put these into a ZIP file for me?

EDIT: What's the difference between Main and Classic?

Void Rocket
09-14-2009, 08:38 PM
Main is the new soundtrack, i.e. all of the older (and some new) tracks rearranged specifically for the new game.

Classic is the Game Boy Player track list, essentially most of the old tracks plus a few 8-bit versions of the new ones.

Quagsire, do you think you could post my two links on the top of this page within the main thread post, for anybody who either does not have Windows, or prefers separate listings?

09-14-2009, 10:20 PM
The words I wish to look for here is... awesome. Awesome job to all of you. Hearing about Heart Gold and Soul Silver reminds me of the Gold and Silver games for the GBC. Good memories... and I thank you all for these memories.

09-14-2009, 10:57 PM
Both files seem to be corrupt....

Void Rocket
09-15-2009, 12:27 AM
You mean the main/classic zips? That's bizarre; there must be some sort of problem with megaupload then for particular users, since I remember people reporting "corrupt" files from even the original download (before any tags, which worked fine for me).

09-15-2009, 01:09 AM
2 small corrections/additions:
228. Routes 47 & 48
286. GBP Routes 47 & 48 (NEW CLASSIC)

Seems that the Route 47 music is the same for Route 48 as well. Other than that, fantastic job everyone!

09-15-2009, 02:21 AM
2 small corrections/additions:
228. Routes 47 & 48
286. GBP Routes 47 & 48 (NEW CLASSIC)

Seems that the Route 47 music is the same for Route 48 as well. Other than that, fantastic job everyone!

Thanks for confirming. I suspected that both Routes used the same theme, but wasn't sure.

09-15-2009, 02:50 AM
QuagsireQing: How shitty of me I downloaded, but never thanked. Sorry about that.

Thank you.

09-15-2009, 03:14 AM
QuagsireQing: How shitty of me I downloaded, but never thanked. Sorry about that.

Thank you.

A-HA! I knew it was you.

Mt. Silver
09-15-2009, 09:33 AM
I don't get it... I downloaded the whole soundtrack... but nothing happened when I clicked on it...the computer just told me that I have to specify an application to open it and I have no idea which it needs too be... Could some one please help me?

I already sat here for an hour waiting for it to download only to find out that it won't work.

Please don't tell me I need to have a Windows computer to download it, because I have a Mac. I really appreciate how much work people here have put into it, Thank you all, but I'd like some help with this because I really want this soundtrack to be listenable on my computer without having to go on YouTube.

Thanks in advance to the person that helps,
~Mt. Silver

Void Rocket
09-15-2009, 04:30 PM
What I gather is that you're trying to run the batch file on a Mac. Unfortunately, batch files operate based on the Windows command line, and not on the Mac equivalent.

Somebody might be able to write a bash (is that the right one?) script that can do what the Windows-specific batch file does, but I cannot help you with that personally.

The downloads I offered come pre-tagged, but another 950 MB of downloading is probably not something you want to sit through.

09-15-2009, 05:20 PM
hmm when i`m downloading it suddenly stops and dosn`t get any further. Is there something wrong with the link?

09-15-2009, 05:23 PM
I don't get it... I downloaded the whole soundtrack... but nothing happened when I clicked on it...the computer just told me that I have to specify an application to open it and I have no idea which it needs too be... Could some one please help me?

I already sat here for an hour waiting for it to download only to find out that it won't work.

Please don't tell me I need to have a Windows computer to download it, because I have a Mac. I really appreciate how much work people here have put into it, Thank you all, but I'd like some help with this because I really want this soundtrack to be listenable on my computer without having to go on YouTube.

Thanks in advance to the person that helps,
~Mt. Silver

It sounds like you just don't have an unzipping file. Make sure you have WinRAR installed and open the file with that program, then extract the files to whatever folder you want. You won't need to redownload. Almost every soundtrack you will download from this site functions the same way.

09-15-2009, 06:01 PM
Thanks guys. with my planned version of the project out of commission due to a major winamp problem, you saved the idea of it.

Mt. Silver
09-15-2009, 07:54 PM
Thank you, Void Rocket, because downloading the classic and original ones separately worked!

09-16-2009, 01:10 AM
After the main game, you can tune into the Hoenn and Sinnoh shows on the radio to lure a few select Hoenn and Sinnoh Pok�mon out of the grass. I'm guessing that this is the reason the Route 101 and Route 201 songs are in the game. If someone could confirm this, we'd appreciate it.

09-16-2009, 01:58 AM
After the main game, you can tune into the Hoenn and Sinnoh shows on the radio to lure a few select Hoenn and Sinnoh Pok�mon out of the grass. I'm guessing that this is the reason the Route 101 and Route 201 songs are in the game. If someone could confirm this, we'd appreciate it.

The poster apparently confirms it's true in the first video. Make what you will of it, but there's very little room for doubt.

What I'm wondering about is what the Version 2 of Goldenrod and Pokemon Gym are? I thought it'd be the Kanto region's gym theme, but I checked a video of Sabrina's gym and it still plays the version 1 song.

09-16-2009, 02:42 AM
After the main game, you can tune into the Hoenn and Sinnoh shows on the radio to lure a few select Hoenn and Sinnoh Pok�mon out of the grass. I'm guessing that this is the reason the Route 101 and Route 201 songs are in the game. If someone could confirm this, we'd appreciate it.
234. Radio Hoenn Sound Show
235. Radio Sinnoh Sound Show

That's the only reason that I can think of for Routes 101 & 201 music being in HGSS. Will try & find a youtube video confirming it though.

edit: didn't see zairedwinter's post

09-16-2009, 03:20 AM
It sounds like you just don't have an unzipping file. Make sure you have WinRAR installed and open the file with that program, then extract the files to whatever folder you want. You won't need to redownload. Almost every soundtrack you will download from this site functions the same way.

I use UnRarX. It's a Mac program, and free.

09-16-2009, 03:27 AM
And i haven't posted here to thank for the grandiose work accomplished here. Two days only, and I can enjoy this fantastic soundtrack. I'm loving it, whatever inaccuracies in the instruments used could there be, they are minor to me for the time being. What matters is the joy and the thrilling sensation of "OMG!!! It's a silent Trainer with a Lv88 Pikachu! The world is gonna end because I'm out of PPs!" that fills me when I hear these themes.

Somebody might be able to write a bash (is that the right one?) script that can do what the Windows-specific batch file does, but I cannot help you with that personally.

In the interest of everyone counting with similar file namings, I have created the requested Bash (".sh") script. It should run flawlessly in whatever Linux or Unix or their derivatives (that should include Mac). Creating a Windows (".bat") version out of this sript is as trivial as replacing all ocurrences of "mv " (note the space) with "rename " (again, note the space), which I have already done and provided a file below.

Unlike the other script, and as noted above, in the interest of everyone counting on a similar file naming, this script converts the filenames to mostly alphanumeric versions that are, for the most part, independent of the operating system and can survive well in whatever version of DOS, Unix, Windows, Atari or whatever. This is accomplished by removing conflicting characters that have special meanings in some operating systems (such as "/", "!", "?" etc...) and changing all spaces and dots into underscore ("_").
The resulting filenames are hence autocompletable with shell tools, and usable under most shells and scripts without much hassle (for reencoding or retagging, if there's ever the need...).
The only limitations remaining so far would be the everpresent "�" (for "Pok�mon") and some of the filenames having over 31 characters, which means they are not compliant with some (old) CD writing programs. Beyond that, the only complain that I can foresee is that "_"'s are ugly.

As a sample, this program renames as follows:

052_NTR-IPKJ-JPN-04c7_mini2sf.mp3 → 052.GBP_What_Evolving__.mp3

Here is link, can I have hamb--- er... soundtrack? →
(bash file, UTF-8, ~20 KiB)
The Windows version →
(batch file, Windows-1252, ~22 KiB)

I hope those in need can appreciate this small contribution to such grandiose project as the collection of the newest additions to the Pok�mon franchise. Oh god how much I love the Rival and Kanto Gym Leader themes!!!!!

09-16-2009, 09:41 AM
I thought Goldenrod City Version 2 might be the Goldenrod underground but, it's not

Maybe it's an unused theme?

09-16-2009, 02:30 PM
Goldenrod City Ver.2 could indeed be an unused theme.
Wouldn't be the first time an unused theme is in the game.

09-16-2009, 03:07 PM
The second Gym theme was probably also unused.

09-17-2009, 11:52 AM
Alright, I've uploaded complete versions of the Main and Classic soundtracks.

Main: (564.7 MB)

Classic: (356.2 MB)
I grabbed Main. Thank you.

But what is the difference between Main and Classic?

09-17-2009, 12:48 PM
Main is the new music and Classic is the original music.

Anthony La
09-18-2009, 01:09 AM
I thought Goldenrod City Version 2 might be the Goldenrod underground but, it's not

Maybe it's an unused theme?

It's a Radio Show theme.

09-18-2009, 04:28 AM
Thank you guys so much for working together and making this OST! This has always been my favorite series and it's great to know that they revamped the music. I can't wait to listen! :D

09-18-2009, 06:26 PM
I'm downloading at a meager 37KB/s average. Why can't someone get it on MediaFire?

EDIT: Dropped to 32... no, 28.

09-19-2009, 01:14 AM
thanks to everyone involved for this great audio rip! listening to the music makes the wait for the english versions of HeartGold and SoulSilver a little better for me.

09-19-2009, 03:58 PM
OH MAN! This OST is so nerd-gasmic, Nintendo is gonna make me actually BUY this game (when it hits europe, that's for sure) >_<
Thanks a LOT to everyone who collaborated on perfectionating this rip. It's way too good to be true :O

09-20-2009, 12:24 AM
WOW! Thanks a ton for ripping and uploading this!

I went through and reorganized everything after I downloaded because the seeming randomness of the game's placement of the songs in the rom was bugging me, but I'm just glad that you uploaded it. Thanks! :D

09-20-2009, 12:46 AM
WOW! Thanks a ton for ripping and uploading this!

I went through and reorganized everything after I downloaded because the seeming randomness of the game's placement of the songs in the rom was bugging me, but I'm just glad that you uploaded it. Thanks! :D

I did the same thing! I actually looked at the original G/S rip for a general order in the tracks and then rearranged a few and inserted the new tracks in where I determined they would be appropriate (such as putting the Battle Frontier stuff after the rest of the Johto league-specific music).

09-20-2009, 02:57 AM
Thanks for the rip, the music is great!

I lost my DS... But with this and Scribblenauts, I have been inspired to look for it! I shall hopefully find it tomorrow.

Prof. 9
09-20-2009, 01:09 PM
Sorry if this has been asked before, but aren't there GBP versions of the Battle Frontier music?

09-21-2009, 07:27 AM
What's there is there, unfortunately.

I don't think the GB player works for certain areas. Or against Ho-Oh or Lugia.

09-21-2009, 01:01 PM
Great job, thanks for bringing us this great soundtrack, it brings back so many memories :)

09-21-2009, 09:06 PM
Woah, thanks for that rip !! :D

Literraly love the musics.
Dragon's Den looks like the 1st remix of PokeRemixStudio, like they took it and convert it to "Nintendo DS style". Kinda weird XD

Anyway I did a cover with the one you put on the musics. It's likely to be the same but I added some things :O Maybe I'll do other ones :D


09-22-2009, 01:05 PM
There's something off with these rips. I've compared them to the music in-game and the rips don't have the bass sounds (or something) the actual music have.

09-22-2009, 05:48 PM
I love you...

09-23-2009, 02:33 AM
There's something off with these rips. I've compared them to the music in-game and the rips don't have the bass sounds (or something) the actual music have.

I've noticed that this is a running problem in a few DS soundtrack rips, such as the initial rip of the PW:Justice For All and Lunar Knights. The sounds are all there but the bass lines are generally more muted than when listened to from the game itself.

What I think is that the music that is ripped from the roms of the game is how the music is ACTUALLY recorded onto the game and that the DS' hardware is designed to accentuate the bass.

Course I could be wrong, I know nothing about how the hardware actually works. I'm just making an educated guess. If anything, we'll find out how the music's supposed to sound after the official soundtrack comes out.

Another guess is that maybe the programs used to rip/record the music just haven't worked out all the kinks in them just yet.

09-23-2009, 04:04 AM
freaking awesome thanks dude!

09-23-2009, 05:20 AM
Oh.... My..... Thanks!

09-29-2009, 12:42 AM
I'm downloading at a meager 37KB/s average. Why can't someone get it on MediaFire?

EDIT: Dropped to 32... no, 28.

Haha, mine is running at 55.5KB/s average.
I tried to download Quag's file and set it to open with WinRaR from Firefox 3.5.
I let it download overnight, come back the next morning and...
It said something like:

"C:\WINDOWS\Temp\< Insert File Name >.rar has no file set."

It meant something like it can't find a file to open it with when Firefox set it to open automatically in WinRaR.
Any Ideas?

Also I am downloading the 'Main' set of the two Void Rocket put up.
*crosses fingers*
*remembers that heart gold and soul silver have anti-piracy freezing*
*weeps for lost game*

EDIT: If the problem is my browser, I can use any of the following:
Mozilla Firefox 3.5,
Opera 10,
Apple Safari 4,
Google Chrome 2,
Flock 2.5,
Netscape Navigator 9,
and last and most certainly least: Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.



09-29-2009, 02:46 AM
Arbabender, I've had so many problems with RAR files and Firefox that I've found it MUCH better to just download the RAR file, and then open it afterwards. That way you don't have to sit through waiting all over again.

I'm sorry that it's being so slow for many of you. I just got my computer back after it being in the shop for twelve days, and I'll see about uploading it to an alternate location soon.

09-29-2009, 12:12 PM
The downloads on the last page, are they tagged properly (ie. actual artist)?

09-29-2009, 02:00 PM
Haha! I went to MegaUpload and the 'Re-Captcha' was MEG1. Lol.

Anyway, onto business *clears throat*

It is probably my ISP and/or bandwidth. Also I am in a relatively remote location. Near a rural town, but small enough that you have to zoom in a fair bit to see it on Google Earth. I am re-downloading and saving it this time. Hopefully MU doesn't cut out half way through...

EDIT: Oh, and thanks to all who contributed to this game-rip. If I could get the darn site to work with me here, that would be fantastic. Anyway, that doesn't really matter, I read that it was 2 days and this was basically complete, wow...

10-01-2009, 01:27 AM
Sweeeeeeeet music, just finished listening.

10-02-2009, 02:33 AM
OMGosh, I found this on Youtube, and wanted to get the Mp3s of it... Thanks for uploading this! I <3 Raikou, and am now happy that IT (yes IT), has its own Battle Theme. Finally the respect it deserves after 10 years now! The only other thing it got was a theme song from a special episode...

Love this soundtrack!!! Going on my iPod tonight!!!

10-02-2009, 02:45 AM
Thanks, it reached over 300KB/s! (Not Kb)

10-02-2009, 10:16 PM
OMGosh, I found this on Youtube, and wanted to get the Mp3s of it... Thanks for uploading this! I <3 Raikou, and am now happy that IT (yes IT), has its own Battle Theme. Finally the respect it deserves after 10 years now! The only other thing it got was a theme song from a special episode...

One, this isn't an MP3 rip from YouTube. If you see it on YouTube, it was recorded independently, or was possibly taken from this rip. Everything you see here was ripped straight from the DS ROM and converted for you: no YouTube was used in the making of this rip.

Second, Raikou's theme is cool, but Entei's rendition is way cooler.

Third, A New Oath is one of the best anime songs ever!

10-03-2009, 11:17 AM
Entei's theme is a bit slow and heavy. Doesn't excite at all.

10-03-2009, 02:10 PM
Entei's theme is a bit slow and heavy. Doesn't excite at all.

Agreed. Raikou's is probably the fastest and most exciting sounding.

10-12-2009, 07:38 AM
this is on a level of Dan Green and Chuck Norris awesome, thanks

10-12-2009, 06:19 PM
Hey, aren't 243-244 (GBP Battle Tower, GBP Inside the Battle Tower) "NEW CLASSIC"?

10-12-2009, 09:36 PM
No, why would they be? They were in Pokemon Crystal.

10-12-2009, 09:54 PM
this sucks.

10-13-2009, 09:32 PM
User: hydranoid
Registered user
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 1

'nuff said.

Anyways, thank you so much for this. You are amazing.

10-14-2009, 01:49 AM
this sucks.

Fail troll is fail

10-15-2009, 05:41 PM
i love pokemon

10-17-2009, 05:17 PM
So, I found the track listings for the Official OST

I'm not sure if anyone could translate these but, this might help to use more accurate titles on some of the tracks. Just a suggestion. The gamerip is pretty damn good on it's own :D

10-17-2009, 07:51 PM
Thanks For This!!!

10-17-2009, 11:50 PM
So, I found the track listings for the Official OST

I'm not sure if anyone could translate these but, this might help to use more accurate titles on some of the tracks. Just a suggestion. The gamerip is pretty damn good on it's own :D

My Japanese is too shaky for me to trust myself with some of those, but those links were very helpful. It looks like it'll be 270 tracks long, but with some tracks having multiple songs, making it 278 songs long. We've got 286 in our rip, so the Music Super Complete is only leaving a few out, and those are probably comprised of songs our rip has duplicated (ie. songs with/without intros and unused songs).

It looks like the MSC is going to be a very comprehensive one, with almost the only difference to ours being the fact that songs will loop only once, instead of twice (and the order of the songs). I'll be leaving the titles of the rip alone, though. Once the MSC is out, anyone who prefers the rip files to the official soundtrack can rename the files to match the MSC if they like.

10-20-2009, 03:56 AM
Tracklist is at Can we get correct artists on songs and lining up with the OST? Like my Diamond/Pearl rip does?

10-21-2009, 12:47 AM
Tracklist is at Can we get correct artists on songs and lining up with the OST? Like my Diamond/Pearl rip does?

I'll leave that to individuals to do. If anybody does this on their own, they can upload the file for people to download.

This is collaborative, remember. Anybody in this thread is welcome to upload their own versions of the rip, and I'll be happy to add links to those versions in the top post. Personally, I don't want to go through all the work of making changes to the existing rip, when I won't be listening to it anymore in (hopefully) a week. I leave any massive changes to be made (for the benefit of those who will be using the rip instead of the MSC) to those who want them enough to spend the time doing it themselves.

10-26-2009, 01:27 AM
Ohhhhhoh! Now downloading! This music is indeed the best of all pokemon games, of all! KUDOS! And thanks for ripping/tagging/uploading!!!

Anthony La
10-26-2009, 12:57 PM
I'll leave that to individuals to do. If anybody does this on their own, they can upload the file for people to download.

This is collaborative, remember. Anybody in this thread is welcome to upload their own versions of the rip, and I'll be happy to add links to those versions in the top post. Personally, I don't want to go through all the work of making changes to the existing rip, when I won't be listening to it anymore in (hopefully) a week. I leave any massive changes to be made (for the benefit of those who will be using the rip instead of the MSC) to those who want them enough to spend the time doing it themselves.
Are you implying that you imported the album and will listen to that instead?

10-26-2009, 11:53 PM
Are you implying that you imported the album and will listen to that instead?

I haven't imported, but I will listen to that instead.

10-27-2009, 02:00 AM
so you have the actual album (or at least the tracks from it, not the gamerip)? because that would be extremely useful in renaming everything, and correlating the rip with the ost.

EDIT: I've just finished a rough version of the Soundtrack. Needless to say, there are a bunch of extra tracks, some of which are duplicates without intros. I will upload my version in 6 parts, as it's ... pretty huge. Note that it's very rough, and not everything may be correct. I did, however, include the composition + arrangement credits. :)

10-27-2009, 06:30 PM

PARTS 1 & 2:
Part 1 (mediafire) ( Tracks 1-50, 164 MB
Part 2 (mediafire) ( Tracks 51-100, 184.3 MB

-'Fanfare Leave Slot Machine' should be 'Leave Slot Machine'

PARTS 3 & 4:
Part 3 (mediafire) ( Tracks 101-150, 196.1 MB
Part 4 (mediafire) ( Tracks 151-200, 188.3 MB

PARTS 5 & 6:
Part 5 (mediafire) ( Tracks 201-250, 194.9 MB
Part 6 (mediafire) ( Tracks 251-283, 114.8 MB

It has been made aware that Tracks 87, 233 and 238 are corrupt in this upload, so I've reuploaded them here:
TRACKS 87, 233 and 238 (


-YES, THERE ARE THREE TRACKS MISSING, but they are all duplicates more or less. The tracks I removed are as follows:
'Evolution (No Intro)'
'Victory Against Wild Pok�mon (No Intro)'
'GBP Victory Against Wild Pok�mon (No Intro)'

-The tracks on the OST that aren't on the gamerip (may be duplicates):
Routes 30, 33 (included on 'Welcome to the World of Pok�mon!')
Dance Theater (included on 'Kimono Girls')

-There were a few extra tracks on the gamerip, including the GBP Team Rocket's Signal, and the Move Tutor.

-I wasn't sure what the 'Azukatta Pok�mon' theme was on the OST, I assumed, due to it's placement, it was a fanfare to receiving a pok�mon. Since the TM theme wasn't on the OST, I just used that for the fanfare, since I didn't have anymore unknown fanfares leftover at that point.

-There were a few extra Game Corner tracks, which may or may not be in a medley on the OST, so I added them next to the regular tracks. I filled in the composer and arranger by educated guess.

-I was very confused about the naming and identification of the Pok�thlon tracks, so if anyone has the game and can clear this up, it would be greatly appreciated. I guessed for a lot of them. I think the Charge Relay theme was medley'd to the Pok�thlon game theme. Also, I'm not sure that the Entry jingle is included in the OST.

-According to the OST, the GBP radio tracks are all listed under the medley they're in. I wasn't positive about the music for all of them (GBP and not), so please, feel free to correct me.

-I kept the GBP tags at the beginning of the tracks to differentiate them from the normal ones.

-I put the arrangers under 'Artist' and composers under 'Composer'. In case you like to use the album art scroller in iTunes, like I do, I've included all the arrangers listed alphabetically under 'Album Artist'. If this doesn't work, make sure all the tracks are listed as 'Part of a Compilation'. Also, if you'd rather switch Artist and Album Artist, you can download this script:
This Tag, That Tag (
which can do it for you.

-I didn't file the album with disk numbers, because it's modified from the original. Instead, I numbered the tracks in OST order (the best I could) from 1 to 283.

-The files are all pretty large, so if you need me to upload smaller files, let me know. As of now, the entire soundtrack is about 1.04 GB.

-I accidentally kept the "GBP Trading" theme in, even though it's the same thing as the evolution theme without an intro. The soundtrack should be 282 tracks long if you choose to remove this, (but I'm not sure why you wouldn't, considering I already removed the regular version).

-Here's the page where I got the info from:
Translated (
Untranslated (

-Sweet! Thanks everyone!

10-29-2009, 12:52 AM
Thank you so much for the correct tags!

10-29-2009, 05:04 AM
The music is just simply astounding. This is nothing less of a beautifully performed soundtrack.

10-30-2009, 02:58 AM
Track 87 isn't working properly... :{ it says "! C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Desktop\P2 Pok�mon HeartGold & SoulSilver Unofficial CRC failed in P2 Poke��mon HeartGold & SoulSilver Unofficial Soundtrack\87 Kimono Girls' Dance.mp3. The file is corrupt" PLEASE HELP!

EDIT: Actually, 233 and 238 does the same thing also.. :\

10-30-2009, 03:38 AM
hmm that's odd, are those all the tracks that do that? I'll reupload those ones specifically, and see if it fixes the problem, because they work on my computer.

10-30-2009, 05:22 AM

10-30-2009, 05:39 AM
anyone having lostless version of
Pokemon Heartgold & Soulsilver Music Super Complete (ポケモン ハートゴールド&ソウルシルバー ミュージック・スーパーコンプリート )

10-30-2009, 05:26 PM
Yay, the new arrangements and the chiptunes are both in this pack!

Awesome, thanks! :D

10-30-2009, 07:20 PM
is it just me or does the original gold/silver game rip sound way better than these GBP rips? it's just not the same...

10-30-2009, 08:55 PM
HeartGold/SoulSilver Music Super Complete (NOT MY UPLOAD): (part 1) (part 2)

I am not sure, but I think some cues are missing in it, anyway.


10-30-2009, 10:03 PM
is it just me or does the original gold/silver game rip sound way better than these GBP rips? it's just not the same...

It's a matter of personal opinion, while the original Game-rip is okay, the GBP so songs pretty much the same except for tone, and because of this, it really doesn't matter, however I like the the GBP music the most, I feel it's more smoother then the other

10-30-2009, 11:37 PM
track 49 and 50 should only play through once...

10-31-2009, 12:03 AM
HeartGold/SoulSilver Music Super Complete (NOT MY UPLOAD): (part 1) (part 2)

I am not sure, but I think some cues are missing in it, anyway.


That is not the Music Super Complete. It only has 173 tracks, and the album tags are marked as an "Unofficial OST." The file name is a lie. Do not be fooled by imitations!

10-31-2009, 05:06 AM
Indeed...and track 87 is indeed corrupt.

10-31-2009, 06:45 PM
Tracks 87, 233, 238! (

11-01-2009, 08:41 AM
Tracks 87, 233, 238! (

YAAAAY it works now. thank you thank you THANK you. :D

11-01-2009, 09:39 AM
YAAAAY it works now. thank you thank you THANK you. :D

Of course! :)

11-01-2009, 09:46 AM
Oh, and just as a little bit of trivia, the two main newcomer composers/arrangers for this game are Shota Kageyama and Takuto Kitsuta.

Kageyama (composing / arranging) is probably best known as one of the composers for the Nintendo DS Strategy/RPG, Luminous Arc.
Kitsuta (arranging) was one of the composers for the original music in Super Smash Bros. Melee

So, we kind of have an all-star lineup.. pretty much all the noteworthy Pok�mon composers, with some nice extras!

11-01-2009, 11:07 AM
Kageyama also did some remixes for Brawl as well.

11-01-2009, 12:07 PM
for some reason the tracks corrupted for me seems to be the GBP Dragons Den and GBP Kanto Gym leader battle instead which is 233 and 238 according to the track number shown
EDIT: sorry for any inconvenience caused

11-01-2009, 05:21 PM
for some reason the tracks corrupted for me seems to be the GBP Dragons Den and GBP Kanto Gym leader battle instead which is 233 and 238 according to the track number shown
EDIT: sorry for any inconvenience caused

Oh crap! Sorry! I forgot that I got rid of the GBP Trading track so that shifted my whole tracklist! I'll have them up sometime tonight!

11-02-2009, 05:33 AM
Could you send me the four tracks you nixed so I can add them, Maxo?

11-02-2009, 09:19 AM
can someone fix tracks 49 and 50 so they only loop once?

Anthony La
11-02-2009, 12:49 PM
can someone fix tracks 49 and 50 so they only loop once?
Y'know, the reason they loop more than once is because the game plays them more than once. That's just how the game does it because when those tracks are played they will loop endlessly.

11-02-2009, 05:40 PM
GBP Dragon's Den & GBP Battle! Gym Leader (Kanto) (

The Extra Tracks: GBP Trading, GBP Wild Pok�mon Victory (No Intro), Trading, Wild Pok�mon Victory (No Intro) (
^^Disregard the track numbers on these tracks

11-03-2009, 05:18 AM
Y'know, the reason they loop more than once is because the game plays them more than once. That's just how the game does it because when those tracks are played they will loop then why in the original gold/silver the intro is only played once then goes to title screen. i'm not sure why the intro is split into two parts on the gamerip but it's really annoying. just watch-

11-03-2009, 07:10 AM
no. then why in the original gold/silver the intro is only played once then goes to title screen. i'm not sure why the intro is split into two parts on the gamerip but it's really annoying. just watch-
It's almost better that they're separated, because according to the OST, the two parts are arranged by different people. But yeah, that shouldn't loop twice. I'll fix that.

Unlooped GBP Intro Parts (

11-03-2009, 08:45 AM
Just to note; the track named Victory Wild Pokemon has two versions; as I'm sure you'd know. Howver, the one WITHOUT the intro is Wild Pokemon Caught.

Anthony La
11-03-2009, 08:47 AM
It's almost better that they're separated, because according to the OST, the two parts are arranged by different people. But yeah, that shouldn't loop twice. I'll fix that.

Unlooped GBP Intro Parts (
~_~ As I said, it loops twice. The OST doesn't do it, but the games themselves do.

So! The OFFICIAL OST is out (and has been for four days). And I've ripped the discs but uploaded only Disc One (which I'll complete with full scans and the remaining two discs):


11-03-2009, 08:52 AM
116 is the track I am talking about ^

Anthony La
11-03-2009, 09:10 AM
116 is the track I am talking about ^
No, the version with the intro is used in both when a wild Pok�mon is defeated OR is caught. The one without the intro is unused in the main games. This is the same for the GBP versions - the wild Pok�mon battle end theme is used for all ends.

11-03-2009, 09:29 AM
thanks for the links guys. so i guess what you're saying is the way the tracks are programmed into the game are set to loop even though they don't? that's fine i guess. btw if anyone has a account there's a request up for the ost in flac.

11-03-2009, 09:30 AM
~_~ As I said, it loops twice. The OST doesn't do it, but the games themselves do.

So! The OFFICIAL OST is out (and has been for four days). And I've ripped the discs but uploaded only Disc One (which I'll complete with full scans and the remaining two discs):


is this lossless version?

may u make lossless version (APE, CUE) if u can?

also, for mp3 (or ape), may u upload at mediafire (as alternative)?

Anthony La
11-03-2009, 10:45 AM
is this lossless version?

may u make lossless version (APE, CUE) if u can?

also, for mp3 (or ape), may u upload at mediafire (as alternative)?
Ah, I knew I forgot something; no, that's just a 320 kbps MP3 rip.

I'm unable to rip in APE/CUE, but I DID make a FLAC, though 450-500 MB per CD is going to take… a while. (Finding a place to upload is also a challenge.)

11-03-2009, 10:53 AM
Ah, I knew I forgot something; no, that's just a 320 kbps MP3 rip.

I'm unable to rip in APE/CUE, but I DID make a FLAC, though 450-500 MB per CD is going to take… a while. (Finding a place to upload is also a challenge.)

1 flac+cue file per disk is ok
easy for me to burn

Anthony La
11-03-2009, 10:56 AM
1 flac+cue file per disk is ok
easy for me to burn

mediafire would be ok
Er, no. These are just individual tracks.

thanks for the links guys. so i guess what you're saying is the way the tracks are programmed into the game are set to loop even though they don't? that's fine i guess. btw if anyone has a account there's a request up for the ost in flac.
No no, they loop in the game. When the original GS title theme plays on the radio in HG/SS, it loops.

11-03-2009, 10:58 AM
Er, no. These are just individual tracks.

with tag?
or teach me
how to pack these into a CD?

You may use ExactAudioCopy to make ape+cue

11-03-2009, 12:41 PM
~_~ As I said, it loops twice. The OST doesn't do it, but the games themselves do.

So! The OFFICIAL OST is out (and has been for four days). And I've ripped the discs but uploaded only Disc One (which I'll complete with full scans and the remaining two discs):


Thanks for posting the real OST

11-03-2009, 12:55 PM
nomatter mp3 or others
anyway thanks for sharing

11-03-2009, 05:14 PM
for someone understand how to use a software called "ShareEX2"
you may grab the lossless version of ost (3 discs) now

[EAC][ゲームサントラ][NDS] ニンテンドーDS ポケモン ハートゴールド&ソウルシルバー ミュージック・スーパーコンプリート (ape+cue).rar
ID: あゆすdx0061Q05Z
HASH: ceea4cd7d75573c095d49417b77dc4a03c5ec4a4

password for zip pack: じょうほう

11-03-2009, 06:57 PM
for someone understand how to use a software called "ShareEX2"
you may grab the lossless version of ost (3 discs) now

[EAC][ゲームサントラ][NDS] ニンテンドーDS ポケモン ハートゴールド&ソウルシルバー ミュージック・スーパーコンプリート (ape+cue).rar
ID: あゆすdx0061Q05Z
HASH: ceea4cd7d75573c095d49417b77dc4a03c5ec4a4

password for zip pack: じょうほう

can someone please make this easier on us all, I don't know where to start

11-04-2009, 12:19 AM
for someone understand how to use a software called "ShareEX2"
you may grab the lossless version of ost (3 discs) now

[EAC][ゲームサントラ][NDS] ニンテンドーDS ポケモン ハートゴールド&ソウルシルバー ミュージック・スーパーコンプリート (ape+cue).rar
ID: あゆすdx0061Q05Z
HASH: ceea4cd7d75573c095d49417b77dc4a03c5ec4a4

password for zip pack: じょうほう

Tried for the password, says incorrect

11-04-2009, 05:31 AM
Tried for the password, says incorrect

The password is correct, use 7-zip.

11-04-2009, 09:40 AM
still waiting for the 2nd & 3rd discs of the MP3 OST, unless somebody wants to convert lossless to mp3.

11-04-2009, 10:22 AM
The password is correct, use 7-zip.

Thanks, it works. but wonder why winrar won't work.