10-25-2016, 02:36 AM
The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes - Mixed Soundtrack (Now Complete!)

GameRip, edited, 32728Hz
Previously posted as a WIP

MP3 V0 at MEGA (!m8JRjCAQ!sGAQqf_1zPESyKoQIsBqY9NDicgnmbErhwPFsh67zCs) - 162.8 MB (downsampled to 32KHz)
FLAC at MEGA (!H85lUBzY!u4Dn8kZnNR4MQVSZZhOjMyo4G_86bsUzpRSeTDV2prc) - 515.9 MB (includes .cue files)

EDIT: 1 Missing track & 6 Bonus tracks now available here (!TowjXJwR!kVBK8x2doosPRTEdGoOKlA) in MP3 V0 and FLAC.

Another Edit (Aug. 23, 2017): I've added 2 new tracks! They're remixes of the Title Theme, ripped from the official 3DS HOME Menu themes for Tri Force Heroes.

Another Edit (Dec. 26, 2018): Added 2 more new tracks! The game's E3 2015 demo just surfaced, and it has alternate mixes of the Title Theme and Staff Roll.

Another Edit (Dec. 27, 2018): I was hasty with yesterday's discovery and just noticed 2 of the stage songs are also early mixes, so they've been added too.

Samples (MP3) at MEGA (!K0gxHZyY!YwhGsEVIobKVOa4vICrLfA) - 5 tracks to sample before downloading the full album

This is a project I started out of wanting to hear Tri Force Heroes music with the "totem" variations included. Players know that many of the game's songs have extra percussion and vocal tracks that are mixed on-the-fly for the different configurations of Links carrying each other. No official releases so far contain these variations.

I'm sharing all the tracks I've edited, along with the rest of the game's soundtrack for your enjoyment! All tracks are named & numbered at my own discretion.

I hope to eventually make some more creative, DJ-like mixes, but for now, these edited tracks are simply the "base" music plus the most prominent variations, cross-faded at the repetition points. In the cases of Stage and Battle songs, I included a higher volume of the "base" music mixed into the variations than what's normally heard in-game, mainly to help keep the flow from the original rhythm and melody.

Cross-fades are fairly abrupt, similar to what's heard in-game when the players totem ("Totem" is a verb now!), but some cross-fades vary for artistic purposes.

Please enjoy, and tell me your thoughts! I might make some other "mixed" versions if anybody has a neat suggestion.

I've made some rough Stereo Mixdowns (!qkJzBCoJ!HS8CYorPZX82ibsCdsO32Q) (MP3-V0) of the stage and battle songs that include both male & female choirs and the extra drums. They aren't all great, but interesting to hear.

10-25-2016, 02:56 AM
Thank you

10-25-2016, 09:07 AM
Thanks a lot!

10-26-2016, 06:58 PM
Thanks! Any chance of a 320 kbps MP3 version? Or flac? :)

10-26-2016, 07:37 PM
Thank you :)

goat giblets
10-27-2016, 12:48 AM
thanks so much, sounds great and it's something ive wanted for years....

10-27-2016, 01:12 AM
Can I request for a FLAC Version? Thanks!

10-28-2016, 05:08 AM
Thanks for the comments! I've added FLAC copies of the completed tracks.

FLAC at MEGA (!OsRAGIoT!om_Bmj8SQz_rQUS5A2hc1Q)

Maybe 320kbs MP3 when it's all finished. Does it really make much difference? I was under the impression that V0 will match the quality of the maximum bitrate.

thanks so much, sounds great and it's something ive wanted for years....

It's only been out for 1 year. :D But that's okay, glad you like it!

10-28-2016, 09:58 PM
Thank you very much :D

Maybe 320kbs MP3 when it's all finished. Does it really make much difference? I was under the impression that V0 will match the quality of the maximum bitrate.

Nah not really, I just wanted to ask for a flac version or a 320kbps one in case you didn't do lossless. As long as there is flac, there's no need for anything else but a good MP3 version imo (that you already have), since flac can easily be converted into 320kps MP3s anyway. :)

Oh and to feedback in more detail...

"(Also, does anybody happen to know if each stage in the game uses the same mixing levels? I ask because some of the unfinished/unshared tracks don't seem right, and I could have sworn during one online session that I heard a different balance than during offline/recording, but I could be mistaken.)"

Not sure what you mean with "mixing levels", but I guess the music from a rip has to be the same as in-game? Could you put a specific example?

10-29-2016, 07:46 PM
Thank you very much for tackling this.
I am glad to see someone is interested enough in this game to put together a nice album version of the soundtrack.
I think the variations and mixing scared a lot of people off.

I am eager to take a listen and will let you know what I think.

10-30-2016, 01:36 AM
Not sure what you mean with "mixing levels", but I guess the music from a rip has to be the same as in-game? Could you put a specific example?

I guess I didn't explain that very clearly. :P

Each stage has a single music file with 7 tracks ("regular" song in stereo, male choir in stereo, female choir in stereo, and extra drums in mono) that I separated with Audacity. The thing is, when it switches between these tracks in-game, it doesn't always use the standard volume heard in the rips. You hear various tracks at different volumes depending on how the Links are arranged.

What I'm wondering is, if each stage uses the same set of volume levels for the 6 possible arrangements of Links. If I were at the top of a 3-Link totem in The Woodlands, would it have the same mix as if I did the same totem in Riverside? I did a few line-in recordings and they seem very close, but it's hard to tell, they might be different. Maybe some that I didn't record actually do have very different mixes.

tl;dr: Nitpicking about accuracy. These mixes are close enough for my own liking.

10-30-2016, 07:53 AM
Thanks so much for this! I have been waiting ages for someone to give a proper go at mixing this soundtrack out and releasing it. This game in general is just an absolute nightmare between all its variations and sequenced music. All the same, the music is just too good not to have it all out there in a proper presentable format, so I highly appreciate the work put into this!

Hopefully someone at some point can figure out the sequenced stuff too so it can all be bundled together one day... One can only hope!

Anyways, thanks again for the time and effort! :)

10-30-2016, 11:26 AM
What I'm wondering is, if each stage uses the same set of volume levels for the 6 possible arrangements of Links. If I were at the top of a 3-Link totem in The Woodlands, would it have the same mix as if I did the same totem in Riverside? I did a few line-in recordings and they seem very close, but it's hard to tell, they might be different. Maybe some that I didn't record actually do have very different mixes.

Well personally I'd do it like this: first the plain song, then with male choir, then with female choir, then male + female, then with percussion, then male + percussion, then female + percussion, and a final mix of male + female + percussion. First a track with all these changing in each repeat much like you did, then each mix in separate tracks to avoid cutting material that doesn't repeat in the loop (aka the beginning of the song), and then as a bonus each channel individually too. 100% complete, all variations.

Now if on top of that you'd like to replicate the volume mixing of each one depending on where you are in the totem, awesome, but I wouldn't worry about that too much tbh. In any case, it makes just sense that the same volume mix plays when you are in the same position in all levels. Just guessing, but why shouldn't otherwise?

10-30-2016, 10:26 PM
Well personally I'd do it like this: first the plain song, then with male choir, then with female choir, then male + female, then with percussion, then male + percussion, then female + percussion, and a final mix of male + female + percussion. First a track with all these changing in each repeat much like you did, then each mix in separate tracks to avoid cutting material that doesn't repeat in the loop (aka the beginning of the song), and then as a bonus each channel individually too. 100% complete, all variations.

Now if on top of that you'd like to replicate the volume mixing of each one depending on where you are in the totem, awesome, but I wouldn't worry about that too much tbh. In any case, it makes just sense that the same volume mix plays when you are in the same position in all levels. Just guessing, but why shouldn't otherwise?

I don't think Male + Female choir at the same time ever happens in-game.

10-31-2016, 03:03 AM
Thanks so much for this! I have been waiting ages for someone to give a proper go at mixing this soundtrack out and releasing it. This game in general is just an absolute nightmare between all its variations and sequenced music. All the same, the music is just too good not to have it all out there in a proper presentable format, so I highly appreciate the work put into this!

Hopefully someone at some point can figure out the sequenced stuff too so it can all be bundled together one day... One can only hope!

You're welcome! There are so many ways I could have approached the mixing, so for now I've focused on doing a good job on a basic mix. The remaining songs are in the works, but some of them aren't sounding great so far.

The sequenced music probably will be available sometime soon! Some guys at the Halleys Comet Software forum have been working on that. I haven't checked in a month or so, but the sequences have been ripped and mostly converted to MIDI. Just waiting on some fixes to the sequence format and construction of a soundfont. There are a couple of 8-bit songs that aren't sequenced and have been ripped alongside the rest of the streams.

Well personally I'd do it like this: first the plain song, then with male choir, then with female choir, then male + female, then with percussion, then male + percussion, then female + percussion, and a final mix of male + female + percussion. First a track with all these changing in each repeat much like you did, then each mix in separate tracks to avoid cutting material that doesn't repeat in the loop (aka the beginning of the song), and then as a bonus each channel individually too. 100% complete, all variations.

You know, I could probably post all of the separate tracks as a "complete" soundtrack. I didn't think of doing that! Or maybe just re-assemble each song as a multi-track FLAC, provided there's a good audio player that lets users handle mixing on the fly.

(FYI: There is some extra percussion at the start of "Boss Battle" that's impossible to hear in-game. People deserve the truth.)

Not sure if I'm feeling up to making versions that cycle through all 8 variations. ;)

I don't think Male + Female choir at the same time ever happens in-game.
This is true. It could sound pretty nice with proper stereo panning, though. After this soundtrack is done, I'll give it a try.

10-31-2016, 06:38 AM
Oh hey! Here you go!

Source Tracks (FLAC) at MEGA (!qxIilLAK!2qxVZHSlh_WD07W1LvDZ8g)

There are only 3 songs there, for now; The aforementioned "Boss Battle" with the unheard drums, "Madame Couture's" which has the Madame's vocals separated, and "Stage 1 - Woodlands" just for kicks. I'll post again when more are available.

The mixing volumes I've used for the soundtrack are as follows...

"Totem Bottom":
Regular - 75%
Male Chorus - 75%
Drums - 50%

"Totem Top":
Regular - 50%
Female Chorus - 75%
Drums - 20%

Plus a peak compressor for good measure. ;)

11-06-2016, 02:07 AM
Edit: Nothing to see here.

11-16-2016, 05:48 PM
Update: The soundtrack is now complete, with 57 tracks in total. (No 8-bit tunes, sorry.)

New links in the original post!

11-16-2016, 07:57 PM
Good job

11-16-2016, 09:38 PM
Great work!

11-16-2016, 10:05 PM
Thanks, Issou & XZero319!

11-17-2016, 10:59 AM
Great work ! Thank you ! :)

Any chance to do 8-bit songs in the futur ?

11-18-2016, 05:07 PM
thank you, help!

11-19-2016, 07:28 PM
You're welcome!

ZeldN: Some other people are working on the 8-bit songs. They're more difficult because they must be re-created, but there are SEVERAL that I could provide!

11-20-2016, 12:19 PM
Thanks for news and thanks again for your job

11-20-2016, 07:51 PM
The portion I've listened to sounds great!
Thanks for your hard work.

11-21-2016, 05:58 AM
You're welcome. :D

Since a couple of you were mentioning it, I've made Stereo Mixdowns of all the stage & battle music with the base song, male chorus, female chorus, and drums.
Stereo Mixdowns (!qkJzBCoJ!HS8CYorPZX82ibsCdsO32Q) - MP3-V0, individual tracks

These are just for interest; I didn't put much effort into them. They mostly use the same constant volume/pan levels, except for Madame Couture's which is completely different. Still, some of them sound pretty nice and it could be a lot better with some remastering to bring out certain instruments and some dynamics in the volume/pan. Oh well, enjoy!

01-20-2017, 04:47 AM
So it seems I was missing a track! It's just a short fanfare, so it fits fine at the end as track 58. I've updated the original post with an extra link to it.

01-24-2017, 08:31 AM
Thank you so much! :)

01-27-2017, 12:33 AM
This is so awesome! Must have been really tough working on this. Thank you, really!!

01-27-2017, 05:55 PM
This sounds fantastic mate, well done!

02-05-2017, 01:28 AM

02-05-2017, 03:52 PM
Oh wow, I didn't see that you finished this. Congrats and thanks!

Nova Alamak
02-05-2017, 08:37 PM
Many thanks for providing this long-overdue rip! Big fan of your SFX rips! Been using them for years on the air.

02-18-2017, 11:06 AM
This is the most complete rip I've seen, and thank you for your work on this. Do you have separate layers of the mixed tracks, specifically the base layers of them, since I don't really like the samples the composers used for the choirs?

02-28-2017, 02:09 AM
Oh, I didn't notice there were new replies here. ^_^ Glad you all enjoy it!

This is the most complete rip I've seen, and thank you for your work on this. Do you have separate layers of the mixed tracks, specifically the base layers of them, since I don't really like the samples the composers used for the choirs?
Do you mean like these?!qxIilLAK!2qxVZHSlh_WD07W1LvDZ8g
I've got them for all the songs, but haven't uploaded them anywhere yet. Wouldn't be surprised if somebody else posted them on this forum. But I can upload them if you want!

02-28-2017, 09:09 AM
Yeah, like those; I'd appreciate it if you could upload them, specifically the track 1+2 versions, if you could. Thanks!

03-01-2017, 02:43 AM
Okay, check the link again! I've uploaded all the Track 1+2 FLAC files.

03-02-2017, 09:47 PM
Thanks again. Even more awesome. ;-)

Do you know what's with the 8-bit songs from the lobby?

03-03-2017, 12:25 AM
You're welcome, Hyde! (I just ordered Last Window for DS :D)

All of the lobby songs and 8-bit music is sequenced. I can access the sequence files, and the instrument .wavs, and some guys have a CSEQ -> MIDI converter in the early stages... but that doesn't help me much. I'm looking into silencing background sounds and swapping the sequence files in the ROM to be able to make line-in recordings of all that stuff.

03-03-2017, 12:26 AM

03-04-2017, 11:58 PM
Thanks for your work! I've never played this game, but after listening to this soundtrack, I may need to try it out!

03-05-2017, 04:07 AM
Thanks for your work! I've never played this game, but after listening to this soundtrack, I may need to try it out!

You're welcome! :) It's a pretty fun game if you can get over the ridiculous plot, occasional server-hangs and faux heroes (AKA trolls). Great level design, and music of course.

A Nintendo rep let me play a demo about 6 months before release (at a Super Mario Maker demonstration) and I wasn't overly impressed. Later bought it on sale and I realised it's totally different when you communicate through a handful of emoticons. For all its ups and downs, I'm really glad I got it!

03-05-2017, 11:12 AM
Thanks for your work!

03-15-2017, 01:36 PM
Thank you

08-02-2017, 01:42 PM
Many thanks

---------- Post added at 12:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:39 PM ----------

text edited

08-06-2017, 02:43 AM
Does this soundtrack have small jingles like the treasure chest jingle?

08-06-2017, 07:22 AM
Does this soundtrack have small jingles like the treasure chest jingle?

Yep, it has all of them! I forgot one when I first uploaded it, but there's an extra link to that in the 1st post.

08-24-2017, 03:21 AM
Bump to mention that I've found and ripped 2 new tracks, and added them to the "Missing track" link on the original post (Thread 211287).

These are remixes of the Tri Force Heroes Title Theme, as heard in the official 3DS HOME Menu themes!

09-04-2017, 04:59 PM
Awesome work thank you

09-22-2017, 12:45 AM
Fant�stico aporte, un buen sonido de una gran saga, gracias.

12-27-2018, 03:10 AM
This is just a bump to announce that I've found 2 more tracks: alternate versions of the Title Theme and Staff Roll from the newly-surfaced E3 2015 demo! They've been added to the OP and are available here:!TowjXJwR!kVBK8x2doosPRTEdGoOKlA

12-27-2018, 08:23 PM
Sorry to keep bumping this, but I want people to have the most up-to-date version of this release. In yesterday's haste, I missed another 2 tracks with early versions of some instruments. They're now in the link above.

12-27-2018, 09:25 PM
Thank you!