View Full Version : Thread 195993">Pok�mon Anime Sound Collection (FLAC)

10-29-2015, 03:53 AM
Also known as "Pok�mon Anime Semi-Complete Soundtrack", due to not featuring Meowth's song, among other things.

Despite that, it's quite complete. And lossless!

Have at you:!38JlVIhK!qvx0Pdmrqwo1Y2tzi6JMqLTjPSs-KlZJcE4y2dlGlI4

Feel free to uncompress to AIFF if your hardware/software does not do compressed lossless audio justice.

I will post a version of this without the Pok�dex commentary when Audacity Team releases the new version of their program (I know it's a weird promise, but I made it for myself).

10-29-2015, 10:47 AM
Thanks a lot!

10-29-2015, 07:30 PM
Thanks a lot!

You are well come!