10-23-2011, 07:20 PM
I went to the concert Friday night, and decided to record it with my iPhone via the voice memo app. I wasn't expecting good quality, but it didn't come out too bad (aside from a person coughing everying five minutes... darn him!). I broke it down into tracks and uploaded two versions; one with the introductions and one without. I also uploaded a high quality scan of the program.

Track List (without introductions):

1. Hyrule Castle Theme - 2:15
2. Princess Zelda's Theme - 2:35
3. The Wind Waker Symphonic Movement - 10:40
4. Ocarina Melody Suite - 9:10
5. Boss Battle Medley - 6:25
6. Kakariko Village - 2:55
7. The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Medley - 8:15
8. Ganondorf's Theme - 4:40
9. The Legend of Zelda - Selected Shorts Suite - 3:55
10. Gerudo Valley - 3:45
11. Hyrule Field from Ocarina of Time - 2:40
12. Great Fairy's Fountain Theme - 2:58
13. Twilight Princess Symphonic Movement - 10:43
14. The Legend of Zelda Main Theme Medley - 4:35
15. Grandma's Theme from The Wind Waker (Performed by Koji Kondo) - 3:00
16. Skyward Sword Main Theme - 2:20

Total Time: 1:20:52

Download for only music:

The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Symphony (Live) (Without Introductions).zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?dtdsgbdldg5ahg5)

Download for music and introductions/speeches:

The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Symphony (Live) (With Introductions).zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?9k9qc82ae12r41s)

Download for hi-res program pictures:

The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Program.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?eqvi8oufj6776qs)

And a mini-review:

It started out with Eiji Aonuma and Bill Trinen on stage, welcoming everyone (Bill was translating for Aonuma). It was great seeing them in person! I had only seen Aonuma in pictures and Bill in E3 videos. Unfortunately, Miyamoto wasn't there. I had a feeling he wouldn't be, but I still would have liked to have seen my idol in person!

Aonuma told us that they added some videos to go along with the orchestra. The pieces that did have the videos were very nice, but there were only about 5 or 6 songs out of the 15 that actually had video, which was disappointing (but I didn't come for the videos!) I think it was definitely a glaring ommision to not have any video during the final song (Zelda's Main Theme). I felt they should have played at least a few short clips from all the games to tie in the whole 25th anniversary feel, but maybe they'll do that for the concerts next year when they've had more time to prepare.

I think my favorite pieces of the night were the Wind Waker Movement, the 25th Annivesary Medley, and the Gerudo Valley piece. I loved hearing music from Wind Waker (probably my favorite game) and Spirit Tracks (love the main theme!). Gerudo Valley was extremely well done. There was lots of cheering going on too (for example, during the 25th Anniversary Medley, everyone was cheering when the Dark World theme from ALttP started playing with video up on the screen). I loved the energy in the crowd!

The Boss Battle song was awesome. If you listen to the recording, the point where people start cheering is when the they show the battles with Dark Link (OoT), Cragma (ST), and Fyrus (TP). Also, it includes the music from the battle with Molgera from Wind Waker (my favorite boss battle theme!)

The Ocarina Melody songs were very nice. They played all of the ocarina songs from Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. They went through section by section of the orchestra for different songs, which was a cool thing to do.

The Gerudo Valley piece was absolutely fantastic. Hearing it performed with a full orchestra made me like the song ten times more than I already did. Loved the arrangement.

At the end, they brought out Koji Kondo! He's created so much great music, and it was fantastic to see him in person. He performed Grandma's Theme from the Wind Waker on the piano, which was a nice treat, and also gave a little speech in English (not an easy thing to do I imagine).

Lastly, they gave us a glimpse of Skyward Sword and performed the main theme. The video they showed was the harp trailer that was released online the same day. That was a fitting trailer to play, since they had two harps playing when the harp was shown on screen and the focus was on the music.

All in all, a terrific concert! I was dissapointed with the severe lack of Zelda II and Link's Awakening music though (only a very brief shot of Zelda II in a video, and nothing at all for Link's Awakening. I was hoping to hear the Wind Fish song in the shorts piece, but no such luck). Also, some parts were not as well done as I had been anticipating. There were a few hiccups here and there with the orchestra and the audio/video equipment, but it didn't detract from the experience too much. Also, all videos of OoT were actually OoT 3D. I know it looks nicer, but it detracted from the nostalgia factor a little.

Hope you enjoy the music as much as I did! I'm looking forward to the next round of concerts next year!

10-23-2011, 07:46 PM
Thank you!

10-23-2011, 07:59 PM
Wish I'd seen you there, haha! Great concert, great review. Glad someone else recorded it, this'll tide me over until the soundtrack release!

10-23-2011, 09:58 PM

10-23-2011, 10:59 PM
thanks for this, really appreciate your efforts!

Gensen Vaseto
10-23-2011, 11:22 PM
downloading now, thanks for your efforts and I'm sure this will get me even more psyched for the official release :)

10-23-2011, 11:32 PM
Thanks for this!

FYI, for artists in the mp3tag you could put down Chad Seiter, since he is the one who composed these arrangements.

Zelda 25th anniversary concert will be jaw dropping - Official Nintendo Magazine (http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/31315/zelda-25th-anniversary-concert-will-be-jaw-dropping/)

Everan Shepard
10-23-2011, 11:52 PM
Need to listen to this!! Thank you!

One question: Does anyone know when the Skyward Sword soundtrack is coming out? 'Till November, right?

10-24-2011, 12:07 AM
No - that is not the soundtrack, but a compilation CD commemorating the 25th anniversary. We are going to have to wait on a rip, most likely.

10-24-2011, 12:13 AM

10-24-2011, 12:49 AM
Thankz! Can't wait till the official release.

10-24-2011, 03:45 AM
Thanks for this.

I believe the CD that is bundled with the Special Edition release of Skyward Sword is the official CD for this concert... whether it was recorded separately for the CD is anyone's guess.

10-24-2011, 04:11 AM
thx a lot make me able to wait for the CD bundled with SS.
I preordered SS so ill be getting the CD. ill rip it as soon as I get it in flac+cue+log

10-24-2011, 04:12 AM
A surprisingly good concert (some arrangements by Kousuke Yamashita - thank GOD for that) utterly wrecked by a noisy, disrespectful audience.

Utterly disgraceful. A pity (and a ridiculous oversight) that this is not being performed in Japan, as I expect a Japanese audience would have behaved with the decorum and courtesy...

Despite this, the music is very good - arrangements vary in quality (Yamashita's are obviously the better ones) but are very listenable. If the audience had realised that were at a symphonic concert and not a bull fight, it could have been a very satisfying experience. Alas, this was not to be. The great unwashed have ruined art for those who truly appreciated it, yet again. Take a bow, lowest common denominator!

10-24-2011, 04:19 AM
I agree. The music was good, but I couldn't enjoy it because everyone was hooting and hollering. I really wish they had set some rules and said for no one to cheer until after each piece was done and over with.

I'm sure that Nintendo will put out some sort of recording pressed on a CD, so no worries there.

10-24-2011, 04:34 AM
yeah pretty good quality except for the stupid jerks who screamed in the middle of the songs :(
@ Doublehex: the recorded Cs will be rls as a bonus Cd with Skyward Sword

10-24-2011, 04:36 AM
It's a most disturbing turn of events, isn't it? If I were conducting one of these concerts, I would make a speech at the beginning stating that noise during the music is not acceptable and that persons ignoring that rule would be removed from the hall. It's a simple enough concept - sit down, shut up, and listen to the music that you're allegedly interested in.

"WOOOOOOOOOOOO WOW OMG CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP I KNOW THAT TUNE OH WOWEEEEEEEEEE OMFG ZELDA LOL!!!!!!!!!!!" -- WHY? Yes, I know the tune too - I like the tune. That's why I sit silently and listen to it, and enjoy it - showing respect and reverence for the people who are performing it, and for the talented composers and arrangers who wrote it.

If I were conducting and the audience started that row, I'd stop, turn on the podium, take a microphone, tell them clearly and directly how GOD DAMNED RUDE they were being, request security to eject them from the building, and then restart - from the beginning - whatever piece we were playing at the time.

10-24-2011, 04:42 AM
If I were conducting and the audience started that row, I'd stop, turn on the podium, take a microphone, tell them clearly and directly how GOD DAMNED RUDE they were being, request security to eject them from the building, and then restart - from the beginning - whatever piece we were playing at the time.

If I was an audience member, and the conductor did that, then I would applaud.

Everan Shepard
10-24-2011, 04:51 AM
Tango, you've been to a concert like this one? 'cause you'd scream too. I did when I went to Video Games Live. The music is truly beautiful, but when you're there and hear it and see the vids, you just scream! It's an amazing feeling.
Now that I've said that, I'm gonna be looking for a white van if you try to kidnap me XD, just kidding.

Also, I meant up there about the game's soundtrack, not about this one :D

10-24-2011, 05:06 AM
Clovie, I went to Video Games Live a couple of years ago. I did not scream or applaud until each piece was over. It is absolutely ridicules and absurd to think it is okay for people to show disrespect like that.

10-24-2011, 05:22 AM
Clovie: I've been to concerts immeasurably better than this one. I do not scream and yell like a common thug at concerts. I have been to concerts that literally changed my life - and I have not once found it necessary in seventeen years of concert-going to express myself whilst the music is playing. I respect the musicians and composers during the performance by keeping quiet and listening - making endless noise through the performance is just not on. When they have finished, I demonstrate my appreciation by applauding - and if particularly moved - standing and applauding.

And look out for a blue Peugeot - cos I'm a-comin' for ya. ;)

The Doctor
10-24-2011, 05:27 AM
Orchestral concert: I see no reason to be rowdy and loud.

Weird Al concert: Completely different story. In fact, Al encouraged it. Most fun I've had at a concert ever, frankly. :D

10-24-2011, 05:35 AM
Exactly. There are some venues where it's appropriate, even expected - where the performers would worry that the audience were bored if they weren't noisy - and there are venues where it most certainly is not...


PS. Weird Al is a God.

10-24-2011, 05:51 AM
If Weird Al is God, what does that make my friend who has met him on several occasions? Prophet?

10-24-2011, 09:26 AM
Thanks for the efforts ! I was really looking forward to this. Any release date for the official CD ?

10-24-2011, 12:55 PM
Yeah, the CD comes with pre-ordered copies of the game, whether you get the standard or Collector's Edition. There may be stores that don't have this bonus, but I know that we'll have it at GameStop stores. Just keep in mind, weonly order as many Collector's Editions as there are reserves for it, but we will hold the copy for you. Also, if you ytage in any games toward it's reserve, you get an extra 30% store credit towards Skyward Sword (but the games have to be worth $2 or more I think). For some reason, we don't advertise that, but I don't care. Other stores like Best Buy and Amazon have the copies withe the CD as well, AFAIK.

10-24-2011, 07:04 PM
If anyone found footage of Koji Kondo playing Grand Ma's theme (from the Windwaker) - he did that on near the end of the concert - i would REALLY like to see it. Notify in this topic please!

10-25-2011, 01:32 AM
Awesome, thanks! I was actually looking for this.

10-25-2011, 04:25 AM
A surprisingly good concert (some arrangements by Kousuke Yamashita - thank GOD for that) utterly wrecked by a noisy, disrespectful audience.

Utterly disgraceful. A pity (and a ridiculous oversight) that this is not being performed in Japan, as I expect a Japanese audience would have behaved with the decorum and courtesy...

Despite this, the music is very good - arrangements vary in quality (Yamashita's are obviously the better ones) but are very listenable. If the audience had realised that were at a symphonic concert and not a bull fight, it could have been a very satisfying experience. Alas, this was not to be. The great unwashed have ruined art for those who truly appreciated it, yet again. Take a bow, lowest common denominator!

I was debating whether I was going to make a comment about this.

I have attended Video Games Live three times. All three times, the atmosphere was more like a rock concert than a symphony. And that atmosphere was encouraged at times by Tommy Tallarico and others on stage when they would jump around with electric guitars or encourage the audience to sing along or whatever. They were excellent concerts, I had a great time. But I was also sitting close enough to the symphony that I could hear them over the audience, which is not something a recording can easily recreate, depending on where the microphone(s) are in relation to the performers. It shows even in this recording where prominent parts of the songs are drowned out not only by the audience cheering, but by other parts of the symphony itself. All because the microphone is somewhere in the audience instead of being on or near the stage.

It might just be my age, or the fact that when I was in both grade and high school music class was still a reasonably well-funded and mandatory part of the curriculum, but I was raised to understand that silence (or at least no unnecessary noises) during a symphonic performance is actually a higher show of appreciation to the musicians AND the composer of the music than the applause at the end of the performance. It means you are focused on the performance to the point where you are listening to the more subtle points of it. You are not only listening to the top level musicians who carry the melody, but also to the rest of the symphony that supports them.

IIRC this much appreciated recording came from the Los Angeles concert. I would be really curious to find a recording (official or bootleg) of the London or Tokyo concerts to see if the crowd behaviour is any different.

I think the real issue is that the target audience who would go out to listen to a performance of video game music is still more familiar with rock concerts than the symphony. At the very least, the organisers could have made an announcement at the beginning of the show asking the audience to remain silent during the music. And yes, ushers could have escorted the people who showed the most disrespect to the symphony out.

10-25-2011, 06:17 AM
It's a most disturbing turn of events, isn't it? If I were conducting one of these concerts, I would make a speech at the beginning stating that noise during the music is not acceptable and that persons ignoring that rule would be removed from the hall. It's a simple enough concept - sit down, shut up, and listen to the music that you're allegedly interested in.

"WOOOOOOOOOOOO WOW OMG CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP I KNOW THAT TUNE OH WOWEEEEEEEEEE OMFG ZELDA LOL!!!!!!!!!!!" -- WHY? Yes, I know the tune too - I like the tune. That's why I sit silently and listen to it, and enjoy it - showing respect and reverence for the people who are performing it, and for the talented composers and arrangers who wrote it.

If I were conducting and the audience started that row, I'd stop, turn on the podium, take a microphone, tell them clearly and directly how GOD DAMNED RUDE they were being, request security to eject them from the building, and then restart - from the beginning - whatever piece we were playing at the time.

you know, from a performers point of... hearing..., hearing the audience cheer (however stupidly) is a big boost in morale.

10-25-2011, 06:49 AM
Hearing a cheering audience is a big boost. Hearing an audience cheering so loudly they are clearly not listening to and cannot even hear the music you spent countless years of your life learning how to play... is a big kick in the teeth.

I entirely take the point about familiarity... but when in Rome, do as the Romans do! When I go to a rock concert, I don't sit there in deathly silence glaring at anybody who makes the slightest sound, and at the end of the concert politely raise my hand and applaud. I'm at a rock concert. I stand up and I enjoy the experience. When one is entering a different and unfamiliar environment, one should behave according to the customs and expectations of those for whom that environment is familiar and normal.

Silence is the most sincere form of appreciation you can show to a classical musician. Silence demonstrates that you are listening. Take it from a classical musician.

Noise demonstrates that you are there for some reason other than the music; because it's a game, because it's Zelda, because the guy who wrote the Mario theme is there, take your pick. None of these have anything to do with the music itself.

I predict that the London concert will be just as bad, and that the Japanese concert will demonstrate to the rest of the world how it should be done.

10-25-2011, 07:41 AM
you have to realize some 80 year old coronel mustache is not going to attend said concert, right? said concert will be attended by people less than 30 years old.
for the reasons you already stated. (same reasons 80 year old coronel mustache is NOT attending it)

10-25-2011, 11:47 AM
I'm under 30 - in fact, I'm currently 27. I was eleven when I went to my first classical concert and eighteen for my first rock concert. Is it the expectation these days that young = disrespectful? :/

Everan Shepard
10-25-2011, 01:16 PM
Thank all of the gamer trolls for that Tango :D

Also, it's better that they we're screaming in SOME parts, and not the WHOLE concert. I remember in the Inception concert (Not that I was there oficially ;) ) that when Time appeared, you can hear people still talking and not listening.
While here, you barely hear a whisper in tranquil parts. I'm assuming they had videos a la Video Games Live and they started to scream. When Martin Leung (Spelling?) appears blindfolded at the piano, none screamed, just claps to cheer him up :D

They do give big boosts to morale though. Especially when they're calm when the music's calm. That shows that they are listening. And besides, VGL is kinda like a rock concert with Tallarico there :D
Interesting note: I live in Mexico, one of the most disrepectful and angry countries that exist. This really surprised me.

10-25-2011, 09:37 PM
Thanks :)

10-26-2011, 05:32 AM
oh dear Lord........ there was a concert for Inception???

10-26-2011, 05:36 AM
I'm under 30 - in fact, I'm currently 27. I was eleven when I went to my first classical concert and eighteen for my first rock concert. Is it the expectation these days that young = disrespectful? :/

Unfortunately, yeah. Sucks to be 22 and have to deal with idiots like that.

10-26-2011, 07:05 AM
I strongly believe that, in any sense, this music should be respected. The magic moments of the pieces and the work from each of the orchestra members are lost if people don't keep quiet. THE ARTS MUST BE HELD HIGH! Just to see Koji Kondo play Grandma's theme and every single person listening to every note he play is totally worth more than the VIP ticket I paid for the whole concert. Noise is very distracting for the performers. Try it yourselves. And another thought, there is no reason for anyone, being young (I'm 22) or old, should scream and woot during a performance. I'm not saying you can't make noise, just do it after the piece is finished. I wish that venues would explain concert etiquette as mush as safety protocols on done on airplanes. Lastly, for those who thinks morale is an issue: Why would anyone think that silence from the audience is a negative thing? Go to a moving theater and you will see what I'm talking about.


On another note, I was able to talk to the producers after the concert. I told them I that I was a bit sadden due to the fact that "Ballad of the Windfish" or any of Link's Awakening music was perform (yet along Zelda II). In response, they told be that they were planning for a 6 minute epic for the piece. Perhaps more concerts, any definitely new arrangements, are on the way. I really hope Aonuma and Kondo takes their impressions of America's overwhelming enthusiasm (good ones I hope) to the company.

I hope that this would be not only the start for more Zelda concerts, but other well known Nintendo franchises (officially, of course.) To my knowledge, this in the first live performance, in the US, to features music only from Nintendo. The only complaint that I had (other than the noise) with the concert was I wanted more development within the music (but still balancing it for lite listeners) and more stuff for the choir to do (my opinion was not much during this concert).

10-26-2011, 09:43 PM
The next concert is planned for this weekend in London. To bad i can't go visit (due to work). But i DO go to the Distant Worlds concert next week in Londen. So happy about it!

10-26-2011, 09:50 PM
I agree that the concert should have had less hooping and hollering during the performance. Take the Symphonic Legends concert, for example, not once did you hear someone cheering during the performance. They waited until the end of the piece or the end of the concert. This shows how disrespectful people have become. Can we not even wait 5-10 minutes to clap at something? I have been to concerts that demanded I wait to clap for over an hour. These events are not cheap to attend so perhaps people should focus more on the music being played. In tandem with Tango's stance, I also think people should be respectful of the musicians as well. It is said that it takes at least 40 to 50 years for a person to truly master an instrument properly. They have spent their whole lives to achieve their skill and because people want to cheer and holler steals the moment they have so meticulously earned. So go ahead and cheer, but know that you are denying their enjoyment too.

10-26-2011, 10:21 PM
I don't know what you guys do during rock concerts but even then I am typically NOT yelling DURING the music. At most you are going to pump your fists or jump up and down or bang your head but that does not require making any noise over the band, you are there to listen to music. Sure there is going to be a lot of hooting and hollering when the songs are over, you are showing your appreciation for the quality of the performance.

That being said, the thought of making noise during a classical concert is completely silly and I would punch out these fucking idiots who want to hoot and holler just because they hear a familiar theme in the music. You don't scream and whoop at a classical concert, you applaud and if the performance is especially good you stand up with the rest of the crowd in a standing ovation. So I agree with the suggestions of other posters that they should have made an announcement of the expected etiquette before the concert because not everyone is going to know what is expected.

10-27-2011, 01:53 AM
Well said!

10-27-2011, 09:48 PM
Word has it that the bundle release will be a recording of the Oct 25th London concert, but who knows.
I was there, incidentally, and there were only two instances of 'audience participation', if you will - a surprisingly well-behaved crowd.

Mr. Nelson
10-27-2011, 10:11 PM
Tangotreats, were you able to identify which arrangements were done by Kousuke Yamashita? I read they were three. When I heard that he would be joining the team, I regained some of the hope regarding the concerts, since it immediately decreased with the news of Chad Seiter as the arranger. As Zelda and game music fan, I am disappointed in a general sense with these arrangements. The majority of them are simple medleys with unispired transitions and development, and perhaps the worst aspect is the lack of emotion in the arrangemets. I so eagerly awaited the day when I would hear the ocean theme from Wind Waker live and performed by an orchestra, but it looks now I will have to wait for someone else arrange this piece, because what was there was merely serviceable, and not the masterpiece it could have been. I honestly prefer the original, it has more soul.

With that said, I am also very displeased with this audience. How come one loves so much a piece of music and doesn't stay quiet to hear it? Nobody has to prove they know the theme, going to a Zelda concert to manifest one knows the main theme is quite laughable really. Unfortunately few moments of the concert and Kondo's "Graandma" were actually great; the rest was a disappointment that doesn't reach the excellence of Zelda.

10-27-2011, 10:32 PM
I so eagerly awaited the day when I would hear the ocean theme from Wind Waker live and performed by an orchestra, but it looks now I will have to wait for someone else arrange this piece, because what was there was merely serviceable, and not the masterpiece it could have been. I honestly prefer the original, it has more soul.

The first part of the theme reminded me of Goldsmith's Super Girl theme with the "tambourine"

Mr. Nelson
10-27-2011, 10:50 PM
Utterly disgraceful. A pity (and a ridiculous oversight) that this is not being performed in Japan, as I expect a Japanese audience would have behaved with the decorum and courtesy...

The concert was first performed in Japan, on October 10th, with 150 musicians (100 in instruments and 50 in the choir). If Nintendo chose to actually record one of the concerts, I really hope it was this one, since the orchestra is the biggest of the three (and it's the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra) and Japanese are more respectful in concert halls.

10-27-2011, 11:10 PM
The concert was first performed in Japan, on October 10th, with 150 musicians (100 in instruments and 50 in the choir). If Nintendo chose to actually record one of the concerts, I really hope it was this one, since the orchestra is the biggest of the three (and it's the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra) and Japanese are more respectful in concert halls.

I think the CD will be a "studio" recording.

10-28-2011, 06:54 AM
I was there too. I was sitting in the back so the show wasent all that. Next time Im getting seats closer to the stage. Thanks for sharing this!

10-28-2011, 07:18 AM
I strongly believe that, in any sense, this music should be respected. The magic moments of the pieces and the work from each of the orchestra members are lost if people don't keep quiet. THE ARTS MUST BE HELD HIGH! Just to see Koji Kondo play Grandma's theme and every single person listening to every note he play is totally worth more than the VIP ticket I paid for the whole concert. Noise is very distracting for the performers. Try it yourselves. And another thought, there is no reason for anyone, being young (I'm 22) or old, should scream and woot during a performance. I'm not saying you can't make noise, just do it after the piece is finished. I wish that venues would explain concert etiquette as mush as safety protocols on done on airplanes. Lastly, for those who thinks morale is an issue: Why would anyone think that silence from the audience is a negative thing? Go to a moving theater and you will see what I'm talking about.


On another note, I was able to talk to the producers after the concert. I told them I that I was a bit sadden due to the fact that "Ballad of the Windfish" or any of Link's Awakening music was perform (yet along Zelda II). In response, they told be that they were planning for a 6 minute epic for the piece. Perhaps more concerts, any definitely new arrangements, are on the way. I really hope Aonuma and Kondo takes their impressions of America's overwhelming enthusiasm (good ones I hope) to the company.

I hope that this would be not only the start for more Zelda concerts, but other well known Nintendo franchises (officially, of course.) To my knowledge, this in the first live performance, in the US, to features music only from Nintendo. The only complaint that I had (other than the noise) with the concert was I wanted more development within the music (but still balancing it for lite listeners) and more stuff for the choir to do (my opinion was not much during this concert).

I'm sorry but your post has to be the stupidest things i ever saw, How were they not more developed to you? No one messed up on the notes so it should mean that it is already developed enough.

If it isn't still too you then you're just another person passing your opinion as fact.

10-28-2011, 07:05 PM
I don't understand you counterargument. You you please give me your definition for developed as you interpenetrated my post? There might be a misunderstanding. Thanks

10-29-2011, 12:58 PM
Thanks for sharing this!

11-04-2011, 09:25 PM
It sounds like you did the smart thing by recording the whole concert. Nintendo's upcoming CD only features EIGHT of the selections from the concert. Very disappointing. You'd think that with an effort like this, they'd think to include all the musical selections. But NO! They decide to go the cheap route and cut it down.

11-05-2011, 03:20 AM
Either that or they plan making a full release later or issuing it with Nintendo Power. I think they want to make more money off of this first.

11-05-2011, 04:10 AM
Either that or they plan making a full release later or issuing it with Nintendo Power. I think they want to make more money off of this first.

Either way, this is a let down; I was so looking forward to hearing the CD. So I bit the bullet and downloaded the tracks that WON'T be on the CD (hint: one of them is the Ganondorf Theme), and while I was absolutely blown away by the orchestrations, performance, arrangements, etc., I found the crowd cheering very distracting and irritating, although I guess that can't be helped given the circumstances. Still, I'm glad someone uploaded this.

11-05-2011, 04:43 AM
It sounds like you did the smart thing by recording the whole concert. Nintendo's upcoming CD only features EIGHT of the selections from the concert. Very disappointing. You'd think that with an effort like this, they'd think to include all the musical selections. But NO! They decide to go the cheap route and cut it down.

welll thats most likeley because there are going to be MORE tracks revealed in the 2012 tour.

11-05-2011, 02:28 PM
So does this mean that the CD only contains a fourth of the total tracks in the symphony?

Regardless, I think it's funny that the music that's actually in Skyward Sword is way better IMO.

11-05-2011, 06:46 PM
That is because Mahito Yokota is responsible for both composing and orchestrating Skyward Sword ;). He is very good at interpreting Kondo's vision of the series while still providing something new. That is talent! Which is why I very much enjoyed the soundtracks to both Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario Galaxy 2.

11-05-2011, 08:44 PM
So does this mean that the CD only contains a fourth of the total tracks in the symphony?

Regardless, I think it's funny that the music that's actually in Skyward Sword is way better IMO.

More like HALF, according to the current program (although it very well may be "fourth", if the rumors of expanding the concert to four movements are correct). Regardless, this is an event that DEFINITELY needs to be released in its entirety. Nintendo can 't afford to be so stingy for long. Oh, and an official soundtrack release of Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword, please, so that we don't have to deal with the gamerips forever?

11-06-2011, 06:23 AM
I'm really hoping that someone will leak the Symphony CD that was included with Skyward Sword, since several copies are now out to the videogame press. Although I am getting it in 14 days, so I guess I can wait until then too :P

11-06-2011, 08:20 AM
I was present also to this performance and I enjoyed it but I'd have to agree with tango that too many fucking people were talking. :|

11-06-2011, 05:25 PM
The talking is definitely annoying at video game concerts. I've been to 3 or 4 and there are always a lot of stupid kids chattering and garage trolls hooting at their favorite songs.

11-09-2011, 10:24 AM
The talking is definitely annoying at video game concerts. I've been to 3 or 4 and there are always a lot of stupid kids chattering and garage trolls hooting at their favorite songs. Yeah, and they always do it at the best parts of the song, and when one person hoots or claps, everone else follows. However, at Symphonic Legends - Music From Nintendo, there was but one mere cough during the entire concert. I think either Germany has better symphony etiquettte, or the performing orchestra had a good reputation and people just actually had manners. It also could've been the fact that it was less public, and was sold out to true fans, as opposed to a bunch of random people with money that decided it would be fun to go to a Zelda concert. Regardless, people acted way better at it, and even though I'm such a huge Zelda fan, I'm not greatly looking forward to going to the tour next year(although I will go, if given the chance). They should start these concerts by instructing people on how to act at an orchestral concert, because you don't see people acting this way at concerts that aren't based on video game music.

More like HALF, according to the current program (although it very well may be "fourth", if the rumors of expanding the concert to four movements are correct). Regardless, this is an event that DEFINITELY needs to be released in its entirety. Nintendo can 't afford to be so stingy for long. Oh, and an official soundtrack release of Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword, please, so that we don't have to deal with the gamerips forever?
Yeah, that's what I was referring to. It's no rumor, I've the source of the interview right here: http://www.destructoid.com/sdcc-new-details-on-the-zelda-25th-anniversary-tour-206975.phtml and it has been confirmed that it will be called The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses, and will play in Dallas first. And gamerips are okay, when done by the only person in the world who could rip Twilight Princess and not do a half-assed job. Prime Blue ripped Twilight Princess in full, and combined all the dynamic sections into the proper songs, so as to include ALL the music in his rip. Hopefully, he does this for Skyward Sword. Luckily, it will be easier this time around, as the files are all PCM as opposed to ASTs with confusing soundbanks(although there will be some files in the sound effects archive for sure). In a soundtrack, however, you would not get all parts of the songs, and there would be many missing. Skyward Sword looks like it will have the best musc that I have evr heard in my entire life, by far, and with not the slightest chance of there being any room for argument in my opinion.

11-09-2011, 07:35 PM
To be fair the symphony that's already happened prior to 2012 was only half the symphony anyway, so the disc is essentially the same thing that people heard this year... next year is the full symphony tour.

11-09-2011, 08:09 PM
I agree; SKYWARD SWORD's music, from what I've heard, it sounds like it'll be the magnum opus of all the ZELDA soundtracks. The music I heard sounded absolutely gorgeous; the "Goddess" theme reminded me a bit of "Brothers" from FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST, and the flying theme sounds absolutely epic and exciting.

I agree about Prime Blue's rip of TP; that was another one of my favorite ZELDA scores. SKYWARD SWORD may have a chance of getting an official CD soundtrack release (SUPER MARIO GALAXY 1 & 2 did, albeit available only to members of Club Nintendo), but it probably won't be announced until sometime after the game hits.

11-10-2011, 02:44 AM
No one got his or her pre-order of the Sky- Sword game and music CD yet ? :/

11-10-2011, 02:48 AM
Now based on what I have heard, I can only strongly estimate that what we are getting with Skyward Sword is, most likely, only a sampler of what we will get on a probable CD of the entire concert.

11-10-2011, 05:20 AM
Would anybody be interested in a stereo version of this concert created from the two different recordings of the same night and performance?

11-11-2011, 05:19 AM
Might be interesting, hopefully the sound quality is pretty good.

11-11-2011, 05:24 AM
The quality is about the same, the sound is "normalized" so more of the orchestra can be heard.

11-11-2011, 05:27 AM
Sounds good, feel free to upload :)

11-14-2011, 08:38 PM
Sounds good, feel free to upload :)

Thread 98663

11-18-2011, 02:01 AM
There is also a stereo recording that I dl'ed off of soundcloud.com

11-18-2011, 05:13 AM
There is also a stereo recording that I dl'ed off of soundcloud.com

Is it mine? could you link to it?

11-20-2011, 12:28 PM
Is it mine? could you link to it?
You know, it might be. I'll link it as soon as I find where I put the link. It wasn't supposed to be downloadable at the time.

01-21-2012, 08:18 PM
Anybody record the Dallas (or later) symphony of the goddesses concerts?

01-29-2012, 11:20 AM
If I had something to record with, I would. I bought tickets for three seats in the F section of the Davies Symphony Hall (San Francisco) for March 28 at 8 AM. (that's really early, considering that you also have to be there early, and I'm not a morning person.)

Oh, and I didn't find that link again, sorry Faleel. I was going to check my browser history, but that laptop keeps giving me one problem after another.

01-29-2012, 01:36 PM
I'm also looking forward to a decent recording of the wondefyl complete concert ! :)

01-31-2012, 12:24 AM
We should all send a letter of recommendation to Nintendo, saying that we'd love a CD of the Symphony of the Godesses here in the U.S., or at least one for the other unreleased songs. Believe it or not, they DO read those letters. They'll also redirect your letters to the right place, like when I sent my list of reasons to make Majora's Mask for the 3DS to Eiji Aonuma. (I later saw an interview where he mentioned these emails, which felt awesome.)

03-04-2012, 11:06 PM
I'll be going to the San Francisco concert as well on the 28th. I'll be sitting in Section H, and I will record it for sure. I hope it has a bunch of different songs from the first concert.

03-04-2012, 11:11 PM
I'll be going to the San Francisco concert as well on the 28th. I'll be sitting in Section H, and I will record it for sure. I hope it has a bunch of different songs from the first concert.

Awesome! Frankly I'm surprised no recordings have been made for the new 2012 concerts yet, so far I've only seen two recordings on YouTube of the Dallas show: Twilight Princess Symphony Suite (the same as the 2011 25th Anniversary concerts) and A Link to the Past Suite :)

03-10-2012, 09:39 AM
I'll try and record it with my android, but it might be crappy and mono. It can record in wav, but how much space per hour do you think wav takes up? I'm thinking that I won't have enough space to record in wav.

03-10-2012, 03:24 PM
good one.. thanks

03-10-2012, 03:42 PM
I'll try and record it with my android, but it might be crappy and mono. It can record in wav, but how much space per hour do you think wav takes up? I'm thinking that I won't have enough space to record in wav.

usually 50 somethin minutes is 500mb?

03-10-2012, 04:09 PM
Half that if you're recording in mono.

But seriously - why bother? Recording a concert on a mobile phone from inside your pocket is going to sound like, frankly, bollocks - as has been proven by the succession of atrocious "audience recordings" this over-hyped Zelda series has seen over the past twelve months. Not to mention the fact that typically the audiences going to these events are badly behaved, noisy, and disrespectful - it strikes me as not particularly worth the effort to record effectively a room full of screaming morons, the sound of you scratching your balls during intermission, and way off in the distance an orchestra playing not particularly good arrangements of music we're all sick to death of anyway...

Sorry, feeling gloomy today... nothing person, gentlemen. :)

03-12-2012, 03:40 AM
Recording a concert on a mobile phone from inside your pocket is going to sound like, frankly, bollocks
I know, but what else can I do?

typically the audiences going to these events are badly behaved, noisy, and disrespectful
True, but have you ever heard the flawless recording of Symphonic Legends: Music from Nintendo?

it strikes me as not particularly worth the effort to record effectively a room full of screaming morons, the sound of you scratching your balls during intermission, and way off in the distance an orchestra playing not particularly good arrangements of music we're all sick to death of anyway...By the way, I wasn't going to put it in my pants pocket. I was thinking more around the lines of taping it to the seat or the back of my shield or gauntlet (where it could actually pick up sound well. Also I should mention trhat when I record to my android in wav, it does not sound like a crappy phone recording, but rather fairly decent, despite being mono. I earlier said that it might sound crappy, but that was before I actually tried recording with this thing. I want to record it anyway, for memory's sake.
BTW, I can't get tired of those songs.

03-12-2012, 06:52 AM
Well, I'm definitely looking forward to any new recordings! :)

03-13-2012, 05:27 AM
Plus, I'm curious (and know that many shriners here are curious) to hear what the music will be and sound like.

03-13-2012, 09:02 PM
also the arrangments will be different every concert (or atleast thats what it sounded like from the interview)

03-14-2012, 12:35 AM
thank you so much~!!

03-14-2012, 02:24 PM
anticipating the results logan! :)

03-18-2012, 12:51 AM
also the arrangments will be different every concert (or atleast thats what it sounded like from the interview)

no, just different between last year's concerts and the ones this year

03-18-2012, 10:00 PM
no, just different between last year's concerts and the ones this year

Side Mission � Reset: A Look Behind the Legend of Zelda Concert Series (http://www.gametrailers.com/side-mission/2012/01/26/reset-a-look-behind-the-legend-of-zelda-concert-series/)

There were a lot of songs covered in the concert, but there were noticeable omissions like anything from Link's Awakening. Will the upcoming 2012 tour cover a wider range of songs?
JM: Absolutely. Expect to hear music from Majora's Mask, Link's Awakening and more as the show continues to evolve. It's been designed to offer something new to repeat patrons… for instance, we'll be in Vancouver on March 14th. The next time we’re in town, there will be marked differences in the program, so if you liked the show the first time, you won’t want to miss out on coming again. It’s important for us to keep fans engaged and surprised. I’m constantly browsing the forums, too – so keep shouting out your favorites. We’re listening!"

03-18-2012, 11:02 PM
Does somebody have rcordings of the recent concerts (like recently the pone in Vancouver)?
They played Link's Awakening and Majora's Mask... and these 2 are my personal absolute favourite zeldas :/

03-28-2012, 12:47 PM
I'll be recording with both of my Androids for stereo quality. Also, I was wrong, it's at 8PM (Whew...)

03-28-2012, 02:12 PM
I'll be recording with both of my Androids for stereo quality. Also, I was wrong, it's at 8PM (Whew...)

Nice, man!


03-29-2012, 12:08 AM
Does somebody have rcordings of the recent concerts (like recently the pone in Vancouver)?
They played Link's Awakening and Majora's Mask... and these 2 are my personal absolute favourite zeldas :/

Some recordings of the Vancouver concert have been posted on YouTube, unfortunately no direct mp3/flac recording links though :/
Zelda Symphony of the Godesses Vanvouer song 11 Encore Ballad of the Wind Fish - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTWa09yOoZY&feature=channel)

03-29-2012, 05:33 AM

03-29-2012, 05:35 AM
My girlfriend got a really nice recording of the Link to the Past suite at the Austin show a while back. The audience was really well behaved the whole show too, which was nice. I can't really figure out how to get it off her phone though :-(

EDIT: Meant Dallas. The Austin show isn't till June or something.

03-29-2012, 06:02 AM
My girlfriend got a really nice recording of the Link to the Past suite at the Austin show a while back. The audience was really well behaved the whole show too, which was nice. I can't really figure out how to get it off her phone though :-(

EDIT: Meant Dallas. The Austin show isn't till June or something.

Well if the phone has some sort of USB port on it, you might be able to just plug it into your computer and browse the phone's files as if it was an external hard drive, should be stored in some folder maybe called Recordings, Music, Media, etc.

03-29-2012, 08:34 AM
So, VERY good news. I got everything recorded, including both encores in stereo WAV, 16 bit, 44100 hertz, and it sounds good! (~1 GB) There are but a few clicks during the orchestra tuning, but I got everything. I need to merge rhe L/R tracks together, split the songs, and fill in some clicks, but I'll upload the raw version first. BTW, I put the androids on my lap (1 on each leg) then covered most of the phone but the mic, so these are out in the open, as opposed to a stupid pocket. I swear it sounds exactly the same as it did in the Davies Hall, except for the fact that thevmusic is only coming from 2 directions, as opposed to everywhere. True lossless recording FTW. P.S. I didn't even move during the songs, so as to prevent sfx.
Skywalker Sound provided the orchestra this time, and the hall is one of the most respected in the world, so that further ups the sound quality. Also, there were few brief interruptions from the audience. BTW, my androids, though different models, luckily have the exact same internal mics and recording sensitivity! The only thing that was aomewhat scary, was the fact that there were cameras all over. I know because they kept showing cosplaying audience members on the huge (larger than theater-size) screen. I got many pictures, too. Aside from my own enjoyment, memory, and fandom, this is shit I would only do for the Shrine, nobody else. They said any audio/video recording, or pictures were strictly prohibited... I didn't give a fuck. Also, no unresponsiveness from my Androids' CPU's, either. I guess I proved you wrong, tangotreats. No hard feelings (especially bcuz this is good news); I'm not the kind of person to say "I told you so" (I hate people like that, aka dicks). I should actually thank you, as your post gave me a few good ideas that made this happen right. This post isn't long at all.

sweet g 32
03-29-2012, 10:31 AM
Super Stuff. Can't wait!!

03-29-2012, 01:02 PM
Appreciate your dedication my man logan, looking forward to your contribution ;)

03-30-2012, 02:49 AM
Great job Logan, looking forward to your recordings! :) So far I just have JDownloader-created mp3 versions of the YouTube Dallas recording videos (posted a link to one of them earlier), so they're just in 64kbps quality :/

03-30-2012, 06:59 AM
Call me Tommy. Raw version is uploading now, and I'm currently editing it. Note that I was wrong about the Androids having the same mic sensitivity, as the left one is a few dB higher. BTW, I don't know why, but if you copy the video URL into zamzar.com and select convert to .mp3, they'll send you a higher quality mp3 than what you can convert yourself. Does anyone want to see pictures of the event and my costume?

EDIT: Here's the part that sucks. See this setlist for Vancouver?:
1) The Legend of Zelda Overture (nearly the same as they played at E3 2011)
2) Old school medley (LoZ, Zelda II, ALttP, probably some Gameboy games)
3) Kakariko Village
4) Ocarina of Time melodies (like, the Nocturne of Shadows, Song of Storms, that stuff)

5) Symphony of the Goddesses:
Intro: Creation of Hyrule
I) Ocarina of Time symphonic movement
II) Wind Waker symphonic movement


6) Great Fairy Fountain
5) Symphony of the Goddesses (continued):
III) Twilight Princess symphonic movement
IV) A Link to the Past symphonic movement and coda
7) Majora's Mask medley
8) Gerudo Valley
9) Ballad of the Wind Fish

For us, there were no numbers 2 or 4. Also, 9 came after 3, and 7 and 8 were switched.
I feel robbed.

And seeing how the 16 songs from last year's concert in LA were better overall, it saddens me that nobody recorded it. Too bad I couldn't go...(At the time I only had my old Android anyway) You don't know how badly that hurts a Zelda fan such as myself (who is and always has been obsessed with the series beyond the point where anything else can possibly matter enough to interfere with anything Zelda-related I plan to do, though vice-versa is often the case)
Still, it's the best experience I've ever had in my life, but now everything's back to normal. I need more excuses to be Link (and have people yell "Yeah, Link!" outside their car windows). I have to give it a 95 out of 100, the 5 being the fact that we were rushed out immediately after due to the Hall closing (probably why they skipped some songs) It was amazing, and anyone who lives near one of the locations has absolutely no excuse to not go. I am in debt, though I still saved up money, because I knew it'd be worth it (even if it wasn't, I can't stop myself from going). Too bad they didn't have a concert program you could look at. Also, it took me 1 year to get 88 Miis via Streetpass on my 3DS, though at Davies Symphony Hall, it only took 3 Hours to get 145, and my 3DS always misses people that other 3DS's don't.

03-30-2012, 12:14 PM
so which songs did you get that weren't in nintendo's album?

03-30-2012, 01:45 PM
So here is the RAW version of the audio:
left1.rar (http://www.mediafire.com/?0fw9g4an74b8ub9)
left2.rar (http://www.mediafire.com/?288d9dzxef41rd1)
right1.rar (http://www.mediafire.com/?iudpbbxq8pw3sre)
right2.rar (http://www.mediafire.com/?b2wt7211wxwvq50)

MediaFire folder:
Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire (http://www.mediafire.com/?obf47n73o73b7)

Note that I did not start both mics at the same time, though accurate timeshifting is a quick fix, and I still got all the audio (though it sounds bad during the first orchestra tuning, I got ALL of the music that played.). The reason there are two recordings in each channel is because I stopped recording during the intermission to save disk space.
My ISP sucks, as whenever I go to upload anything over 100 MB, it takes multiple tries because my connection times out. It doesn't do that as much when downloading though. This is why it takes me so long to upload.
And please, if someone has or can find a good recording of the 25th Anniversary Symphony from last year in London, LA, or one of the many locations in Japan, PLEASE upload it here!
EDIT: I also have a recording I found of the 25th anniversary symphony. Though mono, it is of much higher quality sound than other recordings. (though still pretty low) I will upload it, too, especially because nobody else has. I ripped it off of soundcloud while it was still there.
ANOTHER EDIT: I managed to also find the only good recording of Symphonic Legends: Music From Nintendo on an old hard drive if anyone wants it. Prime Blue originally upped it n MU, but they're down now, and it has yet to be re-upped. Note that I'll be sharing Symphony of the Goddesses first.

You guys should've heard, they were playing songs through the speakers that were from last year and the games themselves. Eventually, however, they started practicing on stage, and the music and practice turned into a big pile of hardly-identifiable noise. The intermission was even worse. It was cool, though. What's funny, is that if you listen VEEERY carefully, you can hear me yelling "FUCK YEAH!" for one of the encores. And yet it was only a coule of weeks ago when I was complaining about video game symphony hall manners. (Video Games Live is inaudible due to the lame audience)

so which songs did you get that weren't in nintendo's album?
Like I said, I got ALL of the music that played. Here is your answer though:
From the above list, it would be numbers 1, 9, Intro, I, IV, and 7. (IV being the crowd's obvious favorite in both SF and Vancouver, so I've heard)
BTW, if you're not like me, and you don't have the CD that Nintendo released, don't download it.., It's in slippyToad's Skyward Sword rip (http://www.mediafire.com/?n2aygesw4ggpn) in FLAC and mp3, so you can get two soundtracks at the same time!
Interesting fact: I have confirmed that the conductor, E�mear Noone, is pregnant.

03-31-2012, 02:56 AM
Very cool, downloading the files now! Will you be mixing the left and right channels together to create single stereo files then too?

03-31-2012, 06:50 AM
Very cool, downloading the files now! Will you be mixing the left and right channels together to create single stereo files then too?

Of course, but I have to fix whatever is giving me blue screens of death first. I know it's a bad block on the system hard drive, but I'm not sure what to do to fix it. Just one bad fucking block...

03-31-2012, 01:14 PM
Hey logan/tom!
You sound like a true zelda fan ;)
As another zelda fan, I'm gonna wait for you to finish what you started here to hear it the right way:)
ty for your efforts, again.

I do have the cd, and i have a skyward sword gamerip, is the concert included in the gamerip contaning more tracks than whats on the cd?

04-01-2012, 01:28 AM
[QUOTE=amld1;1958929]Hey logan/tom!
You sound like a true zelda fan ;)
As another zelda fan, I'm gonna wait for you to finish what you started here to hear it the right way:)
ty for your efforts, again.

I do have the cd, and i have a skyward sword gamerip, is the concert included in the gamerip contaning more tracks than whats on the cd?[/QUOTE
Yes, I am a true fan, not one of the many people that just suddenly decided that they were Zelda fans last year. The gamerip is THE BEST GAMERIP OF SKYWARD SWORD (no exceptions), but includes the CD tracks, not the live recordings. In short, the answer would be: no. The live recordings can be found on this thread, or by my upload which I found out is still on the internet, but due to downloading difficulties, I uploaded it to MF:
Credit for recording goes to: TheBitBeacon
Link: LoZ25SymLA.rar (http://www.mediafire.com/?12bo4jlzv66utp1)

And does anyone know which forums Jaron Moore was talking about, when in an interview about the symphonies, Jaron said "I’m constantly browsing the forums, too – so keep shouting out your favorites. We’re listening!"?
Reset: A Look Behind the Legend of Zelda Concert Series from Side Mission Gaming News. (http://www.gametrailers.com/side-mission/2012/01/26/reset-a-look-behind-the-legend-of-zelda-concert-series/)
(Originally linked by Faleel)

Also, did anyone ever manage to get this?: Thread 98663
I had it, but since my hard drive crashed a couple of months ago, I was never able to listen to it. Re-upload, please? Name of file was: TLOZ25thASstereo.zip File Suze: 189.01 MB
EDIT: I found it! Here it is: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?jvjry2s8c21yaic
Original upload credit goes to (Zelda fan) Faleel.

See also: My Post in this thread (http://forums.ffshrine.org/f72/legend-zelda-skyward-sword-piano-arrange-cd-102019/2.html#post1959434)

All my files thus far:

Bonus: Symphonic Legends: Music From Nintendo
Someone post something so I can start a new post without double-posting (and so I can stop appending to this one).

04-01-2012, 06:49 AM
The sound quality on your recordings are pretty fantastic, minus the minute or so of "russling" around at the beginning. Still definitely better than most other recordings thus far, where the recorders/phones are inside a jacket/bag or something :P I'm looking forward to hearing the two channels mixed together and the songs split up into separate tracks, instead of 45 minute long tracks :)

04-01-2012, 09:42 AM
The sound quality on your recordings are pretty fantastic, minus the minute or so of "russling" around at the beginning. Still definitely better than most other recordings thus far, where the recorders/phones are inside a jacket/bag or something :P I'm looking forward to hearing the two channels mixed together and the songs split up into separate tracks, instead of 45 minute long tracks :)

Yeah, that's what I'm doing, but I might've just lost another hard drive... (audio is on my laptop, though).

Also, (which is a word I use too many times in my posts) I want to remaster the songs that didn't play here (like the two missing ones and the 25th Anniversary Symphony songs). This is something I WILL DO eventually, but not for a while. I have software that is (pirated) basically a bunch of samples which are made up of recordings of almost every instrument, playing each note, in each style (like portato, staccato, etc.), and it's all lossless. On the flipside, however, it's over 340 GB.

Man, I wish I had gel to put in my hair that day... Everyone posted pictures of the other male Link cosplayer (who had a VERY good costume, despite their being a little less detail than mine) I can't find pictures of me anywhere, aside from the ones I have. I got one good pic with him. It would've been my best pic, but it came out VERY dark. Too bad we were rushed out and the experience was shorter than I intended.

More Links by me:
The songs that didn't play in SF. (PLEASE post better recordings of these two songs if you find any like from Seattle or something, otherwise I'll have to look, and I want to get this audio editing done)
(Links anonymized to preserve video uptime)

Now it's a boring Sunday, so I'm sure I'll have plenty of time today (not like I'm far from being done...) If anyone else decides to do what I'm doing as far as editing, and thinks they did a better job, go right ahead and post it. This won't stop me from posting my edits, though.

Interesting stuff:
1. The Symphony in LA last year was made up of 100 orchestra members and 50 choir members, while the orchestra that performed for the CD recording had only 50 orchestra members, and 20 members of the choir.
2. Every performance in last year's tour, as well as this year's tour is played by a local bunch of performers, sometimes coming from multiple nearby orchestras.
3. Eimear Noone has conducted all performances from both years, including E3 2011 and the CD recording in Washington. She plans to conduct the remainder of the tour.
We need to find those forums or contact someone like Jason Michael Paul ([email protected]) and suggest a volume 2 CD with the other two movements and some other songs. It culd even be called the Symphony of the Goddesses CD. Thing is, he'd have to get permission from NoA, but it's never going to happen unless we all ask for it.


04-01-2012, 01:03 PM
Yeah, that's what I'm doing, but I might've just lost another hard drive... (audio is on my laptop, though).

Also, (which is a word I use too many times in my posts) I want to remaster the songs that didn't play here (like the two missing ones and the 25th Anniversary Symphony songs). This is something I WILL DO eventually, but not for a while. I have software that is (pirated) basically a bunch of samples which are made up of recordings of almost every instrument, playing each note, in each style (like portato, staccato, etc.), and it's all lossless. On the flipside, however, it's over 340 GB.

Man, I wish I had gel to put in my hair that day... Everyone posted pictures of the other male Link cosplayer (who had a VERY good costume, despite their being a little less detail than mine) I can't find pictures of me anywhere, aside from the ones I have. I got one good pic with him. It would've been my best pic, but it came out VERY dark. Too bad we were rushed out and the experience was shorter than I intended.

More Links by me:
The songs that didn't play in SF. (PLEASE post better recordings of these two songs if you find any like from Seattle or something, otherwise I'll have to look, and I want to get this audio editing done)
(Links anonymized to preserve video uptime)
anonym.to - free dereferer service (http://anonym.to/?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAwR5cl94ZE)
anonym.to - free dereferer service (http://anonym.to/?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdSUBkztgNc)

Now it's a boring Sunday, so I'm sure I'll have plenty of time today (not like I'm far from being done...) If anyone else decides to do what I'm doing as far as editing, and thinks they did a better job, go right ahead and post it. This won't stop me from posting my edits, though.

Interesting stuff:
1. The Symphony in LA last year was made up of 100 orchestra members and 50 choir members, while the orchestra that performed for the CD recording had only 50 orchestra members, and 20 members of the choir.
2. Every performance in last year's tour, as well as this year's tour is played by a local bunch of performers, sometimes coming from multiple nearby orchestras.
3. Eimear Noone has conducted all performances from both years, including E3 2011 and the CD recording in Washington. She plans to conduct the remainder of the tour.
We need to find those forums or contact someone like Jason Michael Paul ([email protected]) and suggest a volume 2 CD with the other two movements and some other songs. It culd even be called the Symphony of the Goddesses CD. Thing is, he'd have to get permission from NoA, but it's never going to happen unless we all ask for it.

Jason Michael Paul Productions, Inc. (http://jmppresents.com/contact.php)
Contact E�mear- Eimear World (http://www.eimearworld.com/contact-eimear/)

OOh awesome! Loved the video you posted on youtube;)
I've been a zelda fan since the day zelda a link to the past came out. I can't even tell how long ago that is haha.
Anyways I'm not downloading anything till you put up your edits, I wanna hear this the right way:)

04-01-2012, 01:11 PM
OOh awesome! Loved the video you posted on youtube;)
I've been a zelda fan since the day zelda a link to the past came out. I can't even tell how long ago that is haha.
Anyways I'm not downloading anything till you put up your edits, I wanna hear this the right way:)

The real "right way" would be in front of the orchestra, but okay. BTW, I didn't upload those videos. They are from Vancouver, while I went to SF.

04-01-2012, 01:31 PM
Say, sorry to get offtopc for a sec, but I see your replies in an old conket / grabbed by the ghoulies thread. do you still have these albums by any chance? I can'nt get my hand on that GBTG gamerip anywhere :/

04-01-2012, 02:36 PM
Say, sorry to get offtopc for a sec, but I see your replies in an old conket / grabbed by the ghoulies thread. do you still have these albums by any chance? I can'nt get my hand on that GBTG gamerip anywhere :/
That is why they created the PM system, but I'll still answer your question. No, these were on my failed hard drive. There should be a toorent out there somewhere by nearly the same name as the thread PM me to discuss further.

I cannot make any more progress until chkdsk is done, and it's taking forever (drive is 640 GB so it should be done before noon here in GMT -8). I need it for the disk space (temp working folder and edited files)

04-01-2012, 03:06 PM
okay, then looking forward to your edits ;)

04-02-2012, 12:58 AM
I think the forums he was referring to was.... either Gametrailers of Zelda Universe...

Left1 is a bit longer/shorter than Right1

04-02-2012, 04:47 AM
I think the forums he was referring to was.... either Gametrailers of Zelda Universe...

Left1 is a bit longer/shorter than Right1

Okay cool, thanks. BTW, I'm aware that one is longer, because I didn't hit the record buttons at the exact same time.
One question: Each mono track is 44.1 kHz, so does that mean that I must export the stereo version in 88.2? If yes, do I also need to export in 32 bit? Also which do you prefer I do: turn the left up, or turn the right down?

04-02-2012, 05:49 AM
Just got back from my trip to San Francisco, and recorded the concert as well. It's probably not as high quality as Logan's though. I'll be editing it over the next few days and upload anyway.

Overall, the concert was pretty good. Seems a LOT shorter than the 25th anniversary symphony last October. There were a few new songs like Ballad of the Windfish and Majora's Mask Suite, but most of them were pretty much the same as the original concert (some with new intros). I may be going to the June LA concert as well, not sure yet, but if I do I will be sure to record that as well.

04-02-2012, 06:21 AM
Good to hear! I'm making a lot of progress. Going to lower the right channel volume (having trouble deciding how many dB). Note: there are a few skips in right1. Also going to apply click removal.

04-02-2012, 07:46 PM
cannot wait to hear it :D

04-03-2012, 06:58 AM
Thanks Logan, great stuff! I was also at the SF concert and loved it but was bummed there was no Palace Theme from Zelda II. Although it looks like they skipped a few pieces according to your list. Looking forward to re-hearing the concert from your updated files!

04-03-2012, 08:04 AM
Finished cutting and uploading my recordings of the concert. Download them here:

Symphony of the Goddesses (San Francisco Performance).zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?py5aa72ldzg81z4)

Pretty disappointed with the recordings. They're about the same quality as my last ones, but unfortunately I got stuck next to a mother with a four year old on her lap who insisted on whispering ALL text on the projection screen to her son. SUPER annoying, and came out in the recordings >_< Better than nothing I suppose.

I'll most likely be at the LA concert in June, so I'll be sure to record that one as well. I think if I cover the noise cancelling upper mic on my iPhone I might get better recordings.

04-03-2012, 07:12 PM
Yeah, I just have to patch a bout a second, and get rid of clipping. Does anyone know if Amplifying affects the quality of a recording (like lowering amplification, removing clipping, then raising it again)? There is only 1 glitch in the entire recording, and it's one drum beat, but I can patch it. I'll listen to this when I'm done. Who wants white noise removal?

04-04-2012, 01:18 AM
Any white noise removal is welcome, but of course any recordings at any quality is really appreciated :) Checking out your upload, HyruleanHero! ^_^

04-04-2012, 05:56 AM
Good point, I can just fix it, give it to you guys, and give a higher quality version later. I've been a little distracted, because something finally happened... a new version of Audacity released!

04-04-2012, 11:35 AM
Call me Tommy. Raw version is uploading now, and I'm currently editing it. Note that I was wrong about the Androids having the same mic sensitivity, as the left one is a few dB higher. BTW, I don't know why, but if you copy the video URL into zamzar.com and select convert to .mp3, they'll send you a higher quality mp3 than what you can convert yourself. Does anyone want to see pictures of the event and my costume?

What did your costume look like?

Also, Audacity is a fine audio tool. A little confusing to the average user, but quite versatile.

04-04-2012, 02:11 PM
Okay cool, thanks. BTW, I'm aware that one is longer, because I didn't hit the record buttons at the exact same time.
One question: Each mono track is 44.1 kHz, so does that mean that I must export the stereo version in 88.2? If yes, do I also need to export in 32 bit? Also which do you prefer I do: turn the left up, or turn the right down?

I have no Idea about the exporting thing.

I would turn the right channel down.

and by longer, I mean that the music doesnt match up and create true stereo for some reason...

04-05-2012, 10:18 PM
I have no Idea about the exporting thing.

I would turn the right channel down.

and by longer, I mean that the music doesnt match up and create true stereo for some reason...
Yes, I noticed this. It is because my new Android (sucks, and) messed up and missed a split second a couple times. Luckily, only one instance was during the music, and all that was lost was one eighth note snare. This is fixable, when my computer isn't giving me problems (chkdsk realizes there is a bad block on drive, but it won't do anything about it.
I would like to apologize for how long this is taking, but my laptop and the blue screen of death are to blame for a large portion of the time, (incl. all of yesterday).

04-05-2012, 10:48 PM
If all else fails.... try the freezer trick.

04-06-2012, 08:55 PM
Good news: Should be done and upped by the end of the day.

04-06-2012, 08:58 PM
*Does the Wind Waker boss defeated dance*


04-08-2012, 03:24 AM
So as you can tell, I didn't reach my expected deadline. I apologize. This is because I had to start over due to severe loss in quality and mysterious crackling. One thing I hate is when people say they're going to do something, and then they don't. I kinda did that here by saying I'd likely finish yesterday. Well, this time I'm serious: I'll have the FLAC version up likely by Sunday, but Tuesday at the VERY latest. Also note that I'm going by Pacific Daylight Time.

Once I'm done, I'll make MP3 versions, too (though M4A is WAY better, since it goes to 512 kbps, and even though most programs and devices say they only support up to 320, I've never actually come across anything that cannot play 512 M4A. I use M4A 512 for music that I play off my DSi, since the 3DS has so much latency. I like the DSi because it has no storage limit: You just put in another SD card. This is the same reason why I don't like iPods.)
If anyone wants M4A, that's easy. (just a simple conversion)
I'll also see what I can do with those other two songs...

TBH, I'm actually quite close right now.

Sounds good! I'll be getting the FLAC versions, then converting to Apple Lossless for iTunes/iPod playback :)
I can do AIF, too... if you want. Getting it converted by me means one less conversion, and in turn, one less application of dither on the audio. For some reason, the audio sounds fine until it gets too much dither. I'll post a failed version of the MM song when I'm done, so you can see what I mean.
I'm going insane from being unable to properly listen to this music, which has been stuck in my head this whole time. This should make me get it done faster. I never knew how much more it would entail than just time-shifting the audio.
The music is just that good. I want to hear other music by Chad Seiter now.

04-08-2012, 04:51 AM
Sounds good! I'll be getting the FLAC versions, then converting to Apple Lossless for iTunes/iPod playback :)

04-08-2012, 02:17 PM
Good point, I can just fix it, give it to you guys, and give a higher quality version later. I've been a little distracted, because something finally happened... a new version of Audacity released!

Thank you for your work to get all the recording.
But I have one question.
Can you make one post that contains an ordered list for the downloads for the different concerts? I read through the last couple of sites and I just saw a mess of Links for things that should be reuploaded, different versions of uploads or alternate downloads of stuff i already had.

I'm technicly only searching for a good qualaity recording of an concert that included the Majoras mask and Link's Awakening parts, because that were my 2 favourite Zelda Titles and so far i only got recordings of the first concerts without these parts.

04-08-2012, 02:57 PM
Thank you for your work to get all the recording.
But I have one question.
Can you make one post that contains an ordered list for the downloads for the different concerts? I read through the last couple of sites and I just saw a mess of Links for things that should be reuploaded, different versions of uploads or alternate downloads of stuff i already had.

I'm technicly only searching for a good qualaity recording of an concert that included the Majoras mask and Link's Awakening parts, because that were my 2 favourite Zelda Titles and so far i only got recordings of the first concerts without these parts.

logan28469's current recording/project has both of them, and listening to the raw versions of the recordings they're pretty good. Some so-so recordings of them can be listened to here:
Zelda Symphony of the Godesses Vanvouer song 11 Encore Ballad of the Wind Fish - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTWa09yOoZY)
Zelda Symphony of the Godesses Vanvouer song 10 Encore Majora&#39;s Mask - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRb7u_LuLIU)

04-08-2012, 11:30 PM
...Can you make one post that contains an ordered list for the downloads for the different concerts?...
Yes, that was my plan. I'm just going to throw a post at this thread when I'm done editing the audio, but I'm going to edit everything into one nice, big, organized post.

04-09-2012, 01:13 AM
Ah, good :D
thank you very much

04-09-2012, 03:05 AM
Great, thank you!

04-09-2012, 05:49 AM
Very appreciated my friend, thanks a lot!

04-09-2012, 07:50 AM
Remember this list? (Official Vancouver setlist modified to match SF performance):
1) The Legend of Zelda Overture (E3 2011)
*2) Old school medley
3) Kakariko Village
4) Ballad of the Wind Fish
*5) Ocarina of Time melodies
(6)Intro: Creation of Hyrule
(6)I) Ocarina of Time symphonic movement
(6)II) Wind Waker symphonic movement
7) Great Fairy Fountain
(6)III) Twilight Princess symphonic movement
(6)IV) A Link to the Past symphonic movement and coda
8) Gerudo Valley
9) Majora's Mask medley
How would you prefer I order the tracks?: Should I take into account the unplayed songs (2 and 5) in the hopes of finding them and inserting them into those track numbers, Or should I number everything as if they didn't exist, making 2 and 5 be the actual second and fifth songs played? Also, for # 6 in this list, should I make the Intro be 6.0, Movement 1 be 6.1, etc? Or would you prefer I just give everything a separate number (1-11)? Also, shall I make it like a live album, and include a little clapping fade-out at the end of each track, or should I just cut that out now? Maybe replace with silence?
If nobody suggests anything, I'll go with no clapping (or anything else, as you can't hear the conductor, anyway). Also, unless anyone says otherwise, I'll skip numbers 2 and 5, in hopes of adding (lower quality versions of) them to my rip later on. And though I'd like to keep the Intro and movements all in #6 (as they are all part of the same thing), and despite the fact that any music player can read 6.0 through 6.4 properly in order, I think it wouldn't work out, as 7 is right in the middle. Actually, I could just put the movement number in the track title.. (facepalm) So I guess that brings me to two questions, which I'll use my own judgement on, if I hear nobody else's preference.:
1. A: Clapping, or B: no clapping? 2. A: Leave spaces for second and fifth songs, or B: just provide them separately whenever I find them?
(My preferences are B,B) I only ask these questions so you can have a choice, and so I have something to do while the audio takes forever to process.
EDIT: These questions sound stupid to me, as they're easy for me to answer now. This is what happens when I get really tired. If nobody answers anything (or if you all answer via PM, I might just replace this post altogether once I'm done.
Also I somehow missed this post completely until just now:

What did your costume look like?
Also, Audacity is a fine audio tool. A little confusing to the average user, but quite versatile.
My costume? Click my username, and you'll see me in it on my profile page. It is still quite far from done. And yes, Audacity is awesome.

04-09-2012, 03:44 PM
Have no clapping, as if its an official CD, also, have the tracks arranged exactly as they were played/recorded.

---------- Post added at 10:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:41 AM ----------

For some reason, the audio sounds fine until it gets too much dither..

Thats a problem with audacity

go to the edit tab and select "prefrences" click "quality" and under "real time conversion" select "dither: none" and under "high quality conversion" select "Dither: none"

04-10-2012, 10:18 PM
Good news + bad news = this post.
I have successfully exproted all songs following the intermission, with Faleel's suggestions.
The problem, is that I have found another audio glitch that is very hard to timeshift (in the OoT movement, Sheik's theme). I am still working on it, though. The reason it is hard is because it is mid-note. I think you guys will really like the ALttP movement.
Also, I finally got around to what I've been wanting to do: change my username.

---------- It's a multi-post! ---------- Post added at 12:12 AM, I guess ----------

More bad news, guys. Today has been a really weird day:
I've been getting a LOT of emails, had various people I know (some whom I've not seen in a while) come over without warning, and I got a couple phone calls. My external hard drive (one I'm using Audacity on) keeps getting unplugged. Luckily Undo and Redo bring back all of the audio data to the project. Worst of all, the internet hasn't been working since ~5:00PM PDT (started working again after 11PM). It works fine for my 3DS, Android, etc., but not my computer.
Here I planned on working with the audio all day, yet nearly everything has had a hand in destroying these plans. I mean, I'm typing this in Notepad while running chkdsk in the hopes that I'll be able to copy it into a post when the internet starts working again. I just remembered something I forgot to do today, too: eat. I'll do that while I restart my computer I guess. Just know that I could've been (and wanted to be) done today, had this not happened. I'll be staying up late working on it, though (then again, I'm not going to sleep, as I meant to skip sleeping last night...) In short, expect quick results! (I'm not saying when, as it seems that only jinxes me)

---------- Post added at 12:31 AM, according to me ---------- This is so much easier than double-posting! (like I'm one to talk) ----------

I just thought of something! I can make it have it's own thread, which I'd link here, if you want. BTW, It's raining and the power is flickering... This fucking sucks.

---------- Post added at... I forgot. ---------- I should just do this from now on, but without my two-cents ----------

So, the only problem I'm having is the time-shifting, as there are more (fixable) errors than I thought there would be. Time-shifting takes longer than the rest, as it requires me to isolate the exact error spot, giving me one more thing to time-shift. Then I have to find some huge spike in the audio (as close as possible) and match it to it's left channel counterpart. Luckily the speed doesn't have any problems... there are just missing (or rather, misplaced) audio samples. It just sucks that there are 44.1 thousand per second... Don't worry, I'm nearly past that...
EDIT: Time shifting complete! Looks like I'm close enough to start the thread!

04-13-2012, 07:50 AM
Note that I was having problem with the treble/bass ratio of the first half. I got it back to original, though.

>>>It is uploaded here! (Thread 112609)<<<

---------- And yet, I still double-posted... ---------- Post added at 11:50 PM ----------

I double-posted in effort to point out the new thread.

12-04-2012, 04:08 AM
So seriously, nobody recorded the one in London?

01-20-2013, 06:17 PM
I recorded the first half. However the chairs are squeaky.
I had to leave half way through. Biggest regret of my life...
I can upload it if you want and PM the link to you.

01-23-2013, 08:42 AM
I recorded the first half. However the chairs are squeaky.
I had to leave half way through. Biggest regret of my life...
I can upload it if you want and PM the link to you.
Sure! I feel bad that you had to leave.

02-28-2013, 05:06 PM
Apologies for the delay! I recorded this on my Cowon J3 for my personal use, and its okay, not brilliant. But i lost the cable to it (it uses a propriety cable), but today i found it again!
VOR 2011-10-25 19-24-59.mp3 (http://www.mediafire.com/?pssbmzl7ud5tqbn)
There. If you want to dl it and re-up it probs best. Sorry for the bad quality. xD

03-01-2013, 04:25 AM
I got the best seats in the house. Be prepared!

03-18-2013, 08:09 AM
Man, I hope we can get a more higher quality release of this thing!

Why won't Nintendo put out these damn concerts in MP3??? They could make a LOT of money!!!!!

Oh well ....... thanks to the OP for putting this up. This will have to do in the meantime.

03-19-2013, 02:03 AM
Man, I hope we can get a more higher quality release of this thing!

Why won't Nintendo put out these damn concerts in MP3??? They could make a LOT of money!!!!!

Oh well ....... thanks to the OP for putting this up. This will have to do in the meantime.Yes, and I apologize for not getting the newer recordings up yet. I am just so busy, that I can't find time to do it. I will once I get the chance to, but I don't know how long that will be.

04-12-2013, 06:37 PM
Hey Link, any update on uploading the 2 unplayed tracks: OoT melodies and Dungeon melodies? I see you have the youtube clips but do you have the audio files available to download? As for the rest of the tracks, they are epic. Your hard work is much appreciated!

01-30-2014, 10:54 AM
I really wish there was a higher quality recording of this. Is there not? If I ever meet that guy who screamed "yeah" in all of the songs, I'll put an end to his ability to speak.

04-07-2014, 10:52 PM
Thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've spent so much time in front of my TV screen playing with Links in the Zelda Adventures.
A real pleasure to hear those fabulous versions !!!

10-28-2014, 04:44 AM