07-24-2011, 04:58 PM
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King - The Complete Soundtrack

.MP3 160 CBR | 121 Tracks | Running Time: 8"47'48

1. Russell Brower - Main Menu (Wrath of the Lich King) (8:56)
2. Neal Acree - Arthas, My Son (Cinematic) (3:12)
3. Russell Brower - Arise, A 'Death' Knight (1:22)
4. Russell Brower - Darion Mograin (1:22)
5. Russell Brower - Fallen Heavenshire (1:05)
6. Russell Bower - Assault on New Avalon (2:12)
7. Russell Brower - Assault on New Avalon (Album Version) (2:15)
8. Russell Brower - Butchered Scarlets (3:02)
9. Russell Brower - Plague Smog (1:57)
10. Russell Brower - The Attack on Tyr's Hand (1:07)
11. Russell Brower - The Ebon Hold - Acherus (1:18)
12. Derek Duke - Sailing Icy Seas (2:32)
13. Derek Duke - The Borean Tundra (11:39)
14. Derek Duke - Warsong Hold (5:51)
15. Glenn Stafford - The Taunka (6:39)
16. Glenn Stafford - Camp Winterhoof (4:07)
17. Derek Duke - Death Hunters (11:37)
18. Derek Duke - Riplash Ruins (13:48)
19. Derek Duke - Sea Walkers (6:44)
20. Derek Duke - Geysers and Clockwork Gnomes (2:41)
21. Derek Duke - Kaskala (2:45)
22. Derek Duke - Plights of the Tuskarr (2:27)
23. Russell Brower - Coldarra (3:57)
24. Russell Brower - The Nexus (1:52)
25. Russell Brower - Pulse (2:06)
26. Russell Brower - On Dragons' Wings (5:42)
27. Russell Brower - Dispelling the Occulus (4:50)
28. Russell Brower - Against Malygos (2:11)
29. Derek Duke - Parting Icy Skies (1:32)
30. Derek Duke - The Howling Fjord (11:24)
31. Russell Brower - The Birth of Man (2:57)
32. Glenn Stafford - Iron Dwarves (5:08)
33. Glenn Stafford - Slaves to the Titans (5:53)
34. Derek Duke - The Vrykul (7:04)
35. Derek Duke - Kamagua (2:17)
36. Derek Duke - Tuskarr Troubles (2:52)
37. Russell Brower - Utgarde Keep (3:30)
38. Russell Brower - Charge of the Vrykul (3:29)
39. Russell Brower - The Floating City of Dalaran (5:21)
40. Russell Brower - The Violet Citadel (1:31)
41. Russell Brower - The Underbelly (4:52)
42. Russell Brower - The Violet Hold (3:51)
43. Russell Brower - Crystal Trees (7:48)
44. Derek Duke - Lake Wintergrasp (5:35)
45. Derek Duke - Battle for Wintergrasp (3:09)
46. Derek Duke - The Great Dragonblight (5:26)
47. Derek Duke - Graveyard of Dragons (10:36)
48. Derek Duke - Realm to the Dead (10:42)
49. Glenn Stafford - Roanauk Icemist (3:28)
50. Glenn Stafford - Exiles In Their Own Land (3:20)
51. Derek Duke - Ruins of Indu'le Village (6:37)
52. Derek Duke - The Lake (3:38)
53. Derek Duke - Azjol-Nerub (11:46)
54. Derek Duke - Ruins of the Azjol Empire (6:40)
55. Derek Duke - The Old Kingdom (8:50)
56. Derek Duke - The Herald of Yogg-Saron (4:32)
57. Russell Brower - The Wrath Gate (3:53)
58. Russell Brower - Chamber of the Aspects (7:02)
59. Russell Brower - Throne of the Dragons (6:59)
60. Russell Brower - An Uneasy Alliance (2:12)
61. Russell Brower - The Obsidian Sanctum (7:09)
62. Matt Uelmen - Naxxramas (8:54)
63. Russell Brower - The Hub (2:25)
64. Russell Brower - Spiders (3:20)
65. Russell Brower - Maexxna (2:02)
66. Russell Brower - Plaguebringers (3:48)
67. Russell Brower - Loatheb (1:26)
68. Russell Brower - Abomination Wing (3:02)
69. Russell Brower - Thaddius (2:03)
70. Russell Brower - The Frozen Heart (4:14)
71. Russell Brower - Kel'Thuzad (4:22)
72. Russell Brower - Grizzly Hills (6:38)
73. Glenn Stafford - Camp Oneqwah (1:13)
74. Russell Brower - Lumberjacks (4:18)
75. Russell Brower - Solitude (6:56)
76. Russell Brower - The Return of the Westfall Brigade (3:23)
77. Russell Brower - Gather 'Round the Campfire (3:26)
78. Russell Brower - Vordrassil (11:37)
79. Russell Brower - The Furbolgs of Grizzlemaw (6:53)
80. Russell Brower - The Wolf Cult (4:25)
81. Russell Brower - Moving On (7:30)
82. Glenn Stafford - Thor Modan (3:20)
83. Derek Duke - Riders from Drak'Tharon (2:59)
84. Derek Duke - Zul'Drak (11:45)
85. Derek Duke - Altar of Sseratus (0:56)
86. Derek Duke - A Futile War (6:14)
87. Derek Duke - Altar of Har'Koa (0:56)
88. Derek Duke - Altar of Rhunok (0:57)
89. Derek Duke - They are Killing Their Own Gods...and Themselves (6:14)
90. Derek Duke - Altar of Quetz'Lun (1:00)
91. Derek Duke - Altar of Mam'Toth (0:58)
92. Russell Brower - The Scholazar Basin (11:22)
93. Russell Brower - Scourge Breach (5:52)
94. Russell Brower - The Makers' Overlook (2:50)
95. Russell Brower - Path of the Life Warden (4:42)
96. Russell Brower - Nature (8:38)
97. Russell Brower - The Lifeblood Cave (4:16)
98. Russell Brower - The Crystal Pillars (4:06)
99. Glenn Stafford - The Storm Peaks (4:50)
100. Glenn Stafford - Mountains of Thunder (4:04)
101. Glenn Stafford - The Titans (2:36)
102. Glenn Stafford - The Storm Giants (2:58)
103. Russell Brower - The Temple of Storms (1:19)
104. Glenn Stafford - Thorim and Loken (2:38)
105. Glenn Stafford - Undermining Yogg-Saron (3:55)
106. Glenn Stafford - Halls of Stone (1:24)
107. Glenn Stafford - Brann Bronzebeard (1:49)
108. Glenn Stafford - Destroying Sjonnir (0:52)
109. Glenn Stafford - Halls of Lightning (1:22)
110. Glenn Stafford - The Iron Vrykul (1:44)
111. Glenn Stafford - The Death of Loken (0:52)
112. Derek Duke - Icecrown Glacier (2:51)
113. Derek Duke - The Realm of the Lich King (5:36)
114. Derek Duke - The End of the Scourge (7:17)
115. Russell Brower - The Culling of Stratholme (0:32)
116. Russell Brower - The City Gates (2:48)
117. Russell Brower - Alleyfull of Zombies (2:05)
118. Russell Brower - The Light Must Prevail (2:45)
119. Russell Brower - Festival Lane (1:39)
120. Russell Brower - Mal'Ganis (1:07)
121. Russell Brower - Arthas' Folly (0:28)

Coming away from The Burning Crusade, Blizzard Entertainment knew that it had to one up it's efforts from before. World of Warcraft was no less a success back then that it is today, and with nine million subscribers they had ample pressure on their shoulders. The Burning Crusade had it's players travel beyond Azeroth: with Wrath of the Lich King, players were returned to Azeoroth, albeit the icy northern realm of the Lich King. Arthas, the traitor of Lordaeron, and below the Burning Legion the "big bad" of Azeroth. For him, everything was about to come full circle. Throughout the game the developers had the players go through many of the things that Arthas himself went through when he first came to Northrend. It was a twisted reflection, and within his frozen citadel of Icecrown Arthas saw it as a way to create his most powerful servants and ensure his conquest of the world. The entire time, you are under the gaze of the Lich King. From the moment you enter Valliance Keep or Valgarde you are under attack from the Lich King's minions. The game wastes no time in acquainting you with the titular villain: many quests have you interacting with him on some scale.

Wrath of the Lich King is a noticabley darker score because of this. The Main Menu theme is no less bombastic than it's predeccesors, beginning with a striking of bells that gives it a very cold, icy tone. The theme exhibited plenty of chorus, loud brass and driving strings, but it feels noticeably darker and ominous than the previous Main Themes. Even from the Main Menu the game lets you know that you are no way safe. With some few exceptions, the entire soundtrack is some of the darkest that the Warcraft series has ever ventured into.

After the Main Theme we enter the Death Knight starting zone with "Arise a 'Dark' Knight". Once a hero of the Alliance or the Horde, the Lich King raises the player up to be one of his most feared servants - the Death Knight. We hear some of the Death Knight theme, which was first heard in the opening cinematic "Arthas, My Son". A display of long, brooding strings opens up the piece, with low chorus that hints at the tragedy yet to come ends it. The whole of the Death Knight zone feels like a twisted requiem: instead of mourning death, it celebrates it. When you descend on the Scarlet loyal village of Heavenshire, the music does not play it like a tragedy. It is a dark victory for a dark lord.

Assault on New Avalon is when the Death Knight zone is most typical. Fast strings, loud percussion, use of dominating chorus. It is all in place within a fantasy videogame. Of course, it is well written and rousing, but it almost feels out of place with the rest of the music. Perhaps if the strings were more "plucked" as you would hear in many Penderecki symphonies, or if the theme was just slower and more somber it wouldn't be so jarring. I have included the Album version of this theme, since the two vary in so many ways.

Skipping to the better part of Northrend, we find a wide range of styles used. Orchestra with synth is the main style here, but we also find a good deal of ambiance and electronica ("The Nexus" is a good example). Personally speaking, this is just as jarring as it was in the Burning Crusade (although less so since there are fewer ambient and electronica tracks here). Unlike the orchestral tracks, these don't really say much of anything. They feel more like filler than musically describing the scene. This is a common problem throughout the World of Warcraft series. Plenty of good tracks divided with filler.

And that's the problem here. For every 3 or 4 great piece of music we have 2 or 3 filler. There is more good than bad here, but there is more than a share of bad for us not to notice.

The Burning Crusade Complete Soundtrack can be found here (Thread 92172). The Update music can be found here (Thread 91741).

08-25-2011, 04:41 PM
I bow before you for this wonderful treasure ! Thx a lot.

Regards, Alastis

09-10-2011, 11:26 PM
Excellent work once again, putting this all together. Thank you, Doublehex!

09-11-2011, 03:34 PM
Thanks! :)

05-14-2012, 09:09 AM
Please re-upload..thank you

05-14-2012, 10:48 AM
Would love this too :) Please :)

05-29-2012, 10:39 AM
any news about reup ?

06-14-2012, 04:16 AM
I have arrived with a reupload! Enjoy ladies and gents.

02-06-2013, 12:45 AM
lovely... many thanks. Indeed a gem ^^

03-27-2013, 05:06 AM
Any chance for reup?

03-27-2013, 05:32 AM
Oh. Is it that time of the year again? I'll add it to my quota.

03-27-2013, 05:41 PM
Oh. Is it that time of the year again? I'll add it to my quota.

Been trying to download it for past 2 weeks, it's on "All download slots are taken, try again later" 24/7, aka effectively dead.

04-06-2013, 07:23 AM
Been trying to download it for past 2 weeks, it's on "All download slots are taken, try again later" 24/7, aka effectively dead.

This this this

04-11-2013, 09:17 PM
"All download slots for this file are currently filled.
Please try again momentarily."

Please Doublehex... help me !

04-11-2013, 10:20 PM
Okay guys, I'll see what I can do about reuploading it.

07-30-2013, 12:35 PM
re-upload pls

07-30-2013, 04:02 PM
Link seems to be down, i guess Peejeshare isnt reliable anymore.

09-13-2013, 05:22 PM
could you re-upload this file, please?

The Legend of Zelda
09-13-2013, 05:30 PM
Dang this would have been amazing.. A re-upload on this and the BC soundtrack would be sweet.

09-13-2013, 09:32 PM
Dang this would have been amazing.. A re-upload on this and the BC soundtrack would be sweet.

Go to this tread (Thread 138896), all Doublehex Wow music can be found there !