Chronos X
06-15-2011, 04:02 PM
Hi; don't know a thing about these games, but these musics by S.S.H. are just awesome. Enjoy and comment freely. al_Side-Z_(2006).zip_links

06-15-2011, 06:06 PM
Lost Child are one of my very favorite titles. Music, art and atmosphere are excellent. There's also a compilation album Lost Child Infinia, a 2-disc set featuring arrangements of SSH & kt2.
While SSH's work is action oriented and undeniably awesome, I still prefer the ambient and melancholic music by kt2.
Lost Child originally was a visual novel, but several years later it spawned a spin-off title, a fighting game for Arcades and PSP, called Project Cerberus.

Also anyone who likes these albums should check out Lost Childlen (, a remix album based on SSH's compositions.
Actually I'll upload it myself, since it's kind of rare.

EDIT: uploaded here Thread 64743

Chronos X
07-09-2015, 03:24 AM
New links added; links are 320 kbps now, as originally provided by Charity (same as BLAST FROM THE PAST).

12-22-2015, 02:39 AM
Where? I don't see them.