01-25-2010, 07:11 PM
i've got the audio to mass effect 2 in .afc format but don't know how to convert it to wav.


any ideas?

01-26-2010, 12:19 AM
Try the guys at Xentax (

01-26-2010, 02:31 AM
thanks. i tried their apps but its still not easy. i hope they can explain things in english to a non coder.

01-31-2010, 03:46 PM
thanks. i tried their apps but its still not easy. i hope they can explain things in english to a non coder.

Found this thread googling for ME2 music extraction / conversion, signed up so I could see the link (thanks by the way - I bookmarked the site).

Figured I'd post this just in case you hadn't gotten it working.

Download 'ww2ogg' from here ( (latest version at the time of this writing was ww2ogg 0.8 (

1. Open up the command line and navigate to the folder where you extracted ww2ogg. I put the files I wanted to convert in the directory to make it easier.

2. Rename the audio file(s) to .wav

3. Sample command line for conversion:

ww2ogg Wwise_EndGame1_Music.wav -o Wwise_EndGame1_Music.ogg --full-setup

Should work, it did for me.

just realized you may want to convert *all* the .afc files... I converted all the ones beginning with 'Wwise', I used a program called Renamer ( change the extensions to .wav, and then made a batch file:

ww2ogg Wwise_Citadel_Hub_Cinedesign.wav -o Wwise_Citadel_Hub_Cinedesign.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Citadel_Hub_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_Citadel_Hub_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Cit_Hub_Cineanim.wav -o Wwise_Cit_Hub_Cineanim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_CritPath1_Music.wav -o Wwise_CritPath1_Music.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_CritPath1_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_CritPath1_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_CritPath2_Music.wav -o Wwise_CritPath2_Music.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_CritPath2_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_CritPath2_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_CritPath3_Music.wav -o Wwise_CritPath3_Music.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Critpath3_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_Critpath3_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Crit_Path_1_Cineanim.wav -o Wwise_Crit_Path_1_Cineanim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Crit_Path_1_Cinedesign.wav -o Wwise_Crit_Path_1_Cinedesign.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Crit_Path_2_Cineanim.wav -o Wwise_Crit_Path_2_Cineanim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Crit_Path_3_Cineanim.wav -o Wwise_Crit_Path_3_Cineanim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_EndGame1_Music.wav -o Wwise_EndGame1_Music.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_EndGame2_Music.wav -o Wwise_EndGame2_Music.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_EndGame2_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_EndGame2_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_EndGame3_Music.wav -o Wwise_EndGame3_Music.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_EndGm1_Cinedesign.wav -o Wwise_EndGm1_Cinedesign.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_End_Game_1_Cineanim.wav -o Wwise_End_Game_1_Cineanim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_End_Game_2_Cineanim.wav -o Wwise_End_Game_2_Cineanim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_End_Game_3_Cineanim.wav -o Wwise_End_Game_3_Cineanim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Garris_Acq_Cineanim.wav -o Wwise_Garris_Acq_Cineanim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Garrus_Acq_Music.wav -o Wwise_Garrus_Acq_Music.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Garrus_Acq_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_Garrus_Acq_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Garrus_Loy_Cineanim.wav -o Wwise_Garrus_Loy_Cineanim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Garrus_Loy_Music.wav -o Wwise_Garrus_Loy_Music.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Garrus_Loy_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_Garrus_Loy_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Generic_Foley.wav -o Wwise_Generic_Foley.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Generic_Gameplay_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_Generic_Gameplay_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Generic_GUI.wav -o Wwise_Generic_GUI.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Grunt_Acq_Cineanim.wav -o Wwise_Grunt_Acq_Cineanim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Grunt_Acq_Cinedesign.wav -o Wwise_Grunt_Acq_Cinedesign.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Grunt_Acq_Music.wav -o Wwise_Grunt_Acq_Music.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Grunt_Acq_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_Grunt_Acq_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Grunt_Loy_Cineanim.wav -o Wwise_Grunt_Loy_Cineanim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Grunt_Loy_Music.wav -o Wwise_Grunt_Loy_Music.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Grunt_Loy_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_Grunt_Loy_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Illium_Hub_Cineanim.wav -o Wwise_Illium_Hub_Cineanim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Illium_Hub_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_Illium_Hub_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Jack_Acq_Cineanim.wav -o Wwise_Jack_Acq_Cineanim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Jack_Acq_Music.wav -o Wwise_Jack_Acq_Music.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Jack_Acq_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_Jack_Acq_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Jack_Loy_Cineanim.wav -o Wwise_Jack_Loy_Cineanim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Jack_Loy_Cinedesign.wav -o Wwise_Jack_Loy_Cinedesign.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Jack_Loy_Music.wav -o Wwise_Jack_Loy_Music.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Jack_Loy_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_Jack_Loy_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Jacob_Loy_Cinedesign.wav -o Wwise_Jacob_Loy_Cinedesign.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Jacob_Loy_Music.wav -o Wwise_Jacob_Loy_Music.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Jacob_Loy_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_Jacob_Loy_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Krogan_Hub_Cinedesign.wav -o Wwise_Krogan_Hub_Cinedesign.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Krogan_Hub_Music.wav -o Wwise_Krogan_Hub_Music.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Krogan_Hub_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_Krogan_Hub_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Legion_Acquisition_Cineanim.wav -o Wwise_Legion_Acquisition_Cineanim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Legion_Acq_Music.wav -o Wwise_Legion_Acq_Music.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Legion_Acq_NonStreaming.wav -o Wwise_Legion_Acq_NonStreaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Legion_Acq_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_Legion_Acq_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Legion_Loyalty_Cineanim.wav -o Wwise_Legion_Loyalty_Cineanim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Legion_Loy_Music.wav -o Wwise_Legion_Loy_Music.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Legion_Loy_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_Legion_Loy_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Load_Audio_Default.wav -o Wwise_Load_Audio_Default.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Load_Audio_Random.wav -o Wwise_Load_Audio_Random.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Main_Menu_Cineanim.wav -o Wwise_Main_Menu_Cineanim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Main_Menu_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_Main_Menu_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Miranda_loy_cineanim.wav -o Wwise_Miranda_loy_cineanim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Miranda_Loy_Music.wav -o Wwise_Miranda_Loy_Music.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Miranda_Loy_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_Miranda_Loy_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Mordin_Acq_Music.wav -o Wwise_Mordin_Acq_Music.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Mordin_Acq_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_Mordin_Acq_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Mordin_loy_cineanim.wav -o Wwise_Mordin_loy_cineanim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Mordin_Loy_Music.wav -o Wwise_Mordin_Loy_Music.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Mordin_Loy_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_Mordin_Loy_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7BldInv1_CineAnim.wav -o Wwise_N7BldInv1_CineAnim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7BldInv2_CineAnim.wav -o Wwise_N7BldInv2_CineAnim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7Crash_CineAnim.wav -o Wwise_N7Crash_CineAnim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7Geth2_CineAnim.wav -o Wwise_N7Geth2_CineAnim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7Mine_CineAnim.wav -o Wwise_N7Mine_CineAnim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7Mmnt10_CineAnim.wav -o Wwise_N7Mmnt10_CineAnim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7Mmnt1_CineAnim.wav -o Wwise_N7Mmnt1_CineAnim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7Mmnt2_CineAnim.wav -o Wwise_N7Mmnt2_CineAnim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7Mmnt3_CineAnim.wav -o Wwise_N7Mmnt3_CineAnim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7Mmnt4_CineAnim.wav -o Wwise_N7Mmnt4_CineAnim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7Mmnt5_CineAnim.wav -o Wwise_N7Mmnt5_CineAnim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7Mmnt6_CineAnim.wav -o Wwise_N7Mmnt6_CineAnim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7Mmnt7_CineAnim.wav -o Wwise_N7Mmnt7_CineAnim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7Spdr1_CineAnim.wav -o Wwise_N7Spdr1_CineAnim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7Spdr2_CineAnim.wav -o Wwise_N7Spdr2_CineAnim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7Spdr3_CineAnim.wav -o Wwise_N7Spdr3_CineAnim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7Viq1_CineAnim.wav -o Wwise_N7Viq1_CineAnim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7VIQ1_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_N7VIQ1_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7Viq2_CineAnim.wav -o Wwise_N7Viq2_CineAnim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7VIQ2_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_N7VIQ2_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7Viq3_CineAnim.wav -o Wwise_N7Viq3_CineAnim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7_BloodPack1_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_N7_BloodPack1_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7_BloodPack2_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_N7_BloodPack2_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7_Crash_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_N7_Crash_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7_Geth2_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_N7_Geth2_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7_Husk_Rush_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_N7_Husk_Rush_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7_Mine_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_N7_Mine_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7_Mmnt1_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_N7_Mmnt1_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7_Mmnt2_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_N7_Mmnt2_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7_Mmnt3_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_N7_Mmnt3_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7_Mmnt4_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_N7_Mmnt4_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7_Mmnt5_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_N7_Mmnt5_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7_Music_Template_1.wav -o Wwise_N7_Music_Template_1.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7_Music_Template_2.wav -o Wwise_N7_Music_Template_2.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7_Music_Template_3.wav -o Wwise_N7_Music_Template_3.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7_Music_Template_4.wav -o Wwise_N7_Music_Template_4.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7_Music_Template_5.wav -o Wwise_N7_Music_Template_5.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7_Music_Template_6.wav -o Wwise_N7_Music_Template_6.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7_Music_Template_7.wav -o Wwise_N7_Music_Template_7.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7_Music_Template_8.wav -o Wwise_N7_Music_Template_8.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7_Music_Template_9.wav -o Wwise_N7_Music_Template_9.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7_Nuclear_Strike_Streaming_S.wav -o Wwise_N7_Nuclear_Strike_Streaming_S.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7_Research_Stn_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_N7_Research_Stn_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7_Spider1_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_N7_Spider1_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7_Spider2_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_N7_Spider2_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_N7_Spider3_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_N7_Spider3_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Normandy_Hub_cineanim.wav -o Wwise_Normandy_Hub_cineanim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Nor_Music.wav -o Wwise_Nor_Music.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Nor_NonStreaming.wav -o Wwise_Nor_NonStreaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Nor_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_Nor_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Omega_Hub_CineAnim.wav -o Wwise_Omega_Hub_CineAnim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Omega_Hub_Music.wav -o Wwise_Omega_Hub_Music.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_OmgHub_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_OmgHub_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_ProFre_CineAnim.wav -o Wwise_ProFre_CineAnim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Pro_Cer_Cineanim.wav -o Wwise_Pro_Cer_Cineanim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Pro_Cer_Cinedesign.wav -o Wwise_Pro_Cer_Cinedesign.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Pro_Cer_Music.wav -o Wwise_Pro_Cer_Music.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Pro_Cer_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_Pro_Cer_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Pro_Fre_Cinedesign.wav -o Wwise_Pro_Fre_Cinedesign.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Pro_Fre_Music.wav -o Wwise_Pro_Fre_Music.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Pro_Fre_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_Pro_Fre_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Pro_Nor_Cineanim.wav -o Wwise_Pro_Nor_Cineanim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Pro_Nor_Music.wav -o Wwise_Pro_Nor_Music.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Pro_Nor_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_Pro_Nor_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Romances_Music.wav -o Wwise_Romances_Music.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Samara_Acq_Cineanim.wav -o Wwise_Samara_Acq_Cineanim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Samara_Acq_Music.wav -o Wwise_Samara_Acq_Music.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Samara_Acq_NonStreaming.wav -o Wwise_Samara_Acq_NonStreaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Samara_Acq_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_Samara_Acq_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Samara_Loy_Cineanim.wav -o Wwise_Samara_Loy_Cineanim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Tali_Acq_cineanim.wav -o Wwise_Tali_Acq_cineanim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Tali_Acq_Cinedesign.wav -o Wwise_Tali_Acq_Cinedesign.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Tali_Acq_Music.wav -o Wwise_Tali_Acq_Music.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Tali_Acq_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_Tali_Acq_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Tali_Loyalty_Cinedesign.wav -o Wwise_Tali_Loyalty_Cinedesign.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Tali_Loy_Cineanim.wav -o Wwise_Tali_Loy_Cineanim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Tali_Loy_Music.wav -o Wwise_Tali_Loy_Music.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Tali_Loy_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_Tali_Loy_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Thane_Acq_Music.wav -o Wwise_Thane_Acq_Music.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Thane_Acq_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_Thane_Acq_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Thane_Loy_Cineanim.wav -o Wwise_Thane_Loy_Cineanim.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Thane_Loy_Music.wav -o Wwise_Thane_Loy_Music.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise_Thane_Loy_Streaming.wav -o Wwise_Thane_Loy_Streaming.ogg --full-setup
ww2ogg Wwise__Placeholder_Music.wav -o Wwise__Placeholder_Music.ogg --full-setup

Copy all of that into a .bat file and run it from the ww2ogg dir, with all the afc files beginning with 'Wwise' in it also.


01-31-2010, 05:47 PM
there are several riff's (music tracks) in an .afc file, you can easily cut the files out with a hex editor also, but thx for the bat.

02-02-2010, 01:30 AM
Yeah I'm having a problem with this, I'm trying to convert the Wwise_Citadel_Hub_Streaming which I'm guessing is the music that plays in the Dark Star club. But I keep getting this error when attempting to convert it.
"Parse Error: Unknown Chunk Type" It's really making me frustrated, because I really want that music >_<

02-03-2010, 12:57 PM
Great thread, but i have a problem. After running the bat, only 112 of the 155 wav files are being converted to ogg. For example both "Wwise_Citadel_Hub_" files are in wav format and their names are in the bat, but they do not get converted.

02-03-2010, 08:35 PM
Thanks so much, though I'm not sure if I understand how the batch file helps convert them all at once. Doing each one manually right now but its working at least. EDIT: Nvm, got that part working.

But, for the dialogue files, it seems it only converts up to the end of a line, then stops. 2mb files end up as 20kb.

Any way around this?

EDIT: And again, nevermind. Using the .afc extraction tool from that first link, I was able to get each line of dialogue in a seperate file and then make .bat files to convert them all. Wow guys, thanks a bunch.

02-04-2010, 11:50 AM
Which tool did you use to extract .afc? I can't seem to spot it on the linked page.

02-04-2010, 04:59 PM
Which tool did you use to extract .afc? I can't seem to spot it on the linked page.

You dont extract them, you rename them all to .wav files. This ( tool is very useful for that.

02-04-2010, 05:01 PM

you do extract them. they are archives with multiple tracks inside.

use a simple riff scanner or a hex editor.

02-04-2010, 06:41 PM
Yeah, you do need to extract them or you'll only get the first track, and there's usually 2-3 music files or 20+ dialogue files in any one .afc.

Use this to extract them:

Its in Russian but you should be able to figure out which button is download.

02-04-2010, 08:53 PM
I was using the hex method before, thanks for the link Kolaris8472.

02-04-2010, 09:27 PM
Yeah, you do need to extract them or you'll only get the first track, and there's usually 2-3 music files or 20+ dialogue files in any one .afc.

Use this to extract them:

Its in Russian but you should be able to figure out which button is download.

Okay so using this tool produces a single .wav file from each of .afc files, which cannot be played or converted using ww2ogg08. Any help?

02-06-2010, 10:03 PM
@ Ledgend.

When using the Russian .AFC Extractor, the resulting filenames are preceded with the WWise prefix as before, but it took me a while to notice that it is a 2 character underscore after that.

eg: Wwise__Blabla_Bla.001.bla

The command line should now work.

02-08-2010, 11:02 PM
This would not be easier than someone post direct extraction of music in 128kb / s on a server instead? That would avoid people having to do it themselves ^ ^
A big thank you to those who will (and I know that someone will do ^ ^)

02-11-2010, 10:06 PM
Could someone upload Wwise_Citadel_Hub_Streaming ? Been searching for it everywhere...

02-15-2010, 09:23 PM
Help Please, im having trouble with the .afc when extracting as a .wav using the afcextr tool, i assume theres a command code but can't suss it out, im not familiar with code.

I did however manage some success from the renamer tool, then using the .bat in ww2ogg, but im only getting a handful of vorbis file instead off the 155 theres supposed to be.

Help Please!!

02-20-2010, 12:26 AM
Gibbed's Audio Extractor ( may prove useful for some people.

02-23-2010, 01:59 AM
It would be amazing if someone posted the files up on a server, been looking and trying to get just one song since the games came out!

02-28-2010, 02:39 PM
It would be amazing if someone posted the files up on a server, been looking and trying to get just one song since the games came out!

Hi. You might wanna know that the song you're looking for is called "Happiness", by John Morgan.

Other music from clubs:
Omega upper: Callista by Saki Kaskas (included in NFS4 soundtrack as well in the same version)
Omega lower: I got no info on this, Youtube might be helpful.

03-01-2010, 03:13 AM
The track that ive been trying to track down mostly was the song that plays on Tali's loyalty mission after the trial when you save her from exile. Its a really good synth track

03-01-2010, 12:04 PM
I'm gonna hit that part of the game soon, because I really don't remember, and hear for myself, but maybe it's the one from this ( movie? (well it is included in the OST as a reeeaaalllyy short part of "Tali", but I guess there is a way to extract the looped version from the game files)

03-02-2010, 05:24 AM
Yep thats the track im after, the one that plays at the very end of the vid. Such a decent track but its becoming almost impossible to get haha

03-02-2010, 09:57 AM
It would be amazing if someone posted the files up on a server, been looking and trying to get just one song since the games came out!

Me thinks you need to go here. (Thread 73612)

The track that ive been trying to track down mostly was the song that plays on Tali's loyalty mission after the trial when you save her from exile. Its a really good synth track

Try looking for it in above rip, it'll most likely be one of the Wwise_Tali_Loy_Music.### files. If not perhaps Wwise_Tali_Acq_Music.###.

The end of that video is not clear enough for me for me to recognise the track and find the track myself. Good luck.

03-03-2010, 11:33 AM
As Ledgend said, I unpacked Wwise_Tali_Loy_Music, there's 16 files inside. First one is not converting for me, but I've found that bit lhastie is looking for, it has 26 seconds. Maybe soon someone will post it as looped track.

03-03-2010, 08:09 PM
As Ledgend said, I unpacked Wwise_Tali_Loy_Music, there's 16 files inside. First one is not converting for me, but I've found that bit lhastie is looking for, it has 26 seconds. Maybe soon someone will post it as looped track.

Why are you trying to unpack and convert? The tracks have all been unpacked and converted in this (Thread 73612) rip. Like I said :)
But can I ask which of the 16 is the 'bit lhastie is looking for'?

03-03-2010, 09:54 PM
Faster for me to unpack n' convert a single file than downloading 300+MB's of data :)
It's number 2.

03-06-2010, 09:53 PM
Can anyone convert this file and upload it back here as a wav by any chance?

I would really appreciate it. I can't seem to get most of the software needed to work.

05-14-2010, 02:07 AM
download this:
then this:
extract/dump both into c:\mass effect 2\BioGame\CookedPC
make a batch file and paste the following text into it:

FOR /R . %%G IN (wwise*.afc) DO afcextr "%%G"
FOR /R . %%G IN (*.wav) DO ww2ogg "%%G" --full-setup

save then run the batch file

enjoy :D

seriously dudes. manually pasting file names into a batch file is like scratching a chalk board with your nails while licking a frozen metal pole as you get kicked in the nuts