07-20-2009, 02:35 AM

07-20-2009, 02:36 AM

07-20-2009, 02:57 AM
Not really a fan if you become an elitist prick and exchange something like this in secret. Thanks to whomever posted the megaupload link and thank you for bringing to the shrine!

07-20-2009, 05:02 AM
That setlist is absolutely astounding.

Oxygen Fusion
07-20-2009, 08:40 AM
Thanks for posting this it sounds epic too bad it'll never get a proper cd and dvd release.

07-20-2009, 05:49 PM
Thanks for sharing this! I was a big fan of Cowboy Bebop back in the day. Damn - this thing sounds huge....the Japanese anime army really know how to deliver!

07-20-2009, 07:50 PM
What's the song that starts around at 1h:05m:40s ?
Also it's the part at 1h:11m:40s from the same song aswell?

Thanks for sharing the concert!

07-20-2009, 09:10 PM

07-21-2009, 12:36 AM
Thanks for your help ^^

I download Tune the Rainbow single.
The song in the single played at the concert is not Tune the Rainbow, but actually "The Garden of Everything", with Steve Conte and Maaya Sakamoto, but with a different arrangement in the single compared to the concert and much longer.

Do you know from what Macross Frontier soundtrack is the second song played at 1h:11m:40s in the concert, or the song name please?

I hope i won't bother you anymore with more silly question? (^_^)

07-21-2009, 05:35 AM
Here's a setlist I drummed up after going through it and following omo's review.

Cho-Jiku-Tanabata Sonic
July 7th 2009

8:56-14:40 Pre-show: Yoko Kanno songs montage

14:40-17:16 Pre-show: Tank!

17:16-23:08 Pre-show: Torukia

23:08-28:03 01 - Inner Universe (GITS:SAC)

23:08-32:57 02 - Lion (Macross Frontier)

32:57-37:16 03 - Player (GITS:SAC)

37:16-41:50 04 - Want it All Back (Cowboy Bebop)

41:50-46:34 05 - What Planet is This? (Cowboy Bebop movie)

46:34-48:42 06 - Chikyuu Kyoumei (Earth Maiden Arjuna)

48:42-52:49 07 - Yoko Kanno Piano Solo

52:49-55:30 08 - Tachikoma no Iede (GITS:SAC)

55:30-57:32 09 - Dove Clock (Napple Tale)

57:32-61:05 10 - Cat Blues (Cowboy Bebop)

61:05-65:26 11 - Be Human (GITS:SAC)

65:26-67:23 12 - Tune the Rainbow (RahXephon movie)

67:23-71:36 13 - Voices (Macross Plus)

71:36-79:25 14 - Diamond Crevasse (Macross Frontier)

79:25-82:54 15 - Gravity (Wolf's Rain)

82:54-90:19 16 - The Garden of Everything (RahXephon movie)

90:19-92:35 17 - Could You Bite the Hand (Wolf's Rain)

92:35-96:12 18 - Call Me Call Me (Cowboy Bebop)

96:12-100:05 19 - Yakusoku wa Iranai (Vision of Ecaflowne)

100:05-104:40 20 - Iteza Gogo Kuji Don't Be Late (SOS version) (Macross Frontier)

104:40-110:45 21 - Seikan Hikou (Macross Frontier)


110:45-112:52 22 - Genesis of Aquarion (Genesis of Aquarion)

112:52-115:55 23 - Macross Frontier medley (What 'bout my Star?, Ai Oboete Imasu Ka, My Boyfriend is a Pilot, Welcome to My Fanclub's Night!)

115:55-117:27 24 - Platinum (Sakura Card Captors)

117:27-118:40 25 - Rise (GITS:SAC)

118:40-119:09 26 - Infinity (Macross Frontier)

119:09-120:51 27 - Hemisphere (RahXephon)

120:51-122:33 28 - Beauty is Within Us (GITS:SAC)

122:33-124:16 29 - ELM (Cowboy Bebop)

124:16-124:23 30 - Kiseki no Umi (Record of Lodoss War)

124:23-125:18 31 - After in the Dark (Macross Plus)

125:18-127:27 32 - Rain (Cowboy Bebop)

127:27-129:50 33 - Ao no Ether (Macross Frontier)

129:50-131:33 34 - Gotta Knock a Little Harder (Cowboy Bebop movie)

131:33-132:33 35 - Yubiwa (Vision of Escaflowne)

132:33-136:15 36 - The Real Folk Blues (Cowboy Bebop)

136:15-143:35 37 - Blue (Cowboy Bebop)


143:35-145:10 38 - Crowd Encore

145:10-148:20 39 - Yo Pumpkin Head (Cowboy Bebop)

148:20-152:54 40 - Tank! (Cowboy Bebop)

152:54-170:00 41 - Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra Medley
- Vision of Escaflowne (Vision of Escaflowne)
- White Falcon (Turn A Gundam)
- Flying Dragon (Vision of Escaflowne)
- High Spirit (Genesis of Aquarion)
- Dance of Curse (Vision of Escaflowne)
- Shiro, Long Tails (Wolf's Rain)
- Dog Fight (Wolf's Rain)
- Vision of Escaflowne (Vision of Escaflowne)
- Story of Escaflowne (Vision of Escaflowne)

170:00-171:40 42 - SMS Platoon Theme ~ That Girl's an Alien (Macross Frontier)

171:40-174:11 43 - Yoko Kanno MC

174:11-178:20 44 - Anata no Oto (Macross Frontier)

178:20-END 45 - Memory of Military Boots/End Title (Turn A Gundam)

07-21-2009, 12:42 PM

07-21-2009, 12:48 PM
Guess the FFS still doesn't have rep...

Well, thanks regardless.


Has anyone decided to break this down into manageable tracks?
If not I'll do it myself and if my net connection allows, upload it....just thought I'd ask.

07-26-2009, 05:20 PM
Thank you. I haven't listened to any of Yoko Kanno's music aside from Cowboy Bebop. Is there any CD's I ought to listen to?

07-26-2009, 09:08 PM
Thank you. I haven't listened to any of Yoko Kanno's music aside from Cowboy Bebop. Is there any CD's I ought to listen to?

Besides her fantastic Cowboy Bebop stuff, I also enjoyed her work on Wolfs Rain, the various Nobunaga games, as well as some of her film work like Ashurajo no Hitomi, Mizu No Onna.

Of course, theres a vast wealth of her stuff available at the following thread, without which I would never have discovered some of her rarer releases:
Thread 44707

What I love about her most is how varied her work sounds. Jazz and swing, jpop, sweaping orchestral pieces or intimate piano led numbers. This woman has something for everyone!

07-27-2009, 01:12 PM
Many thanks!

"Not really a fan if you become an elitist prick and exchange something like this in secret."

--hehe i second that motion!


07-27-2009, 09:27 PM
I love Yoko Kanno and the Seatbelts!

08-07-2009, 10:14 AM
Thanks.Here in Greece is almost [if not entirely] impossible to find any of her works.So thanks again

08-07-2009, 05:17 PM
Maybe I'm just being anal, but does anybody else think that this audience has incredibly bad manners - at a live concert, you simply shouldn't act like that. Constant noise, and why in the world do people feel the need to whoop, clap, and cheer when they hear something they recognise? Why not just shut the bloody hell up, and listen to the music - if that's what they're there for.

The disrespect shown to these fine musicians (well, most of them, anyway) is absolutely gobsmacking. I shudder to think how the poor Warsaw Philharmonic - a worldwide respected classical symphony orchestra with a 100 year history of artistic excellence and musicianship - felt when faced with thousands of people who wouldn't even do them the basic courtesy of maintaining a respectful silence during the performance...

08-07-2009, 05:32 PM
hello there,

great post! just wonder if there's other download link besides megaupload? thank you very much~

08-07-2009, 10:03 PM

08-09-2009, 05:14 AM
Much thanks stingray

08-10-2009, 12:28 AM
I've been going crazy looking for this! Thank you so much stingray.

08-10-2009, 02:55 AM

08-11-2009, 05:37 AM

I was at the concert, and during the Warsaw performance (the encore was the only real performance that was all theirs -- they accompanied Yakusoku wa Iranai about halfway, and of course Kanno's epic 'Moon' encore), people seemed very well behaved. But the other parts of the concert were far more like a typical j-pop / jazz concert, where singing along, cheering and other enthusiastic displays of joy are more than appropriate. If anything, I was horrified at how robotic the crowd was: no one really sang along unless told to -- Genesis of Aquarion, for example.

Now were this a full orchestral performance, then yes, I would expect nothing but quiet appreciation and then applause afterwards -- but it wasn't. I understand your indignation but...yeah. I was there, I'm guessing you weren't, and I'm telling you it was pretty much on the level for a multi-genre anime concert.

08-11-2009, 06:03 AM
Awesome will check this out later

08-11-2009, 05:49 PM

I was at the concert, and during the Warsaw performance (the encore was the only real performance that was all theirs -- they accompanied Yakusoku wa Iranai about halfway, and of course Kanno's epic 'Moon' encore), people seemed very well behaved. But the other parts of the concert were far more like a typical j-pop / jazz concert, where singing along, cheering and other enthusiastic displays of joy are more than appropriate. If anything, I was horrified at how robotic the crowd was: no one really sang along unless told to -- Genesis of Aquarion, for example.

Now were this a full orchestral performance, then yes, I would expect nothing but quiet appreciation and then applause afterwards -- but it wasn't. I understand your indignation but...yeah. I was there, I'm guessing you weren't, and I'm telling you it was pretty much on the level for a multi-genre anime concert.

Thanks for responding. You're a very lucky person, to have been there - it must've been incredible. Indeed, I wasn't - I was planning to be, but various things got in the way and I ended up postponing my trip to Japan until September. :(

I suppose I'm coming at this from a biased background - but I don't understand how participants at **ANY** concert can think it's acceptable to make noise whilst the music is playing, unless they've been explicitly encouraged to do so by the performers - and I don't know why the performers would do that in the first place. (They're there to play music, presumably so people can hear said music - what is the point of performing to people who clearly aren't listening because they're making so much racket as to render the actual musicians barely audible?)

Do people really think that going "WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" every thirty seconds is going to make the performers happy? Or is it going to make them think - "Why the f**k am I here when nobody is really listening to me?"

I dunno - maybe I'm just a snobby old fart. I just believe in treating talented musicians with a modicum of respect.

08-11-2009, 06:26 PM
I'm grabbing the concert rip now (and it's a REALLY good quality one) and I think your reaction might be to the opening. What happened there was, each of Kanno's works played on the big screens in chronological order -- and the volume of the cheering indicated the popularity. Since it was all recorded at that point, I see no real sacrilege.

I regularly attend orchestral performances as well, and would find it unforgivable to cheer during a recital -- even if it is anime or video game music. But I've also talked to some of the performers, and they get a kick out of cheering when it's appropiate. It's encouraging to them to hear a few yells when they play something they know the crowd's going to go ga-ga over. Me, I never will -- I save that for after.

But like I said, this was a multi-genre concert. To make no noise at all at a rock or pop concert is far, far worse than whooping during the chorus of your favourite tunes. Also, you have to remember this is a bootleg -- albeit a terribly, terribly good one. The volume of the crowd will encroach on the volume of the music. Trust me when I say not once in real life was it an issue.

Talented musicians deserve every respect in the world, so I was surprised to hear some of them actually say 'please, wake up guys! If you like what we're doing, show us!'

...I suppose this is also because they've recited it, practiced it, over and over...maybe a little audience response would be far from destructively distracting?

...and yeah, I am a lucky guy. We had to go into a lottery just to get the chance to buy the tickets. I flew over to Japan from Australia just for that concert. There are some things you do if you get the chance, and a Kanno concert is one of them. yeah. Rest assured -- no one was disrespected that night. Kanno was having a total ball, it was her show, and we were just along for the ride. :)

08-12-2009, 02:41 PM
thanks Stingray !!!

08-12-2009, 06:40 PM
thanks for this concert

08-13-2009, 04:57 AM
I'm grabbing the concert rip now (and it's a REALLY good quality one)
I suppose this one is hard to obtain, as usual?

08-13-2009, 05:59 AM
I completely forgot about Dog Fight. An interesting selection to play at this concert.

08-13-2009, 05:58 PM
Not really a fan if you become an elitist prick and exchange something like this in secret. Thanks to whomever posted the megaupload link and thank you for bringing to the shrine!As someone who's been in the tape trading circle for years. That's pretty much what everyone is. It's very hard to get into a trading clique if you don't got anything they want. Getting in touch with foreign trading circles is even harder with the language barrier.

God knows how much crap I gave up just to get soundchecks D:

08-14-2009, 01:04 AM
Hard to obtain? The link's right there -- the rapidshare one 'with better covers' is extraordinarily good. Whoever cleaned it up did a spectacular job.

08-14-2009, 03:42 AM
Ahhh that one. I grabbed that before.. it's not too bad.

06-11-2010, 12:24 AM
I've re-posted the concert here: