07-12-2009, 01:27 PM
I just remember back in the day she used to compose the Nobunaga game series. Then in 2000 she did Napple Tale! Compared to her movie works there are a lot more to name. I just wish she would do more of those. Recently she is just stuck to Anime and her scores are not that excellent anymore. Escaflowne is still my favorite to date and the diversified Cowboy Bebop Soundtracks. Darker than Black was a big disappointment same as Oban Star Racers. She should definitely do more movie and VG scores! What do you think?

07-13-2009, 02:49 AM
I just remember back in the day she used to compose the Nobunaga game series. Then in 2000 she did Napple Tale! Compared to her movie works there are a lot more to name. I just wish she would do more of those. Recently she is just stuck to Anime and her scores are not that excellent anymore. Escaflowne is still my favorite to date and the diversified Cowboy Bebop Soundtracks. Darker than Black was a big disappointment same as Oban Star Racers. She should definitely do more movie and VG scores! What do you think?

Lots of people didn't like Darker than Black, it's very polarizing for some reason. I liked it a lot, and really wish there was a second OST release, but I'll agree in many ways it was one of her less distinguished or distinctive scores, right up there with Kamikaze Girls and Natsujikan no Otonatachi(though I still liked those, too.)

Oh, and Oban was mostly Taku Iwasaki(Samurai X, Witch Hunter Robin, R.O.D.). He did all the bgm.

I just wish they'd release more DTB and Macross Frontier tracks and that I had some idea what she was working on next. There's been nary a peep outta her save about Space Bio Charge. Hopefully, that means she's good and busy on an epic new project.

I always wished she'd do more solo concept albums like Song to Fly, Say Hello and 23 Ji no Ongaku.

07-13-2009, 04:21 PM
Oh, I didn't know Iwasaki did the score for Oban. I just found it by accident lookin or new music of hers. I guess she probably scored the main title theme. She did that for quite some series. But Iwasaki did a great job with the Samurai X series,too! Great stuff! Oban is not that bad actually, now that I know it's not from Yoko! ;)

I always loved her versatility, she can do anything. Any genre. And in the end it's good! What I probably will never like of her is most of the songs. Steve Conte or Maya Sakamoto. Yes, many are supposed to be theme songs and those are mainly pop. In a way she also does a great job with those, I just prefer her classical stuff more.

I am trying to put a compilation together though with some of the songs I do like and some non-classical stuff.

Btw do you know where to find the Su-Ki-Da score? Is there a soundtrack at all?

07-14-2009, 07:13 PM
Yoko Kanno 7/7 Seatbelts Concert

Hi there,

Just wondering if you had any leads on the bootleg of the Concert by Yoko Kanno held in Japan on July 7?

CHeck out this site for some excerpts some of which are very good like Voices from Macross Plus. One of the posters in the comments "mai" eludes to there being more of this recording elsewhere. I have checked various YK blogs and message boards to no avail. Wanted to see if you have found it?

Thanks, and if you didn't know about this concert you were probably as surprised as I was to hear about it.


07-26-2009, 09:27 AM
No, sorry! Haven't heard anything of the concert. But there might probably be a rip of this out there...If I find it, i let you know! I just recently found SPACE BIO CHARGE, a kind of best of. Check it out here:


And I finally finished my latest Yoko Compilation!

Thread 67939

Have fun listening and nice Sunday to y'all!



07-26-2009, 11:49 AM
Maybe I'm totally mad, but is this the bootleg you are looking for?

Thread 67749

07-26-2009, 02:22 PM
yep that's it, notice I mentioned in the other threads that I found it. :)

it's great. Check it out.

07-26-2009, 04:23 PM
Oh great!!!! thx!

07-26-2009, 04:34 PM
I need to get caught up on her music.

I've been negligent of her non-anime I watch stuff.

I, personally, LOVE Escaflowne/Cowboy Bebop/Turn-A Gundam OSTs.

Darker Than Black kind of felt halfhearted.

I also enjoy her single things like 'Songs to Fly' and 'The Creation'

07-27-2009, 07:52 AM
my favorite ost of kanno is arjuna.
seriously, such a beautiful score.