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Red Arremer
07-02-2009, 11:03 PM
Since the first thread of this kind, made by metalgearrex (Thread 61642), died far too early (and several of the links are dead, untagged or without fade-out), I thought I should create a new one. I will provide the links as I load them up steadily.

I will try to gather the soundtracks to fanmade games, remixes and other stuff, as well, but since there's REALLY much, I would ask everyone who wants to make this complete to support this project.
I probably will sort bigger remix artists like dBu (whose Touhou discography I have) extra, while smaller ones will find their way in a general remix section.

Please keep in mind that I don't know all fangames and remixer, and I only will be able to get all of them, both listed here and uploaded with your help!

Lastly, I will maybe add track listings and release informations.

If you want to check out the music of other SHMUP games besides the Touhou series, check out Simon B.'s shared "Shoot'em up" music-thread (Thread 40557). There's many awesome musics in there, so be sure to check it out!

Main Series

Touhou 01 東方靈異伝 ~ Highly Responsive to Prayers

Touhou 02 東方封魔録 ~ The Story of Eastern Wonderland

Touhou 03 東方夢時空 ~ Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream

Touhou 04 東方幻想郷 ~ Lotus Land Story

Touhou 05 東方怪綺談 ~ Mystic Square

Touhou 06 東方紅魔郷 ~ Embodiment of Scarlet Devil

Touhou 07 東方妖々夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom

Touhou 08 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night

Touhou 09 東方花映塚 ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View

Touhou 10 東方風神録 ~ Mountain of Faith

Touhou 11 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism
Full Cover:

Touhou 12 東方星蓮船 〜 Undefined Fantastic Object
(to be released in August)

Official Spin-Offs

Touhou 07.5 東方萃夢想 ~ Immaterial and Missing Power

Touhou 09.5 東方文花帖 ~ Shoot the Bullet

Touhou 10.5 東方緋想天 ~ Scarlet Weather Rhapsody

CD Releases by ZUN

Alice in Shanghai Land

蓬莱人形 ~ Dolls in Pseudo Paradise

蓮台野夜行 ~ Ghostly Field Club

夢違科学世紀 ~ Changeability of Strange Dream

卯酉東海道 ~ Retrospective 53 minutes

大空魔術 ~ Magical Astronomy

幺樂団の歴史1 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.1 = Touhou 4
幺樂団の歴史2 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.2 = Touhou 5
幺樂団の歴史3 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.3 = Touhou 2
幺樂団の歴史4 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.4 = Touhou 3
幺樂団の歴史5 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.5 = Touhou 1
(These CD releases are the OSTs to the first 5 games of the Touhou series, but not directly named so)

Book Releases
only the music CDs accompanying the books will be posted here

東方三月精 ~ Eastern and Little Nature Deity

東方三月精 ~ Strange and Bright Nature Deity 1

東方三月精 ~ Strange and Bright Nature Deity 2
This has the same tracks as "Eastern and Little Nature Deity", however, a newly added track. Unfortunately, I haven't found this CD yet.

東方文花帖 ~ Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red

東方求聞史紀 ~ Perfect Memento in Strict Sense

東方儚月抄 ~ Silent Sinner in Blue

Fanmade Games

Please keep in mind that I don't know all fangames, and I only will be able to get all of them, both listed here and uploaded with your help! I don't even know if all of these games have music at all or if they are using no remixes of the series at all.

Seihou Shooters

秋霜玉 (Shuusou Gyoku)
(Features music by ZUN)

稀翁玉 (Kioh Gyoku)
(Features music by ZUN)

幡紫竜 (Banshiryuu)

五月雨 ~samidare~ (ripped by Simon B.)

Danmaku Shooters

黄昏酒場~Uwabami Breakers~
(Features music by ZUN)

萌える弾幕STG もえだん Moedan

東方弾幕風 ~ Touhou Danmakufu

東方掃除紀 (Touhou Soujiki)

東方時封城 ~ the Alternative Age

東方夢終劇 ~ Concealed the Conclusion

東方神魔宴 ~ Fantom Fantasm

東方風々偽 ~ but...become fault those (Touhou Huhuki)

東方燐迷歌 ~ Phosphorus Hesitates Song

東方命萃酒 ~ Resurrection of Heaven's Liquor

東方桃月抄 ~ Pitch Peach Paradise

東方黒封戯 (Touhou Kokuhuugi)

東方古魔郷 (Touhou Komakyou)

Groovy ちるの

絹織琉華 ~ Weaving the blue orient

とびまりさ (Tobi Marisa)

パチュリ (Patchouli)

Patchoulius V

東方夢詠宴 (Dreamer's Party)

⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃ ブーーーーーン!!!! (Boooooon!!!!)


MegaMari - 魔理沙の野望

Super Marisa Land

Super Marisa World


Endless Marisa

Mystical Chain


東方武闘外伝 (Touhou Battle Gaiden)

まりさとありす (Marisa and Alice)

まりさのかぎ (Marisa's Key)

チルノでポン (Cirno De Pon)

東方萃氾紀 (Touhou Suihanki)

東方琳瑯華 entirety spell timbre




幻想郷 Tower Defense (Gensokyo Tower Defense)


東方冥異伝 ~defiant of shrine maiden~

東方人形劇 (Touhou Puppet Play aka "Touhoumon")


Touhou Gensokyo Rensa (provided by Lord Brimstone)

熱血硬派まりさくん ~ ダウンタウン魔道物語 (Nekketsu Kouha Marisa-kun - Downtown Madou Monogatari)


戦国幻想郷 (Sengoku Gensokyo)

東方戰騎譚 ~ DrunkTankies Battle in the Eastern


東方烈華伝 ~ rift in a friendship game (Touhou Rekkaden)

Touhou Soccer

Touhou Soccer Moushuuden

Remixes/Doujin Music
Please keep in mind that I don't know all remixes and remixers, and I only will be able to get all of them, both listed here and uploaded with your help!


Arietta Incalzado

Courante Impromptu

Flower Divertimento


Oratorio del Vento

Scarlet Rapsodia

Demon Tale Sonata

Eternal Nocturne

Nostalgic Requiem



Touhou Makashinsai / Splendid Eastern Divine Festival

ごっすんとかのからおけ (Touhou Karaoke 01 / Gossun & Others Karaoke 01)

ねこみことかのからおけ (Touhou Karaoke 02 / Gossun & Others Karaoke 02)

Osaisen & Others Karaoke

Gossun Remix Ein

Gossun Remix Zwei

東方氷雪歌集(Eastern Anthology of Ice and Snow / Touhou Hyousetsu Kashuu)

東方想幽森雛(Touhou Soyu Shinpi)

東方月燈籠(Touhou Tsuki Tourou/Touhou Moon Lantern)

Touhou Otome Bayashi (Maidens' Orchestra)

Touhou Houmatsu Tengoku

東方永雀峰(Touhou Eijanho)

東方萃翠酒酔(Touhou Suisui Suusuu)

東方風櫻宴(Touhou Kaze Sakura Utage) Phantasmagoria mystical expectation

Touhou Kasokusouchi

Touhou Music Violin 1

Touhou Music Violin 2

Touhou Music Violin 3

Touhou Music Violin 4

Touhou Music Violin 5

Touhou Music Violin 6

Touhou Music Violin 7

Touhou Music Violin 8

Touhou Music Violin 9

Touhou Komori Uta

Zoku Touhou Komori Uta

Touhou Concert -Chapter 5-

Nocturne Piano Collection -Spirit-

07-02-2009, 11:13 PM
Should be an awesome thread. Thanks for sharing this great music with us, Sherlock ^_^

Red Arremer
07-03-2009, 12:57 AM
I've updated the whole list with covers, and added in most of the games' links.

Since it's rather late, I'll call it a day, and will continue the stuff tomorrow, then I'll tackle the other releases of ZUN and the info on the fangames and remixers.

2 games (Scarlet Weather Rhapsody and Subterranean Animism respectively) have the cover art NOT in the rar-File, so I provided links for getting them in full size.

I hope you enjoy the uploads as of now.

Edit: Oh, and... I'll try to find some better solution for the organization. It's a bit chaotic for now, but I think someone who played Touhou should find themselves okay with it. =P
Just kidding. I will definitely think of something better.

07-03-2009, 01:12 AM
Grabbed MegaMari and some of the covers i needed. Thank you ^_^

Red Arremer
07-03-2009, 12:34 PM
Should have anyone downloaded the soundtrack of Scarlet Weather Rhapsody (10.5), I'm terribly sorry. It was missing one track and I forgot I didn't tag it with English names.
So, I found a complete OST rip of better quality, tagged it to English and reuploaded it.
Anyone who has downloaded SWR before, I'd highly suggest you to get the new upload, simply because it's complete and has better quality.

I will also add the other CD releases during the course of the day, so check the thread later on.

07-03-2009, 01:44 PM
Ooh, this is lovely~

I'm certainly keeping my eye on this. ^_^v


Red Arremer
07-03-2009, 06:24 PM
All the links to ZUN's works have been posted now.

I will start making the list for the fangames and remixes.

07-03-2009, 06:33 PM
I'll be getting a lot of these. Thank you, Sherlock ^_^

07-04-2009, 12:00 AM
Track 9 in "TH01 東方靈異伝 ~ The Highly Responsive to Prayers" is not working.
It's corrupt or something.

07-04-2009, 12:08 AM
This. Is. AWESOME!

Red Arremer
07-04-2009, 12:11 AM
Track 9 in "TH01 東方靈異伝 ~ The Highly Responsive to Prayers" is not working.
It's corrupt or something.

07-04-2009, 05:36 AM
Ah, thanks for the quick response, man.
Really appreciate it.

Simon B
07-05-2009, 11:43 PM
very nice thread, you do my collection, thanks for this. ZUN is awesome T_T

also, i'd say that you can link my samidare rip ( if you want, i checked the others in the list but i don't rip more than this only one.
maybe Sliat have ripped one or a few ones...

thanks again :p

Red Arremer
07-06-2009, 09:19 AM
Thank you, I will add your samidare rip. ^_^

Red Arremer
07-07-2009, 08:17 PM
I've got a big update now.

One more additional ZUN Album has been uploaded (Alice in Shanghai Land), and two remixers' Touhou discography is being added, as well... I have uploaded the Touhou Violin series from TAMusic and currently uploading the doujin albums of dBu - part of them already are posted.
After finishing up dBu, I'll continue with TAMusic's stuff.


Simon B
07-07-2009, 08:40 PM
cool :)

i just realised but maybe i will have some of the missing in my doujin folder, i'll check.

Red Arremer
07-08-2009, 04:03 PM
Okay, I've uploaded everything I have from ZUN, dBu, IOSYS and TAMusic - for now I'll call it a day. During the next few days I'll probably upload more stuff from other remixers. ^-^

07-08-2009, 04:15 PM
I was missing Touhou Makashinsai and Kasokusouchi (of IOSYS).

Thanks for those, but mostly for taking time to do this, Sherlock. ^_^


07-08-2009, 04:19 PM
Got all of dBu and the ZUN and IOSYS ones i was missing.

Thank you ^_^

07-08-2009, 09:57 PM
I guess it's a start..

But i am kinda lost with more than 1000 albums (no joke! there's probably more) for this series..
I never bothered before, and still hesitating because it's such a pain to sort these albums when you don't know anything about the games.

Red Arremer
07-08-2009, 10:05 PM
I know, there's far too many albums to keep track of, this series has gotten HUGE. But is it a surprise? The music's REALLY good.

I suggest you first only getting the actual music of the main games (and the main spinoffs), if you like it, you can expand to Doujin. ^^

07-08-2009, 10:12 PM
I suggest you first only getting the actual music of the main games (and the main spinoffs), if you like it, you can expand to Doujin. ^^

Definitely. ^_^

Lord Brimstone
07-10-2009, 03:36 AM
I Brimstone shall also contribute to this thread.

Here's the soundtrack from Touhou Gensokyo Rensa made by OHBA. The Album is called "The eastern illusion chain original and arrangement sound track". It's an odd touhou fanmade game that looks a little similar to Psychic Force for the PSX. The games ok but the soundtrack just plain rocks. Unfortunately I can't find English tags for the tracks but I'll see what I can do later. enjoy.

07-10-2009, 04:19 AM
ummm....just a note, Touhou Violin 1 is actually 4. i don't know if the other TAMusic albums are mislabeled.

Red Arremer
07-10-2009, 08:08 AM
ummm....just a note, Touhou Violin 1 is actually 4. i don't know if the other TAMusic albums are mislabeled.

That can happen if you make multiple uploads during a whole day. I'm sorry, the link's fixed now.

I Brimstone shall also contribute to this thread.

Thanks. ^_^

07-10-2009, 04:31 PM
Thanks, Brimmy. ^_^

Simon B
07-10-2009, 05:22 PM
thanks to all the contributors of this thread.

i like it !

& thanks again sherlock, for making the most CLEARER Touhou Thread that i've never seen. n.n

07-11-2009, 03:45 AM
Im currently uploading all the RedAlice music i have ill post it when im done

Red Arremer
07-11-2009, 08:51 AM
Thank you. Any help is appreciated. ^^

07-11-2009, 10:47 PM
Touhou ftw!! Awesome thread, I never thought to listen to the game music before (I just hum it absentmindedly from time to time).

Looks like I've been missing a lot, better get listening!

07-20-2009, 05:00 PM
Thank you for the remaining dBu soundtracks I was missing, too.

There are a couple of touhou/doujin soundtrack torrents floating around at about 6 and 23 gigs each. You'll find about 350 or so albums altogether. It'll probably take you a week to get it all dl'ed.


07-21-2009, 10:36 PM
Hewwo, just posting this once it uploads:

- Hachimitsu Kuma-san - Touhou Shokyuuke~Touhou Soccer Original Soundtrack~
Part 1 ( - Part 2 ( - Part 3 ( - Part 4 (
Just to let you know they remixed songs from Captain Tsubasa in the first folder while the 2nd folder contains the characters special attack songs. To view the attacks, I suggest Youtube.

You don't seem to have this one (by far my favorite Touhou doujin):
- WAVE (sounds like an orchestra to me) (

I also own these doujin albums ~3GB (sorry I still need to download that translator thing)
- Oh, C73 means Comiket73


Btw, didn't they make a Touhou Pokemon game or was it a patch?

Red Arremer
07-21-2009, 10:43 PM
Thanks Eshvoide! =D

Every help and link is appreciated. <3 Thanks for taking your time!

07-21-2009, 11:25 PM
Thanks Eshvoide ^^

07-22-2009, 09:59 AM
Now, that I look at that list, I'm missing a few soundtracks from it (especially WAVE), just request, I'll see what I can do.

07-22-2009, 12:48 PM

thanks a lot

BTW, can you please confirm me that the two soundtracks of the fighting (vs) games are:

Touhou 07.5 東方萃夢想 ~ Immaterial and Missing Power


Touhou 10.5 東方緋想天 ~ Scarlet Weather Rhapsody


thanks in advance,


Simon B
07-22-2009, 12:55 PM
electrocaid: i confirm :p (Sherlock confirmed it to me a few times ago)

Eshvoide: Thank you

Red Arremer
07-22-2009, 02:14 PM
Yes, these two are the fighting games.

Yes, they did. It's in the list in the OP (though not the music, heh).

07-22-2009, 05:07 PM
electrocaid: i confirm :p (Sherlock confirmed it to me a few times ago)

Eshvoide: Thank you

thanks a lot ;)

07-27-2009, 07:14 PM
I dl'ed those huge touhou torrents online that I mentioned earlier. Here are some of my favorites that I've listened through:[Azure&Sands] 東方JAZZ.7z[C.H.S] neetmania.7z[Disaster] Sephiroth.7z[FRAGILEONLINE] Best of Fragile Online.7z[Golden City Factory] 東方ミッドナイト MAXIMUM TUNEⅡ.7z

Also, I'ma post a list of all the touhou soundtracks I have.
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Aki Yamani & NKZ] MegaMari GST"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Alstroemeria Records & Cradle] Stem Of Radiant"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Alstroemeria Records] A. Aurantiaca"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Alstroemeria Records] BLUE NOTE"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Alstroemeria Records] Circuit Breakers"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Alstroemeria Records] Dolls"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Alstroemeria Records] genealogy | shrinemaiden"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Alstroemeria Records] LAST MOMENT TO REMEMBER"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Alstroemeria Records] LILY OF THE INCAS -LIVE_&_BEST- BESTDISK"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Alstroemeria Records] LILY OF THE INCAS -LIVE_&_BEST- LIVEDISK"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Alstroemeria Records] Lovelight"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Alstroemeria Records] NITE VERSIONS"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Alstroemeria Records] STRINGS OF LIFE"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Alstroemeria Records] The Garnet Star"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Alstroemeria Records] The Last Judgement"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Alstroemeria Records] trace - phantasmagoria"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Alstroemeria Records] -ZEN-"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Angelic Quasar] Dark matteR"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Angelic Quasar] 月喰淵夜 -ツクバミエンヤ-"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Angelic Quasar] 桜 Nightmare"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[AQUA STYLE] 東方奇闘曲"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[ARA] 雅 - MIYABI - 幽冥歌聖(VBR+rr3)"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[As/Hi] 夜想仰月 ~Rapid Ensemble 2~"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Azure & Sands] 戯曲幻想-cherry garden project-"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Azure&Sands] 東方JAZZ"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Azure&Sands] 東方JAZZ 2006"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Azure&Sands] 東方JAZZ 2007"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[BITPLANE] 愛新覚羅溥儀 EASTERN FAIRY TALE"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[C.H.S] for the Lunatix (東方紅楼夢)"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[C.H.S] neetmania"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[C.H.S] Unlimited Spark!"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[C-CLAYS] 天奏月譚 〜TENSOU GETTAN〜"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[C-CLAYS] 月華繚乱 〜GEKKA RYOURAN〜"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[C-CLAYS] 水籠 〜MIZU KAGO〜"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[C-CLAYS] 花蝶風月 ~KACHOU FUUGETU~"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[C-CLAYS] 遙〜HARUKA"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Cherry Lunaburst] Touhoub ViVaache"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Cis-Trance] 100% Touhou Carnival"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Cis-Trance] Touhou Hardcore"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Cis-Trance] Touhou Hardcore 2"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Cis-Trance] Touhou Hardcore 3"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Cis-Trance] Touhou Hardcore 4"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Cis-Trance] 東方ハードコア"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Cis-Trance] 踊る東方ドリフト-PRACTICE-"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Compllege] Zenith"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[COOL&CREATE] drizzly train"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[COOL&CREATE] Flowering ERINNNNNN!!"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[COOL&CREATE] 東方ストライク"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[COOL&CREATE] 東方ホムーラン"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Crazy Voltage] Drawing the Spell"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[CROW'SCLAW] CROWZFEST"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[CTBR] ChoicexChoicexChoice"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[CTBR] T ~東方夢想曲~"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[CTBR] The俺 ~Simple1000~"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[CYTOKINE] Cubical another perspective has violated systematically"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Cytokine] Virtual X Real"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[CYTOKINE] 虹蛇"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Demetori] Shout at The Devil"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Demetori] Sinen"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Disaster] Sephiroth"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Diverse System] anima I"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Diverse System] anima II 東方"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Diverse System] D12"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[DJ Technetium] 踊る東方レイヴ"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[efs] Mystic Heart"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Everfades] Reverie"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[FRAGILEONLINE] Best of Fragile Online"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[FRAGILEONLINE] Fragile Online Best Vol.1 - Touhou Series"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[FRAGILEONLINE] Hiyatsukiyakou - A Hundred Demons Nocturnal Journey"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[FRAGILEONLINE] Touhou Shivers"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[GASETSU] SHINJUKU"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Golden City Factory] Shippuu Touhou Daisakusen"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Golden City Factory] TOHO Remixes BEST intermezzo"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Golden City Factory] Touhou Midnight MAXIMUM TUNE"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Golden City Factory] Touhou Midnight MAXIMUM TUNE III"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Golden City Factory] Touhou Midnight MAXIMUMTUNE EXTRA STAGE"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Golden City Factory] Touhou Midnight MAXIMUMTUNE EXTRA STAGE 2"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Golden City Factory] Touhou Yuugekitai"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Golden City Factory] 東方ミッドナイト MAXIMUM TUNEⅡ"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Golden City Factory] 東方ミッドナイトMAXIMUM TUNE外伝 大空響界 -skyborder-"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Golden City Factory] 東方浪漫堂 Second Chapter"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Golden City Factory] 河童のにとりと夏休み - waterimp in summervacation"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Hammer] thE - Diverse System"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Hierograph] Touhou Battle Music 2"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Human Error] 君繋マスタースパーク"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[ion] Spiritual Spellers"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[IOSYS] 東方乙女囃子"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[IOSYS] 東方月燈籠"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[IOSYS] 東方永雀峰"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[IOSYS] 東方萃翠酒酔"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[IOSYS] 東方風櫻宴 Phantasmagoria Mystical Expectation"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[izmizm] Revivify"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[J&B] 東方鋼鉄録 〜the memory of steeled〜"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[jamming bit] Touhou Project Arrange Album 'jamming bit 06'"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[JiNGdaLaW_solo_TOHO_Arrange_Compilations] IA-STYLEToho-JFantasmix"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Kota-rocK] 闇深祭 〜darkness illusion〜"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[KOTAROU] East Dawn ~ Touhou Sekka"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[L'ARCHANGE] Touhou no Tsume Awase"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[L'ARCHANGE] トウホウノツメアワセ"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Levo Lution] Tranquilize"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Light ? Staff] K点"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Lily White & Black] リリーホワイト&ブラック合同CD企画"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Liverne] 東方幻奏祀典2 �Canon�"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Lost Garden] Preview CD vol.1"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[LOVE MACHINE] Fragment"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Love Machine] iris"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[LOVE MACHINE] Over the Sky"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[LOVE MACHINE] Re.Write"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Love Machine] Strawberry Cranberry"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[MINAMOTRANCE] Lunatic Phaser"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Mistbell] Touhou Fantasy ~Advent Cirno~"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[mistbell] Touhou Fantasy ADVENT CIRNO Gaiden Kooken Densetsu"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Mosaku Hattori] Touhou 20th Century Shoujo"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[MTK2] Perfect Cherry Blossom Arrange Preview"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Musicaloid] 綺想遊戯"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[MyonMyon] Steel Of Scarlet"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Neotechnopolis] Touhou Houshu"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[octet*] horizon blue*"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Piece of Rain�Analyze] - Foldable"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[PopKorn] Prism Seal"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[PopKorn] Stardust Reverie"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Project Delta] Touhou Gensouroku"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Re:cy:cle] トホQハイランド!"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Reiche] 幻想郷レトロジカル"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Scinicade] Luna Megalopolis -Gekka Hibikien-"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Sensitive Heart] Fantasic record of Cherry-blossom"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Sensitive Heart] The Moon-shooter"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Sepher Project] Quartet"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[SEVENTH HEAVEN MAXION] Former Frontier 2nd Cultivate"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Shadow Children] 東乱兵闘"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[SHINYA Project] 深夜 -SHINYA-"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Silly Walker] TEI! TEI! TEI!"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Silly Walker] いつかきっと、幻想郷"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Silly Walker] きみのたまなら死ねる"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Silly Walker] きみのならまた死ねる"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Silly Walker] となりのやおよろずちゃん"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Silly Walker] 世界のヤマちゃん"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Silly Walker] 六十番目の東方再盤"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Silver Forest] Phantasm Brigade"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Silver Forest] Sentence"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Silver Forest] 東方萃奏楽"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Sonic Hispeed Omega] Silence Before 2nd Tempest"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Sonic Hispeed Omega] TOHO TEMPEST 2"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Sonic Hispeed Omega] 東方の嵐~TOHO TEMPEST"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Sonic Hispeed Omega] 空即是紫記音源録〜TOHO TEMPEST EXTRA"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Sound./Ecriture] Capriccio~幻想卿綺想曲"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Sound.Ecriture] Capriccio"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Sound Holic] Sound Holic Meets Toho"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[SOUND HOLIC] SOUND HOLIC MEETS TOHO ~Touhou Teki Maboroshi Soushoukyokushuu~"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[SOUND HOLIC] Sound Holic Meets Toho ~touhouteki gensou shigeki shuu~"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[SOUND HOLIC] SOUND HOLIC MEETS TOHO ~東方的夢天幻奏典~"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[SOUND HOLIC] SOUND HOLIC MEETS TOHO ~東方的幽々舞踏劇~"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[SOUND HOLIC] SOUND HOLIC MEETS TOHO 〜東方的紅蓮烈火弾〜"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Sound Iemitsu.] SI-STYLE/B1"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Sound Online] Blaze"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Sound Online] Blue Constellations"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Sound Sepher] Cradle -東方幻樂祀典-"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Sounds of Liberation] 遊星幻想曲集"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[SoundTeam LORB] 東方乃百縁 第二幕"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Susimaru Style] 悠久のお茶会"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Sync.Art's] loveless Loveressive"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[SYNC.ART'S] Shichisei Sairin"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[t+pazolite] Unlimited Spark !!"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[t+pazolite] V.A - for the Lunatix"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[t+pazolite] 蟲と東方と毒殺ミルク"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[TAMUSIC] Touhou Komori Uta"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[TAMUSIC] Touhou Manga Matsuri Onban BunBun. 2 Beeta Ban"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[TAMUSIC] Touhou Violin 1"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[TAMUSIC] Touhou Violin 2"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[TAMUSIC] Touhou Violin 3"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[TAMUSIC] Touhou Violin 4"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[TAMUSIC] Touhou Violin 5"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[TAMUSIC] Zoku Touhou Komori Uta"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Tenon] Sakura Nightmare"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Tora] Seasonal Dream Vision"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Toranoanai] Touhou Shikashuu"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Tribullets] Go Berzerk !"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Tsukigaokashoryo] Gensou Senya Ichiya (Live)"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[UI-70] Dist"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[UI-70] Illusionary Night ~ghostly eyes~"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[UI-70] Oboromuku Tsuki"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[UI-70] Touhou Arranged Music Single Collection Vol.1 & 2"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[UI-70] 妖蝶乱舞 ~Deadly Dancing *********~"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[UI-70] 彼岸花葬 ~the view of spiral riverside~"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[UI-70] 朧夢紅月 ~Vaguely Dreams of Scarlet Fullmoon~"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Unionest.NET] Hanataba"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[UNIONEST.NET] Ri Aruka Kaden Tsa"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[UtAGe] 四男汚声"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[WAVE] ARCHIV-EAST"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[WAVE] Symphonic Caprice"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[WAVE] Symphonic Fantasia Cherry Blossom"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[winter tune] 東方Mix"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[XL Project -yanagizm side] 東方小曲集 -唯我独尊-"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[XL Project] Multiple Far East"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[XL Project] Rendezvous"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Yuduki-Tei] Perfect Square"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[-zann-] Samurai from East"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[ZUN] Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[ZUN] Perfect Memento in Strict Sense"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[ZUN] 上海アリス幻樂団 - 幺樂団の歴史 其の参 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.2"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[ZUN] 上海アリス幻樂団 - 幺樂団の歴史 其の参 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.3"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[ZUN] 創曲幻想  ~ Alice in Shanghai Land"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[ZUN] 卯酉東海道 ~ Retrospective 53 minutes"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[ZUN] 夢違科学世紀 ~ Changeability of Strange Dream"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[ZUN] 大空魔術 ~ Magical Astronomy"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[ZUN] 幺樂団の歴史1 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.1"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[ZUN] 蓬莱人形 ~ Dolls in Pseudo Paradise"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[ZUN] 蓮台野夜行 ~ Ghostly Field Club"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[あぷえぬすたーと!] 東方ラヂヲ和歌集"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[かも] Image of EastAsia"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[ササラヤ] Floatia"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[ししまいブラザーズ] 東方春風桜蕾"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[どぶウサギ] iCE MiLK TEi"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[どぶウサギ] 夢幻夜想曲 ~ Eternal Nocturne"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[どぶウサギ] 幻葬旋律曲 ~ Necromanza"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[どぶウサギ] 文花風師曲 ~ AriettaIncalzando"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[どぶウサギ] 深弾奏結界 散華嬉遊曲 ~ Flower Divertimento"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[どぶウサギ] 紅魔狂詩曲 ~ Scarlet Rapsodia"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[どぶウサギ] 絶弾奏結界 兎角宴舞曲 ~ Courante Impromptu"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[どぶウサギ] 追憶鎮魂曲 ~ Nostalgic Requiem"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[とらのあな] 東方詞華集弐"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[にょひえろぐらふ] 東方奇闘曲2"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[はちみつくまさん] 東方ブラスバンド"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[フランソワさんのよもぎ畑] 矩形波幻奏"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[フランソワさんのよもぎ畑] FamiMari"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[フランソワさんのよもぎ畑] 短形波文箱・花月夜"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[まぐなむお~ぱす] 東方桜妖紀 ~Necromance Metal Attitude~ (C72) [Ogg Vorbis]"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[みかん箱] 東方幻想奇譚"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[モヒカンサンドバッグ] Full Materials 2.0"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[レミ�咲合同企画] 千夜一夜~Alf Layla wa Layla~"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[八神 将義(efs)] LunaticGate"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[岸田] 明星ロケット"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[東方アレンジ・耳コピスレッドCD企画] 幻想Lama祭 〜毛玉Disc〜+1"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[東方アレンジ・耳コピスレッドCD企画] 幻想音楽祭〜Phantom Concert Lunasa Disc"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[東方アレンジ・耳コピスレッドCD企画] 幻想音楽祭〜Phantom Concert Lyrica Disc"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[東方アレンジ・耳コピスレッドCD企画] 幻想音楽祭〜Phantom Concert Merlin Disc"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[東部開拓地] 卒塔婆刀"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[石鹸屋] トウホウパンチライン"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[石鹸屋] 東方不可拘束~the maximum moving about!~"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[石鹸屋] 東方弾打團 ~Feast of roaring beast~"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[石鹸屋] 石鹸屋のお歳暮 2"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[神斬ゼロ式] っ�Д`)っゼロ式の家 - 東方ハードロック -visual cross- 〜叫気の愛に抱かれた者達〜"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[神斬ゼロ式] とうほうテクニック"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[篠螺悠那] Colors of Sixty Years"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[絃奏水琴樂章] LOST PARADISE"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[萃符合同企画] 萃符「無名宴」 -Nameless Party-"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[趣味工房にんじんわいん] Shangri-la Storm"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[趣味工房にんじんわいん] TOUHOU QUEST Ⅰ Original Sound Track?"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[雪の足跡] 東方的幻想曲集"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[黒夜葬] Gothic"
"C:\touhou\Albums\�������ȏW-�B��Ƒ�- XL Project -yanagizm side-"
"C:\touhou\Albums\Azure&Sands - Touhou JAZZ"
"C:\touhou\Albums\Best of Fragile Online"
"C:\touhou\Albums\Cis-Trance - Touhou Hardcore (Touhou Remix)"
"C:\touhou\Albums\Colors of Sixty Years"
"C:\touhou\Albums\DISASTER - Sephiroth (Touhou Remix)"
"C:\touhou\Albums\East Dawn ~ Touhou Sekka"
"C:\touhou\Albums\Game OSTs"
"C:\touhou\Albums\Golden City Factory - Touhou Midnight MAXIMUM TUNE (Touhou Remix)"
"C:\touhou\Albums\IA-STYLE Toho"
"C:\touhou\Albums\Image of EastAsia"
"C:\touhou\Albums\IN Famicom Style"
"C:\touhou\Albums\Individual MP3s"
"C:\touhou\Albums\Mosaku Hattori - Touhou 20th Century Shoujo"
"C:\touhou\Albums\Neotechnopolis - Touhou Houshu (Touhou Remix)"
"C:\touhou\Albums\Perfect Square"
"C:\touhou\Albums\Silly Walker - Kimi no Naramata Shineru (Touhou Remix)"
"C:\touhou\Albums\thE - Diverse System"
"C:\touhou\Albums\The �� �`Simple1000�`"
"C:\touhou\Albums\Touhou Gensou Kumikyoku"
"C:\touhou\Albums\Touhou Orange"
"C:\touhou\Albums\Touhou Remix CD - Kouma Kyoushikyoku Scarlet Rapsodia"
"C:\touhou\Albums\Touhou Strike"
"C:\touhou\Albums\Tsukigaokashoryo - Gensou Senya Ichiya (Live)"
"C:\touhou\Albums\UI-70 - Illusionary Night ~ghostly eyes~"
"C:\touhou\Albums\UI-70 - Oboromuku Tsuki"
"C:\touhou\Albums\Yama-chan of the world"
"C:\touhou\Albums\Zepher Cradle"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Azure&Sands] 東方JAZZ.7z"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[C.H.S] neetmania.7z"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Disaster] Sephiroth.7z"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[FRAGILEONLINE] Best of Fragile Online.7z"
"C:\touhou\Albums\[Golden City Factory] 東方ミッドナイト MAXIMUM TUNEⅡ.7z"
"C:\touhou\Touhou Ripped Soundtracks\Concealed the Conclusion"
"C:\touhou\Touhou Ripped Soundtracks\MIDI"
"C:\touhou\Touhou Ripped Soundtracks\th01_東方靈異伝 ~ The Highly Responsive to Prayers"
"C:\touhou\Touhou Ripped Soundtracks\th01_東方靈異伝_怪綺談特別アレンジ Arranged"
"C:\touhou\Touhou Ripped Soundtracks\th02_東方封魔録 ~ The Story of Eastern Wonderland"
"C:\touhou\Touhou Ripped Soundtracks\th02_東方封魔録 ~ The Story of Eastern Wonderland MIDI"
"C:\touhou\Touhou Ripped Soundtracks\th03_東方夢時空 ~ Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream"
"C:\touhou\Touhou Ripped Soundtracks\th04_東方幻想郷 ~ Lotus Land Story"
"C:\touhou\Touhou Ripped Soundtracks\th05_東方怪綺談 ~ Mystic Square"
"C:\touhou\Touhou Ripped Soundtracks\th06_東方紅魔郷 ~ The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil"
"C:\touhou\Touhou Ripped Soundtracks\th7.5_東方萃夢想 幻想曲抜萃 ~ Immaterial and Missing Power DayDisc"
"C:\touhou\Touhou Ripped Soundtracks\th7.5_東方萃夢想 幻想曲抜萃 ~ Immaterial and Missing Power NightDisc"
"C:\touhou\Touhou Ripped Soundtracks\th07_東方妖々夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom"
"C:\touhou\Touhou Ripped Soundtracks\th08_東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night"
"C:\touhou\Touhou Ripped Soundtracks\th9.5_東方文花帖 ~ Shoot the Bullet"
"C:\touhou\Touhou Ripped Soundtracks\th09_東方花映塚 ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View"
"C:\touhou\Touhou Ripped Soundtracks\th10_東方風神録 ~ Mountain of Faith"
"C:\touhou\Touhou Ripped Soundtracks\Touhou PC-98 Ripped"

Hope this helps!

Alexej Gravius
08-17-2009, 06:34 PM
Touhou 12 is out, is there a link for the OST available?

08-18-2009, 08:53 AM
Touhou 12.3 東方非想天則 ~ 超弩級ギニョルの謎を追え ~ Unthinkable Natural Law

Extracted from the th123b.dat file, added a loop (with some help from the loop points files) and compressed with LAME 3.98 VBR V0.

I made that rip for some friends on day one, so none of the files are tagged or even named properly (sorry =/)


Touhou 12 東方星蓮船 ~ Undefined Fantastic Object

Extracted from thbgm.dat with thbgmextractor (2 loops, tagged with the Japanese titles), compressed with LAME 3.98 VBR V0.

08-18-2009, 06:49 PM
Yay, Touhou 12... gyeh, 7z file. x.x Sankyuu!

08-18-2009, 08:14 PM
a question please: what's the game's type of Touhou 12.3 東方非想天則 ~ 超弩級ギニョルの謎を追え ~ Unthinkable Natural Law?

08-18-2009, 08:31 PM
Fighting game. Actually, it's an add-on for TH10.5 Scarlet Weather Rhapsody.

08-18-2009, 08:33 PM

thanks a lot: you confirm what i thought

now i'm less stupid ;)

Red Arremer
08-21-2009, 02:27 PM
Thanks everyone for the input, I will try to update the thread during the next few days. :3

Red Arremer
08-22-2009, 09:36 PM
Touhou 12.3: Unthinkable Natural Law

This file has - opposed to kdash's - the things that are already in Touhou 10.5: Scarlet Weather Rhapsody removed and all files that I knew or could find the Japanese titles of tagged.
Those that I couldn't find (Opening/Menu, Credits and the 3 new Cutscene themes) I didn't tag.

I hope you enjoy.

08-22-2009, 11:06 PM
Thank you, Sherlock ^^

08-23-2009, 06:24 AM
Well, for those 3 cutscenes, these were the titles I found:
1-The Legendary Titan
2-Our Hisou Tensoku
3-The Scenery of Living Dolls

The best I could do for the others are:
Opening: 高音質版 (can't find a translation, so I don't know if it's right), and then I also found 東方非想天則 ~ 超弩級ギニョルの謎を追え OP映像 高音質版です 曲名は「 きみはあの影を見たか 」です
Staff Roll: Epilogue (this feels too vague, so I think it's wrong)

As far as 空に浮かぶ物体X goes, I get this title "The Floating Objects in the Sky X"

My sources were Youtube and Touhou Wiki script pages for 12.3 Sanae & Cirno.

Red Arremer
08-23-2009, 12:25 PM
Thanks, Sliat!

Here the tagged tracks:

08-23-2009, 03:12 PM
Ooh! Somehow I missed this. xP

Thanks Sherlock. ^_^

08-23-2009, 11:11 PM
Touhou 12.3: Unthinkable Natural Law

This file has - opposed to kdash's - the things that are already in Touhou 10.5: Scarlet Weather Rhapsody removed and all files that I knew or could find the Japanese titles of tagged.
Those that I couldn't find (Opening/Menu, Credits and the 3 new Cutscene themes) I didn't tag.

I hope you enjoy.

i've even asked to God to bless you for that :)

Red Arremer
08-24-2009, 12:58 AM
Glad I changed the link in that post you quoted to the updated one. :P

08-24-2009, 05:39 AM - Koumajou Densetsu [Touhouvania]

Take note that these were recorded in game using Audacity, so quality may not be high. I have limited experience in extracting .DAT files, so I decided to do this to hold me over. This is only missing the Game Over tune and OP, both versions.

Red Arremer
08-24-2009, 01:37 PM
Thank you very much. The quality does indeed lack a little, but it's okay for now.

08-24-2009, 02:03 PM - Koumajou Densetsu [Touhouvania]

Take note that these were recorded in game using Audacity, so quality may not be high. I have limited experience in extracting .DAT files, so I decided to do this to hold me over. This is only missing the Game Over tune and OP, both versions.

Upload the DAT files and i'll have a look at it.

08-24-2009, 02:44 PM
Your welcome Sherlock. :D

There you go Jessie, if you require the other files, then I'll upload them as well.

08-24-2009, 02:47 PM
lol. I was gonna download the DAT file via the whole game, but would've had to wait over a week before I could look at it. Hopefully you'll beat me to it, Jesse.

Red Arremer
08-24-2009, 08:09 PM
I listened to the tracks Mangekyou made. It made me get the game and play it. I love it now. It's a good game, very challenging, too.
I also like the style-mixup of Touhou with Castlevania - both in musical and artwork terms.

08-25-2009, 04:42 AM
I listened to the tracks Mangekyou made. It made me get the game and play it. I love it now. It's a good game, very challenging, too.
I also like the style-mixup of Touhou with Castlevania - both in musical and artwork terms.

I agree with you fully there, though it would of been great to have Flandre as a secret boss. I heard rumors she was in the game, but no artwork or anything exists. D:

Red Arremer
08-25-2009, 01:53 PM
I haven't seen her either. XD
But it would make sense to her have an appearance - maybe in a patch or so.

08-27-2009, 06:19 PM
I haven't seen her either. XD
But it would make sense to her have an appearance - maybe in a patch or so.

True, throw in a Remix of U.N Owen Was Her? I'll be a happy person.
Side note, thanks for TH 4 and 11's music :D

08-31-2009, 02:59 AM
ATOMIC RAY 44ba1ed6

HiME f740f30a

SUGARASHI 37ffa772

RYTHMIX e11743e5

forest of crimson 2 55db8f92

08-31-2009, 12:08 PM
ATOMIC RAY 44ba1ed6

HiME f740f30a

SUGARASHI 37ffa772

RYTHMIX e11743e5

forest of crimson 2 55db8f92

what's that please?

08-31-2009, 12:26 PM
what's that please?

Atomic Ray -アトミックレイ- (

歌-HiME -ウタヒメ- (

SUGURASHI -すぐらし- (

RHYTHMIX -リズミクス- (

紅ノ樹海II -forest of crimson 2- (

Not exactly Touhou...

08-31-2009, 05:13 PM
oki, i understand better ;)

09-01-2009, 07:32 AM

09-02-2009, 12:45 AM
Mangekyou_Sharingan10, what program did you use to read the dat file for touhouvania? I've tried Cube, Nero, Dragon, and Audacity, but nothing works. I'd like to take a stab at it too. Also, seems like the final stage music was missing in the rip ... or am I missing something?

09-02-2009, 02:51 PM
Mangekyou_Sharingan10, what program did you use to read the dat file for touhouvania? I've tried Cube, Nero, Dragon, and Audacity, but nothing works. I'd like to take a stab at it too. Also, seems like the final stage music was missing in the rip ... or am I missing something?

I tried most of those myself, nothing seemed to work though, so I used Audacity to record in-game. Stage 8 in the rip should be the Final Stage theme, if its missing I'll gladly reupload it.

09-02-2009, 04:36 PM
I tried most of those myself, nothing seemed to work though, so I used Audacity to record in-game. Stage 8 in the rip should be the Final Stage theme, if its missing I'll gladly reupload it.

Ah, you're right. My bad. For some reason I must've heard something else. I was thinking of using Nero Wave because I prefer it over Audacity. My only problem ... I totally suck at the game :laugh: Thanks though.

09-03-2009, 01:38 AM
Ah, you're right. My bad. For some reason I must've heard something else. I was thinking of using Nero Wave because I prefer it over Audacity. My only problem ... I totally suck at the game :laugh: Thanks though.

Funny story about that, I recall the confrontation music being different, then the Final Stage theme. Turn out it was the same, luckly I noticed this before recording the song xD;

I should use it, Audacity crashed a few times when I was recording, then I realized I had to mute sfx, since the creaking of a door can be heard in most of the themes.

Do what I do...When in doubt, spam Marisa or Cirno, and whip, then slide xD

09-03-2009, 09:48 PM
This may be a more difficult request concerning Koumajou, but is there any possible way to know the names of each stage (even if it is in kanji, I don't care).

And as an FYI, I found another rip in OGG format and it had an extra song labeled as s_extra, obviously implying an extra stage. Was there more than 8 stages? (the only other track it has is the looped version of the theme song used in the opening movie. Anyone know the name of that song and who sings it?)

09-05-2009, 03:21 AM
This may be a more difficult request concerning Koumajou, but is there any possible way to know the names of each stage (even if it is in kanji, I don't care).

And as an FYI, I found another rip in OGG format and it had an extra song labeled as s_extra, obviously implying an extra stage. Was there more than 8 stages? (the only other track it has is the looped version of the theme song used in the opening movie. Anyone know the name of that song and who sings it?)

I could ask for some help with that. I'll see what I can do.

Extra stage? O_O Could you upload the song? And for the OP, I look on some videos and such for that.

09-05-2009, 03:32 AM
No problem. Here you go:
Extra Stage(?) BGM -
Opening Theme Song -
Final Battle (Opening Song looped) -

09-06-2009, 05:48 PM
Thanks very much, I'm sure I'll revisit this thread several times. Just downloaded Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.

09-07-2009, 12:37 AM
Posting this album for someone. It's a short album, but an absolute gem of a doujin. Good for dBu fans.[Toranoana] Touhou Shikashuu.7z


09-07-2009, 02:28 AM
No problem. Here you go:
Extra Stage(?) BGM -
Opening Theme Song -
Final Battle (Opening Song looped) -

Okay, the track of the Extra Stage, new to me. May be secret or some sort of conditions may be needed to see it, if it does exists, at this point, I'm not sure. I seen some artwork of Flandre in the game, but it looked more like it was chopped from Cirno.

As for the OP name, I'm still looking into it, so yeah. >.<

09-08-2009, 09:10 PM
Someone needs to get Unthinkable Natural Law's music on here. Utsuho's theme is GODLY.

Red Arremer
09-10-2009, 11:14 PM
Touhou 12.3: Unthinkable Natural Law

This file has - opposed to kdash's - the things that are already in Touhou 10.5: Scarlet Weather Rhapsody removed and all files tagged.

09-11-2009, 12:08 AM

09-15-2009, 12:52 AM
Can I ask where do that Alice In Shanghai Land album - released in 2001 by ZUN - comes from? I googled a lot with the little information that was provided with the (awesome) download, and couldn't find anything about this apparently non-existent album... could it be the wrong name you provided by accident, Sherlock?

I searched over ZUN's discography and I couldn't find an album with similar tracknames or matching year... why such a cryptic name anyway: "Alice in Shanghai Land"... thanks for helping me out.

And could I ask for a one-looped version of what kdash0085 uploaded here? I prefer a lot one loop in the stead of two. Or if you could just give me the music title file (th12) so I can do it myself, would be fine too... so yeah, thanks. (For th12.3 I will go see somewhere else)

09-21-2009, 11:16 PM
BTW, for Touhouvania, I've been informed of a v1.03 patch now, and it might include the english patch. I'm looking in on it. The extra stage is also supposed to be included in 1.03

EDIT: Youtube has a vid of the extra stage. It's essentially a speed run through the entire game with dialogue showing it takes place after the game is beat. It's also much harder and filled with overpowered grunts along the way. The BGM plays for the entire run.

09-21-2009, 11:50 PM
OMG!!!! *_____* This is so awesome <3333
thanks for sharing <3333
I really love Touhou <3

Red Arremer
09-22-2009, 02:10 AM
Can I ask where do that Alice In Shanghai Land album - released in 2001 by ZUN - comes from? I googled a lot with the little information that was provided with the (awesome) download, and couldn't find anything about this apparently non-existent album... could it be the wrong name you provided by accident, Sherlock?

I searched over ZUN's discography and I couldn't find an album with similar tracknames or matching year... why such a cryptic name anyway: "Alice in Shanghai Land"... thanks for helping me out.

09-22-2009, 02:29 AM
Wow... weird. It's not even touhou. Thanks, at least for the album cover image.

09-23-2009, 02:21 AM
So the 1.03 Touhouvania patch offers Flandre as the boss for the EX stage. Any possible way to get the battle music for her?

09-23-2009, 03:04 AM
So the 1.03 Touhouvania patch offers Flandre as the boss for the EX stage. Any possible way to get the battle music for her?

I'll try later today, getting the game to run on here was complete hell x.x; I should have it up, before I move to my new home.

09-23-2009, 06:29 AM
I keep having troubles with extracting the files.
The only one that I haven't had a problem with so far is Touhou 8 - Imperishable Night.

10-03-2009, 09:08 PM
I'll try later today, getting the game to run on here was complete hell x.x; I should have it up, before I move to my new home.

Sorry to sound impatient, but, any luck with the Flandre track?

10-04-2009, 02:42 AM
Sorry to sound impatient, but, any luck with the Flandre track?

Its alright and I'm gonna try to have it up tonight. Busy lately x.x

On a side note, there's talk of a official ost release of the game, as well a full recording due this winter.

EDIT: Moving Monday, so I'll work on it tonight for sure, as well as some other things for a few friends.

10-04-2009, 04:11 AM
On a side note, there's talk of a official ost release of the game, as well a full recording due this winter.

Ooooh. Lookin' forward to that too then. But what exactly do you mean official ost AND full recording? What'd be the difference?

10-04-2009, 06:10 AM
Ooooh. Lookin' forward to that too then. But what exactly do you mean official ost AND full recording? What'd be the difference?

I meant full recording of the OP xDD; I was in a hurry to type, since I'm multi tasking. <-- Flandre's theme

10-04-2009, 05:21 PM
Sounds awesome! Thanx for your hard work!

10-05-2009, 05:56 AM
Sounds awesome! Thanx for your hard work!

Your welcome :D

Side note, while my internet is off, I'll see if I can provide a slightly better quality rip of the other stages, boss bgms, as well as tags.

10-05-2009, 01:55 PM
Well, I don't know if there's music I've missed or not, but I later found and editted some ogg files of the music. I'll be honest. The oggs had a better sound but were harder to edit than your files. I do admit, I think there's in-between music I've missed. Example, there is something that plays during your first conversation with Sakuya. I haven't made it past Suika yet to hear more demo music. Still, if you can provide tags and missing music, I'd check it out.

10-05-2009, 02:06 PM
Well, I don't know if there's music I've missed or not, but I later found and editted some ogg files of the music. I'll be honest. The oggs had a better sound but were harder to edit than your files. I do admit, I think there's in-between music I've missed. Example, there is something that plays during your first conversation with Sakuya. I haven't made it past Suika yet to hear more demo music. Still, if you can provide tags and missing music, I'd check it out.

I got pretty much all the stages done and bosses, but theres the Gameover Tune, confrontation tune, and I think that's it.

10-05-2009, 05:52 PM
Thanks for these varieties =)

10-24-2009, 05:39 PM
soundtracks for tHRtP, tSoEW, and PoDD (iirc just those three) were remixed for the akyu discs, which are the same remixes as are in MS's music room (iirc)... so basically these aren't quite the originals

11-09-2009, 01:52 AM
wow, the uploads are great. Thank you very much!

also, do you have the touhou Anime Project OP/ED Singles as well? just a heads up.

Red Arremer
11-09-2009, 02:42 PM
also, do you have the touhou Anime Project OP/ED Singles as well? just a heads up.

Nope, sorry.

11-23-2009, 12:04 PM

I just looked back at my music archives and I found one Tohou album I downloaded from here. It was from the front page, I think. The one album titled "Imperishable Night" with Iosys as the artist. From the track Eastern Night, Ghostly Eyes, Mooned Insect, Night Bird, until Eternal Dream and two others that I don't know what the translation means.

It's so much different compared to other previous and next album such as Mountain of Faith. It's richer in instrument and vocal. Anyone know which Tohou album that are similar with "Imperishable Night" in terms of musics, arrangement, instruments, genre and vocal?

12-02-2009, 12:23 AM

I just looked back at my music archives and I found one Tohou album I downloaded from here. It was from the front page, I think. The one album titled "Imperishable Night" with Iosys as the artist. From the track Eastern Night, Ghostly Eyes, Mooned Insect, Night Bird, until Eternal Dream and two others that I don't know what the translation means.

It's so much different compared to other previous and next album such as Mountain of Faith. It's richer in instrument and vocal. Anyone know which Tohou album that are similar with "Imperishable Night" in terms of musics, arrangement, instruments, genre and vocal?

As much as I wanted to help, you got me quite confused here.
IOSYS is a group that primarily makes remixes of songs that ZUN made for Touhou. So if you found the entire Imperishable Night BGM remixed I'd like that one, too. So my question to you is Do you want to find more IOSYS music, or more music that sounds a bit like the Imperishable Night album?
On the IOSYS topic I don't know much, tbh. But if you're looking for ZUN Touhou albums similar to Imperishable Night I'd say Perfect Cherry Blossom and Changeability of Strange Dream are good candidates. Acknowledged that Changeability of Strange Dream has a few songs from the Imperishable Night BGM, since they were made the same year and Changeability is more of a soundtrack compilation.

Oh, and I was just passing by to say that I love the OP for making this thread. Touhou stuff will always have a place in my heart.

I'm sorry if I've missed your point/question by far :)

12-02-2009, 12:46 AM
I don't know ZUN or Iosys. What I know is when I hear these songs below (and more that are not listed), I quickly became enamored. What I know is, when I hear a good sound- no matter the language or humpty dumpty jargon related with it, I know I have to find more until my ears can't handle it.:zillawalk:

Okay, first thing first: Are Eastern Night, Ghostly Eyes, Mooned Insect, Night Bird, until Eternal Dream and two others that I don't know what the translation means included in Imperishable Night BGM remixed?

If yes, then:
1. I'd like to find more music that sounds a bit like the Imperishable Night album
2. ZUN Touhou albums similar to Imperishable Night I'd say Perfect Cherry Blossom and Changeability of Strange Dream sounds very good too.

Nope. I can see it clearer now that you've explained it to me. :naughty:

12-02-2009, 01:02 AM
What I know is, when I hear a good sound- no matter the language or humpty dumpty jargon related with it, I know I have to find more until my ears can't handle it.

Are Eastern Night, Ghostly Eyes, Mooned Insect, Night Bird, until Eternal Dream and two others that I don't know what the translation means included in Imperishable Night BGM remixed?

If yes, then:
1. I'd like to find more music that sounds a bit like the Imperishable Night album
2. ZUN Touhou albums similar to Imperishable Night I'd say Perfect Cherry Blossom and Changeability of Strange Dream sounds very good too.
There is no Imperishable Night BGM remix, (AFAIK). *But* Eastern Night, Ghostly Eyes, Mooned Insect, Night Bird and Eternal Dream are indeed in the original Imperishable Night album.

To answer the question we first need to find out if what you've listened to is ZUN (The original BGM) or IOSYS (Remixed versions of the originals). If it is original ZUN then your

2. ZUN Touhou albums similar to Imperishable Night I'd say Perfect Cherry and Changeability of Strange Dream answers
1. I'd like to find more music that sounds a bit like the Imperishable Night album

If it is a remix album you've found I can not be of help, sorry.

Edit: I would recommend downloading those two albums to find out :)

12-04-2009, 02:32 PM
This is for Captain Dolce:
東方人形劇 (Touhou Puppet Play aka "Touhoumon") download link provided by Touhou Project@Facebook. It's the 1.53 version with English subs. The game itself is a modded version of Pok�mon Fire Red that has replaced all Pok�mon with Touhou characters, some music for Touhoustyle music, and text/chat to match the theme.

Confirmed working, playing it myself.
The Emulator VisualBoyAdvance is required to run this, but it's not included in this link.

( This is the thread sauce: )

I wanted to post a pic but it seems that it's easier said than done. Maybe I'll edit it in at a later opportunity.

Red Arremer
12-04-2009, 09:09 PM
Is it the music?

Leon Scott Kennedy
12-04-2009, 09:20 PM
Is it the music?
I guess that's an hacked rom.

Yep, it's a rom.

12-04-2009, 10:50 PM
Woops, got a bit ahead of myself and forgot. Sorry about that.

To make up for the mindlesslness I've been digging google for the past 1-2 hours. What I found was this:
Click Touhoumon (Japanese) -> Touhoumon OST (UNOFFICIAL) and there you have it. If you can make the downloadlink easier than that, be my guest. I'm kind of frustrated and tired atm, so I couldn't find a better solution. Sorry. :)

PS: I downloaded a few: They're legit. Mp3 format.

12-04-2009, 11:25 PM
Th-this is incredible, thanks so much!

Red Arremer
12-05-2009, 07:13 AM
Alright, thank you very much, ilvja.

12-11-2009, 01:01 PM
Hehe I'm glad that I went to this forum, I've been looking for Touhou music for the past recent days

12-29-2009, 04:25 PM
really nice thread with a big collection, good thing i stumbled over this thread.
UNL should be released on c77 if im right so its only a matter of days till its uploaded here i guess
ah and is it possible to upload some of the main serie DL's on mediafire?
i have some problems with filefactory.

Red Arremer
12-29-2009, 07:32 PM
The music of UNL is right there. Goddamn people, can you read more posts than just the OP and the last?

12-30-2009, 04:56 AM
FYI: the official Koumajou Densetsu soundtrack is out!!! Gotta find it now!

12-30-2009, 05:27 AM
FYI: the official Koumajou Densetsu soundtrack is out!!! Gotta find it now!

I'm gonna grab it :D Also I managed to rip the music from Splatter Faith, I just need to make it loop and add fade out, etc

Edit: Nevermind, wasn't official D:

12-30-2009, 09:03 AM
Splatter Faith:

I edited this to the best of my abilities, however, if you don't like the looping, editing, etc. I'll upload the unedited version I got when I ripped it, which cuts off after a few secs after the first loop.


12-31-2009, 06:06 AM
Many thanks.

01-01-2010, 01:41 PM
Thanks so much to everyone in this thread!

01-02-2010, 01:26 PM
Perhaps I could contribute:
The album FamiMari contains 8-bit/NES/Famicom remixes of the music from MegaMari. This soundtrack was pretty hard to find- enjoy.

核熱造神ヒソウテンソク 東方非想天則 ORIGINAL SOUND TRACK (Touhou 12.3 OST):
The official UNL soundtrack, includes 3 extra tracks and 1 that appears to be unlisted (Track 21).

Red Arremer
01-04-2010, 05:58 AM
Thank you everybody. :3

01-05-2010, 10:11 AM
Nice that Koumajou's out, I've been waiting for it !

One of the best Doujin game soundtrack ever, by my taste.

01-05-2010, 11:15 AM - Koumajou Densetsu Official Soundtrack.

Includes the OP in four different versions, one instrumental I believe as well on disk 1. Disk 2 is all the stage's music, includes artwork as well. Thank the guy's at Doujinstyle for this one!

01-05-2010, 11:17 AM
Hooo god, lovely upload, the one I waited for.

Thanks a lot, Mangekyou ;-)

01-05-2010, 12:33 PM - Koumajou Densetsu Official Soundtrack.

Includes the OP in four different versions, one instrumental I believe as well on disk 1. Disk 2 is all the stage's music, includes artwork as well. Thank the guy's at Doujinstyle for this one!

lol. Beat me to it. I was gonna make the exact same post.

01-05-2010, 03:49 PM
lol. Beat me to it. I was gonna make the exact same post.


Also Blaze, that's quite the find indeed, props for Mari in NES :D

01-05-2010, 04:34 PM
The 8 bits Megamari soundtrack is delicious as well !
I'd be fun to replay the game while listening to it.

Even the Youmu Stage is I think better in this, than the Willy's 3-4 Stage from Rockman no Constancy (a remix from the original Youmu's Stage). Delightful.

01-05-2010, 04:39 PM
The 8 bits Megamari soundtrack is delicious as well !
I'd be fun to replay the game while listening to it.

Even the Youmu Stage is I think better in this, than the Willy's 3-4 Stage from Rockman no Constancy (a remix from the original Youmu's Stage). Delightful.

Oh I agree with Youmu in that, Reisen's stage was also a favorite, the comic nature plus the stage itself was priceless!

01-05-2010, 04:51 PM
Reisen, Eirin and Youmu: by far my favourite of the initial 8 stages. This 8 bits remix really makes justice to this statement, they're awesome.

I also love the 4th Patchou stage (the library with Yamaxanadu), it's also nicely remixed in there !

01-09-2010, 04:14 AM
Desert Eagle, can you upload this soundtrack which you seem to have on you list please?

"C:\touhou\Albums\[Sound Sepher] Cradle -東方幻樂祀典-"

Red Arremer
01-09-2010, 10:09 PM
^ I'm on it.

01-09-2010, 11:28 PM
awesome thread

01-10-2010, 01:30 AM
here ya go : ][Sound Sepher] Cradle -東方幻樂祀典- Disk 1.7z[Sound Sepher] Cradle -東方幻樂祀典- Disk 2.7z

01-10-2010, 02:01 AM
Oh wow, you have no idea how long it took me to find this. Thank you! This thread is definitely awesome!

Red Arremer
01-10-2010, 04:24 AM
Awr... *cancels upload* So much time wasted now. :(

And I was at 90% too.

01-11-2010, 12:37 AM
I've uploaded another rare Touhou remix soundtrack:
ROCKGIRL 東方岩少女 Arrange Soundtrack:
Touhou Wikia page: A5%B3

This album remixes the music from EoSD in a Megaman-like style. 3 of the tracks aren't from EoSD, however. Please see the Touhou Wikia page for which ones.
I took the liberty of fixing the two spelling mistakes when I tagged the mp3s. Sorry.

01-11-2010, 04:49 AM
sorry, Dolce. i didn't realize you had that album, too.

01-23-2010, 09:20 PM
Thanks for all of this music and other goodies ^_^ Touhou is awesome XD

01-24-2010, 05:05 PM
Uh, the Touhou Otomebayashi download is broken... It gets you an extra copy of anthology of Ice and Fire.

Could someone please fix that up, cause Otome happens to have Border of Death on it... And I really love Border of Death. >_<

01-27-2010, 07:56 AM
Uh, the Touhou Otomebayashi download is broken... It gets you an extra copy of anthology of Ice and Fire.

Could someone please fix that up, cause Otome happens to have Border of Death on it... And I really love Border of Death. >_<

Here ya go:

01-29-2010, 01:02 AM
PatchCon! Defend the Library

this is game
well, at least please someone rip it for us

01-29-2010, 06:15 PM
awesome , thank you~

01-29-2010, 11:27 PM
Thanks a lot for making this thread! Now I can grab some PC-98 music~ Hopefully they loop at least once.

HRtP's soundtrack is as creepy as the characters of that game. O_o Seriously, the concept of Konngara, Sariel...technically all the characters are rather...creepy...

01-30-2010, 10:25 AM
Touhou Boss Arrange Album ~Touhou Soccer~ (東方ボスアレンジアルバム~東方サッカー~)
DL link:

Essentially the remixed character themes that were used in the actual Touhou Soccer game. If anyone wants the 2-disc OST, I'll be glad to upload it.

EDIT: Reuploaded. "Complete Darkness" and "Reincarnation" tracks got mixed up...

01-31-2010, 11:55 PM
Desert_Eagle would you mind uploading Alstroemeria Records - Lovelight and The Last Judgement?

After watching Bad Apple music video from niconico I've had it stuck in my head. YouTube Link (


02-02-2010, 04:56 AM
Here ya go:[Alstroemeria Records] Lovelight.7z[Alstroemeria Records] The Last Judgement.7z

If anyone has albums from Iemitsu, esp. Re4-K- and others in this series, I would appreciate it very much.


02-02-2010, 11:05 PM
Anyone have this one...?
Touhou Eiyashou 98 Arrange (東方永夜抄98アレンジ) [HKMP-OTO10]

02-03-2010, 02:06 AM
Touhou Hardcore anyone? 82%B3%E3%82%A2_%28touhou_hardcore%29_-CTCD-0008-.jpg

03-02-2010, 05:25 AM
Currently ripping Splatter Faith's EX musics, and boss themes. Haven't got past EX 2 yet, so the songs may have odd names.

03-02-2010, 08:19 AM
IOSYS- 東方アゲハ(IO-0170)
The recently released IOSYS album in 2010. Now you can get your fix of Captain Murasa's Ass Anchor.

03-13-2010, 06:26 AM
Anyone happen to get their hands on Concealed the Conclusions soundtrack? It's ridiculously amazing, even if some of their remix choices are a bit... odd... (Using UN Owen was Her? for a Remilia fight and Youmu's PCB theme for Yuyuko...)

03-20-2010, 10:27 PM
I have recently decided to check out the Seihou series, since Zun has done some work there. Now apparently, BanShiRyuu was NOT done by Zun, is this correct? Also, I've already downloaded the soundtrack from GH, but the tracks are not labeled. Can anyone provide these, please?

03-24-2010, 09:29 PM
does anyone have occulta (SJVSC-0020)?
it's an awsome soundtrack, and i can't find it anywhere....

03-29-2010, 11:59 PM
Seihou isn't really "fanmade" in regards to the Touhou Project and it's one of the few related games that isn't completely based on it. See also alcostg.

edit: "alice in shanghai land" may just be some gamerip for kioh gyoku

03-30-2010, 12:24 PM
Could I please request this album:
[SoundTeam LORB] 東方乃百縁 第二幕

As posted by Desert Eagle in the album listing on page 2. I have one of the tracks and it's great, but the Internet failed me when it came to finding the rest :(

04-07-2010, 10:00 AM
yeahh, touhou thread

I have links for a couple of Silver Forest albums and an Innocent Key album to hand, if it helps at all:
Innocent Key: (同人音楽) (東方) [Innocent Key] 東方サマーバケーション (mp3 jpg).rar

Silver Forest (同人音楽) (東方) [Silver Forest] 東方ノスタルジア (mp3 jpg).rar (同人音楽) (東方) [Silver Forest] 東方夢想連歌 (mp3 jpg).rar

04-10-2010, 09:55 PM
Anyone have any of the WAVE albums? They make some of the most amazing Touhou remixes I've ever heard. Not to mention the damn good Fate/Stay Night remix album they made...

04-17-2010, 02:59 AM
(post deleted)

05-20-2010, 02:18 AM
If you guys like electronic stuff, here is a pretty recent album from Salvation by Faith Records

touhou yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - what's a houtou? delicious?

05-24-2010, 03:20 AM
Oops. I forgot to post one of albums I got in the mail.
(例大祭7)[Mad Tea Party] HEADSHOT (
MP3 CBR 320kbps (
MP3 VBR V0 (
TTA + CUE (Lossless): Part 1 (, Part 2 (

05-24-2010, 03:28 AM
Thank you for V0

05-24-2010, 04:30 AM
Not my rips, but probably one of my favorite Touhou artists


Crescendo Planet:
Heartcore Forte:
Starry Presto:

06-06-2010, 12:18 AM
Thank you for all of your hard work on gathering this wonderful music together. I personally only had the soundtracks for Perfect Cherry Blossom and Imperishable Night and about 6 of the IOSYS albums, but thanks to you guys I will be blissfully listening to Touhou for quite a while.

I do have one question, though. Under TAMusic's section I see "Touhou Concert -Chapter 5-" and was wondering if there was more? Being Chapter 5, I would think there would be at least four more (Chapters 1-4), but maybe they just picked the number 5 to make it sound good?


Another thing: I was going through the TAMusic violin section and it seems that track 4 on "Touhou Music Violin 5" is corrupted. I was unzipping the .rar files and that track keeps coming up with an error saying it is corrupted. I tried redownloading the whole thing, but the same error keeps coming up. I didn't have any other problems with the other TAMusic files, though. :)

06-06-2010, 03:05 PM
Here's some late additions (about 3 months late ^.^)

-for backflip7-[SoundTeam LORB] 東方乃百縁 第二幕.7z

And some of my favorite albums (the BEST Flandre theme is on Lyrical Crimson): EastNewSound Lyrical Crimson [C75].rar - Sacred Factor.7z[発熱巫女~ず ] - ReStarlights & An Umbrella.7z



Gaius Atrius
06-06-2010, 06:59 PM
Hello, I am Gaius Atrius.
I'm new here, so I thought I'd introduce myself first.

Anyway, I noticed that you are missing the soundtrack for #12 (UFO).
I happen to already have that one myself, so I've uploaded it to post here.

I wanted to thank you for all the work you've put into this,
as I've been looking for some of these myself for quite awhile,
so I was thinking, "Why not help?".

I have uploaded my copy of it here:


06-06-2010, 07:30 PM
Thread Completed.

06-06-2010, 07:44 PM
Ew lossless.

Hello, I am Gaius Atrius.
I'm new here, so I thought I'd introduce myself first.

Anyway, I noticed that you are missing the soundtrack for #12 (UFO).
I happen to already have that one myself, so I've uploaded it to post here.

I wanted to thank you for all the work you've put into this,
as I've been looking for some of these myself for quite awhile,
so I was thinking, "Why not help?".

I have uploaded my copy of it here:

Thank you.

Gaius Atrius
06-06-2010, 10:04 PM
You're welcome. Glad to help! ^_^

Gaius Atrius
06-07-2010, 12:31 AM
A previous poster reported that the link for "Touhou Violin 5" had a problem.
I've checked it, and it's copy of track 4 is broken.
I'm uploading a copy with the fixed file now. It should be done soon.
I'll post again as soon as it is uploaded.

Edit: It is finished. Here it is:

06-07-2010, 01:35 AM
A previous poster reported that the link for "Touhou Violin 5" had a problem.
I've checked it, and it's copy of track 4 is broken.
I'm uploading a copy with the fixed file now. It should be done soon.
I'll post again as soon as it is uploaded.

Edit: It is finished. Here it is:

Awesome. Now I will have the complete set. I had never heard of TAMusic before this thread, but it seems that I am now hooked. :)

Gaius Atrius
06-07-2010, 03:22 AM
One more thing...

(C77)[TasoFro]核熱造神ヒソウテンソク 東方非想天則 ORIGINAL SOUND TRACK (TFM-004)

This file has a shortened extension. It is set as ".ra" instead of ".rar".
As such, your computer may confuse it for a "Real Player" movie file. (Mine does.)

The file still works properly, though. Just try to open it like a normal .rar file.
(I used 7-zip for this.)

Edit: (C72)[Hachimitsu-Kumasan]東方ボスアレンジアルバム~東方サッカー~(HKMP-OTO20) seems to have this problem as well...

06-07-2010, 06:22 AM
Curse those character limits! Re-upped (now with 1% RR)

I do apologise for those overly long file names.

Gaius Atrius
06-07-2010, 06:20 PM
The two albums by Alstroemeria Records: "Lovelight" & "The Last Judgement" are corrupted.
I have found copies of them on Mediafire that are working properly. Here are the links:

[ARCD0018] Alstroemeria Records - Lovelight

(C71) [Alstroemeria Records] The Last Judgement

I didn't upload these myself, but I have downloaded and fully tested them.
These links are fully functional. I hope everyone here will enjoy them.

Gaius Atrius
06-07-2010, 07:53 PM
One more thing.
I have a copy of the touhou anime's CD single:
"Touhou Anime - MAIKAZE - OP - Soko ni aru mono"

If anyone is interested, I have uploaded it here:

Enjoy! ^_^

Edit: It's the OP single to the new Touhou anime OVA: "Musou Kakyou: A Summer Day's Dream" by MAIKAZE
It includes the opening and ending theme songs, in both vocal and instrumental versions, as well as full cover art.

06-10-2010, 02:23 AM
I'd like to request some albums from Iemitsu. I'm looking for albums from the "Re" series, in particular:
Re000-RGB Color Chart-

The first two are demo albums containing music from the next 5 albums. Although Iemitsu hosted them online for a while, they aren't available anymore. If anyone has these, too, I would be very grateful.

06-10-2010, 09:41 AM
[Iemitsu] Re4-K-:
[Iemitsu] Re5-W-:

[Iemitsu] Re6-R-:
[Iemitsu] Re7-G-:
[Iemitsu] Re8-B-:

06-10-2010, 04:42 PM
Thanks a bunch for the uploads, blaze : D
Where do you typically get your albums from? torrents, websites, expos, etc.

06-11-2010, 11:19 PM
Thanks a bunch for the uploads, blaze : D
Where do you typically get your albums from? torrents, websites, expos, etc.

If you read my link, you'd see there is a 500+gb Touhou torrent.
There's also a lossy version run by someone else.

People usually get their stuff off of winny/share.

06-12-2010, 07:49 AM
Generally, the Touhou lossy torrent on Nyaatorrents.
Although I go lurking around the DoujinStyle forums as well.
The only album that I actually own was that HEADSHOT album by Mad Tea Party. (Although I should be getting a recent IOSYS album in the mail soon.
I cannot use winny or share.

06-14-2010, 04:47 AM
Well well well. I found myself Touhou fan.
Touhou 12.0, Touhou 12.3, and Touhou 12.5 have already been released.
I hope you find them.

07-04-2010, 12:58 AM
Howdy. Quick question, not too savvy on this, anyone got a link to the tracks on a selection reffered to as UI-70? (If there's a surname, I...wouldn't know it, sorry. Or if that's an artist, than the tracks featured from 6?)

07-04-2010, 06:56 AM
I don't see anything about a "6", but this is what popped up when I did a quick search of "UI-70" on Google:

The tracks listed at that site match up with ones from the list of bands from the Touhou Wiki, so I think that's them. If you could give some more information other than the number "6", maybe I could find something specific about which album it is.

07-04-2010, 11:51 PM
I don't see anything about a "6", but this is what popped up when I did a quick search of "UI-70" on Google:

The tracks listed at that site match up with ones from the list of bands from the Touhou Wiki, so I think that's them. If you could give some more information other than the number "6", maybe I could find something specific about which album it is.

No, I meant the 6th game in the series. Sorry for not being specific enough.

07-05-2010, 11:55 PM
Howdy. Quick question, not too savvy on this, anyone got a link to the tracks on a selection reffered to as UI-70? (If there's a surname, I...wouldn't know it, sorry. Or if that's an artist, than the tracks featured from 6?)

There is TH UFO, TH UNL and TH DS music being put up on Youtube.
I hope you find it...

07-06-2010, 01:08 AM
Howdy. Quick question, not too savvy on this, anyone got a link to the tracks on a selection reffered to as UI-70? (If there's a surname, I...wouldn't know it, sorry. Or if that's an artist, than the tracks featured from 6?)

UL-70 is a touhou doujin music circle who do rock/metal arranges and as of their last couple of albums mostly synth oriented stuff.

07-14-2010, 06:39 PM
/r/ing Kioh Gyoku soundtrack ;-;

07-16-2010, 09:34 PM
Can someone put up SOUNDHOLIC x Tohou? Arigatou~

08-03-2010, 07:13 PM
is there an embodiment of scarlet devil mp3 set that loops, instead of fadeout after 1 play?

08-04-2010, 06:37 PM
TouHou 12 Undefined Fantastic Object GST (

08-21-2010, 07:07 PM
You're freaking awesome dude. Been trying to find this for a week! Nyaa torrents got stuck at 83% for me so I had to search for an alternative.

08-31-2010, 11:58 AM
Mind if I add these to the topic?

Here are the soundtracks for both Super Marisa Land games, from Twilight Frontier.

Super Marisa Land

Super Marisa (

01 - Opening
02 - Title
03 - Overworld
04 - Stage Clear
05 - Underworld
06 - Invincible
07 - Fortress
08 - Ending
09 - Player Down
10 - Game Over


New Super Marisa Land ~ Marisa and the 6 Mushrooms

New Super Marisa (

01 - Opening
02 - Title
03 - World 1 Map
04 - Overworld
05 - Stage Clear
06 - Fortress 1
07 - Boss 1
08 - World 2 Map
09 - Fortress 2
10 - Boss 2
11 - World Clear
12 - World 3 Map
13 - Swimming
14 - World 4A Map
15 - Athletic
16 - World 4B Map
17 - Invincible
18 - World 5 Map
19 - Underworld
20 - World 6 Map
21 - Heavens
22 - World 7 Map
23 - Airship
24 - Chase
25 - Final Boss
26 - Ending
27 - Switch
28 - Player Down
29 - Game Over

09-06-2010, 09:24 AM
Very nice indeed! :D

09-12-2010, 04:04 PM
Just downloaded UFO and the Marisa Land soundtracks. Thanks very much to both of you ^^

11-17-2010, 06:06 PM
Still no Seihou Banshiryuu OST, Game Rip or anything? i just can't find it's soundtrack anywhere (although, some tracks are on youtube...)

11-17-2010, 10:56 PM
Is there any way to get the first five games as .mp3 files without the need to convert them? Whenever I have to download an .ogg converter, it requires an admin's(on this computer) password, so it's very bothersome since I don't know the password. It'd be nice not to have to download any programs to get the songs...

11-18-2010, 06:54 AM
Untouched has them, though its slightly edited.

12-04-2010, 03:47 AM
Splatter Faith ost from C78

(C78) [ (

Songs are longer and have familiar songs in them now.

12-08-2010, 09:43 AM
Could someone possibly re-up Shoot the Bullet?

12-11-2010, 03:15 PM
I do belive this is what your looking for? Correct me if im wrong
BanShiRyuu MP3 Downloads (

12-20-2010, 04:43 PM
Could someone possibly re-up Shoot the Bullet?

12-21-2010, 10:45 AM
TH09.5 Touhou Bunkachou ~ Shoot the Bullet.rar (

Thank you good sir

Red Arremer
12-27-2010, 03:13 PM
[Iemitsu] Re4-K-: Free File Hosting Made Simple - MediaFire (

Super Marisa Land

Super Marisa (

Can someone reupload these, please? =)

Also, thanks for all the uploads and help, good job guys! :3

12-30-2010, 08:25 PM
Thanks for making this thread, it helped me a lot =)

12-30-2010, 11:07 PM
Really lovely thread, thank you all so much. Seconding the Halozy recommendations too, especially the earlier vocal stuff.

Red Arremer
12-31-2010, 12:23 PM
This year's Comiket has happened, I will try to see if there's something new, I know Touhouvania 2 came out at least.

01-01-2011, 03:43 AM
thv2bgm.rar ( - Koumajou 2 bgm.

Thanks goes to /jp/

Red Arremer
01-01-2011, 03:01 PM
Thanks a lot. ^_^

01-02-2011, 06:00 AM
Also I think I still have SML so imma check and upload it if I do

Red Arremer
01-02-2011, 02:25 PM
Great, thanks. :3

With that said, I got a hold of a few Touhou doujin albums from Comiket 79 and uploaded them for you guys. Enjoy!

various artist - 朹方幻想峠最速伝説~『プロジェクトdownhill queen』 (

[彩音 ~xi-on~]東方志奏 Ex Spell -Memory of the Past- (

CYTOKINE - Dead man's hand (

The Trois Project - Third Ensemble (
Includes 3 small albums:
ALiCE'S EMOTiON - Third Ensemble ~ Rouge
Alstroemeria Records - Third Ensemble ~ Noir
Sound Online - Third Ensemble ~ Bleu

01-03-2011, 09:35 AM
Super Marisa Land.rar ( - SML

And ooohhh...Goodies from C79, must check!

01-13-2011, 09:47 PM
東方三月精 ~ Strange and Bright Nature Deity 1
Free File Hosting Made Simple - MediaFire (

Hi there, the link above (see page 1) is invalid. Does this CD have other tracks than "東方三月精 ~ Eastern and Little Nature Deity"? If So I'd like to download it somewhere...
btw. does anyone have the Albums "The Moon-Shooter" and "Fantastic Record of Cherry-Blossom" from Sensitive Heart? thanks to the albums "Scarlet Destiny" and "Fallusion" and the song YouTube - ( (Songname / Album? can't read japanese :-( ) I got addicted to Koutaqs songs ^^

can share "Scarlet Destiny" and and Fallusion if anyone wants to have!

01-15-2011, 07:17 PM
I don't remember the last time I made such a obscene amount of downloads...
That said, I take a most respectful bow to Captain Dolce and all the other contributors.

Anyway, insane as it is, I just "got into" this whole Touhou business very recently and processing the whole thing is nothing short of a mammoth undertaking.
Very recently I decided to devote some time to the sounds of Gensokyo. Being a CV geek, the Koumajou Densetsu OSTs are a must but on the rest, I have absolutely no clue where to begin.
A fellow fan knowledgeable as our Patchy recommended me the works of Cool & Create, Diverse System, and TAMusic.
By any chance anyone happen to have works by Cool & Create and Diverse System?

I'd also point out that the link for Touhou Violin 3 is not working anymore.

Once again, my most sincere appreciation for all your work.

01-17-2011, 01:34 AM
Just spent a day to extract raw bgm and raw intro movie of Koumajou Densetsu II : Stranger's requiem.
Thought I would be the first giving it here but seems I was too late (so I wasn't the only one who wanted to extracted the bgm in this world xD)

Great musics btw

01-18-2011, 05:59 PM
Can someone reupload these, please? =)

Also, thanks for all the uploads and help, good job guys! :3Oh, great. MediaFire randomly ate my link again, eh? <_<

Either use the re-upload that Mangekyou_Sharingan10 posted, or my own re-upload (which I've updated the link to):

Super Marisa (

01-21-2011, 01:47 AM
amazing thread you guys have here

I've been looking for the album MIYABI by ARA, anybody got that by any chance?

Red Arremer
01-22-2011, 05:48 AM
I'd also point out that the link for Touhou Violin 3 is not working anymore.

I will upload it during the weekend. :3

01-22-2011, 04:22 PM
Whenever you find the time convenient.
You have my utmost gratitude.

Red Arremer
02-11-2011, 04:09 PM
My apologies, I completely forgot about this request I have offered to fulfill! I feel horrible now. D:
I will upload it in the next couple days, this time really!

Red Arremer
02-13-2011, 07:10 PM
There you go, Touhou Violin 3 from TAMusic. :3

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

02-20-2011, 08:57 PM
I'm the one who should feel terrible for having allowed for so much time to pass without checking back on this thread and show my appreciation earlier.
Sincere thanks for taking the time to re-upload this album.

03-07-2011, 01:23 AM
Thnx so much, Captain Dolce.
I was able to download Demon Tale Sonata, Necromanza, Oratario del Vento and Nostalgic Requiem.
(Reason for Nostalgic Requiem was because i heard dBu's version of The Grimoire for Alice, so i just HAD to download that album to have it on my pc too.)
I donno what to say, except that i am forever grateful right now.

03-22-2011, 12:06 AM
you have my thanks

03-22-2011, 02:13 AM

03-23-2011, 04:06 PM
shot in the dark, but does anyone have Demetori's 如臨深遠 ~雨縒煙柳~ 2008 reprint? (Demetori's Sinen ni Nozomu ga Gotoshi)

04-28-2011, 07:05 PM
Alright ladies and gentlemen, this may serve of little purpose but I just happened to stumble upon this very interesting blog that is filled to the brim with Touhou music, including some dBu albums not available in this thread and the Koumajou Densetsu II OST.

Voile Library (

And if you permit me asking again - does anyone have any albums by Diverse System?

04-28-2011, 07:16 PM
Does anyone know what remix/doujin album(s) feature 'The Capital City of Flowers In The Sky' (Touhou 7 - Stage 4)? That's one of my favorite pieces in the series, but I can't seem to find any good remixes or variations of it. I was hoping dBu had done a version of the piece, but I haven't found one.

06-03-2011, 01:49 AM
Touhou 02 東方封魔録 ~ The Story of Eastern Wonderland the download is dead

09-08-2011, 03:20 AM
Silent Sinner in Blue is dead
Strange and Bright Nature Deity 1 is dead
Shoot the Bullet is dead

09-10-2011, 02:13 AM
Does anyone knows from where can I download Rockgirl 2?

09-12-2011, 03:25 AM
Does anyone knows from where can I download Rockgirl 2?
Not my upload, but here it is:

01-28-2012, 11:05 AM
You might need this (

02-06-2012, 03:27 AM
Ooooohhh!!! Thank you, thank you!!! I've been searching everywhere for these! Thank you!!!

02-26-2012, 07:02 AM
Thank you so much for Touhou Komori Uta!

03-06-2012, 03:05 PM
Thanks for upload them all! I really appreciate it.
Btw, how I can get the flash file on some albums?

Red Arremer
03-06-2012, 03:53 PM
Flash file?

03-06-2012, 04:03 PM
Flash file?

Oh, I mean like this -->
I need the SWF file of that video. Some IOSYS albums include the flash file, it's like MV for one song.

---------- Post added at 10:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:03 PM ----------

Flash file?

Oh, I mean like this -->
I need the SWF file of that video. Some IOSYS albums include the flash file, it's like MV for one song.

03-12-2012, 05:32 AM
Anyone mind uploading TOHO EURO FLASH VOL. 2?
They've got a remix on there I have been dying to get...

---------- Post added at 11:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:32 PM ----------

Anyone mind uploading TOHO EURO FLASH VOL. 2?
They've got a remix on there I have been dying to get...

03-12-2012, 06:05 AM
this is awesome. I know what I'll be listening to.

04-21-2012, 12:37 AM
ty for megamari ost! couldn't find it anywhere!

05-05-2012, 06:07 AM
Awesome thread, thanks!

05-10-2012, 07:17 AM
Thanks a ton for these.

07-21-2012, 11:21 AM
I was waving in the forum looking for a thread of this kind. I am no touhou fan, but some of J-core shares are related to it.

Check it here - >

ALiCE'S EMOTiON is where you will find some Touhou Doujin albums. Minamotrance too. :)

I am goint to post new Masive New Krew singles of Touhou. Expec it soon here ;)


[MNK] Touhou Chousen Shoten (2009.08.15) (C76) (Thread 118422)
[MNK] Youjou Satori ~ 3 Years Old (2009.12.30) (C77) (Thread 118424)
[MNK] Oriental Happy Party -Touhou Koufuku- (2010.08.14 ) (C78) (Thread 118421)
[MNK] Satorick Jumpen ; Jealous of Desire (2010.12.30) (C79) (Thread 118423)

09-04-2012, 07:49 AM
Been looking around but to no avail. Anyone found the soundtrack from Genhou Shoujo Taisen? (Fantasy Maiden Wars) Both the first and second games have a lovely soundtrack.

09-05-2012, 12:36 AM
You guys are trying to gather all Touhou-related music? Props for consolidating some epic OST's. If you're doing English tags (didn't read the whole thread, sorry,) then that would be great. It's annoying to rearrange the Japanese in Google Translate.

Here's a warning, though: there's a torrent (incomplete) of Touhou doujin music, and last I checked it was over 1 TB of stuff. Touhou has a huge musical fanbase, and rightly so in my opinion.

If you did know that, then I'm very impressed at you guys' dedication, and may want to help out at some point.

11-26-2012, 11:51 PM
Most of the Dbu links are dead.

01-17-2013, 03:49 PM
Poor Magical Astronomy.
It died.

01-17-2013, 04:11 PM
Poor Magical Astronomy.
It died.

Celestial Wizardry Magical (

Also, does anyone have a decent gamerip of 12.8's music?

I managed to find a rip online, but iTunes always fucks it up for me in the worst way possible and I have no idea how to fix it.

01-29-2013, 02:46 AM
Also, does anyone have a decent gamerip of 12.8's music?

I managed to find a rip online, but iTunes always fucks it up for me in the worst way possible and I have no idea how to fix it.

TH12.8 - Yousei Daisensou ~ Touhou Sangessei (320kbps) (

Here you go. Tested with iTunes to see if the tags screw up , works nicely.

01-29-2013, 10:01 AM
TH12.8 - Yousei Daisensou ~ Touhou Sangessei (320kbps) (

Here you go. Tested with iTunes to see if the tags screw up , works nicely.

It's actually not the tags, but the playback that screws up for me.

This is still worth a test though.

02-03-2013, 08:44 AM
aaand it turns out that's the exact same download as the one that's already messed up for me

anyone got anything else?