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12-06-2011, 11:54 PM
Can I just say that Final Fantasy IV was fantastic?

12-07-2011, 11:17 PM
Yes. :)

With an attitude like that, you'll fit right in here. Welcome to the Shrine! :D

12-13-2011, 05:32 PM
Just for sick curiosity sake, does anyone remember when Adam Sessler did the "Your Childhood Sucks" segment on Final Fantasy 7?

The words "huge mistake" is best used to describe that one.

12-14-2011, 08:37 PM
I don't like Sessler and Webb.They're arrogant.

I enjoy the game.I'm replaying it right now.

I think some people, with justification, are fed up with the fanboys.

I don't consider myself a fanboy and I don't feel the need to put down someone else's views of another FF game to promote the ones I like.


Like what you like and hate what you hate.Your business.

Reed Irving
12-18-2011, 10:29 AM
It's because of the Popularity he had. A lot of people played FFVII because everyone was making a fuzz about that. Because of Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerberus, FFVII isn't the best game of the series but the big hit commercial of Square-Enix.

Nostalgia gamer
12-18-2011, 02:22 PM
Thats what happened to me actually.

I heard lots of rave reviews from people when it first came out,and i ran out and bought a copy and didn't understand what the fuss was.It had its parts that i liked,but overall:I prefer ff6 ff4 ff9 ff8 and even secret of mana over ff7.

That being said:I don't think its a bad game,but i do think its overrated because of the fanbase who continuously talk about it and won't shut up.

I think for fan base sake,its better to leave both ff6 and ff7 alone.

Personal opinion in rating:6.0.

Good but not enough for me for a replay.There are many many other games i would sooner pick up than ff7.

01-08-2012, 07:52 AM
This was actually the last FF I played on PS1, after FF8, FF9, then Tactics. I read lots of rave reviews about it and thought I would give it a shot. IMO, it lived up to the hype and was a great game. Above all else, it's strongest point was its story to me. It also had some memorable characters. Everything else was just, meh. But to me, since the story and characters were so great, I loved the game.

Nostalgia gamer
01-28-2012, 08:56 PM
I find ff7 to be an overrated piece of shit game.

I hated cloud and hated cait sith.

I found that sephiroth would have made a better tragic hero than a villain,but square enix had to shove it down your throat that he was a villain,even though the events would have never unfolded if it wasn-t for hojo.

I didnt use to hate it.

I mostly didn-t care in the beginning.

It was like:Meh,didn-t hate it,but didn-t like it.I didn-t see what the fuss was about it.What drove me to hating it,is the ridiculous praise,and the amount of times sephiroth was revived.Hasnt square enix learned from zelda yet? Link and Ganon fight over and over,and it always ends up the same.It becomes very boring in the end.Also:They kind of force it in every game to force you to see either sephiroth or cloud.

How many times do i have to hear people talk about supernova? A spell which didn-t destroy the planets,even though it showed it.It was a special effect.
How many times do i have to hear people talk about a meteor being summoned down to hit the world,or cloud with aeris?

The reason people are so sick of it.We hear the story in crisis core,advent children,that other ff7 movie,dirge of cerberus,the original game.

Havent we seen enough ff7 for a lifetime yet?

Darth Revan
01-29-2012, 04:40 PM
I find ff7 to be an overrated piece of shit game.

I hated cloud and hated cait sith.

I found that sephiroth would have made a better tragic hero than a villain,but square enix had to shove it down your throat that he was a villain,even though the events would have never unfolded if it wasn-t for hojo.

I didnt use to hate it.

I mostly didn-t care in the beginning.

It was like:Meh,didn-t hate it,but didn-t like it.I didn-t see what the fuss was about it.What drove me to hating it,is the ridiculous praise,and the amount of times sephiroth was revived.Hasnt square enix learned from zelda yet? Link and Ganon fight over and over,and it always ends up the same.It becomes very boring in the end.Also:They kind of force it in every game to force you to see either sephiroth or cloud.

How many times do i have to hear people talk about supernova? A spell which didn-t destroy the planets,even though it showed it.It was a special effect.
How many times do i have to hear people talk about a meteor being summoned down to hit the world,or cloud with aeris?

The reason people are so sick of it.We hear the story in crisis core,advent children,that other ff7 movie,dirge of cerberus,the original game.

Havent we seen enough ff7 for a lifetime yet?


01-29-2012, 04:55 PM
I find ff7 to be an overrated piece of shit game. I hated cloud and hated cait sith. I found that sephiroth would have made a better tragic hero than a villain,but square enix had to shove it down your throat that he was a villain,even though the events would have never unfolded if it wasn-t for hojo.I didnt use to hate it.I mostly didn-t care in the beginning.It was like:Meh,didn-t hate it,but didn-t like it.I didn-t see what the fuss was about it.What drove me to hating it,is the ridiculous praise,and the amount of times sephiroth was revived.Hasnt square enix learned from zelda yet? Link and Ganon fight over and over,and it always ends up the same.It becomes very boring in the end.Also:They kind of force it in every game to force you to see either sephiroth or cloud.How many times do i have to hear people talk about supernova? A spell which didn-t destroy the planets,even though it showed it.It was a special effect.How many times do i have to hear people talk about a meteor being summoned down to hit the world,or cloud with aeris?The reason people are so sick of it.We hear the story in crisis core,advent children,that other ff7 movie,dirge of cerberus,the original game.Havent we seen enough ff7 for a lifetime yet?

02-15-2012, 01:59 PM
I have no idea why everyone hates this game granted it was pretty shitty characters were kind of just there the story was mainly cloud verses sephiroth everyone in between dies or gets hurt graphics looked like those lego games just the extremely older version but it was still a great game flaws and all its in my top 10 then again i may only like it because it was the first game that opened me up to the FF world now i've played them all except 5, 6, and 11 (someone point me in the right direction to get these not 11 ill pass on that one) point being it was the door for a lot of FF fans an thats why they hold it to these amazing standards an try to shove it down everyones throat and to much of anything will make anyone sick/annoyed with it

02-15-2012, 05:50 PM
Hi, I know you're new here and everything and it's your first post, but in the future, could you please separate your sentences and paragraphs with lines? A thick block of text is uncomfortable to read. I'm not trying to be a grammar nazi, but on this forum we do try to at least uphold basic tenets of the English language. :)

Anyway, welcome to the Shrine! :D

Nostalgia gamer
02-20-2012, 07:46 PM
This is a joke response:How to piss off an ff7 fanboy:

1:Tell them that cloud is emo gay and cuts himself
2:Call sephiroth a mamas boy
3:Tell them that pong was better than final fantasy 7,or pacman.
4:Tell them that x music is better than owa.

Combine all these,and you piss off a fanboy.

Now:What to do when arguing with an ff7 fan:

1:Play the game from start to finish.I don-t think its a bad game at all,in fact:Its a decent game.I just reacted out of anger because i am so sick of hearing about it that it annoys me.
On the other hand:I don-t want to play ff6 right now either,because i want to try other games too.I think while i like ff6 gameplay,i have played it to death and need something new and fresh.FF7 was itself at least fresh then.The problem is:Enix is trying to live off its legacy,and this is why i am so sick of it.I notice that also ocarina of time is getting a lot of coverage,possibly too much.

FF6 is old,and ff7 is old.I played both and seen stuff from both of them in lets plays,for this reason:I think that unless you can do something to increase the experience,they should both be left alone.

So i guess what i mean:It does deserve some credit,but i do think its over exposed.

06-11-2012, 07:03 PM
It's like asking why people hate LeBron James or the Tom Brady.

01-18-2013, 11:13 AM
I haven�t read all comments, but I think people hates VII because envy is free, and they talk by the mouth as they have been playing to RPGs since 198x. (I don�t really like the others FF, but that�s not reason to talk s***)

Final Fantasy has been and will always be the best RPG series for videogames, no matter which title is better or worse. They are into the same world of fantasy, with their own characthers, magics, etc... They�re belong to the same family, and must be respected for what they represent to.

Um....SMT > FF

At least in this day and age.

Darth Revan
01-20-2013, 06:13 AM
You do realise that post you responded to Tanis is over 2 years old and that user doesn't even come here anymore? Rather pedantic to respond to a ghost of the past isn't it?

01-20-2013, 06:34 AM
You do realise that post you responded to Tanis is over 2 years old and that user doesn't even come here anymore? Rather pedantic to respond to a ghost of the past isn't it?
Yes, but it's still true.


Darth Revan
01-20-2013, 06:40 AM
Yes, but it's still true.


That may be so, in your opinion (personally, I can't stand the Shin Megami Tensei series...) but not in others.

"Power of Friendship"? Has nothing to do with this, just as bad as the whole 'Arrow to the Knee... ' meme that was circulating awhile ago.

01-20-2013, 06:50 AM
That may be so, in your opinion (personally, I can't stand the Shin Megami Tensei series...) but not in others.
"Power of Friendship"? Has nothing to do with this, just as bad as the whole 'Arrow to the Knee... ' meme that was circulating awhile ago.
They're so good...and the older ones had you fight Jesus.
It was me and Jesus vs Satan...and I didn't feel like a loser about it.


Darth Revan
01-20-2013, 06:58 AM
What does all this have to do with the thread topic? Nothing, so instead of trolling/spamming nonsensical rubbish (This ISN'T the General Discussion Subforum) why not TRY to keep the thread topic on track?

01-20-2013, 07:06 AM
What does all this have to do with the thread topic? Nothing, so instead of trolling/spamming nonsensical rubbish (This ISN'T the General Discussion Subforum) why not TRY to keep the thread topic on track?
Trolling, Spamming.
These words, I do not think you know what they mean.

Yes, because, clearly, the sub forum is SO active a few random posts is going to cause devious chaos.

White Knighting for a forum section?
You are the first I have run across...

So, how about this, instead of bitching about my posts...why not.

I don't know, and may sound crazy.
But here's my idea.
I don't know, maybe.

Make some of your own posts "contribute".
Come on, baby.

Darth Revan
01-20-2013, 07:21 AM
This has nothing at all to do with this thread topic at all, however I will break down your post and respond to each point individually

Trolling, Spamming.
These words, I do not think you know what they mean.

Taken from Wikipedia:

In Internet slang, a troll (pron.: /ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or (Or in this case) off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion
That is the definition I agree with and in this case, is applicable to yourself.

Yes, because, clearly, the sub forum is SO active a few random posts is going to cause devious chaos.

Irrelevent. Former moderators (Neo Xzhan, Agent0042) and even admin (TK) have all stated in the past that even if a thread is less active than the other subforums, responses are to be on the topic and not branch out into nonsensical ravings. TK told myself via PM, that if someone wants to post nonsense etc, to do so in the General Discussion Subforum.

White Knighting for a forum section?
You are the first I have run across...

So? At least I'm doing what I can to help contribute to keeping the subforum on track, LIKE IT IS MEANT TO and not derailing/branching off into other avenues that have nothing to do with the topic of the thread or the subforum itself.

So, how about this, instead of bitching about my posts...why not.

Stop posting nonsensical posts/reviving dead threads and actually keep a topic on track, then you'll get no problem from myself.

I don't know, and may sound crazy.
But here's my idea.
I don't know, maybe.

Make some of your own posts "contribute".
Come on, baby.

Firstly, you don't have the right to call me 'baby'. Secondly, I have contributed far more to these subforums over the entire duration of my membership here than you. Thirdly, I only post when I have either a information/update, answering a thread or if I need to ask something about the game the subforum is about.

So stop acting (as you said to myself in another thread) as if I'm on a 'high horse', and contribute actively yourself.

01-20-2013, 07:28 AM're hardcore.

My bad, yo.

01-20-2013, 07:35 AM
Tanis, all things considered you have been here long enough to know the rules of the forum. And posting an obvious fanbait in the form of 'SMT>FFVII' only compounds that (and for the record I've found the SMT/Persona games to be mostly rubbish, except for the first Persona on the PSX which had it's own peculiar charm), so Revan was quite right in his statements. However, to stop any further flaming going on from all parties concerned, I'm closing this thread.

I'm getting heartily sick of all the thread necromancy happening of late.