05-04-2009, 06:56 AM

I'm a huge MK music fan. After years of prowling the high seas of the internets,I've amassed pretty much every single MK OST out there,be it from games or movies or otherwise (with the notable exception of a couple of rarities). Unfortunately,many MK games never recieved an official soundtrack release. If they did,I'd be the first one to preorder the entire fucking shipment,but that,to my dismay,never happened. That's why I've been searching tirelessly for the best,the most high-quality and the most comprehensive soundtrack rips of those games (well,the ones that matter,anyway *cough*SNES ports*cough*). I'm extremely anal when it comes to VGM and especially MK music,so some of the rips I found didn't satisfy me. Sometimes,the quality wasn't high enough,and the tracks sounded all muffled. Sometimes,the tracks just ended abruptly. Sometimes,there were stutterings. But most often I ran into the rips that simply didn't have all the music from a game. Considering that Deception and Armageddon have humongous fucking soundtracks,20 or so tracks from the sound test don't do them any justice at all.

This is why I decided to make my own rips,with blackjack and hookers. =)
Since I'm a lazy bastard,I tend to work in bursts,and then not return to my work for a long,long time. All in all,the rips of Deadly Alliance,Deception and Armageddon took me over two years to make,and I gotta say,I'm pretty damn satisfied with the results. They can still be improved,since I'm far from being a master ripper,but I know that I did my absolute best with these. Every single piece of music,right down to minor musical cues,in the best quality I could provide,edited manually,by ear and trial-and-error. I call these three - MKDA,MKD and MKA - the OMEGA series. And now,I'm happy to share them with you.

If you have any comments,questions or suggestions concerning my rip,my AIM nickname is sladetheraptor.

I'm pretty much always online,so if you want to,drop me a couple of lines.
Feedback is very much appreciated. =)

If you notice anything wrong with the soundtracks and especially rips (noises that shouldn't be there,stutterings,sudden drops in sound quality,even typos),no matter how minor or insignificant,let me know right away so that I can fix it.
Likewise,if you manage to identify any of the unknown tracks,let me know right away.

If any of the links go down,let me know.

Let's get this party started.


Mortal Kombat II • Music from the Arcade Game Soundtrack:

Mortal Kombat Musik: MK3 & MK4 Arcade Video Game Soundtrack:


Mortal Kombat Arcade Komplete Rip - ripped by NucleaRaptor:

Finally got around to finishing it this morning. This here is what I hope is the definitive soundtrack for the original arcade game. To my knowledge,this has every single track from the game. Some of these I got from the official MK2 OST. I often was complaining about how the tracks from MK1 that were included on the OST were for some reason in horrendous quality. Through the magic of channel mixing,I think I fixed that. Give it a listen.

Mortal Kombat 2 Arcade Komplete Rip - ripped by NucleaRaptor:

Same deal - a definitive,all-inclusive soundtrack rip of the MK2 arcade. The battle arena tracks came straight from the MK2 OST. The only thing I did was make them a bit louder and trimmed the long silences.

Mortal Kombat (Genesis) - ripped by Joe Bloggs:

Mortal Kombat 2 (Genesis) - ripped by Joe Bloggs:

Mortal Kombat 3 (Genesis) - ripped by NucleaRaptor:

Mortal Kombat 3 - Extra Tracks - ripped by NucleaRaptor:

Tracks which were not included on the OST. I also added and properly looped tracks that were on the OST,but were mashed together into one of those "mish-mash" tracks that Forden seems to be so fond of.

Mortal Kombat 4 - Extra Tracks - ripped by NucleaRaptor:

Same thing,but for MK4.

Mortal Kombat Mythologies - Sub-Zero - ripped by Metzgermeister:

The definitive rip. Massive props to Metz. =) The only thing I did was throw in a bonus track (music from the Mythologies trailer) and fixed a couple of minor stutters,that's all.

Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance OMEGA Soundtrack Rip ver. 2.5:

Some of you might remember the MKDA rip I uploaded here before. That was ver. 2.0.


-I split TRACK #35 - TEST YOUR SIGHT into separate,smaller files,each containing an individual sound cue.

-More importantly,thanks to Le@n (,I've managed to obtain the full,looped version of the track that plays during the actual Test Your Sight trial. The track is #36 - TEST YOUR SIGHT.

If you have 2.0 and don't feel like redownloading the whole thing again,here:

The archive contains tracks 35 to 49. If you have my ver. 2.0 rip,just delete track 35 and everything after it and replace them with the files in the archive.

Mortal Kombat Deception OMEGA Soundtrack Rip:


The heart of the soundtrack. These are the tracks that play during one-on-one fighting in Arcade Mode.
I was a bit reluctant to include the Dead Pool,Living Forest and the Portal tracks,since they were taken directly from MK2 with no changes whatsoever (as opposed to the MKD's version of the Courtyard,which has been remastered),but I decided to rip them anyway for completion's sake.


You'll find various music from Konquest mode in here, inluding the ambient background tracks and the tracks that play during the training sequences.


This one includes the tracks from Chess Kombat and Puzzle Kombat modes.


Here,you will find miscellaneous tracks that don't fit anywhere else. Tracks from menus,for example.

Mortal Kombat Armageddon OMEGA Soundtrack Rip:


The heart of the soundtrack. These are the tracks that play during one-on-one fighting in the Arcade Mode.
I was a bit reluctant to include the Nethership,Hell's Foundry,the Sky Temple and the Falling Cliffs tracks,since they really belong in a Deception soundtrack rip,but I decided to rip them anyway for completion's sake.


You'll find the background music from Konquest mode in here.
Tracks 22,23 and 24 really belong on the Miscellaneous disc. The reason for that is that I haven't actually heard these tracks featured in the actual Konquest mode. These were found by dmkf when he ripped a bunch of sound data from the game's code. They are,however,variations of some of the Konquest tracks,and as such,are placed here.
A little note about "Reptile variations" - the reason I named them that way is because of that distinct use of flutes. Throughout the series,the tracks featuring those flutes are usually the Living Forest tracks,which most of the time happens to Reptile's turf. Hence the name.


Pretty self-explanatory.


Ah,the most meaty and delicious part of this rip. =)
This is the reason why this rip took so long to make.
Now this requires a bit of an explanation.
Here,you will find miscellaneous tracks that don't fit anywhere else. Tracks from menus,Kreate-a-Fighter mode and others.
But that's not all!

You will also find some completely new tracks,previously unheard before. A lot of these were found pretty much by accident while ripping the sound data directly from the code.

Quite a big portion of this disc is devoted to unique tracks featured in the Konquest mode cutscenes. In particular,tracks 12 through 47 are all from Konquest. As I mentioned before,there is no way to eliminate the sound effects and the voices during the cutscenes without muting the music along with them. There was an option of significantly reducing the voices to a near hiss,but the few people I talked to about this seemed to have decided against this solution. Therefore,I decided to record them as is. You can still hear the music despite the voices.

I also included recordings of some of the character endings from the Arcade mode. These particular endings also have unique music. Some of them feature cleaner samples of tracks from the Konquest cutscenes. Unfortunately,most of these end abruptly (the endings are only about 40-50 seconds each,after all) and feature the narrator's voice on the background,since I've found no way to get rid of it.
A lot of the endings share music.
For example,the track labeled as "KAF Ending" also plays during Havik's and Mokap's endings. The reason I chose this particular one is because it's the longest of the three and therefore,represents a more complete version of the track.

Finally,I've also included the recordings of some of the character Bio Cards from the MKA Special Edition Disc. Again,there was no way to get rid of all the sounds and voices,but you can still hear the unique tracks used as background music. Many of the Bio Cards feature music taken from Deception and other games in the series. I have tried to exclude those and only leave the ones that have the music unique to Armageddon.


Mortal Kombat - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack:

Mortal Kombat - Original Motion Picture Score:

Mortal Kombat Annihilation Original Motion Picture Soundtrack:

Mortal Kombat Annihilation Original Motion Picture Score:


Mortal Kombat - More Kombat:

Mortal Kombat: The Journey Begins:

Apparently,this is the promotional OST for the animated MK movie.

Mortal Kombat - The Album:


Mortal Kombat Resurrection:

Oh lawd,this.
To be completely honest,I have no fucking clue what it is.
It seems to be a compilation of songs similar to the ones on the movie OSTs. It also doesn't seem to be official,so I'm guessing its either a pirate or some sort a fan-made doujin "Inspired By" CD. The only places that this thing could even be found at are Russian music sites,for some reason.
Finally,it's also not very good,but nevertheless,here it is.

The Immortals - Mortal Kombat CD Single:

This little number includes all the various versions of the timeless Mortal Kombat theme we all know and love.
There seem to be two versions of this album floating around. The first,the more common one,has five tracks. However,the complete album consists of eight tracks. The last three are for some reason usually omitted. The one I uploaded is,of course,the complete 8-track one. It was a bitch to find,too. Had to leech it off of some half-dead torrent,all the while praying that the one guy kind enough to seed this wasn't going to close the connection on me. Well,thank god he didn't. =) So here it is.


-The definitive Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks rip.
I've seen a couple of decent-quality rips floating around and have started working on my own,but I don't think we have anything I can with a clear conscience call complete and definitive.

-Mortal Kombat Special Forces rip.
Yeah,I do intend to eventually get around to playing through the game and ripping it. Hopefully this summer. Wish me luck,lol.

-Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe rip.
Have the game,don't have the console to play it on. Pietatastesgood have started working on a rip,however.

-Mortal Kombat Conquest (TV show).
I've seen some LQ recordings of the intro and the outro,that's it. That show had some fucking kickass tunes,but I don't think any of the music was ever released anywhere. But who knows? If you asked me a week ago,I would've told you that MKAnnihilation Score didn't exist. =)

-Mortal Kombat - Defenders of the Realm (Animated show).
The likelyhood of there existing a soundtrack for this is abysmally low,but hey,you never know.

05-04-2009, 12:50 PM
All of the AWESOMENESS PROPS is given to you sir. This is an extremely great thread ;) Thanks!

05-05-2009, 06:32 AM
Winrar is you ;D

05-05-2009, 02:13 PM
The Immortals - Mortal Kombat CD Single:
This little number includes all the various versions of the timeless Mortal Kombat theme we all know and love.
There seem to be two versions of this album floating around. The first,the more common one,has five tracks. However,the complete album consists of eight tracks. The last three are for some reason usually omitted.

The 5-track version was the original, of which I have the retail CD. In looking at the 8-track version, it just seems to have the Annihilation mixes tossed in. Are you absolutely certain it got a retail release, or was it perhaps just someone adding in something he felt was missing?

05-05-2009, 05:42 PM
You got a point. But consider the fact that two out of three of those Annihilation mixes aren't found anywhere else but on this album. If we were to assume they were just randomly added in by someone,they had to have come from somewhere,right?

05-05-2009, 05:57 PM
But consider the fact that two out of three of those Annihilation mixes aren't found anywhere else but on this album. If we were to assume they were just randomly added in by someone,they had to have come from somewhere,right?

True. But I have to wonder if it wasn't some three-track promo CD or something. Seems kind of strange that they would re-issue the same CD with the new content at the end of the disc.

And given what I'm seeing in my research, I don't think it was ever re-issued... check this ( out.

05-05-2009, 07:08 PM

But I have to wonder if it wasn't some three-track promo CD or something.
I was thinking the same thing,but I wasn't able to find anything like that.

05-11-2009, 04:41 PM
you rock!!!

05-13-2009, 12:45 AM
this is brilliant!!

05-13-2009, 06:00 AM
Nice, thanks! ))

05-13-2009, 06:58 PM
I'm just trying to sit tight for that Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe rip...I've been looking for that one! Hope he's able to get all the songs!

05-13-2009, 07:12 PM
Nice, thanks! ))
Нивапрос. =)

05-13-2009, 07:41 PM

07-08-2009, 05:23 AM
Oh my god! You are my hero! I am seriously the world's biggest Mortal Kombat fan, haha (believe me) and I have never actually seen a Mortal Kombat Annihilation score out there, this is freaking brilliant. I am even shocked about the Mortal Kombat Armageddon soundtrack! I have seen some tunes ripped from that game before but with horrendous quality.

I have some good news for you my good friend. You know that Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks soundtrack you have been looking for, well... I have the tunes, and contributed them to my favorite Mortal Kombat site. I ripped them myself, and believe me, they have perfect quality.


07-08-2009, 05:59 AM
Glad to see you enjoy the thread. =) Always nice to meet another bro in MK.

I have some good news for you my good friend. You know that Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks soundtrack you have been looking for, well... I have the tunes, and contributed them to my favorite Mortal Kombat site. I ripped them myself, and believe me, they have perfect quality.
Sounds awesome! =) Can you upload them anywhere?

NIN Dark Knight
07-08-2009, 06:43 PM
Thanks for the great links, it would be nice to have a higher quality version of the MK: The Journey Begins promo but I've downloaded it before from another source and it was the same thing.

t0m s3rvo
07-08-2009, 07:21 PM
Does the Annihilation score include cover scans?

07-08-2009, 08:29 PM
AFAIK it was never even commercially released,why would it have cover scans?

07-10-2009, 06:38 PM
Nice collection NucleaRaptor, I grabbed some of the game rips. Already had all the movie soundtracks.

12-20-2009, 05:58 PM
WTF a MK Annihilation score ?

I never saw this before that must be a fan made or was that really released in shops for sale ?

Thank you so much. ;)

12-21-2009, 12:47 AM
I never saw this before that must be a fan made or was that really released in shops for sale ?

My guess is that it's something the actual composer put up for download somewhere on the internets.

But yeah,you're welcome. =)

12-21-2009, 04:31 AM
AWESOME THREAD. Thanks Raptor!

12-29-2009, 05:13 AM
Thanks a lot for these.

Do you have a tracklist for Pietastesgood's MK vs. DC rip? (I'd ask him, but the thread he posted the rip in is closed.)

12-29-2009, 08:24 PM
Do you have a tracklist for Pietastesgood's MK vs. DC rip? (I'd ask him, but the thread he posted the rip in is closed.)
Actually,I was surprised by that one. Normally,the tags on Pieta's rips aren't really that precise (battle_01,ambience_02,etc.),but this one is pretty spot on. Here:

001 - UI - mus_ui_main_quad_theme.ogg
002 - UI - mus_ui_main_quad_theme_alt.ogg
003 - UI - mus_ui_title_screen.ogg
004 - Apokolips - mus_fight_04_arial.ogg
005 - Apokolips - mus_fight_04_arial_alt.ogg
006 - Apokolips - mus_fight_04_main.ogg
007 - Apokolips - mus_fight_04_main_alt.ogg
008 - Apokolips - mus_fight_04_stabA.ogg
009 - Apokolips - mus_fight_04_stabB.ogg
010 - Apokolips - mus_fight_04_stabC.ogg
011 - Batcave - mus_fight_06_arial.ogg
012 - Batcave - mus_fight_06_arial_alt.ogg
013 - Batcave - mus_fight_06_main.ogg
014 - Batcave - mus_fight_06_main_alt.ogg
015 - Batcave - mus_fight_06_stabA.ogg
016 - Batcave - mus_fight_06_stabB.ogg
017 - Batcave - mus_fight_06_stabC.ogg
018 - Fatality - mus_fatality_end.ogg
019 - Fatality - mus_fatality_start.ogg
020 - Fortress - mus_fight_07_arial.ogg
021 - Fortress - mus_fight_07_arial_alt.ogg
022 - Fortress - mus_fight_07_main.ogg
023 - Fortress - mus_fight_07_main_alt.ogg
024 - Fortress - mus_fight_07_stabA.ogg
025 - Fortress - mus_fight_07_stabB.ogg
026 - Fortress - mus_fight_07_stabC.ogg
027 - Gotham City - mus_fight_10_arial.ogg
028 - Gotham City - mus_fight_10_arial_alt.ogg
029 - Gotham City - mus_fight_10_main.ogg
030 - Gotham City - mus_fight_10_main_alt.ogg
031 - Gotham City - mus_fight_10_stabA.ogg
032 - Gotham City - mus_fight_10_stabB.ogg
033 - Gotham City - mus_fight_10_stabC.ogg
034 - Graveyard - mus_fight_01_arial.ogg
035 - Graveyard - mus_fight_01_arial_alt.ogg
036 - Graveyard - mus_fight_01_main.ogg
037 - Graveyard - mus_fight_01_main_alt.ogg
038 - Graveyard - mus_fight_01_stabA.ogg
039 - Graveyard - mus_fight_01_stabB.ogg
040 - Graveyard - mus_fight_01_stabC.ogg
041 - Hell - mus_fight_13_arial.ogg
042 - Hell - mus_fight_13_arial_alt.ogg
043 - Hell - mus_fight_13_main.ogg
044 - Hell - mus_fight_13_main_alt.ogg
045 - Hell - mus_fight_13_stabA.ogg
046 - Hell - mus_fight_13_stabB.ogg
047 - Hell - mus_fight_13_stabC.ogg
048 - Island - mus_fight_12_arial.ogg
049 - Island - mus_fight_12_arial_alt.ogg
050 - Island - mus_fight_12_main.ogg
051 - Island - mus_fight_12_main_alt.ogg
052 - Island - mus_fight_12_stabA.ogg
053 - Island - mus_fight_12_stabB.ogg
054 - Island - mus_fight_12_stabC.ogg
055 - Metropolis - mus_fight_02_arial.ogg
056 - Metropolis - mus_fight_02_arial_alt.ogg
057 - Metropolis - mus_fight_02_main.ogg
058 - Metropolis - mus_fight_02_main_alt.ogg
059 - Metropolis - mus_fight_02_stabA.ogg
060 - Metropolis - mus_fight_02_stabB.ogg
061 - Metropolis - mus_fight_02_stabC.ogg
062 - Oansenate - mus_fight_09_arial.ogg
063 - Oansenate - mus_fight_09_arial_alt.ogg
064 - Oansenate - mus_fight_09_main.ogg
065 - Oansenate - mus_fight_09_main_alt.ogg
066 - Oansenate - mus_fight_09_stabA.ogg
067 - Oansenate - mus_fight_09_stabB.ogg
068 - Oansenate - mus_fight_09_stabC.ogg
069 - Space Station - mus_fight_08_arial.ogg
070 - Space Station - mus_fight_08_arial_alt.ogg
071 - Space Station - mus_fight_08_main.ogg
072 - Space Station - mus_fight_08_main_alt.ogg
073 - Space Station - mus_fight_08_stabA.ogg
074 - Space Station - mus_fight_08_stabB.ogg
075 - Space Station - mus_fight_08_stabC.ogg
076 - Special Forces - 1 mus_fight_05_stabA.ogg
077 - Special Forces - 2 mus_fight_05_stabB.ogg
078 - Special Forces - 3 mus_fight_05_stabC.ogg
079 - Special Forces - mus_fight_05_arial.ogg
080 - Special Forces - mus_fight_05_arial_alt.ogg
081 - Special Forces - mus_fight_05_main.ogg
082 - Special Forces - mus_fight_05_main_alt.ogg
083 - Temple - mus_fight_03_arial.ogg
084 - Temple - mus_fight_03_arial_alt.ogg
085 - Temple - mus_fight_03_main.ogg
086 - Temple - mus_fight_03_main_alt.ogg
087 - Temple - mus_fight_03_stabA.ogg
088 - Temple - mus_fight_03_stabB.ogg
089 - Temple - mus_fight_03_stabC.ogg
090 - Throne Room - 1 mus_fight_11_stabA.ogg
091 - Throne Room - 2 mus_fight_11_stabB.ogg
092 - Throne Room - 3 mus_fight_11_stabC.ogg
093 - Throne Room - mus_fight_11_arial.ogg
094 - Throne Room - mus_fight_11_arial_alt.ogg
095 - Throne Room - mus_fight_11_main.ogg
096 - Throne Room - mus_fight_11_main_alt.ogg
097 - Wushi - mus_fight_14_arial.ogg
098 - Wushi - mus_fight_14_arial_alt.ogg
099 - Wushi - mus_fight_14_main.ogg
100 - Wushi - mus_fight_14_main_alt.ogg
101 - Wushi - mus_fight_14_stabA.ogg
102 - Wushi - mus_fight_14_stabB.ogg
103 - Wushi - mus_fight_14_stabC.ogg
104 - VO Ending - mus_vo_ending_joke01.ogg
105 - VO Ending - mus_vo_ending_bara01.ogg
106 - VO Ending - mus_vo_ending_batm01.ogg
107 - VO Ending - mus_vo_ending_capt01.ogg
108 - VO Ending - mus_vo_ending_catw01.ogg
109 - VO Ending - mus_vo_ending_dark01.ogg
110 - VO Ending - mus_vo_ending_deat01.ogg
111 - VO Ending - mus_vo_ending_flas01.ogg
112 - VO Ending - mus_vo_ending_gree01.ogg
113 - VO Ending - mus_vo_ending_jax01.ogg
114 - VO Ending - mus_vo_ending_kano01.ogg
115 - VO Ending - mus_vo_ending_kita01.ogg
116 - VO Ending - mus_vo_ending_lexl01.ogg
117 - VO Ending - mus_vo_ending_liuk01.ogg
118 - VO Ending - mus_vo_ending_raid01.ogg
119 - VO Ending - mus_vo_ending_scor01.ogg
120 - VO Ending - mus_vo_ending_shan01.ogg
121 - VO Ending - mus_vo_ending_shao01.ogg
122 - VO Ending - mus_vo_ending_sony01.ogg
123 - VO Ending - mus_vo_ending_subz01.ogg
124 - VO Ending - mus_vo_ending_supe01.ogg
125 - VO Ending - mus_vo_ending_wond01.ogg

Now,the reason I'm not posting it here is because I don't have a 360 yet,so I can't play my copy and personally check if there's any tracks that weren't included. But for now,I can say that at the very least the character select music doesn't seem to be there.

12-30-2009, 03:58 PM
Thanks a lot, I appreciate it.

If you do a rip, I look forward to hearing it. I really like the others you've done.

Oh, and can you tell me why each arena has so many different versions?

02-10-2010, 01:59 PM
Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance Soundtrack
Thread 73942

Extracted from x-box ver.))

02-10-2010, 05:34 PM
Oh, and can you tell me why each arena has so many different versions? As you can probably guess from the names,there's different tracks playing depending on whether you're fighting on the ground,falling down onto another tier of the arena or grabbing someone for the CQC sequence.

Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance Soundtrack
Thread 73942

Extracted from x-box ver.))
Awesome,you finally finished it!

Let's see how it compares to mine. =) After all the work I put into them,I thought the Omega rips were the closest you can get to ideal,but as far as I could tell from your previous samples,the sound quality is noticeably better. Props on that.

02-10-2010, 06:37 PM
anyone has the announcer speeches from most recent MKs?

02-10-2010, 11:22 PM
Yes, I have announcer replica for mkda-mka..
NucleaRaptor, thanks, man. Really.))

А вообще большое тебе спасибо за омега-саундтреки,
я по ним ориентируюсь при сборке треков.:)
В результате наконец то исправил те ошибки, которые допустил
при сборке промежуточной версии треков из мкда..

02-12-2010, 06:38 AM
this thread is freaking SWEET!

02-15-2010, 11:11 PM
Savage, here all announcer replies from mkda-mka.)) 75a79d1c3080fffec8ef97fb7f0a154af670496da

Also you must install this codec to play them.)

02-20-2010, 07:22 AM
Hey, NucleaRaptor, sorry for double-posting, but I also finished with mkd.))
In Lossless.))

Thread 74196

Also contain The Dragon King's Ending, that's very rare.))

02-22-2010, 08:00 AM
dude you rule. My first VideoGame I ever got....was MK1,2 & 3 and a Sega Genesis for my 6th birthday!

02-22-2010, 05:18 PM
What a nice collection. And it brings memories back for me, hearing the music from the very first MK again. Thanks :)

03-02-2010, 04:06 PM
Great collection. I'm praying somehow we can get the OST for Conquest (the music that plays during Raiden's fight with Shao Kahn is epic).

03-06-2010, 08:04 PM
I'm not much of a fan of Mortal Kombat music, but i've been looking around in vain for the Shao Kahn voice clips for MK2 and 3, you know, all the "You will die mortal" and "You suck" clips and whatnot. Has anyone compiled all of those? I hear them used all the time in flash movies and such.

NIN Dark Knight
05-16-2010, 06:02 AM
Any updates on the MK vs DC rip? Really want to hear that one

05-16-2010, 09:01 AM
I was going to make my own rip,but the way things are,I probably won't be able to for a long while. ;_; In the meantime,pietatastesgood did a pretty damn good rip,if I do say so myself. Check it out:

NIN Dark Knight
05-17-2010, 05:31 AM
Thanks NucleaRaptor, I'll check em out.

05-25-2010, 07:58 AM
whats the tracks on the mortal kombat annihilation score?

05-25-2010, 08:47 AM
NucleaRaptor, а что значит OMEGA в названии саундтрека?

05-27-2010, 07:39 AM
tremendous thread, thanks!!

05-27-2010, 08:01 AM
NucleaRaptor, а что значит OMEGA в названии саундтрека?
Это я их так назвал,чтоб можно было по одному названию отличить от других рипов. "Омега" потому,что в них я включил абсолютно все треки,какие только смог нарыть,в наилучшем качестве,которое смог предоставить. Типа альфа и омега,начало и конец. =Р

05-27-2010, 09:44 AM
ааа ясно ;)

06-20-2010, 05:59 AM
Oh man, If I see the Conquest OST anywhere I'll lose my damn mind!

That show had so much great music, sick choreography and HOT freakin girls everywhere!

I'd pay loads to see season 2

07-24-2010, 08:26 AM
think u can do a playstation 1 rip of mk trilogy & a snes rip of mk 1, 2, 3, and ultimate mk 3? if you do these, please make it complete. as a fellow mk fan, i hope u understand why i want to hear it all, including the announcer's voice for characters, choose your destiny, and everything else he says in the games throughout. i am really really hoping u can do this for all mk fans, including me. as a fellow fan, i think you know why i want it all so badly lol.

thanks for everything u do have.

07-27-2010, 03:20 AM
Trilogy and UMK3 have no new tracks whatsoever. All of the music is reused from MK3.

Correct me if I'm wrong,but doesn't the PS1 port of Trilogy sound exactly the same as the other versions? I might be wrong,though. I do remember that the PS1 version of MK2 decided to use what must have been the midi-synthesized versions of the tracks instead of just streaming the original music from the disc. The result was godawful.

Call me whatever,I don't even want to touch the SNES versions. I tried numerous times to listen to them again and again,hoping that they'll grow on me,but they never did. They sound fucking atrocious. It's like they intentionally picked the most anemic-sounding,inappropriate samples from the entire SNES library.
Although I do remember some people posting SNES rips somewhere on this board.

Now,the announcer's sound samples from every game would be fucking awesome to have. :3 I have some,but definitely not everything. I can post what I have,if you want me to.

07-28-2010, 06:12 PM
Maybe you're right, but the N64 version of Trilogy sounds horrible compared to SNES music. Have you ever heard it? That is drilling to my ears!

08-01-2010, 08:23 AM
NucleaRaptor, it may just be me but it seems to me that you're missing some songs. I don't know the names, however I can tell you when they appeared in the movie.

From MK the movie:

the music to the Cage/Scorpion fight (the fight in Scorpion's Hell Lair, where Cage killed him. It's a rock instrumental song.).

The song heard while Liu, Cage, Sonya, Kitana, are celebrated their victory at Liu's Temple (kid were running with little flags in their hands). The dialogue heard during while the song is being heard in the film is Liu: I guess you knew it would end this way. Rayden: Didn't have a clue. You humans were so unpredictable (laughs) Hahahaha. I gotta tell ya something. You guys did great. (Music stops when Kahn appears).

Song heard (hard rock/metal instrumental) when Sonya sees Kano. Sonya: That's him. Jax: Hold on. Kano: That's it baby. Come to papa. Jaz: Sonya, don't get on that thing. Hey Sonya. (It's right before they enter the boat)

From Annihilation:

music heard at the end of the Sub-Zero/Scorpion fight (instrumental heard, sounds like techno style, Zero is stuck, able to fall. As Liu helps him, Scorpion says "SUCKERS!!" and teleports away with Kitana. I know there's an instrumental track by Juno. But the song I'm talking about isn't heard in the track anywhere.

Techno instrumental fight where Rayden fights multiple ninjas (right after Sindel blasts him and before Jade betrays them)

2 instrumentals (1 sounds a bit classical, other sounds techno). Both heard while Sonya/Jax fight Cyrax.
Techno instrumental heard while Sonya leaps from Jax and flips Cyrax who lands back first against the wall.
Classical instrumental heard while Sonya (screen is in slow motion effect) blows dirt/dust on Cyrax (after flipping him)

You may have to watch the movies to know exactly what I'm talking about.

Also, there are certain tracks (appearing with vocals on cds) that appear in the films ONLY as instrumentals. Think you can add them? I know there are many others, but one that comes to mind is Fire from Annihilation, heard while Liu battles Smoke & Kitana fights other ninjas or whatever they r.

08-01-2010, 08:31 AM
NucleaRaptor: yes, please post whatever announcer's voices you have (3).

Kuplan: Agreed. N64 sounds worse than SNES which is why I asked NucleaRaptor to rip them but he doesn't want to.

NucleaRaptor: Yes, SNES links were here, but the links died which is why I asked if you could rip them. How about complete arcade rips of MK 1, 2, 3? All music without any FX, voices, etc. Have separate tracks for voices if you have/or obtain them. Please say yes lol.

To NucleaRaptor and anyone reading this: If you have any complete snes gamerips of mk1,2,3, please post them.


Leon Scott Kennedy
08-01-2010, 09:21 AM
NucleaRaptor, it may just be me but it seems to me that you're missing some songs. I don't know the names, however I can tell you when they appeared in the movie.

From MK the movie:

the music to the Cage/Scorpion fight (the fight in Scorpion's Hell Lair, where Cage killed him. It's a rock instrumental song.).
This is Fear Factory - Zero Signal:

08-01-2010, 06:59 PM
thanks Leon. Much appreciated.

Anxiously anticipating the other missing songs now lol.

08-05-2010, 10:16 PM
Very nice thread! Well done NucleaRaptor =D

09-13-2010, 09:23 AM
Well,it seems Jessie ripped the SNES soundtracks. Here are the links,if you dare:

Thread 79476
Thread 79477
Thread 79478

I'll upload whatever announcer samples I have later.

09-26-2010, 09:56 AM
NucleaRaptor, Thanx
Missing soundtracks (
- The definitive Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks rip.
- Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe rip.
[Hidden link. Register to see links.]

10-02-2010, 06:59 PM
Here is Mortal Kombat Conquest; quality is superb. Some tracks are missing unfortunately.

MK Conquest.rar (

10-03-2010, 12:57 PM
Here is Mortal Kombat Conquest; quality is superb. Some tracks are missing unfortunately.

MK Conquest.rar (

This is really the tracks from the series????
Dude, I LOVE YOU!!!!

Where did you ge these tracks? Are they Ripped from the TV series?

10-04-2010, 02:46 AM
This is really the tracks from the series????
Dude, I LOVE YOU!!!!

Where did you ge these tracks? Are they Ripped from the TV series?

Yeah it's directly from the show. Only a few tracks are missing from what I can tell. I was also surprised when I found this; extremely rare lol. I happened to come across it through a program called "Mulve".

10-04-2010, 11:10 AM
Thats the same tracks like from the MKC Homepage but there are very hard to find.

Its very shame that the DJ calls SpeCi had never release the complete soundtrack of the series. :(

Thanks for the OST too. :)

10-04-2010, 12:34 PM
I thought it was Jonathan Sloate the soundtracks composer. 0o?????

By the way grmaster05, I notice something in those rips...they are diferent from the tracks played in the Tv show. You can see on youtube and easily see the diference with "siro vs thieves" nad "Reptile theme" (which plays in the reptile vs reptile on the last episodes.)
This maked me think that a fan made those trakcs the most near to the original ones beacause of not beng released.
This is just a thought tough. :)

10-04-2010, 03:14 PM
I thought it was Jonathan Sloate the soundtracks composer. 0o?????

By the way grmaster05, I notice something in those rips...they are diferent from the tracks played in the Tv show. You can see on youtube and easily see the diference with "siro vs thieves" nad "Reptile theme" (which plays in the reptile vs reptile on the last episodes.)
This maked me think that a fan made those trakcs the most near to the original ones beacause of not beng released.
This is just a thought tough. :)

It's possible that the names of the tracks were mixed up. Again, more tracks need to be recovered.

10-05-2010, 01:04 PM
Yes Jonathan Sloate has do same tracks for the show too.

Some Versions of the tracks are not the originals because there are Fan versions from a Russian MKC fanpage but I dont know if the page exist yet.

Check out ����������� �����: ����������. (

---------- Post added at 06:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:04 AM ----------

Yes Jonathan Sloate has do same tracks for the show too.

Some Versions of the tracks are not the originals because there are Fan versions from a Russian MKC fanpage but I dont know if the page exist yet.

Check out ����������� �����: ����������. (

10-05-2010, 01:13 PM
I don't know russian. If someone knows, can you get the rest of the tracks please???? XDXDXDD


This Fc**** window doesn't shut out.

10-06-2010, 05:40 AM
Well,it seems Jessie ripped the SNES soundtracks. Here are the links,if you dare:

Thread 79476
Thread 79477
Thread 79478

I'll upload whatever announcer samples I have later.
Круто. Тебе не кажется, что мелодия "Живого леса" немного другая?
А случаем нет рипов с "Nintendo 64" - MKT, MKSZ и MK4?

10-06-2010, 07:13 PM
So I think I are saying to us that you are russian? XD

10-09-2010, 02:20 PM
I manage to be one of 007 spies and manage to enter the site and download the missing tracks or th eother tracks made by fans for MKconquest.
I'll upload for you guys later.
I may be uploading it again more well organized and witha cover made by me :D

10-09-2010, 10:53 PM
Damn,I was going to surprise you guys with the Conquest Fan OST,but you got there first. :3

By the way grmaster05, I notice something in those rips...they are diferent from the tracks played in the Tv show. You can see on youtube and easily see the diference with "siro vs thieves" nad "Reptile theme" (which plays in the reptile vs reptile on the last episodes.)
This maked me think that a fan made those trakcs the most near to the original ones beacause of not beng released.
This is just a thought tough.
As far as I can tell,this is exactly the case. A couple of tracks,like the OPs/EDs and the Zhu Zin theme,seem to be direct rips from the show. The other ones are pretty much remixes.

Still,this is the best compilation we have at this point.

Its very shame that the DJ calls SpeCi had never release the complete soundtrack of the series.I think SpeCi is the remixer,not the composer. The composer is indeed Jonathan Sloate,the same guy who did the music for Journey Begins and,I believe,Defenders of the Realm.

Круто. Тебе не кажется, что мелодия "Живого леса" немного другая?
Другая по сравнению с чем?

А случаем нет рипов с "Nintendo 64" - MKT, MKSZ и MK4?
Неа. Но насколько я слышал,звучат они не очень. =/

Missing soundtracks:
- The definitive Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks rip.
- Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe rip.
[Hidden link. Register to see links.]

I have like two Shaolin Monks rips that I have to give a thorough listen to. One of them appears to be pretty much complete,but in order to properly confirm that,I'll probably need to replay the game. =_= I'm not sure when I'll get around to that.

As for MKvsDC,the best rip I've seen so far is the one by Pieta. I think I posted a link to it earlier in the thread. I wouldn't declare it definitive just yet,as it appears to be missing a couple of tracks like the Character Select theme,but overall,it looks pretty great. Check it out.

I manage to be one of 007 spies and manage to enter the site and download the missing tracks or th eother tracks made by fans for MKconquest.
I'll upload for you guys later.
I may be uploading it again more well organized and witha cover made by me
We'll be waiting.

10-10-2010, 08:07 AM
Другая по сравнению с чем?
Если же взять другие мелодии из этой игры на "SNES", то они похожи на аркадные. Мелодия же Леса отличается от аркады.
А есть ли рип с MKG?

10-10-2010, 12:00 PM
Если же взять другие мелодии из этой игры на "SNES", то они похожи на аркадные. Мелодия же Леса отличается от аркады.
Да вроде не особо как-то. Бухнули побольше сэмплов с флейтами,разве что. Ну так во всех остальных треках та же самая сэмпловая вакханалия творится.

А есть ли рип с MKG?
Голд незачем рипать - как и в УМК3/МКТ,ни одного нового трека,насколько я знаю,там нет.


Ну кроме разве что треков из эндингов новых персонажей. :3 Их там буквально пара всего;в первом посте треда есть линк на Mortal Kombat 4 Extra Tracks - вот там они и лежат.

12-16-2010, 01:40 AM
Thanks dude!

Anybody have or know about a FLAC version of the Annihilation soundtrack?

01-29-2011, 10:05 PM
The Immortals - Mortal Kombat CD Single:
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

This little number includes all the various versions of the timeless Mortal Kombat theme we all know and love.
There seem to be two versions of this album floating around. The first,the more common one,has five tracks. However,the complete album consists of eight tracks. The last three are for some reason usually omitted. The one I uploaded is,of course,the complete 8-track one. It was a bitch to find,too. Had to leech it off of some half-dead torrent,all the while praying that the one guy kind enough to seed this wasn't going to close the connection on me. Well,thank god he didn't. So here it is.

The reason for which the last 3 tracks are omitted is because they don't belong to that CD, this single was released in 1993 and MK Annihilation was released in 1997, here's the info The Immortals (

This was also noted in a forum from which the links come from here's the link (

There's also a promo album from annihilation that has tracks not released on the OST album, there are torrents at Russian pages but since I can't understand Russian, I don't know how to get them. Does anyone have this one?

01-30-2011, 01:38 AM
thank you !

01-30-2011, 02:44 AM
The reason for which the last 3 tracks are omitted is because they don't belong to that CD, this single was released in 1993 and MK Annihilation was released in 1997, here's the info The Immortals (

This was also noted in a forum from which the links come from here's the link (

There's also a promo album from annihilation that has tracks not released on the OST album, there are torrents at Russian pages but since I can't understand Russian, I don't know how to get them. Does anyone have this one?

Use google Chrome browser it has a built-in translation tool that's very useful, I always use it for translating has come in handy a few times now.

wind knower
01-31-2011, 03:49 AM
Mortal Kombat Arcade Komplete Rip - ripped by NucleaRaptor:
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

Finally got around to finishing it this morning. This here is what I hope is the definitive soundtrack for the original arcade game. To my knowledge,this has every single track from the game. Some of these I got from the official MK2 OST. I often was complaining about how the tracks from MK1 that were included on the OST were for some reason in horrendous quality. Through the magic of channel mixing,I think I fixed that. Give it a listen.Thanks for this. I was looking for some Mortal Kombat sound effects yesterday with FoxM1 and noticed that you missed some tracks: the short bits at the end of the round, the finishing themes, and a couple files that I don't recognize. I included the coin sound too. 320 bitrate. :)

Mortal Kombat - Lost Tracks (Arcade) (FoxM1 rip by me)
320 bitrate

01 The Courtyard Finish Theme
02 Palace Gates Finish Theme
03 Warrior Shrine Finish Theme
04 The Pit Finish Theme
05 Throne Room Finish Theme
06 Goro's Lair Finish Theme
07 The Courtyard Round Over
08 Palace Gates Round Over
09 Warrior Shrine Round Over
10 The Pit Round Over
11 Throne Room Round Over
12 Goro's Lair Round Over
13 Unknown
14 Unknown 2
15 Coin

wind knower
02-06-2011, 11:11 PM
I found some tracks that weren't included in your Mortal Kombat 2 game rip: the finishing themes, round end music, the full fatality music, some tracks I didn't recognize, voices, and the coin sound.

Mortal Kombat 2 - Lost Tracks (Arcade) (M1 rip by me)
320 bitrate

01 The Dead Pool Finish Theme
02 Kombat Tomb Finish Theme
03 Wasteland/The Pit II Finish Theme
04 The Tower Finish Theme
05 Living Forest Finish Theme
06 The Armory Finish Theme
07 The Portal/Kahn's Arena Finish Theme
08 The Dead Pool Round Over
09 Kombat Tomb Round Over
10 Wasteland/The Pit II Round Over
11 The Tower Round Over
12 Living Forest/Goro's Lair Round Over
13 The Armory Round Over
14 The Portal/Kahn's Arena Round Over
15 Fatality
16 Flawless Victory
17 Unknown
18 Unknown 2
19 Unknown 3
20 Unknown 4
21 Character Voice Collection
22 Shao Kahn Voice Collection
23 Miscellaneous Voice Collection
24 Coin

02-08-2011, 12:53 AM
Wow, what a nice thread :)

Hope you are able to rip (and play) MK vs. DC universe, it's a really great game with a nice collection of BGM's.

02-08-2011, 02:24 PM
Anyone have the singles for the upcoming Mortal Kombat game?
Mortal Kombat - Mileena's Theme (
Mortal Kombat - Liu Kang's Theme (
Mortal Kombat - Helado (Sub-Zero's Theme) (

There will probably be more in the future weeks.

wind knower
02-09-2011, 12:44 PM
I found some Mortal Kombat 3 tracks not included on Mortal Kombat Musik: MK3 & MK4 Arcade Video Game Soundtrack or on NucleaRaptor's extra tracks rip: the finishing themes, round end music, the credits, some tracks I didn't recognize, voices, and the coin sound.

Mortal Kombat 3 - Lost Tracks (Arcade) (M1 rip by me)
320 bitrate

01 The Street Finish Theme
02 The Bank Finish Theme
03 Rooftop/Shao Kahn Tower Finish Theme
04 The Balcony/The Pit 3 Finish Theme
05 The Bridge Finish Theme
06 Soul Chamber Finish Theme
07 The Temple Finish Theme
08 Graveyard Finish Theme
09 The Subway Finish Theme
10 Noob's Dorfen Finish Theme
11 The Street Round Over
12 The Bank Round Over
13 Rooftop/Shao Kahn Round Over
14 The Balcony/The Pit 3 Round Over
15 The Bridge Round Over
16 Soul Chamber Round Over
17 The Temple Round Over
18 Graveyard Round Over
19 The Subway Round Over
20 Noob's Dorfen Round Over
21 Credits
22 Raiden's Message
23 Unknown
24 Unknown 2
25 Unknown 3
26 Character Voice Collection
27 Shao Kahn Voice Collection
28 Miscellaneous Voice Collection
29 Coin

02-10-2011, 11:25 PM
Anyone have the singles for the upcoming Mortal Kombat game?
Mortal Kombat - Mileena's Theme (
Mortal Kombat - Liu Kang's Theme (
Mortal Kombat - Helado (Sub-Zero's Theme) (

There will probably be more in the future weeks.

Those songs are from the Mortal Kombat: Songs Inspired By the Warriors Album. Executive Produced by JFK of MSTKRFT. It'll be released along side the new game this April.

02-11-2011, 03:13 PM
If you'd like to hear Liu Kang's MK9 theme from that upcoming album, someone uploaded it here....

YouTube - Liu Kang's Theme (


YouTube - Sub-Zero's Theme (


YouTube - Mileena's Theme (Full Version) by Tokimonsta (

Thread starter, thank you for uploading all that music!

04-16-2011, 11:49 AM
you guys are the best !!!!! thanx soooo much ^_^

04-16-2011, 07:43 PM

I'm sorry for not updating for so long. Rest assured,I haven't forgotten about this thread. I do have a bunch of stuff on the way that I've been wanting to upload for the longest time,like the Amiga MK soundtracks,but because I have fucking exams every two days,I never have the time.

04-30-2011, 11:35 PM
I have rewatching the Conquest tv series, and at the same time, I'm creating and combining for personal fun a usage, a custom soundtrack for the series.
I have come up that SpeCi made a new remix:

But it cannot be downloaded, and I have no other place to find it.
I was hoping if anyone have ever download form this site the new remix "Ninja Beat".

05-01-2011, 10:40 AM
As a diehard MK2 fan, I'm thrilled to find the MK2/MK1 CD here (I used to own the actual CD - took several trips to the arcade before I could get the address to send away for it from the machine since it was always being played by guys who didn't want to stand around & let it run in attract mode, haha) so thanks a ton for that! By any chance could you please upload a VBR version? True, the MK1 music probably won't benefit much from it, but those MK2 tracks were sonic sugar, man.

05-10-2011, 02:36 PM
Thank you for the wonderful collections! You'll be bless ;)

05-10-2011, 03:12 PM
"Mortal Kombat" (2011) (Thread 89826)

07-20-2011, 03:15 AM
The rapidshare links for Mortal Kombat Deception are dead unfortunately...

07-31-2011, 05:01 AM
Hello, everyone! I'm a total newbie to this place, but I've been watching this thread for a while now, and I thought I'd contribute.
When I'm done (and I'm very close) I'll post a download link to the N64 version of the MK Mythologies soundtrack.

07-31-2011, 04:14 PM
UMK 3 iPhone version : BGMs, sound effects & chara voices : Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (iPhone) BGMs, sound effects & voices [WAV l MP3] (

08-04-2011, 03:46 AM
OK IT'S DONE! I'm now converting them....


(FYI, they're a little choppy, yes, but it's not that bad as long as you don't listen too hard.)
Hope you enjoy!

08-12-2011, 03:12 AM
How do you guys like remixes?

Jarrid Langill - Reptile's Theme (Remix) - YouTube (

This is one of my faves.

10-18-2011, 10:16 AM
Sorry for posting link to torrent, but this is something you should khow)
(Score) Mortal Kombat Ultimate Soundtrack Kollection (Gamerip) (Dan Forden, Cris Velasco, Sascha Dikiciyan and others) (Sega/SNES/PS/Xbox/...) - 1992-2011, MP3, 128-320 kbps :: (ex (
You can use google translate for orientation on site
Google Translate ( hp%3Ft%3D3763585)
MK vs DC
MP3 (

12-19-2011, 08:23 PM
rapidshare links are dead for the deception omega soundtrack

01-05-2012, 02:36 PM
The collection rocks!

02-18-2012, 06:46 PM
Great thread, keep up all the good work. Can you reupload all your albums, i got everything i need but as u know megaupolad had it problems with the law

03-03-2012, 08:38 AM
(Score) Mortal Kombat Ultimate Soundtrack Kollection (Gamerip) (Dan Forden, Cris Velasco, Sascha Dikiciyan and others) (Sega/SNES/PS/Xbox/...) - 1992-2011, MP3, 128-320 kbps :: (ex (

Thanks heaps for posting that link.

05-31-2012, 11:39 AM
It's funny that that Mortal Kombat Theme with first Kung Lao fight in that MK Conquest soundtrack is done by me, Dynamixx Prince (aka Hitachi II) I still have the project file for it :)
So it's all remixes on this one except for few directly ripped or mixed tracks, the original soundtrack can't be found as the composer had some interview and said that the music is done for the series only so he can't release it, as he was hired and don't have the rights for it.
Didn't know that someone has the mp3 as I posted it only on that MKC site.
I never heard those Scorpion and Reptile songs with the rest and the remixer is pretty good :)

06-14-2012, 12:06 AM
Guy with nickname Eric Terner uploaded most of soundtracks from rutracker to filesharing service for some mk fansite. So if you didn't grab music from torrents for some reason:


1992 - Mortal Kombat [Arcade]
Яндек��.��арод (

1993 - Mortal Kombat [AMI]
Яндек��.��арод (

1993 - Mortal Kombat [GB]
Яндек��.��арод (

1993 - Mortal Kombat [Gen, SMD][Enhanced Sound]
Яндек��.��арод (

1993 - Mortal Kombat [Gen, SMD][Original Sound, Finished Themes]
Яндек��.��арод (

1993 - Mortal Kombat [SMS]
Яндек��.��арод (

1993 - Mortal Kombat [SNES][Enhanced Sound]
Яндек��.��арод (

1993 - Mortal Kombat [SNES][Original Sound]
Яндек��.��арод (

1993 - Mortal Kombat II [Arcade]
Яндек��.��арод (

1994 - Mortal Kombat [SCD - Red Book]
Яндек��.��арод (

1994 - Mortal Kombat II [AMI]
Яндек��.��арод (

1994 - Mortal Kombat II [GB]
Яндек��.��арод (

1994 - Mortal Kombat II [Gen, SMD][Enhanced Sound]
Яндек��.��арод (

1994 - Mortal Kombat II [Gen, SMD][Original Sound]
Яндек��.��арод (

1994 - Mortal Kombat II [SMS]
Яндек��.��арод (

1994 - Mortal Kombat II [SNES][Enhanced Sound]
Яндек��.��арод (

1994 - Mortal Kombat II [SNES][Original Sound]
Яндек��.��арод (

1995 - Mortal Kombat 3 [Arcade][Additional]
Яндек��.��арод (

1995 - Mortal Kombat 3 [GB]
Яндек��.��арод (

1994 - Mortal Kombat II [SNES][Enhanced Sound]
Яндек��.��арод (

1995 - Mortal Kombat 3 [Gen, SMD][Original Sound]
Яндек��.��арод (

1995 - Mortal Kombat 3 [PS]
Яндек��.��арод (

1995 - Mortal Kombat 3 [SNES][Enhanced Sound]
Яндек��.��арод (

1995 - Mortal Kombat 3 [SNES][Original Sound]
Яндек��.��арод (

1996 - Mortal Kombat 3 [DOS-CD]
Яндек��.��арод (

1996 - Mortal Kombat 3 [SMS]
Яндек��.��арод (

1996 - Mortal Kombat II [PSX]
Яндек��.��арод (

1996 - Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 [Saturn]
Яндек��.��арод ( ip.html)

1997 - Mortal Kombat 4 [Arcade][Additional]
Яндек��.��арод (

1997 - Mortal Kombat Mythologies - Sub-Zero [N64]
Яндек��.��арод (

1997 - Mortal Kombat Mythologies - Sub-Zero [PSX]
Яндек��.��арод (

1997 - Mortal Kombat Mythologies - Sub-Zero [PSX][Extended]
Яндек��.��арод (

1997 - Mortal Kombat Trilogy [N64]
Яндек��.��арод (

1997 - Mortal Kombat Trilogy [PSX, Saturn, PC]
Яндек��.��арод (

1998 - Mortal Kombat 4 [GBC]
Яндек��.��арод (

1998 - Mortal Kombat 4 [N64]
Яндек��.��арод (

1998 - Mortal Kombat 4 [PC]
Яндек��.��арод (

1999 - Mortal Kombat Gold [DC]
Яндек��.��арод (

2000 - Mortal Kombat - Special Forces (PSone)
Яндек��.��арод (

2002 - Mortal Kombat - Deadly Alliance [Xbox]
Яндек��.��арод (

2004 - Mortal Kombat - Deception [Xbox]
Яндек��.��арод (

2005 - Mortal Kombat - Shaolin Monks [PS2, Xbox]
Яндек��.��арод (

2006 - Mortal Kombat - Armageddon [Xbox]
Яндек��.��арод (

2006 - Mortal Kombat - Armageddon [Xbox][Additional Unrecognised]
Яндек��.��арод (

2007 - Ultimate Mortal Kombat [NDS]
Яндек��.��арод ( )

2008 - Mortal Kombat VS DC Universe [360]
Яндек��.��арод (

2010 - Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 [iPhone]
Яндек��.��арод ( ip.html)

2011 - Mortal Kombat (Extended Gamerip) [PS3]
Яндек��.��арод (

2011 - Mortal Kombat (Gamerip) [PS3]
Яндек��.��арод ( l)

2011 - Mortal Kombat (Separated Streams) [PS3]
Яндек��.��арод (

Bonus! [NES]
Яндек��.��арод (!

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(Score) Mortal Kombat Ultimate Soundtrack Kollection (Gamerip) (Dan Forden, Cris Velasco, Sascha Dikiciyan and others) (Sega/SNES/PS/Xbox/...) - 1992-2011, MP3, 128-320 kbps :: (ex (

Movies, cartoons...
Score к фильму Mortal Kombat
Яндек��.��арод (

Score к фильму Mortal Kombat 2
Яндек��.��арод (

Soundtrack к фильму Mortal Kombat
Яндек��.��арод (

Soundtrack к фильму Mortal Kombat 2
Яндек��.��арод (

Soundtrack к мультфильму MK The Journey Begins Soundtrack
Яндек��.��арод (

Soundtrack к сериалу Mortal Kombat Conquest
Яндек��.��арод (

Character Music
Mortal Kombat The Album
Яндек��.��арод (

2011-Mortal Kombat Songs Inspired By The Warriors
Яндек��.��арод (
I didn't check any of this links. I just advice to register and download via torrent (Score) Mortal Kombat Ultimate Soundtrack Kollection (Gamerip) (Dan Forden, Cris Velasco, Sascha Dikiciyan and others) (Sega/SNES/PS/Xbox/...) - 1992-2011, MP3, 128-320 kbps :: (ex (
Here you can read more about registration process

07-07-2012, 06:55 AM
Hey megaupload is down... :(

08-03-2012, 07:34 AM
Dude, i looking this for long time ago, now i find it but links are in megaupload and now it's closed. Can you upload this amazing soundtrack in another server please? :)

wind knower
09-29-2012, 05:48 AM
I created these by combining tracks that I ripped with NucleaRaptor's old rips. I was very thorough. They should all be complete.

Mortal Kombat (Arcade).rar (
Mortal Kombat 2 (Arcade).rar (
Mortal Kombat 3-Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Arcade).rar (

Mortal Kombat (Arcade).rar (
Mortal Kombat 2 (Arcade).rar (
Mortal Kombat 3-Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Arcade).rar (

Mortal Kombat
01 Intro Theme
02 Title
03 Choose Your Fighter
04 Battle Plan
05 The Courtyard
06 The Courtyard Finish Theme
07 The Courtyard Round Over
08 The Palace Gates
09 The Palace Gates Finish Theme
10 The Palace Gates Round Over
11 Warrior Shrine
12 Warrior Shrine Finish Theme
13 Warrior Shrine Round Over
14 The Pit
15 The Pit Finish Theme
16 The Pit Round Over
17 Throne Room/The Pit Bottom
18 Throne Room/The Pit Bottom Finish Theme
19 Throne Room/The Pit Bottom Round Over
20 Goro's Lair
21 Goro's Lair Finish Theme
22 Goro's Lair Round Over
23 Victory, Ending, Kredits
24 Kontinue?
25 Game Over
26 Unknown
27 Bout Over
28 Fatality
29 Reptile Clue
30 Test Your Might
31 Test Your Might Success
32 Unknown 2
33 Coin

Mortal Kombat 2
01 Attract Mode
02 Title Screen/Kontinue?
03 Choose Your Fighter
04 Versus
05 Battle Plan
06 The Dead Pool
07 The Dead Pool Finish Theme
08 The Dead Pool Round Over
09 Kombat Tomb
10 Kombat Tomb Finish Theme
11 Kombat Tomb Round Over
12 Wasteland/The Pit II/Game Over
13 Wasteland/The Pit II Finish Theme
14 Wasteland/The Pit II Round Over
15 The Tower
16 The Tower Finish Theme
17 The Tower Round Over
18 The Living Forest
19 The Living Forest/Goro's Lair Finish Theme
20 The Living Forest/Goro's Lair Round Over
21 The Armory
22 The Armory Finish Theme
23 The Armory Round Over
24 The Portal/Kahn's Arena
25 The Portal/Kahn's Arena Finish Theme
26 The Portal/Kahn's Arena Round Over
27 Goro's Lair
28 Victory, Ending/Kredits
29 Fatality
30 Babality
31 Friendship
32 Liu Kang's Disco Ball
33 Shang Tsung's Rainbow/Mileena's Flower
34 Kongratulations
35 Character Voice Collection
36 Shao Kahn Voice Collection
37 Miscellaneous Voice Collection
38 Flawless Victory
39 Coin
40 Unknown
41 Unknown 2
42 Unknown 3
43 Unknown 4
44 Death Jam (from official soundtrack)
45 Audio Tour (from official soundtrack)

Mortal Kombat 3/Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
01 Story, Intro
02 Attract Mode
03 Choose Your Fighter
04 Versus
05 Choose Your Destiny
06 The Subway/River Kombat
07 The Subway/River Kombat Finish Theme
08 The Subway/River Kombat Round Over
09 The Street
10 The Street Finish Theme
11 The Street Round Over
12 The Bank/Kahn's Kave
13 The Bank/Kahn's Kave Finish Theme
14 The Bank/Kahn's Kave Round Over
15 The Rooftop/Kahn's Tower/Jade's Desert
16 The Rooftop/Kahn's Tower/Jade's Desert Finish Theme
17 The Rooftop/Kahn's Tower/Jade's Desert Round Over
18 The Balcony/The Pit 3/Scorpion's Lair
19 The Balcony/The Pit 3/Scorpion's Lair Finish Theme
20 The Balcony/The Pit 3/Scorpion's Lair Round Over
21 The Bridge
22 The Bridge Finish Theme
23 The Bridge Round Over
24 Soul Chamber/Ending/Enter The Ultimate Kombat Kode
25 Soul Chamber Finish Theme
26 Soul Chamber Round Over
27 The Temple
28 The Temple Finish Theme
29 The Temple Round Over
30 The Graveyard
31 The Graveyard Finish Theme
32 The Graveyard Round Over
33 Noob Saibot's Dorfen/The Hidden Portal/Scislac Busorez/Biography
34 Noob Saibot's Dorfen/The Hidden Portal/Scislac Busorez Finish Theme
35 Noob Saibot's Dorfen/The Hidden Portal/Scislac Busorez Round Over
36 Victory/Secret Character Unlocked
37 Credits
38 Kontinue?
39 Unknown
40 Unused
41 Finishing Move
42 Animality
43 Babality
44 Friendship
45 Character Voice Collection
46 Shao Kahn Voice Collection
47 Miscellaneous Voice Collection
48 Raiden's Message
49 Unknown
50 Unknown 2
51 Unknown 3
52 Coin

09-29-2012, 06:30 AM
Oh my God, thank you so much for all your hard work, i been wanting these soundtracks for awhile. Thanks

09-29-2012, 04:03 PM
thanks to all who made possible those packages!!!

wind knower
09-29-2012, 07:28 PM
No problem, guys. :)

wind knower
11-07-2012, 04:29 AM
Nuclearaptor's rips reupped

Deadly Alliance (

Part 1 (
Part 2 (
Part 3 (
Part 4 (

Part 1 (
Part 2 (
Part 3 (
Part 4 (

wind knower
11-08-2012, 04:15 AM
This rip contains all the music from Mortal Kombat 4 and Mortal Kombat Gold. Fourteen of the tracks came from Mortal Kombat Musik MK3 & MK4 Arcade Video Game Soundtrack. Nine came from Nuclearaptor's "Extra Tracks" rip. The endings I ripped from YouTube. The Church, Netherrealm, and Soul Chamber backgrounds are exclusive to Mortal Kombat Gold. Their music was reused from Mortal Kombat 3.

Mortal Kombat 4 (Arcade)/Mortal Kombat Gold (Saturn) (

01 Intro
02 Character Select
03 Choose Your Destiny
04 Elder Gods/Shaolin Temple/Title/Name Entry
05 The Tomb
06 Wind World/Credits (No Sound Effects)
07 Reptile's Lair
08 Living Forest/Ice Pit
09 The Prison
10 The Church
11 Netherrealm
12 Soul Chamber/Ladder?
13 Goro's Lair
14 Fire Well
15 Wind World/Credits (from Mortal Kombat Musik MK3 & MK4 Arcade Video Game Soundtrack)
16 Continue Screen
17 Game Over
18 Victory
19 Bio Screen
20 Fatality Drumroll
21 The Ends (from Mortal Kombat Musik MK3 & MK4 Arcade Video Game Soundtrack)
22 Goro's Crib (Unused)
23 Eldest Gods (Unused)
24 The Screw (Unused)
25 MK4 Trailer (from Mortal Kombat Mythologies)
26 MK4 Audio Tour (from Mortal Kombat Musik MK3 & MK4 Arcade Video Game Soundtrack)
27 Baraka's Ending
28 Cyrax's Ending
29 Fujin's Ending
30 Jarek's Ending
31 Jax's Ending
32 Johnny Cage's Ending
33 Kai's Ending
34 Kitana's Ending
35 Kung Lao's Ending
36 Liu Kang's Ending
37 Mileena's Ending
38 Quan Chi's Ending
39 Raiden's Ending
40 Reiko's Ending
41 Reptile's Ending
42 Scorpion's Ending
43 Sektor's Ending
44 Shinnok's Ending
45 Sonya's Ending
46 Sub-Zero's Ending
47 Tanya's Ending

01-12-2013, 08:45 PM
The link for Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 doesn't seem to work. Reupload?

01-14-2013, 12:56 AM
Never mind whatever I wrote here.
Skinnymann you made my day, ...or Night :p

finally I can hear Mortal Kombat: The Journey Begins Original Animation Soundtrack without having Ear-Rape of bad sound >_<

01-14-2013, 08:38 AM
thanks :)

01-19-2013, 04:11 PM
Seriously?! The UMK3 soundtrack still isn't reuploaded?! Look, if anyone doesn't know why the current link doesn't work, it is because of a "Permission Denied" message that shows up each time I click on the link. It mentions "Cause we are the House by Charlie Glitch",
What the?! What does Charlie Glitch have to do with UMK3? That's just stupid!

01-21-2013, 01:32 PM
I agree... Upload it please!

01-26-2013, 06:19 PM
Never mind, I just downloaded the MK3 soundtrack from wind knower's sendspace link in another forum known as "Mortal Kombat 1, 2, 3 (Arcade)".

euros only
01-28-2013, 03:22 AM
All of the links are down

01-28-2013, 05:10 AM
All of the links are down

I downloaded Deadly Alliance ,Deception and Armageddon tonight from the re-ups if those were the games you were looking for..

wind knower
02-09-2013, 05:11 PM
Metzgermeister's Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero rip.

Mortal Kombat Mythologies - Sub-Zero.rar (

08-18-2013, 03:42 AM
I so thank you for this :D
My brother and me luv MK and I'm so glad that everything were online, too =)
Thanks a bunch, as I said ^-^

02-24-2014, 10:16 PM
Any chance on getting a reup of Mortal Kombat - More Kombat? Thank you!

02-24-2014, 10:26 PM
I had a problem with pc and I lost all the MK Conquest remixes and tunes and rips I was going to work for a custom soundtrack of my own

I don't remember? Did I ever shared the files I had at the time in this thread?
I uploaded once for SpeCi, but it was when I used uptobox, which suddenly became a very bad and useless and quick to delete sharing site. So my files on that sharing site, of my account were deleted.

So I am asking here if I shared it with anyone, or that maybe someone might share what they have.
The only think that survived were my the covers I was working on.-

Leon Scott Kennedy
02-24-2014, 11:52 PM
I had a problem with pc and I lost all the MK Conquest remixes and tunes and rips I was going to work for a custom soundtrack of my own

I don't remember? Did I ever shared the files I had at the time in this thread?
I uploaded once for SpeCi, but it was when I used uptobox, which suddenly became a very bad and useless and quick to delete sharing site. So my files on that sharing site, of my account were deleted.

So I am asking here if I shared it with anyone, or that maybe someone might share what they have.
The only think that survived were my the covers I was working on.-
Talking about these (

02-25-2014, 12:29 AM
I had other more remixes... but it's better then having lost everything. Even SpeCi got a problem in his computer. :/

Thanks anyway. I will try to work on those again when I can ;)

03-12-2014, 02:34 AM
can someone reupload deadly alliance please

03-15-2014, 02:48 PM

01-11-2015, 03:39 AM
Someone re-upload the Armageddon soundtrack.

03-31-2015, 03:54 AM
Many thanks for the original trilogy complete rips!

God Geese Howard
03-31-2015, 06:42 AM
Someone needs to make a Mortal Kombat: Defenders of the Realm music score soundtrack. :p

04-06-2015, 03:48 AM
I've been looking all overt the place for

Mortal Kombat - More Kombat:

The link has been dead for some time. Can anyone re-up it?
Thanks in advance!

04-06-2015, 03:48 AM
Random double post for some reason

04-06-2015, 12:33 PM
can someone reupload mortal kombat vs dc please? thanks in advance

04-09-2015, 05:55 PM
Still on the lookout for Mortal Kombat - More Kombat

Can't seem to find this one anywhere online. It's not even available for digital download! With the new game hitting next week, I'm getting hyped!

If anyone can re-up the album, I will be very grateful!

04-09-2015, 06:05 PM
I have it, but it's mp3.

04-09-2015, 07:16 PM
I have it, but it's mp3.

Fine by me. At this point, I'll take what I can get! :)

04-09-2015, 08:57 PM

Mortal Kombat More Kombat
(mp3 CBR 160) (!CMdHTZJa!21Z2p1JsEgAZ0ZeyPX3MnWntGwquoJ50oCDlzSB3dos)

Here you have a complete scan of the released slim-case cover ()

04-09-2015, 09:49 PM
Thank you very much! And thanks for the slim-case cover scan, too!

05-04-2015, 01:12 AM
Any chances for a MK2 reupload?

05-04-2015, 02:43 AM
MK2........ what? what do you want?

05-04-2015, 11:57 AM
Mortal Kombat 2 Arcade Komplete Rip. Sorry

01-16-2016, 06:12 AM
Mortal Kombat More Kombat

Re up plz if you can

01-16-2016, 01:39 PM
I had moved some of my shares to another account, so yeah, the link was dead, because it was the wrong one.
Now you can get it fine ^_^
HERE (Thread 65347)

Butt Boy
12-04-2018, 09:18 PM
Thanks for the great links, it would be nice to have a higher quality version of the MK: The Journey Begins promo but I've downloaded it before from another source and it was the same thing.Here's a 320 bit rate rip of Mortal Kombat The Journey Begins.

12-17-2018, 04:01 AM
Could someone reupload the 1995 movie soundtracks, please?

04-04-2019, 03:22 AM
Anyone got the soundtrack to the movie?