Master Rebellion
02-11-2009, 09:27 PM
Hello everyone.

I know that there are a handful of you (including myself) who are waiting for a Winback: Covert Operations gamerip, as there is no official soundtrack. Unfortunately, I do not have the essential tools in making a console gamerip, especially not for an N64 game. Anyway, I recorded the multiplayer battle themes and I'm sharing them with you. Maybe listening to these recordings will inspire someone to make a complete gamerip. However, if any of you think these recordings are "satisfactory" enough, let me know if you're interested in having a complete recording of the game. It would take a lot of work, but the thought has crossed my mind. In the meantime, enjoy the battle themes I uploaded to Rapidshare in MP3 format under a zip archive.

Master Rebellion
02-12-2009, 04:19 AM
Whoa! Guess what I discovered? There actually is a Winback gamerip here on the Shrine. Someone just uploaded in October. Last time I checked, there wasn't any Winback soundtrack. But now I know there is, so here is the link to that page.

Thread 61000

Some of the songs have sound effects in them, but not the majority, and only for a moment or so. Overall I'd say pretty damn good job. All credit goes to Goosebogey. Don't forget to show your appreciation! I will leave my battle themes here just in case, but don't be unaware of the gamerip by Goosebogey.

Good day.