01-16-2009, 01:46 AM
I think its time we give Simon the weekend off, it's my turn at the virtual DJ turntables!

Shmup Mix III - Revenge of the Chiptunes (

Download Shmup Mix Volume III - Revenge of the Chiptunes Here! (

Artist: Shiryu
Genre: Game
Year: 2009 January 15
Composer: Various
Cover Art: Shiryu

Combined Size: 189 MB
Channels: 2 (stereo)
Sample Rate: 44,1 KHz;
Sample Size: 16 bit
Constant Bit Rate: 192 kbps

Length: 1h 07m 20s



01 - Shiryu - Shmup Mix III - Revenge of the Chiptunes


00 - Amiga - R-Type 2 - Loader
01 - Amiga - Project X - Bladeswep Mix
02 - Amiga - Battle Squadron - Intro&Title
03 - SNES - Super Aleste - Title
04 - PC - Tyrian - Tyrian The Song
05 - Amiga - R-Type - Intro
06 - SNES - Super R-Type - Level 1
07 - Amiga - Ziriax - Level 1
08 - PC - Tyrian - Tyrian The Level
09 - SNES - Area 88 - Front Line Base
10 - SNES - Gradius 3 - Departure For Space
11 - PC - Tyrian - Tunneling Trools
12 - Amiga - Turrican II - Concerto 4 Laser
13 - SNES - Starfox - Corneria
14 - SNES - Super Aleste - Amazonas
15 - Amiga - Battle Squadron - Ingame
16 - SNES - Super R-Type - Level 2
17 - Amiga - Ziriax - Level 2
18 - SNES - Axelay - Colony
19 - SNES - Starfox - Space Armada
20 - SNES - Gradius 3 - Sand Storm
21 - SNES - Area 88 - Air Force Division
22 - PC - Tyrian - Return Me To Savara
23 - Amiga - R-Type 2 - Level 2
24 - SNES - Super R-Type - Level 3
25 - SNES - Axelay - Silence
26 - Amiga - Turrican II - Powerslide
27 - Amiga - Xenon 2 - Megablast
28 - Amiga - Projext X - Loader
29 - Amiga - Dyter 07 - Title
30 - Amiga - Project X - 1812

Fun facts:

- 100% made with Cool Edit Pro version 2.1 from 2002. Want a free open source alternative? Google for Audacity .
- 100% made of chiptunes remastered by Shiryu (enjoy that reverb filter!).
- Mix has 3 different flavours: European (Amiga Games), Japanese (SNES Games) and American (PC Game).
- Those stars on the cover of the CD? Thats Orion!
- Yep, that's the Vic Viper from SNES Gradius 3 Intro.
- Done in 4 days during offtime at work and between dinner/bed time.
- Only played Geometry Wars Galaxies on the Wii while making this.
- Mix structured so that songs reflect the following sequence: Intro & Main Title -> Level 1 -> Level 2 -> Gameover -> Highscore Table.

This was hard work, but I loved it. I know most of you guys/gals wont probably recognize many of the Amiga tunes, but I made this based of my childhood (wich explains why I didnt use any Megadrive tunes... sorry Genesis fans). Still, I hope this brings people some good memories. Will await for your feedback.

Many thanks to Simon B. for his idea and work around here.

Also many thanks to the composers and videogame producers of these and many more from the golden age of gaming, the 16-bit age. You are an inspiration to us all and as you can see (hear?) you may be gone, but never forgoten.

Just shoot that dammed Core already!

Visit Shiryu Music ( <- My music for your listening pleasure.

ShmupMix Threads Links
ShmupMix1 -=- Shoot'em up Mixed Session 1 (Thread 54668)
ShmupMix2 -=- Shoot'em up Mixed Session 2 (Thread 63191)
ShmupMix3 -=- Shoot'em Up Mixed Session 3 ( <- You are here, silly!

Simon's SHMUP topic : Thread 40557

01-16-2009, 03:54 AM
Awesome shit! Can't wait to hear this puppy! Thanks for the upload Shiryu...looking forward to your work!

Simon B
01-16-2009, 04:32 AM
ho shiiiiiit, i m dead yesterday, slept to 3 pm to 3 am xD,
& saw that when im waked up but must go to work now , NOOOOOOOOO
impatient to cpme back & listen in a few hours.

Seb ;)

01-16-2009, 04:42 AM
Fu...cking...awesome! And so is the subtitle. lol

Great stuff, Shiryu. Thanks for putting this together. :)

01-16-2009, 06:27 AM
awwwww yeah!!

01-16-2009, 06:42 AM
After listening my verdict is...

well i haven't stopped actually hahaha...great stuff man. Digging the whole retro theme of the tunes! Thanks again bro!

01-16-2009, 06:50 AM
This is some great stuff! Thanks for sharing!:)

01-16-2009, 11:51 AM

Thanks for the positive impressions, guys. v ^_^

01-16-2009, 01:51 PM
I seem to have impressed a local videogame website, so comming up, direct download link! Will update when its ready. ^_^

Update:New download direct link is live! (

Simon B
01-16-2009, 03:25 PM
finally listened, it's a great selection Shiryu, i enjoyed.
i didn't know some Amiga musics, great chipsound.
Thank You.

i would say: it's not a ShmupMix... more a ShmupCompil.
after the listen i understood why it' was not mixed, chiptune are hard(impossible?) to mix ^^

too bad, i'll appreciate to listen a ShmupMix that i didn't done, it's not the same thing (totally new, the discover). you know what i mean Shiryu.
maybe another time, another day & not another place :).

01-16-2009, 03:47 PM
I will try to contribute with Amiga OST to the shared smhuzik thread, theres only Apydia up there. ^_^

Simon B
01-16-2009, 06:25 PM
cool, Awesome tune, tx bro. we need more amiga & even more 8bit music in the shmup thread :)

ShmupMix3 link added in the both firsts threads.

01-16-2009, 10:14 PM
Great tunes especially the gradius III songs you got there. Keep it up

01-16-2009, 10:19 PM
Im sure Shmup Mix will not end by Volume 3. For now, im gonna focus on finishing my new CD. Whos next lined up for Volume IV? Simon B.? A New Huge Mixer Aproaches?

01-18-2009, 03:32 AM
Thanks for the upload, Shiryu. I personally like it because it's a change of pace from the modern gaming music I typically listen to. Each song is from their respective original soundtrack, am I wrong? I prefer fan-made remixes to the original for shmup music imo, barring Recca and touhou music. Chiptunes have a place in my heart, though. : ] Have you heard of Nullsleep? It's pretty neat, since it's pure chiptune music, and some of it is completely original, no remix. Go under "Audio", the Electric Heart Strike album is my favorite.

01-19-2009, 12:51 AM
Thanks for your support, Desert Eagle. Yes, all of the tracks here are recxorded from their original state as best as possible, I remastered all Amiga recordings by combinng stereo and adding reverb, so they are easier to listen on stereo. SNES and PC tunes are untouched.

I purposly avoided any remixes or rearrangments in order to have a oldschool, chiptune only sound out of the mix.

Thanks for the tip about Nullsleep, ill look it up. v ^_^

01-26-2009, 07:36 AM
Tyrian was f***ing awesome! Me and my friend had a blast blowing through that game. Thanks for bringing back the memories!

01-26-2009, 11:55 AM
My pleasure. I dont think I have ever found out every ship, every secret level and every secret move on Tyrian... I gotta go back to it, sometime.

01-26-2009, 03:30 PM
Getting this now !!

I was a HUUUUUUGGGGEEE Amiga fan back in the day, so Id love to hear this one.

01-26-2009, 10:38 PM
Oh, if youre an Amiga fan, I have little to no doubt you will quite enjoy this. ^_^

01-30-2009, 05:27 PM
Too bad there was no Genesis tracks in it though, would kill for some Hellfire tracks, that game's music was boss awesome!

01-30-2009, 09:20 PM
There are tons of amazing shmup Genesis music around... maybe next mix? ^_^

02-02-2009, 04:55 AM
when is the next mix? >.>

02-02-2009, 10:12 PM
Good question... any one out there to keep this going or what?

Simon B
02-02-2009, 11:05 PM
Good question... any one out there to keep this going or what?
hey ! "� ShmupMix" is copyrighted Simon B.

i must approve this time if someone want to do one! (a ShmupMix)
it MUST be mixed, otherwise the guy must find another "name" for his Compil.

for you Shiryu, this time was OK for this SHMUPMIX III, beause like we have talked about that, Old Chiptunes are almost impossible to mix. so i agree with this SHMUPMIX III

what about beat'm up mix or a puzzle one & why not plateformer. ^^

02-02-2009, 11:10 PM
Sure, but were are the mixers? Theres gotta be more people out here familiar with both mixing software and shmup music! Come out, come out!

Simon B
02-02-2009, 11:35 PM
what about beat'm up mix or a puzzle one & why not plateformer. ^^
Sure, but were are the mixers? Theres gotta be more people out here familiar with both mixing software and shmup music! Come out, come out!
with both: ok but as i said there is few others games genres to mix :)

for my planned next mix, i'm just to the firsts step, selecting groovy tracks when i ear one. i'll come back in these threads because some people point me a few tracks to select for this next job (don't wait for it in the next week, i have no idea of when i start this mix but for sure i will all let you know)

07-07-2009, 12:23 AM
These are so awesome! I have to thank you for your great work. I loved your first CD, they blend together so nicely. ^_^

07-07-2009, 01:56 AM
Hey Shiryu, love your work man! Please when you have the time, take a a look at my Gaming Soundscapes videos ( I'd like to hear what you think of them!