08-19-2008, 09:49 AM

As requested here's Lair complete by John Debney. I don't remember where I got it (I download from many different places) but this version is incredibly good, encoded with lame 3.97 preset insane. Thanks for the original releaser.

There's a thread in this forum with a self-made album of Lair, although I do appreciate such initiative and salute the uploader, I must admit that the sound quality of his release is significantly less good than this version.

Personally I find this score totally overwhelming. I know than Debney is far more than the average composer (in fact he's one of my favourites) but what he did here for a "mere" VG is incredible, and even superior to many of his film scores. Reasons for this are :
- He had much more time than for a movie
- the subject allows grand and epic music
- the less linear structure of a VG allowed him to compose freer and more structured, suite-like cues, wich are very enjoyable to listen.

Enjoy this superb score !

08-19-2008, 10:39 AM
Doesn't Lair just show you the kind of music we could be having in films today, if directors/producers/test audiences weren't so hung up with modernity and Hans Zimmer garbage?

Lair is derivative in places, but GOD DAMN, it's rich, and magnificent. Even when Debney is asleep at the wheel (Meet Dave) he can still belt out a powerful orchestral score, and when he's awake and firing on all cylinders (Lair) wonderful wonderful things happen.

And look what happens when a composer isn't forced to Mickey-Mouse ridiculously fast-paced, instant gratification scenes in movies, and instead can think about a cue musically, and give it a beginning, middle, and end - without having to sync to fast cuts, sudden changes in mood, and movies with no sense of subtlety of restraint...

Movies used to play like music... Now they play like a one night stand, and so do the scores. In Alien - one of the greatest horror movies of all time - nothing remotely bad happens until thirty minutes into the movie, and you don't even get to *see* the main bad guy until another thirty minutes past that. Movies need to start being intelligent again. When they do, and directors start to treat composers with respect and trust, the world of cinema will be a happier place...

Hollywood really needs to wake the hell up. It really doesn't *have* to be all about synthesisers, percussion loops, electric guitars, and wailing middle-eastern vocalists... (Though there is some of the latter in Lair - but it's GOOD...)

Thank you sir!

08-19-2008, 12:38 PM
This was one of the best scores of 2007 and of all time for me.

Such great themes, such grandeur, such power. This is what scores should be instead of a collection of synths & percussion...

But I agree with what 'dannyfrench' says. I used to go with pleasure to the movies when I was younger. But nowadays nothing is new or innovating anymore. Same with videogames, most of it is all standard shit... Or it could be me an I have become a more critical consumer over the years...

Besides the game is epic and great too. The music fits the visuals too. I bought it recently for 25 EURO. And since they added an analog control method a few months ago this elevates the game way above all the mediocre reviews it got when it first came out...

One question though:
Does this version as the extremely annoying Windows XP Clicks in it. Esp in the Mokai songs (Ruins of Mokai (Return to Mokai City))
If not I'm gonna download this version cause the clicks in some songs really got on my nerves :)

08-19-2008, 01:15 PM
Everybody become more exigent with age. Studies have shown that children are much more emotionally sensitive and impressionable than adults, they think and judge (criticize) less and take the good of something without asking questions.

Everybody experimented in their childhood marvelous and unforgettable emotions that they desperately try to find again once adults. That's why there are so much people that cling to their first VG, movies or books. Not necessarily because they were great (in some cases yes) but because of the memory of the EMOTION they had then, and didn't feel again, although many products coming these days are good (surrounded by much crap, I agree).

One simple example - When I first had a NES, I played Mario during 6 months 2-3 hours a day. It felt like injections of pure pleasure into my skull. But today it's hard for me to play with it even one minute when Ninja Gaiden Sigma is waiting nearby. But even the latter is extremely far from giving me the same amount of joy and excitement I got with Mario.

And yes I heard a click in the Mokai song. How did you know ?

08-19-2008, 01:30 PM
And yes I heard a click in the Mokai song. How did you know ?

I have this OST for some time now. That why I know. 59 tracks

08-19-2008, 02:53 PM
And look what happens when a composer isn't forced to Mickey-Mouse ridiculously fast-paced, instant gratification scenes in movies, and instead can think about a cue musically, and give it a beginning, middle, and end - without having to sync to fast cuts, sudden changes in mood, and movies with no sense of subtlety of restraint...

That's an inherent flaw to film music, it's not meant to be stand-alone but exists by and for another media. We can only hope that sometimes some composers have the genius to combine a high illusration value AND a high musical-only value (luckily it happens quite often).

I sometimes dream about symphonic suites written by my favourite composers where there's all the themes and ideas of the film scores but structured in an intellectually meaningful and musically enjoyable way.

Anime music hasn't the same problem. The cues are meant to be played during many different scenes, a bit like in a VG, so the composer is freer and can do coherent and stuctured cues. That's one of the reason I enjoy so much this music.

08-19-2008, 06:18 PM
One simple example - When I first had a NES, I played Mario during 6 months 2-3 hours a day. It felt like injections of pure pleasure into my skull. But today it's hard for me to play with it even one minute when Ninja Gaiden Sigma is waiting nearby. But even the latter is extremely far from giving me the same amount of joy and excitement I got with Mario.

Well I have the same feelings about this too. Todays society puts way too much stress on the visual side of things. People have to look shaven, thin with the right size of breasts and the right cloths. CGI effects and cast is more important then the acting qualities or the story of a movie. Videogames must have the lastest particle effects and higres bump mapped textures instead of great innovative leveldesign and an epic long sweeping story. Well life is all about perception these days...

Well there are exceptions of course, but nowadays you really have to look for these...

By the way: any recommandations for albums similar to Lair? :)

08-19-2008, 06:26 PM
By the way: any recommandations for albums similar to Lair? :)

Perfect timing!

I was just about to post something rare and exceptional in a similar style. Just wait until this evening.

Another fabulous score is LINEAGE 2 (Bill Brown and VA). Extremely grand and epic. And Brown has a style very similar to Debney's.

I also recommend Ultima X: Odyssey, a canceled game, composed by Chris Field and performed by The Northwest Sinfonia. You can download it here :
There are only 6 tracks but WHAT TRACKS!! The 6 cues here are among the best I've heard from a young composer, this guy is a pure musical genius!

Ultima IX - Ascension (1999) - Origin Systems Inc. Composed, orchestrated and conducted by George Oldziey. Small orchestra but superb score.

Bladestorm The Hundred Years' War Original Soundtrack
Composed by Jamie Christopherson, performed by The Prague Symphony Orchestra. Remarkable score, full of action and power.


08-19-2008, 08:00 PM
All right I uploaded the little treat I promised.

It's a superb symphonic score. It features an 80 piece orchestra and choir, all recorded at Warner Bros. in LAI. f you liked Lair or Lineage 2 you should definitely try this one.

Shaiya - George Oldziey
Thread 58862


08-19-2008, 08:27 PM
This is great stuff, all of it. Thank your for making it available. I had all of the former releases of Lair and now I have this. I'll also look for the other titles mentioned.

08-19-2008, 08:41 PM
@ arthierr

My "Selfmade Album" from LAIR contains the I-Tunes Version as well as the rip from "OrangeC", which was a line in rip.
I know. The quality isn't the best, but for reediting I had to recode the tracks again.

I just listen to your version and the quality is amazing. I am thinking about making a re-edit with the new source. I don't have the sequenzes anymore so I think it will be an alternative version ...

By the way ... thanx a lot for this release.


08-19-2008, 08:46 PM
No disrespect, my friend. I appreciate what you did.

But for me sound quality is extremely important. Reencoding significantly reduces it. So instead of reencoding you should use programs wich directly cut and join mp3 without reencoding. Mp3directcut is one of the best.

08-20-2008, 05:59 PM
Guys, I found that, you have to check these :

ScoreKeeper Interview With Composer John Debney About Scoring LAIR For PlayStation 3, Maybe IRON MAN, And More!!
If you liked this score (and I bet you did) you should definitely read this interview. You'll learn much about it, the composer, and making scores in general.

Also you can read this article about the score :

Very interesting! Highly recommended.

08-20-2008, 06:10 PM
I'd seen those interviews before, but fascinating stuff & I'm sure people will find them very interesting. :)

In every single one of your threads, my friend, you don't just get the music. You always get something extra.

It's a little misleading to suggest that the YouTube video is from the recording session. It isn't - it's a (bloody awful) amateur performance by a French orchestra.

Lair was performed by The London Symphony Orchestra, recorded at Abbey Road.

Incidentally... more YouTube goodies:

This was the world premiere of Lair's score. Debney conducted a fifteen minute suite at a PLAY! concert in May 2007. This is the full suite. It's a crummy cam recording, but hell, it's still brilliant. :)

08-20-2008, 06:18 PM
In every single one of your threads, my friend, you don't just get the music. You always get something extra.

Phew! At last someone noticed! Yes my friend, I try to elevate the cultural level whenever I can. Music is much more appreciated with some background knowledge.

Sorry for the mistake. THAT was Debney ? With the long hair ? Wow!

Edit : Oops, I mixed what you wrote, no of course it wasn't him!

Edit 2 : Thanks for the links. It's a moving thing to look at composers conducting their music.

08-20-2008, 06:26 PM
IN the video you posted, that's not Debney. God knows who it is...


The conductor in the videos I posted is allegedly Debney but I can't make up my mind whether it looks like him or not. Mostly we see him from behind, and when we see him head on, he's wearing glasses. I've never seen Debney wearing glasses before... Anybody have any more info about this one? Details concerning this concert are pretty hard to come by...


08-20-2008, 06:39 PM
This is very Cool!!!!!

I only had one song that I downloaded off of the Playstation Network. It is awesome and I wondered why they didn't put up more :(

anyways, thanks a lot!! :D

08-20-2008, 07:46 PM
Thanks for posting such an awesome soundtrack. (^_^)

08-21-2008, 07:40 AM
After doing my recut, I think this version is the rip from "orangec". It contains the same windows sounds. So, nothing new out there ...


08-21-2008, 08:58 AM
1) It's not meant to be new, it's a simple answer to a request, as I mention at the beginning.

2) Again :

I don't remember where I got it (I download from many different places) but this version is incredibly good, encoded with lame 3.97 preset insane. Thanks for the original releaser.

If this version is OrangeC's I give him credits and thank him for such an awesome rip. But anyway I just searched into the forum and didn't found a valid link. So consider this like a repost, if you wish.

08-21-2008, 09:10 AM
I don't think he was trying to lessen your effort - just pointing out that he's solved the mystery of where this particular rip came from. It's OrangeC's rip - which was a superb piece of work, but has its flaws - including digital clipping and Windows XP clicks and bangs occasionally audible.

I think it's criminal that you can't buy this damn thing on a CD. One of the finest scores of the decade, and it never received a physical - or lossless - release, and even the official download release missed off more than half the score? Chriiiiiiiiiiist...

08-21-2008, 09:21 AM
I didn't mean to look hostile, and if I did, I apologize.

Indeed it's a shame. But with all the sharing means these days, this score will successfully reach his audience.

But I regret Mr Debney doesn't get enough financial feedback for that, it would have been well deserved. When you see how well Zimmer and his clones sell albums, it sure is an injustice.

08-21-2008, 09:49 PM
Everybody, this OST I was recommending can be downloaded here :

Bladestorm The Hundred Years' War Original Soundtrack
Composed by Jamie Christopherson, performed by The Prague Symphony Orchestra. Remarkable score, full of action and power.
Thread 58887

Give it a try, it's a nice one.

08-21-2008, 09:57 PM
Okay people i will explaon why to you this rip didnt come out all perfect. Last year in september my computer broke down so i had to use this shitty one that didnt have a very good soundcard. thus i recorded off of that due to the huigh demand of that time, Now my computers fixed but i dont have the game anymore.

So unless if someone does a have a PS3 and the game and can doa rerip we wont be seeing a fixed version.

08-21-2008, 10:50 PM
I guess nobody's worked out a way to rip the music tracks directly off the game disk, have they...?

Now THAT would be brilliant...

Edit: Gak... the ISO is 30gb... Guess I won't be downloading it any time soon...

08-21-2008, 10:59 PM
Well all PS3 bluray ISO games are encrypted so even if we find a way we cant open the files directly.

08-22-2008, 12:19 AM
thanks a lot!!!!

08-22-2008, 11:34 AM
Perfect timing!

I was just about to post something rare and exceptional in a similar style. Just wait until this evening.

Another fabulous score is LINEAGE 2 (Bill Brown and VA). Extremely grand and epic. And Brown has a style very similar to Debney's.

I also recommend Ultima X: Odyssey, a canceled game, composed by Chris Field and performed by The Northwest Sinfonia. You can download it here :
There are only 6 tracks but WHAT TRACKS!! The 6 cues here are among the best I've heard from a young composer, this guy is a pure musical genius!

Ultima IX - Ascension (1999) - Origin Systems Inc. Composed, orchestrated and conducted by George Oldziey. Small orchestra but superb score.

Bladestorm The Hundred Years' War Original Soundtrack
Composed by Jamie Christopherson, performed by The Prague Symphony Orchestra. Remarkable score, full of action and power.


Thank you for these reccommendations

08-22-2008, 12:17 PM
You're welcome, my friend.

You can also try

Michael Hoenig - Baldur's Gate I & II

Greg Edmonson - Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

Knut Avenstroup Haugen - Age Of Conan

Chance Thomas - The hobbit

Most Jeremy Soule's OSTs

If you know some please recommend.

08-25-2008, 01:10 AM
Thank you for this AMAZING score!

Elemental Eye
10-02-2008, 05:09 PM
This one is truly INCREDIBLE! Very nice upload, thank you so much! I really love rich and well-orchestrated scores like this one. Absolutely one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard, as good as Outcast. Or even better perhaps, can't really tell. =P

Doesn't Lair just show you the kind of music we could be having in films today, if directors/producers/test audiences weren't so hung up with modernity and Hans Zimmer garbage?

I completely agree with this, it's such a shame that soundtracks like this are very rare. Hans Zimmer's background as a rock musician can be noticed from every piece he has written. They are powerful and massive (loud), yeah, but ABSOLUTELY NOTHING when compared to a masterpieces like this OST and Outcast OST, for example.

01-06-2009, 11:18 PM
Seriously, i just beat the game and have been tweaking on how epic the music is. Reminds me a little of the star wars series but still unique in its own way! a must have soundtrack/score!

06-09-2009, 10:03 PM
I'll have PS3 soon with Lair. I'm not total noob if it comes to computers, but if anyone can give any hint on how to rip music files from PS3 disk (if the game stores it), then I could do it.

06-09-2009, 10:42 PM
Is the tracklist in order from the game's levels & events.

06-12-2009, 08:16 PM
I will give it a try, the only soundtrack I listen form that composer was Zathura ^^, thanks for sharing Arthierr.

Crusader Moron
06-12-2009, 09:34 PM
Thank you for this fine look at Lair's OST, Arthierr.

Much appreciation for OrangeC's initial efforts as well.

Quite an illuminating thread and the tangents are worth the time to follow. :>

09-25-2013, 03:17 PM
Pls pls... Try Re-uplaud! =(

09-30-2013, 12:01 AM
Links are dead. Can you please please please re-up??!!

Herr Salat
09-30-2013, 12:31 AM
I have re-uploaded TazerMonkey's edit here ( Hopefully, La-La Land makes the announcement soon.