07-29-2008, 11:51 AM
As a thanx for all the great OST's I found here I'll post the soundrack I could not find anywhere on the Internet. (So I bought the CD's).

Urotsukidoji-1 OST CD1
(Legend of the Overfiend)

Urotsukidoji-1 OST CD2
(Legend of the Demon Womb)

Urotsukidoji-2 OST CD1
(Return of the Overfiend & Infernal Road (Not sure though))

Urotsukidoji-2 OST CD2
(New Saga (not sure))

07-29-2008, 02:19 PM
Excellent. I've been wanting the end credits theme from volume... uh, 4 or 5, I think... for many, many years. Thank you!

If you happen to have the catalog numbers, I can see about hunting down a track listing to translate.

07-29-2008, 07:48 PM
If you happen to have the catalog numbers, I can see about hunting down a track listing to translate.

That would be great!

I'm not sure if this is it but I hope you can use it:


The CD's were released by 'Quantum Leap Music' and the website is:

Just found this...:

① コンプリート・コレクション うろつき童子  商品番号―QLM0006&0007(2枚組み )
世界のファンタスティック映画祭で絶賛された伝説のOVAサウンドが、遂にCD化! 天野正道サウンドの原 点を聴け!

VOL1:超神伝説 うろつき童子

1:超神伝説 2:学園のテーマⅠ 3:妖鬼&半獣人・天邪鬼 4:尾崎の変貌
5:超神誕生 6:大正12年9月1日 7:海の魔王 8:復讐の仁木 
9:水角獣登場 10:摩天楼の闘い 11:仁木の最後 12:大阪城の謎
13:水角獣再生 14:南雲と明美 15:海の魔王復活 16:真の超神
17:新たなる世界 18:うろつき童子BGMコレクション 

Total 65:28

VOL2:真・超神伝説 うろつき童子 魔胎伝

1:実験/1944年 ヴリル協会本部 2:大空襲 3:摩天楼の儀式
4:メインタイトル 5:獄門境の襲撃者 6:ガーディアン
7:禁断の遺跡 8:ミミのテーマ 9:ジャンボ墜落炎上
10:輸血 11:ムー・オーケストラの演奏 12:学園のテーマⅡ
13:道場 14:恵と武昭 15:武昭のテーマ 
16:ミュンヒハウゼンの企み 17:大観覧車 18:のぞき部屋
19:フライング・デート 20:虎鵬鬼/スカイ・レイプ 
21:横浜大空戦 22:黒魔術1948 23:内なる怪物
24:未来の謎 25:幻影 26:南雲の決意 27:完全なる儀式
28:恵の叫び 29:新宿摩天楼大戦 30:運命の一撃 

Total  68:12

フェニックス作品CD、 QLMレーベルにて好評発売中!
オリジナル音源より リマスター!
第8弾 2月25日発売! 予約受付中!

こちらの商品は、通信販売専用商品です。 詳しくは、「この商品を注文する」をクリックしてください。

   ※プレゼント・キャンペーンは終了いたしました。たくさんの御応募ありがとうございます 。

【第8弾  「好評発売中」】

○ オリジナル・サウンドトラック SIN THE MOVIE  商品番号―QLM-0019

1.セラル・シンクレアの日記  2.誘拐事件  3.地下水道の戦い  4.墓地での警告  5.シンテ ック  6.スカイシティ・CM  7.ハード・コープ  8.エリス    9.恐怖のデモンストレーシ ョン  10.陽動作戦  11.ティムの死  12.悪魔の発明  13.中止命令  14.出撃の時   15.シンクレア一家の悲劇  16.マッド・サイエンティスト  17.ゴースト・モード で飛べ!   18.シンテックの侵入  19.ラッキー・マンシーニ  20.ブレードVSマンシーニ  21.シ シリー   22.マンシーニの逆襲  23.ブレードの危機  24.セラル・モンスター  25.エンド・クレ ジット  26.帰還  27.シンクレア     

Total  57:35


 ¥2,800(税込)  発売元 キューエル・エム


【第7弾  好評発売中】

『蒼き狼たちの伝説』&『センシティブ・ポルノグラフ』より  商品番号―QLM-0018

1:オープニング・クレジット(J・S・.バッハ作曲「ピアノ協奏曲第5番ヘ短調BWV1056」第2楽章 )  2:西暦2199年/人類滅亡の危機  3:影の軍隊   4:第81機動歩兵師団25期生  5: レナードの過去  6:訓練  7:射撃訓練  8:影の軍隊の掟  9:リング  10:屈辱の儀式   11:別離  12:出撃の時  13:レナードとジョナサン  14:蒼き狼たちの伝説(イントロ・ロン グ・バージョン)

15:ソノと征二  16:出逢い  17:告白  18:二人の時間  19:噂  20:真実  21 :幸せな朝  22:アイキャッチ  23:ペットシッター  24:死体!?  25:戸惑い  26: アキと宏二  27:再会  28:エンディング     

Total  61:56


 ¥2,800(税込)  発売元 キューエル・エム


【第6弾  好評発売中】

○ コンプリート・コレクション うろつき童子Ⅱ(2枚組み)  商品番号―QLM-0016 & 17

VOL.1  超神伝説 うろつき童子・未来編&放浪篇

1:プロローグ  2:新世界(ドボルザーク作曲「新世界」より)  3:早すぎる誕生(ドボルザーク作曲 「新世界」より)  4:マケモノたち  5:アレクトーのテーマ  6:凌辱の寺院  7:武獣とアレク トー  8:怨念獣ファブニル  9:アルヴィン   10:シーザーの怒り  11:ヒミの嘆き  12:狂王の光  13:最後の闘い  14:父と娘   15:二つの旅立ち   16:エンディング 【うろつき童子・放浪篇】   17:逃亡  18:霧の塔の儀式  19:ケンとユミ  20:恐怖の刑罰  21:ユフラ  22 :霧が晴れる時  23:ヒミを救え!  24:ヒミのテーマ   

Total  77:10

1:プロローグ  2:獣王  3:予兆  4:最後の半獣人、天野邪鬼  5:ミミの思い出  6:人間 界へ  7:ボクシング選手権   8:百合の想い  9:少年時代-南雲と尾崎-  10:試合開始  11:異変  12:医師の正体   13:土角龍VS天野邪鬼   14:幻妖妃  15:秘密クラブ  16:南雲と美佳   17:南雲の死  18:疑問  19: 真実  20:青幻妃と幻妖妃  21:尾崎の苦悩 22:捕らわれた百合  23:尾崎と百合  24:夜明け  25:決勝戦   26:大空の戦い  2 7:百合の死  28:エピローグ

Total  68:01

※メイン・テーマのオーケストラバージョンを始め、全52曲からなる天野正道の原点、世界初CD 化


Do you need anything else?

07-29-2008, 07:57 PM
Cool. I'll have a closer look tonight, when I'm at home, and post a followup.

07-29-2008, 09:23 PM
Okay, took less time than I thought.

The Wandering Child Complete Collection II
Composition & Arrangement: Amano Masamichi

Vol 1: Legend of the Overfiend-The Wandering Child

1. Legend of the Overfiend
2. Campus Theme 1
3. Charmer and Half-Beast: Amanojaku
4. Osaki's Transformation
5. Birth of the Overfiend
6. September 1st, 1923
7. Oceanic Overlord
8. Vengeful Niki
9. Enter Suikakujuu
10. Battle Among the Skyscrapers
11. Niki's Final Moments
12. The Mystery of Osaka Castle
13. Suikakujuu's Rebirth
14. Nagumo and Akemi
15. Rebirth of the Oceanic Overlord
16. The True Overfiend
17. A New World
18: Wandering Child BGM Collection

Total: 65:28

Vol 2. New Legend of the Overfiend: The Wandering Child
Legend of the Demon Womb

1. Experiment in 1944 - Vrill Society HQ
2. The Great Air Raid
3. Skyscraper Ceremony
4. Main Title
5. Raider at the Prison Gates
6. Guardian
7. Forbidden Ruins
8. Mimi's Theme
9. Jumbo Fiery Crash
10. Transfusion
11. Muu Orchestral Performance
12. Campus Theme II
13. Training Hall
14. Megumi & Takeaki
15. Takeaki's Theme
16. Munchausen's Scheme
17. Observation Viewer
18. Peeping Room
19. Flying Date
20. Kohouki / Sky Rape
21. Battle in the Yokohama Sky
22. Black Magic in 1948
23. The Beast Within
24. Mysteries of the Future
25. Illusion
26. Nagumo's Decision
27. Completion of the Ritual
28. Megumi's Scream
29. Battle Atop the Roofs of Shinjuku
30. A Strike from Fate
31. Rebirth of the Mad King

Total 68:12

The Wandering Child Complete Collection II (QLM-0016 & QLM-0017)
Composition & Arrangement: Amano Masamichi
Performance: Amano Masamichi & Symphonic Orchestra of Phoenix
VOL.1  超神伝説 うろつき童子・未来編&放浪篇

Vol 1. Legend of the Overfiend - The Wandering Child
Future Story & Wandering Story

(The Wandering Child Future Story)
1. Prologue
2. New World (from Doboruzaaku)
3. Premature Birth (from Doboruzaaku)
4. Losers
5. Alecto's Theme
6. The Temple of Violation
7. Buju & Alecto
8. Fabril, Fiend of Hatred
9. Alvin
10. Caesar's Anger
11. Himi's Grief
12. The Light of the Mad King
13. The Final Battle
14. Father & Daughter
15. The Couple Departs
16. Ending (The Wandering Child-Wandering Story)
17. Escape
18. Ritual at the Tower of Mist
19. Ken & Yumi
20. The Judgment of Fear
21. Yufura
22. When the Mist Clears
23. Save Himi!
24. Himi's Theme

Total: 77:10

Vol 2. The Wanderer

1. Prologue
2. Beast King
3. Omen
4. The Last Half-Beast, Amanojaku
5. Mimi's Memories
6. To the Human World
7. Boxing Champion
8. Yuri's Hopes
9. Nagumo & Ozaki as Boys
10. Starting the Game
11. Disaster
12. The Doctor's True Form
13. Dokakuryuu vs. Amanojaku
14. Gen'youb-
15. Secret Club
16. Nagumo & Mika
17. Nagumo's Death
18. The Question
19. The Truth
20. Shougenbi & Gen'youbi
21. Ozaki's Torment
22. Yuri's Imprisonment
23. Ozaki & Yuri
24. Daybreak
25. The Final Outcome
26. Battle in the Sky
27. Yuri's Death
28. Epilogue

Total 68:01

07-30-2008, 04:40 PM
Dude you're awesome! Thank you so much for posting this. And I didn't even have to pay you for this ;-) LOL! Much appreciated!

07-30-2008, 08:36 PM
I wasn't even looking for this....

You just made my day! Big Overfiend fan, and somehow, I never thought of looking for an OST for this series. Now I can truly say my Urotusukidoji collection is complete! Thank You!!!

07-31-2008, 07:50 PM
Smashing stuff - thanks! Where in the world did you find this stuff? I've been searching for literally years...

07-31-2008, 07:56 PM
Where in the world did you find this stuff?

(So I bought the CDs).

07-31-2008, 07:58 PM
Christ, twice in as many days I'm looking and not seeing... Sorry, and thanks again. :)

07-31-2008, 08:07 PM
20. Kohouki / Sky Rape

One of the first anime i ever rented... tripped me out.

07-31-2008, 10:19 PM
Wow thanks so much

08-02-2008, 09:18 PM
Wow! Thank you very much!

08-02-2008, 09:19 PM
Oh no I can't believe it, the links doesn't work.
Please re-up them, please.

08-06-2008, 05:07 PM
Oh no I can't believe it, the links doesn't work.
Please re-up them, please.

Links work just fine... just replace the XX with TT in "HXXP".

I'm glad I'm not the only crazy basterd who loved the Urotsukidoji serie (the first two movies anyway...), and its (verry 80's) soundtrack!

08-10-2008, 07:25 AM
It's ok
Work fine like you said

08-23-2008, 05:10 PM
I waited like 10 years for the OSTs.

Thnx for the upload. I'll still buy them though.

08-23-2008, 05:16 PM
Okay, took less time than I thought.

The Wandering Child Complete Collection II
Composition & Arrangement: Amano Masamichi

Vol 1: Legend of the Overfiend-The Wandering Child

1. Legend of the Overfiend
2. Campus Theme 1
3. Charmer and Half-Beast: Amanojaku
4. Osaki's Transformation
5. Birth of the Overfiend
6. September 1st, 1923
7. Oceanic Overlord
8. Vengeful Niki
9. Enter Suikakujuu
10. Battle Among the Skyscrapers
11. Niki's Final Moments
12. The Mystery of Osaka Castle
13. Suikakujuu's Rebirth
14. Nagumo and Akemi
15. Rebirth of the Oceanic Overlord
16. The True Overfiend
17. A New World
18: Wandering Child BGM Collection

Total: 65:28

Vol 2. New Legend of the Overfiend: The Wandering Child
Legend of the Demon Womb

1. Experiment in 1944 - Vrill Society HQ
2. The Great Air Raid
3. Skyscraper Ceremony
4. Main Title
5. Raider at the Prison Gates
6. Guardian
7. Forbidden Ruins
8. Mimi's Theme
9. Jumbo Fiery Crash
10. Transfusion
11. Muu Orchestral Performance
12. Campus Theme II
13. Training Hall
14. Megumi & Takeaki
15. Takeaki's Theme
16. Munchausen's Scheme
17. Observation Viewer
18. Peeping Room
19. Flying Date
20. Kohouki / Sky Rape
21. Battle in the Yokohama Sky
22. Black Magic in 1948
23. The Beast Within
24. Mysteries of the Future
25. Illusion
26. Nagumo's Decision
27. Completion of the Ritual
28. Megumi's Scream
29. Battle Atop the Roofs of Shinjuku
30. A Strike from Fate
31. Rebirth of the Mad King

Total 68:12

The Wandering Child Complete Collection II (QLM-0016 & QLM-0017)
Composition & Arrangement: Amano Masamichi
Performance: Amano Masamichi & Symphonic Orchestra of Phoenix
VOL.1  超神伝説 うろつき童子・未来編&放浪篇

Vol 1. Legend of the Overfiend - The Wandering Child
Future Story & Wandering Story

(The Wandering Child Future Story)
1. Prologue
2. New World (from Doboruzaaku)
3. Premature Birth (from Doboruzaaku)
4. Losers
5. Alecto's Theme
6. The Temple of Violation
7. Buju & Alecto
8. Fabril, Fiend of Hatred
9. Alvin
10. Caesar's Anger
11. Himi's Grief
12. The Light of the Mad King
13. The Final Battle
14. Father & Daughter
15. The Couple Departs
16. Ending (The Wandering Child-Wandering Story)
17. Escape
18. Ritual at the Tower of Mist
19. Ken & Yumi
20. The Judgment of Fear
21. Yufura
22. When the Mist Clears
23. Save Himi!
24. Himi's Theme

Total: 77:10

Vol 2. The Wanderer

1. Prologue
2. Beast King
3. Omen
4. The Last Half-Beast, Amanojaku
5. Mimi's Memories
6. To the Human World
7. Boxing Champion
8. Yuri's Hopes
9. Nagumo & Ozaki as Boys
10. Starting the Game
11. Disaster
12. The Doctor's True Form
13. Dokakuryuu vs. Amanojaku
14. Gen'youb-
15. Secret Club
16. Nagumo & Mika
17. Nagumo's Death
18. The Question
19. The Truth
20. Shougenbi & Gen'youbi
21. Ozaki's Torment
22. Yuri's Imprisonment
23. Ozaki & Yuri
24. Daybreak
25. The Final Outcome
26. Battle in the Sky
27. Yuri's Death
28. Epilogue

Total 68:01

where did you get translation for this?
Urotsukidoji does not mean "wandering child" or any other japanese word on the tittle.

Doji is allways a reference for DEMON.

08-26-2008, 03:39 AM
where did you get translation for this?
Urotsukidoji does not mean "wandering child" or any other japanese word on the tittle.

Doji is allways a reference for DEMON.

Uh, no. No, it is not. The Kanji in question ( is, in most contexts, "boy, kid or child." "Urotsuki" means "wandering," derived from the infinitive form, "urotsuku," meaning, "(1)to loiter; to putter; to prowl; to wander aimlessly; to knock around; (2) to be confused from not knowing what to do."

Back off. Watching anime and playing video games doesn't mean you know Japanese.

08-27-2008, 05:09 AM
where did you get translation for this?
Urotsukidoji does not mean "wandering child" or any other japanese word on the tittle.

Doji is allways a reference for DEMON.

:rolleyes: Dude do you even speak / read Japanese? No, I didn't think so.

08-28-2008, 06:28 PM
:rolleyes: Dude do you even speak / read Japanese? No, I didn't think so.

Yes! I speak and read japanese!!! i only have trouble with some kankji (a lot of them.....)

But still....Urotsukidoji doesn't it mean something else?
I sure of it!

08-28-2008, 06:56 PM
Yes! I speak and read japanese!!! i only have trouble with some kankji (a lot of them.....)

But still....Urotsukidoji doesn't it mean something else?
I sure of it!

You just answered my question. Last time I checked it was called Kanji.

08-29-2008, 04:32 AM
But still....Urotsukidoji doesn't it mean something else?
I sure of it!

If wishes were fishes... no. It means "wandering child/boy." It's rarely translated, probably because someone doesn't like the way it sounds in English. But if you look at the storyline of the overall series, it makes perfect sense.

09-11-2008, 03:11 PM
~ sacha1977 ~
Oh ya! You are great! Thanks very much!

Cho jin → 超 神
Den setsu → 伝 説
U ro tsu ki do ji → う ろ つ き 童 子
Chojin Densetsu Urotsukidoji → 超神 伝説 うろつき童子

Isn't it easy to be realized?

09-22-2008, 10:52 PM
Urotsukidoji translates as 'Wandering Kids.'

09-23-2008, 03:28 PM
kanryuudo, you don't to be so offensive. I write very quick on the keyboard, so i make mistakes. like "kankji". I know it's kanji.
I have to admit on "DOJI" being referred as child. you also have SHUTEN DOJI.
I always confuse with some doji stuff which is always on..let say.. demon side.

12-20-2008, 02:06 PM
As a thanx for all the great OST's I found here I'll post the soundrack I could not find anywhere on the Internet. (So I bought the CD's).

Urotsukidoji-1 OST CD1
(Legend of the Overfiend)

Urotsukidoji-1 OST CD2
(Legend of the Demon Womb)

Urotsukidoji-2 OST CD1
(Return of the Overfiend & Infernal Road (Not sure though))

Urotsukidoji-2 OST CD2
(New Saga (not sure))

You are the God above all Gods! xD

Simon B
01-12-2009, 04:47 PM
merci ;)

i was wondering if something like this exists & if yes, where i could find this musics....

asked to a friend if it exists just to know, before to look for it through the web...
& what a surprise, it's shared here!

this forum is just awesome.

THANK YOU AGAIN. i appreciate a lot! :D

PS: all the links were OK at this day!

01-12-2009, 06:45 PM
Links seems to be dead on all 4 scores, any possiblilty of a re-upload from anyone that managed to get them?
Many thanks

If possible, you can upload these to my FTP?

Simon B
01-12-2009, 07:20 PM
open your eyes kid xD

look better at the start of the links ;) hxxp :D

01-13-2009, 12:33 AM
LMAO, thanks, kinda knew something was up with that, but hey, its late (yeah excuses) and i and dyslexic (well, im not, but coulda neen ;))

Thanks for the info... Did fathom it out shortly after i posted the post :D

02-14-2009, 10:44 PM
could someone re-up plz

02-15-2009, 12:41 AM
merci ;)
i was wondering if something like this exists & if yes, where i could find this musics....

THANK YOU AGAIN. i appreciate a lot! :D

Toi aussi t'as regard� �a quand t'�tais jeune? ;)
1er visionnage pour moi en 1993 si je me rapelle bien, et c'etait en VO ;)
Il me reste � ce jour 3 versions du 1er DA en K7 huhu

par contre j'en ai pas gard� des souvenirs plus que �a de la zique, a part 2 themes je dirai.

(�a et les shin angels.. bon souvenirs)

Simon B
02-15-2009, 09:52 AM
oui, on a du les voir a la m�me �poque en fait, plus tard je avais rematt� les version Mangas videos (mais & mon souvenir il n'avaient pas sorti la s�rie compl�te en VF ou bien je les avais rat�)
je me les suis repris r�cemment et il faudrait que je trouve le temps de les regard�.

shin angels ne me dis rien. je vais all� cherch� un peu :) c'est Gore ou c'est Q,
parce que je pr�f�re 1000x le Gore au Q mec :p.

could someone re-up plzlook better !!!
read my previous post noob

09-27-2009, 08:25 PM
last link is dead.

can someone reup plz?

10-16-2009, 10:30 PM
Re-Up..........ppppppppleeeeaaaase!!!!!! :angel:

10-28-2009, 07:00 PM
Re-upload this soundtracks Urotsukidoji - Legend of the Overfiend Complete Collection and Urotsukidoji - Legend of the Overfiend II Complete Collection. Please.

01-05-2010, 11:25 AM
Urotsukidoji 2 CD2 re-up will be appreciated!


01-09-2010, 05:56 PM
same request as maximuxi, can you re-up the Urotsukidoji-2 OST CD2
(New Saga basically, as written on the official site) thanks in advance :p

ShinjiIkari reborn
01-09-2010, 08:18 PM
I really apprecate this so much been hunting this music for years!

01-09-2010, 08:36 PM
omg thank you very much :D one of the first anime's I saw scared the crap out of me but will be one of my iconic anime of all time :) thanks again :)

01-10-2010, 02:51 AM
Yup, second disc of the second album is a dead link. You are certainly a man/woman/thing among man/woman/things for putting these up here.

02-10-2010, 09:27 PM
The last link for the new saga is dead.

Simon B
04-08-2010, 01:11 PM
be patient , i'll do soon

04-08-2010, 02:32 PM
Thanks for this tentacular share.

Simon B
04-09-2010, 03:05 PM
Urotsukidoji-2 OST CD2

04-11-2010, 02:07 AM
Big thanks Simon!

Pharoh Amon Khan
04-12-2010, 05:00 AM
Bless you my child.

04-18-2010, 06:58 PM
Urotsukidoji-2 OST CD2
Thanks for re-posting this missing part ... I just tried the original links and so far they all work but the last one (which you re-posted) so thanks again!

And of course thanks to the original up-loader and creator of this thread :)

05-08-2010, 10:13 PM
God of all Gods status to one who uploaded these OSTs. Noticed that there weren't any tracks from Inferno Road final episode though - it had the ones from the 1st 2 episodes - secret garden and the other one but not the final one. It had tracks like the Yoen/Amano battle and rape scene. Just wondering if there was a CD for that

05-09-2010, 11:49 AM
Did someone here really watched this Series because of the Soundtrack? ^_^;

05-14-2010, 10:25 PM
amano masamichi est un ma�tre copieur (cf derniere piste du cd2 "Rebirth of the mad king" directement copi� sur "closing titles from mutiny on the bounty" de Vangelis que vous pouvez trouver n'importe o� sur le net.

06-21-2010, 09:51 PM
Thank You soooo soooo much !! <3 <3

09-22-2011, 09:00 PM
thank you so much !!!

this are fantastic !!! :)

01-28-2012, 05:25 PM
Megaupload unavailable. Please re-up all files or albums saved on Megaupload to a new provider. Thanks.

09-14-2012, 09:21 PM
Are these Urotsukidoji soundtracks still downloadable somewhere???


Herr Salat
09-14-2012, 09:29 PM
Urotsukidoji: Legend of the Overfiend I @ 160kbs:

Disc 1:
Disc 2:

Urotsukidoji: Legend of the Overfiend II @ 160kbs:

Disc 1:
Disc 2:

09-15-2012, 01:07 AM
Thanks, not to be picky, but is there any posibility of a higher bitrate and the third album? Just asking. Thanks!

09-15-2012, 01:14 AM
what third album?????

09-15-2012, 01:17 AM
what third album?????

Duh! My bad. I read those first links as I-III. Wasn't there a Third OVA series? My memory is fuzzy, I saw the first one when I was like 17 yo (don't ask). I'll never forget the "flying-demon-with-triple-rotation-action". Poor thing.

09-15-2012, 01:21 AM
let me explain.

Urotsukidoji Complete Collection I
Disc 1 "Chōjin Densetsu Urotsukidōji" (1987-1989)
Disc 2 "Shin Chōjin Densetsu Urotsukidōji: Mataiden" (1990-1991) the second ova

Urotsukidoji Complete Collection II
Disc 1 (Tracks 01~16) "Chōjin Densetsu Urotsukidōji: Mirai Hen" (1992-1993) teh third ova
Disc 1 (Tracks 17~24) "Chōjin Densetsu Urotsukidōji: Hōrō Hen" (1993-1995) the fourth ova
Disc 2 "Urotsukidōji: The Urotsuki" (2002) the remake

There is a fith ova, but never came out of japan. it is the final chapter that ends the story right before the fourth ova.
It is one episode only and the soundtracks is recycled from all previous ovas. It was made in very very very low budget, because no one wanted to finance them to end the story. So they made it themselves.

09-15-2012, 02:13 AM
Oh Goddamit! There's actually more?!? Gotta have to check it out! D:


09-15-2012, 02:16 AM
there was a torrent arround the web with EVERYTHING.

09-15-2012, 02:30 AM
Found all of them in BKBT. Oh boy, can't wait to show them to my wife! (I love to freak her!)

09-15-2012, 02:32 AM
bkbt do not have all.
dont forget about the fith chapter

found it.

here you everything. :)
hope you can listen japanese. because the fifth chapter has no subs.


found another one that might have subs in the chapter V

09-15-2012, 02:43 AM
Oh, forgot about the Fifth. Thanks! That last one is PERFECT! :D

09-15-2012, 02:54 AM
you are very welcome. :)
I have not seen any yet.
I mean I just saw the first and third. the third..... is incredibly PLOT TWISTED. 0.0
The new saga one, which is remake, and alternate re-telling..... just the soundtrack sounds good. :/

09-15-2012, 07:18 AM
Thanks for the Urotsukidoji OST links... ;)

09-30-2012, 11:06 AM
Thank you so much for the links. I've been looking for these for years but couldn't find them. I've even tried sourcing the originals but couldn't find them either. Thank you.

12-28-2012, 10:01 PM
Thanks a lot for the OST links !

I was lucky to find the entire saga on dvd (bought in France, very difficult to find) and I still have it ;-)

Episode 1 : 2 dvds (first : french and censored, second : vost but uncensored)
Episode 2 : 2 dvds (first : french and censored, second : vost but uncensored)
Episode 3 : 2 dvds
Episode 4 : 1 dvd

First and second episode are the best of the saga.

(never see the remake)

05-25-2013, 04:12 AM
Can someone repost this now that all those links are dead ?

Herr Salat
05-25-2013, 05:07 AM
#57 (

05-27-2013, 03:32 AM
I Found the legend of the overfiend Soundtracks / OST -------- urotsukidoji OSTS

************************************************** ***************************************

Urotsukidoji ( A lenda do dem�nio ) OST - 5 replies.
first < previous 1 of 1 next > last
Anonymous - Jul 29, 2010
Vol 1 - Legend of the Overfiend
The Wandering Child Complete Collection II
Composition & Arrangement: Amano Masamichi

Vol 1: Legend of the Overfiend-The Wandering Child

1. Legend of the Overfiend
2. Campus Theme 1
3. Charmer and Half-Beast: Amanojaku
4. Osaki's Transformation
5. Birth of the Overfiend
6. September 1st, 1923
7. Oceanic Overlord
8. Vengeful Niki
9. Enter Suikakujuu
10. Battle Among the Skyscrapers
11. Niki's Final Moments
12. The Mystery of Osaka Castle
13. Suikakujuu's Rebirth
14. Nagumo and Akemi
15. Rebirth of the Oceanic Overlord
16. The True Overfiend
17. A New World
18: Wandering Child BGM Collection

Total: 65:28

LINK:urotsukidoji_legend_of_the_overfiend_1_cd1 - Download - 4shared - J song universe (
Anonymous - Jul 29, 2010
Vol 2 - Legend of the Demon Womb
New Legend of the Overfiend: The Wandering Child
Legend of the Demon Womb

1. Experiment in 1944 - Vrill Society HQ
2. The Great Air Raid
3. Skyscraper Ceremony
4. Main Title
5. Raider at the Prison Gates
6. Guardian
7. Forbidden Ruins
8. Mimi's Theme
9. Jumbo Fiery Crash
10. Transfusion
11. Muu Orchestral Performance
12. Campus Theme II
13. Training Hall
14. Megumi & Takeaki
15. Takeaki's Theme
16. Munchausen's Scheme
17. Observation Viewer
18. Peeping Room
19. Flying Date
20. Kohouki / Sky Rape
21. Battle in the Yokohama Sky
22. Black Magic in 1948
23. The Beast Within
24. Mysteries of the Future
25. Illusion
26. Nagumo's Decision
27. Completion of the Ritual
28. Megumi's Scream
29. Battle Atop the Roofs of Shinjuku
30. A Strike from Fate
31. Rebirth of the Mad King

Total 68:12

LINK:urotsukidoji_legend_of_the_overfiend_1_cd2 - Download - 4shared - J song universe (
Anonymous - Jul 29, 2010
Vol 1 - Return of the Overfiend & Infernal Road
Vol 1. Legend of the Overfiend - The Wandering Child
Future Story & Wandering Story

(The Wandering Child Future Story)
1. Prologue
2. New World (from Doboruzaaku)
3. Premature Birth (from Doboruzaaku)
4. Losers
5. Alecto's Theme
6. The Temple of Violation
7. Buju & Alecto
8. Fabril, Fiend of Hatred
9. Alvin
10. Caesar's Anger
11. Himi's Grief
12. The Light of the Mad King
13. The Final Battle
14. Father & Daughter
15. The Couple Departs
16. Ending (The Wandering Child-Wandering Story)
17. Escape
18. Ritual at the Tower of Mist
19. Ken & Yumi
20. The Judgment of Fear
21. Yufura
22. When the Mist Clears
23. Save Himi!
24. Himi's Theme

Total: 77:10

LINK:urotsukidoji_legend_of_the_overfiend_2_cd1 - Download - 4shared - J song universe (
Anonymous - Jul 29, 2010
New Saga
Vol 2. The Wanderer

1. Prologue
2. Beast King
3. Omen
4. The Last Half-Beast, Amanojaku
5. Mimi's Memories
6. To the Human World
7. Boxing Champion
8. Yuri's Hopes
9. Nagumo & Ozaki as Boys
10. Starting the Game
11. Disaster
12. The Doctor's True Form
13. Dokakuryuu vs. Amanojaku
14. Gen'youb-
15. Secret Club
16. Nagumo & Mika
17. Nagumo's Death
18. The Question
19. The Truth
20. Shougenbi & Gen'youbi
21. Ozaki's Torment
22. Yuri's Imprisonment
23. Ozaki & Yuri
24. Daybreak
25. The Final Outcome
26. Battle in the Sky
27. Yuri's Death
28. Epilogue

Total 68:01

LINK:urotsukidoji_legend_of_the_overfiend_2_cd2 - Download - 4shared - J song universe (

************************************************** ***********************************

and if you are a nerd like me and you print on Printable CDR here are some images

Google Image Result for (,r:49,s:0,i:233&iact=rc&dur=806&page=2&tbnh=202&tbnw=202&start=39&ndsp=44&tx=91&ty=58)

************************************************** **********************************************

Now I just need to find The Neo-Tokyo aka Manie-Manie The Labyrinth Tales by Rintario
Soundtrack and The Crystal Triangle Soundtrack on CD


---------- Post added at 10:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:28 PM ----------

Details for MCPROTEUS - BakaBT (

05-27-2013, 05:01 AM
This looks good thanks man

05-27-2013, 05:18 AM
No problem.

I am listening to the Demon Womb one right now.

Man when that chick get reamed on top of That Ferris Wheel I.
Legend Of the Demon Womb that is like the hottest thing in the world IMO.


So just for the record that's about it for Hentai soundtracks right ?
There are no OSTs for Twin Angels or La Blue Girl or Demon Beast Invasion
Or any of that stuff right ?

---------- Post added at 12:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:14 AM ----------

Why does my sig sometimes vanish and then reappear ?

05-27-2013, 05:33 AM
Thanks for finding these obscure soundtracks, Proteus. (This is Rory from facebook by the way.) Yeah, Hentai soundtracks are hard to CUM by (had to use that pun!)

05-27-2013, 05:46 AM
Yeah same with Hentai posters.
I have a La Blue Girl small poster plaque mounted and
I will probably buy the Overfeind one.

---------- Post added at 12:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:45 AM ----------

Does anyone know why my sig sometimes disappears ?

05-27-2013, 11:49 AM
If you want to buy the legend of the Overfeind poster you have to pay at least like $114.00 for it.

---------- Post added at 06:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:48 AM ----------

Does anyone know why my signature sometimes disappears from my posts ?

05-27-2013, 02:36 PM
Why is my sig sometimes there and then sometimes not ?

05-27-2013, 02:44 PM
Why is my sig sometimes there and then sometimes not ?

It is apparent that the Signature will appear only once inside the page. In other words, your signature is most likely to appear if you are the one starting the thread or if you post for the first time inside a thread. It may appear again inside the next page sometimes though. Clear ? :)

Source: Observation. :D

05-27-2013, 04:43 PM
Ok cool. Thanks for clarifying. I get it now.

Herr Salat
05-27-2013, 08:31 PM
Credit goes to sacha1977 (Thread 58086). These are the same 160 kbps MP3 files sacha shared :'D

last error
05-28-2013, 04:05 AM
The girl on the Ferris wheel was character-modeled on Nina Purpleton from Gundam 0083. Watch again and make your own opinion.

Why would they do that? Why not.

No problem.

I am listening to the Demon Womb one right now.

Man when that chick get reamed on top of That Ferris Wheel I.
Legend Of the Demon Womb that is like the hottest thing in the world IMO.

05-28-2013, 05:23 AM
Does anyone know why those two image links are dead?

05-28-2013, 08:42 PM
this was already shared in the forum.
Does no one know there is a "SEARCH FUNCTION"?
PLease. Search first. If it was not shared what you wanted, then do a thread for it. If not, post the new links in the already made thread. If everyone has teh same idea "I am going to make a thread for Urotsukidoji" we will have like 20 threads unnecessary for that.


Read the rules First if you never started a thread

Both Urotsukidoji Threads Merged

06-05-2013, 12:25 PM
Been searching for this soundtrack for a long time. Thanks whoever uploaded these.

08-21-2013, 06:04 AM
Thank you for the Overfiend soundtrack!

05-04-2014, 10:58 PM
Please re-upload the first cd in a lossless format

07-02-2014, 05:09 PM
Please re-upload the links

07-06-2014, 07:17 AM
If someone could please re-upload the soundtracks I would really appreciate it. Thank you

Herr Salat
07-20-2014, 08:08 PM
Complete Collection Urotsukidoji!65wSVLgD!hTpaQEY539mhyMkHOB8avUJnseO6YSo6eprqtqf XH3w

Complete Collection Urotsukidoji II!24BVwCyT!W7GTtSS242lJHf0jAo4qFuZkTjXcLgna__Ir8qi-mB0

Rips by sacha1977.

07-20-2014, 09:24 PM

La Grenouille
07-21-2014, 04:41 PM
Complete Collection Urotsukidoji!65wSVLgD!hTpaQEY539mhyMkHOB8avUJnseO6YSo6eprqtqf XH3w

Complete Collection Urotsukidoji II!24BVwCyT!W7GTtSS242lJHf0jAo4qFuZkTjXcLgna__Ir8qi-mB0

Rips by sacha1977.

I believe that lots of people were waiting for this re-up...
Thanks a lot for the re-up !!

07-21-2014, 06:54 PM
Thank you!!

11-26-2014, 08:11 PM

11-28-2014, 02:50 AM
a hentai released its soundtrack? hades fucking christ with a ham dildo, this is awesome!
while i personally didnt like the series, there was one theme i hummed a lot back in the day. gonna DL this to get it.

08-09-2015, 09:29 PM

08-07-2016, 11:49 PM
Downloading. Thanks!

03-13-2017, 02:04 PM
It's 2017, could someone give us a new rip in lossless format ?
There comes a new vinyl for legend of the overfiend.
Thanks in advance