07-25-2008, 09:22 PM
Topic basically. Can someone help me out here? Here's the deal:

I want the stage themes. You know... the songs that play on the stages when you have a brawl? These themes can also be found in the game itself in the options under the "My Music" thing. Hopefully... you guys know what I'm talking about. Now... I do want specific songs, but, just help me find ALL of the stage themes. I could tell you the specific stage themes I want, but, there's a problem with that as well. Two problems really.

1. Because I can't use codes on Wii games, I can't unlock ALL of the stage themes/music. I don't have the time and/or patience to unlock them myself, sorry. So, even though I know some stage themes I want, there could be more stage themes that I like.

2. Because I can't unlock all the stage themes, I need ALL the stage themes. That way, I can listen to them all and determine which ones I like and which ones I don't and I can delete accordingly. And, since there isn't a Wii code device out and one will NEVER be made (at least as far as I know), the only way I can determine which stage songs I like and want, is by having them ALL, and narrowing those down by listening to them and deciding which ones I like, and which ones I don't.

That makes sense, right? I hope so...

Think someone can help me out here? Thanks.

07-26-2008, 03:14 AM
Thread 51759

If I get what you're asking for, you want to listen to the music before going through the trouble of unlocking it in the game, thereby allowing you to select which songs you want to fight for and which ones you don't need to care about.

Above is a link to the biggest SSBB thread we have here. The tracks are all grouped by series in separate downloads. It took me about three hours to download the whole soundtrack when it was first made available a few days after the Japanese release. As for which tracks are stage themes, the answer is most of them. As you are well aware, there is a tremendous amount of music in this game, and the vast majority of it is music playable in various stages. I believe you can find a track listing in that thread, so I would recommend using it to its fullest.

After having downloaded ALL the stage themes, you can decide which ones to dedicate the time toward unlocking. Hope this helps.

07-27-2008, 06:56 PM
Cool. Thanks.