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07-15-2008, 07:09 PM
Well, for everyone in here that's interested in Ar Tonelico and has problems finding the music discs, here you all have:

Note: As a precaution, all albums in this thread and all linked threads (excepting a few due to a mistake on my side) had their file extensions removed. Therefore, make sure to add .rar to the filename in order to be able to extract them. The same goes for the .part# fragment of the extension, although the part number was left in the filename itself.

Ar tonelico OST:!XYsxmAIQ!W3GmQTkbcxqIWT9WGnMgtG9-mOAYEX76h5oeW3u5EU8!KNNwxK7b!UF2IAEVnkVvdO4dY8UMVGlR1-W8OSVIXqLo6nbLBOkk!mYVCjTSA!GXVM5Ai-ZEqlWmAKmaYVw1WOJJtWsGVt4oSkK4nZqAw

Ar tonelico Hymmnos Concert Side Blue ~ Singing the Stars - Hoshiyomi:!ecMhyaTa!757SOJw4vXVjb0Oc1dTllCyEof0lVkmhBd2oS5H98dE

Ar tonelico Hymmnos Concert Side Red ~ Chanting the Moon - Tsukikanade:!GVU1WCab!vch-p71pWKkIUEDpnut6RFskDvKN9MmuWl8tAovffG44

Ar tonelico Hymmnos Musical ~ Claire - The Promise of the Breeze:!PVFzAYoK!H86Ht92yq3BIp46W2mJ8GmxIJREyebe0Fgth_3bwxso


Ar tonelico Hymmnos Musical ~ Spica - A Heart-Crafting Present:!7QtzXRQR!TkElrwRzg-O3CKQ5mcF7VlTna4phTSl_1QB-HsBX7S8!mFdUQR6I!d8jI_SPno0AfNUELtnaeQhMib-s6b_wLLRG-WfEVR3Q


Ar tonelico Drama CD - Vol. 1 - Side Aurica:!ycU0TAJL!CWQp_BbMLAldbTY2rUjgE3hRXiZWVG92QzkrBucyFuI!qMkVFLCI!YwOkKAVzJzWZXZq6rjYNOyR59MMrzF9RvCK7y7Rb0xU


Ar tonelico Drama CD - Vol. 2 - Side Misha:!vUUjUSrb!OCU-Q0Ahcyqu9cfM8q5v0Ew-SpkCGQbHrC7zr-9YVjA!2Icx0JJb!EJh2ul2ONk3h8AvMNZUiNBmC6LBt-ybb2q4oNk881sA


Ar tonelico Drama CD - Vol. 3 - Side Shurelia:!SFtkgYSA!P5W1xxY-uwq6hfkif5CExCUhXdUit5BZnkwRMHGuMP8


Ar tonelico Drama CD - Vol. 4 - Side Extra:!SclS2TKY!CPd73x-mO5QhdhDz30EEIzMOHEQ0f9WRUlgDDte9Vxo


Ar tonelico OVA Extra CD:!zIkFiD5D!AM36YQ2S-iZNlYhOZgJLLjTpybo3XqjqerD8a2jNoys

Ar tonelico II OST:!3YNE2QgB!I8bN2EuqKAQ4aEYVhLAXaUjgM7wiFOHbNZt9zZ5QiO0!OYFiHBzD!LWUqwSTkUdasI_EcgwFZN2BvpnRjUKYygoWpaZ46_XA!uIUyQQxa!JCnY0yxeA3IK1-7M8aAV_l2WhQNeqZIWZbZHNtQ4D1M!GYExBRTR!c9uXyTCqQYGzdXGIGV9OZl2XT41dC7iz8_5TeVRPO0M

Ar tonelico II Hymmnos Concert Side Blue ~ Waterway - Mio:!nIVjVTKZ!Hirx6Vej0avqnOo82qUyfws1m0c-VizSmDk3ItWdbpM!3Ic1zJQZ!d2YhOC-VKCITJp39XG2fk2Plu05FchXyavlh8BuzcTA

Ar tonelico II Hymmnos Concert Side Red ~ Flame - Homura:!CNNBwIDB!FIVBvTghEwGSVSgpJzaI3iOPmxIzKXUn5oIABALVwSg!TUM1GKYa!QDpmZG50lUgwkcgVrgmsElfBAd0TX9kddcbOZcOvL-A

Ar tonelico II Drama CD - Vol. 1 - Side Luca:!GAtWwCrS!bCNW1kXqtw6AMJpf4jN0e1kLlRJjLLjogjKMqJpGWb0!zNkGjDjR!Hb41xWb1enY2AQ3GIlzcuXR_OK15sW8oEY6sWy1iyiA

Ar tonelico II Drama CD - Vol. 2 - Side Chroche:!eZ1AQS6T!WZ99mD2z-fI70Fd-m--ZdCKX2xdw471vdD5UbcX2UmQ!zMkGXBSR!YurLS0_0YmUaK-Yzy1ZeMAMTWN4GTf3RHFlg37JzJjU!GAU3UBpB!M8_jSQTP_LnirETDVhlEyx01buA7VTPtygj9CUnDifI

Ar tonelico II Drama CD - Vol. 3 - Side Jakuri:!GJFgSSiI!YsN8iS3ggzu3xDrkEBRsPTecOLUBNjpM7sgmHlxlO8c!GBFCnQYI!engz3Ts3O1y8BWB265tXLlqTf3EeIqvYrOnY9vlRlFE

Ar tonelico II Drama CD - Vol. 4 - Side Extra:!rYUxFaqL!DY40EBaKu-819EG9tctwwRdWI_keEpeFA3k-tYd2xcE!OI02laDA!BudyYRr-y9DukzdfJQ4YUx2nQ6FYxmKw7Tl1Jh4g3xI

Ar tonelico III OST:!WFszGKrL!MTlbg3D73rRKCPt69pKxklXEzh8rRfjoBMkVgIOKJ_k!GdkUXJ7R!O2diLjhGjaA3gDKFvzcA-BtrVuoAtLPjQI4sn4URui8!nYETxA5Z!LgHIZR2L6-vZUYo6pTJ0dl-Px_U70h-7mMEK7aol1Wc

Ar tonelico III Hymmnos Concert Side Blue SAKIYA=RUMEI:!aI0HmaaQ!VHcwb0WV_uDADh_7ht32BHd_0QdH3n6u7M6PGOSjwjM!LRd23ZaR!aYJPCW8DQWCZoATKaDxNVX0iTr0k8mC4nXO8JW6F-1Q

Ar tonelico III Hymmnos Concert Side Red SUZUNO=MIYA:!HNUEFLzB!NjhzRh1LNPqB2Jm24sitRE-1BKwDAG4Yr6xmdpIaKNo!iJcl1BgY!AxpiQDYyZwujy2iNYfHbm3A3yFdVqvh9yfCajT2h580

Ar tonelico III Drama CD Vol. 1 ~ Side Saki: After-Story:!3AkkXIxI!WYuHCCUVzuaTcPbRnj_PDRKjNWhfXG7A1-5EjdhAdrU!ackWGRKI!fXCzjDAYPm3VIJPilx0muQThoeMc4x-zud55zr-6WEk

Ar tonelico III Drama CD Vol. 2 ~ Side Finnel: After-Story:!TI9zXABC!S8znrFKDatKXUBlU3r3W6xJ6RewmqRa5jiLoHI-xuR0!6UskSZzT!HjH3UDa-oaWmpVeChHZjtABNI00O9Rdwz7pSl5axlnE!2dFDCY7B!euFvEBpJxJQNYdDEBaz8CjHfw2ZctEUXb_Z4zCXMR6s

Voice de Toukousphere ~Ar tonelico Supporters' Disc~!bZlxDZTD!ecwvH3REDmPTUe40_Q9TyWEiItpYdgiW4hagMtg0RJw!bIVCkDLD!Y9402zSMTLPk1ZVh4eRJcw926jgem6332_GYwPL1hoU

Utau Oka ~Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor~:!XVEgRLIb!LPcP5wlJpkpTqePKsODNEwjCxmwibWrzXvrX9aQxG3M!vJcSwbYC!Z01ffi2a30hn9f7Zk5-y5RKh1JNht84PA8AmSMT4DNs

Hymmnos Musical Cocona ~Two Feelings, Two Songs~:!7RVAWBaD!JkK8lxKTOBF_yx8qpwxEnQmXLyslYooOVyejlJDhO-4!uYMX1JIZ!E5BLjmR4-dCyUqHvYlqjxRvCS6IS3auNvtKtmUlIvgY


Ar tonelico Hymmnos Musical Vocal Best ~Claire & Spica~:!WB9UFI6C!TwG0h2HZaIDaTy5x3_teeVIQQFwt8TVW8R7VXb9yOkw!2F1GVLKK!PgCI7m0yBm9aHWBQDDWXTU7Of5BUSUfBCyVHQ1db3JI

Ar tonelico III Drama CD Vol. 3 ~ Side Tilia: After-Story:!uIUQBDpT!MFlNSVU4P8rFK7RUn9X-5Wv_jQUFyB-7ruR454PzJ3M!bQtjiBzb!GTWQtkn2D-k7YoCdQVYoj3BR7KFgHoH4V1p2gExU58I


Ar tonelico Hymmnos Musical Mini Vocal Album ~Cocona~:!LY0lTZLL!YeYn0xDydt-o8tJDc9XHX3lxyYw_5RS7uNy_QTBy9K8!iB8XGSqC!Tcry3Tp13C8Ch7JS4CGCxFiK9I5kbReCEE0ahYw5yn8

Kurt Hymneth ~The Songs that Conversed with the Gods~ Hymmnos Concert Complete Box:!mRthnSBJ!EON8zzfUbNJMHadX__RGbT5fm8MKzS5_WBonFJMfBgw!TIU3jJDR!SBPKMlBRYur-lPs9BOGPmCAueZIYyV9owMRAoi3kjq0

* Note: This only includes the new songs from the Playbutton and the scans for their corresponding Apocrypha booklet.

And here's a little extra for all of you:

Akiko Shikata's albums (and related works):

Akiko Shikata Discography (Thread 73556)

Haruka Shimotsuki's albums (and related works):

Haruka Shimotsuki Discography (Thread 73557)

Noriko Mitose's albums (and related works):

Noriko Mitose Discography (Thread 73558)

Ciel Nosurge sountrack thread:

Ciel Nosurge Soundtrack Thread (

Yuuko Ishibashi's albums (and related works):

Haruka naru Toki no Utagoe:!uJk1zTrT!QOAEsEPSNBhRvWAvzXI_nDRcDh1DJGH7dFJHLoMmYgI!SR8XzQoB!Oc4TU2fIu-f_yfyqr_NnJxUmhQAjBcd8ilLqquFXO1o


APPLE Leaf (Noriko Mitose and Haruka Shimotsuki, together with other doujin artists of a circle called APPLE Project):!fdUBEaxC!OhbQsD0Zsk5B5Phhp0XPWXEjgkE0P6plY51n3_2rXw8!fdtRyQoI!ZPmUUE2do9NBhn_dnsvsJgEgfshmeK8rK6CmCKwrt00

Atelier Vocal Historia (Compilation of the main themes for all the Atelier games, features Haruka Shimotsuki and Noriko Mitose): (Thread 63706)

Lost Child Infinia (Sung by Haruka Shimotsuki and Rekka Katakari as the group "MW"):!CM02iAJa!eQ2VgQ5WSuUcEVZgoZjzATba9aN11eNxHQqmZZC4tHI!WAlxCAaT!WW0Ij2EYxH8yiTPP7XYPdl2tyYc0o8acVFA5OOMesdk!uAMSVLwS!NhTcbUpRp-_0KXtKbHjTJh6bEolNUQgN0OI2pDia6H4

Collaboration Album MESSAGE (songs by several composer-singer combinations. Features Haruka Shimotsuki, Rekka Katakiri, Chata and Noriko Mitose)!HNNA1bhZ!KKwEa1Cuu8wVtDPIQMYWUGVPEzZcntdoEcSgwELvx18!fc8VHYDY!Fvl9o3i-3wPqXoqWBdjwrkJ7NGZSUmHY155P82-s4-U!7YFWGRYA!fFI4YnW8iEA_SXGcCBD9x3jA6ngx6DwfcILKUVJq2ZA

Summer MIX Vol. 01 (features songs by Akiko Shikata and Noriko Mitose)!uY9SCDbS!A4XmfhNrqY4X0GXbERkQhCekmRc4vEanSCObsxPyeqs!3FkVyTwI!aCuKplxqO3pBHfF8zW5xx05KOqx-lAdtbNbj-6OKqWw

Winter MIX Vol. 02 (features songs by Haruka Shimotsuki, Rekka Katakiri and Chata)!CFVxVYoA!fbpramxJl76ON7utwH0_rH7NHb8ZrMxqsXi8V5g5s7w

Winter MIX Vol. 05 (features songs by Chata and Noriko Mitose)!bcVwxICa!cQgpSzm4FxOOBCy3uXo6C0fOigRMYUmVgxjj_9HKSR8!KcdgUL7a!K11QXDFCBccRTMrQ07FyhHrw6bsqhWBnLHEMkKhrScI!DdMDSIKB!CysvSFYtBe2H-aZmRYTc8yhgd5JQLdQR-XZrhzRLhc0

cascade (Yuuki Mizusawa's 2nd album):!rEERCbgC!Xr21-BdfZCskmlLp8y_n4w6nCGpyJ64BLhZ9u8YeRFs!yAtAESrS!Nvi8hyQT4TQytWG5ZLbuKHxsUr0y0sa4b5VefTQYwQY

I hope you all enjoy them!

(And ask me if you have any questions about AT or the Hymmnos language).

07-15-2008, 07:23 PM
If the link broken , can you reupload it? or can you pack them in only 1 zip?

07-15-2008, 07:39 PM

07-15-2008, 07:39 PM
ya, what's in the Ar Tonelico OVA Extra CD? just a soundtrack or the movie?..

if its movie, is it in japanese with subtitle or what?..

anyway.. thanks very very much for sharing this soundtrack.. i love this game

07-15-2008, 07:41 PM
That disc contains the three hymns from the Ar Tonelico OVA and includes karaoke versions for them.

07-15-2008, 08:53 PM
oww.. so its not the movie.. in fact i'm hoping it'll be the movie.. lol..
once again, thanks for sharing this..

07-15-2008, 10:55 PM

*faints of happiness*

Lol, I just realized that this was you Aquagon! Wow, you're super awesome. :P

07-16-2008, 03:08 AM

*faints of happiness*

Lol, I just realized that this was you Aquagon! Wow, you're super awesome. :P

Hehe, looks like we ran in each other again! And I�m glad that you are enjoying this upload!

(And look forward to AT II side Jakuri and side Extra drama discs when they are released!)

And finally a little something I fixed up in both hymnos dialects (if anyone wants it translated, PM me):

Fou paks ra gyen her thread
Was apea erra irs her...

aEuEkYE kajya vega sphaela
rEfEmYE vege nafa lyuma

07-16-2008, 06:57 AM
WOW!!! The COMPLETE Ar Tornelico soundtrack!!
It's been too long to have only a part of this wonderful soundtrack. Even all the drama CD and Akiko Shikata albums!!
Thanks aquagon!!

07-16-2008, 02:10 PM
Beautiful songs, AR Tonelico. Just one question what is/are drama cds? And what is inside them?

07-16-2008, 02:42 PM
The easiest way to describe them is that they are like anime chapters but without video, and these tell stories about the characters (each one ocurring after the last), and they are set after the end of their respective games.

07-17-2008, 02:56 AM
Do you have the hymnos concert of Shurelia?

07-17-2008, 03:32 AM
No, because it doesn�t exist. Shurelia's hymns are in the Tsukikanade album.

And you should seek some info before asking, since I have uploaded all the Ar Tonelico existent albums in here (except for the American version OST, the unreleased songs, and of course, the albums that will be released soon).

07-17-2008, 01:37 PM
Ohhh, I get it too bad I can't understand japanese T_T. This puts before met he need to learn how to do it. Is there even an english text file or translation for the drama cds?

07-17-2008, 06:08 PM
Nope, there isn�t one.

07-17-2008, 09:08 PM
Sorry if this is out of place, but would it be possible to add Akiko Shikata's hana-kisou soundtrack?

07-17-2008, 10:20 PM
Excellent Hymmnos assembly

07-17-2008, 10:54 PM
Sorry if this is out of place, but would it be possible to add Akiko Shikata's hana-kisou soundtrack?

I think that I can add it later, but that would be tomorrow or after tomorrow.

Excellent Hymmnos assembly

Thanks, and do you know hymmnos too?

07-20-2008, 08:58 AM
Little update, I have reuploaded the RAKA album to add the scans for it.

07-23-2008, 03:15 AM
Big thanks for the Navigatoria and RAKA albums!
And to reply to your Hymmnos:

xA rre Elyuma_aquagon zIzIxYU ut doodu/.
xU herr fwUrUeh ouwua hiew/.

07-23-2008, 03:44 AM
Big thanks for the Navigatoria and RAKA albums!
And to reply to your Hymmnos:

xA rre Elyuma_aquagon zIzIxYU ut doodu/.
xU herr fwUrUeh ouwua hiew/.

Thanks a lot for the comment, and I can see that you are pretty good at Hymmnos, too (I still have to get better with Pastalia�s Hymmnos).

07-23-2008, 03:59 AM
Thanks for your comment too. Anyway, if you haven't noticed, I'm Lazy...

07-23-2008, 04:01 AM
Wow! I really didn't notice it!

Still, it's good to see you around here.

07-23-2008, 04:41 AM
Well, I just come to check to see if there's any AT OST I missed... And I didn't expect to see Shikata's 2 albums here. Again, thanks!

07-23-2008, 09:23 AM
waaah! i love ya!! XD XD
i've been looking for other Hymmnos Concert Musical and
it looks like you have them all! even the drama cds XD XD
man! thank you very much on sharing them! ;)
*DL them rightaway*

07-23-2008, 11:03 AM
Hey man !!!!! Is there someone who have ar tonelico 2 drama cd vol 3 and 4 ? I've saw the info at the official one . When it will be realeased ?

07-23-2008, 05:08 PM
I hav searched for these for long time~~!!!

p.s Pastalian hymmnos are very hard to read..>_< where did u learn them??

07-23-2008, 09:53 PM
Many, many thanks to you.

07-23-2008, 11:41 PM
Hey man !!!!! Is there someone who have ar tonelico 2 drama cd vol 3 and 4 ? I've saw the info at the official one . When it will be realeased ?

In some months. Jakuri's drama disc (Vol. 3) will be released on September 26 and the Extra drama disc (Vol. 4) will be released on October 24. And after that, we'll have to wait until someone buys it.

I hav searched for these for long time~~!!!

p.s Pastalian hymmnos are very hard to read..>_< where did u learn them??

Thanks to some friends (Lazy being the one that taught me the most), and myself translating info from the hymmno server. If someone it's interested in the hymmnos language, or about Ar Tonelico's setting and backstory, come and visit us in the forums of weezy's site: Ar Tonelico: A Reyvateil's Melody (
There we have a real treasure trove of information for Ar Tonelico, and even song translations, and you can ask anything about hymmnos if you want to learn about it.

And thanks to all for your comments!

07-24-2008, 04:53 AM
Umm aquagon, the link is wrong... It's not weezy-xtreemhost, it's weezy.xtreemhost.

07-24-2008, 05:25 AM
Oops, my mistake. Thanks for pointing it out, I have fixed it.

07-24-2008, 07:58 PM
Side Raka is broken. Can you reupload it ?

07-24-2008, 08:54 PM
The link is working fine. What kind of error message are you getting?

07-25-2008, 07:18 AM

07-26-2008, 10:34 AM
To aquagon:

Spica's hymmnos musical is unavailable in megaupload.~~

07-26-2008, 09:55 PM
It's only that the server where the file is, it's under maintenance. Try downloading it again later.

07-28-2008, 01:47 PM
the file you requested is broken or kinda like that

07-28-2008, 06:18 PM
You pasted or copied wrongly the URL, since I have just checked all the albums and all the links are working (Except for the Spica Hymmnos Musical, since the server is under maintenance, and if it doesn't end soon I will have to reupload it).

08-05-2008, 11:02 AM
Spica Hymnos works already.

08-16-2008, 04:30 AM
Here is something for all of you...

Added all of Akiko Shikata's albums that I have on my hard drive!

And I think that this fulfills bark's request (two of the three Hanakisou albums).

08-16-2008, 10:03 AM
Thanks again aquagon! More awesome Shikata stuffs.

08-17-2008, 02:57 PM
Yo !! DO you some new album of Akiko shikata called orgel ? i saw it at

08-17-2008, 05:56 PM
Yes, the album it's called Kara*Cola; but it hasn't been released yet. It will be released this 25.

08-18-2008, 07:19 PM
Another Akiko Shikata album added: Istoria ~ Musa!

Still I have to find these albums to complete the list:

horizon blue
Hanakisou OST ~director's cut~
Hanakisou PS2+PD OST
Kalliope ~Piano Concert~

(The Kara*Cola album and the Umineko Naku no Koro ni single aren't counted because they haven't been released yet)

08-20-2008, 08:10 AM
Made quite a name for yourself eh Aqua-kun? xD

Thanks for the Akiko albums! To be honest, I kind of want some Shimotsuki Haruka ones too. :3 Of course, I'm not asking. Just saying. :D

08-20-2008, 08:57 AM
Well, I don't have problems with it, since I just got today Haruka's Oto no Compass album. I will try to upload it tomorrow (and I will see if I can find some of her other albums).

08-20-2008, 09:05 AM

That was a fast reply. XD

You're too kind Aqua-kun!

08-20-2008, 05:30 PM
Added Haruka Shimotsuki's Oto no Compass album!

08-20-2008, 11:39 PM
Yay Aqua-kun is super awesome! You're super appreciated my friend. :D

08-20-2008, 11:52 PM
Heheh... thanks! (I'm getting embarrased...)

08-21-2008, 05:13 AM
I wonder if they're going to have a Jakuri Drama CD! They should, Shurelia-sama got one!

I find it interesting that Shurelia and Jakuri don't get Hymmnos concerts though, I guess their hymmns are on both of the other Reyvateil's but, it's kind of sad that they don't. :[

Claire and Spica kind of got one each too. xD

08-30-2008, 12:27 AM
Ok, everyone! Kara*Cola album uploaded! Enjoy!

And Rarutos, as I said before, Jakuri's Drama is coming out this month, together with the Extra Drama. And is kind of sad that they didn't got their own Hymmnos Concerts, but I suppose that it's because they have less songs than the other Reyvateils (and Spica musical was a total case, since there's only a song that is really sung by her: Xa Ziqt Wac s).

08-31-2008, 07:22 AM
Another Akiko Shikata album added: Istoria ~ Musa!

Still I have to find these albums to complete the list:

horizon blue
Hanakisou OST ~director's cut~
Hanakisou PS2+PD OST
Kalliope ~Piano Concert~

(The Kara*Cola album and the Umineko Naku no Koro ni single aren't counted because they haven't been released yet)

I have Kalliope ~Piano Concert~ and Umineko Naku no Koro ni. I would upload them but Megaupload's upload speeds are abysmal. Is there a faster way?

08-31-2008, 07:29 AM
I think that you should just download the Mega Manager program and leave the albums uploading when you�re not using the PC. And if you could upload these, I (and everyone else in here) would be very grateful.

08-31-2008, 08:06 AM
Thanks for that recommendation. With these faster upload speeds, I'll try to have them up soon. I'm not the only one in my home using the modem so I can't leave them uploading when I'm not using it.

08-31-2008, 09:08 AM

Kalliope ~Piano Concert~

Umineko no Naku Koro ni

09-03-2008, 09:29 PM
Excellent! Lots of thanks! I will add these to the first post (crediting you as the uploader, of course).

09-14-2008, 01:01 AM
Holy Something. this is awesome. Thank you so much for all the links. Nothing like listening to Ar Tonelico music to get me exciting for the North America release of Ar Tonelico II.

09-14-2008, 09:20 AM
BTW, is anyone going to upload the Jakuri drama CD?

10-01-2008, 06:10 AM
Yes, as soon as I or someone else finds it.

10-01-2008, 07:51 AM
I have Shimotsuki Haruka-sama's album, Ashiato Rythm...

10-01-2008, 07:59 AM
Please, upload it Rar-kun, remember that anything that's related to Ar Tonelico or the Four Singers goes in here.

10-01-2008, 08:03 AM
A-W-S-O-M-E o_O

Thank's you soooo much. :p

10-01-2008, 08:05 AM
Please, upload it Rar-kun, remember that anything that's related to Ar Tonelico or the Four Singers goes in here.

Uhm, I can try. I don't have the scans or anything though. Can you wait until I actually have time? :D

10-01-2008, 11:53 AM
Please, upload it Rar-kun, remember that anything that's related to Ar Tonelico or the Four Singers goes in here.

Does that mean that this topic would be perfect if it had every single and album (commerical and doujin) by Haruka Shimotsuki, Akiko Shikata, Noriko Mitose and Yuuko Ishibashi? There's also alot of songs of theirs on separate soundtracks that weren't on singles/albums, songs where they collaborated with non-Ar tonelico singers and albums where they under a different name. (Haruka Shimotsuki has released albums under the name kukui, tie-leaf and Maple Leaf. Haruka collaborated with Rekka Katakiri under the name MW. Noriko Mitose under kirche, PHIL, ORITA. Yuuko Ishibashi under YOU-CO) And what about songs where they merely performed backing vocals?

10-02-2008, 06:27 PM
All of them have a place on this thread, and I'm still digging, trying to find the albums that are missing for Akiko (BTW, I have just added her Kurenawi album).

Also, I will try to add two albums for Haruka Shimotsuki (Tsukioi no Toshi and Tindharia no Tane) later today.

10-03-2008, 03:38 AM
Added tieLeaf's (Haruka Shimotsuki's) Tsukioi no Toshi album (though the cover will be added later, since Google it's acting up now). Enjoy!

10-03-2008, 04:14 AM
Wow... This thread is AWESOME~~~

I don't think I'll find something as superb as this...

By the way, Haruka Shimotsuki's songs can actually be downloaded in Hongfire forum. I hope that helps.

10-03-2008, 04:33 AM
Wow... This thread is AWESOME~~~

I don't think I'll find something as superb as this...

By the way, Haruka Shimotsuki's songs can actually be downloaded in Hongfire forum. I hope that helps.

Thanks for the comments and the advice, but I'm already downloading them from there, though I always give some little tweaking to the tags and filenames to make them look nicer, and then, I reupload them.

10-03-2008, 02:33 PM
Another album ready, this time Shimotsuki Haruka's Tindharia no Tane!

10-03-2008, 07:19 PM
Thanks for these uploads. I need to wait since I hit the download limit.

10-03-2008, 07:42 PM
Well, another album of Shimotsuki Haruka ready. This time, her Aura-Lip mini album!

10-04-2008, 04:25 AM
Wow Lip-Aura~ One of her best album (in my opinion)~

I actually have some questions about the hymnos language. What do they actually means? I know how to read some kanji but I don't quite understand them... Some are same meaning but some are not @.@

Weird language... But the one who invented it (Tsuchiya Akira, my guess?) is brilliant. It sounds so great~ ^w^

PS: English ver. of ATII is out? In Europe? So good... I hope Malaysia can import English ver. faster... Only JP Ver is out here... X.X I don't read Japanese although I read kanji (but mandarin and kanji's meaning are so much different too)...

10-04-2008, 04:43 AM
ATII hasn't even been announced for Europe, and the english version will come out around December 9th.

And about the Hymmnos language, check here:

In there we have the grammar guides and dictionary.

10-04-2008, 05:22 AM
D-D-D-December?!?! ...I wonder when will Malaysia have ATII...

By the way, Hymmnos language is really superb... I faint... @.@ Especially at the Unknown hymmnos (too long to want to copy and paste...)

But seriously, it's really a great effort to organize the whole hymmnos thing. I salute you~

10-06-2008, 01:13 AM

Shimotsuki Haruka's Ashiato Rhythm ~Shimotsuki Haruka's Best Works~

Uhm, it's not formatted to fit in the order of the track list.

And it's missing Midnight Illusion... I think that's it. Any Atelier Iris game music is missing.

If there really is a need for me to change the file names and include Midnight Illusion. Then, please ask. >.>;

10-06-2008, 04:33 AM
Well, I think it would be better that it had it corresponding track numbers and also the missing songs. But if you want to do it, or leave it to me... that's your decision. ^_^

I'll wait until you decide before doing anything else.

10-06-2008, 04:35 AM
It might be faster if you do it actually. :3

I have to focus now... Although that is exactly not what I'm doing right now. I have a hiragana quiz tomorrow. >__<

10-06-2008, 03:27 PM
what an awesome collection, great work!!!

I love the At Tonelico OSTs but I am missing some of these, so thanks a ton for sharing everything :D

10-06-2008, 04:56 PM
Kurenawi seems to be acting up?

10-07-2008, 07:21 PM
It might be faster if you do it actually. :3

I have to focus now... Although that is exactly not what I'm doing right now. I have a hiragana quiz tomorrow. >__<

Ok, I will get to work in it later today.

Kurenawi seems to be acting up?

I have just checked the link and it seems fine.

10-08-2008, 05:56 AM
Yeah. Thanks. I guess it was my computer.

10-15-2008, 03:28 PM
I have uploaded Shimotsuki Haruka's Itiad song (from the PS2 game Shoujo Mahou Gaku Little Witch Romanesque) here:

Though I don't know if a single song counts...

10-20-2008, 10:58 PM
Ok, Jakuri's drama disc has been uploaded! Later on, I will be updating the main post with lehmintrang's and Rarutos' contributions.

10-21-2008, 01:58 PM
jakuri link is broken, NOOOOuuu

10-21-2008, 05:30 PM
I don't see what the problem is, since the link for Jakuri's disc is working normally.

10-22-2008, 05:41 AM
Yes, Jakuri's Drama CD link still works fine.

10-26-2008, 12:20 PM
Here's new drama CD from Ar tonelico 2

Ar tonelico II ~The Girls' Metafalica that Echoes to the World~ Drama CD side Extra


MP3+BK: Part 1 ( sonixgvn.part1.rar) Part 2 ( sonixgvn.part2.rar)
Lossless (tta+cue+jpg): Part 1 ( lossless_sonixgvn.part1.rar) Part 2 ( lossless_sonixgvn.part2.rar) Part 3 ( lossless_sonixgvn.part3.rar) Part 4 ( lossless_sonixgvn.part4.rar)

pass: [email protected]

10-27-2008, 03:32 PM
A lot of thanks for the extra drama CD!

11-01-2008, 09:10 AM
i downloaded the ar tonelico II ost, but it didn't content the mp3, only titles

11-01-2008, 09:16 AM
Try redownloading it, since the file works normally for me when I download it (and no one else has reported problems with it yet).

And a lot of thanks to soitre for the Ar Tonelico II Extra Drama CD (it has been put up in the first post already with its corresponding credits).

11-01-2008, 11:23 AM
i'm just finish downloading other CD Ar Tonelico Waterway Mio and flame homura,doesn't content mp3 too, only titles (playlist song) when i try playing it with winamp,its written 00.00 duration

i'm try playing the song with ACDSee program but it says "the specified(s) image could not be read"

11-01-2008, 04:57 PM
There is something wrong with your network connection then. All the albums are working normally; and I haven't gotten error reports from anyone else.

11-01-2008, 07:08 PM
There is something wrong with your network connection then. All the albums are working normally; and I haven't gotten error reports from anyone else.

well, i don't think anything wrong with network connection cause a while ago i just finish download movie mp3 files in winrar format, all the songs have information about their duration, so i can play them in winamp

but, when i open ar tonelico II ost (winrar format), copy them and paste them on my music folder, then play them using winamp, it doesn't content duration, so it's just something like playlist song

i found in ar tonelico II flame homura only 3 songs that works (have duration when play in winamp)
for ar tonelico ost II and waterway mio, nothing works in winamp
maybe the mp3 files not succesfully upload in winrar format

11-02-2008, 02:51 AM
^well i can back up aquagon's claim that it's not the upload, just downloaded the hymnos myself and i've had no problems.
You might want to be sure of 4 things:
1:your firewall or antivirus isn't blocking the upload, i've heard of that happening occasionally.
2:your not over bandwidth(only know of this being a issue in europe)
3:your country isn't blacklisted by megaupload.
4:download accelerators usually don't work for me on MU, i'll just get dead tracks in the case of mp3's, so if your using one don't use it.

Thanks for the upload aquagon!

11-02-2008, 12:02 PM
well, i don't think anything wrong with network connection cause a while ago i just finish download movie mp3 files in winrar format, all the songs have information about their duration, so i can play them in winamp

but, when i open ar tonelico II ost (winrar format), copy them and paste them on my music folder, then play them using winamp, it doesn't content duration, so it's just something like playlist song

i found in ar tonelico II flame homura only 3 songs that works (have duration when play in winamp)
for ar tonelico ost II and waterway mio, nothing works in winamp
maybe the mp3 files not succesfully upload in winrar format

This may sound silly but check if the files end in .mp3. I once accidently disabled "Hide known file extensions" and so whenever I did a download it wouldn't put the file extension on and I had to manually put the .mp3 back on before it would play.

11-02-2008, 03:12 PM
jakuri link is working again, thank you.
jakuri!, itadaki! hauau
Ah, is it possible to upload ar tonelico 2 side extra to megaupload or mediafire.
really2 thank you.

11-03-2008, 11:37 AM
[QUOTE=tatsuya1221;1166473]^well i can back up aquagon's claim that it's not the upload, just downloaded the hymnos myself and i've had no problems.
You might want to be sure of 4 things:
1:your firewall or antivirus isn't blocking the upload, i've heard of that happening occasionally.
2:your not over bandwidth(only know of this being a issue in europe)
3:your country isn't blacklisted by megaupload.
4:download accelerators usually don't work for me on MU, i'll just get dead tracks in the case of mp3's, so if your using one don't use it.

did you download the hymnos of ar tonelico II waterway mio and flame homura? could you play all the songs?

1.i've check the album and try to unblock it, but nothings different, only 3 songs in flame homura album that can be play
2.well, i'm not sure about that bandwidth,but i'm not in europe, my country isn't blacklisted, cause i can download from megaupload
4.i don't have any download accelerators

all the songs in MP3 format

Name : 12-dye sen will this flower bloom
Size : 10,626kb
Type : ACDSee 7.0 MP3 Audio
Artist : Noriko mitose
Album : Ar tonelico II hymmnos concert side red flame homura
Year : 2007
Track : 12
Duration : 0:05:46

thats one song that can be play in winamp, as for the other i can't play them in winamp or windows media player cause all of them don't have any info about DURATION.

thanks for the help, and i do like all the songs for ar tonelico album, i've been searching it for a year,any other suggestion? is it really need WINRAR program to open them?

11-03-2008, 01:44 PM
I believe you must have WinRAR to uncompress the files first before playing them with WinAmp or any other programs. ACDSee should not be able to play music files either since it's an image viewing program, but I'm not sure about that.
I just tried redownloading the 3 albums you mentioned, and they work perfectly well.
Or maybe your download got cut off or corrupted halfway.

11-03-2008, 02:57 PM
Oh wait, I just fully read your previous post. You said you just copy and pasted from the WinRAR file to a folder? Maybe that's the problem. By just copying and pasting you are actually just copying the compressed files. Download WinRAR and use it to uncompress and extract the mp3 files.

11-03-2008, 05:22 PM

i'm just finish extracting the MP3 files in other computer, since i don't have winrar program yet, and it WORKS, all the MP3 have duration now, and can be play in winamp

i never thought the files need WINRAR program, cause my ACDSee program can handle those files in ZIP or RAR format, and i can play MP3 or watching videos (in AVI format) using ACDSee not only for viewing images

anyway thanks again,and i will try to extract rar format if the files can't be open with ACDSee allthough i found that weird cause some of rar folder from other uploader can be open using ACDSee (most of them that contains MP3s, no need to be extract first, just copying and pasting those)

as for AQUAGON, thanks for the uploads, i'm really mean it

11-08-2008, 06:49 PM
Hmm. can someone reupload the ar tonelico 2 side extra drama CD in megaupload ? I have a problem in Rapidshare's account.

11-09-2008, 10:17 PM

11-12-2008, 09:14 PM
I love those songs! Thanks a lot!

11-12-2008, 11:57 PM
Ok, updated the main post with a mirror for the Extra Drama CD for ATII, and added lehmintrang's upload (the Itiad song). And glad to know that your problem was solved, alexapplemint!

11-14-2008, 03:16 AM
Ok, added Haruka Shimotsuki's Ashiato Rhythm album, and added other album that she and Noriko Mitose made together with a doujin circle called APPLE Project.

11-14-2008, 11:15 AM
Thanks so much for the Apple Leaf album!

11-16-2008, 03:38 AM
I love Ar Tonelico!

Thanks a bunch for the collection, namely for the Hymnos series.


11-18-2008, 05:56 AM
man i love this post! thanks!
Ar Tonelico sugoi!! been looking for jakuri drama cd as well. downloading now!

11-21-2008, 05:10 AM
I've uploaded ciel etoile:

Maple Leaf/Shimotsuki Haruka's arrange album of six tracks in Air OST, including Shimotsuki's own version of 鳥の詩 and 青空.

By the way aquagon-sempai, my name should be written as "leminhtrang" not "lehmintrang".

11-21-2008, 05:36 AM
Ok, added to the main post, and fixed the typo for the credits on your uploads (sorry for it...)

11-22-2008, 06:25 PM
I want to request for more Akiko Shikata's album. I love her voice. Thank you.

11-23-2008, 03:18 AM
wow thank you so much for sharing this ! I really like all of them ^^
How about Noriko Mitose, did she also have her own albums ? It`s hard to find Noriko Mitose's album... :(

11-23-2008, 05:52 AM
Can ya reupload at megauload?

11-23-2008, 06:07 AM
The other Shikata albums left unuploaded are: Hana Ki Sou Director's Cut, Hana Ki Sou PS2 OST, Wisteria and a couple of songs from Shadow Hearts: Near Death arrange and Shadow Hearts: From the New World.

As for Mitose, she has a lot of albums too, you can see a list of them here:

11-23-2008, 05:28 PM
As for Mitose, she has a lot of albums too, you can see a list of them here:

Thx for the info ! ^^
Was there someone who had Noriko Mitose`s albums ? Could you upload it ?
I`ll appreciate your big help !

12-03-2008, 12:28 PM
I've uploaded some more albums:

Reed+ (Shimotsuki/Maple Leaf's remix of various Ragnarok Online soundtracks):


Yuragusora ~SACRED DOORS Vol. 0~:

SACRED DOORS another tale ~Wyrdrad no Shirabe~:

12-04-2008, 11:16 PM
Aqua-kun, you forgot to credit me for Ashiato Rhythm. XD

12-05-2008, 05:33 AM
OK, main post mega-updated with a lot of new things! Check by yourselves to see!

And added the credits to you, Rar, for Ashiato Rhythm! Sorry for forgetting about it!

12-05-2008, 10:48 AM
Thank you so much sempai!

12-05-2008, 11:29 AM
OMG !!! *dies*
thank you very much all of you for uploading their albums ! You`re the best ^^
*start downloading* :p

12-09-2008, 11:49 AM
ナツウタ~夏のある日の歌日記~ (Natsu Uta ~Natsu no Aru Hi no Utanikki~) (With scans, including one sexy and one cute illustrations)

(2 parts)

雪降る歌2~恋する君の冬物語~ (Yuki Furu Uta 2 ~Koisuru Kimi no Fuyu Monogatari~) (With scans, including two beautiful illustrations)

(2 parts)

WINTER MIX vol.02 (No scans)

(2 parts)

Sephiroth (Touhou album) (No scans)

(2 parts)

B・INFINITY (No scans)

エデンの分かれ道~Song of donkey that stops walking~ (The title sounds stupid, I know) (No scans)

(2 parts)

Maple Leaf Box (Maple Leaf's 5th Anniversary CD, obviously featuring Shimotsuki, also has Katakiri and Chata) (With scans, nearly every scan page has a beautiful illustration pic too)

(3 parts)

箱庭ノート (Hakoniwa Note) (kukui album) (With SUPER CUTE (non-girl) scans)

(3 parts)

Exodus - Fake/ever since SoundTrack+ (Fate/stay night image arrange album, featuring Shimotsuki, Katakiri and Chata) (No scans) (Track 9 is named "No Title", that's not an error)

Sanctuary (少女病 doujin album, mostly Chata, also has Shimotsuki and Katakiri)(No scans)

(2 parts)

12-11-2008, 05:18 AM
Can ya reupload them all at megaupload? I have problem with media fire

12-12-2008, 03:37 AM
Sorry, but I have problem with Megaupload myself.

12-15-2008, 07:41 AM
What's your problem.?or can someone who already download upload at megaupload?

12-24-2008, 09:05 AM
Ow someone help me. Can someone Reupload leminghtrang's upload album at rapidshare or megaupload?

12-24-2008, 09:42 AM
Here you go,azure

ciel etoile:

Reed+ (Shimotsuki/Maple Leaf's remix of various Ragnarok Online soundtracks):


Yuragusora ~SACRED DOORS Vol. 0~:

SACRED DOORS another tale ~Wyrdrad no Shirabe~:

ナツウタ~夏のある日の歌日記~ (Natsu Uta ~Natsu no Aru Hi no Utanikki~) (With scans, including one sexy and one cute illustrations)

雪降る歌2~恋する君の冬物語~ (Yuki Furu Uta 2 ~Koisuru Kimi no Fuyu Monogatari~) (With scans, including two beautiful illustrations)

WINTER MIX vol.02 (No scans)

Sephiroth (Touhou album) (No scans)

B・INFINITY (No scans)

エデンの分かれ道~Song of donkey that stops walking~ (No scans)

Maple Leaf Box (Maple Leaf's 5th Anniversary CD, obviously featuring Shimotsuki, also has Katakiri and Chata) (With scans, nearly every scan page has a beautiful illustration pic too)

箱庭ノート (Hakoniwa Note) (kukui album) (With SUPER CUTE (non-girl) scans)

Original files credit to leminhtrang

p/s: thank you again for Dissidia ost,azure

12-25-2008, 06:48 PM
Finally, Akiko Shikata’s 3rd album is coming with title is 「 Harmonia(ハルモニア) 」.It will be released on 18.02.09

Hope it will be another awesome album

12-26-2008, 04:15 AM
Yes, it's Shikata we're talking about! She'll definitely give us another amazing album!

@soitre: Cảm ơn bạn rất nhiều. Mạng nh� m�nh kh�ng thể n�o v�o được megaupload v� rapidshare.

12-29-2008, 12:14 PM
Three more albums, featuring Shimotsuki Haruka, released with the group "Barbarian On The Groove"

Barbarian On The Groove - I've Sound Tribute (No scans)

Barbarian On The Groove - TAOS PUEBLO (No scans)

Barbarian On The Groove - Dragon Valley -Misterio- <龍谷の幻想> (With scans)

01-03-2009, 09:47 PM
Thank you!

01-19-2009, 09:50 PM
Tales of the Abyss Image Album (

Includes Shimotsuki (kukui) and others.

01-27-2009, 06:25 AM
thanks love the ost

01-27-2009, 01:58 PM
Whoah, that's a lot of updates from when I checked last.

01-29-2009, 07:37 AM
omfg thank you so much!!!!

02-03-2009, 06:51 AM
You guys are absolutely amazing. Thank you so much.

02-03-2009, 07:39 AM
Atelier Vocal Historia 1997-2009 (Thread 63706)

Includes Haruka & Noriko

02-04-2009, 07:07 AM
Wow, such a big collection o.o Thanks for sharing! ^_^

02-06-2009, 10:11 PM
Hi All! Thanks to Aquagon and the other for the complete collection of Ar Tonelico Sound Tracks. Very Great Collections!

But i think there is one album that i can't find. Don't know for sure myself, maybe you can just visit this link (

Ar tonelico II ~Melody of Metafalica~ RQ Exclusive Soundtrack

Does anyone have it? Thanks

Sorry for my bad English :)

02-06-2009, 10:45 PM
Hi All! Thanks to Aquagon and the other for the complete collection of Ar Tonelico Sound Tracks. Very Great Collections!

But i think there is one album that i can't find. Don't know for sure myself, maybe you can just visit this link (

Ar tonelico II ~Melody of Metafalica~ RQ Exclusive Soundtrack

Does anyone have it? Thanks

Sorry for my bad English :)

It's not necessary because the OST that's uploaded on the first post already contains the songs that the standard and exclusive OSTs have (and other tracks that both OSTs don't even have).

02-07-2009, 09:09 AM
Can someone upload the ar tonelico 2 ost and ar tonelico 2 hymmnos concert in mediafire please.... I'm having trouble with megaupload.

03-18-2009, 03:55 AM
Look like ffshrine has a database error. It just has be backuped. And maybe we lose some post,include new post by removableblob. This post has Akiko Shikata's album,so i post it again.

removableblob has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - Ar Tonelico I & II OST Collection - in the Download Links forum of Final Fantasy Shrine Forums.

This thread is located at:
Thread 57498

Here is the message that has just been posted:
Hey guys!


Akiko Shikata's newest album, Harmonia: DL RS/320kbps MP3 + scans ( 2371__3rd__12450___12523___12496___12512___12300_H .html)

And here's my rip for rapidshare users:
Rapidshare Part 1 ( Part 2 (
Scan (
pass = sonixgvn

03-18-2009, 04:31 AM
Thank you very much for reuploading Harmonia, soitre.

03-18-2009, 04:46 AM
A lot of thanks for Harmonia to both soitre and removableblob! I think that all here have been awaiting for the release of this album!

03-18-2009, 02:16 PM
Thank you so much for sharing Akiko`s newest album !
I`ve been waiting this album >,<

03-19-2009, 06:47 PM
And by the way, I have reuploaded all of Shikata's albums (the links were deleted), and added my own mirror for Harmonia.

03-30-2009, 08:01 PM
Could anyone reupload the second Ar Tonelico Hymmnos Musical spica? The download link works but the .rar file seems to be corrupt, it only extracts files 1 and 10 and then gives an error message.

03-30-2009, 08:03 PM
Try downloading it again, since I have already done a test download and it works normally extracting the files.

03-30-2009, 11:11 PM
I just want to say thank you for this amazing post!

The Ar Tonelico games are my favourite and the soundtracks are fantastic. Thank you so much for these :)

04-12-2009, 03:37 AM
Does anyone have the newest single from Haruka Shimotsuki - break time ( ?

04-12-2009, 06:15 PM
break time - Haruka Shimotsuki

Rapidshare (

pass = [email protected]

04-18-2009, 04:31 PM
Many thanks about the Ar Tonelico 2 Extras,been looking for 'em everywhere~!

06-16-2009, 02:33 AM

This track came with the limited edition of the first volume of Tindharia no Tane's manga series.

[DL]: megaupload ( (320k/mp3)

06-18-2009, 05:55 AM
Thanks for the heads up with Yumewatashi, removableblob. I have also located the single with the scans and the karaoke version, and I'll be adding it to the main post now.

06-20-2009, 09:52 PM
Wow!!! Thank you for all these links, everyone!

I was wondering, has anyone found Akiko Shikata’s Harmonia concert pamphlet CD? It has three tracks:

1) 空
2) 虚
3) 儚

And is now available from her online shop:

I heard from somewhere on one of Akiko’s 2ch threads that two of these tracks are variations of some Ar tonelico hymns (?), and the third is a new piece.

If anyone does come across it, please let me know. Thank you so much!!

06-21-2009, 01:11 AM
Wow!!! Thank you for all these links, everyone!

I was wondering, has anyone found Akiko Shikata�s Harmonia concert pamphlet CD? It has three tracks:

1) 空
2) 虚
3) 儚

And is now available from her online shop:

I heard from somewhere on one of Akiko�s 2ch threads that two of these tracks are variations of some Ar tonelico hymns (?), and the third is a new piece.

If anyone does come across it, please let me know. Thank you so much!!

I have been looking for it and for her "horizon blue" album, but it seems like both are pretty much unfindable...

06-24-2009, 04:57 PM
If only someone can buy the Harmonia pamphlet either from Nekotoriya or Yahoo! Auctions… orz (horizon blue is already out of print)

07-12-2009, 11:57 PM
Can someone reupload the Ar Tonelico OVA soundtrack? The Megaupload link doesn't seem to be working any longer. Thanks.

07-14-2009, 05:45 PM
Reuploaded the Ar tonelico OVA CD.

07-18-2009, 05:45 AM
Thanks :)

07-20-2009, 04:21 AM
Thanks a lot by uploading these! I've been searching for a while now.
By the way, the Hymnos Musical Spica link doesn't work. it's unavailable. I've checked the link and it's correct.

and sorry for my bad english

07-20-2009, 09:00 AM
All right, Hymmnos Musical - Spica: reuploaded.

08-16-2009, 01:25 PM
Umineko no Naku Koro ni OP Single (anime)

Akiko Shikata (志方あきこ) - One-Winged Bird (片翼の鳥)

01 片翼の鳥
02 VII
03 片翼の鳥 -instrumental-
04 VII -instrumental-

Download: (mp3)
Slingfile ( (pass = sonixgvn)
Rapidshare ( r)

Scans : Rapidshare (

08-18-2009, 08:27 AM
I just uploaded One-Winged Bird's scan, see #163 for download link.

08-19-2009, 12:18 PM
thanks very much for the upload ^^

08-21-2009, 07:35 AM

"Could anyone reupload the second Ar Tonelico Hymmnos Musical spica? The download link works but the .rar file seems to be corrupt, it only extracts files 1 and 10 and then gives an error message."

i have the same problem..
i DLed it, it opened stating that track #1 and #10 we corrupt i went into the folder, and could see all the files, tried to extract, didn't work, so i was gonna do what i normally do, go back into the rar, and drag and drop all files minus the corrupt ones out, so it works... cept when i go back to the .rar, there are now only 2 files ._.

#1 and #10
both dont work, all corrupt,
both files add up to like 25meg,
yet the archive remains 150meg+

i installed the latest winRAR,
i used a rar REPAIR tool, other programs, nothing can find those files that used to be there,
so i RE-DLed... (which i hate doing due to my limited DLs per month)
and same thing, i go into it, and still >> 2 tracks...
I spose i could try a restart now, but it's 7:30am and i haven't slept yet...
thanks to this >< getting annoyed...

will do a quick restart now, coz it sounds like it could be to do with my machine, if those files don't re-appear magically.. i'll edit this post and let you know, but for now, i'm fairly certain something's wrong with that rar... perhaps someone OTHER than you (the OP) can DL and see if it works fine, perhaps that shall assist me in seeing what i'm doing wrong....

Eh, thanks for the others, they all work ^^'

RESULT: Still dont work D; ughh...

can someone else DL it and tell me what they used to unzip and xD ughh... just need an answer to this �� download hundreds of rars a month, and never have i seen this D;

09-16-2009, 03:35 AM
And for everyone that's still looking for Shikata's Harmonia Concert Pamphlet, here it is:

Harmonia Concert Pamphlet CD
N.B. Found originally by rosa_mystica.

And tfmc08 was partially correct with what he/she said about this pamphlet. There are three songs in it, the first one being a new piece, but the second one is the mysterious hymn from the final battle of Ar tonelico II that was never released in any of the Ar tonelico soundtrack CDs, and the third one is an orgel remix of one discarded song for Ar tonelico that can be only heard in one of her interviews in the Ar Portal.

09-22-2009, 04:59 AM
@Lucidolph: Here's a reupload of Spica's Hymmnos Musical, I've checked the files before uploading. If you still run into errors, then I have no idea anymore.

And here's Shimotsuki Haruka's C76 mini-single, Tsuisou no Mado.

09-22-2009, 11:38 PM
Thank you so much for the Harmonia pamphlet CD!!! T_T So that's where the mysterious battle track is...

09-24-2009, 01:05 AM
I joined just recently and would like to express thanks for this extensive thread of music.

Now, I'm trying to find it, but as far as I can tell Haruka Shimotsuki sang the opening for the 4th season of Maria-sama ga Miteru under Kukui. The net here in Germany is a bit not liking some of the sites I've tried to confirm this. Any of you know if this is true?

09-24-2009, 08:53 AM
Now, I'm trying to find it, but as far as I can tell Haruka Shimotsuki sang the opening for the 4th season of Maria-sama ga Miteru under Kukui. The net here in Germany is a bit not liking some of the sites I've tried to confirm this. Any of you know if this is true?

That's correct (and it's even said on the kukui official site). However, I don't know where to find the single for that song.

09-25-2009, 10:50 PM
That's correct (and it's even said on the kukui official site). However, I don't know where to find the single for that song.

Talked to a friend in the states, says he will send me it. It seems there was a site he knew. I will upload when I get it.

09-30-2009, 02:24 PM
that tales of the abyss image song -- brilliant world is hyper super!!!!

thank you sooo much!!!!

09-30-2009, 06:41 PM
Here it is, the OP single for Maria-sama ga Miteru 4th season-
Chizu Sanpo- Artist: Kukui (Haruka Shimotsuki)

*includes the standard scans

10-11-2009, 09:17 AM
Thank you so much for the Harmonia pamphlet CD link, aquagon!!!

10-17-2009, 01:18 PM
Here's Shimotsuki Haruka's newest album, Griotte no Nemurihime.

10-27-2009, 11:59 PM
Can someone re-upload Shikata Akiko`s album Kurewani, please?

10-28-2009, 11:31 AM
Can someone re-upload Shikata Akiko`s album Kurewani, please?

It's Kurenawi (Scarlet), not Kurewani. "Kurewani" literally means "The crocodile that ends" (lol).

El Bastardo
10-28-2009, 12:53 PM
Here is a hard one: Does anyone have the doujin album "Ar Tonelico Hymmnos Concert Side Cherry" releases at the Comiket 73??

Infos are here: Click me (

10-28-2009, 01:47 PM
Here is a hard one: Does anyone have the doujin album "Ar Tonelico Hymmnos Concert Side Cherry" releases at the Comiket 73??

Infos are here: Click me (

I've been finding it for a long time, even checked a lot of Chinese music sharing forums, and still to no avail.

10-29-2009, 12:14 AM
thanks a lot! <3
p.s. japanese is dangerous language, 1 mistake and scarlet turns crocodile, wow
p.p.s. sorry about my poor grammar >.<

11-30-2009, 03:22 AM
And I think I'll be doing some major changes in the thread, such as leaving this one only for Ar tonelico songs, and putting the discographies of the four Utahime in their own threads, in preparation for the Ar tonelico 3 albums.

12-01-2009, 11:01 AM
I was wondering about Gyakuten Saiban, Shadow Hearts, Chrono Cross, and Mahoroba Stories.
Their ST's seem to be incomplete or missing files. Might you be able to fix that possibly?

Also Midori no Mori de Nemuru Tori seems to be a missing link, can someone re-upload it?

By the way, thanks so much for all this. ^_^

12-03-2009, 11:09 PM
I don't think I will. After all, I already had warned that the only songs that were uploaded from these soundtracks into this thread were only the songs in which the Utahime were involved. And I'll be reuploading Midori tonight.

Edit: Midori no Mori de Nemuru Tori has been reuploaded.

12-11-2009, 05:42 PM
I really, really, really love itsumademo, radio yohou, and rakuge, soo, soo much!!!

I thank you soo, soo much!! mmuah!!!

btw, I'd really like to have the piano scores, especially for itsumademo, does anybody know how to get one???

12-16-2009, 12:01 AM
this thread was very helpful! Thanks
btw, shikata akiko has new beatmania IIDX 17 song, Raison d'�tre~交差する宿命~

btw for ar tonelico III hymmnos concert, i have checked both gust's site and shikata's site
for gust 3150yen and shikata's 1260yen o_O

and great, she'll also sing tales of symphonia.

12-19-2009, 02:37 PM
could someone re-up the Ar Tonelico Drama CD - Vol. 3 - Side Shurelia?

12-19-2009, 03:20 PM
Ibtw, I'd really like to have the piano scores, especially for itsumademo, does anybody know how to get one???

I can't recall any song named Itsumademo...

In general, piano scores for Japanese songs are extremely rarely produced, so chances are it's impossible to find one for your favorite song(s).

12-21-2009, 11:44 PM
I can't recall any song named Itsumademo...
Actually, the official score does exist � in the Kalliope piano book. �Itsumademo� is the third piece.

12-22-2009, 08:47 AM
Actually, the official score does exist � in the Kalliope piano book. �Itsumademo� is the third piece.

Ah, I see. I've never heard of that book, looks like it's another rare product, then...

12-23-2009, 12:35 AM
Akiko Shikata’s online shop Nekotoriya ( sells the book, but they do not ship overseas. I’d definitely pay someone to order both the Kalliope piano score and Harmonia concert pamphlet for me, but sadly, I don’t have any contacts within Japan.

01-06-2010, 12:39 PM
And what about Shikata's new album Fluff?

01-07-2010, 01:27 PM
And what about Shikata's new album Fluff?

It was sold during C77, I don't expect it to appear any time soon. After all, Shikata's doujin works are always so hard to find...

01-09-2010, 09:00 AM
Arrgh, I’m looking for Fluff too. >_<;;

01-25-2010, 02:24 PM
Only a short while until AT3 OST and Hymmnos Concert CDs are released. Hopefully we'll be able to get links to them as soon as possible.

01-25-2010, 04:32 PM
Aaaa . at last . long time no see for this thread. Btw , can someone re upload misha and shurelia:s drama cd again ?

01-26-2010, 02:33 PM
The two Hymmnos Concert discs are out (torrent on nyaa or tosho). No scans though, and no OST yet.

01-26-2010, 05:27 PM
Links here:

Thread 73526

01-26-2010, 06:30 PM
Anyone have scans of OST I and II ?

01-26-2010, 06:45 PM
Anyone have scans of OST I and II ?

The OST is out already?

01-26-2010, 07:09 PM
OST I and II. Not III.

OST not out yet. I guess...

01-27-2010, 05:59 AM
well. i got my Fluff, will upload it soon.

btw, in case you dont wanna miss any Haruka Shimotsuki stuff, dont forget her new single for Dice Dice◆Fantasia.

Rapidshare (

Megaupload (
pass = sonixgvn

01-27-2010, 07:43 AM
well. i got my Fluff, will upload it soon.

Thank you in advance~!

01-27-2010, 09:33 AM
Agh, and I just had gotten Fluff in my hands too. Well, then time to go back to hunt the Atelier Lina OST, the accoustic arrangement disc for Tsukioi no Toshi and Yuragu Sora, and also, the song bundled with the second Tindharia no Tane manga volume: Negai no Shirushi.

01-27-2010, 10:07 AM
well. i got my Fluff, will upload it soon.

Very Good...

Thank You in Advance

01-27-2010, 10:31 AM
Fluff ~Orgel Arrange Mini Album~

Download: (mp3)
Rapidshare (
Megaupload (

01-27-2010, 10:42 AM
Thank you so much, Sonix~ (≧▽≦)~♪

01-27-2010, 11:31 AM
AT3 Hymmnos Concert booklet scans:

01-27-2010, 12:43 PM
I was waiting for this... Tahnks

01-27-2010, 02:10 PM

And the missing page in SAKIYA=RUMEI scans:

Credits to Mizutama (

El Bastardo
01-27-2010, 05:07 PM
Agh, and I just had gotten Fluff in my hands too. Well, then time to go back to hunt the Atelier Lina OST, the accoustic arrangement disc for Tsukioi no Toshi and Yuragu Sora, and also, the song bundled with the second Tindharia no Tane manga volume: Negai no Shirushi.

Damn I didn't even know that there is a newer Atelier game than Annie out there (which I just started).

December for the Lina one eh?? - So a fairly new OST!!

01-27-2010, 06:04 PM
Now i have the complete scans...

OST came with scans ?

01-27-2010, 06:06 PM
Three Question

First: What's the real name of the hymmnos albums and OST ???

Second: The romaji titles.

Three: OST in 2 parts, please.

01-27-2010, 06:19 PM
OST came with scans ?

No, sadly.

Three Question

First: What's the real name of the hymmnos albums and OST ???

Second: The romaji titles.

Three: OST in 2 parts, please.

1. Side Red: 珠洲ノ宮 (SUZUNO=MIYA), side Blue: 咲夜琉命 (SAKIYA=RUMEI).

2. You mean of the OST? Too many to write out. Wait a few days and should have them online.

01-27-2010, 06:21 PM
No, sadly.

1. Side Red: 珠洲ノ宮 (SUZUNO=MIYA), side Blue: 咲夜琉命 (SAKIYA=RUMEI).

2. You mean of the OST? Too many to write out. Wait a few days and should have them online.

I forget to say. Romaji titles of the songs...

01-27-2010, 06:37 PM
Thanks for the Ar Tonelico 3 OST!

01-28-2010, 04:38 AM
Okay, I have branched off the albums made by Shikata, Shimotsuki and Mitose to their own topics, down here:


01-29-2010, 04:41 PM
EDIT: Nvm got it to work... Any news on the OST's Booklet?

01-30-2010, 04:59 AM
Hello could someone reup the:
Ar Tonelico Drama CD - Vol. 3 - Side Shurelia?
The link It's break.

01-31-2010, 02:29 AM
thanks for the OST... I listen everyday rs....

Anyone have the full traclist os both CDs ?

01-31-2010, 07:19 AM
Shurelia's Drama CD Reuploaded.

02-02-2010, 01:57 PM
Just a quick question. Is the only version of Akiko Shikatas "Emptiness" the one included in the Harmonia Pamphlet CD or is there a longer version available - or is it titled something else in one of the wonderful soundtracks? Thanks

02-02-2010, 02:52 PM
EDIT: Nvm got it to work... Any news on the OST's Booklet?

I managed to find the OST bk scans somewhere else,i can upload it if you want to.

02-04-2010, 07:08 PM
could someone repost Ar Tonelico Drama CD - Vol. 2 - Side Misha, please

02-04-2010, 09:04 PM
I managed to find the OST bk scans somewhere else,i can upload it if you want to.


02-05-2010, 09:08 PM
Drama CD side Misha reuploaded.

02-07-2010, 06:24 AM
AT3 OST booklet scans

02-10-2010, 04:07 PM
Okay, I have updated the main post with the Ar tonelico III OST and Hymmnos Concerts, all including their scans (and with the OST including Hymmnote scans, scanned from my own copy).

Shadow Wolf75
03-07-2010, 09:43 AM
Romaji for the III OST, please? All this jp text is breaking winamp whenever I attempt to put it into a playlist . . . it'll play fine when I make the list, but on reload it skips most tracks.

03-08-2010, 05:08 AM
Romaji for the III OST, please? All this jp text is breaking winamp whenever I attempt to put it into a playlist . . . it'll play fine when I make the list, but on reload it skips most tracks.

Well, there won't be any problem if you set your computer to Japanese localization, but I guess it's kinda pointless to change it just to listen to a few OSTs in Japanese.

So here's the romaji of the titles. Note that because Japanese is pretty complex, there are usually more than one way to read a kanji cluster, what I choose for this romaji list is just the most likely, I won't guarantee it's 100% precise. There are a few of wordplays in some titles as well, those can't be expressed without some serious kanji knowledge.

Disc 1

01. Utau Oka ~Harmonics TILIA~
02. M-S-G-Y-E-C
03. Seiryoku no Daichi
04. Fuusha no Sato
05. Aruku Hayasa de
06. Deai
07. Taiga no Michi
08. Kensei
09. EXEC_HYMM_BATTLESPHERE/.#Saki extracting
10. Shouri Sengen
11. Kakenukero!
12. Namaiki demo Meshitsukai
13. Yamishijou
14. Yuugi Kitan ~ Sono Ichi
15. Merk ~ Saki
16. Taiga no Hora
17. Daimon wo Kugurinukeyo
18. Somniloquence
19. Rolling Stone
20. Dive Yokochou de Machiawase
21. Tsuioku no Michishirube ~ Sono Ichi
22. LAB
23. Daichi wa Kyoumeisuru
24. Σ
25. Merk ~ Finnel
26. Saizensen e
27. Itadaki e no Michinori
28. Mukishitsuna Amaoto
29. Nyamo no Uta
30. Tokubetsuna Ohanashi
31. Ato
32. Miwaku no Baiser
33. Seibu Taikyojin
34. Issen
35. Links
36. Beni no Shoudou
37. Ei no Sentaku
38. Mangekyou
39. Miyabiuta

Disc 2

01. Guide Tour e Youkoso!
02. Etude
03. Aruku Hayasa de ~ calmato
04. Sukitooru Kaze
05. Merk ~ Party
06. Otakara Hakken!
07. Emergency!
08. EXEC_HYMM_BATTLESPHERE/.#Finnel extracting
09. Haiboku Sengen
10. Mune no Sukima
11. Phaze Shift
12. Shinra Banshou
13. Yuugi Kitan ~ Sono Ni
14. Hoshi Furu Yoru ni
15. Yudan Taiteki
16. Totetoteto
17. Nijiiro Crayon
18. Mienai Kabe
19. Tsuioku no Michishirube ~ Sono Ni
20. Pan of Age
21. Another Gate
22. Kyou mo Minna to
23. Pan of Age ~ on Piano
24. Merk ~ Tilia
25. Memory of Tower
26. Kikai Shikake
27. Kasokusuru Kokoro
28. Heavy Frame
29. EXEC_HYMM_BATTLESPHERE/.#Tilia extracting
30. Kibou
31. Taion no Arika
32. Yuugi Kitan
33. Aruku Hayasa de
34. Taion no Arika
35. Mune no Sukima
36. Tatakai
37. Shouri Sengen
38. Deai
39. Yuugi Kitan ~ Sono San -Bonus Track-

Note: Track 32~38 (except 36) are read exactly the same as some other tracks, but are written in different way.

If you need translation instead, they can be found on this VGMdb page (

03-22-2010, 10:09 AM
Anyone know what/which one is the ending song is in At3?

03-23-2010, 02:17 AM
Anyone know what/which one is the ending song is in At3?

There are four endings songs, depending on which ending you get.
- Saki Normal End: Toki no Suna.
- Finnel Normal End: Hoshimeguri no Uta.
- Third Reyvateil Normal End: Hikari no Naka ni.
- True End (any Reyvateil): Ec Tisia.

03-23-2010, 09:44 PM
Hi there,
There is a new release of a new Hymmnos Concert, very recent, released some days ago. Taken from here:

Ar Portal (

and here a shop (japanese of course):

Animate (

Anyone knows something about the songs can carry?

03-24-2010, 04:08 AM
Hi there,
There is a new release of a new Hymmnos Concert, very recent, released some days ago. Taken from here:

Ar Portal (

and here a shop (japanese of course):

Animate (

Anyone knows something about the songs can carry?

It's not a new Hymmnos Concert CD. It's just a special, nice-looking case that contains the two Red and Blue discs which we've already had.

03-25-2010, 06:33 PM
And a little pair of updates:

Maple Leaf/tieLeaf Acoustic Arrangement CD:

(uploaded originally by Huway and ReBurnz)

Atelier Lina OST:

(uploaded originally by thundercloud82)

El Bastardo
03-26-2010, 10:47 AM
Atelier Lina OST:

(uploaded originally by thundercloud82)

Oh sweet. Almost forgot about this one. Thank you!!

03-26-2010, 02:22 PM
thanks aquagon, im waiting too long for this ost :D

04-04-2010, 07:50 AM
Looks like Drama CD side Saki will be released on June 23, and side Finnel on August 25. Yay.

04-05-2010, 05:13 AM
Yea everyone. I was wondering if anyone might have a certain song from Ar Tonelico 2. It always seems the songs I want from the games (1 as well) are never on the OST! Specifically, i'm looking for one of the themes that play while diving into Luca.

To be more specific. Its the song that plays when your on the map for Luca's cosmosphere level 0. (the theme is probably on other levels as well.)

I know for sure its not on the OST, and i also looked at the hymnos osts and it wasnt on them as well. Is the song on any other soundtrack in the OP, or does anyone have/or can make a rip of it for me. I remember I ended up having to make my own rip of a dive theme for ar tonelico one, but I was able to find the song without soundeffects or dialogue over it. So far for ar tonelico 2, ive only found footage of the song with dialogue over it.

any help is much appreciated. thank you!

04-05-2010, 07:10 AM
Great song, it very much. Thank you very other.

04-23-2010, 02:38 AM
It seems that there were a lot of songs missing from the OST. Everytime I see a gameplay video, I never recognize any of the battle music and it almost seems to change each time.

04-23-2010, 11:41 PM
thx this is great

04-23-2010, 11:58 PM
It seems that there were a lot of songs missing from the OST. Everytime I see a gameplay video, I never recognize any of the battle music and it almost seems to change each time.

Do you mean Ar tonelico III's battle music? Yes, it DOES change a lot frequently. The game makes uses of a system named R.A.H. where normal encounters' battle theme changes depending on which Revatail is currently in your party, which Hymma you are currently equipping her, how much HP she currently has left, and also various other parameters.

Also, some of the boss fights have their special Hymns, those are found in the two Hymmnos Concert CDs and not on the OST.

04-26-2010, 02:17 AM
Do you mean Ar tonelico III's battle music? Yes, it DOES change a lot frequently. The game makes uses of a system named R.A.H. where normal encounters' battle theme changes depending on which Revatail is currently in your party, which Hymma you are currently equipping her, how much HP she currently has left, and also various other parameters.

Also, some of the boss fights have their special Hymns, those are found in the two Hymmnos Concert CDs and not on the OST.

Yeah, I know about those and I have those songs. But, on the OST are the hymn_battlesphere tracks just a compilation of the seperate types of tracks or do they leave a lot out of the published tracks?

04-26-2010, 04:20 AM
Yeah, I know about those and I have those songs. But, on the OST are the hymn_battlesphere tracks just a compilation of the seperate types of tracks or do they leave a lot out of the published tracks?

Those Battlesphere are compilation of the ten Reyvateils' battle theme, but do not contain the choruses sing by the Hymma. So, in a way, yes, they do leave out something, though that something is just chorus singing and not full-fledged tracks.

It's hard to explain, but if you play the game, you'll understand immediately.

04-27-2010, 10:50 AM
OMG, talk about being FAN, I lose big time here. I'm bet aquagon also collects their figurines.

04-27-2010, 12:55 PM
Not exactly AT-related, but here's Shikata Akiko's Inori no Kanata single. Scan included. Credits to #LONE.

04-27-2010, 05:57 PM
Thank you very much! I've been waiting for this single for a long time!

04-28-2010, 05:04 AM
OMG, talk about being FAN, I lose big time here. I'm bet aquagon also collects their figurines.

I wish I could, but I haven't even been able to buy the albums save for the soundtrack of At3 (the place where I live doesn't look at importation goods kindly).

05-17-2010, 11:43 PM
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before, but does anyone have a full version of the theme called "Melting Morning Dew" (or Morning Dew Melts in-game) from the first Ar tonelico? The OST version was cut off at 1:03, which wasn't complete. The real full version should go for well over 2 or 3 minutes if you listen to it in-game.