04-25-2008, 10:33 PM
Ok guys, i've read a whole lot of threads on this forum about how shit ff7 is and how everyone hates it.
But i started thinking, almost every post i've read on this topic can be summed up with, "FF7 is terrible. I hate it. If you like it then your a fanboy."
I personally like this game and i thought it would be good to start a thread where you discuss why you think this game is bad and how you would change it.

Please dont use this thread as a way of flaming ff7, i think its time for a proper discussion of its flaws and how they could be fixed.

execrable gumwrapper
04-25-2008, 10:53 PM
How many times is this thread going to be done? I'm legitimately curious.

04-25-2008, 10:56 PM
ah, well apologies if its been done before, i'm new :D
mods can always delete it
i've just been curious about how you all actually feel about the game

04-25-2008, 11:03 PM
The "pointing at the game's flaws" part has been done to death. But the constructive approach to it hasn't.

I think it would be good to hear the many FF VII haters here finally come up with some ways they could have fixed the many flaws before releasing the game in 1997.

One of the main reason the game is so flawed is probably because VII (and probably VIII) is among the last FF games that had a rigid production deadline.

04-25-2008, 11:19 PM
thanks for the support :D
i suppose i could start this off, lets discuss......the characters

as i said earlier, i like this game and in turn the characters. However, i believe that if one thing was to be improved i think it should be their development. In my opinion, there is simply too little time spent on creating back stories for the characters and on their development. This leads to them feeling impersonal and, lets face it, pointless. Cid Highwind? Yuffie Kisaragi? they just seem like after-thoughts which add little to the story. I mean, the only purpose for Cid that i can think of is to supply the Tiny Bronco so you can fluke your way to the temple of ancients. If sqaure-enix (or square soft as they were) put a little bit of thought into it, they surely could have found a better way around this.

Also, the fact that an entire film was needed to finish the main character's story clearly shows not enough work was put into the original game.

04-25-2008, 11:48 PM
Correction, the Advent Children movie was not necessary at all and wasn't done to "finish the main character's story" but to fill the fanboys mouth with more crap to eat.

The story of FF VII should have been over the moment you finish the game. That was what was originaly planned by Sakaguchi, and that's they way it should have ended. When you consider and understand the message the game was trying to give the players around the world, the way it ended was genius.

04-26-2008, 12:06 AM
This topic has been time and time again.

However, if you want to get your points across without creating more threads I'm sure this (Thread 53491) thread will suffice.
