04-02-2008, 09:09 PM
I actually like how despite all the fanboyishness surrounding this game, the Shrine is somehow biased against it. And I imagine that's probably the reason and it's a good reason at that, fanboys do piss me off.

I agree that it doesn't deserve to be milked as much as it is, and a lot of the other volumes in the series are better, but how many of you actually hate this game itself and not just the franchise surrounding it?

It's kind of funny actually I usually find myself defending X-2 from all the retarded fanboys that hate it for the wrong reasons, and now here I am somewhat defending this of all games. Kinda ironic how here I see this game treated the same way as X-2 does among "fanboys".

But anyway as much as the franchise is annoying I wouldn't go as far as saying this is a BAD game, it's probably my third favorite in the series. And I hope no one's thinking of calling me a fanboy, cause it seems like here at the Shrine expressing the littlest positive remark about this game gets you labeled a fanboy.

So, ignoring the franchise, if this was a game just like the rest, think you'd still hate it?

Neo Xzhan
04-02-2008, 10:51 PM
I don't hate the game, I don't love it either.

I hate Square-Enix for the massive amounts of milking this game. FFVII:AC, BC,CC etc....

But that's not really my main issue, if it sells, they won't care much.

The main issue, is that there are a shit storm of people out there who worship this game as if it were created by god. Sephiroth is aparantly the best villain in a game ever, Cloud is the best character, everyone gets fucking emo over Aeris' death. In other words, it's the best game ever made.

There is so much wrong with this game story wise, I'm not going to go into detail there. The game had pretty good graphics at the time and the FMVs were top notch in my opinion. The game had good music/sound. It's a pretty much average game.

It's just mind bogling how people seem to think that this is the best game ever, when clearly, even in the FF series there have been better games. And in general there are far better RPGs, with increadible involving stories, great villains and the like.

It's not FFVII we hate, it's the shit storm of mindless fanboys who praise this game beyond all reason.

04-02-2008, 11:49 PM
I pretty much agree with Neo Xzhan.

FF7 was the first Final Fantasy I had played but I didn't seem to fall in love with like most do. In matter of opinion, I won't say it's the worst. I mean, I really can't say - considering I haven't played all the Final Fantasies. But I will say from the ones Ive played - it's mediocre, if even that.

The music was nice throughout the game, I enjoyed that for the most part. I enjoyed most of the story line though it could have been made better.

I don't understand how Sephiroth in anyway can be regarded as the best villain. He's a guy with an oedipal complex that doesn't even succeed in doing what he was set out to do. Playing through FFVI, Kefka is one hell of a villain and honestly pwns Sephiroth. =/

The fans do honestly make the mention of the game unbearable though.

04-03-2008, 03:29 AM
I've been struggling with fanboys for years I'm apparently one of those "other" people that takes all the flames ya know

and again I agree with both of you guys...or even look at it this way is it really "really" that good is every inch worth drooling over, I hear about it and someone ask me I sit there and feel irked and say things like these

is the materia system really that user-friendly and useful
is the story really that good or coherent
are the graphics really good for the way they wanted it
does anything about the game make sense and is the music good

I ask these questions back and automatically you get the best answer from people and they didn't even hesitate....sad sad....

anyway to shorten this, those questions my answers would be the materia idea tanks because there not as useful as you think even for a weapon the story is dead in some places and at times has no sense at all, end is just...yeah...the graphics are good and the music is...pretty %^&*) good actually..but you get what I mean it's a pain in the ass and has been for a dead 10 years

04-03-2008, 06:54 AM
Yeah, I agree with all of you and that's pretty much what I was trying to say. But for some reason I seem to recall people here hating on the game itself regardless of the crazy franchise around it. I guess we have yet to hear from them...

04-03-2008, 08:03 AM
As someone who just completed this game for the first time I feel I can give a fresh opinion. Me and FF7 have a love, hate relationship. Me being the perfectionist I am, I love to collect and defeat everything the game has to offer, however the game hates me so it likes to make me feel empty and unfulfilled. It’s like seeing a beautiful light at the end of a long tunnel but once you get through the tunnel you realise the light is just the glimmer of a polished turd and the problem with a polished turd is at the end of the day, polished or not, it’s still a damn turd! Ok maybe that’s harsh but I'm still pissed off at how after I finally have got everything and kill sephiroth the game mocks me with an endless loop of a windows screensaver and aeris theme song playing over and over. This was a massive kick in the balls. (Yes before everyone comes rushing to the games rescue the long FMV sequence was very pretty and heartfelt… whatever)

To me it came across as similar to getting with a girl who is all about no sex before marriage so you agree then after 6 years of being together you get married it finally comes to the honeymoon and she seems to always have a headache. Now I don’t want people to think I'm shallow and all about sex but if it’s my god damn honeymoon I want to enjoy it! Not saying that FF7 isn’t enjoyable it certainly started off that way, we had a few rampant nights of running around blowing up buildings full of people who probably have families, stealing a poor kids savings and generally kicking ass but toward the end it just became somewhat a chore like a nagging housewife shaking her rolling pin at you because you forgot to take the trash out last night. Once you have a gold chocobo and inevitably KotR it’s all a bit too easy yet there’s so much too still do if you want all the limit breaks and master material. Bottom line it all becomes tedious, boring and UNFUN. Speaking of unfun the chocobo racing can shove it! Constantly having to go through C, B, and A class when my chocobo is three quarters of a lap ahead and every time having to wait around half an hour for another chocobo to cross the line before I can claim my “random” prize. As for the end boss he was finished after 2 casts of w-summon KotR (that’s one for Bizzarro-Sephiroth and one for safer sephiroth). What sort of end boss is that? He didn’t even get a lick on me. How is it that two sub-bosses (emerald and ruby) are so much stronger than the final one!

Admittedly I'm very biased as I spent a long %&@*ing time getting everything and I'm feeling pissy because there really wasn’t much point. There was no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow or medal given out for my effort. It would have been far more enjoyable if I just speeded through the game and just enjoyed the ride or to put it another way “settled for a one night stand.” I feel let down after all the build up and hype from all those moronic fan boys out there who probably have aeris forever tattood down there razor blade scared emo arm. Her death was not that deep. Sure I was a little sad to let her go but GTF over it! Besides it was all about Tifa. As for plot it was good, NOT EPIC! Not the best of all time like some fanboy who uses the 3rd disc as a cockring while having sex with a cloud plush toy would have you believe. It was entertaining and kept me interested which is what every decent games narrative should do.

In conclusion this is a good game and I would recommend it. I don’t hate it. It can be very enjoyable and entertaining. Just ignor the hype and try not to marry it and take it for all its worth or like many modern day marriages it will leave you feeling like a husky void deprived of what was once fun.

For any of those fanboys who didn’t like this reading don’t bother… Just don’t… I will ignore you and leave you feeling as unfulfilled in your conquest to be right as this game made me feel.

execrable gumwrapper
04-03-2008, 08:16 AM
You seem like a worth-while newbie. I say you should stay a while! :D

I enjoyed those analogies, too.

04-03-2008, 10:48 AM
I don't hate it, not even a little. I first played it over ten years ago, and I think it holds up pretty well. Sure, it's not perfect by any means, but I still think it's a good game.

04-03-2008, 11:38 AM
I don't hate it, not even a little. I first played it over ten years ago, and I think it holds up pretty well. Sure, it's not perfect by any means, but I still think it's a good game.


04-03-2008, 01:41 PM
I guess I'll be the voice of dissent.

No, that does not mean I'm going to defend the game. You all know me better than that.

I do hate FFVII. I hate it unconditionally and regard it as one of the absolute worst things that has ever happened to gaming. That isn't because of the game itself, per se, but rather because of its lasting influence. It popularized a lot of practices that I find abominable, chief among them being 1) game design intended to encourage players to buy a separate guide, without which it is nigh-impossible to get the most out of the game and 2) the use of paper-thin personality archetypes on player characters, making them more like avatars than real characters, which appeals to dumb teens who think everything has to somehow be like them in order to be endearing.

I have a lot of gripes, but that right there is why I truly hate the game and begrudge its very existence.

You might find this rather shocking, but I'll mention that as far as the game itself goes, I love it. Oh, I don't love it for being a good game or anything like that, because it's mediocre at best on its own merits. No, I simply love it in the same way that I love a scraggly little puppy that makes a funny noise when I kick it.

04-03-2008, 04:54 PM
I played the game alot when it came out, I found it alright but didn't see it as no masterpiece.

Although I hate the game on the merits that it spawned some of the most retarded fanboys ever.

04-03-2008, 04:56 PM
You must be kidding. The fanboys are the only worthwhile thing the game spawned. They provide endless hours of amusement, again in the funny puppy-kicking way.

execrable gumwrapper
04-03-2008, 05:07 PM
I had a dream where I kicked a puppy that wandered in my house and pissed everywhere. No matter how much or how hard I kicked it though, it still kept pissing.

04-03-2008, 05:13 PM
What's with all this "puppy-kicking"?

04-03-2008, 06:29 PM
You might find this rather shocking, but I'll mention that as far as the game itself goes, I love it. Oh, I don't love it for being a good game or anything like that, because it's mediocre at best on its own merits. No, I simply love it in the same way that I love a scraggly little puppy that makes a funny noise when I kick it.


04-03-2008, 08:24 PM
I simply love it in the same way that I love a scraggly little puppy that makes a funny noise when I kick it.

Well I'm a baby-puncher myself.(If that sentence/statement makes any grammatical sense at all)

I don't really loathe the game itself, just the flaws, plot gaps, glitches, and the annoying fan-boys. But I relish pissing them off when you denounce it as being the best RPG or best video game of all time and saying Cloud has a small dick.

04-03-2008, 08:55 PM
I don`t hate, but it`s not my favourite.

Prak, Hydad, or whatever go ahead and insult me, but I like FFVII`s story and especially characters.

04-03-2008, 09:01 PM
I like FFVII. I still do. The only thing that really ever gets to me is all the people who say it is in FACT the BEST EVAR! And that Sephiroth is the BEST villian ever and such. I'd understand if it's your opinion but some people just see it as a fact which in turn makes me not want to like FFVII anymore...but that hasn't happened. I'm still letting Square dig into my pocket with their FFVII spin-offs.

execrable gumwrapper
04-03-2008, 09:01 PM
Prak, Hydad, or whatever go ahead and insult me, but I like FFVII`s story and especially characters.


04-03-2008, 09:09 PM

04-03-2008, 09:17 PM
misspelled Hynad?

04-03-2008, 09:19 PM
haha I love the way the idiot bolded "characters" as if that somehow counters my ABSOLUTE STONE-COLD FACT (from Nomura's own mouth) about them being archetypal avatars.

04-03-2008, 09:26 PM
This is the type of thing that I relish.

execrable gumwrapper
04-03-2008, 09:27 PM
On that note, I'd like to say relish does not taste good. Far too sweet for me.

04-03-2008, 10:19 PM

I lold pretty hard.

Also, Hi dad. haha.....:p god I'm immature sometimes. :-\

Anyway. As far as FFVII goes. I will never say i didn't enjoy the game. Because i did.

But i dislike it for the way it has blinded many people into thinking it is flawless. I witnessed it being called the pioneer for all RPG's. The most emotionally involving game ever. And its things like this that cause fanboys to fall in love with it. But these opinions are silly imo.

But i wont blame it all the game. Many fanboys are just so stupid they couldn't tell a great game if it hit them in the face.

Anyway, to put it simply. I don't hate the game, but there are many more out there that surpass it by miles.

04-03-2008, 11:28 PM
Anyway, to put it simply. I don't hate the game, but there are many more out there that surpass it by miles.

ditto, sept for the miles... meters maybe now.

at the time i thought the game was krakin

04-04-2008, 01:18 AM
I like the hentai porn it spawned

I mean what

04-04-2008, 01:41 AM
I like the hentai porn it spawned

I mean what


04-04-2008, 02:55 AM
I like the hentai porn it spawned

I mean what

you sick bastard....any suggestions?

04-04-2008, 03:58 AM
What is Final Fantasy VII?

Marshall Lee
04-04-2008, 04:26 AM
FF7 cosplay...

execrable gumwrapper
04-04-2008, 04:32 AM
FF7 cosplay...


04-04-2008, 04:35 AM


Edit:noskillbassist, where is the guy in your avatar from?

execrable gumwrapper
04-04-2008, 04:42 AM
Strongbad from his anime episode.

04-04-2008, 04:47 AM


I have admitted to liking VII. I was foolish enough to buy Dirge. I will no longer purchase any spinoffs. I can give you no more than all I have to give.

04-04-2008, 04:48 AM

04-04-2008, 09:14 AM
I guess I'll be the voice of dissent.

No, that does not mean I'm going to defend the game. You all know me better than that.

I do hate FFVII. I hate it unconditionally and regard it as one of the absolute worst things that has ever happened to gaming. That isn't because of the game itself, per se, but rather because of its lasting influence. It popularized a lot of practices that I find abominable, chief among them being 1) game design intended to encourage players to buy a separate guide, without which it is nigh-impossible to get the most out of the game and 2) the use of paper-thin personality archetypes on player characters, making them more like avatars than real characters, which appeals to dumb teens who think everything has to somehow be like them in order to be endearing.

I have a lot of gripes, but that right there is why I truly hate the game and begrudge its very existence.

You might find this rather shocking, but I'll mention that as far as the game itself goes, I love it. Oh, I don't love it for being a good game or anything like that, because it's mediocre at best on its own merits. No, I simply love it in the same way that I love a scraggly little puppy that makes a funny noise when I kick it.

Damn, Prak...I haven't been here for a while and I still see that you're forced to water down your gripes about this game more and more. Though I trust they're still there, I have to ask this question. Do you ever get tired of trying to preach to the deaf, brainless, Cloud-cockmonglers?

04-04-2008, 12:55 PM
wb, Z.

Valerie Valens
04-04-2008, 02:26 PM
wb Z.

Threatened to beat up more FF7 fanboys? lol

04-04-2008, 04:37 PM

Edit:noskillbassist, Is that you in your avatar ?

Desert Wolf
04-04-2008, 05:05 PM
People not liking FF7??? Where did you get a crazy idea like that?

execrable gumwrapper
04-04-2008, 07:18 PM
I c wot u did thar, cookie.

04-04-2008, 08:11 PM



04-04-2008, 09:07 PM
People not liking FF7??? Where did you get a crazy idea like that?

ah see there's the question though do they actually like it or are they just brainwashed to like it???????

04-04-2008, 09:55 PM
OMFG Cloud is soo Fricken "Kewl" because he wears Purple, he
doesn't smile, and not smiling is "Kewl" it makes him look soo mysterious.

The End...

04-04-2008, 10:19 PM
wb, Z.

wb Z.

Threatened to beat up more FF7 fanboys? lol

Feels good to be back, and yes, I think I'll enjoy fanboy-bashing again...fanboys make mighty fine punching bags. But I did feel awkward when I finally admitted that I was a /b-tard a few weeks ago, which is part of the reason why I'm back. The other being the massive-ass amount of credits I took these past few semesters.

But anyway, anyone who hasn't seen the "Awesome" videos on Newgrounds should check out the Awesome Fantasy 7 segment (

Dot Centaur
04-05-2008, 01:20 AM
Although Zak6009 does seem to have some good points, but I think threads like this have been milked too much :rolleyes:. That's just me.

04-05-2008, 01:47 AM
I don`t hate, but it`s not my favourite.

Prak, Hydad, or whatever go ahead and insult me, but I like FFVII`s story and especially characters.

If anyone insults you, it won't be because you like FFVII, hell like I said, I like FFVII. You have been and forever will be insulted because you are a complete retard.


04-05-2008, 02:46 AM
ok anybody see beet the vandal buster? The reason I bring this horrid excuse for entertainment up is because my relationship with FFVII is the same as my relationship with this show (well sort of). first of all I loved the music I never really was an Aerith fan (yes I know how I spelled it take that fanboys) so her death didn't really bother me mind you the first time I played this game I was about 7 or 8, around the time I had played FFVIII and I enjoyed it. The story was ok and the characters were not so bad.

Well after leaving it for a while I picked it up again once I was older thinking that the story wasn't amazing to me cause it just went over my head I mean after hearing all the fanboy claims both on the internet and through people I know...Nope just the same I still enjoyed the music and I found my self comparing cloud to many plain shounen action characters and the like but the story did not blow me away and the death of little miss flower basket didn't make me want to kill at all. I personally found tifa to be much better. and I'm all for a emo-ish main character who only smiles at the death of his worst enemy, really I am but cloud get over yourself. But still what does this have to do with beet the vandal buster well I really liked the ending theme and the dialog in the show was so terrible it was funny. FFVII didn't have bad writing in it but it sure did make me laugh sometimes.
overall I like the game and continue to but the awful spin-offs must stop

04-05-2008, 04:58 PM
Where did you learn English?

04-05-2008, 05:17 PM
Where did you learn English?

actually he's pretty clear...i will admit a bit broken but some people post that way...we all deal

04-06-2008, 12:24 AM
well I'm sorry if I wasn't clear and I'm a she.

04-06-2008, 12:37 AM
well I'm sorry if I wasn't clear and I'm a she.

oh terribly sorry there shouldn't have put a gender in there

yeah some people type weird here no biggie people should just deal ya know at least there concise

04-06-2008, 11:47 PM
oh terribly sorry there shouldn't have put a gender in there

yeah some people type weird here no biggie people should just deal ya know at least there concise

If you meant to put "there" in that part of the sentence instead of "their", then I'm sorry that you're fluent in moron and I'm not. Since these boards are written in English, you'd better learn it you cunt because that's all you're going to get.

Changing a few words and/or punctuation not only changes the overall look and feel of a sentence but can also put an otherwise sensible sentence to shit.

By the way, this is what I was talking about. You get fanboys/girls trying desperately to justify the actions of one of their own when they're called out as a moron.

04-07-2008, 04:37 AM
If you meant to put "there" in that part of the sentence instead of "their", then I'm sorry that you're fluent in moron and I'm not. Since these boards are written in English, you'd better learn it you cunt because that's all you're going to get.

Changing a few words and/or punctuation not only changes the overall look and feel of a sentence but can also put an otherwise sensible sentence to shit.

By the way, this is what I was talking about. You get fanboys/girls trying desperately to justify the actions of one of their own when they're called out as a moron.

well sorry then everyone I'll leave this thread out

Bus Driver
04-07-2008, 05:17 AM
FFX was sequel worthy, like FFVII the ending more/less left you without that feeling of closure.

I tried out FFX-2 and to me it just seemed so distant from the original and everything seemed so out of place. I just can't see Yuna going from a summoner to this gun toting pop singer.

As far as FFVII goes, it was and is a great game. People dislike the game not for what it is but because how it has effected people. It does become annoying when unexperienced fans shout it's the greatest game of all time without seeing what else is out there as far as RPG's go. Besides, the title of greatest will always be a matter of opinion not fact.

For FFVII, people will always follow what they can understand and relate to. For me I liked the whole slums/city setting, which basically set the tone for me.

Square-Enix has milked FFVII, not too hard to see. I guess somewhere in the merger they ran out of ideas, so I guess they have to do something to stay above water. Hopefully soon they will forget about creating the next cult classic and just get back to the basics, which ironically would lead to another cult classic.

04-07-2008, 02:24 PM
You saying FFVII was great doesn't make it so, and saying that those of us who dislike it only dislike it because of its fans is just plain retarded. I had never paid attention to fans of the game until after I played the game. I was very open-minded about it, and I disliked it intensely by the time I finished it.

Memento Mori
04-07-2008, 04:37 PM
I don't hate the game, as a matter of fact, I still like it to this day, but, doesn't change the fact of its numerous flaws, which I don't feel like repeating, since you can find it all in the numerous threads here about it.

With what FF7 did for gaming, you can either hate it or not hate it depending on your taste and what you want out of gaming. Especially with myself barely having any time for gaming anymore, I seriously don't mind having to have a strategy guide, and basically playing the game for the story to tell itself. I consider it like an adventure movie that you happen to be participating in.

That said, there are plenty of adventure games better than FF7, Aeris died stop dressing in black eye-shadow, Cloud nor Sephiroth are the best in their given positions. FF7 is nothing but a decent game, whose graphics were pretty cool for the time that it came out.

04-07-2008, 07:13 PM
I guess I'll be the voice of dissent.

No, that does not mean I'm going to defend the game. You all know me better than that.

I do hate FFVII. I hate it unconditionally and regard it as one of the absolute worst things that has ever happened to gaming. That isn't because of the game itself, per se, but rather because of its lasting influence. It popularized a lot of practices that I find abominable, chief among them being 1) game design intended to encourage players to buy a separate guide, without which it is nigh-impossible to get the most out of the game and 2) the use of paper-thin personality archetypes on player characters, making them more like avatars than real characters, which appeals to dumb teens who think everything has to somehow be like them in order to be endearing.

I have a lot of gripes, but that right there is why I truly hate the game and begrudge its very existence.

You might find this rather shocking, but I'll mention that as far as the game itself goes, I love it. Oh, I don't love it for being a good game or anything like that, because it's mediocre at best on its own merits. No, I simply love it in the same way that I love a scraggly little puppy that makes a funny noise when I kick it.

Thanks for your honest input but I just have one question: What was your opinion on the gameplay? I mean, considering that's the reason we defend X-2 despite everyone's shallow hate for it (I actually am not sure if that's your reason as well), but yes. FFVII did have a terrible story and lame characters with a lot less depth than fanboys make them out to be, and disappointed me as well when I played it to see what the hype was about.
But as far as the gameplay and the boss fights/side quests go, would you really place it as that bad? Because I have a few things to say in defense of this game that can probably be considered more legit than what most fanboys would have to say (i.e. "you probably just didn't understand it"), and they have nothing to do with the story and I'd be interested in seeing a counterarguement to them (which I have no doubt you'd have).

One, I enjoyed fighting the weapons. As the "superbosses" (really tough secret bosses with sidequests) they probably made up for the rest of the game, and are probably among the most fun strategy-boss fights out of what I played with the exception of a few things from XII and some of the arena monsters in X. To be fair, though, I've yet to challenge Ozma.

Also I'm not sure how to explain this, but I like when there are little details of continuity, much like FFVIII's Laguna dreams and your actions later affeting it. There were a bunch of those in this game, as an example, in Shinra Tower the first time when you open the lockers finding potions, ethers, phoenix downs etc. and then at one point Cloud finds "A megaphone, it seems pretty useless" seeming as just a random passing detail and later when you check it out the second time in the tower how it ends up being Cait Sith's ultimate weapon. And so forth. Other such "easter eggs" include how one of the Honeybee rooms have two elders who are supposed to be Reeve's parents even though they never mention it directly.

And finally I liked how each of the 9 characters had their own little way of getting their top limit break (though not as much as X or VIII's system with that), like how Tifa had the piano thing and how Cloud had the Arena and Red had the Lost Number puzzle and so on.

That's all I really have to say in defense, completely ignoring the story usual fanboy stuff. It's not even my favorite game and I don't understand the hype either, I just found it to not be as bad as people here make it out to be.

I also liked the soundtrack a lot, but I'll give you this: I'm sick of everyone making different versions of One Winged Angel and that song being milked to death and remixed in every possible way imagined when there are far better FF tracks out there. Other tracks on here that deserve more recognition than they get are ones like "A Full Scale Attack" and "The Forested Temple".

That's all

04-07-2008, 07:59 PM
But as far as the gameplay and the boss fights/side quests go, would you really place it as that bad?


One, I enjoyed fighting the weapons. As the "superbosses" (really tough secret bosses with sidequests) they probably made up for the rest of the game, and are probably among the most fun strategy-boss fights out of what I played with the exception of a few things from XII and some of the arena monsters in X. To be fair, though, I've yet to challenge Ozma.

The entire idea of "superbosses" is something I find retarded. For one thing, all you need to beat them is the right gear and the right strategy. No form of skill actually rears its head in the vast majority of them.

If you want an example of a superboss done properly, look at Baldur's Gate 2. There is a demilich in that game, which is an extremely powerful magic-wielding undead creature. It doesn't take a long time to kill it, but it is very difficult to kill before it annihilates your party (so difficult, in fact, that the the people who wrote the guide for the game (which my brother bought, not me) weren't able to beat it), and you can't take it down by being overleveled or having just the right gear or having a one-size-fits-all strategy. You have to think fast and rely on intuition, precise timing, and a bit of luck.

Also I'm not sure how to explain this, but I like when there are little details of continuity, much like FFVIII's Laguna dreams and your actions later affeting it. There were a bunch of those in this game, as an example, in Shinra Tower the first time when you open the lockers finding potions, ethers, phoenix downs etc. and then at one point Cloud finds "A megaphone, it seems pretty useless" seeming as just a random passing detail and later when you check it out the second time in the tower how it ends up being Cait Sith's ultimate weapon. And so forth. Other such "easter eggs" include how one of the Honeybee rooms have two elders who are supposed to be Reeve's parents even though they never mention it directly.

And finally I liked how each of the 9 characters had their own little way of getting their top limit break (though not as much as X or VIII's system with that), like how Tifa had the piano thing and how Cloud had the Arena and Red had the Lost Number puzzle and so on.

I would be really hard to justify these as gameplay credits.

As for demerits, the game gets marked down heavily for the fact that it gives you 9 different characters, most of whom you never need to use and do not get punished for using infrequently. The materia system devalues the characters themselves because you can switch materia from a character you use constantly to one who you've never used before, even very late in the game, and have a character with the exact same capabilities, making party selection a moot point. Why even have so many characters if there's no distinction between them? It's utterly senseless.

Limit breaks are also obnoxiously poorly-implemented in that they actually punish players for trying to save them. What kind of sense does it make that a character should be unable to make a normal attack until they finally see fit to make a super-attack? FFIX did it better. FFX did it better. FFVI did it better. FFVIII did it better. FFVII completely defied common sense in its handling of them, and despite what someone apologists may say, not appearing in a form that makes sense is a terrible flaw.

I can go on, but those are enough to make the point.

04-07-2008, 10:51 PM
I've constantly argued against that judgement of the materia system, Prak. There are relatively small (but nonetheless, significant) differences between characters that make it less obviously broken than you make it sound.

You could switch the full set of magic materia from Cloud over to Barret and you'd have a character nowhere near as efficient at that job. Conversely, stick the Deathblow and a couple of HP Plusses on Aeris as opposed to Cid and you'd have a character with the exact same abilities, but nowhere near as good with them.

I accept that FFVII lacks sufficient difficulty to actually make such tactical decisions important, but that puts the blame on the fact that the game simply wasn't hard enough, and not on the system per se.

I do agree with your assesment of the Limit Break system, although I would dispute whether FFVIII got it better. Unlimited Limit Breaks in HP Critical? Which, combined with the whole abusability of the magic refining and junction abilities, well..........I've been there before.

04-08-2008, 01:18 AM
What's sad is you can morph the enemies in the game to get items to boost base stats to 255. Give each character a master magic materia and a slash-all, and you have 9 looks to the same character.

04-08-2008, 01:32 AM
That takes an insane amount of time, only works for three (?) stats and can be done in every other FF game of the PS1/2 era as well, bar IX.

In VIII, you can refine items into magic to junction to stats and very easily get 255 for most things.

In X, you can have full Sphere Grids for all, Break Damage Limit etc.

In X-2, everyone can master each dressphere. (3x Mascot anyone?)

In XII, you can fill each character's licence board and get 6 virtually identical characters. And this will be the norm for most gamers, since filling up the License Board does not take much more than a Lv. 50 party.

Ultimately, that argument fails unless it is directed at the whole series, in which case I agree.

04-08-2008, 01:51 AM
Do your homework next time. (

It doesn't take that long if you have Enemy Lures, and it probably would take the least amount of time to reach that goal out of the whole series.

For VIII (, you need to get all the GMs to get the ability to junction magic to each stat, and on top of that you have to Card various enemies to get the items needed to raise each base stat. As opposed to VII's mere enemy morphing.

For X and X-2, you just need immense amounts of time. A heck of a lot more time than required for VII.

I dropped XII after I got fed up with the pacing and inability of the game to develop (which would be somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 to 12 hours). I don't care if it got better from there, if it takes a game THAT long to develop it's going in the trash.

As far as I know, the series started with Final Fantasy. So you're missing a butt-load of games in your argument.

04-08-2008, 03:29 AM
For VIII, you need to get all the GMs to get the ability to junction magic to each stat, and on top of that you have to Card various enemies to get the items needed to raise each base stat. As opposed to VII's mere enemy morphing.

That's not entirely true. There's enough GF's that you can mix and match your junction abilities and still be able to max stats and maybe even some immunities. Morph and Card are pretty much the same ability; Card just makes you menu-wade to get your items/magics. In FFVIII, you really don't have to max every stat; Strength and Speed are really the only ones that ultimately matter. Since you're punished for using your Magic, Aura/HP Critical and Limit Breaks trump pretty much everything.

04-08-2008, 08:38 AM
To make EVERY character a clone you'd have to get all of them. And the enemies you need to morph appear at a much higher rate and are by far easier to kill than the enemies that you need to card. Also, keep in mind that while Strength and Speed are very important, so is Hit and Vitality. You're also completely free to use magic that isn't junctioned to your stats without suffering from a marginal stat reduction.

But why am I talking about this when my original post was about raising BASE stats and not total stats? Probably because I've driven almost 500 miles over the course of 3 days and am just dogged by it.

04-08-2008, 09:45 AM
Do your homework next time. (

OK, granted, I was wrong there.

It doesn't take that long if you have Enemy Lures, and it probably would take the least amount of time to reach that goal out of the whole series.

Morphing just one enemy requires you to get them down to a very low level of HP, and even then sometimes they'll die before you can morph them. This method of stat building does indeed take insane amounts of time.

For VIII (, you need to get all the GMs to get the ability to junction magic to each stat, and on top of that you have to Card various enemies to get the items needed to raise each base stat. As opposed to VII's mere enemy morphing.

It's easy to do the former. Esthar sells scrolls for most junction abilities, while other stat-boosting items can be found at various places in the game. Plus, there's the +20/40/60/80% character abilities. And as Cyan points out, you also have the ability to junction more than one GF to a character. It's fairly easy to max out stats for you main party of three, not that the game actually requires you to do this to beat it.

You can win those cards through the game; I never refined my GF and character card, but I did notice there were some pretty awesome rewards for refining them that would enable me to gain + stats very quickly and easily. Zell refines into 3 Hyper Wrists (Str+60%), Seifer into 3 Diamond Armurs (Vit+60%), etc. So it's not particularly hard.

As opposed to VII's mere enemy morphing? Right, so you're trying to claim it's difficult to get 100 Ultimas/Holys/Meteors/Auras and stick them arbitrarily onto your characters' statistics?

For X and X-2, you just need immense amounts of time. A heck of a lot more time than required for VII.

Evidence? It doesn't take particularly long to complete X's Sphere Grid, though it obviously takes more time to hunt down the necessary spheres to gain absolute maximum stats for each character, primarily due to X's initiative in raising the max HP and damage to 99999, something I applaud them for, at least on the HP anyway. That makes X something of an exception in the series, and the same can be said of X-2. Speaking of which, completing each dressphere can be done relatively quickly if you know how to abuse the AP system and have AP eggs equipped.

I dropped XII after I got fed up with the pacing and inability of the game to develop (which would be somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 to 12 hours). I don't care if it got better from there, if it takes a game THAT long to develop it's going in the trash.

Fine. You'll just have to take my word for it.

As far as I know, the series started with Final Fantasy. So you're missing a butt-load of games in your argument.

Given your last point, I hardly think it's fair for you to criticise me for not having played the earlier games in the series (especially when you gave up on XII because you found it boring).

Fine; I take back my comment, it should now read: "Ultimately, that argument fails unless it is directed at the whole series post FFVI (not including IX), in which case I agree."

04-08-2008, 10:21 AM
Morphing just one enemy requires you to get them down to a very low level of HP, and even then sometimes they'll die before you can morph them. This method of stat building does indeed take insane amounts of time.

Once again, do your homework. ( (This time it's a video + explanation link)

It's easy to do the former. Esthar sells scrolls for most junction abilities, while other stat-boosting items can be found at various places in the game. Plus, there's the +20/40/60/80% character abilities. And as Cyan points out, you also have the ability to junction more than one GF to a character. It's fairly easy to max out stats for you main party of three, not that the game actually requires you to do this to beat it.

Note that you said "main party of three", whereas I was speaking of all playable characters. You'd need to card quite a bit of monsters and refine even more items to get the stat-up items.

You can win those cards through the game; I never refined my GF and character card, but I did notice there were some pretty awesome rewards for refining them that would enable me to gain + stats very quickly and easily. Zell refines into 3 Hyper Wrists (Str+60%), Seifer into 3 Diamond Armurs (Vit+60%), etc. So it's not particularly hard.

Ever try to win an Adamantoise card? Or, for that matter, the others that you'd be saving time carding rather than winning?

As opposed to VII's mere enemy morphing? Right, so you're trying to claim it's difficult to get 100 Ultimas/Holys/Meteors/Auras and stick them arbitrarily onto your characters' statistics?

Once again, I was talking about BASE STATS. Read the fucking post.

Evidence? It doesn't take particularly long to complete X's Sphere Grid, though it obviously takes more time to hunt down the necessary spheres to gain absolute maximum stats for each character, primarily due to X's initiative in raising the max HP and damage to 99999, something I applaud them for, at least on the HP anyway. That makes X something of an exception in the series, and the same can be said of X-2. Speaking of which, completing each dressphere can be done relatively quickly if you know how to abuse the AP system and have AP eggs equipped.

Just try it for yourself buddy. You need to raise each character's base stats separately, as opposed to just taking a few and farming the needed items to beef the others' stats.

Fine. You'll just have to take my word for it.

I won't since you can't see that I've been talking about base stats.

Given your last point, I hardly think it's fair for you to criticise me for not having played the earlier games in the series (especially when you gave up on XII because you found it boring).

I didn't find it boring, it didn't deliver. If it doesn't deliver, I don't play it.

04-08-2008, 10:37 AM
Once again, do your homework. ( (This time it's a video + explanation link)

Right. And how long does it take to master (and multiply) the necessary materia to carry out that strategy? Ages, surely. That does nothing but back up my point that farming sources is incredibly time-consuming. Notwithstanding the fact that that's a highly specialised strategy that would take extreme knowledge of the game to actually implement without the use of a guide. Heck, the whole notion of maxing stats in VII requires some knowledge of very obscure facts. Maxing in other games is usually more obvious, particularly in VIII.

I don't see how raising stats to their maximum by junctioning is, in effect, any different to raising base stats to maximum through use of items. Both essentially achieve the same result, maximum stats. We're arguing over a technicality here at best.

Also, I fail to see how having the main party of three as opposed to the whole party maxed out makes any difference in a game where junctions comprise such a large percentage of your total stat. You can give each character roughly similar abilities through any combination of GFs.

Also, it's very difficult to actually get maximum stats in FFVII if you use Materia, as raising one stat invariably lowers another. You might end up with 255 Mag, Vit, Dex, etc., but one 'Restore' Materia and you're down to 254 on the old Str there. Oh well. (Edit: Yes, you can get Str/Mag/Vit/HP/MP Plus materia, but dividing those would also take get the point I'm making.)

Furthermore, unless you equip materia, you will also never achieve 9999 HP and 999 MP on any character in VII, as the characters' natural stat growth in those areas are not sufficient to cover it, and you cannot raise either HP or MP with items. This makes it no different whatsoever to FFVIII in that regard, in that the only way to achieve total maximums is probably by arbitrarily using materia/junctions. It's also the same in X, in that I think you need Break HP Limit plus some sort of HP-raising ability (as well as sufficient HP Spheres) on your armour to achieve total stat dominance.

As for X/X-2, I've already given reasons as to why they're exceptions which are atypical in that they have break Damage/HP limit, or X at least. But anyway:

Just try it for yourself buddy. You need to raise each character's base stats separately, as opposed to just taking a few and farming the needed items to beef the others' stats.

There are two ways of answering this. One is the AP trick. I've never tried it myself but there's a way of getting major amounts of AP very quickly. A trip to gamefaqs will confirm this.

Secondly, if you have even a few Teleport/Friend/Warp Spheres, all of which you will find quite easily through blitzball and/or the battle arena and even regular play, you don't actually have to do that much levelling up to move around the grid.

Ever try to win an Adamantoise card? Or, for that matter, the others that you'd be saving time carding rather than winning?

Yes, actually. Adamantoise cards are extremely common in the game. They're a Level 4/5 monster card and can be won from nearly any average TT player.

I didn't find it boring, it didn't deliver. If it doesn't deliver, I don't play it.

The whole point of playing games is to be entertained. If you didn't find XII boring, as you admit, it must have been at least somewhat entertaining to you. Therefore you have no reason to not finish it. Complaining about lack of development is not a reason, as anyone who's finished VIII (and VII) would be guilty of major double standards by using said reason.

04-08-2008, 01:04 PM
Lol hate on a game.....
FF7 was a great game and still its good based on story and characters.

execrable gumwrapper
04-08-2008, 01:17 PM
Lol hate on a game.....
FF7 was a great game and still its good based on story and characters.

Talk about being wide open to attack. :rolleyes:

04-08-2008, 01:23 PM
It's so great that FFVII was created... because without it Prak would have 1/3 less posts on FF Shrine.

04-08-2008, 01:26 PM
Talk about being wide open to attack. :rolleyes:
Do i care?? i just stated my opinion on the subject. Its normal that not everyone can agree on everything.For a 1997 game yes FF 7 is great

execrable gumwrapper
04-08-2008, 01:27 PM
Do i care?? i just stated my opinion on the subject. Its normal that not everyone can agree on everything.For a 1997 game yes FF 7 is great

From this moment on you shall be dubbed a fanboy.

04-08-2008, 01:46 PM
He's been marked as a hopelessly retarded fanboy since he started posting.

04-08-2008, 01:51 PM
He's been marked as a hopelessly retarded fanboy since he started posting.Retarded fan boy??? why thank you good sir for not having same opinion as you..But w8 who gives a shit about what you say right?

04-08-2008, 01:53 PM
He's not calling you a fanboy for disagreeing with him. He's calling you a fanboy for dismissively ignoring every argument made against the game as though you've got your fingers in your ears singing 'la la la I can't hear you'.

04-08-2008, 01:54 PM
I can assure you that more people give a shit about what I have to say than the one or two (that's being optimistic) that pay attention to your mindless drivel.

04-08-2008, 01:58 PM
He's not calling you a fanboy for disagreeing with him. He's calling you a fanboy for dismissively ignoring every argument made against the game as though you've got your fingers in your ears singing 'la la la I can't hear you'.Ignoring arguments??? like i said ITS my OPINION on the game.I dont see the bad thing about liking a game.

I can assure you that more people give a shit about what I have to say than the one or two (that's being optimistic) that pay attention to your mindless drivel.Mindless drivel?? Lmao ...what makes you then?

04-08-2008, 02:01 PM
And he just keeps digging the hole deeper.

04-08-2008, 02:01 PM
Ignoring arguments??? like i said ITS my OPINION on the game.I dont see the bad thing about liking a game

That's exactly what Ceidward means, you completely ignored his post and just quoted it saying "I like the game, IT'S MY OPINION SO I AM RIGHT!" Ceidward said you are a fanboy because you completely ignore every argument about the game, and here you are proving that he was completely right.

There's nothing wrong with liking a game, being a total fanboy fucktwit about it is NOT ok.

Mindless drivel?? Lmao ...what makes you then?

He makes ALOT more sense then you could possibly hope to make.

04-08-2008, 02:05 PM
I try to give people who don't speak English as their first language the benefit of the doubt. This guy probably doesn't completely understand what we're trying to say, so there's not much use mocking him.

Halo, Liking a game is fine, but saying 'it's great' is a statement of fact and as such will elicit responses from other posters. If you don't feel you can mount a good defense, you probably shouldn't make those statements in the first place.

04-08-2008, 02:09 PM
That's exactly what Ceidward means, you completely ignored his post and just quoted it saying "I like the game, IT'S MY OPINION SO I AM RIGHT!" Ceidward said you are a fanboy because you completely ignore every argument about the game, and here you are proving that he was completely right.

There's nothing wrong with liking a game, being a total fanboy fucktwit about it is NOT ok.

He makes ALOT more sense then you could possibly hope to make.Ok did i gave you the impression that my Opinion proves or states to anyone that im right...I just said it was great game back then..Fanboy??lol FF7 ain't my favorite game at all... but that got nothing to do if the game is good for me or not.

execrable gumwrapper
04-08-2008, 03:14 PM
And he just keeps digging the hole deeper.

I swear there's like a collective shovel the fanboys use so much, you'd think the damned thing has worn down by now.

04-08-2008, 03:23 PM
yeah some people type weird here no biggie people should just deal ya know at least there concise

If you meant to put "there" in that part of the sentence instead of "their", then I'm sorry that you're fluent in moron and I'm not. Since these boards are written in English, you'd better learn it you cunt because that's all you're going to get.
Pots and kettles never get along.

Also, FFVII isn't good.

04-08-2008, 05:13 PM
For what it's worth, I still think the original FF VII game, despite all its flaws, is a great game.

I've been particularly good at destroying most if its "so called" plot holes. But I don't masturbate on the characters, and I hate how S-E ruined everything with countless spinoffs.

But once Nomura (AKA the "pretentious yet talent-less cunt") took the franchise in his own hand, everything that made FFVII what it is was ruined.

Now they don't even remember what Jenova was, why Sephiroth was created, and forgot everything about the Cetras...

In any case, if they were to remake the game, they would probably adapt so much of it to make it fit to the inconsistencies created by the spin-offs that it wouldn't even be FF VII anymore.

If that were to happen, we would all witness the consequences of Sakaguchi's departure and realise how talent-less and a complete bag of trash Nomura really is...

That was my 2 cents.

04-08-2008, 07:06 PM
The spin-offs have certainly ruined the whole feel and atmosphere of FFVII for me.

04-08-2008, 07:39 PM
Right. And how long does it take to master (and multiply) the necessary materia to carry out that strategy? Ages, surely. That does nothing but back up my point that farming sources is incredibly time-consuming. Notwithstanding the fact that that's a highly specialised strategy that would take extreme knowledge of the game to actually implement without the use of a guide. Heck, the whole notion of maxing stats in VII requires some knowledge of very obscure facts. Maxing in other games is usually more obvious, particularly in VIII.

I'm sure that each game requires about the same amount of obscure knowledge (which you will see when I explain that I was wrong in my statement about VIII), but the information is much easier to come by given all the FFVII fanboys/girls constantly asking for guides.

I don't see how raising stats to their maximum by junctioning is, in effect, any different to raising base stats to maximum through use of items. Both essentially achieve the same result, maximum stats. We're arguing over a technicality here at best.

Read this ( The author explains why base stat boosting is better than junctioning.

Also, I fail to see how having the main party of three as opposed to the whole party maxed out makes any difference in a game where junctions comprise such a large percentage of your total stat. You can give each character roughly similar abilities through any combination of GFs.

If all of them were maxed, the party would be less reliant on stat boosts from the GFs, thus opening the game up to more than just high stats. High base stats mean that you can actually have fun with the more annoying enemies, i.e. not getting raped by Malboros.

Also, it's very difficult to actually get maximum stats in FFVII if you use Materia, as raising one stat invariably lowers another. You might end up with 255 Mag, Vit, Dex, etc., but one 'Restore' Materia and you're down to 254 on the old Str there. Oh well. (Edit: Yes, you can get Str/Mag/Vit/HP/MP Plus materia, but dividing those would also take get the point I'm making.)

Furthermore, unless you equip materia, you will also never achieve 9999 HP and 999 MP on any character in VII, as the characters' natural stat growth in those areas are not sufficient to cover it, and you cannot raise either HP or MP with items.

It doesn't take that long to gather the growth items AND master HP and MP materia if you have an Apocalypse and Javelin.

This makes it no different whatsoever to FFVIII in that regard, in that the only way to achieve total maximums is probably by arbitrarily using materia/junctions.

You can't reach the absolute maximums by just the use of Junction, which is explained in the link above.

It's also the same in X, in that I think you need Break HP Limit plus some sort of HP-raising ability (as well as sufficient HP Spheres) on your armour to achieve total stat dominance.

Try it and time yourself, and also keep in mind that you need to get the Break Damage Limit for Lulu's weapon. That part's just long, annoying, and unnecessary.

There are two ways of answering this. One is the AP trick. I've never tried it myself but there's a way of getting major amounts of AP very quickly. A trip to gamefaqs will confirm this.

Killing enemies with Apocalypse and/or Javelin is easier than the FFX AP Trick (

Secondly, if you have even a few Teleport/Friend/Warp Spheres, all of which you will find quite easily through blitzball and/or the battle arena and even regular play, you don't actually have to do that much levelling up to move around the grid.

But you DO run out of spaces, and if you're not thinking, it's very easy to miscalculate and shorthand yourself.

Yes, actually. Adamantoise cards are extremely common in the game. They're a Level 4/5 monster card and can be won from nearly any average TT player.

Actually, I got all mixed up. I don't know why I said card to begin with when you need to Devour the enemies. Seeing as refining the ability takes a shit-load of time, that Devour works on the same principle as Morph and Card, and that all characters must Devour these enemies:
1) T-Rexaur for Strength
2) Ruby Dragon for HP
3) Adamantoise for Vitality
4) Malboro for Spirit (ooohh...that's a bitch right there...good luck)
5) Behemoth for Magic

I'd say that stat maxing in FFVII is a breeze.

The whole point of playing games is to be entertained. If you didn't find XII boring, as you admit, it must have been at least somewhat entertaining to you. Therefore you have no reason to not finish it. Complaining about lack of development is not a reason, as anyone who's finished VIII (and VII) would be guilty of major double standards by using said reason.

I didn't find it boring, I found it non-entertaining. There's a difference there, the difference may be relative from person to person, but it's still enough for me to refund the game for Persona 3.

I love how Halo's title reads Hight Altitude Low Opening.

04-08-2008, 08:36 PM
FF7 is my favourite of the series, i'm not saying its the best ff game because that varies person to person. I think that there never will be an all definitive best game because never will there be a large enough consensus over any singular title.

Now, before you all go screeching fanboy at me let me explain my decision. FF7 was the first of the series i played and finally took me away from all the shit i'd been playing prior to it. It opened my eyes to how a game could be and ever since then i've been an avid follower of the series. The graphics were decent for the time, although i dont find graphics to be vital factor of a game (i'm a Nintendo fan :D), and i adored the gameplay. Admitedly, it was probably the gameplay of final fantasy i liked as it was generally the same for every title until the most recent ones. However, i found the materia system intuitive and easy to get to grips with (if my 6 year old mind can understand it then surely everyone else can too) and i found the plot to be exciting and engaging due to the twists and general development. I also liked (most) of the characters as they each brought different attributes to the game and made it more enjoyable e.g Cloud was brooding and mysterious, Yuffie was fun and energetic and Cid was gruff. On top of this, i found the sheer depth of the game enjoyable as there is a shit-load to do - the game itself is rather long but you also have activities such as chocobo racing and Weapon killing to do.

On the other hand, as with every game ever made ever ever, its not without its fault. The storyline, though excellent in my opinion, has some seriously random shit going on e.g The Temple of the Ancients...i mean, where does this come from, is it just me or does suddenly become an important factor of the game? The same goes with the black materia, up until rocket town its just Sephiroth and Shinra but suddenly this super, kick-ass magic appears.
Also, it has been whole-heartedly over-hyped. I'm fortunate enough to never have met a die-hard fanboy but from how you portray them on this forum they sound irritating as f**k. I thought Avent Children was a decent film, but the fact that a whole film was needed to help finish Clouds story shows that the game simply didnt do enough to develop and finish his story in the first place.

Now, this is just what i think, like i said at the beginning, i'm not saying its the best just that its my favourite. I'd like to hope i've given a balanced enough arguement to avoid all the fanboy branding but if thats what you think then thats what you think.

execrable gumwrapper
04-08-2008, 08:45 PM
Can someone tell me how one can person have FF7 as their favorite but not deem it the best in the franchise?

04-08-2008, 08:51 PM
I can, and its basically what i said in my last post.
FF7 is my personal favourite, for something to be the best there has to be over all general consensus on it. People need to agree on what is the best in order to make it the best. That is why there never will be a singular "best" due to the fact that each installment in the series has its own personal fanbase.

04-08-2008, 08:53 PM
Can someone tell me how one can person have FF7 as their favorite but not deem it the best in the franchise?

Can someone tell me why this makes no sense??

And, I could call SUPER PANG my favorite game, but it doesnt mean its the best game out there. It really comes down to what is meant by best, no?

Also, SUPER PANG is awesome

04-08-2008, 08:55 PM
FF7 is my favourite of the series, i'm not saying its the best ff game because that varies person to person. I think that there never will be an all definitive best game because never will there be a large enough consensus over any singular title.

Now, before you all go screeching fanboy at me let me explain my decision. FF7 was the first of the series i played and finally took me away from all the shit i'd been playing prior to it. It opened my eyes to how a game could be and ever since then i've been an avid follower of the series. The graphics were decent for the time, although i dont find graphics to be vital factor of a game (i'm a Nintendo fan :D), and i adored the gameplay. Admitedly, it was probably the gameplay of final fantasy i liked as it was generally the same for every title until the most recent ones. However, i found the materia system intuitive and easy to get to grips with (if my 6 year old mind can understand it then surely everyone else can too) and i found the plot to be exciting and engaging due to the twists and general development. I also liked (most) of the characters as they each brought different attributes to the game and made it more enjoyable e.g Cloud was brooding and mysterious, Yuffie was fun and energetic and Cid was gruff. On top of this, i found the sheer depth of the game enjoyable as there is a shit-load to do - the game itself is rather long but you also have activities such as chocobo racing and Weapon killing to do.

On the other hand, as with every game ever made ever ever, its not without its fault. The storyline, though excellent in my opinion, has some seriously random shit going on e.g The Temple of the Ancients...i mean, where does this come from, is it just me or does suddenly become an important factor of the game? The same goes with the black materia, up until rocket town its just Sephiroth and Shinra but suddenly this super, kick-ass magic appears.
Also, it has been whole-heartedly over-hyped. I'm fortunate enough to never have met a die-hard fanboy but from how you portray them on this forum they sound irritating as f**k. I thought Avent Children was a decent film, but the fact that a whole film was needed to help finish Clouds story shows that the game simply didnt do enough to develop and finish his story in the first place.

Now, this is just what i think, like i said at the beginning, i'm not saying its the best just that its my favourite. I'd like to hope i've given a balanced enough arguement to avoid all the fanboy branding but if thats what you think then thats what you think.

I agree with most of that. I also think that it's a great game but it has it's faults. FFVII is my third favourite of the series.

execrable gumwrapper
04-08-2008, 08:59 PM
FF7 is my favourite of the series, i'm not saying its the best ff game because that varies person to person. I think that there never will be an all definitive best game because never will there be a large enough consensus over any singular title.

I can, and its basically what i said in my last post.
FF7 is my personal favourite, for something to be the best there has to be over all general consensus on it. People need to agree on what is the best in order to make it the best. That is why there never will be a singular "best" due to the fact that each installment in the series has its own personal fanbase.

See why I'm confused? You still didn't answer my question, I asked how can you say FFVII is your favorite but not think it is the best in the franchise? This has nothing to do with what everyone else thinks.

Also I'm pretty sure the collective masses have deemed VI as the best. Well, the collective masses that aren't dry-humping their FFVII plush dolls. :rolleyes:

Edit: @Cookie - That's different, we're talking specifically within the FF franchise, not the entire video game library.

04-08-2008, 10:01 PM
I think i have explained myslef clearly, clearly enough so that other people can understand me anyway.
MY (please note the emphasis) favourite is not necesarily the best game out there, i'm not the all defining master of games and how good they are. I'm saying that everybody has their own favourite thus there can never be a best as everybody is divided as to what is the best.
Cookie sums it up quite well, i could say "Dirge of Cerberus is my favourite game of all time" (its not by the way) that doesnt mean its the best, and if i was to go around saying it was then i would look like a royal jackass.
I'm dissapointed you resorted to a shitty insult at the end though, proves that you cant see other peoples points of view.

execrable gumwrapper
04-08-2008, 10:05 PM
we're talking specifically within the FF franchise, not the entire video game library.

Hey, shit for brains. Stop changing your arguments around. I believe I have them quoted saying you didn't think FFVII was the best FF game even though it's your favorite.

04-09-2008, 12:06 AM
I'm poppin' a boner just listening to all these 'rousing opinions!

04-09-2008, 12:16 AM
At least have the common decency to turn the other way.

*Steph Michalchuk*
04-09-2008, 12:21 AM
I enjoy playing it from time-to-time but I must admit I am an oldschool FF gamer. FFI and Dragon Quest were my first two classic rpgs, then I got hooked on IV & VI :love:

04-13-2008, 03:32 AM
*sigh* ignoring the fact I was called a moron and a fangirl in the last page (neither of which I am) I will say that FFVII was my first FF and most likely the first game that got me hooked on rpg's. It has numerous flaws and a slightly inconsistent story. And let's just face it aeris is annoying. All of which makes the milking of the game unnecessary If we could just have FFVII without any of it's sucky sequels/prequels then everything would be fine

04-14-2008, 02:40 AM
Or not have FFVII at all.

04-14-2008, 04:48 AM
*sigh* ignoring the fact I was called a moron and a fangirl in the last page (neither of which I am) I will say that FFVII was my first FF and most likely the first game that got me hooked on rpg's. It has numerous flaws and a slightly inconsistent story. And let's just face it aeris is annoying. All of which makes the milking of the game unnecessary If we could just have FFVII without any of it's sucky sequels/prequels then everything would be fine

So says the fangirl with an avatar/signature set that screams of VII-fanism.

execrable gumwrapper
04-14-2008, 04:51 AM
I wouldn't say "screams", more like... proclaims in a raised voice.

Now if her username was FFVII related, then yes, screaming would ensue.

04-14-2008, 05:06 AM
Wow. I'm not saying it is necessarly going on in this thread, but it amazes me how someone can say 'I like FF'whatever the number is' and people refuse to accept that person could like that game.

Anyway, back to the topic!! No, i dont hate this game. I liked the characters, loved the environments, and the sound track is my favorite of any game in the series.

execrable gumwrapper
04-14-2008, 05:12 AM
Wow. I'm not saying it is necessarly going on in this thread, but it amazes me how someone can say 'I like FF'whatever the number is' and people refuse to accept that person could like that game.

If you don't think it's happening in this thread why did you bring it up in this thread?

04-14-2008, 05:16 AM
I suppose because i was talking about this in a different thread, and when i brought it up, the closed the thread without a concrete reason, at least in my opinion. I was kinda upset so i posted it here. Kind of siily of me i know. But yeah, after reading some post, theres a little bit of it, but not to much.

As far as spinoffs go, i actually really like crisis core. Zacks end was much more epic than Aerith's was. Im a big FFVII fan, but her death is so overblown its not even funny.

04-14-2008, 05:18 AM
Wow. I'm not saying it is necessarly going on in this thread, but it amazes me how someone can say 'I like FF'whatever the number is' and people refuse to accept that person could like that game.

Anyway, back to the topic!! No, i dont hate this game. I liked the characters, loved the environments, and the sound track is my favorite of any game in the series.

No one is generally refusing to accept the person for liking the game. The main complaint are the crazy fanatics that have ruined it.


execrable gumwrapper
04-14-2008, 05:18 AM
Well to be honest, you did post a load of crap in that thread.

Also, it was closed for a reason and Agent directly stated so.

EDIT: This is directed towards Bizzaro67, damn you Jude/Solaris for posting at the same time as me ; ;

04-14-2008, 05:20 AM
Last I checked, nobody's been bashed or flamed simply for "liking" a game. At least not in this thread. It's when statements like "FFVII is a great game" are thrown out there that folks get pounded. Generally, Shriners are mature enough to not flame somebody for liking a game. Different strokes for different folks and all that. Claiming that a game is good in the objective sense ("FFVII is a great game") is a different story.


04-14-2008, 05:21 AM
Really Nosk? What was it i said that was crap? That you could not prove to anyone but yourself whether a game was good or bad? Please, if you can explain how to prove someone's opinion wrong in this secenario, please do.

And Cyan, your right, it really hasn't appeared in this thread, im just angry i suppose for the responses im getting. Im told i post crap, when i ask people to explain, i dont get an answer.

execrable gumwrapper
04-14-2008, 05:23 AM
I believe Prak is much more qualified to do that than I am, tbh.

04-14-2008, 05:25 AM
EDIT: This is directed towards Bizzaro67, damn you Jude/Solaris for posting at the same time as me ; ;

I'm sorry ; ;

execrable gumwrapper
04-14-2008, 05:28 AM
S'ok, that was mainly frustration.

You are forgiven... this time.

ignore me...

04-14-2008, 05:29 AM
I know Prak's opinion on the game and what it spawned, ive read his post. But im ok with it, because its his opinion. Many people on here have very well thought out post as to why he doesn't like the game, yet that still won't prove for a fact, except to themselves, that the game is a bad game.
Its just like how i hate the movie Titanic, i thought the acting was so overdone it made me want to throw up, but that doesn't mean that its a bad movie to everyone else.

execrable gumwrapper
04-14-2008, 05:33 AM
No I mean Prak is more qualified to tell you your opinion is wrong.

I seen it!

04-14-2008, 05:35 AM
he can tell me my opinions wrong, thats ok! But since opinions on a video game cant be proven, i think ill be ok.

04-14-2008, 05:35 AM
Really Nosk? What was it i said that was crap? That you could not prove to anyone but yourself whether a game was good or bad? Please, if you can explain how to prove someone's opinion wrong in this secenario, please do.

Ugh, not another one of those arguments...alrighty, 'cause I'm feeling generous, I'll try and spell it out.

Saying something like, "I liked FFVII" or "I thought FFVII was pretty cool" is perfectly harmless. You're expressing your personal taste in gaming, which is perfectly harmless; nobody but a complete asshole will take offense to that, assuming you're following normal interweb etiquette.

Saying "FFVII is good/great/etc." is a different story because in the minds of many, especially here at FFS, objective quality (good/great/bad/horrible) and personal taste (liked/loved/disliked/loathed) are two very different things. The quality of a game tends to be judged on many different factors. "Cloud was cool because he had a wicked sword" doesn't work for the quality angle. "Cloud was a good protagonist because..." is more what you're looking for. Other considerations for a game's quality include graphics, music, gameplay, the general quality of the story, gameplay, and did I mention gameplay?

Ultimately, if you really like FFVII, or any other game for that matter, there's not a whole lot anybody's going to say to make you dislike it. The best most of us here hope for is to get you to recognize that the game in question, despite your ardor for it, has flaws, or that a game you despise is actually pretty decent, just maybe not your cup of tea.

04-14-2008, 05:42 AM
I understand what your saying, and i agree, with all of that basically. Everyone looks for different things in games, and all ive been saying is that some people should respect that. Some people's wants in a videogame may seems stupid to others, but that still doesn't mean they are wrong, thats all im saying.

04-14-2008, 05:59 AM
Everyone looks for different things in games, and all ive been saying is that some people should respect that.

I'm actually inclined to think we do respect everybody's taste here; it's just that most folks who wind up getting hammered cross the line between personal taste and objective quality. Since there isn't really any new FF-related stuff to post about, many of us here like to debate about what's already out. That'd be why somebody like me, who thinks FFVII was mediocre and VIII downright shitty, ends up in the FFVII and FFVIII forums pretty regularly.

04-14-2008, 06:17 AM
Yeah, the most typical instance of someone getting flamed is when they make a post to the following effect:

"U guys how can you say FFVII is a bad game ur crazy it had great characters and story and music"

This is really not an exaggeration of any kind. Such incredibly unspecific, sweeping statements - to the effect that people who say FFVII is a bad game are wrong - are what warrant heavy lampooning.

Sure, no aspect of a game is totally objective, but there are objective ways of discussing a game's quality, to the point that reasonable people (which tend to be few and far between) can reach a solution to the effect of "Despite X, I think FFVII is a good game because of Y." That is the most objective possible way to look at a video game's quality, and therefore it is the only way to have a worthwhile discussion on the internet about it.

04-14-2008, 06:40 AM
looking back, the game has aged a lot and i would rather play a new game like mass effect than find my old ps1 and play it again...and since i remember the story pretty well, then main reason for me to go back to it is the nostalgia factor

back was i was 13-14 the game was awesome b/c it introduced me to "mature" storylines...before this game i had been weaned on one mario kong/donkey kart game after was refreshing to find a game i could take a bit more seriously

04-14-2008, 08:33 AM
Zacks end was much more epic than Aerith's was. Im a big FFVII fan, but her death is so overblown its not even funny.

Audie Murphy's actions were epic. If you use that as your benchmark, then Zack's end would have been somewhere along the lines of somewhat profound or even slightly better than mediocre.

Master Nabeshin
04-14-2008, 09:52 AM
No one is generally refusing to accept the person for liking the game. The main complaint are the crazy fanatics that have ruined it.

I would say that, more than anything, Square-Enix itself ruined FFVII. I don't know about you guys, but all I ever wanted was a remake. It's not a perfect game. The story can be a bit confusing, the graphics are butt-ugly, and some of the characters are downright silly. Even so, it is a fun game. The story is good enough to make millions of fans care about the character and play through the whole damn thing, in many cases more than once. The music is generally catchy, and it is the game that propelled video games from a somewhat underground or childish pastime into mainstream media (not all at once, of course), and helped 3D graphics break out of an experimental stage and go on to evolve into what we have today.
For those things, I figured a remake, which would hopefully retain the charm and positive properties of the original, while improving upon the outdated or downright bad aspects of the game, was warranted.
Square-Enix didn't agree. Instead of making the game I and many others wanted, what did they give us? The Compliation of FFVII. We got Advent Children, Before Crisis, Crisis Core, and Dirge of Cerebus. Then to rub it in our faces, during the E3 2005 tech demo, they gave us the "Final Fantasy VII Technical Demo for PS3", which showed a revamped opening sequence of the game, which looked much better than the original CG opening, and was (supposedly) being rendered in real-time. Then they went out of their way to declare that the tech demo was just that, and nothing more. There would be no game following the tech demo, and that was that. What a slap in the face to the fans.
So no, I don't hate FFVII, I hate what Square-Enix has done with it.

04-14-2008, 01:26 PM
I can understand why FFVII warranted a spin-off, but I never saw the need for one. The need for so many spin-off's for the game shows the original poor structure of the game in the first place. So sure, Square-Enix ruined it too, by milking FFVII more than it should have. Making it this pinnacle of 'awesome' when it really wasn't.

But I was generally mentioning all the fanboys/fangirls within the site that kinda just ruin the game for everyone else posting mindless dribble.

04-14-2008, 04:13 PM
I really enjoyed FFVII and thought it had good story but yeah, the spin-offs were really unnecessary. They don't have the same 'feel' of VII and have sort of ruined VII for me. I can see why people get annoyed when people post "ZOMG! Sephiroth is uber pwnage nd iz the bestest villain ever" and i agree that these sort of people also ruin the game.

04-14-2008, 04:25 PM
Sin rapes Sephiroth.

execrable gumwrapper
04-14-2008, 06:33 PM
I really enjoyed FFVII and thought it had good story but yeah, the spin-offs were really unnecessary. They don't have the same 'feel' of VII and have sort of ruined VII for me. I can see why people get annoyed when people post "ZOMG! Sephiroth is uber pwnage nd iz the bestest villain ever" and i agree that these sort of people also ruin the game.

You spelled "and" wrong. :(

04-14-2008, 06:35 PM
Is that possible?

I guess it is.

04-15-2008, 04:02 PM
You spelled "and" wrong. :(

I was meant to ;)

04-15-2008, 10:31 PM
So says the fangirl with an avatar/signature set that screams of VII-fanism.

I did say that I enjoyed the game and I am a fan of the cloud/tifa couple. Besides that the graphics of AC are much better than in the original game so I prefered to use scenes from it. Also once again not a fangirl. Anyway as popular as the game is I never see it for sale in stores not even in a psx bargin bin

execrable gumwrapper
04-15-2008, 11:07 PM
Probably because it's out of print...


Marshall Lee
04-15-2008, 11:19 PM

04-15-2008, 11:29 PM
Probably because it's out of print...


Well aren't you lovely. I hear so many people saying they just recently played it for the first time maybe they were getting it somewhere other than ebay.

execrable gumwrapper
04-16-2008, 12:05 AM
There are such things as "USED" games.

I know, it's crazy.

04-16-2008, 12:55 AM
I bought my copy from ebay about 2 weeks ago now but it was sealed with the plastic wrapping so it wasn't used.

execrable gumwrapper
04-16-2008, 01:47 AM
It was eBay, so what you say means nothing.

It's not that hard to reseal a game.

Argus Zephyrus
04-16-2008, 02:06 AM

04-16-2008, 02:45 AM
i'll never buy anything from eBay ever again...i remembered the last time i bought something from was this resident evil game, and before i even took it disntegrated to 3 pieces... *laughs*...its actually pretty funny if you are in my perspective and thinking back to what happened...:)

04-16-2008, 02:48 AM
I can imagine that.


04-16-2008, 03:36 AM
Well aren't you lovely. I hear so many people saying they just recently played it for the first time maybe they were getting it somewhere other than ebay.

There are plenty of ways to play games aside from actually purchasing them. Try using your head next time.

04-16-2008, 03:53 AM
It's a decent game that became super popular. Just look at all the Cloud/Sephiroth clones stalking the FF boards and beyond. I don't think it's all that great personally, but it's part of the game/anime culture now and I can respect that. I agree it really didn't need a "compilation" to accompany it so many years down the line, but the cash of those who disagree with me outweigh my opinion.

I prefer Xenogears to most other Square games and were I to choose an FF, I'd go with FFVI or FFX.

04-16-2008, 06:13 AM
on topic: personally i don't think i hate this game at all, in fact, i loved it. but most of my aquaintances i know despised this game for various reasons...1)graphics are so out of fad (now that i've mentioned it, the graphics kind of remind me of those mario nintendo games in the 1990's..^_^), storyline were a bit spacing out, and for the most...gender. most of my friends are male, and they totally think this is a girly girl.

p.s: oh, and just in case you don't know...i'm a girl. :)

execrable gumwrapper
04-16-2008, 06:15 AM

Marshall Lee
04-16-2008, 06:16 AM
on topic: personally i don't think i hate this game as much as I should. But most of my aquaintances i know fucking loved this game for various reasons...1)graphics are so out of fad (now that i've mentioned it, the graphics don't really remind me of those mario nintendo games in the 1990's..^_^), storyline was fucking awesome, and for the most...gender. most of my friends are male, and they totally think this is a gay guy.

p.s: oh, and just in case you don't know...i'm a boy. :)

04-16-2008, 06:16 AM

you got that right.:smrt: *thumbs up*

execrable gumwrapper
04-16-2008, 06:19 AM
Hmmm, and open about it?

You best get into hiding or refrain from fangirl-like actions.

Marshall Lee
04-16-2008, 06:19 AM
you got that right.:smrt: *x2 thumbs up the ass*

04-16-2008, 07:51 AM
Hmmm, and open about it?

You best get into hiding or refrain from fangirl-like actions.

Or she could just dig a grave and die along with the game.

Master Nabeshin
04-17-2008, 10:40 PM
I did say that I enjoyed the game and I am a fan of the cloud/tifa couple. Besides that the graphics of AC are much better than in the original game so I prefered to use scenes from it. Also once again not a fangirl. Anyway as popular as the game is I never see it for sale in stores not even in a psx bargin bin

You managed to find a bin full of PSone games? Wow. I know GameStop and EB haven't even bothered with PSone/N64 for a few years now.

execrable gumwrapper
04-17-2008, 10:52 PM
Don't mind her, she's an established moron.

04-18-2008, 10:26 PM
Don't mind her, she's an established moron.

and you're an established asshole

04-18-2008, 10:36 PM
Just keep digging that grave, moron.

04-18-2008, 10:46 PM
I won't to argue with a bunch of bitter fanboys with nothing better to do then criticize everything someone says so goodbye idiots

execrable gumwrapper
04-18-2008, 10:53 PM
El oh el

04-18-2008, 10:55 PM
I won't to argue with a bunch of bitter fanboys with nothing better to do then criticize everything someone says so goodbye idiots

Ever heard of punctuation? It's part of the English language. So either learn to use it or get the hell off my Internet!

04-18-2008, 10:57 PM
i r dum cunt

i mke dum psts

execrable gumwrapper
04-18-2008, 10:58 PM
Her grammar is worse.

04-18-2008, 10:59 PM
I'd also love to know what we are fanboys of, fucking hypocrite.

04-18-2008, 11:00 PM
*unsubscribe unsubscribe unsubscribe*

04-18-2008, 11:02 PM
I'd also love to know what we are fanboys of, fucking hypocrite.



and also...x2

04-18-2008, 11:05 PM
Flame threads amuse me so have no idea...

04-18-2008, 11:06 PM
Even if Square IS milking the game for all it's worth, I have to say, Crisis Core is pretty well put together. I'm enjoying it quite a bit.

04-18-2008, 11:09 PM
I think you meant to post in this thread (Thread 31649).

04-18-2008, 11:12 PM
Nah, I didn't pay attention to how many posts there were, and replied to someone that was talking way near the beginning of the thread. lol

execrable gumwrapper
04-18-2008, 11:27 PM
*unsubscribe unsubscribe unsubscribe*

lol @ subscription

04-18-2008, 11:28 PM

04-18-2008, 11:54 PM
Believe it or not there actually is a store within an hour and a half drive away from me that sells used games and they have practically every PS1 game ever. Going down there has always been worth it, purchased a bunch of stuff from them, lol even a PS1 for 20 bucks when my old one stopped working. These guys should start a chain or something.

Sin rapes Sephiroth

True, but comparing them is kinda like... well, I'd say Meteor is to Sin as Sephiroth is to... Seymour. Or Yevon.

And wow, I started an epic thread.

04-19-2008, 12:05 AM
More like epic fail thread.

And Meteor is to Sin as Sephiroth is to Jecht. Jecht was way more manly than Sephiroth. I mean, Sephiroth couldn't even get some pussy could he?

04-19-2008, 12:39 AM
More like epic fail thread.

And Meteor is to Sin as Sephiroth is to Jecht. Jecht was way more manly than Sephiroth. I mean, Sephiroth couldn't even get some pussy could he?

Do you think you should rephrase the last two sentences?

And yes, that's actually more accurate, forgot about Jecht.

04-19-2008, 12:41 AM
This thread should be closed =\

Red Arremer
04-19-2008, 12:45 AM
in b4 close lul

Also: Sephiroth is the worst villain ever created. <_<
But I agree with Jude.

execrable gumwrapper
04-19-2008, 02:14 AM
Do you think you should rephrase the last two sentences?

And yes, that's actually more accurate, forgot about Jecht.



04-19-2008, 03:41 AM


Nice try, but read his post again, I think he meant to say Seymour instead of Sephiroth the second two times.

Also I said the last TWO sentences.


04-19-2008, 08:44 AM
I meant Sephiroth, it wasn't a mistake and I'm not going to rephrase it.

04-19-2008, 09:59 AM
Sephiroth is definately a pussy villain.

04-19-2008, 04:41 PM
I beg to differ...

04-19-2008, 04:55 PM

04-19-2008, 06:00 PM
fap fap fap fap

Eww. Get out of it, you sick bastard.

04-19-2008, 06:01 PM

04-24-2008, 06:28 AM
on topic: personally i don't think i hate this game as much as I should. But most of my aquaintances i know fucking loved this game for various reasons...1)graphics are so out of fad (now that i've mentioned it, the graphics don't really remind me of those mario nintendo games in the 1990's..^_^), storyline was fucking awesome, and for the most...gender. most of my friends are male, and they totally think this is a gay guy.

p.s: oh, and just in case you don't know...i'm a boy. :)

i think mine sounds better...haha in your face!!!

04-24-2008, 06:34 AM
Wow, flag on the play for unsportsmen like conduct.

04-24-2008, 08:11 PM
I don't actually hate this game, but I do actually hate this thread.

04-24-2008, 08:13 PM
i dont hate the game, same goes for most of you

04-25-2008, 05:52 AM
hey me too!!

04-25-2008, 06:12 PM

execrable gumwrapper
04-25-2008, 08:12 PM

All Seeing Eye
04-29-2008, 07:38 AM
I don't hate Final Fantasy VII. I just think it's HUGELY overrated. Honestly, hardcore FFVII fanboys and fangirls scare me. The game is good, but nowhere near the best RPG or videogame ever made.

04-29-2008, 12:22 PM
Holy shit, someone please close this thread.

execrable gumwrapper
04-29-2008, 12:34 PM

04-29-2008, 12:44 PM
Swami, you're still acting like you're stuck in pre-puberty ...

God, is there hope for that guy??

(now waiting for the obligatory rep-*cough...)

execrable gumwrapper
04-29-2008, 12:53 PM
Sup Hynad? You get GTAIV yet?

04-29-2008, 01:00 PM
Nope, I won't be getting it until friday (payday). I heard it's good, what do you think?

execrable gumwrapper
04-29-2008, 01:04 PM
Still waiting for delivery to hit my doorstep. I expect it to arrive in the next 4 hours. The ups and downs of online ordering >.<

I can't wait and I am sure the game will deliver on all fronts.

04-29-2008, 01:07 PM
From what we can read everywhere, the game seems like to be Rockstar's lifelong masterpiece.

execrable gumwrapper
04-29-2008, 01:13 PM
I can't say for sure now, since I haven't played it yet, but I get the feeling that this game will be like Brawl in the way that it will be hard to top if there is a next one.

Have you heard about the GTA MMO?

04-29-2008, 01:17 PM
I heard they want to concider the approach for future games, but nothing is yet set in stone.

I don't really play online, and the few times I did, I didn't enjoy it all that much. I still prefer multi player games at home with some friends or on LAN. But I remember playing FF XI for a few months and enjoying myself for a couple of weeks before stoping entirely... I don't like the idea that you have to pay in order to play a game you already purchased. I think it's an easy way for them to cash in on the back of the no-lifes, and I don't think it's a profitable proposition for a guy like me, who doesn't have as much time for gaming as he used to.

execrable gumwrapper
04-29-2008, 01:22 PM
I have to agree with your sentiments in regards to paying to play, I find it ridiculous. I played WoW for a few months, but I had free subscriptions (worked for Blizzard). I tried FFXI once but it was too slow and the in-game economy is so screwed.

04-29-2008, 05:25 PM
Holy shit, someone please close this thread.

04-29-2008, 08:04 PM
Holy shit, someone please close this thread.

On a side note, clap for gonorrhea everybody...

If you understand, then you do. If you don't, then you don't

execrable gumwrapper
04-29-2008, 08:22 PM

04-29-2008, 08:59 PM
Holy shit, someone please close this thread.
The genie has arisen from the lamp and granted your wish.