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10-31-2008, 08:02 PM
I fairly enjoyed the game. I actually started playing it whilst waiting for a copy of FFX to arrive on my doorstep, so there was a lot I didn't understand. I know it was a stupid thing to do, play the sequel first, but I don't think it was a terrible game, although there have been better games, both FF and non FF

11-01-2008, 11:44 PM
i played for about 10 minuets....i never looked back at it.....imo, the worts FF game created!

11-02-2008, 03:31 AM
Your opinion is shit for obvious reason then.

11-02-2008, 03:37 AM
Hey, give him a break Hynad. He did play it for a whole 10 minuets.

11-06-2008, 01:06 AM
A whole 10 minuets is not too could have been worse...could have been a whole 10 minutes...

And it could be the worst FF game created..instead in his opinion it was the worts...

Is that like St John's Wort?

HG Montgomery
11-23-2008, 03:47 PM
reasons i liked FF X2:

- battle system! best in any of the games yet. deserved a better plot? perhaps. not anywhere near as much as 12 though. i eventually got into the forced wait system of X but the first time i played it, that was a big negative factor to me. ATB all the way, i say.
- the revival of the job system. i didnt like it when 9 & 10 forced me to use such specialised characters, i prefer a team of all-rounders rather than the cliched 'mage who can barely do any physical damage whatsoever but you still need in your party cause they're the only one who can heal' situation. i started with FF7 & 8, they let you customise your characters from the get go a lot more than X's sphere grid, which definitely paid off if you invested LOADS of time into it, but you could easilly finish the game with a whole party of unbalanced specialists also (especially if like me you got confused and messed up the sphere grid completely the first time you played it)
- the bizarrely refreshing fact you could go anywhere pretty much from word go and had an airship at the start of the game meant you could immediatley go down memory lane and visit wherever you liked best from the first game. the first chapter was really enjoyable due to this, i didnt think recycling the maps would work so well, but it really did feel like i was visiting somewhere i already knew & loved rather than "oh, here again..."
- i forget the name of it, but the MASSIVE 100 level dungeon under bevelle with the ridiculously hard bosses.... an excellent challenge and added loads of extra playtime to an already much sessioned game. should be an FF staple from now on, as should...
- new game +. why was this not in 12?????????? the ultimate provider of replay value. and it made getting 100% a lot fairer. it took me 3 plays through to get the perfect ending and it felt very worth it at the end. if anyone from square is listening: GETTING RID OF NEW GAME + IS THE STUPIDEST DECISION YOU HAVE MADE SINCE FINAL FANTASY MYSTIC QUEST.

reasons i disliked FFX2:

- the music by in large was a massive disappointment. not just the vocal tracks (which ive hated the inclusion of in FF games since 8) but all of the music was pretty disposable pop funk cheese. the odd track was bearable, but most of it was very bad. i can see why the intro put people off.
- the voice acting, again like ffx, is highly variable in quality. can be an embarassing game to play in non-fan company indeed. still, i actually felt yuna was a lot less annoying than she was in FFX. rikku, on the other hand...
- perhaps the main game is a little too short. (but the replay value is high due to the different outcomes and story paths, even if you ignore the side quests) i personally now try and get every single thing in the game i can on my first playthrough of any new RPG, rather than the old technique of 'rush through the game the first time with minimum sidequesting' i used to adhere to. if you consider yourself in the latter category, you may find the length somewhat short in comparison to other FFs. but its ALL about the sidequesting.... and the sidequests are diverse and most of them fun, excepting...
- some of the minigames are really badly programmed. (luckilly none of the ones you really need to do to 100% the game though.... and at least they aren't all hunting monsters like in 12)
- that bit mid-cutscene where you're supposed to press x (in order to achieve 100%) is pretty mean. without the purchase of a guide on my second playthrough, i never would have known about that... would have been very frustrating.
- the replacements for the summons aren't great. they seemed too slow to really be effective, but that's just my experience - im sure other people out there have good strategies with them...

okay i apologise if this post is a little long. i tried to be as critical as possible but really i liked this game a lot. and writing this made me want to play through it again. yes bits are cheese, but the girlishness of the whole game is kind of refreshing compared to the broodfests of previous games' moody protagonists (no prizes for guessing who...), which in their own ways were really no less cheesy. its cooler to be emo than pop.... but both are pretty vacant, no?

11-24-2008, 08:51 AM
It's short and even more linear than 10, some people don't like the music and you can only control three characters in battle for the whole game! They also ruined blitzball and made a half ass story.

11-24-2008, 02:18 PM
I didn't really HATE the game I just got a little bit into then stopped,
the game was just kinda to boring to really get into

11-24-2008, 03:17 PM
It's short and even more linear than 10, some people don't like the music and you can only control three characters in battle for the whole game! They also ruined blitzball and made a half ass story.

You must be completely retarded if you think FF X-2 is more linear than X.

11-24-2008, 06:30 PM
the game was a bit overdone, it reminds of girly games in many cases.
Girls had nice outfits and the optional quests in the end were good.
That's it.

HG Montgomery
11-25-2008, 12:49 AM
i forgot to mention blitzball got ruined completely. as i ended up somehow really getting into it on X (i was REALLY bored one evening and after a few hours mystierously became addicted) i would have happilly sessioned it further on X2 had they just left the engine the same! i mean, i know the old one needed some work (the baffling disregard it displayed for the laws of physics for one - how is it people could intercept passes thrown away from them???) but it was fun nonetheless.

11-25-2008, 06:46 AM
It's short and even more linear than 10

Short, yes. But linear it is not. Right after the Gagazet mission, you could go wherever you wanted. And depending on which side you decided to join on Ch. 2, you can change a lot of effects of the game.

some people don't like the music

So? Do other people's opinions really influence you so much that you can't decide whether you like it or not? Personally, I enjoyed most of the tracks.

and you can only control three characters in battle for the whole game!

Would you really want to max out dressphere abilities for 8 people? And also, the FFX-2 International version does allow you to play as more than 3 people.

They also ruined blitzball

I actually agree with this point. If FFX-2 had included FFX style Blitzball, it would be a much better game. I concur that the game isn't great (for example, to get 100%, you almost have to have a guide to tell you how many times to look at each commsphere; Vegnagun is a shitty final boss; the game put too much emphasis on Yuna's singing ability, which seemed to come from nowhere; the Lenne-Shuyin thing wasn't believable imo), but not for the reasons you posed.

12-06-2008, 03:14 PM
The fact that the game following FFX was such an upbeat, light hearted, 'girl power'-game probably disappointed a good lot of people. I liked it, though, but I believe I'm fairly alone in that sentiment.

I also liked it wasn't that far off from the original story

01-05-2009, 06:01 PM
I thought it was ok, but I'd have liked it even more if they'd brought the "Last Mission" stuff into America.

05-08-2009, 08:47 PM
Perhaps because you could only play with three characters, or because it was the first sequel and it didn't have much of the elements from the previous games.

06-14-2009, 08:54 PM
I really liked X-2 it wasnt supposed to be one of those huge awesome FF games, jus a nice little sequel to make everyone, or most people, happy.

06-22-2009, 12:00 AM
I tried it a few months ago, and it was really... bizarre to me. It was the first RPG game I've played since I was very young, so maybe I was partial towards it BECAUSE it was an RPG game. I only recently started to play FF games (Fall '08) - and RPG games in general - and perhaps I wasn't used to the game mechanics. I will definitely give it a try again, but I somehow believe I would enjoy it as much as I've enjoyed other FF games.

07-12-2009, 09:38 AM
I liked it too even though it seemed kinda strange when i played it for the first time... It isn't the best game but it is very nice and really good if you're looking for a game without too much disappointing and sad moments. But the thing that's best about it- the X-saga is finished!

07-12-2009, 09:00 PM
The combat and customization was enough to make me like the game. I also loved Yuna's gun mini-game, that was good stuff.

07-13-2009, 12:26 AM
1000 words la la la la la something something something, I miss tidusssss, will cradle you

07-13-2009, 04:00 AM
I liked it too even though it seemed kinda strange when i played it for the first time... It isn't the best game but it is very nice and really good if you're looking for a game without too much disappointing and sad moments. But the thing that's best about it- the X-saga is finished!

Haha, the X saga could have easily finished right then and their with X, and SE could have saved themselves the trouble and loss of some of their fans, and quite a few of their loyal fans. I stuck by them through IX and X's story because it had a good battle system, Good summon system and good graphics, But they destroyed their reputation time and time again. IX, X-2 and XII. Enough said.

Why do you think Uematsu left?

07-14-2009, 12:41 AM
Nobuo is doing FF XIV's soundtrack, for your information.

And XII was critically acclaimed. And still sold quite a lot.

IX is arguably the best game in the series so far.

X-2 is probably the one with the best battle system in the series.

The only place they've destroyed part of their reputation is when it comes to shovelwares and sub-part "non-flagship" titles like Infinite Undiscovery and The Last Remnants.

Otherwise, all their main series have been healthy and remained quality titles.

07-23-2009, 02:05 PM
Perfectly good characters turned into complete low quality bullshit. The story was garbage. Music sucked. It takes forever to fully complete the game. When you finally get Tidus in the end, it turns out he's too pussy to even give Yuna a small peck -on the cheek. The game wasn't hard enough, there was no effort to be required. My 4 year old brother held X throughout every battle and won the game. Brother is in love with Yuna, a family member -this was so disturbing, fuck. Wakka is no longer that racist bastard I fell in love with in X, but a pessimistic father (which again, brings us to what was first said). New characters were stupid. Bosses were chicken shit. The whole Lenne and Yuna being connected or whatever was so stupid. Oh my god. Fuck it. I'm done.

I did enjoyed the game though
/would play again

07-25-2009, 11:54 PM
Perfectly good characters turned into complete low quality bullshit. The story was garbage. Music sucked. It takes forever to fully complete the game. When you finally get Tidus in the end, it turns out he's too pussy to even give Yuna a small peck -on the cheek. The game wasn't hard enough, there was no effort to be required. My 4 year old brother held X throughout every battle and won the game. Brother is in love with Yuna, a family member -this was so disturbing, fuck. Wakka is no longer that racist bastard I fell in love with in X, but a pessimistic father (which again, brings us to what was first said). New characters were stupid. Bosses were chicken shit. The whole Lenne and Yuna being connected or whatever was so stupid. Oh my god. Fuck it. I'm done.

I did enjoyed the game though
/would play again

The Tidus you meet at the end is a product of Yuna's memories, like everyone in the Farplane is a product of an individuals memories. So it's not a case of Tidus 'being too pussy to give her a peck on the cheek', that was just what Yuna imagined after she defeated Vegnagun and thought of Tidus. And incidentally it's likely that even the Tidus from FFX had no actual sentience himself, being simply a dream of the fayth, although that's a matter of speculation.

Brother and Yuna are cousins. Cousins being romantic happened quite regularly in the past, although modern society tends away from it. There is nothing necessarily disturbing about it, though.

The battles were easy enough, but one or two storyline bosses provided a decent challenge - Baralai, for example. I find it highly unlikely that anyone could simply 'hold X and win every battle in the game' unless they were extraordinarily lucky.

The characters could occasionally be rather irritating and had slightly overbearing personalities, but the game also featured some good character development. I just wish they had toned Rikku down somewhat, and added a bit more depth to Paine's personality, particularly in the mandatory part of the game. Wakka, contrary to what you say, was in fact an excellent example of character development, given that the bases for his previous prejudices had been removed by the events of FFX. Perhaps he might have kept a semblance of his old views, but I think he does show that occasionally (for example, when he protests against Beclem in Chapter 3).

Your criticisms are really bad. Even as someone who considers the game to be one of the less polished titles in the Final Fantasy series, I see nothing I can agree with you on.

07-26-2009, 01:33 AM
The Tidus you meet at the end is a product of Yuna's memories, like everyone in the Farplane is a product of an individuals memories. So it's not a case of Tidus 'being too pussy to give her a peck on the cheek', that was just what Yuna imagined after she defeated Vegnagun and thought of Tidus. And incidentally it's likely that even the Tidus from FFX had no actual sentience himself, being simply a dream of the fayth, although that's a matter of speculation.

Brother and Yuna are cousins. Cousins being romantic happened quite regularly in the past, although modern society tends away from it. There is nothing necessarily disturbing about it, though.

The battles were easy enough, but one or two storyline bosses provided a decent challenge - Baralai, for example. I find it highly unlikely that anyone could simply 'hold X and win every battle in the game' unless they were extraordinarily lucky.

The characters could occasionally be rather irritating and had slightly overbearing personalities, but the game also featured some good character development. I just wish they had toned Rikku down somewhat, and added a bit more depth to Paine's personality, particularly in the mandatory part of the game. Wakka, contrary to what you say, was in fact an excellent example of character development, given that the bases for his previous prejudices had been removed by the events of FFX. Perhaps he might have kept a semblance of his old views, but I think he does show that occasionally (for example, when he protests against Beclem in Chapter 3).

Your criticisms are really bad. Even as someone who considers the game to be one of the less polished titles in the Final Fantasy series, I see nothing I can agree with you on.

My post wasn't meant to be completely serious. Actually, it was supposed to be a bit of a joke. I didn't think anyone would take it as seriously as you did.

It's completely fine to disagree, but just because you disagree with my opinions, doesn't make them wrong.

The Brother and Yuna thing was a bit disturbing for me, but I admit it wasn't as disturbing as I put it.
I'm sure you knew this, but the 'holding X' comment wasn't at all literal.
Your reply on the characters however, I agree with you on.

My post was exaggerated but again, my opinions aren't wrong.

07-27-2009, 02:06 AM
Nobuo is doing FF XIV's soundtrack, for your information.

And XII was critically acclaimed. And still sold quite a lot.

IX is arguably the best game in the series so far.

X-2 is probably the one with the best battle system in the series.

The only place they've destroyed part of their reputation is when it comes to shovelwares and sub-part "non-flagship" titles like Infinite Undiscovery and The Last Remnants.

Otherwise, all their main series have been healthy and remained quality titles.

Best battle systems for X - 2? It was full of glitches at the end of a battle, you'd still cast magic or use your overdrive summon thing when you killed them, if your lucky your character wouldnt hit any others, this is especially true if you use the knights area attack. The bosses did extreme amounts of damage that NEEDED break HP limit or you were screwed.

XII was a pathetic excuse for a game, never have i seen a game that allows a player to use the analog stick to get through a level where the only interaction is handled by the ps2 processor because you have gambits equipped to do all your attacking. The ONLY time you took them off is for a boss. The storyline was weak as hell, the characters stories were weak, and i mean REALLY weak, honestly the best part of XII is the beginning, at the beginning with Vaans brother, its decent and cool. but afterward, it gets dull and boring, theirs only so much strategy you can use in a RTB system, hence why World of Warcraft has troubles keeping people entertained.
XII also gave birth to Revenant Wings, which i stupidly bought for the DS long ago and regretted it -_-'

IX had the worst graphics except for summons and kuja scenes, i admit, they did their homework with backgrounds and stuff, but basic character design was childish and they ended up looking like porcelain dolls, and that IS the truth. The chocobo thing was needless, and it was the first time i ever bought a guide at the same time as the game. Have you seen the guide? every dozen pages it tells you to go on a website, THATS NOT A STRATEGY GUIDE! i paid like �10 or �15 for a strategy guide that doesn't do jack.
The last disk held my attention, the card game was decent, the weapons werent bad and the limits were well thought out. kuja might be a blatant rip off of a super Saiyan 4 but we'll let him away with that because the entire Terra part was the only truly amazing part of FFIX.

07-27-2009, 05:29 PM
Oh look. Another FF7 fanboy with an allergy to anything that isn't dark or gritty or gothic or some such nonsense. If something is stylistic or (dare I say it) cute, that does not make it childish. The only people who call such things childish are childish teenagers who are in such a hurry to be acknowledged as adults that they make stupid kneejerk claims which only serve to showcase their youthful idiocy to real adults.

07-27-2009, 05:30 PM
My post wasn't meant to be completely serious. Actually, it was supposed to be a bit of a joke. I didn't think anyone would take it as seriously as you did.

It's completely fine to disagree, but just because you disagree with my opinions, doesn't make them wrong.

The Brother and Yuna thing was a bit disturbing for me, but I admit it wasn't as disturbing as I put it.
I'm sure you knew this, but the 'holding X' comment wasn't at all literal.
Your reply on the characters however, I agree with you on.

My post was exaggerated but again, my opinions aren't wrong.

I said 'your criticisms are really bad' rather than that your opinions were outright wrong. The jury is still out on your opinions, though you might consider offering a little more in the way of reasoned argument to back them up. ;)

07-27-2009, 05:41 PM
Incidentally, sefiroslionheart, with regards to your complaints about gambits, they only took away the repetitive button-pressing of previous FF games. Many people consider them to be an improvement on earlier battle systems, and it can hardly be said that they took out all interaction, as you assert. Since you only have a maximum of 12 slots, there will inevitably be situations where you need to take direct action. What the gambits do is make sure that you don't have to repeatedly do mundane actions like attacking or casting Cure yourself. This is definitely a good thing.

Your complaints about FFXII's story are rather incoherent, and again rest on little more than your stated opinon. You may consider reading some of the threads about the story in the FFXII section.

Your complaints about the battle system in X-2 are downright wrong. Your actions would carry over at the end of a battle, true, but this could be beneficial, for example when you use a healing item or ability. It would never damage your own characters, as you assert. As for the bosses, storyline bosses were generally relatively easy. Some of the fiends in Via Infinito were much tougher, but that is obviously an optional area.

07-27-2009, 05:42 PM
I said 'your criticisms are really bad' rather than that your opinions were outright wrong. The jury is still out on your opinions, though you might consider offering a little more in the way of reasoned argument to back them up. ;)

I know very well what you said. It just seemed as if you made (or tried to make) my opinions out to be wrong is all. And what I said is all I had to say, really.

But in all honesty and as said before, I enjoyed the game. I love the game. It was just very poor in most parts (behold my silly rant).

Yu Kiyo
08-23-2009, 02:21 PM
When I first play FFX, I thought for the first time in a while, I'm playing a girl but then I realised it was about Tidus. I was disappointed and even more disappointed that the sequel though you can play Yuna, was short in storyline.

I though it should have been at least 7 - 9 chapters. 5 seemed too short to me especially Chapter 4 which was a waste. I was even surprised they went back to Spira. Why didn't they spawn another Sin to send them to another world?

Nevertheless, I thought it was good due to Rikku, Paine, Shuyin and the storyline.

Is it me or was Rikku's brother a bit of a perv? He seems to like his cousin, Yuna a little more than we think. Always worrying more about her than Rikku and I think at a part, trying to touch her.

The fact that the game following FFX was such an upbeat, light hearted, 'girl power'-game probably disappointed a good lot of people. I liked it, though, but I believe I'm fairly alone in that sentiment.

And that's Koda Kumi you're talking about.

08-24-2009, 01:35 AM
Why didn't they spawn another Sin to send them to another world?

You obviously didn't understand the setting of Final Fantasy X at all. :rolleyes:

08-24-2009, 01:50 AM
for me, this game is boring (yeah it has the switch job system, but still...)

08-24-2009, 01:53 AM
None of them made me go "dat ass!"

Yu Kiyo
08-24-2009, 11:05 AM
You obviously didn't understand the setting of Final Fantasy X at all. :rolleyes:

I did.

But I wish it came back to make the game even more interesting for me.

08-26-2009, 05:24 PM
I absolutely loved FFX2, reason why is because it was completely not what i expected it to be, it caught me by suprise because it was so different. Square wasn't afraid to try something new and i respect them for that and let's face it, it did give us the ending FFX didn't....sorta

08-26-2009, 05:58 PM
Dat ending has a bit off ass.

08-27-2009, 12:33 AM
Square wasn't afraid to try something new and i respect them for that and let's face it, it did give us the ending FFX didn't....sorta

A deus ex machina

08-28-2009, 11:01 PM
I though it should have been at least 7 - 9 chapters. 5 seemed too short to me especially Chapter 4 which was a waste. I was even surprised they went back to Spira.

Chapter 4 a waste? Anyone who says that loses credibility imo. I'm sorry if you expect every chapter to be visiting every location and getting new events, but there is only so much you can fit into an arc.

I liked how every location had it's own "arc", and the CommSpheres was one of my favorite parts, it was different and a nice break I found it to be a really cool idea. I seem to be alone on this matter. I mean, Chapter four WOULD be a boring waste if you skipped it and just went straight to the events and the concert. In fact, this whole GAME would be boring if you only did the mandatory stuff, but I never really take notice on what is and isn't mandatory as I usually just do everything there is.

Chapter 4's purpose was not to simply be short and fit in as a bridge between two instances where you can go everywhere. It's main purpose is to explore and introduce the great CommSpheres.

08-29-2009, 12:29 AM
In fact, this whole GAME would be boring if you only did the mandatory stuff, but I never really take notice on what is and isn't mandatory as I usually just do everything there is.

You don't make it sound like a good game... :s

08-29-2009, 07:07 AM

08-29-2009, 07:10 AM
You don't make it sound like a good game... :s

That's not what I'm aiming for, I'm not trying to convince everyone that it's a good game, because it's certainly not the best one in the series. I'm saying why I enjoyed it myself and think it's not for everyone, much like XII.

I liked X-2, but not gonna deny that it's mainly for those in it for the conquering. If you're not in it for the completion, then this game isn't for you. I mean, who are we kidding? Let's face it, the minimum amount of locations you're required to visit to beat the game is less than half of them. That's a problem for a lot of people.

As for me, it's fun seeing each area get it's own five-chapter arc, optional or not, especially after X when they were just places you pass through to do the story.

Also let's not forget how in FFX, literally everywhere you went you constantly heard people talking about Sin. Sin, Sin, Sin... everyone everywhere was obsessed with Sin, to the point where after playing through FFX it would be extremely hard to imagine a Spira without Sin. Every character and NPC's personality seemed to revolve around Sin, it was hard to imagine that world filled with... normal people. This will sound cheesy but because of that, I literally got pumped when I heard the motto "Last time you saved the world, this time it's personal", and it was, as I hoped, an ideal version of what I imagined.

08-29-2009, 07:47 AM

I was confused on whether you liked the game or not and admittedly didn't really want to read 12 pages of thread to find an answer.

I remember picking it up to "give it a chance"... Hindsight says I could have skipped it. But I was curious about how the lore had changed as well. I recall disappointment in the story overall...enthusiasm for the restored ATB. In the end, I got the 100% and let myself forget most of the game.

08-29-2009, 08:39 AM
I have OCD about missables. I pretty much used a walkthrough the first time to get 100% in one run.

08-30-2009, 01:48 AM
Used to. I got better.

Did anyone get 100% sans guide? I didn't spend much time dwelling on the possibility, so it seems like a hard thing or maybe highly annoying thing to do.

Yu Kiyo
08-30-2009, 04:55 PM
Chapter 4 a waste? Anyone who says that loses credibility imo. I'm sorry if you expect every chapter to be visiting every location and getting new events, but there is only so much you can fit into an arc.

I liked how every location had it's own "arc", and the CommSpheres was one of my favorite parts, it was different and a nice break I found it to be a really cool idea. I seem to be alone on this matter. I mean, Chapter four WOULD be a boring waste if you skipped it and just went straight to the events and the concert. In fact, this whole GAME would be boring if you only did the mandatory stuff, but I never really take notice on what is and isn't mandatory as I usually just do everything there is.

Chapter 4's purpose was not to simply be short and fit in as a bridge between two instances where you can go everywhere. It's main purpose is to explore and introduce the great CommSpheres.

I said that because I was hoping to build up more and visit more places but I couldn't.

10-06-2009, 12:32 PM
Well here are some of my reasons for not liking it.

1. The game seemed very laziliy made, there were only a handful of new areas and emenies, while most of the "new" enemies were simply pallet swaps or colour changes of old ones. Most of the new areas consisted of not-very-interesting straight corriodors that just let to a boss anyway.

I was hoping for some new areas of spira to explore, sure going around Bevelle was fun but there really wasnt a great deal of new stuff to see and do.

2. The music was frankly awful, no memorable tunes (bar the opening Memories- Lightwaves bit at the very start) and the inclusion of cheesy pop songs seemed very childish to me.

3. The story often made little or no sense to me. Just take the opening, were led to believe that Leblanc has stolen Yuna's dresssphere which somehow enables her to imitate Yuna perfectly.

Now she can imitate the HIGH SUMMONER, the vanquishor of sin, hero of the people. Whats the first thing she does? Trigger a political coup and gain power? ..... Nope, position herself to aquire all the wealth in spire?.....Nope, hell anything that would have benifitied her in anyway....Uh-uh, she holds a pop concert.....Come again?

That confused the hell out of me, why in gods name would she do that? its just so irrational, strange and damn right wierd that I have no idea how anyone got past that opening without a huge "WTF" on their faces.

The story continues with these bizzare out of character completely random moments but its the sheer laziness that got to me the most, Lulu is supposed to be pregnant, she looks exactly the same. Wakka is supposed to have quit blitzball to be a father, he still wears the uniform. The only place that has been repaired in 2 years after sin is Killika - Eh?

Throughout most of the game i was mostly thinking "Did I dream 80% of FFX cause this is about as similar as a chalk and cheese" - the developers were clearly cutting corners, reusing animations with cheap paint jobs and making up huge chunks of story that they couldnt swallow.

besides that it was an ok game, graphics were....well exaclty the same as FFX so cant really complain there.

12-10-2009, 12:40 AM
The fact that the game following FFX was such an upbeat, light hearted, 'girl power'-game probably disappointed a good lot of people. I liked it, though, but I believe I'm fairly alone in that sentiment.

No you're not.

12-23-2009, 07:25 AM
Personally, I think GMR (no longer in print XD) summed it up quite well with their rview header:

There's a word for this: it's called "fan service."

Now, you can take that as positive or critical, and I feel it's a bit of both. The game definitely feels to me like a spinoff, which I think is even reflected by the title NOT being FFXI, but FFX-2. The gameplay had interesting mechanics, as did FFX; I feel that both games improved the existing FF combat system by throwing in some action-style "minigames" for special moves. Same reason I liked FFVIII. But I digress.

I don't personally feel that FFX-2 is a good game. I enjoy it for many different reasons, and it's got plenty of good points, but I wouldn't call it a good game, certainly not compared to what it could have been. The story was fun and entertaining, but also a bit shallow to me, and no, I don't consider any plot lacking a major emo vein to be weak. I just feel that - especially regarding the endings - the plot, as it was written, seemed a bit... I don't know, "fluffy." I love happy endings, it's why FFVIII is still my favorite of all FFs, but FFX-2 just seemed to be a little forced in its cheer. Perhaps I'm imagining things.

I also feel that the environments - and, come to that, perhaps even some of the monsters - were a bit lacking at times, especially in variation. I miss the good ol' overworld, too, although FFX made that same "mistake."

Also, of course, there's the fact that I've never thought much of the voice acting for most of the characters in FFX or FFX-2. Tidus is "okay," Auron's not bad despite sounding a bit of an anime clich�, Kimahri never had much to work with anyway, Lulu is okay, Rikku's not bad, Paine's fine within her own right but only has a basic script to work with in the first place, and the supporting characters are ordinary supporting actors. I feel that Wakka is pretty good most of the time... And Yuna... Is... AWFUL. Nothing wrong with her character as it's portrayed in the games - although she did make a bit of a switch from her mild, white-mage persona of FFX - but as far as acting goes, ugh. No. I've always been saddened by the fact she's a major character in both games.

So, yeah. In closing, I feel that FFX-2 is a fun enough game, one that I would keep and replay, albeit casually. I guess that's the thing for me; FFX-2 never instilled that burning urge of GOTTA PLAY GOTTA PLAY GOTTA WIN so familiar to me from other FFs. Even FFX never deeply enraptured me, although I certianly got involved, and acting aside, the plot was pretty damn good. So, FFX-2 is an understandable, perfectly excusable cash-in on Square's part, which was highly financially successful, and satisfied a lot of eager fans. Under those circumstances, I wouldn't expect it to be a fantastic masterpiece, wouldn't expect them to put heart, soul and full budget into it.

But I do think it could've been much better if they had.

12-23-2009, 08:05 AM
No you're not.

You playing this game yet? It's pretty fun once you get used to the combat system.

I'm currently power-leveling White Mage, Warrior, and Songstress (Yuna, Paine, Rikku respectively). Just Pray every round with Yuna, Sentinel with Paine (after she kills all but one enemy), and either blind or silence the last enemy depending on the opposite of their weakness (blind magic casters, silence physical attackers) insane AP.

But when Rikku is performing a dance she sometimes says 'Who's your Rikku?', it has to be one of the cutest things I've ever heard in a video game, I smile everytime I hear it. Game's starting to win me over, even if it's on charm alone. :D

12-23-2009, 10:01 AM
You playing this game yet? It's pretty fun once you get used to the combat system.

I'm currently power-leveling White Mage, Warrior, and Songstress (Yuna, Paine, Rikku respectively). Just Pray every round with Yuna, Sentinel with Paine (after she kills all but one enemy), and either blind or silence the last enemy depending on the opposite of their weakness (blind magic casters, silence physical attackers) insane AP.

But when Rikku is performing a dance she sometimes says 'Who's your Rikku?', it has to be one of the cutest things I've ever heard in a video game, I smile everytime I hear it. Game's starting to win me over, even if it's on charm alone. :D

Unfortunately not yet :( But after spending the time here that I have, I'm convinced to pick it up and try it out ;) I've seen enough videos as well to show me that X-2 is a keeper, so I'll be on the lookout for it the next time I go out somewhere where I might be able to encounter it. The music appears to be a little different from what's heard throughout X, but that's like saying the music in VII is different from VIII, so I can't complain there :)

I loved X's ending, sad as it was, because it had just the effect on me as was intended. However, getting to see Tidus and Yuna reunited would be quite satisfying I think, even if only at the very end! Rikku was one of my favorite characters in FFX, so her reappearance in X-2 is also a plus :D I can relate to her; I'd be the positive energy holding the group together, even if the world were ending around us!

12-23-2009, 10:36 AM
Yea, I just turned it off getting ready to go to sleep, but I'm already thinking about turning it back on in the morning. Off work tomorrow (or today) so I'll be able to put a lot of time into it! :D

12-23-2009, 10:43 AM
Awesome! Keep kickin' ass at it tomorrow, and don't let the Dust Marlboros bite (or whatever manner of vile creature might be lurking about and be randomly encountered in a bed :O)

Darth Revan
12-23-2009, 10:49 AM
I could never get into FFX-2... I tried... but having my wisdom tooth pulled without painkiller was less painful. If you like it, fine. I just couldn't...

I think my distaste/borderline psychotic hatred of FFX poisoned me against FFX-2...

Either that or my indigestion.

12-23-2009, 10:58 AM
Aww, come on XD, I think you secretly love it, don't'cha?? Nah, just messin' ;) But really, I just have this abiding love for all the numbered FF titles along with Tactics, and since I heavily enjoyed X it feels like I'd really be missing out if I didn't give this one a try as well.

And for the record, after playing through X and witnessing that horrid fake laugh scene, I think I can feel at least some of your pain :O

Darth Revan
12-23-2009, 11:42 AM
Well, I did buy it. That I won't deny it.

However, buying it as it had been marked down to 10$AUS, and then further marked down by 50%... that should've given me some inkling as to the game itself. I have tried to play it. I just can't... whether be the voice acting, the general story itself, etc... I just dislike this game a lot.

Just my own point of view though.

12-23-2009, 04:56 PM
Aww, come on XD, I think you secretly love it, don't'cha?? Nah, just messin' ;) But really, I just have this abiding love for all the numbered FF titles along with Tactics, and since I heavily enjoyed X it feels like I'd really be missing out if I didn't give this one a try as well.

And for the record, after playing through X and witnessing that horrid fake laugh scene, I think I can feel at least some of your pain :O

Fake laugh... ? Oh wait, was that the scene where Yuna got up late and everyone was teasing her? Oh dear god, I'd forgotten about that; it sounded like something at the end of an old Scooby Doo episode, so forced... ><

12-23-2009, 07:23 PM
Fake laugh... ? Oh wait, was that the scene where Yuna got up late and everyone was teasing her? Oh dear god, I'd forgotten about that; it sounded like something at the end of an old Scooby Doo episode, so forced... ><

I think he meant the scene leaving Luca after Auron joins the party ;)

And XD, it makes sense that you'd dislike X-2 after all the hate you have for X. ;)

12-23-2009, 09:52 PM
I think he meant the scene leaving Luca after Auron joins the party ;)

You got it :D That's one of those kinda scenes where you sorta look around and think . . . "I hope nobody heard that.." I'm honestly surprised the rest of the party didn't break out into hysterical laughter as it was going on :D

Darth Revan
12-24-2009, 12:27 AM
And XD, it makes sense that you'd dislike X-2 after all the hate you have for X. ;)

I do have a lot of hate for FFX. You're probably right, my hatred of FFX has poisoned me against FFX-2...

Still, FFX-2 was just for Fan Service imo.

12-24-2009, 12:52 AM
I rather enjoyed FFX now that I think about it (only beaten it once). I don't really know why but I do like the story. I wouldn't mind playing it again once I get rid of my old HDTV and get a new one that's LCD so I can play my PS2 again (I have a plasma that burns. Apparently a few months after I got it, they fixed that problem...).

And I enjoyed FFX-2 as well. Not as much as FFVIII or FFX, but more than FFVII. Also, if you play FFX-2 while drunk, you can swear you can see some boobage when the girls change costumes ;).

Darth Revan
12-24-2009, 01:10 AM
And I enjoyed FFX-2 as well. Not as much as FFVIII or FFX, but more than FFVII. Also, if you play FFX-2 while drunk, you can swear you can see some boobage when the girls change costumes ;).

Hmm... note to self... Replay FFX-2 while drunk.

The Anti-Existence
12-25-2009, 09:25 AM
I like X-2 but I see plenty of Yuna boobage without drinking.
Internet geeks FTW.

12-25-2009, 10:07 AM
I thought FFX-2 was a fairly good game, I enjoyed it a lot. It was a huge turn compared to the original FFX but that wasn't a bad thing. I was glad to know Yuna had a chance to be happy after all her suffering and sacrifices in FFX. Also, it gave insight of how she felt in the past [though FFX did explain it] the sequel gets more in depth with Yuna's feelings/perspective.

As for the new look she and Rikku ha, it didn't bother me. Read through some comments about not liking Yuna's new look. She did lack a lot of clothing, especially compared to her FFx design but she never became OOC because of it. As mentioned in previous posts the designs for Yuna and co was fanservice to the max. I knew some people who didn't even know what FF was and bought the game because of the cover [sad but true]

For anyone who expected a serious plot the staff of the game themselves said they wanted to have more fun with the sequel than anything. I could only imagine what awesomeness would radiate from the game if they took the plot more seriously, that's just how good it was as it is. [well my personal opinion, I respect anyone who thinks other wise or agree]

I am still saddened by the international version of FFX-2 [like almost all FF games except FFX for the PAL release] didn't make it out of Japan. I always feel fans outside of Japan never get the "whole" story...

Anyone get 100% on the game?

12-25-2009, 02:08 PM
^Nice post. I'm currently working on a 100% playthrough. It's my first time through the game (my last playthroughs ended in Besaid the first time). I'm around 20% right now, should be able to break it open the next few days.

The 100% thing is rough on a first time player, I'm constantly checking if I've done everything I need, but I'm not that big on replaying games right away (usually takes about a year before I decide to replay a game).

12-29-2009, 05:08 AM
I do have a lot of hate for FFX. You're probably right, my hatred of FFX has poisoned me against FFX-2...

Still, FFX-2 was just for Fan Service imo.

I rather disliked FFX, as well, but I really really liked X-2.

12-30-2009, 09:07 PM
I agree that X-2 is more lighthearted than its predecessor, but so was The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask when compared to the other Zelda games. I definitely love Majora's Mask, and it is in the same boat as X-2 when placed beside Ocarina of Time. That's another reason I'm anxious to give this game a go :D

Owen Sanchez
01-03-2010, 05:29 AM
Why do people say X-2 was a terrible game?

Because people are twats. This game challenges there already questionable sexuality and they hate every second of it. They need to grow a pair because it was great.

Darth Revan
01-03-2010, 05:38 AM
Because people are twats. This game challenges there already questionable sexuality and they hate every second of it. They need to grow a pair because it was great.

Everyone is entitled to their own personal opinion whether they like or dislike this game.

Owen Sanchez
01-03-2010, 05:40 AM
I respect their opinions, but they're wrong.

Darth Revan
01-03-2010, 05:45 AM
So if a person doesn't like FFX-2 they're wrong, from your perspective, correct? Everyone's taste in gaming varies from one person to the next. One person may love X-2, another may be indifferent to it and another may flat out hate it. Each individuals choice is up to them to decide on their own accord.

Owen Sanchez
01-03-2010, 05:47 AM
So if a person doesn't like FFX-2 they're wrong, from your perspective, correct?


Darth Revan
01-03-2010, 05:49 AM

No offense intended (Though it'll probably be seen that way), but that is a rather narrowminded view isn't it? Myself, after re-evaluation of X-2, I don't hate it as much as I used to, but I still don't consider it to be a great game. That's just my opinion though.

Owen Sanchez
01-03-2010, 05:55 AM
None taken in the slightest, it'll take a lot mroe than that to get me upset. I was just answering why people hate this game though, there was a time when I used to cry myself to sleep about peoples negative opinions on it at one point but I've moved on since then.

Johnny Wanker
01-03-2010, 05:55 AM
That's just my opinion though.

But we've already established that your opinion is wrong.

Darth Revan
01-03-2010, 05:57 AM
But we've already established that your opinion is wrong.

Who decides the standards then, of what is right and wrong?

Johnny Wanker
01-03-2010, 05:58 AM

Owen Sanchez
01-03-2010, 05:59 AM

Darth Revan
01-03-2010, 06:03 AM
Ok, this thread is derailing off the topic the original poster stated. Everyone has a different opinion/view/whatever about every game. If someone doesn't like a particular game, that is their choice to choose. No one really has the right to try and enforce a particular view whether for or against a game onto anyone.

Johnny Wanker
01-03-2010, 06:04 AM
No one really has the right to try and enforce a particular view whether for or against a game onto anyone.

Jesus does. Jesus can do whatever he wants.

Owen Sanchez
01-03-2010, 06:08 AM
I'm getting mmixed messages here guys. Can I do what the fuck I want or not?

Don't answer that, we already know the answer.

Darth Revan
01-03-2010, 06:15 AM
We all have free will, therefore we can exercise that free will however we, the individual decide. If some want to use it to say they don't like this game, that's their choice via their own free will.

Johnny Wanker
01-03-2010, 06:19 AM

Darth Revan
01-03-2010, 06:57 AM
Oh, how Christian. I'll raise you this:


01-03-2010, 07:34 AM
Wow. Twin trolls, who are almost positively both the same person. This is not a religious discussion, and it's very inappropriate for you "two" to come in here and derail a thread. It's fine to express your opinion, but DO NOT try and tell someone else blatantly that they are "WRONG" for expressing theirs. XD is giving you "both" sound advice, and YOU need to heed it.

Owen Sanchez
01-03-2010, 04:39 PM
Please don't compare me to that moron.

01-03-2010, 04:45 PM
Agent I am requesting a close, this thread has ended in my opinion. Thank you!

Johnny Wanker
01-03-2010, 07:01 PM
Please don't compare me to that moron.

Ironic, I feel the exact same way.

Darth Revan
01-03-2010, 08:10 PM
Agent I am requesting a close, this thread has ended in my opinion. Thank you!

I agree. It's derailed from it's original topic and is degenerating into what could become a full flame fest. The topic has been discussed and, imo, there is no more need for it. Please close.

01-03-2010, 08:12 PM
I concur. I'm not posting anything more in it, except to say please lock it before it derails further.

01-03-2010, 08:18 PM
At least before we close

Oh, how Christian. I'll raise you this:



Johnny Wanker
01-03-2010, 08:34 PM

01-03-2010, 09:36 PM
Because people are twats. This game challenges there already questionable sexuality and they hate every second of it. They need to grow a pair because it was great.

But we've already established that your opinion is wrong.

You guys have pictures of Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom as your avs...


Edit: I didn't even see this last page here before I posted. Hilarious.

01-03-2010, 10:57 PM
Yeah, it's time for this to end...