11-02-2007, 05:22 PM
In lossless FLAC format.

Get it here: Thread 46470

Catalog Number: VGCD-0120
Publisher: Five Records
Release Date: 2007/10/24
Composers: Basiscape: Hitoshi Sakimoto (崎元仁), Masaharu Iwata (岩田匡治),
Mitsuhiro Kaneda (金田充弘), Kimihiro Abe (阿部公弘), Manabu Namiki (並木学)

101 ODIN SPHERE's Theme
102 オープニングタイトル
103 屋根裏部屋書庫
104 チュートリアル
105 世界地図
106 死の国の戦闘
107 死の国の戦闘~第二曲
108 雪山の戦闘
109 雪山の戦闘~第二曲
110 魔王の国の戦闘
111 魔王の国の戦闘~第二曲
112 魔女の森の戦闘
113 魔女の森の戦闘~第二曲
114 妖精の国の戦闘
115 妖精の国の戦闘~第二曲
116 炎の国の戦闘
117 炎の国の戦闘~第二曲
118 争われる亡国の地
119 争われる亡国の地~第二曲
120 迷宮都市の戦闘
121 迷宮都市の戦闘~第二曲
122 試練
123 勝利

201 世界の果てに一人
202 ワルキューレの進軍
203 受け入れた恐怖
204 恐怖と勇気
205 勇者の凱旋
206 不思議なプーカの街
207 お食事処
208 悲しみに沈み
209 お勉強の時間
210 巻き返せ
211 苦戦そして希望
212 穏やかな調べ
213 暗黒の王子
214 反逆の予兆
215 穏やかに死に逝く
216 決起と侵略
217 闇に立ち向かう
218 運命の道
219 ODIN SPHERE's Theme -Shanachie ver.-
220 ODIN SPHERE's Theme -Orchestra ver.-
221 屋根裏部屋書庫 -Orchestra ver.-
222 ODIN SPHERE's Theme -Instrumental ver.-

11-03-2007, 03:17 AM

11-06-2007, 04:41 PM
Thanks! Love the lossless!

11-06-2007, 09:57 PM
A translation of the titles:

1. Odin Sphere's Theme
2. Opening Title
3. The Library in the Attic
4. Tutorial
5. World Map
6. Battle in the Country of Death
7. Battle in the Country of Death - Second
8. Battle in the Snowy Mountain
9. Battle in the Snowy Mountain - Second
10. Battle in the Land of the Devil
11. Battle in the Land of the Devil - Second
12. Battle in the Witch Forest
13. Battle in the Witch Forest - Second
14. Battle in the Fair Country
15. Battle in the Fair Country - Second
16. Battle in the Land of Fire
17. Battle in the Land of Fire - Second
18. Ground of Disputed Countries in Ruin
19. Ground of Disputed Countries in Ruin - Second
20. Battle in the Labyrinth City
21. Battle in the Labyrinth City - Second
22. Trial
23. Victory

Disc 2

1. One Person at World's End
2. Valkyrie March
3. Accepted Destiny
4. Fear and Courage
5. Triumphal Return of the Hero
6. Mysterious Town Puka
7. Restaurant
8. Falling Into Sorrow
9. Time For Study
10. Rewind
11. Hard Fight, and Hope
12. Quiet Investigation
13. Prince of Darkness
14. A Sign of Rebellion
15. Gentle Death
16. Rise to Action and Invasion
17. Facing the Darkness
18. Destiny's Way
19. Odin Sphere's Theme -Shanachie ver.-
20. Odin Sphere's Theme -Orchestra ver.-
21. The Library in the Attic (Orchestra ver)
22. Odin Sphere's Theme -Instrumental ver.-

11-06-2007, 10:00 PM
I prefer original Japanese titles since the English translation isn't official.

11-06-2007, 10:18 PM
Good for you.

11-09-2007, 05:50 AM
how can i convert the .flac files to mp3 files?

11-09-2007, 04:28 PM
how can i convert the .flac files to mp3 files?

anyone know?

11-09-2007, 04:55 PM
anyone know?

Yes, I know.

11-10-2007, 04:54 PM
Yes, I know.

Please share, if there's a program you use? I'd love to listen to this ost in good quality.

11-10-2007, 10:22 PM
Please share, if there's a program you use? I'd love to listen to this ost in good quality.

When I try to convert the part 1 of CD 1, the program only recognizes the first track as a valid .FLAC file. Are these files valid?

Red Arremer
11-10-2007, 10:50 PM
Thank you so much. =)

11-11-2007, 07:41 AM
how can i convert the .flac files to mp3 files?

please help?

11-11-2007, 07:43 PM
It appears that you have to change the file names to English for audio converters (I'm using Softe Audio Converter) to recognzie these as valid .flac files, and to be able to convert them to mp3 files. Oh, and track 3 on CD 2, "Accepted Destiny" is one of the more moving pieces I've heard in a very long time..

03-19-2008, 06:07 PM
The links are dead, is it possibile reupload?

03-26-2008, 03:06 PM

05-23-2008, 11:25 AM

07-03-2009, 07:27 PM
somehow i cant download it..

11-04-2012, 03:36 AM
Re-uuup pleeeeeeeeeeease