07-13-2007, 11:42 PM


J. Peterman
07-14-2007, 12:24 AM
DiRT for monkeys tastes better than for humans



07-14-2007, 12:35 AM
Umm, what? Is it normally a hot news item when a game for a more powerful system has better graphics? O_o

07-14-2007, 01:04 AM
TK some people like to argue that the 360 is just as powerful.

really, who cares?
a boring looking game has better graphics on one system than the other and has better sound that most people probably can't take advantage of ooOOooo

07-14-2007, 01:07 AM
MarvinStraight, you like PS3, we get it. You can stop telling us now.


DiRT for PS3 is more complete on the PS3

J. Peterman
07-14-2007, 01:15 AM
Chewey, I think he is trying to tell us he likes DiRT

07-14-2007, 01:38 AM
I'm trying to say I love lamp.

J. Peterman
07-14-2007, 01:52 AM
I'm sure lamp loves you too.

Valerie Valens
07-14-2007, 03:15 AM
Okay so ONE game runs better in an overly-complicated, inefficient, stupidly expensive, feature-stunted, bug ridden machine than on a machine that is superior in all but one ways.


What kind of point are you trying to make? That we have one item to strike off a list of PS3 problems long enough to circle the globe 7 times? Pfffft yeah!

Pimp Daddy McSnake
07-14-2007, 03:52 AM
Well, I'm just theorizing, but what if it became a continuing trend? Sony scored some free exclusivity with Unreal Tournament III, cause the developers couldn't get it to run on a XBox 360. For the time being, that is.

But on the other hand, the 4th installment of the Katamari series left the PS3 for the Xbox 360 & the Wii claiming programming for the PS3's a bitch. So it's all very confusing.

It wouldn't surprise me if the PS3 had some extra power under its hood. It would surprise me though if 3rd party developers knew how (or even want) to utilize it.

07-14-2007, 06:20 AM
If the 360 has better hardware and graphics than the PS3, then why did Sony's CEO say that everyone would say that they know that in reality, PS3 has the better hardware and will have better graphics when they have all the kinks out?

07-14-2007, 07:15 AM
If the 360 has better hardware and graphics than the PS3, then why did Sony's CEO say that everyone would say that they know that in reality, PS3 has the better hardware and will have better graphics when they have all the kinks out?

There you go ! you answered it yourself ^^

A CEO would say his product cures cancer if he thought people would believe it.

07-14-2007, 07:56 AM
Okay so ONE game runs better in an overly-complicated, inefficient, stupidly expensive, feature-stunted, bug ridden machine than on a machine that is superior in all but one ways.


What kind of point are you trying to make? That we have one item to strike off a list of PS3 problems long enough to circle the globe 7 times? Pfffft yeah!

Stupidly expensive? Not quite. It is quite cheap concidering all it can do. What you should say is that you don't care about all its feature. I wonder about that ineficient comment of yours. I really wonder where the PS3 is being ineficient.

At least the PS3 doesn't brick after a few weeks of usage. And tell me, what do you mean by bug ridden machine? So far, I didn't hear anything of the sort about the PS3. Seems like some haters comments if you ask me.

My guess is that you don't have one and you bitch about something you most likely don't know. You know... you just sound like the common Sony hater. The kind of comments that comes from someone who bitch about the PS3 because he can't afford one.

07-14-2007, 08:38 AM
It did have a few things wrong with it at first, but sometimes it happens. Now it just kicks ass!!!! And it's price is going back up from what I heard. ; )

07-14-2007, 10:54 AM
The thing about Katamari, when they showed it running on PS3, it tested poorly because it looked like shit - not because they couldn't get it to look better then the PS2, but because the development team who made the game wanted to keep the same "animation" style and look. Listen to the 6/22/07 1Up Yours podcast and you'll see that there is no point in even having it on the PS3 when the PS3 owners don't even want it. Us PS3 owners also don't care because we got a much better game coming called LittleBigPlanet which appears to be way more exciting and fun. Playing the new PS3 Katamari game would be no different then playing the first Katamari game on PS2. They've added nothing new to the game play, graphics or style. the only real noticeable difference is that now your Katamari will eventually pick up whole continents.

As for the PS3 bugs, unless you actually own a PS3 and are actively involved in the PS3 community, you'll know there are no common bugs or a "red ring of death". You're only assuming based on what has been stated countless times by many other PS3 haters. And until you actually own a PS3, then you know nothing about all the additional features and games (games you can't buy in any store) that have been added to the system through updates and the PlayStation store. Anybody here who actually owns a PS3 for as long as I have already know of how much the PS3 has evolved since launch. And anybody who is hating are really missing out on what has become of the system and the current and soon to come games like Resistance: Fall of Man, Motor Storm, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Metal Gear Solid 4, Home, Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction, Heavenly Sword, God of War 3, LittleBigPlanet, Wipeout, Killzone, Gran Turismo HD concept, Gran Turismo 5, Lair, Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, Time Crisis 4, Warhawk, the Agency, Hot Shots Golf 5, Super Stardust HD, flOw, Blast Factor, Calling All Cars!, etc... ALL EXCLUSIVE.

07-14-2007, 11:25 AM
Because I haven't heard any news about it since, I'm guessing that Square decided to keep FFXIII exclusive again?

07-14-2007, 04:46 PM
These threads really get disgusting after a while. It's all the same bullshit.

1. Unreasonable PS3 fanboy posts about something that's not really a big deal.
2. Unreasonable Sony hater pops up to say "PS3 sux. 360 is better."
3. Thread gradually descends into total idiocy.

07-14-2007, 06:36 PM
Prak, your sig needs more purple and some orange. The secondary colors are suffering.

Just sayin'

07-14-2007, 06:48 PM
Stupidly expensive? Not quite. It is quite cheap concidering all it can do.

if only it played games.

07-14-2007, 06:52 PM
Well, after all the time I spent on my neighbour's PS3, I can guaranty it does just that.

(There's so many unreasonable hater's comments here it hurts!)

07-14-2007, 06:53 PM
omg you edited. you ass.

07-14-2007, 06:57 PM
I love desk.

07-14-2007, 06:58 PM
do you really love lamp, brick, or are you just looking at lamp?

07-14-2007, 07:03 PM
I... I love... lamp...

07-14-2007, 07:05 PM

07-14-2007, 07:06 PM
pande bear, I often do. Most of the time my first post is written too fast and I don't think things through. I type on impulse.

So you're lucky you saw it when you did. :P

07-14-2007, 07:39 PM
Us PS3 owners also don't care

Wow you're obnoxious.
You are the voice of all PS3 owners?

And anybody who is hating are really missing out on what has become of the system and the current and soon to come games like Resistance: Fall of Man, Motor Storm, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Metal Gear Solid 4, Home, Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction, Heavenly Sword, God of War 3, LittleBigPlanet, Wipeout, Killzone, Gran Turismo HD concept, Gran Turismo 5, Lair, Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, Time Crisis 4, Warhawk, the Agency, Hot Shots Golf 5, Super Stardust HD, flOw, Blast Factor, Calling All Cars!, etc... ALL EXCLUSIVE.

Is that all the games of '06 and '07 or something?

07-14-2007, 07:56 PM
Wow you're obnoxious.
You are the voice of all PS3 owners?

Is that all the games of '06 and '07 or something?

Yet an other unsignificant comment by someone who doesn't know any better.

MarvinStraight at least said something constructive by naming the games that are exclusives. What did you bring on the table?


All the titles that he named are those who have already been announced so far. Someone with a brain could easily go to the conclusion that of course, there will be more games that will be announced for 2007 or 2008 release in the coming weeks or months.

The truth is, you didn't make any point in that last comment of yours.

Valerie Valens
07-15-2007, 03:05 AM
Stupidly expensive? Not quite. It is quite cheap concidering all it can do. What you should say is that you don't care about all its feature. I wonder about that ineficient comment of yours. I really wonder where the PS3 is being ineficient.

At least the PS3 doesn't brick after a few weeks of usage. And tell me, what do you mean by bug ridden machine? So far, I didn't hear anything of the sort about the PS3. Seems like some haters comments if you ask me.

My guess is that you don't have one and you bitch about something you most likely don't know. You know... you just sound like the common Sony hater. The kind of comments that comes from someone who bitch about the PS3 because he can't afford one.

Except for being able to play Blu-ray discs, the other consoles have the capability of doing most, if not all of what you claim the PS3 can do. Moreover, the overly complicated and unoptimized hardware architecture GREATLY limits the processing capabilities of the PS3. Then there's the thing which you can't do anything else on the PS3 while downloading. That may be a small problem, but what happens if you try to download large files?

I am not a big gamer, but I can tell if it's shit when I see it. Being able to afford a glorified Blu-Ray player has nothing to do with it. Thanks for the amazingly stupid assumption though, even *I* didn't know I was a blind Sony hater until you told me. I always thought I was a Sony supporter.

Anybody here who actually owns a PS3 for as long as I have already know of how much the PS3 has evolved since launch. And anybody who is hating are really missing out on what has become of the system and the current and soon to come games like Resistance: Fall of Man, Motor Storm, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Metal Gear Solid 4, Home, Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction, Heavenly Sword, God of War 3, LittleBigPlanet, Wipeout, Killzone, Gran Turismo HD concept, Gran Turismo 5, Lair, Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, Time Crisis 4, Warhawk, the Agency, Hot Shots Golf 5, Super Stardust HD, flOw, Blast Factor, Calling All Cars!, etc... ALL EXCLUSIVE.

The PS3 isn't alone in evolving. Now tell me, which of those games bring something new to the table of gameplay? Because if they're nothing more than graphical upgrades to predecessor games, then I'm pretty sure I'm not missing out on anything. You can keep your eye candy to yourselves.

07-15-2007, 07:24 AM
The PS3 isn't alone in evolving. Now tell me, which of those games bring something new to the table of gameplay? Because if they're nothing more than graphical upgrades to predecessor games, then I'm pretty sure I'm not missing out on anything. You can keep your eye candy to yourselves.

You could say the same thing for the 360.

The only console so far to offer something unique and new is the Wii. The other 2 consoles mostly offer graphical updades to already old games formulae.

Moreover, the overly complicated and unoptimized hardware architecture GREATLY limits the processing capabilities of the PS3.

That hasn't been proven yet. It IS complicated to program for, due to the fact that it is an uncommon architecture that the developers have to get used to. But in no way can we be sure yet that it is unoptimized.

07-15-2007, 07:48 AM
MarvinStraight at least said something constructive by naming the games that are exclusives. What did you bring on the table?

I'd just like to point out that that really isn't doing anything. I can name all the exclusives for the Wii or the 360 and it really wouldn't mean anything.

If you listed all the good and/or innovative games that were exclusives, I would imagine the Wii would come out ahead followed by 360 who is closely followed by PS3.
But you or MarvinStraight is going to contest that.


Because, duhrhhrhr, the bottom line is that people have planted their flags on the console(s) they think are good based on (gasp) the games. Not the hardware. A list of the games for a console doesn't bring anything to the table, especially when you don't bother to weed out the generic, boring looking ones.

Do you honestly think mentioning "Calling All Cars!" is going to make anyone want to buy a PS3? Or anyone to say "You know what, DiRT looking better on the PS3 really does matter and is important"? No.

J. Peterman
07-15-2007, 07:53 AM
Suikoden VI

whatever gets that is no. 1

07-15-2007, 08:27 AM
It's all about the PS1.

07-15-2007, 08:39 AM
Wattson: You do have a point there. I myself don't care much about the power of the consoles.

But listing the games for a console DOES bring something on the table. By listing such list, you most likely point out games that INTEREST you, or else you wouldn't bother listing games that you think are boring. At least, I wouldn't. So by listing these games, I think MarvinStraight was trying to tell you to look at the interesting games that are coming on the PS3. I myself think that list is interesting and I'm looking forward to some of these games.

I'm not really a supporter of any system, but I have to say that so far I have a preference for the Wii for its effort to bring something fresh to us gamers.
But if you talk about more conventional types of games, the PS3's line-up wins over the 360's for me. There are still quite a few games that I'm looking forward to on the 360 (Fable 2, Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, PGR4, Too Human) , but the PS3 just has more (Killzone 2, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Metal Gear Solid 4, Little Big Planet, Folklore, Gran Turismo 5, Heavenly Sword).

But you are right when you say that it is the games that sell a system, not its hardware (hardware in the graphical sense... not the controllers :P). And that is why the Wii wins for me (Metroid Prime 3, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Brother Brawl, Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicle, Crystal Chronicles:The Crystal Bearers, Trauma Center: New Blood, Dragon Quest Swords, Zack & Wiki, Soul Caliber Legend, Nights, and I'm curious about Wii Fit and Blocks).

What I think is a problem for us gamers right now is that we have to choose a system over another because most of us can't afford all 3. Yet they all end up getting interesting games on them. I will end up owning all the current-gen systems, but I might end-up buying the third one during the end of its life cycle. And during all this time, I'll see my friends play all those games I want to play, but have to wait until a price drop or cash boost to get to play them.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
07-15-2007, 06:11 PM
Why would someone not want to play Katamari Damacy :(

J. Peterman
07-15-2007, 07:40 PM


Pimp Daddy McSnake
07-15-2007, 07:47 PM
Why would someone not want to play Katamari Damacy :(

J. Peterman
07-15-2007, 07:57 PM



Valerie Valens
07-15-2007, 11:30 PM
You could say the same thing for the 360.

The only console so far to offer something unique and new is the Wii. The other 2 consoles mostly offer graphical updades to already old games formulae.


That hasn't been proven yet. It IS complicated to program for, due to the fact that it is an uncommon architecture that the developers have to get used to. But in no way can we be sure yet that it is unoptimized.

Being able to use only 2 sub processors out of the potential 8 per clock cycle is a massive performance bottleneck, no matter how you look at it.

Blue Dragon

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

07-15-2007, 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by Hynad
Blue Dragon
You've got to be fucking kidding me.

Did you play the game? no? Then shut it.

07-16-2007, 10:11 PM
I only have a PS1, but I'm saving to get the awesome PS3.

07-16-2007, 11:34 PM
I only have a PS1, but I'm saving to get the awesome PS3.


07-17-2007, 12:51 AM
At the risk of shitting up this thread, I just want to roffle over Sony's price cuts being nothing but smoke and mirrors.

"Yeah, we're dropping the prices of the PSP and PS3, but we'll soon be discontinuing those models completely and the price of the new models will be exactly what we've been charging."

J. Peterman
07-17-2007, 01:17 AM

b/c they are trying to get out of the video game market

Valerie Valens
07-17-2007, 02:36 AM
Did you play the game? no? Then shut it.

Actually I did, and it was shit.

07-17-2007, 02:40 AM
So...I'll join in with the rest of the Sony Fanboys in saying the PS3 is the friggin best, but all my knowledge is based off this thread and what I have read and researched since the first word of the machine's creation to current, so my imput is not worth much.

In any case, I have yet to demo the PS3 in its full capacity unlike the 360, where I have played Lost Planet, Gears of War, Need For Speed Carbon, Halo 2, and a few others. During my playtime of the 360, I found that the system has fast loading times, smooth graphics, and all around good gameplay, but again, I have yet to play anything except that crappy motorcycle game on the PS3.

As for the hardware, Microsoft knew what they were doing when they released their next-gen. The boys here in the states knew that the PS3 was going to be delayed no matter what Sony's CEO said. Sony is using a Linux-based system with an experimental HD-DVD (Blu-Ray) driver. No one, and I mean no one uses Linux programming to create their games except Sony at this point in time. Sony had to force all their C++ programmers to learn Linux in order to keep their jobs. Along with the Blue Diode problems, Sony was forced (and expected) to delay their console. Microsoft threatened Sony with the release of Halo 3 on the PS3 release date, but everyone and their grandmother knew that wasn't going to happen either.

The reason the PS3 is so expensive is because of the all-in-one package as all of you already know. Yes, Microsoft offers all of the same stuff as Sony, but you have to buy everything seprate, which will either add up to or be more expensive than the entirety of the PS3. Unlike its counterpart, the PS3 fixed a few early glitches and is now totally backwards compatible. The 360 only offers a certain amount of their titles to become platinum hits for the re-release on the 360. But in the long run, it really doesn't matter since Microsoft has their fair share of exclusives as well as the one of the most successful first-person shooter since the days of Goldeneye and the N64. To get back on topic, Sony also allows free online gameplay unlike the 360's Live Subscription, but the only reason that Playstation Online is free is because they are hosted by an outside server (IGN or Gamespy...something to that effect) which makes the games either lag or just plain suck. Microsoft has their own dedicated servers, ensuring smooth, and quick online play for all 360 users with the correct Broadband, DSL connection.

As much as I love Sony and all of their products, I think, in order to effectively control the Game Market, they should have broken apart the PS3 like the 360, and had add-ons and other peripherals for sale seprately.

Then again, there is a 2011 market prediction that has Sony controlling over 40% of the market...but that's just a prediction based on current statistics and assuming that market increases/decreases and sales increases/decreases stay at a constant.

In the end, I'll always choose Sony over Microsoft when dealing with Game Consoles, but in the PC World, its Windows 100% (no matter what happens).


J. Peterman
07-17-2007, 08:23 AM
All I'm saying is that on my CRT TV, I don't know if the PS3 will look much better than my Wii.

And I never heard of this DiRT game. So, I wouldn't care if it looked better if I'm never going to play it.

And I don't think the sport games will look better because I think they are making them for the 360 and then just porting them over, so they're not going to fully utilize the PS3 ever.

Though I will probably get the PS3 eventually just because I think Suikoden VI is going to be released for it. If I learn otherwise, I'll probably get nothing and stay with a Wii because I'm positive Suikoden won't go to the 360.

All I'm saying.

Suikoden is the best.

07-18-2007, 12:58 AM
At the risk of shitting up this thread, I just want to roffle over Sony's price cuts being nothing but smoke and mirrors.

"Yeah, we're dropping the prices of the PSP and PS3, but we'll soon be discontinuing those models completely and the price of the new models will be exactly what we've been charging."

Meanwhile in Europe, the SCEE president David Reeves feels that a 60 to 80 GB increase isn't worth it for the European market. He feels that an 120 GB model should be considered for said market instead of putting out the 80 GB one. (

Who wants to bet that Sony will try to introduce this model stateside sometime in '08 and the cycle we're seeing now will repeat itself? Anyone?

07-18-2007, 03:53 AM
Actually I did, and it was shit.

I second that.

07-20-2007, 04:50 AM
Joan Michelle: Yeah, you did? Then tell me, how does the game start, and what is the battle system like, what is it that you dont like in it.

Go ahead. I didn't play it, but a friend of mine has the import so I can easily verify.

Valerie Valens
07-20-2007, 07:30 AM
That could very well be a loaded question, I answer you and you will accuse me of looking up some gaming site. So I am not going to answer that because I know this is what you plan to reply with if I answered your question in earnest.

What I can tell you that I do know about this game is that the gameplay is bland and generic.

07-20-2007, 07:55 AM
Joan Michelle: Yeah, you did? Then tell me, how does the game start, and what is the battle system like, what is it that you dont like in it.

Well, the reception of the game's demo that was released over XBL has been mixed at best.

07-20-2007, 03:08 PM
Hynad, why are you being so mean?

I understand you are big on the Sony stuff and I'll side with you on it, but don't jump on people when they are expressing your opinion. If you want your opinion to be heard and rationally thought through, you should let other people express their opinions as well.

Here, check this news post I got in e-mail, this will add to your arsenal. As a token of good will.

07-21-2007, 10:41 PM
Hynad, why are you being so mean?

I understand you are big on the Sony stuff and I'll side with you on it, but don't jump on people when they are expressing your opinion. If you want your opinion to be heard and rationally thought through, you should let other people express their opinions as well.

Here, check this news post I got in e-mail, this will add to your arsenal. As a token of good will.

No, I'm not particularly big on the Sony stuff. I just think some people are bashing Sony for stupid ignorant reasons. If you say the PS3 is weaker, badly customized etc, when compared to the 360, at least back your claims.

So far, we know they have only been able to use 2 of the SPEs simultaneously at one given time in a game, but I also read in an interview that S-E developed an engine with which they were able to use all 7 SPEs (I'm not sure if its the white engine or an other, it wasn't mentioned in the interview.

So unless there is anything official mentioned about the power of each systems, I call bullshit any attempt to make one of them (PS3 or 360) the better system in that regard.

JoanMichelle: Don't try to reply at my place. You didn't provide any evidence that you don't base your opinion of BD on the many reviews you've read. But no matter that, just because you think a game looks bad or whatever doesn't mean everyone around you have to do so.

So to answer you question from a couple posts ago: No, I am not kidding you.

07-22-2007, 12:05 AM
No, I'm not particularly big on the Sony stuff. I just think some people are bashing Sony for stupid ignorant reasons. If you say the PS3 is weaker, badly customized etc, when compared to the 360, at least back your claims.

So far, we know they have only been able to use 2 of the SPEs simultaneously at one given time in a game, but I also read in an interview that S-E developed an engine with which they were able to use all 7 SPEs (I'm not sure if its the white engine or an other, it wasn't mentioned in the interview.

So unless there is anything official mentioned about the power of each systems, I call bullshit any attempt to make one of them (PS3 or 360) the better system in that regard.

Both consoles are powerhouses in their own and most of the same respects. I'd never think bout bashing the PS3 cause I want one really bad. Halo 3 can go drop off the map for all I care. I just want my PS3 and a couple of the newer Gundam games (crossfire sux, I know, still want it anyway). Until something new is discovered, consoles chosen are a preference.
If ppl wanna bash the PS3, let 'em. Let em go buy their 360's, watch em break down, and send them in to go get it all fixed up.

Plus, in a few years, something better is gonna come out and everyone is gonna forget discussions like these because they will be arguing the same argument except with name changes.

07-22-2007, 04:28 AM
Sorry for only a handful of titles. Here ya go. Complements of DoucheVader.

125+ Exclusive Games / Titles for PlayStation 3 [Update Jul 17] E3'07 Update

This list represents the US / North American marketplace. There are many titles that are going Japan / Asia only that are exclusives (tons of RPGs, Anime Inspired Games, Japanese Pinball Simulators, etc.) that will only be available as imports to the US. European markets have some exclusive sports games that dovetail with their cultures.

From what I have gathered via various sources on the internet these will appear on PS3. They may appear on other Sony consoles and / or PCs, but NOT on non-Sony consoles. I did research a good portion of them to be sure they are not canceled. Some may not make it to the states and some may not be made. This list illustrates that Sony has an impressive arsenal of games and titles. It is comprehensive but not flawless. Feel free to reply with corrections. Please provide links if you do so.

UPDATED: July 17 - E3 2007 UPDATE

Unreleased Games - 116 Titles

Afrika - LINK (
Airtight PS3 Project [Untitled] - LINK (
Angel Rings [Working Title] - LINK (
Aqua Vita - LINK (
Bacterius - LINK (
Big Time Revenge - LINK (
BioWare Project - LINK (
Blast Factor: Advanced Research - LINK ( * * NEW * *
Brave Arms - LINK (
Buu Buu Cocoreccho by Loco Roco - LINK ( LINK ( * * NEW * *
Castlevania PS3 - LINK (
Chain Limit - LINK (
Coded Arms Assault - LINK (
Crytek Project - Crysis [Rumored] - LINK ( LINK (
Danger Planet - LINK (
DC Universe MMO - LINK (
Disgaea 3 - LINK ( * * NEW * *
Dragon Age - EGM 5/2007 - Page 42
Dragon Ball Z [Untitled]
Dreamers - LINK (
Driver PS3 - Driver 5 [Unofficial Title] - LINK (
Dynasty Warriors 6 - LINK ( * * NEW * *
Echochrome - LINK ( * * NEW * *
Eight Days - LINK (
Elefunk - LINK ( * * NEW * *
Ember - LINK (
Everyday Shooter - LINK ( * * NEW * *
Eye Create - LINK (
EyeDentify - LINK (
Factor 5 Project #2 [Untitled] - LINK (
Fantasy Lab Project [Untitled] - LINK (
FIA World Touring Car Championship - LINK (
Fifth Phantom Saga - LINK (
Final Fantasy Versus XIII - LINK (
Final Fantasy XIII - LINK (
Folklore - LINK (
Free Realms - LINK ( * * NEW * *
Fumito Ueda [Rumored Project 1] - LINK ( LINK (
Fumito Ueda SOTC / ICO [Rumored Project 2] - LINK ( LINK (
Fury - LINK (
Game Arts Project - LINK (
God of War III - LINK (
Go! Sports Ski - LINK ( * * NEW * *
Grand Turismo 5 - LINK (
Grand Turismo 5 Prologue - LINK ( * * NEW * *
Gretzky NHL [Working Title] - LINK (
Haze (Timed Until 2008) - LINK ( * * NEW * *
Heavenly Sword - LINK ( Hero - LINK (
High Velocity Bowling - LINK (
High Stakes on the Vegas Strip: Poker Edition - LINK ( * * NEW * *
Hot Shots Golf [Working TItle] - LINK (
Housemarque Project - LINK (
Infamous - LINK (
Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier [Rumored] - LINK (
Killzone 2 - LINK ( * * NEW * *
Kingdom Hearts 3 [Rumored] - LINK (
Kurayami AKA Darkness - LINK (
Lair - LINK (
L.A. Noire - LINK (
LittleBigPlanet - LINK (
Metal Gear Solid Online - LINK ( * * NEW * *
Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots - LINK ( 20the%20Patriots)
Metro 2033: The Last Refuge - LINK (
Monster Hunter 3 - LINK (
Monster Madness - LINK (
MotorStorm 2 - LINK (
Namco PS3 RPG - LINK (
Namco PS3 Shooter - LINK (
Namco PS3 Sports Project - LINK (
NBA '08 - LINK ( * * NEW * *
NCSoft PS3 Project 1 - LINK ( * * NEW * *
NCSoft PS3 Project 2 - LINK ( * * NEW * *
NiOh - LINK (
Nobi Nobi Boy - LINK ( * * NEW * *
Pain - LINK (
PixelJunk Racers - LINK ( LINK (
Project Psychic [Working Title] - LINK (
Pterodon FPS Project [Untitled] - LINK (
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction [Working Title] - LINK (
Redwood Falls - LINK (
Rengoku The End of the Century - LINK ( ury)
Resistance 2 [Rumored, But Likely] - EGM 2/2007 - Page 77
Returning Alive [Working Title] - LINK (
Rockstar Old West PS3 Project [Untitled] - LINK (
Romance of the Three Kingdoms PS3 - LINK (
Sam Suede: Undercover Exposure - LINK (
Second - LINK (
Secret Service - LINK (
Shin Megami Tensei - LINK (
Singstar [Working Title] - LINK (
Skyblue - LINK (
Snakeball - LINK (
SOCOM: Confrontation - LINK (
Starbreeze Next-Gen Project [Untitled] - LINK (
Team Siren Project [Untitled] - LINK (
Tecmo Action-Adventure [Untitled] - LINK ( LINK (
Tekken 6 - LINK (
thatgamecompany Project #2 [Untitled] - LINK (
thatgamecompany Project #3 [Untitled] - LINK (
The Agency - LINK ( * * NEW * *
The Eye of Judgment [Working Title] - LINK (
The Getaway [Working Title] - LINK (
Time Crisis 4 - LINK (;title;0) * * NEW * *
Toy Home - LINK ( * * NEW * *
Twelve Interactive Sci-Fi action game [Untitled]
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune - LINK (
Unknown Realms - LINK (
Unreal Tournament 3 (Timed Until 2008) - LINK ( * * NEW * *
WarDevil Enigma - LINK (
Warhawk - LINK (
Way of the Samurai 3 - LINK (
White Knight Story - LINK (
Wipeout HD - LINK (
Zipper Interactive PS3 Project [untitled] - LINK ( LINK (
Zone of the Enders 3 - LINK ()

Released Games - 27 Titles
Blast Factor
Calling All Cars!
Cash Guns Chaos DLX
Formula One Championship Edition
Full Auto 2: Battlelines
Genji: Days of the Blade
Go! Sudoku
Go! Puzzle
Gran Turismo HD
MLB 07: The Show
Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire
NBA '07
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Resistance Fall Of Man
Ridge Racer 7
Spider-Man 3: Collector's Edition
Super Rub-A-Dub
Super Stardust HD
Tekken: Dark Resurrection
The Godfather: The Don's Edition
Untold Legends Dark Kingdom
Virtua Fighter 5 (Timed Until August)

Franchises Worth Noting - 32 Titles *
Arc the Lad
ATV Offroad Fury
Battle Arena Toshinden
Champions of Norrath
Cool Boarders
Cosmic Rift
Dark Cloud
Gods and Heroes: Rome Rising
Intelligent Qube
Kingdom of Paradise
PaRappa the Rapper
Pursuit Force
Starwars Galaxies
Syphon Filter
The Legend of Dragoon
The Mark of Kri / Rise of the Kasai
The Matrix Online
Twisted Metal
Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
War of the Monsters
Wild ARMs
World Rally Championship
Zero Pilot

*All of these titles are either under the Sony Umbrella (including SOE) or have typically shown up on the PlayStation platform in an exclusive manner. At this time I cannot find any information about development for PS3 for these titles.

J. Peterman
07-22-2007, 04:42 AM


Valerie Valens
07-22-2007, 11:38 AM
JoanMichelle: Don't try to reply at my place. You didn't provide any evidence that you don't base your opinion of BD on the many reviews you've read. But no matter that, just because you think a game looks bad or whatever doesn't mean everyone around you have to do so.

BAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! LET ME HAEV MAI PUR TASTE IN GAMEZ IN PEECE!11 Also, I care not about the graphics. The game could be in VR-Level graphics and I would still think it sucks.

I think people who are supporting the PS3, touting it as the best are without exception. Purposely leaving out certain details to carry out their agenda. A console should not have extra work done on them (Like engine development) to have most of their performing potential realized. I mean, haven't you learned anything from the flop that was the Sega Saturn? It was a fun console, yes, but the price isn't justifyable enough when you compare it to the competition then, which had a bigger library of critically-acclaimed games and easier to program for. (I'm pretty sure the Net Yarose users can attest to that) Trying to program and synchronise the 3 CPUs of the Sega Saturn is a pain in the ass enough, imagine how much of a pain in the ass it would be to try to get all of the PS3's SPE to work synchronously.

This beats EVERYTHING the PS3 has to offer, and then some. ( :P

Now there's NO excuse not to get a Wii. If you still don't desire it by now, you have a bad taste in games. =P

07-22-2007, 07:09 PM
Now there's NO excuse not to get a Wii. If you still don't desire it by now, you have a bad taste in games. =P

I don't have an excuse not to get a Wii. I just don't plan on getting one until Metroid Prime 3. Then I'll also be picking up Zelda, Super Paper Mario and SSBB. Right now I'm overwhelmed with the amount of games I'm playing when I really don't have time to play them. This is part of the reason why I still haven't finished FFXII. I just wish they came out with a Wii in black to match me decor. :-\

07-22-2007, 08:17 PM
BAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! LET ME HAEV MAI PUR TASTE IN GAMEZ IN PEECE!11 Also, I care not about the graphics. The game could be in VR-Level graphics and I would still think it sucks.

I think people who are supporting the PS3, touting it as the best are without exception. Purposely leaving out certain details to carry out their agenda. A console should not have extra work done on them (Like engine development) to have most of their performing potential realized. I mean, haven't you learned anything from the flop that was the Sega Saturn? It was a fun console, yes, but the price isn't justifyable enough when you compare it to the competition then, which had a bigger library of critically-acclaimed games and easier to program for. (I'm pretty sure the Net Yarose users can attest to that) Trying to program and synchronise the 3 CPUs of the Sega Saturn is a pain in the ass enough, imagine how much of a pain in the ass it would be to try to get all of the PS3's SPE to work synchronously.

This beats EVERYTHING the PS3 has to offer, and then some. ( :P

Now there's NO excuse not to get a Wii. If you still don't desire it by now, you have a bad taste in games. =P

Of course not. Capcom should never have developed their great engine to make Resident Evil 4 what it was on the Cube... [sarcasm]

And it's funny how you point at the Saturn when most systems today are built around a similar architecture.

You talk about the PS3 as if it was the devil or something. Yet you provide nothing relevent to the table. Your claims about the engines and the SPEs are totally baseless, and that's why I mentioned that only time will tell if the developers can adapt to this new architecture. So far, what we see is the developers familiarising with it. In some years, we'll most likely see them master it.

I never said it was the best or anything of the sort. But I do believe the PS3 will end up showing more punch than the 360. That's just a hunch, and until I have a proof of it, I won't call it the better system or the weaker.

At least you are right about ONE thing (even if your reason for it was a really closed minded one). Everyone should own a Wii.
(MarvinStraight: and that's a good reason for the wait)


BTW, your comment about my pure gaming taste was childish at best.

Grow up a bit.

J. Peterman
07-22-2007, 08:18 PM


The Joker
07-23-2007, 05:31 AM
TK some people like to argue that the 360 is just as powerful.

really, who cares?
a boring looking game has better graphics on one system than the other and has better sound that most people probably can't take advantage of ooOOooo

It's not, but fanboys will argue it anyways. Right now I'm having more fun with my wii. I'm playing Zelda finally. I don't neccessarily think graphics are everything. I am probably going to play that upcoming Star Wars game on my wii rather than my PS3 because the controls on the wii just seem more fit for controlling a light saber.

J. Peterman
07-23-2007, 05:34 AM

07-23-2007, 06:30 AM

Would if I could, but I can't so I'll save my friggen money till I can (if the foundation doesn't get in the way.)

07-23-2007, 08:10 AM
Right now I'm saving my money for a 42" widescreen LCD HD 1080p TV so that I can enjoy my Blu-ray movies and PS3 games (Oh, Gran Turismo HD is going to look so pretty!) with a stunning picture. And now that the PS3 can also upscales all DVDs, PS and PS2 games with smoothing and color features, I can jump for joy!

07-23-2007, 08:13 AM
PS3 will win in the long run, guys. It's in the cards. Cleo told me so. CALL ME NOW

J. Peterman
07-23-2007, 08:14 AM

07-23-2007, 08:21 AM
PS3 will win in the long run, guys. It's in the cards. Cleo told me so. CALL ME NOW

How I miss those soothing infomercials.

07-23-2007, 08:41 AM

07-23-2007, 07:39 PM
Lol. Man, she scammed so many people. I'm still getting a PS3 though cuz it's power level is over 9000.

07-27-2007, 05:45 AM
Honestly, I don't really give a crap. I'm already happy with my Sega Genesis, Super Famicom, Sega Saturn, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, and DS.

As for my opinion, the Wii had so much promise but is screwing up with games that aren't any fun to play with the remote. (Yes, I know about Nights and Super Mario Galaxy. I'm not saying that it will have NO good games.)
As for the 360, Microsoft swears up and down that this time it will actually have more than Halo and a million other FPSes. Yet, I look at the library and all the games that will come out and I have yet to see ONE game that makes me want to play it. In fact, there are no real attempts at innovation, just rehashes of "sure-fire sellers".
The PS3 seems like it will pick up and become a real contender. Last I heard, Sony is removing the backwards compatibility (which don't matter cuz I keep my systems till the end.) for the PS2 and is projecting the price to be about $400. Considering how much money Microsoft has lost already on the 360 (over $1 billion), they might be hesitant to cut the 360 price to widen the gap again. While it still is a $100 difference, people will probably give the PS3 the second glance Sony needs.

All I have to say this will be the first console war in a while where Sega doesn't get screwed in the end.

07-27-2007, 06:03 AM
Oh yeah, for those of you who thought the Saturn was a flop, look at the Japanese sales charts for Saturn. It did rather well. The Saturn really failed in America because Sega held back so many great games from the US. Hell, both Babbages and EB started selling Japanese Saturn games because those were what everyone really wanted.

While it was difficult, people were able to take advantage of the Saturn's extra power. Especially with the 4 meg ram cart. So in short, it wasn't really that it was hard to program for, it was just that the library in America was so bad.

I am saying that the situation Sony is in is the same one that Sega was in with the Saturn. And as long as Sony copies Sega of Japan and not Sega of America, the PS3 will do great in the end.

07-28-2007, 09:39 AM
I am saying that the situation Sony is in is the same one that Sega was in with the Saturn. And as long as Sony copies Sega of Japan and not Sega of America, the PS3 will do great in the end.
Sorry, but that logic fails in every aspects. First of all, Sega released every single popular Dreamcast games that were out in japan to America. Even though, the hardware had great library of softwares, it still crashed and burn. Why? Simply, bad management.

My point? There are every possibilities for gaming corporation to either fail or success.

08-01-2007, 02:00 PM
Anyone who owns a PS3 won't be disappointed.

The same can be said for those who owned an N64 back in the day when the Playstation dominated it. I really doubt that a Microsoft machine will ever have the same dominance that Sony once had, but good luck to them. They'll never properly cater to the platforming gamers and so they'll never appeal to me.

Pimp Daddy McSnake
08-01-2007, 02:06 PM
PS3 will win in the long run, guys. It's in the cards. Cleo told me so. CALL ME NOW

haha, that was win. :D

Valerie Valens
08-01-2007, 03:14 PM
Of course not. Capcom should never have developed their great engine to make Resident Evil 4 what it was on the Cube... [sarcasm]

What is the relevance of this?

And it's funny how you point at the Saturn when most systems today are built around a similar architecture.

Funny how you seem to miss the point. I'm talking about the relative needless complexity of the hardware architecture at that time. Just as the Saturn was stupidly complicated for it's time and hard to program for compared to the other consoles. The same story could be applied to the PS3 because it is also needlessly complex and just as much a pain in the ass to program for compared to the other system.

You talk about the PS3 as if it was the devil or something. Yet you provide nothing relevent to the table. Your claims about the engines and the SPEs are totally baseless, and that's why I mentioned that only time will tell if the developers can adapt to this new architecture. So far, what we see is the developers familiarising with it. In some years, we'll most likely see them master it.

No, I am saying that the PS3 is a waste of effort. It advertises so much, yet delivers so little. If you think the claim is baseless, then explain your point as to why it is so. Also, who's to say that the other consoles of that generation wouldn't be optimized in the same manner and magnitude?

I never said it was the best or anything of the sort. But I do believe the PS3 will end up showing more punch than the 360. That's just a hunch, and until I have a proof of it, I won't call it the better system or the weaker.

Then I suggest that you refrain from arguing the point until the time comes.

BTW, your comment about my pure gaming taste was childish at best.

Grow up a bit.

So is you aggresively defending a game that is mediocre at best, oh wait, that is even more childish because if you like it, you shouldn't be caring about the words of naysayers, right? :smrt:

08-01-2007, 03:58 PM
i want to see some comparison images

08-02-2007, 05:29 AM
The Dreamcast didn't really phase out. While Sega discontinued support for the DC a good 4 years after it came out, Sega didn't discontinue the Naomi board and continued to make GD-ROMS for Naomi arcade games, which in turn were released on Dreamcast. While the mainstream lifespan of the DC was 3 years, and Sega officially discontinued it after 4 years, Sega didn't discontinue the GD-ROM until this year. I would say the DC didn't do too bad.

By the way, it wasn't poor management that sunk the DC. It was the marketing Sony was doing for the PS2. The DC was already out for about 2 years when Sony "leaked" information about the PS2 and how it would play DVDs and how it was backwards compatible and how all the buttons were pressure sensitive and how a hand will come out and pleasure you while you play. (Not exactly a hand, but remember the Rez vibrator?) The sudden desirability of the PS2 overshadowed the Dreamcast in the market. Considering Sega dropped the DC to $99 only two months after the Christmas frenzy that made PS2 an overnight success, I would say that my logic is in very good order.

It is possible for a system to burn out yet come out a total success later on. Look at the Neo Geo. SNK went bankrupt in 95 yet come 2003 people were still buying Neo Geos, both for at home collection and for the arcades.

08-02-2007, 06:56 AM
Original NES and Kid Icarus is all win.

nuff said.

Valerie Valens
08-02-2007, 04:28 PM
The Dreamcast didn't really phase out. While Sega discontinued support for the DC a good 4 years after it came out, Sega didn't discontinue the Naomi board and continued to make GD-ROMS for Naomi arcade games, which in turn were released on Dreamcast. While the mainstream lifespan of the DC was 3 years, and Sega officially discontinued it after 4 years, Sega didn't discontinue the GD-ROM until this year. I would say the DC didn't do too bad.

By the way, it wasn't poor management that sunk the DC. It was the marketing Sony was doing for the PS2. The DC was already out for about 2 years when Sony "leaked" information about the PS2 and how it would play DVDs and how it was backwards compatible and how all the buttons were pressure sensitive and how a hand will come out and pleasure you while you play. (Not exactly a hand, but remember the Rez vibrator?) The sudden desirability of the PS2 overshadowed the Dreamcast in the market. Considering Sega dropped the DC to $99 only two months after the Christmas frenzy that made PS2 an overnight success, I would say that my logic is in very good order.

It is possible for a system to burn out yet come out a total success later on. Look at the Neo Geo. SNK went bankrupt in 95 yet come 2003 people were still buying Neo Geos, both for at home collection and for the arcades.

That and GD-ROMs are much more easily damaged than CDs, copy protection was sketchy at best as well so everyone and their mother bought pirated CD-Rs of DC games.

08-03-2007, 10:46 AM
Joan-Michelle, you're undoubtedly a stupid cunt, an annoying one at best.

No, I am saying that the PS3 is a waste of effort. It advertises so much, yet delivers so little. If you think the claim is baseless, then explain your point as to why it is so.

No, YOU tell me why you think it is a waste of effort. What does it advertise so much yet fail to deliver?

You shoot shit at the PS3, yet you can't seem to come up with an argument of your own and explain why the PS3 is such a poor system.

Arguing with you is like arguing with a typical mindless hater.

What is the relevance of this?
Then I suggest that you refrain from arguing the point until the time comes.

You should do the same. You wouldn't look like someone who have no idea what he's talking about.

Valerie Valens
08-05-2007, 12:48 AM
If you want, I can dig out an article. I am too lazy to look for it, which is why you haven't seen it yet. :)

PS :

08-05-2007, 04:27 AM
lol, your PS message seems to be more directed at yourself then at me. So I won't take offense at it. It is actually ironic that you would use that towards me.

I guess I can't hope for any better coming from someone like you.

So is you aggresively defending a game that is mediocre at best, oh wait, that is even more childish because if you like it, you shouldn't be caring about the words of naysayers, right? :smrt:

If only that line back then had anything to do with what I was actually commenting on.

And you actually question MY logic?


Help your case and get off the internet at once.

Valerie Valens
08-05-2007, 08:39 AM
Well if that is what you think, then the more power to you. However, you're not doing a very good job at arguing your case and because of that I have determined that you are a hopeless case.

I will tell you this though, you have too much fanboy pride. I play the devil's advocate against fanboys regardless of whether it's Sony, Nintendo ( lol hi Smokey ), Microsoft, Sega or whatever else that comes to mind.

Maybe if I spelled it out to you, just maybe you would snap out of it and realize how much wank you've been tugging out of Sony's dick. However, that's quite unlikely, so guess what? You deserve to be left in the dark.

So run along and worship your precious PS3 and Blue Dragon, I honestly don't care. Just fuck off with your fanboy wank, 'aight?

08-05-2007, 08:37 PM
Here you go proving you're a hopeless moron.

I clearly stated that I don't say any console is better than an other. You shoot the fanboy shit in a clear attempt to belittle me for your lack of any better argument. I clearly pointed out the strenght of all the system thought out the many console "war" threads here. If you have read them or not is not my problem.

What is wrong with you is that you call me a fanboy because I defend Sony when you try to sink them without knowing what you are talking about. What I clearly said some time ago, and which you even quoted, was that there is nothing yet that can confirm which system has the best potential between the 360 and the PS3. And after that, you dare call me a fanboy?

What kind of douche are you? You act like a typical hater, as I said before, and any subsequent comment you post only further proves it.

So go ahead, try to pretend like you're the one with the balanced view. In all actuality, you're the only one here talking shit about a system.

If I was such a fanboy, I would be bashing the 360. And that, I do not.

So here again, and as always, you fail miserably.

Valerie Valens
08-06-2007, 01:50 AM
Cry some moar. =]

I'm not the one getting worked up by any of this. lol so now it's a "how dare u call me a fanboy" instead of a "how dare you dis my favourite PS3 and Blue Dragon"

Nice backpedalling. ;)

Now, do you want to start making salient points or do you prefer to shit this thread up even further?

08-06-2007, 02:40 PM
Now, do you want to start making salient points or do you prefer to shit this thread up even further?

You're the first one that came here to shit it up. Shitting on a system with nothing to back your claim.

Try to act big as much as you want. The truth is, you're a waste of internet bandwidth. Nothing that comes from your stupid keyboard will move this thread further. And you've proved that much by dismissing my questions so far. Nothing you've posted here make any valid point as to why the PS3 is un-customized and a waste of effort. You've been taking this stance during the "debate" yet you didn't come up with anything to back it up.

Your bullshit is getting old and unless you can come up with more valid points about your position (you know, something that is better than calling me a fanboy, which I am not, obviously) then you don't deserve that I read anything from you here. Your failing in this debate keeps on repeating itself with each post you make so I suggest you stop right here and stop looking like the stupid moron you are, unless you can come up with a valid point.

I've been very clear as to my stance. I'm on the wait and see camp, and it is clear now that it is a much wiser approach than yours.

lol so now it's a "how dare u call me a fanboy" instead of a "how dare you dis my favourite PS3 and Blue Dragon"

That line there is proof enough that you have lost any potential resources you might have as a debater.

Keep on filling this board with your ignorance if you wish.

08-06-2007, 02:47 PM
Just so you both know, from a neutral perspective, neither of you is getting anywhere. You're both shitting up the thread and saying nothing of value to anyone.

Valerie Valens
08-10-2007, 06:40 PM
You're the first one that came here to shit it up. Shitting on a system with nothing to back your claim.

Try to act big as much as you want. The truth is, you're a waste of internet bandwidth. Nothing that comes from your stupid keyboard will move this thread further. And you've proved that much by dismissing my questions so far. Nothing you've posted here make any valid point as to why the PS3 is un-customized and a waste of effort. You've been taking this stance during the "debate" yet you didn't come up with anything to back it up.

Your bullshit is getting old and unless you can come up with more valid points about your position (you know, something that is better than calling me a fanboy, which I am not, obviously) then you don't deserve that I read anything from you here. Your failing in this debate keeps on repeating itself with each post you make so I suggest you stop right here and stop looking like the stupid moron you are, unless you can come up with a valid point.

I've been very clear as to my stance. I'm on the wait and see camp, and it is clear now that it is a much wiser approach than yours.

That line there is proof enough that you have lost any potential resources you might have as a debater.

Keep on filling this board with your ignorance if you wish.

You know, there's something to be said about actions speaking louder than words. You may say that you're on the neutral stance, but the way you behaved and reacted right here in this thread betrayed your position.

I did give you a chance to cool down and deliver a salient point, because I am interested to see the justification of your baseless assertions. I'm pretty sure that I'll deliver my points as soon as you do yours. However, it does seem that you're more keen on acting like a right little ball of anger. So there goes that out of the window.

That being said, you really should take a leaf out of Marvin's book and invest less concern over topics like this that pop up from time to time. Yes, it's that bad when I had to cite the FFS token PS3 fanboy as an example of how you should behave. =)

08-11-2007, 08:39 PM

I've said nothing that could make you think that I'm not neutral.

The people who know me here know that I'm not a fanboy of any system. You think you know my position, but no. You just can't seem to take the fact that an impartial guy like me would ask of you to come up with better arguments than "its sucks", "its uncustomized", or "it's a waste of effort". These are nice opinions, but you offered nothing to back them up. As far as my stance goes, I don't think I need to offer anything more since I'm on the wait and see camp. If you would have read, you would have undertood this and wouldn't have considered relying on the petty "fanboy" argument you threw at me as if calling me that would make you feel like you're worth any better.

As far as we know, the 360 has an edge when it comes to the GPU and the PS3 has it on the CPU side.

How both architectures work complicates the comparison, makes it almost impossible, actually. And since we're still too early in the lifespan of both systems, and since we haven't seen much exclusive contents made by AAA devs on the PS3, I'm holding my judgment (as I told your blockhead countless times already).

01-31-2008, 10:08 AM
Joan-Michelle, you're undoubtedly a stupid cunt, an annoying one at best.

No, YOU tell me why you think it is a waste of effort. What does it advertise so much yet fail to deliver?

You shoot shit at the PS3, yet you can't seem to come up with an argument of your own and explain why the PS3 is such a poor system.

Arguing with you is like arguing with a typical mindless hater.

You should do the same. You wouldn't look like someone who have no idea what he's talking about.
Is that all u do, critisise more clever people then u and talk shit about stuff u know shit about, i'll set sir killilot on u

01-31-2008, 01:40 PM
Way to go reviving the dead threads and old arguments.

Seriously mesalgear, is there a limit to your lack of intelligence?

01-31-2008, 01:50 PM
Go sir k go


but dont harm superbunny
mwa ha ah

01-31-2008, 01:54 PM
Seriously mesalgear, is there a limit to your lack of intelligence?

Now we all know the answer to that question is: NO.

01-31-2008, 02:03 PM
Joan-Michelle, you're undoubtedly a stupid cunt, an annoying one at best.

No, YOU tell me why you think it is a waste of effort. What does it advertise so much yet fail to deliver?

You shoot shit at the PS3, yet you can't seem to come up with an argument of your own and explain why the PS3 is such a poor system.

Arguing with you is like arguing with a typical mindless hater.

You should do the same. You wouldn't look like someone who have no idea what he's talking about.
you truley are a complete and utter git in all forms of your misrable life, i hate you
fuck off

01-31-2008, 02:13 PM
Oh, I love you too mesalgear.

02-01-2008, 09:43 AM
Oh you've done it now

02-01-2008, 09:44 AM
You know, there's something to be said about actions speaking louder than words. You may say that you're on the neutral stance, but the way you behaved and reacted right here in this thread betrayed your position.

I did give you a chance to cool down and deliver a salient point, because I am interested to see the justification of your baseless assertions. I'm pretty sure that I'll deliver my points as soon as you do yours. However, it does seem that you're more keen on acting like a right little ball of anger. So there goes that out of the window.

That being said, you really should take a leaf out of Marvin's book and invest less concern over topics like this that pop up from time to time. Yes, it's that bad when I had to cite the FFS token PS3 fanboy as an example of how you should behave. =)

why does hynad always pick on people

02-01-2008, 02:03 PM
Why is mesalgear such a complete moron?

02-01-2008, 02:24 PM
because i have to talk stupid so u can understand me

02-01-2008, 02:28 PM
Funny thing is, you talk like this to everyone.

Just a lazy excuse because you cannot possibly raise your mind to the level of most people here.

Valerie Valens
02-01-2008, 03:39 PM
I lolled, thread necromancy and Hynad getting all bothered by someone who is clearly trolling to get a reaction out him.

02-01-2008, 03:45 PM

Joan, maybe you don't get who's having the most fun out of this.

Valerie Valens
02-01-2008, 04:08 PM
I would take your word for it, but you know, your involvement at the end of this thread (Thread 32780) or this one (Thread 49457) kinda leaves me second-guessing. ;)

Also, humour is all to easy to feign.

02-01-2008, 04:29 PM
I was pretty calm in one of these two threads. In the other one, I was annoyed, yeah. Like anyone (you, for example) I get annoyed by some people once in a while. But mesalgear's stubborness to sink himself the more he post is really making me ROFL.