07-06-2007, 05:13 PM
I'm surprised there aren't any topics relating to this bit of nostalgia for those old enough to have watched the generation 1 cartoons and played with the toys from way back in the day.

I went to go see this movie the other day and I have to say that they did an incredible job in reintroducting the Transformers to the public. Keeping some of the old truths about what we grew up with alive while presenting it in a very modern and sophisticated manner. Character detail and design were top notch, but I do know that there are some that are up in arms with how Michael Bay destroyed what we came to know and love, especially with Megatron and Bumblebee.

Personally, I for one went into the movie with an open mind and saw the great job that was done on each of the characters. Design was amazing and I thought that the overall introduction of the Decepticons gave it a War of the Worlds feel. I can see flame wars already raging on this nitpicking at what should have been and what was and wasn't, but...keeping an open mind and trying to bring a little bit of the past to modern day.. I personally thought they did a great job with it.

Trying to keep it flame free.. discuss.

07-06-2007, 05:28 PM
This thread seems to have nothing to do with gaming, hence it does not belong in General Gaming.

On topic, I disliked the movie due to its awful pacing, excessive focus on totally pointless characters, and utter lack of development for the Decepticons.

07-06-2007, 05:35 PM
Well it has a game too. :P

Pacing was a bit... odd. I do admit that. But...I don't think that they focused on any pointless characters. The Witwicky character was a major character in the toons, but I do wish that they did put more emphasis on the decepticons as well. I was kinda saddened by the fact that Starscream didn't talk but once int he entire film, but it was great to hear megatron say that Starscream failed him again. HAHA

07-06-2007, 06:13 PM
I don't think that they focused on any pointless characters.

Bullshit. Look at the black hacker guy. Totally useless, except for unnecessary infantile comic relief moments. Look at the genius girl working with the military people. Pointless. She made a minor discovery that didn't affect the plot at all. Look at Scorponok, Bonecrusher, Brawl. No purpose at all except to take up space on screen and waste time.

07-06-2007, 07:27 PM
A lot of what was in that movie wasn't really needed...the black hacker guy, the entire young computer analyst team...all really not all that needed. The Decepticons that made their way into the film that didn't last all that long didn't need to be there either, but it was at least nice to see them there.

Having seen a few other Michael Bay flicks and few Ridley Scott movies, they're not often the best movies in terms plot or character development, but the look/feel (art direction) is often stellar and the scores are incredible, though you often have these directors asking for similar music styles.

Award winning movie? Well, for CG, yes, but not much else. Transformers is a great popcorn flick with good laughs in it, exploding objects and a lot of excitement.

07-07-2007, 09:20 AM
Get over it you nerds.

07-07-2007, 10:23 AM
I have to agree with the lack of characterization gripe. The Decepticons got the very short end of the stick, and hell Jazz gets a better shake in the game o_O

Given the type of movie it turned out to be (goofy) I think they missed an opportunity to have a little fun with the Allspark. We could have had gotten something on the level of the Statue of Liberty in Ghostbusters II, but instead we got a Mountain Dew machine.

07-07-2007, 10:11 PM
I started laughing hysterically in the beginning of the movie.

"Before the beginning of time, there was a CUBE!!"
Then my friend next to me said, "Don't forget about his second cousin, the sphere!"

07-08-2007, 12:03 AM
I thought we're talking about the game here (Thread 29541)?

07-09-2007, 04:38 PM
I really liked the movie alot. It was great fun. I really wished they showed more of the decepticons. Starscream's personality should have been brought out. I was a little upset of how Jazz was portayed lol. He has always been my favorite transformer. I also would have loved to see soundwave.

07-09-2007, 06:35 PM
I liked it as well. I look at it as an entertainment value. I laughed, I remembered, I was entertained with the movie. Every movie has flaws and pointless characters, but overall I was ecstatic about the movie and I feel that it paid off.

07-09-2007, 06:40 PM
Every movie has flaws and pointless characters

Quoted in case of edit.

07-09-2007, 06:50 PM
This thread seems to have nothing to do with gaming, hence it does not belong in General Gaming.

07-09-2007, 06:56 PM
Quoted in case of edit.

But it doesn't mean that the movie wasn't entertaining. I just think people here like to flame.... everything.

07-09-2007, 07:09 PM
You missed (or perhaps tried to dodge) my point. I don't care whether you liked it or not. That's none of my business. My point is that saying all movies have pointless characters is a ridiculous claim and a really lame attempt to defend the movie from my attack; an attack that you weren't obligated or equipped to defend against in the first place.