04-29-2007, 09:17 PM
Is it just me, or is the FFVIII soundtrack one of the best soundtracks that Nobuo Uematsu has composed lately?

Without Uematsu, this game wouldn't have had as much of an impact on me as it does today. I still listen to it to this day. Absolutely breathtaking!
I hope others agree! =)

Feel free to list any songs that you find "stand out".

(P.S. - My personal favorites are "The Stage Is Set" and "Only A Plank Between One and Perdition".)

04-29-2007, 09:19 PM
Moving to Video Game Music section...

04-29-2007, 09:21 PM
Ah! Didn't realize there was one! Sorry..

04-29-2007, 10:35 PM
Time Compression and The Oath rank as my favorite. The Extreme is also one of the least appreciated final boss themes out there, yet easily ranks among the most rockin.

05-04-2007, 10:49 PM
Time Compression is one of my favorites as well.

The Extreme is also great, it pumped me up when fighting the end boss.

05-05-2007, 11:08 AM
I liked Balamb GARDEN a lot. Then there was the overworld music, which I though was amazing. Blue Fields was it's name? I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot...

I agree with The Extreme, amazing battle music. It also got me pumped. :)

05-06-2007, 06:30 PM
I agreed that too.But to me it's equal to FFIV.
My top 3 most fav song in FFseries iare Don't be afraid, Fisherman's horizon, Eyes on me which are on VIII. :D
I like your avatar,Lionheart730.:)

Argus Zephyrus
05-06-2007, 10:35 PM
I still listen to FFVIII tracks, too. They are some the best. Gotta love the intro, too.
I think Find Your Way is also pretty cool. Gotta love FF dungeon music, especially in the classics.

05-07-2007, 02:04 AM
This soundtrack I listen to alot on its own without playing the game.

Favorites!! These ones rule for me:

The Salt Flats
The Oath
Lunatic Pandora
Compression of Time
Force Your Way
The Castle <------------- I MIGHT say this is my favorite of all Final Fantasy music ever made... just breathtaking

This soundtrack really does it for me with the harpsichord-based themes.. truly genius, I MIGHT say it surpasses the FF VII OST.

05-07-2007, 02:40 AM
This soundtrack really does it for me with the harpsichord-based themes.. truly genius, I MIGHT say it surpasses the FF VII OST.

Agreed, 100%.

Lunatic Pandora, Compression of Time, Force Your Way, and Salt Flats are also excellent.

All in all, every single song on this soundtrack stands out on its own IMO.

05-08-2007, 12:45 AM
(first post, w00t lol)

FFVIII soundtrack rules

The Oath was great and my personal fave is eyes on me <3

I'm downloading the entire soundtrack just now so I can put it on my mp3 player for tomorrow (hour train ride and I can listen to music in class as well so I have lots of music to listen to then lol)

EDIT: just noticed Lionheart730, great whats under your name, one of Squall's best quotes EVAR

05-08-2007, 02:27 AM
VIII's is easily my favourite soundtrack, ever. My favourite theme would have to be The Oath. It's such a great song. <3

05-08-2007, 02:43 AM
VIII's is easily my favourite soundtrack, ever. My favourite theme would have to be The Oath. It's such a great song. <3

I really liked the Oath when you hear it after Squall saves zell funny scene with a great song <3

05-08-2007, 02:47 AM
I really liked the Oath when you hear it after Squall saves zell funny scene with a great song <3

I always think of the orphanage scene when I hear it.

Also, another one of my favourites is definitely The Landing.

05-08-2007, 02:53 AM
I always think of the orphanage scene when I hear it.

Also, another one of my favourites is definitely The Landing.

so many scenes to think of lol

I also love maybe i'm a lion ^_^

05-09-2007, 01:43 AM
To be honest, I think Force Your Way is one of the best "fight" themes in the entire series. No other game that I've ever played has been able to top that piece, and that's saying a lot.

EDIT: just noticed Lionheart730, great whats under your name, one of Squall's best quotes EVAR

Absolutely, I remember cracking up the first time I heard him say it. =)

05-09-2007, 04:44 PM
The orchestral versions and the OST of FF8 was AMAZING. Though, it was a bummer the game wasn't up to par with the soundtrack...

Argus Zephyrus
05-09-2007, 08:33 PM

The Landing is sw33t. I think Force Your Way is awesome, but not the best. The boss music from FFVI, FFI, FFIII, and FFV are comparably very good, just not as long due to certain limitations.

LOLz, I've even used some of the FFVIII soundtracks in Ragnarok Online.

05-09-2007, 09:08 PM

The Landing is sw33t. I think Force Your Way is awesome, but not the best. The boss music from FFVI, FFI, FFIII, and FFV are comparably very good, just not as long due to certain limitations.

LOLz, I've even used some of the FFVIII soundtracks in Ragnarok Online.

Have you heard the Final Fantasy (5,6,7,8,9,10) Battle Medley Compilation?
Very cool.

05-10-2007, 01:56 AM
Though, it was a bummer the game wasn't up to par with the soundtrack...

I found the two to be equal in every aspect.
Then again, that's coming from a complete FFVIII fanatic.

05-11-2007, 12:15 AM
I found the two to be equal in every aspect.
Then again, that's coming from a complete FFVIII fanatic.


Oh, don't get me wrong, FF8 would have been one of my favorite FF's had it not been beaming with potential. The Garden's clashing was totally epic and is by far one of my favorite FF moments, as is journeying below Garden to activate the mobile Garden mode/thing and finding that mysterious island in the middle of the ocean to challenge Bahamut and Ultima (though, I never understood what exactly that island was).

I just didn't like the soap opera-ish back story of the characters and how they all grew up at the same orphanage but forgot due to the GF, and how I never had a real reason to hate the final boss Ultimecia (sp?) other than that she wants to be some sort of all-powerful ruler.

As far as FF supporting characters, Laguna and co. are bad asses, hands down.

05-13-2007, 03:57 AM
Yeah, I think that FF VIII is the best soundtrack so far... The instruments used to play the soundtrack is so... classical

My all-time favorite is Force Your Way, Blue Fields, The Successor, Liberi Fatali, Dance with the Balamb Fish, Balamb Garden, Fisherman's Horizon, odeka de chocobo... and a lot more.

The tracks are not boring and it really reminded me of the atmosphere inside FF VIII which somehow distincts it to other FF series

05-14-2007, 04:04 AM
It's interesting that at least a couple of mentioned "Blue Fields" because I never really liked it all that much. I found it kinda bland and boring. I did think they did a great job with the orchestrated version, though.

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned "Silence and Motion" --- it's unusual, but good. "The Landing" is definitely a traditional favorite among FFVIII fans and I love it too. Since nobody has mentioned it yet, I'll mention "Blue Sky," which plays briefly during the whole Balamb Garden invasion sequence if you have Rinoa in your party.

Oh, and one more thing --- can't believe nobody has mentioned this yet --- Ride On (Ragnarok Theme.) Possibly the best FF airship theme, absolutely awesome.

05-18-2007, 01:44 AM
Songs that I like are “The Legendary Beast”, “The Landing”, “Compression of Time”, “Lunatic Pandora”, “Liberi Fatali”, “Find Your Way”, and my personal favorite – “The Premonition”.

05-18-2007, 01:55 AM
In my opinion, each of the song has it's own redeeming qualities.

I've yet to find a "bad" song that loses its appeal after repeated plays, and that's after owning the soundtrack for around 3 years.

05-18-2007, 02:00 AM
There are many songs that I don't like to hear, but they perfectly fit the game scene where they are played...

05-24-2007, 07:56 AM
It's interesting that at least a couple of mentioned "Blue Fields" because I never really liked it all that much. I found it kinda bland and boring. I did think they did a great job with the orchestrated version, though.

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned "Silence and Motion" --- it's unusual, but good. "The Landing" is definitely a traditional favorite among FFVIII fans and I love it too. Since nobody has mentioned it yet, I'll mention "Blue Sky," which plays briefly during the whole Balamb Garden invasion sequence if you have Rinoa in your party.

Oh, and one more thing --- can't believe nobody has mentioned this yet --- Ride On (Ragnarok Theme.) Possibly the best FF airship theme, absolutely awesome.

You're right. Those are some good tracks. I don't like the Blue Fields that was played in the game, but the orchestrated version was many steps up from the in-game version (in my opinion), so that won a place in my heart when I heard that.

However, Ride On was the most pansified airship theme I've ever heard. It's a good track, but it's just not fit for an airship that was modeled after a fearsome dragon that could eat any other airship from any other FF game...

Highwind from FF7 is a great airship theme. Blackjack and Setzer, from FF6, were excellent airship themes. Ride On is something I'd play when walking around the Ragnar�k.

05-24-2007, 01:57 PM
The best FF soundtrack imo, though I've only heard 7-12. Liberi Fatali, Balamb Garden, Ami, Fisherman's Horizon, The Oath, Love Grows, etc. etc. are all great tracks which suit the game so well. Have listened to the Piano and Orchestral soundtracks so many times, esp for sleeping or working.

05-27-2007, 05:04 PM

i search a sound from ff 8.

This music appears when you can take Edea in your group. Then their goes to a ice hole and than come the future state in disc 3. Soory but my englisch is bad.

How is the name of this sound in the ice way. they appears a tall monster and you can kill it with elixier....

05-27-2007, 05:16 PM
This music appears when you can take Edea in your group. Then their goes to a ice hole and than come the future state in disc 3.

I'm almost positive you're trying to refer to The Salt Flats, which plays when your party enters the Great Salt Lake.

However, Ride On was the most pansified airship theme I've ever heard. It's a good track, but it's just not fit for an airship that was modeled after a fearsome dragon that could eat any other airship from any other FF game...

I disagree. While it may seem "pansified", I find that it offers a little optimism in the game's plot. It's fast-paced, cheerful, and a great addition to the soundtrack in my opinion.

06-21-2007, 12:41 AM
This music appears when you can take Edea in your group. Then their goes to a ice hole and than come the future state in disc 3. Soory but my englisch is bad.

Lionheart730 is right. I think the exact track number is 3-14 (disc 3, track 14).

I disagree. While it may seem "pansified", I find that it offers a little optimism in the game's plot. It's fast-paced, cheerful, and a great addition to the soundtrack in my opinion.

I will not disagree with you in that note. It is pretty optimistic.

06-21-2007, 05:37 AM
I too love Final Fantasy music. I've been trying to collect just about every album (via download) that I can get my hands on. I haven't had the chance to listen to VIII yet, but since it comes so highly recommended I'll hear them all now.

Some of my favorites are Final Fantasy Tactics, FFX-2 (a change from the usual Final Fantasy music), Dirge of Cerberus, ect. I've checked the FFXII[FLAC] (Thread 39118) thread to see if I could find this one, but unfortunately not. Anywho... Final Fantasy music rules! :angel:

06-21-2007, 08:44 AM
Check out this link, mate.
Thread 30315

06-26-2007, 12:49 AM
I like the FF8 soundtracks too.
songs like Liberi Fatali, Maybe I'm a Lion, Balamb Garden, Blue fields, Overture, Winner, Force Your Way, and so on. I like FF7 too, even though many people don't listen to it...
Songs like Flowers Blooming in the Church, Tifa's Theme, J-e-n-o-v-a, Mako Reactor, Opening Bombing Mission, Hurry, Turk's Theme, Who Are You, Beneath the Rotting Pizza etc.
Typed too much. =(

06-27-2007, 03:09 AM
Definitely one of my favorite soundtracks.

My personal favorites are Ami, The Man With the Machine Gun, and especially My Mind.

06-27-2007, 05:20 PM
I too think it's the greatest soundtrack in the FF series. I think songs like "Liberi Fatali" or "Eyes On Me" are weaker than the rest, actually...

Ultra-quick list of some favourites: (I love all of them though!!)

The Oath
Trust Me
Love Grows
A Sacrifice
My Mind
The Stage Is Set
The Mission

I would list all of them, but those are definitely my "most-listened-to".

08-19-2007, 09:30 PM
Force Your Way,Silence and Motion,The Extreme and Movin�are the best!!!

08-30-2007, 12:21 AM
I agree with the original post. He succesfully created music as unique as the games world design. Roses and Wine stands out of the top of my head. Its like what being madly in love sounds like.

Also fear, I love the atmosphere it sets (as with so many other tracks on this ost).

08-30-2007, 12:36 AM
yeah the VIII soundtrack is great. some of my favourite tracks include:

balamb garden
man with the machine gun
martial law
fisherman's horizon
the salt flats
the castle
trust me
where i belong

08-30-2007, 01:42 AM
Love it... And I also think "Force Your Way" is the best boss battle theme the Final Fantasy series has to offer... Not my favorite of all, but definitely stands out for me from the others in the series.

"A Sacrifice" is pretty much amazing. Perfectly creepy, love the harpsichord... Edea's theme couldn't have possibly been any better.

No one has mentioned "Drifting", and it's probably pretty forgettable to everyone else. But it's my favorite from the entire soundtrack. A perfect example of how a piece so simple can work with the situation it is used in to create a big emotional impact on the player. I never get tired of it. :D

08-31-2007, 03:43 AM
Love it... And I also think "Force Your Way" is the best boss battle theme the Final Fantasy series has to offer... Not my favorite of all, but definitely stands out for me from the others in the series.

I'm glad someone agrees! =)

I also found the MIDI files that Shrine has to offer are suprisingly good as well, if you haven't already, check them out.