Paranoia Dragon
01-21-2007, 10:51 AM
Here is the Turbo Grafx/PC Engine version of Ninja Spirit, classic game, great music! I'd like to find somebody that has the Amiga soundtrack for Ninja Spirit! Anyways, enjoy!

01-21-2007, 01:14 PM
Another great one PD! I remember when EGM gave this game a 10 rating, was waaay back in issue #14 I believe. (One of the rare times they gave gave such high marks in their reviews, the other one being for Ys 1 & 2)

01-21-2007, 08:10 PM
Yay for Ninja Spirit!!! :) Thanks a bunch. I've never heard that arcade version i'll check it out// i only got Saigo no Nindo from here earlier. Now time to go looking for Bloody Wolf and Order of the Griffon!

Paranoia Dragon
01-22-2007, 06:33 AM
You're welcome:) As for Bloody Wolf, I have it here along with the rest of my ost's
Thread 35054

01-30-2007, 06:35 AM
thanks i had requested it without looking hard enough for it, now thanks to you I've got it and I am listening to it, reliving the moment when you fight the boss after saving the president. Love it how the boss dismembers your gun and you say that you will defeat/kill him with only your knife.. and he responds that he'd like to see you do that...great stuff!