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04-09-2008, 11:33 PM
Both Country, State, and City? How is that both? I'm counting three things, not just two...

You're the one who said that douche fag.

Nonetheless, I stand by my invitation for the simple reason that it's the truth. The fact that I put down both the Country, State, and City where I live verifies that I'm spoiling for a fight, and would welcome it.

By the way, I like your reactions to my posts. That being said, I shall bestow upon myself an award.

Don't say you didn't see it coming.

execrable gumwrapper
04-09-2008, 11:36 PM
I love it when shit like this happens.

Musical Horse
04-10-2008, 12:15 AM
Both Country, State, AND City?! Holy shit! Your both is so manly that it can refer to three things?! Damn! Everyone stay out of his way, you might get your shit torn up by both him, his mom, and his musically inclined horse!

Does this ring a bell, hmm Mr. Twit? I'll say it again...think before you type, else you'll make my job of making you look like a simpering fool all too easy. Not that I don't appreciate the help...

Your award is nice, but I should be the one receiving it. As you see, I am a troll, a nasty little troll who is smarter than you. So my success is obvious. Thank you, thank you.

And you like how I respond do you? Then keep it up, by all means. After all, you started it with your negativity. I'm merely continuing the game.

Not only that, I gave out where I live, and someone even Map-Quested it. What more do you want? Is the Internet community so sensitive that the prospect of violence is so terrible? Perhaps because most of you are a bit too pasty in complexion and lacking in any manner of social graces, that you offend too easily? (Sigh, the world is growing soft right before my eyes)

And come on people, you can do better than that, can't you? Calling me an idiot, or saying I suck? Bah, it's like I'm dealing with five year olds. Say something stinging, worth my time to read and answer to. Honestly...

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You? (
Final Fantasy 7 (

04-10-2008, 12:20 AM
And come on people, you can do better than that, can't you? Calling me an idiot, or saying I suck? Bah, it's like I'm dealing with five year olds. Say something stinging, worth my time to read and answer to. Honestly...

How's this??


Marshall Lee
04-10-2008, 12:42 AM


*Sob* *sob*

04-10-2008, 12:44 AM
Musical Horse: Please insult me, my life is so pathetic that I need to be told I am a complete fucktard. BAWWWWWWWWWW

Pur-lese, you are nothing but an attention seeking little shit musical horse, you have no intention of taking anyone on at all, you only want to cause a fuss thinking that there's no one else on this forum we could possibly care about than you.

Know this, you dumb cunt, we do not need you here, we do not want you here, and you'll be lucky if anyone bothers to read any of your posts or takes you seriously again.

Fuck off.

04-10-2008, 01:29 AM
Does this ring a bell, hmm Mr. Twit? I'll say it again...think before you type, else you'll make my job of making you look like a simpering fool all too easy. Not that I don't appreciate the help...

Your award is nice, but I should be the one receiving it. As you see, I am a troll, a nasty little troll who is smarter than you. So my success is obvious. Thank you, thank you.

And you like how I respond do you? Then keep it up, by all means. After all, you started it with your negativity. I'm merely continuing the game.

Not only that, I gave out where I live, and someone even Map-Quested it. What more do you want? Is the Internet community so sensitive that the prospect of violence is so terrible? Perhaps because most of you are a bit too pasty in complexion and lacking in any manner of social graces, that you offend too easily? (Sigh, the world is growing soft right before my eyes)

And come on people, you can do better than that, can't you? Calling me an idiot, or saying I suck? Bah, it's like I'm dealing with five year olds. Say something stinging, worth my time to read and answer to. Honestly...

What else can you do, you say? You can start by putting up pictures of the manly physique of yours so we can all be intimidated by your hardcore attitude.

And by the way, someone needs to learn what the edit button does, but I won't say who.

Grats on the Moron-of-the-Year Award

execrable gumwrapper
04-10-2008, 01:36 AM
lol, that's better than using quote tags.

04-10-2008, 01:47 AM
Obviously, since he can't even remember his own posts. He gave me no other choice.

04-10-2008, 02:10 AM
And come on people, you can do better than that, can't you? Calling me an idiot, or saying I suck? Bah, it's like I'm dealing with five year olds. Say something stinging, worth my time to read and answer to. Honestly...

I agree. It's near-impossible to top what you've done to yourself with your own posting space. You defecate pure comedic gold, my friend.

04-10-2008, 02:14 AM
As you can see, Sinborn, the thread progressed while we were travelling home. But it's still quite entertaining.

04-10-2008, 02:19 AM
I cannot wait for the future to come.

Imagine the peals of earsplitting laughter when I pull this thread back into fresh short-term memory, effectively, and literally, kicking a dead horse.

04-10-2008, 03:09 AM
As you can see, Sinborn, the thread progressed while we were travelling home. But it's still quite entertaining.

K. To be honest first time reading this i thought you were a douche, but hell the debates between you two totally made this thread pure gold. Therefore, I will give you this, use it wisely.

My seal of approval. Congratulations.

Musical Horse
04-10-2008, 05:23 AM
Pur-lese, you are nothing but an attention seeking little shit musical horse, you have no intention of taking anyone on at all, you only want to cause a fuss thinking that there's no one else on this forum we could possibly care about than you.

And perhaps I should say this. You are actual the little something here, as I'm seven years older than you, seven years tougher than you, and seven years smarter than you.

To add this, if you're looking to challenge me, small fry, my address is right there; you just need the ball to make the trip. You might be too young though, I doubt you have got balls...So sad.

Also do yourself a favor and quit trying to act like the stereotyped obnoxious little freshmen who has to boast and brag about being all that just to even be noticed, let alone taken seriously, as you're doing a more than modest job of it.

And back to topic z.zetsumei, ignoring the pompous little fifteen year old, I suppose you have a point, that I forget about that post. I'll not deny that I made a mistake.

Now, you're giving awards because of one flaw? My, unforgiving aren't we? And I suppose you've never made any errors before hmm? You may want to hold onto that second award, my friend. You may need it in the future.

And now, to the rest of this charming crowd...try harder. You think telling me to shut the F&@% up is going to stop me? Try again. And now y'all are throwing around bodily parts as slang. Wow, I can really see the sophistication in this lot of poor fools.

Truthfully, this all started thanks to our good friend Z.Zetsumei who felt it necessary to insult me unwarrantably as I was merely talking on topic. Oh well, I actually should be thanking him. This barrage of negativity spawned by these delightful little posts is the sort of mojo I need. Keeps my brain cooking, and helps construct new and thoughts that sustain me. So please, by all means, darling little ones, continue, I've not had my fill yet...

Marshall Lee
04-10-2008, 05:27 AM


*Sob* *Sob*

04-10-2008, 07:06 AM
And perhaps I should say this. You are actual the little something here, as I'm seven years old than you, seven years tougher than you, and seven years smarter than you.

To add this, if you're looking to challange me, small fry, my address is right there; you just need the ball to make the trip. You might be too young though, I doubt you have got balls...So sad.

Spell check isn't that hard to use if you're on Firefox.

Now, you're giving awards because of one flaw? My, unforgiving aren't we? And I suppose you've never made any errors before hmm? You may want to hold onto that second award, my friend. You may need it in the future.

You need to learn what a troll is. What I just did was what you'd call a successful troll; id est, I was able to get you to post replies that moved those who would have normally stood on the sidelines to bash you for being stupid.

And now, to the rest of this charming crowd...try harder. You think telling me to shut the F&@% up is going to stop me? Try again. And now y'all are throwing around bodily parts as slang. Wow, I can really see the sophistication in this lot of poor fools.

If you don't like it then get the fuck out, we were here before you, and, judging from the tone of your post, you feel as if you're above the people who are attacking you. So if you're REALLY above them, then why not ignore them and get back to the topic at hand. I'll even give you an example to start things off.

I hate FFVII fanboys/girls, they masturbate at every hint of a remake, addition, or motion picture that's even remotely related to FFVII. Seeing as they've released up to 12 in their main series, one can only assume that Square-Enix is trying to milk FFVII for all it's got (and it's got quite the fanbase to do so) seeing as they seem to dump large amounts of money into FFVII-related projects when they really could be working on quality games.

04-10-2008, 07:50 AM


04-10-2008, 07:55 AM
For some reason, I don't think that pic would have made me laugh as hard if JD wasn't making that facial expression in your avatar.

Musical Horse
04-10-2008, 09:06 AM
All right Z.zetsumei, let's get back on topic if you're that's what you wish. You've taken your finger off the trigger, so I may as well honor the gesture.

As I stated earlier, surprisingly enough, I agree with most of what you said, about your adamant dislike of FF7's somewhat fanatical fanbase, not to mention those that are so anally obsessed with it that even the slightest criticism is met with verbose hostility. Which is rather unhealthy to say the least, as I believe they need to find a certain amount of balance in their lives. And furthermore, like you, I also dislike that SE is putting almost total effort into FF7 related projects.

Though I must wonder, are you one who didn't even like FF7 when it first came out? And if so, I am wondering why. Or perhaps you enjoyed it at first, and grew sickened over the years by its over-use. I'm curious as to which it is...

Personally, I enjoyed the game, and I play it every now again, when I'm feeling nostalgic, and after seeing the PS3 Tech Demo, the thought of a remake is certainly appealing in a certain light. But also, I do think SE needs to broaden its horizons a bit, stretching out beyond their colorful money-making franchises, and starting something new.

Granted, it's not easy to break away from a massive breadwinner as that, but I think they need to make the effort. Perhaps away from RPG's even? Perhaps not...

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You? (
Final Fantasy 7 (

04-10-2008, 09:27 AM
I was indifferent to FFVII when I first began playing it years ago and felt that it just couldn't live up to the standard set by IV and VI. The graphics failed to impress me since I was also playing Tekken 2 (which by the way is far superior in that department). I found the story rather boorish and inferior to that of VI, in fact I was looking for blood when Aeris died rather than looking for tissue like all the no-life sad saps that found her death to be so touching.

Finally gave up I see... If you can read this, then congratulations! You have a decent IQ which is about a 75, but you'd still be below 80, in which case you'd still be a moron. This is self-evident in the fact that you took my pot shot seriously, tempting me to troll you to all hell. Or you just quoted me and the text became visible in the quote box.

To my fellow Shriners: I apologize for this fool's actions as they were a result of my urge to entertain myself with the folly of a fool.

Marshall Lee
04-10-2008, 09:31 AM
I was indifferent to FFVII when I first began playing it years ago and felt that it just couldn't live up to the standard set by IV and VI. The graphics failed to impress me since I was also playing Tekken 2 (which by the way is far superior in that department). I found the story rather boorish and inferior to that of VI, in fact I was looking for blood when Aeris died rather than looking for tissue like all the no-life sad saps that found her death to be so touching.

*cough* like the DE GRANDE FREAK *cough*

04-10-2008, 01:29 PM
I am not really posting anything of use to anyone, so ignore this post if you want to see on-topic replies.

It's pretty lolling how this horse person actually pastes that quiz result bullshit into every post instead of putting it in a signature or something like all the other idiots who spread that garbage.

execrable gumwrapper
04-10-2008, 01:36 PM
I never noticed that, ha!

04-10-2008, 02:35 PM
And perhaps I should say this. You are actual the little something here, as I'm seven years older than you, seven years tougher than you, and seven years smarter than you.

This doesn't work into your favour at all, I'm so glad you can count, I was wondering whether your feeble brain was up to the hard challenge of adding 7 to 15. Honestly your only stance is that you think you'll triumph by pointing out that you're older than me, that's zero credibility.

Smarter? Don't kid yourself, here's a fact for your thick skull, older does not = smarter.

To add this, if you're looking to challenge me, small fry, my address is right there; you just need the ball to make the trip. You might be too young though, I doubt you have got balls...So sad.

This is the weakest attack at my manhood I have ever seen, it's quite laughable. Although I'm sure in your tough-guy world you were saying "OH MAN, I SURE SHOWED HIM" it's quite the opposite. Think about this, you idiotic little shit, am I really going to waste my time paying hundreds or even thousands of pounds to travel across the word or where ever the fuck you live to fight you?

Also do yourself a favor and quit trying to act like the stereotyped obnoxious little freshmen who has to boast and brag about being all that just to even be noticed, let alone taken seriously, as you're doing a more than modest job of it.

I like how you simply took what I said, threw in some of your own words, and then tried to throw it back at me.

You're either really this sad and pathetic to try to pick a physical fight ON A FINAL FANTASY FORUM, or you really just want to be noticed. Poor little cunt.

And back to topic z.zetsumei, ignoring the pompous little fifteen year old because he is right and I am too retarded to realise it.

fix'd :smrt:

And now, to the rest of this charming crowd...try harder. You think telling me to shut the F&@% up is going to stop me? Try again. And now y'all are throwing around bodily parts as slang. Wow, I can really see the sophistication in this lot of poor fools.

My response to this type of bullshit is the same as last time (with a little more added)

Pur-lese, you are nothing but an attention seeking little shit musical horse, you have no intention of taking anyone on at all, you only want to cause a fuss thinking that there's no one else on this forum we could possibly care about than you.

Know this, you dumb cunt, we do not need you here, we do not want you here, and you'll be lucky if anyone bothers to read any of your posts or takes you seriously again.

Nobody cares about you enough to give you a second thought, you are nothing but an item of mockey who will forever be treated like the shit he is.

04-10-2008, 03:19 PM
Finally, I was completely right about you Musical Horse. Thank you for letting me know my hunches are still as good as they were back when I was your young age.

Z.Zetsumei, I don't particularly like you, but you've earn some good points on this here page. The KO was pure gold (i.e. here:

Prak, that's a damn good observation. Musical Horse is going through a lot of trouble to show us his fanboyism... And then he tries to pretend he have a higher access to intelligence than most here... [read first sentence of this here post]

04-10-2008, 03:55 PM
I am not really posting anything of use to anyone, so ignore this post if you want to see on-topic replies.

It's pretty lolling how this horse person actually pastes that quiz result bullshit into every post instead of putting it in a signature or something like all the other idiots who spread that garbage.

Yeah, it got pretty annoying everytime I quoted him, but I figured I'd let it go so he could put in that extra, unneccessary yard of effort in his posts.

Musical Horse
04-10-2008, 07:23 PM
Are you finished being so big and bad Battle Unicorn? Your post comes a little late I'm afraid, as we're getting back on topic here. You might want to post you anger-filled response another perhaps?

But please note, the so-called "attack" on your manhood was no such thing. It was a cold-hard observation.

And I'd greatly appreciate if you'd stop calling me "little" thank you very much. I've no doubt that I'm bigger, stronger, meaner, and all around more dangerous than you, so congratulate yourself in your safety, knowing that I'd probably never waste my time in flying to England, or wherever you call your residence, and...well, I suppose I'll leave the details to the imagination.

And last, but not certainly least, your closing remarks? For the second time? How hurtful...again...I can already feel the tears...again...However, I feel it's unlikely you know the thoughts on me, a faceless, nameless person over the Internet, throughout the world. An item of mockery eh? You're not far from the mark actually.

And just because you're a bitter little chap from across the pond...No...This has gone on long enough. I'll not waste my fingers typing a response to a rambunctious fifteen year old who is using his computer as his only means of striking back at the world.

(Ahem) So, for the second time, back to topic. I played some of the earlier FF games, before FF7. I'll admit, when playing 7 I was almost tempted to cease playing because of the graphics. But I didn't. I'd have to say though, I think one of the elements I enjoyed the most of the game was the music. It was clever, diverse, and inventive.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You? (
Final Fantasy 7 (

04-10-2008, 07:36 PM
Mr. Internet Badass, you are not impressing anyone. You are on the same level of pathetic as Uwe Boll when he started challenging critics who gave his movies bad reviews to boxing matches.

And for the record, there is always someone more badass than you, several of whom have probably laughed at you in this thread, myself included. If you want to prove that you're the toughest guy around, then I challenge you to go outside and record yourself cleaving a live power line with your bare hand and walking away alive. If you can't do that, stop blathering like a self-indulgent-fantasy-obsessed fuckscoff.

Marshall Lee
04-10-2008, 07:38 PM
Prak, what did you think of my Chris Crocker meme challenger?

04-10-2008, 07:39 PM

04-10-2008, 07:41 PM

very nice, i take back the nuts post

04-10-2008, 07:42 PM
Jordin Sparks-Tattoo.. is a good song.

04-10-2008, 08:05 PM
Are you finished being so big and bad Battle Unicorn?


Your post comes a little late I'm afraid, as we're getting back on topic here. You might want to post you anger-filled response another perhaps?

Anger? Hardly, I just take enjoyment in telling idiots like you to fuck off.

But please note, the so-called "attack" on your manhood was no such thing. It was a cold-hard observation.

It was a pretty shit observation. You spent so much time trying to throw insults at my age, that you completely ignored every other point that my post was making.

And I'd greatly appreciate if you'd stop calling me "little"

I know this will be a very hard fact for you over inflated ego, but you are little. You are nothing but a new member shouting his mouth off, trying to intimidate much more intelligent and respected members here. When you're new, you show some fucking respect if you want any back (That doesn't mean every new member has to be treated like this, but arrogant cunts like musical horse do).

I've no doubt that I'm bigger, stronger, meaner, and all around more dangerous than you

None of which mean shit on a internet forum, what are you going to do? Upload videos onto youtube of you punching teddy bears pretending that they're me? OOOOOOH IMMA SOOOOO SCARED!

And for the record, your silly "I am stronger and bigger than you" is seriously rofl, what are you, a caveman?

And last, but not certainly least, your closing remarks? For the second time? How hurtful...again...I can already feel the tears...again...However, I feel it's unlikely you know the thoughts on me, a faceless, nameless person over the Internet, throughout the world. An item of mockery eh? You're not far from the mark actually.

Being here for a while, try to consider the fact THAT I MIGHT KNOW MORE THAN YOU. I have dealt with retards like you and everyone of them has fucked off eventually, you are no different, you are irrelevent, pointless. I'll spar with you now but as soon as you come to your sense and get the fuck out, I'll forget about you, bringing you up every now and again to laugh at you with other members.

And just because you're a bitter little chap from across the pond...No...This has gone on long enough. I'll not waste my fingers typing a response to a rambunctious fifteen year old who is using his computer as his only means of striking back at the world.

Got that feeling in the pit of your stomach huh? It's what you get when you start to realise you've made a total fool of yourself, this feeling will develop until you fuck off.

04-10-2008, 09:11 PM
Master. is that you in your avatar?? musical horse..same question.

04-10-2008, 09:19 PM
Why yes.

execrable gumwrapper
04-10-2008, 09:32 PM
Mr. Internet Badass, you are not impressing anyone. You are on the same level of pathetic as Uwe Boll when he started challenging critics who gave his movies bad reviews to boxing matches.

I think Uwe Boll might be a half-step higher as he gets paid doing what he does.

04-10-2008, 09:38 PM
Considering that Uwe Boll is generally about two steps below most amoebae, that's one hell of an insult.

execrable gumwrapper
04-10-2008, 09:57 PM
What is? The fact that he gets paid or that he's a half step above Musical Horse?

04-10-2008, 09:59 PM
I think it is obvious enough.

04-11-2008, 12:23 AM
And I'd greatly appreciate if you'd stop calling me "little" thank you very much. I've no doubt that I'm bigger, stronger, meaner, and all around more dangerous than you, so congratulate yourself in your safety, knowing that I'd probably never waste my time in flying to England, or wherever you call your residence, and...well, I suppose I'll leave the details to the imagination.

Like that is supposed to scare anyone into listening to you? I've heard mentally challenged high school students made deadlier threats than you. Im sorry for breaking into this little spheal, but its tiresome to watch people try to look all badass when they are sitting in front of a monitor, and on a final fantasy website for christ's sake. Dude, you need to calm the hell down, or just back the fuck off the computer for a week or so.

And BTW. That Chris Crocker Challenger thing? LAWLSAUCE.

04-11-2008, 05:12 AM
And I'd greatly appreciate if you'd stop calling me "little" thank you very much. I've no doubt that I'm bigger, stronger, meaner, and all around more dangerous than you, so congratulate yourself in your safety, knowing that I'd probably never waste my time in flying to England, or wherever you call your residence, and...well, I suppose I'll leave the details to the imagination.

We would greatly appreciate pictures of yourself. If you don't have a camera, we'll kindly mail one to your address, assuming its actually correct. Be sure to include something that ensures the integrity of the photo, be it something based off equines or melodic endeavors.

Also, our imaginations are skewed in our favor, not yours. It'd be wise to elaborate on your potential acts of horror. You did state how frightening you were. Why stop there when there's so much more to explore.

I'll admit, when playing 7 I was almost tempted to cease playing because of the graphics. But I didn't.

So wait, are VIIs graphics considered bad in your book or are you a late-player?

execrable gumwrapper
04-11-2008, 05:19 AM
I think him adding "RAWR" would have been sufficient.

Marshall Lee
04-11-2008, 05:22 AM
And I'd greatly appreciate if you'd stop calling me "little" thank you very much. I've no doubt that I'm bigger, stronger, meaner, and all around more dangerous than you, so congratulate yourself in your safety, knowing that I'd probably never waste my time in flying to England, or wherever you call your residence, and...well, I suppose I'll leave the details to the imagination.

My ass is bigger than you ftr :cool:

04-11-2008, 05:28 AM
Phirk I'm going to beat you up.

Marshall Lee
04-11-2008, 05:29 AM
My ass will simply enwrap you in its many, many folds similar to how the Blob from Brotherhood of Evil does.

04-11-2008, 01:38 PM

04-11-2008, 04:48 PM
I am a UFC contestant. End.

04-11-2008, 05:16 PM




execrable gumwrapper
04-11-2008, 05:57 PM


04-11-2008, 06:18 PM

execrable gumwrapper
04-11-2008, 06:23 PM

04-11-2008, 06:33 PM


execrable gumwrapper
04-11-2008, 09:16 PM

lol thread derailed

Cross Clown
04-13-2008, 02:53 AM
*throws bricks at the douches of the thread and runs*

Marshall Lee
04-13-2008, 02:55 AM
*throws bricks at the douches of the thread and runs*


....but seriously :D

execrable gumwrapper
04-13-2008, 03:21 AM
*throws bricks at the douches of the thread and runs*

Hey! You either stick with the derailment or you bring the thread back on topic. No derailing a derailed thread.

04-13-2008, 04:28 AM
*throws bricks at the douches of the thread and runs*

I actually thought this was pretty funny. :)

Cross Clown
04-15-2008, 12:26 AM
...I see

*Juggles bricks*

04-20-2008, 10:50 PM
It's easier and cheaper to overproduce old ideas, as there's a guaranteed fanbase, and the japanese are generally afraid of new ideas... So yeah I agree, but at this point money is the goal is it not? Creativity is a risk in the face of dumptrucks filled with money.

04-20-2008, 10:56 PM
This thread deserves this now....

04-20-2008, 11:17 PM
you know... i found this guy talking about pretty much the whole Square FF7 thing. He brings up very good points.

01-23-2009, 10:54 PM
Total nonsense guys geez.

But anyhow FFVII and all its prequils and sequils are the greatest so they should CONTINUE what they are doing. Saying they are milking it is BS.

01-23-2009, 11:06 PM
Oh lawd.

Paging Swami, cleanup aisle 7~

01-23-2009, 11:45 PM

01-23-2009, 11:46 PM
Is it just me, or is that so stupid that it has to be flamebait?

01-23-2009, 11:56 PM
Is it just me, or is that so stupid that it has to be flamebait?

Exactly what I was thinking...

01-24-2009, 12:40 AM
Someone give this thread the nuclear bomb it deserves.

although reading that stuff about Musical Horse gave me a good chuckle.

01-24-2009, 01:01 AM
Moral of the story, if Square didn't slap tits on all the women and make all the other characters pretty boys, no one would remember Final Fantasy VII

IV, V and VI are the pinicle of the series FYI since 3D only hindered it.

Darth Revan
01-24-2009, 02:22 AM
A: I can't believe this thread is still going... I think the original topic 'Square-Enix is milking FFVII way too much' has been derailed numerous times, to the point no one cares anymore.

B: If FFVII fanboys/girls keep explosively creaming their pants whenever SE mentions 'Final Fantasy VII', they definately need to get to a sperm/egg donor clinic and 'give their donations' there.

Nuff said.

01-27-2009, 06:59 PM
In Memoriam
"Square-Enix is milking FFVII way too much"

Total nonsense guys geez.

But anyhow FFVII and all its prequils and sequils are the greatest so they should CONTINUE what they are doing. Saying they are milking it is BS.