Alice Wonderbra
09-12-2006, 08:12 PM
so im thinking about playing this game cos lots of people want me to but i dont know if i want to buy it or not so: is there a way to get a trial membership? i hear that if someone gives you a code that they got when they got their discs that you can. true? if so, could you pm me your code so i could try the game?



edit: i just read about recruit-a-friend so i know its possible!

Tidus 66
09-12-2006, 08:30 PM
Recruit-A-Friend is just a week long also you get a free month when you buy the game!

You'll need the discs to play the recruit-a-fried though

jftr: the game gets rpetty boring after level 20+

09-12-2006, 10:38 PM
Not necessarily. I had a lot more fun after level 20, and even more fun once hitting 60, joining raids, and stuff like that. It depends how much time you want to invest, I guess. But you can still have fun by playing around with different characters from time to time. I played for awhile, enjoyed myself, but recently cancelled my account and deleted the game off my computer. I got pretty wrapped up in it for awhile, then just suddenly got sick of it. But I suppose it was worth the cost while I was playing it ?_?

get oblivion instead :*

09-13-2006, 03:31 AM
I'm a girl on Warcraft, so I win.

But really, it's a fun game. I'm just a crack addict for Warcraft and I spent over 750 hours on one character but otherwise it's all good. I met some really awesome people I'm still friends with and I've never laughed as much ever since I got it.

IMO, Alliance is better than Horde. They're a little lacking in the PVP department but they're raid progression makes up for it. Depends on what you want ultimately, killing other retards, or getting cool epic gear and killing bosses as a big team. No ones stopping you from doing either but it's obvious which faction succeeds in which. Besides, Horde look like a bunch of ugly slobs.

09-13-2006, 04:58 AM
Buy budget packs of old top-down 2D PC RPGs instead

09-13-2006, 08:00 AM
IMO, Alliance is better than Horde. They're a little lacking in the PVP department but they're raid progression makes up for it. Depends on what you want ultimately, killing other retards, or getting cool epic gear and killing bosses as a big team. No ones stopping you from doing either but it's obvious which faction succeeds in which. Besides, Horde look like a bunch of ugly slobs.

This is, of course, absolute rubbish. For one, raid progression / pvp acuity depends on your guild, not your faction. It also varies wildly from server to server; on Frostwolf, we have a number of large Horde end-game raid guilds and PVP guilds, and the Alliance has the same.

The choice between Horde and Alliance is purely graphical; and will be even moreso when Burning Crusade is released. The important thing is finding a good guild, which will become your defacto family while logged in.

hb smokey
09-13-2006, 08:55 AM
Don't get it if you know what's good for you.

Hex Omega
09-14-2006, 12:53 AM
Good lord, leeloo, dont get it.

09-14-2006, 03:51 PM
dont do it.

Alice Wonderbra
09-14-2006, 06:47 PM
why no get it? cos it will suck every ounce of free time i have away? doubtin it. since i have been going to college ive only played any games at all when i went home on breaks and im pretty busy most of the time anyway. it will just give me something to do for a couple hours max per day.

Hex Omega
09-14-2006, 07:01 PM
Good lord, leeloo, dont get it.

Seriously, don't. You can do a lot better then WoW.

09-14-2006, 07:37 PM
This is, of course, absolute rubbish. For one, raid progression / pvp acuity depends on your guild, not your faction. It also varies wildly from server to server; on Frostwolf, we have a number of large Horde end-game raid guilds and PVP guilds, and the Alliance has the same.

The choice between Horde and Alliance is purely graphical; and will be even moreso when Burning Crusade is released. The important thing is finding a good guild, which will become your defacto family while logged in.
I'm not saying Horde raiding guilds suck at progression or all they do is pvp, I mean the first world downing of Kel'Thuzad was by a Horde guild but as long as I've played and IMO, Alliance tends to be more so PvE. It's not a law that if you're Ally you Pve and if you're Horde you pvp, of course it depends on your guild and realm. (Pvp is no longer dependent on realms anymore due to cross realm bgs, just making note) Horde raiding guilds can be ahead of Ally in progression but check random realm forums and their PvE progression threads you'll most likely find more Alliance guilds listed.

My guild used to be pure pvp, we had over 7 Grand Marshal's and once everyone got their gear they started raiding. We got to Huhu in AQ40 before we disbanded, Bwl cleared, MC cleared and all that good stuff. So, it can go both ways, like us, we did both pvp and pve.

I would like to make note that it irritates me when people call Paladins, Alliance Raiding Ezmode.

09-15-2006, 04:56 AM
ok, as much as i liked WC3, WoW takes up too much of my time and effort, and being at uni i need more time than i can possibly have, try 40 hours in a day!

sure it is good, love the elves (little plug there) and the brutality and theiving peoples items and camping... ah i miss it. but seriously i love a game with proper story line. WoW for some.. not for me.

Thats my two cents. make your own decisions based on the time you have

09-15-2006, 03:47 PM
why no get it? cos it will suck every ounce of free time i have away? doubtin it. since i have been going to college ive only played any games at all when i went home on breaks and im pretty busy most of the time anyway. it will just give me something to do for a couple hours max per day.cos lame. also you'd be surprised how easy it is to get addicted to such things if you do end up liking it

09-19-2006, 11:05 PM
Kind of agree with ashin. If you really want to enjoy the game, you do have to put a lot of time into it. At least in my opinion. And its easy to get sucked into it.

I guess if you wanted to, you could make fun out of a couple hours a day, but yeah, find a good guild, and that will generally make the difference. Oblivion is more fun, imo, if you want to just do a couple hours a day thing, but its not an MMO, so you can't really sit and chat with friends through the game.

09-19-2006, 11:15 PM
why no get it? cos it will suck every ounce of free time i have away? doubtin it. since i have been going to college ive only played any games at all when i went home on breaks and im pretty busy most of the time anyway. it will just give me something to do for a couple hours max per day.

wow. if that's the case, definitely don't get it!

I mean, you're paying a MONTHLY payment for this! MONTHLY! meaning they don't care how long or not you play it, they're still gonna freaking charge you!

I'm still pretty upset that we've got to buy the game, PLUS pay monthly payments... grrr... back to WC3!!! :P

if you need something to keep you occupied for a few hours, a) studying's always good :P jkjk, or b) go get a non-monthly fee game.
that's my advice anyways.

09-20-2006, 12:02 AM
I play constantly on this game and I've been playing at it for several months. I have 1 level 60, 3 level 25s, 1 level 10 and several ideas for new characters once the expansion is released. The game is actually relatively enjoyable if you're willing to put a lot of effort and time into it to get anywhere. The whole "Horde is better than alliance" or "alliance is better than the horde" thing is absolute crap. Don't listen to the hearsay of people who play only a specific side.

9 times out of 10 the alliance are filled with kids under the age of 15, and a good majority of them lack the maturity it takes to make the game serious (My alliance character is constantly getting dropped on because the kids have to go to bed, have school, or whine and ninja loot because they don't 'know the rules' in dungeon runs or raids.)

Likewise the higher level Horde are filled with a significant amount of asses that think they're the baddest thing since sliced bread. Your choice of character should be on composition and replay value. Pick your CLASS before you pick your character, there are several advantages and disadvantages that both sides have and NEITHER SIDE is better than the other. So don't fall into what a player states just because they PLAY on that side. Both sides have their pros and cons.

Furthermore if you intend to put the effort into it, look into joining guilds that aren't completely raid oriented. A good majority of the raid oriented groups WILL NOT help you in any way to get to 60 or get good gear, you have to wait in line to earn anything, and they're based on a point system, the more gear you get the less points you earn to get that next peice of gear you really need. It's rediculous especially if you're wanting to get the gear to HELP your raid and can't because someone else has a better point value than yours.

In truth the game is a 50/50. There's good and bad about it. BEWARE OF PATCHES. They tend to cause a LOT of problems both in the main and the test servers, one of the most recent glitches that the patches had was increasing your stats and armor to that of a god (even GMs couldn't kill the players) when you moved your gear around in your inventory. They fixed it of course, but it was the ALLIANCE players that begged to get it back on the test server for Raid dungeons. It kinda shows the kind of integrity some players have to the game, they want it all easy with no work.

Anyway I've rambled enough. If you do decide to join the game, you can look me up on Scarlet Crusade (RP-PVE server). I'm either on Horde as Viridia, or on Alliance as Veridaena. I'll end up being on Horde side more often than not until the expansion comes out and I can play my BE and Drae. I'll give you a tour of the game if and when you ever come on.

09-20-2006, 12:06 AM
wow. if that's the case, definitely don't get it!

I mean, you're paying a MONTHLY payment for this! MONTHLY! meaning they don't care how long or not you play it, they're still gonna freaking charge you!

I'm still pretty upset that we've got to buy the game, PLUS pay monthly payments... grrr... back to WC3!!! :P

if you need something to keep you occupied for a few hours, a) studying's always good :P jkjk, or b) go get a non-monthly fee game.
that's my advice anyways.

This is bull, you can CANCEL your monthly subscription at any time you want, your characters will NOT be deleted if you take a break from the game, they will not lose any of their gear or money, your account is merely frozen until you decide to pick it up again so please don't listen to this moron.

09-20-2006, 12:30 AM
i got a trial on a magazine coverdisk recently. ive not installed it yet though.

09-20-2006, 12:43 AM
Sorry Cassie, but the Elder Scrolls series I've never liked.

Alice, save yourself the money and play on a Ragnarok Online free server like

Register on the Low Rate server and just do what you want in the game. Perfect for the casual gamer and doesn't cost anything.

10-17-2006, 10:19 AM
if you wanna lose your social life get WoW, if you don't stay away from it, it cost loads but it is good when you get to lv 50 you choose

11-04-2006, 03:27 PM
It's a very fun game, and yes some people have lost their social life to this game. I had it but I had self-control. This is a game you can easily play for half an hour or for many hours and get something accomplished. This game is great, I say you get it. Just remember, have self control, >.> lol.

11-04-2006, 03:29 PM
I play constantly on this game and I've been playing at it for several months. I have 1 level 60, 3 level 25s, 1 level 10 and several ideas for new characters once the expansion is released. The game is actually relatively enjoyable if you're willing to put a lot of effort and time into it to get anywhere. The whole "Horde is better than alliance" or "alliance is better than the horde" thing is absolute crap. Don't listen to the hearsay of people who play only a specific side.

9 times out of 10 the alliance are filled with kids under the age of 15, and a good majority of them lack the maturity it takes to make the game serious (My alliance character is constantly getting dropped on because the kids have to go to bed, have school, or whine and ninja loot because they don't 'know the rules' in dungeon runs or raids.)

Likewise the higher level Horde are filled with a significant amount of asses that think they're the baddest thing since sliced bread. Your choice of character should be on composition and replay value. Pick your CLASS before you pick your character, there are several advantages and disadvantages that both sides have and NEITHER SIDE is better than the other. So don't fall into what a player states just because they PLAY on that side. Both sides have their pros and cons.

Furthermore if you intend to put the effort into it, look into joining guilds that aren't completely raid oriented. A good majority of the raid oriented groups WILL NOT help you in any way to get to 60 or get good gear, you have to wait in line to earn anything, and they're based on a point system, the more gear you get the less points you earn to get that next peice of gear you really need. It's rediculous especially if you're wanting to get the gear to HELP your raid and can't because someone else has a better point value than yours.

In truth the game is a 50/50. There's good and bad about it. BEWARE OF PATCHES. They tend to cause a LOT of problems both in the main and the test servers, one of the most recent glitches that the patches had was increasing your stats and armor to that of a god (even GMs couldn't kill the players) when you moved your gear around in your inventory. They fixed it of course, but it was the ALLIANCE players that begged to get it back on the test server for Raid dungeons. It kinda shows the kind of integrity some players have to the game, they want it all easy with no work.

Anyway I've rambled enough. If you do decide to join the game, you can look me up on Scarlet Crusade (RP-PVE server). I'm either on Horde as Viridia, or on Alliance as Veridaena. I'll end up being on Horde side more often than not until the expansion comes out and I can play my BE and Drae. I'll give you a tour of the game if and when you ever come on.

Likewise the higher level Horde are filled with a significant amount of asses that think they're the baddest thing since sliced bread.

^^I really laughed at that, it's so true, lol.

11-04-2006, 08:37 PM
This is bull, you can CANCEL your monthly subscription at any time you want, your characters will NOT be deleted if you take a break from the game, they will not lose any of their gear or money, your account is merely frozen until you decide to pick it up again so please don't listen to this moron.

He said that he doesn't like the fact that they charge you monthly for playing. I don't think you can deny that.

Also: WoW sucks. The community is like taking all the child molesters, rapists, and 12-year-olds who think they're god and putting them into one game. Seriously. Like maybe .5% of the community are okay folks, but everyone is horrendous. For the reason alone, don't play. I won't get into the marring gameplay problems.

12-11-2006, 01:26 PM
Recruit-A-Friend is just a week long also you get a free month when you buy the game!

You'll need the discs to play the recruit-a-fried though

jftr: the game gets rpetty boring after level 20+

game gets boring after 20????
man this the first time that I saw someone saying that. this game begins after 60 :D I have 2 lvl 60s and this is nothing. I know people who has 5 6 lvl 60s. the most fun things begin after lvl 60. for example end game instances.

12-11-2006, 01:36 PM
I'm a girl on Warcraft, so I win.

But really, it's a fun game. I'm just a crack addict for Warcraft and I spent over 750 hours on one character but otherwise it's all good. I met some really awesome people I'm still friends with and I've never laughed as much ever since I got it.

IMO, Alliance is better than Horde. They're a little lacking in the PVP department but they're raid progression makes up for it. Depends on what you want ultimately, killing other retards, or getting cool epic gear and killing bosses as a big team. No ones stopping you from doing either but it's obvious which faction succeeds in which. Besides, Horde look like a bunch of ugly slobs.

there 2 things that make horde succesful in PvP.
1) working as a team
2) racial abilities

I thing first one is really important and it is what alliance needs. so faction is not that important if you are working as a team.

01-03-2007, 10:38 AM
hmmm.... The real bad thing about WoW is.... only lvl 60?? Thats not really good... Compared to other MMORPG's... this one is a waste of money and time. But then not all people use money when playing WoW... It can be good in other ways I suppose but the max lvl 60 is kind of a let down...

01-03-2007, 12:35 PM
I hope you're aware of the fact an expansion pack is set to release in 13 days, making the level cap 70. Blizzard has said that going from 60 to 70 will be much like going from 1-60 all over again and making it quite the challenge.

It may be quite the waste of time, but I personally enjoyed it and I don't really think it's a waste of money. During my time playing, roughly about 5 monthes, I played well over 800 hours and for 15$ a month, I am to believe I got my moneys worth. I wasn't just paying for the game, I was paying for the community; (community as in, my guild for the most part) it's nice to be able to hop on a Ventrilo server and talk with old guildies despite the fact I quit a couple monthes ago.

01-06-2007, 02:03 AM
WoW is a Terrible Game that Ruins Lives and Families

01-07-2007, 01:44 AM
The woman in the last panel at the bottom said pretty much what I had to say about World of Warcraft.

01-10-2007, 10:37 AM
WoW is more boring than any job I have ever had.

01-11-2007, 08:17 AM
WoW is more boring than any job I have ever had.

WoW is as boring as watching a telemarketer work.
A telemarketer who is asleep (and ugly, for you creepy people).

01-20-2007, 04:13 PM
The game is really fun if you play it in small portions. If you sit at your comp and play 6 hours a day, sure it'll get boring and repetitive. I play maybe once or twice a week 2 hours at a time and it keeps the game fresh for me.

01-20-2007, 06:36 PM
I'm actually re-buying the game today when I go out. I need to blow a giftcard and I have to upgrade my trial account since I sold my last one, and I don't feel like doing it with a credit card.

A couple friends and I are rerolling on new servers. It'll be awhile before I need Burning Crusade. The new races aren't awesome enough for me to pay 40$.

01-22-2007, 12:58 AM
I'm actually re-buying the game today when I go out. I need to blow a giftcard and I have to upgrade my trial account since I sold my last one, and I don't feel like doing it with a credit card.

A couple friends and I are rerolling on new servers. It'll be awhile before I need Burning Crusade. The new races aren't awesome enough for me to pay 40$.

Some of the new gear alone is worth the expansion. Blizzard released some great gear for every level. What server are you going to be in?

Alice Wonderbra
03-06-2007, 06:38 PM
so i decided to play!

i think its pretty awesome. im on blackwing lair with my horde and shadowmoon with my alliance. so it does seem like allies are the shitty shits, which is funny cos horde are the "bad guys." which just goes to show that there is no good and bad, just differing opinions.

my main is a be hunter. i also have an undead lock and a ne priest. i started with the lock but there are too many locks and too many rogues, which made me be a hunter. then i realized there really arent too many healers, so i made my ally priest but it sucks cos no one wants my help =/

all i do is instances. i stopped questing after the second area (ghostlands). im currently at lvl 30~

03-06-2007, 08:21 PM
I play on Alterac Mountains [A] and The Forgotten Coast [H]

Mailbox is my Night Elf druid that I'm currently getting most of my GM gear and a damn Silverwing Battle Tabard tonight and I have a couple guilds recruiting me to raid. Then Sippycup is my Blodd Elf Mage that I just started and don't intend on playing while I'm occupied with the drood.

Overall I'm an Alliance player, it's a better time to kill Horde anyway. UD death gurrgles are funny and the dumbass Blood Elf Paladins are endless.

03-07-2007, 04:40 AM
We talked about this game in my class yesterday. My teacher was telling the class about how he hears that a lot of people who play this game are addicted to it. I told him that I heard that also and how my friend told me that he promised himself to not play this game because he didn't want to get addicted. If I had internet at my house right now I might have played this, or Final Fantasy XI, which I used to play and liked a lot. My favorite pc game is Starcraft, then Warcraft 2, then Final Fantasy XI, but those are the only pc games I really played.

Dang! I need to get back into real-time strategy games. What are the top ones, is Warcraft 3 still dominant by far? Please inform me. :)

Alice Wonderbra
03-08-2007, 10:17 AM
im not addicted to it any more than i get addicted to other games that i like. the only difference is that this is potentially endless, but meh.

03-08-2007, 10:44 AM
i think its pretty awesome. im on blackwing lair with my horde and shadowmoon with my alliance. so it does seem like allies are the shitty shits, which is funny cos horde are the "bad guys." which just goes to show that there is no good and bad, just differing opinions.

Alliance are the bourgeoisie shit fucks who don't give a crap about destroying the world for their own corrupt gains, while horde are the complete opposite. I find it hard to see how the Horde are bad guys.

(That's ignoring the misplacement of Blood Elves, Undead, Night Elves, and Draeni. Fucking blizzard doesn't even know its own storyline :/)

Atom Narmor
03-08-2007, 07:41 PM
lOL these kind of games are all the same, (i.e. Morrowind) in this case the Horde are the blacks and Alliance are the whites.

03-08-2007, 07:55 PM
I'm playing WoW again now also. There's enough people here who play that we really should consider jumping servers so we could all play together and form a guild or something.

03-08-2007, 10:22 PM
I'm playing WoW again now also. There's enough people here who play that we really should consider jumping servers so we could all play together and form a guild or something.

What server are you on? Do you like the game? Whats your race, and class?

I just made lvl 66 last night.

03-08-2007, 10:31 PM
Well, my account is new, but I have had one before. I've played most every race and class, although I've never made it up to level 30 before on any of them.

On my current account, I only have one character on the Drenden realm, a level 7 Paladin.

And incidentally, people talk a lot of trash about paladins, but a lot of it really isn't true. Druids get the same thing. It's just that people don't understand how to work with hybrid classes.

03-09-2007, 12:03 AM
Well, my account is new, but I have had one before. I've played most every race and class, although I've never made it up to level 30 before on any of them.

On my current account, I only have one character on the Drenden realm, a level 7 Paladin.

And incidentally, people talk a lot of trash about paladins, but a lot of it really isn't true. Druids get the same thing. It's just that people don't understand how to work with hybrid classes.

I love my druid. People always shit on them but I love them. The last patch actually took some health and armor away from us while in bear form. It sucks but what can ya do about it? lol

My current server is hellscream.

Alice Wonderbra
03-09-2007, 04:11 AM
lets do it. id make a character on a new server to play with shriners

03-09-2007, 05:21 AM
I'd play again but I find pretty much all classes boring except Rogue and Druid and I've already played them a whole lot.

So they aren't very exciting anymore, u c.

03-12-2007, 06:20 PM
lets do it. id make a character on a new server to play with shriners

More discussion on this topic. We need to pick a server if we're going to do this. I can scout for one later if need be, but I can't tell if anyone else would have lag.

hb smokey
03-12-2007, 09:01 PM
I'm going to help Prak search for a new server. Him and I get consistently bad pings on the Drenden server, and when I get them the ping is 1200 average. Him and I are going to scout tonight, so if Gina and Loolee could do that too that would help a lot.

Also: My first post in a while.

Alice Wonderbra
03-13-2007, 12:50 AM
smokey is supposed to be making a new thread that THE ADMINISTRATION will hopefully allow to stay in gd so that way everyone can actually see it. but:

how exactly does one go about testing new servers?

also: we need to think about what kind of server people want to play on (do we want pvp action?), what classes are we going to be (not everyone needs to be a rogue), are we alliance or horde (pretty important), and are we going to have certain days or times of day that we play our shrine pcs (we dont really want a few that reach lvl 30 while the rest are 15)?

03-13-2007, 12:56 AM
The method of testing new servers is really simple. We pick a server to look at and a few people join it and compare pings. If it's stable all around, then it's a good bet.

I would NOT recommend a PvP server for a shrine group.

Class planning isn't that important since it can be shuffled after the fact thanks to people having alts.

I'd say alliance since it will make it more accessible to new players who read this thread or anything else on the subject weeks/months down the line and want to hook up with us. Horde is more complicated. That's why I prefer Horde, as a matter of fact, but gotta think about the overall picture.

There's no problem with people being different levels. The more people we draw in, the less of a concern it'll be.

I think our biggest concern is what to name our inevitable guild. I'm thinking Let's Ban Hydrogen. ;)

03-13-2007, 02:13 AM
The method of testing new servers is really simple. We pick a server to look at and a few people join it and compare pings. If it's stable all around, then it's a good bet.

I would NOT recommend a PvP server for a shrine group.

Class planning isn't that important since it can be shuffled after the fact thanks to people having alts.

I'd say alliance since it will make it more accessible to new players who read this thread or anything else on the subject weeks/months down the line and want to hook up with us. Horde is more complicated. That's why I prefer Horde, as a matter of fact, but gotta think about the overall picture.

There's no problem with people being different levels. The more people we draw in, the less of a concern it'll be.

I think our biggest concern is what to name our inevitable guild. I'm thinking Let's Ban Hydrogen. ;)

The thing about it is if you scout servers for ping, the ping varies through certain areas. If im in Darnassus, it might not be laggy at all but as soon as I hit wetlands or ironforge, that changes drastically. I was just playing and I was in Zangamarsh, I didnt lag at all and my friend did. The wow lag is really a guessing game sometimes.

03-13-2007, 04:18 AM
I don't really see how that can be an issue. I've never experienced anything of the sort. Besides, from what you've described, I don't know if you're talking about actual latency or mere processor lag.

Anyway, each realm should be hosted at a single location, sharing the same connection, so there's not much chance of what you said being completely accurate. Of course, I could be totally off base since I've never seen their networking, but I can't imagine they'd do anything outlandish enough to cause inconsistency in various areas.

Alice Wonderbra
03-13-2007, 09:34 AM
ive noticed what he mentioned. i think.

i have a brand new pc and im on a t1 and i will lag sometimes in certain areas. esp if a pvp battle is near. so i think it may depend on the amount of traffic in any given location.

is that what he meant?

03-13-2007, 07:48 PM
I love my druid. People always shit on them but I love them. The last patch actually took some health and armor away from us while in bear form. It sucks but what can ya do about it? lol
People don't shit on druids, we're by far most useful class in raids and we're excellent in pvp when used correctly. I get recruited for guilds on a basis, even as feral spec.

Also, we didn't just get a little bit of armor and health taken away, our bear form got full out nerfed and our end game tanking is going to get screwed over. Mangle even got pulled down which just pisses me off, keeps great aggro when my growl resists.

As far as a guild goes, I honestly don't have much interest in rerolling at the moment but feel free to play on Alterac Mountains with me. East Coast server, as long as I've been on it, it's been fine without any service problems and like most people, only get lag in major cities or high populated areas.

I just got Mailbox her GM shoulders and I'll be MTing Drek in AV for about another week or so (AV weekend is coming up) before I go and ding 61. I've become a BG favorite to be leader and MT and I've made quite the list of friends, you'd be surprised how 40 people will actually listen to me. I'm going to guess it's because I don't have my head up my ass, I make it fun, and MB is pro.

However, I do have a Level 10 Blood Elf Mage in the works. Sippycup on The Forgotten Coast, again, another server I've been playing since August. So, if that's an option take up Horde there.

03-13-2007, 07:58 PM
People don't shit on druids, we're by far most useful class in raids and we're excellent in pvp when used correctly. I get recruited for guilds on a basis, even as feral spec.

Also, we didn't just get a little bit of armor and health taken away, our bear form got full out nerfed and our end game tanking is going to get screwed over. Mangle even got pulled down which just pisses me off, keeps great aggro when my growl resists.

As far as a guild goes, I honestly don't have much interest in rerolling at the moment but feel free to play on Alterac Mountains with me. East Coast server, as long as I've been on it, it's been fine without any service problems and like most people, only get lag in major cities or high populated areas.

I just got Mailbox her GM shoulders and I'll be MTing Drek in AV for about another week or so (AV weekend is coming up) before I go and ding 61. I've become a BG favorite to be leader and MT and I've made quite the list of friends, you'd be surprised how 40 people will actually listen to me. I'm going to guess it's because I don't have my head up my ass, I make it fun, and MB is pro.

However, I do have a Level 10 Blood Elf Mage in the works. Sippycup on The Forgotten Coast, again, another server I've been playing since August. So, if that's an option take up Horde there.

Ive heard alot of people saying alot of negative towards druids because they are so good. Thats what I meant by the whole shitting on druids. Especially now that at lvl 58 we get the flight form and dont have to pay for a flying mount lol.

Prak the lag in wow is really weird. There are times ill be in lets say zangamarsh. Thats the current place where I'm questing. The 1st time I went there the lag was really bad. I was there last night and I didnt lag at all. My friend built a strong lap top. His laptop is stronger than my pc and he was really laggin bad last night while questing with me. I cant seem to figure it out but certain days theres no lag and some days wheres its there, and its annoying.

03-14-2007, 12:42 AM
Wierd... It's probably just the amount of traffic i guess. Or maybe somewhere else in the game someone was spell spamming at the time... or a lot of people XD

(It does happen)

03-14-2007, 04:45 AM
and I've made quite the list of friends, you'd be surprised how 40 people will actually listen to me. I'm going to guess it's because I don't have my head up my ass, I make it fun, and MB is pro.

or because you're a girl ?_?

Atom Narmor
03-14-2007, 05:51 AM
I think I'll get this game my self. A bit after I get my shit together and not b4. Anything else would make you no different than a Sim geek with a diaper on all day..

Alice Wonderbra
03-14-2007, 07:05 AM
the whole "if youre a girl people will give you stuff" thing hasnt worked for me

03-14-2007, 10:01 PM
the whole "if youre a girl people will give you stuff" thing hasnt worked for me

Works for me. Although Im a male but decided to make a female character. I get extra help and free stuff all the time lol.

03-17-2007, 01:37 PM
Works for me. Although Im a male but decided to make a female character. I get extra help and free stuff all the time lol.

God damn horny little kids that play WoW, lol.

03-17-2007, 04:38 PM
God damn horny little kids that play WoW, lol.

Lol. My wife sees me play and she just laughs lol.

03-23-2007, 07:04 PM
I don't get it... I don't see the reasoning behind making a female character if your a male. (and I've never heard of a girl making a guy char either)
The only reason I could assume is because a person is horny and wants to see a chick in sexy armor.
But, I can't take it seriously...


03-23-2007, 08:34 PM
Soem people just like the look and not for "omg hot pixel body". I like the way male trolls look, so I made one awhile back.

03-24-2007, 01:18 AM
So it's true that girls will make male toons... interesting.

Lol, "omg hot pixels"
Yeah, the female characters are made to look hot (hm... except maybe the tauren. bestiality?) But... i dunno, i just can't take it seriously when play a female toon. I guess i'm old fashioned.

03-24-2007, 05:56 PM
I don't get why its such a surprise that someone would play an opposite gender toon without ulterior motives.

You're probably like 12 or something.

03-24-2007, 06:13 PM
well, because it's like taking control over a female body. i'm a guy, therefore it's wierd to be in a girls body. at least that's the way i am...
But then again, if you played a game as an alien, then that should be akward as well?
It's more psycological than anything else. you don't have to have sexual motives to play an opposite gendered toon. but from the previous posts, it seems like that's what's happening.:

I get extra help and free stuff all the time lol.

oh and no i'm not 12.

03-24-2007, 06:25 PM
Getting help from other players because you're playing a female character doesn't have to do with how you choose your gender in character creation. Not to mention I didn't know getting things (Like gold, assistance, etc) was labeled as sexual.

03-24-2007, 07:17 PM
I don't get it... I don't see the reasoning behind making a female character if your a male. (and I've never heard of a girl making a guy char either)
The only reason I could assume is because a person is horny and wants to see a chick in sexy armor.
But, I can't take it seriously...


I dont see whats so weird about it. I just liked the look of the females in wow better (except for the orcs). I have a few people in my guild who have opposite sex characters.

03-25-2007, 07:25 AM
yeah, but why? if given the choice, wouldn't you rather be as close to yourself as possible? I like to make my toons look as cool in my mind as i can make them. by either trying to make them look like i would want myself to look like or to make them look like something i find really awesome and relatable. because, in a sense your toon is you.

Getting help from other players because you're playing a female character doesn't have to do with how you choose your gender in character creation. Not to mention I didn't know getting things (Like gold, assistance, etc) was labeled as sexual.

as far as i know, some people will go out of their way to help a cute looking girl (in real life, or fake)
iceberg even said he get's help from people because of how his character looks.
yes it is sexual, a guy can look at something sexy and want it, it is called lust.
i don't think a woman would be able to understand how a mans mind works, nor do i think a man could understand how a womans mind works.
i don't think i've ever aided someone based on how they looked in WoW. ive done it based on how polite they are.

03-25-2007, 08:31 AM
yeah, but why? if given the choice, wouldn't you rather be as close to yourself as possible?

Not always; there are plenty of people (especially those who are heavily addicted to stuff such as MMORPGS) who have less than stellar self esteem and are playing to get AWAY from that.

I like to make my toons look as cool in my mind as i can make them. or to make them look like something i find really awesome and relatable.

So what if someone finds the opposite sex "cooler" or "more awesome" than their sex?

03-25-2007, 05:52 PM
Not always; there are plenty of people (especially those who are heavily addicted to stuff such as MMORPGS) who have less than stellar self esteem and are playing to get AWAY from that.

ug.... i feel sorry for them. harmless fun or deadly disorder?!

So what if someone finds the opposite sex "cooler" or "more awesome" than their sex?

i guess you should have love for yourself moreso than something your not.

03-25-2007, 07:20 PM
as far as i know, some people will go out of their way to help a cute looking girl (in real life, or fake)
iceberg even said he get's help from people because of how his character looks.
8 Million people play this game, a small percentage of them doesn't make much of a statement.

yes it is sexual, a guy can look at something sexy and want it, it is called lust.
No, you asked why people make opposite gender characters and then you guessed at the idea that is was sexual. I'm not talking about what other people think, why the hell do you think I put 'other' in italics. Figure out what you're replying to, kthx.

i don't think a woman would be able to understand how a mans mind works, nor do i think a man could understand how a womans mind works.
Good, then stfu and don't worry about it.

03-26-2007, 03:11 AM
yeah, but why? if given the choice, wouldn't you rather be as close to yourself as possible? I like to make my toons look as cool in my mind as i can make them. by either trying to make them look like i would want myself to look like or to make them look like something i find really awesome and relatable. because, in a sense your toon is you.

as far as i know, some people will go out of their way to help a cute looking girl (in real life, or fake)
iceberg even said he get's help from people because of how his character looks.
yes it is sexual, a guy can look at something sexy and want it, it is called lust.
i don't think a woman would be able to understand how a mans mind works, nor do i think a man could understand how a womans mind works.
i don't think i've ever aided someone based on how they looked in WoW. ive done it based on how polite they are.

close to myself? My character in wow will never be able to be close to me. That makes no sense. Its only a character. Male or females doesnt matter. I dont see whats the big deal.

03-27-2007, 07:41 PM
8 Million people play this game, a small percentage of them doesn't make much of a statement.

i am referring to one person. if you can disprove me then do so, but i'm not going to go out and poll 8 million people to answer the question.

No, you asked why people make opposite gender characters and then you guessed at the idea that is was sexual. I'm not talking about what other people think, why the hell do you think I put 'other' in italics. Figure out what you're replying to, kthx.

i have but one thing to say:

Good, then stfu and don't worry about it.

seriously? ....seriously?
Jeez! are you the illegitimate offspring of Rosie O'Donell and Elenn Degenerate? (cause i don't care to rememer Elenns real name)

close to myself? My character in wow will never be able to be close to me. That makes no sense. Its only a character. Male or females doesnt matter. I dont see whats the big deal.

it's not really a big deal. just curiously on my part. other folks just hate me, so they turn anything i say into an insult. which i reply to...

But anyway, your not viewing yourself as the toon you create? then what are you making it as?

03-27-2007, 07:52 PM
I think very few people make toons to resemble themselves. ANd if they do, they don't make all their characters that way. You aren't actually in Azeroth, nor do you weild a 2h sword to beat up Scarlet Crusaders. You're creating a character in a different world and controlling them.

I seriously don't understand how hard of a concept it is to understand that some people make opposite gender toons, and not just to stare at pixelated titties ;(

03-27-2007, 10:17 PM
i am referring to one person. if you can disprove me then do so, but i'm not going to go out and poll 8 million people to answer the question.

i have but one thing to say:

seriously? ....seriously?
Jeez! are you the illegitimate offspring of Rosie O'Donell and Elenn Degenerate? (cause i don't care to rememer Elenns real name)

it's not really a big deal. just curiously on my part. other folks just hate me, so they turn anything i say into an insult. which i reply to...

But anyway, your not viewing yourself as the toon you create? then what are you making it as?

Im viewing it as my character on wow. Nothing more or nothing less.

03-28-2007, 12:49 AM
I think very few people make toons to resemble themselves. ANd if they do, they don't make all their characters that way. You aren't actually in Azeroth, nor do you weild a 2h sword to beat up Scarlet Crusaders. You're creating a character in a different world and controlling them.

I seriously don't understand how hard of a concept it is to understand that some people make opposite gender toons, and not just to stare at pixelated titties ;(

yeah but wouldn't it be awesome if you could duel wield giant broadswords? or seriously run around with a full suit of plate armor on? including shoulder pauldrens that are half the size of your body?
heh, naw, i guess when it's up to the player, you'd choose what you want. In final fantasy you don't get to choose what you look like. In Sims, you do.
WoW allows you to choose what you like. So, i'd figure the thing you choose is the thing you view as good looking and suitable to your own tastes. but, i'm still wondering if people choose those looks (when you seriously create a character, not just randomize it) if they are reflecting their self image.

Im viewing it as my character on wow. Nothing more or nothing less.

that's hardly an answer... but it's an answer nonetheless i guess. well, then my question to you is stated above.

03-28-2007, 12:53 AM
I did answer your question. I dont think you have to automatically have a representation of yourself on and mmo. I made a character that I thought looked cool. Its that simple. I dont know what answer you are looking for.

03-28-2007, 01:03 AM
yeah but wouldn't it be awesome if you could duel wield giant broadswords? or seriously run around with a full suit of plate armor on? including shoulder pauldrens that are half the size of your body?
heh, naw, i guess when it's up to the player, you'd choose what you want. In final fantasy you don't get to choose what you look like. In Sims, you do.
WoW allows you to choose what you like. So, i'd figure the thing you choose is the thing you view as good looking and suitable to your own tastes. but, i'm still wondering if people choose those looks (when you seriously create a character, not just randomize it) if they are reflecting their self image.

People like you disturb me.

Not every guy is a testosterone whore, you know.

But speaking of reflection, ask yourself this question:

In World of Warcraft, you spend most of your time staring at your avatar's ass. If you choose a big, muscley man to stare at instead of a curvy, lithe woman, what does that say about you?

03-28-2007, 01:28 AM
but, i'm still wondering if people choose those looks (when you seriously create a character, not just randomize it) if they are reflecting their self image.
First it was choosing due to sexual interest and now it's reflecting self image. Pick one.

People like you disturb me.

Not every guy is a testosterone whore, you know.

Hex Omega
03-28-2007, 01:48 AM
Goby's hole of stupidity is getting deeper and deeper.....

Alice Wonderbra
03-28-2007, 01:38 PM
my be hunter looks a bit like me. by accident. its the orangey-red huge shaggy hair. and she doesnt wear makeup. and my dran priest has a gwen stefani flip curl thing (which i would do if my facial structure were different and i love gwen) and a cute expression (which i often believe i have).

i do think that character creation will probably somehow resemble the person in some way, even if it isnt exactly physical. its a psychology thing. i did a study on something similar to this in which i discovered that women tend to think other women are attractive that share their traits in some way.

so yeah.

03-28-2007, 04:19 PM
I did answer your question. I dont think you have to automatically have a representation of yourself on and mmo. I made a character that I thought looked cool. Its that simple. I dont know what answer you are looking for.

that's what i was looking for.

People like you disturb me.

Not every guy is a testosterone whore, you know.

is that a question or an attempt at an insult?

But speaking of reflection, ask yourself this question:

In World of Warcraft, you spend most of your time staring at your avatar's ass. If you choose a big, muscley man to stare at instead of a curvy, lithe woman, what does that say about you?

well, if your comfortable in your manliness you don't notice a big burly guys ass. man, i hope you never go to prison, it would suck for you.
getting embarassed about strong men? what's that say about you?

First it was choosing due to sexual interest and now it's reflecting self image. Pick one.

again! your not even posting to make an argument. your just posting to try and make me angry. your so cute!!

my be hunter looks a bit like me. by accident. its the orangey-red huge shaggy hair. and she doesnt wear makeup. and my dran priest has a gwen stefani flip curl thing (which i would do if my facial structure were different and i love gwen) and a cute expression (which i often believe i have).

i do think that character creation will probably somehow resemble the person in some way, even if it isnt exactly physical. its a psychology thing. i did a study on something similar to this in which i discovered that women tend to think other women are attractive that share their traits in some way.

so yeah.

yeah, i would think that it's always in someway a psychological thing.

Ok, so Horde or Alliance?

i have my human warrior as my main only cause he's the highest level. but i fell in love with hunters as soon as i used one. and i made it a tauren hunter.... which is now problematic for playing with friends. but it's still awesome.

03-28-2007, 04:27 PM
well, if your comfortable in your manliness you don't notice a big burly guys ass. man, i hope you never go to prison, it would suck for you.
getting embarassed about strong men? what's that say about you?

Haha. The closet gay kid is trying to draw attention away from himself.

How cute.

03-28-2007, 04:29 PM
Haha. The closet gay kid is trying to draw attention away from himself.

How cute.

haha! the openly gay kid (the name raiden gives it away) is trying to draw attention away from himself!

how utterly adorable!

Hex Omega
03-28-2007, 04:37 PM
haha! the openly retarded gay kid(his posts give it away) is trying to draw attention to himself!

how utterly adorable!

03-28-2007, 04:48 PM
haha! the openly gay kid (the name raiden gives it away) is trying to draw attention away from himself!

how utterly adorable!

Strangely enough, i'm in a committed, long term heterosexual relationship. (the name raiden gives it a away).

And even if I was gay, I would be open about it - because there's nothing wrong with it.

And since your views on the world absolutely stink of Bible-belt US, guess what:

I'm openly Christian, too.

And I think your close-minded beliefs are wrong. To make things simple for you: male is not dominant over female, and women are just as capable as men. There is no such thing as the 'boy thing' and the 'girl thing' to do if one is mature enough to understand the nuances of both.

I really hope i'm wrong about you, because if i'm right, it's people like you that give the rest of us a bad name.

03-28-2007, 11:44 PM
Strangely enough, i'm in a committed, long term heterosexual relationship. (the name raiden gives it a away).

that fact that you had to instantly jump up and brag about having a girlfriend only makes me wonder if your questioning your own heterosexuality.
(and raiden is very girly looking. and throughout the entire game acts afraid of his girlfriend)

And even if I was gay, I would be open about it - because there's nothing wrong with it.
And since your views on the world absolutely stink of Bible-belt US, guess what:

I'm openly Christian, too.

you assume much. be careful.
i will firstly say that you cannot be a true Christian and not believe gay people are wrong.
There is a GREAT deal wrong with homosexuality.
the first is that it is a sin declared so in the Bible.
The second is that, at least here in America, they spread uncurable diseases like none other.
the third is poop comes out of the anus. nothing further...
i could go on...

And I think your close-minded beliefs are wrong. To make things simple for you: male is not dominant over female, and women are just as capable as men. There is no such thing as the 'boy thing' and the 'girl thing' to do if one is mature enough to understand the nuances of both.

I really hope i'm wrong about you, because if i'm right, it's people like you that give the rest of us a bad name.

when the hell did i say males were more dominant than females?
your that kind of person huh?
FACT: males are naturally stronger than women
FACT: women are naturally more emotional oriented than men
Did i make a sexist statement there? nope
FACT: the medevil times (in which WoW is based) had heroes who were male knights.

i know your so called "open minded" beliefs are wrong. open your Bible and actually read it. don't think this world is relative. there are black and white truths to it.

And what do you mean by "the rest of us"? you give yourself a bad name.

03-28-2007, 11:57 PM
you assume much. be careful.
i will firstly say that you cannot be a true Christian and not believe gay people are wrong.
There is a GREAT deal wrong with homosexuality.
the first is that it is a sin declared so in the Bible.
The second is that, at least here in America, they spread uncurable diseases like none other.
the third is poop comes out of the anus. nothing further...
i could go on...

Okay, so he forgot to assume that you are a retarded troll with nothing better to do at work than start an argument on a forum designed for people with an oppinion not a useless argument. The fact that Christianity and homosexuality even came up is kinda weird on a site for final fantasy in which WoW is being discussed. Although, i have to agree, I dont care how open-minded you are, taking anything up the anus should not only hurt morally, but physically as well. All I gotta say on the matter is that objects too big for that opening passing through it is how a hemroide is formed. And to claim to be Christian and then say that you find it okay to support homosexuality is either pure stupidity or just an oxymoron, which btw is also stupidity.

when the hell did i say males were more dominant than females?
your that kind of person huh?
FACT: males are naturally stronger than women
FACT: women are naturally more emotional oriented than men
Did i make a sexist statement there? nope
FACT: the medevil times (in which WoW is based) had heroes who were male knights.
Okay, maybe the mainstay of the armies were male, but if you recall anything you should have learned in history, you would know that a great many of the heroes or warriors of the medievil period were women. Joan of Arc? Catwoman? Wonderwoman? Jean Grey? Ringing any bells.

So why dont you get the air outta your head, the sand outta your crack and go back to the desert. (For the retards out there, i am referring to his name i.e. Goby as in the Gobe Desert, God, I hope one of you got that)

03-29-2007, 01:01 AM
Haha - man, I love it when i'm right. Your arrogance, your self righteousness and your outright sexism just screamed US Fundamentalist. You're probably even an Arminian.

Anyway guys (WoW players), sorry to hijack your thread. Any discussion not related to World of Warcraft from this point forward will be deleted - and will be counted as spam, which is a bannable offence for repeat offenders.

Oh, and Goby, I count your bullshit 'WHY CHOOSE GIRLZ CUZ THEY R WEAK' as spam. Consider yourself warned.

03-30-2007, 05:18 AM
i acctually had a disscussion topic in the post you deleted...

03-30-2007, 05:22 AM
And it wasn't related directly to World of Warcraft.

Now, i've warned you officially. You can post in here if you're actually going to talk about the game - and not which sex is inherently stronger.

If you want to make an ass of yourself about that discussion, feel free to create a topic in GD. I'd love to see that, personally.

EDIT: Since Goby didn't seem to get the hint, i've started another thread here:

Thread 38399

for WoW that he is forbidden from posting in. Please continue discussion there, and we apologize for the interruption to your scheduled programming.