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08-12-2006, 11:45 PM
Just a testament to a great game, enjoy.;action;1

08-12-2006, 11:51 PM
Point of this?

Valerie Valens
08-12-2006, 11:54 PM
I've never seen so much bullshit stuffed in an article in my life. I'd elaborate but I'm a bit on the tired side, can Prak, Bryan or CyanCyde take over for me?

08-12-2006, 11:54 PM
']Point of this?

Read it.

08-12-2006, 11:58 PM
Just a testament to a great game, enjoy.;action;1
so what if one person just gives his OPINION about ff7?


08-13-2006, 12:00 AM
Wow seems to me like Carrie Gouskous is brown nosing.......LOL

08-13-2006, 12:01 AM
so what if one person just gives his OPINION about ff7?


Im not saying anything. Read the article. Read the title of the article. Its not just the fanboys talking about this game.

08-13-2006, 12:06 AM
I could write a response to this ass kissing article and absolutely amputate it but it would mean + - 500 words, maybe tommorow.......

08-13-2006, 12:08 AM
I could write a response to this ass kissing article and absolutely amputate it but it would mean + - 500 words, maybe tommorow.......

ass kissing? Why do you say that?

08-13-2006, 12:09 AM
Find out tommorow...

08-13-2006, 12:11 AM
Im not saying anything. Read the article. Read the title of the article. Its not just the fanboys talking about this game.
if you're not saying anything, then there is no point to this thread.

and what has this got to do with the so-called "ff7 haters" ?_?

08-13-2006, 12:13 AM
if you're not saying anything, then there is no point to this thread.

and what has this got to do with the so-called "ff7 haters" ?_?

Just read some of the responses to this thread. Look at how upset some people get. Thats why I put "for the FF7 haters".

08-13-2006, 12:15 AM
This fool has tried to (and failed miserably) display the sheer superiority of FF7 with regards to the remainder of the series....wait till tommorow

08-13-2006, 12:16 AM
you didn't answer my question at all!

if you're posting the link of this article just to upset the "ff7 haters" then... how should i say this...

you're stupid. ^^

08-13-2006, 12:16 AM
This fool has tried to (and failed miserably) display the sheer superiority of FF7 with regards to the remainder of the series....wait till tommorow

Tried to hard? All I did was post a link of an article. Take it easy buddy.

Yui, you are entitled to your opinion. Say what you want. Its just funny to me.

08-13-2006, 12:21 AM
I didnt say too hard. post threads with some facts or actual substance or something, until then.......................YOU FAIL.

08-13-2006, 12:27 AM
I didnt say too hard. post threads with some facts or actual substance or something, until then.......................YOU FAIL.

Fail at what? This article I posted didnt have facts? Theres no substance? Just read it and appreciate it.

08-13-2006, 12:30 AM
Its just funny to mr.

oh and i have something for you, sweetheart.,44055/

08-13-2006, 12:32 AM
I read it.
I appreciated very, very little of it.

Because most of the "opinions" she brings up in the article, have been brought up on the Shrine with numerous counterexamples.

There is very little truth in this article.

08-13-2006, 12:35 AM
']I read it.
I appreciated very, very little of it.

Because most of the "opinions" she brings up in the article, have been brought up on the Shrine with numerous counterexamples.

There is very little truth in this article.

So you can say the person who wrote that article is a "fanboy". I wouldnt say that. It was a great game. Its just good to see the game get the credit it due.

08-13-2006, 12:38 AM

oh and i have something for you, sweetheart.,44055/

Although I clearly say, I absolutely agree with this; I couldn't take it seriously for the mere fact that it was written by someone who doesn't know the general idea of a homophone.

08-13-2006, 12:40 AM
So you can say the person who wrote that article is a "fanboy". I wouldnt say that. It was a great game. Its just good to see the game get the credit it due.
it's just bad to see fanboys who post game reviews that say "ff7 is great" in this forum. :(

08-13-2006, 12:42 AM
It is also difficult so see fanboys write a lenghty article on a game that generally sucks. Yet, it is taken seriousy due to the fact that it is (for the most part) on a trusted gaming site.

Absolutely mad.

08-13-2006, 12:48 AM
']It is also difficult so see fanboys write a lenghty article on a game that generally sucks. Yet, it is taken seriousy due to the fact that it is (for the most part) on a trusted gaming site.

Absolutely mad.

And the opinion of the ff haters are credible?

08-13-2006, 12:52 AM
Opinions are only credible to those who agree.

So it is your decision within your own mind to find my opinion credible, or utter bologna.

08-13-2006, 12:53 AM
']Opinions are only credible to those who agree.

So it is your decision within your own mind to find my opinion credible, or utter bologna.

But I agree with the author of the article. Therefore its credible. IMO it was a great game.

08-13-2006, 12:59 AM
Also, "in my opinion" I think the game was far overrated and brought the ability to be unliked upon itself.

Now, either you can consider the statement above and say "I see where you are coming from but...," or "duude wtf r u tlkn abot ur opinniion is stupid."

It is how you present yourself that makes your opinion credible or just completely idiotic. With the article banner at the top that says, "Final Fantasy VII, Greatest Game Ever!" I can instantly find that opinion brainless.

08-13-2006, 04:08 AM
']Also, "in my opinion" I think the game was far overrated and brought the ability to be unliked upon itself.

Now, either you can consider the statement above and say "I see where you are coming from but...," or "duude wtf r u tlkn abot ur opinniion is stupid."

It is how you present yourself that makes your opinion credible or just completely idiotic. With the article banner at the top that says, "Final Fantasy VII, Greatest Game Ever!" I can instantly find that opinion brainless.

The banner says greatest gameS of all time. Its not saying FF7 is the best game of all time. Now I look at your opinion and say, hey your entitled to it. I wont sit here and say "damn you're and idiot for saying FF7 sucks".

08-13-2006, 04:17 AM
It doesn't change anything.

Because I can still have the same argument regardless. It isn't one of the greatest games of all time.
Which makes the presentation to me seem idiotic.

08-13-2006, 09:38 AM

oh and i have something for you, sweetheart.,44055/

Whoever wrote that, must be a spastic. It is so obvious he is comparing todays graphics in games to the graphics back in 1997. He probably wouldn't know a good game if it ran up behind him, gave him a wedgie, kicked him in the balls and shit on his face.

Long story short.. the guy is a loser. Final Fantasy VII is very overrated. It is a good game, but it is just a game. People have to understand that..

Hex Omega
08-13-2006, 10:36 AM
Ok Joan, because it's you. ~

The Final Fantasy series is one the most significant franchises in video game history, responsible for numerous games that were both profound and critically adored. The series is also a veritable road map for how console role-playing games have progressed through multiple console generations, from its birth on the NES to later successes on Sony's consoles. Though fans of the franchise will argue until they run out of breath about which of the many great Final Fantasy games is the best, the name that frequently rises to the top of those discussions is the franchise's most influential game, Final Fantasy VII.

Maybe because it was the most marketed game in history? That might have something to do with it. I'm not sure though. :rolleyes:

Final Fantasy VII is as good as it is important, but it's perhaps the latter quality that makes it stand out to so many people. It was the game's length and ultimately its file size that made it impossible for SquareSoft to continue its exclusive relationship with Nintendo and its cartridge-based N64 system. Instead, Final Fantasy VII made its debut on three CD-ROMs on the Sony PlayStation, and it featured fully 3D characters on prerendered backgrounds. But it is arguably the FMV cinematics that are most often remembered, the length and power of which gave Final Fantasy VII its potency, and it's what remains at the core of its legacy even now.

What, a train pulling into a station? Amazing :rolleyes:

In Final Fantasy VII you assume the role of Cloud Strife, a spiky blonde-haired renegade who carries two things with him, the enormous and distinguishing Buster Sword and the memories of his dark, sordid past. As a former member of the military group SOLDIER, Cloud turns to fight alongside the "good guys," a resistance movement called AVALANCHE that seeks to stop SOLDIER and the group behind it, Shin-Ra, from siphoning all the energy from the planet. The energy, which comes from the planet's Lifestream, is responsible for all life, so as Shin-Ra seeks to use the energy to power their enormous reactors, their actions are in turn destroying the planet.

Enormous and distinguishing? More like compensating, iykwim.

While the core concepts might not be unique, it's Cloud's interactions with other characters, especially between him and the game's antagonist, Sephiroth, which make the story so special.


players can't help but detest Cloud and his supporting cast, who are easily as shallow as he is. At the top of the list is 'tough girl with a mini-skirt and mamaries a lot bigger then her personality' Tifa


and the mystical flower girl Aeris (Aerith), whose relationship with Cloud you can govern by selecting different conversational choices along the way.

Like what? Whether or not she goes on a date with him, which doesn't effect the game in the least. Fail.

There's also Sephiroth, whose appearance among flames as he burns down Cloud's hometown might be one of the most recognizable cutscenes ever to grace video games. And let's not forget that he's responsible for the most shocking moment in video games, the most spoilerific spoiler of all time, the death of Aeris.

I'll tell you this, i'll remember the heroic sacrifice of General Leo in FFVI a hell of a lot longer then either one of them. OH LOOK, SEPHIROTH JUST IMPALED A FLOWER GIRL THROUGH THE BACK. :rolleyes:

Though story and character certainly are the heart of Final Fantasy VII

The game no doubt had a coronary very early in its life then.

the gameplay mechanics are the soul, perfectly fusing typical RPG complexity and accessibility. It's little wonder that Final Fantasy VII is one of the most popular games of all time, as it's often credited with propagating console RPGs outside of Japan.

The moron who wrote this article clearly has no idea why it is so popular and mainstream.

Most notably the materia system.

Which is shit and removes any element of strategy. No need to think about who to pick. The powerful mage for an area with enemies who are weak vs magic, or vice versa with the fighter class character. You can pick who like and this removes any sense of individuality.

and the game's elaborate summons (especially Knights of the Round) keep the 50-plus hours of gameplay interesting as you travel across the beautiful land, via Chocobo or airship, uncovering the mysteries of Cloud's past. And the music that accompanies you is one of legendary composer Nobuo Uematsu's finest--from the game's take on the Prelude to the graceful beauty of Cosmo Canyon to the orchestral epic One Winged Angel--the music is both gorgeous and extraordinarily memorable.

The music is quite decent, to be fair. I didn't have a problem with it. One Winged Angel is over-rated though.

But perhaps the most amazing thing about Final Fantasy VII is its life after the game. Recognized by fans the world over, Final Fantasy VII frequently graces the top of "fan favorites" lists, including the reader-driven GameFAQs' Best Character, Best Villain, and Best Game Ever summer poll contests, which have had Cloud Strife, Sephiroth, and Final Fantasy VII coming in at the top of their respective categories year after year. Square Enix, too, recognizes the series' potential and has built an entire universe of games around Final Fantasy VII. The Compilation of Final Fantasy VII consists of spin-off games in the same universe on a host of different platforms, as well as the Final Fantasy VII movie, Advent Children. There's no game that has a better chance of success than Final Fantasy VII, as it's the first franchise to kick off Square Enix's new experimental concept of "polymorphic content."

Complete crap. Anyone of merit will tell you Kefka and Kuja was an infinetly better villians. Again, he fails to see why FFVII is so popular. It is possibly one of the most mainstream games ever made. Also, all FF games have 'life after them'.

Do you honestly think FFVII would have the popularity it did if it was not marketed as much as it was?

Note how most die-hard fans of FFVII are usually 13-14yr old, impressionable people, vunerable to the influences of what they are told. Hess was right when he said 'If a lie is repeated enough, it soon becomes truth.'

08-13-2006, 03:37 PM
Ok Joan, because it's you. ~

Maybe because it was the most marketed game in history? That might have something to do with it. I'm not sure though. :rolleyes:

What, a train pulling into a station? Amazing :rolleyes:

Enormous and distinguishing? More like compensating, iykwim.



Like what? Whether or not she goes on a date with him, which doesn't effect the game in the least. Fail.

I'll tell you this, i'll remember the heroic sacrifice of General Leo in FFVI a hell of a lot longer then either one of them. OH LOOK, SEPHIROTH JUST IMPALED A FLOWER GIRL THROUGH THE BACK. :rolleyes:

The game no doubt had a coronary very early in its life then.

The moron who wrote this article clearly has no idea why it is so popular and mainstream.

Which is shit and removes any element of strategy. No need to think about who to pick. The powerful mage for an area with enemies who are weak vs magic, or vice versa with the fighter class character. You can pick who like and this removes any sense of individuality.

The music is quite decent, to be fair. I didn't have a problem with it. One Winged Angel is over-rated though.

Complete crap. Anyone of merit will tell you Kefka and Kuja was an infinetly better villians. Again, he fails to see why FFVII is so popular. It is possibly one of the most mainstream games ever made. Also, all FF games have 'life after them'.

Do you honestly think FFVII would have the popularity it did if it was not marketed as much as it was?

Note how most die-hard fans of FFVII are usually 13-14yr old, impressionable people, vunerable to the influences of what they are told. Hess was right when he said 'If a lie is repeated enough, it soon becomes truth.'

I dont think there should be a problem with FF7 being so mainstream. It made alot of people who never touched an rpg play this. It made rpgs much more popular in the U.S. Shouldnt FF7 or the people who marketed the game get a pat on the back?

You are right, if a lie is repeated enough, it soon becomes truth. The same can be said for people at this site that call the game utter crap. If it is said enough times in one thread, people are going to start to follow that. Especially if they are ripped a new a$$hole for even mentioning that they like FF7.

Swedish Fish
08-13-2006, 03:57 PM
I dont think there should be a problem with FF7 being so mainstream. It made alot of people who never touched an rpg play this. It made rpgs much more popular in the U.S. Shouldnt FF7 or the people who marketed the game get a pat on the back?

Sure it made people start playing RPGs. A lot of people started because of it, but it made the wrong kind of people start playing; the kind of people who we see drooling over the thought of Cloud's Buster Sword. Those are the sort of people that need to stay at home, stay off the internet, and keep their heads in buckets of ice.

08-13-2006, 04:18 PM
Sure it made people start playing RPGs. A lot of people started because of it, but it made the wrong kind of people start playing; the kind of people who we see drooling over the thought of Cloud's Buster Sword. Those are the sort of people that need to stay at home, stay off the internet, and keep their heads in buckets of ice.

I dont think there is anything wrong with people who like clouds buster sword. I actually know alot of people who were introduced to rpgs through FF7 who think FF8 is much better. They are not the strict fanboy. Not everyone who liked FF7 back in 97 are fanboys. I think because of FF7 making rpgs so popular in the USA, we got a chance to see many rpgs that we wouldnt normally see over here. (some were good, and many were really bad).

Swedish Fish
08-13-2006, 04:29 PM
I dont think there is anything wrong with people who like clouds buster sword.

I'm trying to make a point.

I actually know alot of people who were introduced to rpgs through FF7 who think FF8 is much better. They are not the strict fanboy. Not everyone who liked FF7 back in 97 are fanboys. I think because of FF7 making rpgs so popular in the USA, we got a chance to see many rpgs that we wouldnt normally see over here. (some were good, and many were really bad).

Even if you know "a lot" of people who were introduced to RPGs through VII that think VIII is the best, it doesn't change the fact that looking at the morons we get here, most of VII's fanbase consists of mentally deficient teenagers or emos who spend far too much time indoors.

08-13-2006, 04:44 PM
Find out tommorow...

Care to tell me whats happenening tomorrow?

08-13-2006, 04:46 PM
I'm trying to make a point.

Even if you know "a lot" of people who were introduced to RPGs through VII that think VIII is the best, it doesn't change the fact that looking at the morons we get here, most of VII's fanbase consists of mentally deficient teenagers or emos who spend far too much time indoors.

You're right but the morons we have here dont equal the millions of people who liked the game. So its hard to actually tell what the FF7 fanbase consists of.

Swedish Fish
08-13-2006, 04:49 PM
You're right but the morons we have here dont equal the millions of people who liked the game. So its hard to actually tell what the FF7 fanbase consists of.

Do you claim to know the millions of people who like VII? Just look in this Forum; how many people that like VII can write cohesive sentences? How many can't?

08-13-2006, 04:59 PM
Do you claim to know the millions of people who like VII? Just look in this Forum; how many people that like VII can write cohesive sentences? How many can't?

I dont claim to know millions of people who like FF7. How many people are in this forum? How many people here support FF7? What Im saying is because of these morons, people cant base the entire FF7 fanbase on them. That is why I posted the link. It shows there are people in the videogame industry that regard FF7 as one of the greatest games of all time. Its not just the moron fanboys that say so.

08-13-2006, 04:59 PM
I dont think there should be a problem with FF7 being so mainstream. It made alot of people who never touched an rpg play this. It made rpgs much more popular in the U.S. Shouldnt FF7 or the people who marketed the game get a pat on the back?
Sure they did that alright. FF7 made the rpgs more popular and people who marketed the game should get a pat on the back.

But they should be slapped in the face for creating such a game in my opinion.

Whoever wrote that, must be a spastic. It is so obvious he is comparing todays graphics in games to the graphics back in 1997. He probably wouldn't know a good game if it ran up behind him, gave him a wedgie, kicked him in the balls and shit on his face.

Long story short.. the guy is a loser. Final Fantasy VII is very overrated. It is a good game, but it is just a game. People have to understand that..
Even if you compare the graphics of the older games to FF7, FF7 still sucked, in my opinion.

08-13-2006, 04:59 PM
Iceberg, stop this fanboy "nyah nyah!" stuff. It's incredibly immature and downright annoying. The "article" was fanboy fanting with a spellcheck thrown in.

08-13-2006, 05:03 PM
Iceberg, stop this fanboy "nyah nyah!" stuff. It's incredibly immature and downright annoying. The "article" was fanboy fanting with a spellcheck thrown in.

Stop the Prak impression. I didnt come off as a fanboy. Oh so the author of the article is not considered a credible writer because the worlds greatest game ever made and FF7 went in the same sentence? Thats funny to me.

08-13-2006, 05:07 PM
I didnt come off as a fanboy.

08-13-2006, 05:08 PM


Swedish Fish
08-13-2006, 05:10 PM
I dont claim to know millions of people who like FF7. How many people are in this forum? How many people here support FF7? What Im saying is because of these morons, people cant base the entire FF7 fanbase on them. That is why I posted the link. It shows there are people in the videogame industry that regard FF7 as one of the greatest games of all time. Its not just the moron fanboys that say so.

I you take Shrine's VII supporting members and surveyed them, you would see that they have severe problems. We can't look at all of those millions, so we have to take them as a model. I can name a multitude of retards who support VII, but I can only name one or two members who can actually explain why they think VII is a good game.

08-13-2006, 05:12 PM
I you take Shrine's VII supporting members and surveyed them, you would see that they have severe problems. We can't look at all of those millions, so we have to take them as a model. I can name a multitude of retards who support VII, but I can only name one or two members who can actually explain why they think VII is a good game.

You cant take 15 people who are FF moron fanboys and say the entire fan base is like that. Its just the people at this site.

08-13-2006, 05:14 PM
Stop the Prak impression. I didnt come off as a fanboy. Oh so the author of the article is not considered a credible writer because the worlds greatest game ever made and FF7 went in the same sentence? Thats funny to me.

As always, you fail. You build a strawman and then proceed to mock it. Real bright. You did come of as a fanboy with your "nyah nyah" tactics and your inability to argue real points, preferring to rope-a-dope around insignifigant points when Bryan's already torn the article apart.

Swedish Fish
08-13-2006, 05:15 PM
You cant take 15 people who are FF moron fanboys and say the entire fan base is like that. Its just the people at this site.

Alright, take people from other Forums. Would you like that? It just makes the situation look worse.

08-13-2006, 05:18 PM
As always, you fail. You build a strawman and then proceed to mock it. Real bright. You did come of as a fanboy with your "nyah nyah" tactics and your inability to argue real points, preferring to rope-a-dope around insignifigant points when Bryan's already torn the article apart.

All I did what post an article for you guys to read, thats it. I didnt try to make this a huge FF7 debate. I have no idea what you're talking about. What did you do? Try to insult me like a certain shriner (prak). The insult was not needed.

Swedish Fish
08-13-2006, 05:19 PM
All I did what post an article for you guys to read, thats it. I didnt try to make this a huge FF7 debate. I have no idea what you're talking about. What did you do? Try to insult me like a certain shriner (prak). The insult was not needed.

Above it you said "A testament to a great game." That gives us certain messages.

08-13-2006, 05:22 PM
All I did what post an article for you guys to read, thats it. I didnt try to make this a huge FF7 debate. I have no idea what you're talking about. What did you do? Try to insult me like a certain shriner (prak). The insult was not needed.

LOL!! That's hilarious. You wanted to start something, thus the "For all the FF7 haters!!!! enjoy" title. Since you're completely incapable of putting up a solid argument, you link an article with an "eat this!" attitude.

08-13-2006, 05:25 PM
LOL!! That's hilarious. You wanted to start something, thus the "For all the FF7 haters!!!! enjoy" title. Since you're completely incapable of putting up a solid argument, you link an article with an "eat this!" attitude.

Were those my intentions? How can you be so sure? I already posted why I put the link. Pay more attention and stop assuming.

08-13-2006, 05:25 PM
By showing us that shitty article about how "other people from the industry" are talking about FF7.

You cant take 15 people who are FF moron fanboys and say the entire fan base is like that. Its just the people at this site.
You know that you don't have to be here, right?

All I did what post an article for you guys to read, thats it. I didnt try to make this a huge FF7 debate. I have no idea what you're talking about. What did you do? Try to insult me like a certain shriner (prak). The insult was not needed.


08-13-2006, 05:28 PM
By showing us that shitty article about how "other people from the industry" are talking about FF7.

You know that you don't have to be here, right?



I was not wrong in posting the link. No where in the rules does it say I cant d so.

I dont have to be here but none of us do. So your point is?

I explained why I put the link. I dont have to explain of defend it any further.

08-13-2006, 05:28 PM
Were those my intentions? How can you be so sure? I already posted why I put the link. Pay more attention and stop assuming.

Get your head out of your posterior and stop flamebaiting and trolling.


I was not wrong in posting the link. No where in the rules does it say I cant d so.

I dont have to be here but none of us do. So your point is?

I explained why I put the link. I dont have to explain of defend it any further.

It's quite obvious that you wanted to rile the "ff7 haters!!!!" Claiming other intentions is disingenious at best, dishonest at worst.

Swedish Fish
08-13-2006, 05:30 PM
Were those my intentions?

Yes, they were.

How can you be so sure? I already posted why I put the link. Pay more attention and stop assuming.

A testament to a great game means that you want us to agree that it's a great game. And by doing that you ignited a debate that you're bound to lose. And now you've resorted to saying we don't know your intensions in order to dissuade us from saying that you posted it to egg us on.

08-13-2006, 05:31 PM
Get your head out of your posterior and stop flamebaiting and trolling.

You are the one trolling with your "I wanna be Prak" posts. Read the article. If you did, go to another thread. Its thats simple.

08-13-2006, 05:35 PM
You are the one trolling with your "I wanna be Prak" posts. Read the article. If you did, go to another thread. Its thats simple.

I can't believe you're still going on with this inane, second-grade nonsense. After this long, I would think even somebody as slow as you would come up with something better.

Swedish Fish
08-13-2006, 05:37 PM
You give him far too much credit.

08-13-2006, 05:38 PM
I can't believe you're still going on with this inane, second-grade nonsense. After this long, I would think even somebody as slow as you would come up with something better.

I thought somebody as slow as you would try to post like yourself. You still refuse to do so and try to post like Prak. Its sad!!!!!!! Just post at another thread if you dont like me or this topic.

08-13-2006, 05:38 PM
I was not wrong in posting the link. No where in the rules does it say I cant d so.
No you're not. But your intentions were.

I dont have to be here but none of us do. So your point is?
Read this:

You cant take 15 people who are FF moron fanboys and say the entire fan base is like that. Its just the people at this site.
You said that as if there is something wrong with the "people at this site". Are you saying the morons here are the people at this site? IF THAT IS WHAT YOU THINK THEN YOU CAN LEAVE MISTER.

I explained why I put the link. I dont have to explain of defend it any further.
You put the link just to show us how other people think about FF7, just so people here can accept the fact that FF7 is great.

Not a very good reason in my opinion. :(

08-13-2006, 05:44 PM
No you're not. But your intentions were.

Read this:

You said that as if there is something wrong with the "people at this site". Are you saying the morons here are the people at this site? IF THAT IS WHAT YOU THINK THEN YOU CAN LEAVE MISTER.

You put the link just to show us how other people think about FF7, just so people here can accept the fact that FF7 is great.

Not a very good reason in my opinion. :(

No I was talking about the FF7 moron fanboys people refer to. I dont insult people at this site. Its not needed. I only do so when provoked. I put the link there to show that not only the so called moron fanboys are the ones saying positive things about FF7. I dont expect everyone to accept it.

Swedish Fish
08-13-2006, 05:47 PM
I put the link there to show that not only the so called moron fanboys are the ones saying positive things about FF7. I dont expect everyone to accept it.

You're absolutely correct. What came over me? Not only morons have good things to say about VII. Occaisionally TeknoBlade and Desert Wolf compliment it from time to time, too.

08-13-2006, 05:52 PM
You're absolutely correct. What came over me? Not only morons have good things to say about VII. Occaisionally TeknoBlade and Desert Wolf compliment it from time to time, too.


Swedish Fish
08-13-2006, 05:52 PM

ROFL. You didn't get it.

08-13-2006, 05:54 PM
ROFL. You didn't get it.

I got it.

08-13-2006, 05:54 PM
No I was talking about the FF7 moron fanboys people refer to. I dont insult people at this site. Its not needed. I only do so when provoked. I put the link there to show that not only the so called moron fanboys are the ones saying positive things about FF7. I dont expect everyone to accept it.
You don't need to show us what other people think about FF7.

We have a lot of that already, thank you. :(

08-13-2006, 06:00 PM
I dont insult people at this site.

Liar. Your previous post was (another) pathetic attempt at an insult.

I thought somebody as slow as you would try to post like yourself. You still refuse to do so and try to post like Prak. Its sad!!!!!!!

As I said: pathetic.

08-13-2006, 06:09 PM
I really enjoy the fact that CyanCyde just smashes iceberg325 with more than reasonable arguments, and the only thing iceberg325 can do is call CyanCyde a Prak?
Haha. Why? Because he is killing you in this debate?

08-13-2006, 06:11 PM
']I really enjoy the fact that CyanCyde just smashes iceberg325 with more than reasonable arguments, and the only thing iceberg325 can do is call CyanCyde a Prak?
Haha. Why? Because he is killing you in this debate?

That's a common theme with iceberg. In our last "conversation," I was labeled a fag about a week before my wedding day. I live in Virginia.

Valerie Valens
08-13-2006, 06:59 PM
I thought somebody as slow as you would try to post like yourself. You still refuse to do so and try to post like Prak. Its sad!!!!!!! Just post at another thread if you dont like me or this topic.


08-13-2006, 11:54 PM
']I really enjoy the fact that CyanCyde just smashes iceberg325 with more than reasonable arguments, and the only thing iceberg325 can do is call CyanCyde a Prak?
Haha. Why? Because he is killing you in this debate?

What debate? How is he killing me in anything?

Cyan the only reason I called u a fag was because you were riding on Prak. It was like you were his little side kick agreeing with everything he said. You wrote "Liar. Your previous post was (another) pathetic attempt at an insult. " If you look at the post I said I dont insult people unless provoked. Read a little more carefully. If I'm not mistaken you came in here and began this, therefore I was provoked.

08-14-2006, 12:12 AM
omg another Final Fantasy 7 article no one cares

08-14-2006, 01:03 AM
omg another Final Fantasy 7 article no one cares

Why dont you care about it?

08-14-2006, 01:07 AM
great, another noob.

08-14-2006, 01:15 AM
great, another noob.

Damn noob, where is he?

08-14-2006, 01:15 AM
and he's stupid to boot.

08-14-2006, 01:18 AM
and he's stupid to boot.

It was sarcasm buddy, learn it.

08-14-2006, 01:19 AM
It was sarcasm buddy, learn it.

08-14-2006, 01:44 AM
Cyan the only reason I called u a fag was because you were riding on Prak. It was like you were his little side kick agreeing with everything he said. You wrote "Liar. Your previous post was (another) pathetic attempt at an insult. " If you look at the post I said I dont insult people unless provoked. Read a little more carefully. If I'm not mistaken you came in here and began this, therefore I was provoked.

If you'd make a decent point now and again, you wouldn't have to resort to such juvenile crap. And at any rate, if it wasn't needed, why do you bother, even when someone "provokes" you? Contradiction much?

08-14-2006, 01:54 AM
If you'd make a decent point now and again, you wouldn't have to resort to such juvenile crap. And at any rate, if it wasn't needed, why do you bother, even when someone "provokes" you? Contradiction much?

I already have stated what was the purpose of this thread. The article was anothers view on the game. So what decent point are you talking about?

With the insults, of course whatever I say, you're not going to say is a " Good come back" or a "great insult". Thats a given. I think the same way of yours. I just feel they are not needed. Why do you feel they are needed? Why do you feel like a post should be negative towards another member of this forum? And I'm the juvenile one?

08-14-2006, 02:13 AM
With the insults, of course whatever I say, you're not going to say is a " Good come back" or a "great insult". Thats a given. I think the same way of yours. I just feel they are not needed. Why do you feel they are needed? Why do you feel like a post should be negative towards another member of this forum? And I'm the juvenile one?

Yes, you are the juvenile one. You're the one making a post solely to rile the "FF7 haters," then playing all innocent about it. You're the one who posts juvenile, ban-worthy insults (and gets banned for it), then claims to be the poor victim. Note that those insults came after your arguments got shredded. And then after another insult in this thread, you go on this peacenik "let's not be negative with one another" trip. Maybe if you were in the least bit consistent, you'd have a bit of credibility and possibly a shred of respect.

08-14-2006, 02:38 AM
Yes, you are the juvenile one. You're the one making a post solely to rile the "FF7 haters," then playing all innocent about it. You're the one who posts juvenile, ban-worthy insults (and gets banned for it), then claims to be the poor victim. Note that those insults came after your arguments got shredded. And then after another insult in this thread, you go on this peacenik "let's not be negative with one another" trip. Maybe if you were in the least bit consistent, you'd have a bit of credibility and possibly a shred of respect.

Ok point out which insult that would get me banned. I can't seem to find it. There are none!!!! There was nothing that got shredded because there was no argument. You have no idea what you're talking about.

08-14-2006, 06:55 AM
Ok point out which insult that would get me banned. I can't seem to find it. There are none!!!! There was nothing that got shredded because there was no argument. You have no idea what you're talking about.

Are you really that dumb? It was before the rollback, so it's little wonder why you can't find it. You were referring to the very same arguement with your petty little jabs about Prak and I earlier in this thread. Which, in case you missed it, is yet another case of your nonsense. You remember it quite clearly in one page, then on the very next, you demand me point it out, when you know full well that it's been deleted.

hb smokey
08-14-2006, 07:13 AM
First off, Prak and I were the original FFVII hating sidekicks.

I actually considered reading the entire article, but I could already tell what it was going to say. Just baseless fanboy statement. I got up to the point where they said something about the greatest gaming event in history, Sephiroth murdering Aeris. Yawn.

Hex Omega
08-14-2006, 11:58 AM
I dont think there should be a problem with FF7 being so mainstream. It made alot of people who never touched an rpg play this. It made rpgs much more popular in the U.S. Shouldnt FF7 or the people who marketed the game get a pat on the back?

I never said I had a problem with it, I said that's why it's so popular.

You are right, if a lie is repeated enough, it soon becomes truth. The same can be said for people at this site that call the game utter crap. If it is said enough times in one thread, people are going to start to follow that. Especially if they are ripped a new a$$hole for even mentioning that they like FF7.

They get ripped a new asshole because their reasons are totally stupid and thye churn out crap like 'best game ever' etc etc. Ftr, I don't hate this game, it's flawed in a lot of ways, but I certainly don't hate it.

Also, the people that think its a bad game have explained why a hell of a lot better then the ones who think its a great game.

Desert Wolf
08-14-2006, 01:14 PM
As for he 2 links that were posted I think its fair to say neither of them were any good.

Iceberg maby if you forgot the article and gave reasons yourself then you might actually get a debate going.

Hex Omega
08-14-2006, 01:45 PM
I don't know what's funnier, the fact he echoes the opinions of someone else, rather then make his own mind up. Or the fact the opinion he is echoing is totally biased and retarded.

Ftr Iceberg, DW has always given decent reasons for liking the game, and he doesn't churn out rubbish like 'zomg bezt game eva' etc, and for that I respect him.

Desert Wolf
08-14-2006, 02:25 PM
Thank you bryan I do give decent reasons.....but we all kno ff7 iz da best!

08-14-2006, 02:29 PM
I was going to post something pretty in-depth but i`m sick of giving reasons why i like FFVII. :/

Also Iceberg, just because Gamespot does an article on FFVII doesn`t make it the definitive word.

Hex Omega
08-14-2006, 02:29 PM
Decent, but still wrong. :p

08-14-2006, 02:29 PM
Are you really that dumb? It was before the rollback, so it's little wonder why you can't find it. You were referring to the very same arguement with your petty little jabs about Prak and I earlier in this thread. Which, in case you missed it, is yet another case of your nonsense. You remember it quite clearly in one page, then on the very next, you demand me point it out, when you know full well that it's been deleted.

When I said point them out, I was referring to this thread. I know the other threads were deleted. In those other threads I said nothing too extreme to bet me banned. I think I was banned because prak was annoyed. If you remember, the other member Image was backing me up but said nothing extreme, I dont think he even made any insults and he was banned also. It doesnt take too much to get banned here. Its all a matter if a certain mod likes you or not. Its that simple. Plus Im not demanding you to point anything out. I could care less what you do. I dont see what the threads before the rollback have to do with this thread.

"I don't know what's funnier, the fact he echoes the opinions of someone else, rather then make his own mind up. Or the fact the opinion he is echoing is totally biased and retarded."

Bryan, in the past I have made reasons why I like the game. You have to admit that most times at this site even mentioning you like the game is enough to stir things up. If I go into detail about how I enjoyed the story (which i did) or the characters (which I really did) it doesnt matter. I loved the FMV's back in 97 too. I thought certain plot holes should have been fixed, and the in game charcter models were just plain ugly. For me and my personal preference, I liked the story alot, and I really thought the characters were good. I dont know what else there is to be said. Im not trying to echo anyone's else's opinion over mine. I put the link so some people or the haters can see that not only the fanboys are capable of praising the game.

Denny, Im not saying because the article says so, its the greatest game ever and that is the definitve word. Look at the above paragraph, I said why I put the link.

Desert Wolf
08-14-2006, 02:35 PM
The plot holes have been fixed by me many a time ftr. I find this a bit funny really. Wernt you saying that if people say the game is bad enough times people will believe it? Seems as though all this talk of plot holes has got to you too.

@Denny : Sly one eh. I dont ever remember you giving resons for liking it. You usually say you will but dont :)

08-14-2006, 02:44 PM
The plot holes have been fixed by me many a time ftr. I find this a bit funny really. Wernt you saying that if people say the game is bad enough times people will believe it? Seems as though all this talk of plot holes has got to you too.

@Denny : Sly one eh. I dont ever remember you giving resons for liking it. You usually say you will but dont :)

Well I've read some of the plot holes and I cant seem to remember anything to back them up. I played through the game 3 times but it was back in "97-"99. I can't remember too much, or exact details to counter the holes. I wish I had enough time to play through the game again.

08-14-2006, 02:47 PM
The plot holes have been fixed by me many a time ftr. I find this a bit funny really. Wernt you saying that if people say the game is bad enough times people will believe it? Seems as though all this talk of plot holes has got to you too.

@Denny : Sly one eh. I dont ever remember you giving resons for liking it. You usually say you will but dont :)

I`m sure i did once or twice. :/

Still, i couldn`t be arsed to be honest. Sure it isn`t as good as it used to be but i think it`s still a damn fine game.

Hex Omega
08-14-2006, 02:51 PM
Ftr, no-one is ever attacked for liking the game. They are attacked when they churn out crap like 'best game eva', 'Sephy bezt villian eva' etc etc. I don't have any problem with people liking it, hell I like it myself, but I realise it has several massive flaws.

08-14-2006, 03:01 PM
Ftr, no-one is ever attacked for liking the game. They are attacked when they churn out crap like 'best game eva', 'Sephy bezt villian eva' etc etc. I don't have any problem with people liking it, hell I like it myself, but I realise it has several massive flaws.

Ive seen cases where maybe a certain noob would say I love the game etc..... and they get it bad lol.

Hex Omega
08-14-2006, 03:02 PM
Probally because it was accompianed by inane rubbish.

Desert Wolf
08-14-2006, 04:44 PM
Sometimes people can get attacked for saying they like it but most of the time as Bryan said its because they say stupid things.

08-15-2006, 01:05 AM
Sometimes people can get attacked for saying they like it but most of the time as Bryan said its because they say stupid things.
or because they say sephiroth is awesome with his super long sword lol :smrt:

08-15-2006, 12:42 PM
or because they say sephiroth is awesome with his super long sword lol :smrt:

yes...or simply sephy is the most evil character in final fantasy! :D

Desert Wolf
08-15-2006, 01:54 PM
Yet Kefka is probably the most evil of the lot.

08-15-2006, 02:52 PM
Kefka's certainly more entertaining.

Hex Omega
08-16-2006, 04:01 PM
I was going to post something pretty in-depth but i`m sick of giving reasons why i like FFVII. :/

I've never seen you post reasons why you like the game, tbqh.

08-16-2006, 04:11 PM

I`m sure i have at some stage. I mean, i`ve been here for a number of years and have posted quite a bit in the FFVII forum. But if i haven`t, i`ll put my hands up and admit it.

But FFVII is in the past, i haven`t touched it for god knows how long. My opinion on why the game was great is irrelevant now. Maybe i`m getting lazy nowadays when it comes to posting anything worthwhile on FFS but as far as stating why i liked FFVII i couldn`t be bothered seeing that it would probably be thrown back in my face.

And don`t get me wrong, i`m not taking a jab at any of you.

Hex Omega
08-16-2006, 04:13 PM
Answered like a proper politician. Bertie would be proud of you. :p

08-16-2006, 04:16 PM

I`m not sure what to take from that response. :eye:

Maester KNZ
08-17-2006, 12:08 AM
oh my man i hate losers like you lot who hate on a game jus cos it got commercial.......if FF7 was on snes and wasnt as famous YOU lot would be the ones lickin arse.....everythin stated in that article is true at the time it defined an era of quality games on PS, not just RPG's

Maester KNZ
08-17-2006, 12:09 AM

Desert Wolf
08-17-2006, 12:27 AM
Answered like a proper politician. Bertie would be proud of you. :p

My thoughts exactly.

Hex Omega
08-17-2006, 01:15 AM
oh my man i hate losers like you lot who hate on a game jus cos it got commercial.......if FF7 was on snes and wasnt as famous YOU lot would be the ones lickin arse.....everythin stated in that article is true at the time it defined an era of quality games on PS, not just RPG's

I don't even know where to begin to laugh at the stupidity of that. Dear me. Also, if you think it's true, back it up. All that article did was make a lot of retarded statements. You fail for 5 reasons.

1. No one hates the game 'cos it got commercial'(wtf does that even mean?)

2. I don't hate the game, I made that clear in my post responding to that article.

3. You're a moron

4. You're a moron

5. Did I say you were a moron?

08-17-2006, 02:05 AM
FF7 is horribly dated and wasn't exactly top notch when it was released. It was certainly the rpg with the biggest production values at the time.

I really got into it back in the day, but i was a mere 13 years old boy then so i was easily swayed by my friend that came up with a lot of crap about the game before it was released.

I enjoyed rpgish games before ff7 so it was great to have a game that would take "80" hours to finish!

I got caught up in the hype :(

but i maintain to this day that it is one of my favourite games. Not my favourite game or even final fantasy but it holds a place in my heart as the game that took rpgs to the next level.

Maester KNZ
08-17-2006, 03:38 AM
three out of five of your reasons being "your a moron" means that blatantly i won that one ...........cheers Bry!!!!!

Valerie Valens
08-17-2006, 03:44 AM
Thread 28803

Maester KNZ
08-17-2006, 04:07 AM
Currently Playing :
- Grandia (The Lost World - Twin Towers)
- Tales of Phantasia PSX (Final Act - Lower Morlia)
- KH : Chain of Memories(1st World Tier 6/6, Monstro)
- FF6 (South Figaro Terra/Locke/Edgar)
- Seiken Densetsu 3 (Palo - The Ghost Ship)
- Tales of Eternia (Seyfert Observatory)
- Tales of Destiny (-Completed-)

.....Ha aha ah hah ahah ah hahahah ahahhahahaha

Valerie Valens
08-17-2006, 05:08 AM
I see you noticed my sig, care to elaborate?

08-17-2006, 08:47 AM
Wait...he knows what 'elaborate' means? Careful with the big words around the noobs, there.

Hex Omega
08-17-2006, 10:26 AM
three out of five of your reasons being "your a moron" means that blatantly i won that one ...........cheers Bry!!!!!

Oh yes, you "won". How will I ever recover from this crushing defeat?!

08-17-2006, 02:03 PM
Just a testament to a great game, enjoy.;action;1

I haven't read through all of this thread as unfortunately haven't got the time at right this second but will make this reply.

I'm not actually an FF7 hater. However I do see the games flaws and so see the flaws in that review. Meaning this post with all due respect it's full of biased inaccuracies, and was obviously written by somebody who is either a hard core fan of the game themselves, someone who was trying to promote the game for some kind of commercial reason or else by somebody who was guilty of both. There's other reviews out there on the net alot more accurate and written from an unbiased point of view. I don't have the time to post any links right now, but once I do then I'll have a browse and see what I can find.

08-17-2006, 03:39 PM
I haven't read through all of this thread as unfortunately haven't got the time at right this second but will make this reply.

I'm not actually an FF7 hater. However I do see the games flaws and so see the flaws in that review. Meaning this post with all due respect it's full of biased inaccuracies, and was obviously written by somebody who is either a hard core fan of the game themselves, someone who was trying to promote the game for some kind of commercial reason or else by somebody who was guilty of both. There's other reviews out there on the net alot more accurate and written from an unbiased point of view. I don't have the time to post any links right now, but once I do then I'll have a browse and see what I can find.

You see, no offense Giga but thats what Im talking about. You say its obviously written by somebody who is either a hard core fan of the game themsleves, or someone who was trying to promote the game for some kind of commercial reason. Why cant it be just someone who thought it was a great game and someone who recognizes what it did for the gaming industry? This is what I mean when I say as soon as someone says anything positive about the game, they are automatically shot down. I also say that is why it is impossible to argue a point about liking the game.

08-17-2006, 03:52 PM
You see, no offense Giga but thats what Im talking about. You say its obviously written by somebody who is either a hard core fan of the game themsleves, or someone who was trying to promote the game for some kind of commercial reason. Why cant it be just someone who thought it was a great game and someone who recognizes what it did for the gaming industry? This is what I mean when I say as soon as someone says anything positive about the game, they are automatically shot down. I also say that is why it is impossible to argue a point about liking the game.

Iceberg, am not saying that it can't be somebody who thinks it's great game, or that he/she shouldn't have liked it. I'm also not putting anyone down for liking it, i enjoyed playing it myself alot when I first tried it out before any of the others in the series. However by making a review like that claiming that FF7 is the best game, the person who wrote it is indicating that it's the best from a technical point of view. This is inaccurate going by the factors which were neglected in the game.

08-17-2006, 04:07 PM
Iceberg, am not saying that it can't be somebody who thinks it's great game, or that he/she shouldn't have liked it. I'm also not putting anyone down for liking it, i enjoyed playing it myself alot when I first tried it out before any of the others in the series. However by making a review like that claiming that FF7 is the best game, the person who wrote it is indicating that it's the best from a technical point of view. This is inaccurate going by the factors which were neglected in the game.

I dont think the article was a review, it was more of a reflection on the game. What gamespot does is they occasionally induct certain games into " the greatest games of all time". Its sort of there own little hall of fame. My other favorite game Chrono Trigger was inducted also lol.

Desert Wolf
08-17-2006, 04:10 PM
Iceberg, am not saying that it can't be somebody who thinks it's great game, or that he/she shouldn't have liked it. I'm also not putting anyone down for liking it, i enjoyed playing it myself alot when I first tried it out before any of the others in the series. However by making a review like that claiming that FF7 is the best game, the person who wrote it is indicating that it's the best from a technical point of view. This is inaccurate going by the factors which were neglected in the game.

Why dont you point out what was technicaly wrong with the game? Im sure both I and iceberg would be happy to hear it.

08-17-2006, 04:17 PM
Why dont you point out what was technicaly wrong with the game? Im sure both I and iceberg would be happy to hear it.

You know whats funny? People look at the FMVs now and say " ewww they are soo ugly". Im pretty sure back in 97 there initial reaction was "wow". I remember seeing the game and thinking the prerendered backrounds were great. Thought the disfigured characters were really ugly though. I wonder what was everyone's first thought after they saw Ifrit summoned in FF7. What about Knights of the round table? Back in 97, I dont think there was anything really wrong with this game techically.

Desert Wolf
08-17-2006, 04:20 PM
Well graphics arent what makes the game good. Take FF6 or FF5 for example. 2D graphics but still brilliant games.

08-17-2006, 04:25 PM
Well graphics arent what makes the game good. Take FF6 or FF5 for example. 2D graphics but still brilliant games.

But ask most of the people who dont like the game, whats wrong with it and alot of times the graphics would be brought up. Graphics dont matter to me at all. I grew up playing atari and nes. With FF7, call me crazy, but I love the story. I love the cast of characters also.

08-17-2006, 04:25 PM
Why dont you point out what was technicaly wrong with the game? Im sure both I and iceberg would be happy to hear it.

Am very limited at the moment as to how much I can use the internet, so can only come on for short time periods at a time. However if I have the chance will post more tomorrow, am now about to head home from work.

08-17-2006, 04:28 PM
My thoughts exactly.

heh, i`d still like to know if that was a little jab at me. :-P

Desert Wolf
08-17-2006, 04:29 PM
But ask most of the people who dont like the game, whats wrong with it and alot of times the graphics would be brought up. Graphics dont matter to me at all. I grew up playing atari and nes. With FF7, call me crazy, but I love the story. I love the cast of characters also.

Actually most people ive debated with dont complain about the graphics. Graphics change over time so of course the next game in the series will have better graphics. Its not an arguement at all really.

Am very limited at the moment as to how much I can use the internet, so can only come on for short time periods at a time. However if I have the chance will post more tomorrow, am now about to head home from work.

A likely excuse. :p

heh, i`d still like to know if that was a little jab at me.

I'll jab you as much as you want later ;)

08-17-2006, 04:31 PM
DW, you know all you have to do is ask me. I still have arguments stored up that I've never used before. :p

08-17-2006, 04:31 PM
Actually most people ive debated with dont complain about the graphics. Graphics change over time so of course the next game in the series will have better graphics. Its not an arguement at all really.

A likely excuse. :p

Alot of people I have spoken to seem to complain about the graphics. For me, the character models were better but the FF8 graphics werent so much better IMO. You're right the graphics topic is not an argument, but some people do like to mention them.

Desert Wolf
08-17-2006, 04:34 PM
DW, you know all you have to do is ask me. I still have arguments stored up that I've never used before. :p

Waiting for someone like me to use them on eh? Lets have them so when ever you're ready. No rush though because I wont be replying to them til later on tonight. :)

Alot of people I have spoken to seem to complain about the graphics. For me, the character models were better but the FF8 graphics werent so much better IMO. You're right the graphics topic is not an argument, but some people do like to mention them.

Well the graphics in FF8 may have been better but the game as a whole was woeful.

08-17-2006, 04:37 PM
Waiting for someone like me to use them on eh? Lets have them so when ever you're ready. No rush though because I wont be replying to them til later on tonight. :)

Well the graphics in FF8 may have been better but the game as a whole was woeful.

lol, you didnt like FF8 too much? lol IMO it wasnt that great.

Desert Wolf
08-17-2006, 04:38 PM
lol, you didnt like FF8 too much? lol IMO it wasnt that great.

The junction system and the story ruined it for me :(

08-17-2006, 04:41 PM
The junction system and the story ruined it for me :(

Oh dont say junction system too loud. I get a bad feeling in my stomach. I hated it.

Desert Wolf
08-17-2006, 04:42 PM

08-17-2006, 04:56 PM
I'm not actually an FF7 hater. However I do see the games flaws and so see the flaws in that review. Meaning this post with all due respect it's full of biased inaccuracies, and was obviously written by somebody who is either a hard core fan of the game themselves, someone who was trying to promote the game for some kind of commercial reason or else by somebody who was guilty of both. There's other reviews out there on the net alot more accurate and written from an unbiased point of view. I don't have the time to post any links right now, but once I do then I'll have a browse and see what I can find.

I think a very similar point was brought up before the rollback, too. I also think it should be noted that GameFan Magazine, the publication responsible for the "best game ever" quote that prominently appears on the back of the FFVII case, was originally started by the owner/manager of a gaming store in Cali. Here's an article about that. ( And this is a pic of the case. ()

Desert Wolf
08-17-2006, 05:11 PM
Carlsberg Final Fantasy 7, probably the best game in the world.

Hex Omega
08-17-2006, 06:38 PM
A likely excuse.

It actually is. She made a thread stating she won't be around as much. She had near 1000 posts(maybe more) pre-hack iirc.

From a technical point of view(graphics), not much can be said against FF7. We've been here before Kev, i'll save you the hassle of a debate. Unless you really want of course, i'll happily give you one(and i'll win just like I do at Poker every time. O burn :p).

Valerie Valens
08-17-2006, 07:13 PM
(and i'll win just like I do at Poker every time. O burn :p).

Why aren't you a millionaire by now then?

Hex Omega
08-17-2006, 07:27 PM
It's only play chips. I don't play for money online. Only in casinos.

Desert Wolf
08-17-2006, 07:49 PM
It actually is. She made a thread stating she won't be around as much. She had near 1000 posts(maybe more) pre-hack iirc.

From a technical point of view(graphics), not much can be said against FF7. We've been here before Kev, i'll save you the hassle of a debate. Unless you really want of course, i'll happily give you one(and i'll win just like I do at Poker every time. O burn :p).

I was only joking but now that you mention poker(you poxy bastard) I am so going to clean you out for this.:p

Hex Omega
08-17-2006, 08:04 PM
I was only joking but now that you mention poker(you poxy bastard) I am so going to clean you out for this.:p

Any time, any place my friend. :p

08-17-2006, 08:34 PM
Any time, any place my friend. :p

OOOOOOOOooooooooo!! you gonna take that wolf? lol

08-18-2006, 12:05 AM
wow like are we talking about poker now? i suck at poker. =(

Desert Wolf
08-18-2006, 12:18 AM
OOOOOOOOooooooooo!! you gonna take that wolf? lol

Indeed I am. Along with all his chips.

08-18-2006, 07:24 AM
Uh oh. I think DW just threw down the gauntlet. :-D

Hex Omega
08-18-2006, 09:05 AM
Indeed I am. Along with all his chips.

What like last night? With your pocket queens? What did you run into? Eh?

Deary me.

08-18-2006, 02:47 PM
A likely excuse. :p

Well I can't help it! The P.C I normally use at home is still with the engineers at the moment as it stopped working a short while ago, and though I can use internet from work i'm only supposed to use it in my lunch break and seeing as thats when I also check and answer my emails it doesn't leave me all that much time to post! :p ;)

I'm already near the end of my lunch break already now so unfortunatley can't go into as much detail as i'd ideally like to, but to give you an example of what i'm talking about in regards to that review, look at what it says about story and character being at the heart of the game. Now here i'm not going to be entirely negative about the game. When starting out playing it I thought both the story and characters had great potential. That was exactly what kept me hooked up to about the middle of the second disk. I thought that it started off well and thought that it had to get even better as events unfolded.

However, as has been touched upon in other threads, it soon becomes apparent after a while that most of the characters have hardly any depth to them. You never really get to discover anything about Clouds true personality other than the fact that he had a thing for Tifa when young, and also that he has feelings for Aeris which is all very well but those things don't add alot of depth to the story by themselves. Also Barret, Red XIII's, Vincent, Yuffie's and Cid's characters are never fully developed as once you've learned their brief background stories you don't get to find out hardly anything more about them.

Then there's the overall game story being abandoned in favour of a big fight with Sephiroth and Cloud at the end. After Cloud wins the battle with Sephiroth you get to see that scene with the lifestream but no clear idea as to what actually happens afterwards is given. You see that scene with Red XIII running along with little versions of himselves towards the end but that hardly explains anything. Of course AC came much later, but at that stage a sequel hadn't even been planned. When you compare FF7's storyline to some of the other FF stories, such as with FF9 for example, you see that other FF stories in the series have been demonstrated in a much better way.

Then there's the way it mentions how good the music was. I'm willing to admit that some of the music was ok, but as far as I remember the majority of tunes weren't of terribly good quality and there's games with far better music out there, including other games in the final fantasy series.

I could and would go on further but unfortunately can't right this second. Will add more when I can.

I think a very similar point was brought up before the rollback, too. I also think it should be noted that GameFan Magazine, the publication responsible for the "best game ever" quote that prominently appears on the back of the FFVII case, was originally started by the owner/manager of a gaming store in Cali. Here's an article about that. ( And this is a pic of the case. ()

Thanks for including that in here CyanCyde, will take a look when I have a chance =)

08-18-2006, 08:06 PM
Thanks for including that in here CyanCyde, will take a look when I have a chance

Anytime, dearest Giga. :-D

08-21-2006, 12:56 PM
I've just had a read through that. Have to say that I think it makes alot of sense, and I do think that partly the reason why FF VII has became as popular as it is today is because it was advertised in such a different way to previous games in the series. As a result for so many people it's the first game that they ever tried out both in the FF Series and as an RPG and so because they hadn't played any game better at the time they thought that the game was better than it really was, and as a result have extra fond memories of playing it despite the fact that both earlier and later releases have been better.

Desert Wolf
08-21-2006, 01:55 PM
Ok I havent had a chance to look through your post but ill try do it later.

Hex Omega
08-21-2006, 02:37 PM
Never under-estimate the power of nostaliga. :p

08-21-2006, 06:39 PM
Ok I havent had a chance to look through your post but ill try do it later.

No probs ;)

I'm not actually out to slate the game off just for the sake of it, even though admittedly I did go on a bit in my last post lol, it's just that I think whoever wrote that review was pretty biased. If it had been an article on FF7 being the most popular game in the series that would have been one thing, but I do think it's pretty far fetched to say that it's the best game in the series.

Here's a link to another review I read. At first glance it might seem that the person is being overly negative, but if you really give the stuff thats said some proper thought it's actually much more accurate than the majority of internet reviews you come across on the game:

Hex Omega
08-21-2006, 07:03 PM
I've found that nearly ALL reviews of FF7 are hopelessly biased and not objective at all. A unbalanced, objective review is very difficult to find.

08-21-2006, 07:05 PM
I've found that nearly ALL reviews of FF7 are hopelessly biased and not objective at all. A unbalanced, objective review is very difficult to find.

Same here. I was really suprised to come across that one, after reading through so many that said practically the same thing.

08-21-2006, 07:06 PM
Yeah Bryan, it's really hard to pick them out of the junk written by fankids with silly names like SaferSephiroth[EIRE].

Hex Omega
08-21-2006, 07:10 PM
You just had to say it didn't you? :(

08-21-2006, 07:14 PM
lol whats all that about?

08-21-2006, 07:15 PM
I think he would prefer that the secret remained buried.

Hex Omega
08-21-2006, 07:17 PM
Stop posting. Please. :(

08-21-2006, 07:19 PM
lol did you once call yourself Safer Sephiroth or something like that? :p

Hex Omega
08-21-2006, 07:22 PM
No, I most certainly did not! I would never do anything so impulsive, and..............foolish.

08-21-2006, 07:26 PM
Hehe ok, i'll stop being nosey. :p Still there's worse names than that I can think of.

Hex Omega
08-21-2006, 07:28 PM
Like Tiduslives, Sheartrigger, and Tifa's Knight perhaps?(all old names for 3 unnamed regulars).

08-21-2006, 07:48 PM
lol exactly. Mind you I probably could have picked a more original user name myself, still i'm too lazy to bother changing it at the moment.

08-22-2006, 12:12 AM
Like Tiduslives, Sheartrigger, and Tifa's Knight perhaps?(all old names for 3 unnamed regulars).
omg i know who you're talking about! tiduslives is a good friend of mine... although we hadn't talked to each other that much... :(

10-24-2006, 05:29 PM
I dont claim to know millions of people who like FF7. How many people are in this forum? How many people here support FF7? What Im saying is because of these morons, people cant base the entire FF7 fanbase on them. That is why I posted the link. It shows there are people in the videogame industry that regard FF7 as one of the greatest games of all time. Its not just the moron fanboys that say so.

ooohhh....the article is from Gamespot....the same fuckers that gave Devil May Cry 3 an 8 because it was too hard...pssh....what do they know about great games anyway?
they're just as mainstream as the "adoring fans" that lick the balls of the Square developers while they all jack-off to cloud/sephiroth hentai

as for FF7 making rpgs popular in the US....umm...i've been into rpgs since P&P...(paper and pen for you unculture bastards)....THAT'S where REAL rpg's started in the US.....NOT with FF7....take your "article" and shove it until you have some credible evidence (not third-party banter) to back your arguments

hb smokey
10-24-2006, 05:31 PM
ooohhh....the article is from Gamespot....the same fuckers that gave Devil May Cry 3 an 8 because it was too hard...pssh....what do they know about great games anyway?
they're just as mainstream as the "adoring fans" that lick the balls of the Square developers while they all jack-off to cloud/sephiroth hentai

as for FF7 making rpgs popular in the US....umm...i've been into rpgs since P&P...(paper and pen for you unculture bastards)....THAT'S where REAL rpg's started in the US.....NOT with FF7....take your "article" and shove it until you have some credible evidence (not third-party banter) to back your arguments
Oh no.

10-24-2006, 05:35 PM
Oh no.

yeah...i know i probably just opened up a can of worms by mentioning pen-and-paper...but eh, it's gonna happen anyway

10-24-2006, 06:14 PM
Oh, don't worry. I've gone there plenty of times to show that the FF games aren't RPGs anyway.

10-25-2006, 01:20 AM
what i want to know is why he's spiting FF7's obvious from the title....he added enjoy....
so either it's bait for haters or he's doing it to spite the said haters...
either way...the article is even more baseless than the arguments posed by these mindless fanatics

10-25-2006, 06:06 AM
what i want to know is why he's spiting FF7's obvious from the title....he added enjoy....

Yet he denied any such doings. It should be noted that after this "discussion," this thread's creator tried another thread, very similar to this, where IGN says that FFVII's music is the bestest EVAR because of One Winged Angel. When it was pointed out just how biased and crappy that article was, he didn't respond, and hasn't posted in any of the FF forums since.

10-25-2006, 04:03 PM
Yet he denied any such doings. It should be noted that after this "discussion," this thread's creator tried another thread, very similar to this, where IGN says that FFVII's music is the bestest EVAR because of One Winged Angel. When it was pointed out just how biased and crappy that article was, he didn't respond, and hasn't posted in any of the FF forums since.

very interesting.....i saw the article as well....i've always been wary of reviews by ANYBODY....who's to say that they know what i like or how much somebody's paying them to write complete crap.....oh well...hopefully the thread starter will finally find something to have a logical, well-directed discussion with us about this commonly disputed topic

10-25-2006, 04:09 PM
I doubt it. Iceberg never was very competent in a debate. The people who were capable of competently arguing with us on the issue (or willing to do so) are gone by now. We get a new one every now and then, but they usually don't last long when they see that the top dogs in this place are the ones who stand against the game and that there's no room for them to take that spot.

Hex Omega
10-25-2006, 06:15 PM
what i want to know is why he's spiting FF7's obvious from the title....he added enjoy....
so either it's bait for haters or he's doing it to spite the said haters...
either way...the article is even more baseless than the arguments posed by these mindless fanatics

I know. What's funny is he picked out an article that was more or less total bullshit.

10-25-2006, 06:53 PM
I doubt it. Iceberg never was very competent in a debate. The people who were capable of competently arguing with us on the issue (or willing to do so) are gone by now. We get a new one every now and then, but they usually don't last long when they see that the top dogs in this place are the ones who stand against the game and that there's no room for them to take that spot.

I intend on being a regular least right now i do. I have no intentions of arguing every little thing that arises. But i will if i have to.

10-25-2006, 06:54 PM
And your point is?

Rock Lee
10-25-2006, 08:10 PM
Everyone knows that FF7 was the best FF game because of Tifa's big ass titties and Cloud fangirls.

10-25-2006, 08:17 PM
I intend on being a regular least right now i do. I have no intentions of arguing every little thing that arises. But i will if i have to.

I will say that if you're planning to stick around here as a regular member you'll soon realise that while it's up to everyone whether or not they argue/debate a subject at any given time, that alot of the regulars often do and that if you happen to post anything that someone else notices and wishes to comment further on then they will. Alot of us here can be pretty blunt and will say straight away if we disagree with something. That can be intimidating to new members at times, although once you've stuck around a while you'll come to see it as the norm.

fastidious percolator
10-25-2006, 08:21 PM
I will say that if you're planning to stick around here as a regular member you'll soon realise that while it's up to everyone whether or not they argue/debate a subject at any given time, that alot of the regulars often do and that if you happen to post anything that someone else notices and wishes to comment further on then they will. Alot of us here can be pretty blunt and will say straight away if we disagree with something. That can be intimidating to new members at times, although once you've stuck around a while you'll come to see it as the norm.

Oh my, that's one of the reasons why EoFF thinks we're bad people. :laugh:

10-25-2006, 11:03 PM
I doubt it. Iceberg never was very competent in a debate. The people who were capable of competently arguing with us on the issue (or willing to do so) are gone by now. We get a new one every now and then, but they usually don't last long when they see that the top dogs in this place are the ones who stand against the game and that there's no room for them to take that spot.

It gives me a warm feeling inside to know that you guys love me enough to talk about me when Im gone.

Prak what you have to understand is being competent means shit to you because you always have to be right. Theres a difference, and you should know that.

And chunky its not that I didnt want to post. I just got married and I have a new job so computer access for me was close to impossible. I did peek my head in a few times to read some threads but there was nothing too interesting so I didnt post.

I only posted the ign music link because I felt some people would be interested in seeing it. I dont even listen to FF music so I have no arguments or opinions to back up anything on that list. So know what your talking about before you spew garbage.

Hex Omega
10-26-2006, 12:00 AM
I only posted the ign music link because I felt some people would be interested in seeing it. I dont even listen to FF music so I have no arguments or opinions to back up anything on that list. So know what your talking about before you spew garbage.

Uhh, why post something you can't back up then? And judging by the thread title, you made this thread with the belief that the article would blow all of the arguements that FF7 is a mediocre game out of the water.

10-26-2006, 12:08 AM
Uhh, why post something you can't back up then? And judging by the thread title, you made this thread with the belief that the article would blow all of the arguements that FF7 is a mediocre game out of the water.

Ok, if you say so. Just read earlier posts in this thread. I stated why I posted the link. Sorry if the title comes off wrong.

10-26-2006, 01:57 AM
You were just trying to worm you way out of it.

10-26-2006, 02:46 AM
You were just trying to worm you way out of it.

hmmmmm nope thats not what I was trying to do.

J. Peterman
10-26-2006, 03:08 AM


10-26-2006, 08:02 AM

i love the sarcasm

iceberg...have you READ what you've posted in this thread thus far?
"i agree with the article's author, therefore it's credible" bullshit will net you no credibility whatsoever
Al Gore also tried to slyly say that he invented the if you agree with him, then it's credible?....i'll leave that to you to think about

so why don't you and d_empiror get together for some ghey love with Richard Simmons and Christopher Lowell...because as far as i can see it....i'm sure that some people think this when they read your shithole of an arguement

10-26-2006, 09:25 AM
I only posted the ign music link because I felt some people would be interested in seeing it. I dont even listen to FF music so I have no arguments or opinions to back up anything on that list. So know what your talking about before you spew garbage.

I nearly woke up my wife roffling at the irony of that. I rarely listen to FF music when I'm not playing the games (the occasional FFIX MIDI notwithstanding), so it's not like I've heard every track of every soundtrack ever produced. At any rate, I pointed out the blatnant bias in that IGN article; somebody who's never picked up a controller would see the bias. I love your selective literacy.

Valerie Valens
10-26-2006, 01:06 PM
ROFL @ Iceberg325

Hex Omega
10-26-2006, 05:59 PM
hmmmmm nope thats not what I was trying to do.

Uh, it certainly seems that's exactly what you were trying to do.

10-26-2006, 06:02 PM
Here's the link to iceberg's other attempted potshot at the "FF7 haters!!!!" (Thread 30698) ENJOY!!!!

10-26-2006, 10:02 PM
Here's the link to iceberg's other attempted potshot at the "FF7 haters!!!!" (Thread 30698) ENJOY!!!!

It wasnt a potshot ass. Stop trying to read between the lines.

Its just funny. I posted the FF7 link to show people that not only fanboys regard FF7 as one of the best games of all time. Its obvious that people who hate the game will do anything to discredit anything which holds FF7 in high regards. I just find that to be funny.

Z.zetsumei stop being an ass. Your statement was bullshit. Stop loooking for attention.

And again as for the ign article link. it was for the sole purpose of people seeing igns list of top 10 ff soundtracks. Thats it!!! Thats all it was. I could care less if one winged angel was number 1. Like I said I dont listen to FF music on my sparetime only when I play the games. And even when I do play the game, I mostly mute the volume and listen to my ipod. So with that being said I hold no favoritism to any of the FF soundtracks.

And since Im labeled an ass for posting the article, oh what the hell here is another link enjoy!!!!!

10-26-2006, 10:57 PM
It wasnt a potshot ass. Stop trying to read between the lines.

Its just funny. I posted the FF7 link to show people that not only fanboys regard FF7 as one of the best games of all time. Its obvious that people who hate the game will do anything to discredit anything which holds FF7 in high regards. I just find that to be funny.

Z.zetsumei stop being an ass. Your statement was bullshit. Stop loooking for attention.

And again as for the ign article link. it was for the sole purpose of people seeing igns list of top 10 ff soundtracks. Thats it!!! Thats all it was. I could care less if one winged angel was number 1. Like I said I dont listen to FF music on my sparetime only when I play the games. And even when I do play the game, I mostly mute the volume and listen to my ipod. So with that being said I hold no favoritism to any of the FF soundtracks.

i also find it funny that you're so're telling ME to stop looking for attention?
go die in a hole bitch, cuz i'll be an ass whenever and wherever i like
if you don't like my sick sense of humor go cry to your mommy so i can rub some trees on her to make ugly-sticks
on a more serious note, the views in an article are an expressed opinion by ONE person...whether or not it's in accord with the views of other is irrelevant...opinion articles express the opinion of the AUTHOR and not the readers
you're probably discrediting everything i say in your mind, but i could care less

and stop with the enjoy crap...those posted links hold no weight when there's always a counter argument...this was posted the Bottom Line section,44055/

10-26-2006, 11:16 PM
Its just funny. I posted the FF7 link to show people that not only fanboys regard FF7 as one of the best games of all time.

I could care less if they are fanboys or not. If they like the game, then good for them I could care less.

But when fanboys yell out, "dude no ff is better than 7 because sephiroth and cloud" it gets annoying and something must be said to put them into shame.
That's why fanboys are constantly targeted as lame, because they are in fact fanboys.
I could care less if God himself came down and regarded FFVII as the greatest game ever, I would still think otherwise.

10-27-2006, 12:07 AM
I could care less if they are fanboys or not. If they like the game, then good for them I could care less.

But when fanboys yell out, "dude no ff is better than 7 because sephiroth and cloud" it gets annoying and something must be said to put them into shame.
That's why fanboys are constantly targeted as lame, because they are in fact fanboys.
I could care less if God himself came down and regarded FFVII as the greatest game ever, I would still think otherwise.

Thats cool and I respect you for your opinion.

10-27-2006, 01:42 AM
Excellent iceberg325, because I have already put you in your place once before I do not have the time to do it again.

10-27-2006, 02:19 AM
Excellent iceberg325, because I have already put you in your place once before I do not have the time to do it again.

Oh you did? When was this? I cant seem to recall.

10-27-2006, 02:30 AM
It was some time ago, I wouldn't expect you to remember.
But, it was about FFVII.

Not like it matters.

10-27-2006, 02:36 AM
It was some time ago, I wouldn't expect you to remember.
But, it was about FFVII.

Not like it matters.

So why did you mention it?

10-27-2006, 05:12 AM
So why did you mention it?

because even if he did, you still wouldn't be able to recall it

10-27-2006, 12:14 PM
Wow.. this thread is still going, and I haven't been on in like... three months.

10-27-2006, 12:16 PM
Wow.. this thread is still going, and I haven't been on in like... three months.

Valerie Valens
10-27-2006, 01:07 PM
LOL z.zetsumei, did Iceberg like...impregnate your mom or something? :D

10-27-2006, 04:07 PM
nope....he impregnated my dog, that's why i'm full of angst....more so because my dog is male

10-27-2006, 05:50 PM
It wasnt a potshot ass. Stop trying to read between the lines.

Its just funny. I posted the FF7 link to show people that not only fanboys regard FF7 as one of the best games of all time.

You see, my asinine punching bag, that is exactly what a potshot is--nevermind the fact that the first two articles you posted were completely biased. If you had a shred of objectivity, you'd see that. If you had a shred of competency at backing up your views (which you should know you need at FFS), you wouldn't have posted the links anyway.

10-28-2006, 02:15 AM
nope....he impregnated my dog, that's why i'm full of angst....more so because my dog is male

Your dog = your mom.

Chunky chunky chunky!!! You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about haha!!!!

10-28-2006, 02:19 AM
Your dog = your mom.

If that were true, zetsumei wouldnt be able to type.

10-28-2006, 07:09 AM
If that were true, zetsumei wouldnt be able to type.

and if chunky doesn't know what he's talking about, then why don't you explain it Iceberg since you're SOOooo knowledgable about everything....or so you think

by the way....stop committing incest...that's disgusting

10-28-2006, 08:50 AM
I'd like to point out a delicious piece of irony. This shining gem of idiocy...

Your dog = your mom. followed by this mind-numbingly stupid piece of drivel:

Chunky chunky chunky!!! You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about haha!!!!

In other words, iceberg, the only one not laughing at you, is you.

10-28-2006, 02:49 PM
I'd like to point out a delicious piece of irony. This shining gem of idiocy... followed by this mind-numbingly stupid piece of drivel:

In other words, iceberg, the only one not laughing at you, is you.

Thats fine with me. You think I lose sleep at night because an asshole like you doesnt laugh at what I post in a forum? Trust me I dont.

10-28-2006, 06:44 PM
Thats fine with me. You think I lose sleep at night because an asshole like you doesnt laugh at what I post in a forum? Trust me I dont.

Whenever did I put forth any thought that you lose sleep, O illiterate wonder? It's really great how you make up totally irrelevant stuff to try and insult me, when the best thing you can do is "ass," and its big brother, "asshole." It's even better when you've bragged in this very thread how insults aren't even needed. Perhaps if your head weren't so firmly enlodged in your anus, you'd understand a thing or two.

10-28-2006, 08:10 PM
Whenever did I put forth any thought that you lose sleep, O illiterate wonder? It's really great how you make up totally irrelevant stuff to try and insult me, when the best thing you can do is "ass," and its big brother, "asshole." It's even better when you've bragged in this very thread how insults aren't even needed. Perhaps if your head weren't so firmly enlodged in your anus, you'd understand a thing or two.

OMG you are such an idiot.

Swedish Fish
10-28-2006, 08:11 PM
You're the one with a nacho libre avatar.

10-28-2006, 08:28 PM
You're the one with a nacho libre avatar.

It was a funny movie. Have you seen it?

And your pirate sig is classic.

Swedish Fish
10-28-2006, 08:35 PM
It was a funny movie, but that doesn't change my opinion about your avatar. And thank you, I like my sig too.

10-28-2006, 08:48 PM
It was a funny movie, but that doesn't change my opinion about your avatar. And thank you, I like my sig too.

Thats cool. And you are entitled to that opinion.

10-29-2006, 12:02 AM
*looks at Iceberg's avatar* that what he'd look like if someone dangled a piece of FFVII memorabilia in front of him?

10-29-2006, 03:18 AM
No, he'd need one hand to masturbate because it's ZOMG FF7!!1!!1!oneoneeleventyone!1!

10-29-2006, 03:57 AM
if any of you shit up threads again you're getting a ban.

for the remainder of topic (this goes for everyone), stay relevant or stay out.

10-30-2006, 10:33 PM
I dont see a problem with the article. I thought FF7 was a great game. My favorite FF so happens to be FF9 btw.

10-31-2006, 02:01 AM
I dont see a problem with the article. I thought FF7 was a great game. My favorite FF so happens to be FF9 btw.

how about the lack of comparison with other games?...some benchmark from which this article compared FFVII to?
things like that make all the difference in a credible article/argument

10-31-2006, 02:50 AM
how about the lack of comparison with other games?...some benchmark from which this article compared FFVII to?
things like that make all the difference in a credible article/argument

I dont think it was an argument per se. At the time FF7 came out it was revolutionary. Thats just obvious. It does show its wrinkles now but I think it was just a retrospective on a game that heavily influenced rpgs that we play today.

Swedish Fish
10-31-2006, 03:07 AM
Come over here Prak. I really want to get my ass verbally pounded.


Van Finel
10-31-2006, 03:23 AM
Just a testament to a great game, enjoy.;action;1

Stop giving FF VII an even worse name then it already has. thank you.

10-31-2006, 04:34 AM
At the time FF7 came out it was revolutionary.

At the risk of "shitting up" a thread (when trolls can go on for weeks with no punishment), I have to ask why you keep beating that dead horse. What's revolutionary about it? The graphics were okay--nowhere near revolutionary. Tekken 2 was released a full year earlier and boasted superior graphics. Its FMV's were far better, as well, so the graphics (which many folks do prattle on about) aren't it. Was it the battle system? While Materia was something new, calling that revolutionary is nothing short of a joke. The Limit Breaks were (sort of) new and neat, but revolutionary? Puh-lease! In all honesty, FFVII's battle system is pretty much a pared-down version of FFVI's. So...what's revolutionary? The story? It wasn't anything special. For every "zomg, Sephy killed Aeris!" moment, there's two or three Kefka moments. So...what is so ZOMG revolutionary? I want to know--I played it at launch too, and I wasn't THAT impressed even then.

10-31-2006, 04:42 AM
Just because it is revolutionary does not necessarily mean it is good.

An item carrying the trait of revolutionry means it is a sharp turn of the original.
So stating the battle system is revolutionary from the classics is nothing but obvious.
The battle system was totally different from ANY of the original classics.

Was FFVII's battle system revolutionary?


Was FFVII's battle system to best out of FFI-FFVII?

No, it sucked.

10-31-2006, 04:45 AM
Was FFVII's battle system revolutionary?


No. The ATB had been done since FFIV. Even Chrono Trigger had it.

10-31-2006, 04:46 AM
I am talking about Materia.

Since you clearly stated above that was not revolutionary at all.

10-31-2006, 05:01 AM
Materia surely isn't revolutionary, either. It's more or less a cheapened Esper system. Materia grants instant gratification, rather than permanent, long-term bonuses.

edit because I was watching MNF and not paying attention:

The "instant gratification" is basically the sole difference between espers and materia, to be honest.

10-31-2006, 05:21 AM
I actually enjoy the fact you basically pulled some bullshit thought out of your head, presented as a fact, and expect for me to understand and respond so you can repeat the process.

Look, I am not going to get in a heated argument over FFVII's Materia System because honestly you probably do know it better than I.

But no other Final Fantasy game had battle system identical to that of FFVII, therefore making it different and revolutionary for the Final Fantasy series.

10-31-2006, 07:50 AM
It's ironic how you call me for "bullshit" four lines before this load of bullocks:

But no other Final Fantasy game had battle system identical to that of FFVII, therefore making it different and revolutionary for the Final Fantasy series.

No two "systems" in the entire FF series are identical. Calling any one (whether it be FFVII's or, say, FFIX's) "revolutionary" for that fact is quite retarded. Following your brand of dislogic, just about every single game ever made is revolutionary, because there aren't many games (in general) that use identical "systems."

Now to back up what I said in my last post (as MNF is over and I can concentrate).

FFVII's Materia system is a cheapened version of FFVI's esper system. Both systems allow you to pick who gets to cast what spells. Both Materia and Espers give certain statistical bonuses to your characters (Materia also nerfs other stats, while Espers do not).

The Esper system is based on long-term, permanent effects that ultimately makes your characters far stronger, with extra stat boosts at level ups and permanently learning spells--Espers are meant to stay equipped for a substantial period of time so that characters can get the most from said Esper. This has the added side effect of making each character even more unique than their innate skills already make them. Unless you take a ton of time to grind Magic Points, only a couple of your staple characters will have overlapping spell lists.

The Materia system is based on short-term, "gimme the effect now" thinking. The main long-term effect of Materia use is mastering Materia, which allows you to make obscene amounts of Gil with almost no trouble at all. What characters you have in your party is insignificant, because you've always the same spells and abilities available for your chosen three, whatever three it may be. Thus, eight or nine playable characters is quite a waste. Character growth is practically insignificant, as well, as evidenced by the YouTube vid of a level 7 Tifa wiping out Emerald Weapon. Materia dumbs down the preparation process for bosses, especially when you have save points less than a dozen steps from said bosses, like the Materia Keeper. Once you figure out what sort of spells you need, you can load your game immediately before the fight and merely swap in whatever element you want for the next ten minutes. Actual planning and party composition are completely superfluous thanks to Materia as a result.

10-31-2006, 03:03 PM
Since Chunky there has basically stolen my thunder already, all that's left for me to do is point out the meaning of the term "revolutionary" to the ignorant masses. Pay attention, class.

To give you the short version, something can only be considered revolutionary if it causes a change in procedures, mentalities, and so on. FFVII was built entirely on existing systems and did not have a direct impact on future game development. The only things that distinguish it from any other games out there are elements that have not been commonly replicated. Therefore, it is NOT revolutionary in any shape, form, or fashion.

Has everyone learned how to properly use the word now? Good. Class dismissed.

10-31-2006, 03:08 PM
Not sure why you wasted your time to give a shit synopsis of battle systems I am familiar with....but ok.

You even said it yourself, the Esper system is different from the Materia system because the Esper System lets you learn permanent spells.

(Wow, just like the other FF's)
The Materia systems is for short term use and such.
(Wow, which was not presented until FFVII.)

Now if you would actually read what I am trying to get at maybe you would shut the hell up.

I would belittle you more but school starts soon.

EDIT: (For Prak)

Revolutionary means outside the normal procedure and a sudden or complete marked change.
Now, the game was not that revolutionary for the reasons you stated above.

But never in a FF game was there such a shit system as Materia.
This is what I am trying to conclude.

10-31-2006, 03:29 PM
Joey, I honestly have no clue what kind of point you're trying to get across. It seems to change with every post and it makes your entire argument almost completely incoherent. One moment, you post something that seems absurd, then post something that looks like it's basically in agreement with your opponent's counter-argument, but post it as a retort instead of a concession. It makes no sense and has me completely confuzzled.

10-31-2006, 05:04 PM
Now if you would actually read what I am trying to get at maybe you would shut the hell up.

I would belittle you more but school starts soon.

Maybe if you got to your point in fewer than three convoluted posts, we wouldn't have that problem. Also, if that was an attempt at a flame, you'll need to do better than that.

But never in a FF game was there such a shit system as Materia.
This is what I am trying to conclude.

Cute, but untrue on two counts.

10-31-2006, 05:06 PM
Haha. Well I guess I shouldn't turn a sarcastic comment into a debate.

I was going to be a smart-ass and just say, " FFVII was revolutionary because never did a battle system suck that much ass."

But then I started pointing out things in ChunkyMunky's posts that I necessarily did not agree with.

Basically what I am trying to say is that you really cannot compare smilarities between the Esper and Materia system for reasons ChunkyMunky states above.

The Esper system is based on long-term, permanent effects

The Materia system is based on short-term, "gimme the effect now" thinking

It is for these reasons that the Materia system is different. Just like how in FFII you can buy tomes and equip them on any character, but in FFI only Mages can learn certain magic at that.
So in a way, FFI and FFII have a similiar system, but for the most part FFII was totally new and "revolutionary."

The same goes for the Esper and Materia systems. I still dislike the Materia system, but it is still a complete new system that allowed "short-term" magic effects.

EDIT: My mistake, never has there been such a shit system as FFVIII's Junctioning.

10-31-2006, 05:09 PM
Okay, the Materia system is "new", but with that line of reasoning, every FF is revolutionary. Which isn't true.

10-31-2006, 05:10 PM
But new does not equal revolutionary. A game can only be considered revolutionary if it has a far-reaching effect on the industry as a whole and changes the way new games are developed.

10-31-2006, 05:13 PM
You are right to some degree, after FFVII, the battle system changed with each game. So there is really no way to declare FFVIII and on as revolutionary.

But going from the FF Classics to FFVII the battle system was new.
Because although the classics had differences in their battle systems, it stayed pretty much consistent.
But then there comes FFVII and tosses up everything.

EDIT: For Prak again.

You are right, but after FFVII new battle systems were introduced with each game. That could be considered a revolution from the classic FFs.

10-31-2006, 05:14 PM
Name some significant differences in the battle systems of 6 and 7.

10-31-2006, 05:15 PM
I am talking about the FF Classics as a whole.

10-31-2006, 05:16 PM
I understand that. I am using VI as a representative based on the assumption that the first 6 games had relatively similar systems, which comes directly from your arguments.

10-31-2006, 05:17 PM
But you said they stayed pretty much consistent.

10-31-2006, 05:22 PM
Name some significant differences in the battle systems of 6 and 7.

The Esper system is based on long-term, permanent effects

The Materia system is based on short-term, "gimme the effect now" thinking

Which is exactly what I said and ChunkyMunky secretly agreed, and for some reason his statements about this have been unoticed.

10-31-2006, 05:32 PM
First of all, that is not part of the battle system. That is part of the character development system. And the basic concept is the same, even if they are slightly different. Also, neither one of those systems had an impact on the overall market, so neither one was revolutionary.

10-31-2006, 05:42 PM
Prak, I think we are under a misunderstanding.

When I was talking about revolution, I meant the actual Final Fantasies had changed not the entire RPG video game market.

Also, ChunkyMunky had put those two thoughts into the idea of a battle system nowhere near character development so that is how I took it.

10-31-2006, 05:44 PM
Prak, I think we are under a misunderstanding.

When I was talking about revolution, I meant the actual Final Fantasies had changed not the entire RPG video game market.

Very well, but you'd still be hard-pressed to uphold that view under scrutiny.

Also, ChunkyMunky had put those two thoughts into the idea of a battle system nowhere near character development so that is how I took it.

I'm not assigning blame for the error. I'm just pointing it out.

10-31-2006, 05:49 PM
Prak you have that certain something, call it Socratic Method or something, that allows you to confuse the hell out of me.

Just for the record, I still disagree with ChunkyMunky because his side of the debate was just as much all over the place as mine.

10-31-2006, 05:57 PM
You're right about that. It was a really disorganized disagreement. Frankly, I figure it was half because nobody could tell what the hell the others were saying.