09-02-2006, 06:02 AM
according to, here are the top 10 FF soundtracks. ENJOY!!!!

09-02-2006, 06:24 AM
Why aren't I suprised that she'd pick FFVII's as the best? Don't get me wrong--I'm not saying that the music's bad. However, the soundtracks in VI, VIII, and IX are all superior. What little I've heard of FFXII's is also quite good.

I'd like to point out the obvious bias, as well. Instead of telling us why the music is superior, Ms. Sullivan tries to get by on many fans' infatuation with FFVII. She spends more time bragging about how groundbreaking the game was, which is perfectly irrelevant, than telling us about why the music was actually that good. Then, after barely mentioning a few good tracks, she spends at least a third of her rant telling us ZOMG ONE WING ANGLE IS TEH KOOLEST EVAR!11!!oNe1!

This is after describing tracks in the #2 soundtrack as "legendary," and "instant classics," and calling the soundtrack "indisputably the touchstone for all Final Fantasy soundtracks to follow." This is before calling the soundtrack as a whole, "simply epic." But FFVII trumps FFIV b/c of OMG ONE WINGD ANGLE!! :rolleyes:

09-02-2006, 08:13 AM
All Final Fanasy games have good music, but its really stubit to overrate ff7 that much. (vi, viii, and ix have better music in my opinion)

fastidious percolator
09-02-2006, 01:39 PM
Hm.. FFVII on 1., ey? ^_-

Well, here 'ld be my top 10:

4. FFX
8. FFX-2
9. FFV
10. FFII

09-03-2006, 09:04 PM
Haha. I'm quite amused. ^_^

The "Top 10 Definitely Download" list makes me laugh even harder than the reviews. "Not Alone," and "Vamo'alla Flamenco" aren't on there? "Aeris' Theme" isn't on there, when "One-Winged Angel" is the top spot? Oh, please. If any main antagonists' theme should ever be praised as setting the bar for villain themes to come, it's got to be Kefka's "Dancing Mad." :P

Hell, as much as I like One-Winged Angel, I get a creepier and more sinister feeling coming from Kuja's theme.

Ah well, no accounting for tastes.

*wanders off to listen to "Not Alone" again*

09-08-2006, 10:51 PM
But i agree that FFVIII FFVII and FF Tactics are the best

09-09-2006, 03:23 AM
The Final Fantasy XII soundtrack, I find, sucked. While I haven't dedicated a ton of time to listen to the soundtrack, not one song sounded special to me. It just sounded to me like a subpar RPG soundtrack. FFXI should have topped XII

09-09-2006, 02:33 PM
Don't forget that the ign article talks about soundtracks not songs, so just because FFX had a few awesome songs like To Zanarkand and Suteki Da ne, doesn't mean it will be ranked high on the list because the Sound Track wasn't that great... it was the hymn of faith repeated 3/4 of the time.

09-09-2006, 02:39 PM
It`s pretty pointless really. I don`t see a difference between this person choosing their top 10 OSTs and some joe shmuck on FFS posting his/hers. Just because it`s IGN doesn`t really make it anymore important tbh.

Also, FFIX OST ftw ^^

Valerie Valens
09-09-2006, 04:04 PM
I agree, it's just some schmuck's opinions made to look like it's the opinions of the rest of the FF fanbase.

09-09-2006, 04:16 PM
Mmh, i really like the FF 12 OST. I don't see where it fails. Then it must be peoples taste that are different.

09-09-2006, 09:30 PM
I like FFXII's soundtrack as well, but you're right, it's peoples' tastes that determine what they do and do not like.
Anyway...I think X had better music than IX, CC definitely had better music than Tactics (so does XII), and VI has slightly better music than VII (it's close).
Just my opinion, though, I think all the FF OSTs are good, just on different levels. ;)

09-10-2006, 06:54 PM
Sadly, I've only listened to Crystal Chronicles, Tactics Advance, I, II, and IV. I like all the music, though...

09-11-2006, 07:29 AM
First post here.

I'm pretty surprised that FFXII soundtrack would rank so low in the rankings, even FFX-2 ranks higher than it. I acknowledge that the music in FFX-2 sounds unique, but nevertheless it does not sound like FF, and the game should be ashamed to assume the FF name.

Finally, I personally thought FFXII is the best soundtrack since VII and VIII and FF I-VI. But it all depends on the individual

09-13-2006, 01:20 AM
this is the top 10 iMO
2.FF I

The Anti-Existence
09-13-2006, 06:26 AM
FFVII's soundtrack is decent. FFIX's is brilliant.

Immoral Melody > Those Chosen bythe Planet
Pandemonium > any dungeon music in FFVII
Melodies of Life > damn near ever game love song

09-14-2006, 07:55 AM
VI and Tactics are way underrated.

09-14-2006, 12:38 PM
I hate FF7's OST.


Am I cool now? :/

FFVII's music is > FFVI's imo. 9 Is on top.

Hex Omega
09-14-2006, 04:08 PM
I hate FF7's OST.


Am I cool now? :/

What are you trying to say here exactly.....?

FFVII's music is > FFVI's imo.

No chance. I'd be a fool to say FFVII OST is BAD, but FFVI is clearly better.

9 Is on top.

Hard to disagree with that, to be fair.

09-14-2006, 04:09 PM
What are you trying to say here exactly.....?

He`s saying that being anti-FFVII is the new black~

09-14-2006, 04:17 PM
Denny, that really hurts. :(

09-14-2006, 04:37 PM
I can never decide which ff has the best soundtrack cause they all have songs i love.

also where the hell can i find tactics? what system was it on?

09-16-2006, 05:40 PM
Well, my top list would be:

4. FF Crystal Chronicles
5. FF Tactics
6. FF I
7. FF VII (Only OWA and very few musics are my favourites)
8. FF X
10. FF IX

I cant believe it, FF VII is the best FF OST? they must be joking.

09-18-2006, 05:33 AM
Joking? No--just so incredibly biased that only a irredeemable fanboy who has lost every last sliver of objectivity to their ZOMG AWSUM FF7!!111ONRone!!1 can miss it.

09-22-2006, 03:46 AM
according to, here are the top 10 FF soundtracks. ENJOY!!!!

The only major gut check for being a fan of the music of Final Fantasy is One-Winged Angel...

If you think it's one of the better songs, you need to get your head out of your ass right now and listen to a more masterful peice like Dancing Mad.

Final Fantasy VI is the superior sound track, you are just being distracted by the graphics otherwise.

09-24-2006, 08:38 AM
My question is.....what's Final Fantasy X-2 even doing there? I hate the music from that game with a couple very select exceptions.

I think Final Fantasy 7 shouldn't be hated, it's soundtrack IS actually very good, although the MIDI instrumentation was VERY unflattering to it. And yes, complain all you want, but One-Winged Angel IS impressive. Still, it's not the best soundtrack.

The very first time that video game music TRULY made me teary eyed or moved, was with Final Fantasy 6, c'mon, do you remember when Cyan gets home to find his family dead, do you remember the music? How about Forever Rachel and the memories it evokes? And though I did say OWA is impressive, it just cannot reach the levels of superiority that Dancing Mad reaches. It's so unfair that this song hasn't gotten a proper orchestral/rock arrangement (yes I'm aware of the Black Mages version, which is pure orgasm, but it could've been pure tantric sustained orgasm and it wasn't); that song is insane, it's chaotic, it's heart-pumping, melodramatic, funny, and menacing all at the same time, all things that describe Kefka.

About FF12, I can say I love this soundtrack, but it's VERY different to what we're used to, so it's normal some people might reject it. Musically it's far more mature than anything Uematsu ever did, but it lacked one thing Uematsu has down to a science: catchiness. It'll be hard to find tunes in FF12 that you'll be humming after listening to them, while any of us can just mind-hum any Uematsu tune on cue. But that doesn't make this soundtrack bad.

Anyway, my top ten would be:

1. FF6
2. FF9
3. FF8
4. FF7
5. FF10
6. FF12
7. FF4
8. FF3
9. FFTactics
10. FF5

Hall of Shame:
FFX-2 (Except for 1000 Words and Memory of the Lightwaves)
FFXI (Once the amazing Main Theme ended, this soundtrack put me to sleep, yes, even the battle theme is boring)

10-25-2006, 11:53 PM
The only major gut check for being a fan of the music of Final Fantasy is One-Winged Angel...

If you think it's one of the better songs, you need to get your head out of your ass right now and listen to a more masterful peice like Dancing Mad.

Final Fantasy VI is the superior sound track, you are just being distracted by the graphics otherwise.

All i did was post the link. I honestly dont listen to the soundtracks. I do like liberali fatali alot though.

10-26-2006, 05:30 AM
I disagreed with a great lot of that entire list. Hitoshi Sakimoto's pieces are incredible and still don't get the respect they deserve. Final Fantasy Tactics' OST was unbelievable.

Meh. I don't trust IGN much anyways with these kind of things. I remember GameSpot ran a "Top Video Game OSTs of All-Time" a while back, and Final Fantasy Tactics out-ranked everything. So I guess, as with everything, this one just all comes down to taste.

However, I believe Final Fantasy I & II soundtracks were severely underrated and never get the recognition they deserve, although Tactics would still be my all-time personal favorite.

And FFVII wouldn't even make my top five, and VI would barely squeeze in there for a few select tracks.

10-26-2006, 05:59 AM
Well remember it's IGN's opinion and the opinion of those who voted.
It's just a fun little thing, you don't need to get upset about it.
If you have your own favorites...fine.
With that said, I really enjoyed VII and VI.

10-26-2006, 05:55 PM
All i did was post the link. I honestly dont listen to the soundtracks. I do like liberali fatali alot though.

Then why bother if you don't listen to soundtracks? Would you have posted the link if the writer hadn't ranted like a rabid FFSer? :notgood:

edit/addition: After re-reading the original post, I think I know why you posted it: another lame jab at the "FFVII haters." The "ENJOY!!!!" rather gives it away.

according to, here are the top 10 FF soundtracks. ENJOY!!!!

10-26-2006, 06:40 PM
My top five would be...

5) FFX

I love FFVI's soundtrack...
I haven't even heard "Dancing Mad" yet, even though I have the OST...>> I haven't finished the game, but I heard the song was so good, that I don't want to spoil the song for myself...XP

I kind of liked the style of FFVIII's's just sort of warm....
FFVII's music is nice, too--even with the sort of "meh" quality, some tracks do quite well....
And FFIX's music is wonderful, too. =] It was the longest OST of the three PSX ones, and even though there was a bit of music recycling from previous games, I think the reason for it is because it was meant to be a tribute to earlier FFs....

10-26-2006, 09:55 PM
Then why bother if you don't listen to soundtracks? Would you have posted the link if the writer hadn't ranted like a rabid FFSer? :notgood:

edit/addition: After re-reading the original post, I think I know why you posted it: another lame jab at the "FFVII haters." The "ENJOY!!!!" rather gives it away.

You really think you have me figured out right? You're trying to read between the lines. The reason I posted it was for FANS of the soundtracks to see what ign had rated the soundtracks. THATS IT!!!! Stop trying to turn things into something its not.

11-05-2006, 11:14 PM
All i did was post the link. I honestly dont listen to the soundtracks. I do like liberali fatali alot though.

Did I say my comments were directed at you? Christ you got a big ego if you thought so

11-10-2006, 02:56 AM
My favorite would be FF IX kuja's theme, you're not alone, and melodies of life...I love them all. But do you guys know of any sites where I could listen to other soundtracks without having to download them?

11-12-2006, 09:47 AM
I am completely in love with XII, I can listen to the whole soundtrack straight thru and then turn around and play it again. It never gets old to me and the orchestra is very talented. I don't like VII's MIDI soundtrack, MIDI just doesn't do anything for me. The only FF I've played is XII and that was because I loved the soundtrack so much, the only reason i'd buy VII was just so I could say I had it in my collection.

12-22-2006, 05:01 AM
I might get smacked for this but I was completely unimpressed with FFVIII's OST. It never did anything for me. FFIX was the best in my opinion with FFVII and FFX following there after. Never played FFVI but from what I've heard it's really good too.

12-22-2006, 05:16 AM
I'd really take the time to judge all games if they were up to par with digital music recording technology... you know, to make them all sound great instead of SNES blips and PSX synths.

12-22-2006, 02:04 PM
That is the worst thing you can say to any musician. You don't need a full orchestra to create a masterpiece. A simple one note melody can take you further.