11-25-2005, 11:42 AM
The Final Fantasy Advent Children Original Sountrack (FFAC OST for short) totally rulz.. i just got it for my 13th bday from my olda bro and i love it. The music is a million times clearer than any downloaded version so i recommened u buy it ^_^

Gentleman Ghost
11-25-2005, 12:08 PM
ok i will,

will (might)
might (won't)
wont (hell no)

11-25-2005, 08:40 PM
I thought it was one of the worst albums I had ever heard. And yes, I have the whole album.

11-25-2005, 11:38 PM
i thought it was pretty great. i liked the owa remix initially, but it wore off pretty quickly. the j-e-n-o-v-a's great, though, and so is the original stuff, beyond the wasteland is pretty cool. can't wait to see the movie.

11-26-2005, 12:10 PM
As if u dont like the soundtrack if totally rocks... can u hear all the different instruments ^^ i like putting in the cd 1 when im going to sleep and cd 2 when im doing homework or just sitting there wif nuffin to do ^___^ All Hail nobou for creating most of these master pieces ^^

12-02-2005, 10:11 AM
IMO they are not master pieces, they are quite the opposite.

12-02-2005, 12:41 PM
Got it the day it came out and it's pretty awesome. I love all the movie remixes of the old music. For once it doesn't sound like a video game. Great soundtrack. And the ones who don't like it are either fanboys who can't let go of the original music or just trying to look cool (even though they love the soundtrack as much as anyone else) :P

12-05-2005, 05:04 AM
Thats a very generalized assumption Kei. I have been trained in music, and I am NOT a fanboy, I think FFVII is the worst game ever made. My reasons for not being fond of it are quite clear:
1. Uematsu has been making SHIT music ever since the FFVII OST and thus I believe his performance on this album is utter rubbish.
2. The arrangements of the tracks are horrid.
3. If you have been exposed to alot of VGM artists then it would become aparent that this album is not great compared to them.
4. The album sounded like a J-Rock album and quite frankly did not work for me.
There are my reasons, I presume you will counter them. But they are my reasons and I do not care if you do not agree with them.
Also, for the record, I am not the only one who thinks this way.

12-05-2005, 05:10 AM
and the other one is trance kuja.

that doesn't lend you much for credibility !

Trance Kuja
12-05-2005, 08:58 AM
and the other one is trance kuja.

that doesn't lend you much for credibility !

Umm, what?

I agree 100% with nkwp about FFVII and AC. The music is simply shit. The arrangements are average (with the exception of "Advent: One Winged Angel", which is excellent) and the new music, while sounding like film music, is overrated and despicable.

And Ndi, there are many others that agree with us. This forum is biased towards Final Fantasy, so generally, there will be a lot more people who think that FFVIIAC is the best thing that Nobuo Uematsu has ever done. Opinions don't begin and end with FFShrine.

12-06-2005, 03:41 AM
nkwp: I am personally a fan of this soundtrack, and of Nobuo Uetmatsu's FF work since VII (well, IX was kinda eh). I've been exposed to a fair bit of video game music, but not too many Japanese RPGs and the like other than FF. You said that there is much much better out there, and I am interested in hearing it.

I'm not challenging your opinion, you're entitled to it. But could you do me a favor, and recommend me a few tracks or a few soundtracks that are much much better than FF in your opinion? Preferably downloadable from GH. If you could do that, that would be great. I've run into a bit of a dead-end in VGM, and I'd love to discover some more great stuff.

12-06-2005, 03:43 AM
oopsie, double post...but it doesn't show up for me...odd.

12-08-2005, 08:09 AM
and the other one is trance kuja.

that doesn't lend you much for credibility !

Come now Sarah are you vouching for the entire VGM population? That’s a little bit of a generalization isn’t it? I am SURE there are a large number of people who detest the OST as much as I and for similiar reasons.

As for you cliffhanger, I will PM you, I would rather not spam in a thread. :D
However, I will say that IMO FFIX had the best OST out of all the FF games released on the Play Station.

12-08-2005, 08:26 AM
hell, I don't mind if you link to it in here- I'd be interested in hearing it too.

I still don't think the AC soundtrack was bad. my only major gripe was the lack of new music. battle in the forgotten city was <3

Gentleman Ghost
12-08-2005, 09:06 AM
just trying to look cool (even though they love the soundtrack as much as anyone else) :P

Yeah thats me sorry.....I love it.....especially all the stuff on One Winged Angel, its like Alvinz can hear all the different instruments...

its alright

alright (cool)
cool (awesome)
awsome (Master Piece)
Master Piece (never heard anything better in my life)

Trance Kuja
12-08-2005, 09:50 AM
And the ones who don't like it are either fanboys who can't let go of the original music or just trying to look cool (even though they love the soundtrack as much as anyone else) :P

How about none of the above?

12-13-2005, 07:11 PM
hmmm, i downloaded the album several months ago in its 2 disc entirity and the sound quality is great. but still its a good album, i would buy it, but im not prepared to fork out around 20 pounds to buy it from a foreign website, when i can wait a few more months and buy it from, along with the dvd

12-13-2005, 07:18 PM
Thats a very generalized assumption Kei. I have been trained in music, and I am NOT a fanboy, I think FFVII is the worst game ever made. My reasons for not being fond of it are quite clear:
1. Uematsu has been making SHIT music ever since the FFVII OST and thus I believe his performance on this album is utter rubbish.
2. The arrangements of the tracks are horrid.
3. If you have been exposed to alot of VGM artists then it would become aparent that this album is not great compared to them.
4. The album sounded like a J-Rock album and quite frankly did not work for me.
There are my reasons, I presume you will counter them. But they are my reasons and I do not care if you do not agree with them.
Also, for the record, I am not the only one who thinks this way.
are you refering to FFVII or FFVII:AC? either way i think they both have great OSTs, some songs do drag on a bit though on the AC OST

12-13-2005, 09:54 PM
From the quote in lostphoenix's post...

nkwp, you're saying that you're trained in music. You're also saying FFVII is the "worst game ever made". Why? Personally, I don't like "Anticipation" for the Nintendo, which is guesswork and spelling. Woo. At least FFVII has certain factors to it...

Good music...

Now, for your reasons...

1.) Nice technical terminology. Shit and rubbish. WHY? This just makes you look like an idiot, if this is your reasoning.
2.) The arrangement is horrid...I can't battle you there, as I've only heard two tracks from the soundtrack. But these were good tracks.
3.) I have been exposed to a good deal of VGM artists (played a lot of games and listened to a lot of music)...and, though this might not be "great", it's not "rubbish". The two songs I heard held true to the originals and sounded pretty good.
4.) You don't like J-Rock. You are "trained in music", and one of the reasons you dislike the CDs is that "they sound like J-Rock"? That's like me saying Rap is Crap. My complete opinion, no official training.

So, are you going to show your supposed "training" or just say that you have "training" and try to BS us into believing you? Proof is what we need. Prove it's not good, don't just give opinions.

EDIT: High five, Sarah, for that Trance remark.

12-14-2005, 06:41 AM
are you referring to FFVII or FFVII:AC? either way i think they both have great OSTs, some songs do drag on a bit though on the AC OST

Notice I said, "this album" and the topic of the forum is the FFAC ost. So I think you can use deductive knowledge from here. Sorry if I was not THAT specific.

nkwp, you're saying that you're trained in music. You're also saying FFVII is the "worst game ever made". Why? Personally, I don't like "Anticipation" for the Nintendo, which is guesswork and spelling. Woo. At least FFVII has certain factors to it...

I say it is the worst game ever made because IMO it is. Perhaps I should arrange what I said in another way, "FFVII is the worst game I have ever played" Happy?

Good music...

Plot? What plot?
Game play? Heh you make me laugh
Music? You already know my feelings on this.

1.) Nice technical terminology. Shit and rubbish. WHY? This just makes you look like an idiot, if this is your reasoning.

Thanks :D hahahahhaa. Is there something wrong with having an opinion? I think his music is rather bad, well ever since the release of FFVII's OST anyway. And you cant say much about AC OST cause you have only heard 2 tracks. So...STFU.
The use of the simple words is for some of the noob heads around here who do not know their rights form their lefts.

2.) The arrangement is horrid...I can't battle you there, as I've only heard two tracks from the soundtrack. But these were good tracks.

Quoted to emphasize my point about the two tracks above.

3.) I have been exposed to a good deal of VGM artists (played a lot of games and listened to a lot of music)...and, though this might not be "great", it's not "rubbish". The two songs I heard held true to the originals and sounded pretty good.

One question, do you know the artists names?
Held true to the originals? Ok so in other words, Uematsu could not be fucked making more innovative stuff, so much so almost 50 percent of the album is reused stuff. That’s boring. And the new stuff he did make were very dull.

4.) You don't like J-Rock. You are "trained in music", and one of the reasons you dislike the CDs is that "they sound like J-Rock"? That's like me saying Rap is Crap. My complete opinion, no official training.

Yes, J-Rock is horrid music IMO, overused distortion + constant whammy paddle abuse + no structure at all = J-Rock.
And that formula is very evident in songs like: Those Who Fight [FFVII AC Version], Those Who Fight Further [FFVII AC Version] and The Chase on the Highway from the OST.
Because of the lacking structure the songs sound like noise which results in me having a low opinion of the album. I believe artists should show dedication when producing work, I feel that Uematsu had no dedication at all.
Of course the album would appeal to the masses 'cause its FF, but to the few who actually have taste it does not.
Being trained musically, it is quite evident that not much work went into this album. Most of the new tracks could have been thought up in 5 mins. Wow, that shows pure dedication on Uematsu's part. Yay for him. No complexity whatsoever. The only decent track was OWA, which was arranged by someone else FYI. I what I said above about J-Rock is more than enough justification on my part. I do have other reasons however, but that would make this post longer, and I have things to do.

So, are you going to show your supposed "training" or just say that you have "training" and try to BS us into believing you? Proof is what we need. Prove it's not good, don't just give opinions.

Supposed training? Hahahaha, what do you know boy? Even one with an attuned ear would be able to tell that hardly any work went into the album. And I am not trying to BS you into believing me, I was simply stating my opinion, and you have yours, I am not trying to BS anyone into believing me. Read my posts properly.
If you are going to loose sleep over that then I suggest you stop reading my posts. It’s a forum, opinions are flying around, if you don’t like it, leave. :D

To sum up, I have high standards of VGM (I am sorry if that bugs you), I expect diversity, catchy tunres, evident devotion from the artist, and feeling. The AC OST does not have any of that. When you listen to music, you can feel emotions being emited from the music, the AC OST does not do that. OK? Ok.

Good day to you

12-14-2005, 08:54 AM
nkwp I think you're neat and all, but please try to be less like trance-kuja ;-;;

Trance Kuja
12-14-2005, 08:59 AM
EDIT: High five, Sarah, for that Trance remark.

Heh, what? That uneducated remark how FFShrine members are the only people on this planet? I see that as plain stupid.

P.S - I basically agree with nkwp.

nkwp I think you're neat and all, but please try to be less like trance-kuja ;-;;

So we must all be the same, eh?

12-14-2005, 09:00 AM
not surprising !

Trance Kuja
12-14-2005, 10:16 AM
not surprising !

Not surprising you'd be unsurprised.

Basically, Mahare, people are allowed to have an opinion. What you shouldn't do is look down on those people on having a different outlook from yourself.

12-14-2005, 10:32 AM
unless, of course, they're being a pretentious ass about their opinions: then you can look down at them at laugh at them all you want.

heh. fan reviews.

Trance Kuja
12-14-2005, 11:25 AM
unless, of course, they're being a pretentious ass about their opinions: then you can look down at them at laugh at them all you want.

You still shouldn't degrade this person for sticking closely (or overusing) their viewpoint. The only real excuse for someone to laugh at that person for their opinion is when they put it as a fact that is false.

12-14-2005, 01:01 PM
I've just noticed, this thread has no relation to its title anymore :P oh well

12-14-2005, 05:56 PM
I say it is the worst game ever made because IMO it is. Perhaps I should arrange what I said in another way, "FFVII is the worst game I have ever played" Happy?

M'kay. That's your opinion. A majority would probably disagree. And I offer you a challenge - find an emulator for the Nintendo. Get the game "Anticipation". If you prefer that to is my opinion that there is no hope for you then.

Plot? What plot?
Game play? Heh you make me laugh
Music? You already know my feelings on this.

I make you make me laugh, too. This is one of the most popular games of all time. Though I do not believe this is the best Final Fantasy, it's still pretty good.

Thanks :D hahahahhaa. Is there something wrong with having an opinion? I think his music is rather bad, well ever since the release of FFVII's OST anyway. And you cant say much about AC OST cause you have only heard 2 tracks. So...STFU.
The use of the simple words is for some of the noob heads around here who do not know their rights form their lefts.

Fine. I'll get the rest of the stuff. But I guarantee that I won't have much of a problem with it. And you're calling people noobs, and you tell me to "STFU"? Wow...

One question, do you know the artists names?
Held true to the originals? Ok so in other words, Uematsu could not be fucked making more innovative stuff, so much so almost 50 percent of the album is reused stuff. That�s boring. And the new stuff he did make were very dull.

Nobou Uematsu, Koji Kondo, Hayato Matsuo, Masaharu Iwata, Hitoshi Sakimoto...among others...

And it's a frickin' movie about a game. Why wouldn't he re-use the music from the game? The Zelda series does that a lot, too, but people don't complain.

Yes, J-Rock is horrid music IMO, overused distortion + constant whammy paddle abuse + no structure at all = J-Rock.
And that formula is very evident in songs like: Those Who Fight [FFVII AC Version], Those Who Fight Further [FFVII AC Version] and The Chase on the Highway from the OST.
Because of the lacking structure the songs sound like noise which results in me having a low opinion of the album. I believe artists should show dedication when producing work, I feel that Uematsu had no dedication at all.
Of course the album would appeal to the masses 'cause its FF, but to the few who actually have taste it does not.'re saying that anyone who has taste doesn't like this. That's low, man, real low. Because you're not the only person on this wide planet. People have tastes that are different from yours. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you are the penultimate athourity.

Being trained musically, it is quite evident that not much work went into this album. Most of the new tracks could have been thought up in 5 mins. Wow, that shows pure dedication on Uematsu's part. Yay for him. No complexity whatsoever. The only decent track was OWA, which was arranged by someone else FYI. I what I said above about J-Rock is more than enough justification on my part. I do have other reasons however, but that would make this post longer, and I have things to do.

Again, you say that you're trained musically. "overused distortion + constant whammy paddle abuse + no structure at all" is slightly okay, I guess, but you could do better. At least I hope you could. No complexity whatsoever...again, your opinion. I happen to find it a nice transition.

Supposed training? Hahahaha, what do you know boy? Even one with an attuned ear would be able to tell that hardly any work went into the album. And I am not trying to BS you into believing me, I was simply stating my opinion, and you have yours, I am not trying to BS anyone into believing me. Read my posts properly. keep using the words musical training, when almost all I see is opinion. What I have heard are rather good, not pieces of crap as you make them out to be. The original tracks were good, and adding the techno(?) beat to them works, especially for the setting of the movie. And what I know, boy, is that though I am not a professional, you seem to be trying to get people to believe that you are. But so far, you seem not to seem to be opinionated, lacking facts. Obviously you are not a fanboy. Frankly, by the way you are doing this, you seem to be showing, if anything, a lack of "musical training".

And you call me a "boy" time, why don't you try that with someone, maybe, younger than you, and less mature. I'm not nessicarily saying I'm MORE mature than you, just not less.

If you are going to loose sleep over that then I suggest you stop reading my posts. It�s a forum, opinions are flying around, if you don�t like it, leave. :D

Heheh. Believe it or not, I had a good sleep last night. I know opinions are flying around. But if they're opinions, try not to say that you have some higher training and not show it at all. K?

To sum up, I have high standards of VGM (I am sorry if that bugs you), I expect diversity, catchy tunres, evident devotion from the artist, and feeling. The AC OST does not have any of that. When you listen to music, you can feel emotions being emited from the music, the AC OST does not do that. OK? Ok.

Excuse me? Your "high standards bugging me"? Are you really so egotistical that you automatically have high standards? I expect the same from music as you. And from what I have heard, these are good remakes. As far as the "emotions" bit? I can feel emotions being emitted from the music. Maybe you can't.

Good day to you
Good day to you, as well.

Heh, what? That uneducated remark how FFShrine members are the only people on this planet? I see that as plain stupid.

P.S - I basically agree with nkwp.

Or it could be that I agree with Sarah.

Basically, Mahare, people are allowed to have an opinion. What you shouldn't do is look down on those people on having a different outlook from yourself.

I'm not looking down on him for having a different opinion. I'm disagreeing with his claim of more knowledge than he shows.

12-14-2005, 06:02 PM
Way too much writing.
I didnt read it, but cuse you were arguing with NKWP, you were probably wrong

12-14-2005, 07:47 PM
Shorthand - He's been saying he's "trained musically", but has done next to nothing to prove it, and his reviews are highly opinionated.

12-14-2005, 07:50 PM
Shorthand - He's been saying he's "trained musically", but has done next to nothing to prove it, and his reviews are highly opinionated.

12-14-2005, 08:20 PM
anyone here not got the AC OST?

12-14-2005, 09:34 PM
Sorry 'bout the double post, twas the stupid college computer...

lostphoenix, I'll PM you the link, considering I don't know if linking (off-site) on the actual topis is allowed.

12-14-2005, 10:30 PM
well i for one don't give a damn about all this stuff. if the music strikes me well, then i listen to it. it's not complicated...

and though it's been said, everyone is obviously entitled to their opinion. but, if they state their opinion as fact and that people who disagree are stupid or have no taste, they come off as jackasses.

anyway, people, try to appreciate the music for what it IS. now i can understand you not liking the album because the music doesn't please you, but i don't think too much being "reused" is a valid reason for disliking it. sure, it's sloppy and lazy, but it is what it is.

12-14-2005, 10:30 PM
Sorry 'bout the double post, twas the stupid college computer...

lostphoenix, I'll PM you the link, considering I don't know if linking (off-site) on the actual topis is allowed.
yeah i got the pm, thanks. but ive already got it, I dont need it lol, just wanted to cahgne the subject and see if anyone had it, seeing as all was going on was arguing. thanks for the link to the site though, ive got the black mages 2 on download now :)

12-14-2005, 10:32 PM
well i for one don't give a damn about all this stuff. if the music strikes me well, then i listen to it. it's not complicated...

and though it's been said, everyone is obviously entitled to their opinion. but, if they state their opinion as fact and that people who disagree are stupid or have no taste, they come off as jackasses.

anyway, people, try to appreciate the music for what it IS. now i can understand you not liking the album because the music doesn't please you, but i don't think too much being "reused" is a valid reason for disliking it. sure, it's sloppy and lazy, but it is what it is.
yeah, i agree totally with everything you've said, i dont see why people sometimes try to force their opinions on to other people as facts. do you like the FFVII AC OST btw?

12-14-2005, 10:41 PM
Ohoho! I dod NOT read the "not" in your post, lostphoenix. How stupid of me.

12-14-2005, 11:08 PM
Ohoho! I dod NOT read the "not" in your post, lostphoenix. How stupid of, we all make mistakes :P dw

Trance Kuja
12-15-2005, 12:14 AM
I feel I need to reply to this.

M'kay. That's your opinion. A majority would probably disagree. And I offer you a challenge - find an emulator for the Nintendo. Get the game "Anticipation". If you prefer that to is my opinion that there is no hope for you then.

If he prefers 'Anticipation' to 'Final Fantasy VII', that's fine, it's his opinion. I prefer FFVI to FFVII, does that make me a complete no hope? It's just a matter of opinion.

I make you make me laugh, too. This is one of the most popular games of all time. Though I do not believe this is the best Final Fantasy, it's still pretty good.

Good for you.

Fine. I'll get the rest of the stuff. But I guarantee that I won't have much of a problem with it. And you're calling people noobs, and you tell me to "STFU"? Wow...

Don't guarantee you'll like something which you haven't heard yet. You could end up disliking it.

Nobou Uematsu, Koji Kondo, Hayato Matsuo, Masaharu Iwata, Hitoshi Sakimoto...among others...

Nobuo Uematsu is crap and REALLY needs to quit. While Koji Kondo has absoloutly no inspiration in his recent scores. Matsuo is a great composer, and who proves himself on the Ogre series and his arrangements on the Shenmue Orchestra Version. Iwata is a seriously underrated composer who often gets compared to Sakimoto when their styles are of different ends. Sakimoto is a very good composer, though I do hope one day he stops using his trademark Final Fantasy Tactics / Vagrant Story style.

And it's a frickin' movie about a game. Why wouldn't he re-use the music from the game? The Zelda series does that a lot, too, but people don't complain.

Then there is the question of why he didn't create a whole lot of new themes? I'm up for reusing of themes, but Uematsu went overboard on AC, and that's one of the albums major weaknesses. There's a difference between composing for a movie and game, also.'re saying that anyone who has taste doesn't like this. That's low, man, real low. Because you're not the only person on this wide planet. People have tastes that are different from yours. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you are the penultimate athourity. why did you challenge him in the first place? Because he had a different opinion and you weren't happy with it? From nkwp's first post, he was explaining HIS opinion.

Again, you say that you're trained musically. "overused distortion + constant whammy paddle abuse + no structure at all" is slightly okay, I guess, but you could do better. At least I hope you could. No complexity whatsoever...again, your opinion. I happen to find it a nice transition.

He does not need to show musical dedication. That would require a whole lot of complicated explaining and all (not to mention detailed explaining. He's simply breaking it up into novice terms). keep using the words musical training, when almost all I see is opinion. What I have heard are rather good, not pieces of crap as you make them out to be. The original tracks were good, and adding the techno(?) beat to them works, especially for the setting of the movie. And what I know, boy, is that though I am not a professional, you seem to be trying to get people to believe that you are. But so far, you seem not to seem to be opinionated, lacking facts. Obviously you are not a fanboy. Frankly, by the way you are doing this, you seem to be showing, if anything, a lack of "musical training".

He's not trying to make himself seem superior, he's explaining to us his opinion without the FF fanboyism and with at least a little bit of technicality. He needs to explain no facts to get his view across. That's what an opinion is about. Oh, and the correct term is electronica, not techno :p

Heheh. Believe it or not, I had a good sleep last night. I know opinions are flying around. But if they're opinions, try not to say that you have some higher training and not show it at all. K?

Again, he doesn't need to show a whole lot of complexity to get his view across. Just a simple explanation would do fine, and he pretty much explained it before. Musical training takes years of work.

Excuse me? Your "high standards bugging me"? Are you really so egotistical that you automatically have high standards? I expect the same from music as you. And from what I have heard, these are good remakes. As far as the "emotions" bit? I can feel emotions being emitted from the music. Maybe you can't.

I don't see what's wrong with having high standards. I expect a lot of people do, especially for AC OST, which, IMO, I was horribly let down. I also couldn't feel a single thing from the music, mainly because of Sekito's overdriven guitar in the songs, or the badly manipulated electronica.

I'm not looking down on him for having a different opinion. I'm disagreeing with his claim of more knowledge than he shows.

What? He showed opinion and nothing else.

12-15-2005, 12:38 AM
Well, he did say that, essentially, he was edumacated about music. But he hasn't shown it. If he didn't reference that, I probably wouldn't be as irked. However, I can't see FFVII as the "worst game ever". It might not be as good as it is hyped up to be, but it's still better than some. Plus, it's playable, unlike some buggy games released.

Didja know that Uematsu IS quitting, at least from Final Fantasy? Though I disagree on his crap-ness (Final Fantasy music is some of the best I've heard), he is quitting.

Listening to the AC soundtrack, I must say that it isn't exactly "let's recycle old themes". There are some new pieces, and the redone ones are pretty good, too.

Thanks for the electronica bit. But instead of fanboyism, he seems to be showing anti-fanboyism. Just as bad, in my opinion.

And his terms for the noobs...could have been a little better than the aforementioned "shit" and "rubbish". Again, I believe it's most likely anti-fanboyism. I could be wrong, but meh.

And Anticipation IS pretty horrible, if you've ever played it.

EDIT: Just be thankful they're not singing death metal, eh?

12-15-2005, 12:58 AM
M'kay. That's your opinion. A majority would probably disagree. And I offer you a challenge - find an emulator for the Nintendo. Get the game "Anticipation". If you prefer that to is my opinion that there is no hope for you then.

OK�I am on it

I make you make me laugh, too. This is one of the most popular games of all time. Though I do not believe this is the best Final Fantasy, it's still pretty good.

Once again, its a matter of opinion is it not? It may be the most popular game of all time, but that does not mean I have to jump on the band wagon and love the game. Stop trying to justify how good it is. OK? Ok.

Fine. I'll get the rest of the stuff. But I guarantee that I won't have much of a problem with it. And you're calling people noobs, and you tell me to "STFU"? Wow...

Well from previous posts, you are acting as if the album is great after you, yourself said you only heard two songs. I find that insufficient justification, certainly not enough think the album is great, or even have this argument with me. I have heard ever track, therefore whatever I say I completely justified.

And it's a frickin' movie about a game. Why wouldn't he re-use the music from the game? The Zelda series does that a lot, too, but people don't complain.

I will say this (again) 50% of the album is made up of reused themes, not even with a little bit of variation. I once again harbour the fact that it shows no dedication at all. Reusing parts of themes is alright, for example integrating them into certain songs. But taking them straight from the game and changing the instrument or synthesizer effects? Wow...just wow, that deserves a clap.

Again, you say that you're trained musically. "overused distortion + constant whammy paddle abuse + no structure at all" is slightly okay, I guess, but you could do better. At least I hope you could. No complexity whatsoever...again, your opinion. I happen to find it a nice transition.

How would you know if that was slightly ok? You said you have no training at all. So how could you be a judge of what I say? How about you tell me what you want me to say in terms of the music structure? Cause I don�t know how else to convince you, would you like me to write out the notes for every song and show you how it should be structured? Once again that would be based on my opinion. So you cant have it your way, sorry. I have already provided FULL justification in my last post, I cant be stuffed doing it again, because you are searching for something you cant get. keep using the words musical training, when almost all I see is opinion. What I have heard are rather good, not pieces of crap as you make them out to be.

You heard two tracks. I am talking about the album in general. You are the one who does not have the facts, you should not bother debating, or rather defending something you have not even heard all of.

The original tracks were good, and adding the techno(?) beat to them works, especially for the setting of the movie. And what I know, boy, is that though I am not a professional, you seem to be trying to get people to believe that you are.

The setting for the movie was similar to that of the game, considering it was set in the same place, consisting of the same themes, etc. Now I ask you, was a techno theme incorporated into the game OST?
And I said I was musically trained, not a professional, don�t assume. If you think I am trying to get that across you are terribly mistaken, musically trained does not = a professional. Hell, even the guys from dream theatre don�t consider themselves professionals, and they have been in the business for years and years. There is always something new to learn in music, so don�t abuse the word "professional" please.

But so far, you seem not to seem to be opinionated, lacking facts. Obviously you are not a fanboy. Frankly, by the way you are doing this, you seem to be showing, if anything, a lack of "musical training".

It all comes down to opinions sooner or later. I have justified mine, have you justified yours?

And you call me a "boy" time, why don't you try that with someone, maybe, younger than you, and less mature. I'm not nessicarily saying I'm MORE mature than you, just not less.

I call people "boy" when I have a low opinion of them, and mine of you is constantly decreasing. Oh and its not �nessicarily�, its necessarily.

Heheh. Believe it or not, I had a good sleep last night. I know opinions are flying around. But if they're opinions, try not to say that you have some higher training and not show it at all. K?

I ask, once more, how would you like me to show it? Have I already not spoken about diversity, composure, structure? All of which are components of good music. The album tracks had none of this. The arrangement was none existent cause the themes were taken straight from the game, the only thing the arranger did was change the instruments, wow that�s complex indeed. The new music was repeated over and over again + had no development whatsoever. If you read reviews, which have been reviewed by people trained musically, you would find that they would base their judgements the exact same way I have done above.
You can�t expect them to prove that they are trained musically by writing out the notes and pointing out flat notes or something. The album consists of no mistakes, so I can�t do that to prove to you that I have been trained in music (obviously) I am pointing out that the album had no effort invested into it at all.
One can feel, feeling when listening to certain music, evident that the composer has used his heart and soul while making the music. The music on the album has none of that.'re saying that anyone who has taste doesn't like this. That's low, man, real low. Because you're not the only person on this wide planet. People have tastes that are different from yours. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you are the penultimate athourity.

I was hinting that yes, it is horrid music. An ape would be attracted to it, J-Rock sounds like bloody noise with a gender confused male with purple hair grabs the microphone and sings in a high pitch voice. I don�t care if its low, the point is, that it is true. Hahahaha, and I have proved my justification which makes me penultimate authority. Where is yours? Where is your justification for defending it? I have provided justification for my opinions while you have just countered them and questioned them without providing justification as to why you are defending the album or J-Rock in general.

Heheh. Believe it or not, I had a good sleep last night.

What I said about the sleep was sarcasm. :D But I am glad you had a good sleep.

Excuse me? Your "high standards bugging me"? Are you really so egotistical that you automatically have high standards? I expect the same from music as you. And from what I have heard, these are good remakes. As far as the "emotions" bit? I can feel emotions being emitted from the music. Maybe you can't.

Maybe I can�t? Obviously I can�t, because there is none. And no, I am not egotistical; I have just been exposed to great music which has set the high standards.

Or it could be that I agree with Sarah.

Heh, you are a tool.

I'm not looking down on him for having a different opinion. I'm disagreeing with his claim of more knowledge than he shows.

I never said I had more knowledge, being musically trained does not mean that. Don�t bloody assume, it would make matters so much more simpler.
Being musically trained could mean:
1. You can play an instrument
2. You can read music
3. You can compose
4. You can arrange
5. All of the above.
Besides, who are you to judge what you have to know in order to consider yourself trained musically? You have not had any training, (you said) so how can you judge how I express it, or how can you say I have not shown it, for all you know I have (which I did) but you have not picked it up because you have not had any lessons in music.
The formula for a good track is quite simple. I have stated them in this post and the last. I believe, and feel (and hear even) that the tracks on this album lack diversity, complexity (repeated riff's for example track 3 on disc 1), feeling and structure. This shows that Uematsu was lazy, down right lazy or he could not come up with anything better because he has been hung out to dry.

unless, of course, they're being a pretentious ass about their opinions: then you can look down at them at laugh at them all you want.

Well some people just believe strongly in their views. Can�t be changed.

12-15-2005, 01:17 AM
Psst. Look up. You can see now that I have heard the soundtrack. Though not the best, it is certainly not "rubbish". I'm not necessarily (getting all corrective on me about a single misspelling, wow) saying that FFVII is the best game ever, but it's certainly not the worst. I did not say the album was great, just not rubbish. I stand by that.

Those new songs are pretty good. The renditions of J-E-N-O-V-A and One Winged Angel are pretty good.

Now I'm starting to accept your view. If not impressed, at least your backing up your hot air with good stuff now. So, while you might not like this, saying it is "rubbish" is slightly biased. Least you could do is say it is "below normal" or something anong that line.

And, while I might not be musically trained, I sure do listen to a lot of video game music. And it is my opinion that the tracks do have diversity (not completely monotonos, ya know), complexity (there's no chance in hell I'd consider doing that), feeling (so not as much as some other soundtracks. People say ICP and Slipknot have feeling. This has a lot more, even without lyrics. Plus, the Tifa's Theme's rather nice. I also have a fondness for "For The Reunion"). Not sure about the structure bit, but I think it does have it, if you have the inclination to listen to the music. have made your opinion quite clear. There is NO worse game than FFVII, Uematsu is crap, and this is rubbish. Frankly, you bore me. We could go at this all day and all night, but I'm going to be the man and concede that you have, if not a point in my opinion, your own opinion. You are entitled to it. But you said yourself you expected it to get challenged. Well, it did.

Trance Kuja
12-15-2005, 01:20 AM
Well, he did say that, essentially, he was edumacated about music. But he hasn't shown it. If he didn't reference that, I probably wouldn't be as irked. However, I can't see FFVII as the "worst game ever". It might not be as good as it is hyped up to be, but it's still better than some. Plus, it's playable, unlike some buggy games released.

I'll say it again; he doesn't NEED to show he's educated. He's already proven enough, from a composer point of view, that he doesn't like the music BASED ON OPINION.

Didja know that Uematsu IS quitting, at least from Final Fantasy? Though I disagree on his crap-ness (Final Fantasy music is some of the best I've heard), he is quitting.

No, I meant quit composing altogether. I did know about Uematsu leaving Square Enix, what, months and months ago?

Listening to the AC soundtrack, I must say that it isn't exactly "let's recycle old themes". There are some new pieces, and the redone ones are pretty good, too.

It pretty much is. The arrangements of these themes are fairly horrible too. Some of the new pieces are OK, but could be better.

Thanks for the electronica bit. But instead of fanboyism, he seems to be showing anti-fanboyism. Just as bad, in my opinion.

You're welcome :) What's wrong with disliking something, though? There's no such thing, anyway.

And his terms for the noobs...could have been a little better than the aforementioned "shit" and "rubbish". Again, I believe it's most likely anti-fanboyism. I could be wrong, but meh.

Again, no such thing as anti-fanboyism.

And Anticipation IS pretty horrible, if you've ever played it.

I don't need to play it to say that liking it is based on pure opinion.

EDIT: Now that we have come to a conclusion with nkwp, can we stop bickering and move on?

12-15-2005, 01:34 AM
Psst. Look up. You can see now that I have heard the soundtrack.

Yes, yes, while you made that public knowledge I was still replying to your post. have made your opinion quite clear. There is NO worse game than FFVII, Uematsu is crap, and this is rubbish.

Uematsu is crap now. I already said his pre VII work was pretty good.

Frankly, you bore me.


We could go at this all day and all night, but I'm going to be the man and concede that you have, if not a point in my opinion, your own opinion.

What does "but I'm going to be the man and concede that you have, if not a point in my opinion, your own opinion" mean? O_O

And you didnt challenge my opinion, well you did but hardly, you challenged me on the fact that I was musically trained.
See ya

12-15-2005, 01:54 AM
Well, technically I aslo challenged you on the terminology, of "rubbish" versus "not good", but meh. That's gotten old. We could bitch and fight, but I'm done with that. Neither one of us two, or Trance Kuja, are going to budge much, so why bother? It just makes ut think that the other person is a dumbass when, if fact, we could all be pretty smart. So let's drop it, peace, and all that. Please, however, don't argue with the contents of's a truce. Time to move on and do better things.

12-15-2005, 05:12 AM
well at any rate, i like the soundtrack. most of the reused/remixed stuff is sorta eh, but OWA and J-E-N-O-V-A are smashing. the highway chase one is a bit trashy and unorganized.

the new stuff is mostly good. i like beyond the wasteland, the promised land, in fact most of the new things. overall it's a pretty solid album, i'd say 8/10.

and yaaay we're reaching an agreement here. or so it seems.

*i* still think Uetmatsu's post FFVII work is good. FFX is REAL good, though if i recall properly he didn't do much work on it. then again, lots of stuff from the PS1 FF's is just filler music, like around 40% of FFVII is complete rubbish. anyway, i think it's a shame that uematsu's leaving FF, but i believe sakimoto is doing the work on FFXII, and from what i've heard so far it's gonna be well done and epic. so no worries.

Trance Kuja
12-15-2005, 05:28 AM
*i* still think Uetmatsu's post FFVII work is good. FFX is REAL good, though if i recall properly he didn't do much work on it. then again, lots of stuff from the PS1 FF's is just filler music, like around 40% of FFVII is complete rubbish. anyway, i think it's a shame that uematsu's leaving FF, but i believe sakimoto is doing the work on FFXII, and from what i've heard so far it's gonna be well done and epic. so no worries.

The only great tracks on FFX were the ones by Masashi Hamauzu and Junya Nakano. Uematsu only contributed lackluster material. Sakimoto will likely jolt the series music up a bit, but I'm fairly sure many FF fans will be hugely disappointed with the result he makes. Unfortunate really, since he's such a great composer.

12-15-2005, 05:46 AM
would you happen to know where i could find a list of who composed which songs on the ffx ost? i've always wondered that...


Trance Kuja
12-15-2005, 06:07 AM
Here you are! Enjoy! (

Don't forget to join the forums, too! :)

12-15-2005, 06:22 AM
thanks a bunch.

hmm, uetmatsu's work on ffx seems a mixed bag. some of my favorite songs on the OST are his, but he's also done most of my least favorites. ah well.

off topic, but i'm listening to "katamari on the rocks"...that song is soooo cool.

Trance Kuja
12-15-2005, 06:27 AM
off topic, but i'm listening to "katamari on the rocks"...that song is soooo cool.

The original from Katamari Fortissimo Damacy is good, the one from Minna Daisuke Katamari Damacy Original Soundtrack isn't.

12-15-2005, 10:32 AM
Well some people just believe strongly in their views. Can�t be changed.

you'll find a lot more people out there will take you seriously if you aren't such a twat about your opinion. no offense !

seriously think you've been spending too much time around trance kuja.

Trance Kuja
12-15-2005, 10:36 AM
you'll find a lot more people out there will take you seriously if you aren't such a twat about your opinion. no offense !

And he's a twat because?

seriously think you've been spending too much time around trance kuja.

Seriously think you've been spending too much time around Ndi.

12-15-2005, 05:38 PM
M'kay. That's your opinion. A majority would probably disagree. And I offer you a challenge - find an emulator for the Nintendo. Get the game "Anticipation". If you prefer that to is my opinion that there is no hope for you then.

You did NOT just bash Anticipation >:O

*shakes fist*

12-15-2005, 05:47 PM
Oh, but I did. Suck it up, Anticipation fanboy! :-P

12-16-2005, 03:49 AM
Oh, but I did. Suck it up, Anticipation fanboy! :-P

*hangs head in shame for paying $.99 for Anticipation at Funco Land*

12-16-2005, 06:13 AM
you'll find a lot more people out there will take you seriously if you aren't such a twat about your opinion. no offense !

I find pretty much everyone here is a twat, no offence. Just take a look in General Discussion. I used to like it here, but after the behaviour of the members I am disgusted, mainly at the explicit racism and bullying of members (for example changing their avatars and names to horrid things)
You know what I am talking about Sarah.
Hell, I am defending my opinions with justified facts, much like Trance Kuja is. A lot of people do that, and they have not spent a lot of time around him so there you go. Even you have done it in this thread: Thread 25721

I don’t mind if people don’t take me seriously here, it’s a forum, not real life. I think a few members here have a major problem distinguishing between the two sometimes. But for the record, I used to love it here but that opinion was changed (obviously) so sorry for spamming but it needed to be said.
Carry on

12-17-2005, 05:45 AM
Justified facts?

Trance Kuja
12-17-2005, 06:07 AM
Justified facts?

You know, facts which are justified?

12-17-2005, 06:46 AM
Yeh. I don't see 'em.

12-17-2005, 07:40 AM
Well then you are blind, or you are in love with Sarah.

12-17-2005, 07:44 AM
Well...I was talking about earlier posts on this topic, being blind to more recent ones. Good point.

Anyhow, Sarah's most likely not my type.

EDIT: Woohoo! I killed the topic! Erm...edits don't bump, correct? So this topic can reside in a pleasant shallowy watery grave? Hmm?

12-21-2005, 07:44 AM
Umm I think this has gone completely off topic anyway for all those who live in victoria, australia... u dont need to buy if from ebay or the internet.... HOOORAY FOR BOX HILL WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE THAT PLACE HAS EVERYTHING ^__^ from anime to something that starts with z like zebra paintings =D

12-21-2005, 07:50 AM
I find pretty much everyone here is a twat, no offence. Just take a look in General Discussion. I used to like it here, but after the behaviour of the members I am disgusted, mainly at the explicit racism and bullying of members (for example changing their avatars and names to horrid things)
You know what I am talking about Sarah.
Hell, I am defending my opinions with justified facts, much like Trance Kuja is. A lot of people do that, and they have not spent a lot of time around him so there you go. Even you have done it in this thread: Thread 25721

I don�t mind if people don�t take me seriously here, it�s a forum, not real life. I think a few members here have a major problem distinguishing between the two sometimes. But for the record, I used to love it here but that opinion was changed (obviously) so sorry for spamming but it needed to be said.
Carry on

hahaha a twat.. lol the only other time i heard that word was in a book... but then again maybe it sed twit instead u love it here??? wow this is a real place? i love it at malaysia =)

anyway i dont think this message is gonna change the way people behave... correct me if im wrong but people have a right to say what they want... even if its wrong, dirty, stupid, racist, wateva else bad thing theyre is assosciated with talking... and if they say it then thats they're problem.. they chose to say it....

and isint they're like rules somewhere on this site about the restrictions of racism and dirty minded posts ... and if theyre isint theyre should be... and all those who oppose it shall give they're soul to the devil or something really bad like that

12-21-2005, 07:50 AM
I find pretty much everyone here is a twat, no offence. Just take a look in General Discussion. I used to like it here, but after the behaviour of the members I am disgusted, mainly at the explicit racism and bullying of members (for example changing their avatars and names to horrid things)
You know what I am talking about Sarah.
Hell, I am defending my opinions with justified facts, much like Trance Kuja is. A lot of people do that, and they have not spent a lot of time around him so there you go. Even you have done it in this thread: Thread 25721

I don�t mind if people don�t take me seriously here, it�s a forum, not real life. I think a few members here have a major problem distinguishing between the two sometimes. But for the record, I used to love it here but that opinion was changed (obviously) so sorry for spamming but it needed to be said.
Carry on

hahaha a twat.. lol the only other time i heard that word was in a book... but then again maybe it sed twit instead u love it here??? wow this is a real place? i love it at malaysia =)

anyway i dont think this message is gonna change the way people behave... correct me if im wrong but people have a right to say what they want... even if its wrong, dirty, stupid, racist, wateva else bad thing theyre is assosciated with talking... and if they say it then thats they're problem.. they chose to say it....

and isint they're like rules somewhere on this site about the restrictions of racism and dirty minded posts ... and if theyre isint theyre should be... and all those who oppose it shall give they're soul to the devil or something really bad like that

12-21-2005, 07:50 AM
crap triple posted LMAO

Trance Kuja
12-21-2005, 08:03 AM
Umm I think this has gone completely off topic anyway for all those who live in victoria, australia... u dont need to buy if from ebay or the internet.... HOOORAY FOR BOX HILL WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE THAT PLACE HAS EVERYTHING ^__^ from anime to something that starts with z like zebra paintings =D

Yes, but is it legit?

12-21-2005, 12:49 PM
nkwp, what are your thoughts on the FFVII(game) OST?

12-21-2005, 12:55 PM
On FFVII game OST:
The tunes are great but they have a dated synth feel. And some of the tracks are not very listenable. It was good at the time of it's release but now it seems to show it's age. Aerith and Tifa's themes still stands the test of time and still worth listening to. My Rating: 3.5/5

12-21-2005, 01:30 PM
yeah, im a big synth fan though tbh

12-21-2005, 09:22 PM
Thats a very generalized assumption Kei. I have been trained in music, and I am NOT a fanboy, I think FFVII is the worst game ever made. My reasons for not being fond of it are quite clear:
1. Uematsu has been making SHIT music ever since the FFVII OST and thus I believe his performance on this album is utter rubbish.
2. The arrangements of the tracks are horrid.
3. If you have been exposed to alot of VGM artists then it would become aparent that this album is not great compared to them.
4. The album sounded like a J-Rock album and quite frankly did not work for me.
There are my reasons, I presume you will counter them. But they are my reasons and I do not care if you do not agree with them.
Also, for the record, I am not the only one who thinks this way.

Trained in music? You mean like at school they're always music playing while ur learning or something like that? *GASP*
Anyway i reckong this is one of the most carefully constructed posts i have ever read which is not maybe but u get the drift.

I have also been trained in music.. i can play many different instrumetsn although my main instrument is the piano *7th GRADE PIANO WEEE*
I have also experienced and experimented with many types of music across the world from south african percusiion to the sitar in China (it mite by japan i dunno) and techno to pop...

But commenting on the VGM... mmms sounds like a drink to me ^_^ ... you have to consider that when they compose the piece they dont actually compose just to listen... if you think about it they compose a VGM piece it is not up to its fullest potential until its in the game where ur experiencing the visuallisation as well as the sound. This is hard to say o.o but its like the music is not complete without the actualy part of the game its in to back it up... and when VGM compose music its not really suppose to go on albums and stuff (its just coz many ppl like it and would love to have a cd wifout all the different piecess)

So you cant really say VGM music is shit unless who experience well the whole experience for example... Aeriths theme in FFVII... if i heard that for the first time like on the radio or somethning i would be like WTF IS THIS SHIT!!?!?!?!??! (actually its alrite by itself) but when u add in the scene of Aeriths death... the meaning of the song and value is times by a hunderethfold... so plz dont badmouth VGM music >_< well i cant really stop u.... scissors paper rock anyone? =D

Trance Kuja
12-21-2005, 10:50 PM
But commenting on the VGM... mmms sounds like a drink to me ^_^ ... you have to consider that when they compose the piece they dont actually compose just to listen... if you think about it they compose a VGM piece it is not up to its fullest potential until its in the game where ur experiencing the visuallisation as well as the sound. This is hard to say o.o but its like the music is not complete without the actualy part of the game its in to back it up... and when VGM compose music its not really suppose to go on albums and stuff (its just coz many ppl like it and would love to have a cd wifout all the different piecess)

The first purpose of VGM (like film music) is to please listeners, then, to fit the context of the game / movie.

So you cant really say VGM music is shit unless who experience well the whole experience for example... Aeriths theme in FFVII... if i heard that for the first time like on the radio or somethning i would be like WTF IS THIS SHIT!!?!?!?!??! (actually its alrite by itself) but when u add in the scene of Aeriths death... the meaning of the song and value is times by a hunderethfold... so plz dont badmouth VGM music >_< well i cant really stop u.... scissors paper rock anyone? =D

But, the fact is, he's not saying VGM is shit, he's saying Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Original Soundtrack is shit. About 95% of my purchases are all experimental (meaning I haven't played in context yet) and I like all of them. So, basically, you don't need to play in context to like. Think of it as more of a bonus.

12-22-2005, 05:23 AM
anyway i dont think this message is gonna change the way people behave... correct me if im wrong but people have a right to say what they want... even if its wrong, dirty, stupid, racist, wateva else bad thing theyre is assosciated with talking... and if they say it then thats they're problem.. they chose to say it....

and isint they're like rules somewhere on this site about the restrictions of racism and dirty minded posts ... and if theyre isint theyre should be... and all those who oppose it shall give they're soul to the devil or something really bad like that

I never wanted my message to change anything. I was just saying how I feel. Read what Sarah said to me, then perhaps my post will become clear. OK? Ok.

Trained in music? You mean like at school they're always music playing while ur learning or something like that? *GASP*
Anyway i reckong this is one of the most carefully constructed posts i have ever read which is not maybe but u get the drift.

No I do not mean at school where there is always music playing. I mean like PROPER lessons. I got a cert in IGCSE (GCE for those of you in the UK) in music.

I have also been trained in music.. i can play many different instrumetsn although my main instrument is the piano *7th GRADE PIANO WEEE*


But commenting on the VGM... mmms sounds like a drink to me ^_^ ... you have to consider that when they compose the piece they dont actually compose just to listen... if you think about it they compose a VGM piece it is not up to its fullest potential until its in the game where ur experiencing the visuallisation as well as the sound. This is hard to say o.o but its like the music is not complete without the actualy part of the game its in to back it up... and when VGM compose music its not really suppose to go on albums and stuff (its just coz many ppl like it and would love to have a cd wifout all the different piecess)

Whats your point? I do not see one. My reply to this is exactly the same as Trance Kuja's.

So you cant really say VGM music is shit unless who experience well the whole experience for example... Aeriths theme in FFVII... if i heard that for the first time like on the radio or somethning i would be like WTF IS THIS SHIT!!?!?!?!??! (actually its alrite by itself) but when u add in the scene of Aeriths death... the meaning of the song and value is times by a hunderethfold... so plz dont badmouth VGM music >_< well i cant really stop u.... scissors paper rock anyone? =D

When did I say VGM was shit? It is the only type of music I listen to. I said the AC OST was shit, read properly. I love VGM with a passion, which is why I feel confident in making a comment about this Soundtrack.

12-22-2005, 04:03 PM
uh... oops sowwi plz forgive my stupidity >_< But that is the kinda of opinion i kinda feel ur expresssing wheneva i read ur posts =)

And a school wif music playing all the time would be totally awesome.. maybe we should start one =)

NKWP and TRANCE KUJA are working as a team >__< arghh we cant beat them run away!!!!! weee merry xmas everyone

12-22-2005, 04:15 PM
Nkwp... i know this is off topic but what exactly is IGCSE?
I live on the otherside of the worldso im lost... i study under AMEB which is the Australian Music Examination board... and its consisted of 8 grades...well 9 if you count the prelimeary grade. Im currently in 7th grade which is the second last grade of piano >_< and im barely 13 >_< and when you pass the eight grade who are licensed to teach other students.
though there is something beyond 8th grade where the trully taleneted pass but i forget what its called.
haha im suppose to get a cert for 6th grade but i have to do the theory exam first.. I hate theory >___< its so boring =(

So is the IGCSE something similiar... im kinda curious ^_^

oh yea sorry for my explosion of spelling and grammar mistakes... im looking at Nkwp's spelling and going woah... >_< he even uses capital "I"s but wee i found a mistake.. WHERES YOUR APOSTROPHE (plz make the spelling be right) in the setence Whats your point.. blah blah blah so forth and so on... get back in school buddy =P unless your ready in school... then.. er... forget it >_<

And Tance Kuja.. im probably wrong on this but i think VGM music is composed firstly to fit the contents of the game.. because whats the point of having a really good sounding piece that pleases the ear if it doesnt set the mood its suppose to achieve... >_< plz dont yell at me if im wrong >_<

So yea nkwp im really interested in what IGCSE is ^_^
wow i have so many different smileyes in my posts (_ _")

Trance Kuja
12-22-2005, 11:09 PM
And Tance Kuja.. im probably wrong on this but i think VGM music is composed firstly to fit the contents of the game.. because whats the point of having a really good sounding piece that pleases the ear if it doesnt set the mood its suppose to achieve... >_< plz dont yell at me if im wrong >_<

The entire point of music is to sound good and catch people's attention. This has been well-documented and is taught to you when you learn music. If I quote myself before, the first purpose is to please the ears, while second is to fit the scene. Can't it be possible to do both? Because in most movies / games, it certainly does.

12-23-2005, 11:28 AM
Well i think a few songs are made the other way around
Like from the ffAC ost theres one song on the first cd thats Sounds AbsoLutely CRAP on its own >_< but when played in the movie it actually fits in the scene pretty well

Trance Kuja
12-23-2005, 11:55 AM
Well i think a few songs are made the other way around
Like from the ffAC ost theres one song on the first cd thats Sounds AbsoLutely CRAP on its own >_< but when played in the movie it actually fits in the scene pretty well

No matter how much you refute, there is no denying that music, in general, is made to sound good. That is why music is created. Like I said before, the composer CAN do both at the same time. If it sounds crap, then fine, but it's based on opinion, and you've said yours about that track. Besides, why else do you think a Soundtrack is released? (answer: because people like the music).

12-23-2005, 12:37 PM
Okay Okay trance... i neva win arguements >_< so you win ^_^ its just that i thought that when they're sitting by their instrument and asked to compose the piece that they compose it first so it suits the scene, then they finetune as much as it can so it sounds good while still fitting the scene(s)
But you sound confident so you win =P

And the track... well it doest sound crap.. really crap it doesnt even have a proper melody in my opinion (yesh my opinion just like u sed ^_^)
by the way its track 9 called Black water i think on CD1

12-26-2005, 02:26 AM
Woohoo! I'm not being the one in an embroiled argument! But yeh. Though far from my favorite, I like the disks. So the composers, in one way, did their jobs, huh? To get people to listen to the music and like it? Seeing as more than just I like it. But yeh. I have spoken.

06-20-2006, 01:50 AM
Notice I said, "this album" and the topic of the forum is the FFAC ost. So I think you can use deductive knowledge from here. Sorry if I was not THAT specific.

I say it is the worst game ever made because IMO it is. Perhaps I should arrange what I said in another way, "FFVII is the worst game I have ever played" Happy?

Plot? What plot?
Game play? Heh you make me laugh
Music? You already know my feelings on this.

Thanks :D hahahahhaa. Is there something wrong with having an opinion? I think his music is rather bad, well ever since the release of FFVII's OST anyway. And you cant say much about AC OST cause you have only heard 2 tracks. So...STFU.
The use of the simple words is for some of the noob heads around here who do not know their rights form their lefts.

Quoted to emphasize my point about the two tracks above.

One question, do you know the artists names?
Held true to the originals? Ok so in other words, Uematsu could not be fucked making more innovative stuff, so much so almost 50 percent of the album is reused stuff. That�s boring. And the new stuff he did make were very dull.

Yes, J-Rock is horrid music IMO, overused distortion + constant whammy paddle abuse + no structure at all = J-Rock.
And that formula is very evident in songs like: Those Who Fight [FFVII AC Version], Those Who Fight Further [FFVII AC Version] and The Chase on the Highway from the OST.
Because of the lacking structure the songs sound like noise which results in me having a low opinion of the album. I believe artists should show dedication when producing work, I feel that Uematsu had no dedication at all.
Of course the album would appeal to the masses 'cause its FF, but to the few who actually have taste it does not.
Being trained musically, it is quite evident that not much work went into this album. Most of the new tracks could have been thought up in 5 mins. Wow, that shows pure dedication on Uematsu's part. Yay for him. No complexity whatsoever. The only decent track was OWA, which was arranged by someone else FYI. I what I said above about J-Rock is more than enough justification on my part. I do have other reasons however, but that would make this post longer, and I have things to do.

Supposed training? Hahahaha, what do you know boy? Even one with an attuned ear would be able to tell that hardly any work went into the album. And I am not trying to BS you into believing me, I was simply stating my opinion, and you have yours, I am not trying to BS anyone into believing me. Read my posts properly.
If you are going to loose sleep over that then I suggest you stop reading my posts. It�s a forum, opinions are flying around, if you don�t like it, leave. :D

To sum up, I have high standards of VGM (I am sorry if that bugs you), I expect diversity, catchy tunres, evident devotion from the artist, and feeling. The AC OST does not have any of that. When you listen to music, you can feel emotions being emited from the music, the AC OST does not do that. OK? Ok.

Good day to you

aw gees what i totally said was as wrong as ever the Final Fantasy VII Advent Children soundtrack in my opinion rulez and the more i hear it the more i'd love to see the film. man i love this soundtrack more than anything. and the stuff i said above really wasn't the stuff i had in mind at all.

the Advent Children Soundtrack ROCKS, seriously, and i'll be listening to it fer the rest of my life. Square-Enix RULEZ.

06-20-2006, 02:47 AM
Hahahaha you are so fucking stupid.

06-20-2006, 05:49 AM
Yes! That is why we need a smart leader like you nkwp, or should i say female leader, to lead us all in oblivion!!!

06-20-2006, 06:00 AM
You had like 700 posts before right?!

06-20-2006, 11:49 AM
Hahahaha you are so fucking stupid.

heheheheheheeehehehee yeah i am so fucking stupid.

06-20-2006, 08:23 PM
Look I can edit posts too

I like to rape peoples rectums:(

06-21-2006, 01:22 PM
Look I can fuck myself so hard that i won't know what's comin

heheheheheheheheheh man nwkp likes to play hookey uh? yeah he always does.

hehehehehehehehe you're right TrueLugia121.

man you make this look good TrueLugia121.

yeah we both make this look good don't we? yeah i love doing this so much nwkp just wants to fuck himself so much just watching me do it right TrueLugia121?.

oh you bet nwkp you just love fuckin yourself up man.

hehehehehehehehe now where's that Sarah gal, the head of the forums? yeah nwkp always wants to cum her good. yeah.

nnnnnnggghh ugh oh nwkp.

yeah Sarah?

oh youy make this feel so good.

oh Sarah.

yeah baby bring it down hard. i've paid really cool bucks just to see this. c'mon bring it down as hard as you can BBBBBAAAAAAAAAAAABBBBYYYYYYYYYYYY.

hehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehe aw man this feels so good.

06-21-2006, 03:30 PM
both of you: cut it out.

06-21-2006, 04:07 PM
How did Sarah get involved? hahaha ^^

Oh yeah, True Lugia, nkwp is a female, so she can't er... she can't ejaculate semen over sarah, because its not physically possible. Please forgive me nkwp and sarah for using such terms on your forum, but its the truth

06-21-2006, 06:11 PM
both of you: cut it out.

cut what? your pussy? man get a loada that, i mean what's better that to just say 'rack a by baby, in yer freakin ass'.

hehehehehee sorry if you've ever had sexual harrassment before Miss FFShrine.

06-22-2006, 01:38 PM
Besides FFX-2, since Uematsu didn't do the music there, the music has been great for ALL the FF games/movie. The one thing FF always gets a perfect 10/10 for is music (plus everything else about the games.....)