11-07-2005, 11:53 PM
Now, don't get me wrong, I love SE games, I love SE music, I love thier masterpieces. It's the company in general that's irking me.

As you well know, Square-Enix issued a cease-and-desist order to Galbadia Hotel, to remove Final fantasy and Front Mission stuff. Why? Because they like their money. They don't seem to realize that for every site they remove the music from, there are ten more with it on. And by removing it from Galbadia Hotel, they are just making determined searchers go elsewhere, perchance getting viruses on their computers.

But, that's not why I'm upset.

I did a Google Image Search for Chrono Trigger. The first picture was from this site:

Here! (

Now, check it out. It looks REALLY good, doesn't it? Almost official? That's the problem. It wasn't official. Square-Enix cracked down on them, too. Now, I don't know whether they were planning to sell it or just have it as freeware, regardless, SE shut them down. They wouldn't allow them to be freeware, or mebbie even hire the guys. That work is great!

It would have been nice. But Square Enix put an end to that. The landscape looked perfect, Chrono looks great, and it's all for naught. I'm suprised they haven't gone after webcomics or flash movies yet. I'm not going to buy any more games from them any time soon, though.

11-07-2005, 11:54 PM
Sorry but...

Is this supposed to be the right forum to be in ?_?

11-08-2005, 12:04 AM
As you well know, Square-Enix issued a cease-and-desist order to Galbadia Hotel, to remove Final fantasy and Front Mission stuff. Why? Because they like their money. They don't seem to realize that for every site they remove the music from, there are ten more with it on. And by removing it from Galbadia Hotel, they are just making determined searchers go elsewhere, perchance getting viruses on their computers.

How dare they. Making the people that aren't buying their music risk getting viruses on their computers while looking for places to steal it. The nerve.

11-08-2005, 12:06 AM
Bottom line: S-E love their money. And we give it to them.
Even if we all preached we hated S-E we would still buy their products. So however you see it, they still win.

11-08-2005, 12:08 AM
Well, this is the right section of the forum, if any. Doesn't fit into the others.

And...well, you'd think they get enough normally, without having them take off out-of-date CDs that don't earn them nearly enough anymore.

EDIT: Ehhh...I probably won't buy too much anyway, due to lack of funds, so....Ha ha, SE! You may get a little, but you won't leech me dry!

11-08-2005, 12:15 AM
I loved that Chrono site Mahare, it is a pitty S-E shut the project down.

11-08-2005, 01:59 AM
Yeah they are huge bitches

Also I hate those stupid assholes at the restaurant who make me actually pay for the food I eat


Also: Learn to post things in the right forum.

11-08-2005, 02:11 AM
Well, I didn't exactly think this belonged in the gaming forum. If there was a debate forum, maybe. However, I mention a game, but that game isn't the issue. Square Enix is.

And, well, I had a bit of respect for you, T.K. Sunglasses, and none in the first place for you, rezo. Yet seeing as you openly mock me for reasons which, on one hand, I can understand, but in your case, T.K., it's slightly different. Them big people of Square Enix can already afford to hire seventeen hookers a day for the rest of their lives. General employees at McDonalds can't. Also - how much is a hamburger? A buck. how much is the CD? $10 AT THE MINIMUM. I don't have time for a job, and my parents certainly aren't going to buy me them. I just wish SE had better things to do, rather than shut down small time websites - like make a game that will net them millions, again.

Swedish Fish
11-08-2005, 02:28 AM
In my opinion, Square has gone downhill with just about everything since it merged with Enix. Don't get me wrong, Enix was a decent company, but something happened.

11-08-2005, 02:35 AM
And, well, I had a bit of respect for you, T.K. Sunglasses, and none in the first place for you, rezo.


But I've done so many respectable things!

11-08-2005, 03:01 AM
Well, I didn't exactly think this belonged in the gaming forum. If there was a debate forum, maybe. However, I mention a game, but that game isn't the issue. Square Enix is.

And, well, I had a bit of respect for you, T.K. Sunglasses, and none in the first place for you, rezo. Yet seeing as you openly mock me for reasons which, on one hand, I can understand, but in your case, T.K., it's slightly different. Them big people of Square Enix can already afford to hire seventeen hookers a day for the rest of their lives. General employees at McDonalds can't. Also - how much is a hamburger? A buck. how much is the CD? $10 AT THE MINIMUM. I don't have time for a job, and my parents certainly aren't going to buy me them. I just wish SE had better things to do, rather than shut down small time websites - like make a game that will net them millions, again.

Oh, I'm not talking about McDonald's. I'm talking about those annoying privately owned diners I go to! They charge me much more than McDonalds, and then expect me to leave a tip!

But no, really, you're right; I'm sorry I didn't see where you're coming from. Since you don't have "time" for a job, there's no way for you to obtain this music without stealing it.

Since it would QUITE obviously be a violation of your human rights for you to have to go without music from Square Enix video games to listen to regularly, you are totally justified in stealing it.

11-08-2005, 03:16 AM
I think the crime here is that there is no Shenmue 3 coming out.

That's a real crime.

11-08-2005, 06:03 AM
Here! (

Now, check it out. It looks REALLY good, doesn't it? Almost official? That's the problem. It wasn't official. Square-Enix cracked down on them, too. Now, I don't know whether they were planning to sell it or just have it as freeware, regardless, SE shut them down. They wouldn't allow them to be freeware, or mebbie even hire the guys. That work is great!

It would have been nice. But Square Enix put an end to that. The landscape looked perfect, Chrono looks great, and it's all for naught. I'm suprised they haven't gone after webcomics or flash movies yet. I'm not going to buy any more games from them any time soon, though.

But they're not doing anything illegal. and the site does give copyright credit to square for the pics. It's the downloadable media (music, movies) that's illegal and the only thing they have on this site are small samples. with Galbadia Hotel, you were able to DL the whole FF7AC sound track, just as illegal as napster was. are you really that shocked? I was expecting that to happen eventualy. that's why I got what I could while it was up. At least be greatful for the time it was up and give thanks to Sarah for even hooking us up while it lasted.

Galahad McCloud
11-08-2005, 09:30 AM
thank the internet god for torrents *shot*

11-08-2005, 10:03 AM
thank the internet god for torrents *shot*

...Or you can thank the internet god.

11-08-2005, 01:56 PM
I agree square enix is scum now, I even think the games have gone down hill, Hey lets all wait for them to go on sale so they get less MONEY!

11-08-2005, 02:32 PM
Technically, it's not bad what they did, I just don't like it.

And T.K., I'm a full time college student. Technically, my parents are part of the poor. I have to take time to study, to get good grades, to get a job. I'm living with hellish people just so I can squeak by. So no, I DON'T have time for a job!

And, I already have the games. If I had the knowledge, I could probably get the music from the disk. And not once have I gotten music for a game I don't own. I'm just not going to spend as much as they charge FOR THE WHOLE GAME for the music.'re just sarcasticish. That's my only complaint.

Ummmm.....MarvinStraight, you quoted the wrong thing. And yes, GH was more illegal, and I don't think they should have reeeeally recent stuff like that. At least you're not a bleeding moralist like T.K..

SE just charges TOO MUCH for the music and shuts independent projects down, even though that company isn't hurting them.

11-08-2005, 11:41 PM
I'm a full time college student.

Fulltime college students have lots of free time.

Free time that they could use to work.

11-09-2005, 02:13 AM
Well, that might be most college students, but not me. I'm staying at a place with roughly a dozen people and two vehicles. I couldn't drive if I wanted to, because I don't have a car. Can't get a car, because my parents can't afford one. Can't really get to work on my own without my own car. Luckily, I carpool to college. I'm getting in completely on financial aid. Even with time being an issue, lack of vehicles and, coincidentally, money are setting me back. Plus, I already have enough stress with some of the people I'm living with being complete jackasses. Can't very well move out, because then I couldn't go to college, as I'd be living with my dad in the middle of nowhere. And, coming from essentially a poor family, I never got my permit until about four months ago, and that was only because the college required it. My mom doesn't work, and my dad gets disability. So I can't get Driver's Ed, much less a car. And I MIGHT be able to bike to a workplace, however, it wouldn't be too healthy for me, because I'm not exactly a lightweight. And frankly, I'd rather not add even more stress into my stressful life for a while, anyways. So I'm very happy as I am, and no one's going to change me. And I still won't buy music CDs, if anything I'd buy the game with the music when I had money. You get much more than the music, you also get (hopefully) a nice gaming experience.


This thread's turned into "Let's bash Mahare and make him look stupid!" If jackasses don't have anything INTELLECTUAL to say, get off of my fucking topic!

11-09-2005, 04:08 AM
And frankly, I'd rather not add even more stress into my stressful life for a while, anyways. So I'm very happy as I am...

I don't think you are. Honestly. In any case don't resist change out of stubbornness. People are capable of dealing with hard situations without being stressed by them and that's what you ought to aim for; maybe Square making it harder for you to steal from them wouldn't bother you so much.

also after learning to deal with stress take a bus to work.

iconoclastic pastry
11-09-2005, 04:16 AM
rezo and TK: Do you download music?

11-09-2005, 04:23 AM
as often as I send people music but less so!

edit: what are you driving at?


you were too late! I hope you had something really interesting to say in the French Revolution topic!


11-09-2005, 01:25 PM
And T.K., I'm a full time college student. Technically, my parents are part of the poor. I have to take time to study, to get good grades, to get a job. I'm living with hellish people just so I can squeak by. So no, I DON'T have time for a job!

This is exactly what I'm saying, dude. The rights of poor college students everywhere to take everything they cannot afford are being violated. Can't afford a car? The Ford Motor Company should have to give you one! It's a shame your mom doesn't have a job though—that also ought to just be given to her regardless of merit.

rezo and TK: Do you download music?

Sure do. And I sure don't bitch about it on a message board and act like someone's an asshole if they try to prevent me from doing so! I usually respect their wishes.

11-09-2005, 03:49 PM
most of the people in this thread are rather shit at justifying what they're doing. but that's just because they're shit at justifying it, not neccessarily because they're wrong.

we can argue about it as long as we want but the bottom line is that not paying 60$ for a CD imported from japan or not resorting to buying it from ebay where you're more than likely just going to end up purchasing a bootleg anyway isn't remotely similar to downloading, say, top 40 singles or something.

11-09-2005, 04:31 PM
"if you're going to buy a bootleg then you might as well just download the album"... unless you really like books. But not picking up the soundtrack isn't terribly different than not paying for a top 40 single. Japanese CDs are roughly 30-60% more expensive than they are in the US. The price is pretty much only prohibitive to people that can't afford CDs at all.

And there are the people that only steal music from large companies which handle pretty much all top 40 songs, because they don't like how they do business and theoretically support the artists they like by attending shows and buying merchandise... or not at all but spend money on smaller acts they think need it.

Whatever mindset they're going with, it's ridiculous to be angry with someone that says "stop giving away my stuff for free".

11-09-2005, 04:45 PM
not when there's a pretty damn decent chance it falls under fair use. and that's the case with game music. particularly game rips.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
11-09-2005, 05:26 PM
"It's not illegal if it's something I want and I'm not patient enough to wait for the company to distribute it here or import it like other law-abiding people!"

11-09-2005, 05:32 PM
if you knew anything about fair use law you'd know that how available it is commercially plays a huge part in whether or not it's protected under said statute ~

11-09-2005, 05:41 PM
not when there's a pretty damn decent chance it falls under fair use. and that's the case with game music. particularly game rips.

How so? In the case of widely distributing released soundtracks, themed game albums and the like.

11-09-2005, 05:58 PM
I went into it a number of times in this thread (Thread 25721), as did some random law student that agreed with me !

11-09-2005, 06:42 PM
I went into it a number of times in this thread (Thread 25721), as did some random law student that agreed with me !

OH MAN YOU TOTALLY DIDN'T. And unless it was hidden in one of the responses to Trance Kuja(I ignored all of his posts and responses to them after reading the first few), fair use law seems to apply to music in the same way it does with art and it boils down to there is no "this is certainly fair use" in the case of what you are doing. You can try to make a case for it but its not a determination for you to make offhand.

Legally, anyways, which is just to determine what you can get away with. If you think what you're doing is ethically right I don't think whether it is fair use plays a big role in that.

that sort of thing, to me, really reveals what we've all known for ages: it is not, and never was, about compensating the artists fairly. it's about record and movie companies trying to leech every dollar they can out of you.

This is why people response in the way I mentioned in the last post on page 1. It works negatively too, of course as some people don't realize that some smaller artists make the bulk of their money from CDs and so they don't pay for anything.

11-09-2005, 07:32 PM
OH MAN YOU TOTALLY DIDN'T. And unless it was hidden in one of the responses to Trance Kuja

there's actually some substabce in there in a few places, surprisingly enough.

fair use law seems to apply to music in the same way it does with art and it boils down to there is no "this is certainly fair use" in the case of what you are doing.

I agree ! I said in a few instances in that thread that it's not for any of us to decide, it would be up to a judge. I also never said (iirc) that what I'm doing definitely falls under fair use: I'm saying I believe it would, and that there's a pretty damn decent chance it would, etc.

Legally, anyways, which is just to determine what you can get away with. If you think what you're doing is ethically right I don't think whether it is fair use plays a big role in that.

I don't believe I'm hurting the companies that produce and distribute video game music. I think sites like this help them in the long run. again, I go into this in that thread, and in the legal/mission statement portion of GH, but if it wasn't for internet fandom there would be almost no market at all in the US for video game music.

This is why people response in the way I mentioned in the last post on page 1. It works negatively too, of course as some people don't realize that some smaller artists make the bulk of their money from CDs and so they don't pay for anything.

totally not the issue in this particular case though ! and we've been through that.

11-09-2005, 07:37 PM
As you well know, Square-Enix issued a cease-and-desist order to Galbadia Hotel, to remove Final fantasy and Front Mission stuff. Why? Because they like their money. They don't seem to realize that for every site they remove the music from, there are ten more with it on. And by removing it from Galbadia Hotel, they are just making determined searchers go elsewhere, perchance getting viruses on their computers.

Well, they do have the right to do so if they wish. And overall, i don`t see you point. Your hating them because their stopping you from ripping their music?. Bullshit.

11-09-2005, 08:04 PM
totally not the issue in this particular case though ! and we've been through that.

Yeah, it was just an aside.

11-14-2005, 06:46 PM
I think the crime here is that there is no Shenmue 3 coming out.

That's a real crime.
For sure man, but hey, there is Shenmue Online in Korea. You wanna learn Korean and I could get a copy and magically send it to you?

11-15-2005, 03:53 AM
Okay, I might as well throw my oppinion in. It's sad that they got rid of the stuff and shut it down, but, for the most part, I agree with them.

People worked to make that stuff, and instead of getting their money, they get ripped off because some nut put it up on the net as a free download. Same with the Chrono Trigger thing (although I am saddend a bit by it). It's their game, which they had all rights to. All of a sudden, some one comes a long, makes it better, AND makes it free. This makes square loose some money, especially if they plan to port CT to another system again. People would just get the free 3-D computer version instead of the actuall product.

To sum it all up: In the gmae-junkies prospective, SE is being a gigantic butt-wadd. But in the real world, their just looking out for the well being of the company. Which, in the end, every company really just cares about profits, and creat the illusion of consideration for the customer to increase those profits. Sad, but true.