11-01-2005, 08:33 AM
Which console do you fellas believe will win the number 1 console crown for next year. Please try not to be biased and base your opinions around solid evidence.

11-01-2005, 08:38 AM

11-01-2005, 08:43 AM
revolution <3

it has me more excited than anything relating to gaming has in a long, long time. except for supcom of course.

11-01-2005, 12:04 PM

If I don't get that, I almost certainly won't get any of them.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
11-01-2005, 01:02 PM
The Revolution, because the PS3 will be far too expensive for most people's tastes.

11-01-2005, 02:12 PM
Revo <3

11-01-2005, 06:46 PM
I`ll ask myself this question when all three consoles are released and i try them out.

hb smokey
11-01-2005, 06:47 PM
revolution <3

it has me more excited than anything relating to gaming has in a long, long time. except for supcom of course.

Neo Xzhan
11-01-2005, 08:38 PM
Revolution for me aswell.

11-01-2005, 08:54 PM
Yeah but why the Revolution. There has to be a reason for it. The PS3 and XBOX 360 may not be as affordable but they will have the brute force and strength of all the consoles (out of all of them PS3), and we dont know much about the REV yet since Nintendo decided to keep us in suspense this time.

11-01-2005, 09:24 PM
yeah. and you know what? most of us here seem to be fucking tired of BRUTE FORCE consoles. screw dem.

also smokey is looking forward to supcom WHAT

Neo Xzhan
11-01-2005, 10:28 PM
Yeah but why the Revolution. There has to be a reason for it. The PS3 and XBOX 360 may not be as affordable but they will have the brute force and strength of all the consoles (out of all of them PS3), and we dont know much about the REV yet since Nintendo decided to keep us in suspense this time.

Yeah how about this. The Revolution really is introducing new depth to gaming, instead of the standard improved sound/graphics which the PS3 and XboX360 will be aiming at. Brute force doesn't do it for me, I want something different for a change then just neat looking graphics and games with a playtime of less then 2 hours and zero replay value.

11-02-2005, 08:17 AM
Lol thats only some games, but i do see your point. The REV would be second on my list and i tend to have quite a likeing to Nintendo. Anyway since money wont really be an issue for me i will proberlly be scoring a PS3 for a many other reasons.

I will say that next year will be make or break for Nintendo. "If they simply rely on the adoration and nostalgia of the gaming community to lift them through another generation of been there done that gaming the Revolution will suffer the same fate as the gamecube. Nintendo need to boot Pokemon, Mario, Donkey Kong and company to the sidelines and indulge us in new, fantastical franchises with great new characters and truly engaging gameplay, and until they show us this in action,we will not be sold the Revolutions chances".

That is one thing about the REV that i can solidly agree on.

11-02-2005, 08:24 AM
Why? Because you are certain that is EXCACTLY the Nintendo is going to release?

11-02-2005, 08:26 AM
Well what im saying is that they better bring out not only new gameplay like they have already said but new games that become NO 1. Like Halo 3 or MGS4.

11-02-2005, 08:58 AM
I kinda like the 360 for now, but I really hope Nintendo does something awesome with the Revolution because gaming totally needs some new ideas right now.

11-02-2005, 03:40 PM
Next year? The Xbox 360. It's got the marketing clout, and the advantage of being the first kid on the block. Combine that with a decent range of launch titles and the Christmas period, and you've got a 2006 winner.

Overall success story of the next generation will be the PlayStation 3, for reasons i've discussed here:

Thread 25540

The Revolution will no doubt be more successful than the GameCube though, but I don't think it's going to get sales numbers higher than Microsoft or Sony. Nintendo's a niche gaming market now.

11-02-2005, 03:42 PM
Combine that with a decent range of launch titles and the Christmas period, and you've got a 2006 winner.

Elder scrolls IV:Oblivion has been set back to april :(

11-02-2005, 04:19 PM
Fine with me - we're not getting the 360 until March :p

11-02-2005, 04:25 PM
Fine with me - we're not getting the 360 until March :p

heh ;)

Although i gotta say. Just recently, the revolution is starting to sound like quite a system. Granted we don`t know the specs but the idea behind it. At first the controller to me was terrible but after much though, i feel it has a lot of potential. And the fact that you can download old games including N64 games, now that`s just a nice bonus. :D

But like i said before, when i eventualy play all three systems i`ll make my mind up. But ultimately, it`ll come down to the system with the best games.

Neo Xzhan
11-02-2005, 06:36 PM
Lol thats only some games, but i do see your point. The REV would be second on my list and i tend to have quite a likeing to Nintendo. Anyway since money wont really be an issue for me i will proberlly be scoring a PS3 for a many other reasons.

I will say that next year will be make or break for Nintendo. "If they simply rely on the adoration and nostalgia of the gaming community to lift them through another generation of been there done that gaming the Revolution will suffer the same fate as the gamecube. Nintendo need to boot Pokemon, Mario, Donkey Kong and company to the sidelines and indulge us in new, fantastical franchises with great new characters and truly engaging gameplay, and until they show us this in action,we will not be sold the Revolutions chances".

That is one thing about the REV that i can solidly agree on.

Actually that will not be for some games, because then Nintendo would totally miss the point for what the Revolution stands.

Make or break Nintendo? They are the single richest game/console supplier of the world, do you have any idea how much money they have made of the old gameboys alone? Even if no one would buy the Revolution and it would turn out to be a complete dissaster, they'll just come with something else in 2008 and still have more money then Sony, Microsoft and Sega all together.

11-02-2005, 06:41 PM
Some how i kinda disagree with you on your last statement.

11-02-2005, 07:45 PM
yeh that statement isnt really accurate as Sony and Microsoft do allot more then gaming alone

the truth is that Nintendo is the only pure "gamecompany" of the 3 and barely made any losses in its 100+ years of existence

you can find the figures on the web somewhere

hb smokey
11-02-2005, 08:44 PM
Some how i kinda disagree with you on your last statement.
I believe that Neo was talking about the gaming aspects of Sony, Microsoft, and Sega; not their other stuff. But it is true though. Nintendo has a ton of money to spare.

11-03-2005, 04:18 AM
Okay then i believe you. It makes me wonder then why havent they completed blown our socks off with this out of the world new generation console.

11-03-2005, 04:24 AM
Perhaps because they understand that gaming is about more than just a powerful console. The Rev will probably be powerful enough to play ANY game that any developer wants to make for it. The other two consoles are just overkill. On top of that, the other two are more of the same, whereas Nintendo is trying something new, which just might completely revitalize the entire market from its recent stagnation.

11-03-2005, 06:21 AM
Well hopefully it will but how do we know that Nintendo isnt just pulling our legs. They could be doing what most of us call false advertising.

11-03-2005, 06:29 AM
Now you're just grasping at straws. There's absolutely no reason to think that would be the case. Are you truly so desperate to hold a negative opinion of Nintendo that you'll resort to unfounded slander?

11-03-2005, 06:33 AM
Nope im actually quite a Nintendo fan myself and tend to buy alot of their games, but i have always liked the PS better. Their games i believe are top notch and iam not really looking for anything new at the moment such as the REV so im not really to fused about its new gameplay. Asides from that it is second on my list, but at the moment iam not interested. So really brute force and the games is whatt iam worried about not wheather Nintendo is releasing some so called new way to play games. It may not be what it sounds like realise that.

11-03-2005, 06:39 AM
In other words, you're simply taking a negative stance against Nintendo for the sake of making Sony (the one you prefer) look better without any regard to the actual facts of the matter?

11-03-2005, 06:44 AM
I stated why i think the PS3 will be better than the REV read it, but to save you the time il give it to you. The combined force of 2 Geforce 6800's, 218 gigaflops (twice the power of the 360), 7 wireless blutooth controllers, 512mb (although they all have that lol), and lastly in my view way better games. Il give you an example. This site is based around it. Final Fantasy.

Like i said before iam not worried about this new gameplay of the Nintendo.

11-03-2005, 06:55 AM
But you're basing your assumptions about which will be better purely off their specs, despite knowing nothing about the Rev's capabilities. For one thing, there is zero chance that any games will utilize the PS3's full capabilities for years to come. The extra power is unnecessary and will be utterly wasted. The Rev may have less power, but it appears that it will have enough to stay on par with games on the other two systems, graphically speaking.

As for the games, you may be able to say which ones interest you more, but you cannot say they will be better. Besides, you don't even know that future Final Fantasy games will be playstation exclusives. As far as I've seen, NOTHING has been announced about Square-Enix's next-gen plans, but recent signs point to them branching out onto other consoles.

11-03-2005, 07:09 AM
That may be the case but really we all know that they will. They wont just throw away millions of dollars away just like that. The extra power i believe is necessary. One of the goals of current gaming is to make the graphics look realistic. This is one thing the PS3 comes much closer to, and will not be wasted as it will make the games more exciting and action packed.

11-03-2005, 07:10 AM
All three of the next-gen consoles will be capable of photorealistic graphics. That's already common knowledge. Thus, realism won't even be a factor, as far as the ability of the consoles to display it is concerned.

11-03-2005, 07:15 AM
Yeah i can agree with that, but at the moment you are totally faithful with Nintendos promise to give gamers a new style. Something which should not be counted on.

hb smokey
11-03-2005, 07:16 AM
That may be the case but really we all know that they will. They wont just throw away millions of dollars away just like that. The extra power i believe is necessary. One of the goals of current gaming is to make the graphics look realistic. This is one thing the PS3 comes much closer to, and will not be wasted as it will make the games more exciting and action packed.
A current gaming goal isn't to make graphics look realistic. Xbox, Playstation 2, and Gamecube are perfectly capable of creating realistic graphics. Just take the Gamecube for example; it has extremely realistic graphics, and it's not even the most powerful of the three current systems.

Yeah i can agree with that, but at the moment you are totally faithful with Nintendos promise to give gamers a new style. Something which should not be counted on.
Ok, not count on Nintendo? Take it from me, I'm a bigger fan of the big N than Prak is, and you are sounding more and more like a Sony fanboy. Tell me, which handheld gives us a brand new way to play games; the DS, or the PSP? And after you answer that question, tell me who made that handheld.

11-03-2005, 07:21 AM
Well lets see here i will be honest. The DS did introduce 2 screens and from what i have seen some kind of pen, and i will give them that. Great job on doing something new. However play the PSP and tell the major difference.

11-03-2005, 07:23 AM
Yeah i can agree with that, but at the moment you are totally faithful with Nintendos promise to give gamers a new style. Something which should not be counted on.

There's no reason to doubt it. Give me one solid reason to doubt it and my stance would change accordingly.

Well lets see here i will be honest. The DS did introduce 2 screens and from what i have seen some kind of pen, and i will give them that. Great job on doing something new. However play the PSP and tell the major difference.

Also, you're totally busted on being a Sony fanboy. Smokey's point was about which one gives us a new way to play games. The PSP is more of the same on a larger scale than before. The DS still has significant power, more quality titles, and innovative ways to play those titles.

hb smokey
11-03-2005, 07:23 AM
Well lets see here i will be honest. The DS did introduce 2 screens and from what i have seen some kind of pen, and i will give them that. Great job on doing something new. However play the PSP and tell the major difference.
Well let me be honest. Either you are incredibly stupid, or you have just been living under a rock the last year? Please tell me that you seriously know more about the DS than that.

11-03-2005, 07:29 AM
Well i must say that what you just said was about as immature as it could get. Just because someone does not know every single juicy detail about the DS does not make them stupid or mean they have been living under a rock. My friend it means they have a life outside of gaming, and a heck of a lot of people currently do not even know what a DS is. So i would reconsider you're second statement. You are taking you're level of knowledge for grantide.

11-03-2005, 07:31 AM
You are taking you're level of knowledge for grantide.


11-03-2005, 07:39 AM
There's no reason to doubt it. Give me one solid reason to doubt it and my stance would change accordingly.

Also, you're totally busted on being a Sony fanboy. Smokey's point was about which one gives us a new way to play games. The PSP is more of the same on a larger scale than before. The DS still has significant power, more quality titles, and innovative ways to play those titles.

The term Sony fan boy is incorrect believe it or not. I tend to like a wide range of games and consoles from the gaming market, but Sony has caught my attention this time round more than the others have. Cross a bridge and get over it. As i said Nintendo is my second choice and i have nothing against them, but Sony have constantly continued to feed my gaming hunger while pushing the right buttons. Backed up by Nintendo.

The comment on the DS having more power (graphicly speaking) would be incorrect as well. Yes they have given us a new way to play within the handheld market and i commend them for that, but i would not consider buying ether so it matters not to me.

Well one reason to change your stance would be that i certainly would not want a crooked Computer tower sitting under my TV, and if they persist to develop games that were made 20 years ago then "i will not be sold the REV's chances". Like i said before they need to indulge us in new franchises or the REV will suffer the same fate as the gamecube, but of course none of that will sway or opinion the other way.

hb smokey
11-03-2005, 07:43 AM
Well i must say that what you just said was about as immature as it could get. Just because someone does not know every single juicy detail about the DS does not make them stupid or mean they have been living under a rock. My friend it means they have a life outside of gaming, and a heck of a lot of people currently do not even know what a DS is. So i would reconsider you're second statement. You are taking you're level of knowledge for grantide.
Listen here. I asked if you were incredibly stupid, or if you were living under a rock the past year. I didn't say you were stupid. But the thing that I find strikingly amusing, is that you claim to be a Nintendo fan, but yet you don't even seem to know anything about their DS handheld?

I don't know every single juicy detail, such as the processing power or any technical specs. That stuff doesn't matter. You are taking this way out of context. And don't even come at me with the 'oh man I have a life outside of video games' statement. You've clearly proven to me that you are nothing but a Sony fanboy, and don't care one bit about Nintendo. There are millions of people who own a DS, so care to say that they don't have lives as well? Oh wait, and millions of people own a PSP! THEY DON'T HAVE LIVES EITHER.

I don't need to reconsider any of my statements. You've clearly overreacted to what I've said. Read them carefully, then respond accordingly.

The term Sony fan boy is incorrect believe it or not.
There are fan boys for every system or handheld, believe it or not. I was a huge Nintendo fan boy several years ago, but not so much anymore.

The comment on the DS having more power (graphicly speaking) would be incorrect as well. Yes they have given us a new way to play within the handheld market and i commend them for that, but i would not consider buying ether so it matters not to me.
Prak didn't say that the DS has more graphical power. He said that it has significant power. And its funny that you now admit the DS introduced a new gameplay element or two, when a little bit ago you sarcastically said that it was a great thing; the Nintendo DS. Maybe this is a sign of cat-got-your-tongue?

Well one reason to change your stance would be that i certainly would not want a crooked Computer tower sitting under my TV, and if they persist to develop games that were made 20 years ago then "i will not be sold the REV's chances". Like i said before they need to indulge us in new franchises or the REV will suffer the same fate as the gamecube, but of course none of that will sway or opinion the other way.
Whoa whoa whoa, what are you talking about? A crooked computer? Also, Nintendo isn't developing games from 20 years ago. Revolution allows for us to download them. For a so-called Nintendo fan, you seem to know jack shit.

11-03-2005, 07:47 AM
Well lets see here. You dont need to own a DS or know anything about it to be a Nintendo fanboy, and nobody could care less if it is out of context. I really couldnt care less about that or whatever you say.

11-03-2005, 07:48 AM
The term Sony fan boy is incorrect believe it or not. I tend to like a wide range of games and consoles from the gaming market, but Sony has caught my attention this time round more than the others have. Cross a bridge and get over it. As i said Nintendo is my second choice and i have nothing against them, but Sony have constantly continued to feed my gaming hunger while pushing the right buttons. Backed up by Nintendo.

The comment on the DS having more power (graphicly speaking) would be incorrect as well. Yes they have given us a new way to play within the handheld market and i commend them for that, but i would not consider buying ether so it matters not to me.

Well one reason to change your stance would be that i certainly would not want a crooked Computer tower sitting under my TV, and if they persist to develop games that were made 20 years ago then "i will not be sold the REV's chances". Like i said before they need to indulge us in new franchises or the REV will suffer the same fate as the gamecube, but of course none of that will sway or opinion the other way.

Yes, you are a sony fanboy because you think the PSP is better than the DS, which isn't true.

He never said the DS had more power. Read it again.

All the games on PS2 were fairly shit, and i had trouble finding originality in them. I got so fucking sick of they games they were leaking out that i have just stop buying PS2 games. I found moe originality in the Gamecube because every second game wasn't some shitty racing game with basic controls and little gameplay value. PS2 needs to fucking stop making sports/racing games, until they can come up with one that is any good. I do not see any problem with nintendo using the same characters for their new games (mario) because they can at least make an original storyline for the game, most of the time.

So on the whole new franchise shit, i think you should aim that comment towards Sony, because Nintendo only failed because, OH NO, NO DVD OH NO NOONONONOOONOONOO.

11-03-2005, 07:53 AM
Well at the moment you sound like a Nintendo fanboy from the way you just started. That comment was purely biased and could be debated for a long time.

DVD is not my concern, and what you say in your second paragraph is easily opinion
based and not on factual evidence, which i said to do before but i wont put you down for that.

11-03-2005, 07:58 AM
Well at the moment you sound like a Nintendo fanboy from the way you just started. That comment was purely biased and could be debated for a long time.

DVD is not my concern, and what you say in your second paragraph is easily opinion
based and not on factual evidence, which i said to do before but i wont put you down for that.
I didn't say the gamecube failed because of you, i said it got less sales because it didn't have DVD compatibility. The second paragraph is my opinion, i never said it was based on pure facts, ever. But, when walking through a game shop, and seeing heaps and heaps of something, something2:somethingelse, something3:THEsomethingelse in the PS2 section, I lose just that bit more interest. YAY FOR ORIGINALITY. I even found some crappy austin powers pinball game on the sony, i mean, why the shit would you make that game, really. So yes, it is my opinion, and i believe it is better than yours.


11-03-2005, 08:03 AM
Then if you believe that it is better than myn then you could not be more wrong. I take it you may have a bit of an ego. Everybodys opinion is equal and i respect everyones here. Yours, Smokeys, and Praks. So dont think you are better when you are complety wrong about that. Do not think you are better than others.

11-03-2005, 08:09 AM

11-03-2005, 08:11 AM
Whatever dude, but if you are going to post at least post something decent, ignoring the fact that it was funny (try to resist from commenting on that).

11-03-2005, 11:48 AM
Look, in NZ gamers have been exposed to different things, which is the reason for Bennys opinion. Nintendo is NOT big here, yes yes, Revolution has got new gameplay aspects blah blah. But the bottom line is our opinions are formed around what we are exposed to. If we are not exposed to something how can we provide the justification of liking it.
Naturally if we are exposed to PS, all we are going to opt for is PS. ALL 3 consoles have their good points. I am not too sure which console will dominate world wide, it will have to be seen when they come out.
This does not mean I think the new Nintendo console will not dominte, it is hard to say. What I do know is that different consoles will vary in terms of domination in different countries. As for AUS and NZ I believe it will be a tight competition between Xbox 360 and PS3, because this is all we are exposed to. Now I know after this people are going to be insulting NZ and Aus for not exposing the population to Nintendo consoles etc, so if it REALLY bugs you, file a complaint to the authorities.

I have been exposed to consoles by Nintendo like the NES, SNES, Gameboy etc, so I am familiar with their products. I am NOT a fan boy of any particular console or company, I think they all have potential. We shall just have to wait and see till they are released.

11-03-2005, 12:03 PM
You are an idiot. Australia is exposed just fine to all consoles.

11-03-2005, 12:08 PM
And I am an idiot why?
Some consoles get more coverage than others in certain countries dont they?
Its funny, all of my friends in AUS have not even heard the release of Nintendo Revolution.
My point is that even though Nintendo consoles have been released here, (I never said they were not). The favour still heads towards PS and Xbos due to adverts etc, the public is exposed more to PS and Xbox because of the media (Adverts in newpapers, Television etc) I have never seen ONE Nintendo advert here.

11-03-2005, 01:12 PM
Obviously the people you know from Australia stand for everybody else in Australia.
I know plenty of people who are aware of the release of the revoluton, but just because they know doesn't mean all of Australia knows, though.
I never said that you said they were never released.
And they favour only heads towards sony and xbox with the people whp favour sony and xbox.

11-03-2005, 01:42 PM
I shudder to see the day when a Kiwi with limited gaming knowledge claims to have a grip on the gaming market of Oceania.

The gaming market in Australia (and i'm not making any claims about New Zealand, because they would all be biased. I assumed on your side of the Tasman, the NES was still a big deal) is incredibly different to America. We simply don't have a 'gamer culture' as large - our gamer culture is centered around our social structuring.

For instance, there are a number of reasons for the PlayStation 2's dominance of the gaming market in Australia. Number 1 is the racing games. Car racing is one of the favourite sports amongst the 18-22 age group in Australia - and with games like Gran Turismo, F1, V8 SuperCars, Burnout and Wipeout all available on the PlayStation 2, you've got a fairly decent lineup for the rev heads who would assume 'RPG' is a mistype of 'RPM'.

Reason number 2 is the sheer amound of crappy kiddy games that mums and dads can buy, thinking they're going to keep their kids happy, and not understand when little Billy whinges that his rip-off Disney platformer is utter tripe.

Reason number 3 is appeal to the Australian social desire. The incredible success of SingStar is perhaps the best show of this - the new Buzz! is proving to be popular as well. These are games that are played at a party, for instance.

It is for this third reason that the Xbox has been more popular (percentage wise) in Australia than other reasons as well. Ask any young guy on the street, from IT nerd (me) to stay-at-home stoner (some of my friends), and you can bet that they've played Halo. The Xbox is full of multiplayer fragfests, and other games that you can enjoy with your friends and still be cool.

It's true that the GameCube doesn't get much floorspace, but that's mainly because its niche market has always been the kiddies - and even though it does the kiddy games to a far higher quality than the tripe that is available on the PS2, Sony's advertising machine prevents the GameCube from getting into parents of young children where it belongs.

Don't give me that whole 'GameCube is for grown ups, too!' tripe. I am well aware of the many high quality, mature games available for the GameCube. Your average Halo 2 player does not.

Hell, most people in Australia who own a PlayStation 2 probably never even heard of Final Fantasy X, or Metal Gear Solid - they're having much more fun playing Grand Theft Auto and Gran Turismo.

As gamers, we have an unbiased view on the market. Thanks to our healthy interest, we research games, and keep up with their development, so we know what games are good and what games aren't before they even hit the shelves. Joe Consumer does not. They buy depending on what they see.

That, however, is 'this' generation. A dying generation, on the precipice of a new one. And never, EVER underestimate Nintendo. They breathed new life into the gaming industry after it was almost destroyed by Amiga. They are not blind - they are addressing the points that blocked them from their target audience last generation, and bringing in an entirely NEW audience as well.

If you don't believe me, look at the success of Nintendogs. I can't play all the awesome new games on the DS (Advance Wars: Dual Strike, for one) simply because my wife has my DS all the time. And trust me when I say, my wife is not a gamer. The DS is selling strong, and the Game Boy Advance is a mainstay that is going along just as well. The GBA has that kiddy market that I mentioned before - along with all the tripe games, parents will be more willing to give Billy a $150 nearly-unbreakable GBA, or Sally a $180 nearly-unbreakable DS, than shell out $400 for Sony's 'shake me and I might fall apart' PSP.

Don't get me wrong - the PSP is my favourite console EVER so far. And I don't even have any awesome games for it yet. But it is well and truly an adults console, and I think it is going to stay that way.

When it comes to Australia, we don't have enough info to tell how the next generation is going to go. Until I know release prices and dates, everything is still up in the air. The only thing I know for certain is that there will be an Xbox 360, a PlayStation 3 and a Nintendo Revolution in my living room come this time next year.


measter yazoo
11-03-2005, 02:53 PM
Perhaps because they understand that gaming is about more than just a powerful console. The Rev will probably be powerful enough to play ANY game that any developer wants to make for it. The other two consoles are just overkill. On top of that, the other two are more of the same, whereas Nintendo is trying something new, which just might completely revitalize the entire market from its recent stagnation.

I agree with Prak. I will probably get the xbox 360 then when the revoulotion comes out i would get it

iconoclastic pastry
11-03-2005, 05:46 PM
Raindex: I'm curious why the PSP is your all time favorite console when you don't have any awesome games for it. A console's value is only as great as the quality of its games, right? Maybe i'm just out of touch with today's market. =/

hb smokey
11-03-2005, 05:48 PM
Benny, you've yet to address the points I've made.

11-03-2005, 06:51 PM
Which points, you can say. nkwp makes a point, which is the REV is not as big here. It doesnt have the certain amount of hype in NZ as it does the USA. So naturally we are not too fond of it.

hb smokey
11-03-2005, 09:38 PM
Which points, you can say. nkwp makes a point, which is the REV is not as big here. It doesnt have the certain amount of hype in NZ as it does the USA. So naturally we are not too fond of it.

Listen here. I asked if you were incredibly stupid, or if you were living under a rock the past year. I didn't say you were stupid. But the thing that I find strikingly amusing, is that you claim to be a Nintendo fan, but yet you don't even seem to know anything about their DS handheld?

I don't know every single juicy detail, such as the processing power or any technical specs. That stuff doesn't matter. You are taking this way out of context. And don't even come at me with the 'oh man I have a life outside of video games' statement. You've clearly proven to me that you are nothing but a Sony fanboy, and don't care one bit about Nintendo. There are millions of people who own a DS, so care to say that they don't have lives as well? Oh wait, and millions of people own a PSP! THEY DON'T HAVE LIVES EITHER.

I don't need to reconsider any of my statements. You've clearly overreacted to what I've said. Read them carefully, then respond accordingly.

There are fan boys for every system or handheld, believe it or not. I was a huge Nintendo fan boy several years ago, but not so much anymore.

Prak didn't say that the DS has more graphical power. He said that it has significant power. And its funny that you now admit the DS introduced a new gameplay element or two, when a little bit ago you sarcastically said that it was a great thing; the Nintendo DS. Maybe this is a sign of cat-got-your-tongue?

Whoa whoa whoa, what are you talking about? A crooked computer? Also, Nintendo isn't developing games from 20 years ago. Revolution allows for us to download them. For a so-called Nintendo fan, you seem to know jack shit.

11-04-2005, 04:39 AM
I shudder to see the day when a Kiwi with limited gaming knowledge claims to have a grip on the gaming market of Oceania.

HAHA, I dont have "limited" gaming knowledge. And I never claimed to have a grip on the gaming market of Oceania.
I was simply basing my facts on what I have noticed in NZ. And just to back up my point I asked my sources in Australia. They obviously were lying or live in a hole.

And for the record, I was born in NZ but lived most of my life in Asia, and only just recently returned to NZ. What I have noticed in Asia, for example Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore, is that the situation is the same as it is in NZ. Except in those countries in Asia, I have never seen ONE Nintendo console in various gaming shops after the SNES died down. And even then it was not THAT big, it was the Saga Master System that was big.
I will agree with you that the Situation in NZ and AUS, is because of uneducated gamers who think Nintendo is for kids. They have the limited gaming knowledge and baised opinions.
And let me assure you, I have been exposed to gaming ever since I played my first Final Fantasy on my first NES system(which my daddy imported because of non-existing stock in Singapore). So you do not have to shudder

11-04-2005, 04:39 AM
Raindex: I'm curious why the PSP is your all time favorite console when you don't have any awesome games for it. A console's value is only as great as the quality of its games, right? Maybe i'm just out of touch with today's market. =/

The PSP is the first true console to offer convergence on a succesful scale. I'm a gamer, but I don't want to play games all the time - occaisionally I want to watch a movie, listen to some music, or read a book.

My PSP is the only console I have that allows me to do all these things on the go. When I say I don't have any 'awesome' games, I just mean that the games I have on it aren't my favourites - they are certainly quality though. I think it's just the fact I have 4 racing games out of 5 games, and there really isn't a good RPG for it - yet. Metal Gear AC!D is still brilliantly addictive fun though.

But the same can be said of the DS - I don't really have any DS game that I consider a 'must-have', either. There hasn't been a Final Fantasy or Knights of the Old Republic-esque must have title yet - but it is the first generation, and they will come. The DS has Final Fantasy III on the horizon, as well as a new Mana game, and i'm sure the PSP has a few RPG tricks up its powerful sleeve.

And as much as the loud minority says that graphics doesn't matter, graphics do matter. They contribute equally with all facets of the experience. While I disagree that graphics alone make a game, they do have the possibility to make a game better.

To put the icing on the cake, the PSP media's cabilities mean that I can finally read my ebooks, listen to my mp3s and watch my downloaded movies on the go. With the availability of cheap UMD, I can watch DVD quality movies as well.

I guess to sum everything up, the PSP has potential. The first generation of games for a console never really show what the system is capable of - I think that in a year or two's time, we'll be seeing games of equal quality to the current PlayStation 2 games. Of course by then, everyone will have moved on to the PlayStation 3, but the PSP will still be the best handheld option.

11-04-2005, 05:05 AM
I disagree with that last statement. The DS may not be able to play MP3s or downloaded movies, but there has been talk of putting movies on DS cartridges, as well as reports that it will eventually have full PDA functionality.

As for what you said about the DS not having any "must-have" titles, I think you're wrong about that also. For anyone who likes all those classic adventure games that you never see anymore, the DS is a must. Phoenix Wright alone would justify it form that perspective. Advance Wars: Dual Strike is probably the best strategy game you can find on a handheld. And honestly, you're pretty silly if you don't already own a copy of Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow. Then there's titles like Nintendogs, Meteos, Kirby: Canvas Curse. The DS definitely has the edge right now in terms of quality titles, and it only looks like it will get better with all the new titles coming out before the end of the year. There's no way the PSP will catch up for several months, at the very least.

Don't get me wrong. I love my PSP. It made me retire my DS for a couple months, but now that the really good DS games are hitting, it's firmly rooted on the shelf. The status quo may change in the future, but I think the DS is kicking the PSP's ass at present, as far as gaming goes. The PSP may have more features, but by the time it has a decent library of quality titles built up, the DS will have some pretty neat features of its own that will easily compete, so the advantage could go either way.

11-04-2005, 05:57 AM
All the games you mentioned are excellent - but my 'must-have' criteria is very narrow.

It's the criteria I reserve for games like the next Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Half-Life - an example of a 'must-have' game for my GBA would be Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.

You see, I actually bought a GBA just to play FFTA - I didn't really buy my PSP or DS for any one particular game. I'm sure they're coming, but they're not here yet.

11-04-2005, 06:00 AM
But it seems your criteria for a must-have game is based on your own personal preferences, rather than its mass appeal. In that case, your arguments would hold no weight for anyone but yourself.

11-04-2005, 06:11 AM
Oh, yeah - I know that!

That's why I said the PSP was my favourite console, not the best at the moment ^^;

11-04-2005, 06:13 AM
Oh! Perhaps I misread something then. Carry on!

11-04-2005, 06:36 AM
But it seems your criteria for a must-have game is based on your own personal preferences, rather than its mass appeal. In that case, your arguments would hold no weight for anyone but yourself.

There are certainly more than enough people who would share his criteria of gaming. My criteria is extremly close to his. The only game that is not one of my must haves is Half Life. So his arguement would care more weight than think. Mass appeal does not mean that everybody has completly different opinions, and his are quite common.

11-04-2005, 06:45 AM
Based on what? The similarity of his opinions to your own? I'm sorry to tell you this, but being held by two people doesn't make it the prevalent opinion.

11-04-2005, 07:00 AM
Prak you are extremly ignorant of the opinions of other people. Most of the world you dont know and therefore you cannot say that it is not a prevalent opinion when you dont know what you are talking about. Many many people would share our view as well and this opinion would be very common among gamers.

11-04-2005, 07:34 AM
So you're doing nothing more than putting your word against mine and saying I'm ignorant? That's pretty ignorant of you, Benny. Tell you what. Prove it. Seriously. Prove it. Then I'll take you seriously.

hb smokey
11-04-2005, 07:34 AM
Benny, still, you've yet to address the points I made. And yes, I want you to answer them.

11-04-2005, 07:40 AM
Well you have said it yourself and you've said worse than that before. Calling me ignorant made no sense what so ever and just sounded like you where trying to make up for space.

I honestly do not know everyone on this planet and therefore i cannot say that everyone has myn and Raidenex's opinion, but we both know very well whether you denie it or not that there are a number of the population that share our views. It's just common sense to think that. Not everybody has completly separate views. I dont see why you dont take me seriously.

11-04-2005, 07:44 AM
You say that there are "a number of the population" that share your views, but you honestly have NO IDEA how many there are. You don't even have a ballpark figure. You have nothing but the baseless claim made from your own prideful opinion. That kind of thing is precisely why I don't take you seriously.

11-04-2005, 07:51 AM
Well it is obvious that there are other people that share my view. There arent that many differnt opinions in the gaming world. One of these is that your "most wanted" are popular titles such as Halo, Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy. Why do you find this so hard to stomach. That opinion is very common throughout the industry as many people have so called grudges against smaller developers.

hb smokey
11-04-2005, 07:54 AM
Benny, still, you've yet to address the points I made. And yes, I want you to answer them.

11-04-2005, 07:57 AM
Yep sure i havent forgotten. Could you please address your points again.

11-04-2005, 08:42 AM
Well it is obvious that there are other people that share my view.

No proof here. Duly ignored.

There arent that many differnt opinions in the gaming world.

Still no proof. Also ignored.

One of these is that your "most wanted" are popular titles such as Halo, Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy.

Are you even trying or are you just typing to see your name on the screen?

Why do you find this so hard to stomach.

Because bullshit happens to sit very heavily in my stomach.

That opinion is very common throughout the industry as many people have so called grudges against smaller developers.

I have a feeling that's supposed to mean something, but your communication skills don't seem to be up to the task of conveying it properly. However, it looks like there's still no proof.

11-04-2005, 08:54 AM
Bear in mind that not everything requires proof. Im not even going to bother to say it again because you do not even consider others opinion and are just to stubborn. I really cannot be bothered putting up with your arrogance right now. YOU DO NOT NEED PROOF FOR THIS, IT IS SO OBVIOUS!

My last statment means that many people do not like smaller, not as popular games. Many people just like the big games. Dont tell me that there arent people like this because that would just be brainless.

11-04-2005, 10:40 AM

11-04-2005, 10:59 AM
Because you cant just get these kinda stats of the internet. If you are so eager to prove me wrong then YOU find some proof that none of those kinds of people exist. Good luck.

11-04-2005, 11:08 AM
Benny, Prak is right. I never claimed that the titles I listed were everyones must have titles - in fact, it is just the contrary. In Australia, Final Fantasy is not very popular at all. On the other hand, V8 Supercars 2 (a game that wasn't even released in America, if I recall) is extremely popular.

You've also got the sports games fanatics, and the mindless violence crowd who don't buy a game if it's not made by Rockstar. (yes, I know that a lot of Rockstar games have depth and are well designed, but there is a crowd out there who are OMG GTA PROSTITUTE KILLZ LoLZ).

The only proof you can give is popularity - hell, when the Olympics was on, the Olympics game was the best selling game for the PS2. And that was a sack of crap. We can't judge what the popularity of the next generation is going to be, and we can't even made educated guesses until we have further details.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
11-04-2005, 01:10 PM
I'd just like to say that if someone is going to point at the PS2's game selection and nothing but the NBA/NFL/MLB/NHL range and conclude that all of the games suck because of that, I could turn around and say the same thing about Nintendo with all the damned kid games they come out with.

To be quite honest, I can't think of a single game under the Nintendo license that I'd like to play, other than Phoenix Wright for the DS. And even that would be a rental for the comic relief it would bring.

Gamecube had Resident Evil 4? Big deal, the PS2 is getting a port of it in a month or two.

The Twin Snakes? It's been said that enhanced graphics don't automatically make a game better, and I already have MGS.

SSBM? The only game I might be tempted to buy the Gamecube for--and only because the PS2 doesn't have a good fighting game with the character selection of the type I'd like to see getting their asses kicked. Even then, it's not pressing enough to where I can't wait for the price of it to fall through the floor after the other consoles come out.

Don't even let me get started on the PS2 games. I mean, fucking God of War, people.

As for the PS3, stop bitching about graphics comparisons in the PS3/Xbox360/Revolution tech demos. MGS4 is going to fucking blow everything else out of the water on that front and there is nothing the other consoles can offer at this point to change my mind on that one. And did you see the new Gran Turismo demo for the PS3? And these games aren't going to be just eye candy, either. They're among the top franchises in terms of story and gameplay, respectively.

I mean, hell, those two games alone are going to justify holding out and buying the PS3 before I buy those other consoles. Notice how I didn't do a specs comparison here, it's about the actual games that will be available.

11-04-2005, 02:05 PM
odin's tryin to wow us with the gran turismo storyline


hb smokey
11-04-2005, 07:04 PM
Yep sure i havent forgotten. Could you please address your points again.
Come on. I've already posted it a couple times. It's really not that hard to see. But knowing you, you're probably just dodging my points.

<A HREF="">Here</A>

11-04-2005, 08:59 PM
Benny, Prak is right. I never claimed that the titles I listed were everyones must have titles - in fact, it is just the contrary. In Australia, Final Fantasy is not very popular at all. On the other hand, V8 Supercars 2 (a game that wasn't even released in America, if I recall) is extremely popular.

You've also got the sports games fanatics, and the mindless violence crowd who don't buy a game if it's not made by Rockstar. (yes, I know that a lot of Rockstar games have depth and are well designed, but there is a crowd out there who are OMG GTA PROSTITUTE KILLZ LoLZ).

The only proof you can give is popularity - hell, when the Olympics was on, the Olympics game was the best selling game for the PS2. And that was a sack of crap. We can't judge what the popularity of the next generation is going to be, and we can't even made educated guesses until we have further details.

Yes true but it aint that hard to except that many people like only the big games.

11-05-2005, 03:30 AM
Would you please read my posts before making an inane reply?

I was talking about MY favourite games, MY must have games. My must have games list doesn't include all the 'big' games, and neither does yours - you said you left Half-Life off yours, for instance.

Everything comes down to personal preference. I'll be getting an Xbox 360 (yes, i've changed my mind again) simply because Halo is on my 'must-have' list. Along with any RPG by BioWare.

And i'll be getting a revolution because any system that can play ANY NINTENDO GAME EVER, for the right price, gets my vote right away.

11-05-2005, 03:51 AM
Yes you are right my list does not include all of the bigs games. For instance i wouldnt mind getting a Nintendo Micro, but there are people who do want only big games. My friend for example Adam Hunter, Josh Mclocklin, Alex corlett.

The PS3 is on my must have list because of its games that i like. That is all.

11-05-2005, 10:52 AM
And did you see the new Gran Turismo demo for the PS3? And these games aren't going to be just eye candy, either.
from the day Gran Turismo 2 came out all it ever improved on was eyecandy

11-05-2005, 07:02 PM
Lol yeah and the amount of cars you can buy.

hb smokey
11-05-2005, 09:39 PM
Come on. I've already posted it a couple times. It's really not that hard to see. But knowing you, you're probably just dodging my points.

<A HREF="">Here</A>

11-06-2005, 03:17 PM
And i'll be getting a revolution because any system that can play ANY NINTENDO GAME EVER, for the right price, gets my vote right away.

Now, is that confirmed or will it be certain selected games?.

11-06-2005, 03:29 PM
it will not be ever game ever. basically, it can't be because of licensing restrictions, etc on some games. all games actually released by nintendo definitely have the potential to be available though.

11-06-2005, 03:33 PM
it will not be ever game ever. basically, it can't be because of licensing restrictions, etc on some games. all games actually released by nintendo definitely have the potential to be available though.

I heard a rumour that, somehow, Megadrive games would be available. If that`s even possible, think it`ll happen?.

11-06-2005, 07:03 PM
its possible
if the dloading of the old skool library of Ninty proves to be a succes you can bet yr ass off Sega will be temped to get an official megadrive emulator going on

but i think seeing how Sega has supported xbox from the beginning it would b more likely they would just copy the idea to x360 as most of Sega's fanbase is there in the first place

11-07-2005, 12:35 AM
How far does it's backtrack ability go to, because the NES doesnt really appeal to me lol.

iconoclastic pastry
11-07-2005, 12:46 AM

11-07-2005, 02:33 AM
How far does it's backtrack ability go to, because the NES doesnt really appeal to me lol.

get off my internet

hb smokey
11-07-2005, 03:39 AM
How far does it's backtrack ability go to, because the NES doesnt really appeal to me lol.
It goes as far back as the NES, 20 years of Nintendo history. They've said that it's likely that every Nintendo published game from the NES to the present will be possible to download; but let's just hope that Nintendo also gets the rights to allow for downloads of other games that they didn't make.

11-07-2005, 03:42 AM
I thought the gamecube wasn't included? ie it was everything but gamecube games

11-07-2005, 06:27 AM
It supports backwards compatibility for GameCube games, but you won't be able to download them.

Like Smokey said, all first and second-party Nintendo games will be available, and they have agreements with other companies to distribute - no complete list, yet.

Sega has expressed an interest in making Master System and Mega Drive (Genesis) games available, but hasn't confirmed yet.

11-07-2005, 05:10 PM
Sega has expressed an interest in making Master System and Mega Drive (Genesis) games available, but hasn't confirmed yet.

If they do, i think that`ll be the Revolution in first place for me. Just because it`s such a fantastic idea.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
11-07-2005, 05:49 PM
odin's tryin to wow us with the gran turismo storyline


I said gameplay where Gran Turismo was concerned, Sarah. Not Storyline.

Pay attention to what I write.

hb smokey
11-07-2005, 07:23 PM
I thought the gamecube wasn't included? ie it was everything but gamecube games
Ok I worded it wrong. You can play gamecube games on the Revolution, you don't even have to download them.

11-18-2005, 01:03 AM
not to offend the xbox lovers out there, but i have no real care for it. i have an interest to play the game FABLE, but im not gonna buy an xbox for one game.
so to answer the initial question, ps3 or the revo. im getting both

11-23-2005, 10:35 AM
Does anybody here really like the Xbox 360 that much anyway.

11-23-2005, 03:51 PM
Does anybody here really like the Xbox 360 that much anyway.

Yes I do, actually. Even though i've expressed that I believe the PlayStation 3 is a superior console, the Xbox 360 has some very strong points, and shouldn't be underestimated.

Xbox Live Arcade, for one - until now, MAME and crummy 'collections' have been the only option for people wanting some old-school arcade action - now, we can download it directly into our living room for a couple of dollars. With the death of the physical arcade, this is the perfect way to ensure that classic arcade gaming styles never die.

The line-up is also solid, with lots of exclusives - nothing mind-shattering yet, but quite literally the strongest launch of the 3D gaming generation. With the top-tier PS3 titles giving vague 2007 dates (MGS4, i'm looking at you), chances are its lineup will be limited early on.

2006 in gaming will be the X360s time in the sunshine. It's a decent console, and i'm looking forward to getting my hands on one in March.

EDIT: In vaguely related news, it appears that what everyone feared would happen with the Xbox 1 is in fact happening with the Xbox 360.

If you have a look at the pictures linked in that article, even the BSOD is buggy. Ouch. Good thing they'll probably have the firmware cleaned up for the Australian release!

11-23-2005, 06:58 PM
because you know, it took months, not decades for them to fix windows 8-)

11-24-2005, 10:35 AM
because you know, it took months, not decades for them to fix windows 8-)

shh they'll fix it for australian release

i DO believe in fairies!

11-25-2005, 02:10 AM
Okay all the specs for Xbox 360 sound good, but i havent heard anyone say one good thing about the PS3 except that its powerful.

11-25-2005, 10:49 AM
Okay all the specs for Xbox 360 sound good, but i havent heard anyone say one good thing about the PS3 except that its powerful.


did you even read this thread?

The PS3 will do everything the X360 does, with twice as much power, and if you ask it nicely it would probably cook you dinner =/

Besides, as i've mentioned a couple of times in this thread, the games define the machine. The PS2, Xbox and GameCube all had good games this generation - as long as the PS3, X360 and Revolution all have good games in the next, it'll be sweet.

The advantage of being a video game freak is being able to play Halo 3, Metal Gear Solid 4 AND Metroid Prime 3.

11-25-2005, 03:21 PM
Obligatory counterpoint: The power gap probably won't seem so great as PS3 fans would have you believe. The machines themselves are both supercomputers capable of processing graphics far beyond what games will ever have a need to display. On top of that, when you consider that the disc drive on the Xbox 360 is twice as fast as the one on the PS3 (meaning much lower loading times), the advantages/disadvantages of each start dwindling.

I figure they'll wind up being pretty equivalent consoles overall and run a tight competition through this entire generation. The one to really watch at this point is the Revolution, simply because we don't know what in the world it will be able to do yet.

11-25-2005, 04:06 PM
PS3 Will Be The Best

11-25-2005, 10:19 PM
Yeah but do you have anything to back that up. It all adds up to opinion really. Xbox owners are not going to buy a PS3, and PS2 owners are not going to buy an Xbox 360, because there go all your old games dispite the new ones you will get.

11-25-2005, 10:48 PM
Benny I Am Going To By Both Of Them

11-25-2005, 10:56 PM
Lol well i wont quite be doing that, but suit yourself.

11-25-2005, 11:09 PM
I never really cared all that much about the power of the console but the games you could play on it, and Playstation was alway superior in that aspect.

11-25-2005, 11:13 PM
far beyond what games will ever have a need to display

Oh come now, they can't be that powerful.

11-26-2005, 12:07 AM
Well they will be considering that we will not be able to reach the PS3's and Xbox 360's maximum abilities for some time now.

11-26-2005, 02:36 AM
I never really cared all that much about the power of the console but the games you could play on it, and Playstation was alway superior in that aspect.

Spoken like a true Sony fanboy.

No matter your opinion on Halo, you can't deny that Knights of the Old Republic, Jade Empire and Ninja Gaiden are excellent games. Not to mention that every single game that has been released on all three console always, always plays better on the Xbox - Prince of Persia, Spider-man 2, Burnout 3.

And then there is the GameCube, that had Resident Evil 4 frist, and still has the best version - not to mention Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, Eternal Darkness, and Metroid Prime.

No console is 'superior' when it comes to games. Every console this generation had a wide range of awesome titles.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
11-26-2005, 03:58 AM
God of War and Gran Turismo, Raidenex.

Also: Zone of the Enders, War of the Monsters, Ace Combat, .hack and the majority of the Metal Gear Solid series. Also, The Twin Snakes was just a graphics upgrade to a PSX classica anyway.

Also, those Xbox titles you named played better and could be bought cheaper for the PC.

iconoclastic pastry
11-26-2005, 04:32 AM
Zone of the Enders and Ace Combat? You're just grasping for straws now. =/

11-26-2005, 04:34 AM
Yeah I wouldn't exactly agree with Odin's list, but I really can't see what's "fanboy"ish about saying one console has more good games than another. Surely they cannot just automatically be equal in that regard.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
11-26-2005, 04:39 AM
Zone of the Enders and Ace Combat? You're just grasping for straws now. =/

Are you kidding? Those games were entertaining enough for what they set out to do.

11-26-2005, 05:18 AM
Well ill be going for the PS3 when it comes out. Can't wait.

11-26-2005, 05:36 AM
One down, two to go.
Because i'm getting them all.
Eat that, fanboys.

11-26-2005, 05:46 AM
God of War and Gran Turismo, Raidenex.

Also: Zone of the Enders, War of the Monsters, Ace Combat, .hack and the majority of the Metal Gear Solid series. Also, The Twin Snakes was just a graphics upgrade to a PSX classica anyway.

Also, those Xbox titles you named played better and could be bought cheaper for the PC.

I didn't bother listing the PlayStation 2 games, because if he's a Sony fanboy, he probably knows what's good about the PS2 already =/

Also, if we're talking 'superior games library' in terms of quality vs. the quantity released, the GameCube wins hands down.

11-26-2005, 05:48 AM
Excuse me?
.Hack is fucking tripe, don't give me that.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
11-26-2005, 06:06 AM
Excuse me?
.Hack is fucking tripe, don't give me that.

An MMORPG simulator that's a million times more fun than any MMORPG and actually has a defineable point to it is utter tripe?

Also: Fuck you.

11-26-2005, 06:11 AM
An MMORPG simulator that's a million times more fun than any MMORPG and actually has a defineable point to it is utter tripe?

Also: Fuck you.
What if I like MMORPGs, and actual RPGs.

What then, Odin.


11-26-2005, 08:37 AM
Kubirio, don't knock Ace Combat. I don't really care if you disagree about the other games Odin listed, but that one's off limits in my book since it's probably the best air combat game on any console. Ever.

11-26-2005, 11:33 AM
Also, those Xbox titles you named played better and could be bought cheaper for the PC.

Jade Empire and Ninja Gaiden aren't on PC, so, uh, your point is moot?

I'm torn between the Revolution and the PS3, but I'm strongly thinking about just getting the Revolution.

If the Revolution pulls off its gimmick nicely, and comes at a cheaper price than the rest (read >$200, though I'd love the $99 tag to be true), then it'll probably be the one for me.

Plus any console that at least has a chance of re-releasing Earthbound is clearly the best.

11-26-2005, 11:28 PM
I'm so glad that I don't have to choose - i'd end up regretting whichever one I bought.

I think i'm looking foward to the Revolution the most, at the moment - just the knowledge that buying one isn't going to send me broke for a month, like the 360 and PS3 will!

iconoclastic pastry
11-27-2005, 05:19 AM
Prak: I'll continue to knock it now and forever.

11-27-2005, 01:39 PM
The term 'winner' is thrown around so loosely in this industry. Hopefully, the majority of real gamers will opt for all the systems - dipping their fingers into every pie. Think about it, what do you mean by 'winner', that it sells the most units, or that it has the most quality games? In the last generation, the PS2 has stepped up to take the title of 'winner' - simply for the sheer units sold. But without sounding too much like Peter Moore, surely it's all about the games, right? With that in mind, the X-Box and GC both had great games, with the likes of:
Splinter Cell (Arguably)
Panzer Dragoon
Doom 3
Halflife 2

Super Mario Sunshine
LOZ Windwaker
Eternal Darkness

To name just a handful. You see, if we buy for what looks cool, or indeed for how many units are expected to shift, well, that's just the sadest most pathetic thing of all- Because surely,


11-27-2005, 02:48 PM
Prak: I'll continue to knock it now and forever.

And I'll be there to peck at your heels with the beak of common sense!

11-27-2005, 08:39 PM
Ace combat is not a game that you can tear apart without someone getting offended. I love the game and it does not deserve to be so called "knocked and forever", and Prak has a lot of common sense.

11-27-2005, 09:00 PM

11-27-2005, 11:43 PM
Speaking on topic, i'll probably get a 360, I won't actually play it though, consoles are terrible for the games I like to play. I'll just buy it for the sake of buying it =)

hb smokey
11-28-2005, 01:45 AM
Speaking on topic, i'll probably get a 360, I won't actually play it though, consoles are terrible for the games I like to play. I'll just buy it for the sake of buying it =)
And then I'll say you are pretty stupid for spending $400 on a machine that will only gather dust.

I've always counted on the quality of games that Nintendo comes out with. Gamecube had the best games in terms of quality, even though PS2 and Xbox had more third-party support. Nintendo has always made excellent first party games, and its what I will always love about them. I expect the same thing with the Revolution.

11-28-2005, 02:09 AM
The term 'winner' is thrown around so loosely in this industry. Hopefully, the majority of real gamers will opt for all the systems - dipping their fingers into every pie. Think about it, what do you mean by 'winner', that it sells the most units, or that it has the most quality games? In the last generation, the PS2 has stepped up to take the title of 'winner' - simply for the sheer units sold. But without sounding too much like Peter Moore, surely it's all about the games, right? With that in mind, the X-Box and GC both had great games, with the likes of:
Splinter Cell (Arguably)
Panzer Dragoon
Doom 3
Halflife 2

Super Mario Sunshine
LOZ Windwaker
Eternal Darkness

To name just a handful. You see, if we buy for what looks cool, or indeed for how many units are expected to shift, well, that's just the sadest most pathetic thing of all- Because surely,


Funny how like all of the X-Box games you named are on some other console, counting PC.

11-28-2005, 04:43 AM
Funny how like all of the X-Box games you named are on some other console, counting PC.
well thats one of the main reasons why many people (including me) eventually got an xbox
i loathe spending a million dollars/going thru installation procedures for playing games on pc but hate to miss out games as Half life 2, Far cry, Doom3

11-28-2005, 05:50 AM
I'm more than willing to put up with PC installs if it means being able to avoid the xbox controller <3

11-28-2005, 06:24 AM
Supposedly it's less expensive to keep up with updating a computer than it is to keep up with new consoles? Or at least its comparable. Obviously, the PC won't be able to run the games fully optimized at obscene resolutions very well, but you should be able to handle them at something more than what you get from the Xbox's 640x480 30fps.

11-28-2005, 08:36 AM
And then I'll say you are pretty stupid for spending $400 on a machine that will only gather dust.

So predictable, I knew someone would say something like this :rolleyes:

$400 is like what 250 quid? It's not that much, I will play it sometimes but it can't really compare to the computer so....

Oh yeah also I wana see what all the hype is about because this happens every fucking time these consoles come out, and every time people talk about how they are better than the PC and every time the PC gets upgraded and becomes far better =)

11-28-2005, 10:10 AM
"Only" 250 quid is still a lot for a machine you aren't going to use =/

11-28-2005, 01:20 PM
I suppose i would be leaning towards the ps3 as i may be able to ad hoc my psp with it and i heard rumored that apple osx will be compatible with it, i have always wanted to try apple without such a big moveover.

also i think i would prefer to support japanese technology over american. sorry

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
11-28-2005, 01:26 PM
also i think i would prefer to support japanese technology over american. sorry


11-28-2005, 01:28 PM

whoa what happened? your screwing with my head

11-28-2005, 01:44 PM
"Only" 250 quid

Never said only silly. Also

It's not that much

11-28-2005, 01:47 PM
Never said only silly. Also
You treated the 250 quid as if it were nothing, thus "only"

Also, i said 250 quid is a lot for something you aren't going to use.

11-28-2005, 01:51 PM
Well I exaggerated a bit when I said I wasn't going to use it at all, what I meant was i'll use it but not as much as my PC.

11-28-2005, 01:54 PM
Well I exaggerated a bit when I said I wasn't going to use it at all, what I meant was i'll use it but not as much as my PC.
I never said you weren't going to use it at all, i read clearly the first time when you stated you would still use it, but only to see if it matches up the the hype iirc. So even still, i am not seeing how you are going to get your money's worth out of it if you are going to play the same stuff on your PC.

11-28-2005, 04:16 PM
revolution because it will probably have the most conventional architecture and therefore (should) be the easiest to develop for. although I hear they have soem fantastic infrastructure for XBox development, so perhaps a tie at worst.

combine that with the potential cost saving and obvious innovation of the console, as well as the availability of old games and all sorts of nifty stuff, and the revolution looks quite exciting from where I'm standing!

11-28-2005, 04:23 PM
I never said you weren't going to use it at all, i read clearly the first time when you stated you would still use it, but only to see if it matches up the the hype iirc. So even still, i am not seeing how you are going to get your money's worth out of it if you are going to play the same stuff on your PC.

Yeah you're right, I should buy a revo ^^

11-28-2005, 05:37 PM
revolution because it will probably have the most conventional architecture and therefore (should) be the easiest to develop for. although I hear they have soem fantastic infrastructure for XBox development, so perhaps a tie at worst.

combine that with the potential cost saving and obvious innovation of the console, as well as the availability of old games and all sorts of nifty stuff, and the revolution looks quite exciting from where I'm standing!
so where are you standing

11-28-2005, 08:16 PM
up my own arse.

11-28-2005, 08:19 PM
it's not a matter of conventional architecture at all. it's a matter of what the fanbase wants: xbox 360 for the most part is probably going to want stuff as close to photo-realistic as possible. those kinda games take more time and a hell of a lot more money to develop.

when you're not forced to try to please the crowds that want that (hi revo), obviously the production costs will be lower, the time neccessary to create the games will be, and chances are more focus will be put on gameplay

11-28-2005, 08:26 PM
and chances are more focus will be put on gameplay
yes plz where do i sign up

11-29-2005, 01:37 AM
A few things about these nextgen consoles:
1) Controller design: As important as graphical power and awesome gameplay. Some of the controler designs look really stupid, such as the PS3's "boomerang" design. I think that most people will be looking to 3rd party companies to help alieviate the wierd design of these controlers
2) Graphical power: All of these systems will have such graphical power that would blow away most midrange computers. Everyone, no matter if you like Halo or Metal Gear Solid, will be able to enjoy such awesome graphics
3) Games: The most important aspect. Some buy the XBox 360 for Halo 3 or other various games that have come out or will come out. Others will to the PS3, waiting for the next Final Fantasy or Metal Gear Solid.

No matter who you are, these NextGen consoles will fit everyone.

(I'm waiting for the PS3 myself)

12-01-2005, 09:06 PM
Well about the controller for the PS3. It may look stupid, but for all we know it could be the most comfortable controller coming to the market.

Swedish Fish
12-01-2005, 09:53 PM
It's a friggin' boomerang.

12-01-2005, 09:55 PM
it's not a matter of conventional architecture at all. it's a matter of what the fanbase wants: xbox 360 for the most part is probably going to want stuff as close to photo-realistic as possible. those kinda games take more time and a hell of a lot more money to develop.

when you're not forced to try to please the crowds that want that (hi revo), obviously the production costs will be lower, the time neccessary to create the games will be, and chances are more focus will be put on gameplay

they're not really conflicting points of view, I'm just saying that its architecture will probably be something else that works in its favour, from a developers point of view. i agree with everything you'e saying.

12-01-2005, 10:44 PM
It's a friggin' boomerang.

It doesnt matter what it looks like. It's the performance you get out of it.

12-01-2005, 11:31 PM
When it looks like it's made to be held by something other than human hands, that isn't a good sign. Also, reports from people who have held it seem to be pretty negative.

Swedish Fish
12-02-2005, 02:34 AM
When it looks like it's made to be held by something other than human hands, that isn't a good sign. Also, reports from people who have held it seem to be pretty negative.

My point exactly.

12-02-2005, 02:41 AM
Which is why you just wait for the third party companies to make standard PS2 looking controlers

12-02-2005, 02:42 AM
Which would undoubtedly be substandard and almost certainly would not come out quickly. So the point remains, anyone wanting a PS3 is going to be hosed as far as controllers are concerned.

12-02-2005, 08:56 AM
Well then what can we expect from Nintendo's mysterious controller that is yet to be unvailed.

12-02-2005, 08:58 AM
While i'm not sure whether or not the Rev's controller will be comfortable to hold/use, i DO find the added length on the PS3 controller a bit uneccesary.

12-02-2005, 09:13 AM
Well ill just get use to it. It is better than nothing. The Only thing about it that looks different is the extra handle, which is fine by me because the original one is to short anyway.

iconoclastic pastry
12-02-2005, 05:08 PM
Well then what can we expect from Nintendo's mysterious controller that is yet to be unvailed. mean the one they already introduced at the Tokyo Game Show a little while ago?

12-02-2005, 09:46 PM
It could be that one, i am not sure though.

hb smokey
12-03-2005, 07:03 AM
It could be that one, i am not sure though.
...Uh, what do you think that remote was that Nintendo introduced in the 45 minute keynote speech my Mr. Iwata?

12-03-2005, 02:39 PM
It is better than nothing.

And are you really going to spend money on something that's merely "better than nothing?" If the console manufacturers want our money, it's their duty to come up with something effective and comfortable. "Better than nothing" just doesn't cut it in this market; except in the eyes of silly retarded fanboys who worship anything with a Sony logo, that is.

12-04-2005, 05:08 AM
Sony got tired of people breaking their controllers by getting mad at the games and throwing them.

So now they've developed a controller that will BREAK YOU if you get mad and throw it.

12-04-2005, 01:54 PM
I am so going to steal that line for future discussions, TK. ;)

hb smokey
12-05-2005, 12:10 AM
Sony got tired of people breaking their controllers by getting mad at the games and throwing them.

So now they've developed a sex toy that will BREAK YOU if you get mad and throw it.

12-05-2005, 10:44 AM
Well the reality is that it does not come down to the controllers, but the games. A console can have graphics that would hardly pass as PSONE exceptable and would still have great games. This will be the core of my decision and should be for anyone elses.

12-05-2005, 12:21 PM
a controller plays a huge part in how much fun a game is.

12-05-2005, 02:15 PM
funny thing is, with sony's dualshock, they had the best controller ofm all
they should just make small, medium, extra medium and large versions of it

12-05-2005, 03:43 PM
funny thing is, with sony's dualshock, they had the best controller ofm all
they should just make small, medium, extra medium and large versions of it
gamecube controller is more comfortable

12-05-2005, 03:54 PM
true that
but it lacks the versatility the dualshock has

the double shoulderbuttons really make a difference in allota games and the symmetric buttonlayout has a logic to it that lacks with the cube and xb controller

12-05-2005, 04:38 PM
gamecube controller is more comfortable
Not really.
The C stick is fucking retarded.

iconoclastic pastry
12-05-2005, 05:49 PM
It's more comfortable.

12-05-2005, 08:12 PM
I find it much better.

12-06-2005, 03:07 AM
true that
but it lacks the versatility the dualshock has

the double shoulderbuttons really make a difference in allota games and the symmetric buttonlayout has a logic to it that lacks with the cube and xb controller

GameCube has the equivalent of double shoulder buttons - it has 'soft press' and 'click'.

The Xbox controller has always been my favourite - I can't wait to get my hands on the X360 controller. They're selling for AU$60 here, but I'm broke this week after replacing all my network equipment :(

12-06-2005, 03:58 AM
the xbox controller was gross.

Swedish Fish
12-06-2005, 04:02 AM
If you mean large, then yes, yes it was.

12-06-2005, 05:54 AM
Large and confusing was what i found it.

Swedish Fish
12-06-2005, 06:12 AM
Confusing eh? And just how many times have you played on a Xbox? Two control sticks, one d-pad, shoulder buttons, six body buttons, and a start button. Not that much different than a Gamecube controller, except not in some queer contorted shape.

12-06-2005, 06:30 AM
Rev ties with Ps3, xbox 360 released too early, if one thing mankind should know, save the best for last. But anyways 360 completely sold out the first day it came out, they had stampeding people trying to buy it in every store for christmas, I say it was horrifying experience. Take note, don't go to malls, nor targer or any other places where they first release it, unless you want to get run over my the angry mobs.

12-06-2005, 06:59 AM
Confusing eh? And just how many times have you played on a Xbox? Two control sticks, one d-pad, shoulder buttons, six body buttons, and a start button. Not that much different than a Gamecube controller, except not in some queer contorted shape.
It took me about 30 seconds to find the start button when i first looked at it. Confusing.

hb smokey
12-06-2005, 07:56 AM
But anyways 360 completely sold out the first day it came out, they had stampeding people trying to buy it in every store for christmas, I say it was horrifying experience. Take note, don't go to malls, nor targer or any other places where they first release it, unless you want to get run over my the angry mobs.
Both the Revolution and the PS3 will sell out the first day of its release. But you have to take into consideration that Microsoft is trying to brainwash people that the Xbox 360 is a LIFE OR DEATH item, since they only released a certain amount of systems. People see that every store is sold out day after day after day, that makes them more interested and inclined to buy the system as soon as possible.

12-06-2005, 08:56 AM
Rev ties with Ps3, xbox 360 released too early, if one thing mankind should know, save the best for last. But anyways 360 completely sold out the first day it came out, they had stampeding people trying to buy it in every store for christmas, I say it was horrifying experience. Take note, don't go to malls, nor targer or any other places where they first release it, unless you want to get run over my the angry mobs.
the ps2 released first.

12-06-2005, 09:35 AM
I don't understand this weird obsession people have with saying that any video game-related object that doesn't look exactly like all other video game-related objects looks like a "sex toy."


12-06-2005, 09:57 AM
tk you look like a sex toy.

12-06-2005, 10:26 AM
Revolution news:

reports on hardware, sorta? I only glanced at it. Not much more powerful than the Xbox, they're saying.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
12-06-2005, 01:55 PM
That's all well and good, rezo.

Anyway, it seems the Xbox360 is getting it's share of shit.

Swedish Fish
12-06-2005, 02:28 PM
That might be just a little more than it's share of shit.

12-06-2005, 05:02 PM
wow. 12 of the 360's launch titles are ports.


12-06-2005, 05:40 PM
Methinks the PSP has that record beat. ;)

12-06-2005, 05:48 PM
yeah, but that has the "WOW IT'S A PROPER GAME IN MY HANDSSSS" factor, so it doesn't really count. 360's is supposed to be a serious launch line-up~

12-06-2005, 05:50 PM
But to be honest, i don`t see them as "ports" on the 360. Many are proper sequels. Maybe unworthy of 60+ euro, but sequels nonetheless.

12-06-2005, 05:53 PM
no, they're ports.

12-06-2005, 05:56 PM
What, like Project Gotham 3?

Anyway, i still couldn`t be arsed paying 400+ euro for a 360 to be honest.

12-06-2005, 05:57 PM
no, what I am saying is that there are only 5 games I can't get on things I already own.

12-06-2005, 06:43 PM
madden 2006 ^_^

hb smokey
12-07-2005, 06:31 PM
More and more information has been leaked about the <A HREF="">Revolution</A> in the last couple days. While it may not be a huge chunk of dough, its all blends together and makes sense.

12-07-2005, 06:57 PM

Thx for the link. :)

12-07-2005, 10:06 PM
I think that Nintendo would be crazy to bet the farm all on the Revolutions new controller. They set the standard for controllers when the NES came out, and now their breaking their own standard.

hb smokey
12-08-2005, 07:56 AM
I think that Nintendo would be crazy to bet the farm all on the Revolutions new controller. They set the standard for controllers when the NES came out, and now their breaking their own standard.
You, and everyone else, should use hand motions as if you were actually playing a game with the Revolution controller.

12-08-2005, 09:59 AM

pfft, everyone will want a revo. -_-

hb smokey
12-08-2005, 08:39 PM
I hate how I never receive an email notification from this thread anymore. :(

Duo~, was that sarcasm or truth?

12-09-2005, 10:17 AM
I always do, but since iam not taking part in the conversation at present i do not bother checking them and quickly delete them.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
12-09-2005, 01:20 PM
Xbox 360 getting fucked in Japan:

"Given also the fact that basic functions of Xbox 360 are inferior to Sony's next-generation machine, and that there are not many newly-developed titles ready for the Japanese launch, Xbox 360 is not likely to become a must-buy console here in Japan," said Nobuyuki Kawamata, an analyst at Tokai Tokyo Research Centre.

12-09-2005, 04:25 PM
I hate how I never receive an email notification from this thread anymore. :(

Duo~, was that sarcasm or truth?

hoping it will be truth, at any rate? :o

hb smokey
12-09-2005, 09:14 PM
hoping it will be truth, at any rate? :o
Certainly if Twilight Princess, Smash Brothers Online, Mario 128 and Metroid Prime 3 are all debut titles, everyone will buy two!

12-12-2005, 08:18 AM
You, and everyone else, should use hand motions as if you were actually playing a game with the Revolution controller.

I'm confused as to what you mean by that.

I've never once moved my hand about as if moving my controller would affect what's going on in the game. There's some people I know who play very rarely who do do that, though, if that's what you meant?

Also: The more I hear about it, the more excited I get about the Revolution.

07-29-2007, 10:23 PM
Ok I think some of you like Xbox 360 and some like ps3 but I have got Xbox 360 and ps3.
Now I will talk about the xbox 360. Now let me just say I will never recommend to buy the Xbox 360 for three reason
1. Over heats so much that after 1 hour of game play the cd or dvd is like its just been in a toaster
2. The Xbox 360 has scratches the disks after play as a result of heating issue
3. Any dvd or cd gets to hot
These are the issue with the Xbox 360 and they have still not fixed it my Xbox 360 has all of those problems and what�s more it stopped play one of my games since then I have never torched or played any games since then.
The good points are Xbox live is the only good point I can see with the Xbox 360. Also only when they fix the issue I will recommend the Xbox 360. I am also hearing the Xbox 360 elite has the some problems let�s hope it does not but as people say if they cant get the operating systems write then what chance do they have with the gaming side I must say that they have had over 1 billion Xbox 360 returned due to replacing parts and that�s in the manufacture period saying that it does not surprise one dam bite as if they are going to rush the console manufacture than that�s what going to happen and its still happening they have sold lots more but that�s because they rushed their production and they were the first next generation out their.
Ok I think I will now talk about the ps3. At first when I got my ps3 I tested buy playing all day and let me say wow not a hot or toasted blue ray disk just cool not hot unlike the Xbox 360 that I have. So Sony wins for cooling the console much better than the Xbox 360 probably why it took the ps3 five years in development were the Xbox 360 I think only took 2 years in development it show to but just like the ps2 the chunky version was the best for cooling to and yet again they do it again cooling wins but it did get hot but not as hot as the Xbox 360 I must admit at first I new Sony would come out in top in my option but the online play is much better than ps2 version but it is similar to the Xbox in the sense of online play. I can also play any region yes any region of blue ray games and blue ray dvd. Also the ps3 is much better for cooling no need to buy any accessories like click on fans as you will just spread dust and also in some cases it makes it worse instead of cooling the ps3 it can cause it to heat up yep I sow a review on Amazon so I would recommend the ps3. I have had so much fun with the ps3 I can play for hours on end and the blue ray dvd is cool when I take it out or any type of media I put in is just as if I put the dvd and took it out that�s how cool it stays after playing for 5 hours none stop.
I am going with the PS3.

07-29-2007, 11:35 PM
Well, Microsoft did extend there warranty to 3 years amounting to $1 billion which is the same as a recall without the legal issues surrounding an actual recall. This is what was discussed on TODAY show the other day. They were advising people not to buy a 360, but to stick with the PS3 or Wii.

I can also play any region yes any region of blue ray games and blue ray dvd.

I call shenanigans.