Dark Mage626
09-28-2005, 10:50 AM
Okay I was readint this PC magazine called PC Plus. It's a british magazine on computers and computer programming. I was reading this article about the pricing on the next gen of console pricing. Also the currency is in $ in the mag, most likely Amarican money. Heres the article:

The next generation would well be over before it even begins. Sony has stated that the PS3 will not be an affordable machine. Indeed, if current expectations are to be believed it could well cost up to $500, as opposed to microsoft's XBox 360 which is expected to roll out at sub $300. The fact to miss the lucrative christmas market could also have an effect on which console eventually wins the war.

So discuss pricing and the console war.

09-28-2005, 11:19 AM
X360 is coming out too soon i think
so i'm expecting allota mediocre titles along with some classics(Quake 4, Gears of War)
the controller and console look beautifull and there are enough games to generate intrest

well theres much to speculate
will we get the real cheap console with epic big budget games or will we see mainly cheap arcaderevivals?
will the controller feel good after playing extensive times(thing i'm a litlle afraid for) and will the add ons for other games cost allot?
will we see traditional follow ups to Waverace.. Fzero(if we dont get follow ups to those 2 games i'm gonna cry)
will they embrace the online thing and create an involving community?(imagine animall crossing mmo)
will the old games come cheap?

well the statement of Sony's next console is just ridiculous
i quote
"You will want to go work overtime/get an extra job for PS3"

all in all Ninty and 360 balance eachother out perfectly and there isnt allot that isnt possible on them so why even generate an intrest for ps3 that will probably even raise game prices to what.. 80�?

09-28-2005, 11:38 AM
I can afford �230 to spend on a beast of a machine, And I don't mind the prices of the games, as long as I am paying for quality..

And the prices will drop a huge amount over they year anyway, I mean look at the previous consoles..

hb smokey
09-28-2005, 07:49 PM
as opposed to microsoft's XBox 360 which is expected to roll out at sub $300.
You do already know that the Xbox 360 is releasing for both a $300 and $400 price tag, right?

The fact to miss the lucrative christmas market could also have an effect on which console eventually wins the war.
People only have so much money to spend during the holiday season, and once it's gone, it's gone. Microsoft will have to compete with a ton of other Christman gifts that will be purchased from November 22 to December 24. Yeah I know that everyone saves up as much money as possible for the holiday season, but that money isn't just for video games and consoles.

Ninty well theres much to speculate
will we get the real cheap console with epic big budget games or will we see mainly cheap arcaderevivals?
Yes, the Revolution will be a really cheap console; $200. It may even go lower than that, but it's doubtful at this point. Nintendo has clearly stated that it want a quiet, affordable system, and that is what we will get. No Hi-Def to worry about, so that cuts manufacturing costs down quite a bit. Also, Revolution will not blow us away with its graphical capabilities.

And what do you mean exactly by 'epic big budget games/arcade revivals'?

will the controller feel good after playing extensive times(thing i'm a litlle afraid for) and will the add ons for other games cost allot?
That's one of the main things that I remain optimistic about; how will my hand (s) feel after playing with the controller for three or four hours at a time? And with this motion sensor technology, will my arms get sore from moving them all over the place as well?

As for the add-ons, Nintendo makes it apparent that there will be quite a few for the system. It's also been talked about that they will release a 'shell'; in essence, very similar to prior controllers, just with an opening at the top to plug the remote into. Nintendo products have always been cheap and affordable, and these add-ons shouldn't be any different.

will we see traditional follow ups to Waverace.. Fzero(if we dont get follow ups to those 2 games i'm gonna cry)
F-Zero definately; it's the racing franchise that is not only great, but stands out on the Nintendo systems. For Wave Race, I'm not sure.

will they embrace the online thing and create an involving community?(imagine animall crossing mmo)
Nintendo has already embraced the online 'thing', or strategy. But for them to have a growing community of gamers, it will certainly have their work cut out for them. Xbox Live is easily the best online service in the world, and is only looking to improve that much more with the Xbox 360.

will the old games come cheap?
Not only that, but other questions such as 'Will some past Nintendo games come free as part of promotion deals?', or 'Which ones will be available for download?'

well the statement of Sony's next console is just ridiculous "You will want to go work overtime/get an extra job for PS3"
What is Sony trying to do, slowly take control of the job market as well? Also, where is the link to this quote?

It's already well apparent that the PS3 is going to be a very expensive system, and most likely the most expensive of all three next-gen systems. Expect it to release at $500. With everything that is going to be put into the system, I really don't think Sony can afford to release the PS3 at a sub $500 price tag.

all in all Ninty and 360 balance eachother out perfectly and there isnt allot that isnt possible on them so why even generate an intrest for ps3 that will probably even raise game prices to what.. 80�?
How exactly does Revolution and Xbox 360 balance each other out perfectly?

Also, most of the games for the Xbox 360 and PS3 will cost $60; the price to produce these games have increased. $10 may not be much to you or me, but sell a million copies of a PS3 game at $60, compared to $50; well, that's a $10,000,000 difference with just one game.

Swedish Fish
09-29-2005, 12:42 AM
As things are looking, if Xbox 360 has any "trip" out of the starting gate, then it may, or may not, have a hard road ahead of it. From what I've heard, Sony plans to release the PS3 either next year, or if Xbox 360 trips a little, then thats when it will strike. And if the PS3 costs 500$ then I know that Sony WILL be losing a large number of minors, me being one of them. Besides, I don't think that a lot of people can afford that price, when the games will probably have gone up in price. What's up with "The Revolution"? I haven't heard anything about it so far, although my sources are a bit small.

09-29-2005, 03:47 AM
And what do you mean exactly by 'epic big budget games/arcade revivals'?
well to me F zero and Waverace are epic racegames and offcourse third part stuff like Resident evil.
As for the arcade revivals, there's a fear of seeing allota old licences simply making a Rev version of their games with litlle to no depth seeing as developers will want to make it as easy as possible to play with the Rev controller.

What is Sony trying to do, slowly take control of the job market as well? Also, where is the link to this quote?
He said the PS3 is "for consumers to think to themselves 'I will work more hours to buy one'.
and you can find the quote at various other sites

How exactly does Revolution and Xbox 360 balance each other out perfectly?
360 will supply the so called "mature" games and Rev will have more traditional games and allot more quirky experimental ones.

And Sony's ridiculous focus on grafs is just downright scary, imagine the costs of playing a game where everything has the visual quality of sumthing like FFAC with real deep and engaging gameplay.
I can see it already happening, 10 volumes of a "full" game with every volume clocking in at 2 hours of gameplay/movies.

J. Peterman
09-29-2005, 05:42 AM
i say i don't get ps3 if 2 much probably get 360 though don't trust nintendo got gcn never play it i don't like the games they make they no make any good i mean waste of money for me i could have like more money man yeah

hb smokey
09-29-2005, 05:42 AM
From what I've heard, Sony plans to release the PS3 either next year,
PS3 is aiming at a March 2006 release date in Japan. The thing I'm interested in, is that apparently there is speculation that it won't even hit the U.S. a good five or six months later, which would mean that it will debut last.

Besides, I don't think that a lot of people can afford that price, when the games will probably have gone up in price.
Whether or not people can actually afford the system isn't the concern; if a gamer feels that the system they are buying is well worth the $500, then they will save up the money for it and buy it. Heck, when all is said and done, you could walk out of a game store with a PS3 and only one game, and it cost you approximately $600. Games for the PS3 are going to cost $60 as I stated before.

What's up with "The Revolution"? I haven't heard anything about it so far, although my sources are a bit small.
More information has been released about the Revolution than the PS3. But how haven't you heard anything about it? Just go to ign.com, and there is a section devoted to everything we know about the Revolution. I tried searching for the link, but was unable to find it myself.

Evil Moogle
09-29-2005, 07:19 AM
Whether or not people can actually afford the system isn't the concern; if a gamer feels that the system they are buying is well worth the $500, then they will save up the money for it and buy it. Heck, when all is said and done, you could walk out of a game store with a PS3 and only one game, and it cost you approximately $600. Games for the PS3 are going to cost $60 as I stated before.

Yes and sony has stated at some press conference (can't remember wich one it was but) that the ps3 will cost more because of the blu ray player. It will cost about 100$ beacuse of that. But Sony has stated that will be prepeared to lose money just to get the console out of the market! Beacuse sony makes films and such they'll probly be able to lower the price on the ps3!:D

10-06-2005, 04:23 AM
I personally am really excited about the revolution, some for the hardware but mainly for the games. when it comes to graphics I could care less really (I still Play Odessy 2 when I'm bored for petes sake). Nintendo announced that they will have next generation reincarntions of some of my favorite and I'm sure some of everyone elses favorite games such as Zelda, Metriod, Mario, and super smash bros. online sounds sweet. The controller I think sounds interesting, For FSPs it will undoubtably make them easier and more fun, for games like zelda it could add a whole new way to fight by using the controller as ur sword, the game I personally am worried about is Super Smash Bros. How will they get this to work efficiently and comfortably?

All in all I will probably go with Nintendo and possibly a PS3 so i can play Final Fantasy. Xbox 360 i really don't know, everyone has been telling me that its big thing is it will have PC quality grahpics, if this is true big woop, those are PC graphics of when the system was completed, and PC graphics become obsolete almost every 3-5 monthes so that means that the graphics might not be as good as they claim, but like I said I'm not a graphics person, it really depends on the games they make. If there only popular game is again halo and then i will most likely not get it since Halo is really getting old and boring now.

Side note: Smokey love the new avatar, fell out of my chair laughing!

10-06-2005, 04:42 PM
I think that US$500 is a pretty conservative guess at the pricing of the PlayStation 3. How much was the Neo Geo when it was released? US$1200?

I think the crux of the matter is, if the PlayStation 3 cost US$2000, I would pay it and not feel ripped off. Consider for a moment what that price-tag entails. The beating heart of the PS3 is CELL - 7 little sexy CELLs running at 3.2 GHz, last I checked. The machine itself is capable of 2 teraflops. That's supercomputer power.

And let me remind you that the PS3 supports Linux and MacOS X out of the box - a combination of a PlayStation 3, Linux and WINE means that not only will you be able to run all of your PS1, 2 and 3 games, but all your PC games - I for one cannot wait to play WoW on my PS3. The PlayStation 3 will be the ultimate console dream - there won't be any need to mod the console, because 'homebrew' will not only be accepted, but already implemented in the Linux community.

I think this is what Ken Kutaragi was talking about when he said that the 'average person would not be able to afford a PS3'. They're going after the audience that Apple so succesfully cornered with their iPod - the technogeeks. The PSP was only the first step, and soon it will be the PS3 workstation.

Do I honestly think it will be US$2000? No. People won't see the potential, and simply won't pay it. But no matter the price, the PS3 is a clearly superior platform, and completely trounces the competition in terms of customizability, support and raw power.

EDIT: If the PlayStation 3 is released sans region coding in Japan as I hope (PSP, please have started a trend) I plan to fly to Japan and be at Ginza on March 16th. Hell, i'll probably be doing all my uni assignments on my PS3 next year. Linux is a far better programming development environment than Windows.

10-06-2005, 04:49 PM
The problem with that is that the vast majority of people who are already interested in the PlayStation brand are NOT "techno geeks" by any stretch of the imagination, and Sony should realize this. If you would pay 2000 bucks for a PS3 and not feel ripped off, I can pretty much guarantee that you are in an indescribably small minority.

How many of today's video game fans know the first thing about Linux, or give two shits about homebrew or even import gaming? Not very many. Most people just want to play every fucking version of Madden and Final Fantasy that comes out.

I think it's kind of funny that you compare it to the NeoGeo price tag. What are you trying to say, that Sony is going to sell as many PS3s as SNK sold NeoGeos?

I'm not saying people won't buy it, but they will buy it because it says "PlayStation" on it and that is the only real reason. If it's $500, a lot of them will have to wait a much longer time before they are able to buy it, and by then Microsoft could very well already be in the lead... if they really even have much of an advantage price-wise, which I'm not sure will be the case since their "budget" version is such a piece of shit. Bottom line is that the consumer is losing here.

Except with Nintendo.

10-06-2005, 05:22 PM
The problem with that is that the vast majority of people who are already interested in the PlayStation brand are NOT "techno geeks" by any stretch of the imagination, and Sony should realize this. If you would pay 2000 bucks for a PS3 and not feel ripped off, I can pretty much guarantee that you are in an indescribably small minority.

That may be true, but who would have thought people would pay $300 for a music player? Or $250 for a handheld games console?

Also, if Sony markets this right, people will realise they're buying a computer, not a pure games console. It's a bold move by Sony, but you're right - the EA crowd who want their Madden every year on the cheap will flock to the Xbox.

How many of today's video game fans know the first thing about Linux, or give two shits about homebrew or even import gaming? Not very many. Most people just want to play every fucking version of Madden and Final Fantasy that comes out.

I think there's a fairly large interest in homebrew, if the PSP community is anything to go by - people love the idea of playing their SNES and Genesis games on the PSP, and the PC gamer market is fairly untapped when it comes to console gaming. The PS3 might be the console that makes the CS players look up and realize they can play on their HDTV as well.

I think it's kind of funny that you compare it to the NeoGeo price tag. What are you trying to say, that Sony is going to sell as many PS3s as SNK sold NeoGeos?

It's a very real danger. The Neo Geo was ahead of its time - an extremely powerful home console that was basically an arcade machine, and cost as much as one. It's the same with the PS3 - it's basically a computer, but it's a home console. The price is justified for the hardware, but consumer reaction might be different.

I'm not saying people won't buy it, but they will buy it because it says "PlayStation" on it and that is the only real reason. If it's $500, a lot of them will have to wait a much longer time before they are able to buy it, and by then Microsoft could very well already be in the lead... if they really even have much of an advantage price-wise, which I'm not sure will be the case since their "budget" version is such a piece of shit.

I might be in the minority, but I think Sony is doing a very good job of their 'wait for us, it'll be worth it' marketing. Dropping the MGS4 bomb at TGS just before X05 was a masterstroke - Microsoft had a pretty strong line-up (Too Human looks promising) - but nothing compared to the waves MGS4 made in the gaming community. I think many games, myself included, are saving their pennies for the PS3.

Bottom line is that the consumer is losing here.

Except with Nintendo.

I don't think it's so much the consumer losing, so much as the market is splitting. Sony is covering new ground, Microsoft is taking the mainstream EA route, and Nintendo is covering old ground in new ways. There's a fantastic oppurtunity here to expand the gaming industry by leaps and bounds, which is very exciting for me, as i'll be entering the industry just as everything is taking off.

To me, a huge selling point of the NRev is its ability to download old NES and SNES games - games i'll be able to run on emu on my PS3 anyway. However, given the choice, i'll probably play the legit copies on the Revoltion hardware. Nintendo will make a killing this generation, I think - the price point is perfect for a console that will live next to an Xbox 360 or a PlayStation 3 in many homes.

10-06-2005, 05:26 PM
Bottom line is that the consumer is losing here.
not for those who have patience and remember the past

The beating heart of the PS3 is CELL - 7 little sexy CELLs running at 3.2 GHz, last I checked. The machine itself is capable of 2 teraflops. That's supercomputer power.
and its already being called an ever meaner bitch to develop for then the Ps2 and that says allot.

not only will you be able to run all of your PS1, 2 and 3 games, but all your PC games
that will indeed be its best future.. seeing as we wont get any decent games for the ps3 itself

all that horsepower and no1 that will b able to go al out on it
Japanese developers are already backing out on ps3 developement as the costs are way to highrisk to compete with the current trend of games that are coming on 360

The ps3 is like a nice volkswagen beetle with a 7 rocket launchers up its ass
It has all the power
But anyone who dares to ride it will end up deadbroke

They're going after the audience that Apple so succesfully cornered with their iPod - the technogeeks.
you mean Musicgeeks
and thats what Ninty is doing with the Revolution :d

10-06-2005, 05:43 PM
that will indeed be its best future.. seeing as we wont get any decent games for the ps3 itself

Why not? All the PlayStation brand names are confirmed - Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo.

all that horsepower and no1 that will b able to go al out on it
Japanese developers are already backing out on ps3 developement as the costs are way to highrisk to compete with the current trend of games that are coming on 360

I'd like to see your sources - all the buzz i've heard from the industry is that although the next generation will be more expensive to develop for (which is why we're seeing a lot of mergers lately), the 360 and PS3 will have similar development costs. I also haven't heard anything about the PlayStation 3 being difficult to develop for - I'm assuming they're using the API they developed for the PSP, so it should be a lot easier than the PS2.

10-06-2005, 06:23 PM
in my case i'll buy the rev when it'll come out then i'll wait before buying the ps3 cause it's too expensive...remember the ps2? i bought it when it dropped at 200$
i love the nintendo games and classics but the only franchise they don't have that catch my attention is ff...it sucks!

measter yazoo
10-06-2005, 06:55 PM
I'll get the reveloution and xbox 360 but i dont know about the ps3 it is supposed to start at something like $500

10-06-2005, 07:15 PM
brandnames aint everything
ANOTHER piece of same ol shit with a great graphical update
every Gran turismo on ps2 was utter shit that just safely leaned on the familiar formula and expanded in simple ways with some very nice graphically enhancements instead of giving us detailed damage models and some true realism
i can understand 1 cheap follow up but 3?(i aint dissing GT fans btw.. just SCEE and Sony's marketing)

Final Fantasy lost its appeal to me when it hit the ps2 with its overamericanised bullshit but will definitly turn out with beautifull graphs tho i dont think the japanese will b as willing to pay extra again for a game with such big production costs(ffx for ps2 launched in Japan more expensive then any other game in history)

Metal Gear looks like the only thing that will work out great seeing as Kojima and Cinematic presence love eachother and he will be able to go all out with ps3.. but then again i think the game will cost too much or it will be way too short seeing how much work is needed for graphical details

it should be a lot easier than the PS2.
are you mad??
here is the link you asked for
officials from Ubi soft(Splinter cell, Beyond good and evil) also have said they wont be focusing themselves on futile graphical enhancements and want to shift more into addictive experimental games(i know an insider here in belgium that says there are plans for a mmo.. but then again he says allot)
there was also something with Namco being pissed on Ps3 developement but i cant find the link anymore

10-06-2005, 10:13 PM
The beating heart of the PS3 is CELL - 7 little sexy CELLs running at 3.2 GHz, last I checked. The machine itself is capable of 2 teraflops. That's supercomputer power.

If i remember correctly didn't someone inform us when there was one of these topics before that the cells dont stack onto each other to give 22 Ghz, but instead come together and work differently? ( I don't remember how exactly it works as it was about 4-6 monthes ago I read this but I do remember reading that it doesnt stack up to 22 Ghz.)

10-07-2005, 02:31 AM
If i remember correctly didn't someone inform us when there was one of these topics before that the cells dont stack onto each other to give 22 Ghz, but instead come together and work differently? ( I don't remember how exactly it works as it was about 4-6 monthes ago I read this but I do remember reading that it doesnt stack up to 22 Ghz.)

When did I mention anything about stacking?

It's called parallel processing, and it's much more effective. It means that, for example, there can be one processor to handle the graphics, one to handle the physics, and five to handle the other calculations. This is similar to PCs, in which you have a CPU, a GPU and the soon-to-be-released PP (physics processor).

The end result is that more calculations can be done simultaneously - and cell uses multi-threading, so the amount of near-instantaneous (in the nanosecond range) calcultions is mind boggling.

10-07-2005, 02:36 AM
are you mad??
here is the link you asked for
officials from Ubi soft(Splinter cell, Beyond good and evil) also have said they wont be focusing themselves on futile graphical enhancements and want to shift more into addictive experimental games(i know an insider here in belgium that says there are plans for a mmo.. but then again he says allot)
there was also something with Namco being pissed on Ps3 developement but i cant find the link anymore

That article is little more than rumour =/

This list:


Is the confirmed third-party developer list for the PlayStation 3. It's a massive number. There are also many 'budget games' makers - reading between the lines, if budget games makers have signed up already, they've got the hang of the PS3 dev-kits.

If that quote from Ubisoft is true, and it might very well be, then they'd be better off sticking with the NRev. But considering they've already confirmed Spinter Cell 4 for next-gen consoles, I think they'll stay where the money is.

10-07-2005, 04:03 AM
When did I mention anything about stacking?

It's called parallel processing, and it's much more effective. It means that, for example, there can be one processor to handle the graphics, one to handle the physics, and five to handle the other calculations. This is similar to PCs, in which you have a CPU, a GPU and the soon-to-be-released PP (physics processor).

The end result is that more calculations can be done simultaneously - and cell uses multi-threading, so the amount of near-instantaneous (in the nanosecond range) calcultions is mind boggling.

Sorry the way u worded it a few posts earlier thats how it sounded to me. Sorry of the misinterpretation.

10-07-2005, 08:06 AM
That article is little more than rumour =/

if budget games makers have signed up already, they've got the hang of the PS3 dev-kits.

If that quote from Ubisoft is true, and it might very well be, then they'd be better off sticking with the NRev. But considering they've already confirmed Spinter Cell 4 for next-gen consoles, I think they'll stay where the money is.

yeh i should have added the word rumour shouldnt i
sorry bout that
but anybody can make a budget game on any console, what i predict is that we will have Ps2 all over again in the first year with probably only 1 or maybe 2 great/good game and thats it

believe me when i saw the infamous Killzone trailer i drewled over my keyboard and even had to buy a new one cuzz i replayed it about a hundred times..
but then i realised that shit looks as great as Final Fantasy Advent children
and they claim it will be interactive on so many levels it feels lifelike??!
how can they make that shit.. and make it afordable?
even on Ps2 its a rare thing to see polished up games all the way up to perfection and thats not because the machine cant handle it
its because the time and money they have to put in it just weighs too much for them to care about
Most of them dont even put an effort in their games to minimalize loadingtimes wich is perfectly capable on Ps2

here is another article with a famous developer who isnt really happy with next gen

"There are incredibly few programmers who can safely write code in the PlayStation 3 environment. And I totally see why Sony wants people to write code that runs on seven SPEs and a central processing unit, because that code is never going to run well anywhere else," Gabe Newell, Valve Software

10-07-2005, 11:25 AM
yeh i should have added the word rumour shouldnt i
sorry bout that
but anybody can make a budget game on any console, what i predict is that we will have Ps2 all over again in the first year with probably only 1 or maybe 2 great/good game and thats it

I'm sorry, but this is completely false - a 'budget game' has many concerns, mainly being a cheap development cost. A complicated console leads to higher developments costs - if it was too insanely hard to program for the PS3, budget titles would NOT be possible.

believe me when i saw the infamous Killzone trailer i drewled over my keyboard and even had to buy a new one cuzz i replayed it about a hundred times..
but then i realised that shit looks as great as Final Fantasy Advent children
and they claim it will be interactive on so many levels it feels lifelike??!
how can they make that shit.. and make it afordable?

Well, the same way they made Advent Children. AC wasn't some great project that all of Square-Enix worked on - it had a development team and cost, just like every other game project. AC was only announced last year, so it had about a 1 year development cycle - like most top-tier games. As for the interactivity, that actual physics programming will be even EASIER this generation, thanks to PhysX 'middleware'. Since programmers won't have to worry about programming simple stuff, like how wind blows leaves in the trees, they can concentrate on making the game.

even on Ps2 its a rare thing to see polished up games all the way up to perfection and thats not because the machine cant handle it
its because the time and money they have to put in it just weighs too much for them to care about
Most of them dont even put an effort in their games to minimalize loadingtimes wich is perfectly capable on Ps2

True - a lot of games this generation have been made for all three consoles, which means that (and i'm talking about EA here), intense development isn't going to be put in to taking advantage of the full capabilities of the hardware. This will probably be the same next generation. However, the games that are PS3 exclusive (Metal Gear Solid 4, Vision Gran Turismo, and i'm taking an educated guess here, Final Fantasy XIII) will make full use of the hardware. Just look at the MGS4 trailer to see what I mean - if you remember the original MGS2 demo, people didn't think it was possible - and then the actual game looked even better. It's already been proven to gaming journalists (behind closed doors, with no cameras unfortunately) that the MGS4 tech demo could be manipulated in real time.

here is another article with a famous developer who isnt really happy with next gen


Gabe Newell said the same of the Xbox 360. He's a PC developer, and to be honest, most PC developers (like gamers) feel superior to console developers. It's an old bias, and one that won't be defeated easily.

10-07-2005, 03:27 PM
well i give up
you know what yr talking about and you didnt even swear once nor did you biased Rev or 360 and you even got me a lil hopefull bout Ps3 again..(just a litlle)
Your a better man than i am Raidenex

10-07-2005, 04:58 PM
well i give up
you know what yr talking about and you didnt even swear once nor did you biased Rev or 360 and you even got me a lil hopefull bout Ps3 again..(just a litlle)
Your a better man than i am Raidenex

Heh, there's no winners or losers here - I just can't wait for the next generation! I've always been a firm believer in the quality of games rather than the consoles, mainly because consoles up until this point have only done one thing - play games.

The PlayStation 3 is about to change all that, while the Xbox 360 and Nintendo Revolution stick to the same mold. I know for a fact that in 2 or 3 years time, I'll have all 3 consoles - the only thing that's changed for me is that I won't be buying an Xbox 360 on release, i'll be saving my pennies for the PS3.

I'm really excited about a couple of X360 games - Alan Wake, by the developers of Max Payne, and Too Human by Silicon Knights. And of course, i'm a Halo junkie, so Halo 3 is high on my list of priorities as well. But i'm apprehensive about buying an Xbox 360 straight up, especially since there is rumblings that the unit will have a HD or Blu-ray drive once the definitive 'winner' of next-gen DVD standard is decided. I don't want to pay AU$500 for a console that will be outdated in a year.

10-07-2005, 05:05 PM
Heh, there's no winners or losers here - I just can't wait for the next generation! I've always been a firm believer in the quality of games rather than the consoles, mainly because consoles up until this point have only done one thing - play games.

The PlayStation 3 is about to change all that, while the Xbox 360 and Nintendo Revolution stick to the same mold. .

How will the playstation change that?. I mean, so far, apart from the MGS4 video i`ve seen nothing that has blown me away. The only console imo that seems to be doing something "new" is the Revolution.

10-07-2005, 05:14 PM
How will the playstation change that?. I mean, so far, apart from the MGS4 video i`ve seen nothing that has blown me away. The only console imo that seems to be doing something "new" is the Revolution.

Well, mainly for the reasons I was quoting in my previous posts - Linux compatibility, bumping the PS3 up to PC status. I'm aware that there are Linux kits available for the PS2, but they weren't widely distributed, and tbh, the 300Mhz Emotion Engine didn't give a large advantage over PC processing capability of the day.

I'm fairly certain that i'll be able to run World of Warcraft on my PS3 running Mac OSX or WineX on Fedora Core at a much higher resolution and framerate than on my Pentium 4 3.0 Ghz. That's one huge selling point the X360 and Nintendo Revolution can't match right there.

10-07-2005, 05:24 PM
Well, mainly for the reasons I was quoting in my previous posts - Linux compatibility, bumping the PS3 up to PC status. I'm aware that there are Linux kits available for the PS2, but they weren't widely distributed, and tbh, the 300Mhz Emotion Engine didn't give a large advantage over PC processing capability of the day.

I'm fairly certain that i'll be able to run World of Warcraft on my PS3 running Mac OSX or WineX on Fedora Core at a much higher resolution and framerate than on my Pentium 4 3.0 Ghz. That's one huge selling point the X360 and Nintendo Revolution can't match right there.

Hmm, ok.

But lets just say, after the E3 this year i`ve lost all hope on companies showing us the consoles actual power. Like i always do, when the big three do come out i`ll wait awhile. And only then will i even consider investing in one of them because as it stands, the release titles for most consoles are always a bit, shall we say, weak. But hey, i`d never put anyone down for choosing which one they want already. At least you`ve put in consideration and time in your decision. But me, i`m gonna go cold turkey and watch the next generation develop a little. Of course, i won`t wait too long ;)

10-07-2005, 06:40 PM
I know for a fact that in 2 or 3 years time, I'll have all 3 consoles
ditto :')

10-07-2005, 09:22 PM
I honestly dont see the point of running Linux or Mac OSX on a console, thats why we have consoles and then we have computers, but whatever floats your boat i guess.

10-08-2005, 03:49 AM
I honestly dont see the point of running Linux or Mac OSX on a console, thats why we have consoles and then we have computers, but whatever floats your boat i guess.

This is the main reason:

Dual Core 3.2 Ghz computer, with 1 gig ram, 512 mb top-of-the-line GeForce graphics card, and the as-yet-unreleased Ageia PhysX processor -


Sept-Core 3.2 Ghz computer, with one of the cores running a dedicated Ageia PP, with 512 ultra-high access ram, NVIDIA RSX processor that is more powerful than their top of the line Ge-Force (PlayStation 3)

$500~$700. Probably about $900 if you want the HD (Which I do).

For a budget concious uni student like me, getting a higher-than-top-of-the-line gaming PC for a third of the price is very, very attractive.

10-08-2005, 05:01 AM
This is the main reason:

Dual Core 3.2 Ghz computer, with 1 gig ram, 512 mb top-of-the-line GeForce graphics card, and the as-yet-unreleased Ageia PhysX processor -


Sept-Core 3.2 Ghz computer, with one of the cores running a dedicated Ageia PP, with 512 ultra-high access ram, NVIDIA RSX processor that is more powerful than their top of the line Ge-Force (PlayStation 3)

$500~$700. Probably about $900 if you want the HD (Which I do).

For a budget concious uni student like me, getting a higher-than-top-of-the-line gaming PC for a third of the price is very, very attractive.

Now that you put it that way it does make a bit more sense.

10-08-2005, 12:06 PM
You Are shouting about the x360 right and the only thing i'm looking forward to is thje fact final fantasy 9 is being re-realesed for it along with ffXI

10-08-2005, 03:12 PM
Now that you put it that way it does make a bit more sense.
Raidenex will do that to ya.
and.. ff9?

10-08-2005, 05:31 PM
You Are shouting about the x360 right and the only thing i'm looking forward to is thje fact final fantasy 9 is being re-realesed for it along with ffXI


links to this astonishing and false-sounding information, please =/

10-08-2005, 05:55 PM
Also, if Sony markets this right, people will realise they're buying a computer, not a pure games console.

if i wanted all that id buy a fucking computer.

how has that changed now that sony is making it?

10-08-2005, 08:20 PM
how has that changed now that sony is making it?

As far as I can recall, the only way to run Windows programs on an Xbox is to mod it, and even then, you've only got the Pentium 3 733 processor. Also, you have to run it through a TV screen, and it has no native Keyboard and Mouse support.

A PlayStation 3 will have Windows programs (through WineX Linux emulation) straight out of the box, assuming you purchase the HDD. As I stated previously, the processing power is significantly higher than current top-of-the-range PCs. You are able to use computer peripherals such as monitors, keyboards, mice.

The complaints about the Xbox were (unfounded) fears that having computer architechture would lead to the problems computer games have - patching games, bugs, etc. If you want to argue this point on the PS3, it's moot - the PS3 as a gaming machine still functions like one. It just has the added functionaliity of being able to do much more.

10-10-2005, 03:12 AM
I have always been a Sony supporter throughout the PS1 & PS2 eras but the nex-gen console I'm most likely to get will be the Revolution for a number of reasons:

1) Price will be around �60-150.
2) Can download and play most NES, SNES, N64 games.
3) May be able to download and play all first-party NES, SNES, N64 games for free.
4) The ability to play online for free via Wi-fi without any subscription (at least for first-party games).
5) The Revolution's Wi-fi access point will be cheaper than a broadband modem.
6) The "remote" controller will "revolutionise" nex-gen gaming with thousands of new gameplay possibilities.
7) A number of cheap add-ons can be used with the controller to allow even more new possibilities.
8) The way you control FPS games will probably surpass the ideal PC keyboard-mouse setup.
9) A standard controller will also be available for use with traditional games.
10) Development costs will be cheaper on the Rev, hence games will probably be cheaper to buy.
11) Cheap production costs will attract most of the developers that can't afford producing for the PS3/360.
12) Did I mention it's the best-looking console from the lot?

In other words, Nintendo have converted me with their nex-gen console... damn those bastards. ;p

I'm also considering the PS3 since it will be the most powerful console, have a number of new PC-style features, and is more likely to have the big franchises on it. I also like the idea of the Cell being able to render facial expressions on-the-go aswell as some of the features Raidenex mentioned. It's just the price that worries me.

The XBox 360 is the least interesting to me since it doesn't have anything new or innovative to it, not to mention the fact that the PS3 technically out-does it in every way and that the XBox 360 doesn't have as many big franchises as the PS3 does.

Overall, I'll just have to use a "wait-and-see" before I decide which one to get.

Swedish Fish
10-10-2005, 05:47 AM
The XBox 360 is the least interesting to me since it doesn't have anything new or innovative to it, not to mention the fact that the PS3 technically out-does it in every way and that the XBox 360 doesn't have as many big franchises as the PS3 does.

Just about everything you said is correct, as far as I know, but this is total bull. Granted, the 360 may not be all that innovative, but PDZ is scheduled to be released exclusively for the 360, most likely as well as the Halo series. The 360 may not seem to great at this point, but give it a little time. The original Xbox brought hardcore Sony fans over to their side with solid games like Halo and the other FPSs that I will not be bothered to mention. Not to mention the fact that the Xbox had the highest online standard, as well as a decent console design.

10-10-2005, 07:40 AM
Well I did say I'm using a "wait-and-see" approach to the nex-gen consoles, so I wasn't condemning the XBOX 360 or anything like that... but from what I've seen of the XBox 360 so far, it really hasn't got anything innovative and the PS3 really does out-do it both technically and in terms of third-party support.

It's true that the FPS market is one of the major reasons the XBOX was able to win over many Sony fans, because the XBOX had superior FPS games... but I can't say the same thing for the 360, since the Revolution just might give it a run for its money as far as the FPS genre goes. Although Perfect Dark Zero and Halo 3 will probably be great games, I can't imagine them being vastly different to their predecessors. The Revolution on the other hand will be able to provide a new, more realistic FPS experience different to anything a traditional joypad can provide. If the Revolution can pull it off with some good third-party support, it just might be able to win over many FPS fans, like it did with the N64. In other words, the 360 might face tough competition from the Revolution as far as the FPS genre goes.

But I'll have to agree with you about the XBOX's online service, it was much better than what Sony could do with the PS2, and they might offer the same thing with the 360 aswell... but then again, can a good online service really compare to a FREE online service from Nintendo? Overall, the XBOX 360 doesn't look all that promising but you never know, the XBOX 360 just might do a "360" later on and change my mind about it. ;)

10-10-2005, 04:05 PM
Has anything been said about the PS3 online?

Swedish Fish
10-11-2005, 01:57 AM
The Revolution may have converted me, considering I may be able to download games like Perfect Dark, the original Mario (and later) games, and of course great games like F-Zero and the Zelda games.

10-11-2005, 02:34 AM
Has anything been said about the PS3 online?

No specifics, only that it's going to be a major focus. Sony is looking to set up online infrastructure for the PSP and PS3 simultaneously, in a service similar to Xbox Live.

However, rumblings are that the infrastructure service may be provided free of charge as an incentive.

Swedish Fish
10-11-2005, 03:01 AM
Very nice. If it actually happens.

10-11-2005, 04:12 AM
I honestly think the real competition in this generation will be between Sony and Nintendo, were Nintendo doesn't meet sony in graphics and power it makes up for it in inovation and great additional features. Xbox 360 on the other hand I see it as I did halo 2 when it came out, a little better but not that much than the original, just making everything look nicer, will only be adored by the fan base it already has. Really the only thing different from xbox to xbox 360 is more power and a little bit nicer graphics. Also I heard that 360 redesigned its controller and now its like a brick, is this true and can someone confirm it for me?

Anyone else miss Sega?

10-11-2005, 04:20 AM
Of course, even though the PS3 is a bigger step up from the current generation, it still doesn't go any farther than the Xbox360, at least as far as its gaming functions are concerned.

10-11-2005, 04:30 AM
Also I heard that 360 redesigned its controller and now its like a brick, is this true and can someone confirm it for me?

Somewhere between a Controller S and the Nintendo Wavebird, really. It's hard to judge the size from those photos, but i'm pretty certain it's the same size as the S.

10-11-2005, 03:38 PM
Is that the re-designed 360 controller? It still looks the same as the original design

Of course, even though the PS3 is a bigger step up from the current generation, it still doesn't go any farther than the Xbox360, at least as far as its gaming functions are concerned.

Well the PS3 does at least have more features than the 360 does, such as being able to play homebrew games and various other multimedia features Raidenex mentioned earlier.

The function I find most interesting about the PS3 is that its Cell processor actually has the ability to read our facial expressions, similar to what the PS2's overrated "Emotion Engine" had promised 5 years ago. There's a new "Eye-toy" type device for it that can read our facial expressions and render them in full 3D in real-time (and refreshes 100 times each second)... like a mirror. The Cell processor may succeed in what the Emotion Engine failed to do, read our emotions and use them to affect the gameplay. Although it's not as interesting as the Nintendo Revolution, it's still a lot more interesting than what the XBOX 360 is currently offering.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-11-2005, 04:10 PM
Then there's the possibility that the modding potential of the PS3 will allow you to play all of the games for the Revolution and the emulated Nintendo platforms (NES/SNES/N64/etc.) in addition to it's own. We already see a good bit of this with the PSP anyway, so it's not so much of a stretch for some aspiring modder to develop a way to use the PS3 to play just about everything.

10-11-2005, 04:48 PM
Is that the re-designed 360 controller? It still looks the same as the original design

No, it's the original design. It hasn't been changed since it was officially unveiled at that ridiculous MTV presentation.

The function I find most interesting about the PS3 is that its Cell processor actually has the ability to read our facial expressions, similar to what the PS2's overrated "Emotion Engine" had promised 5 years ago. There's a new "Eye-toy" type device for it that can read our facial expressions and render them in full 3D in real-time (and refreshes 100 times each second)... like a mirror. The Cell processor may succeed in what the Emotion Engine failed to do, read our emotions and use them to affect the gameplay. Although it's not as interesting as the Nintendo Revolution, it's still a lot more interesting than what the XBOX 360 is currently offering.

CELL does nothing of the sort. The demonstrations of facial expression at E3, which is what i'm assuming you're referring to, showed that the CELL processor could manipulate a movie-quality 3D image in real time by using the CG Doctor Otto Octavius from the Spider-man 2 movie.

It's worth noting that to get the full detail, they used the entire processing power, which means that most likely the PS3 won't be as photo-realistic as movies yet. I think the Final Fantasy VII tech demo, and the Metal Gear Solid 4 trailer show of the graphical capabilities of the system - both certainly have facial expressions, but so did Final Fantasy X and Metal Gear Solid 2.

Whether the new Eye-toy can actually recognise facial expressions is not in doubt - it's a very high resolution camera - but there really wouldn't be any need to re-render your face in real-time. It's a web camera after all - it could just process the image. However, the capabilities will be up to the programmers, not the CELL itself. CELL is nothing more than a CPU - it deals in 0s and 1s, not in facial animation.

10-11-2005, 04:51 PM
Then there's the possibility that the modding potential of the PS3 will allow you to play all of the games for the Revolution and the emulated Nintendo platforms (NES/SNES/N64/etc.) in addition to it's own. We already see a good bit of this with the PSP anyway, so it's not so much of a stretch for some aspiring modder to develop a way to use the PS3 to play just about everything.

I'd say ported emulators are a certainty - i'm surprised the N64 emulator hasn't been ported to the PSP yet, but it does require a fair chunk of processing power. Not that the PSP isn't powerful, but it's still 300 Mhz, and the N64 emu was chunky on my 2 Ghz machine.

Would would be interesting is an Xbox emulator - if the PS3 could support titles the Xbox 360 couldn't (because the X360 is relying on software emulation, not all Xbox titles will be comptaible) it would be a nice kick in the teeth to Microsoft from the homebrew market :D

I just hope that Sony doesn't feel the need to update the PS3's firmware every month. Or lock out the Linux GNU =/

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-11-2005, 04:59 PM
Fuckers probably will do something cheap like that, though.

Swedish Fish
10-11-2005, 08:40 PM
On the topic of the 360 controller, note that it has a large "X" button on the middle of the controller.

10-11-2005, 09:02 PM
CELL does nothing of the sort. The demonstrations of facial expression at E3, which is what i'm assuming you're referring to, showed that the CELL processor could manipulate a movie-quality 3D image in real time by using the CG Doctor Otto Octavius from the Spider-man 2 movie.

It's worth noting that to get the full detail, they used the entire processing power, which means that most likely the PS3 won't be as photo-realistic as movies yet. I think the Final Fantasy VII tech demo, and the Metal Gear Solid 4 trailer show of the graphical capabilities of the system - both certainly have facial expressions, but so did Final Fantasy X and Metal Gear Solid 2.

Whether the new Eye-toy can actually recognise facial expressions is not in doubt - it's a very high resolution camera - but there really wouldn't be any need to re-render your face in real-time. It's a web camera after all - it could just process the image. However, the capabilities will be up to the programmers, not the CELL itself. CELL is nothing more than a CPU - it deals in 0s and 1s, not in facial animation.

No I wasn't referring to the E3 Spiderman 2 demo, I was referring to another more recent demonstration shown in these articles:


According to the articles, the Cell has the ability to render our faces in real-time via a "digital mirror". But yeah, it depends mostly on how the developers utilise the technology more than anything.

As for modding the PS3 to play 360/Rev games, my old 1000 MHz PC had a hard time emulating a 93 MHz N64 and sometimes even a 33 MHz PS1. I highly doubt the PS3 can emulate the 360/Rev since it will at most be only 2-3 times more powerful than them, which simply isn't enough to emulate them decently, so I won't bet on it happening. But I'm sure the PS3 shouldn't have much trouble emulating our current-gen consoles.

10-11-2005, 09:38 PM
What bothers me with all the emulating that can go on the sony machines, can't nintendo file a lawsuit against sony or something, not saying i want that to happen but i can just see something like that happening down the road.

10-12-2005, 03:01 AM
On the topic of the 360 controller, note that it has a large "X" button on the middle of the controller.

Yes - this is part of the 'Cicle of Light'. Different quadrants of the 'X' button will glow depending on what controller position you are - top left for 1, top right for 2, bottom left for 3, bottom right for 4.

The powerbutton on the Xbox 360 will also glow in sections depending on how many controllers are 'connected'.

No I wasn't referring to the E3 Spiderman 2 demo, I was referring to another more recent demonstration shown in these articles:


According to the articles, the Cell has the ability to render our faces in real-time via a "digital mirror". But yeah, it depends mostly on how the developers utilise the technology more than anything.

As for modding the PS3 to play 360/Rev games, my old 1000 MHz PC had a hard time emulating a 93 MHz N64 and sometimes even a 33 MHz PS1. I highly doubt the PS3 can emulate the 360/Rev since it will at most be only 2-3 times more powerful than them, which simply isn't enough to emulate them decently, so I won't bet on it happening. But I'm sure the PS3 shouldn't have much trouble emulating our current-gen consoles.

Thanks for the links - it always amazes me when I see the CELL doing something new. It's especially more impressive when you consider it's a CELL only demonstration, without the advantage of NVidia's RSX chip.

Also, I don't think anyone thinks that the 360 or Rev could be emulated on the PS3 - it usually takes an entire generatoin to develop a working emulator of the previous one. bleem! was unfortunately too successful too early - Sony probably wouldn't have sued them out of the market it it was a free-ware release late in the PS2's lifetime.

What bothers me with all the emulating that can go on the sony machines, can't nintendo file a lawsuit against sony or something, not saying i want that to happen but i can just see something like that happening down the road.

Well, Nintendo hasn't sued Intel or Microsoft yet for emulators running on its platform, so somehow I doubt they've got a legal leg to stand on :)

Swedish Fish
10-12-2005, 03:04 AM
Yup. Didn't know about the number of controller part though. It seems a little too much. Not to say that it isn't a nice feature, but isn't that more hardware to mess up? Oh, and has anyone had any experience with Xbox controllers' "R" button kind of falling off after extensive use? My cousin played Halo 10 hours straight and ended up with the button completly falling off. Is that normal, or is that like a bad apple sort of thing?

10-12-2005, 03:09 AM
Yup. Didn't know about the number of controller part though. It seems a little too much. Not to say that it isn't a nice feature, but isn't that more hardware to mess up? Oh, and has anyone had any experience with Xbox controllers' "R" button kind of falling off after extensive use? My cousin played Halo 10 hours straight and ended up with the button completly falling off. Is that normal, or is that like a bad apple sort of thing?

'more hardware to mess up'? This is a project being worked on by experts, not a Korean company like Gamepark :p. It's part of the new 360 feel - Microsoft wants the console to 'feel' next-gen, and by all accounts, they're achieving this goal. The only problem is that the only thing they've got to back it up is games with pretty graphics.

Also: I have never, ever heard of an R button falling off an Xbox. I've also never heard of somenoe playing Halo for 10 hours straight, and I believe your cousin needs help.

10-12-2005, 04:09 AM
I have heard of (and witnessed)an xbox blowing up though... but i wont go into that

10-12-2005, 04:21 AM
I have heard of (and witnessed)an xbox blowing up though... but i wont go into that

I'm getting the strangest feeling of deja vu... I think you were banned after the last thread when we were talking about that :p

One incident, which was most likely caused by user error, does not indicate shoddy hardware. Intel and NVidia know what they are doing, and i'm pretty sure they handled creating the Xbox without rigging it with incinderies.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-12-2005, 04:18 PM
Most people can forego pissing on their consoles, too.

10-12-2005, 09:26 PM
I'm getting the strangest feeling of deja vu... I think you were banned after the last thread when we were talking about that :p.

Hence why I said I wont go into that.

10-12-2005, 09:29 PM
I have heard of (and witnessed)an xbox blowing up though... but i wont go into that

Blowing up?

Sony fanboy, eh?

10-12-2005, 09:34 PM
Blowing up?

Sony fanboy, eh?

I'm not a sony fanboy either, for its systems have its faults aswell when it comes to system longevity, the only 2 console companies to accomplish good system longevity to my knowledge and experience are Sega and Nintendo, but we all no sega is dead when it comes to systems now.

And it didnt really blow up it was more like smoke and sparks flying out the back then it just made some funny sounds and died.

10-12-2005, 09:36 PM
And it didnt really blow up it was more like smoke and sparks flying out the back then it just made some funny sounds and died.

I was only kidding mate. ;)
But that could just down to a certain faulty system. Or, the enviorment it was in and the lack of care it was treated with. Maybe.

10-12-2005, 09:39 PM
I was only kidding mate. ;)
But that could just down to a certain faulty system. Or, the enviorment it was in and the lack of care it was treated with. Maybe.

See I would beleive that if it was only one but he's on his 5th one now, the one blew up like I said, the other just quit working, one permeanatly locked up and wouldnt do anything, and the other burnt up. and this kid and his dad are completly and totally anal over there consoles so i doubt it is the care, possibly the environment though. But I don't wanna go into this.

10-12-2005, 09:43 PM
well the first xbox generations xbox drives suck
and we all know how well the first generation ps2 lasers worked

10-12-2005, 09:54 PM
strange, ive lost 2 ps2 to frying, yet the xbox still works fine, and i keep them in the same care and environment.

i will hand it to nintendo for the revolution. last year i had predicted that pretty soon nintendo would be joining sega in the console unemployment line, but by the looks o it that could be changing very soon.

the ps3 looks great, but i still find it funny how sony fans are all bragging that ps3 will be the better system hardware wise, yet when microsoft came out with the graphically and memorilly (is that even a word) superior xbox, sony fanboys still believed ps2 was the greatest console of last generation.

i will go on record and say that despite the holiday season release, microsoft is making a huge mistake by releasing the 360 earlier, it doesn't help that fanboys and the japanese are biased towards the product either

10-13-2005, 05:07 AM
I think they'd be really smart to release it that early if not for the huge crappiness of the budget version. They'd be better off pushing the date back, having one model, and trying to keep the price lower. Or so I imagine. But really, getting to the market early can be a pretty tremendous advantage. It certainly was for Snoy last time around, and as you were just saying, the systems are in sort of reverse roles now; if the 360 can't measure up to the PS3 graphically, it may not actually matter.

10-13-2005, 05:26 AM
I think that pushing the 360 out early has lead to one huge mistake though - from now until the end of this generation, the 360 will have a 'last-generation' dvd drive. The Nintendo 64 suffered from refusing to upgrade to the CD standard, and perhaps Microsoft will suffer because it hasn't got a next-generation DVD drive on board.

What worries me even more is that Microsoft has said that it might release a new console with a HD-DVD drive built in - but where does that leave the early adopters?

J. Peterman
10-13-2005, 05:28 AM
release early good b/c you sell more people what big new shiny system b/c it new and they say get me sony but sony say sorry we didn't make it for you and then ask for mario but mario is out drinking/smoking so no new nintendo so then they say fine get me microsoft and then mom says no sony/mario man and kid says okay because he isn't too bright and just wants a new systems because he broke his ps2 when he banged it up with a hammer

10-13-2005, 05:31 AM
release early good b/c you sell more people what big new shiny system b/c it new and they say get me sony but sony say sorry we didn't make it for you and then ask for mario but mario is out drinking/smoking so no new nintendo so then they say fine get me microsoft and then mom says no sony/mario man and kid says okay because he isn't too bright and just wants a new systems because he broke his ps2 when he banged it up with a hammer

...seriously man, you need to lay off the wacky tabaccy.

J. Peterman
10-13-2005, 05:36 AM
you need to lay off of it MAN you just like the other MAN you trying to hold me back MAN dang everyobdy just don't understand the garamond MAN dang i better go solve some cases so that disher looks like a fool and i'm MR COOL

10-13-2005, 07:02 AM
Garamond has made me laugh a lot today.

10-13-2005, 09:23 PM
Garamond, Oh no another "genious" english scholar. *sarcasm*

10-13-2005, 09:50 PM
as long as it plays games, who cares about anything else on the console? the quality of games has been dropping below average recently, but all anyone cares about is that it looks pretty by the way some people are talking. who cares if a console has windows abilities, im pretty sure everyone here has a computer, so why buy a console for computer purposes?

10-13-2005, 11:32 PM
as long as it plays games, who cares about anything else on the console? the quality of games has been dropping below average recently, but all anyone cares about is that it looks pretty by the way some people are talking. who cares if a console has windows abilities, im pretty sure everyone here has a computer, so why buy a console for computer purposes?

I honestly dont see the point of running Linux or Mac OSX on a console, thats why we have consoles and then we have computers, but whatever floats your boat i guess.

This is the main reason:

Dual Core 3.2 Ghz computer, with 1 gig ram, 512 mb top-of-the-line GeForce graphics card, and the as-yet-unreleased Ageia PhysX processor -


Sept-Core 3.2 Ghz computer, with one of the cores running a dedicated Ageia PP, with 512 ultra-high access ram, NVIDIA RSX processor that is more powerful than their top of the line Ge-Force (PlayStation 3)

$500~$700. Probably about $900 if you want the HD (Which I do).

For a budget concious uni student like me, getting a higher-than-top-of-the-line gaming PC for a third of the price is very, very attractive.

Maybe if you're the sort who's always got the money to have the latest computer hardware, it's not that big a deal, but it is for the rest of us starving uni students :)

J. Peterman
10-14-2005, 04:53 AM
If these console wars are half as good as the Monday Night Wars then we are in for some good competition. Could you imagine big name games like Madden going to war against Sony and Nintendo and just destroying them? Oh boy, and the Nintendo would counter with an alliance from Square, while Sony gets everybody it can to ridiculous contracts. Everybody overpays everybody and by the end of it all three companies are dead.

That would be really cool if you ask me.

10-14-2005, 05:41 AM
No it wouldn't.

10-16-2005, 08:01 PM
If these console wars are half as good as the Monday Night Wars then we are in for some good competition. Could you imagine big name games like Madden going to war against Sony and Nintendo and just destroying them? Oh boy, and the Nintendo would counter with an alliance from Square, while Sony gets everybody it can to ridiculous contracts. Everybody overpays everybody and by the end of it all three companies are dead.

That would be really cool if you ask me.

LOL! And then what, we have one big uber-console?

10-16-2005, 08:20 PM
LOL! And then what, we have one big uber-console?
we would rape people like you as a game and everyone would live happily ever after

10-16-2005, 10:39 PM
that sounds nice =/

10-17-2005, 12:02 AM
FAO all the people cunting up this thread:


Intelligent talk about the upcoming generation, please.

Swedish Fish
10-17-2005, 05:31 AM
Is it true that the logo for the PS3 will be done in Spider-Man 2 font? If so, be afraid, be very afraid.

10-17-2005, 09:02 AM
look, idiot, theres pictures all over the internet. Yes, the font is the Spider-man font, but so fucking what? The current PlayStation font is the old Walkman font, and no-one gives a fuck about that.

...wow, lack of sleep is making me impatient towards imbeciles. Cool.

10-17-2005, 03:59 PM
Is it true that the logo for the PS3 will be done in Spider-Man 2 font? If so, be afraid, be very afraid.

meh, it's just a font on the console...

I was wondering, why doesn't Microsoft have a handheld? (Not that I want one...)

Evil Moogle
10-17-2005, 07:19 PM
meh, it's just a font on the console...

I was wondering, why doesn't Microsoft have a handheld? (Not that I want one...)

Cause they're freaking twats...

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-18-2005, 07:11 PM
meh, it's just a font on the console...

I was wondering, why doesn't Microsoft have a handheld? (Not that I want one...)

Oh, they do:


Atom Narmor
10-18-2005, 11:37 PM
The next gaming platforms are going to be so sick that people will stop buying regular home computers. They'll be able to fit in your pocket anyways in a while..


10-18-2005, 11:51 PM
meh, it's just a font on the console...

I was wondering, why doesn't Microsoft have a handheld? (Not that I want one...)

because someone would get the bright idea to turn halo into a turn based strategy game and no one would even mention KOTOR, the best RPG for the console. ok thats unlikely, who would possibly tarnish the name of thier best fps and not have a form of thier best rpg ready for at least shortly after the handheld's release date? thats just dumb marketing.