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10-18-2005, 10:24 PM
What would be the worst final fantasy that you guys have ever played. To me proberlly 1 and 2 lol.

10-18-2005, 10:28 PM

Also, FFXI. Why? Because I never get to play it.

10-18-2005, 10:31 PM
Yeah cause you have to pay just to play it.

10-18-2005, 10:32 PM
I heard it's pretty good though.

10-18-2005, 10:41 PM
Yeah it is different. You can make alliances with other players which is especially new. I just dont get how the story would work when you have thousands of people playing at the same time.

10-19-2005, 01:35 AM
Its not much to pay really but it's not the best online game made there's so much better out there but if you want to play it cause it's FF then check it out you won't be dissapointed but it will consume your life, so if you want to play it don't work or go to school/college.

lone wolf
10-19-2005, 02:38 AM
i was really upset with how shitty FF9 was, i was expecting so much more, all the tunes are just rehashed from older games, nothing reallt new, no major surprises, kinda sucked in general.

that and FF2 kinda blew


Swedish Fish
10-19-2005, 05:16 AM
i was really upset with how shitty FF9 was, i was expecting so much more, all the tunes are just rehashed from older games, nothing reallt new, no major surprises, kinda sucked in general.

Up until now I haven't found anyone who shared my sentiments about FFIX. I definately agree that FFIX is the worst, but for a few more reasons. I never really liked the characters, I didn't like the "medieval" atmosphere that surrounded the whole game, and somehow the way one used Chocobos just seemed out of place.

10-19-2005, 05:19 AM
In my experience, most people who don't like FFIX have dumb reasons for it. They're mostly people who started playing the series with FFVII or FFVIII and have no appreciation of the origins of the series and don't understand that 7 and 8 completely changed a lot of things. 9 is much more true to the original spirit of the series.

Also, IMO the worst is FFVII, for reasons I have stated numerous times before.

10-19-2005, 05:20 AM

english voice acting ruined it all and overload of fmv's made it even worse

10-19-2005, 05:27 AM
In my experience, most people who don't like FFIX have dumb reasons for it. They're mostly people who started playing the series with FFor FFVIII and have no appreciation of the origins of the series and don't understand that 7 and 8 completely changed a lot of things. 9 is much more true to the original spirit of the series.

Also, IMO the worst is FFVII, for reasons I have stated numerous times before.
its called their reasons hunneh
their reasons
like you have with VII
i hope yr genious chessmasterlike brain can overcome that lil fact =)
or is reality too much of a bitch too handle?

10-19-2005, 05:28 AM
Your point?

10-19-2005, 05:36 AM

10-19-2005, 06:21 AM
you tend to hear both bad and good things about FFXI. I havent played it so i wont judge the game just yet.

10-19-2005, 06:05 PM
I have to play FFXI still too.

10-19-2005, 07:21 PM
yup, im in the same boat regarding FFXI. I probably never will though. FFIX I did like but i couldn't take Zidane seriously enough to get passionate about the characters. He and Garnet didn't feel as real as some of the romances from earlier FF's.

Tidus 66
10-19-2005, 07:38 PM
FFVII cuz Fanboys, and because is highly overrated, i would say Ix in a few months back, but after play it again the game is one of the Best!!!

FFII was one i didn't like :\

10-19-2005, 07:53 PM
In my experience, most people who don't like FFIX have dumb reasons for it. They're mostly people who started playing the series with FFVII or FFVIII and have no appreciation of the origins of the series and don't understand that 7 and 8 completely changed a lot of things. 9 is much more true to the original spirit of the series.

I would not say they had dumb reasons for it. But I agree with what you mentioned about recent players having no appreciation with the origins of the series.
I agree that 9 is much more true to the original spirit of the series. It is easily my favourite game.
But I respect other peoples opinions on it, i personally love FFIX. haha

As for the worse one, I would have to say FFX and X-2
Bloody pathetic games. And I have my reasoning.
What I hated the most about it was the horrid voice acting. No feeling whatsoever.

Swedish Fish
10-19-2005, 11:22 PM
In my experience, most people who don't like FFIX have dumb reasons for it. They're mostly people who started playing the series with FFVII or FFVIII and have no appreciation of the origins of the series and don't understand that 7 and 8 completely changed a lot of things. 9 is much more true to the original spirit of the series.

Also, IMO the worst is FFVII, for reasons I have stated numerous times before.

Well, the last time I played it was about 4 years ago, when I was 8. Its possible that that's the reason. Or mabye different people have differing opinions and tastes?

10-20-2005, 02:18 AM
VIII, because I hated the battle and level up system IMO. Also I just couldn't get into the horrible plot and characters.

10-20-2005, 04:37 AM
I disagree i thought that the plot was one of the best and most of the battle systems are level ups apart from X.

10-20-2005, 06:46 AM
The plot of FFVIII was ...ok I guess.
I think Venom was reffering to the junction system, which I thought was bad because they said "You can max out your characters status points" but I found that it was a tedious process. But hey thats just me. I aint gonna put you guys down, unlike our dearest friend Prak. haha, sorry I could not resist the urge to say that due to previous posts by him.

10-20-2005, 08:22 AM
Uh...when did I put someone down? Are you referring to when I said most people who don't like FFIX seem to have stupid reasons for it? That wasn't directly insulting anyone. Also, you agreed with my assessment of the primary reason, so if I insulted anyone, you indirectly did the same thing.

10-20-2005, 08:38 AM
i dont kno why every1 hates ff9 i loved it it has the most replay value but the worst would have 2 b ffX-2 it was just a fat slab of hentai with a terible storyline.

10-20-2005, 11:21 AM
Uh...when did I put someone down? Are you referring to when I said most people who don't like FFIX seem to have stupid reasons for it? That wasn't directly insulting anyone. Also, you agreed with my assessment of the primary reason, so if I insulted anyone, you indirectly did the same thing.

ah, no, not in this thread. In the other one where you went out of your way to insult me for having my own opinion about the first person element in FFXII.

Notice i said

sorry I could not resist the urge to say that due to previous posts by him.

"due to previous" - I must emphasize on that. So basically I did not actually name a source. You assumed I meant your postings on this thread. But the thing is, I have been reading other posts by you and you have done the same thing. Thats all. I am really not keen to argue with you again on another thread and ruin it. So I will leave it at that.

And also,

Also, you agreed with my assessment of the primary reason, so if I insulted anyone, you indirectly did the same thing.

I did not insult anyone because I explicitly said:

I would not say they had dumb reasons for it

after which I also mentioned just to be safe that I respected other peoples views on it.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-20-2005, 11:56 AM
Toss up between FF8 and FFX-2. God what awful wads of shit those two were.

FF7 is 2nd or 3rd place, though, depending on how I want to look at it.

10-20-2005, 03:19 PM
Now, I am not one of the 7 fanboys, and I have played it from 1 and up, but I did greatly enjoy the tecno-drama that 7 was. 6 7 and 8 are the only ones that I actively replay. 7 is the most though.

In terms of game play, I would say that the 1st couple were crippled by the newness of the genre. They were still getting their feet wet and discovering new things.

I didn't like 9 as much as the others either though, where I can apperciate the roots, I think character identification was lacking, and the character designs where too childlike to convey messages of love.

X-2 is in my opinion the worst. It takes the characters of a medicore FF hookers them up and gives them an annoying quest to find a boyfriend. It is the worst kind of fan service for the teen age boys with digital hardons. The music was god awful to the point of mute being the only acceptable way of playing it. Also, X-2 broke the mold of there being no direct sequals. So you would think they would have made the game amazing to help breaking one of their self made laws. Not the case apparently.

XI is from what I hear an amazing MMORPG, however, I really wich they kept it out of the series and made it like FF Online. It doesnt follow the pattern of the other games, so therefore it should be on its own. Like the terrbile Mystic Quest and the entertaining Tatics. Personally I can never get into the idea of the MMORPG system. I like being anti-social when I play RPGs. Its my way of escaping mindless idiots. And I'm terribly sure that there are many many stupid people on thos servers. Aside from that, I like to own my games. MMORPG's are video games that you lease.

Im excited about 12, but I am saddened to see that its going to be less turn based. I was always a fan of that static system.

10-20-2005, 11:14 PM
But I agree with what you mentioned about recent players having no appreciation with the origins of the series.

By agreeing with what I named as a dumb reason some people have for disliking FFIX, you indirectly agreed with the rest of my statement, even if you said you didn't. :p

10-21-2005, 12:14 AM
I’ve tried numerous times to play FFI-III. Eventually I get bored and start playing FFIX or FFV.

Hell, I was even able to get through X-2 without getting bored after 5 minutes, so I would have to say the originals are the worst.

10-21-2005, 12:54 AM
By agreeing with what I named as a dumb reason some people have for disliking FFIX, you indirectly agreed with the rest of my statement, even if you said you didn't.

Ah no actually. Maybe you like to think I did.

10-21-2005, 03:29 AM
The worst would be all of them except chrystal chronicles, cuz ive never officially played any of them

10-21-2005, 04:28 AM
Yeah but you cant really judge crystal chronicles and say that it is bad when you havent even played it yet. You might try it and think that its the best out yet. Although most people would agree with you lol.

10-21-2005, 04:51 AM
i said all of them are the worst so far because ive only played chrystal chronicles! i own the game! it would help to actually read it. YOU JUST GOT OWNED!

10-21-2005, 04:58 AM
i said all of them are the worst so far because ive only played chrystal chronicles! i own the game! it would help to actually read it. YOU JUST GOT OWNED!
How can you judge all of them and say they are the worst when you have not even played any?

10-21-2005, 04:59 AM
I was ninja posted. This is directed at the post by blackmage010

That may be, but you still retain the throne as King of the Dicks. Also real names are much cooler than anything with a number after it.

10-21-2005, 05:04 AM
That may be, but you still retain the throne as King of the Dicks. Also real names are much cooler than anything with a number after it.

HAHAHAHAHA, that was funny.

Anyway blackmage010. I do not get how you can say all of them are the worst when you have not played any.

10-21-2005, 05:04 AM
I agree with nkwp how can you say that you dont like the rest of them when you have no idea what they are like and it makes me wonder why you have a avatar of cloud.

10-21-2005, 05:05 AM
it makes me wonder why you have a avatar of cloud.

Its cloud from Kingdom Hearts bro

10-21-2005, 05:06 AM
pic. woteva

10-21-2005, 05:09 AM
avatar is the right word. But the Cloud in his avater is from Kingdom Hearts

10-21-2005, 05:12 AM
sorry im not awake im not paying attention now lol. I hardly even remember cloud from kingdom hearts.

10-21-2005, 05:14 AM
Well that is fair enough because in my opinion it was not a very memorable game.

10-21-2005, 05:16 AM
It was to simple, constantly masing the same button over an over again.

10-21-2005, 02:06 PM
I see spam @_@

Eh...if people hate FFVII, then so be it. It's a fucking awesome game, IMO :D

The worst?


I have played many, though I did start off with playing VIII, couldnt get the others at the time.

I've gone through I/II/IV/V/VI/VII/VIII/IX/X/X-2/TA/CC

Haven't completed all, but that's because:

I: It was blatantly boring right from the start
IV: Most of the characters made me cry. Kain was the only one that appealed to me.
CC: Reptetive, samey, had no life to it. X-2 owned that game by miles. =)

10-21-2005, 09:01 PM
Mate you have alot of time on your hands lol.

10-22-2005, 04:06 AM
ok, if i wrote......wait..ok the worst would actually be the first final fantsy i think (i think me cousin used to have it for his nes.) so if i have to label either ff1 or ffcc "the worst ff ive evr played" id have to go with ff1. is everyone stisfied now?

10-22-2005, 12:20 PM

10-22-2005, 08:40 PM
ok, if i wrote......wait..ok the worst would actually be the first final fantsy i think (i think me cousin used to have it for his nes.) so if i have to label either ff1 or ffcc "the worst ff ive evr played" id have to go with ff1. is everyone stisfied now?

I thought you loved CC?

And guy above, don't spam, post properly.

10-22-2005, 08:50 PM
If you're talking to me. That aint spam

10-22-2005, 09:27 PM
I thought you loved CC?

And guy above, don't spam, post properly.

Well you are sort of spamming now because you are talking about something that has nothing to do with the topic "The WORST FF ever!!"

10-22-2005, 11:02 PM
Hmmmmnnnn... I liked them all. However, If I had to pic two that I liked least out of them all, those two would be FF10 and FF8. 8 just didn't feel like a final fantasy (it's plot wasn't as good as the others), and FF ten didn't have the amazing, open, free-roaming world map like the others. It had more of a big seiries of roads and caves. Just not as neat as the huge world map with area icons. Then of course, thats just my oppinion.

10-23-2005, 12:26 AM
Well you are sort of spamming now because you are talking about something that has nothing to do with the topic "The WORST FF ever!!"

As far as i know i was on topic the only thing i said was "Marginly", but i would rather not turn this into an incident an argue with half of you.

10-23-2005, 12:40 AM
To me FF8 felf like more of a final fantasy than any other, and i reckon that the plot was one of the best. I do agree with your second statement. I will judge FFX for not having the amount of freedom that previous FF games have had, and i was slightly disapointed when i found out that you could not even drive the airship.

10-23-2005, 02:35 AM
I'm currentky playing FF7 and i seem to like it a quite a lot, but as for me i prefer FFX because its my first FF game thought. I'm also on FF9 to but i got to say, the music/soundtrack is a bit wacky and wierd heh.

10-23-2005, 04:35 AM
I agree with how you said the soundtrack to be a bit weird. The best 2 soundtracks for me where those from FFX and VIII

10-23-2005, 05:52 AM
Benny, What i said was for Gone Crazy, not you. I was implying he should stop telling people to stop spamming when he himself is spamming.

10-23-2005, 05:55 AM
lol thanks nkwp. Well that taught me a lession. Always read quotes!

10-23-2005, 06:02 AM
lol, nah its all good bro. It was rather misleading.

10-23-2005, 09:23 AM
Does anybody here think that FFT was the worst Final Fantasy they have ever played. In my own view. It wasnt true to the original series it was to foreign to me.

10-23-2005, 09:55 AM
Hence the name FFT instead of a number like FFVI or FFV.
It was a great game I thought. I cant complain about it. The music was excellent, the battle system was superb and the story...what can I say? I loved it.

10-23-2005, 10:47 AM
That is fair enough. The battle system i must say was new to me though

10-23-2005, 01:23 PM
So, it gives you guys an excuse to spam just because I supposedly am?

Whatever. And btw Im a she.

I know this is WAY OUT OF TOPIC, but I'm always confused with being a male :(

Oh, does anyone here actually hate IV like me?

10-23-2005, 08:57 PM
I dont hate it mainly because i havent yet tried it and wont judge it for obvious reasons.

10-23-2005, 09:16 PM
So, it gives you guys an excuse to spam just because I supposedly am?

Well, no, because you pointed out yourself we were spamming on your first post here. So we were not spamming just because you did. Perhaps you should get your facts right.

10-26-2005, 03:45 AM
I agree with yui XI, cause you have to pay after purchesing

10-26-2005, 03:48 AM
And you're idiots for that. I'll admit I didn't like the game, but it has more replay value than all the other FF games combined. Almost all MMORPGs have monthly fees because it's needed to pay the developers who keep making new content, to keep the servers running, and to cover all the other expenses related to running as huge a project as that.

10-26-2005, 05:12 AM
Do keep in mind Prak that most people wouldnt know that, and most people wouldnt want to spend more money on the same game after they just paid $100 for it. Understand that.

10-26-2005, 10:25 AM
But anyone buying the game should be aware of the fees involved before purchasing it. If not, then they're stupid for not reading the packaging to find out. People saying it sucks because they don't like the fees is just ignorant and degrades the actual game, which they most likely know nothing about.

10-26-2005, 01:58 PM
No Ive played it & dont think its worth it, anyway dotHACK//FRAGMENT ONLINE X OFFLINE has no fees and it is assumed the english V willnot either

Sephiroth's son
11-10-2005, 06:09 PM
well im gonna say ff11 cuz you have to pay a monthly fee, and i say ff8 cuz i didnt like that u had to draw ur magic, tho i did like the junction system but i found the drawing real annoying, i still like the game just dont think its as good as the others

11-10-2005, 07:16 PM
I have played VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2 and my least favourite one is IX

11-11-2005, 12:10 AM
VII was quality, VIII was the best, IX was nice, X was great,
but X-2 sucked.
Why? Because it was a sequel and most sequel's are crap? Probably.....

Zell dincht X0
11-16-2005, 10:35 PM
yes, X-2 was a bit pointless and i didn't like ff1 either. All the rest are mintofreshness!!!

11-24-2005, 04:52 AM
A lot of people seem to not like FFX-2 because it felt unnecessary or because they think it ruined FFX FFX-2 really isn't that bad if look at it from my perspective. First, take FFX as a complete, singular game, like the others. As we all (should) know, FFX is a great game with a great ending.

FFX-2 comes in as an optional addendum to FFX. It's something of a "and here's what could have happened" deal. If you only play the rquired 48% of the game (yup, over half is optional), you miss out on a lot of the really good, nostalgic moments of the game. It's a rather emotionally driven and deep game, and, engine-wise, it's job system is the best yet. I think that Yuna's story is very engaging and meaningful and that FFX-2 is a worthy addition to the series.

What I actually don't like about FFX-2 is that its ATB is screwy, and, more importantly, that there is no music from FFX in the game.

As for my pick for worst game: Final Fantasy Tactics (both of them). In the mainstream: FFV. Maybe it'll be better when I get it for psx...

11-24-2005, 06:56 AM
Final Fantasy II is my least favorite. It was the only one of the series where I didn't get attached to the characters, and I had no sense of accomplishment after defeating the final boss. I also don't like some of the earlier ones because it's just maze after maze, with very little dialogue. Although it was my least favorite, it was still an alright game.

11-24-2005, 07:30 AM
FF Tactics did throw a curve ball at me with the battle system. Stragedy games just...confuse me. But besides that, its was superb, though i didn't finish it, cuz i was borrowing.

FFx and x-2 was....pathetic. Its like a cheerleader, only going on good looks alone. Well IMO. And the FFX battles were just fustrating if you wanted to escape. I'm like..."Escape dumb arse escape!! You are in no postion to fight!!" What do they do, change thier mind and get pummelled by a catuar.
Its pretty...but its pretty boring.

PS: I too haven't tried FFX1....but a bunch of my buddy did...damn them.

execrable gumwrapper
11-24-2005, 06:24 PM
I've read this whole thread ans not once did someone mention FFIII. And no I'm not talking about the American III which really is Jap VI, I'm tlaking about the Jap III that never got here. Play the ROM and know how horrible it is. The four main characters are the exact same sprite just different colors! Therefore leading to no real story and the start of it is just dumb. Honestly, I'm glad this never made it to the states.

11-25-2005, 04:38 AM
Final Fantasy II is my least favorite. It was the only one of the series where I didn't get attached to the characters, and I had no sense of accomplishment after defeating the final boss. I also don't like some of the earlier ones because it's just maze after maze, with very little dialogue. Although it was my least favorite, it was still an alright game.

Can I assume you're talking about a dubbed NES ROM? FFII for GBA is one of the two FFs I'm currently playing (that and IX), and I love it. I'm not a fan of the magic system, but eh, I'm flexible (I managed to work with FFVIII's engine, after all). In the GBA version, anyway, I think that the characters (thanks in part to added dialogue and amazingly redone music) were very well done, and I felt genuinely sad during the... well, the sad parts. I might be blinded by the fact that Leila is one of my favorite characters of the old-school era.

11-26-2005, 08:38 PM
this award would probably have to go to FF IX

11-26-2005, 08:41 PM
Final Fantasy X-2 The One I Hate Most Because You Play With All Girls

11-26-2005, 08:53 PM
So you prefer men big boy, lol

11-30-2005, 10:23 AM
I know I do.

J. Peterman
12-01-2005, 08:02 AM
Final Fantasy II sucked the most. Stupid level system and I couldn't play that junk more than five minutes.

X is just behin it for me. Then who the heck cares

12-01-2005, 09:19 PM
out of all the final fantasies i have played (5 6 7 8 9 10 10-2)
i have not completed 2
6 becuz the second world was 2 hard and X-2 because oof the crappy storyline and the fact that i culd not play it for longer than 20 mins

12-01-2005, 09:21 PM
So you prefer men big boy, lol

No but it would be good if you have one man with you in your team

12-01-2005, 09:22 PM
mine would be 1 because it was too easy and pointless

Swedish Fish
12-01-2005, 09:31 PM
Pointless doesn't neccesairily mean bad.

Strife Lyengard
06-14-2006, 01:51 AM
I hated 8. I dont know why it was so stupid. I mean a flying school?? And whats with seeD? Thats like a rip from SOLDIER.

Cloud On A Stick
06-20-2006, 03:32 AM
didnt care 4 tactics or advanced...CC got boring fast

Zell dincht X0
06-20-2006, 10:27 PM
I hated 8. I dont know why it was so stupid. I mean a flying school?? And whats with seeD? Thats like a rip from SOLDIER.
yeah, it only made sense if you understood it already!!!!!! SeeD is very important in the game though

06-21-2006, 10:11 PM
In my experience, most people who don't like FFIX have dumb reasons for it. They're mostly people who started playing the series with FFVII or FFVIII and have no appreciation of the origins of the series and don't understand that 7 and 8 completely changed a lot of things. 9 is much more true to the original spirit of the series.

Also, IMO the worst is FFVII, for reasons I have stated numerous times before.

I started the series at VII. I honestly think 9 had more of that raw nostalgia than any of the others put together. VII defined an era that was, new age gaming when it was first released. It was a game that by it's own ridiculous stylings created something amongst those who were unaware of it's genre prior. I was one of those people who had never played an FF game in my life before that hit the UK shelves. I loved it, and loved VIII too, but IX.. it blew me away. Forget about realism (which was 8) IX was pure Final Fantasy, back to the old school heights of the earlier games in glorious style.

Anyway.. wittering now...


06-22-2006, 06:24 PM
Are ties allowed? I hope so, because I can't make up my mind as to which is worse--FFVII or FFVIII.

Zell dincht X0
06-22-2006, 06:29 PM

06-22-2006, 06:45 PM
Wow. I think Zell just won the retard award for the day. I shall enjoy seeing him receive his "prize."

Zell dincht X0
06-22-2006, 06:49 PM
i don't see your problem

06-22-2006, 06:54 PM
Wow. I think Zell just won the retard award for the day. I shall enjoy seeing him receive his "prize."

Does that mean I have to take him off my ignore list?

06-22-2006, 06:55 PM
It doesn't matter now. He edited his post out.

06-22-2006, 06:57 PM
Naturally. Oh well.

Zell dincht X0
06-22-2006, 07:00 PM
arguing with a 13 year old what a man you must be

06-22-2006, 07:04 PM
I prefer public mockery.

Zell dincht X0
06-22-2006, 07:08 PM

07-02-2006, 07:56 PM
Final Fantasy II sucked the most. Stupid level system and I couldn't play that junk more than five minutes.

X is just behin it for me. Then who the heck cares

I agree, I also state that i can't even hit 1 with that crap girl.

And you get lost to easy.

fastidious percolator
07-02-2006, 08:04 PM
I think we can all agree that FFII has the worst system, although the worst FF, each has its own interpretation. = )

07-02-2006, 08:35 PM
FF Crystal Chronicles shamed the FF name

hb smokey
07-03-2006, 05:50 AM

07-03-2006, 05:56 AM

07-03-2006, 06:00 AM
I don't pick favorites and least favorites, it hurts their feelings.

hb smokey
07-03-2006, 06:12 AM
I'm currently playing through FFIX, and I've had fun with it so far. A few hours in, and really nothing has disappointed me yet. It does lose points however for having the Junon march song in it, and apparently the Braver sword is available in a shop. Still, FFVII is the worst.

07-03-2006, 06:15 AM
Main character of FFIX looks like a women

07-03-2006, 08:05 AM
ffvii and ffx is the best...

but the worst, i don't know...

i'm not too fussy...

the guy watching you
07-03-2006, 09:32 AM
ff7 and 8 were way to easy for me,so they lose.

07-03-2006, 09:35 AM
FF Crystal Chronicles shamed the FF name

Also true, i played it at a friend of mine. When i played it i had like Wtf :|

It is so bad.

Valerie Valens
07-03-2006, 11:22 AM
Main character of FFIX looks like a women

So you're saying that FF9 fails because Zidane is androgynous?

07-03-2006, 12:04 PM
Main character of FFIX looks like a women

Ive never thought Zidane as a girl when i first saw him. And anyway, how many girls have you actually seen in final fantasy series wearing thief clothes and scraping their ass!

07-03-2006, 12:27 PM
The only part that bothered me about Zidane was the monkey tail.
But then I figured out the purpose of it and iy didn't really bother me.

And I think I am the only one on these forums that would put FFII (SNES)
in their top 3 fav FFs.
IX was good.
Didn't enjoy VIII too much but I was able to play through it.
VII was a joke.

But I am going to have to say X-2.
Out of the whole series it is the one I regretted getting 100% on that game.

07-03-2006, 12:30 PM
']The only part that bothered me about Zidane was the monkey tail.
But then I figured out the purpose of it and iy didn't really bother me.

And I think I am the only one on these forums that would put FFII (SNES)
in their top 3 fav FFs.
IX was good.
Didn't enjoy VIII too much but I was able to play through it.
VII was a joke.

But I am going to have to say X-2.
Out of the whole series it is the one I regretted getting 100% on that game.

Why regret getting 100 %?

I like the game a lot, altough the storyline isn't to good.

Back at FF2, I accept to get some Mithril, don't know where to go and i end up somewhere between strong monster.

I think they should restrict some areas and give more hints where to go.

I'm stuck between these monsters and i can not leave.

fastidious percolator
07-03-2006, 01:32 PM
I don't pick favorites and least favorites, it hurts their feelings.

Computer games have feelings, nowadays?

07-03-2006, 04:54 PM
So you're saying that FF9 fails because Zidane is androgynous?

What a stupid question. No, it was just a random comment

Valerie Valens
07-03-2006, 04:58 PM
How cute.

What was the point of mentioning that in here then?

07-03-2006, 05:06 PM
What a stupid question. No, it was just a random comment

Like I said, it was just a random comment.

Valerie Valens
07-03-2006, 05:22 PM
Not buying into that, what was your purpose of posting that "random" comment in this here thread?

07-03-2006, 05:29 PM
Not buying into that, what was your purpose of posting that "random" comment in this here thread?

Purpose less xD

Zell dincht X0
07-03-2006, 05:33 PM
Ive never thought Zidane as a girl when i first saw him. And anyway, how many girls have you actually seen in final fantasy series wearing thief clothes and scraping their ass!

07-04-2006, 01:35 AM
Not buying into that, what was your purpose of posting that "random" comment in this here thread?

I swear it's true. Even ask Viper, he knows! Oh thats right he was banned. nvm:)

07-04-2006, 01:48 AM
The only time you pluck up the balls to take a potshot is when he's banned? How weak. Anyway, the "random" comment--it's probabaly just a cheap potshot on FFIX.

Anyway. Zidane's obviously feminine because he's not packing a ZOMG AWESOMEZ SORD like Sephy, eh? And he's obviously monkey-ish, when he strikes a decidedly feline-ish pose (that whole thing where his hands are up and he looks like he's about to pounce on Daggs) about a trillion times during the game.

Anyway. FFIX clearly isn't the worst of the series--its immediate predecessor is.

07-04-2006, 02:30 AM
The only time you pluck up the balls to take a potshot is when he's banned? How weak. Anyway, the "random" comment--it's probabaly just a cheap potshot on FFIX.

Anyway. Zidane's obviously feminine because he's not packing a ZOMG AWESOMEZ SORD like Sephy, eh? And he's obviously monkey-ish, when he strikes a decidedly feline-ish pose (that whole thing where his hands are up and he looks like he's about to pounce on Daggs) about a trillion times during the game.

Anyway. FFIX clearly isn't the worst of the series--its immediate predecessor is.

Oh, did I hit a nerve? I really don't think their was a post where i didn't insult viper. But I understand if your angry because your little buddy got banned.

And by the way it wasn't a cheapshot, idiot. It was just a random comment like i said from the start. I just mentioned it because I had just been looking at the "girly men" thread and I forgot to mention his name.

I actually liked FF IX

07-04-2006, 02:49 AM
Did you hit a nerve? Not in particular. No more than any other pompous jerkwad that comes around. Anyway, why didn't you mention Zidane's name in the Girly Men thread, especially since several others did, since you're obviously the authority on all things intelligent? As opposed to bringing it up in a totally unrelated thread? You see, bringing a remark like that ("random" or not) in a thread like this is a potshot. Period.

07-04-2006, 02:54 AM
Did you hit a nerve? Not in particular. No more than any other pompous jerkwad that comes around. Anyway, why didn't you mention Zidane's name in the Girly Men thread, especially since several others did, since you're obviously the authority on all things intelligent? As opposed to bringing it up in a totally unrelated thread? You see, bringing a remark like that ("random" or not) in a thread like this is a potshot. Period.

If i didnt hit a nerve then why are you still whining? Boohoo, i mentioned Zidane in this thread instead of the Girly Men thread. No one cares

07-04-2006, 02:56 AM
both of you cut it out. ;-;;

07-04-2006, 09:15 AM
Worst game you ask? Not fully sure atm, since I haven't played all the FFs. I hated the magic level system in FF2; it seems like the only FF that makes "Ultima" look like shit.

07-04-2006, 09:36 AM
Oh, did I hit a nerve? I really don't think their was a post where i didn't insult viper. But I understand if your angry because your little buddy got banned.

And by the way it wasn't a cheapshot, idiot. It was just a random comment like i said from the start. I just mentioned it because I had just been looking at the "girly men" thread and I forgot to mention his name.

Oh God, thank you to whoever banned this idiot; he was really starting to annoy me.

07-04-2006, 09:37 AM
Worst game you ask? Not fully sure atm, since I haven't played all the FFs. I hated the magic level system in FF2; it seems like the only FF that makes "Ultima" look like shit.

I never got futher then thunder, fire and water, that much SHIT was the game

07-05-2006, 07:49 PM
For all you know, the game picks up rather dramatically--you know, kind of like how, in FFVII, after you-know-who meets the pointy you-know-what from the other you-know-who, the game goes downhill faster than an Olympic skier...?

At any rate, I couldn't get into FFII. I just couldn't get into the levelling system--I would fault myself for lack of patience/whatever before faulting the game, though.

I, however, do say that FFVIII is the worst of the series, followed by FFVII.

Hex Omega
07-05-2006, 07:54 PM
FFVII or FFVIII for me. I've explained why I don't like them on loads of other threads.

Also, haha @ Pompus. Not before time.

Zell dincht X0
07-05-2006, 08:25 PM
For all you know, the game picks up rather dramatically--you know, kind of like how, in FFVII, after you-know-who meets the pointy you-know-what from the other you-know-who, the game goes downhill faster than an Olympic skier...?
when did voldemort get involved?

07-06-2006, 04:25 PM
FF X and X2... i value the story of a game more then anything and i thought the stories in X and X2 were uninspiring teen movie scripts without depth or compelling twists

07-06-2006, 05:28 PM
FF X and X2... i value the story of a game more then anything and i thought the stories in X and X2 were uninspiring teen movie scripts without depth or compelling twists

But you like FFVIII's characters because they represent typical schoolgoers? Contradicting much? Anyway, I didn't like FFX, either. It's crappiness is what made me NOT play FFX-2 for the longest time. Prak convinced me to try it, and I quite liked it. Yuna's development is quite interesting, and the story as a whole is lighthearted--a definite plus. I've extolled X-2's battle system and dressphere/garment grid system enough on these forums--I shouldn't have to do it again.

07-06-2006, 05:32 PM
I don't like to call ffX or X2 s characters typical teens, so im not contradicting myself...i think ff X and X2's characters are more derived from typical gloss magazines...if yuna would've been somewhat olderlooking it would have made her more believable

fastidious percolator
07-06-2006, 05:48 PM
FF X and X2... i value the story of a game more then anything and i thought the stories in X and X2 were uninspiring teen movie scripts without depth or compelling twistsBut you like FFVIII's characters because they represent typical schoolgoers? Contradicting much?

Most of the FFVIII characters are taken straight out of a show like Dawson's Creek, imo.

07-06-2006, 06:47 PM
I don't like to call ffX or X2 s characters typical teens, so im not contradicting myself...i think ff X and X2's characters are more derived from typical gloss magazines...if yuna would've been somewhat olderlooking it would have made her more believable

That's a ridiculous arguement. I'd like to see typical teens as teachers, or wielding gunblades, or y'know, running the entire place. I'd also like to know how Tidus or the Gullwings are somehow atypical, especially in comparison to Squall and company.

07-06-2006, 09:09 PM
I don't know what school you went to, but there were a whole lot more Squalls then Tiduses at my old one, i can assure you...granted, maybe american teens are more like the gullwings, all cheery and such, but that isn't usually the case around here...i think Trent can concur, he's from around here :DAnd yes, you make a point about the gunblades etc....but Balamb was a MILITARY school, trainees for SeeD were trained's not unusual that pupils from military schools have access to weapons, is it?

jewess crabcake
07-06-2006, 09:20 PM
sorry but X-2 was in my opinion the worst because it was sooo short and you only got three characters but the fighting style was bar none the best i just hated the story but it was still enjoyable. but X lost alot of points with that damn sphere grid if you put ffX-2's fighting syle with X's story you would have the best FF ever

07-06-2006, 09:54 PM
sorry but X-2 was in my opinion the worst because it was sooo short and you only got three characters but the fighting style was bar none the best i just hated the story but it was still enjoyable. but X lost alot of points with that damn sphere grid if you put ffX-2's fighting syle with X's story you would have the best FF ever
Well that was hard to read because of the horrendous grammar but I think I grasped the general idea ,so, how could you form the best FF from a mixture of X and X-2, not likely. Also, I didn't find a problem with the sphere grid.

07-06-2006, 09:56 PM
i agree, the sphere grid wasn't so bad...

jewess crabcake
07-06-2006, 10:01 PM
it's not like it was terrible but it was soo hard to get all your characters up if you focus your spheres on one character the rest suffered every level you went up you only trained one or two things i much prefer games where all your stats level up

07-06-2006, 10:14 PM
I suppose, but I found that on paying a visit to the Omega Ruins, I could level up alot and make sinificant movements around the grid.

jewess crabcake
07-06-2006, 10:16 PM
yea i did that a little but i hate mindless training so i just finished the game.

07-06-2006, 10:21 PM
I agree, that did get a bit tiresome and one thing that I really hated about FFX was the easiness of the main storyline.

EDIT: 400 posts, woo hoo!

Hex Omega
07-07-2006, 12:13 AM
sorry but X-2 was in my opinion the worst because it was sooo short

No it isn't, you'll get as many hours out of it trying to get 100% as you would any other FF.

and you only got three characters

The combat system is such, that any more then 3 characters would be totally pointless.

but the fighting style was bar none the best

At least you have a modicum of sense, you are quite right here.

i just hated the story but it was still enjoyable.

Fair enough, not everyone enjoys the kind of story X-2 has to offer, but at least your not saying some shite like it was bad or it didn't have a story.

but X lost alot of points with that damn sphere grid if you put ffX-2's fighting syle with X's story you would have the best FF ever

Better then 6 or 9? Doubtful.

07-07-2006, 09:05 AM
X-2 was the worst i mean running around as 3 lesbians looking for spheres for who knows what wasnt really appealing to me.

Nothing compared to VII VIII and X

hb smokey
07-07-2006, 10:17 AM
X-2 was the worst i mean running around as 3 lesbians looking for spheres for who knows what wasnt really appealing to me.

Nothing compared to VII VIII and X
Oh man, cunt sighting on the horizon. Avoid at all costs.

Valerie Valens
07-07-2006, 12:53 PM
X-2 was the worst i mean running around as 3 lesbians looking for spheres for who knows what wasnt really appealing to me.

Nothing compared to VII VIII and X

Actually, if they were lesbians, the game would be 200% better. <3

Edit : Proof! ()[NSFW-Boobies]

fastidious percolator
07-07-2006, 01:01 PM
Actually, if they were lesbians, the game would be 200% better. <3

Agreed. :3

07-07-2006, 01:06 PM
Actually, if they were lesbians, the game would be 300% better. <3

07-07-2006, 03:46 PM
I think FF7 is good but to overrated by it's fanboys, but the worst....... I will have to say FF2. (btw I have played and still play FFXI, it's good but it's a grind for sure)

07-07-2006, 04:00 PM
X-2 was the worst i mean running around as 3 lesbians looking for spheres for who knows what wasnt really appealing to me.

Nothing compared to VII VIII and X
No comment.

07-07-2006, 05:44 PM
I don't know what school you went to, but there were a whole lot more Squalls then Tiduses at my old one, i can assure you...granted, maybe american teens are more like the gullwings, all cheery and such, but that isn't usually the case around here...

That has pretty much nothing to do with the topic at hand, to be perfectly honest.

it's not unusual that pupils from military schools have access to weapons, is it?

Possibly not, but it is unusual for a student to run the school, to say the least.

07-07-2006, 05:48 PM
But you like FFVIII's characters because they represent typical schoolgoers? Contradicting much? Anyway, I didn't like FFX, either. It's crappiness is what made me NOT play FFX-2 for the longest time. Prak convinced me to try it, and I quite liked it. Yuna's development is quite interesting, and the story as a whole is lighthearted--a definite plus. I've extolled X-2's battle system and dressphere/garment grid system enough on these forums--I shouldn't have to do it again.

Ring a bell?

07-07-2006, 05:58 PM
Ugh. Let me spell it out. The fact that you saw more emo-jerkwads at your old school, as opposed to pretty, preppy boys, is pretty irrelevant. Especially seeing how one can take one look at popular trends to see what teenyboppers are into. Trends haven't changed THAT drastically in seven years, to be honest.

Hex Omega
07-07-2006, 06:11 PM
Actually, if they were lesbians, the game would be 200% better. <3

07-07-2006, 06:19 PM
Ugh. Let me spell it out. The fact that you saw more emo-jerkwads at your old school, as opposed to pretty, preppy boys, is pretty irrelevant. Especially seeing how one can take one look at popular trends to see what teenyboppers are into. Trends haven't changed THAT drastically in seven years, to be honest.

no need to get annoyed...the basic fact is I felt more connected to the ppl in VIII, not that it is a's a discussion, after all

Call me angst -filled or whatever (not emo, i hate that shit), but i like a darker or more unusual storyline

07-07-2006, 08:03 PM
but i like a darker or more unusual storyline

I would hardly call dark unusual anymore. Not that FFVIII's story was unusual in any way. At any rate...

the basic fact is I felt more connected to the ppl in VIII, not that it is a's a discussion, after all

So because you "felt more connected" to FFVIII's characters (probably due to their cookie-cutter nature), FFVIII isn't the worst FF? Even though it's inferior to most (if not all) of the other FF's in pretty much all aspects that matter?

07-07-2006, 08:11 PM
i haven't seen many stories like VIII's...I have no idea what cookie cutter nature means, i think you mean the chars are predictable...

well take a pen, and draw out 4-5 chars to YOUR liking then, see how easy that is. followed by a script that can satisfy you

also, name what matters in a game...isn't it in the first place to ENJOY it?

Inferior? i think not...

Lastly, the first thread asked what YOU thought to be the best...didn't it?

I liked VIII best, is that ok for you?

07-07-2006, 08:40 PM
also, name what matters in a game...isn't it in the first place to ENJOY it?

Inferior? i think not...

In an RPG, what matters would be the story and the gameplay. FFVIII's gameplay was awful because the battle system as a whole was hopelessly broken. Broken even worse than FFVII's and FFX's, which says something. As for the story, it was boring, with flat characters and crap development, not to mention the "twist"...I feel like I'm repeating myself--go read the stand/fall thread in the FFVIII forum.

Inferior? i think not...

That argument sure is a winner. Enlighten me, then.

Lastly, the first thread asked what YOU thought to be the best...didn't it?

The title of this thread is "The WORST FF ever!!" Best and worst have opposite meanings, last time I checked.

well take a pen, and draw out 4-5 chars to YOUR liking then, see how easy that is. followed by a script that can satisfy you

You're trying that trick on somebody who's been role-playing for about seven years? Good one. Nevermind the fact that it has nothing to do with the discussion at hand.

I liked VIII best, is that ok for you?

Hey, you're entitled to your opinion, but if you post it on this forum, chances are, it'll be challenged. If that upsets you, then I don't know what to tell you.

Anyway, off to work for me. Yay Wal-Mart! Squiggly!!

07-08-2006, 03:26 PM
Final Fantasy II because I generally didnt like the story or the way you dont level up, not levelling up doesnt give me the sense of achievement other FF games do.

Zell dincht X0
07-08-2006, 08:07 PM
Actually, if they were lesbians, the game would be 108357804375982735897% better. <3

Edit : Proof! ()[NSFW-Boobies]

07-09-2006, 03:53 PM
The worst is ff X-2 it was shite!!....nd ya i supose that 1 nd 2 r crap 2:-D !! And iv neva played the one for the computer:-(

07-09-2006, 05:19 PM
The worst is ff X-2 it was shite!!....nd ya i supose that 1 nd 2 r crap 2:-D !! And iv neva played the one for the computer:-(

Okay, "shouting FFX-2 was shite!" isn't really going to get you anywhere in a discussion, especially since good reasons why it wasn't the worst have already been brought up.

So two simple questions: one, why was FFX-2 bad? And two, why ws FFI bad? I thought them both quite good, especially in comparison to duds like FFVIII.

07-09-2006, 05:49 PM
I hated ffx-2!! i thought it was too.....em well "sad"! neva played the outherones i think memba playin 5-6 i hated the grafics!! FF 7 is the best!!ff8......u thought was bad!! it was ok...! wha u think off 9 nd 10

07-09-2006, 06:03 PM
I hated ffx-2!! i thought it was too.....em well "sad"! neva played the outherones i think memba playin 5-6 i hated the grafics!! FF 7 is the best!!ff8......u thought was bad!! it was ok...! wha u think off 9 nd 10

I hope Prak wont read this post!

Btw ff6 is probably in the top 3 best ffs

07-09-2006, 06:33 PM
Oh, I read it all right. I won't bother to insult the retard for it though. It's just too boring and they don't tend to go away anymore.

hb smokey
07-09-2006, 07:24 PM
Oh, I read it all right. I won't bother to insult the retard for it though. It's just too boring and they don't tend to go away anymore.
Plus the fact that responding to such a moron would kill brain cells from your own.

07-09-2006, 09:38 PM
HAhahah!! these lads are gettin pissed off bout nothin!! hahahahha So Prac the plotholes in ff7....ask me sometin i think i could clear a fer things up!! plus u have a big head!!HAHHAHAHAH

Hex Omega
07-09-2006, 09:40 PM
Oh god, as if we didn't have enough morons at the moment.

07-09-2006, 09:44 PM
Wha is whi ye lot yer so hard headed!!!!!!! its jus a joke!

hb smokey
07-09-2006, 09:47 PM
HAhahah!! these lads are gettin pissed off bout nothin!! hahahahha So Prac the plotholes in ff7....ask me sometin i think i could clear a fer things up!! plus u have a big head!!HAHHAHAHAH
Maybe you should clear up your horrible grammar before consulting the great wisdom of Sir Prak?

07-09-2006, 09:49 PM
?????Are you serious wha do ya mean great wisdom! wha does that guy know that we dont???

07-09-2006, 09:49 PM
A joke with poor spelling and grammar...not to mention intelligence (edit: damn, too late)

hb smokey
07-09-2006, 09:50 PM
?????Are you serious wha do ya mean great wisdom! wha does that guy know that we dont???
It's not just him, but myself as well. Frankly, I'm sure neither of us don't want to waste our breath on someone like you.

07-09-2006, 09:53 PM
Allright heres a question for ya! Why is it that in final fantasy 7 cloud is the only one to fight serphiroth in the last batle???

hb smokey
07-09-2006, 09:56 PM
Allright heres a question for ya! Why is it that in final fantasy 7 cloud is the only one to fight serphiroth in the last batle???
Sorry, this isn't a pop quiz thread to see who knows more about the game. We are discussing which is the worst in the series, not who has the greater knowledge. I used that word in the context that Prak, and certainly myself, are going to show you what's bad about the game.

07-09-2006, 09:58 PM
But surely you can't argue with the logical juggernaut that is...

The worst is ff X-2 it was shite!!....nd ya i supose that 1 nd 2 r crap 2 !! And iv neva played the one for the computer

07-09-2006, 10:02 PM
Right so what is so bad bout the game?? And what is the best final fantasy???
Nd i hated ffx-2 coz its about lebos nd i finished it in about a day!!

07-09-2006, 10:38 PM

Hex Omega
07-09-2006, 10:42 PM
Right so what is so bad bout the game?? And what is the best final fantasy???
Nd i hated ffx-2 coz its about lebos nd i finished it in about a day!!

How will we ever compete against that astonishingly good arguement!?

Valerie Valens
07-09-2006, 11:03 PM
Right so what is so bad bout the game?? And what is the best final fantasy???
Nd i hated ffx-2 coz its about lebos nd i finished it in about a day!!


fastidious percolator
07-10-2006, 01:52 AM
I disliked FFX-2 'cause it's not about lesbians. ;(

07-10-2006, 02:07 AM
I dislike most of your posts 'cause they're usually spam-a-riffic.

07-10-2006, 03:50 AM
I disliked FFX-2 'cause it's not about lesbians. ;(

I think trent makes an excellent point.

Dark Mage626
07-11-2006, 03:02 AM
Out of the one's I have played I don't think I can say any of them are bad.

The Anti-Existence
07-11-2006, 10:34 AM
FFX-2, definitely.

Hex Omega
07-11-2006, 11:15 AM
FFX-2, definitely.


The Anti-Existence
07-11-2006, 10:16 PM
1. Lowsy story.
2. Lowsy ending.
3. Nothing original or intriguing.
4. Completely pop-oriented and meant for horny young boys (Rikku's clothing, the Hot Spring scene, the massage of Lablanc)
5. The ending. Again. Because the "perfect" ending ruins the only good thing about FFX's ending in that Tidus was forever gone.
6. The pathetic incestual gimmick of Brother's.
7. Every other reason everyone else listed

07-11-2006, 10:28 PM
Let's count how many of those were retarded gripes that really don't affect the game's quality at all.

1. Lowsy story.

That one will take some backing up. It doesn't stand as is, but you get a chance to justify it before it gets written off.

2. Lowsy ending.

Same as above, although it holds much less credibility.

3. Nothing original or intriguing.

Originality is not a requisite of quality, whether you're correct or not. You're not exactly very clear about what you mean by "intriguing," so it's hard to view that with any credulity.

4. Completely pop-oriented and meant for horny young boys (Rikku's clothing, the Hot Spring scene, the massage of Lablanc)

Being pop-oriented does not affect quality. The rest of that doesn't even deserve a reply.

5. The ending. Again. Because the "perfect" ending ruins the only good thing about FFX's ending in that Tidus was forever gone.

So you're saying the game was bad because you disliked Tidus and don't like the fact that he came back? Fail.

6. The pathetic incestual gimmick of Brother's.

You're really reaching. Fail.

7. Every other reason everyone else listed

Again, utter fail. As has been shown numerous times before, the vast majority of people who dislike the game have retarded reasons for it, and NONE of them have ever been able to show that the game was actually lacking in quality.

07-11-2006, 10:35 PM
1. Lowsy story.
2. Lowsy ending.
3. Nothing original or intriguing.
4. Completely pop-oriented and meant for horny young boys (Rikku's clothing, the Hot Spring scene, the massage of Lablanc)
5. The ending. Again. Because the "perfect" ending ruins the only good thing about FFX's ending in that Tidus was forever gone.
6. The pathetic incestual gimmick of Brother's.
7. Every other reason everyone else listed


The Anti-Existence
07-11-2006, 11:01 PM
That one will take some backing up. It doesn't stand as is, but you get a chance to justify it before it gets written off.

Girl looking for boy. Boy turns out to be ancient version of girl's love. This leads to secret giant machina hidden beneath Bevelle. Destroy machina. That's it. That's all there is to the stroy. Yuna wanted Tidus but it turned out not to be him but some pissed-off undead guy who plans to use a giant techno-horrot to vapirize all humanity. How original! How inspired! "Humanity is all evil. KILL KILL KILL!!"

Originality is not a requisite of quality, whether you're correct or not. You're not exactly very clear about what you mean by "intriguing," so it's hard to view that with any credulity.

Yes, it is. I won't play a game and enjoy if it doesn't exactly interest me. What did the game have that was all that amazing? Subpar voice-acting, a completely kiddish atmosphere they attempted to blend in with darker aspects (which failed) and generally, nothing new. It's like a Mario game. Find the Princess and beat Bowser. Yuna wants to find Tidus and they attempt to evolve that into a full-fledged story involving a massive weapon that for some amazing reason has NOT been used once since its creation and now is being hijacked by an undead spirit who JUST NOW decides to destroy everything. Wow...

Being pop-oriented does not affect quality. The rest of that doesn't even deserve a reply.

Because you can't defend it. Those are undeniable facts. The game was not meant for anything but to bastardize FFX's story by appealing ONLY to non-gamers. Tell me a true gamer who picked this up, played through it and was thoroughly impressed. Not a one. The scenes I listed are only a couple obvious signs of how the game angled towards getting little boys hard in their pants. Add that with Rikku's one dressphere where her ass is hanging out.

So you're saying the game was bad because you disliked Tidus and don't like the fact that he came back? Fail.

Not in the slightest, actually. If you had any brains my fellow, you would see that all of FFX worked up to Tidus fading. It ended with Tidus ceasing to exist because of the Fayth vanishing and the dream ending. Then they completely swing this around jus tto provide a ludicrous and unexplained "happy ending." Yes, fail, but on their part. It completely fucked over FFX's ending and that's a firm fact.

You're really reaching. Fail..

Not really. Only in your narrow view do I fail. I don't think anyone found Brother lusting for Yuna amusing as much as sad. Sad at the worthless attempt at comedy. "OOh. Brother groans when Yuna walks on his crotch and he's lying down!! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Again, utter fail. As has been shown numerous times before, the vast majority of people who dislike the game have retarded reasons for it, and NONE of them have ever been able to show that the game was actually lacking in quality.

The facts are evident. If you're blind and mentally impaired enough to miss them, then that's not exactly my problem. Get over it. The game lacked in everything from musical score to plot to voice-acting and finally to replayability. I'll never touch this game again.

07-11-2006, 11:19 PM

fastidious percolator
07-11-2006, 11:22 PM
Makes me think Prak is an FFX-2-fan..........................boy? o.o

07-11-2006, 11:25 PM
PompousPilate, you are worthless to the diuscussion if all you're going to do is parrot someone who's actually making an effort. Trent, I'm not a particularly big fan of the game, actually, but I cannot stand to see the better games in the series bashed while the lessers get held up on a pedestal.

Girl looking for boy. Boy turns out to be ancient version of girl's love. This leads to secret giant machina hidden beneath Bevelle. Destroy machina. That's it. That's all there is to the stroy. Yuna wanted Tidus but it turned out not to be him but some pissed-off undead guy who plans to use a giant techno-horrot to vapirize all humanity. How original! How inspired! "Humanity is all evil. KILL KILL KILL!!"

Oh look. The old "hyper-condense the story and hope no one sees through it" trick. I can do the same thing to FFX.

Boy gets taken from home by monster. Boy meets girl. Boy and girl save world from evil monster and bad religion. Boy dies.

It's pretty much equal to what you said. It's rather inaccurate because all the nuances are cut out, which is exactly how your statement looks.

Yes, it is. I won't play a game and enjoy if it doesn't exactly interest me. What did the game have that was all that amazing? Subpar voice-acting, a completely kiddish atmosphere they attempted to blend in with darker aspects (which failed) and generally, nothing new. It's like a Mario game. Find the Princess and beat Bowser. Yuna wants to find Tidus and they attempt to evolve that into a full-fledged story involving a massive weapo that for some amazing reason has NOT been used once since its creation and now is being hijacked by an undead spirit who JUST NOW decides to destroy everything. Wow...

The voice acting was no worse than FFX's. Shall we work our way down the chain of pointing out such flaws in each game along the chain until we finally have to decide that the entire series is utter shit?

The "kiddish" atmosphere you talk about is perfectly in keeping with the events of the previous game. It is also historically accurate, as it is known that civilizations typically go on a bit of a high after emerging victorious from a period of conflict. Look at 1950's America for an example. Even though the political undercurrents were pretty dire, the nation put on a happy face and played innocent.

Your gripes about Vegnagun not being used and Shuyin waiting so long to hijack were perfectly explained in the game. I'll recap for you. Vegnagun could not be used for fear of it going out of control and destroying the world. It could not be destroyed because it would get defensive and go on a rampage if someone tried. I forget what was up with Shuyin, and I hope someone else will fill in the blank, but I was thinking the same thing as I played the game and remember being appeased with a good explanation for it.

Because you can't defend it. Those are undeniable facts. The game was not meant for anything but to bastardize FFX's story by appealing ONLY to non-gamers. Tell me a true gamer who picked this up, played through it and was thoroughly impressed. Not a one. The scenes I listed are only a couple obvious signs of how the game angled towards getting little boys hard in their pants. Add that with Rikku's one dressphere where her ass is hanging out.

Are you implying that I am not a true gamer? I picked it up. I played through it. I enjoyed it thoroughly. The only way your point stands is if you say so, but if you do, you're revealed to be a total fool. Time to concede this one?

Also, any kid who gets aroused by scenes like that is pathetic, especially in regards to the massage scene, which was there for purely comedic/ironic value.

Not in the slightest, actually. If you had any brains my fellow, you would see that all of FFX worked up to Tidus fading. It ended with Tidus ceasing to exist because of the Fayth vanishing and the dream ending. Then they completely swing this around jus tto provide a ludicrous and unexplained "happy ending." Yes, fail, but on their part. It completely fucked over FFX's ending and that's a firm fact.

Uh oh. Personal attack. Dispensation of civility is hereby authorized. Have a nice day and die horribly, you miserable cunt.

What do you have against happy endings anyway? It's not like it went totally unexplained or anything?

Not really. Only in your narrow view do I fail. I don't think anyone found Brother lusting for Yuna amusing as much as sad. Sad at the worthless attempt at comedy. "OOh. Brother groans when Yuna walks on his crotch and he's lying down!! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

You fail because that is ultimately insignificant as it comprises an infinitesimally small part of the game. And yeah, it was supposed to be sad. It was supposed to be amusingly sad though. Sorry if you couldn't see the humor, but you were determined not to like it by that point anyway, I'm sure, so you haven't proven anything.

The facts are evident. If you're blind and mentally impaired enough to miss them, then that's not exactly my problem. Get over it. The game lacked in everything from musical score to plot to voice-acting and finally to replayability. I'll never touch this game again.

Voice acting has been covered.

The music in the game has generally been well-received. Your dislike of it does not change that fact.

It has more replayability than any other FF title due to its branching story paths. It is impossible to see everything in the game in a single playthrough. Hell, you wouldn't see everything if you played through it five times because of the number of outcomes a couple of events have. You would be a fool to pursue this line of debate.

07-11-2006, 11:26 PM
Makes me think Prak is an FFX-2-fan..........................boy? o.o


Still have to say Anti Existence won that arguement. That's why everyone gave FF X high scores and FF X-2 mediocre scores.

jewess crabcake
07-12-2006, 12:55 AM
The voice acting was no worse than FFX's. Shall we work our way down the chain of pointing out such flaws in each game along the chain until we finally have to decide that the entire series is utter shit?

The "kiddish" atmosphere you talk about is perfectly in keeping with the events of the previous game. It is also historically accurate, as it is known that civilizations typically go on a bit of a high after emerging victorious from a period of conflict. Look at 1950's America for an example. Even though the political undercurrents were pretty dire, the nation put on a happy face and played innocent.

Your gripes about Vegnagun not being used and Shuyin waiting so long to hijack were perfectly explained in the game. I'll recap for you. Vegnagun could not be used for fear of it going out of control and destroying the world. It could not be destroyed because it would get defensive and go on a rampage if someone tried. I forget what was up with Shuyin, and I hope someone else will fill in the blank, but I was thinking the same thing as I played the game and remember being appeased with a good explanation for it.
He tried to use Vegnagun to destroy sin so the summoner that he was guarding wouldn't die thus ending Sin's cycle. Although it's validated i'm still wondering how can he even exist?

Uh oh. Personal attack. Dispensation of civility is hereby authorized. Have a nice day and die horribly, you miserable cunt.

What do you have against happy endings anyway? It's not like it went totally unexplained or anything? Actuallty it wasn't the faeths are gone Tidus is a dream of the faeths why is he back and omfg is there gonna be an ffx-3.

07-12-2006, 02:34 AM
That's why everyone gave FF X high scores and FF X-2 mediocre scores.

IGN: 9.5 out of 10
Official Playstation Magazine: 5 out of 5
Gamepro: 4.5 out of 5
Gamespot: 8.1 out of 10
Electronic Gaming Monthly: 9.17 out of 10
Game Informer: 8.75 out of 10 9.0 out of 10

Reviews from these and many other major publications seem to disprove you there.

07-15-2006, 09:22 AM
hi im new...

FF 2 and 9 were pretty bad to me....
2 was a lil anoyin to play and 9 was just boring

07-15-2006, 05:29 PM
I never really got into VIII. While ti's a great game, it didn't seem like that great a Final Fantasy to me. Junctioning was fun, though. I just think that they took to big a step in the futeristic direction. FF VII retained more of a fantasy element, while VIII was basically the modern world with technological advances, and magic.

07-15-2006, 06:14 PM

07-15-2006, 06:28 PM

I sense some vibes of anger coming from you.

jewess crabcake
07-15-2006, 06:29 PM
Wow very compelling arguement, You can't say it's the worst if it never even came out yet.

07-15-2006, 06:33 PM


i have play it...

it's the best ff ever...

hb smokey
07-16-2006, 01:16 AM
hi im new...

FF 2 and 9 were pretty bad to me....
2 was a lil anoyin to play and 9 was just boring
We've got a winner folks!

Van Finel
07-16-2006, 02:11 AM
1st would be FF X-2 just for it's incredibly annoying characters and it's unlikeable story. It felt like Enix kind of thought they could slip past the gamers by replacing their usual well developed characters (VII, FFT, some of X, etc.) with 3 annoying girls that dress like whores.

Second would be FF VIII. The game had a good storyline/graphics/sound, but the gameplay was such a letdown that I wasn't compelled to finish it. I beat the whole game using basically nothing but summons.

jewess crabcake
07-16-2006, 03:06 AM
1st would be FF X-2 just for it's incredibly annoying characters and it's unlikeable story. It felt like Enix kind of thought they could slip past the gamers by replacing their usual well developed characters (VII, FFT, some of X, etc.) with 3 annoying girls that dress like whores.

Second would be FF VIII. The game had a good storyline/graphics/sound, but the gameplay was such a letdown that I wasn't compelled to finish it. I beat the whole game using basically nothing but summons.
I will give you that the game was easy the first time I played it I beat the whole things with GFs and then I replayed it magic and and attacks only it kind of made it more enjoyable, but that's just me. Actually The first time I played the game I didn't know what the GF commad did until 2nd disk when I was getting my ass beat by robots that did meltdown.

07-16-2006, 05:09 AM
1st would be FF X-2 just for it's incredibly annoying characters and it's unlikeable story. It felt like Enix kind of thought they could slip past the gamers by replacing their usual well developed characters (VII, FFT, some of X, etc.) with 3 annoying girls that dress like whores.

I think that's about the 953'rd time I've heard that one. Hasn't that been addressed at least twice in this thread?

Van Finel
07-16-2006, 05:35 AM
1st would be FF X-2 just for it's incredibly annoying characters and it's unlikeable story. It felt like Enix kind of thought they could slip past the gamers by replacing their usual well developed characters (VII, FFT, some of X, etc.) with 3 annoying girls that dress like whores.

Now its the 954th

07-16-2006, 05:43 AM
You fail. (

Van Finel
07-16-2006, 05:53 AM
Considering that statement as well as Prak's comment is only opinion, I think not.

Okay, here is my non-argumentative and completely accurate view on the matter.

The main story path is rather short. You could probably finish it in 10 hours if you pushed a bit. However, the main path accounts for a relatively small portion of the game. There is so much optional content that you will easily get as much out of X-2 as any other game in the series if you try for it all.

The story itself is based mostly around characters and revisiting the world to see how it's changed. The conflict isn't particularly epic and the villain isn't very threatening. The game's tone is extremely happy-go-lucky. That's not to say anything is wrong with that. In fact, I'd go so far as to call it uplifting even.

All in all, it's a very good package unless you're a whiny teenager who has to see a heavy dose of angst in his games and hates anything with bright colors out of some retarded fear of being associated with anything immature people might see as childish.

But see other than Auron I really didn't give a rats ass about characters or the linear world. So I really didn't care what happened to FF X's mediocre world. I have no problem with lighthearted stories as KH 1/2 are my favorite games. I myself am not big on pointless sidemissions. If anything about the story that I cared for would be what happened to Tidus. As I said, liking this game is all opinion.

Hex Omega
07-16-2006, 09:00 AM
1st would be FF X-2 just for it's incredibly annoying characters and it's unlikeable story. It felt like Enix kind of thought they could slip past the gamers by replacing their usual well developed characters (VII, FFT, some of X, etc.) with 3 annoying girls that dress like whores.

You know, i've come up against this arguement(and I use that term loosely) about 20 times on this forum.

'Usual well developed characters'

Like Tifa? About as much depth and personality as a rockpool.
Like Barrett? Stereotypical black man.
Like Cid? Old man with a dream? How cliche!

As for the 3 annoying girls that dress like whores? That isn't an arguement against the game, that's an arguement against your hormones. Come back with a proper arguement against some of the other, much more important elements of the game. Like the clever dressphere system, the superb battle system, and the fact the game ties up the loose ends rather nicely.

Van Finel
07-16-2006, 04:52 PM
You know, i've come up against this arguement(and I use that term loosely) about 20 times on this forum.

'Usual well developed characters'

Like Tifa? About as much depth and personality as a rockpool.
Like Barrett? Stereotypical black man.
Like Cid? Old man with a dream? How cliche!

As for the 3 annoying girls that dress like whores? That isn't an arguement against the game, that's an arguement against your hormones. Come back with a proper arguement against some of the other, much more important elements of the game. Like the clever dressphere system, the superb battle system, and the fact the game ties up the loose ends rather nicely.

I see you don't fancy FF VII that much eh? Or maybe the hype over the game just pisses you off. Tifa I really didn't care too much for. Barret was pretty likeable. I did think he had a little more than the "stereotypical black man". Cid was one of my personal favorites and if you can only get "Old man with a dream" out of him, I suggest you go back and play FF VII, KH 1/2.

I'll give you the reasons why I personaly didn't like Rikku, Yuna, or Paine.

Yuna- Low self esteem defined her in X. If I wanted to see people like hear i'd look at my highschool.

Rikku- She was kind of "cute" at times, but other times she just got incredibly annoying.

Paine- No offense to Paine, but i just hate goth people.

Enix gets a bright idea! They could also dress them all like whores for those horny hentai fanatics. I rarely meet people who actually don't use "ZOMFZ RIKKU IS HOTT!!" as a reason of why X-2 is good.

I didn't really have anything against the rest of the game, but every other Final Fantasy I have played has had excellent voiceacting, gameplay, character design, story, and graphics. Why would I want to get a game where I dislike 2 of the 5 things i mentioned. Second, if I wasn't impressed with FF X all that much, why would I want to get it's sequel which isn't even as good as X.

Hex Omega
07-16-2006, 08:52 PM
I see you don't fancy FF VII that much eh? Or maybe the hype over the game just pisses you off.

Errr, no.

Tifa I really didn't care too much for. Barret was pretty likeable. I did think he had a little more than the "stereotypical black man". Cid was one of my personal favorites and if you can only get "Old man with a dream" out of him, I suggest you go back and play FF VII, KH 1/2.

What more did you get out of Cid then?

Yuna- Low self esteem defined her in X. If I wanted to see people like hear i'd look at my highschool.

What does that have to do with her character in X-2? People change you know.

Rikku- She was kind of "cute" at times, but other times she just got incredibly annoying.


Paine- No offense to Paine, but i just hate goth people.

Apart from her apperance, in what way was Paine goth?

Enix gets a bright idea! They could also dress them all like whores for those horny hentai fanatics. I rarely meet people who actually don't use "ZOMFZ RIKKU IS HOTT!!" as a reason of why X-2 is good.

That's nice, but what does it have to do with anything?

Van Finel
07-16-2006, 09:14 PM
Errr, no.

"err, no" to what. Their were two different sentences in that quote. Being vague doesn't get you anywhere.

What more did you get out of Cid then?

Considering all your descriptions were vague and for the most part wrong, I don't see where that leaves you any room to judge my little one sentence descriptions.


Please play Kingdom Hearts 2 as I don't recall Cid mentioning his "dream" at all in that game. When you look past your shallow description you will see what I mean.

What does that have to do with her character in X-2? People change you know.

Frankly I was't interested enough to find out


Another vague comment.

"Like Tifa? About as much depth and personality as a rockpool." Fail.
"Like Barrett? Stereotypical black man." Fail.
"Like Cid? Old man with a dream? How cliche!" Fail

I can be vague with my reasoning too.

That's nice, but what does it have to do with anything?

Do me a favor and read the title of the thread.

That was one of the reasons I thought FF X-2 was the "WORST FF game ever!!!"

Hex Omega
07-16-2006, 09:29 PM
"err, no" to what. Their were two different sentences in that quote. Being vague doesn't get you anywhere.

Yes, and my response was no to both of them. Not exactly rocket science.

"Considering all your descriptions were vague and for the most part wrong, I don't see where that leaves you any room to judge my little one sentence descriptions.

'For the most part wrong' I love how you take the high ground, yet do not at all explain how i'm wrong. Nicely done. :rolleyes:

Please play Kingdom Hearts 2 as I don't recall Cid mentioning his "dream" at all in that game. When you look past your shallow description you will see what I mean.

Cid: Wow! Not bad for a kid. Alright then, I'll explain it to you. You
know Shinra developed a lot of technological gadgets during the
meaningless war, right? Now it's a Mako company, but in the old days it
was a weapons manufacturer. Well, they came up with a Rocket Engine.
There was so much experiment about the thought of going into outer
space. Our dreams got bigger and bigger. They put a major budget into it and made prototype after prototype! Finally, they completed Shinra
No. 26. They chose the best pilot in Shinra-- no, in the world-- me. I
mean, come on. And finally we get to the day of the launch. Everything
was goin' well... But, because of that dumb-ass Shera, the launch got
messed up. That's why they become so anal! And so, Shinra mixed their
outer space exploration plans. After they told me how the future was
Space Exploration and got my damn hopes up... DAMN THEM! Then, it was
all over once they found out Mako energy was profitable. They didn't
even so much as look at space exploration. Money, moola, dinero! My
dream was just a financial number for them! Look at this rusted Rocket. I was supposed to be the first man in space with this. Everyday, it
tilts a little bit more. At this rate, I don't know which will come
first, this thing falling down or me gettin' outta here. My last hope
is to talk to the President...

Shera: No... It's because of my stupid mistake. I was the one who
destroyed his dream...

Crew 1: Captain! Our dreams are finally coming true!

Cid: Oh man, the moon... outer space... my dreams...

Shera: He pushed the Emergency Shut Down switch, aborting the mission,
to save my life. After that, the Space Program was cut back and launch
was canceled. It's my fault his dream was destroyed... That's why...
it's all right. I don't care what the Captain says, I'll live my life
for him.

You were saying?

Frankly I was't interested enough to find out

How in the name of all thats holy, are you qualified to comment properly on a game or a character, you don't know 100% then?

I can be vague with my reasoning too.

What reasoning is that the? Oh yes, you don't like X-2 because the girls dress like whores! Superb reasoning. Why don't you look at the core elements of the game, rather then the superfolous ones when you decide to bash a game.

Van Finel
07-16-2006, 09:46 PM
Yes, and my response was no to both of them. Not exactly rocket science.

- Considering you automatically harass anyone who regards FF VII as a good game.

- When I brought up characters I didn't like you automatically brought up a list of all FF VII characters that you assumed I'd like even though no where I stated I did like FF VII.

- Read some of your past past posts on the FF VII threads and basically all of them were either insulting someone for liking FF VII or insulting FF VII itself

'For the most part wrong' I love how you take the high ground, yet do not at all explain how i'm wrong. Nicely done. :rolleyes:

It's kind of hard to post reply's when all of your comments were vague. But thanks for that, I'll just ignore them from now on.

Cid: Wow! Not bad for a kid. Alright then, I'll explain it to you. You
know Shinra developed a lot of technological gadgets during the
meaningless war, right? Now it's a Mako company, but in the old days it
was a weapons manufacturer. Well, they came up with a Rocket Engine.
There was so much experiment about the thought of going into outer
space. Our dreams got bigger and bigger. They put a major budget into it and made prototype after prototype! Finally, they completed Shinra
No. 26. They chose the best pilot in Shinra-- no, in the world-- me. I
mean, come on. And finally we get to the day of the launch. Everything
was goin' well... But, because of that dumb-ass Shera, the launch got
messed up. That's why they become so anal! And so, Shinra mixed their
outer space exploration plans. After they told me how the future was
Space Exploration and got my damn hopes up... DAMN THEM! Then, it was
all over once they found out Mako energy was profitable. They didn't
even so much as look at space exploration. Money, moola, dinero! My
dream was just a financial number for them! Look at this rusted Rocket. I was supposed to be the first man in space with this. Everyday, it
tilts a little bit more. At this rate, I don't know which will come
first, this thing falling down or me gettin' outta here. My last hope
is to talk to the President...

Shera: No... It's because of my stupid mistake. I was the one who
destroyed his dream...

Crew 1: Captain! Our dreams are finally coming true!

Cid: Oh man, the moon... outer space... my dreams...

Shera: He pushed the Emergency Shut Down switch, aborting the mission,
to save my life. After that, the Space Program was cut back and launch
was canceled. It's my fault his dream was destroyed... That's why...
it's all right. I don't care what the Captain says, I'll live my life
for him.

You were saying?

Thanks for taking the time to write that for me :)

"Please play Kingdom Hearts 2 as I don't recall Cid mentioning his "dream" at all in that game. When you look past your shallow description you will see what I mean"

Too bad I said from KH 2, not FF VII.

"Cid was one of my personal favorites and if you can only get "Old man with a dream" out of him, I suggest you go back and play FF VII, KH 1/2"

I never denyed the fact that he had a dream. I was implying their was more to him which brings me back to KH 2.

How in the name of all thats holy, are you qualified to comment properly on a game or a character, you don't know 100% then?

I was judging a book by its cover as I've seen you do to many people who support FF VII.

What reasoning is that the? Oh yes, you don't like X-2 because the girls dress like whores! Superb reasoning. Why don't you look at the core elements of the game, rather then the superfolous ones when you decide to bash a game.


I'm not going to even bother to answer that as it has already been answered.

Hex Omega
07-16-2006, 10:06 PM
- Considering you automatically harass anyone who regards FF VII as a good game.

Wrong, I have nothing against people liking the game, I like it myself, it's good for a bit of mindless fun. My problem is people hailing it as the greatest game ever and shit like that.

- When I brought up characters I didn't like you automatically brought up a list of all FF VII characters that you assumed I'd like even though no where I stated I did like FF VII

I didn't assume anything bucko, I merely pointed out that FF7 characters are nothing special either.

Read some of your past past posts on the FF VII threads and basically all of them were either insulting someone for liking FF VII or insulting FF VII itself

Ftr, most of my insults are tongue-in-cheek are no really malice is intended.

It's kind of hard to post reply's when all of your comments were vague. But thanks for that, I'll just ignore them from now on

You do that. I stopped taking you seriously a long time ago.

Thanks for taking the time to write that for me :)

I copied and pasted it, jftr.

"Please play Kingdom Hearts 2 as I don't recall Cid mentioning his "dream" at all in that game. When you look past your shallow description you will see what I mean"

Too bad I said quotes from KH 2, not FF VII.

"Cid was one of my personal favorites and if you can only get "Old man with a dream" out of him, I suggest you go back and play FF VII, KH 1/2"

I never denyed the fact that he had a dream. I was implying their was more to him what brings me back to KH 2.

So, your saying you never said Cid from FFVII? Way to contradict yourself.

I was judging a book by its cover as I've seen you do to many people who support FF VII.

Why don't you go back and read some of the inane rubbish some of the ff7 fanboys on here post? Also, you make it sound like i'm the only person that does it on here. Which I am clearly not.

I'm not going to even bother to answer that as it has already been answered.

Yeah, you did a great job there. Again I ask you to look at the core elements of the game and come up with good reasons why it's bad. That'll be 3 times i've asked you now.

Van Finel
07-17-2006, 04:03 AM
Wrong, I have nothing against people liking the game, I like it myself, it's good for a bit of mindless fun. My problem is people hailing it as the greatest game ever and shit like that.

"I see you don't fancy FF VII that much eh? Or maybe the hype over the game just pisses you off."

Right, just what I said from the start

I didn't assume anything bucko, I merely pointed out that FF7 characters are nothing special either.

But how did you know i'd like FF VII? I never told you.

I copied and pasted it, jftr.

Then i take that compliment back

So, your saying you never said Cid from FFVII? Way to contradict yourself.

If you want to get technical, you were actually replying to this quote and no where did I mention FF VII.

"Please play Kingdom Hearts 2 as I don't recall Cid mentioning his "dream" at all in that game. When you look past your shallow description you will see what I mean"

You can still see his personality in FF VII, I just used KH 2 as an example because I didn't feel like typing out all the traits I like about Cid.

Why don't you go back and read some of the inane rubbish some of the ff7 fanboys on here post? Also, you make it sound like i'm the only person that does it on here. Which I am clearly not.

I did go back and read them and they went something like this...


But I also saw people who actually didn't say that and you still harassed.

Your not the only person. You've got Prak and Cyan to help you too.

Yeah, you did a great job there. Again I ask you to look at the core elements of the game and come up with good reasons why it's bad. That'll be 3 times i've asked you now.

Reasons why I liked X-2 less than the others ive played.

"I didn't really have anything against the rest of the game, but every other Final Fantasy I have played has had excellent voiceacting, gameplay, character design, story, and graphics. Why would I want to get a game where I dislike 2 of the 5 things i mentioned. Second, if I wasn't impressed with FF X all that much, why would I want to get it's sequel which isn't even as good as X."

Being worse doesn't make it a bad game, the other games were just better.

You do that. I stopped taking you seriously a long time ago.

A long time ago? Of course since ive only been here for about a day or 2. And thats why you wrote me a long reply at 2am today? Well I really don't feel like educating a hopeless cause so I think the convo ends here.

hb smokey
07-17-2006, 04:43 AM
Now I'm definately going to get my FFVII post ready now.

Hex Omega
07-17-2006, 12:14 PM
"I see you don't fancy FF VII that much eh? Or maybe the hype over the game just pisses you off."

Right, just what I said from the start.

No, wrong again. Hype about it doesn't bother me, morons calling it the best game ever does. Learn to differentiate. Like I have said, I like it myself, that doesn't mean I think it's any good. I am quite fond of watching terrible, but entertaining films(Predator 2 and the likes).

But how did you know i'd like FF VII? I never told you.

1st would be FF X-2 just for it's incredibly annoying characters and it's unlikeable story. It felt like Enix kind of thought they could slip past the gamers by replacing their usual well developed characters (VII, FFT, some of X, etc.) with 3 annoying girls that dress like whores.

The fact that you mentioned FFVII in that context would imply that you did.

If you want to get technical, you were actually replying to this quote and no where did I mention FF VII.

Ftr, I have never played KH2, also Cid was first mentioned by me, in referal to his FF7 character. You countered my descrition and then for some unknown reason you brought KH2 into the discussion.

I did go back and read them and they went something like this...


But I also saw people who actually didn't say that and you still harassed.

Like who? Like PompousPilate. That may have something to do with the fact he refuses to take the opinions of others on board, even when he's been proven wrong. Also, try reading this (Thread 28097). Most of my mockery towards fanboys is purely light-hearted.

Reasons why I liked X-2 less than the others ive played.

"I didn't really have anything against the rest of the game, but every other Final Fantasy I have played has had excellent voiceacting, gameplay, character design, story, and graphics. Why would I want to get a game where I dislike 2 of the 5 things i mentioned. Second, if I wasn't impressed with FF X all that much, why would I want to get it's sequel which isn't even as good as X."

Being worse doesn't make it a bad game, the other games were just better.

Why didn't you just say that to begin with? Also, i'd like to point out that FFX-2 suceeds in 4 of those 5 traits, the one being left out is voiceacting. And considering the concept is still new to SE, I think it's a bit unfair to be harsh on them.

Gameplay: Excellent. The dressphere system is ingenious, and removes the need to have an army of playable characters. It is easy to use, and the combinations and possibilities are limitless. And the battle system is superb. Fast and furious would be the best way to describe it, also it rewards for thinking about your attacks, and not mindlessly bashing X.

Character Design: Let me guess, you don't like this because they dress like whores? Would you rather they went around in over-coats? Have you actually walked around town at night-time?

Story: Ok, it isn't exactly deep, but it is coherent, well-paced and ties all the loose ends up. I thought the story(considering the short time frame) was rather good.

Graphics: Graphics are as good as to be expected in my opinion. I quite like them.

A long time ago? Of course since ive only been here for about a day or 2. And thats why you wrote me a long reply at 2am today? Well I really don't feel like educating a hopeless cause so I think the convo ends here.

Maybe you should look at my location and have another go at that........

Time of my last reply---->'Yesterday, 10:06 PM'

Also, being snide isn't helping your case at all ftr.

Van Finel
07-17-2006, 01:14 PM
Why didn't you just say that to begin with? Also, i'd like to point out that FFX-2 suceeds in 4 of those 5 traits, the one being left out is voiceacting. And considering the concept is still new to SE, I think it's a bit unfair to be harsh on them.

Gameplay: Excellent. The dressphere system is ingenious, and removes the need to have an army of playable characters. It is easy to use, and the combinations and possibilities are limitless. And the battle system is superb. Fast and furious would be the best way to describe it, also it rewards for thinking about your attacks, and not mindlessly bashing X.

Character Design: Let me guess, you don't like this because they dress like whores? Would you rather they went around in over-coats? Have you actually walked around town at night-time?

Story: Ok, it isn't exactly deep, but it is coherent, well-paced and ties all the loose ends up. I thought the story(considering the short time frame) was rather good.

Graphics: Graphics are as good as to be expected in my opinion. I quite like them.

I did say that in the beginning, but w/e.

I didn't like that they dressed like whores but only because then fanboys bought the game just for that reason.

My convo with a fanboy.

Me. Eh, I didn't really like FF X-2...
Fb. How?
Me. The gameplay was decent. I just had a problem with the story and character design
Fb. But Rikku is sooo hott.

I'm sure you've encountered people of that nature before.

07-17-2006, 04:10 PM
I never really got into VIII. While ti's a great game, it didn't seem like that great a Final Fantasy to me. Junctioning was fun, though. I just think that they took to big a step in the futeristic direction. FF VII retained more of a fantasy element, while VIII was basically the modern world with technological advances, and magic.

First of all, I never agree with the "omg it wasn't more of the same so it automatically sucks" mentality. Aside from that, it would be hard to argue that FFVIII was really more modern than FFVII, considering that the latter featured a large modern city, ray guns, genetic alterations, etc.

The rest of my post was going to be a huge reply to nearly everything Van Finel has said in this thread. However, a few posts from the end of it, I decided it simply was not pursuing because he/she/it has a very poor grasp of the rules of debate.

Van Finel, if you wish to try taking me head-on in a debate, you're welcome to do so. However, be aware that I require a higher quality of opposition than you have thus far demonstrated. If you meet my expectations, you will be rewarded with a civil (possibly heated, but not mean-spirited) debate. If not, I am known to punish those who fail to do so with ruthless mockery.

If you wish to initiate such a debate, then you merely need to list detailed proofs of FFX-2's inferiority, removing all aspects of personal opinion and focusing purely on verifiable fact.

jewess crabcake
07-17-2006, 05:08 PM
First of all, I never agree with the "omg it wasn't more of the same so it automatically sucks" mentality. Aside from that, it would be hard to argue that FFVIII was really more modern than FFVII, considering that the latter featured a large modern city, ray guns, genetic alterations, etc.

The rest of my post was going to be a huge reply to nearly everything Van Finel has said in this thread. However, a few posts from the end of it, I decided it simply was not pursuing because he/she/it has a very poor grasp of the rules of debate.

Van Finel, if you wish to try taking me head-on in a debate, you're welcome to do so. However, be aware that I require a higher quality of opposition than you have thus far demonstrated. If you meet my expectations, you will be rewarded with a civil (possibly heated, but not mean-spirited) debate. If not, I am known to punish those who fail to do so with ruthless mockery.

If you wish to initiate such a debate, then you merely need to list detailed proofs of FFX-2's inferiority, removing all aspects of personal opinion and focusing purely on verifiable fact.WEll I know this is between you two, but I thought the whole fact that they made X-2 was asinine. X wrapped up nicely Sin was the only threat to the world and now it's done. What I don't understand is Why Sqaure decided to open up a sealed tomb. What's next sequels to every FF.

07-17-2006, 05:22 PM
First of all, there has been a precedent for following up games in the series since 1994, when a 4 episode anime sequel to FFV was released.

Bonus points for your use of the word "asinine." However, it is nothing new for a successful property to have a sequel made that further explores its world, themes, characters, etc. As shown before, it was precedented, it was commerically viable, and there was enough depth left to be drawn out of the setting to justify a new game.

Even if you personally do not like the game, it's very hard to argue against its quality in any case. The battle system was more polished than any other game in the series, with the possible exception of FFT. The story is coherent, with plenty of whimsy that heightens its fun factor. The length is variable according to how much effort you put into the game which, combined with its mission based structure, gives the game much greater accessibility than most titles in the series. New Game Plus and branching story paths give it replay value.

Van Finel
07-17-2006, 05:29 PM
First of all, I never agree with the "omg it wasn't more of the same so it automatically sucks" mentality. Aside from that, it would be hard to argue that FFVIII was really more modern than FFVII, considering that the latter featured a large modern city, ray guns, genetic alterations, etc.

The rest of my post was going to be a huge reply to nearly everything Van Finel has said in this thread. However, a few posts from the end of it, I decided it simply was not pursuing because he/she/it has a very poor grasp of the rules of debate.

Van Finel, if you wish to try taking me head-on in a debate, you're welcome to do so. However, be aware that I require a higher quality of opposition than you have thus far demonstrated. If you meet my expectations, you will be rewarded with a civil (possibly heated, but not mean-spirited) debate. If not, I am known to punish those who fail to do so with ruthless mockery.

If you wish to initiate such a debate, then you merely need to list detailed proofs of FFX-2's inferiority, removing all aspects of personal opinion and focusing purely on verifiable fact.

No thanks as I am only in highschool and would probably get my ass handed to me.

by the way im a "he"

07-17-2006, 05:39 PM
Gender duly noted.

Age isn't really that important in a debate. I've had 13 year olds give me a rough time before. It all comes down to intelligence, preparedness, and experience. Besides that, even if you "get your ass handed to you," you're still likely to walk away from it with a clearer outlook on the subject and/or a greater understanding of how to debate successfully.

Van Finel
07-17-2006, 05:46 PM
Yeah, but I never finished the game because I lost interest in it so I probably wouldn't know as much as other people in that subject. My specialty would be Kingdom Hearts :D

Pimp Daddy McSnake
07-30-2006, 01:04 AM
Definitely FFX-2. Job classes just ain't my thing. maybe I could have lived with it, but that stupid '% complete' thingy makes me fucking nervous. I just wanna play the game, do some sidequests and roam free not knowing how much of the game is left.

Desert Wolf
07-30-2006, 01:17 AM
No thanks as I am only in highschool and would probably get my ass handed to me.

by the way im a "he"

Prak is ten years older than me but we still had some pretty damn good debates.

Hex Omega
07-30-2006, 02:04 AM
Age is totally irrelevant in debates. If you understand how to debate, and have an excellent knowledge of the topic, then you should be fine. Also, there is no shame in losing a debate, you can learn much from it.

07-30-2006, 02:12 AM
Age is totally irrelevant in debates. If you understand how to debate, and have an excellent knowledge of the topic, then you should be fine. Also, there is no shame in losing a debate, you can learn much from it.

You definitely don't go easy on someone because of age in a debate, but age can give someone the upper hand. Prak has probably had more exposure to uses of the English language than Desert Wolf, and as such probably has a more mature mastery of it. Actually, that's what I gathered from observation of their posts.

Of course, there are exceptions, but generally speaking, older people are better at expressing themselves.

Edit: I have had my ass handed to me by Prak in the past, in an FFVII debate, but I have since learned far better how to back up my opinions with evidence AND good analysis of evidence. I would offer to take Prak on, but the only game we even remotely disagree on is FFVII, and I can't really argue with Prak about FFVII without being unfortunately joined by a bunch of Tifa-humping, Sephiroth-fucking noobs.

Van Finel
07-30-2006, 03:10 AM
Age is totally irrelevant in debates. If you understand how to debate, and have an excellent knowledge of the topic, then you should be fine. Also, there is no shame in losing a debate, you can learn much from it.

I've had a real debate with Prak before. ---> Thread 29310 I forgot about that one, i should probably get back to it.

I just don't know enough about that subject to debate over it.

Hex Omega
07-30-2006, 03:19 AM
Then it's a not real debate. You need to know the topic inside out, to debate properly.

Van Finel
07-30-2006, 03:23 AM
yeahhh, thats why i backed out when he challenged me in this thread

07-30-2006, 04:27 AM
It's always fun when someone comes into the FFIX forum and starts bashing FFIX, only to get absolutely pwned by a barrage of well-educated shriners.

Hex Omega
07-30-2006, 04:32 AM
Or FFX-2.

Desert Wolf
07-30-2006, 04:32 PM
Prak has probably had more exposure to uses of the English language than Desert Wolf, and as such probably has a more mature mastery of it. Actually, that's what I gathered from observation of their posts.

What does this mean?

Also. *slap* I challenge you to a duel!

07-31-2006, 05:30 AM
I was saying that Prak has a very good mastery of the language. You are good at debating, but you don't quite have the talent and experience to articulate yourself that Prak does.

Also, what kind of duel did you have in mind?

Hex Omega
07-31-2006, 04:39 PM
Well, I maintain, if you understand how to debate, and have full knowledge of the topic at hand, it really doesn't matter a great deal how well your mastery of the English language is. Chances are, anyone that debates properly on here, has a more then adequate mastery of it.

07-31-2006, 04:41 PM
I would offer to take Prak on, but the only game we even remotely disagree on is FFVII, and I can't really argue with Prak about FFVII without being unfortunately joined by a bunch of Tifa-humping, Sephiroth-fucking noobs.

We could always do that via PM. ;)

07-31-2006, 08:45 PM
probably 3 because the music sucked

08-01-2006, 10:42 AM
Well the music is not the most important thing in a game, is it? (but its still important)

fastidious percolator
08-01-2006, 11:18 AM
Wel, when it comes to Final Fantasy, I actually pay quit a lot of attention to the music scores. =)

probably 3 because the music sucked

Lol, I consider Final Fantasy III the FF with the best themes ._.

08-01-2006, 04:06 PM
I am banned ^_______________^

fastidious percolator
08-01-2006, 04:41 PM
If you are a real Final Fantasy Fan,go to there's a vote everyday,and today is the final day!!!Final Fantasy vs The Legend of Zelda!!!
VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FF is losing by around 2000votes i think we can handle that...Final Fantasy Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ah, fucking hell, another wave of these blatant advertisings. -_-